Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 07, 1860, Image 3

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    tr.h m tot a 'lmn tiiiuil M "fty. '
Sim's )JlM-1ltl I.eHv'fl T1. flpl,"
Mv'a linurnper'M In, the
Ml I
11 I ni'l, nfi teeript bf n 1 lit'f-j. nul stftliui
l'nuti.U'o, IJJ.S.julhtLi.a.Stioot,!
liiiM.tin. , ,, . r.veninjr I'ltrnwioirt af Hi Nf York
it - u ,..: .. . ., Stnto Fair, and a report of t ho discussions
WjVr are snrty lo H,t Ml.nt the ,t ,1( Mt II)0r,ln(t ()f , Wp,N.rn
Ib- f of ll.n new Curl House ii yiving York Fruit Grown' Sou'.ety. Its . er.a.
tfy.rti-kln.n,!-miMihi,,.i..WiU,n.,,IJl rtirle i,., ''Fattening -hhoep in
mense wcigf.1. Mr,1luMu,thocOi.trft. lr( ; Wintor," followed by many other season,
to making; preparations to tko it down. il,e nnd'inUrosting hints on agricultural
This will bo n svriojis los, nnd will no'nn.I liort iciiMurnl subjects. Wo would
doliJ-i ilrluy tlic finishing of llio house in 'again recommend! 4 lit Gcnwe farmer to
the tlnio rtlpuMerj bf thf4ohtrnc!(' ''' ' !0ur renders. It isao cheap that oil can
' V bnvo hoii-d -.o cWWigncd for ' mlonl to take it, even if thoy have alrca-
mm crushing ; ; whether tho workman,
thd nrchltevt, or' l.oll'i, nrc ut fiiult, wc
"W " , 11 ' ;
'MT-ir vou goto rTttsbnrgii', either upon
italneea'or. olca.s'ure. bo-'aur'o !ond .loo
.with llnrrv Whirls: -at ' tho t. Clmrlea
IIolcl. This wtll known Jiousc lies juat
expei k-iicod a complete and ' thorough
rerfevntionfrorn'torl cf bottoni.'inJ ifyw
ha all tho conveiiivnce of a iiitk cIubi
botel. and very handsomely " doneip!' at
tbaV-Unrry i.s;iemdedly tnT"'ftmoi1g
"ho-iUjV Innd bestdVs- W,- hfta in n
Vbowtesa" about, in tho person oPJilrSi
tfho makes everything pleasant' to t!
aftjourner. .
JftjrOnr friends in New Washington Mid
vjHnify w ill have. ' a good ebiuico to
supply Uiiii. tlvei with -nil 'that is nse-fullrtr-l
nert'tr.jfh" ! foi tbetn'selvep. bv nail-
ing ?;.., ituasell MeMurrny. who has just
veuoUida larca riippIv of .' aeosonable
.; ,. 1 11) ll- !
Inn okl stand, lieud his ajvpr.
iwnnent, nnd then bo 'aivrbuy vour noods
frtm him. ' .. ; '
" ttirWe call attention to the nclvertitw.
nint of v in. i, Irwin, who is willingJo
pods a liwc cheaper than some other
neyjiarita idloj In addition to tts usual
variety of nVeiObandise, hc'lias a large lot
of excellent choose. 1 fall nml Re.' I '
. '. , 1 . ,. . . 1 . ; ... 1 J
. .eSV-Mi-. F. K. Arnold, of Luthersbttrg,
will please accept our tluinks for a large
SfJ 'acnt vis.--We" tan keep house
wttu it all winter. It measures 21 inches
in circumforenee,'2i5 in 1ength,-iind weighs
10punds C, ouneeat and looks "-Boot;sli.Jj
TBttJyll will bff'grAllfying to our' Clea'r
fielcf friends to Jearn that Col. Aj Perry
0'ns has become. i-or!vtor of ' the
Tyrono City , Hotel, at Tyrone. Sco his
JIM VI III llll.l
.jiMkkei.!. a liiui, tic want iO) bushels of
Mod Apples, ami 500 ; 1iuhela- of , WJ(it
.cansin exiliniue for Stoves, Tin-wau
'llUl , . . ... I 1 V ; II. ..
or jaiivlhing in their line of business,
W'f v. , . T ii' i.i -s. .Jill I'il
Come right along. 1
ROI : ; U,'.'
i.lfi'Wa ink the attention of. llm reml.
JO 7 v i .. t 1 , V i
lnj;Mbic. toinc J-roectufo the pew
IWjjioui wiekiy riewapajier,- callod ' Tlic,
in our advortishi! columns, '
t l&'The Schrol Directors of l'ike town.
'aLlii widi to emjijoy six fchc't Jcafiher
iteJ their notice ;. and it hen read nil our
neW:adveitiseinents, 1 " ''
' :' Our Fail", -' "
Ifelow will ha bund an artfelo from the
iloi bappcned to pats through our Cotin
tytfuring the progress of; theFair, aiid
JiikVi'ifc sto'ppod to seo tho'lilcpliaiit,'! lie
lias one home and told them how we do
tbtiifs. Hear him. ' " '
TIik Ci..itriJi.i VxiRThc first 'tan?.
field coniity J'aiiv hpM pcartlt; )borough
last week, proved n'comnlefo' success,
Nearly five tnoirsand ferson Were in at
Uutlance. ' Suine tiftefm hundred doIUifS
wtiikon for ndrr.isfionj this with' sevt'n
bflMdrcd d ol Mrs er( bv the whola-ht-iilrtcd
citizens' ef.' 'Clcufielld : 'Jmil throo
huiwlrcd piiij in oi) life uieuiberahiircry
nearly liquidated the., debt . ineuried iin
preparing tho grounds, which tvere fenced
and provided with -necessary buildings,
aat, Ac:, for the accommodation of 'the
people. - 'The articles on exhibition were
iti Quantity nnd fUlily hot surpassed.. by
anyjCnuiily fair n est of tho. Alleglicny.
