BY 0. S. GOODLANDER & CO VOL. XXXI.-WIIOLE NO. A PRETTY LYRIC We'll part no more, Oh, rover 1 Let gladness (look thy brow, Our hearts are joined forever By each ruligirus vow. Misfortune's clouds have vahishod, That caused our bosomi paiu , And every care ii banished, No more to coine again. Hope's star Is brightly burning Within its brilliant dome, And tolls of joy returning To cheer our rural home. It shines through gloom to gladden, Disponing grief and care, For sorrow ne'er can saddon While it remaineth there. 'Mid flowery vales we'll waudor, And by the laughing stream, Our bosoms growing fondor 'Nouth love'i encnanting beam. In youdor cot reposing Iu plenty, tido by side, Each morn fresh joys disclosing, Through life we'll gently glide. Htisttlhiuous. A FAITHFUL FRIEND. For the New York Observer. Tile level beams of a December nn ivcre shining unchecked through the ricu.y urapeneu windows, illuminating jVith a summer glow tho walls and mas live furnitiiro of a room in ono of th riticipul uvenues of our great metropolis, .ocatod in a fashionable noi''hborhood. ho mansion rose anion? it. mr.iiinr. :ei;jlibors, a pal ice in its adornment and paciousiiess. lucre wero many among lie passers bv : manv anion" tlu vUitnvn lit tliut dwelling, who cuvjed its possessors no Happiness winch they supposed them o enjoy amid all these luxuries of art j' i nil nisiiiou. lint friendship, love and happiness are TCllsui't'S that L'uld liavo never vet iwn Me to nurchase. and the i'ienttil nrln It returns into the hands of the offerer ill. n .I..., . 1 i.: ?-ihi u nujiuii mui hiiikcs iinii ueeiu lb mt Icm'1 ; (lull and worthless in compari son with that lift crnvea In nnsGnss S!n In jthis splendid abode there was no home, 310 happiness) : in that L'ori'eons cluimlini. klwelt a solitary and homeless heart. Koclining upon a couch, palo and wea-ly-looking, lay a beautiful woman, scarce ly nast the neriod of vnnlli. II tood beside her remonstrating against nno unusual iigiu which she teared would injure ina eyes weakened by lever and klobilitv. but her mistress renl ied imnn- jtientlj: "0 do lot mo have something cheerful in my own room. 1 am sick to death of all this cloom and loneliness. nnJ I want Hlic sun lor company. When sister Marv lomes, you may close the blinds and Jiirow down tho curtains, if you will ; sho Jwill bo sunshine enough. Till then 1 will illllVO it to." "Well. then. Mrs. Wharton." una Mm "I think I there is a traveling carriage nt the door, jHineli I nni almost sum is Mr. norland's, land Thomas is taking oft' a trunk t Nster must bo in tho house. I rvill bo and Ting her up, if you wish-" This was needles, for !fr Tfnilnn.l wn. pdnady in the room, nnd as tho nurso inkened the windo ta, the sisters ex changed their plmost mute embrjces "I thouglityou would never come, Ma ry, said the invalid, as the v were left lone together after Mr. Ilorl unil linil ihiid asido her travelling dress ; " I have longeu so to see you ; 1 shall cet well f now, 1 am sure, with your cheerful faoo ncside me. " " I came to you, dear, " was the reply, "as soon as 1 thought it right to leave Ma bel j ho has been ill. " " Yes, 1 know, poor child j but she i.1 better now, and you can stay with mo. " " For while. She has cone with. Emi ly anil Goorgo to Savannah. They sailed yesterday ; they will stay at our cousin l-'liuivhill'fc there, ivhilo their father goes into tho interior on business. But, Uaro lino, I did not expect to find you confinod to your room yet. Your husband told George last week that tho doctor said you might go 'down ftairs, and that ho expec ted you to bo at tho dinner table that day. " " I dare say ; Mr. Wharton has no pity for invalids ho is always well enough himself, and thinks no ono onirlit tn ,n 1CK. I did not earn In muliA ilin ArnrlSnn to please him ; Gcorgo is never so exact ing with you. " "Kdvard did not speak of it in that WV; he seemed to feel genuine pleasure in your recovery. He certainly was vory anxious about you wlion you were so ill." "Ho took good care to conceal it from inr, tl,on." . ', Carolina, why will you always think in this way f You know it would not have been wise in him to betray it to you in the condition In which you were." "Yes; but Mary, you know, it i not that. Ut never ' bhows me any tender ness." i "But, Carrie, dear, do you ever encour age tutu to do so?" "Fsha, you are always