'."-gtgtjttblican. Term ol Kubacriptiou. )f paid in advance, or wilbin thre months, $1 2J If puid any time within the year, ... 1 40 If paid after tho expiration uf th year, - 2 00 Termi of Advertising. Advertisement are iaser ted in the Republican t tl. r.illiiwinir rntel ! 1 Insertion. 2 do. I ne square, (lllines,) $50 $75 Two squares, (23Iinos.) 1 00 1 40 Sbree squares, (12 lines,) 1 40 2 S'do. tl 110 2 00 2 40 12 ino $7 00 10 00 3 inning tDO 9, One Square, : Twoequarcs, : : Tluit squares, : loiir squares, : Half a column, i ; , 4 oo : : 4 00 8 00 : i 00 S 00 : I IN ) 09 : : 8 00 12 00 . i i i nii ii nn 1? 0 14 00 18 00 One column, 84 00 we column, i . . uv (Wr thr wank and less than throe moatha 24 CPnU per iquare for each inertion. Uutines noticee not exceeding 8ines are in serted for f 2 a year. Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued until forbid, and charged according to these terma. JOB PRINTIN C. An extensive stork of Jobbing materia criaMos llio Fublitdirr ofthe "it-publican' to nnnoNMre lo tlie public tliat ho is prepa red to lo all kinds of FOSTERS, rAMIIII.KTS, TnO!HAIMr.K, J'.LANKS, TArliR BuOK8, OlIU'l'MRS, 1-AiiKi.s, Ham. Ticket, IlANmnu.s, nnd every kind of printing usually clone in a con n try jub oflkr. All orders nil bo executed with ncut Mesa nnd despatch. 0. B. OOODLANDl'R .f- CO. 1) wfllAYS, Juslite uf Ihc Pence, will attend , promptly to collections nnd wilier matters eft in bis charge. Address Kersey, Elk co,, Pa. Oct. 3 d I860, fy. DA KIEL GOODLAKDER, JL'SHtEof lb peace Lulhcrsburg, Clrntficld Co, Ta., will attend prcmptly to all lusinrsa cntrutled to tia care. Maria 2f, ltC y. pd. F.LLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of Lick Run, fire milea frem Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extenaire Manufacturers of Lumber, July 23, 1852. TrDTTHOWsON "I JlackMnlth, Wogona, Buggioa, Ac., Ac, ironed J J on short notice, and the very beat style, nihil old stand in the borough of Curwenaviile. Dee. 2H, 1353. DR. M. WOODS, baying changed bia loca Hon from CurwonavlIIe to Clearfield, res pectfully offers hii profeasional services to the citisena of the latter place and vicinity. Kesidonce on Second atreet, opposite tl it ef J. Crans, Esq. my 1 JIS6. J. 0. HARTSWICK, H. D. Physician aud surgeon, Clearfield Ta., May 30, 1860. WALTERllARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nttend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to bia care, in the several Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office, the one formerly occupied by G. R. Barrett. Oct. 2th, 1859 ly. 1)11. fl. W. STEWART Physician and Surgeon, offers his profes sional services to the citiiena of New Wash ington nnd surrounding community. Office three doora west of the Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. I I, 185. JOHN HUIDEKOPER. Civil Engineer ct Land Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Cloar fitld county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly nnd faithfully exocutod. Oflico with Leonard, Finney fc Co. LEVER EL EG A1M Justice of the peace Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will nttend promptly to all business eutrusted to bis care. , He also informs the public that be keeps constantly on hand at his shop, a general as sortment of Baddies, Bridles, Harness and whips, which he will sell on reasonable trems. April 4, IH80. DENTAL CARD. AM. SMITH offers hia professional servlcoa . to tho Ladles and Gentlemen of Clear livid and vicinity. All operations performed with neatnosa nnd despatch. Being fnmiliiir with all the late iinprovmcnts, he is prepared to make Artificial Tec til in the boat manner. Office in Shaw's new row. Sept. 14th, 1858. lrj. j as. n. l.AnniMrR. .. ... a. ....... r. n. ,. , I. TKST " A It It I M I ' ll .fc TINT AtlArhv. .1 T aw I J Clearfield, Pa., will attohd promptly to Col- i . . . i : ; . 