Tben angemont of the grounds and the
order kept there, wan highly CrediJivble to
Uwfimauagei-s...,jTho ladies, department
a, plentifully supplied-wiLb rtllstUat
could r&uumahly .iitq uired to constitute
a first class fair the paintings, ncedl
wrrk. jdiies, presc-Tves, domestic wuel,
tct,,could not be 'siirpnsfed. ''The 'mer
cliants did their pwt in furnishing sam-
pT- 01 gooiM t nil varieties - merely 9
-OCd .hem'ranieswcreeouAl
al Wh'of ftla-aa, in articles worthy of tH
itmiu iminoior ekiii-ia their vawoua rcajl
ingO The music discoursed by the Cur
we.nsvil Ir, brass bandproved a valuable i-
cesii io in. occiiMou, T,ho. 1adiM-,dif
eUrgml their -duties fnithfullv inJ sf.
lflub tdieweivthot Mostof the lima wni
e Ueir.cly uiclemctit the'v vemwried With'' 1 ,ncroftf u1 watwty to ni.xtcenior seven-fAd-U-the
cud: - . ' j teen bundled. .u . ;.' ,l -dv . f -,..i
riiJf We address br ma.Vhwr'M ijnwiMV Thvot Cong're't.g' fif "aa 'heavd
WHitr-prin ooo fcdded cUw t'lh fr0? "'"' T hnr. !'JT41
ualfcdtliulactcrUieoriaor; ivhiUrTt .
iauccu Biany io.j4hn t-oesocirtywholliij'
kefbte bein nl idlef-Wlators 111
CleartielfTh iho'VlnrVfotiftbl J riw liJ.
mahlagers tinitdrjtandjheu bgsincss. .well
Al anii....,.t.i.inln.a I, I .1 . ' I
ArnlJi. f.'jTSr.tnl.l.. . I
J .j i. iv nupuiui; j,cuwiv4, vnut, ep-i
p '-fcle'go forward ''wilh' 'cfteernrt beaitl
sii.XiiVaral , h ands..' " No 1 pofi tical factibrl
cohlrola 'thoir aotioirs-roa fjpjH-nnvrbil
anagora;t for- th mmm th- msi-
oiawi sa-pre
.hi . sj-cre pairt-i-hlral premittma ardfl
Strangers and citioni 1 aeoruod to,
Dig hi
In throo day.. Wo", fearn 81 ncothat the
Lovi ,i 1 13 d nitMcy. lcfi to iin-
fr.l,! Krounus. a v sit to a C earficld
F"rayswolL .. ,,. ....;, ,,,..,.'
a . , 'WV
IllVn rwiM
in the sky, can't make
BCMeatids meet
'IhkOMMM !.. --Th November
number nf the r,V.,. '.iimrr la tr.
ecltr-d. -Among ft 1,-irdetiH tuny bo
I ' 1,1 "'iiigan, lo and llniitv
"rC M?'?. ,irV . " . r"'' of tho
dy subscribed for several oilior
, r,i paper. It costs only fifty cent
a yonr.
and the publialier offer toatnd tho laat
throe ,"0,,t',s of tl,is i'0(,r ' H. V 'o sub.
i8tribo notv or IsGI- ond the fifty conti
iin 3Uml"' r et 6f oor "eif-hbori t
join with you and send a dollar bill.' to Jo
KErir flAHRis, Iiochestor X. Y., and tako
tho paper for fil'teh months. We notice
in tho present humbof . forty-Uiree s'ub
(pets for Vr'm Essays; i .
ATi-ANTtc Mo,VTit.v, This excellent lit
erary periodical ia again upon our table.
The contents for Novoniber are!, Thomas
llood ; Vayul and the .Portiijtose ; Mid
mi minor- and May; Gone; Kxpression;
Italian'. Kxperienco in Collecting ' 0U
Masters ; .' Tenty Scran ;" Kecollections
of In ing; Iroho AnadyO.neuo; The Tro
feasor's Story ; Koviowaj J-iteraiy Notiaes
tirtrl Ifoiant A tit -k !- n 1". . t ,1 '. i I M'l.
..., T,.rtm..a tr.t r...,.s:-
r..-:,,.. . 11... :.i ,1... n 1
" ,"B ' rAMiiinn, f lint Ml ill lllill unci H ,
. 1 . ... . , . , ' , . ,
... .'. . '
i"eiary pages 01 tins magazine. Published
by 1 icknor i K riel(ls4 135 ashtncton
street, Boston, nt"$3 per annum
or 2o !
' i
cents per number.
AuEKicAN.Aoatcci.Tt nisT.'-This invalu
abla 'monthly , publication has been re
ceived for November. We do not see how
a farmer cm "live, trove, and have bis
being, ".without this necessary and useful
publication.' It it of mere usetoa farmer
than a plow, and yet jt only -costs the one
lenth pari. Farmers,1 send a ten-cent
piece to Orange Judd, A. M., TS'ew Yovk.
and get one number; or fend $(, and get
twelve numbers. 1 '
Pktkiisox'. Tlii "ladies' National
Magazine," for ,- Novemlicr, u also, upon
our table,: filled with a great varictv of
everything useful and neces.'-ary. Indies,
.save a dollar, and lake this Magazine. It j
I only costs f2 a veur for a sinclo conv
Hiioa copies, for. $5. It is iust ps good a
W 4 C
inagaiiine as n.i 0,'the three do liar clas?. 1
fa I iA..u '. ' i , -.i i
.x:i(u jour uiuuey io ynaries j, ic.erson,
No. 3tH Chedut atreor, rhilndidphtn. ' '
F. n Eft .n Oashser Alt' 'November wc
Lave, too,' filled with -everything' tueful
r.ecessai v for Iho
husbandman.; Jtj
' Published by A.
costs only 1 per year.
