Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 07, 1860, Image 2

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    ClearUcld, Pa, November T, WfiOj
... The Election
Wo are unable to furnish our readers
with nnv definite, return of the election
held or. yesterday1. 'The signs of the time,
M m-to-indicate that the rote pollbfln
mii will be- 300 s-ho.-lof Uiohist
' 47
Hep. Am
After the Election.
The election i now oven, and we !ka ns
if there can be but litllo uoubt as to tho
result. If New York ha3 cast its vote for
the Uovubliean' cnndidiitei and tho
v . ....rA ,u,.;,imrw iii fnvnr cf tliis-
.1 1 It 1 1 V . . I ' V . YJ ... ..w -
opinion of course Lincoln m rrenidonf, very pice-man- Imleetl ho ww an accom
in the "manner prescribed by thfConati- piishe'lgeriloman, and must bo an honest
Uilion;" though it may be by a minority 'lufln. ThU saoms tc bo tho impreasion
of iho States, and less than one tV.irf of tho jrr. jones left upon tho minds of hi new
popular vole. ; . , . ... J nighboni In Vermont, and everything
Then comos tho not trying time in tho -jse,) along (juite tuioothJy for teverol
history of tho country. The Southern yCari ; when ono of the- leading business
States look upon tho election of Lincoln men of the town sujigcstod tooin of his
a a condemnation, by the people of tho
North, of , their social ayitenv and by a
large portion of Diem, as nn endorsement of
stich attempts as Johiv Brown mndc nt
Harper's Ferry. " ' . . .
.. . What the final resnlt win bo, time alone
can tell. We confer to fearful npprehon
sions, and sincerely hopo that we may be
disappointed. Let tho result bo' what it
may, however, we hope to seo every tem
ocrat stand- up Srmly tfefence of tho
As to tho result in rcnahylvania, there
can bo but cne opinion. The Democrats
have made no effort anywhero to got out
thoir vote, and Lincoln will probnlry have
a larger majorilv 4han Cnrtin had, with
out having so largo a vote. ' i
I A Chance for a Nice Young Man. .
We fmdthe followwg advertisement in
nllato numben of tha Plwladelph'ia Lidjrr,
wLith we publish without chargo. .
"Wantib By a repeelable eolorcd
family, a WJIITK BiY 14 or .10 years ol
age, to wait on tho table and make him
self generally useful about the .house.
Address with reference Tendegrast.'
Bloods o?pntch." . ' ' t
Tlt is tlte result of the leaching of the
BTack Republican party, equality between
tho while and the nogro. . ,,
Tlio while boy it this instanco must
come reccommended tho notice does
not state whether th'i reference must
come from whites or negroes; we presume,
however tho latter, as in this instance
the negro is a little better thnn the white
man. , , ,
H'escQthocquidity manifestations every
wheroj' in Pittsburgh, Button, and other
largo cities they advertise to form thenix
selves into ''Wide Awake Cluba," the le
gitimate tcuchings of the "Irrepressibles.
(Jo on, gentlemen, we will see wlef you
will land with your negro equals.
It seems that John Covodo will have
his hands full during the next Congress
This will enable him togetup another Ho
port in the capacity of n Smelling Cpm-
mittee. . The audacity of this man Covode
isunparalolled in this country. Wo Wonder
if ho will turn his attention to the fraud
in the nrsi congressional district in tins
State, whero rank perjury has defrauded
the Democratic candidate out ef his ek-c
Wherever he goc? he carries with him
tho report of tho late investigating Com
mittee, of which he was a member, and
proves everything he ppcaka abiut by
"My Jiepcrt," as he terms it ignoring
every other member of tho Committee.
This, however, need not surprise any one
as it is Covodeism all over he usually ig
nores everything he is connected with but
5uf Conqueror?-. .
lie who ascends to mountain 4otj, Blafl
find .
Tho loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds
and snow ;
Ho who surpasses or subdues Man-
:i kindf I
Most look down with hate on those
ricloiv Bvrom.
Andrew G. Curtin, the Governor elect,
has given out thai he will keep under his
feet all who dared to vote against him at
the late election, and yet his party ore al
ways harping upen "Freedom and Protec
tion." This seems, however, to mean only!
irecuom to slaves and protecUon to ne.
groes" the white being ruled out iu both
cases. Hear him on the night after the
election t
t.iiPiiriTr. voun .... -I
hate vau vaiA- m f.i i 1 . i- i
.VOW UfT WU ttet, J trill nati fnr'
i.i.iiVUU 1 1U II I AU h. Kl III I
.. .i ji. ' ... . - v
mean Iho nenroea Voll nmA.i. :r
ii,. m .... .... ' .
three years we will Lave to put nP with it
thnt'inll l. i , '
v - ,. ..
Wrllon Dnniol V KiM,i. v.-
York doclines lbeaVnn;
grcsa. Inalottor to hU nBUtuS
mw liPTiranr w u nirnE W hhA hurl
otiv duties, of his profession.
