r, ipH VWBSW 'W n'W11" CliarnVIrt, November 1, l"-H: ' r.. The Erection. ' ' 'v " 1 We are unn)1tt o furnish our readers .vitU jinjr imiiito'rRltrm'ofJho aloction ln-hl or. yesterday. Thoignsof the titnci iTmHoTiH.i telnet tlio volo polled in our county Vill lo 300 aho.'tof tlio Inst electiun, ,, . ' P Rpi Am Clearfield, 81 4,7 13 (loshn, 47 'ii Lawrence, 1M ol ti DraillorOv U0 fill After the Election. . . .Tho election w now over, -ami wo feel as 1f tiier? can be but little ilouM as to the result. If New York Las cant its volo Tor tho . HepuLlicar candidatei and the diuuc vera liecidedly in furor cf this opir.ion--of course Lincoln i President, In the " manner preicrilc I hy Hit Consti tution ;" though it, may bo hy a minority of tho Statos, and less than one third of the popular vote. Then comes the Mst trying lime In tho History of tho country. The Southern States look upon the election of Lincoln ax a condemnation, by the people ol the North, of their social system, anil by a Lu co portion of them, as on ndvrsm(nt ot such attcninta aa John Jlrowu niaiie at Jforper'a Ferry. : What the final result will bo, time alone caii tell. AVeconfesa to fearful apprcheu siona, and sincerely hope that we may be disappointed. Let th result be what it may,- however; we hope to see every Dem ocrat stand up firmly in defence of the UNION AND TtfE CONSTITUTION. As to tho result in renr.ylvania, there can be but cue opinion. Tho remoernrs have made no etl'ort anywhere to get out tho'trvote, and Lincoln will probably have a larger majority than Onrtin had, with out having so largo a vote. A Chance for a Nice Young Man. We find the following advertisement in a tote number of the Philadelphia, Lrtyrr, which we publish without charge.' "VisTEn By a r"peclablo colored family, a WHITE BOY 14 or 10 years ol ago, to wait on tho table and make him self generally useful about tho louso. Address iwith reference Ttndegrast.' Blood'a Despatch." , , . . , . This ii the result of tho teaching of the Black Republican party, equality between the white and the negro. The white boy ir this instance must cotno reccommendod tho notice doe not state whether lh 'reference must come from whites or negroes; we presume, however tho .utter, as in this instance tho negro ia a little hotter than the white man. i ', ll'oscothc equality manifestations every where; in TitUburgh, Boston, and other large cities they advertise td forni thenin selves into ''"Wide Awake flubs," the 1c gitimato teachings orthe "Irreprcssi,bles." Go on, gontlpmen, we will sec where you will land with your negro equals.' 'My Report!" It seems that John Covoila will have his hands full during the next Congress . This will onnble him to got up another Ko port in the capacity of a Smelling Com mittee. The audacity of this man Covodo Isunparalolled in tliis country. We ivomler if he will turn hia attention, to' the. fraud In tha first Congressional i ilistrict in this State, where rank perjury has defrauded the Democratic candidate out of his elec tion. ,.' . : ,. .... v. Wherever he goos he carries with him the report of Iho late investigating Com mittee, of which he was a member, and proves everything ho speaks abiut by "Mj Jii-jxrrt," as ho pterins it ignoring every other member of tin? Committee. This, however, need not surprise, any one as it is Covodeism all over ho usually ig nores everything ho ia connected with but himself. " ... : ... Our Conqueror.T ' Ilowha ascends to mountain-tops, shall find , . Tho loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds and snow ; . . .. T .... lie who surpagtiea or subdues Mn kind, , ;. Mut look down ' w ith hate on thosa below Bvaox '. iv Andrew n.- Ourtin, the Governor bnti has given out that lie will keep under his feet all who dued to yoto against Liiii at the late lcjlionv ainl yet his party are al ways harping upen "Freedom and rrotoc tion." TJiia, seemsvhowpver,to mean only "freedom to lu,s nnd protection to gpoes" tha white being ruled out in loth ctses. Itear him on the niht aher the election "' ' ", '' '' '. Xl?LmJ?2'?-(t l,lifilu a r 7. f V By the oh. beings his aid, he mnl mean tho wron . W.ll nm :r' the Cavamoi will flnhtnsfri ihaJf'itn U' gntja doawear. r - w j II years we wiilhavetoputupwith it. that's all. ' ' ' ;: . . fciTHon. Inniol E. SicklM, of New orlt, declines le be a candidate for Coni nd-.date for Con-, constitnent. he. on to Tosuma th. I grew, in a letter to his constituent,. h expressr the determination toTOsuma ih euj9 niines oi ins profession. 