Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1860, Image 2

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?. ..j. BY 0. B.
;vol. xxxi. whole no.
' .1
e Meot again I when fund hearts sever.
r; our Brief outpouri lu teats,
lh ,h""f:,Mbt thrill! us orer,
Through tne litpso of lonely yean,
fti) "After absence meeting's dearer
Hit I'laruug hours are full of pain ;
nrrrut we bring the loved one nearer, '
-dtO Whilo we hope to meet again.
Jim aioe I loo oil are parted
'" Thoie on earth to memory dear,
And we mourn them broken-hearted,
Nevermore to greet them here !
Utill, all'nction lingering round thcui,
Can its yearnings ne'er refrain j
nd we ask i " In that bloat morning
Shall we then all meet again "
Ioot Eai"! Oi rapturous greeting,
V" ' When we're won that golden horo,
--H'here the Tree of Life, all heuling,
-nr. i Waves iti dusters ever more.
Buried lore regain! its gladness,
j fc. Buried nope revives iu bloom ;
.00 jMeot iu reiurrootion brightness,
ol jonqaerora of lb" loalhsomo tomb.
"Meet again ! hew sweet and blessed
,T(!IiS Is the hop to meet once more,
,rtI "Where the friends we love are deathless,
aid- 'And our partings all are e'er ;
.la Father, mother, sister, brother,
w , licuud in lovo's unsovered ebain j ..
" . , Clacp each otiier's hand's sniuiortal
' Moet again, most again 1
tu. ... .
fyMSjaa.J '- 1 I--. K!
. 1776.
-t .
,4 From Bancroft's forthcoming Iiintory of tho
i: United Suites.
-vo.Tbe month of Mav robed the cat a! pa
nnd the oleander in their gorjeous mas
t ae pf flowers, and the peace of Charleston
nfKRMtill undisturbed except by gathering
jjrumors that the Knglish fleet and trans-
port destined for its attack had arrived
jiintCtpo i-'ear river. All the mechanics
otpd laborers about town wore employed
ain (Strengthening its fortifications, and a
Kreat nnruter of negroes, brought down
nfrpm the country were put upon the
., work. The bloom ol'the magnolia was
-turaing yoLow in tho hot sk v of early
oauromer, when on the first day of June
expresses from Christ Church 1'arisli bro't
, pews to tho 1 resident that a fleet of forty
or nity sail lay anchored about trentv
i miles to the north of Charleston bar.
Uuppily the colony had already organ
ized an efficient government, and invest
ed Kutlcdge, its chief execu tivo officer,
with large power. He ordered the altrm
o be fired, and while tho citizens were
looking out for horses, carriages or boats
i 1
(0 remove their wives and children, ha
I hanleiiod down the militia from the coun
try, by expresses, and in company with
"Armstrong visited all the fortifications.
Jwrrirades were thrown up against the
jtrincipid ttrects ; defences were raised at
thepoin'.s most likely to be selected for
landing; lead, gathered from tho weights
( 'I windows of churches and dwelling
houses, was cast into musket-balls, and a
. respectable force in nien was concentra
ed in the capitol.
, . The eyes of the whole country were
turned upon the people of South Caroli
, nx' . Their invaders at a moment whon
instant action .vas csteutial to their tuc-
cess, wero icrilexed by uncertainty of
counsel tetween Uinton and Sir l'eter
Tarker. the respective commanders of tho
army ami uie naval force. Un the sev
cnili Clinton would have sent on shore a
. proclamation by a Hag of truce : his boat
" was fired on by an ignoiantscr.tinel, but
L next day Moultrio offered an explanation
through one of hid officers, and received
the proclamation in return. In this the
British General declared the existence of
" a most unprovoked and wicked rebellion
r Within South Carol ina, the succession of
",'crimes of its inhabitants, the tyranny of
"its congress and its committees, tho error,
' thus far incorrible, of an infatuited and
misguided multitude, tho duty of pro
ceeding forthwith against all men in arms,
' congress and committees, as open enemies
" of the State ; but from humanity he con
sented to forewarn tho deluded people,
' and to offer in Ilia Majesty', nanio free
pardon to such as should lay down their
su-ms and submit to tho laws." Having
' done this he consulted Cornwallis on the
1 best means of gaining possession of Sulli
' van's Island ; and both agreed that they
" could not more effectually co-operate
( With the intended movement of the fleot,
than by taking possession of Long Island,
; Which was represented to commtinicuto
' with Sullivan's Istand at low wato. by a
' ford, and with the main body by a ohan
,' pel navigable for boats of light draft.
