Term.oi Hutmcription. )f paid in adraneo, or within thro month, $1 2 If paid any lima within the year, ... 150 If paid aftor the oxpiratiou uf tb year, - 2 00 Termi of Advertising. Advertisement ar inserted in the Republican ct the following rate: 1 Insertion. On iquare, (141ine,) $ 60 Two muaiea, (281ines,) 1 00 luree o,u;tre.i, (12 lino,) 1 SO 3 month 2 do. 7 1 to 2 JIOI. .Vdn. tl 00 3 00 it 50 12 inn $7 00 10 00 One Square, : i I I Twosiiuaroa, : : i ' 4 00 Tlu a,uares, : : : : & 00 Four siiuirea, : j : I W Half a column, I : I : 8 00 One culuinn. i : 1 1 14 00 $4 00 00 8 00 1 09 12 00 1? 0 14 00 18 00 85 00 20 00 Over three weeks and less than throe mottIi25 cent per iquare for each insertion. liusines notioea not exceeding SJinel ore in artad for 9.1 a Tear. Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued until forbid, and oharged according to these terms. JOB PRINTIN G. An extensive stork of Jobbing materia cnalilt'H tlio Fulilislirr oftlie "Republican' to nMnotmre lo tlie publie Unit ho is jirepa red to do ull kinds of PdfTKR.', l'Alirill.BTS, rnOllBAMllF.K, Blanks, Taper Books, Cmeui."., Laiiki.s, Ham. Ticket?, liANnniu.s, nnd every kind of printing usually done in o country jub o flier. All orders nill bo executed with neat nett and despatch. O. B. OOODLANDl'R .' CO. 1) W. HAYS, Justise vf the Fence, will attend . promptly to collodions and wilier matters eft in bis charge. Address Kersey, Elk CO., Fa. Oct. 3d I860, tj. DANIEL GOODLANDER, Jl SlItE vf tlx peace Lullicrtburg, Clcnifleld Co. r., will attend primptly to all businr.s entrusted to ait car. Wart-h 28, 1SC0? y. pd. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of LloR Run, fire miles frem Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturer)) of Lumber, July 23, 1852. J. D. THOMPSON, 1 lacksmlth, Wogona, Buggies, Ac. Ac., Ironed 1) on short notice, and the very best style, at bis old stnnd in the borough of Curwenaville. Dee. 20, 1853. DR. M. WOODS, baring changed his loca tion from Curwonsvi'Ie to Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional services to the citinena of the latter plaea and vicinity. Residence on Second etroet, opposite ti at of J. Crans, Esq. my 1 1156. J. 0. HARTSWICK, M- D. Phyalelau and Burgeon, Clearfield Pa., May 30, I860. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal businesi entrusted to bis care, in the several Courts of Clearfield nnd adjoining counties. Office, the one formerly occupied by O. R. Barrett Oct. 28th, I860 ly. J)U. O. W. STEWART Physician and Surgeon, oilers his profes sional services to the cltliens of New Wash ington nnd surrounding community. Office three doors west of the Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. M, 186. JOHN HUIJJEKOPER. Civil Engineer it Land Surveyor, offers his professional services to tho citizens of Clear Old county. All business entrusted to him will bo promptly nnd faithfully executod. Office with Leonard, Finney Co. LEVEIl FLFGAL, Justice of the peace Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bia care. lie also informs the public that he keeps constantly on hand at hia shop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and whips, which he will acll on reasonable Ire ins. April 4, IHOO. DENTAL CARD. AM. SMITH offora hia professional services . to tho Ladles nnd Gentlemen of Clear field and vicinity. All operations performed with neotness nnd despatch. Being familiar with all the lute iinprovntcnls, he is prepared to make Artifirial Tectlt in tbe beat manner. Office iu Shaw't new row. Sept. 14th, 1858. ly. JA. n. I.AntttMKR. . TPJST I A It K I. MICK TKST, Attorneys at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will attond promptly to Col tAions, Land Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Cloarfield, Centre and Elkcouhlice. July 30. y 1 OliKRT J. WALLACE, Arroitsitr at Law, IV Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shan't Row, op posite tho Journal office. dec. 1, 1858. tr. " MOOUKit ETZWiLEK, Whole-Mile