Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 07, 1860, Image 3

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1 tho
WuSend for a ipeelmra number o! -' Farmer. The J
ram' Illustrated Lady ' pwjFprip--," the I number g? Wf . ".
only lady's newspaper toAblisrirf.i iiLcelved- v "niohg" its'cbrtients
only lady's newspaper toiblishM Jr. ilicelvea- Among
United Sulci. '. rWimm ,n,W
post paid,' ori receipt of ft threoceot stamp
J. II. livEAJi ftt'o., U3SouthThL.'dStret,l
Phiiadelnhia. .!:' i.i -.. ': .;ot ;
I ' '"
it . . . .
. "'''-."' ""- "
,ftW0r f !lie cw Courf House is giving
way, cracking an cruMnng under its im-
mense we.gH i. Thorn, the contractor,
umaking preparations to take it down,
This will bo a -serious low, and will no
ddubj delay the finishing of the house in
tlrttaM stimulate,) by Jhe coct, ..
vi a nnva hnapii ma nr..UA. . ......... i r
this "crushing " whether the workman,
tho ircbitert, or' Loth, are at fault, wo
know not. -' : . i ' ' t
?If you go to Pitt Aph, either upon
business or pleasure,) Ija aure nnd stop
with Harry Whirls," ttt" tho 9tf Charles
Hotel. This well-known bouse has just
experienced a oomplote ftnd thorough
renovation,; from top to bottom, and now
lias nil the conveniences of a first ilnss
hotel, and very handsomely "" at
that. Harry is decidedly 'ft. ""star" among
"ho?U;M; and besides' Hi is, thero is a
"hostess" about,' in the person of Mrs,' g'.,
who inakes everything pleasant to the
sojourner. ; i ' 1 1 " ' '
ej0ur friends in New Washington and
vicinity kill have 'a good chance to
supply themselves with nil that is use
ful and necessary for tliornsolves, by call
ing upon Uussell McMurray. who has just
received a largo supply' of,' seasonable
goods, at his old stand. Kcud hisjidver
tiaement, niid then go and buy your goods
from him.' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 I
ftiTWe call attention to the advertise
menl of Wm. F. Irwin, who is willing to
sell goods ixjillle cheaper than some other
i KeTiaiiti dol In addition to ius'usiial
variety of mowfliandise, ho has a large lot
l expelk'nihCfjiiQ:
. . t a . i
r'all )iiil seo.; '
i. v '-'Ii'. F. K. Arnold, of buthersbtirg,
will please aecept oiir thanks for a large
'StfS) fCY9:w p!.hs1
with it all winter. It measures 21 inches
in ei.cumferenee,:20fn length, and" weighs!1''" ,o0rat' J"bl,' Al'M., New York.
ll jw)unds 0 ounces? and looks " Jlootish,'-'
' tCylt'will bo gratifying' to our Clear
field friends to' learn that Col. A.i Perry
Oivens lists become proprietor, of 1 tho
'I'yrono City Hotel, at Tyrone.
Sco; his
I card in this paper
Merrkm. a; want 500 bushels of
Dried Apples, and ifu) ; bushels of While
Beanc, in cxthonge for Stoves, Tin wart
or anything in. their lino of business.
I Come right along. ' . .
. ' ' ' --'.'!'.'!
JOsWe ask the attention of the read;
mi. tttlllli.. I f t?.l ..I..Anl Ar .1. ..
t religious-weekly nbwspnjter, called The.
, Mithulut, in our advertising columns.'' I
i. -
t ft-TheSchrol I)imrlr.r. nf PiV-n
'i p wish to employ six 'school, leathers.
I Head their notice ; and then read all our
new advertisements.
I Our , Fair. . . '
i liclciw will be 'ound an arliclo from the
i Clarion l)cmocrut. Mr. Alexander, the Ed
iter, happened to pass through our Coun
ty during the progress of the Fair, and
having slopped to seo the "Elephant," ho
has gone hpme nnd told them how wo do
things. Hear him.
Tub Ci.EAurii.Vu Fair.-The first Clear
field county Fair, hold near the. bmouch
last week, proved a complete success. r-
cany live tnousa'nd persons were in at
tendance.' . Homo fifteen hundred dollaii
wpre taken for admission, this with seven
iiuHdrod dollars donated bv tho whole
hearted citizens cf Cleaifitld and three
hundred paid in on life membership, very
nearly liquidated the debt j incurred In
preparing tiie grounds, which were fenced
tand provided with necessary buildings,
fseats, Ac, for the accommodation of the
l oople. The articles on exhibition were
i'n quantity nnd quality not surpassed by
;nny county lair west ot tlio Allegheny.
tho arrangement of the grounds and the
"order kept there, was highly creditable to
jtho managers. The ladies department
(was plentifully supplied with all that
icould reasomdily ho required to constitute
first class fair the , paintings, acedtoi
vork, jollies, preserves,, domestic,, wiiies.