M. Siianeler A William Sauiidei. Xn M
North Sixth street, rhilad.-Ophia
' I'.PtTouiAl Coxrucr lljh M'orJ.i aid
AYAV-rrTwi editors recently indulged .in
a light at- fciavannah, Mo.. Tiui.iorigin of
tho fight was poljlU'ii4H'i'l.J')(i(rVwi'of
lUe.t'th ult, win severe and bitter in its
remarks towards tbo editor of the rm-
b-at, and early in tho morning Mtv'Whrrrtr
nor, iiieeaiior.or Tne u led i
jii iiis n ail lii.ui luai'.pr ami siaricit lortlic
iost office: Sonic obstruction in the dopr
way of the post ollioo, ciused him to i look
in attire wjndov,'ainl uliil sodding, and
when loaded dow'n W ith mail matter,. Mr. maironn nsault upon him fvam be
hind.' Whitaker wai.soinetyha siii'pnsed,
bcil'.gjghoruiit of . tho presence of his ,'wit
(agopist, and did not know wlio.i his
sailaut' he ' had been struck two
or throe times, when ho turned upon
Welchl : Whitaker dropped his mifi
Upon, the' pnvenicnt and drew a pistol,, but
owinjjto his proximity and bis ; antagon
lt.;',ejns on his back, he w.n unablo to
ue it. . Welch got hold of tha p-stol and
endeavored 4o ; Wife from Whitaker,
when the - bnh.jl bvokd loose from the
stork. Whitaker then drew it dirk knife,
with n backward stroke struck . "the point
of tli" weapon u'pon the upper fiont but
ton of Mr, Welch's pantaloons. ; .The by
stauders quickly interfered before. Whita
ker bnd time to knife his opponant. Mr.
Welch eerlainly narrowly - cscajied with
Iim lire, for bad the knife penetrated his
abtlbmen, where Whitaker seems to havp
aimed it, it; would havo becu :a faUl and
sad blow.
-KLeHilu 'Ei.Ecfro.All' the cnunfics
have been he ird frfm, cxlbpt Volusia,
Suwanhee, Sumter, Tutnani, Orange, . Ma-
?,a fc' Lcv'l "olmc . JIriwnUo, Dad,
S1J?un?nnd vJW faKthcrvoto
ionov-rnor'innns " w' im
For Milton, Dumaorat,
. , G.20.ri
A 4112
Majority for Milton thus far, 1,403
n' ,en,ainW1 ?ountie$ areexpocted to
J,mon- """fati r.,r);i7
Allen, Union,
.-" j i.i..-. -.
Major i t y for" II i 1 1 oh 0 far,
Clearfield Ularlicis,
WllOl.r.f Al t ASD nrTAIL lemi'n rnmn
WKTrri'Tvv1? V' HA")
A Host.
- .....craiQ inn iiemii
calera In Orocerierf. Pm.
"n mum uDermi iw uoeds.
Buckwheat t I'a.V-, ) . , ; , , .-;..; ;
' "1,0
A I I. , II ?;.-. u ' - A :I
J,';,rn (")" " i , '.v-'-n
' ku " i , . ' . - I
W ,
"' Fm.
IXried Applet, h. T 5
Butteiv ' '
KirffS (f dot. ': . ". '. ; ..
Bcana Bu. , , . . . ;
Sa 1p Hack. .'.
Hops p lb t. ,
Raga " ;
Bacon, bams and sides,'
Whfnt fir, btisb.
; IS
1-J f
'V 1 - ' .J- V r-
.1.. v'rrr.r.-.i.v..
4'Tl1&1 kffrfr Yi-t
V J iwiWW i', .Jjf (
, " Tim nitttlioi tlioy ro e mall,
... ,.,., ,r ,H.r. . -wa.. j Mr, Jo.i.NiKxact.y. SuiU and oiops
A Good Dialogue. ' and vliniHtea diller, but tho ouor! ,riH.
" Mr. (Smith How isH, neighbor Junes, oiplos of cultivation aro the xnnio every
that jjiur potatoes aro o lar?Q r.nd line, where, and bore Is the benefit of n paper
wliilo jual over tho fence, oh lwnilir ,xV, published fir tho whole country, 11ml one
mine i'io as huiuII as pulleU' epgs, and or more assorlate editors in dilleront sec
preoious few at Hiat ? ; lions, ho that wo got information from
1 Mr, Jones I manured this field with many ; regions and our ou n too. One
bmhs. ' ' ' ;' , I thing I mur-t mention particularly., The
"Mr. Smith 'Pshaw 'all Iho Oiiir.iiiiittti editor is constantly wai niiiL' his ronders
0 hog: killers couldn't suj
J I for Ibis t6n acre Hold.
pply bruins enough
- Mr, Jones I uSedViumoH brain, of which
ther are plenty. . 11 - ... , '
Mr. .Smith Nonsense now don't make
tun of mo becauso I'm unluckv'.and I'rdv-1
idenco has sent you a good crop. 1
Mr. Jones-. rrnvidcuce helps thoae who
Imlp themselvei. 1 used my own brains1
on this field. j
Mr. Smith So did 1 mine, and they
are as good ns anybody's. j
Mr. JonesAh 1 There's tho 'trouble. ! know it all yourself : I don't, and so
1 get an mo outsuie lielii 1 can. 1 ve occn
Colluding oilier men's b. ains for my land
for twenty years, and you pea 0110 result
iu tliis crop.
Mr. Smith Yes, I uee tho result, but I
don't understand it, ' 11
Mr.lones-rVo4t, when wa begin here
twenty years ago, I thought mysclt a gwd
tarmur but 1 believed others had
coo.d ,
ulims, too, and I made it mr business- to
g.-t at their thoughts : Homo I lound in
agricultural books, and inipers. others 1 1
I'H'kd'up tit the Co July Fair, by asking
Aic,the big things weio .raisod, and often !
I'va got a jzood bint from a neighbor !