and Retail Merchant. Also extcusive dealer in timber, tawed luind bcr and shingle. Also, dealers in flour an tral n, which will bo told cheap for cuk. Oct I I, 1859. CLEARFIEO STOJiE WARE TOTTERy. Thankful for past favor and solid (lous of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I hare on band again, aud will constantly keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of tbe Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery, uch a Cream crocks, milk puns, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing rfc. rfc. ; and nlsu an extensive assortment of different sir.ee nod patterna of brncketa and rosettes for crnico on bouses, and other moul -dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notice. Ala fir brick mado and kept for aalo. ffT'A liberal reduction on pricea mvl to wbolesnlo dealer. F. LEITZINGKR. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. NEW HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully bega lcaro to announce that he recently rented a house in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfiold eounty, Pa,, for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all other who may favor biia with a call. Hit table will alwayt be supplied with as good at tho markets afford; and do paina will be spared to render hit gueett comfortable while under hi roof. To which the facta that no in. toxioaling liquors of any kind will be kept about the premise, will he trust, contribute in no small degive. While, what laalway Important to the traveller, the best attention will be given, by careful hostler to that faithful companion of bis journey, his patient atoed. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. large lot vf BEANS (or tJ at th Do , Store f , M1.MILL A filOLSR, . . ' i . 1 1 HERRELL & BIGLER ' Keep constantly ou hand, at their old etund ou Secoivl lret, CLEARFIELD, V A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE. LOCKS OF VARIOUS KIM, PAINT MILLS, Scales of all kinds which will weigh from one 02. tu 4,0K) pound.?, TEW RACKS, MEAT OUTERS AND STUFF ERS ofdifl'erent styles, A a lurge assortment of Carriage Holts, A general assortment of Mechanics' Tools, i.rindstoxes and ck.ixks, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac, COPPER KE TTLES, Of the best ijr airly, Monroes patent egg-whips, .1 GREAT VARIETY OF APPLE J'ARERS, A general assortment of Plows and Plow-wings, A largo aud well assorted stock of IE Jiff-Sir m small Hai.Es, They havo a very extensive assortment of STOVES, which they wil' sell on tho most ndvantit geous terms, Also a very largo stock of Stove-Pipc. to which they desire socially to cull tho attention of Wttokude Dealers; STOVE-nrE COLLARS, Stove D 1 a e k I g, CORN S1IELLERS, CORN GRINDERS, Siw Gummers' cf'C., Ac. They wish also to direct the Bpecial at tention of owners, of houses, mill, and other building" to their stock or LIGHTNING RODS, which they are prepared to loll at tho very lowest prices. They havo also an extensive assortment of TINWARE, which they will disposo of at reduced pricea; at (really reduced rates ; Glass, Oils, Paints, Portable Heaters and Register?, BUGGY SPRINGS, Sievo Wire, 11 orso-shoo Nails, Dumb-Bell?, 0 A-R -RINGS, Quoits, Ac, Ac, Ac., They keep also a general assortment of Agricultural Implements, such as are needed in this section of country. Tho following articles will be taken IN EXCHANGE for aiiiclos in our line ot business ; OLD MONEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, RAGS, SHINGLES, O ARD S, GRAIN, HIDES, Beeswax, Tallow Ac, We invito everybody to givo us a cull an J examine our articles, Mil we teel satisfied that we cn suit them in quality and pri e e s . HERRELL & BIGLER. Clearfitld, P., Oct. 24, I860. RUSSELLS' IMPROVED I FLEXIBLE HARROW, Patented Jnn. 17, 'CO "Vf need an Improvement In Harrows," it a remark sot anfrequtatly heard among farmers. Among the few improvement which have here Itfor been made in tbl important and naoul, wcmrgktiay indispensable