An .,.,i I... ..; i vi. ;'
vuuiu uu uo BUI JJ.ISSUU. iuo uiur
chant did their part in furnishing sam
ples of eo0d9 of all varieties ' mnrelv for
display, nnd tho mechanics were equal to
an oiner cioascs in articles worthy ot their
good name for skill hi their Various dalh
ings- Tho tntlsic discoursed bf the Cur-
ensville brass band proved a valuable acH
session to wio occasion, t he ladies dis!
charged their dutios faithfully and nl
tKouch the weather most Of the-' time, was
xtreruely inclement they remained faiths
ftd a tho end. --- .
i I'he address by HonrGeorgtf H. l5arreft
wh appropriate mid added greatly to Hirf
Miteucnaractcr of the orator, whiU it
induoed many to join thesooiety who hap
btore licflii only Idle spectators. -'
' Clearfield't$b pl'icc- tohold ft fair-tho
niiin-cers'u'rtderstand then- Vin 4iii04 well
-tliey employ printer and pay them lib-I
in . 1m u. !,.u.. . . . f
r""v' j u'vj uopiiaoiy:rceaivo ami en
t"!in strangers and friends. , There tho
peMj1i go forward "With .'cheerful' hears
knUuboral hands. No political faction
controls their nctions-rno "(ii)rxinnv-bit
managers act for the martos the
oisns were paid-i-liljeral premiums award-!
gret that the oloslifg tjmo .bail arriffd
thrCO dais. Wa InUn' .SA il.or. iliJ
'V ")'.' We learn sin eo that, the
Y'ol debt Is paid and money left to im
ove the ground. ; A visit to a Clearfield
7ir pay well. .i ..i t" -ir H ...j ',u ,i.
l""toS Soneral rul. fashiouable
. like bow in tho ky, . oan't make
l"..iius meet,
IhiUe.neiee Farmer. The November
itrmer is re
....... . ..
mentioned accounts of the
Now York,
i01!'0' Micnifc'nni low, and New Hamp.
Evening1 foscWons al'the Xevv York
l Slllte Fnir nnrt n ronnrl .1: ; (
i vii iiisuiiBsjuns
. me an meeting oH be Western K4v
York Fruit Grower'; iSodulf.Ul
j ig article is on Fatteoing' Shedp !i
j Winter," followed by many other season,
able and interesting hints on agricultural
'and horticultural subjects. Wo would recommend . tb Farmer to
our readers. It iiM ehcaii that all can
f jofiord to take it, even if they havo alrWii ,r ' 'Smltl-IIo
. Li.. ...i...:i . . . i that your iotatoei
... I. . . .r " aSr,cuilu -
raipapeis. it couts only fifty cents a year,
anu t:io publialier offers to send tho hist
three months of this veario U u,n i.
scribe nor for ISM. Send tho fifty cents
if ilmn in. i f il ,
"i -fc "o ;uur jiciKiiuors io
join with you and send a dollar bill, to Jo-
sei'ii Harris, Rochester N. Y and
the , ,aner for fifteen mo, W Vl
ue paper for fifteen months. We notice
in tho present numbnr fai.t..i.l.i. ...k -
jecls for Priae Essays.
v ruu -
Atlantic Montiilv. This excellent lft
crary periodical is again upon our table.
The contents for November are, Thomas
Hood j Fayal and the Portugese Mid
summer and May; Gone;', Expression j
Italian Experience in Oollocting Old
Masters; ' Tenty Serrtn liecolleotions
of Irving; Irene Anndy O .nene; The Pro-
fossor s Story ; Keviews; I.iterary Notices
nnd Kcccnt American Publications. Tho
artivles oti Thomas Hood and Wanlii nut rn
Irvin'g are excellent, written in that fluent
and laet liko stvle always found in ihJ.
l : . i' . i - . . . ....
. -r.i? ' ...... .
m.urjWsnoiitiii magazine, rublwhml
b" llokllOr- & Fields. Wnvliinn
street; lioston, at $3 per annum, or 25
cents por number
Aueiiicax Acnicfi.Ti insT.
ablo monlhly publication
-This invalu
has been re-
' coived for November. We do not see how
a farmer 'cm " live, irevc, and have his
being," without this neotwary nnd useful
pnyiiention. ( It u of moro use ton farmer
than a plow; and yet it only costs the one
tenth part. Fanners', semi a fen-cent
umi gyi oic Dumuer.; orfeiiu ?i, and get
twelve numbers. . ",. :
Fetirson's. Thl 1 " Ladies' ' Nation il
Magazine," for ;NoveinLe':, is also upon
our table, filled with n great varirlv of
everything useful and nocessary. . Ladies,
save a dollar, and lake this Magazine,
lonlv eosls S'' n. vre
. - -- ---
throe copies for ?5.
i ji ..i oiiifcio top) 1
It is iust as good n
magazine ns any pf tho threo dollar class.
Send your money to Charles J. Peterson,
No. 3lKi Chesnuf street; Philadelphia ",'
FARsiKn ,ami CfjtRUNBR. for November w
have, too,-filled with everything 'uicful
and necessary for the husbandman. It
costs only ?1 per yenr. Published by A.
M. Spongier & William Sounder", No. I1) . i J.i Til ! . I t. I !
EutTORiAU Commit ;,A 11 W ami
I'wo editors retiently indulged in
a fight at Savannah, M, The origin of
the tight was poliiics. Th JlaiMlcfcrot
the Vdth ult, wai severe and bitter in its
remarks towards (he editor of the D,:mo
rrat, and early in tho morning Mr. Whita-
ker, the editor of tho PluindcaLr, tilled Id
arms with mail matter aivd slartod for the
jiost ollice.. Some oU-ti uct ion in the door
way of tho post ollioo, causnd him to look
in at tho window, nnd while so doing, nnd
when loaded down' with mail matter, Mr.
Welsh made nn assault upon him fram be
hind. ' Whitaker was aouiovv.hat surprised,
being ignorant of the presence of his 'an
tagonist, and did not know who his as
sailant was until ho had lieen struck two
or throe times, when he turned upon
Welch. Whitaker dropped , his mii
upon the pavement and drew a pistol, but
owing to his proximity and his antagon
ist being on his back, ho wm unrtble to
nso it. Welch got lioldof tho pistol and
endeavored to wrest it "from Wlittaknf,
when tho ban al broke looso from tho
stock. Whitaker then drew n dirk knife,
with a backward stroke strack tfm point
of th" weapon upon tho upper front but
ton of Mr. Welch' pantaloon. Tho by
slanders quickly interfered before Whita
ker h id timo to kifo his opponent. Mr.'