1 , a. it iaioiih, i,imi AjieucivB, ao.t aci, in licuruciu, Centre and l'.lkcouhtice. July 30. y OliERT J. WALLACE, Arroimitr at Law, IV Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shaw'l Row, op- I'otiio mo journal ouice. dee. 1, 1858. tf. MOOKK k ETZWiLEK, Wholesale and ltctall Merchant. Also extensive dealer in timber, sawed luind ber and shingles. Also, dealers in hour an grain, which will be fold cheap fur cash. Oct II, 1859. CLEARFIELD STOKE WARE POTTERy. Thankful for past favors and eolicitious of fu turo patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, aud will constantly keep at tho Pottery in this bornngh, on the cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery, such as Cream crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casiug rfo. rfe. ; and also an extensive assortment of different sizes and patterns of brackets and rosettes for cornice on bouses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be trade to Older on short notice. Also fire brick mado and kept for aale. .Mt-A liberal reduction on prices mvie to wholesnlo dealers. F. LEITZINGER. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. NEW HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully begs leave te announce that he recently rented a house in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa,, for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all others who mar favor him Willi a call. His table will always be supplied with as good aa tho markets afford) and no pains will be spared to render bis gueete comfortable while under bis roof. To which the facta that no In. toxioating liquors of any kind will be kept about the premise, will ha trusts, contribute In no small degree. While, what is always important to th traveller, th best attention will be given by careful hostler to that falthfnl companion of his journey, his patient steed. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. largo lot uf SEAN'S lor sal at to Ij . Hot ef . ilLKWLL A B10LER, HERRELL & BIGLER ' Keep constantly ou hand, nl their old aland ou Scon4 ttet, CLEARFIELD, V A A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE. LOCKS OF VARIOUS KIXLW, PAINT MILLS. Scales of all kinds which will weigh from one oz. to 4,0(KJ pounds, TEW RACKS, MEAT OUTERS AND STUFF ERS ofdifl'erent styles, A r lurt'e assortment of Carriage Bolls, A general assortment of Mechanics' Tools, CiMNDSTOXm AND CRANKS, ic, Ac, Si.c,t &c, COPPER KETTLES, Of the best rjr airly, Monroes patent egg-wliips, .1 (SHEA T VARIETY OF APPLE J'ARERS, A gonernl assortment of Plows and Plow-wings, A largo and well assorted stock of E3iir2irnm amil Hails, They have n very extensivo assortment of STOVES, which they wil! sell on tho most advanta geous terms, Also a very largo stock of Stovc-Pipe. to which they desiro specially to call tho attention of Wiokiate Dealw, STOVE-rirE COLLARS, Stove B 1 k i a g, CORN SHELLERS, CORN GRINDERS, Saw Cummers' f-c, Lo. They wish also to direct the special at tention of owners, of houses, mill, and other building to their stock of LIGHTNING RODS, which they aro prepared to sell at tho very lowest prices. Tliev have also an extensive assortment of TINWARE, which they will disposo of at reduced price; at greatly reduced rates; Glass, O i 1 8, Paints, Portable Heaters and Registers, BUGGY SPRINGS, Sieve Wiro, Horso-shoo Nails, Dumb-Bcllir, OAR -RINGS Quoits, Lc, ic, tc, They keep also a general assortment of Agricultural Implements, such as aro needed in this section of country. Tho following articles will be taken IN EXCHANGE for articles in our line ot business ; OLD MONEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, BAGS, SHINGLES, O A It 1) S, GRAIN, HIDES, Does-wax, Tallow Ac, We invito everybody to give us a coll and examine our articles, and we tool satisfied that we can suit them in quality and pri e e s . MERRE1L & BIGLER. Clearfitld, Fa., Qi. 24, 1860. r RUSSELLS' IMPROVED FLEXIBLE HARROW, rnteiUed Jan. 17, 'CO. "We need an Improvement In Harrows," i a remark not anfrequeatly heard among farmers. Among the few Improvement