lMf (Mntfitto Hii'iiMifiitt, Minium tin-tin '"' ,mI, in ki rn I H.. ,,., , , l , nil l ' I '111' Mil lli'il fi i M. I Mm o I. ...I l.iH.mlr.t tin Sn- Iff' II' r'"l l,l" '" 11 fIH n i m i i i t.i-M.,.i A i. nil nnd f'-i ' I ,r-n I i til "i I '"111 I It ft .ti nit n I l,r J ii i f j - 1 li" Mil 1 tir-tui In ill nlinliiM-filii'ii of llm rrtirtul (ji.um tm nl, in I, I 1 'I'' 11 I I I t llnl 1" r I II I " 1 M'fl IM'M 1 In I i 'I III Ml l'i'"l " I"1 l'l"tl ill' i"lil'J' ""I UMi'l il l thai M I' " If. ' ' :,,, nil II I lllnr mi l Mil il tt "' l lllH'llfl'l'inl lM lpi'l, lllilil M' g 1'i if ml Ihu Ann Ai.Mli.t 1' I'l-I''. 1,1 1. M, I I " i " l"i 'Hii if I.U (In! I I hi"' lil ) I k i it l i. ii I I ;M IHI"MH I In 'ill .III III' I i Ml, i n I Hi- ,rn, II b . (mil i nri' in"i i Muni up f,v mm hi t rfcu'i'il 'i, i'. nit I i-mill hi'l Wiilifiil Inini'il'- lb run T'-iimi J,,),,,,, 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 ll I , '1 1 III IM I I I "l 1 1 1 I ' I I ( III I'M I' i' ',h,lA,,Uk .,' - . II.'!" Hl-.l,.il.r, III ("' "D .. ?' "!, ll'ill" II ( ,,,, f, i;n fit i ii " ti!iiilr, tt"i', Si itni., ini in" t f ! nv 1 . .4 - ..... . .i . I.. . i . . I . , M - hi :. . I. i. i1n ,, i K.illli'tn ni'iin, niT'Hi'H ' lli" y "i " in ' '""I "pr-n., i i... i I , .liim U i'"iMil"'l wtil In I'"" lulu 'Kli-'i' ilnlin i "null). A in. ii. in 'l li .in i ii' l ""i "i ii 'mi- " "" . " . ; , r .lltr mi I I '..Mill ull'i'i i T Hi" c ' i ii'i I ml Ii l.finlio lti Ul J"pi1nl llt KlVl ,.- HR Inn 1 Ii iMivtn lj,, of r,,. lli.lMtil'if'lU . hum. Imimu rnli.'ly H,lil'l'"l -1-lMT " V. nfttll ,l..M.rJ fmM rlfnilml,, ,. ii,i, i Wi.l.liii'I'.M. X-i.M.i. 1 , 1 .J'i.0x r r .rpnlntl n finn Irt M ),i, M In- n rMti lllmi i,u I'1 .'.(Vhim n n1 inifMil) li"" I" . Hn.tlliii N- )lmi ,,,v, Vmiii"iI. Mh f,mr. mm Imnir, k wti'i urn ffi WnntP i.iM l.v ininrt of 111 ron.mMi ,1 , ,. i,,l.. h ouVI . ,inl . i.tMiilnl m.w In Mr l inn.ln linto ft frl n niiimion ni n rfn. .n n,,.. tnvi, , ,,,o nmurr. " n rnnrn rirmfli ld, Mou-mlirr I0 H-l"l .i What ii t Follow f All lh not -ilnvrlirlillng Stnlo. willi tlio cxiTilioii i'f Nrw Jrrsry.liiivo r1min rirclort fMVornUo to lli election c( Lin ioln, incTuiting, ns vo tti ink . Crilifornirt nml Orrgon ; wliilst nil tlio lnvrlioMing iSlnte Iirvo dflclnrpd rIiiioiI uniminiouiily iiyiunt Lincoln, Vy cliooing Kloitor eitlicr for Krec kinridgo, Hull, or Douglas. In lnvinjj down the enrcs of public lifi, Utile rid Wnnliington insuod i " Krehei.i. Addrkis" to Lis counlrymon. In- that fidiJrcss Lo tolls us thut th nifist fotirful d.uigor to bo npprohndedv was thftt of charnotrizing pnrlios by goog ruphicul dii riuunntions." To him, this wi i " mat' ter or Borious concern nna bos now boon realized in the election of Lincoln IFhat tho result will be, time alono cnu tell. It will be fortunate, indeed, if the Father of his Country shall bo found to liavo been mistaken in his predictions in this instance, and thut, instead of dis rupted and dismembered Confederacy, we shall yet have a great, glorious, liappy, mduniUtt country to be. proud of. SIuoli depejids upon the true men of the South. But much more depends upon tho fomhadowinqs of tho incoming Ad ministration. As to the Itepublicans adopting noy Congressional legislation respecting the Territories, tho District of Columbia, or tho docks or shipyards or other "common property" of the Govern- meut injurious to Southern rights, tho country need be under o apprehensions, Both bl anches of Congress will be against them. In addition to this, if the income ing Tresidont gives assurance that ho will compel a faithful execution of the " fugi tive slave" Inw, us has been promised by some of his partisans, there may yet be means of escapo from the threatened danger. But without tome unmistakable astu rance that this Constitutional guarantee of the rights of the tiave-CTvncr, wW un expoct submission on the part of the Southern States T The Southern people are not of that material that will submit to a wrong. A refusal on the part of any member of the Confederacy to carry out that provision of the