casting the blame Cif fhaaa (um!ttt .1 1 ? oiniijr hi jiiycmtin ujiuil me. I hmk, Mary, you might pity and comfort "icnow, when 1 need it so much." "i do fiom my heart, my dear sister j "I'd you knaw 1 would do all In my pows to make you happy, to see you well and cheerful as in tho old time long ago." "Tho dear old times, I was happy then ; yo why did I ever leave them behind me? l know that it is io your thoughts, though ou will not say it ; that I am but reap- "'g the fruits of mr nirn itninni thai. I married In spite of my mother 'wishes, 1G29. and of your persuasions, one who thought itt e i and cared loss about the religion I had been taught to reverence, nnd h hich l thought once that 1 possessed. But yet, alter all, I cannot see thnt it was such a terrible sin, I do not see vhy I should be thus afllieted." "And yet the world envies you. May it not bo, dear, io call you back to the Master vou havn left .i.. ... - - "1 -mm iu uihko you tike llim m his forgiving gentleness, in his nntipnra undo. .;., i ' I " -" " " - . iiiui I "That I tllnll noi 1. it t bo patient and gentloT Here this morn- - ' 1. 1 lull I. Jill IT I'll Tl u5 iur. vnarton comes to mv room be- lore ! have bud mv l.1.n,H...'. .n i had delayed going down town an hour la- . i ii an uauiii ill Knonir T m n . 4 1. 1 1 links it wnnlil iln m nnn.i i .1. . - ------ - niv jjuwi IU UUVU 1110 children with me a little to day ; that he x.ukhw uniaitniui; and suggests that to-morrow 1 Hilm-mi with some iurchases for them. To be sure. I Know mat llioir winter wardrobe ounht to 00 attended ta i.nt . : i.r r liavini! those thr rln'l,lrn . . . 1 " - 1110 lai'n ui four in tno room with me sets me vild : the reality would nearly kiil me." w ......v.i vh mwii n 11 111 1 '1 think not; good-humored noise, your own children's too, would hardly produce so alarming results. Indeed, I think that Edward is right; you need something to stir you from this lethargy. I am sure ho means it kindly for you, as woll ns lor the children. They ought not to be left too much with Lucille. You Know 1 am no friend to Fnench nurses but I dislike and distrust this one as much' as your husband does." " Bui he has such a disagreeable way of saying these things ; my spirit alwavs re bels. Lucille was highly recommended and always seemed to behave well enough, and 1 don't see why I am 10 give her up to humor theditliko or my husband mere ly : not that I card so much for her cither, but I will not be dictated to in this cold way." " Because it it is too hard upon your pride. O Carrie, when will you lay this proud spirit down at the foot of tho cross ? IOU have not learnnil t.lmt. (Imra it of greatness, in the nobleness in the virtues of patience nnd submission ; the highest, truest greatness, because in the exercise of these wo are more Jiko our Di vine Exemplar. Is it less ennobling to perform all the duties of your lot with cheerful patience than to lie here and fret against them, leaving all undone? A life of self-will is but a life of sin, and therefore must be a life of misery. You admire a patient, gentle spirit in others ; jou adtniro one who exhibits groat pow ers of endurance, who triumphs over the petty, but constantly recurring obstacles in her way, bringing out of tho deep, cool well of her heart, sweetness to life for herself and others; disarming unkind ncss by her patient love, her gentlo for bearance." " This is a fancy picture, Mary ; I can not make it real. " " liavo you then not discovered whose fair image was in my mindf Was it not like our mother. " " Yep, indeed, like her ; dear blessed mother, liutmy trials are so different. ller's were open to the eyes of the world; she was called upon to endure. But mo; every one thinks thnt 1 must be perfectly happy, and yet 1 know nonomore wretch rd than myself. You cannot judge, your lifo has been t happy ; your Jhusband well nigh worships you ; ho always gives you your own way. To be sure, you nev er take it as I would , 1 ut it only proves as I said, that you cann it understand my trials, having had so much happiness. " " And yet, Carrie dear, there was a time once, when you said, that .rather than nubniit to my daily nnnovnnccs, you would run aw ay anil leave husband and children. " "Oil reinembor j that was when Ocorge'u mother and sisters lived with you. But the old lady almost adored you before she died, and the