ex. m-m . 4 ' 5 it )lt,Hi(.in. Uimi rl ..,(.. ttpM. it. 11, Hi In ..n.,..t"Ni Mure m-MM. t II . ., hi. In I Mi f nr. . I i C M i ... .. ,.M..n ..I IS" J'r, t l" , II yi l Hi'" i iiw 'i term"? tin. ti I M t r una. V.l.v II nn J on 1 n 11 mo 7 I'll 10 on 11 no H no 1 on ( ,.,,,..f,ii ' "') A Tkraa s i'taras, I'""'' 1 " ,1 mnnlU' One rtinere, i l l li Twnainnrea, t ! j t I 4 M Thru atinra, t t t t 01 Four eqiinsT, t t r I M If ilf a column," I : I I . . i , l li no It no t no s no 11 o 12 00 20 00 li on Over tlirra weeks ami mm Hum three inoaius j enta per square for each tnsertina. Business notices not exceeding llnee ate in serted f"f J a your. Advertisements nnt mnrked with the nnmber of Insertion desired, will bo continued until forbid, and ehnrgcd according to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extcnuivu stock of Jobbing materia enables tlin 1'tibli.sLrr of the "RyttblUtm' to announeo to the public that lie U prepa rod to do all Winds of J'osTMS, r.Pni.KTS, PROIiRAMME, Blanks, Pater Boors, Ciwtlars, L.onas, Ball Tickets, Handbills, and every kind of printing usually done in country job ollice. All orders will bo executed with neat ness nnd despatch. O. P. OOODLANDER rf- CO. " f ) . HAYS, Justice of the Tonce, will ntleml X . rrcmj'llj to foller,tione nd elbcr matters eft in Discharge. Address Kersey, Elk co., P. OcLMJSCO. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDKH, JUSTICE of the peace l.utbersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hi care. Unroll 2?, 1800 y. pd. F.LLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the month of Lick Run, five milea fram Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extorsive Manufacturers of Lumber, July 23, 18S2. ITdTtiTompson, Blackaultb, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed on abort notice, and the very bent stylo, atbii old stand in the borougb of Curwenaville. Doc. V), 1853. Df. M. WOOD), haviag changed hia loco tion from Curwonsvillo to Clearfield, re pcotfully oflcra hia profcssionnl eorvioes to the citiieua of the lattor place and vicinity. Residence on Second itreet, opposit ti it of J. Cruris, Eeq. my X J 158. J. 0. HAETSWICK, SI. B. Phyaiclau ind Hurgeon, ( loarfild Ta., May 30, I860. WALTER BAERETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly aid faithfully to all legal business entrusted to hia eare, in the aeveral Courts, of Clearfield and adjoining coonties. Office, the oae formerly occupied by Q. R. bnrrott. Oct. 2(Mi, 1859 ly. DR. G. W. STEWART Physician and SurReon, offers hia profes sional services to the citiiona of Xew Wash ington and iiirrounding community. Otlice three doors west of tho Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 11, 1859. JOHN HUIDEK0PER. Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor, otrei'i his professional services to the citiiens of Clear field county. All buiiiness enlrusted to biut will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney 4 Co. LEVER FLEGAfi, Justice of the peace Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. , Ho also Informs tho publio that he keeps constantly on bond at bis shop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and whips, which ho will sell on roasonablo tretus. April 4, I860. DENTAL CARD. VM. SMITH offers his professional scrvicos . to the Ladles nnd Gentlemen of Clear field and vicinity. All operations performed with neatnoss on it despatch. Being familiar with all the Into improvuienta, he is prepared to mnko Artificial Teeth in the best manner. Offico in Shaw's now row. Sept. Mth, 185S. . lyj. J IS. n. I.ARRIMKR. I. TUT JAKKIMICK TKJST, Attorbeys at Law J Clcarfiold, Pa., will atUbd promptly to Col Uiotis, Luinl Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and J'.lk coulitics. July 30. y ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attoiuby at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shaw's Row, op posite the Journal office. dec 1, 1858. tf. ' JIOOKE it KTZWiLEK, Whnlcsalc and Retail Merchants. Also extensivo dealers in timber, sawml lnmd bcr and shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an grain, which will be Sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14,1859. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTERy. Thankful for past favors and solicitions of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, and will constantly keep at the Pottory in this borough, on tho cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing it-c. tc.; and also an extensive assortment of different sites and patterns of brackets and rosettes for oornioo on houses, nnd othor moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to cider on short notice. Also firo brick mads and kept for sale. lH'fr'K lihAnil rAftii:.. ... 1 - . wholesale dealers. p. LEITZINUER. Clenrllcld, may 23, 1870. ly. NE W HOTEL. Th undersigned respectfully begs leavo te announce that ha rcccutly rented a house in the borotigh of Lumber city, Cleorfiold county, Pa for the accommodation of the travelling publio watermen aud all others who may favor him with a call. His Uble will always be supplied with as good as tho markets afford; and do pains will b spared to render his guests comfortublo while under his roof. To which tho facts that no in oxicatmg liquors of any kind wiil be kept about the premises, will h. trust, contribulo ia no .mnll degree. Ah lie, what is always important to the traveller, the beat attention will be given by careful hootler U that faithful companion of bis journey, his patient iud. July i, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. A largo lot of BBANS for sale at the Iw Etlieof MHRRILLABIOLEU. wAn n a n.wrt.ftY rlMiK Hfii-fir"' ' tf.'HM, I Inlorlti. M C'l't'tliM an4 III ) ill lie ctii-nlt1 tbnl ha h "t m t at M ntublnliiBMiHn VMMV,f f, II , t lmiarl.l, Ta., Una nHotmicni m i "im, H limn, ami J i at f iliflVrrnl qualities, ri"in a i r (f lo Ina In a lull Ml, h I. h lin rrll al tli an. -I li ninnsMa prb ri fur cash, ot In i ii lump- for I'M ami ihrr, ( l (M h.H nf rirty variety on band, attbe hu tt rrnal'lf price a. Al.1i klmla nf I'lnrki, AVab b ami Jcnclrj , cnrcfnlly repaired nnd II ornnif rf. A ci'iitiimance of 1'Hlrnnnirn Ik'hiIIi KciI. Si pt, ISHO. 11. 1'. NAl llI.K. scitilltf sir' HcctUttrio Thirty. Mnlli and Market Ml ice I, I'hll'a. I'mf. CI) fc COIt'll.AM) MAl'NI)l'lt4, I'rlnelpalN. Hon. M M. BltiLER. Clearlleld t Wm. McKIll- BIN, r.n. of the Merclinnts' Hotel, l'liiln. ; Hon. J. W. FORNEY, nf '1 ho Press:' Rev. It. WESTlillOOK, f tho fl. K. 1'nion ! lion. J. W. .MAV.N'Altll, Willimnsport ; J. l.l'ISKNRIXU, Esi., Pres't of the I.chigh Coal ,f: Nav- Co., aud Hon. ASA PACKER. Mnuch Chunk ; H of hnm rr tout bmtrttina ia .S'hiimuViV JtHlilittc, will give their friends who may be looking for a sate, thorough and pleasant pcuonl, any infor mation desired respecting this Seminary. A Urovo and Lawn of KlfJHT ACIUX, are attached to the Institute, for seclusion, rco rentinn and physical exercise. 3m. II Y, AMI SILVr.K W A H I J. T E would respectfully inform our friondrf, If putrous nnd the public generally, that wo have now in store and oiler Wholesale ami Re tail at tliu lowest Cash Prices, a largo and very choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wan of every variety and stylo. Every description of Diamond Work nnd oth er Jewelry, made to order at short notice. ,?;7.UI goods warruii ted to be as represented. Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description . STAUFPER A UAKLEY. No. 022 MARKET streot, (south side,) Phi la. Sept. 19th, I860. 0 mo. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted up for a house of entertainment, is now open for the accommodation of tho public, travelers will find this a convenient bouse. Jlay 19 1858, JOHN JO; DAN. 1800. 