implement of hus bandry, it would seem that none of them hat fully met the wanta of tho Agriculturist Some or too heavy, aome too complicated and costly, and all are liable to the objection that they or only adapted to certain kinda of ground, for while it is easy to get up a harrow that will work well on smooth, clear and levol ground, it ia not o easy to Undone that will answer a good yvrpoio in new ground, among stumps or on a hilly and undulating surface, but when you get one, of tho latter class, you may rest assured that it will also give satisfaction on a smooth surface. The undersigned confidently believe that this object is fully attained In thit improvement, and would call tbe attention of Practical tad Scientific agriculturist to the following import n foBiiirnn which characterise it. First, it ' simplicity ; tecondly, itt strength and durability, I nnd lastly itt ndnptednesa to any and all kii'ds ofsurfuco. Tuo following nainetl pracucni Farmort, of Clearfield County, who hnve used it this teasoo, that testify to iu We tbe undersigned farmers ofPenn tp., Clear field co., and Stale of Pennsylvania, having used Russell's Improved Flexible Harrow, havo no hesitation in saying that it bal given entire sat isfaction nnd that from it simplicity and cheap, nest it should speedily como into genoral use. OEO- yULl-EUTON, K. Y. JIUOOKS, S. DEKItlCK. I). WRIGLF-SWOKTII, T. DOUGHERTY, JOHN W. DERRICK, JOHN A. MURTHY, WM. A. MOORE, JOS. O. RUSSELL. Tbe "Scientific American," a paper which the' tcienaifio world is well acquainted speaks thus in reference to it, "The harrow ia on of the most important agricultural implementa, a much dependa upon the top pulveriting or dress ing of the soil, both before and after tbe seed is own, for the tncctst of the future crop." After describing it, it continues : "Thit combination harrow is so simple, that it It superfluous to ex tend fur Harrowing either well cleared cr rongb ground. The undersigned, have purchased the right to make, eell, use, and transfer their right to do the tame, within tho county of Clearfield, and are now prepared to furnish the articlo to alt who wish ro purchase, on reasonable terms. They will also sell individual rights to make and usethotamo. MKHKELL A DIULER. Clacrficld, Oct. 24, 1860. List of Traverse Jurors lor an adjourn ed Court commencing on the 12th of November 1860. rik Abuv liloomjr Jos. M. Spencer. Daniel Bailey. Huston iefTerson Bundy. Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Dale. Gulich J. A. Hegarty. Danl Fulker son. Ferguson Geo. M'Cracken. Geo. Straw John Straw. J. S. Williams, Albert. Young. .... Lumber City John lsroomull. John Ferguson. Jordan Wm. Pusey. John Patterson Brady Fred Kohler, Jos. Seylor, Geo. Ellingcr. Jackson Long. Lawrence J. K. Kceu. Knox Levi M'Cracken N. Washington II. D. Rose. Burnside 0. C, Mitchell. Peter Ruth. Joseph, llutlon. Union B. F. Ifarley. Hugh Kriso. Covington J. B. Renaud. Graham-Wm. Nile. Beecarift Wm M'Coy. Bell Robert Elder. John Orr. Morris Peter Royhorn. Chest Daniel Gorman. !!! DEATH III To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA R'X" "COSTA R'S" Rat, Roach dc. Ex terminator. "VUSTAJIS" "COSTA R'S" Led Hg Exterminator. "CWTAR'S" "COSTA R'S" Electric Powder or h sect i. DESTROYS INSTANTLY Rat, Roaches, Miee, Moles, Ground-.liee, Bed-hues, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Incects on Plunts.TnKer.ls on Animals, (f-c. m short every form nnd species of 10 venrs established in Xnw Ynrh Pi'lv used by the City Post Oflice- the City Pris on anil btiuion houses the city Steamers, Shins Ac., tho City Hotels. "Astor," "St. Nicholns," Ac., and by moro than 20,000 private tannics. B3!u.Di'upgists and .Retailers everywhere sell lliem. &WX-Roholesale Agents in ull large Cities irjuReguIar sizes, 25c, 50c, A $ I Boxes Bottles, Flasks. 