which have here tefur been made in thla Important and nseul, wewifgktsay indispensable implement of hus bandry, it would seem that none of them has fully met the want of the Agriculturist. Bomo are too beavv, some too complicated and costly, and all are liable to the objection that they are only adapted to certain kinds of ground, for while it is easy to get up a harrow that will work well on smooth, clear and level ground, It is not ao easy to find one that will anawer a good purpose lu new ground, among stamps or on a hilly and undulating surfaeo, but when you got one of tho latter class, you may rest ajsured that it will also give satisfaction on a smooth surface. The undersigned confidently believe that this object is fully attained In this improvement, and would call the attention of Practical and Scientific agriculturists to the following import which characterise it. First, its ' simplicity ; secondly, it strength and durability, I nnd lintlv ita adnntedneaa to anv and all kirds ofsurfnee. Tho following named practical Fanners, of Cloarficld County, who have usod it this season, thus testify to it. We the undorsigned farmers of Penn tp., Clear field co., and Stale uf Pennsylvania, having usod Russell's Improved i' loxiblo Harrow, have no heuitalion in saying that it has given entire sat isfaction nnd that from its simplicity and cheap ness it should speedily corao into general use. GEO' FUUJiKTON, K. W. JHIOOKS, S. DEISRICK, B. WKIGLESn'OHTII, T. DOUGHERTY, JOHN W. DERRICK, JOHN A. MUItrilY, WM. A. MOORE, JOS. G. RUSSELL. The "Scientific American,' a paper which the' scienaifle world is well acquainted speaks thus in reference to it, "The harrow is one of tho most important agricultural implements, as much dependa upon tho top pulverising or dress ing of the soil, both before and after the seed is onrn, for the snccess of the future crop." After describing it, it continues : "This combination harrow is so simple, that it is superfluous to ex tend for Harrowing eithor well cloared cr rough ground. The undersigned, have purchased the right to make, sell, use, and transfer their right to do the same, within tho county of Clearfield, and are now prepared to furnish the article, to all who wish (o purchase, on reus3nauie terms, iney will also sell individual rights to make nnd use tho same. MKURELLit 13IULKR. Clacrficld, Oct. 24, 1860. List of Traverse Jurors lor aa adjourn ed Court commencing on the 12th of November 1860. rik Abuv Bloom jr Joi. M. Spencer. Daniel Bailey. Huston Jefferson Bundy. Bradford Matthew Wilson'. John Dale. Gulich-J. A. Ilegnrty. Danl Fulker son. Ferguson Geo. M'Crncken. Geo. Straw John Straw. J. S. Williams, Albert. Young. Lumber City John Brooroali. John Ferguson. Jordan Wm. Tusey. John Patterson Rrndv Fred Kohler. Jos. Sevlor. Geo. Ellingcr. Jackson Long. Lawrence j.ii.icceu. Knox Levi M'Cracken N. Washington II. D. Hose. Burnside C. C. Mitchell. Peter Ruth. Joseph. Hiulon. Union a. r . llarley. llugli Knsc. Covington J. B. Renaud. Graham-Wra. Nile. Beccaria Wm M'Coy. Bell-Robert Elder. John Orr. Morris Peter Roy horn. Chest Daniel Gorman. !!! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA R'fi" "COSTA R'S" " COSTA R'S" "COSTA R'S" "COSTA R'S" Jfnf, Roach l'c. Exterminator, Red Rug Exterminator. "COSTA R'S" Electric Powder for h&tctt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY RnU, Roaches, Mire, Moles, Ground-.ilce, Bed-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Plants, Insects on Animals, f c. in short every form nnd species of 10 years established in New York City usedbv the Oil v Tost Oflice- f lift t'itv TVia- on and Station houses the city Steamers, Mims&c., tho City Hotels. "Aslor," "St. Nicholas," Ac., and by inoro than 20,tHKl private funnies. 3)uDriiggists and Retailers everywhere sell them. eWX-seholesale Auents in ull large Cities BfJuRegular sizes, 2ic, 5"c., A$l Boxes Hollies, Husks. B3u!ll Beware ! ! ! ofepuriousiroitations. Examine each Box, Bottle l Flask, nnd take nothing but "CostarV SVa.