sisters ditto, for they seem ed to take you for a pattern in their ovn families. " "And should I thus have won their love if I had returned anger for their sus picion, recrimination for their fault find ingf It is hardjto be patient when the blood is stirred ; but surely it is better, than by strife to keep up unholy feelings that gentleness might conquer. Tho in fluence which pcoplo aro least ablo to re sist is a gentlo, forbearing tempor. I am satisfied that we win more victories in lifo by what wo forbear to do, than by what wo do. " "Still I say that I think you would find yourself at a loss what to do in my position. Such trials as mine are harder to bear. " But tho samo rales may fit, dear. " ' How?" "May I speak very plainly?" " Say all that in in your heart. " " Well, then, begin by looking your troubles in tho face ; set them in array, count them, and estimate your capabili ties for overcoming them. " "But I cannot enduro. " "Tiicn overcome. " " That is impossible. " "Lot us see. You have a husband whom you liavo onco loved devotedly ; "Thought. " " Well, thought you loved j the same reality or delusion, as you will, existed in his mind toward you. Ten ycars'.expe rience bas showB you both, many incom patibilities of temper which you have never dreamed of. You are both proud, both unyielding. lie thinks it is your du ty to conform to his views : you will not submit to be controlled, lie is wrapped up in his children, and you to de vote yourself to them ; it may be, a little ntira Ik.n i. ..miuii.u nn mil M.UIVVAW.I1IIJJ UlinU AD UUWDQMIJ , JVM VUV of opposition take no care of them, simply KanoiiBA Ii a Mr io Vi trim If sinrl f aaI WtfMli riAnrf WMM-V U Tl IOUVQ IV, nuv vvi V ftirninfcf. Chair Snnivtont Iava Ymi aliii I jruurtHui up wuu your unritws .vi'iuiugai cvviug yuur own ueari oui vmu vm vruu PEIUCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, I860. es for chango, neglecting your duties to your husband, every day widening the charm between you j ignoring the claims , of your children, leaving to the influence and teachings of an ignorant, perhaps , wicked foreigner, tho minds and hearts committed to you to form not only for I tins life, but for another ; forgetting that the years thus lost are never to be rearm- iiuuereu, ana sougnt after when you go into society, spoken of ev ery ivhere as the 'brilliant' Mrs. Wharton, while you carry with you constantly a heavy, burdened heart. " "How do you know?" "I know that it cannot 1 Our dear mother too carefully educated your conscience to suffer it to bo silent when her child neglects her duty. I won der r.ot thai you aro wretched. 0! my sit ter, lay aside this foolish pride, this unwi.'. lingness to own yourself in fault, follow tho dictates of vour eonsrionpA fllnw what I know must be tho pleadings of your heart, if ycu will but allow it to peK ; seek reconciliation wi!h your hus band at any cost, and ue a truo wife and mother onco more." " 'Once more ,' I never have been." "Begin then i.ew duties; you will soon find then delightful. Keturn whence you huvo wandered ; seek pntienco, for bearanco, strength, nnd wisdom, where in your childhood you were taught to seek for every blessing. The shadow of the cross -not a shadow of diiikiipsi. but. n n ray of glory, shall rest on every cross that you are compelled to take tip, and will brighten every care. Bo faithful to your duty, and it may be given you to win your iiusuuiiii io waiK with you in the heaven ly way, as well is on your lifo path." "It sounds well and 'nleasnnt - stirred within me feelings and wishes, Ma ry, mat i ii-ougnt were dead nnd buried. But I cannot, I know not how to bcin." "Becin by Oeknowli'il.rin,. Invnnr lin. baud thot you were wrong. I am suro he win meei you in way." ''I wish I could do so. but it is imnosii- ble." "Nothing is impossible to nn carneft and true heart, Carrie. You know where to find strength. I will seek it there for you vou must seek it also for your self." "What a dear, pretty Mamma you are now," Raid little Charlie Wharton "I like you a great deal better than Lucille ; I sni so glad flip is gone." "And so am I," sai i his sister Carrie, "now we have such nice times here in your pretty room, Mamma. O! dear, it was so miserable up :here in the nursery. Lucille wm so cross she used to strike us, and she beat Charlie one day, because he told Iur she ought