Constitution, respect ing the rendition of fugitive slaves, was proclaimed by Mr. Webster to be a viola- tion of the " compacl,"and n " bargain," added he, "broken on one side, is broken upon all sides." Therefore, if Mr. Lincoln announces bis determination tosco that the act of Congress providing for the ren dition of fugitive slaves, among all other laws made in obedience to the Constitu tion, "shall I c faithfully executed,', l.e will not only do much towards restoring peaco to tho South, but will thereby announce to bis Abolition supporters that TiiEt am MISTAKBN I.V TDE1R XAN. It is our opinion that several of tho Southern States will immediately prepare themselves for secession. South Carolina has already dono so. Other States will doubtless follow. But in doing so, we have an abiding faith that they will then await the " overt act," and that such " act" may bo rendered entirely unnecessary by a timely ahd authorized announcement from the head of the incoming Administration, that the Constitutional rights of the Southern States and people shall be sa credly regarded ; that his Administration is to be truly national ; that the Abolition traitors of the North are to have no voice in the Government, and that tho nulli fying" States are to return ton faithful allegiance to tho Constitution by a repeal of all laws calculated to obstruct a faithful execution of the fugitive slave law. Other wise, we have tho worst of fears for tho result. As for Mr. Lincoln himself, wo believe him to be a true patriot, and rational in ontiraent j and, so far as ho may be left to carry out his own views and wishes, all would be well euough, But this is not tho caso with tho Sewards, the Chases, the Sumners, tLo Giddings', Lovcjoys, and other loaders of hw party ; ard the great question in which the dearest interests of our glorious country aro most deeply in volved, is, how far these leaders will be able to control him in their encroach ments upon the rights of the States. ' Mi liji'in I'lll' II" '. l l'i. " I'M '... . I M.,1 I Mill' I I . ... . . I fiiiii'Ulu thn Not-lit, Hint lwillbo hell m mm ymi In intitinun m-t.iMhl. 1 1 , , ,!,.ivrn., r In h'n ', ' nl tiwlro innnil.ru rf ( ,-upi c, nri.i nun, fr one momml U.nl Una ! ,f lit cWk l.y tii. h mm n Corl.i, Hal-a, Ilinnk -m r..Mliu nm-t rx ..mvi' nu i in i ,i ii ii . i ....t ii i. hl y lini htiiiMlii"! me I" and Kivea i whlln on Ihn other lutw, III ,, ' i..,..,.... ,i, i , r given miltlmt Sownid, (Irrnley Co, will ,,f )y ,Vil butn In your lmnu unfil Ihrlc i l-hu of nl! the cillwns of nil the Slnirs powi i fnl inMuenro rulnin hi niliinet, mid tlmt Ihi'ir sontl Mind no InngiT 1"' n dnubt Hint niw.n x inmntn will U reveled through him. rttudne und rvwif. j This lnl Icr Ldirf cr.iins t, have invaded i The fullowinrt eiUaoU go lo show the tho South, nnd, having Known tho nuti-( C'lUnlily iMoa ol luo ncMili'iu ucci, fdnvery scntimeiitsnvowcd by Mr. I.in. oln, should receive a general AMifum nppll- hits driven them well nigh cnuy upon . cation. luvirinir of his election. In ordor to clve "Wo nra now fur into lh nfth yenr sincn only a alimt..c at tho for I'm a of the South, H'V was ItiitinlMwith thenvowod vU . , ., n r .' cct anl ronlnlent prnmisB or piuiing mi wo g.voim extract from ll.o Mossngo of (J (,iVpry nj,i(,;,ion. r,(r ,10 0p- (iovcrnor (Jilt, of South Carolina. leration of that policy, that ngilation has "Tint an exposition of the will of the' not only not rraseil, but lint ronMniitly people mnv l obtained on a qnes- unmnH-iI. In my opinion, II will not tion involving such momentous Oon- aso until a cnsls shall hnve been renc i senuencis, 1 would earnestly recommend . oil I and pnnsoj. A Am.-d,c,, ,l ajtmn,t it that in the event of Abraham Lincoln's ' '"'" "1- lbllVV t ''"Ti u election to tho Presidency, a Convpntioivl""''',';''''''',',',,,V'7 "'d '"' of the ponplo of this State bo immediately'.''- "7 h h.-dwobed ; culled, lo consider and determine fori iViwv the. hou, t,fdl, ht ldn trvect .1 i.. ....i. .,,.... r r.. it wdl ceaxe. tl? divided. It intlhfeamc niton? tlli'lliri:iYca him uivuf mi-. .iii'.."c , , . T.