Welch certainly narrowly escaped with
his life, for had tho knife penetrated his
abdomen, where Whitaker seems to have
aimed it, it would have been a fatal and
tad blow.
Florida' Ei.kction. All tho counties
havo been ' he ud from, except Volusia,
Suwanheo, Sum tor, Putnam, Orango, Ma
C houn and brvKir r IhcAl
ifcoT.tSr1 h9 fdl.he
natee, i.evy, iioinie, Hernando. LwK
For Milton. Dniuoorat.
it r-r. ---;
U ' '
For Hopkins, Union
ii -; iv
Majority for Milton thus far, 1,403'
The i oinaining counties are expected to
incroaso this tirajority tb sixteen or seven
teen bundled. ''..''
- .
riivo'te for Con-jrcs!!, as far as beard
oniJis us Mloiv). J
j i
6 ,537
a 4 ,452
jinion, j;einocrat,
Allen, Union, : -'a .
Majority for Hilton so far,
Clciirlicld DIju liets.
wiini.KSAL A-in iiKTAUi rniqrs crutsKST.
Corrocted.-'VpA'kiy- r. KnlTikiH ft Snv..
M'holosalo nnd llctail Dealers in Groceries, rro.
visioas, and Ueneral Dry Ooodr.
. buckwheat W Vu,
. 1,00
'rn ".
' ""Fsnr.' t'-"
DrUa !. - Ml. -'' ' ''-
' J V
Driod Apples, W 'ti.
. ., , tu
s w Bu " ' ' ' 1 '" ' ' ' ' ' ' 11rHlu0"'d ,''up wonderfuUifilitof ,hi
m kcK 'J'' '''' ' "'formation every yeaiVu The language o,
Hops p lb.
' ,
lings "
Bacon, kaini aud tides,
Whent per. bush..
' :
" The potatoes tlioy rmn1l,
Ovr ther, over ther." Old thny.
Good Dialogue.'
is it. uoiahbof
your potatoes are ao larg nnd fine,
, wlul. Ju.t over the fence, oa 'similar wi.
'mine ere ns small ' as pullots' eggs, nn'd
Picons lew at that , . ,
I : .Ir- Jpos-1 manured this fiold with
I Vv Xrnii.'
,d vi"t . .
'Vklintt ..11 Plnnln..Ai:
'i i ..V .",. iiiuiiiiiiin
uoK-KiiiorSiLjulun ( supply bnuns enough
jfor "'is ten acre fiold.
' ,:'Mr.;Jones I used'iwaa iww. of which
I are plenty. :.
Mr. S,iihVonse.,Sc-now don't make
' f.. f i l- ... - . i .
,.i. v. mo uciu3ui in uiiiiickv, iinurrov-
lunnce nas sont you ft gooct crop, ' : u :
Mr. Jones Providence helps those who
holp themselves I used (ny own brains!
on this field. 1 . j
Mr. .'Smith So, did. I mine, and thoy
are as good as anybody's. r. -
Mr. Jones Ah! There's tho trnublA. '
OU know it all yourself ; I tlon't.. and HO
I get all the out si
ile help I can. I've been
collecting other men's b.-ains for my land
fur twenty years, iind vou seo one result
in thirop. '
Mr. Srhitli Yes, I s'eo tho result, but 1
don't understand it.
Air. Jones V ell, when wo began' here
t,va"'y years ago, I thought myself' good
w uul DPI10VOI otners nna tooi
. "". too, and i maiJo it my btHiness to
get ftk their thoughts : some I found in
1 acrrien ltlirul tu-lu nml .... tt. .a lli.tu 1
' P'ckcd up at the Cointy Fairs, by itsking
hour tho big things weio' raisod, and often
1 vrt got a good lnnt from a neighbor
Mr. Smith I've always been down on
this "book farmiiis'l but vour crons staL'-
Iger me, they'ro real knock down nrgu
ments. I'm sick of the poor show I net
for all my work, and am desperate enough
io uy aiiyming lor improvement.'-' i- 1 1
Mr, Jonos I'll give you my experience,
it may aid yon. About n inotcen years ago
I heard that some men who had been
bronght up on farms had clubbed tognth
', and oueol thoin vas goinu , tp publish
a paper, which should consist mainly of
how dilJereht flii'iner cii'HratoU - Various
cropsand such like matters. I scij.t, for
t 'eppppr aim nave aono so. every year
since, and now 1 have nineteen lar o vols
utne.i, every pae of which I have read a
littlrt at a time, and tho wliolo u;v not
! cost '.ho p;oduoe of a single- acre. Why,
WfTifJ 1 -VMS
L-jiii . ;
H I am astonished ivhon I think ovcrlho.'sel
1 ten thousand thoughts nnd luntfj and sug
getions 1 havo thus nnllicred. " What h
bl;iiik would lie left in my head it these
Ihoughta were to be tiken away. i!son pbwing nia.'hino ; 'un old c-
Mr. Smith -Itut does tho :"praclico of quaintanee in WiiCDiisin got two or threo
farmers on ' other kinds of eoU, suit your good farming implement aiuj a young
wntitl' . ; . i : 1 nephew of mine in Ohiu got a. beautiJ'ul
M.r. Jonos 'hy, no, not exactly per-.copy of Webster's,-' Ii'tio,uajy. These
Imps. . But then, every .thought I got things only coot them n little time, show
from another,' .rvrr (i nnv ihwyhl In my ok'Uji the paper evenings and election day.