to be nshamed to slap little baby Mary when sho cried ; and thnt In believed she gave lier poison out ot the bottle." "Well, I believe sho did, Mamma; I used to see her giving some black stuff to baby Mary, that made her sleep- ever so hard ; and Lucille used to go nway after she put us to bed, nnd sho used to tell us that if wo made any noise while she was gone, or told any one that she was nway, sho would bo sure to kill us or sell us away to the Jews, and they would carry us away in their old clothes bags." "Ard its all so nico now, Mamma. Ta pa don't look grave and sad as ho used to ; and you never send Charlie and mo nway to play any more. 0 ! it's so nice to plav here, I do love you so." "1 just tay your the nicest nnd prettiest Mamma that n follow ever had. Lucille u? ed to say you were cross, hut you aint now one bit. When Aunt Mary was here, Lu cille said she was a menn spy, and sho ha ted her. But I think Aunt Mary's real nice, we've had glorious times ever since she cftino. I love her a sight too." "You may well love aunt Mary, Charlie dear,' Faid his mother fondly stroking tho golden curly head that lay upon her lap, "sho is tho best friend that you and your mother ever had." "And J, too, acknowledged Aunt Mary by the same tillo," said Mr. Wharton, who entered ltirin Charlie's hist speech ; "al ways love her my boy, sho has laid us all under a groat debt of love and gratitude ; such as we now ow to uo ono but our God." Then turning to his wifo ho said, 'l have good news for you Cr.rrio. George was in at roy office to day. He brought back the girls from Savannah, Mabel as well as ever ; and your sister sotv.ti a pros sing invitation for us to como out to Kern Dalo for a week. It will do you good, so you had hottor let Nannctte "pack up for you to-morrow morning, and go about noon." "And will you go, dear Edward ?" "To be sure I will, I do jot mean to rid you of my presence very soon, you will have to keep mo now for better or for worse." "Always for bettor, now, doar husband, thank God." L. Life and Death. Life and death ; what a viul words j yet how lightly they drop from tho lips. We utter them aiifwe had not constantly heforo us the solemn warning, 'that in the midst of life we are in death." We wander along the high ways of our mortal existence, either heed leu or unconscious that we are pursued by a shadow which will go wherever we go. Wrapt up in ourselves, we adore the pres ent, regardless of the fact that, however glittering it may appear to our senses, it is wreathed in mists, that spread disease, and pain, and death on every side of us, "Floating down toe current of time to tb tomb We hallow too much the flowers on its side." aT"An elderly woman, with her daugh ter, looking at the marble statue of Girard, in the college building, astonished the by standers by exclaiming; "L, Sally, how white he was." not MEN, Progress of the Vote of Pennsylvania From the Lancaster Union. The following interesting table shows the result of the vote for Governor of Pennsylvania, from the first contest, in I7.0, to the present time .- . Votes. LOO Thomas Mifflin, Democrat, 27,725 Arthur St. Clair, Fedoralist, 2,802 Whole number of votes, 30,527 Thomas Mifflin's majority, 24,923 1793 Thomas Mifflin, Democrat, 18,500 F. A. Muhlenberg, i federalist, 10,700 Whole number of votes, 20.20G Thomas Mifflin's majority, 7,884 1790 Thomas Mifflin, Democrat, 39,020 F. A. Muhlenberg, Fedoralist, 1,011 Whole number of votes, 31,031 Thomas Mifflin's majority, 29,009 1799 Thomas McKean, Democrat, 37,244 James Koss. Federalist, 32,043 Whole number of votes, 09,887 Thomas McKean's majority, 4,001 1802 Thomas McKean, Democrat, 47,879 James Koss, Federalist, 17,034 Whole, number of votes, 01,913 Thomas McKean's majority, 30,845 1805 Thomas McKean, Democrat, 43,547 Simon Snydet, Democrat, 38 485 Whole number of votes, 82,032 Thomas McKciiu'h majority, 5.002 1808 .Simon Snyder, Democrat, 07,975 ; ames Koss, federalist, o'.l,oi3 John Spoyd, Independent, 4,000 Whole number of votes, 1 1 1,554 Simon Snyder's majority overall, 24,390 1811 Simon Snyder, Democrat, 53,319 Wm. l'ilg'hman, Federalist, 3,009 Whole number of voles, 50,928 Simon Snyder's majority, 49,710 1814 Simon Snyder, Democrat, 51,099 Isaao Wayne, Federalist, 29,500 Wholo number of votes, 80,005 Simon Snyder's majority, 21,533 1817 William Findlcy. Democrat, 00,331 