$I.0O Boxes sent bv mail. Mu?3 4 5.(10 by Express. (.Address orders or for Circular, lo HENRY R. COSTA It, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. B3uS0LIBY LOKAIKK&CO. March 17th. Clearfield Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Loiter testa mentaiy having been granted to the undor signed on I he Estate of the Rev. Timothy Lee, lute of Burnside tp., Clearfield Co., Fa. And all persons knowing themselves indebted te said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and thos having clniuia against it are requested to present them to Jacob W. Campbell in Veil tp. or Washington Gardner of Burnside tp. JACOll W. CAMl'KLU 1 WASHINGTON QAllDNEs J Oct 3d, 1860 fit. Ex'rs. The subscriber will send (r of charge) to all who desire it, the Recipe and directions for mak ing a simple Vegetable Ham, that will, in frem two to eight days, remove Timplea, Blotches, Tan Vretklt; Sallowncss, and all impurities and roughness of th Skin, 1 laving the lame a Na ture intended itahould be--t, efear, smootA atirf beautiful, Thoso desiring th Reeeipe, with full instructions, direction., and advice, will please call a or addresi (with retam portage.) JAS. T.MARSHALL, Practical Chemist, No. 11 City Baildioga, N.York. Aug. 22th I860. ! mo. Ulncksm thin g JAMES CROSSLY carries on Black.mithing in the boroagh of Lumber city, where he will execute promptly all work entrusted to him, and execute it in a work manlike manner. July , I860. ly. A N excellent quality of Floor for sal low at 2X. th store or w. r, m rr la. Clearfield, July 11th, I860. s kelelon Skirts, a large variety at reduced pri- os at Xrvins cornet stor. vurweosvmt io, ou. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-emitent medicines have acquired for their invariable: ctficaey in all the disease, which they nrofeia to cur, has rendered the usnal practice of imffinir not onlv unnecessary, but unworthy of tnem. Tbey are known by their frniU; their eno.1 works teat'fv for them, and they thriv not' by th faith of the eredulou. j la all clan of Asthma, Acuta and Chronic Rheumatism, Affection of the II ladder and Kid- I ney. Uillious ever ana i.iver tcmpiaims. In tho south and west, where these diseases pre vail they will be found invaluable Planter, Farmcrs,and othors, who once use these medicines will never afterword be without them. Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicine im mediately. Eruptions of the skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, Fever and Ague. For this scourge of the western country these medicines will be jound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave tho system subject to aretur of the disease a sure by these medicines is Per manentTry them, be latisfted, and be cu'ed. Mcrcural Disease, Never fails to eradi- oate entirely all the effects of mercury infinitely sooner than the tasst powerful prepwation of SarsiiDnrilla. Night sweats, Nervon Debility, Nervous Com' plaints of all kinds, Orgoaic Affections, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Painter' Cholic. Piles. The original proprietor of these medi cines wa cured of Pile of 35 years standing by the use of these Life medicine, alone, Worm, of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicine, Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is iu.pected. Relief will I certain. the Lire raw ad raoExix bitters Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LtrE Pii.u and Phokxix Bitters beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. iTPrepared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwny, cor. Worth St., Now Tork. Feb. J9th I860. lyr. look iiintui look hurt:: THEundersigned subscribers, take this meth od of informing the publio generally, that they bare this day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo-, rough, where they will be pleased to see tue r oiu customers, and as many new one as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, Ko