Mr. nmi'.ii 1 vo atvrnys been Uown on
this "book fanning" but your crons stag-l
ger me,
thev-'rn r ol kicieL: ibuvn nrwiu
I'm sick of tlio poor show Iire.t!
for all mv work, and am (lesncratcenoiiLdi
to try anything for improvement,
mr. .lones i 11 givayuu my cxpei miioe, 1
11 mayaiu you. aooih i.inctcen ywusago
I heard thntmn turn who had; been
liw.ii ..l.t tin I.. .. ... l..l ..I.. I. ... .1. I
1 .11.111 .Vy VII ,.kl 111.1 Iltll.1 -I.IMM llll'lll j
V, an 1 one of them was going to publish '
k pnper, which should consist mainly of ,
howitlorent farmers cu'tivalod various
eropS,' and such like matters. 1 sent for
t'litpnprr- and have ilone ifeo. every year;
siiiAe," aiid how I 'have nineteen lar.. e vols '
timeA, every pne of which I havo read a '
little at a time, and the wbolo has not !
cost the produce of a single acre. Why,
I am astonished when I think over the
, ton thousand thniiirhli nml binlii nnrl chit. ,
gestions 1 have thus gathered. . Wiata :
blank would bo loft in my bead it these
tnougiiis were to tie. tKcn away. , c. .vmisoh sewing mniniio ; an out ac
Mr. Smith-rrut does tha practice of quaintance in WiscJtisin got two or three
farmers on other kind of toil, suit your 'good farming implements, and a young
wants. 1 ' !":;,' ,; " -. I nephew of mine-m Ohio got a beautiful
Mr. Jones Whvi no, not ex.ictlv per copy of Webster's l)iclionary. These
haps. l)dt then, overy .thought'; I get
from another, ihu U a nno thought In m.y oien
mind, nnd thus 1 nm constantly improving
my, own skill and practice- You ,see, 1
get all (ho brains 1 can from otlit-r men's
heads, and cnn.puM them well in my own
head with a mixture of common sense,
and then make tSe .. application to my
llt'l.h Iu that way I have manured this
crop of pjlatoes with plenty of brains.
The editor called -Itevo last '. week on his
western tour union Lf-lai'iuers, and seeing
mv cood crons. ha.iskwd me iust to write
sim.i . 1 i. qi,.,i ii,; i;i,i r.. ,..,i.r
past, and l promised to do it as soon as
mv croiMiwirc He -will probably
iieare L'.uai-tid. , Ho will probably
piinfcs ii, a b constantly prims A nick
practical m&ttera, and perhaps a hundred
thousnnd persoi'is will read it ; and though
nobody else tnav 'Ho just as I do, nvicy
will get a new hlui, nBd -improve, upon it.
You may leap it ily6u wifl. ,-'.-': I
Mr. Smith-r-1 would like to borrow your
paper. -y ,j t : .'- -
Mr. Jones Better tako it yourself, for;
then you Avill bo more likely ,tq reail it.
Ynu will ' find bifi'-Jreds ot plain talks
about-various kinds of crojn during a iin-
gle year. ' ( ne hint gave five bushels of
corn on each ncro of a ten acre field In a.
tingle voir.! ' '" .;'" ' ' ' ' . i
".Mr, Sn'iitli T oan't afford to take it this!
i'er- '- '-I I ,;
. .lr..Jonos-r-You
would think nothing
f spending, two cents week tor extra
tobacco, or a cigar r randy, nnd that's all
the pafier will'cost. ' H'ow little a week it
costs to'supply yon' and jjour family, 'with
a large amount of information through
ony good paper. , .U:.v.- r - -i ;
Mr. Smith What arc the politics of the
paper f J
Sir, Jones it does'nt touch polities.--,'
It is devoted to such subjects as Field and,
Garden crops, Animals, Ac, and hac,.o
side a good, deal about Vomaii'a Work,
which wife says is worth mre than ten
tim thofewr pounds of bnttor it costs to
pay for the paiier.' Then ' there is tdo a
dflpartmont for the young folks contain
ing many things that will plenso' the ch'uV
dren not more trashy slulf, such us is too
olten tirinted for them, but informalion
that will have a eood infhioreon (hem. "
I would uplift dozen lundm! nf dul.aat. Ia
1i.1vo thfl good reading In that paper, but
tho averagrf prfee of out litishel will play
for it ft vent: Mv John 'M-s be cnn'nav
for ft cay with tha eggs from twdpr Uires
TA i .??,?.,flwp,t'i))T;1)(.''f
mm nan oiny u tni iu giii iicij, l MiuUlU lal;
tlio paper to tell, mo, how US make tho
bt use of ;the littlcplot : and if 1 Jmd not
a tootfit land I ahOBiilKtill want it for Iny
wife and ehjl.hw,' 1 ' -d -i
.''Mr. Smilli-'-Poei tbri editor .know any
tliing abont 'farming? ' ...; ..;-
Mr. Jonos Tho editor' wVp ofjis, iftnd
pootrsnestno pnpcrvwas tirouqhj nn on Ti
farin woofo'he'.enliaU Ho (v'.rk.! lli has
stiiibelUl thefeoksbn 4riii)g,.'iinal1ex.-
ptinmeniel for vears ia the laboratory.
and) has , besides.-, travellel. all ovor ,,t1i
country town what was doing. Thenvh
hs several inisioriiatsFariviir,' Oartleri
ers, and HonekeMrii who "know vl hat
they wtICo about,- and nranng them 'all!
lliodo gather Up a Wonderful fcighf oCln,
is aq plain, boj like talking to you, that!
enjoy reading it. Thens too, ovory pat
er has its ongravnb, which show exactly
now nninmis n t plant--, and tmprcrarftts
All An,
i"""""' ymnn t ,)1,ih),4 j, ,,
to Un 0' li p t on J nlio nn'7 Uro luij-n
I bii Ii imi wnnli 'iinim tbftn tho
r' lH ",in"o. , o
ami iKnri lion nio nitly tit Imlp dm
nlitor (mil iiiiplciiii nt or r.ililinr.
Mr. .loiiPR Not. nt all. l"1t tMnr
kiTl' I'ollilttj! of (lit. vrl tn rll . o t!ml
ki. ... . i . . . . . ' . . ' i
n,"y Lft rfyw-y o or con.
,1,iiitn nn vt . , ,i;., i I...
hvulii ibl) or H'orlliluK to li jh rtmlori. Vou
woiiui iiiu'ii io h how (iu oo men down
on poor invontions, ontont tnuniirro, nn
nil kttni oi hijinhtij.:.
Mr. Sinilhrilini,nonpn.1,u,iniT hnnr1
'part of (ho country ?
'against bitn'ibug,- telling how sbarpeis
(aKo too nilvanin?o oltm.-inlu. VV iv. 1
t,l o r.. n., ....
tXlc when
.. .... 1 : .1. 0 ? 1 .,
found it bhown
up as a nutiioug m una
paper.' Hut I cannot atop to talk more
now, I havo such a lot of potatoes to bur-
vest. '
;Mr. Smith-1 wM t hnd.:- I mus-l Iry
that paper a year, nnd ece vhnt there is
in it. I can manage to (save two cents a
Mr. Jones Never fear, if you don't find
it pays, I'll buy your copies at cost for my
uoya to Keep. , ..