6r3u! M Beware ! ! ! of spurious imitations. Kxnmino each Box, Bottle A Flusk, and take nothing but "ijostar V P- A.5d.00 Boxes sent bv mail. IU?3 A ?5.00 by Express. BFfiuAddrcss orders or for Circular, lo HENRY It. COSTA R, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. WuSOLD BY LORAIN K A IX). March 17th. Clearfield Pa. IXECUTOIVS NOTICK. Letter teaui- itnentaiy having beon grantod to the under signed on i he Estate of the Rev. Timothy Lee, late of Jliirnaide tp., Clearfield co., l a. Ann all pcreons knowing tliemaclvc indebted t said et tale are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against it are requested to prescn t them to Jacob W. Campbell in Veil tp. or Washington Gardner of Purnside tp. w ictiTVflTnvni vnws 1 -. rt. Oct. 3d, 1800 fit. auad v3isn1tli5E3i2)ici The tubtcriber will tend (fret of charge) to all who dceire it, the Rocipe and direction for mak ing a aimple Ytqtlablt Bam, that will, in frem two to eight daya, remove Pimples, Blotches, Ta t'rttklf, Sallowneat, and all impurities and rouchnos of th Skin, liavinc the ame-as Na ture intended it should be mfl, dear, atnoolA aiirf benuiiul. Those dotiring the Reeeipe, with mil instruction, direction, and advice, will picas tall oa or address (with return postage.) JAS. T. MARSHALL, PaAmcAL Cbkmist, No. SI City llnlldings, N.York. Aug.'22th 1860.-.-Jmo. BIncksm thing:. JAME3 CROSSLY carrteaoa Blacktmithing In the boroagh of Lumber city, where he will Macula nromntlv all work entrusted to him. and execute it in a work manlike manner, July 4, 1880. ly. AN excellent quality of Flour for sale low at th tU.r of W. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, July 11th, IS 60. s keleton SkirU, a large variety at reduced pri oa at Irvins corner itor. Curwensvin is, 'ou. PURIFY THE BLOOD. VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTEES. Tbe high and envied celebrity which these pre-emitent medicine have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diaeasei which they profess to cure, baa rendered tbe uanal practice of m-. - .ni ...iMittrt. hut nnwovthv of mem. Thev are known by their fruit I their goed work test'fy for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. In all cabm of Asthma. .Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affection of the li ladder and Kid ney. Lilliou Fever and Liver Complaint, In tho touth and west, where tbete diteaset pre vail they will be found invaluable. Planter, Farmcra,and othors, who once use tbeso medicine will never afterword be without them. Dyspepsia. No person with thia distressing discuso should delay using these medicine im mediately. Eruption of the skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, Fever and Ague. For thit tcourgo of tbe western country these medicines will be jound a safe, tpeedy, and certain renitdy. Other medicine loava tho system tubjoctto a return of the disease a ture by theae medicine ia Per manentTry them, be satisfied, and be cured. Mcrcural Diseases. Never fails to eradi- oate entirely all tbe effect of mercury infinitely sooner than the irust powerful preparation of Sarsnparilla. Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com-' plaints of all kinds, Orgaaie Affections, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cholic. Piles. The original proprietor of these medi cine wa cured of Pilo of 35 years standing by the use of these Life medioinet alono, Worma of all kinds, are effectually cured by those uiedicinot. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. TnS LIFE FILL A!CD mOEXlX BITTERS Purify the blood, nnd thus remove all disease from the system. A tingle trial will place the Lire Pill and Piior.Mix Bitter beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. TErFrepared and told by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3.1i Brodway, cor. Worth St., Now Tork. Feb. 29th 1880. lyr. LOOK 1IKU12! LOOK II Kit K! T II E undersigned aubscribera, tnke thia meth od of informing the public generally, that they bare thia day entored into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at tbe shop formerly occupied by J. Sbunkwiler, on Third street, in thia