mind, and thus I am constantly improving : Send in your; .subscription and tlio first
my own skill hnd praciiad' ' : You see, I. paper will tell yoii -all about the jiremi
get all tin brains '1 can from other men's-urns, j J forgot to tell you, that every year
hrads, nnd compost them woll in my own j the publisher ulsosejids out to all his sub
head with a mixture of common sense, j scribe's Trhoi vnuit.f tluiit lot of choice
and then make t'r.o application to nw , garden nnd fhMd seeds'. ' " '
tlehh In that wa-' I have manured this
rion of potatoes with tilentv of brains.
t he ei:tor called Hern last Week on his
western tour among Tanners.,' and seeing
mv trooiJ croir. hj asked tne iust to write
out kow 1 have treated this field for years
past, and .1 jiromised to do vt as soon as
my crops are gathered. " Me wilt probably
p: in ta if, as ho constantly prints all .Hieli
practical mr.lt6rs, and perhaps a hutuhrd
thousand persons will read it; and though
nobody else may do just ns 1 do, marry
will get a new hint, ami improve upon it.
You may leap it it yon will. ' ',
Mr. Smiths I would like to bonw your
Mr. Jones Better take itvourself, for
then vou will bo more likelv to read it.
You will find hundreds of plain talks
altOut vnrioii krndsof crojvS dtM'ingn vm ftlr. feir.rfh -Ilow tlio you say 1 should ru? hint gave live bushels of Jdirect the letter containg (ho dollar ?
corn oti enelf a to of a ton acre field in a1 Mr. .tones To Omngo Judd, 41 park
single year. !., .. ., , j Row; New York City. - , " ; ,, .,
. Mr, Smith I 'lan'tnllbrd to take it this' --f-
yOT., 1 1 ,., , . , .., .' -i , 1 . I Ka.UriRham i pung has recovered ft
'u'r. Jones You would think nothing S' fr"''1,0 ttU V""r K,! "6,ton'
orstx-nding two cents ft week for extra , "l,le u- 111 1 ,ft. 01' seizing tho
tobacco, or a cigar or candy, and that's all,te,s, of ". 1EtSrVfc Curr,'npy Associa
the paper will cost.' How 'little a 'week it."ul,. " "ild cat bank in which Prigham
costs to supply you nnd your family with ! Vns 'nt-'ested. I t was : a Mormon jury
larao amount of information throh
ony good papor. '
Mr.Smith What are thepolitics oriho
paper? : ' ' "' - - '' .
Mr. Jones It does'nt toticli politics.'
It is devoted to such subjects as Field and
Gardeu Crops, Animals, Ao., nnd has, be
sidesapood deal about Woman's Work,
winch wile says, is worth moro than ton
"" 'll0 fyw i'',s of b.llter it costs to
W frhe,ater, , Then there is lso a
depattniotu lor ine young lulks contain
i.irtrnanvthint.- th.ii will ,,lpsn t,
depai'tmctit for the young folks
ing many things that will pleaso tho chit
dren -not mere trashy slutf, such as is too '
otten printed for them, but information '
i that will havo a good Influence, on them.,
1 would sella dozen IiubIicIs of wheat to
have the good readifgin that paper, but
the averngo. price of one lushel will piiy
for it a year. My John says he can pay
for it easy with the eggs from two or three
lions. IfJ wosti motihftnioora inoi-ehant
nnd had only a httlo garden, I should tako
the paper to .tell me how to make the
best uie of tho little plot; and If I had not
a toot pi land i should still waut it for my
wifo and children. ' '.".;". '"' '
Mr. bmith- -Doos the editor know any
thing about farming? '.. -!
Mr. Jones Tho editor who owha and
puoitsuti uie paper, ws Lrougut, up on a
larm where he loarncd to work.'-JIo bag
studied all thei book on farm inf.' nrnl ax.
' perimiitoil,t.Tor-i years in tho iaboratorf,
i'M u,ld ""odeik: traveUoi all - over the
! o;00' country to sen what wn ddlm. 1 Then h
, ' 7!iOrba several associates Farmers, Garden
, "ii, uim iiuuiuiueijeiF, ,wuo Know wiiai
iniey wriio iiuoui,, anu among mem all.
lain....' -. - -t - - . .
is i o plain, so like talking to you, that I
n,lr,. .n.l!i.M It MM.,.. .
" ".I V ""'"(j it. , A'len, iuo, i-vcry pap
?er has Its engravings, which show exactly
l,!)how ntiimalM and plant,' am) iinplemetitaj
and IMehqUr ftftiitw look, hiuohTliel- THRESH ARRIVAL OF V 1
theseare plans ot 'building, that help one ,J U U ! J
to pjanfttf ?; uriloW toiay .'iiki large AT THE CIIEAr CASH STOKt.
.X pictures, which are worth more than tiiei
t-8 ,. i- 1 a "rpose uioso engravings, -,ugiirMorr.Mtot I, I, J? f ,i f .
p- ...... .rv..wuiisiv iuiiiy iw jieip uJe nitt vim"
L-? editorellirabUimcnts-irfeiUli-ers. . , AL,h f
Mr.;,'. Jones Not, t all. ..'i'lin Ailllnr
Ws potUinr of the sort to .sell, wy Umt
he mnf be perfectly free tb' praise W coh--demn-
nnylhtA, according' iw it mav lo
-.Valuable or worthless to his readers. You
t WOUld lttjlgh to kee rllOW ll COmeS dfUVn
'.n l '...I.. i . '
,iut Kiuus ti nunitiuga. .... ; t..,
.. lr. himtli-ls ilia puper adapted to ouu
part of the country V
:ir. 'Jories--KxnctJy. ' foils hnd, orops,
and clima(ps;diirer, but tho ceneral nrlu-
ciples bf Cultivation are the same everv.
wfipro, and, here is the benefit pf in psper
published for tho wliolo country.: and one
or more associate editors in dittorent sen-
i tions, so that we get Juformation .from
many regions and our own too.1 One
, in m i musi mention particular! v. The
...... . ....
oiTifr.t id rvuii.rntt.i
.-...w. . .....a..wjr ....i iiiii iwuuui
against humbugs, telling how sluupeis
take i the advamnge of poople. Whv, Ii
, was just going to send a dolU fo aa ar.
i t.cle advertised in glo,vin? color,, when 1
found it shown up as a Humbug ir this
i ! t ...... .I
1 miiiui. jhh j ciiiinob eioi) 10 iiiik nioru
now,. I liavo sucb a lot ot potatoes to liar.
vest. ; . , rsf , ,
, Mr. Smith-I wih I had. I tiiuit try
that paper n year, and pee. what there is
in it. Icuii munngo tp pave two cents a
week- . . ,
Mr. Jones Novo fear. if vou don't fiod
it pays, I'll buy your Oiwe at cost for wy
lxy to keep, si- ' "
" Mr Smith
Wliat did VOU sav tho rap-i
cr is called?
Mr. Jones Tim Awrican Ajriailturallxt.
It is published in Kew York City. The
editor though ono of our country farm
ers, and living in tho country, finds ho
can' publish it cheaper ther, whrre-
, printing, paper, ana mailing nicurues ate
all convenient,
Mr. .Smith How shall 1 gJt it.
Mr. Jones .Simply iuclot adollarbill
in a letter, civing your name, Post Ollice,
county, and Mato p!a'inlv( and direct to
Orange Judd, 41 1'nrk Jiow, New York
C'fj. i- -, ;c! zvsisl ,v.-iT i Jx'J
Mr.'.Sinith.-rrWhen does a volume be
.Mr. Jones the twentieth volume be
gins .Tan. 1st, but all wbo'sciid it n dol
lar now, get tho remaining numbers of
this .year, in nddition to. tlio 'whole of
next year's . .So if yon tadcr:bo '.'now,
you get fourteen months' papers. "The
proprietor also oilers some valuable pre
miums to tlnKo who get up a list of1 s-vil.
seribers. ' Send ' for the paper, nnd vou
may aftorwards find it wefl worth wfiile
toraakoup a cTub. Some 17(10. persoivs
have gotgord piemmms in tins v av ilur
inj two yeafs. , Some of your Ucmuni
neighbor would join you, perhaps, fov
the A'riculhirixt U printed , separately iii
German, I did intend to start- a club mv-
cr.C l.nt I 1...,.. .n i..n., ' t.lnn 1. .I!..
1 1 cannot get the liniii. fMy eister-in-Liw
I in lo'.vd.' got Up a club last year, and ro-
I coived a premium of a$-'i0 dollar Wheeler
Mr, Smith What docs he charge fov
, them f
Air. jones nothing ; ttiey aiosontKc.
, except the postage. They iu-0 of tho Jieit.
kind, ami one sinnlo parcel 1 got hist year
wrrs worth more to me than ill'! price of
the napoiv 1 ' 1
Mr. Smith--!'!! try it ft yean an way
it half what voir say is truo, it will bo ii
good investment.- ' -t - ; . - ;.
Jlr- J(ms : You'll,. find . every . word I
have said true . . .
Mr. Smith I'll send, this very night,
while In the .--pirk of it." :
- Mr. Jones Do it, and you'll always
thank me for this talk. Good dav. 1 must
hnry up digging my potatoes, I've such a'
', lot of them ;
thanks U n hint in the At; -1
Ricui.TrnisT. , ' '
''bat gave tho vcrdiot, and their forbcar-
,ance, in not. miiKing the. damdgost !-n
H",esB? '-?'-lt, is 11,0 "ly !,'0"is'iln
lb inn about it. . i'ni. i
' .. .
.'IL r paria.whm- hereto.
-nVr th. 1. V f.nV7,in rn I h ni,w.
' d Variety Basin., ha. boon dissolved thi'
day by mutual consent,
Tho Books nnd Aeennnt, nr In the hnnd- of
-''- :-t
r: " " " " ,,-'
, l . . . , . '1 ?. I'P.-l J i '
( ; 1 ' ' .T. U. HABTSWrPK'
Clenrsclll, Piv., Ot't. 37-, WOT, - ' oot.t0-.1t
.M.-inufactured and for sate by
M. P1PKR A Co.,."
Loiherman & McPowdl's Building,
N. K. corner Second n-.d Kaeo streets,
' -S-Kntranee on Knoo Stroc. i . Philadelphia.
".ir-tiooils Worrniitad, 1 . aot.16
I in
- 1 "
public sale, at the residence of Iho sutscrbctv'
in ORA1IAMT0N. Clearfield enuntv. on SAT
VRPAT, tho' Kith day of KOVK.MBER. neM,
tlto futlart in properry. to wil ' '
i 1 ' Voting loisc, 1 two.yenr.old Coif, 1 ' Cow, i
t.u.,u 11.. 4vl .uitie, t IWO-UOIHU nu;;yll,
1 four-borso Wagon, 1 Threshing Mil
chlno, Winnow .Mill, head of
. Stock Cuttle, I sot single ilur-
iiess, Plelgh, Sleds. I'luwi.,- .
Harrows,' Chains, . .' ' " .
Farming Impleni-?nW..nndPtlief tools tuontedi
, ' kl tUsM intio. ..k
Also, a lot of Whent, Bje, Corn Ao. . , .
Palo to romtnonce at 19 o'clock on laid day. ' "
: Trnis.-A11. sums of fs and under, cash) on"
all larger sums, a credit of sit month will be
given, th notes, with approved security, paya
ble in bank, ' '
A 'dednrnnn of tender tent, per annum fo
aaah.-..1 '1 tin ;., . ;,. .
, lb Orai willd- sold for cash onlv; f
ftrahamton, Oct. 84, isflu. oct:tO-!t
w"""" c-iirui. aiurg variety ai renuceti prt.
kjcet at Irvins cornet tlor. Cutwensvill ltt, '60. 1
"fl.. I. U L . , .
ot almost every description, J
A lKutifiikaFnrtsici of Prills ' n.h Irfcss
goods, Aaf thbSiot!ua hitc 'stjltfa." Afso a
groat vuriety pf uapful nvtiqns,
'. J . In i'nr1 nccnvfinnnt , ..
v 'F'iy n3i!",,,,-,,a ici-j-i
! .i t j JK t i I
I J li J X 1L I PI Lr,,
Uonti hirh,
liatn mid Cnp,
J!ot hu4 Iwas, a lujo qiukrriry,
Hnnhnirt,' ii drtinrnio,
Urugprs nnd Mulicinef,
; i ii , Oil asd J'nintf,
Cnr.t' A Oil Clutlls, ' '" '
, , . Fifh, Bacou and Flour,
i f i f I. f i i.
v iv vy u iv u o ,
..r .... i . ... .. .
,ui mo ucsi iunniy, an 01 which win be suia at
,tlie lowest cnsli ur ready pay prices,
Jly ld friendi and the public generally, are
ahm' 8?vF'I'RWIJf'
i'"''.''"1 liVUiit, taken in xbage for
; Uooda.
1 T 1'rcsiJcnt
t Judte of the Court of Common
rieas or the ten(jy tifMi Judicial District, coiu
posciif tko counties' of Clearfield, Contra and
Clinton oud the Hon. Win. L. Mooro nnd Hon.
llenjiinira. linns il, Asseeinte Jntlgca of C'laai fio Idl
county ; have issued (heir precept, to mo direot-
ed, tr the holding ot Coutt of Coinmoo IMeas,
O'r'Ws Court, Courdof yunrteeSe'.on.s. Court
of Oyer and Teriuiucr, nnd Court of tjoncrnl Juil
Dclirery, at Clearfield, in and for tho county of
I'lenrfield, on tho
fcroud Monilay 2lh day) of AVtvmJcT ncxtr
to continue one utek.
HOTTCE IS, therefore, hereby giren to- tho
foionci, Juliets uC tho JVnte, nd Coastable.
ia ai4 for snid eotil.ty of ClenrfioM, to appear in.
their roper persons, Willi .their Holla, Kecords,
Inquisitions, and' otiter licmcia
brunces, to do those things which to their oflidcrs,.
and in their behalf, porti in lu.b dent) pnd J u
rors be then nnd there attending, nnd not to do
part without leave, nt their peril.
1YKN under 107 hand nt Clearfield, this 2Iih
day of Oct., ii the year of car Lord, one thou
sand eight hundred und sixty.
F. 0. MILLER', Phcriff.
Oct. 28, 18C0. ,
Hy yirtue'of writs of Tat. IVa. l'.n.
issued outot'thccoitrt of Common I'leasin
('unilta and Lycoming counties, and loino
directed. be exposed -to- rublic tide
at the couit hottse in tlio borough of
L'learlicld, on Monday the 12th day of No-vNbr,-"
m The following described
luoperty. vu:
All tlio right, title and interest of Pen-
jamin Singling o(, innii;! to 300 a-
cres ot lai'.d botinued by Miepaid, Jacob
imgiing, on tiieenitly in. Hrothers,
south bv Patrhpin frith i U-iii house.
log bant, saw. inilllti good running order,
ana auovi ruty acres clewed thereon.
Netted taRen in execution and to bo- sold
as the property of lienjainin Yintrling.
v F. (f. Miller; Aj'i'tf;
Oct. 24, JSOO. ,Sherifs MHice, Clcar'd i a.
Teaches Wanted.
Tho be ard' of 1 ft rectors of Knox town,
ship are desirous pf emiJoving four com
petent teachers, for a term of 4 months.
Application to be made immediately to
Conrad Maker, resident, or I). . C'lilh'
cart, Secretary.. . 1). J. CA'I'IIUAUT Sec.
Oct. 3d r.0. 3t.
All persona will pleaso tako notice that the
stud bjok of Panics Wall is left in my hands
for collection, nnd all persons uro rcrpiirodW
make imnicdiute payment to mo. Cull soon and
fcnvo costs. - . . , , . , H. W'. KORll.
ri..t 9111. n.i r 1
t Adininis trntion having been this day gran.
t d to tho itndcisifined on the rstiitt of Villinm
I'lnnton , Into of Decatur tp., Clearfield county
l'n. dee'd., nil persons indebted .to snid estate
sro r(nosld to make immediate payment, and
tlmso having claims against said estate are rociue
tod t prosont tlnjm duty ftuthontioitcd fr set-'1
Ucincnt. J-'.LIJAU 7KCU. Adm'r.
V0ct2I, l'SOO It
iliKiiiiiie hwcml s
I In fn.1 1 1 llc
Vcoctablc Powders.
For tho rpecdy nnd effectual Cure of all Jnjhm
maliont, Jilt inn (it,JJifjifn!lt, and Liver t'un.
jilainl and all Amir nud I'lirnnle Jh'tentet of Ac
ilnlts mid Cliildreti. Send 3 cent Htamp to
her Au'iit. (l. H. JONES,.
, Htmdredi of testiiuonial.1 Box 2l)7l I'hiln. V 0
XXrA-jmrg S. W. Cor. Third it Arch Sts.
Oct 21, 1860 10f. '.,--
Dissolution- of , Partnership. .'