XtZVlT 7 7 publiosandwent hel ove, , heels iVo
Jly the Odd being on h, he must;:.
. AM.i!ft I them from power, since wnicu - -
The Oppotltion. ,!.,., Celled ur,on the "Circus''
We publish on our t.rsi page w . , .
first naee this wee.
lMn ahnw naMUO aajcrecuio
" . - - .....
Governor, from the auoption " 1 ..
..t. ..4i in 1700 U.tha creaona time. it
Sill UIVM, . ...
will b observed that the upposmon ,
though fighting the Democrats as federal-
U. A nO-Mauna, , wvyv- f
and JicpuWw .'nCC,,?:LL dnvetv from the country e,ticWrUl
4 in electing a Governor twice unuer,
the samo name.
In changing thoir names, they remind
usoflho notorious forger ana picKpocKci
in Ohio, n.ea bmlin j auci-com , n.6
number of forgerios upon his neighbors
in Ohio, in order to escnpo detection, he
fled to Missouri, ami there assumed the
uaiue of llro. Mr. Brown wm quite a
gpiitleroan-Teemed honest and upright
in his dealings with everybody, and suc
ceeded very well in everything ho under
took. This state of things did not last
long, the old element soon overtook Mr.
llroivn, having by false yi'Ptenc08 succeed
ded in securing to hituscira Iftrgo amount
of property, which ho tiausfoired to olher
pai ties, and com milled.1 a heavy forgery
on a bank in St. Louis. This was thlnet of
Mr. Brown In Mlisout i. Ho," however,
soon turned up again in Veimont
tti mwivitpd ivune of Mr. Jones, asain a
neighbors that Mr. Jones tins either very
careless, or elso he was no j.idgo of money,
for )io nlw-uad some counterfeit about
(Hi! mercy, don't nake such achnrgo
against Mr. Jones, wm tho immediate.' an
swer of a bystander ; ho is certainly an
honest upright man a pevftct gentle
man, .10 doubt about it.
This soorrrs to hove readied the ears of
Mr. Jones, -wha immediately sought out
the man who had mnda.thit mean ! low ! !
diabolical ! !! insinuation against his char
acterhe could summon and 'refer to ;i
score of business men, both in Boston and
New Orlean (places lit had never seen)
to sustpin his character as an honest man.
The world and Mr. Jones became' a little
settled, and jogged along as usual for a-
bout another year, when on n sudden Mr.
Jones was missing to familiar1 neigh
bors. , The story w.n soon told, a few days
revealed again tho same old "Adam." Mr.
Jones had forged a check of $.1000 upon
u'is iermci defender ami excellent neigh-
, .. .. .1 . in ' l i " :
From Vermort ho fled to Cunad, wle
ho sooiv after perpet rated a forgery upon
a house in Quebec, for which ho was arres
ted and executed."," ,
The officers in Ohio were for yeura in
search of Mr. Smith. In Missouri they
were huntinc Mr. 'Brown: nnd in Ver.
montthey were trying to find the wLcre
about of Mr Jonei, but neTer found him-
The transactions of Mr. Smith, Mr.
Brown, and Mr. Jones, were made known
through tho newspapers, but, an will be
discovered, always under a different name.
Had this notorious villirn kept his origi
nal name, Smith, he would undoubtedly
have ended his career niuch sooner tha'i
ho did. This same individual had chan
ged his name ofton, but he never changed
his principles, and for this he was thriven
from his country.. "
The application in Hits is, the present
Black Republican party, who havo sailed
under the name Of Federalists, Anti-Masons,
Whigs, Know-Nothin:s, and Itepub
licans, and under each assumod name,
hko the origial 3tnith, they have succeed
ed in deceiving the people. '
By refering to tho tablo allwTd! to, it
will be observed that (he Opposition have
succeoded in electing a Governor in' tho
State under every nama thoy hrive assu
med and one only. " .
In every instance in winch they socctui
(led they always ignored themselves, as
witness the cloclinn of Heister in 1820. In
1R2G they were entirely ignored as Feder
alists, after thirteen attempts as such to
elect a Governor which was heir ruin
in lS3rt.
' fn 1820, CndirE (hemselves thtccted in
t1i.i nuienlitii Lv the rx-ewilk. 1ik Keuitl,. I
., , in . , r
they changed their name to Ant,-3fasons
and put their saddlo upon "joteph ritner,"
and under (his name they dono business!
with Uitner. Stevens iCo.. for 12 years i
having succeeded in electing Uitucr ia
rul having been found out fn their rns.
call ties as Anti-.lfasois, liko Brown tliey
were driven from tho State. .
. , .
n 1841 tho samo parly appeared again,
in uie nciu, assuming tue name of Whig,'
and having done business under this
name long enough to hare their neighbors
oelieve that they wero honest men, they
'"uccecdcd ngtiin in 1848.
Soon however, tho old Federal andAn
i.M.nnii,.t..b. -i.n.i i......
. . .
...V: . ' . ,c """vr ulo,aulis nnd captured almost ton man. Tho
aatlimjl. nntnA nf llll'klri n ..M II. ...