bo- rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customers, and at many new unot as can make it convenient to give them a call. Firing on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall then go bare Your t peart will work up then just right. To proouing hooks for every height. lour twordt too, shall then be wrought. To plougbsharei tuch at Cain no'er bought. JACOB 6HUNKWILER, UEO. W. OR 11. Ctoarfuld, Dtccniber 8, 1858 tf. LINDSEY'S IMPROVED " Blood Scnt'cJicr !! A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro A.L DISEAfcKS arising from IMPU RITY OF THE BLOOD. ot Thia medicine ha wrought tho most Diiracu lou cure in desperato caca of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on tho face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepjla, Jaundice, Morcuriul Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous formntion, Erysipelua, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Rheumatie Disorder'. Cortiveness, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appotite, Foul Stomach, Female Complaints, and all Diseases havlne their orgin in an impure state f the Blood. The above Is a portrait of David M'Crcnry, Anpiei township, who, on the 31st day of Aug, lO-.Q .... 1- fl! 1 i . . , T , D. .aao, . ii .uimi gnnn rfusiigo uorioy mat .'."l"",V ' ""p-r oy lureo hhVHi,inni nf 11 (lr,...l An.ii.lv .ml I. h Tk. X . . w- ton oftbo Lloctne College in Cincinnatti, .for a I,! 1 "'K'" noiwitusiandiug .... ,,P, u . .im . poruon 01 i ia icit cuecK wore enurciy enicn away ! lie Had given up r.11 h,pc, when be heard of the "Blood Search- er, and wat induced to try It. Four bottlet cared him, and a thnugh sadly disfigured, there it no ques ion but what thi. nvaluable medicine saved I hi. life. The full particular of th . case ' V., . ' mv u VI We . lso refer to the case ofNanc, Bleakney, of Lldortown, Armatreng eounty, Pa., cured of three year. Totheasof a lady in Ansonsville, Clear- field county, who wai alto aOlicted with Scrofula in its worst form. ) To the case of George Jcisol, residing in Carl, town, Cambria count, Pa., who wa to badly af- fiicted with Cancer that it eot hi entire nose off. ' nd hit case wut ,worso, If notsible, than1 McCreary't. The particular of these cases every one of f which wat cured by the us of the Blood Searcher i may also be found in a oirculai to ba had of any of the Agents, R. M. LEMON, Propriotor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, noa tho Pa, Railroad Depot, llollidayaburg. Pa. Dr. Geo. II. Keyser, Wholesale Agent Pitt, burgh Pa. POR SALE BY C. D. Walton. Clearfield i John Potton, Curwensvlll ; Jame B, Graham, Grahampton K. F. Brenner, Morrlsdale John Russell, Ponnvllle ; R. H. Moore, Lntheribnrg ; M. O. Stirk, New Millport; C, R. Foster, Phil ipsburg; II, Swan, Ansonville Rnasoll McMur- ray, IStn ) ashington Kdward Williams, Wil. liarasville; Jackaon Patch on, Burntido; Sumuel Uogarty, Glen Hope, Feb. lit I860. A FARM FOR SALE The nndortigned offer, for eolo, a valuable farmin.Penn townahip ; formerly owned and now ooeupiod by Richard Denver jri containing about 80 acres, bounded by land of John P. Hoyt, Thoa. Martin and Jonathan Wain, on mile west of Pennrille. From 40 to 60 acre, cleared a good fr.ime dwelling house, a log barn, and other building! ereoted thereon. Alto a good bearing orchard aad a aever failing tpring on th. premites, and will b .old en reasonable terms. For which apply to Wm. Ir- vin Curwenaville, RICHARD DENVER, Sen. j Aug. 22th 1800.