18(50. THE FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD S A ND OF T YITm TTT1TI o n ULajU, 77 Lil Villi 06 On Market Street 2 doors north o the Court House, where they ore just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods, suited to the wants of the commu nity for the Fall and Winter trade, which they offer in large and small quantities on the most reasonable terms call and examine for yourselves Their assortment of DRY GOODS 4 NOTIONS Is very large and complete: embracing almost every article both of fashion and service. Es pecial attention has been paid to the selection of LAL'IES' DRESS GOODS, which are of every variety and tho very latest styles. Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Linseys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain liobinetts, Irish Linen Cloths dc. Black n ml Fnncv Cnssimeres. Pnilnnli- lnn. Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Diaper, Blenched and unbleached mus. lins A drills, Red, tlrcy, White and Canton Flan nels. Also m. InriPM at.wlr tf T.M.lias llonlln- mens' Shawls, Doublo and Single, Stellas and v-oeniucs, uiacic ana iirnb Lloth capes of the very latest laanun, 7b Pcrso?is out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of tho United States, TO engago in the sale of somo of tho best and most olegantly illustrated Works published. Our publications nre of the most interesting character, adapted to tho wnnU of tho Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are published in the best stylo nnd bound in tho most substan tial manner, and arc worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household In tho Laud. irtl-To men of enterprise aud in dustrions hab its, this businoss offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. i fcul'crsons desiring to act as agents will re ceivo promptly by mail full particulars, terms, fc, by addressing LEARY. GETZ A co., Pub. No. 224 North street, Philadelphia. Oct 21, 1850 ly. 4 Splendid assortment of Ladies' Gentlemcns' J.X. and Children' (Jloven nnd Hosiery at REED, WEAVER A CO'S Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and un trimmed, of tho Latest Styles at 11. W. t- CO's, 4 Livge and splendid stock of Dross triru il. niings, Belts, Head Dresses, Netts, Plumes ac-, " K. W. C CO 8, Large stock of Men A Boy's clothing, just reccivod at n. W. A CO's B oots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen- uemoo, ana inuurcn at Jt. W. .t CO s, (Carpets, Drugget, carpet obain, Bags and J Bagging, Curled Hair Ac, at n. W. A CP's Call and examine the Patent air-tight Glass aud stono jars, they are just tho thing you need, for sale at It, W. A CO's. Hardware of every kind, knivoi and forks spoons, Locks, Files, Nails, Cow Bells, W ocd and Hand saws and Mill saws at IU W. A CO's. 4 F'resh stock of groceries of every kind jus ii. received at REED, WEAVER, A CO's. Disstins Mill nnd eut A'aws, Monn'g axes and a general assortment of Hardware at the st"r0 of ., E. A. IRVIN. Curwensvtllo, May Ifl, 1880. HAM, Sidos, Mackerel aud Herring for sale low at tho sUiro of W. F.IRH'IN. Clearfield, July 11th 1860. Dissolution of Partnership. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Thomas A John Hill In tho woollen business in Bridgeport latbia day dissolved by mutual con sent, all payments are to b. made to Thos, Hill, who will herafter conduct the same business at the old stand. Bridgeport, Oct. 9th lt)0. 3tp. OHNH I LLLL infffM- VMtnn WTJU'JDlll Ml J. (. IIAIUSWICK, 1 1 VJ . i .... . - ... I r .t . ... .i.i. !.,ui i"n-iirii irmn ion i imctii rni'-", and ..pencd al hia NFW 8 1 ORE H'Hl.M mi .M it n r. l r i it r 1. 