-.i . i .Irpss. Mv oivn oninions of what the Con- or all the other, hither the vrj-mmtsq vcution sliouUI do nro ot iittlo moment But In IhiMhe South utrneived mid enniiniird in the nimo is utisfinl - disfrnnchlfcil as lliey are: 0 dike tlio following onibl M'iiit and feelii'i,' whiuW Las lunlolore snti-fird llml whntever tho Constitution ftoni ft late nnniVrr of tho lliils, lurii voml.sifi d unto us. slavery will urrrit the further atrend of it, and hut believing that tho timo Ims arrived, !;-'" i th public mm shaureti mrm ..i... i i..,,i.i. i. betirt that ttu m the course or uunnaie extinction, ITIltMl UVl'I V UIIU, HUWi-Tl-l iiuiiiuiu no l-.nl - , . . . . , .. .. . .. be. Khomd exnress hi opinions in nnmis-l : or its advocates wdt push it .Onranl until it shall tiikablo lanciuiue. I am coiistruinod to sav ! '" lawful in alltlic, Stata,ohias veil that tlio only alternative left, in myjudg moot, is the secessiou of South Carolina from the Federal Union. The State has, with grcnt unnmi-tt declared that sho has the right, peaceubly lo seccdo, and no power on earth can rightfully prevent it. If iu tha exercise of arbitrary power, and forgetful of tho lessons of history, the Government of tha United States should attempt coercion, it will beeouio our sol emn duty to meet force by forco j und whatever my be the decision of a Conven tion, representing the sovereignty of the State, nnd an'enablo to no earthly tribu nal, it shall, during the remainder of my administration, be carried out to the lets ter, regardless of any hazards that may surround its execution. I would ulso res pectfully recommend a thorough re-or- g.'uii.atioo of tho militia, so ns to pluco tho whole military lorcoof tho State in a po sition to Lo used at the shortest notice and s-ith the greatest efficiency. Kvery man in the State, between tho aces of eighteen and forty-five, should bo well ar med with the most elUciant weapons of modern warfare, and all the available mean of th State used for that purpose. In addition to the general preparation, as new, North as well as South." A few weeks after, Mr. Lincoln, in n speech at Chicago, commented on ihe passago which wo have cited from his Springfield speech, as follows : u He Mr. Douglas says that I am in favor of makiug war iiy tho North upon tho South for tho extinction of slavery ; that I nm also in favor of inviting, as he expresses it, tho South to war upon the North for tho purpose of nationalizing sla very. Now, it is singular enough, it you will careful ly read that passage over, that 1 did not say that I was in favor of any thing in it. f only said what. 1 cxpeclud would take place, inado prediction only ; it may have beena foolish ono, perhaps. I did not even say that I desired that slavery should be put in course of ultimate ex tinction. 1 no say so now, however .- there ne(d be no longer any quibble about that. 1 1 may be written down in the great speech." ilo told his hearers iu the suuio speech that he hated slavery as much as any Ab clitionitt. This was his language: 'lhave always hated slavery as much Ithinh us any abolitionist I havo been an Old Line Whig I havo always hated it ; but I have always been quiet al.ou. it until this new I would also rocommend that the sorviees i era pf the introduction of tho Nebraska of ten thousand voluntocrs bo immediate ly accepted ; that they be organized and drilled by officers chosen by thomse'.vce, pnd hold themselves in readiness to bo called on upon the phortost notice. With this preparation for defence, and with nil tho hallowed memories of past achieve ments, with our love of liberty nnd ha tred of tyrany, and with tho knowledge that we are contending for tho safety of our nomes ana hres:tles, wo enn confidont- bill begau. 