Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1860, Image 4

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    innll il t'M -
tt1lMlr' H'1 ':'" Pf
tof th ?ttr l"ttrr, wliA ns hp
f 1 rlirl'r t dlrpf (waking armitid
( r a frh rftms-f Ir. th lOrniTilirwn Wltf
t m, nJ In ordnr to attr.ipt Mddrr, ho
, blowing hi linru tilost lustily. II o H
t ing out that bit nam on tit Link ol
Ifemocralio nomination mi 1830, brought
ffrnt th'Misnnd majority, atd tit n iU
titnMor tJ lrw Heptilimn, In ItMiO,
Lrought icvctjty thousand the other way.
That tiir work, and calls for ft heavy
The chevalier cannot bo knocked down
for a small pilo, and at his own estimate,
othing less than the key of a deport
ment will bo high enough. Hit hungry
competitors, though, they lie gwenring
that he has already been bought, paid for
ud doliverod, and upon closing up ibo
account, they find ho has got more than
heii worth. Just bout thin time feel
ing strong enough without him, thoy nre
' disposed to giro hint short commons, and
the chevalier sees heavy work ahead in
Tvwing bii bout.
With LUskins, Reynolds, Adrian and
Rifg overbortrd, Schwartz no more, and
a notioe to quit served on him by Hick
man he is in A tight place, wrtn a nana
met good enough to go it alone.
We know ihe chevalier will not gire us
proper credit for it but we do protent a
rainst his kepublionn friends shovins liita
off without even a bone. If they did buy
him and pay for him, it was not for ail
time. Political harlots in no wise differ
from others of the kind, and if they want
him aain, they ought to pay for hiuj.
80 up with the chevalier once more.
What's bid T Penmylvanian.
A Floral Question. Nobody ever yet
wwr a blue dahlia, or blue rose, or a yellow
tier or verbena. Will such things over
bo teen ? Some persons think so, and for
eign florists are bard at wotk in hybriiiz
ini, hoping to accomplish it, but thuir
noeess in Very doubtful. And for this
good renoh, yisi Blue, - red and yellow
re the three primary colors, and the dif
ferent hues found in the varieties of any
species of flower, oreprodflced by crossing
Cowers which have these different colors.
Thus, the original colors of the verbena
in a wild slate were red and blue ; and by
crossing these wo nan get shales of red,
blue and purple, but mt yellow. The wild
dahlins are red and vellow, and by cros-
- sing them, we get shades of red, yollow
. and orange, and white, but tw( Hue. 80
fr as our observation extends, no genus
of any flower contains all the primary
colors ; hence, if the above theory bo cor
rect, none of t'je varieties can monopolize
, all the shudes of color. One will lack
red, another blue, and so on : hence the
necessity of combining (lowers of different
. torts, if we would get all shades of color.
Governor Bank's position in connection
with the Illinois Central Railroad, for the
purpose of assuming which ho has gone to
Chicago to reside, it that of 'resident rti
' rector.' He represents the president and
"directors, who are scattered over the coun
try and Europe, and cannot attend to the
Tast duties required of them from day to
day ; this additional office found to be
necessnry. He sits as grand supervisor r-f
of the entire business of the corporation,
which is divided into departments like
iho government of a State, only more vast
'and difficult than the government of most
of our States. If a question arises which
he declines to take the responsibility of
settling, n .: can, j I lie cuooses, submit it
to the next regular mooting of the direc
tors. Governor Bank's salary is to be
JX.ftOO a year ; which is $4,500 more than
" ho received as Governor of Massachu
setts. On. Excitement at Tidiectk.- New dis
coveries of valuable oil wells are being
made nearly every day, says the Warren
Ledger. Everybody seems to be earriec'
away in the whirl of excitement, and this
section of (ho State is destined to rival
California in Its palmiest days. Theccn-
- ter of excitement is around Tidieute Is
land at present. This Island contains
some four f ores, and, until within .a few
., months wai conlKlered of no value ; con'
frequently it remained ia the possession of
ihe Commonwealth till the time men-!
tioned, when a citizen of Warren took
out a patent for it at Ilariisburg. Some
valuable well hare been found upon the
Island, and the "squatters" have taken
.possession of all adjacent bars and shoal
.places in the river.-
...Tim Stars and Stripes. Washington
'teems to have been tlie inventor of the
"thirteen stripes signifying the Union of
thirteen colonies. This flag was raised in
January, 177C, and was confirmed by Con
gress in 1778, with the addition of thirteen
tars on a blue field. On the 24th of April,
1813, It was enacted by Congress that
the United States flag should consist of
thirteen stripes, alttrnrtely- white and
. red, with twenty stars, white on blue field.
And that one star should be added , for
L't.l-' 1L. . 1 Hi! - 1
. every new oiaiu, uiu luuiuan u oe maai
. vn the 4th ol July following the admission
of each Stale. : . ' !
t, - - --... .
,) Bishop O'Conkor's Successor Appoint
f id. Uis Holiness, th Tope, has appoint
( ed Reverend Michael Dominec, of the
Congregation of the. Mission, Philadel
.phin, Bishop of the Diocese of.Tittsburgh,
: vice the right llev. Michael O'Connor, re
signed. Bishop Domineo has long held a
prominent position In the Church, though
we believe he is but little known here.