three-year old shall then go baro. Your speara will work up then just right, To proouing hooks for every height. Your swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshare such as t'ui'a ne'er bought. JACOB 6HUNKWILER, UEO. W. OKU. Cloarfild,J)lccmber 8, 1858-tf. LINDSEY'S IMlHtOVEl) Blood Searcher!! A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro oi ALL DIKEAaVKS arising from IMPU RITY OF THE BLOOD. Thie medicine ha. wrought tho most Bilracu lous cure, io desperato eves of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercuriul Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous formation, Krysipelue, Boils, Sore Eyes, Pcnld Head, Rheumatic Disorder. Coptivcncss, Salt Rheum, (lencrul Debility, Loss of Appotite, Foul Stomach, Female Complaints, and all Diseases bavin their ergin in an impure state f the Blood. The above is a portrait of David M'Crenry, Napier towmdilp, who, on the Slat day of Aug. I8j8, made affidavit betore Justice Oorley that be was treated fir the cure of f nncir by threo physicinns of B.dford county, and by Dr. New. lets, nnd Lylc thread gauntlets, Black and color .on of the Eloetrie College in Cincinnatti, for a edsilk web snspondcrs, fronch striped gum sus period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding pendors, Rich embroidirod suspenders, GuioU which, bis lip. nose and a portion of his loll new stylo Fronch suspenders, Gents, linon hand cheek wore entirely entcn away ! He had given kerchiefs, colored border and Cambric handkor up nil hope, when he heard of the "Blood Search-' chiefs, Ladic. finen handkerchiefs In grcnt vnrl er, and wo. induced to try It. Four bottles ety; Sun shade funs, circular French funs, can cared him, and although sadly disfigured, there ton feather funs ofa grent variety ; Fine Canton is no question but what this Invaluable medicine ,,(, fan with ivory and painted hnndlos, Black sareu oi in, ine iuu particular, ot tins case may oe seen in a circular, wnua can ne una ot Fredcb, Ac, Ac Also Patont Modiolus, of v any of the Agents. ! ery variety. V also refer to the case of?.Bny Bleakney,! oi r,iucriown, Armstrong county, 1'a., curea oi Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed far, three vears 1 To th cast of a lady io Ansonsville, Clear V ..... ... field county, who wai also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To the case of George Joisol, residing in Carl town, Cambria count, Pa., who wa so badly af-, flirted with Cancer that it eat hi entire nose off, ' and his case was ,woro, if possible, than ' McCreary'a. I The particular, of these case every one of 1 which w. cured by the us of tho Blood Soarchor j may also be found in a circula to be had of I any of the Agents, R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and .ate, noa the Pa, Railroad Depot, Hullidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Agent Pitt burgh Pa. FOR HALE 11V C. D, Wation, Clearfield jonn ration, uurwenavuie ; James is, uraham, . .. ... . Grahnmpton K. F. Brenner, Morrisdale ; John Russell, Ponnville ; H. II. Moore, Luthorsburg ; M. O. Stirk, New Millport C, R. Foster, Phil ipsburg; H. Swan, Ansonville; Russell McMur ray, New Washington ; Edward Williams, Wil liamivillo ; Jackson Patchen, Burnsiie ; Samuel llegarty, Glen Hope, Feb. 1st 1860. A FARM FOR SALE The undorsigned offer for salo, a valuable farm in. Penn townihii ; formerly owned and now occupied by Richard Denver jri containing about 80 acre., bounded by land of John P. Hoyt, Tho. Martin and Jonathan Wal n, on nail west of Pennville. From 40 to 60 acre cleared a good fr.ime dwelling house, a log barn, and other building, ereoted thereon. Alio a good bearing orchard aad a sever failiag pring on th premi.es, aad will be told en reasonable term. For which apply to Wm. Ir vin CurwensTille, RICHARD DENVER, Sen. Aug. 22th 18G0.