Tho co-partnehlp; (iretafor Misting bo
tween J. r, Mulsoti nnd Johti lirfel, In the Linn.
boring business nt .MulsMiburg, has tUia ,dny
beed (ligsolved by tbo mutunl consent of tlio par.
J. I. MVI.SON. ,
Oot 24, fsfiO (It.
MHtt JUlUiL. , .
ij w. '
Teu uehs Waxted.- Tho School Direc1
' JJr r- t... ..""T:-.: "7i. i. " ' ' i ", wUh 1a m,.1.w
V" .;7;;T7 ,iV- r 7. X f -'V
. " " V. ; ... ,
"' . '"ontns .oerni wage w. e given.
'u i r i -n T t i ii V.
. tolior. ftp dy to Robert laddie IWt or
i'. i. t is ,1-fvis j. ry otHiev oi iuo
Hoard. D. W. WISE, Scc'y.
Oct. 0, 18(10. 3t. pit,
"Why stand yc all the day Idle ?"i
. k 'Y- LATiV vr icntlcwe hi tho' Vnitnd'
J. Stntes, possessing from Sri to $7, enn enter
into nn easy nnd rcspcclablo business, by which j
ifrom fit fypo day cna bo , ranliwiil, il'or'
ifrom y.rt fa SI U) tin tlnv rnm In, rAli-x..,l. .!
..... K-tin . rn '
w yrAc'io? ,
Oct 21. lROO-.l-n.
fi'orlh (!th stptt, J'bila.
1 " - -I '
nines nross goons, nipnuorns nna textures lo
1 V pleaso all, w-il I be found nt tho corner store of of biuinfss l at ho ,.la f hot on tho north sidan'T
Cuiwiusyiliti, May Lft, ISftO. E. A. IKVLX, , Mnrkel street, .1,1 door end of Third st nearl,
" --1 PVit th elil Jew storo; whorohe wllf o.
Otella nnd other Shawls in variety at tbo cheap
Miwo or - K. . IK VIM;
Curwensville, May 1i, 'Ij0.
,1.- . - r--- -.
ools aud Shoes. A larger stock and lower
prices thnn over, at Irvins Chennosl corner. 1
i litnsroMut-ilta. .( lib 'mi ..
. 0 '
Ki f ,f. sPn ,,ld,S1umrr
clotftlngof tho lats.t styles for saltf low by
i.UIW0nsVllle. KilT IS. lSlill. K. A. IRVI.V I
I looking Stoves of various sites nnd pricrno-o
JVsaiooy K. A. IK VIN
Curwfensrllle.'Mi- 18," '60.
ji (llackorel and Hcn-ing for sale at tho cor for
fill ttor of ' i .1. .ly'tU IRVIN. '
Curwensville, .Vay It5, '00.
1 . . ' 11 ..Jan
of an order of the Orphan's-' eourt of Clear
Held fountr. There will liee.ipotcd ro public
Ine, at tlffl Hijso,'of Lunc'Blooni la the UorougU
of CarwensTitle. on'", ' "''
at 1 u'ulock ( ft.Uit Ijollowjs real estato to-
' Ail Qial certain Vnicr el Inns) Vituato In Tike
townidiip, flcnrleltft'omity Tn., bouudod bylnntl
bf Win. SfcNuttl en the west, tlie east by land
of Win. llnldon, on the north- y Uad uf (iuo. C.
1'asenuire, hud oh tbo south bj hnd of Williant
'MrNutit ' Cont '.jning ,1M arre moro or le.s,
ilk twe ttory hou.-e, double burn, oatbuild
inss, orrhrfrd nnd about 115 acres rlcnroj Inuit
llYwi'ow,' Into the'eFtato of Isunc Dloom doe'd.
' ITJRMS, onefi'tli cnfli at limo of fulo, unit
the balance in four ei;al nnnunl pnymenta witli
mPcictt eummentiag Ist-M.iy 181, to bo fcturcit
y bond and mortgage. J AS A. tiLOOM, Kir's.
-"- JOHXIttofMf
Oct. 17, I8tm " ofrmao Uloom dec"J..
I'I'I A r VwiMmlnti Krcittmtot nuionq tli
the Philndolphui P'lio on'l' tiie niloriouj Fin
ger acd ununterfeitcr. in uos Uuehnnaa Crs !! ! I
Cross HoenpUirod ! ! I It sctms to lc tile gener
ul opinion In Clenrtielil.'r'jtit If Cross had worn a
pair of Frnnk (Short's Freuch-colf UooUi, that ho-
, would not bo taken jet. However, Shorty Is-
not mucli put out at missing his custom ; but
would announce to nil Hrerkiim'ihje, 7Wfa,
Liiiniln and llrlt mt, ar.d women and children,
ia CUartieltU and Binnemahoning in piw ticuliir.
tbut k wprepaMtt-tu. luvaisa Aeuk uth Boot,.
Bbid !jiitera.f any ttsW ar pnttern, WitcB
ed, tcwedor peggei, iuid a hojs a short fel
low) on short iiti. "
All kinds of tuatiT rroditc fcXi ui. ex
change, nnd ensh not w ntsnK Repairing done
in the neatest manner and- charges niodcrute, at
the Miort Mioo bhop on horoatl Ktrect, opposite
Heed, WeaTtr A I'o'i store. FMA."K 811UKT...
X. H, Findings for tnlo rcpC 2D,. l0(li
Jaiiluim nnb (oIIttwi 0tt
C'ollcitiom made and proceed promptly remitted'
r.xchnnge 011 Hie Cities constantly
011 hand.
aiff-Oflit'o on Soeuud St., nearly oppusito tho.