--3u. Pens township. DRUG ffv VARIETY J. G. HARTSWICK, TT AS just received from tb Eastern cities, XL and opened at hit NEW STORE ROOM oa MARKET STREET, two door west of Third, the inott extensive assortment o( isnig, Medicines, Paint. Oil, Varnithei, Dye-Stuffa, Tobacco A Segnrs, Toilet articles, Perfumery, Blank booka, Stationary, Cutlory, Miscellaneous And Fancy Articles Ac. Ac, ever offered to the public in this secticn of the country. Ho Drtiffs and Chemicals, of which he u, extc,iTe ,fMrtmtntt ha'v been aelect- ed with especial reference to their quality and freahncsa. Hit stock of Oils and Paints will eonaixt of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, Red 4. White lend, dry and ground in oil, Span 'sh broWD; V?,niti, red' follow and Stone ochre j.aui)juiucK, jiock icau, ivory uiaca, iuincse a American vormiUion, paria green, pari, Ultra marine and Prussian blue, dry and ground in oil, Carmine, Chrome green t- yellow, Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, lake black, Emery, Gluo, Quma, Copal, Daniar and Shellac, Indian red, Litharge, Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten ttono, Rose pink, English and American, Rooin, Scarlet, (or pcrsian red,) Terra Sienna, Turkey umbro, Ver digris, blue it- whito Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty aud putty knives, Glass of all tizei and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac. rf c. Dye-stuffs & Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip ped and ground. Indigo, Madder, Annntto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red saundcrt ; Copal, Coach, Black for leather, Japan for dying, Map, Mastic, White Dauiar, White spiHt and Flowing Varnih. Tobncro Segars : Cavendish, best, Natural leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist, Fine cut of all kinds, and pride of the JIurcin, tobacco; Kappoo n i Scotch snnflr: hi pbaoton, Henry tlav, punch, Luchica, El mono, Ac, Segars Utank Hooks and Stationary. Ledgers, Day -books. Receipt and Note-books, Diaries, La dies nnd Oflico Portfolios, Blnnk parchment and finper Deeds, I!ondn, Mortgages, and nil other egnl blnnk. Foolfcnp, letter, Note, Business and drawing paper, Envelope, Ready reference Files, Annear't oud Arnold' writing fluid, Ink, black, bine, and carmine, Steel Pens nnd Pen holders, Paper clips, mucilage, and all other ar ticles in the Stationary line. Toilet b Fancy Articles & Perfumery. Hair bruties, American, French A Kn-rli.-li, with Ivo ry, Shell, Pearl, Bufiulo, Satinwood, Rosewood A ornamented backs, nil qualities ; Cloth brushes Hat brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualitie ; Miavlng brushes, American, English and trench with Russia bristles and Badger' hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb brufbes and Cleaner, Tortoise ahelt Tuck eombs, Tortoise aboil, Ilain & Fancy 'and India rubber Lone Combs ; She!, Buffalo, Horn nnd India rubber pud' aids Combs ; India rubber Drossing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all stylo ; Miglin Juliet combs with handles; lion net combs r Ivory nnd Gutta percha fine tooth comb; Pocket combs, all styles : American, French A Gorman Cologne A Laren Icr waters ; Lubin's, Taylor'a, Wright's, Mungonct A Conway' ex tracts fur tlio linn Jkerchiof, of a great varioty of styles; Burnett' Cocaine, Barry's Trlcopboroua, Lyon's Cathairun, Eau, Lustral, Bears, Massnccnr, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomudes, nnd Philocoom, American and French all atyleaand prices cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge Balls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling salts, Bulmofa thousand flovors, tooth parte, tooth paste, charcoal, rose, Ac, Ac., Sharing Compound all sites; .Military soap, Honey Soap, Chrystnline and Floating soups,, Ottoman, Yankee nnd Uallngher aonpa, Trnnspiircut and Cnstile soaps, Ac.. Ac, Miscellaneous Articles. Gents steel frame morocco and cuff Purtmonaius, Ladies silk lined pupicr Muelio, inlaid tortoise aholl, velvot nod Morocco Portinonaiea. Ladie Crotchet purees embroidered with steel bends, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pe.rl, ivory, velvet and ' papier Matbe, iroryond pear memorandum tab jels, Fino Knpi-h Morocco, Pocket Wailot, Mo. rocco and caf Pocket book, with straps and Cnsps; Bill books, and Banker' cases with lock and key; collupsion driuking cups. Medical glna. res with and without drops, F'ishing tackle, I Chnpman A E person's Razor strop cignr case Itrumb brushes. Shoo Brushes with and without I bundle Horn brushes, all qualitios. Paint ! and varnish brushes af ilzct, tin and capper i bound, Sash tools a sites, oounter and mark lng briifhcs, while wu.