1h 0rroltlc!t Wr nl lull on our fi't I "rrt "iU nrrfc, t til.ln shewing III" Md'n"'''' '"r (lov rnor, ftoni the ivbiptHi cf Ibe J'on- ( it uttori, In K!! !c the cnt time it will bii .l ionei U r I tha Oppnii'ldn . Ihcinfb lijliltinp tlP l'ci0,'lit n fVrVrii'v l.i. ... ! . II hi, ik. I imii'i I . )n 7iVnVi'.'iiM, el In electing a Iho snmo name. hAre never iiw,,n '""V "i 1 I iiiTiT.ni' fn irn lllldcr In chnnwina thrir liame they rennm UK of the notorious forger and pickpocket to Oio.6mcd Smith! after commuting, . . , . . I.:. ...!..t.t..,u a numoer o. Hiigerie. u,.,,.. ........vw.. in OWo in order to escape detects he fl.Hlto Miaur. .n.llh ..amneJ .o nnuiv ui jiiunii. . j,..-".. (" - gentleman seemed honest ami upright in his dealings with everybody, and suc ceeded very well in everything he tinder. took. This stats of things did notlaH, IoiVj;, the old element soon overtook Mr. Itroivn. haviiiL' bv fnlso pretences succce (led in securing to himself a large amount of proporty, which he transferred to olher , parties, and committed a heavy forgery I on a bank in St. Louis. This was tho last of J Mr. Brown iu Missouri. Jle, however, soon turned up again in Vetmont, under ! Sintop, they nre allowed to vote, tho assumed namo of Mr. .Tones, again a' ( Hi io. tho word uhiu occurs in the veiyrico man : indeed ho was an accom- Constitution, similar to that in rennsyl plished gortlomun, and must bo an honest vanla. Notivithsianding this, Ihe.Supreine mnu. This seems to be the iiiiprescion I (kmrt of Ohio (all being Republicans) have jrr- jonos l0ft upon the minds of his new neighbor in Vermont, ami everything )iWsmi along quite amoothly for several j.Mr!) . wlun ono of tho leading business men t,e town suggested to soma of his jjcijijorg that Mr. Jones was either very cnrelngH(0r else liewasno jjdgo ot money, for ho alwavs had some counterfeit abput him. ' ....... OhJ mercy, don't nako auch a charge against Mr; Jones, was the immediate an swer of a bystandr ', ho is certainly an honest upright man a perfect gentle man, .10 doubt about jt. - . i This scorns to havo reached the cars of! Mr. Jones, who immediately sought out the man who had mado this mean ! low ! diubolical ! !! insinuation agaitikt his char acter he could summon and refer to ;i score of business men, both in Boston and Kew Orleans (pl.ieea had icver seen) to sustain liis character as an honetj man. The world and Mr. Jones becanio a little settled nnd jogged along as usual fcr a bout another yoar, when on a sudJcn Mr, Jones was missing to his familiar nHgh- bora. The story was soon told, a fow days revealed again the same old "Adam." Mr. Jonei had forged a check of $3000 upon his former defender and excellent neigh bor. From Vermort he fled to Canada, where he soon after perpetrated a forgery upon a house in Quebec, for which he was arres ted and executed Tho officers in Ohio were for years in search of Mr. Smith. In Missouri they were hunting Mr. Drown; and in Ver. montthey were trying to find the wlicrc aliouts of Mr Jones, but never found him. . Tho transactions of Mr. Smith, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Jones, were made known through the newspapers, but, as- w ill bo discovered, always under a diflerent name, ir.'id this notorious yilla'n' kept his origi nal name, Siiihh, he would undoubtedly htwa ended his career much soonorthan ho did. This same individual had ..i i.:. r. 1..,, i. .. ( jsv ...3 ..u.,.cl..iv.., v.... v.. v fc'tin; I.ilierator wcroaiso weak w lien Jus princip.es, and for this ho was driven irom his country.' The application in this is, tho' present Black Republican party, who have sailed l . . . . i a..Tir i ""v " ' v...' cu in ucceiviiig uiu iiuupie. - By refering to tho tuble alluded to; it will be observed that the Opposition have succeeded in electing a Governor in the State under overy namo they Lavo assu med and one nly. In every instance in which they succtos ded they always ignored themselves, ns witness the cloctbn of Heister in 1S20. In they wero entirely ignored as Feder alists, after thirteen ntlempts m guch to elect a Govcrnor-which was their ruin 1 nnuer ine name oi r oueraiisus, Anu-ua-, menceel thn fortunes or the tay were in ois, Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Kepub-1 his favor. - Tha'tlai ilaihlians wero driven licans, and under each assumed name, !ftvm ",e ''C'fe'1''" they occupied ; a battery Mr. .lAri?.! .t!.;,;'n .iiAirliW. !J,fl,nK-6w' Df. th