' " ",J" l"cJ wer0! remainder Doing cut oil Ironi returning1 1 ui i-ivo
.1..: !.. i Ji. n . .. . . ..n.r.. ll, nf (ton . .
unu loi iu nuuiii in A.u-. nv an nutranmi
" " " s ioiiiiiiig me fame
Pnn the howe stealhi tjancs do svonr.Ul. u.,,:,o.i ...i ,:,i c...
8 , T7 S.0 f Un? by U,0fn U0(lcr 0t l''?,mornifne "?f lhf 2 of 0o,0,t1r.,; l
every trial and diflicuUy,wthis.tlHer moro(bn
successful again in 1854 s , j entering Cripua. ' "As threo thousand Nea-,
m - pohtnns are reported to have been placed
reopIe f rcnn7lvania , found hort dn (omhal in tho battle or Volturno,
greater loree th7ITn.u,st have teat Id that engagement
1 sumntion of 'SiUf.'tf?...!,J...,fe . . 'u?ljlet Mf'
!ha ever before, and immediately '3.,;"
( ' .v!. j
. . it-.. tt,
; ....
exhibiting'. thomselve. im some
... . ,Vr.r--n
localities as iiepuuiiuuijo, m
a and Beoulo'i " tmrly.. all of,
irfcW.lut.Wnv hitched tot-ether this foil, 'and,
. ... ..
gUcceeded again, umU the assumed name
- Uie-nhiteAtid If they ere
! 1. 1 : flliA nnln
nnu in.":! nuo w i" t i
" 7 u
of.nJ.vidualg fuJ wrong ail(I
individual to change his
name, and assume others, it is equally
wrong hopirties to tloiw. -i'-
Names often., chango-lut pwmapU-
ner;r . , ,t -, V ' 1" vi
" If an honest man-never need chunge his
name tc-suoeeed in business and" establish
a good ehnmcter, why is it necessary; for
an honest (!) parly tQ 'change, tLeirnameso
often?' '. .. ; ,i :, ,' .
. -Tub .DmxiUNCR. Ourr ..Republican
friends, who profess so much love far tho
negro and his rights, lind thomselves
sometimes in an awkward situation, j. In
Ohio, New York, and. thcr novthorn
Slatos. .(hey re allowed to volo. i
Li. Ohio, the wor.l white occurs in-the
Constitution, similar to that in Pennsyl
vania. Not ivithstandmg this, me. 'supreme
Court of Ohio (all being Republicans) havo
rendered 'a decision to tho effect that
mulnttoes have an equal right to vote with
the whites. Under this decision,' fiftt-en
thousand mulattoes voted nt tW late elec
tion in that Slate.' 1
The editor of tlio Cleveland Plaimhaler
nays ho sceiv muhUloes vote the Hepubli
can ticked in- that city, al tho lato elec
tion, who were as black as Kgypt. At
length, however, a jovial "culled pussen"
offered to vote, but said he wanted to vote
the Democratic tieUetij But he was told
ly the llepublicnii judge that ho coulu
not vote, because ho wos " a llltfetno Hack.'
Neiiraska Ei.kction. The latest news
fiom this Territory is, that Morton, Dem
ocrat, has lecn elected Delegate to Con
gross. U was given out that Daily, Be
puMicani had recciveU the certificate
This, of course, is untrue, ns the hoard of
canvasstw, composed of. tho Uovernor
Chief Justice, and the United Slates Dis
trict Attorney, met at Omaha, on the 31st
ultimo, and, upon a full count of tho vole
by the proper ofiieen, Morton was de
clared elected, and has been awarded a
certificate of election. ( ,
Affairs in Italy.
' '. From tb Bnltitnor Evt linage. - ,
The Star of Uaribaldi is once more in
the ascendant- Ho has not only cast him
self loose from all affiliation with the Maz
lin'mn tnclioitv Ht he bs gloriously re
trieved his partial1 defeat at Ciuserta by sig.
mrP victory cwi the tnks of the Yolturno.
Capua, indeed, still holds out, and the
port of (iaeta, which is also oceupitd by
the loyalists', oowtinutts to. otter to tho fu
gitive King an outlet oroscape - whenever
his position becomes no longer teiinblo.
Tho oflensivo moveinent ty which he
sought to recover possession of his Cii)rtal
wae wisely planned an J ably executed.
The royalists were thirty thousand strong
wriirst wie entire lorce oi incunriDaitiians
did not namber inore-thn fifteen thous
and: and of these, as the event proved,
the Sicilian and Neapolitan recruits were
not to be depended upon. "They made
a great deal of noise," say an eye-wit r.ess
"but they showed no stonaoh for figlil
ing." The position held by the troops of
the Liberator werenlso weak wher com
pared with those around C'apun. ' If these
were forced there wa? nothing to prevent
the young King from re-entering Naples
in triumph.