-h nnd scrubbing brushes. I lancy cofored feather dusters ifcc, Rich penri nuam papier mnclic, toilet case, work boxea, writing dctks, Rosewood and Mnhogony rrriting lllkulf. rhnilm.lllllil PI... l.nn.la fl ...,1m L;.l ."----'"-- '" ........ viivri ,,n, uiiva. i m Olovos, Neck tict, collars, cravat nnd ennet, La- dies Kid, Taffeta Silk and K d finished gaunt- , . ..... . .... . " icis, anu Lijic thread gauntleis, IJInck and color- ed ailk web ansponders, fronch atriped gum u. pendora, Rich cmbroidjrod suspendera. GuioU new atylo French auspendcr. Oenta. linon hand- kerchiefs, coiored border and Cambric handker- chiefs, Ladies finen handkerchicfa in great varl- et, ; Sun shade fan,, circunr French fans, can- ton feather fant of a great variety ; Fine Canton ,ira fan, with lvory Bna pait0d handos, Brack nnd mourning fans; Hair pin English and j rerun, ac. &o. Aso Patent Modiciue of er ! AM of which wi be lofd at the pricea. lowest CASn Country Physicians furntahed with Druga, OTeulcln m;g'cai instruments, at the most rtVanle,I',!s forc"h June fi, 1800. ly, JT V. V It1 I I? IW. A W II " V ' 7; rr; rt n n Pi L, W GOODS. . . J receiving and opening at the Old tUt of Lewit Smith in Bethlehem awoll aelocted a sortment of Spring and Summer Good of all moat erery description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment ( Prints and Dress Goods of tbe latest stylet, also a variety of useful No lions. HaU and Caps, Bonnett and Shawl, Boot, and Shoes, Hardware, Quoonsware, Drugs am Medicine, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Began and all articles usually ken' in a country Store, aU cheap for eaab, Give ua a call and ee for your solve. H. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May, I860. ' PLASTERING, Th. .ubcribr, having located himself in tb borough of Clearfield would Inform th public that he i prepared to do work in the abore line, from plain lo ornamen tal of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairi.g done in a neal manner and on reasonable term. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield Aprel 17, I860. ly. Cedar i 6cpt, and Willow ware at 19, I860. R. W. A CO's, WATCH & JEWELRY. THE undersigned retpectfnlry informs h it customer and th public generally, that ha hat just received from the East, and oi et. ed at hi establishment In (JRAUAM'S HO IV Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, WATcnai, and Jiwelrt of different qualities, from a (ingle pieee to a full sett, which he will tell at the most reasonable pricea for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every varioty on hand, at tbe mi it reasonable price. ALL kind of Clockt, Watohti and Jewelry, carefully repaired and rVarroncW. A continuance of patronage ia solicited, Sept, 19, 1860. U. F. NAUULE. Ssmmdlt&eir' EnLsftltaiitja Thlrty-NInth and Market Street, Fhll'a. Prof. E. D Si CORTLAND SAUNDEKM, Principals. noa. WM. BIGLER, Clearfield Wm. McKIB. BIN, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel, Phila. : Hon. J. W, FORNEY, of 'The Prest f Rev. R. WESTBROOK, of tbe S. S. Union j Hon. J. W. MAYNaRD, WiUiamaport; J. LEISENRINO, Esq., Pres't of the Lehigh Coal fc Nav- Co., and Hon. ASA PACKER, Mauch Chunk ; all of iraoiM Anne son boarding in Haunden lntitutt, win give tnelr friends who may be looking for a safe, thorough and pleasant School, any Infor mation deaired roepeoting thit Seminary. A Urove and Lawn of lit U IE I AUKli.V are attached to tne institute, lor teclusion, reo. reation and phytical exercise. 