1 always believed that every body nas against it, and that it was in courso of ultimite extinction." The above extracts seem to bo the key to the new administration. No wonder the South aro excited at the election of on Abolition Fresidcnt, who "hates slaveiy ns much as any Abolitionist." Notwithstanding Mr. Lincoln has given ly appeal to the Disposer of all human I utterance lo the above hellish, diuuion eveuts and safely trust our causo in His sentiment, and thereby elected President kellinE" of this Confederacy, our Republican Tho message of tho Govornor of Geor- neighbor hero iu tho North say tho South gia is even stronger. J is too precipitate, too fast, and if they will Tho excitement, in the cotton States is seceed, let them go ; we will whip them indeed alarming. Threats of socossion in again Their President says, upon tho one hand, that the negro is his equal; and his backers that tho white men in the South aro a set of barbarians and must be whipped into subjoction under this same Declaration of Independence nnd the Constitution of the United States. Well, when tho whipping in goes on, wo will try and have a hand in, too. Ii would bo something new to us, but we will try and learn if we are not too much of a barbarian. aro made by all parties. The excitement in the South has been telegraphed North, and on the night after the election, Mr. Lincoln was literally carried from his home, in Springfield, to tho Hill of Rep resentatives, where great anxiety was ex pressed as to his line of 'policy' in the ad ministration of the government, and his reply was, "Havo you read my speeches in the lato controversy with Judge Douglas V Very satisfactory, indeed 1 This second Jpckson only more so as the Republi. CAns called him ilnrinrr 1 1m oamnn;n.. fail. I n I.:- 1 ETSRSON S MAGAZINE.- 0 3r0 ill IT auirers: conseouentlv w W .Jceiptofth.spopularLadysMngaz.no for his policy in his speeches. .December. It is a splendid number.- The speeches refe, od to were extensive . ! ':.re,e.r.SOn" 1)1,9 ft cfccu,ation of' " W. Iv circulated l,v o.,r m.mi.., frv " Wl11 greatly improved in 1SC1. h elect. Gen. Pntton. and we cn r r .WI 1 cntir" thousand pnges of double friends that ho circulated nothing but the ITT T 5 mftttr; 14 8teel ,,InteS ; genuine Lincoln article. j 12 coIo,'0,, 6tco1 laKhion I'13 5 12 color Hero comes the tho first sentiment thut e'' VMeTm in ,!c, lin worl. embroidery or would seem to arrest our attention at this ;croc,'ct. nllJ 00 wood engravings-;, time and a damnable ono it is. Hear Porlt""aUlv mort lha VJ o'1 pcrloJinJ him attempting to prove, from the Doc-''"' 1U 6t0rie9 anJ novolels nro hy tI,e larntion of Independence, that tho negro bC8t W ritCrs J'8 f"s''3ns nro always the is the equal ol the white man under it. jlHlCst "nd rre,lies- Eve'y neighborhood "KUMiiu,.!. ttc ought to make up a club. Its price isbut old Declaration of Independence, which " year' 0r a)dollAr lllftn mgawne declares that all men are equal upon prin- f 'ts class. Subscribe for it nnd snvo a ciplc, nnd making ere options to it, where' dollar. To clubs it is cheaper still viz : will it stop r If ono man snys it does not1 throe copies for $5, or oicht for 510 To menn a negro, whv not another say it does ... , , . . not menn some other manT every pe. sou gelling up a club the pub- If that declaration is not tho truth, iet .lisher will send a magnificent premium. us get tho statuo book and tear it out 1 Specimons Bent gratis to thoso wishing to Ei2:S?il' "itisnot' olupcluli. AtLlress,t.paid, Chas. J. . .... . ... . rPnl Aiori, lor. fM. . Ui Til n.l.l The Di'inociatic jmrty hnd- in Ihe hm giuigo of a oclebrsU'd or tor " Hie world, tho flesh, nnd the Devil" to oontood with, In addition to tho refractory members of our own family rnji'ins upon Ihem. lo fulfill It to tho very, 'J'rvdc Journal upon this suljocl. Idler. Iu this particular, it Is very dif- ,.Wp pn,lXo ),. lhal Ul0 f.. in Ihn TVnrtli Wa Hi hnl. rnrrv , t il. T..