He has been for a number of years pastor
ink mr.RiDiNUAt, uruiios.
Offlrlnl Vcl It Clrntfleld lotinf f.
IV 11.
, l'urwrufill, i
Ksrthaus, -Knox,
Lumber City,
Morris, '
Ne-v Washington,
Pike, ' '
I'sm. tfp.
('.? b
-tf 112
4.'. 1 17
2.1 'J.l
r.fl I'hi
Kl C7
3:i . i.1
,1.1 .111
47 C.'J
&tt 4'.
. 2 . Ill
31 44
47 lo
X'.) 25
10 J 08
4(5 fid
07 44
;I8 34
S3 37
183 l
25 27
115 (5
32 111
114 4A
"85 . 100
3D . 35
34 38
1,8311 1,702
Democratio majority, 134
The Bell and Everett Electors had I
vote in Beccaria, 1 in Boll, 1 in Bradford,
1 in Chest, 13 ir. Clearfield, 1 in Deeaturi
2 in Guelich, and 3 in Lawrence total, 23.
II, r flu l,iuon VmIk- k -li'pi'li
fi.m P t i fije fit 1 !. III., i'iVmfi i f Mr.
Lincoln's tlit to tli I'l'llsfti ' h),
ny 1
"Mr. I.lneiln (danre. 4 'rspblly
pnxiblf (n the veling 1WI, and hntidi'd
in his tit kcl, ti fin hii h it I hnrJIy I" fl
vssaiy t ny, all I In names were tt publi
cans. '1 be only nltrvnlioii ho made was
the ciiltlntf fiil nf his own rtne at. thetep
vbere it bud Imen printed, As he rmerp
ed, nrter vnling,' tinm thrt tompomry en"
clntire, th!i mnnifi-,tations of cntlilifintn
were frequent, and Mr. l.lnnln removing
his bat, boAod in acknowledgement.
We have not been able to obtain a defi
nite reuU of,lha election,. Below w give
the vote in several of the largo cities, ond
several of the Stales.
St. Louin,
New York,
U . ..
MrjlunA Oonnoc't. Masmch'ti.
31,82:t - 14,059 fi,09t
4,065 15,665 8:1,839
1,492 41,613 183,272
31,119 1,419 21,831
The following statement shows at a
qlance 1kw the several States havo voted;
roll tiNcoi.y,
Electoral votes.
Pennsylvania, - ?. : 27
New Yoik, . V. 35
Illinois, 11
Cnnnccticat, -t G
Massachusetts, 13
New Hampshire, 5
Ohio, 23
Rhode Island, 4
Vermont, 5
Indiana, ; ( - 13
low, ' k 4
Maine,' 8
Michigan, . fi
Wisconsin, 5
Minnesota, ' ' ' ' 4
Total ' : ' 1G9
Tle Eloctaral College consists of 303
electors, of whom 152 is a majority.
The republicans have already 17 votes
more than that m, j rity.
- Ne Jersey, (fusion)
Total, 35
t'OR BRCCKtNamr.E.
North Carolina, 10
South Carol na, 8
Dels are, 3
Louisiana, ' 0
New Jersey, (fusion) 2
fi eorgia, 10
Virginia, 15
Maryland, 8
The following 8 '.ales may be added as
certain for Breckinridge, though
returns havo not yet ten recei
ved from them :
Alabama, " 0
Mississippi 7
Florida, 3
Arkansas, 4
Texas, 3
' Tot-d, 88
It will bo observed that Mr. Douglas
has not received one State, unless it be
California atd Oregon, which hava not
been heard from. It is true he has three
Electors in New Jersey,' which were giv
en to him against the express will of Mr.
Douglas and liis frienc's, by forming a
union Ticket.
An adjourned Court is in session
this, woek, present, Judges Linn, Moore,
and Bon sail.. But, few cases will be tried
du'ing Ihe term, most of thorn having been
settled or continued. Wo will publish
the proceedings naxt week; up lo tho time
of going to f T?39 nothing had been clone
in the case of Commonwealth vs. Cathcart,
wherein a motion is pending for anew
Postmaster Arrwomi. I). W, Mooro,
special agent of tho Postollicn Depart
ment, on Nalurday. arrested John A. Mo
Connol!, assistant vtmnMer at Newry,
Blair county, Pa on a chargo cf robbing
tho mails. In default of bail ho was com
mitted lo prison to await his trial at the
noxlterm of the U. S. District Court for
tho Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the case of Wm. Ilverly, convicted
of the election fraud in Philadelphia, the
court refused bail, ond ho was committed
to owait sontencc. The punishment atlix-
ea by law is an imprisonment not to ex
ceed thrco years, a tine not to exceed
$1,000, and deprived of citizenship.
Clearfield Markets.