1 , iwn noors west ol I nun, the most rilxnsite assortment ol Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyr-PlufTs, Tobncco A Segars, Toilet articles, Perfumery, Plank books, Stationary, Cutlery, Miscellaneous And Funcy Articles Ac. Ac, ever offer d to the publio iu this section of the country. His PrugN aud C'lieuilralu, of which he has an extensive assortment, have been select ed with especial re Here nee to their quality and froshncss. His stock of OIIn and Palntx will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, Red A White lead, dry and ground In oil, Span ish brow n, Venitian rod, Yellow nnd Stone ncbro Lampblack, Muck load, Ivory black, Chineso k American vorinillion, parls green, pnris, Ultra marine and prussiun blue, dry nnd ground in oil, Carmine, Chrome greon yellow, Chalk of ull Cobalt, Drop, lake it black, Kniery, Ohio, Oums, Copal, Dninur and Shellac, Indiau red, Lithargo, Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten stone. Rose pink, English and American, Rosin, Scarlet, (or Persian rod,) Terra Sienna, Turkey umbre, Ver digris, blue wbito Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty aud putty knives, Glass of all sir.es nnd (piall ties, Looking-glass plates, Ae. d"c. Dyc-Ntuflk & Vnrul.shcN: Extra Logwood, chip pod nnd ground, Indigo, Madder, Antmtto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red saunders ; Copal, Coach, Black for leather, Japan for dying, Hap, Mastic, White Damnr, White spirit and Flowing Vurnih. Tobacco Scgai-a : , Cavendish, host, Natural iiiuf ninrvti Sr v.iaitw T.n.lu n. .. r..li kinds, and pride of tho Hnro.n. tobacco Kmrnee ani bcotch snuffs; LI phaeton, Henry Clay, . ' 1 ( puncn, daemon, .1 mono, Ac, Segars. IHank-IkKiks and Stationary. Ledgers, Day-books, Roceipt and Noto-books, Diaries, La dies and Office Portfolios, Blank parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, Business nnd drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready roforenco Files, Anuear't and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink, black, blue, and carmine. Steel Pons aud Pen holders, Paper clips, mucilage, and all other ar ticles in the Statiouary lino. Toilet A Fancy Articles fc Perfumery. Hair bruhes, American, French A English, with Ivo ry, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, S&tinwcvJ, llojosood A ornamented backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes Hut brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualities; Shaving brushes, American, English and Frenclt with Russia bristles and Badgor'i hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb brushes and lieanors , Tortoise shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell. Plain A Fancv nnd India rubber Long Combs : Shel. Bullulo. .' Horn and India rubber pun side Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all stylos : English Toilet combs with bandies: Bonnet combs; Ivory and tiutta percha fine tooth combs': rocket combs, alt styles : American, French A German Cologne A Laven lor waters : Lubin's. Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenet A Conwav's ex tracts for tho handkerchief, of a great variety of styles ; uurnntt s Cocaine, uarry a Iricoptierous, Lyuu's Culhaiiou, Euu, Luntral, Boars, Masjuccur, Autigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomades, nnd Philocoom, American and French all styles and prices cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge IUlls, Lilly White, Puff Boxos, China, and paper, smelling salts, Balm of a thousand fiovers, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoal, rco, Ac, Ac, Shaving Compound all sites ; Military soap, iloney boap, turystaline and Flouting soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and Gallagher sonps, Transparent and Castile soaps,"; nittsv Miscellaneous Articles. ,. j Gents steel frame morocco and cuff Portmonaies, Ladies silk lined pnpier Mache, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet nnd morocco Portmonnies, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered witn steel bends, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, lvry, Velvet and papier Macho, Ivory and pear memorandum tab lets, Fine Engish Morocco, Pocket Wallets, Mo rocco and cut Pocket books, with straps and clasps ; Bill books, and Bnnker's cases