-.. . . . .... I I. - ,.iv. i'.i uni u i is " iii ii ii ii nif u i t nil i i uu uiiM'tTi y out llml cbitM in tho Coniituuin vthwh Uinto! Sttf Mint, prril in thottl hnmiwJiMe reference lo tho rondHioiiiollyjrnotuiothinwor 0A . . a. is til lAMiiiui; inu n'lui'iMT-iii, nini iiVIUIrll oi fugitive? irom service or . ianor. insieau 0f pold ilollar. into double n It i mortilying to us to know thnt, ml of delivering thorn up, as wa Imvt agreed oblige tli New York exportors of, only in our own town and iteighburhoqd, but throughout tho whole country, nu merous LidividuiilH, who have been here tofore acting ivith tho Democratic party, seen fit to desert us or not vote st all. Those who voted ngniiut their party friends, going squaro over lo Lmcolnism, nro willing to avow a principle bad nnd wltked as it may prove in tho end to every ouo of us. Thoso Democrats who, did not vote nt all, represent nothing not even themselves. Such men aro an injury to nny cause they may espouse, as they are certain to fleo when danger approaches, nnd when every one should net from prin ciple. To Ihote who stood by us we say, well done; but you hnve done nothing but your duty. Let not those Democrats, who plainly and explicitly derlnro for Consti tutional truths, fear to looso by their ex pliuilnes; let not those who implicitly, or less explicitly, declare their assent to the sftina truth, I ope to gain by their explici'ress. It is this Constitutional truth, North and South alike; and the to do. we do tho very rcvetio, in four case on tho ono hind, and tho New Vwk . I V I-. l; .. ,i o.i I of five. Let us bo equally mngnntu- mous in this particular. The Election of a President Tho Electors for President and Vice President arc required to meet at tho sent of government of their resptctlva States, on tl:o first Wednsduy in December, t cast their votes. They then sign three certificates ; sond (he messenger with ono copy to th President of tho Senate, at Washington, before the first Wednesday in January ; another by mail to the same person ; nnd tho third deliver to the United States Di&luict Judge whero the Electors met. Each State providi-s by law for filling New England Issuers ol small note the other. Jf their were uo demand the small gold coin thero might u v reason for the waste of labor, and J loss, in tno re coinngo into pieces of nominotioa more convenient to expor, 1. i . .i i t uui sucn is not iuo laei. j.y out banks, and by banks and individual, over those States where small not prohibited and opportunity is atibrde the crreolMion of small coin, the rols lnrs are in urgent demand. The H tiere is now nt work pn three nulla: these gold dollars from Iho Sub .'iW iii .'t jLum, i:r vuutiiig iiiuiu iillOni ty dollar pmcs, aai Mrsksta in ,cot;. ing the work., aotwittiBtsndine tm here freely otl'er them the lurger pis exchange for thedolrars being melted in l: - r - i lie pin ley n i recoiuiug ircill sml, largo pieces we regard as- relroarndir the great object to be oUaiued orlp nny vacnrcy iu tho Board of Electors, occasioned l y absence, death, or resignn-1 in authorizing the coinago of gold do! was, to lesson the necesrity for small notes, and to introduce into gencrsl tion. Such ot the L lectors as are present are generally authorized lo fill any va cancy. The Governor gives notice to Electors of their election before the lint Wednesday in December. ' ' On tho second Weilnendnv in Plirii:irv. i. ... v' .i i t- ' ..;rHl..: party. ortn anu .-ou.ii, wm C()llgr0!ijl ehllll be in session and open the have to stand or fall according ns it does rotlirn. Tho Pre;jont Rnt or does not adhere to this great cardinal BllHlli in the prMcn(,0 of th; lIousc of and DOiilicul truth ot tho co-eon.nl r.i-ti I r.f , i rr - - each and all of the States- in the Union. The truo friends of tho Constitution and tho Union, who imagine that tho Dcuiok cratic party at tho North can nistnin itself ngainst tho Republicans hy standing tim idly, shrinking!, tender-footedly, mid cowardly on tho platform of adjudicated Constitutional truths, deceive themselves egrogiously. Wo can and we will redeem and save our party. We can redeem it in one war. n;id one onlv : nnd that is. in Irnnkly, manfully, firmly, and fonrlessly pluuting ourselves upon the great funda mental truths nnd principles of the Con stitution. In this miiniicr wo have suc ceeded heretofore, and it is the only way weenn triumph in thcfiituro. If we can not succeed in this manner, then it will bo evident that the American Union is! pt nothing but a