Mr .Smith hat did you say the pap
er is called ?
Mr. Jones Tho A'liericnn AyritttlUtralut.
It is published ' in New York City. The
editor though otic of our country farm
ers, and living in tho country, finds ho
can publish it cheaper there, where
printing,, paper, and miiilini!
faculties are
all convenient
Mr. Smith How shall 1 got It .
'Mr. Jones Simply inclose a dollar bill
in a letter, giving your name, Tost
county, and State plainly, and di
Oiango Judd, 41 lnk Jwtc, AVi
reel to
mi 1 or;
1 .....
Mr. "Smith -When ' "tloes a volumo bc
cirt- ; , ' - ' i- 1
Mr. Jonii-:-lLe twentieth 1 volume be
cins Jan. 1st. but nil who send in -a dol-
bir now, get tho remaining numbers of jour, in mtuii un 10 ine wnoio 01
itcxo j em-s no 11 yon suoscnoe now,
you got fourteen months . papers... The
. i.m . . . . 1 a nil n ... A ....I.... 1.1.. ......
miums. to'lhoFft who 'get op iv list of sub.
sciibcrs. Send for - the paper, nnd you
may afterwards find it well worth while
to rauko up a club. Some 1700 persons
havo got gocd piemiums in this vny dur
ing two years. Some "of your : German
neighbor- would join you, porlmps, for
the .Vrieulturixl is printed 'seoiiMtely in
(Jerinaii. I did intend to start, a club my-
self, but I have so many potatoes to dij
1 eatmnt pet the time Mv tikter.'iii.l.i iv
in Iowa, got .up a club last year, and re-
ceived n premium of nUuollm1 Wheeler
j things only cost them a little timet show
ing the paper evenings nnd election day.
.Send in your subscription nnd the first
paper will tell Jpil.' all about tho premi
ums. 1 forgot to fell you, that evony year
the iniblisher ftls-?) send's'but to nil his sub
seribers ho" Vnntrtbeid "n lot of ehoico
garden nixl' ficlsJ iitodi. t.k. 1
Mr. Smith What docs he charge" for
.them ? . '" . ' ' '.. , ' '".'. V. . .- t
Mr. Jones Nothing ; they are se'iit !',
exccjii tlio postsgo. Jhey aro ol the bet
kind, nnd one sincle tmrcel'I cos. lat vcar
wm ivoHIi mm- in m l,,i'ii . it.t. i.i;..v'r
the papeiv , ; ;.7i , j j --
ilr. Siniih I'lJ irv it a, vcoi'., nnv way.;
1! half U-bat Vou fay is .' true, it will Io n,
go nd invcstinerit
... - . ' .-
Mr- Jones You'll
find every word 1
have 'said' true .' ' '
Mr. Smith 111 send
while in the ri.irit, of it.
this very night,
: Mr Jones Do it, and you'll always
thank me for this talk. Good day, I must
hury up digging my potatoes, I've such a
lot of.thcuv; thanks 13 a hint iiy the Art-
lillCl.TIHIST. , ' i !
j. Mr. .Siiiith How "did you say 1 should
direct (he letter cont iing the dollar ?
1 Mr-. Jowes-HTo Orange' Judd, 41 Park
-liowXctv. York City. - :l- -.' .?.n
i DfSABBrigiiam Young has recovered - a
'vervlk't off 2,310 agaiiist rcter Iv. boston,
lalo U. S. Muisbn in Utah, for sejziug tho
plates of "The Desorct Currency, , Associa
tion," a wild cat bank in. whii lu Ih igham
, was intorcsted, .It Was .a Mormon jury
thatygave tho verillot, nnd their foibcar-
, niije, in not making tho damages ten
tiinea, a-s, greal, is. the. only nstonudiing
, thing about ft. , .j ..
lSSOMiTION .The partnership licrU-
lore , exisiinir. lietweon . tlio lnllrllrBo.
Miner mo one oi joornina & to., in the Drug
and Variety Business, has beon dissolved this
duy by uuttuid consent, , . j ., .
, Tlio Booka and Accounts iiro in the hand of
J.. 0. IL'irtawick for aetllemcnt nnd collection,
aud tlio, business will horonfter bo carried on Ir
him. ' .., ;. .. ... ,.. J. 0. LOltAlXE, .
i i , . . .1. 0. II A UTS WICK.' '
' flenrfigld, r., OuU 27, im.-. . oct.'
.Manufactured and for lalo bv
.... h-i jj, piper i tow ,
Leihcrninn A McPowiU'a Building, I
XK. cornet. Soomd -.d Baea.trccts.
ijf Jiff Entrance on Kaco Street, r Bhiludelpkia. ,
jWT Goods Witrinnlcd.
ouilli) 1 m
ntmi.lC WAI.I'Wi'herewiir be tpes4 to
L publio tnlt, nt the residence f the eiitisrlitier1,
in- URAH4MTOV. Cleitrfletd emmtv, on'SAf
UBPAV, the Hah 'day of KOVEJUiElt ae..
ths following pmrlortT, to nlti ' in '-i
l -Yoiinj Horae.1 two-year.ld Ctll, I Cow, &
- heafl f fnt Ktvt Cattle. 1 twe-borse wngon, -I
loor-borse- WajoM, 1 T1inliing"Mn-
chme, I-Wlttnew Mill, 6 head of
v SAtllo.'l i. t single Ibir-
Harrows, Thnins, ' 1 - ' J.
Farming Implements, and other toolj too tcdl-
Alrti, a lot of Wheal, Bye, Corn, Ac.
f Pale to eomtnenee at 10. o'r.ek on snid day.
i fiJKlisi AH same of fg and BndoT.Dnah on
ill i-larger sums, a credit oaix momhicvtll be
given, the notes, atith approred aoewitr,, pava.
bio in bank. .i !;( , .!,,!,
- A. deduotioa of ten pep ocnC per aunum for
ah.,-:. ,.v- ... i y .. .