Forseveral hours after the battle rom
nieftced the fortunes of h dwy were in
his favor. Tho Guribiddians were driven
from the heights they occupied ; a battery
defending cno of tho most important
points was coplurcd and spiked, but for
the personal diringof (iuyihaldi, and the
extraordinary exertions -vhich were made
by UU chief officers, the ' courage of hi
troops would have given way under the
tromendom fn-o to whk-h they wore expo
sed", nmf the constant reinforcement that
the enemy received from (npua. The re
serves on both siles wero brought into nc-
tron, and so closely was the buttle conies
ted, (hat there were iiwes when itseemed
tniiiiv x.i'nrutt-
almost impossible to prevent the Neapoli
tans Irom hearing down nil opposition.
Al it tt-fl'i (llrtfimil ff .tliA ntiRii.f
amounted to nothing more, on tho part of
theGaribaldians, thnn their capture of
tho positions which they had lost early in
. i rati . . . .
the day. Tho Neapolitans. (hounhdrWon
baclc, had evidently not yet lost all hon?
'of cuoi-ess. for tho next niorninu thev
, ai.Tunon Sa, iho
head quarters of Garibaldi captured by
surprise tho bnracks nnd some adjacent
houses, nnd ini"tit havo succeeded in hoi -
umg itie town ana in clearing (be road (o
Naples had not (ho Piedmont cee troops
in garrison at Naples promnlly responded
to the call offlarilmlfli '
The arrival v m of (hnen frnd, ..,!
well disciplined soldier?, sneedilv chnncpd
llio ninnnl r,f ., II'! ... 1 V.'P r
i .v.. tk til i ii 1 1 a, j li u unci MIUCO Oil
t;me ti,a vn,,ln;,.n, ,. rnL,i A I
part of them flying in the directions of
'Madaloni were attiscked anil scattered by
i no volunteer who iicla tnat post under
aixio, an u some prisoners were made.
five hundred others surrendered to the
Piedmontese, nud two battalions whilst
retreating eastwardly towards the river
iiiierwpieti ny uie isngano
.ouuua nnu rnpiuretl ttirrrosi ion matt, llid
!. . -.
".rsio forof the latter .was attempU
J tk following day .' but rrt with no
i va mn iook to isio mountruns. a ai
Sft iKai-. r. ti, fiv. il,r,c,nnrl
iiiontBiimivniii uoiau viou
M ' wiwiMltfl.j.flpu
trnnna d BDOrseH nmone ine aiounmni",
j. - . . . . u-ousnnd men. Yet
Jan, nre B0
""' " ". V"Ti'.
i;n. t Clntiim
iihv i
"". . . r' iiUimatance
to "ayl t)mt the Dictator h. received
" . . , . . i . . r
Mm r-iimiL'ina fortunes ot llio uaiiie oi
4lly contested andfinulty
won with so much Uitncuuy nowuanger.
oujtitoplce impllolt relinnce npon
mere fvalqr ana antnuMasni, vii ojijxj
sei bv trooiis iuierior in numbers j by no
means, de Gciw tiu otut4ii-Md- lmnjr'tf p
purpose, and altogether Got tor discipline!
tuan ins uwii. . iiu ivpoii, iiwiv .v.
thrown away. Ho has accepted perhaps
reluctantly," (nTC loyally nevertheless .tho
more prudent and circumspect policy of
Cavour. Ho has consented to ubandr.n his
own, cherished scheme of assaulting Aus
tria in her Venetian strongholds, and of
humiliating the Roman Pontilt oy batter
ing down tho gates of Rome.. Ho has
done even move than this, Ho has yield
ed to the wishes of Iho Italian population
for immediate annexation to Sardinia, and
by inviting Victor Fminauuel to tepair in
person to Naples, for the purpose of la
kinc charue ot thn nfliiirs of that King
dom, ho has virtually surrendered his au
thority to Dictator to ,t'io monarch in
whose name he has so nobly fought the J
battle of Constitutional , liberty. With
tho reestablish m nt of a complete accord
between Garibaldi and tho Sardinian Gov
ornment, oil doubts as to ' the future of
Italy may be' said to havo been . dispell
ed. .
Count Cavour has liiumriiied, but the
'triumph of the great soldier .of Liberty not been less signal, lor he has achiev
ed, a conquest over himself, and at iho
height of h's power has auhordinMc:! his
own prejudices' to tho wilt of his King and
to tho good of his country. The volun
leers nnd thctroops of Siutliiiiawill, hence
forth, fujbt shoulder to shoulder, if more
tiuht ing is yet to be done. Cinldinj in al
ready on tho mai'cli from the Ro
man frontier to cooperate with theGari-
baldians in the reduction of Capua ; but
thobatllo of Volturno must haveaduion
ihed Francis II. that his hist stake has
leen Slaved and lost, and (hal any fur
t lid- attempt to defend a position which is
now threatened en. all sides would 'result
in a wanton sacrifice of life. Victor Em
manuel has already entered Naples. ; Ten
days ago tho Sicilians were called upou
1 1' votes for or against 'annexation to
Piedmont, and the only territories ivw re
maining, which are not embraced within
the present scope of ' the Italian move
ment, nre Venotia, and (hat portion ol
tho Papal States which is known .u ':The
Pitfrinionr of St. Peter." For these, Ca
vour is content to wait, and he has eonfi
dently intimated that ho will not have to
w;it long;
ti&"lt appears front: tho Wt aerounts
from Oregon, that J. W, ; Nesmilli (Doug
las) and li D. Baker (Abolitiouist) wee
elected to the United Slates Senate on the
2d.irt. , Nesmith was vlecled f'.r the
longlemiv and I'mker tin tike short term.