lifeless corpse, a phantasm of magnificent greatness, a mere sham of power; and is about to enter the great Maelstrom of departed Republics, and live only in memory and history in the lugubrious procession of tho departed empires of tiio Old World. Wo havo done our duty as well as we undeistoodit; wenre char; let I lie result come. Wo aro ready to discharge our duty still further, if need be; but hop we will not be in the unfortunate situation id not knowing what lo d.. Representatives, open the certificate of returns, nnd count the votes. The person having tho greatest number of Votes for President shall bo tho President, if such number lo a majority of the wholo num-bc- of EJoctuis appointed.. And if no per son has such a majority, then from the persons having the highest number, not exceeding three.cn tho list of those voted for as President, the House of Representa tives shall choose immediately, bv ballot. Ilw rrrsiflent but in plimilnn ll.o Pri-rf the depositor ; lld M most of tl v ifnrnld .l,.e n n . LMA 1 1. . 1- -f ..'....w i.unv tUIIIVi IWlJ IUV III.IMI9 W New York shippers, few of tbe imJ culation a largcT amount of specioai fer and better currency for, the J hand-to hand husmess of the count! Init, if there is necessity at New Yoiil double englos, why aot dirort theoi of the Mint to receive in exchsnn jold dollars those already coined f- is ad much reason on the u.-utof Cutt eminent t aceomiu )date, when w J those wishing small joins, ns 'liosedtrj i ding large pieces. We know that tl making deposits mny command sucll age as thoy may iiesnie ; hut when th ertimcnt is th owner as in this erne Secretary of the Treasury uiy cerln wub propriety and renson, autiioro exchanen of th ijiflorent eoinaa '.U hand, ns it is now , the banks l city and other places ofleiisg to fitJ tlie required double eagles, takini gold dollars in exchange. Thers sfH determinatioti to drive the grid dr! from circulation, as they are only coii- ex change for bullion and on special ctj A Good Taper roa.viRr Family. All our readers may not be acquainted with one of the most valunble agricultural and family journals in the country, now in its nineteenth volume. Wo refer to the i American Agriculturist, which is a largo and beautiful journal, devoted to the practical labors of tho Field, Garden, and the Household. It is prepared by practical men (and women) who know what they about, and it gives a gi eat amount of valu able information, usoful not only to farm ers, gardeners, stock raisers, fruit groweri, and those who have little village plots, but to Housekeepers also. We advise That central idea, in our Political opinion nt the beginning was, nnd until re cently continued to be, tho equality of all men. And although it was nlwnys submit ted pnticntly to, whatever inequality there secmod to be, as a matter of actual neces sity, its constant working hnsbcen a steady progress towards the practical equality of all men." "Let past differences as nothing be ; and with steady eye on the real issue, let us reinnugcrate the good old central ideas of the Republic. We can do it. The hu man heart is with U3 ; God is with us. We shall agair. be ablo not to declare that all tho States, as States, are equal, nor yet that all citizens, as citizens, aro equal, but renew the broader, better dec laration, including both (these and much nwre, that all men aro created equal." Ha repeated his theory that all me u Peterson, phia. 300 Chestnut St., rhiladcl- Slave Representation. Several Hhuk Republican orators, ilur ing tho campaign just closed, frequently stated in their speeches, in riieir wise nnd cute manner, thnt " every five negroes in a Southern State ero equivalent to three votos." Upon this theory, tho slave holder who owns one hundred slaves is entitled to sixty votes, nnd ho who is in possession of five hundred slaves, is entitled to threo hundred votes. Ridicu lous as this i, men mm in stature, but not men in intcll cct have mndo use of this declaration frequently during the late canvass. About such men thero enn be but one opinion: they are cither