-3u. Feus township. DRUG 4 VARIETY J. G. HARTSWICK, . ... TTAS just received from XT and opened at his K in eastern emes, and opened at his KEW STORE RO? on MARKET 6TREET, two door woat ofThird, I W IT-I' K'I'M h h i' an rlAAM Aat At ntffl th most extonsir assortment of Drug, Medicine, Paints, Oil, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Tobacco & Kegars, Toilet articles, Perfumery, Blank books, Stationary, Cutlory, Miscellaneous And Fancy Articles ie. kc, ever offered to the public tn this secticn of the country. He Drntra aud Chemicals, of which he nM , exten,r, ,aSOrtment, have been select- ed with especial reference to their quality and freshnesi. Hi stock of Oils and Paints will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, Ked Jt. White lend, dry and ground In oil, Span iIsn urwn; V?,ni,i,1,n red Yellow and Stone ocbre Lampblack, Slack lead, Ivory black, Chinese Amoriean vermillion, parte green, pari, Ultra marine and Prussian blue, dry and ground in oil, Carmine, Chrome green f- yellow, Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, lake fc black, Emery, Qluo, Oums, Copal, Damar and Shellac, Indian rod, Litharge, Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten stone, Rose pink, English and American, Rowiin, Sennet, (or persian red,) Terra Sienna, Turkey unibro, Vor iligrir, blue if- whito Vitriol, Whiting, ine, pat ty aud putty knives, Glass of all size and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac. rf c. Dye-stunk & Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip ped nnd ground. Indigo, Madder, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red aaundcrs ; Copal, Coach, Black for leather, Jnpan for dying, Map, Maatic, White Damar, White spirt nnd Flowing Yarnih. Tubacro Segain: Cavendish, best, Natural leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist, F'ine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the Ihirein, tobacco ; Ilnppee an J Scotch anuffr: Kl phaeton, Henry flay, i pUnch, Lucliica, i.1 mono, o., begart, lllunk-Hooks and Stationary. Ledgers, Day-books. Receipt and Aote-books, Diaries, La' dies nnd Oflico Portfolios, Blank parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blnnks. Foolscap, letter, Note, Business and drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready reference Files, An ncar' aud Arnold' writing fluid, Ink, blnrk, bine, and rarinine, Steel Pens nnd Pen holders, Paper clips, mucilage, nnd all other ar ticles in the Stationary line. Toilet A Fancy Articles & Perfumery. Hair brulies, American, French A Kngluli, with Ivo ry, Shell, Pcnrl, Buffulo, Satinwood, Rosewood A, iirnuinentod bncks, nil qualities ; Cloth brushes Hat brushes ; Teeth brushes, various qualities; Shaving brushes, American, English and French with Russia bristles and Badger' hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb hrUKbes and Cleaner , Tortoise shell Tuck combs, Tortoise sboll, Itain i Fancy and India rubber LongCoinbs; SheW, Buffalo, Horn nnd India rubber puff side Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ; English loilet combs with handles; Bonnet, combs . Ivory nnd fjutta percha fine tooth combs; Pocket combs, ull styles : American, French A (iormnn Cologne A Luven ler waters ; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's, Mangonct & Conway' ex tracts for tho linn Jkeruhiof, of a gre.it variety of styles; Burnett' Cocaine, Barry' Tricophorous, Lyon's Cathairon, Eau, Lustral, Bears, Massaccnr, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Boof marrow, Pomades, and Phiiocoom, American and French nil styles and prices cold cream, Toilet powtlcr, Rouge lUlls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling salts, Bulinufa thousand flowers, tooth pato, tnotb paste, charcoal, rose, Ac, Ac, Sharing Compound all sites; Military soap, Honey Soap, Chrystaline and Floating soups,, Ottomnn, Yniikeo and Uallagher soups, Trunspiireut and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac, MiscellancuuH Articles. Rents steel frame morocco nnd cuff Portinonaius, Ladies silk lined ni pier Mnebo, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet nnd morocco Portinonuies. Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered with steel bends, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and ; papier Maehc, ivory and pearl memorandum tab ! els, Fine Engi.b Morocco, Pocket Wallets, Mo rocco and calf Pocket books, with straps and jcufps; Bill books, and Banker' case, with lock I and key ; c.lliipsion drinking cups, Medical glas ses with nnd without drops. Fishing tackle, I Chnpman A E nerson's Razor strops cigar case. I trumb brushes, Shoo Brushes with and without I bundles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint nnd varnish brushes af sizes, tin and capper bound, Sash tools all sizes, oounter and mark ing brushes, white wash nnd scrubbing brushes. Fancy colored feather dusters tc, Rich pear innid pnpicr mncho, toilet eases, work boxes, writing dctks, Rosewood and Mnhogony rrriting desks, Chessmen and Chess boards, Gent. Kid Glovos, Neck tics, collars, cravat, end canes, La dies Kid, Toffetn Silk and Kid finished gaunt- nd mourning funs; Hair pins Engish and All of which will be sold at th lowest CASH prices. .. .,... . ,v i Co""try Physicians furnished with Drugs, nii.ilif.tnA. nml Nnrrrttnl n.lrnm.nt.. n, tliu nn- reasanable rates for cash. June 6, I860. ly, NEW FIRM, AiI! NE W GO OVS. Just recolvlng and opening at the Old .tat of Lewi Smith in Bethlehem a well lelected a sortment of Spring and Summer Good, of all most every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment I Prints and Dress Goods :'.f tb ,alo,t We -1o variety of usoful No ,,n, ii . - - r.-. i v,n, Bonnets and Shawl. Boot and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs am Medicine, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Segars and all artiole usually kep! in a country Store, all cheap for caab. Give u a call and ee for your aelvea. H. L, HENDERSON, A CO. May tl, 1860. PtASTKRINO-Th .ubeoriber, having located himself in tb borough of Clearfield would inform the public that he I prepared to do work in tbe above line, from plain to ornamen tal of any description In a workmanlike manner. Are whitewashing and repair! g don in a neat manner and on reasonable term. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield ApM 17, I860. ly. C edar and Willow ware at Sept. 19, I860. It. W. A CO'., ? WATCH & JEWELRY. FTTHE underslaned resDectNlrv X inform hi oustomer and th, public generally, that be has just received from th Eaat, and oi.ea. ed at hi establishment in URAIIAWS HO iH Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watches, and Jiwrlrt of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, which be will sell at the moat reasonable price lor casn, or in ' exchange for old gold and silver. i n nnirg r...ra h.n.l .tn.. . reasonable price. i - . - . . . ... ALL kind or Clocks, watru and Jewelry, earotuliy repaired ana rrarroic. A continuance or patronage i solicited, Sept, 19, 1860. H. F. NAl'ULE, iiiiriy-miiin ana market aireet, ruu i. Prof. E. D & CORTLAND 8AUNDKHW Principals. Hod. WM. BIGLER, Clearfield ) Wm. McKIB- Ul.N, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel, Phila. Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of '1 he Pres.r Rev. R. WESTBROOK, of the S. S. Union : Hon. J. W MAYNitRD, Williamsport j J. LEISENRINO, nsq., I'res t of the Lehigh Coal t Nav- Co., and Hon. ASA PACKER, Mauch Chunk; all of trAoai Ane sons boarding ,n Zaunderi Jnilitult, will give their frienda who may be looking for a aale, thorough and ploasant School, any infor mation desired respecting this eeminary. A Grove and Lawn of JLIGHT ACRES, are attached to the Institute, tor seclusion, reo. reation and physical exerctae. am. RY, AND SILVER WARE. , WE would respectfully inform oar friends, patron, and the public generally, that we have now in .tor and offer Wholesale and Re tail at the lowest Cash Prices, a lnrce and verv choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated vt an ot every varioty and style. Every description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, made to order at short notice. J9TA11 goods warranted to be as represented, Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description. 