The vole steed, Vaker and Nesinilh 27
20 being necessary to nulmice. Tie dis
patch does not give the nivnes of their op
ponents ; but we suppose llw-y were Lane
and Smith. There are somo fuels concern
ed. in tluU election which the poriple
ought to kuow. At tho election toino
time hinep, the rU(tlns lH-mocrats nnd
Iho Republicans united to defeat tho leg
ular Democratic ticket.. : 'J'ho DemocrMiic
Congressman was e'.ectod, but the fusion
succeeded in electing i til ljority of the'
legihiture. This m.ijoriiy agnin united
in the election of one Douglas and one
Republican Senator. . Comment is un
necc.'sary.. Every one. can understand
thefc facts, nnd draw their own conciu
sions. . , ,
We a to not (uiquaiated wiih Bakir ;
Xcmilh . pIovmv well, lie i a liwin of
some xui.siiUtrablo mind, but ot the low
est cawt. a r)r, vulgar, barroom loa
fer, ever delighting in the .grossest nnd
most tibsccwe language, Ir'or tlil di irac
tor he is uotoiiotw throughout (he State,
lie was a good wire-w )rkor and had great
influence with a certain ' Why he
was svlcctei as the IHniglas lender is dif
ficult to determine. It satins that he has
been selected for a position fi which lie
has not the first qualification. Crreim trot , , . .
l'.aiN(i KfrrtT at a B.vNU. Yeslpiday
niorniiig, shortly after 10 o'clock, Messrs.
Kyro & Landcll, Fourth and Arch etroet,
senta boy to tho IVmk of North America,
, i - i .... . ..
I ll al"Ke a ,UCV r ' 01 . c?,nsisl
u oi n chuck 101 ?i,mu on 1110 uuion
bank, !r.'!20 in notes of the deiibiuinalion
of ?20, 10, $.r. nnd 5125 in siwio. The
"' ro''oe'4,", ln n"'v , 'iamie.1 the
pl,ec,e. ovc,-11 H',0 tellcr.and laid the Uok
cf"lUimK 11,0 .chock and noms ilown on
I Mill (liMtnl ah tua, lit til j 1a 11 t...l ... t. II
tiiu LvwiKvri , J"nv nv 110 ic 1 1 ll If l Vf , ltllliU
ho proparfd ft "ticket" to linnd in with
tb0 "cposit,- Whilo engaged in writing
! in'lividuul T o
"n if 10 ''ew whero the Commonwealth
' AJanlt was Bt llie Mmo instant (as is sup.
! l,oscU) pipping tho notes nnd the cheek
out of the book. When the hoy turned
with the ticket in his hand, the book lay
whero ho had placed it, but the cheek for
$1,000 aud tha ..'V2ll liv notos wero gone !
So.itoo, hml ihe individual who had aocos
I ,etl lj"n- ?125 s" fpecio was safe,
luiVlllf llPPIl lltllldeil OVOr I IV tllfl VOIll ll In
- r- - - J
the Teller who caunted it na soon a do-
livered. The thief is delcribed ns a -good
sued, rather tall
man. need between 25
and 123 yenr. .lie wo-s dressed in light
.tj . . . .
dollies, and wore an unusually lone coat
of liglit material, which reached bolow
his knees. , . i .
Messrs. F.yro & Londoll have, of course,
stopped tho check on the .Union link,
I n,l L.. niun nnttna -.P il.ii .ivn;. . v.
'"" "" ."- '."wv.. .,,. t ...t,
.1 .'I'l.., . .A All'n. . 1 .rftnui
CtiRioim OESst-8 I'rti'iins. The census
Inf nroal. Rpitin riflnlnn. ii,. .,kI.,
ik.s iKr e,..u a j i.