ignorant fools, or deliberate scoundrels for tho differ ence wo would not toss a penny. According to the last census, ono mem ber of Congress is elected for every 1)3,4-10 persons. In counting the inhabitants in a free State, every negro counts one for Congressional representation. In the slave States, however, nccording to the Federal Constitution, five slaves count but three for Congressional representation. dent, the votes shall be taken by States, aud a majority of all the States shall bo necessary to a choice. If the choice devolves upon the House of Representatives, and they; fail to make a choico before the 4th of March next following, tho Vice President is to act as 1 I . L I i resilient. The person having the greatest numbor of votes ns Vice President shall be the Vice President, if such number bo a ma jority of the whole number of Elec- jtors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the highest nunibcrson thelist the .Senate shall choose tlio Vice President. A quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. Put noporson constitutionally ineligible to the oilicc of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States. Then is no constitutional protision for the cuio whero there is neither President nor Vice Tiesident elected or chosen in tho manner directed by the Constitution. The net of Congress of 1702 provides that, under such circumstances, there shall oe a new election. A SofSD Ftr.Low.. our readers to send $1 to tho publisher, Orange Judd. 41 Tark Row, Now York, are created equal , una hence there can and try the Agriculturist a year. Those bo no inferior race rightly held in slavery subscribing now for the twentieth volume at Chicago, it July 1858. He then (1861,) will get the remaining numbers ' said : ol thU year without charge. j -My friends I have detained you about Virginia, for instance, has 50,000 slaves ; A discussion took ; these count but 00.000. If Virginia would place, tho other evening, between a Dcui j abolish slavery to-day, she would show ocratand au Abolitionist, on the status of j 20,000 more of a representative popula the negro, and the decision of tho Supremo: tion, by the consequent retrjclion of this Court in tho caso of Dred Scott. " Why, j principle, and would bo entitled to two what's in it," said tho advocate of negro jiuoro Congressional representatives. So .ii .1.1. l i equality, anu who caros wuai old J 'red in Pennsylvania. If the 90.000 fr The Wide-Awakes. We hope the people of this part of the world have seen the last of a W ide-Awake organization which is a sort of cross be tween Know Nothingijm and Abolition ism. If the cutest yankee on earth had had his wits at work for a century be could not have invented a moro thorough machinery to destroy the morals of our youth to introduce them to scenes of de bauchery, drunkenness, rrofaneness, vio lenco and riot, than Wide-Awake organ izations proved to bo, Many parents may well congratulate themselves if their boys wlio paraded with cap, enpe and lamp, forget tho lessons they received in this campaign. Above nil things, if men will net the fool, lot not our youth be entrap, ped into tho very temptations which are most ruinous to them. Wo havo no need to go backward to tho times when oursavnge ancestors were tho terror of the moro civilized common, wealths of antiquity for examples of bar baric poli'.ios. When we heboid full grown men. with beards upon their faces, and all tho hat itudes thnt should fix the time and nge of discretion, parading the streets with tin lanterns in their hands, ind a kind of all-around wstier-nroof hiV upon their shoulders, we feel doubtful Scott's opinion may havo been about an old nigger not worth fifteen dollars 1" gold coins are now mado. It is gmi be desired that Secretary Cobb n illn erniand tho order for melting up lite dollars, and st lenst authorize their change for as many double eaglossi i boollereu, doe notice being given," Finn District or Mass.k rtisEm tho Fifth district the noblu efforts of National men were rcwared with sue Hon. William Appleton has beates I lingame by a majority of about twe b dred. No local blow could hars 1 heavier on tho Republicans. Thii great triumph ; nnd national men t the whole country will hail it as im Hardly any Congressional triumph nave given more satisfaction. It u tory won in the right plnco; in the tl, way by n union or the national tain and nai about it characteristics 'My it above ordinary psrty succeed make it a victory of tho country. ' an event every wny worthy of the Frfi Hull District, ami will be hailed nil of tbe chnnge of public opinion thnt is ingon herein Massachusetts. 