tnpstimportnnt m ISO.., , tho positions which they had lost enrly in : In 182'., finding thenuelvca dslected in'the day. Tho Neapolitans, though driven their rascality by the people, like Smith, I . evidently not yet lost all' hor? J J 1 1 ' ' ' r . , ,i. . . ,l' . ilia. vmiii:i-u mru iiaiiiv w ll I IUU5UI1 b. J and put their saddle upon "jnuph ritatr," head quarlors of (Jariljaldicnplured by and under this namo they done business surprise the b wracks and tome adjacent with Ilitner, Stevens ACo.,'for 12ycars-' houses, and might havo succeeded in hol having succeeded in electing Ififnor jp 'n? the town and in clering the roorl lo ' ; Naples Jiait not the 1'iedmonteso troops : ' . ' " ' ! in garrison at Naplos promptly responded r. Jlul having been lotmd ot in their ras. to tho call of Garibaldi.. ; , ealities ns Anti-.Wnsons, like Brown they) Tho arrival Vy rail of these fresh and were driven from ll.c State.' n 18-11 the same party appeared again in the field, assuming tho namo of 'Whig,' j nnd having (lane' business' tindnr tlitB name long enough lo havo their eichbors L lino n nt n ' i 6 " , believe that they wero honest men, they aueoeeded ngain m 1848. i -., : i , Soon however, tho old Federal and An J ti- Masoiii, tricks became visible Under the driven forth Hfrain in 1M" by ar. outran public; and wenVtcr over hcols' into t:: Pvcr(1UcoU inly l 'u-"'8''". naeaauat mo earaa tnff theirtiMoHnte tostand by themundor . ..... . overy trtat ana anncoity, in thi&iucy were!"""".""", "" UEU"cun" r- successful again in ISil., Tlr 'people of rennirjrlranla' found themselves outii aecd,,tba; ' groatW dcareo . .,;' . "1. J, .V P''0. 'f, thttn., L7r: r", , ,lr than ever before, and immediately drora II. t f, mil i .n rr. I tir'O liu li limn I Ti " iilrhni liniillrd upon . "t in in' pilticlpln, r1iibliinu' Ilicni'cUi in a,.ti,r .litlcn m"1tcpnblicin," In clhon 'Anlnrkin," and IVnpln'i int tv, all. of nWrth Hi", hitch.- 1o. thnt tbU full, and ( ii'JCi eib rl ng tin, nndar the iiiti"d nnme . , n uli iihI....... nr i ii' mi in" '' 1 1"" "iji in' i' im"; i ' . .... pa fl while, and if lliry 110 ,,,lvcn ,r,"n 1110 country cniircij , wur . i ..... ' . i ii I.. l:l a 31 Smith it tlicy, will deitroy .V- . uiwH"Tiii j and lil;nrtie of the people. Communities and noddies arc made up f lit. Muni anil if it ia wrnll If mill im- ,.,.,;..!..,.. l.i. in"'"" " , ftn,l n..Mimo other?, it is equally . J JI never. 7 it : .. Ifan honect man never need change hit name to succeed in business and establish a tooil character, why U it necessary for an hoiiest(!) parly to change tLeiniMiieso often? 'J'hb IriwritRScK. - Our Kopublican fl.jemH vho profess so much love fjr the liriT-0 and bin rights, find thomselves sometimes in an awkward situation. In Ohio, Now York, and other northern rendered a decision to the effect that mulattoes havean equal right;to Vote with tho whites. T'ndor this decision, fifteen thousand mulattoes voted at the lute elec tion in that Stale. Tho editor of the Cleveland PlainJtalcr says he seen mulattoes vote the !?epubli can ticket in that citv, at the lute elec tion, who were as black as 'Egypt. At length, however, a jovial "culled putiseii" offered to vote, but aid ho wanted to votp '.he Democratic ticket; hut ho was told 1 y the Republican judge that ho coulu not vote, because l:u was " a link ton Hack.' Nr.iiRAtiKA Election. The latest news from this Territory is, that Morton, Dem ocrat, has been elected Delegate to Con gress. It wns given out that Daily, lit publican, had received the certificate This, of course, is untrue, as tho board of ennvassf rs,. composed of the Governor Chief Justice, and tho United States Dis trict Attorney, met at Omaha, on the 31st ultimo, and, upon a full count of the vote by the proper officers, Morton' Was de clared elected, and has been awarded a certificate of election. Affairs In Italy. Frnra tht Bnltimoro Eichnnge. The Star of fi'nt ibaldi is once more in the ascendant- He has not only vast him self loose from all affiliation with the Maz zinian taction, but he lira ' gloriously re trieved his partial defeat at Caserta by ai. nal victory' on the banks of tho Volturno. Capua, indeed, still holds out. and the port of Oacta, which is also occupied . by the loyalists, continues to offer to the fu gitivo King an outlet of escape' whenever hia position becomes no longer tenablo. The effensivo movement by which m sought to recover possession of his Capital was wisely planned and ably executed. The lovalist were thirty thousand strong whilst the entire forcq of the : Garilwldians ilia not, number more man niteen tlmus and ; and of these, as the event proved, the Sicilian and Neapolitan recruits were not to be depended upon, "They made a great deal f. noise," says an cyc-witr.ess "lint they hhowed no stomach' for fight- !??' 