Clintonhad four days' time to sound the
ford, but he took the story of its depth on
1 thT mwnm8 the ninth of Juno,
vuritts, atieuuod by his .lid-decamp
and Robert II owe, of North Carolina, nr
Tiyea at uaajrcll aroint. After examin
If)t us fortifications, bo crossed over to
TUuHivan's Island, where he found a good
"stock 6f powder, a fort of which tho front
'.'and onoside were finished, and twelve
iondrod men encamped in iu rent- in
hnU und booths that wero roofed with
palmetto leaves. Within tho foit numer
ous mechanics and laborers wero fitting
and lifting pa' mctto logs for its walls.
He had scarce glanced at tho work, when
' lie dculavcd that 'he did not like that post
at all ; it could not hold out half an hour,
(aod there was no way to retreat ;' it was
bttt a 'slaughter pen' and tho garrison
w0uhl bo sacrificed. On hid way up to
Charleston, Lee touched at James Island,
upero Gadsden had tho command.
ho battalions raised in South Carolina
Ware not as yet placed upon tho continen
tal ostabl
ffftoaa k i ' n j
jrrc.s ooro tho proportionate expense, tho
t uii4 mi 1 1 sk m
ia 4i :.. i . , .
disposition of the forces still regained
under the exclusive diiections of the col
ony nnd its officers- Thin circumstanro
becamo now of great importance To
Armstrong no command whatever
ami Iio tin a little to do excent
in ,.;, aT the second officer through embrasures; intending first to
it f"" wn,y ""'"'"-y silenoS Moultrie's battery then to land
consu V T 7nl' com5n" (,own to Islft"l. took
e 1 , ?LUi hl .? I Moultrie aside a ,d said :'Do you think
tne continent; nnd on his arrival ho was
invested with the military command
through an order from Kutlodgo.
On that samo day Clinton began his
disembarkation, landing four or five hun
dred men on Long Island. It was there
fore evident that the first assault was to
be attempted not on tho city, but ita-out-posts
; yet Lee proposed to EuCedgo to
withdraw from SullivWs Island and aban
don it without a blow. Jlad ho acted in
coi.ceri wiin me invaders, he could not
more completely promoted their design.
But liutledge, interposing his authority,
would not suller it, and Leo did not ven
ture to proceed alone : vet on the tenth
day his very first order to Moultrio, ox
tepiona which wan revoked as soon as is-
i sued, directed that officer to construct
bridges for his retreat, and the order was
repeated and enforced several times that
lay, and alnio-t every succeeding one.
Happily Moultrie courage was of that pla
cid kind that could not be made anxious
or uneaay ; he weighed carefully hi dan
ger and resources; with quiot importura
bio confidence, formed his plan tor repel
ling the impending double attack of the
enemy by ea and by land ; and never so
much as imagined tLat ho could bo driv
en from his post.
On tho tenth of June, while tho Conti
nental Congress was finishing tho debit te
on independence, the Id istol, whoso guns
had been previously taken out, eamo over
the bar attended by thirty or lorty ves
sels, and anchored about throo miles from
Fort Sullivan. In Charleston, from which
this movement was plainly visible, all was
action j on the wharfs, warehouses of
great value, ero thrown down to
ruuiii mi- ino ure or cannon nnt runs-1
for tho
l. ...... .l -i- . .