1 1 will br best speech for the Union that lloitot made for years, ft is a pledge, thai promising as the icsult or the State i tion was yesterday, thcsnnieclement achieved this great triumph will nisu ly redeem the State from the party t now rules and digraccs it. Jinston I Not a Desirable Tost.- If an;i wants to edit tho Vicksburg Sentinel. may be edified by the following brief tory ofsomo of tho men who have fit in that position. Dr James ll.igin 'I hold in 183i , had a number of street r,.: fought a duel with his brother editc the hia, and was killed in 1mA street fight, bv D. W. Adams. His ant, Isaao C. Patridge, died of yellow er in 1839. Dr. J. S. Fall, another a ant, had a number or fights, in or which he was badly wounded. Jame an, next editor, was killed by R. E. f met, of the Whig. Next came Uickey, who had several rows, iwi repeatedly wounded ; he killed Dr. U lin, and was soon after himself lM Texas. John Lavins, another emVot. imprisoned for the violence of his art Mr. Jenkins, his successor, was kill' the street bv II. A. Crabbe : Crabbi murdered in Sonora. ?. C Jones ua ed Jenkins, but soop after war,ds vow nimself. , ,;. jBt$""A few days since, an extra loaded with Lack asses was tranP' over the Louisville and New Albaoy road. The telegraph operator at Nl . . . . : r.. -1 . . . a . . . . . gctiiug r i nu oi it set hui that a larce deleeatioo. of republ would pass through at a certain b4 icumor, increasing as n new, saw aooara v":wnetner or no th riviiiii.n ' . . . i negioes were oxcluded from tho count, not mere theory, nnd the old barbarism htA,.n,l r .mn.n;M th wo would havo ono representative less in the actual fact. No thinking men can redition. Immense crowds of cnthu tne congress oi tno vmled States than we ? moinunnuo rianon oeiween tie Lincoln men repaired to me the snvngo ethics of the Know NothiBft I ht in h.nil m fnr the r-xve the savage physics of the Wide Awakes, ' cheers. When the train thunder! anu tne wn.t snvngery which disgraced , and an aged and venerable owner Brti-Sond for a pnooinwn niimhor nf "Rv ram's Illustrated Lady's Newspaper," the e ln o1"'' words, as it is now, in only lady's nowsnaner rublished in y-. the free States the people are entitled to United States. Specimen numbers sentin rcPrcsental!v0 fo every 93,4 jo per. and demoralized the campaign of I84(K pair of fabulous ears stuck his hoad post paid, on rcc J. II. Bvram ICo Philadelphia. n . . . eV"y 1Jt ' ' W lerson8. which only appeal to the ungoverned pas-' and In two minutes not a republican H n. r,,0; rv; TTi . uo U,HUR- B,u"s "nu "ppetnes ot mankind, and- un- e seen within a mile of the depot, i uon.uiapin Jlall will pleaso accept our In this question of representation, the dr,ake to constrain by reason those plaint has boon made to the Sunerid ,ur u wry ol iu8 Majority and Xorthern Stales havo a decided advau ' . " lnej vaueT fU"nds ,mb' lcDt "S""1" the PPrwr. andne. Minority Reports on tho Pacifie RaJlroml 1 1 .- c... .. .. snows or influence by unworlhy dou- ni.nientnry expectation of a notic , iage ovor i-ne .-naies in ine NoutU. 1 lie trines ? Vinton Democrat, quit. ceintof athreocentHiAmn BOn8 wuit0 "nl hlack; whereas in the!Wneu. wl these disgraceful exhibitions a stock car and gave vent to a long, j 'o IP South TM . 8ltlve Slle". 'ho people are entitled to one I J80 ? . heD JW,,U P0'11 ! Wng hee-haw, tnat fairly shook th -o, ll-SoalhlluruSiMi ' LlM. teu, ST. appliance, around, consternation, seized the a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers