-4 " -VT"t?-'T?i'-!-iT ! t Jlffulliran. it im l Mh.rripiinM. f l I In a It.nre, "t wlthla "" wi"Mn, II if .ii.t mr '' ,M" f !. II . u I aliet Hi '""" "f "', Trrma nf AdrrrlMnt;. AdrerllvinshU are 1 nrtl llllh RepnMlraa mid r..ltwitig rir i I Insertion. J An. J An. rn mimrMUIUM,) Ti Ti squares, (7Kllnps.) I - Three squares, (I. lines,) 1 J" I & 1 iimnth .no'. 1 inn On Square, l I I ! I 4 CO IT 0(1 Two squares,! I I I I 4 t)0 t 00 1 00 Three squares, t t t I 4 00 I 00 11 00 Foursquares, t is l 6 00 10 00 U 00 Half column, I ? s I 8 00 11 00 18 OA On column, I t I t 14 00 10 00 i 00 Over three weeks and less than thro moaths 25 cents per square fur each Insertion. Dual aoi notlrei not exceeding Sllnel re In serted for $1 year. Advertisements not marked wirh the numbe r of insertions desired, will b continued until forbid, nil charged according to the terms. JOB PRINTIN G. An exterwive Mock of Jobbing materia ennblpg t lie PuMiflicr of the "RiyuUiean' to announce to the public that he u prcpa red to do all kinds of TopTrR!", , I'Ariii.r.T8, Fkouiiamiif.s, BLANKS, PaPKR lloOKS, ClRCll.AS, Labels, Ham. Ticket, Handiiilu, nnd every kind of printing usually done in n country job office. All order will be executed with noil ness nnd despatch. . O. B. flOODLANDER f- CO. I) wTllAYF, Justice of the Peace, will tte nd . pri.mplly to collettioni and ether mailer eft In hi charge. Address Kerrey, Elk co,. P. Oct. 3d I8CU. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, J I STICK of tli peace Luthersburg, Cical field Co. Tti., will attend primplly to all business entrusted to Lit ore, Mono 28, lt'60 y. pd. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of Link Run, fire mile frm Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturer of Lumber, July 23, 1852. j71)7thompson, Blacksmith, Wagon, Buggiei, Ac., Ac., Ironed on hort notice, and the very beat atyle, at bis Id stand in the borough ef CurwensvHle. Pee. 2tf, 1853. DK. M. WOOI), having changed his loea tion from CurwensvHle to Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional services to the citiieni of the luller place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite ti at ef J. Cruns, Esq. my 1 J 156. J. 0. HAETSWICK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield Ta., Hay 30, 1860. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to nil legal business entrusted to bis cure, in the several Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office, the one formerly occupied by G. R. Barrett, Oct. 26th, 1859 ly. DR. O. w7 STEWART Physician and Surgeon, ofTors his profes sional services to the citiiens of New Wash ington and surrounding community. Office three doors west of the Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct It, 1859. JHlnJIDEKOPER. vit. Engineer St Land Scrvevor, offers professional services to the citiiens of Clear Id county. Ml business entrusted to htm will be promptly 1 faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney t Co. LEVER FLKGAL, ist ice of ihe peace Luthersburg, Clearfield Co, Pa will tend promptly to all Winers entrusted to his e. lie also informs the public that be keeps istantly on hand at his shop, a general as mcnt of Saddles, Dridles, Harness and ps, which he will sell on reasonable tre ms. pril 4, I860. DOTAL CAED. M. SMITH offers his professional services , to the Ladies and (icutlemcn of Clear-1 and vicinity. All operations performed I neatness anit despatch. IJeing familiar all the late improvinents, he is prepared to e Artmrlal ice til in e in Shaw's new row. Sept. 11th, 1858. the best manner. lyj. n. LARRIMKR. I. TRST AKKIMKK TKttT, Attorbeys at Law Clearfield, 1'a., will attend promptly to Col as, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac., in Clearfield, tre and hilt counties. July 30. y . 0I5ERT J. WALLACE, Attorxet at Law, j Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shaw's Row, op- te the Journul office. dee. 1, 1858. tf. MOORE & ETZWiLER, iTholesale and Kctail Merrhatits. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd and shingles. Also, dealers in flour att ain, which will be sold cheap for cash. OcL 11,1859. CLEARFIELD STONE WABE POHEIy. Thankful for past favors and sollHtions of fu tre pntronage. I would respectfully announce at 1 have on hand again, and will constantly ep at the Tottery in this borough, on the enr r a short dintance east of the Methodist Church, large stock of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, Ik pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing c. rfc. j and also an extensive assortment of liferent sir.es and patterns of brackets and settee for cornice on houses, and other nioul . 