1 ", I'01"0" ' troop, of com pared with those around Capua. If theso were forced there wa nothing fo jitevent tho young King from re-entering 'Naples in triumph. For several hours after the battle com- . . . !p0,(l, nns raptured and spiked, l.ut for tno porsor.n. uanngoi -.arioauu, anil n.e ,)0, slootc1 for .M0Hition for which he 1xtr.U)rhn!.ry exertions -vhtch were made . ))0t ,,, fiwt fmnification.-CV.rbrrf by his chief ofhc&rs, the courage . ot hi'nrtrt,r. , fi Tt i . v r :i i i! i i i troops would hay tiven way under the I rvMttx . tf-kiia. f t'A in U'liloli ilmu warn avim. U llll.l. 'U7 IIIU IW " IIIVII lt 1 IU IV ' I) L 'll 1 st d. -nd tho constant reinforcement thai 1 ,( ,R,N5 r ';- wtenlay the enemy received from Capua. The ro ! ",orn'g. shot tly after 10 o clock, Messrs. serves on both sides were brought into ac-i ,''-v,. ,';,,,J 1"',u,',,h "J"1 Arch atrcot. tion, and so closely was tho battla contcs- "cnt V' Xo, tho Bank of North America, ted, that there were times when it seemed ta, n'r n ,tIT'f1.t- J l' ,oros,,t ,"'t almort impossible lo prevent the Neapoli- ' f (1 i!',ct,"k ,or ?I;00?. " 1,10 .Uu,." tans Irom bearing down all .opposition. j ''J' r'' otes of Uc tci.em;nalioii As it was, the final result of tho conflict 1 ?f ?-,, . an'J " . ccie. Iho ...i ... .i.; .i i . : tiov r.roceeflcd to the ltaiik. Iinmloil ilm """" t V" . ,' t a j i . , t 1 . i rniila n !! nnr.at nl I unit ntvn I acai n H.a iikniiiii- iney jweuaiscipiineci aoiaiers, speeaily changed nU.aawat in . u-:r . . a time ,10 2seanolitari were routed. At,WTel,or w,,a cauhlod it as soon tw do, Nut ef them flying in the directions 0fl'Vered. The thief is detcribed as a good Madaloni wero attacked and scattered bv , 'wA rather tall. man, aged, between 25 .lun cor ho hahi that post under Bixio. and some prisouora wero m(,,i,.. Five hundred others surrendered , to tho riedmontcso, aud two' battalions whilst retreat, ng eastwardly towards the river SS to CaYma took to Jhe Vef,ion irt fnTWef attempt. (, tho followiBtdfly kit rtet "with nc STtcc So that of tho five thousand men wHo surprised and nearly farried'CasCrla on lliotnorninp of Uvrl Of October,' 'toot Ix 41.... . f.. I...l .1 -.. . . I.J.. J entering Capua.' A thr thousaad Nea, noliUrm are reported to have been placed flora an comoai in me natus i or Volturno, ibl' must hava lost i. that engagement 'and in those of the two robsequeut dars. I Including the twenty-flvo nnndred fri,: "el!ng twenty-flvo nnndred pris- Lmn tllkttJ )J. the dmna-rftWo! off from rctul-nlnir) t"? . " 'w""' " r l Lewis I Ulnom . tnoiinta iS. - A -dr.! ur lumul" ..... ! ttr.nl I lli'l I l'l Mlli't'g II. .11" lllltH, rior Inf tli"it of Ik'" lh..iinii'l tin n. t i In m It i f nil tin " o.., ilm Nr,fi."li Inns Bin Hl'-lifH l"lt tl-'d Ubln Ibdr liiind fit Cp na, t Iml ill"il'l i.hn f.jrnd it tincPMnry torall ti tdit w lr riil eib.i.,nf..ilnitHe .. unuanco ll.nl ti.n V'ftfWT hi leinivcd ltl-l f,r limy . I...nb Ia . Si.i.i' i.f Pni. i ii i" i viim" " ; " ' . li.. I.' t I... . I ,n i nnn w hich he suilninei . ' I .1 '....!. .... II. n till ,.r v.,i,i im1u.iv ' I " Micn)( position inot been at le l.v Iho cliiiiigmg VoHurlia.-M) hardly rontesled and finally li"'"''"' ...... . L'.ui iuui ...r :. . .. .l..ii nl Ttmil iui mil Mmhinna ..... mid bv thO lo or I in Until r.ii'W.ii'" to ruiiini inn in aim nj "m " , n..L I-i... u.... I ' timmlilt, of llnih. In tin fiiniT i,f Ci... 10 recover aiil sun iwjmi "'"'" - drill, rniitninliijt rrvriitrrn liumlrrij i itn ii nn ni i n 1111 1 i iv i ' " T ttiti i inn aiiCitxunr. 1111110 nam in r ... i ..it .. r i ni worn 11 in nv inn a ininnr in ' . m . l . i i won wiih so much diflinyltv-how danger, notes are liom lliv siur.o pinto, tlio Ai mis is to nUco implicit 'reliance upon dilorand Kegixtor s mgmtluro being coiii- mom valor nnd Mitliuiiasm, when oppo se;l by troops sAtporior in numbein ; by no mean deficw-nt n roiirage nnrl tenacity of pnrjiose, and altogether belter Uisciplineu than his owu. ' Tho loshon has not been thrown. away. Ho haacce;itHl perhaj'S reluctantly,, but loyally neveriheha the mora prudent and circumspect policy of Cavour. Jle has consented to abandon his own cherished fchcnio of asHtiltitig Aus tria in her Venetian atronholds, ami of humiliating the Boman l'oiitill'oy batter ing down tho galea of Koine. JIo has donncvon more than this. He has yiuld ed to the wishes of the Italian population for immediate annexation to Sardinia, and by inviting Victor Emmanuel to repair in person to Naples, for tho purpose, of ta king charge ot th alliiira of that King dom, ho has virtually surrendered his au thority as Dictator to tlio monarch in whoso name ho has so nobly fought tho battle of Constitutional liberty. With the re-eslaliliblunsiit ofa complete accord between (Saribaldi and tho Sardinian Gov ernment, all doubts as to . the future Italy may bo said to havo been dispell ed. . ; . , Count Cavour has triumphed, but the triumph of the great soldier of Liberty has not been less signal, for ho has achiev ed 5 conquest over himself, and ot the height of li s power hus sulionliiii'to J hit own prejudices to tho wi'.l of his King and to tho good of his country. , The volun tee:'s and tho Iroops of Sardinia will, hence forth, liht shoulder to shoulder, it more flighting is yet to be done. Cialdini is al ready . on tho march from tho Uo mati frontier to cooperate with the tinri baldians in the reduction of Capua; but I he battle oT Volturno must have admon ished Francis II. that his hint stake has I een played and lost, and that any fur titer attempt In defend a position which is now threatened on all sides would result in a wanton sacriiico of life. Victor Em manuel has alu-ady entered Naples. Ten days ago the Sicilians were called upon ti votes for or againt anne.Nation lo Piedmont, and the only territories now re maining, which are not embraced within the present scope of. the Italian move-! metit, are Ven'elia, and that portion ol tho 1'apul Stales which is known in -"The 1'atrimony cf St. lVter." For these, Ca vour is content to wait, and he has conn dently intimnted that ho Mil not have to wsiit lonu. ;a"It nppenrs from tho last accounts from Oregon, that J. W. Nesmith (Doug las) aim E. D. Baker (Abolitionist) ' wee elected to the United Slates Senate on the 2d inst. Nesmith wns fleeted lor the long term and Haker Tot the shot t term. The rote siood, Baker 2D and Nesmith 27 20 being necessary to rtchoico. The dis. patch' does not give the names of their op ponents ; lull w e suppose they were I-ane and Smith. Thnre are some facts concern -d in this election which the people ought to know.' At the election some time since, tl.e Douglas Democrats and the Keiitiblican united to defeat the leg- iibip iH-nioeratic ticket."' The Democratic Congressman was elec ted ' but the fusion Tuerwdcil ir. eleetmg ,1 m ijority orthe loihtiui. This mijority again united in thn eloction -of one Doughs and one Bepuliliean Senator. Comment is-' Un necAsary. I'.vrry olio enn nnler1nnd 1heo f;K!ts, nnd draw their own conclui sioilS. ...I ! ' ''I ' -! i Wo aro not acquainted with Baker; Nosmith e know well." He is a man of some considerable mind, but ot the low est cast. Me: i a Idw ,'vulcnr, barroom loa fer, ever delighting in the grossest and most obscene language. For this charac; ter liU'is uotoi ious throughout the Slate. Ho whs it gord wire-w jrker and had grent influence with a' certfiiii el t'. Why he M'flK aI..IA'1 Ift Ilia n.-illf-l'iu I.....I..P ti (lif. v -.1. i iniiir, mi in.- uiub iiv : f ec e over lo the .eller. and bud h ro"lfting 0e check and notes down on hc (,0,ltc'V J"t at his left hind, while 'j; ft "ct"M ,0 n' in t no deposit' Ulule eni'ili'e.l in writimr .,. ... . . , , the tkrkcf, nn individual camo nloi'ie up to htm if he knew wlicro the Commonwealth 7?ank was1, at the sumo instant (as is sup posod) slipping ' tho notes and the 'check out of the book. M'hen tho boy turned with thelickot in his hand, the bok lay where ho tiiid placed it, but the check for $1,00() and the ?320 ih notes wero g6nc. So.jtoo, had the individual who had accost ted him. The ?I2j in snecro was safe. r spe lmvin Ijocii linnup(J ovir bv tho vnuth in nml year. ltd was . droned m light ol"thes, and woro an unusually . long mat of 8"t material, tvhich reached T,elow knpoi- ' ' . ' . ' V';' ' .' ', '.' I '.; mcss .tyro , j.anac i nao, or course, Cl HlOl'S .Cm sua' JltTUKNs.'