Corroded wdokly liy C. Ksatzer A Poss,
Wliolfle nnd ltolnil iJenlvri In Groceries, Pro-
vialonn, nnd Oonorul Dry (loojs.
lluckwhont fi 1'u , fiJ
Kyo " 1,00
on " " ; . . 40
t'orn (osrp,)" . no
Clovsr peed per. btisl 0,00
Flour, Sup. Fine, bM 7,00
" ' lCxIrn " ; , o,00
" Fam. ' 7,50
Pried Apploi, 'b 10
1'utlor, " J . , , is
Kkks doi. : 124
llcans Bu i,.so
Suit V Sack, 3,00
Hops "p lb. 25
Rngs " ii2
ltaoon, kanii and aides, 000
Wheat per. lufh. 1,5
Philadelphia Markets.
rau.AKir.Lrnu. Nor. 12. 18fi0.
FLOUR There is do change ; the demand for
export is limited, owing to the high freight! to
England. Standard tuperfino ia ofTurod at $j,50
(1,&,M Y barrel, the letter for better brands,
and not finding buyer, except to supply the
trade ; and at theaa figurei up to fiOilfi 75 fi
barrel for extraa and fanoy brand, as to quality.
The receipts are moJrato, and show a falling
otT this week.
Rye Flour and Corn Meal are dull, the formor
at $4, 5, and the latter at $3,50.
WHEAT not much offoring ; the demand for
shipping is not large ; 4000 buahela old at $',25
(7$ 1 30 for common to good lted ; $1 J0fi;13
for good White, the first for common.
RYE dull; Pennsylvania tells in small lob
at 7Hc. -;... i
CORN Pales of 4,00 Waels priuio Yellow,
uiostfr at 7Io. afloat; 5ew in dull, sad mages at
OATS nre more plenty nnd dull : 3,000 bushels
Southern at 30fi,3le.: Pcnnfvl aula at 34c.
CLOVER SKED is in good demand, with
quick sales, and rather scarce; 300 liurhols at
$B 12iriio 37 J for new, $6 for old. Timothy it
uleady at $2 60(2 62. Flax seed dull at $1 62.
On Fumloy, the 11th instant, by Daniel Good
lander, Esq., Mr. James I!. CAi.nwru. and Miss
Elmira Williams, nil of Pike township.
tcfo gbbnliscnunls.
OXT.N Hilt SALE. The subscriber baa a
Yoke of large OXEN, suitablo for Lumber
ing, which he now offers for sale, Cheap, for
cash or approved security. UbU, TI1UKN.
Clearfield, NovU, 1S00. 3t
OXIIJI I'lIK HALii toe subscriber,' re
siding in Union township, offors for siilo a
first clan YOKE OF OXEN, upon favorable
terms. Address him at Hockton P. 0.; or J. W.
Paully, T.uthorsburg, C'learfieU county.
"VfoTICIi Tho partnership horotofjro ex
i isting betwoen the subscribers, trading
under the firm of Cummingi A MahnfTey, is this
day dissolved by inotunl consent. The Pooks of
the above firm are in the baadt of Robert Ma.
hnfley for seltloraont.
New Washington, Ncv. 5, 1850.
?-The Books of the firm of Cummings A
Miihnffey have been placed in the bands 0
William Fenth, Esq., of New Washington, for
settlement. All persons having accounts in said
books are earnestly requested to call at once and
settle the same. A failure to comply with this
request will incur costs.
VIIDITOH'W NOTICI2. In the Orphans
Court of Clearfield county, in the matter of
the estate of JOHN S. CURRY, deceasod.
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersignod,
an Auditor appointed by tho Orphnns Court to
distribute the proceeds uf the sale of the estate
of the above decedent, emong the lawful claim
ants thereof, will hold an audit to make snid
distribution, at the office of Larrimer A Test, in
the borough of clcarfield, on FRIDAY, tko 8tb
day of DECEMBER next, at 10 o'clock, a. in.,
when and where all persons Interested may at
tend if they see proper,
novll 4t JAS. H. LAFRIMER, Auditor.
ADMItlSTimUUt ! N)TIC'I Letters
of Administration having been this day
granted to tho undorsigned on the estate of
E. Is. kIMi, late of Lawrence township, Llear
I eld eounty, deceased, all persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those haring claims against the
same -will presont them duly authenticated for
settlement. AARON C. TATE, Adra'r.
November 7, 1860. novl4-6t
Th Pkactibal Eh ect. Out of seventeen
Commonwealth cases tried at the recent
term of the Court of Quarter Sossions of
of tho Church of St. Vinoont de Paul, of Cj1C8ter COUnty, as reported in the West
. ...... 1 Bnu e(i oys a wiuerepuia- , . n ,, f ii,a CiK imionl nn
lion for learning and piety Outokli the C1,C8ter M1". of " Cth ,n,tflnt- no
tlergy there were lew here who ftnlicipa lesa than t. not them were .gcrtiltmn or
) ted his appointment. ' . ' k ' color.' Chesfer county is strongly ftopuVn
, Dead. Or.lohn W. Coulter, a member
of the last legislature from Westmoreland
county, died at his residence in Latrobe
DaksuQiincks. Aeon eppondent writes
. v. . now nntinn is in store tor tnose
lat week. The deceased was re-nominal n8Ve never eaten quinces baked like
lea ny ine democracy mis year, but ow- ppleg and eaten with sugar anu cream.
Ing to ill health he declined to stand a! jj;, pian js t0 take fair, ripe quinces, bake
canvass, and refused to run. He wns a them rather quicker than apples, cut them
prominent member of the Masonic ordor,t0pon and remove the core, which will
and was inleuml kv inembtra of that or-LL. ni tr thA fmlt is nronerlv cooked.
: r 1, n -:...., ..
aer a large concourse m jjwjiic luuuwmg
i;ssi;!,!, McM(ltiM A V
Itupf-irullj IhlHM tl.S n,Mf, ,,f ,, J
iil, nl h', I l Mn f
FA 1.1, A Mi WlNTMIt riiwii,
M hii h he nfl. ii
t'A'A'l' lht VA.SU !
He al-o rontinucs to deal In t.UM II Ell. t all
llnd, In Sny way to suit his cu stotners.
The highest market prlci s will be pal.l for all
kinds ofORAtN.
New Washington, Xov. t, 1M0. novT-Oa
In TiiRcornroiMOMMny ii.r.s
ber terai, I85. .
WM. H. IILA1R, use er, .. JOSfTn J. LINOI.E
lly virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas
IssuedoiU of tho Court ofCommon Fleas of Centre
county, npoa the above judgment, to undirected,
there will be exposed to public snlo by public
outcry, at the Court lloune in HKLLEFONTK,
in the snid eountv of Centre, on MONDAY, tho
2flth day of NOVEMBKR nest, all the Interest
ol the said defendant, Joseph J. Linglo being
the undivided fourth tllirt in nil tlmt PArlntn
suagc, tenement and tract of bind situato on the
,.e t . ..... .. ..
naiur ui jruui run anu .uuttuation creek, ia tho
township of Rush, in the county of Centro, and
tho township of Dountur, in the county of Clear
field, containing seventeen hundred and five
acres nnd allowance, being held in common with 1
A. i. Cu.tin, V. I. I'runer and John M. Mule,
all which mid premises are described ia a Biort
gago givon by the said Joseph J. Lingle to Wm
H. Blair, dntod 8th rjeptoinber, 1H57, and re
corded in the ofrce for the recording of deeds,
Ac., in Mortgage Book K, go 34, Ac, allwhirh
will he sold as Iho property vf Joseph J. Lingle,
in accordance with the provisions of the Act of
Assembly of i 'iih June, 1840, in reforonee to el
ections against lands in certain counties.
. THOMAS McCOY, Sheriff.
Sherifl's Office, Bellefonte, Oct 30, 1800. n7
AT Hit ritnr r.Ml Mi'KU
1 1 1
i t Sirt Jmt ff aa Sh'r (
1 (toll . ler lc 1 ttxr.rf rnrr t '
fil n1iirl rver)' loctip1i'Mi,
A bi aiiiiful n r t rf e nl i f Prlnli un I !'wi
"end", of (he tiiwe. an t lati-t ay Irs. Al-o n
gienl variety of npeful nullum.
I I II. I M,
tin )
. 1
. 1 1 i'd 1 ii.i.,
ft i" 1 ' 'it.''
t'n 1 fliviri,r. ' " '
n) 11 Int. in in c'r t rf f-i-l
..iil l ti..l l.f li
tint 111111 tl t Hi eet lit !!' '!
twi n'd si nnnni i. (n Stt '
I Ml
It. I
,.l. t
t' -i li v
ri F f e t i.'l f !f
1 mi j.l tl '
I t w
1 '
It nil, '
I., Vw, l . j.. , , ,
I ml - tn r
fl'-i I.. Hi il li..
r. H.MIlr l
i f 11 1 1 in ; 1'u'
in- f 1, I.., I ll.ll i..i, anl wi.iii-n nnd 1 MMrn
In I lfiifli'1 1, nn-t Plrinfii'ili'iiiiiHt III pinn-;il .
lhl If Ir ) r pepe-l H (urnl-h Ihsm Wl'll l:un'.
Hi'H' 11111I llnili r i f nnf svl r naUorti.
' . Miwrdnr -;- h nt' w he I a sh' tl tl
tluwi mi short itillo.
, , , Ail kinds f rniiiiry pnihtie tatun In
lrc rt,. orlnicnt, rratly-inado ehai.g... nni enmi-Ht r.r.i d. K,.n,,iBI, d..
in the nntst nistnuST ninl rliiiiK inoiierats, i
tho Hlmrt Uli m rthi otf K. i opiI SlieuU nfipnait'
lies, I, Wf aer A (VWnrv. 1 li HK HiuRT.
K. B, lindings tin- nlo, r'it. 8H, US0.
C L O T 11 1 3'
.Bbnntts, Phawls,
ltuM sn I ( ,
Hools and Shoe, a lrro quantity,
Usrdwiire, iccnuwiire,
lrnggs ftnd .Medicines,
Oil and J'ainU,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish. Bacon and Flour,
G 11 O C E U I V. S ,
of tho best quality, all of wbiclt will bo sold lit
the lowest cash or ruady pay priues.
Jly old friendi and the public generally, are
respectfully invited to call.
Clearfield, Col. 31, 1SU0. WM, F. IRWIN.