'ngs. Any mouldings not ea hand will he made te ulrr on short nofioe. . Also fire brick made nd kept for sale. fir A liberal reduction on prices mde te holcsalo dealers. F. LEITZINGER. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. NEW HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully begs leave te announce that he recently rented a house in the borongh of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa,, for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all other who may favor him with a call. His table wilt always be supplied with as good as the markets afford t and no rains will be spared to render his guests comfortable while under his roof. To which the fuels that no in toxicating lienors of any kind will be kept about the premise, will he trasts, contribute la ao email degree. While, what is always Important to the traveller, the best attention will be given by careful hostler to that faithful companion of his journey, his patient stood. July i, I860. 17. JAilES CROSSLY. large lot of BRANS for sale at tie Lie Store of iltiOUU A SIQLU, I HERRELL & BIGLER Keep constantly on liainJ. al their old alii ml on Second" ttrtel, CLEAR FIELD, PA., A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK I IIAUDWAUE. T.irtJKSOF VAMOUS KINDS, PAINT MILLS, Scales of all kinds which will weigh from one oz. to 4,(hk pounds, TEW RACKS, MEAT OUTERS AND STUFFERS of difl'erent styles, A n large assortment of Carriage Bolts, A general assortment of Mechanics' Tools, .KIXISTO.i: AM) CRANKS, Ac., &a, tc., Ac, COP PER KE TTLES, Of the best quality, Monroes patent egg-whips, .1 GREAT VARIETY OF APPLE PA REUS, A general assortment of Plows and Plow-wings, A large and well assorted slosk of HBsur-Hirom mil Hanla. They havo a very extensive assortment of STOVES. which they nil' tell on tho most tulvanta geotis terms, Also a very large btock of Stovc-Pipc. to which they desire speciully to call the attention of WMsuk Dealers; STtJVEnrE COLLARS, Stove Blacking, CORN SHELLERS, CORN GRINDERS, Saw Cummers' f c., ic. They wisli also to direct the special nt tcntion of ownem, of houses, milN, and other building to their stock of LIGHTNING RODS, which they are prepared to sell at tho very lowest prices. They have also an extensive assortment of TINWA1E, which they Will dispose of at reduced p r i c e a at greatly reduced rates ; Glass, Oils, P a i n t e, Portable Heaters and Registers, BUGGY SPRINGS, Sieve. Wire, Horse-shoe Nails, Dumb-BelU, OAR - RINGS, Quoits, ic., Ac, &c, They keep also a general assortment of Jritullur;il Implements, such as arc needed in this section of country. The following articles will be taken IN EXCHANGE for articles in our line ot business ; OLD MONEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, RAGS, SHINGLES, O A R D S, GRAIN, HIDES, Beei-wax, Tallow & c, We invito everybody to give us acall and examine our articles, and we teel satisfied that we can suit them in quality and pri 0 . MEERELL & BIGLER. Clearfield, fa., Oct. 24, 1S&). RUSSELLS1 IMPROVED riitriilnlJiili' 17, MTsMrden lmpr.imfl la Harrow, m rrmaik ti nnft'if ntly hard amotif htmtrt. Ami.fi Ihe few Imprntf meats hrh have Hi 're. r..tal'.en made In this Important and u fill, we might say Indispensable Implement or hiis. handry, It Would seem that B.ine nf them Has r,.nmi.t the wants of the At rlrullurt't. romo are too heavy, some t enmpllraled and rosily, and all are llalde to Ihe objection that they are only adapted t eerlaln kinds of ground, for while it Is easy t get up a harrow thnt will work welt on smooth, clear and level ground, It Is not ao easy to Undone that will answer a good Imruose in now ground, among stumps or on a illly nnd utidulnllng surfaoe, but when you get one o( the latter class, you msy rest assured that it will also give satisfaction on a smooth surface. The undersigned eonftdently believe that this object is fully attained In this Improvement, and would call ine attention oi ri "' ' Sclentitle agriculturists to the following Import 'ant features which characterise it. First, its simplicity ; secondly, Its strength and durability, land lastly its adaptedness to any and all kinds or surface. Tho following named practical Fsrmcrs, of Clearfield County, who have used It this seaeoii, thus testily to It. We the undersigned farmers of Penn tp., Clear field Co., and