1 3m. BY, AND SILVER WARE. WE would respectfully inform our friends, patron and the publio generally, that wa have now in store and offer Wholesale and Ro. tail at tbe lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice atock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Warj of every varioty and tyle. Every description of Diamond Work andoth. r Jewelry, made to order at short notice. ,p9All gooda warranted to be aa represented, Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description. STAUFFER A HARLEY. No, C22 MARKET street, (touth tido,) Phila, Sopt. 19th, 1800. 0 mo, CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE abore Hotel, having recently been fitted up lor a house of entertainment, it now opes for the accommodation of tbe public, ti'ravelen will find this a convenient bouse. May 19 135S, yOHN J0I DAN. 18(50. 1860. THE FIRST ARKIVAL OF FALL WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD SAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO, On Market Street 2 doors north o the Court House, where they ore just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of good., suited to the wants of the commu nity for the Fall and Winter trade, which they oftl'r in Urge and small quantities on the most reasonable tCmiS CALL AND EXAMINE FOR yourselves Their assortment of DRY GOODS4 NOTIONS It very large nnd complete: embracing alraoit every article buth of fushiun nnd service. Es pecial nttontini, ha been paid to the selection ef LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which nre of cv7 variety and tho very latest styles. Silks, Delaines, Plnids, Merinos, Poplin, Alpnccas, Caidimeres, French, Scub-li and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Linnoys, Cambrics, Brilliant., Fig. und plain Bobinotts, Irish Linen Cloth Ac Black and Fancy Casfiineres, Sutinetts, jeans, Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Slripo. Ticking, Crash, Diaper, Bleached nnd unbleached mus lins A drills, Red, Grey, Whito and Canton Flat nels. Also a lurg atock of Ladies' and tlentle inens' Shawl, Double nnd Single, Stellas aa4 ClioniUc, Blark and Drub Cloth capo of till very latest fashion. To Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United States, TO engngo In tho sale of some of tho boit anJ . moat elogantly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of the most iiiterestiiif, character, a tapte i to the wanta of tbo Farmor, Mechanic and Merchant ; thoy are r ublished i the boat style and bound in the most substan tial manner, and are worthy a place in the Li brary of evory Household in tho Land. i-O.To men of enterprise aud Industrious hab its, this business offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. ft, Persons desiring to act aa ngonta will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, term, rfc, by addreasiag LEAHY. GET. A Co., Put. No. 224 North ttreet, Philadelphia. Oct 2), 1840 ly. A Splendid assortment of Ladies' Gentlemenr1 , and Children Gloves and Hosiery REED.WEAVER A COS ', Ladies' Bonnets and Uatt, trimmod andni-. trimmed, of the Latest Stylet at R. W. CO'i, i A Large and splendid stock of Dresa wa rnings, Belt, Uead Dreiaes, Notts, Pluraw c, at iu w. cut, A Large stock of Men A Boy', clothing, j1 X. . received at It. W. A CO'i Boot ft shoes of every kind for Ladies, G tlemen, and Children at R. W. d COJ Garnets. Druiiret. carnet chain. Bael J Bagging, Curlod Hair Ac., at Y R. W. at CO'i i1all and examine the Patent air-tight Jl Vand .tone jars, they are Jutt the thing J" need, for tale at R, W. A CO TTardware of every kind, kniret and t Nailt, CoW Bill XX apoona, Lock, File, Wood and Hand tawi and Mill saw. at B. W. A CO'i. A Fresh tock of groceries of every kind Jti received at REED, WEAVER, C0 rViHltna Mill anil nt Vu wa Vnnn'l ICI ' a general asaortment of Hrdwar at J" ' tor of c. A. ini"' ; Curwenaville, May 16,1860 TT AM, Side, Mackerel and Herring for J.-L Llow at the store of W.F.ittl3- Clearfield, July Uth 1860. Dissolution of Partnerships The co-partnership heretofore existing btwjj Thoma A John Hill in th woollen businesi Bridgeport Utbi day disaolred by mutual tent, all payment art to be made to Tbos, P who will her after conduct the wm butineti tb old .tand. Bridgport,Oct 9th 1860. 3lp. jouUUJ 1 ! t' i