with lock and key; cUlupsion drinking cups, Medical glas ses wiiu and without drops, Pishing tackle, Chnpmnn A E nerson's Razor strops cignr cases trumb brushes. Shoo Brushes with aud without handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint and varnish brushes lt sues, tin and capper bound, Sash tools nil si les, oounter ami mark ing brushes, white wash nnd scrubbing brushes. Fancy coored feather dusters fcc, Rich peiiri innid papier mache, toilet cirvi, work boxes. writing deks, Rosewood and Mahogony irriting (tesKs, C hessmen anil Chess boards, (ients. K ij Gloves, Neck tics, collars, crnvnts nnd ennes, La dies Kid, Inflitn Silk and Kid finished gaunt lots, and Lyle thread ganntle)s, Black and color ed silk web suspenders, french striped gum sus penders, Rich embroiiUred suspenders, tluiots new stvle F'rench suspenders, dents. linen haml. kerchiefs, coored border and Cambric handker. chiefs, Ladies finen hnndkerehiefs in great vari - etv : Sun shade fans, eircuar French fans: can. ton feather fans of a great vnricty; Fine Canton palm fans with ivory nnd painted handles, Black and mourning funs; Hair pins English and l'redch, Ac, Ac. Also Patent Medicines of cv- cry vnriety. All of w hich will be sold at tho lowest CASH prices. Country riiyslrlaiiH furnished with Drug.. Me.licinos ami Soi-,m.,1 i.,.l,.,.. I reasanablo rates for ca h " u" June C, 1800 ly, a i: w firm, Ai NE W GOODS. Just receiving and opening at the Old star or Lewis Smith in Bothlohem awoll soloctod a sortment of Spring nnd Summer Goods ofnl. most every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortmenti Prints and Dress Goods of the latest stylos, also a varioty of rueful No .vub. jinin anil vaps, Bonnots and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Hardware Quoonsware, Drus ani Medicines, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobaceo, Segars and all articles usually kep! in a country Store, all cheap for cash. Give us a call and see for your selves. H. I HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, 1880. PLASTERING, The subscriber, having locaUd himself in tb borough of Clearfield would inform the publio that he ia proparod to ilo work in thtj above line, from plain To or.am.n. a i ,c"Pt"n workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairlig done iu a noa manner and on reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. clearfie1d Cedar and Willow ware Sept. 19, 1880. at R. W. A CO's, v w v Ml. noh. Mur.lAIUI. 1IM Jit 14 A?ti moFNtx Binr.Rn 1lisMg1iMl MitM rt-lft.t It til. li ib' i re rnili Mil m dMnc 1iaa aciiiircd Tut lb"it (marliiMe fffii m y In all III" dli af " a lib h bt rnfcrr In cure, bat r'tidarrd lha I'lnsl pirllc of jnfhtu; tinl only tinncicsmiv tlicm. llii't iia known ly Inl nnwoiiht of tbflr Irnlls their i , . . . r ., ... i ,l..u . i K"" ""V.' ',. '7 ' ' ' l,v Ilia In i lli ol His rieduloii. I v All. fi: r A'lbma, tenia and fbronlc HliMimallsm, A tlecllniia of the Blnd.l' f nnd Kid l,ev. HUH letcrand Liver Complaints, ' In' lha south an I wel, whera these diseases pre '. vnll they will be found invaluable. Planters, i Formers, mi. I othors, who onca ase Ihrsa medicines mill never afterwords be wiihoiit thorn. lkpi-p.lu. No person with this distressing disease shoiil.l delay using these medicines Im mediately. Eruptions o! tho skin, Erysipelas, Flntnlcn'cy, Fei mi l Afino.' For this scourge of t!io western counliy these medicines will bo joiind a safo, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leavo Iho system subject to a relur" of the disease a sura by these inedlolnes is er mnnenL Try them, bo aalislled, and bo cu'ed. Mcrcural I)lfae, Never fails to eradi oato entirely all tho ell'ecls of mercury Inliiiitcly sooner tbau the most powerful prepvation of Snrsnparillii, Night sweats, Nervous Dobility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds. Organlo Afiections, Pnlpita tion of the Heart, Painter's Cholic. 