T-fT'S. H. All kinds of ffTM.Vand api
COUXritr lUlOVUCE takes iu CAcbungo for
Secured by letter s patont ia the United Sta tes,
England, France and Belgium.
Tho American I'hetogriiphic Porcelain Cof
pany. No. 781 Broadway, New York, baling
secured their novel aud ingenius invention by
American and Kuropoan patents, aio fully pre
pared to executo all order tor
Miniature Jiii, nrsscs cf 1'ersons on China,
presenting all tho nttraetiro nnd advantageous
features of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy
and finish of a water-color drawing, a; d a hith
erto nnattained qnnllty of dnrabitr, by boing
rendered as imperishable r.s the natural proper
ties of tho articles upon which they are trans
ferred. As tho patented process of the Cotnpuny ena
bles the reproduction of photoerarihs. not onlv
on plain stirfnees, but upon such as arc rouud or
of any degree of irregulurlty, portraits can bo ro-
pioduccd with .fruitless accuracy and delicacy of
ueiineniion, upon 1 orcoiain wares 01 any descrip
tion aud diiiicminn used as articles of luxury or
of honsithold utility, such ns Urns, Vases, Break
fast Cups, Toilet Articles, Ac; theruby socuring
faithful portraits nnd furnishing a uniquo and
exquisito style of ornamentation of articles in
domestic nso.
In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica
tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants
of those patrons of the fine arts dosirous of
having portraits on I'orcolain, tho Company have
imported from Europe a coll action of superior
porcelain good, manufactured to their own order,
which they will sell at cost prices.
As the American Company are owners of tTie
patent right, nnd Consequently the only poraopi
authoriicd to nso tho process, they have deter
mined, In order to atford pcopii in every section
of the Vnion an opportunity to possess portraits
on China, to make tho following proposition to
residents in the country, who are unable to visit
personally the Atelier and Onllcries In Now
York :
Pe-sons sendir.g photograph, ambrotype, or
daguerreotypo to theoHceof the Company In
New York, accompanied by $5, will receive In
return by express, free of charge, aridity orna.
nionted Breakfast Cup and Saucer, with tho por
trait transferred thereon
By transmitting a daguerreotype and $IO,tliey
will roci '.rke manner a hnndsomo French
Vase iiT.-t Article, with the portrait repro
Juoed by ..'' patented process.
By sending a pair of daguerreotypes and $15,
they will receive io re tern pair of rich Sevres
Vases, with the portraits ezocutod equal to inin
iaturo paiutings; aud, ia like manner, portraits
can be reproduced on porcelain wares or Vases
of every quality of finish, ranging Id price from
$20 to $100 tho pair.
X. B. Be particular jo writing the address.
town, county, and State distiactly.
A.i letters to be addressed to " .Miinn rer, Amer
ican Photographic I'orcolain Co., 781 Broadway,
New York." nor't-Sm
PUIII.1C SAMTheronill bo exposed lo
public sale, at the resilience of Ihe subscriber,
in OBAI1AMTON, Clearfield eountv. on rU T
L'KDAY, the 10th Jay of KOVLMBER next,
the following property, to wit :
1 Young Horse, 1 two-yenr.old Celt, I Cow. i
head f fat Beef Cuttle, 1 two linrso vnfiti,
1 four-horse Wagon, 1 Threshing Ma
chine, I Winnuiv Mill, I! head of
t'toek Cattle, 1 set single Har
ness, SUiigb, Sleds. 1'knvs,
Harrows, Chains,
Farming Implements, and other tools too tedi
ous to mention.
Also, alut uf Wheat, Jlyo, Corn, Ac.
Pale to commence at 10 o'clock on snid day.
Terms. All sums of $:i and under, cash 1 on
all larger sums, a orsilit of six months will bo
givon, the notos, niUi approved security, paya
ble In bank. ...
A dedaotien ef ten per cent, per nnmim for
cash. 1
Tho Grais will he sold fur cash oily.
James p. aklson.
Orahamton, Oct. 24, 1S0U. oet;i0.2t
MA It K I At J iTc; U 1 1 I-' Being'tt J,7U
instructor for married persons or those
abnat to be married, both aiale nnr fiaialo, in
e cry thing concerning the pbyWilo;;y ami rsln
tions of our seznnl system, nn4-he production or
prevention of off-pring, including all ihe new
discovoriei .iiover before given iu tlio -Knglish
language, by WM. Y0UNU, M. D. This is rt ally
a valunlilo and interesting work. It is written
in plaiu language fur tho general reader, and is
illustiutad Willi numerous engravings. All J'Ulig
muirie l peoplo, or tbnsocontemiilatinp mnrriuge,
and having tho least impediment to married life,
should rend this bonk. It disaloscs secret that
every one rhutild be acquainted with ; it hi a
book that must bo lucked up, and not lie about
the houso. It will bo sent to uny one on receipt
of twenty live cents, in specie or poMuge Ptamps,
AddrosH II r. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 Mpruco st,
above Fourth, Philadelphia, l'n.
2a"" Ajiitld . ami L'lt'ortuhat No ', matter uiay be your disease, before yiiu place your
self Under the care ef any one of tho notorious
Quacks, native or foroign, who advertise in Ibis
or uny other paper, get a copy of either of Dr.
Youug'g books, nnd read it rarefnlly. li will be
the weans of saving you ninny a dollar, your
health, and possibly jour lU'a.
Dr. YOl'NiJ can be consulted oa any of the
diseases described la his publications, at bis
qui oe. J.O. ilj Spruce it, above Fontta, -w7-ly
Teachers Wanted-
The board of Directors of Knox town
ship ore desirous of employing four com
potent teaohcrs-,' for a term of 4 Wonths.
AptilTcation to ho niado immediately to
Conrad Buker, resident, or P. J. Ciith
his 1 emains to tho grave.
A CAr built wholly of Iron is . now on
the road between Tittsburg and Cleveland.
It will le muoh safer for passengers in
casonf aralliainn. aa the. material resists
crashing, and will be entirely free fr"oin I It ,s gai(1 tllftl Mr- Tuco has
plinters. The manufacturers lntnd to brought in a suit for divorce against her
run it over various roads, for toe Inspec- husbana. j no wrongs 01 winch sho com
on of the public. ' ' , ' . . j i 'plains are not statod.
hko a nut from a shell. Sprinkle on white
sugar, and rat tbem before they ar quite
cooled, adding milk or cream, inoiruir,
cooked and eaten in this manner has a
dilicous flavor which would scarcely bo
IIAHRY SIIIRLS, Proprif.tor,
Corner Third and Wood Streets,
nov7-3t PITTSBURGH, Pa.
Col. A. P. OWENS, PaormiTOR,
Respectfully announces to the trarclling public,
that he has now taken charge of this Urge and
well known houso, and will conduct it in stich a
manner as will render excellent comfort and full
satisfaction to all who may favor him with a
call. novMy
S H1. Trc.4CIIF.RS4 WANTF.I). The
School Directors of PIKE TOWNSHIP wish j
to employ six competent Teachers, for a term ol
three months. Liberal wages will lie givon.
Apply to EU Bloom, President, or to D. C. Dalo,
Secretary of tht Board. By order cf the Board.
B0?7 1). C. DALE, Secretary.
? 3. 'ontLocoH. . H'critorew.
M'CUM.Ot'GH its KnoTitnn,
Attorney at Low. 1
Oftice on Varkot atreol, opposite Mossop's Store,
Clearfield, Pa.
rpo CONSUMPTIVrcSJThe advertiser,
X having been resttred to health in a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered for sevoral years with a severe lung nil ac
tion, and that dred diseaso Consumption, is anx
ious to mako known to his fellcw-sutrerors the
moans of euro.
To all who desire it, be will send a copy of Ihe
prescription used, (free of charge,) with the (li-.
rections for preparing and using the san.e, which
they will find a sure cure tor Consumption,
Asthma, Brcnchitis, Ac. The only object of the
advertisor in sending tho prescription is to bene
fit the afllicted, and spread information which he
conceives lo be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blossing,
i orsons wishing the prescription will please
address Kcv. EDWAUll A. W1L60N,
nov7-ly Williumsburgb, Kings Co., N. Y.
Nrcvr RF.Mr.inim wehkly.
Is published weekly, in tho city of Now ork, on
Saturdays, ia quarto form, on the best paper, and
in the best style, aiming to be tho exponent of
Conservative principles.
Is sustained by abundant means from the people
thomselres, and is intended to supply their famis
lits with an ergon comparing favorably with t'ie
largest and best journals of the day.
It conUini the best literary ability at homo
and abroad ; and represents fully and loyally and
courageously its denominational interests, as well
as tho interests of gcnoral Christianity; and is
cenductod with prudence and dignity, and aims
to be above partisanship and virulcnee, and to be
A Complete Family Paper, and a decided.
Organ of ite Lhvrch.
It is editod by Rev. George K Crooks, D. P.,
assisted by Rev. John M'Cllntock, D V., (at
present rosiding in Paris,) as Corresponding
Editor, and an efficient corps of Contributors ia
the various Departments ; embracing from time
to timo. Sermons bv dictincuiiln d Ministers, fur-
M:uUM.t . ... ..nA,i. .ii,r,ii(lv for tl. Tt. will hn
IIISIIVll IV .11 rnni..'i."' v -- -- -1
cmbclishod from tirrro to time by Portraits of Etui- j
nont Men in the Ministry and Laitjr in tho vari
ous quarters of tho oortntry.
Tkiims f 2 a year ; l ive copies to ono address,
$9; Twelve copies to one address, $20 Twenty
copies to 000 address, $30. Faynonts invariably
io advance.
Liberal eomiuissions allowed to Ministers who
procure subrcrihors. Specimen numbers sent on
application. L. BANGS, Publisher.
Office, No. 7, Bcekinaa st, New York. . novT
cart, Secretary.
Oct. 3d I8tt). 3t.
All persons will please take notice that the
stud book of James Wall is MX in my hands
for collodion, and all persons are required ti
mako immediate payment to me. Cull soon and
Save costs. II. w. KOIUJ.