8TAUFFER 4 HARLEY. No. 622 MARKET etreot, (south aide,) Phila. Scpt. 19tb, 1860. 6 mo. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted up for a bouse of entertainment, I now open for the accommodation of the public. Traveler, will find this a convenient house. May 19 1353, yOIIN JO; DAN 18G0. 1800. THE FIRST ARKIVAL OF FALL4 WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD SAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO. Oo Market Street 2 doors north o the Court House, where they ore just opcnm2 an unusually lanjc and well selected stock of eoodr5, suited to the wants of the commu nity for the Fall and Winter trade, which tliev offer in larffe and small quantities on the most reasonable terms call and examine for yourselves Their assortment of DRY GOODS NOTIONS is very .urge nnd comilote: euibrnclng almost every article both of funliiun anil forvice. Kt ..iunii... i.... i . t i. ..:,. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which lire of every variety and tho very latest styles. Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpnecns, Cnshmcres, French, Scotch nnd Domestic Ginghnins, Prints, Linseys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. nnd plain Bobinctts, Irish Linen Cloth Ac. Black and Fancy Cussiineres, Sntinetts, jeans, Twoeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripo, Ticking, Crash, Diaper, Bleached and unbleached rout, lins A drills, Red, Grey, Whito and Cuntun Flan nels. Alsoalnrg stock of Ladies' and tientlo mens' Shawls, Double nnd Single, Stellas sivl Choaillcs, Black and Drab Cloth capos of tbe very latest larluon, To Persons out of Employment AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United States, ffvO engage in tho sale of some of tho beat and I. most elegantly iliustrntod Works published, Our publications aro of the most uiterestiug character, ainntej to the want, of the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are published io the best style and bound in tho most subaun tial manner, and arc worthy a place in the Li brary of every Heusehold in tho Land. 'iSt-To men of enterprise and industrious hab its, this business oner, an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. SUl'ersons desiring to aet as ngonts will r coive promptly by mail full particulars, tormi, dc, by addressing LEARY. GET. A co.. Pus. No. 224 North itreot, Philadelphia. Oct 21, 1840 ly. A Splendid assortment of Ladle' Gentlemen' . and Children' Glove and Hosiery H; REED, WEAVER A CO'S adies' Bonnet, and Hat., trimmed and ui 1 trimmed, or tbe Latest Style, nt R. W. CO', A Large and splendid .took of Dress triH I. mlngs, Belt, Bead Dre.se, NotU, PIudM Ac, at K. W, CUT, A Large stock of Men A Boy's received at clothing, J"1 It. W. A ciy TJ oota A shoe, of every kind for Ladies, 0m AJ ' Demon, and Children at R. W. CO't, ""laroct. Druee-et. carpet chain. Bsirl J Bagging, Curled Hair Ac, at at R. W. t CO'i fM and examine the Patent air-tight 0M Vand atone Jars, they are Just tbe thing m need, lor sale at it, w. a iu TTardwar of every kind, VnlTa and fofki JLJ. spoons, Locks, File, Nail. Cow BslW Wood and Hand taws and Mill taw at R, W. A CO'i. A Fresh .tock of grocerle. of every kind J received at REED, WEAVER, A CO'I- pVliattn. Mill and out Stmt, Mann', axoi J general assortment of Hardware al H J a tor of E. A. iri i" Curwen.ville, May 18, 1360. TT AM, Sidea, Mackerel and Herring for "H I I low at tbe store of W. F. Ill v3. Clearfield, July 11th 1860. Dissolution of Partnership. Thseo-nnrtnershln heretofore existinn Thomas A John Hill in tho woollen businesi Bridgeport is this day dissolved by mutual sent, all payment are to be made to Tbos, PH who will herafler conduct th am businesi H tholdtaad. . ... THOMAS HflA unngeportjvet. vtnisou. at.p. jjjjj UIJJ