1'ilcH. The original pniprlotor of these medi cinos was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of those Life medicines alone, Worms of nil kinds, nre effectually cured by these medicines. Parents w ill do well to administer them whenever their exietenco is suspected. Relief will bo certain. THE I.lrE TILLS AND fnoENIX BITTEIM Purify the blood, nnd thus remove all disease from tho system. A single trial will place tho Likk Pills nnd l'liotsix Bittkhs beyond the reach ol 'competition ill the estimation of every patient. -it-Prepared and sold by DR. WM. II. MOFFAT, 3.15 Brodwny, cor. Worth St., Now York. Fob. 2'Jth I SCO. lyr. look iii:m:i look itmti:: fTT,llE undersign.il subscribers, tako this meth- JL od of informing tho public generully, that they have this day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, an,1.c,in. ' thoshop formerly occupied I ttl .1 Shla'i np ..n 'I'liir.l I in tl.i- l. on ihiru street, in rough, where they will be pleased to seo the r old customers, and as many now ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-yeur old shall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height, Y'our swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as t'nin ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, GEO. W. OUR. Clcnrfield, DsccniborJ, 1858 tr. LINDSEVVS I.Ml'RbVFI.) Kloocl Searcher!! A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro AiL DISEASES arising from IMPU RITY OF ,TUE BLOOD. ol This medicine kos wrought the most lous euros iu desperate cases of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Canoerous frrrmation, Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Rheumatio Disorder, Costivoness, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Feuialo Complaints, and all Discuses having their or fin in un impure state i the Blood. The above is a portrait of David M'Crenrv. I Napier township, who, on tho 31st day of Aug, 1858, mad. affidavit belore Justice Gorlev that ho was treated fir the cure of Cnneer bj three physicians of B .dford county, and by Dr. New ton of tho Electric College in Cineiminlti, for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, bis lip, noso and portion of his left '. chcok were entirely eaten away ! Ho had given 'Blood Senrch- 1 "P " npe, when he heard of the er, ' and was indueed to try it. Four buttles C3reil him, nnd although sadly disfigured, there I 's D0 luestion but what this invuluablo medicine s"vcd his life. Tho full particulars of this case : '"V 00 84cn circular, which can ho had of I any of tho Agents. i We also refer to the cuso of Nancy Bloakney, : of Kldertown, Armstreng county, Pa., curod of 1 .crofu,a afu'r lci"8 unabl gt out of bed far i tlir years. . T. ? ! An.on.ville, Clear field county, who wnt also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To the case of George Jfcisel, rosiding In Cnil town, Cambria count, Pa., who was so badly af- i uicieti with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off. nnd his caso was .worse, if possible, than McCrearv's. I The particulars of these cases every one f I wnicn was curca Dy tne uso ol the Blood Soarcher ( may also be found in a circulas to be had ol any ot tue Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture und sale, noa tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Hollidnysburg. Pn. Dr. Goo. U. Koysur, Wholesale Agent Pitts burgh Pa. FOR SALE II Y C. D. Watson, Clearfield ; John Patton, Curwensvillo ; James B. Graham, Grahaiupton ; E. F. Brenner, Morrisdale ; John Russell, Pennvillc; R. II. Moore, Luthersburg ; M, 0. Stirk, New Millport ; C. R. Foster, l'liil ipsburg; II. Swan, Ansonvillo Russell Alt Mur ray, New Washington; Edward Williams, Wil. liamsville ; Jackson Patcheo, BurnsiJe; Samuel Hegnrty, Glen Hope, Feb. 1st. 100. A FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for tale, a valuable Tarm in Penn township ; formerly owned and now occupied by Richard