" Ul" llnes 8 onS J,y !
i barricadcsi, raised in tho principal streets
I were continued to the water ; nnd arrow-
.- .......,uii,reu um tunil I utl
I headed embankments were projected tin-
Ion the landing unices. Xepioea Irnm ilm
tuuuuy iook pnrv in ino laoor; the noe
and tho spade were also in evory citizen's
hands, for all persons, vithout distintion,
'labored with alnrrity,' somo for the Mike
of example some as the best way of be
ing useful. either tho noon duv sun nor
tho rain, which in that elimo, drops from
the clouds
in gushes, interrupted their
C'n the eleventh tho two
Tho same
from North Carolina arrived.
dny Lee, being told that a bridgo of re-
trent from .ullivnn s Inland to Iladdrell's
Point was impossible, and not being per
mitted by itutledge to direct the total
evacuation ol tho Island, ordered Moultrie
immediately to send four bundled of his
men over to the continent; in his post
script he added : 'Make up the detach
ment to five hundred.' Uu the thirteenth
he writes : 'You will detach another hun
dred men to strengthen tho corps on tho
other side of tho creek.' But tho spirit
of South Carolina had sympathy with
. i'lVIWIVI i, C.I,'. till liUU I LI ..111. MIV'II, I I
Moultrie, aivi mechanics and ne;
borers were sent down to complete tho
tort: lint hard as they toiled, it was
not nearly finished before the action. On
tho I'Jth the wind blew so violently that
two ships which lay outside tho bar, were
obliged for safety to stand out to sea, and
this assisted to deley the attack.
On tho fifteenth, Lee stationed Arm
strong at Iladdrell's point, and Arm
strong, as the super ior officer, ever man
ifested for Moultrio a hearty friendship.
On that same day, Sir Peter Parker gave
to tho Captain of hi? squadron his ar
rangement for tho attack of tho batteries
on Sullivan's Island, and on 'the 10th ho
communicated it to Clinton, who did not
know what to do. The dilatory conduct
oT the British betrayed uncertainty and a
division of councils, and tho Carolinians
made such use of tho delay, that b the
17tb they were in exceedingly good 3tate
ol preparation at every outpost and also
iu town. But Clinton intendod only to
occupy and garrison Sullivan's Island.
For that purpose, he completed the
landing of nil his men on Loni Island, a
naked sand, whero nothing grew except
I a lew bushes lliat harbo-c I myriads of
mosquitoes, and where tho troops suf
fered intensely from tho burning sun;
the want of good water, nnd the bad
quality anu lnsuincioui supply ot provis
ions. A trial of the ford made, Clin
ton wadod up to his neck, so did others
of his officers, and on tho day in which
;he Bucccededin getting all his men on
, shore, he announced through Yiughn to
Nr l etot I nrker that no ford was to be
found ; that there remained n depth of
seven lect ot water at low tide ; und that
the troops, therefore, could not take the
share they expected in the intended at
tack. His six full rogimcnts, and com
panies enough from others for one more,
a body of wore than three thousand men,
thoroughly provided with arms, artillery
and ammunition, had loft tho transports
for naked sandbank that was to them a
prison. Yet, compelled to do something
Clinton fixed on tho 2.3d for tho joint at
tack. On the night after the day appointed
for tho attack, Muhlenburg'j regiment
arrived. On receiving Lee's orders it im
mediately H out from Virginia anl
marched for Charleston, without tents,
continually exposed to tho weather, It
was composed chiefly of Muhlenburg's
i -- w. .uu , u-
ginia rcgimonts, andwaa the most com-1
oia uerman parisioners ana of tho V r
plotc, tho best tinned, best clothed for
mtmediata service. The Americans wero
now very strong.
The conlidunco of Sir Teter Tnrkor in
an easy victory was unshuken. To make
n ,,... i. .....:... i . i . ...
you cun maintain this post ?' Moultrio
answered, 'lei 1 think I can.' But Leo
bad no faith in a spirited delonce, fretted
at the too easy disposition of Moultrie,
and wished up to the last moment, to re
move him from the commnnd.
On tho 2:U an unfavorable ftind preven
ted the joint attack. On the 2")th, the
squadron was increased by tho arrival of
the 'Experiment,' a ship of sixty guns,
which passed over t he bar on tho 2lith.
Letters of encouragement came also from
Tonvn, then Governor of East Florida,
who was impatient for in attack on Geor
gia; he would have had a body of Indians
raised on tho bank of .South Carolina, nnd
a body of royalists to terrify nnd distract
so that the assault at Charleston would
Iiavo struck an astonishing terror and
aflright.' lie reported South Carolina to
be in a mutinous state that delighted him ;
the battery on Sullivan's Island would
not discharge two rounds.' This opinion
was spread through the fleet, and became
the belief of every sailor on board. With
or without Clinton's aid tho Commodore
was persuaded that with his trained sea
men and marines, he could take and keep
possession ot tho fort till Clinton should
send as many troops as ho might, think
proper, and who might enter the fort in
tho sumo way.
Capt. Lampsrer, walking with Moultrie
on tho platform, and looking a', the Brit
ish ships-of-wnr, all of which had already
come over (he bar, addressed him :
"Well, Colonel, what do you think of it
now V
"We shall boat them," said Moultrio
''Tho men-of-nar," rejoined the cap
tain, "mil knocK your fort down in half
.... i
! "Then, said Moultrio, "wo
v i 1 1 lio . be-
I,,,,,! ! Ii.i riM.ia n.l
f,.0m landintr "
o ii, J
prevent their men
On the morning of the twenty-eichth a
gontlo sea breeze prognostigated the at
tack. Lee from Charleston, for tho tenth or
eleventh time, charged Moultrie to finish
the bridge for his retreat, promised him
re-enforcements, which was never sent,
ami still meditated removing him fiom
his command ; while Moultrie, whoso fac
tilties under the outward show of imper
turable and even indolent calm, were res
trained to their utmost tension, roilo to
v i-i t his advanced guard on Mio east. -Hero
tho commander William Thomson,
of Orangeburgli, of Irish decent, a native
of Pennsylvania, but from childhood a
citizen of South Crolina, a man of rare
worth in private life, brave nnd intelli
gent as an officer, had, at tho extiomo
point, posted fifty of the militia behind
sand hills and myrtle bushes. A few hun
dred yards in the rear ho guarded brenst
vorks that had been thrown up, with
threo hundred riflemen of his own rogu
ment from Oi-angelmrgh and its neighbor
hood, with two hundred of Clark's North
Carolina regiment, two hundred mora of
tho men of South Carolina under Horry
and the raccoon company of riflemen. On
his left ho was protected by a morass : on
his right by one eighteen pounder and
one. brai-s six pounder, which ovolooked
tho spot where Clinton would wish to
Seeing the enemy's boats already in mo.
tion on tho beach of Long Island, and the
men-of-war looting their topsails, Moul
trie hurried hack to his fort at full speed.
He ordered the long roll to beat, and offi
cers nr.d men to their posts. His whole
number, including himself and officers,
were four hundred and thirty-five, of
whom twenty-two were of tho fourth reg
iment of artillery, the rest of his own reg
iment ; men who wero bound to each oth
er, to their officers, and to him, by per
sonal affection nntl confidence. Next to
him in command was Isaac Mottc ; the
Major of his regiment was tho fearless and
faultless Francis Marion. The fort w is
square with a bastion nt each angle ; built
of palmetto log", dove-tailed and bolted
together, and lain in parallel rows sixteen
feet asunder; between theso rows tho
space was filled with tand. On tho east
ern and northern sides the palmetto
wall was only sevon feet high, but it was
surmounted by thick plank, so as to be
tenablo against a scaling party ; a traverse
of sand extended from east to west. Tho I
southern and western curtains were tin
ished with their platforms, on which tho
cimnm was mounted. Tho standard
which was advanced to the south east bas
tion, displayed a ting of bluo with a whito
present on which emblazoned Liberty.
Tho whole numltcr of cannon in tho fort,
the bastion!, nnd tho cavaliers, was but
thirty-one, of which no moro than twen
ty-ono could nt tho same tinio bo brought
into uso ; of ammunition thero wero but
twenty-eight rounds for twentysix can
non. At Unddrell'a Point across tho bay
Armstrong had about fifteeu hundred
men. The first regulur South Carolina
regiment, tinder Christopher Gadsden,
occupied Fort Johnson, which stood on
tho most northerly part of James Island,
about three miles from Chnrlcstown, and;
within point blank shot of (ho channel. I
Charleston was guarded by moro tlun
two thousand men.
Half art' hour after nine in the morning,
the commodore gave nign.i'l to Clinton
that he should go on with the attack.
An hour later the ships-of-wnr wro un
der wsv. Gadsden. Goteswortli, Pinokney,
nun uu iioihi i uivv vukruii n iiLuiieui i.
their movement; in Charleston the whai fa
nnd ths rest at Fort Johnson watched all
not MEN.
and wate r-sid,- idong the bay wero crowd. '
ed with troops under nrnm 'and lookers'
on. 'J he men must foil their adversary,
or their city mav iierinh ilw.n. l,n,.u. i. I
sacked and burned, nnd tho savages on
the front ior start from their lurking places.
No grievous oppression weighed down the
industry or South Carolina; Mm came
forth to tho strugglo from generous sym
pathy ; and now the battle is to bo fought
lor her chief city, and tho province.
Tho 'Thundoi bonib,' covered bv Friend
ship, begau the action y throwing shells,
which it continued, till moi e than sixty
wero discharged ; of these some burst in
tho air , one lighted on the nmgazino with
out doing injury; the rest sunk in the
morass, or wero buried in tho sand within
the fort, At about a quarter to eleven
tho 'Active,' of twenty-eight guns, disre
garding four or fivesuots firedat her while
under sail ; tho 'Bristol.' with fifty guns,
having on board Sir Peter Parker and
Lord William Campbell, the Governor;
the 'Experiment,' also offifty guns; and
the 'Solo Bay,' of twenty-eight, bronght
up rvithin about three hundred nnd fifty
yards of the fort, let go their anchors with
springs upon their cables, and began a fu
rious cannonade. Every sailor expected
that two broadsides would eno. tho strife ;
but tho soft, fibrous, 6pongy wood of the
palmetto withstood the rapid fire, and nei-
inerspiit, nor fcpiintered, nor started ; and
he parapet was liuh enough to protect
the men on the platforms. hen broad-
sides from three or four or the men-of-
war struck the logs at tho same instant,
n.vj mwiiv mu uil-i ioiik u ireinor, out
tho pile remained uninjured Moultrio
had but one tenth as many guns ns were
brought to bear on him, and was more
over obliged to stint the use ot powder.
His guns accordingly wero fired very slow
ly, the officers taking aim, und waiting al
ways for the smoke to clear
awi, mat
iney migiii point wit n more precision.
'Mind tho Commodore, mind the fifty
gun ships,' were the words that passed
along the platform from oflcers nnd
'Shall I send for more powder?' nked
Moultrie of Motto,
'To bo sure,' said Motto.
And Moultrie wrote to Leo : 'I believe
we shall want more powder. At tho rato
we go on, I think wo shall ; but you can
seo that. Pray send us more, ifyou think
More vessels woro seen coming up, and
cannon were heard from the north east.
Clinton had promised support ; not know
ing what else to do, ho directed tho bat
ici ies on smmi to open a cannonade, : to drinking and dissipation. The country
and several shells were thrown into j was new, tho soil fertile, and the farmer
lhonipsons intreiichments, domg no oth- did not feel tho necessity or those im
er damago than wounding one soldier provoments which prepare the wav for
l ie firing was returned by Tim,,, ,,mi 1 smvcisful cultivation. Draining hnd bnid.
with his one eighteen pounder
out, iroin
the distance, with little etteet.
At twelve o'clock tho light infantry,
grcnndiei'3, and tho fifteenth regiment
embarked in boats, while flouting batter-
ics nr.ti aimed criui got under '.vci"Ii to
cover the lanMing; but tho troops never
so much as once attempted to land. The
detachment had hardlj left Long Island
oe.ore it was ordered to disembark, for it
was seen that tho landing w is impracti-
cable, and would havo been tho dost rue -
tion ofmany brav6 men without the least
probability of success.' Tho American
defences were so strong, ami well con
structed, tho approach so difficult. Thorn.,
son so vigilent, his men such skillful
sharpshooters, that had tho Briti.-h land
ed, tluy would havo been cut lo pieces,
it was iiiipossihie, says Llinlou, 'to de
cide positively on any plan,' and he did
An attack on Iladdrell's Point would
havo been still more desperate ; though
tin Commodore, nt Clinton request, sent
three frigates to co-operato with in that
design. The people of Charleston, ns
they looked from tho battery with senses
quickened by tho nearness of danger, be
held tho Sphinx, the Acteon, nnd the Sy
ren, each of twenty-eight guns, sailing ys
il to get between Haddrcll s Point nnd
tho foot, so as to enfilade the works, and
when the rebels t hould e driven from
thorn, to cut off their retreat. It was a
momentof danger, for the lort on this
sido was unfinished. But tho pilots kept
too far to the south, sj that they run all
the three upon a bank ot sand known as
the Lower Middle Ground. Gladdened
by seeing the frigates thus entangled, the
people at t.harieton wero swayed alter
nately by fears und hopes; tho armed in
habitants stood every one at his post, uu.
certain but that they might be called to
immcdiato action, hardly daring to
lc -
lievo that Moultrie's small and ill-furnish
ed garrison could beat off tho squadron,
when lihold ! his flag disappeared from
their eyes. Fearing that his colors had
boon struck, they prepared to meet the
invaders at the water s edge, trusting in
Providenco and prefcring death to sla
very. In the fort, William Jasper, a sei
gcant, perceived that thft flag had been
cut dowu by a ball from tho enemy and
had fallen over the rampnrts. 'Colonel,'
said lio to Moultrie, 'don't let us light
without a dug.'
'What cnn you do V asked Moultrio ;
'the staff is broken oil'.'
'Then,' Mid Jasper 'I'll fix iton the bid
bred, andplaco it on the nverlon of tho
bastion next the enemy ;' and leaping
through an embrasure and braving tho
thickest fire of the enemy, bo took up the
flair, returned with it safely and planted it
I nn l,A 1,(1,1 r.n,laA rn ,1.. aiimi.i il r. f .1..
merlon. The day was exceedingly hot,
tho almost vertical sun of midsummer gW
red from a cloudless sky, and the temper-
ature was increased by tho blaze from the
cannon on the platform. A 1 of the gar
rison threw off their coats during tho heat
of the action, ami some were almost na
ked ; Moultrie and several of the officers
smoked their pipes n they cavo thoir or
ders. The defence was conducted within
( sight of those whoso watchfulness was to
them most animating
Hint their movements
"-'hey knew1
was observed
ity the inhabitants from
ol Charleston ; by the veteran Anilw! K on"s o;v" aoret''
and the little arn.y l 1 , rel U l'oi nftL. i' thT uI10n which we aro
by Gadsden at Fort Job, , 1 . ' ' ,V n,.er " .bo holly lont to tho farm. In
most near e,,ouKh to take ,77t t "
gngoment, nnd was chalintr with
diseon -
luiit nt I. ! ik '
soldiers: 'lam dvinir bn T,Wf Zt i
efl,snn;.'?,Z ..V:0".1. .let. lho.
T!s cniiy to resign a toiliom i pluco.
Hut not to manage leisure with n grace;
Absence of occupation is not, rot,
A uuinl quite vucmt is a mind distressed.
The veteran steed, hi. task excused lit lemrth
ii,:..i. i.' ....... longtn,
In kind uiiipasi(,n of Lis l'niliiig strength,
.u.iiou iiu ma para or mend to graze,
Fxempt from futuro sorvice all his dnys,
1 hero feels a plcasuro perfect in its kind,
ltunges at liborty nnd snufls the wind j
Hut whon his lord would quit the busy road,
To taiU a joy like that be had bestowed,
lie proves less happy than his favored brute,
A life of euse a difficult pursuit." Cowp in.
1 he only period of rest iu tho circlo of
j the farmer's year is now at hand ; a period
of enjoyment, but also one of peril. Tho
business of cultivation-the appropriate
occupation of tho husbandman-is done
He has passed throiicll the Tiressino- eni-co
of seod time and tillage, the joys "of the
early and latter harvests, nnd has weU
corned the last of his crops to tho barn
nnd the granary. His store-houses are
full, nd the flocks and herds now live
upon the accumulated provisions of the
summer. 'Jho last of the flowers has
raded, and the frosts have turned field
und forest to a russet brown. The leaves
thut put on such gorgeous coloring in
October, aro now either changed to a
sotnbio hue, or fallen, leaving the forest
bare and desolate. Tho skies have lost
the roseate hue of summer, nnd begin to
look chill and wintry. The rventhor is
fitful, and every sunny day is succeeded
by cloud and storm.
In the oldon time farmers accomplished
veiy htllo after tho potatoes nnd turnips
wero gathered, awl the eider was made,
until tho opening of tho Spring. At
home, the cider barrel hud its potent
temptations, und abroad, the villauo tav-
, em and grocery held out their allurements
y been heard of, and the nniek mines had
not been opened. Ho fed his cattle, pre
pared his fuel for tho winter fire, marketed
his crops, and the rest of his time ran to
waste. At this season he visited his
tr ends, omnv.! i!,in ,,.u..,: ....a
too often contracted their drinking habits
j nnd prepared the wny for debauchery nnd
I ruin. It was the most perilous period of
, the year, because ho had not learned how
! to imnrovn iu Ink...
1 W
fnjou idleness. This mav satisfy the toil-
j worn brute, as he quits the yoke or tho
j curt, ana regales Imnsclf in hit pastures.
, TIo knows nothing better than the grn'ili
' cation of his nppetite for food. But man
'cannot be satisfied whilo tho best part of
111m, mat wmcn constitutes Ins mnniiood,
lies waste. The mind must have occupa
tion of some kind, and the release from the
! more pressing cares of cultivation at fhis
season, should only induce a higher netiv
ity of the mind.
I It is indeed well to employ a portion of
this leisuro in visiting friends and rela
lives, nnd in keeping alivo thesympathies
and associations of fHrlier years. Some
' uro so situated in their business, that this
, is tho only time when they can return to
the old homestead, to look again upon the
familiar scenes of childhood, and to
receivo words of blessing from father nnd
mother. These social reunions at the
annual Thanksgiving, aro worth all they
cost, and more. Tl ero is a reviving in
fluence in going back again to tho old
hearth-stone of childhood's homo ; the old
well and its oaken bucket, the ancestral
trees gathering now glory with their in
creasing years, the garden, the orchard,
the fields, the forests where our eyes first
opened upon tho world. The farmer is
m;d$ a belter citizen and a better man by
thus cultivating his rocial nature, and
1 keeping alivo the tics that bind him to his
Theso 'annual visits nro also profitable
for his business, as they afford opportuni
ties fov observation. Farming is no
longer a stereotyped business. One can
uuruiy visa uio most limited Olid obscure
rural district without seeing nlmndnnt
evidence that the leaven of new ideas is at
work. Tho tillers of tho soil nro getting
out of the old tracks of tho fathers, and
nro beginning to uso mind in their hus
bandry. The barn is no more a inero do
positoiy of tho harvests of tho field. It is
a manufactory of fertilizers, the one thing
needful in profitable tillage. It is the
great hingo on which everything in the
operations of tho year turns. Barns are
now a proStable study, to learn hew
practical farmers contrive to shelter all
their cattle, and to mako the most of their
manure. The plow has become a tool
constructed upon scientific principles,
turning the furrow with the least expen
diture of strength, and making it broad'
or narrow, deep or shallow, and laying tho
slice flat, or at a sharp angle with the sur
face of the field, at the will of the plow
man. Tools have become a prime neces.
sily of economical cultivation, and the
strength of tho ox and tho horse is more
and moro taking tho placo of linmnn
sinewu. No mon t an tibscrve the different
methods of farmer) in thoir business,
TEBMS-ll 23 per Annum, if pnid in advance.
without learning something profitable.
lio lull return i.ill, nn... : l ' i
..... ..... . 7.. " - """" """anew
y. '.orth. plowing can still
, w i.-v nun til 111(3 MiOriLI.
'nnd the nr ii, c ,i .. ,.1
ey m in ne olden time. Trenches
iiro.du lor walls, and stone fences are
I oulu- wwo Keep their full laboring foreo
at ivork-an arrangement much better for
I the laborer thnn I'm in ....... m., r : n
ui m-o-uKioniii wotk r,v the
U. i. .i.... .... " .. . VV: '-""J
uiuuK. uctposus so situated that they
can be worked this season. Muck
throw n up in summer can bo carted, und
1 , l" ni Ct'"iirs cnn bo
composted wit Ik mnniiroa f..r., I...
and the sties. Mimv imnsnvn tlm 1
to top diess their meadows with compost
from tho yards, and where the land lie
level, nnd is not sulj.n:t to washing, this
is a good practice. It is found fry siirewd
calculators, that tho labors of the next
lour, months, spent mainly in handling
muck, digging, composting, spreading,
nnd laying up stores for summer u-;c, nro
the most profitable of the veur.
Whatever hibors aro attended to or
neglected cut of doors, rending nnd reflec
tion should be carried on vigorously with
in. The most successful farmer nn)v, U
the man who applies tho' most of tLwht
to his business. Tho days of routine
htrmnig are numbered, nnd the man who
plods oft in tho ways of his fathers, is cer
tain to bo distanced. Tho problem to be
solred i.s, not how to groT crops not
even great crops but how to get them
economically. Wo wnnt to get rich by
farming, without selling off all the fertil
ity of the soil under otir feet. A rich
farm, giving a generous yield to toil, make3
a rich farmer, whether lie hns much or
little stock in tho bank or railroad. Ho
may bo sure of dividends whon banks fail.
We want to study, not only to get greater
crops of corn nnd grass, but to make tho
crops pny for tho labor and mamrro, nnd
leave the soil richer. There nre manifold
details of husbandry that require forecast
and reflection. Now is tho time to lay
plans for the coming year, and for tho
distant future. It is a great work to bring
up n long used soil to its primitive fertil
ity, nnd to manage tho old homestead so
that every acre shall do its best, making
us richer while it enriches itself. To solve
this problem will tax the invention nnd
quicken the intellect. He who does thi
tvill "manago leisuro with a grace," and
grow a wiser and better man, and also
fncrenso his wealth Amer. Agriculturist.
Innockxt Flotation- A flirt is always
innocent. Young ladies who skip about
from oho resort to onother to engago thr
uttentions of young men who nro suscepti
ble of beauty, litllo think of the danger
which beset such a course. We say a flirt
is always innocent, meaning thereby that
she intends herself no harm. Men tho
majm ity of them are not so foolish ns tr
be deceived in tho character of a youn
lady who goes about indisoriininatcl
among malo acquaintances. They rcadilv
poreeivo that a friendship, if it can so bo
called, regulated by flirtation, has no claim
upon their honor, nnd consequently any
advance towards intimacy on their part
can only bo faction-!, leading them to tako
any ndvantngo when opportunity offers.
The record is conclusive upon this point.
Criminality lurks beneath those innoeeni
flirtations, boldly npparont to those wh.
can comprehend tho unscrupulous natuiv
of taan's passions. Fath-rs and mothor
who have daughters wid do well to giv
this subject earnest attention, nnd so ex
ercise their control that sorrow may never
fall at their door, on account of "inno
sent" conduct.
Thr Last or the Atlantic Cini.E. Cap
tain Kell nnd Mr. Vurley, who havo been
trying to raise tho American end of th
Atlantic cable, found it broken every tw
or threo miles, nnd havo abandoned the
attempt. The rockweed nnd animalcule
adhering to ionic of tho portions recover .
ed, prove that thero aro rocks at the bot
torn, although mud is sho'vn on tho charts;
but even where it enme out of the mud.
tho outer covering frequently parted whih
it was oeing hauled in. In somo place
tho iron wires were coated with cupper,
from veins of that ore irr Trinity Bay, Th"
giitta percha nnd the copper w'iro were n-,
good as when laid down, and those poi -tions
of tho cable that wero wrapped witl
tarred yarn, wero sound and free from
I.v A Ki Tstn.i,. The OKlesburg Clwrvcr
presents tho following comprehensive ami
c indented statement of Republican argu
ment nud principle;
11 CM
It V G
Tho Secretury of War, in his contmuni
cation to Gonoral Harney, in regard t'
hiscoursn in theSan Juan nfl'.iir, althougli
he censures him for disobeying tho order
of General Scott, yet, in consideration o!
his valuable ncrvices, and of his high esti
maticn of his character as a coldier, 1it
is disposed to bo light in his censur .
General llnrr.ey will remain in Ida forme -position
in Ii" nrnr.
Live Don. Picked it at Sk. Tin.
Itnrque August's Jesse, nt Quronst.tiTii, r
port thai. Septs UU., ia Lit. 10 i , Ion. i
;'!. picked up ayoun do uliv.