Xbo Grala will be sold for cash otly, . A
r 'JAMK3 p, LS0.'L
OrahauUun, Oct 2X, ISiiU.
ln '
it jwfi I
Oxelcton Skirts, larco tariotV ft I redurnt1
M'd lui'iv m1.I f.iii :t,, U 1,, .n:, ,
AT TIICl'IICItTAwil 8101(1:.
tinjiit icrritintj nl nMiln)( a rn
U I"11. l-mtnl nf i I H I
Jilt! . I
!m,ia.M) Hi.T:n f,n()i)s
l aimosi every Is( npt i n,
A lii'milllul sunrliiifiil i.f )'rlnl unit Iirrm
K"l; f Hi fin t.WI kit 4 ijU. f.. n
tfionl tnrii'ljr of upcTuI imtinin.
almost every 1
A lurgo assort merit,' 'roah'iiKi()c-
'.11. i f.2. 1 3 !r I. r II
Ilnnnoto, S'innlf,
. IliiU and Cnif,
iniiln :iml Shoot, a luro quantity,
i ' " l:ir(twnr, l) HMriiro,
DriipD nml Mt'cliclnp",
; Oil mid l'olnlr,
Cnrin't A Oil Cltli, '
Kifli, Jnoon nnd I'loiir,
I 1 (i U OOI'IK I KS,'
of Hie licit miBlity, all of wliioli will lio until nt
tho lowrt fusil or rcnil.v py priven.
my old lrirnu unit tho iiillitf (.'oncrnlly, aro
1 rcsiiectfujly invited to cull.
- ' ZN"'-
N. It. All kuxU atliHAI.S nml mil r d
; rOrxri r MODCCK tak.u in .xch. n- f..r
W T- I. I' t. ,. . 1. 1 ......
i jir.ur.A.-, lion. i,l.i, l-.n.i.
TT 1'reniJout Judo (if tho Court of Comiiiun
I'lnns of tho tnly.iflh Jiiiliciiil iJintrirt, coui
ppaoii uf Iho counties, of CloarfmlJ, . (,'untru im d
Clinton and tho Hun. Wni. L. ,Uooro ami lton,
I'l'tijamin, Anoo!ato Jud of t'lriirtlo Id.
county j lmvc isauvd thvir jirucopt. to 1110 dircct
t'd, for tlic holding of n, Court of Common lions,
Orphan's t'onr, Court of tiuartcr, C'rt
if 0.varani) Tutiniuvr, and Court of Uonornl Jiril
Ili'livcry, nt Clenrlivld, in mid Cur tho county of
Clciuliuld, on tho '
iSo-nnd Monday Villi Jay) of Swemher ir.r,
tft ronthivr uneweck.
I NOTfCE IS, thomfuro, herohy ?ivon, to Iho
' "ro,u'r. J"ticcs or toe rcacc, ami tonsiiii.ic.i,
in mm tor emu coui.iy 01 v leuriii'ui, 10 ii.prar in
llinr proptT ))i'iikiiii, with tliuir llolls. Krevruit,.!
I iiini tion s, b.xniuimt' i i nnd oilier ltcmeui-'
lira neon, to do tliosn I'.ii: ;s which to Ihcir nllinvrs, 1
and in their boliulf, crt.iin tu ho done, nod J u- j
rors he tbau nnd tbcro attending, and ant to do-,
ait i t li out lt-avc, nt their peril. !
til VEX under my hand nt CUm fluid, this Ilili '
day -of Oct., in the renr of mir hord, ono tliou-
ennd eight hundred and aixtv.
F. 0.-MILLER, PhrriiT.
Oct. IS, 1KC0. '
m- vjtuirof aur.tlry vrits of TiH. Yen. A't-
isK..,i .,,. ,.niir, f,f(vmlIViri :,,
ICamUiaand J.vcomtng iunties,ond tome
f.. . ... : c . ' .
dircctl-d. will, be oxtiosed ' to public kale
nt the cotdt bouse in .the barougli of
ClenrhVld. on'Monday the 12th 'dav of No-
vetubcr, J8tiO- Tho following described
property, viz.-
All the right, title and interest of Ben
jamin Yingling of, in and to oOl) a-
cres of land bounded by Shopanl, Jacob
Yingling, on theeiutby Wm. I '.rot hers,
south by Jolji Patehcti,, A thU,u house,
log biiru, dw lib ill iif good riitiaiiig order,
and about fifty acres cleared thereon.
Seized taken in execution mid to. bo aold
as the proporty of llenjainiii Yingling.
. . (j. Aimer;; sv.;
Oct. 21, 1800. Shcrill's Ollice, Clcar'd 1 a.
Teachers Wanted.
The beard of Directors f Knox town
ship are desirous of employing four com
petent teachers,' for a term of 4 months.
Application to bo made immediately to
Conrad Jtaker, Ponident. or D. J. L'iith
cart, Seerelarv. D. J. CA'HICA IM' Sec.
'iOct:3d Iy0O.Kt. : : '. ..: ;
All poreons will pleuso tuko oolica that tho
stuiptVMik of '.iimes WM Hj left In m.v;hamU
fr collection, nnd nil persons aro required U
make immediate 4iymnt to me. Call mon nnd
Snvo costs. It. V. KOKli.
oet,2if j5tio.ttSd.- :vw.n.
Administration having been this dnv trim.
t d lo iho undesigned on the estate of William
Blnnton . late of liccntur tp., Clcnrflcld county
1'n. dee'd., all pcrMtns indebted to said estate'
aro requested to innko iiiimcdiate l':iyuiont, nnd
those having claims against snid estate nre roques
lea to present them (liilwnuthentioita(l forecto
tlcmont. i ' S KLfJA U .A'BCK, i Adi, '
UctIt, l!'66U i t -ku'-
' .
illatlauie cBiu cmls
Infallil)lc Vegetable Powders..
For tho rpcedy and otfectiiat Cure of nil fm
union, l!h t.w Immi, Jhtirpiin, qnrt t r Com.
jihut and air Arutr and Chrnntc ' l)htw oPA:
dults mill t'hUdrcu, Send .! cent Stamp to'
her A'jfot. ' 0. B. JON ES.
Uundreds uf testimonials Bvx 207U l'hilaj P O'i
t rr.-rr A'rnr t,. vt . ;or. 'i hira l- Arch Ftst '
Uc-l .'4, ISUU lUt.
Dissolution of Partncrsliip..
The eo-partnembin heretofore rsistinc be-
I twecn J. P, Mu1sD nnA ,Iobn Briel, la tho Lum
bering butincas nt Mubonburg, has this day
noea uiesoive.l ny tlio mulunl eontont ortlie par
ties. J. p. MULPON,
v i, i-inii'-oi, junri Mtir.i..)
rr fir-- t fit
- m M.A
..... U r . ti. . 4 t
- i t..,i ii r.ii it a. ii.i),- i ue .iriifioi In ee--
tors of Jordan township wish to employ
three competent teachers for tho term of
four moil l lis liberal wages wilt bo: given.
applicants will pteaso attend the r.xanu
naticn at Ansonvillc un tho 22d(biyofOc
toier; apply to nobei t i.idduj Pros t or
1). W. Wiso Sec'v. Ity order of the,
Hoard. : - .v W. WISH, SecV. !
Oct. D, lff.0. ut. pd. I
.ALi j
"Wliy stand Vf hil ihoday IJJc Tj
: A . MY LAP', or 'Gctlcmr Id rlo , I'nitoU ,
1. States, possesning from $.'! lo $7, can enter
into an easy and respcrtable business, by which j
from f 5 to $1(1 per dav enn bo realized. Fop
r'articiilr, IddKi-S o"'41rtmrf1"T f I
itlr V.WiA(.lijCi.IftoF,
Oct 21, If CO itui. h'orlb Clh Mrcct. l'hiln.
-fH--if e
mile's dress goods, ofpaltertis and textures to
I j plenso nllj.willbo foiiiid at llie eorner store of
Curwinsvill,., May In. 1lMI. K. A. IBVIN. j-MnasH-t ati..t, l.-i.lVWor Wt of Tkirti. arl
n:m 1 7 1 ? T1' ' t "' i "Pl'osito tho old Jew. storey where bv will ee
telln and other Shawls in variety at the cheap
KJ ot ! -. ' n 1 JSA. JUVI.-
Curwensvillo, My lti; '((.
I loot nnd fflioes. A larger stock and b.wcr
y prices than ever, at Irvina t'heapost corner.
Curwensvillo, May 10, '(l)' .. , ,
A very lareo
stock of Snrinc end Summer ',
JtX, clotaingof Die latsst stylus f. r sale tvif by
Cuiwensville, Vlnyld, 18ft(). E. A. IKVIN.
Cooking Stoves of various slues and prirrnce
sale by E. A. IBVIN
Curwensvillu, MY. 16, ),
lIckerel nd HmDg for sale at the cor for
If J. store of . . , , Jf. A 1-BV1J),
"Airwensvillr, .Vify W; 60 - -
Mnts nit m phi. tr t
ail i4i di ttm O.tiHii r. il't i.ff'iaf
tiil liMin. lane iHIi .e'-f In
1 lni', at Hi Ii S-c ' f hilar W ill I'i" I :. r "ti jr 1
of Cut m iii ilc, i.n
. J rvYiMi.u rpn ) Tit ii.w
al 1 u'nlfl, k I'. ,M., ll'e fil!-Wi4f iral r f-
it ! , 1 1 1 1 i-
AH llixt trtH'n luitl urblil l M
..hl,i, Vl.,lt,lrT.,iihly I1,.., 1 u.
ale In J'lkf
un Iv I t v bind
of W 111, Mini on li t ft, Mi 111 n !.( Vy I'mT
id Vi". Wld"n, 1,11 itn horih ly limd "f 'i."i. ( .
t'ainotii, and on lliv p-otilh ,j land of William
NlcNiml'. C ti t iiilnjt )M sins iimio rr Ic,
Ilk a lanflotv lii'iri), I' Imrn, out build
bifl, n Rmit nnd n lu.ut 115 acre, rlrarri liiml
tlipri'on,' In tu 1 he i!nlu of Inline Jtlooin ilci-'d,
Ti:nl", one fl'tH rath at time of rnl, nilil
the linlnnce In lour Httl' nnuiinl jnynicill itK
tntficft rooniunciiiit ll iflay I Silt, in te sctured'
tiy Nind nnd laortjjag. JA.H A. ItLOtiM Kxr'.i.
Ocf. tt, fsfS. of Imn'-l.lonm d'ee'd'.
tmr,;,,,it Krrilrmrut rtwoi.7 li'f
Mn,-rt! liXCITIX'J FOOT HACK between
the l'liilndnlidiia P"lir imd' tho notorious-Porter
nnd cnunlvrfiiiler, J nea JfRluiiiiri Crosii ! I !!
Crona !tceaitiirid ! ! I !-! renins to lie tho gener
al oiiinlotfln denrflirlil.!t!itlrCrfs liiot worn a
pair of Frank .Short 'i Fronch'-cnir Boots, thnt ho
, would not bo 111 en yet. However, tliony v
1 not niuuh tml piit at iiiirsioff hia ouatnin ; r.
Would Ullliounco to all JlrorLinitiiye, Vimilan,
l,initl ami lhll turn, r,d noiiicii nnd children
in Clearfield, and Slnnciiuihonin j in particuluc.
thnt bo la prepared, to t'unilyli them with Bonnr,.
Shoo nnd tiaiterrof any ay!tt or pnltt.rin stlteHv
cd, sewed or pepjfod, ,(ml Ho iin, short fid',
low) on ahorti notico, : ; 1 X .
Ailkiinlaof country produce tuken in ex
change, mid ctuili not ri iusod. Uopniring dono
in tlia neiitcit iniiuiier nnd chiirgca uiodcrato, ut
the Miort rilioo Shop on Pccond Sfreot, opposito
lteed, Wenvor k Co s store' V K A X K HII0I1T.
"N. r,' Finding Pn'H Islo Jptr2r T8Pt -'
JI, i, WAkkACC.
U. A. 1-l.NNItV
A. i. ri.iKKir
.. . . "t
ftanliini-T nnb d'ollccli'oii tuc
, , , . w
C I. K A K F I' L 1, ' ' t
Jin i.i.s oMixrnAVfHelN0Tr.sAMniiAFT8i.iscoi-NTr.n
JHiPosiw itKci:ivi:n;
KulleattuH! madf. and proceeds prvmptty remittal1
' - lixrliaiige on the Cltlfes constantly'
on' hand.' " .
J?t"-0u"icc on' Seoond SU, nearly opposite tho-
- . , . . .
nieulnry havini Icon inauted to tlio umlor-
niKiicd on the K.-lai of Abraham flcaum Uto of
Luwrence tp,, Ck-arl.ciU co. J'n. And nil persona
kntuint theuisolvoa iudobtod to Bald, e suits aro
requested to make immediate payment nnd'
tiione having claims i;uitt it1 nre requested topic-cut
them to Jolm L. Kesins of Golnin town
hiiHor U. Y, Kheem of Clearfield Borough.
'! ; , JOHN L. KKAMS, 1
Oct. 10, 2SC0. CLp 0. W. KUEEAL, j Ex'rs..
IC SAI.K. Tho nnderslKned will
fell hy public outcry nt tlio late residence of' I! sain dc'd in Lawrence townnhip,
on Tliurrdny tho Ut November: Two hores,
horso Keara. Cfwa ai d young cattlv shocp nnd
hogf, one largo wngon, flcigh, lcd.s, ylowi!,.
Ilnrrow, hay by tho ton, grain, rtoves. b5d;
Bureaus, and a (foueml vartoty of household nnd
kitchen furniture. Terms made linottn on day
of fale. gale to oomiuenco at P o'clock A. Mi
Oct. 17, tSfifl 2tp. GEO; W. BUEEM,
Executor of iho estate of Abraham nonm dee'd'..
Executor's Notice.. j
Letters tcstamontary diavintr been thi day
grar.ted to thoi undersignM on- ttM' estnte of
Abriiham Bonrc it., late of Bradford1 township,
Clearfield' county Pa. ' All persona- knowinp
themselves indohtod to said estate aro rcqucstodi
to ninko immediate -Tny mert, and t!rose havinp
claims ajt'iBSt it are reiesscli to present' them,'
duly nuibeubeatod l tho innJersif ncd
.-; .. JACOB BHABCE. J,tir-
Oct, l7lh, 1800, fd. pdi
a. ar hills
Properarttcntion i'r
tho teetli' in propci
JLjS2 Kia ,"ne b of great
' 'i. rC,,e. jitM' benefit to- entry one
I - iD 1(,inj pf health,,
comforti and conwuienw.
WU, UI 1.1.! can nlwnys be found nt his of
I Tier, on tho cornr r of Front and' Main streelr
' when no notico to tho contrary appears-in thi.
I paper. '
All oporattoti in the lito of h ill profession.,
'pcrfnrmed In tho Intent nnd most improved
! styles, nnd guaranteed for ono year nfiainst alS
' natural fniluren:. . ,
j Stray IlcfferW
! A stray Ifeifor camo trosspassiifg upon tl o
1 of tlio tuhfcriber, nbotit tlfo IstofAu.
I gust Im. I,- in Bloom I tp: A ltrindle' horter with
wbitu fjco and tlu-oe wUit fuet';
sirrrpeed t'j be-
i aumii s years om
The owner is requested to eomeforwordiiYove-
properly, pay tlmrges nnd take if aimv, or it:
will be disposed of according todaw.
, Bloom tp.,.0ot. 1, ' .Hip. JOIfW nn.UEB.
Tu hci.i'.a it ii F.i. c a i) i :i v, w u
be opened fur tho rccoptinn of pupils.,
(ijinlos and females) on Momb.y,.Aog. 20tli, IMSl.
Trrmt per session of eleven Weeks
OrrHngmlhy, Bending, Writing, 'Prfuinrv
Aritlinietie and fc-'rogrnpliy. $2..'.i i
Higher AW-.hmetie Hngllsli Orammnr, Ocog
niph.v nnd lIlsN.rr. ' ' $,1.n
I Algebra, (iooinctn-, ftitural Philosophy -and
H .ok Keeping J (ii i
! ltin an l 'Jieek languiiges!' " I "'ftftli-i
; To students desirous of ncquiring a, thorouc!
Knglish Edticnitnn, nnd who wish to tjualilV
tbemsalvcs for teachers, this Institution 'offer
donlrwMn ndvaiitngesi
Jt pupil roeoiwd fnrless (linn half a letston,
j and im deduction mndo oxcept for prou-ncte.a
Toil inn tu be paid nt tho clhsYof the torm.
' --" C 11. SAN I' Ft HID", Princhml.
; Mjj23, ',
; n. Cabinet, Chair Making, "
JOHN OrLIcn. of the Through cT Clearfelo .
Pn., will be rriqiTireil at all tlme to attend to-
!to any fcuxhifdi In the abnve line
on slion
nwtioe, and in n, workmanlike manner
His plac"-
"f bttstucr is M 1h J, ilinn on It s n,,41. .iAoo.
"iistnnlly on hnud a lnrge assortment u..Mu.
i bognny and Ctiae Bottom Chairs, nniL GiUiiucS
I VI arc' of (vry dcsrriutivnwhiuh li
e will dispose
. of on h reasnnolllo .terms as
llnv sumo artuile
Cmti be Yihft H.-i-whi-ro in llie county. . , ,
'. , Uia slock. of t'libincV w are noi ua )itnd, eon .
aijls in imrtYf Ih-r.-uui' anil C'.uuion Buraui
Sofajj Sjuwing and Washing. S lands, Peeks am-
n;v,:.... r..i..i,f,.., r0,,.. ,.! ...j i,-.. x."
Mfj,&A IV Sins inau iitiuturcd and. dolivcjed nj
irijy f'tiico-dciiired. ' , .. .,. .,.' '
Pvlrcary 8, l5.-'o, 4, vol ir.j ; .
JTionnets, Horeiree
braids, English ttraw;
JJ Shaker and ether s'yIos
trimmed and ttu-
trnmaed, will be fUUDd in Vftxioty at the oorn.i
Utore of ,'.-.. B. i, IRYIN.
Cur-T!vin, May 16, '60, "