Stole of Tcnnsylvanln, having used Untie ll'a Imnroved Flexible Harrow, have no hesitation In saying that it hat givon entire sat Isfaction and that from Its simplicity and cheap, ness it itbould speedily come into general use. iKO' KULLEKTON. K. W. JiK'JUivM, S. DERRICK, H. WRKiLES'VOKTII, T. DOUGHEltTY. JOHN V. DERRICK, JOHN A. MURPHY, VJI. A. MlHJUE, JtiS. (J. RUSSELL. The "ScleullOc Ainerioan," a paper wlitcli tho seienailie world Is well acquainted speaks thus in reference to it, "The harrow is one of the most important agricultural implements, as much depends upon the top pulveruing or aress. ing of the soil, both before and after the seed is town, for the sncoess oi me tuiure croii. niior describing It, it continues : "ibis combination harrow is so simple, that it is superfluous to ex tend for Harrowing either well cleured cr rough ground. The uudersigncd, have pnrcharea ine ngni to make, sell, use, and transfer their right to do tho same, within the county of Clearfield, and are now prepared to lurmsn me articio 10 uu who wish ro purchase, on reasonable terms. They will also sell individual rights to make and use the same. MER11ELL it- BIGLER. Claerficld, OcU 21, I860. List of Traverse Jurors tor an adjourn ed Court commencing' on the 12th of November 1860. i?ik Abiiv IJloomjr Job. M. Spencer. Daniel liuiloy. Huston iefleraon liundy, Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Dulr. Gulich -J. A. llegarty. Danl Fulker son. Ferguson Geo. M'Crncken. Geo. Straw .lohn Straw. J. S. Williams, Albei t. Young. Lumber City John Uroomall. John Ferguson. Jordan Wm. Fusey. John Tallerson lirady Fred Kohler, Jos. Seylor, Geo. Ellingcr. Jackson Long. Lawrence J. K. ICeed. Knox Levi M'Cracken N. Washington II. D. Rose. llurnsi.le C. C, Mitchell, l'etcr Ruth. Joseph. Hutton. Union II. i. Jlariey. Jfugii Krise. Covington J. It. Renaud. Graham Wm. Ulle. Reccaria Wm M'Cov. Rcll Robert Elder. John Orr. Morris Feter Roy horn. Chest Daniel Gorman. !!! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA R'S" " COSTA R'S" Jtnt, Roach d-cExUrmlnator. " COSTA R'S" ' COSTA R'S" Bed liva Exterminator. 'COSTA R'S" "COSTAirS" Etcclrlc Powder for I, e-t$. DESTKOYS INSTANTLY Ittts, Koflchcs, Mice, Moles, Ground-.llce, Bed-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mo.quitoes, Fleiis, Infects on Flants, Insects on Animala, itV. in shoit every form and species of 10 vcars established in New York Citv used by the City Tost Uflice- the City l'i is on andritation hotwis the citv Steamers, Ships Ac., tho City Hotels. ,'Ator," "St. NicholM," Ac, nnd by more than 20,iHX) private lumile. .Drupgists and Retailers everywhere sell them. l55usehole8ale Agents in all larce Cities JQiKegu!a.r sizes, 25c., 5te., t ?I Itoxes Bottles, Husk a. tB!!! Ukwarc ! ! !of spuriousiinitations. Examine each Itnx, Bottle A Fhtbk, and tnkfl nothing but "CostarV IflXJM.OO Boxes sent by mail. A ".D0 by Express. tn-Addrcss orders or for Circular, to HENRY If. COSTA It, Principal Depot, 410 Broadwav, N. Y. amOl.DBY LOIIA1NEACO. March 17th. Clearfield Pa. nvt't'imin's mrp. t.h.,. i.i tli mental y having been granted to the undcr-1 signed on the Estate of the Rev. Timothy Lee, late of Burnslde tp., Clearfield ro., Pa. And all persons knowing themselves indebted ts said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against It are requested to prescn t them to Jacob W. Campbell in Bell tp. or Washington Gardner of Burnsidelp. JACOB W. CAM PELL 1 ... . WASHINGTON GARDNEB J "' Oct. 3d, 1860 fit. A (Daurcfl 43 YfflTmia LuilSas ISlELtJl 0Suttl(SO(8I&e The subscriber will send (r oearye) to all who desire it, the Recipe and directions for mak ing a simple Vtgttablt Horn, that will, In frem two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan Freckle; Sallowness, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the sameas Na ture Intended it should be-eoi, clear, smoo(A oho! beautiful. Those desiring the Reeelpe, with full instructions, directions, and advice, will please call on or address (with return postage.) JAS.T. MARSHALL, Pbacticai, Csssur, No. 3 City Buildings, N.York. Aug. 22th 1 SCO I mo. niacksmlliing. JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blacksmithlng in th borough of Lumber city, where he will execute promptly all work entrusted to bim, and eieeute it ia a work manlike manner, July 4, I860. ly. AN excellent quality of Flour for sale low at the store of W. F. IRWLN. Clearfield, July 11th, IS 80. O keleton SkirU, a large variety at reduced pri kj ces at livioi corner store. Curwcuiville 18, ', hmn v i Hi- iiLoon. Vt.Hl.I AtM i: t ttf. i-M.m nioENixAN,BinER8. . .ill ..t ...I.J l.tll nkl. Ii !,. i.:.,...!!,!!,)! dm I'miltri ft their fB, .ffirBr. In all Ihedlsrasai whli h Ihey i rpM o f f( hM rrn,Mfd ,f n.nal prartlre of i I . unnecessary, l.ut unworthy of ' k. n.elr frullsi Ihelr , . wo(fc ,,.(, f()r m( lnJ they thritC Bol br the fallhofthe rrrdulous. i ill risrs in Asiuiim, ii "'- . . j...... and ('hmnie Rheumatism, Affections of (lis l! ladder and Kid ney. Illllious Fever and Liver Cmnplalnls. In the south and west, where these diseases pre vail they will be found Invaluable, Planters, Karmcrs.and olhors, who onee use these medicines will never afterwords be without them. yprpNla. No person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines Im mediately. Kruptions of tho skin, Kryslpelas, Flatulency, Fever and Ague. For this scourge f t'ia western countrr these medicines will be jound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave tuo system luojeciw rm - v tha disease m sure by these medicines Is rer munent. Try them, be satisfied, and be cured. Merrural IMacanea, Never fails to eradi- oate entirely all Ihe effects of mercury Infinitely sooner than the nust powerful preparation of SarsHnarlllu. Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com Plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, l'nlpita. tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cholic. riles. The original proprietor of these meill cincs was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by Worms of the use of these Life medicines alono, all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer tnera wneneTer their existence Is suspected. Reliof will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AilO MOINlX aiTTRRS Purifv the blood, and thus remove all disease fiom the system. A single trial will place the Lick Pills and I'hoknix Rittrrs beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. jT-wM'repared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3:15 Drodway, eor. Worth St., New Tork. Keb.2Jth 180. lyr. LOOK II I. H 111 look 11 Kin:. Tit E undersigned subscribers, take this meth od of informing the publio generally, that they have this dy entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied byj. Sbunkwiler, on Third street, in tblslM.rftDi Scotch snuff,-; El phaeton, Henry ruugn, wocreiney win oepieasea loses me rom customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades aud picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height. Your swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as t'aia ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, GEO. W. OUR. Clearfield, December 8, 18&8. tf. LINDSEY'S IMPKOVFD Jiloori Searcher!! A STAN DAK D MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro ol A.L DISEASES arising from IMPU RITY OF .THE DLOOD. This medicine has wrought tho mojt ndracu bus cures in desperate c&.es of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the fuce, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Morcuriul Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous formation, Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Rheumatic Disorder. Costiveness, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Female Complaints, and all Diseases bavins their orgin In an impure slate ef the Blood. The above is a portrait of David M'Crenry, Napier township, who, on the 3lt day of Aug. I SiS, made affidavit betore Justice Gorley that be was treated fir Ihe cure of Cancer by three physicians of B.dfurd county, and by Dr. New. '.on of the Electrie College in Cincinnati!, )for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his hp. nose and a portion of his left new style French suvpenders, Gents, linen hand cheek were entirely enten away ! He had given kerchiefs, eotored border and Cambric handker up all hpe, when be beard of the "Blood Search- chiefs, Ladies finen handkerchiefs in great varl- errand was induced to try it. lour bottles careu iiiio, ani auoougu sauiy uisngureu, mere is wo question but what this invaluable medicine savea nts me. a as lull particulars or tins cose may oe seen in a circular, which can be bad of any of the Agents. ' We also refer to Ihe case of Nancy Bleakney," of Eldertown, Armstreng county, Pa,, cured of Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed fjr , "'f' To the case of a lady In Ansonsville, Clear field county, who wat also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To tha rose of George -Veisel, residing in Carl town, Cambria count, Pa., who was so badly af lirted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off. and bis case was ,woree, if possible, than McCrenry's. The particulars of these cases every one or which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher may also be found in a clrculat to be had of any of the Agents, R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, nea tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Hollidayiburg. Pa. Dr. Geo. II. Keyier, Wholesale Agent Pitts burgh Pa, FOR SALE nV-C, D. Watson, Clearfield ; John ration, Curwensvitle ; James B, Graham, Grahampton 1 E. F. Brenner, Morriedale John Russell, Pennvillet R, II. Moore, Luthersburg; M. O. Stirk, New Millport C. R. Foster, Phil Ipsburgj 11. Swan, Ansonville ) Rnssell McMur ray, New Washington ; Edward Williams, Wil liamsville j Jackson Patchen, Bnrnside; Samuel llegarty, Glen Hope, Feb. 1st mo. A FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale, a valuable farm in Penn township ; formerly owned and now occupied by Richard Denver jr: containing about 80 acres, bounded by land of John P. Hoyt, Tbos. Martin and Jonathan Wain, one mile west of Pennville. From 40 to iO acres cleared a good fr.-.me dwelling house, a log barn, and other buildings erected thereon. Also a good bearing orchard and a never falling spring on the premises, and will be sold on reaaonable term. For which apply to Wm. Ir Tin Curwensrille. RICHARD DENVER. Ben. Aug. 22tb lgJO.-Jai. Pen township. J. (i. HA1USWICK, . . l"""l "T T AS lust I I end nrened at hit KKW BTOHK en MARKKT PTRKKT, two doors west of Third, thi most extensive assortment ol I'mifs Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, I)y-8tu(I, Tobacee k Segars, Toilet articles, Perfumery, Illunk books, Stationary, Cutlery, Miscellaneous And Fancy Articles Ac. Ac. ever offered to the public In this section of the country, . nrugn fbemlrala, of which he . ..tensive assortment, have been select. ed with especinl refference to their quality and freshness. His stock of Oil and Paint will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpsntine, Red A White lead, dry and ground in oil, Span- '"n brown, Vonitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre tiampuiocK, lack lead, ivory black", unineso a American Vermillion, paris greon, paris, Ultra marine and prussian blue, dry and ground In oil, Carmine, Chrome green t yellow, Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, lake it- black, Emery, Olue, Oums, Copal, Datnar and Shellac, Indian red, Litharge, i Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten stone. Rose pink, hngusb and American, Rosin, ecar.et, (or persian red,) Terra Sienna, Turkey umbre, Ver digris, blue white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty aud putty knives, Gloss of all sites and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac. rfc. Pje-t.tu.lii & Variilxhca: Extra Logwood, chip ped and ground. Indigo, Madder, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red eaundcrs; Copal, Conch, lllack for leather, Japan fur dying, Hap, Mastic, White Damnr, Wbito spirt and Flowing Varnih. Tobacco Segars: Covendi-h, best, Natural leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist, Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the Harem, tobacco ; Rappee Clay, punch, Ijielnco, fcl mono, te., tiegars. lllaiik-llooks and Stationary. Ledgers, Day-books, Receipt and Note-books, Diuries, La dies and Office Portfolios, Blank parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blanks. FooUcap, letter, Note, Business and drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready reference Files, AnnearA and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink, black, blue, nnd carmine, Steel Pens nnd Pen holders, Taper clips, mucilage, and all other ar ticles in the Stationary line. Toilet & Fancy Articles Perfumery. Hair brubes, American, French ft English, with Ivo ry, Shell, Pearl, Bufliilo, Satinwood, Rosewood A ornamented backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes Hut brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualities; Shaving brushes, American, English ami French with Russia bristles and Badger's hair; Flesh brusher ; Comb brushes and Cleaners , Tortoise shell Turk combs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fnncy and India rubber Long Combs; fcliol, Unniilo, Horn nnd India rubber puff side Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, nil styles ; English Toilet combs with bandies; Bonnet, combs 1 Ivory aud tiutta percbafine tooth combs'; Pocket combs, all styles : American, rrench A German Cologne ft Laren !cr waters ; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenet ft Conway's ex tracts for the handkerchief, of a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Cocaiu;, Barry's TricopUcrOus, Lyon's Cathairnn, Eau, Lustrnl, Bears, Massaccar, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil) Beef marrow, Pomades, end Philocooin, American and French all styles and prices cold crenin, Toilet powder, Rouge Balls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling sails, Balm of a thousand flovers, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoal, rese, Ac, Ac, Sharing Compound all sixes; Military soap, Honey Soup, Chrystaline and Floating soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and Gallagher soaps, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac. MiM-ellaneuiia Article. Gents steel frame morocco and cuff Portmonaies, Ladies silk lined pupier Macho, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and morocco I ortmonaies, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered with steel beads, Ladies Cabas and ' morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and pnpier Mache, ivory and pearf memorandum tab- eu, Fine Engish Morocco, Pocket WVIcts, Mo J iocco and caf I'ockct books, with straps and I cfasps ; Bill books, and Banker's eases with lock I and key; cilluption drinking cups, Medical glas - ses with and without drops. Fishing tackle, I Chapman ft E nerson's Raior strops cigar cases Uruuib brushes. Shoe Brushes with and without I handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint land varnish brushes ai sites,' tin and capper bound, Sash tools tit rises, oountcr and mark- ing brushes, white wuh nnd scrubbing brushes. I Fancy colored feather dusters Ac, Rich pearf , Inaid p:i(ier mache, toilet cases, work boxes, I writing deiks, Rosewood and Mabogony srriting ' desks, Chessmen and Chess boards, Gents. Kid (1 loves, Neck ties, collars, cravats and canes, La dies Kid, Tuffrta Silk and Kid finished gaunt lets, and Lyle thread ganntleis, Black and color ed silk web saspenders, french striped gum sus penders, Rich embroidered suspenders, Uuiols ety ; Sun shade funs, circuar French fans, can- ton feather funs of a great variety j Fine Canton pitm fans with Ivory and painted handes, Back and mourning fans; Hair pins Engish and Fredch, Ac, Ac. AIm Patent Medicines of ev ery rsriety. AH of which wi be sod et the lowest CASH prices. Counirv Phvalclana furnished with Dries. Medicines and Surgical instruments, at the most reasanable rates for cash. June 6, I860. ly, KEXV FIRM. AND NE W GOODS. I Just receiving and opening at the Old slat of Lewis Smith ia Bethlehem a well selected a ' sortment of Spring and Summer Goods of ad. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment 1 Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, also a variety of aseful No lions. Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qaeensware, Drugs am Medicines, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobaeeo, Segars and all articles usually kept in a country Store, all cheap for cash, Give us a call and see for your selves. U. L. HENDERSON, ft CO. May :i, 1880. PLASTERING, The subscriber, having located himself In the borough of Clearfield would inferm the publio that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain 10 ornamsn tal of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairing dune in a nea! manner and on reasonable terma. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield Aprd 17, I860. ly. Cedar and Willow ware al Sept. 1", 1860. Ii. W. ft CO's, bU'UVJUllieJH, Ihfririris Ms rnsrnrs a, fnl.ile gsnrrallr, that n fc . I rerslted fyM Ins r"t, aail . . d at Ms lat.llshmrnt In UK A II t . () 1 lleatflald, Pa., a tine assortment nf , W ati ass, and Jtwsi ar of differsnl nasi;,) from a slnsl place lo a fall salt, whlrK a.. I sell al the most reasonable prices fur r-k,, J etrhang for old gold and ailrer, t'LtCK8 of every variety on han., atthi J ...... .1.1. ..!... reasonable prlees. k ALL kinds of CI nek a, Vfetrnts and J.J carefully repaired and M'orrnated. A enntlnnance ef patronage Is sollrlie Sept, I , I860. II. r.NAt lILt g Susans sir' HccUtMj Thirty. Mnth and Market HtreeL m, Prof. I- I) A CORTLAND SAIM Prlnrlpals, j Tion. WM. BIGLER, Clearfield Wm. McK BIN, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel, Ph.i Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of '1 he Press t R i WK8TIIROOK, of the 8. S. Union , Hon. j'J MAYNaRD, Williarasport i J. LEISENKq" Ksq., Pres't of the Lehigh Coal at- Nar. cl j jion. ai?a rAvivcn, naucn LDun i. i i . , Chunk; M1 iters' utuJ wnvm nun nni ooaratnq in OdHNlerr ia-eiW will give their friends who may be looklniiJ a safe, thorough and pleasant School , any it(, nation desired respecting this Seminary. A 0 rove and Lawn of EIGHT ACBf' are attached to the Institute, for leclusios, J reauon ana pnysicai exereise. , RV, AN1) SILVER WARE, WT would respectfully Inform our frkal 1 V patrons and the publio generally, thatJ nave now in store and oner Wholesale and 1 tail at tho lowest Cash Prices, a large aodi, choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Flu War j of every variety and style. Every description of Diamond Work ani er jewelry, made to order at short notice. X4T-AI1 goods warranted to be as repreiej rartieulur attention given to the repairitj Watches and Jewelry of every description. STAUFFER ft HARLOT No. 622 MARKET street, (south side,) tti oept. ivtn, 18B0. e mo. CUBA HOTEL, JA YNES VILLE, ?J THE above Hotel, Laving recently best u op for a bouse of entertainment, is now J lor ine eccoinmoaauon 01 ine puonc. Hrati ill find this a convenient bouse. Mi? t 1368, yOHN J0I DAS 1800. 186fl TIIKFIKST AH RIVAL OF FALL 4" WINTER COODl AT TEE OLE SAND OF REED, WEAVER &(' On Market Street 2 doors north the Court House, where tlicyn just opening an unusually lai and well selected stock of gow cmffwl In tlir irnnla nfthn enms' nity for tho Fall and Winter trai which they olTcr in large andiiri quantities on the most rpasonati terms CALL AND EXAMINE li yoursf.lves Their assortmentj DRYCOODSNOTIOr: Is very large and complete: embracing M every article both or fashion and service. peclui attentioi, has been paid to the seltrfo LAL'lES' l)REs UOOIJS, which are of tv variety and the very latest styles. Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merinos. Poplil' Alpaccas, Cashmeres, French, Scot' and Domestic Uinghams. Prints, Linseys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinetts, Irish Linen Cloths Ac. Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Satinetu,jrt Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, TkVi Crash, Diaper, Bleached and unbleacbte H tins ft drills, Red, Urey, W bite and Canton I' nels. Also a larg stock of Ladies' aod G mens' Shawls, Double and Single, Stellar Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capes M very latest fashion. To Persons out of Employmd AGENTS WANTED.. lu every County of the United State! TO engage in the sale of some of the best a most elegantly illustrated Works public Our publications are of the most inter? character, alaptei to the wants of the Fans Mechanic and Merchant; they are rubluW the best style and bound in the most iub tlal manner, and are worthy a place in Us brarr of ever Household In the Land. &9.T0 men of enterprise aud industriowH its. this business offers an opportunity for pc4 ablo employment seldom to be met trilb. b.Persons desiring to act as agents wit ceive Dromotlv bv mail full naviculars, Mi d"c,by addressing LEARV. GETZA eo, f No. 121 North street, PhlladelpM Oct 24, 1850 ly. A Splendid assortment of Ladies' GentM TY and I'bildrens' Gloves and Hosm- REED, WEAVER AC. Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed at trimmed, of the Latest Styles at R. W. ft CO A Large and onlandid stock of DrsOI Ttalta. II. Tlreuaa. N.ttl, f'M Ac, at lUW.ftCCi a T.araa wk e.t X(n A Ttnv'a elotblDfi Ar.fl.iv.dal R.Vf.ACO r ooU ft shoes of every kind for Ladiii ' 1 1 tlemen, aad Children at R.W.ftCO Carpets, Drugget, carpet chain, SP Cn.M U.i, la it R. W. C (all and examine the Patent air tikt I 7and stone Ian. the are lust the thiol need, for sale at R, W. ft Hardware of every kind, knives and spoons, Locks, Files, Nails, Co B, W. ft Cl A received at REED, WEAVER, t..tr.m Mill nit mit AsL MlOn't AX U a general assortment of Hardware jl store of B. A. I"i CurwensvlUe, Mey It, 1860. low at the store of W. F. IR Clearfield, July 11th I860. Dissolution of Partnershi' Tk. ma r.r4np.Viln tiArelifor. .xitftiDf fn Thomas ft John Hill in the woollen basisi Bridgeport Is this day dissolved by matav ll n.vm.nl, .r. Ia Ka mad. tO TbSl, wnn mi hAraifWeondnct (he same baii1 th.old.Und. J Airtugepori,Jcu yiaiovo. oip. liM I