. I n I I. n lilt,.1 DIILI'I I IIHL II I'NH I II! llt'D IIHVD I II k 111 ULVlt .".1.-1 """"'l Ul 'L
bv thV lo. 'of ihe:nS3.K),000 to 500,000 counterfeit on'. of Trout run
irons position at Cajuxo-which h ha. the Boone County Hank in Indiana, Iowa, r fa h y
" . -.1. .....1 ui;u mnrA Illinois, and Missouri. Notes amounting I .,V: .' r
rw. iinnii ilium in i ului 'i mum -'
! If0 '" Sl". more Dish i" ,Ti,.B.w
than in ltome, and more Jews' than in' Arvin Clark's admrs
, Pttlostino. There are also in tho same1 Isaa Bwailes
metropolian less than 00,001) Germans. 'Jol,D ratcbin , ;
80,000 French, and 6,000 Itlina ; a very iTi'Ck oTalrt
llfF number of Asiatic, from Wi parts j Thnmaf WcKn
.'iv. w w mui u .-iviviu i urmi'i tixni in
and werabipi
l."cir luoia
-.. t, o ... u.,U
l"o omccrs n un j,u.. vum..,
have been plyig
the inptitutioti, were aifeitcd on
day. - All the V "
to f 45,00 were issued
were issueu by the Auditor of
, and the spurious nd genuine
tho State
notes are from the samo plate, the Au
ditor and Register's signature being coun
terfeited on (he former. A. Spoont,
too President, made good Ins escape,.
i.Tho (Sanctum of the editor and titoprie
(or of tho Huntsman hklio, n sheet print
ed , in i i Nebraska, presents someliaies
strango sights "last w eek," tho editor says
"upon two occasions, from our oftico, we
ivitnessol the pluylul pranks, of several
antelope, and again a sprightly red fox
eaine up near the enclosure, but cut and
run wheoTowser eame in sight; a nice
i-ttoo they had, hnd both made time, but
reyrurd the best A woek ago (wo grizzly
bears and throo largo wolves hove in sight
and played around on the prairie at a sate
diiitaijce j the same chaps, probably, (hat
made a tender meal from a gomi-seized
calf of ours that had boon running out.
The bufhdo have taken our caution, and
for two weeks they have not troubled us."
Infamous Fuaii ox Fkhalcs A Despi-
i'aiu.e Siounurei.. A day or two since a
New. York Kharpee lauded jn Phihidel
iihii, hired a room at No. Union
street. Uo then, advertised in the Ledger
.for your c ladies to lean it Ltwiness wnich
woulil pay Irom !m to !ft. per weelt. tjmte
a number of females tinswered tho adver
tisement, and were (old'Uut they inw-t
pay $10 each, r'lihis nil except ten or
twelve of them. deal iuvetV. The latter paitl
.over Iho funds and were-told to call next
day. They did so, aid found the slvaeper
had vanished duiii; the night,
IttMr. Yancv, the Southern Orator, of
Alabama, is a step-son of Hev N. S. 8. 15e
man, D. D., ofi l'roy, N. Y., who w hen a
yourg man, was teaching in that State,
nnd married, Sir,' Yancey's mother, a
young widow with 'two or threoHmall chil
dren. Dr. Reman sottled in Trov, bring
ing Mr. Y., there with him, when he was
fitted to enter Williatnlown Collej'e.
MARRIED.' ' " '
Od Sunday, the 28lh ultimo, by Pnnio! (Jood-;
laniler, '.. Mr. Jacob Link to Mis .Sara 11
Cahsoi; all of Uraly towhship.
On Sundny, November 4, by Iter. CCA.
Ilrandt, Jlr. t'Eoiicw A. !vFn.irAi,i. to Miss Lori
A Yoas, both of ifrady township.
On Saturday, the 6th in.r.,by Iter. James CIoa
rv, .Mr. W. C. M'nit;r, of (fniNnm township, to
Mits Jask Sort.T, of liradFort towrrvbip.
n Wednnxlny fat the 22d, of dlptheria Pam-i-ki.
J, Son of Matturw and Ja.ik Tatk, of ;o
xhen township, ngeiljyears i monthiand a .lays.
On Thursilay the 2(1, of Dlptheria, R.icuKr.
duughter of JtATatrw, and Jax Tatk of lloshcn
township, aged 4 years 4 months and II dnys.
In Lawronce township, on the 5th instnnt
wife of KnRr.zisn Kiso, aged ahont TO years.
On the full Eiif:K:u Kino, about tho same
sge bo:li dying within 24 boars, . t
In Lawrence township on the fth Instaut, Jo
SBrii l.Ai.ia, aged about 33 year.-.
11 rb bnlisnnntts.
Kihool Jlircrtowof I'lliE TOWNSHIP wish
10 employ ha competent Teachers, fur a term of
three months. Liberal wages will be given.
Apply to Kit Bloom, President, os toll. C. I'ale.
Secretary ef the Poar By order f the Hoard.
nov7 It. 0. DALK. fecretary. .
T. j. M el ti.ortn.
fU t t l.KM (ill A
Attomei'M at
wm, a. a erti.oetn.
Office on Market troeU opposita) Mossop'i Store,
Clinrfielil, III. 1 H1 nttend promptly to Colleo.
lions. Sale of Lanifs, do. nov7-ly
IteFpcctfuIly invites thenttintion of his oll ens
tomer, nd orher, to his stock of
F A L L A N ) W I N T K K (I 0 O D
Which lie offers
Ho nlso continues to oVnl in LUMBER, of all
kind,iu nny way lo sail his customers,
Tho highest nnirket price will o paid for nil
kinds of GRAIN.