Oct. 24th 1SC0 JH pd.
IV Administration having buou this day gran
t d to Ihe undersigned ou the estate of Willinui
lilanton, late of Decatur tp., Clcarlieid county
Pa. dee'd., all persons iudobted to said estate
are requosted to mako immediate payment, and
those having claims against aideetute are reques
tod to present tboirt dnlv autlicutio itod fir set
tlement. ELIJAH KEECE, Adm'r.
Oct 2t, 186(1 U
DIXSOMITIOXThe partnership hereto
fore existing between tho ttndcrxigcei',
under the title of Lornine A Co.. in the Drug
and Variety llusiness, has been dissolved this
day by mutual consent.
The Hooks and Accounts are in the hands of
J. ti. Hartswiok for settlement and collection,
and the business will hereafter be carried on by
him. J. O. I.OHA1NK.
Cloorfield, Pa., Oct. 27, 1C60.
Manufactured and for sale by
M. Pll'KR A Co.,
Loibernian & MoDowdl's liuilding,
N. E. corner Second asd Rnco streetii,
MIT-Entrance on Race Street. l'liiliulolphia.
Mftloods Warranted. octTO lm
iX:rakhtj! nnb (f olltttitn dJ'fitc
O 1. E A R F I I- l
Jim.r.s ui. Kxriusoi:, soth amkoiiafts niKtot-NTer
m;i'o."i,V!!i Ki:(.i;ivi:i,4 . l
tlolU t'. 'vnt made uud proceed promptly remitted
I'Uehanc ou the Cities t-oiihUutly
on hand. '
S-fl-OfEre on Secend St., neurly opposite tho
' ' COURT '110USF.
rXl'.CirTOK'S NOTICrc.I,,,tters testa
1 J menlnry having boon grnntcd to the undor
signed on' tho Estate of Abraham Renins lute of
Lawrence tp,, Cleurtiuld co. Pa. And ull pel suns
km .wing thvraselrus indubtul to ul oalati) are
requested to inuTto iiniuedi.ito payment, and
those having I'lniiun against it are requested to
prcaont them to J1.I111 L. Iteams of (Josben town
ship, or (J. W. Klioem of Clearfield llorough.
Oct.. 10, 161).-ft.p (J. W. KHEEM, J Ex'rs.
r)(jtI.IC SAM...Tho undersigned "will
sell by public ootevy at the late residence of
Abraham Ream doo'd, in. Lawrence towsship,
on Thursday the 1st November: Two horsi
horfo gears, Cows and young oatthv sheep ami
hogs, oue large wagon, ele'igh, tleds, jlv .
Harroiv, bay by the ton, graiu, stovea, Ixdn
Kurcaus, ami u general variety of houseUold und
kitrhen fuiniluie. Terms made known oh day
of sale. alu to comuieucu ut i) o'clock A. M. '
Oct. 17, tS(10-2lp. OKO. W. KHEEM,
Executors of iho estate of Abraham Ream- denM
Executor's Norice.
Letters teslamontary having been this- d;iv
grur.tcd to tho unil rs'.nnefl on 't o f ,f t
Alirnham I'oiiroc sr.. luui of Or uniiv i,in, ,i:
Clearfield ooimty l'u. Ail pernin? aiiowmc
tlu nisi'lves indebted to said estate un rsque.-tHi
to nmke iinmediHlu payment, aiul tliuso buv; ,.
claims ag just it aro ro quested to pre.-en'. tii .i.
duly aulhentieated lo llio undersigned
" jAcon rr.ARCK. -j1-"-
Oct, 17th, 180, 6t. pd. . 1 - , I
0ywWffry'2f- Proper altenlion to
y4"- XV" hme '" 1,6 of groat
..fp '' : benefit to every on
in point of health,
comfort, and onnvenioiies.
1)K. IIII.l.S can aTways be found at his of
fice, on the corner of Front and Main streets,
when no notico to tho contrary appears in this
AU operations in tho lino of his profession,
performed in tho latest and most improved
styles, and guaruuteod for en year against all
natural failures. "
Slrny Iloifci'..
A stray Heifer cam tresspassing upoa tho
premises of the subscriber, about Iho Istof Au
gust last, in Lloom tp., brindlo heilur with
wkito f.ico ami thrco wh'te feet; supposed to be
about 3 years old-
Tho onusri requotted to forward, prove
property, pay charges and Uike it aay, or it
will be disposed of according to law.
i!iooiu tp., Oct, in, 'oo .atp. joiin" mi.uKf;.
uo opened fur the rceeution of uuiiilj.
(males and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, ISCO,
7Vnii por session of eleven Weeks
Orthography, lending, Writing, Primary
Ariihiuetie and ffoograpliy, i2.M)
Highor Arithmetic, English Grammar, Ooog
raphy and History. $;).uf)
Algebra, Oeouietry, Natural Philosnphy
und Ituok Keeping $1.1)0
Latin nnd Greek liingungos. $6 0(1
To students desirous of aeqsiring a thorough
English Education, niid who wish to qualify
llieiusalves for teachers, this Institution offers
desirable adviintnges.