-Thc ccnaus of Great Britain develops tha curioum lact that there are more Scotch ucscondnts in Ixindoit than in Edinburgh, more Ifuh thao iHuhlirj. lOd.OOf) more (TtomaDwU man in itome, ana more.jlea than in Palestine. There Are also iu tho anm rnetropolis no less than t() Ortft totmn. iW.000 French', and o.OOO Italians - a vert i large 'irarawr or Asiatics, lTom all parts of the East, and mapyw-ho sliirwrrtehift their idol..-- I .' Pj :M. storpca mo cnccic onincunion jianK. i "i -c gT? i and have riven nt5ce Of the affair to the A"B i i"0l.i:.- i - m- . i ,'jiii KorncroaD A Mock i , . i A Mt tn I cim t. I'm ut i . ll.niOtnH t-Mh l..i'tir I'mnity l'"ili, It M-Hnmi, livlmim, hntn Inn bM I'l" M lilli lint do I j,dliin f niMt lid i ll" u!n!H'h 'unfit f it tilt !. n 1l...c 'A. II. IUlc. Mi A. I'i.ll M l ,I.M). ( l.itl.iati. nil f.tM'iUd Hl' Ire InMlJiilh.ii.' Were prn ..J, i d , Pit jlr-V. AH l" I'M ' " ' lnulKII. ati'l- rrrv riMiininicn i lull in l A i. , hi nil I lllfhlllt of .(( I1" I'll! frr rfli li. ll is Slip- 'the Stale, ami Hie spurious Mid genuine terteited on tlio former. A Spboner, t no rreridctit, made it, mm to gooM i I h eni'iuifi. Tho Sanctum of the oditor and proprie tor of the Huntsman Acm, a sheet print cd in NcbraHku, prwents soneliaios strangd sight "last week," tho editor says "upon two owmainnH, from our office, we witnessed the playful pranks of poveral antelopo, and again a sprightly red fox camo up near tho enclosure, but cut and run when Towner came1 in sight; a nice race thoy hail, and xHh made1 time, but royrurd tho boat; A week ago two grizzly bears nnd threo largo wolves hove in sight and played around on the prairie at a safe. Mistnnce; the same chaps, probably, that mado a tonder meal from V goml-soixud oalf of ours that had been running out. Tho buffalo havu taken oilr caution, and for two weeks they havo not troubled us." Infamoi s Fraid on; Fkmai.es A DKsrr caule S oL'XDitEL. A day or twd since a New .York Sharper lotulod in l'hilndel phi'i, hired a room nt No. 21. 'I Union street, lie then ndvortised in the Lcdir for yourg ladies tolcnru al usiness which would pay from $7 to $10 per week. Quite a number ot females answered the adver tisement, and wero told Hut thoy must pay $10 each. This all except Ion or twelve of thorn declined. Tho latter paid over t lie funds and were told to call next day. They did so, and found the sharper h.ul vanished during tho night. BA.Mr. Yuncv, the Southern Oral or, of Alabama, is a slop-son of ftev N. S. S. he man, D. D., of Troy, N. Y.. who when n yourg man, wns teaching in that State, and married Mr, Yancey's mother a young widow with two or tiir small chil dren. Dr. Homan settled in Troy, bring ing Mr. Y., there with h:i, when he was filled to enter Williamfown College. MARRIED. On Bnmlay; tht 2Rth ultimo, liy Daniut floo'l- lamlcr, Kai., Mr. Jacob L.ik to Miss Sarah Caiiso.-; all of lira ly towli.'liiji. i ; ' On Sundiiy. ortmber -till, by Rev. CCA. Kr.nilt, Mr. (ir.uiioG A. Mahsiiam. to Misl.nri. it Ui, l.i ll; of Uni'ly towrifhip. On 5atunlay, the 6lh inst..br Rev.' James Cle ry. Mr. AVi. C. Wntoar, of (iruhnm townfhiji, tg Bins J amk cmi' LT, of BnniliirU toWnfhlp. DIED. n Vf(llrllny Oet the 22J, of uiptlicria Sah cri. J.Soii of MArrncw nndJA.iR Tatk, of (Jo lien townrhip, aged 2 years i nionthiand 3itays. On Thnri'lay the 2.1, of Bipthoria, Rachki. duUj;blor of Mathkw, and Jax Tatr or Coshon townUip, aged 4 years 4 months ar.d 1 1 day. In Lawrence township, on the 6lh instant wife of KttKNrrr.R Kirto, nReit abont 70 yor. On the 6th Esrskzkr Kiio, abont the mine t Re boh dying within 24 hours. In Lawrence towprhip nn the fth .instaut, Jo. sr.rn i.agi.r, age auout 31 year.-.. .. , llflu brilisniifnfs. Q V IK M II . T I-: A V I ! Kits W A M T.T.- The KJ reliuol yirci lorsof l'JKE TOWXSIIIP wi.h u empluj fix competent Xeacher, for a term i.f inree months. Liberal wage wiil given. Apply .to Kli Ulpom,: President, or to Ji. Dale Secretary i(thc Iloanl. TJv order f the Uourd, ', Bov V" ' l.. PALK, recr.ytary.K r. t. n et i.un on. ww.iii a'rri.riirfiii. h M'C tll.l.tHCII it nROTIIRR,:.';' , Attorucja at J.aw. Difieeon Mnrkof tret, ofpojrte Monp't Si Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly ta Col rp, Goiter: (ion, paie ot iinus, 4c jxwT-ly JJUSSELLMcMURRA Y Uetpcotfully inviton thealtintiou of bis old cui tonirrs an.l olher?, to his ftock of ', ; FALL AND WIN TICK GfJODS, ' Which he offer ' " ' 1 VF.lt V LOW t'OIiVAbrit' 1 He Uo contiuuea to deal in LUMBER, of all kinds, in any way to suit hia cuilomeri. , .'