C A L L AND S K El -Tjia
New Washington, Nov. 1, 1860. iiov7-6m
y T 7c I Xli LESU OT K L,
Corner Third and Wood Streets,
Col. A. P. OWENS, Pkopriktor,
Respectfully onsouncei to the travelling public,
that be has now taken charge of this large and
well known bouse, and will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excolloat comfort and full
i ("tmfaction to all who may favor him with,
i .n . .
i"". nov.iv
II6T OK C At SliH for (12th) November
J Term, I860. Adjouraed Court:
(Jacob Hoover
va Matthew A Force
I John II Abbess
vs G W Caldwell
. vs Edward McGarvey
v I'idward Curry
rs Laird A Blair '
vs Palrii-k Dalia
vs James Huff , : .
vs Jared Y Galer .
vs M 4 J Denaing
vs Adam Knurr ,,
Va Allison 4 Wagoner ,
v Iavid Tyler
v Andrew Wilsoft
VI Richard llanver M
vs U B Hnii Ill's adm'z '
vs U D (toodfollow
vs Jesiah Lambora et al
Vt John Killiao -vs
JScobWilheliii". "
jy u Kerlin
I Mary Ann Lewis
- . .
Bornemnn A Mook
Iwis I Bloom i . .
(1 B Logan .
George Krlmrd .
James M Leouard
John J Weaver
,John Patch in
' , a... ,j
vs Jas Albeit 3t Brl
vi Edwatd Currv
Mar,. A.. Lewi.
R abort Reed iCiiii ii Jas Albert A Bro .
X vwv,-. .
bfr, srI, isjj. -i
WH. H.BUIB....i;r.. Joewn,J
"l in (so Mill eointy of fentre, on MONDAY u
....v .I-- wnVL'UKCIl .11 .1.. . '"I
ike tl defendant, Joicph J. LingWjJ
unaiviucu luuna pin m aii mx Mrttij
,icrci SDj Uosuivtioin(t bold In ctnuioi,;,!'
a. G. Cu.-iin, D- I. I'runcr and John M.Bii1
11 wuiira piKit..- wr.niufu m
f:nge given by Jhe, mid Jotejib.J. Lirgle m,
I, fllair,. d(cd fcd SntemberJ8i7, 'ji1lk
cordrd in the tflice for tlio recording of d(,
4e., In MartgnfcB Book E, page St, . in
will bo fold si (he rroprty of Jonrh J. iiti
in accordinito'rtitli b priTisini of thA,
Afceniljly of 13lh Jun9, 1810, in reference tonj
teutions agninet lands in rertnin conntiei. I
. 7 THOMAS JWeCOY, Kberit (
ghenff'i, Bollefonto, Oct 30, 1SG0.
Secured by'ltttert patent in the Pnlled fit, J
Jipgljlid, France and llelglum. :
The American Photogmiihic Porcelain C
pnn.T, No. 781 'Brondwoy, Now Ycrk, hii
secured thoir 'ovol ind Ingeniui lnvcMioij,
American ana European ynea it, arc rullj
pnrtd to executo all orders for
Miniature J.iknte of Persons on Chi,
presenting all tho attractive and advantage, .
features of ordinary photogrnphs, tho brilli,,
ant nmsn 01 a waicr-coior uruwing, a a Skill J
erto unattalned qnulity of durahity, by kJ
tica of tbe articles upon wLick (key are trw.
As the p.'itcnted process of the Company n,
IjUs tho reproduction of photographs, not n
on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round,
of any dogree of i rregulnrity, portraits can U f
produced with fnulllcss accuracy and dclitsn
delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any dtnrj
tion and unnenrion nscu as articles 01 lusurj
of housohold utility, such ns Urns, Vases, limi
fnst Cups, Toilnt Articles, Ac; thereby seciuid
tHilutul ponrnus.nna lurmsuing aumqutu
extuisite style of ornamentation of ariifl,,.
domestic Mfo.
In ordor to furnish faciliriea for the gratitti
tiun of the pnpulnr t.iste, and to meet the wit
of tlioe pntrons of the duo nits ileairom
having portraits on 1'orcolain, the loinpany kn
imported from Knrope a coll.-ct ion of supeiii
porcelain goods, manufactured to their own
which they will sell at cost prices.
As the American Company are owners el tj
potent ri;ht, and consequently the only potm
outhoriied to ue tho process, they lave dtli:
mined, in order to n fiord peopli in ertry scrlH
of the Unitn nn opportunity t possss pertn
on C'liinn, to moke the fullewing propositioi
rtsidents in the euuutry, who aro unable to vii
rcrsnually tho Atelier and (iallcrioi in Ni
York :
; Pc'snns Stndirg n photiigrnph, anibrolypt,
dngnerreiitypo to tlicoliceof the Coi.pnij
New York, accompanied by $5, will receiri
return by expresc, free of chargo, a richly mi
mented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, with them
trait transferred Ihorcon
lly triins'iiiiuiiig a dagucrTetttipe-ajid )
will reeotre in liko luoauvf a honusume 1'reu
Vase tr Toilet Artrelo, wrrh the portrait rffrJ
ducou ny the patented process.