Joseph IJiestcr, Federalist, 59,272 Whole number of votes, 125.G03 William Findley's majority, 7,059 1820 Joseph '.leister, Federalist, 07,905 ' William Findlcy, Democrat, 00,300 Whole number of votes, 13405 Joseph Holster's majority, 1,005 1823 J. A. Shultze, Democrat, 89,928 Andrew Gregg, Federalist, 04,211 Whole number of voles, 154,139 J. A. Shultze's majority, 25,717 1820- J. A. Shultze, Democrat, 04,211 John Sergeant, Federalist, 1,174 Whole number of votes, 05,385 J. A. Shultze's majority, 03,037 1829 George Wolf, Democrat, 78,219 Joseph liitner, Anti-Mason, 51,770 Whole number of voles, 129,995 George Wolf's majority, 20,443 1832 George WoU, Democrat, 91,385 Joseph Kit nor, Anti-Mason, 88,105 Whole numl er of votes, 179,500 George Wolf's majority, 3,170 1835 -Joseph Kitnor, Anti-Mason, 91,023 George Wolf, Democrat, 05,801 II. A. Muhlenberg, Democrat, 40,580 Wholo number of votes, 200,410 Joseph Kilncr's plurality, 28,222 1838 David It. Torter, Democrat, 127,821 Joseph Kitner, Anti-Mason, 122,325 Whole number of vo'.es, 250,140 David It, Forlcr's majority, 5,490 1841 David It. Torter, Democrat, 130,504 John Banks, Whig, 113,478 Whole number of votes, 249,982 David K. Porter's majority, 23,020 1844 F. R. Shunk, Democrat, 100,322 Joseph Markle, Whig, 150,050 Whole number of votes, 310,372 F. It. Sliunk's majority, 4,272 1847 F. It. Shunk, Democrat, 145,081 James Irwin, Whig, 128,148 E. G. Kcigart, Native Amer., 11,247 F. J. Lamoyne, Abolition, 1,801 Wholo number of votes, 280,337 F. It. Shunk's majority over all, 4,825 1848 W. F. Johnson, Whig, 108,522 , Morris Longstreth, Deal., 108,232 Whole number of votes, 330,754 W F Johnson's majority, 299 1851 William Bigler, Democrat, 180.499 Win. F. Johnson, Whig, 178,031 Whole uumber of votes, 304,533 William Bigler's majority, 8,405 1854 Ja. Pollock, Whig & Amer., 204,008 Willism Bigler, Democrat, 107,001 Whole number of votes, 371,009 James Pollock's majority, 37,007 1857 Wm. F. Packer, Democrat, 188,887 David Wilmot, Republican, 140,130 Isaao Hazlohurst, American, 28,132 Whole number of votes, 303,155! Wm. F. Packer's majority over all, 14,019 18C0 A. G. Curtin, Republican. 202,349 II, D. Foster, Democrat, 230,257 Whole number of votes, ' A. G. Curtiu's majority, 492,006 32,092 HSuWhat moat resemblos half a chceso ? Ans. 1 The other half. TERMS 11 NEW Talleyrand and Arnold. There wasa day when Talleyrandarrived in Havre or. foot Irom Paris. It was the darkest hour of the Revolution. Pursued by the bloodhounds of tli Union f t.. stripped of every wreck of propel ty, Tal- nrj lanu ei-eureu passago to America in a shin about to sail. 1I IP II 1 r. i anr a wanderer to a strange land, to earn his uauj uieuu ujr lauor. "Is there any American stopping at your house ?" he asked the landlord of the hotel. " I am about to cross the water, and would like a letter to a person of in fluence in America. The landlord hesitated a moment, and then replied : "There is a gentleman up stairs, but whether he came from America or Eng land, is more than I can tell." lie pointed the way, and Talleyrand who in his life was bishop, prince, and minister ascended tho uti.i v..w vn0 p n iitiovmuiu suppliant stood before the stranger's door, mwiicu, unu was aumuted. In a far corner of n ilimlv mnm sat a man of some fifty years, his arms iuiuiu, unu uis neau uowed upon Iiib breast. From a window rlii-nndv a flood of light poured upon his forehead! rr:n i , i .... " rjra iui'ki-u irom uciieatu tne down cast brows, and upon Talloyran l's face, with a peculiar and searching expression. His face was striking in outline, the mouth nnd chin indicative of an iron will. His form, vigorous even with the snows of fifty, was clad in a dark but rich and dis tinguished costume. Talleyrand advanced staled that he was a fugitive, and the impression that the pentleman before him was an American, I - 1 I , i r. .. .... f ne Ham-lieu ins Kinu lecjings and otiices. He poured forth hi history in eloquent French and broken English. " I am a wanderer and nn exile. 1 am forced to fly to tho new world, without friend or shelter. You are nn American ? Givo me, then, I beseech you, a letter of yours, so that I may bo able to earn my bread. I am willing to toil in any man ner ; a life of lubor would bo a paradise to a career of luxury in Franco. You will give mo a lottcr to your friends ? A gen tleman liko you doubtless has many friends." The stranco irnnLlemnn nrrvn Will. a look that Talleyrand never forgot, he rel rented towards the door of the next chamber, his eyes still looking frora bo. neath his darkened brow : "I an the only man in tho New World who can raise his hands to God and say . I have not a friend not one in all America." Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelm ing sadness of look which accompanied these words. " Who are you ?" hectied, as thostrango man reheated to tho next room; "your name?" "My name," he replied, with a smile that had more of mockery than joy in the convulsive expression, my name is Ben edict Arnold !" He was gone. Talleyrand sank into tho chair, grasping the words; " Arnold, the traitor !" Thus he wandered over the earth, nn other Cain, with tho wanderer's mark upon his brow. Youno America Wonders. Wonder why mamma keeps Bridget at homo from church to work all day, and says it is wicked for me to build my rabo'it house on Sunday? Wonder why our minister bought that pretty cane with the lion's head on Ilia top, and then nsk-ed mo for my cent to put in the missionary box? Don't I want a jewsharp as much as he wants a cane? Wonder what makos pa tell such nice stories to visitors about his hiding tho master's rattan when he went to school, and about his running away from the school-mistress when sho was going to whip him, and then shuts me up all day in a dark room because I tried, just once-, to be as smart as he was ? Wonder why mamma tolls pa ho is cross when ho comes home at night and says his tea is weak, and ties at handkerchief over my mouth so that 1 can neither speak nor breathe, because I happen to say she is cross? Wonder what mado pa say that wicked wqrd when Bessy upset the ink all over his papers, and then slapped my ears when I said the same thing when my kite btring broko? Oh, dear! there are lots of things that I want to know J How I wish I was a man 1 Goetue's Love of Art ani Hatred or MAitatAGE. It ws Goethe'i theory that, for the glory of German literature and his own, he ought to hold himself free the restraints and encumbrances of mar- riago; but that for tho same all-sufiiciont reason he waa privileged to win heatts nnd cast them away, for the sake of the knowledge ho might acquiro in the pro cess. Wo confess that, with all our admiration for his genius, wo are not much moved to pity by the just retribution that befel this coldblooded coxcomb, when in middle lifo ho became liuked for years to no more congenial a companion than a femalo sot. If Goethe had married Frcderika Brion, the pastor's daughter, of Scsheim, the story of whoso abused affections is one of the most pain ful episodes in his career, he would proba bly have been no worse a poet, and would ceitainly have been mote worthy o( honor as a man. This, however, is by no means the opinion of his German idolators, one of whom declares it to be everything but evident to him " that infidelity to his genious would not have been a greater crime in Goethe than infidelity to his mistress." !A Confidence man' The mnn who thinks he can help a good looking servant girl to place the i'M in the bad-tend, without exciting the suspicion of hi wife. -srz. - ' - 25 per Annum, if paid in advance. SERIES VOL. I. NO. 17. An Africa Rack Free or Disease. Aa African traveler says : , "The Dokos multiply very rapidly, but have no regular marriages, the intercourse of the sexes leading to no settled home, each in perfect independence going whith er fancy leads. Tho mother nurses hor child only for a short time, accustoming it as soon as possible to the eating of ser pents and ant; and as soon as the child can help itself, the mother lots it depart whither it pleases. Although these peo ple lire in thick woods, and conceal them selves among tho trees, yet they become the prey of the ulave-hunter of Susa, Kafl'a, Dumbora, and Kulla; for whole regions of their woods are encircled by tho hunters, so that the Dokos cannot easily escape. When the slavo-hunterscomo in sight of the poor creatures they hold up clothes of bright colors, singing and dan cing, upon which the Dokos allow them-, selves to be captured without resistance, knowing from experience that resistance is fruitless, and can only lead to their de struction. In Him way thousands can be captured by a small band of hunters ; and once captured, they become