. The highest market prirci will bo paid Tor all kindi of GRAIX. , . ', . . t&r C AL LAND 8 K El . New Washington, Nov. 1, 1860. , , nor7-6m g TT. C II ARLKS HOTEL, HAKnv Whirls, t ontir.roR, i.' ' i ' ' ' i ' ( , Cernor Third and Wood Streets, , noyMlt" ' ' 'MTTSBTJROH, Pa. YROaXK CITY HOTEL. Col, , A . r. OWENS, rnorniEtoR, . Rerpectfally announces to the travelling public, that he ha-s aiow takea charge of this large and well known .houre, and will oonduct it in each a manner as will render excellent comfort and full satisfaction to all who iay favor hia with a call. novT-ly T I8T OK C A US EM for (Uth) ITovember Ji Term, 18(10, Adjourned Conrt i Jacob Hnover John H Abbess : va Matthew A Foreee ts WCaldweli ; i " j t. ISintri ;McGarvy , v Edward Curry y)l v Wird A Blair, ' '.v Patriek Dolia, "" ' 1 u ts James Huff ''' T ti Jared ? Oal-r ' i s M A J Denning "Vs Adam Knarr:.j ,. . ts Allikon A Wagoner in JJavid Tiler, "i.vs Andrew wilaen ' J ri Richard n.nvnV1; ": B Lnrau ; 6ofRe Rrhani ''' James At Lfloaarrl John J Wearer , iohn PuicVu ( . ; Isnuo ScoLuid , i tinniel Good lander Jonalhatt Writ Arrrn OarVs adm'rs ;nH Umith'i adm'x " Isnae1 frtaiios D Oddfellow JoanPatolitn ' srg JoOitb Lamborn t a) ', ti Jean Killiaa . , I va Jacob WiiheJm ' Yk7. .. rrlTT ittTmn SoZffii?. V, STinfartT ' li iinncil that llicne I'nrltcs linve i In ulnti U niscr, tirrnn ni snu iisi i m isn.t silnnu vf I I Silt MH MV N V,i iif . 1" tvM. 11,1'tmfi.i.iM.i, n jtiiij llv Py iH' m ,u "f Vmi,n m , linn h "kl ' t i'ii' . "f.nrl .f IVnitiiMi l',, run ii n . tifi 1(1 ,r Jn,lrif nit, tr n, llirt III, lt fx) l.ll I In , lit. hi, ,,1,, ilil'',,t Hi" t n'lil ll"ii In If I.I f' (n (Hi rnld rMiMy i't I'rntm, n ViiM ;iin my i" n"i r. 'inr.n mil, tt 1 1 IK, nl tla iU lli fi tiHstil, Jnirj li , .i,,t thn tiiiiliviili'il fmittli In it in nil tlmi p.,,,,. Cii.-lin, 1. 1. I'tiiner John k all hli li f!'l ,ruiiris r ileierilint It. . . . .. I ... 1. - I ... I. , . . ,1 cngi sum l.jr llii niul J. I.ii. kU ul ... ... a 11. i jiunr, tan: a IA ' I....J... . ., tin, r--mi!ifiitr, k.i l ' - ' " . ' .... nrilvil in lliA i fl.refiir tlio rrrnrilin t .1 . A. ( nii.iCTjiiHiM Uotilf TT, liA 5f, Ji.; will l.o n.lil us tho property of Jnf iieph J, d I f llicl rri-rrnnl ill scf nr. liu.ee with tlio lrovlniiii Arix'nilily of Kllli Jun 1840, in rHV rru'.ieni oeninit lus.li in rertuin r'umtid i :. THOMAS frC(H, Sk Fhfnflf'i 0fl.ee, liullofoiitc, Oct 30, ki;. a NOVI.I.TY in the AWT IVOnTn" t l'lIOTOflRAl'IlY UPON PoltCHu, Secured by letter I patent in the I'nitcd Sii Koglund, Franco and Delgiiim. The American l'hiitngraphic rorolliifJ unar, io. io jjruniTinj, .lew 1 orK, f, "vu,c4 .....v.u.i ,..bc...un inveiittA. American and European pntcn t, nre fu:. J tAiil In .in.til. all ftp.l.,ra 1 M inialtire Likmmes of Pcnom on fi. prcienting nil tho attractive nnd ilvnv features of ordinary photocrnphi, tho Willi, nnd finish of a water-color drawing, a:.dn orto unnllninea quality or durabity, bj , rendered at imporiiliablo n the natural ti -1 ... I.:L .1 . ' lien ui inv uriuiei uj,un hiiilii lury are furred. As the putontod process of the Compaq blc the reproduction of l,hotoirrpbi, not on plain furfures, but npon rucb as are ro of any degree of irregularity, portrait can I produceil vita multiem accuracy and Uotitv delineation, upon 1'orceluin wares of any da. tion nnd diiuenrion usod as articlci of iuir of houddhold utility, such ns trns, anei, b fact t'upi, Joilut rticlesj Ac; thereby uid tuiltiliil porlrnitu and lurnisiiing a uniquJ osquifite stylo or ornainctitntion -of arutlti domenlic tire. ' In order to furnish facilities for the cut, tion of the popular t.iste, and to meet uietj of those patrons of the 4ne arts ilemrogi having portrait on Porcelain, the O'ompanr imported from Europe a colljrt ion of nut pnroeluin goods, mnnufartured to their owooiJ arhkch they will soil at cost pricea. . As the American Company are owneritf patent riht, nnd congcijiicntly the only ri authorired to Ufe the procecs, they bait,, mined, in order to afford T-eopli In evTje; of the Vnicn nn oppoftunity to poye pttl,; on China, to make tie following propoaiti.,: rtaidenls in the country, who are unable tc pcrmnully the Atelier and Ualleriei is 5j York: Pe torn lendire a i,bot'cr.ipb, amlrotri dncuerrt'otype to the oTice of the Coiapari .New 1 ork. oprompnnied by fs, will reenn return by eipres, free of charge, a richly mentod iinenkfasl Cup nnd saucer, with tin Irnit transferred thereon liy tranrmittin'r a daeuerrentvne and tit,:1 will receive in like u.nimer a hmidsomc lie: Vase cr Toilet Artiolc, with the portrait nn juceu