No pupil reooived fur less thnn hiilf a session.
and no deduction made except, fur nrotrnrtcil
Tuition to lie paid at the eloso of the term.
C. H. SANIiFdJiD, ruisriFAi.
Uiy 23, lSiiO.- Jv.
Cabinet. Chair Making,
TOIIN GVLICH, of theborongh of Clcarflelo,
ft fa
a., wiil be prepared at all tunes to attend to
to any business in the abovo lino on short
notice, and in a workmanlike niannrr. His plao
of luisincss is at the old shop on the north ririenl
Market street, 3d dwir oast of Third st.. ncarh
Infitlliblo Vegetable powders. 1 01 'T'6,''10 ol,11 Jc:' p,Pr; l win k.-or
o 1 cun.-tiiiitly 011 liuud a lurge assurtmcn t of Ma
illaclsuue Schwc lid's
For tho rpoedy and effectual Cnrt of all tnflttn.
mationi, Itk vn titm, lgprtitf , unit l.irvr Onii.
jilaint and all Iciifc 0111 Chronic I)ic urn of A:
dtilts rend Children, Send .'t cent ftump to
her A,jtnl. O. T!. .IONKS,
Hundreds of testimonials Box 2lru Philn. P 0
fir-itiriicy S. W. Cor. Third Arch Sts.
Oct 24, I860 lOt.
7 ill nets,
I Shaker and other styles
JUSTICE of ths peace -"
Rockton, Union tp., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his ears.
Sept., 12, 1860. ly.
If 111 RllUtiil 1'iuuii'Hj mv 1
tions. Sale of Lands, A a- , no,7-ly I
arV sides of Spanish 10I0 leather for sale low
5U for cash by E. A. IRVH'.
Oorwensvills, May 1(5, 1960. ,
.,.,.. r
lliogoiiy nnd Cuno lioltuin Chairs, and Cabinet
Ware of every description, w hich ho will dispose
of on as rviisnnahle terms as tho samo articles
! run be bad el.'ewliero in the cuunty.
J liis stock of Cabinet Ware now cu hand, con
: fists in part of Dressing and Common Dureaus.
1 Snfus, Sewing und Washing Stands, Desks and
lioiik Cures, freuch and Field Post Bedsteads.
' Diiiiug, lireakfas!, Centre, Card and Pior Ta
' bles, Ac. Collins manufactured aud delivered at
,'any pluce desired.
February 9, 1S;i9 no. 4, Tid. jr.
Florence braids, English straws,
trimmer? and un-
triiiimed, will bo found in variety at the corner
! store of fi A. IRVIV.
. Cui-wensrillo, May 10, 'GO.
Teachers Wanted.-TLo School Kiioc- ,',tri . 1 n .t 1 f 1 i
tors of Jordan township wish to otnplrry , HJ' '' )'G HlI tllC (lay Itlle f
tlirj coniiictont tonchtis for tlio tornr cf! i NY LADY or Oeatlemen in tlie liii'.
four niantlis lilicrcl Trfifii's will bo ;;ivrn. 2 States,
npiilicunts 'tl! I'IfiiHO tittend thn Lxtuni-
lintioil at Anconvillc on tlio tiny nl Uo
tober, apply to HobtTt Lidtlle l'ros't or
I). W. Wrso iSoc'v. I'iy ordr of ihe
Bonrd. 1. W. WISF, Soo'y.
Oct.0, 1SG0. St. pd.
. Dissolution of Partnership.
The co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. Pi Mulson and John Uriel, in the Lure
bering buiiness at Mulsonburg, has this day
beed (lU.olvod by the mutual consent of Iho par
ties. J. 1". Ml'LSOX,
rlour, Bacon, Beans
I ..tiffin corner bv
. ... r - - .
and Clover seed, at the
fci. A. 1KVIN.
Curwensville, May Id, 1880. ?
IRUIT. Dried Apples, Pared aad unpared
; Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Raisins a
the eorner Store of ! E. A. IRV1N.
possessing fl nil $,i lo $7. em -n '
ii. to na easy and respertatle l'nhic j, hv fti
i..m i to $10 pet dny tun I s . 'v. 1 1, I'
pnriieiilms, addios (with :- p
W K A'"i'Or .' f'1
Oct !l, '-f.0-,"m. North U1I1 sluit, l'lii' ;
rodies dres goods, of patterns and trxnire- t
J plie all, will be found at the corner slur-
Curwini-vilie, May lfl, 1SB0. E. A- IRVIS.
I rinlln and ol b sr shawls In vsrintrat the chess
E. a. iuvi.m;
Cooking Stoves of various sixes and prioiue e
, , B.A. UtVIN
Curwensville, May 16, '60.
CJselfiton PkirU, a largo variety at reduced pri
KJres at Irvinitomer store
IO Store of
L'unvenvillo, May 1C.
A larger slock and lowci
fiimvenvillo. May IG, 'GO
4 verr Inxgo eteolt of Poring ar.d Bummer
clothing of O10 laloft stylos Tor alo low by
" and RHrti'ft.
If priced thnil ever, nt Irvin CbewpusUocnot.
CuriftM-sviU It, 60, i,v.invlle, YJ 1. !'. fc. A.