docile. In slavery, the Dokos rotain their predilec tion for eating uiico, serpents, and ants, although often on that account punished by their masters, who, in other respects, nro fithif'liefl t.n tlmni na IIiaw iha iUli. ont atid docile, having few wants, and enjoy good Health, tor wlucli reason they are never sold as slaves beyond Enarca. As diseases aro unknown among them, they die only or old age, or through tho assaults of their enemies. R.ui.wAy across Tr.E Andes. Our Amer ican engineers scale the highest range of mountains with the locomotive. Mr. Willism Wheelwright, au American, who has been engaged for a long time in buil ding railroads in Soul h America, has ex plored the route, and jeports thnt a rail way can be built across the Andes, thus, making line from the Pacifio to Kosario via Codova, n distanco of 1,100 miles. It is claimed thnt the advantages which would accrue by opening up the South, American States to commerce, the llio do la Plata being ntkvigable for vessels draw ing twelve feet of water, would be itn mouse. Tho Argentine Republic has of fered a free grant of land live mile in j breaath on each side of the railway, to aid in its construction, nnd the project is gcrrrally thought practicable. It is sla ted that Mr. Wheelwright, in construe ling railroads in South America, has used gradinnts of 152 and 250 feet per mile, acil carried thorn to an elevation of 0,000 feot above the level of t lie sea. BsULln answer to a query from a corros pondent, 1 lie Chicago Journal says that 'Artemus Ward,' whose humorous writings are known in the daily papers, is Mr. Brown, local editor of the Cleveland P'ain deiilcr. 'Artemus Ward, the Showman,' is a name assumed by him, though there is really n mnn by thnt name, and a regular genius in the show business, who exhibits wax tixtures 'and sech and makes a great deal of fun down in Indiana. Mr. Brown is a young man of fine abilities as a writer, fie was brought up to the business, being a jour printer 'by trade,' and an editor by education. He don't look like a funny man at all, being 'on the contrary, quite the reverse ;' but that he is a funny roam none will doubt who have read his queer "Artemu3 Ward" letters. Blacks and Mllattoes. According to tho census or 1850, 2,957.057 of the slave of the United States wero black, or of African descent, and 240,050 were mulat toes. The niulattoes in the United States ' nre about one eighth as numerous as the: marks ; the free mulattncs are more than half tho number of the free blacks, whihk tho slave mulattoos nre only about ont? twelfth of the slavo blacks, whilst nearly half of the colored people of the non slavebolding States jire niulattoes. lis Ohio and the Territories there are more niulattoes than blucks. Race between Flora Temtle and Geo. M. Patches. A race between the cele brated horses Georg M. Patchcn ami Flora Temple, over tho White Sprin;t Trotting Park, at Geneva, New York, last. Saturday, resulted as follows: The firsr. licnt Flora Temple won in 2.32, Putchciv leading to the three-quarter pole four lcngths in advance, and l'atchen throwing a shoo in the first quarter. Patchcn wok tho second heat in 2.28; Flora the thin! heat in 2.29. Patchen distanced Flora Its tho fourth heat. Very heavy track. ItaTSome women are excessively fonT of teasing those whom they love. It it generally tho very impassioned in tem perament, or the very cold, who do so. Tho latter, where love is camparatively languid may do it almost constantly; tho former just in tho intervals where tho pulse of love rathor intermits ; and in thi case it seems only to be a part or form of the ccneralcraving for excitement of somif kind or other. Fated. A few weeks ago, an engineer was killed on the Central Ohio Railroad, just as he was about to be married. Tlu young lady to whom he was engnged af terwards married a Mr. James Froase, nnd he, a short time since, was soseiiously in jured in an incident which occurrsl at almost the same spot; and now, t crown all, the lady horsolf bas been thrown. from a carriage, and instantly killed. Jfcf"My dear," said a husband after u matrimonial flare up, 'you will never b. permitted to enter heaven." "Why not? 'Because you will be wanted below aa u tormentor." s5A.'My yoke is easy and my burden i light," as the young fellow said when hU gii 1 was titling Iq his lap with her arm ' around his nock,