Donver jr: containing about 80 acres, bounded by land of John P ... j iui. rainm ana Jonathan Wain, one mile west of Pennvillc From 40 to 60 aere.t cleared- good fnmo dwelling house, a lo barn, and other buildings erected thereon. Also 1 a good bearing orchard and a never failini 1 rrig on the premises, and will be sold on roasonabl. terms. For which apply to Wm. Ir y.ii.Curwonsvillo. RICHARD DENVER, Ben. 1 Aug. JCth mo...m. Penn town.blr.! ii mum & D1GLGR Ki-rp ron'Unlly on Imtnl, al tlifir t'l-l utan-l on t'econd Mrtd, C LH A R r I F, LD, PA., A GENERAL APSiiUTM KNT 01" HARDWARE. LOCKS UK VAltHUJS KINDS, TAINT MILLS, Scales of all kinds which will miigh from one ox. to 4,00 iotinu8, TEW HACKS, MEAT CUTTERS AND STUFFERS of different styles, A largo assortment of Carriage Bolts, A general oflsorlmont of Mechnnios'g Tools, ;RINI!STONL and crank, &c, Sic, &.o., ilc, COPPER KETTLES, Of tho Lost quality, Monroes patent egg-whips, .1 ORE A T VARIETY OF APPLE PARERS, A general assortment of Plows and Plow-wings, A large and well assorted stock of Theyliavo n very extensive a-ssorlment of TOFIS, which they nil' sell on the most advanta goous terms, Also a very largo stock of Stove-Pipc. to which they desire specially to call the attention of WMesa'.e Dt-aleri; STOViPirK COLLARS, Stove Blaeking, CORN S HELLERS, CORN GRINDERS, S iw Gummcra' C-c, Ac. They wish also to direct tho special at tention of owners, of houso. mil 1 j, and other huildings to their stock of LIGUTMXG RODS, which they arc prepared to ell at tho very lowest prices. Tluy have also an extensive assortment of TIJWAISjE, which they will disposo of at reduced price; at greatly reduced rates ; G 1 a s 8, Oils, Paints, Portable Heaters and Registers, BUGGY SPRINGS, Sicvo Wire, Horso-shoo Nails, Dumb-Bolli, OAR -RINGS Quoits, Ac., &c., tic., They keep also a general assortment of ritullural Implements, such as are needed in this section of country. The following articles will be taken IN EXCHANGE for articles in our line ot business ; OLD MONEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, RAGS, SUINGLES, O A R D S, O R A 1 N, HIDE S, Bees-wax, Tallow &, c., We invite everybody to givo us a call and examine our articles, and w foci satisfied that we can ult them in quality and jjri 00s. MERRELL & BIGLER. CIerfild, Fa., Oct. 24, I860. i i.rAinii: iimumv I'nK ntnl Jim. 'Wa d an itiptM-wirJ In limn, trtnaik i"Mmff"i"'il, at lanrna , Anmiil lb t liti lri'Hia .i , , ' . . . . T . . i. i.. iii. i " 1nTV Of B oin-in in nun iirfirinn , j nilM tf Ihdi'i fti'il ls ItupLh. , bandiy, It wiuld wsm Ibrt ti i u ,.fi lully mi-1 lha wanla ef lha Arrb nhn-1 art too heavy, ei.ma (no euro) It. ainl ins . and all are liable la the rbjeriion IImI n. only adnptrd to certain kinds of rtl1l wliiltlt Is easy to get 17 a hinrow woik well on smooth, clear nrH level t Is not so eay to find onn that will niv.ir-,' tmipose in new ground, among i r. hilly and undulnting surface, but iir . , one of the latter class, yon nmy rest dk, it will also give satisfaction on a iimi i Tho undersigned eunlldeiitly biliov object is fully nttnincd iu this in and would cull tho attention of I .i Scientific ngriculturi.its to thofoilon. ant fentures which characterise It. i i slmtiliclty t secondly, Its strenu'tU an 1 4 and lastly its adnptcdness to any apn si J 01 surince, ine loiiowmg ncui'i Frmcrs, of ClearCeld County, wh., 1. n this season, thus testify to it. We the undersigned fur'uers of T. ,' field co., and State of Pennsylvntiin, Russell's Improved Flexiblo Hnrrw, j,, hesitation in saying that it has ghen er'i Islnclion and that from Ita simplicuy ant ; ness it should speedily come into gouti .. GEO' FULLEUTON, E. W. tilt . S. DERRICK, B. WRIGLEsW.';' T. DOUGHERTY, JOHN W. DEiU. JOHN A. MUiirilV, WM. A. aio; JOS. G. RUSSELL. The "Scientific American," a puiior v. the scicnaitia world is well acquaiutcd thus In referenco to it, "Tho harrow i.,' tho most