ny tne putcnted procef j. i By pending a pair of diijrnorreotypes ami J ttiey will roceive in retvrn a pjtr of rich Vnsef, with the portrait! ctrutd equal lai tature l aintinfrs; and, in like manner, prtn can be reproduced on percelain wares or of every quality of finish, ranging in price ir. 20 to $100 the pair. ' , N. B. Be particular in writing the adJr. town, county, and ritate distinctly. ' A'.l letter tn be addressed to " Manaeer, An, ienn Photographic Porcelain Co., 781 llroideii tew lork." , aor'.Sa C O X l J M PTI V 'Th e' ajverttv l 1 hi having recn restored to health is itn weeks bv a verv nimple remedy, after havinfi fered for rcvernl year with a revere luorifc:l tion, and Unit dred difeaso Connuinplii.n.ii sail . . . . . . , ... , . r.n .....r . a.l I'.us iu n:o.ia miunu 10 ine iiiow-suiioren n,i moans of cure. To all who desire it, he n ill tend a copy of Iw prescription used, (free of rharje.) with tuetl rectio nn for preparing and using the face, wkr they will lind a rnre cure for ConHiiminiij AnthniB, Bn nchitin, tc. The only object efui advertiser in sending the ret'Criptiiiiloeat fit the ndlitlcd, and re.-nl information whrf I conceives to be invaluable, aad he hopcirj mffi'rer will try' his remedy lis It will coKll notliini;, and ti prove a llesfhir. : I . Persoas wirhinir the preserlplion will flwl aaaress I'.ev. fcUWAUD A. lUSDS. I no 7-ly Williamiburgh, Kings CoM J!. II "vr k ii i; 1. 1 i o v w e v. k l i. IV'' i- "TJIK .MET1IODT8T.- la published weekly, in tho city of New York, Saturdays, Iu ouarto form. on tho best raw, in tl.e bet style, aiininc to be the exponent il loanervnlive pnnc.ple. 'TUE .MIITHODIST' Tr sustained by nbniidnn' means from the ne themiolves, nnd is Intended to snnrdv their faail net who an rrgan comparing favorably nilktul inrgeit ami Deal journals of tbe day. ' I .. It rmitiina the be.-t litem ry siiiiili nt bwl and abroarl ; nnd represents fully and lojnlly as-f courar-'onsty its denominational mtcri'Sla.ai ' as Jbfl intorests of general Christianity; and fcl Ccnducted with prudence and dignity, and aiial to lie atiove parliennf hip and virulence, and to I .1 ConnJetr Jamilt Pnp,-r, and a di-riitA Organ rf the Church: "ll is edited by Hev. Gcorgj It. Crookf, D. D- aasisted by Kev. John M'C'lintork. JJ 1., ; present residing in Paris.) as Correjpondinrl tditor, and an eflicient corps of Contributor! n I the various l)cpartm4,ta ; embracing from tiaal u tins, bermonatiy diitinrutsbed Minittrrf, IB niahed to or reported exnreaslr for it- It will a I embelisbed from tune lo time by Portraits of ncnt Men in the Ministry and Laity au the "fi ous quarters of the rountrr. ' ' ' Tanas-ta a year : Pive eonles to one addrwi $9; Twolve eopici to one address, $20 ; TmntJ copies to ena address, 130. : Paynenti tavari in advance. .,'., ' 0. Liberal commissions allowod to Minister wb procure subioribers. Specimen numbers ent application. L. IIANUS, 1 uuluher. i Offlee, No. T, Beekman st, Now York. , nyrt MAHRIAOF, CUIDEU.Beibg a print initruotbr, for married persons or tiM about t,be married, both male and fernaie, ecery thing concerning the physiology and rela tion! of our seinnl rvstem, and the rrodutioa R preTention of offspring, inclndiag all the ' discoveries never before given in the Engli'S language, by WM. Y0UNQ, M. D. ' This Is re all J a valuable and interesting work. ' It ii wrilttti ia plain laoguaga for the general reader, and u illustrated with numerous engravings. All youa( married people, or those contemplating marriag, and. having the least Impediment to married lif should resi this book. It discloses secret; tht every one should be acquainted with ; still book that oaat.be boked up, and not lie about the home. It will be sent to any one on receipt of twenty Sv con tn, in sperio or postage ttanpi. Address Dr. 'VM, Y01XG, No. i!6 i?pruce V above Fourth, Philadelphia, Va. . , JMf Jljtitttit id Vufnrtunnte Xo mattet wh it may be ynnr disease, "before you place yonN lo) f smdor the onre of any one of tbe note riooi Qaaokf, native or fdreigny wha advertise tn this ery ott-er papee, gel a aipy.Qf oiiherof lr. Vouag'i books, ami road it carefully, Jt will ha the aieane of saving you many a dollar, yeo(. health, and pussihly your life, , ; Dr. YOl'NO ran fca consnluil on anv of th diseasee described la hlf pnbMrarions, at bit Sea, Sfrueeet, abve Fourth. ' Mt - ,i r t-r f( sides. of spaoiah aola. leather for sale tea1! DJ for cash, a . E. A. WW, ('urweniville, fky 1, 19a.