XtXlTOR S ,o nC'li-Letter5 testa-
men tn r y hiirini; been- trail led to the under
pinned on the IC-tidu of Abraham Reams Into of
Luh ri'iioo tp., Clearfield co. Pn. Aid all persons
knowing themselves iuJobtoiloo said. 0 slats are
riiiosted to inuko immedlalo poyiuent, and;
those having claims 0ainlit aio requested to
present tliuin lu John L. Hcaina of (loshen town
ship, or G. V. r.hccui of Clearfield Uurouh..
Oct. 10, lSC0.-g;p W. U1LKL.M, Ex'n.
L1JI.IC MAI.-:Tli : iindcrmgned will
1. fell by public ooU-rjr nt tho hits cesiiUnei of
Abraham Ho-un dce'd, in. Lawrenco township,
on Thiirsdiiy lh J.-t A'oventhiw j 'Jfwo horsos,
horso gears, Cows and young cattlo, sheep and
hogs, une largo wngon, tlcitrli, sleds, )Jows,
Iiuirw, hay by tho tun, gruin, stoves, bads;
Bureaus, mid a general variety of houiohold audt
kitchen furniture. Terms mad known on day
.of tale..- ,cle tu coiumenco at !l o'clock A. M.
.lullJf L. HKAM8,
Oct. 17, 1802tp. (jHO. W, KHEEM,
Executors of the estate of Abrnham lteam doe'd..
,. .. Executor's Notice.""-'.', ' '(
Letters tesUtmonlnry Uaviug. bean this day
granted to tho undersigned' on tint Mint ol
Abraham I'eurco sr., Utc of llradlo'A township,
CleHilield county l'n. All persons knowing
thcniHclvcs iudobtod to bald wli -aril- requosted'
tn make iuiuicdiuto payiitcni, and. thusa having
claims ugdnst it are requested, to present thcut
duly oullieiiticuttd to tlio undersigned t
0.-1, 7th, wa, ot. rd. , .
. 1 . u 1
-:.. -t-.--si
1 .i-rri. I'rouer.nJtenlion Ii.
1 y tha tocUi in. propei -Jri
limo will bo ul great
" beuelitto everyone
in point of. heulth
coiufoi t,.nnd eonv-iiiicu tie.
1)K. I1II.1.S vun nlway bo found nt his of
fee, on the corner of Front nnd Main strcclr..
when, no notico to tit ooivtrnry appears-Lu this
pnpon. i . 1
Alt operations In- t'do lino-op ti is profession,,
performed in tho Intest and most' improved
styles, nnd guaranteed fopon yenr nguinst nIS
natural failures. '
Strny llcifer..
A stray Hcifor came tresspassing upon the
prcHiitcs of tho iubtoriber, about tbo lst of'Au
ljit lost, In r.looin tp., a brindlo boiler with
white face nnd threo li" to fent;, ninrieicd to bi
nbout 3 yeirs 0IU1
Tho owner is requested to mint torwanf, proro
property., pay tliaigti and tnko (f nway, or It
will bo disposed of nocording todnnr.. . t
Blooin tp,, OeU 10, '00 .'Hp. JOII Bn.UEr..
AUH Cl.l i. ft f 'l I'.I.I) ACADI-MV. .ill.
bo opened for tho rtcot'tion-of rtimiU
("Inla a"l ftinnU) on Monday. Ag. 2Uh. IStiO,,
: ''' Pf osn pf MwVtiv WoOks-
I , Orthoj-rni-Ly, Ucadina-, Writing;, lhinmr--
mine tie nna. ooogrnphy. $2. Mi
..l!i5,,or,AM-,'.,n,M-0' K"8,ish '0ul '.'op--
. "T'lr "nd History.
""r.""u """" - '
... , .l,rn.V D.""'7. Philosophy
i , . fllrP,,is
Si nik
nWn nnd Urcek Innirunees.. rt i
I'o student desirous of urnnislnn- it tl,nm,,l-
Kiialwh Kilueation. nrid who. inh In Mllia lift
theinsalvos fur toaohora, ti Instttutioa offor.-tlosi-atble
No pupil received, for loss thnn half ascssrom.
and no deduction, mini a txcepl fur protracted
sickness. ...
Tuition to bo paid at tho close of tho term.
O. H. SANHFOIH), PltlMil-AL.
Mij 8:,.1M(W.- Iy.
, Cabinet, Chair Making-, '
70IIN GULIC1I, of the borough of Clenrfielt-.
l'n., will be tiropHcad M all times to attend t...
I'l linV CUSIUCSS ill Ilia nl.avn ..n
notice, anili a-ikmaiiliko manner. His tilafc.-
eonsluntly on hand a largo n'snrtmcut nf Ma
. j n.. , j.-,,,,,,,, viutii., iinn .aoiuci.
l A.n .. t .. . .1 . ' . I .11. , . . , . .
"ognny nnn - nno liottniu
... cvvrj orFi-rirnrn, tiiiicii ne will aisposi
rt-twiiQitnn 'reriiis us mo saino article!
c,"h "O" elsowhero in tho county..
. '"'"k r ' "Wo "ro now on hand,' con
niw nt itort or-4-lrsinnr nnt Common Raroaus .
Sofas, -owing and WSshing Rtnudj, Pvsltg an t
Wmn-r.RroahfostOentre, errd a4 Pier Ta?
b,-. I' . rI,mn,,B11f, J,1PJT ,;,i An.lL i?:
. . . . "'v .
any plao desired.
February r8G9i no. i, Vol. Ir.
Bouuota, FturOiit: braids, nnglish ' straws;
8hakor and other styles trimmed and nn.
trimmed, will b found In v'arioty at tho corai
stor of i i i. : A. A, IRVIS, w
Cut wensrill, May 16, '60.