Important agricultural impte:n -muoh depends upon tho top pulveriiing 1 ing of tho sail, both before and nt'er in ; town, for the snccess of the future cton." fi describing it, it continues: "TliU :n'... harrow is so simple, that it is augienluoui n tend for Harrowing eithor well cleared crn ground. , Tho undersigned, have purchased the 1' to make, soil, use, and transfer their right t the same, within the county of Clear bold, , are now prepared to iurnish the article k who wish to purchase, on reasjnablo term, lit will also sell individual rights to mn'ui use the same, MERRELL BIuL,i Claerfiold, Oct. 21, 1860. Liit of Traverse Jurors tor an adjs j ed Court commencing' on tceliu of November 1860. Tike A bin' Bloom jr Jos. M. Sper Daniel Bailey. Huston Jefferson Bundv. Bradford Matthew WiUon. .To'Vi, Gulich-J. A. Ilegarty. Dan I Full son. Ferguson Geo. MVrnckcn. Oeo. John Straw. J. IS. Williams, Allv Younrr. Lumber City John Broomnll. J Fcrcuson. Jordan Wm. Tu'ey. John W Brady Fred Kolilor, Jos, S; lor, 0 Ellinger. Jacksun Lon. Lawrence J. R Reed. Knox Levi M'Crseken N. Washington H. D. Rose. Burnside C. C, Mitchell. 1'oler Joseph. Iltitton. T.Tnion B. F. Hnrlcy. Hugh Krisc. Covington J. B. Renaud. Graham Wrc. Hile. Beecnria Wm M'Coy. Bell Robert Elder. John Orr. Morris Tyler Roy horn. Chest Daniel Gorman. :! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA R'.S- "COSTAR'ti" Rat, Roach d c.ExtummlA " COSTA Ri?' "COSTAR'S" Red H.tl-y(.rm;mt:r. "COSTA i'.S'" -COS TAR'S'' Ete-trie PwJtr fr I,rtt. DESTROYS I N.ST A NIL Y R.ifi, Roaches, Mice, Moles. Ground-Jicr I Bed-biitrs, Ants, Mollis, MoequiU-cs, FJeA-.l insects on Hants, insects on Aniiiia,o.'c in short every form and species of lit years cslalliHlicd in NVw York Citv- used by the City I'ost HHee- the Citv Pri-1 on and Station hm.ss the i-ily Steamwr Shiiis Ac, tho City Hotels. "Atnr,' Nichoh'-s," Ac., utitl by more than 20,tf. private lamtles. BP. Druggists) and Retailors everywlicri sell them. 8!.eho!oale Agents in all large Cities I Bwi.KegularBir.cs, 2.ir., 50c, A!jl BoxM-l Bottles, Flasks. Bs5UM! Hrware !! lofepuriousiinitrti' Kxamino each Box, Buttle & Flail; nnd tako nothing but '"Costaii's" BpB$I.OO Boxes sent by mail. BL.?3 A jri.OOby Express. BHV.Addrcss orders or for Circular, to HENRY R. COSTA R, rrincip.il Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. BSi-SULOHi LORAIN K & CO. March 17th. . ClearfioUl Ta. nXF.CUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters tssli llimentaiy having been granted to tho unde signed en the Estatoofthe Rev. Timothy LrV late of Burnsldo tp., Clcarfiold co., Pa. And at persons knowing theinselvea indebted t suitoi tate are requested to make immedinto paym'V and those having claims against it nre requests'. to present them to Jacob W. Campbell in stclltf or Washington unruncr or liurnside tp. JAC0T1 W. CAMP ELL 1 WASHINGTON GARDNEB Kx'n. Oct. 8d, 1860 6t. anneal O-isnmtUcsiciiicriini. The subscriber will lend (re ofthargt) to all who desire It, the Recipe and directions formnk. lng a simple Veecra6l Ham, that will, in frsm two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotcbei, Tna F rtekU; Sallowness, and all impurities and roughness of tho Skin, lsavlng the same-as Re turn intended it should be-soi, eUar, sniootJknai bmutiul. Those desiring the Receipe, with fal Instructions, directions, and advice, will plea enlt on or address (with return postage.) JAS.T. MARSHALL, Practical Ciikmist, Ko.3l City Building N.York. Aug. 22th 1860...4mo. IllacUsiiiiliiiigr. JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blacksmiibmr in the borough of Lumber city, where he wit: executa nromntlv allwork entrusted to htm. sail xeewte it in a work manlike manner, July i, I860. ly. AS 'excellent quality oV Flour for aal.-l liuii store or W. P IRWIN. ClowfielJ, July 1 Uh, I860. Wackcrcl and Herring foe ao-le at the cor for IVJL atore or E. A IRVIN.' Curwensville, Jay It, 'CO.