. )Jy sending a pair of dagoorreotypes ar.d !;
they will receive in roll rn u pilr of rich Semi
Ynsea, with tho portraits exoeutod equal to Bit
iuture raintings; and, in like uinnaor, porltnJ
can be reproduced on porcelain wares or
of every qunlity of finifb, rnnging in frin bid
fzn m film the pair.
N. II. He partk-lar ir writing' tbe "
town, comity, nnd Htale iRi-t'iDcllv.
All letters to be addressed to " Mancger, Aati
ican PhutograpU'to Vosclini Co., 781 Pmadwij
Xow iork. nor'-J
1( CONHI'SH'TIVr-S! Tie advrrtwi
bavins t-ten restred to boallsj in fn
weeks by a roy aimple remedy, oie? haviaf nf
fered for serenil yea with a fevere lunjobi
tion, and that drt-d dicasn Coiiiinnption, ii ai
ions to u.nlie known to his Wlow-JufTorerl 111
nienns of cure,
To all who desire it, be will send a copy of IM
prescription used, (free of charge.) with tha r
rections fur preparing and using tho san:e, nkirt
they will find a mi cure lor t'onnmplinJ
Asthinn, Jtrcnchitis, c. j be only okifstefu
advertiser iu sending tho prescription ir tobttt
lit the afnictcd, and spread nifrmntiou whickii
conceives to be inralunblc, and he holits ertn
sufTerer w ill try his remerfr as it will ee4lkis(
nothing, nnd may prove a blotsing
Persons wishing the prescription win pliau
address Rev. tDWAItl) A. Wll.pd.t,
Williauiburgh, Kings Co,, Si. V
it I 1. 1 ci i oim
Is pulili.-lil weekly, in tho -city of New Yeek,e
Saturdays, in quarto form, on the be-t ftr, m
in tl.o bast style, aiming to be the exponcal m
Conservative prinr.ples.
Is sustained by abundant mmtnsfrom the P'T1'
Ihcmu'lvuj, and is intondrd lo suppW Ihcir faa
litis uiih im organ comparing favorably with V
largest ana best inurnnia ol the day.
It cowti Ins the hett litcrarv nbilitv at hoen
and abroad : and represent fully and loyally
ourngeously its dcnoinioational interests, a
ae tho interests of general Christianity ; and v
oonducted with prudence ami dignity, an if aim
to bo nbovc partisnnsbip and virulence, and tvki
A Complete Family Paper, and a deride
Organ rf the Church.
. It is edited by Rev. Oenres R Crooks, t. I
assisted by Rev. John M Clintock, D P., (''
present residing in Pans.) as Correspondmi
Kditor, nnd an efficient corps of Contributor! it
the various Depart metis ; embracing from tie"
to time, bcrmonsby dittineuished Ministeri, far
nished to or reported expressly fur it. It will bt
embolisbed from time to time by Portraits of Em
nest Men in the Ministry and Laity in tbe ran
on quarter! ef the country. $2 a year: Five oonies to one adilrsw
19; Twelve oopica to one address, $20 ; Twsilt
copies to one address, (30. Payments iovarUbl'
in advance. -
Liberal commissions allowed to Ministers wit
procure subscribers. Specimen numbers seatoi
application. L. BANGS, Publisher.
Office, No. 7, Beekuian at, New York. '
AfAHRIACH Gl ID1J Being a prhtH
about to be married, both male and female, it
everything euiucrning the physiology and re
tionsof our sexual system, and the produclioalf
' prevention of offspring, including all the
' discoveries never before given in the Bnajlisb
. lunguage, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really
a a valuable and interesting work. It is writtsi
in Dinin laniruaire ior lob srenerai reader, ana m
i , , . , . .i - i j i.
married people, or thoae contemplating mrrir,
I and having the least impediment to married lift,
Illustrated with numerous engravings. All yoatf
should read (his buck. It discloses secrets UK
every one should be acquainted with ; still it lit
: book that, must be lucked up, and not lie aeon
the bouse. It will be sent to any one on receipt
or twenty-five cents, in specie or postage itaropt.
Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 414 Spruce ft,
aeove mirth, rrnladolphia, 1'a.
Xr6"-Al)iint and LWortnnate No matter
what may ba your disease, before yon place vow
self, under tlio cars of any one of tbe aokriH'
Quacks, native or foreign, wbo advertise ia tail
or any oil er paper, got a copy of either of D'
Young's books, and road it carefully. It will i
tin Weans of saving yon reany a dollar, yen
health, and possibly your life.
Or. YOUNG can be cons nlted en any of tbt
disease! demrtbed ta bia pabliealiens, at s
offieo. No, 416 Sprue at, above Fourth, nl-lf
I gLC aldei of Spanish tole leather 'r sale 1
J OO for cash by 1. Ji. V
. Crwaa.HJl, May Id, !.
rnnmflni inu Iran ui iiinat. ,