'J Wo boric bur' IVicmWln tt.e .ereral .i,e IU.KC15 lor lllOir rOSnectlVI lltl-K-U We'publish in our paper a'coluuin of ( J'' vl 26ib day of OetoWJ I'llfClltCd J till. 17, '(). the regular ticket, which will enable nil, I To easii received from tneeithuns of "We need an improvement In Narrows," is a r nearly SO,' to get Ibem. Any one re-! - clearflelJ borough and vicinity, $050 frO "mark not nnfrequcntly lienrd among farmers, coiving tho UOT.er can cut. nut l. nnlnm., 1 .,"mnf,, roMivel h l'"-lng - I Among tl.e few improvements which havo bora . " C " 0111 0ul co,uron. j ir, " 19 fli "or been made in this important and useful. g ins own hckci, nnu hand the balnncO to hU neighbor. " We cull attention to the advertisement Of J.i. Nelson in another Column. 'It U of imrmrlanco to nil whnm it mi,, ' " 'J -"u- .. .. Stiff A wight be expected, several errors occurred last week in publishing the "I're miums awarded by tho Agricultural So ciety. " . Class 20. First lino ihould road, Amos eed. Class 31. ' John A. Kocd, best Set of FratniugCliis ls niatiul'actuied in tho county. Diplo ma, omitted last week.J Class 41. First lina should road, Geo. Thorn lest 52 varieties of Apples, nnd other Fruit, Diploma and Premium, 50 cents. - The Citizen Soldiery. One of tho rocenl enterprises of tho on - ergotio citizens of our borough, has been tho successful ctl'ort n.T.ong our younc mm tn m:f 1,i;t1, . .. " w iviului;i;i ;uilliuiiy , Ul military assooiation, intended n wo have understood to combine mental cu'.tiva tion with military instruction the im provement of tho mind and morals, as well as the gait of the individual. With this in view, the association intend con necting with its armory, a club or lectiiro room, which will bo kept open for the mcmbsrsat nil times as a reading room, nnd bo also Adapted to giving publio lec tures and othor intellectual entertain mints. This pl in meets with our hourly approbation, believing as wo do that, I if properly carried out, it will confer I lusting tenefit upon all connected with it. t One of tho most striking features of the institutions of our country, is its volun- t?er military force. Tho foreign travel-, ler, ucoustotno'l to tho presence of the vast standing arniiei of Kurope, which j yearly drain the best blood of tho land to keep up thoir ranks, is amazed beyond inoasuro, when ho reaches tho chief cities jj and towns of this country, at the entire absence of that familiar eight at home I bodies of armed soldiers which everyi t where throng tho streets and thorough I fares of tno Capituls on the other side of I tho Atlantic. Upon turning to tho sta tistics of tho Federal Oovcrnmcnt, his sur j prise is increased, by learning that,' with an army of fifteen thousand men, all told, j we are ablo to tlofcnd a soa ccast many thousand miles in extent, and keep in S subjoction various tribes of turbulen t and restless Indians in the interior , , . , , ,,, 1 i.aie smv his astonishment wuuld be motet ;ui-iii'-iit(-d still, if he were to accompany ;i hostile .iimv dos'gning to land upyn our, Vuore, . Itn- ho '.v.uld then soo an arinv r n ,i p ie an n " re out ot the caitli, artneil, (piippecl and disciplined, ready and -able Jto eneoutilei the veteran soldiers, titan lor man, of the powerful and warlike na- (J liotwj of Europe, w hose patlinic is war and 'conquest. Aud yet a stranger, unacqtiain- ,' ted with on i iii.stitutii ns, might travel ifrom Maine to Texas- -in fact many for- ?ci"n tourists have dono so without mcoN Ving with a single body of armed soldiers. JjYet there is a military force in the Repub lic, w hich, although not daily exhibited i parade, is ever ready and amply a'olo ;o resist invasion or avenge negressicn - -!u,,e 10 evory on,r.cr,01 every craao oi tno i i,ii-.if i i r.i i' , ' Society for their indelatiualilo and tintir- J..ke the ta t hfi c an of the) bravo Hi" i- . r ' n .i . . i . -"-c" , mtr exertions to perforin all the seveial Ijland Chioltain, Rhoderick Dim, although jduties, to whiidi is to be attributed tho io sound broke the silence which rested i good order wliich prevailed throughout. Mipon mountain nnd glen, and no living' ELLIS IRWIN, President I thing appeared in sight upon tho l.UlL Clettrlleld Cotinty Agricultural Society. f hies, when the signal of the Chief wasl' faillC ScllWeiill S ' sounded, evory bush mid tree seemed send T , lr . n ,, Jorthan armed warrior, until valeand hillIllf:illlbl0 V CgCtab.O PowdCK. V'itc; "arrisoi.il with nn ui iny, encr to ba For iho Fjiftedy And vtTuotunl Cure nfnll fujlnm to mUl- Soleta l.K cign foo appear ! pMn, tt Arlllt ', h r);,er, ofA. In hostile army iu sight of our fhores, aud ilults mid Cliildrcit, Send 3 cent Stamp to Iho land would instantly be seen bristling ' hn A'-' . , ,. . , Vn-i?v r, J o 1 1 ,1 n , i-pils of loslinlnliinl. Ttnr 7(170 P 11 n I1 O with bayonets in the liamts ot our bravo Citizens, all ready and ivilling to defend tho soil to the last 4 The latent militarv nrowess of the Ainer . i i . ,, ril The cn-parttiemhin heretofore existing he- lean peoplo has been signally man.rest-1 ,wwn j ,;Mlllfn 'nd .lohn Uriel, Inthehnm- d, to til CI discomfiture of tho VCteMll boring hminrsn nt Miihnnluirg, lias this dny roops of Europe, on more than c.ie .jan-!4 lit'olvea hy fl,e '"'''"r'ULS o'x,r"" Quinary battle field, during thtj diflerentj O.-t 24, 100 Ot. JOltX URIEL.', wars in which we havo been encaccd nd on every one iu which they pariici pmed, it may bo proudly asserted that Jjbe volunteers of Pennsylvania were sec ond to none in the rank of bravo soldiers. St t it, then,' bo our aim to' maintain and AiHivato iliis spirit, for wo know not . Vw soon it may bo culled upon lo defend vho rights or maintain tho honor of tho (punlry. ' We kno.v that to no oth J source can the irovcrnnicnt amdv in a ,L c , , ., . . Ji o of danger, and lhat no other power ica they OOUlu invoke, couhl render CI- ltiinl nisi : vA-iuaiam. . '( We may havo something moro lo say in Tlturo upon this subject. . For the present t it a i f ...... t f mese reiuarKa suinoo ; auaing, nowov- -I .m icuoiiiuiciiuauuji, .iiu. v t v-...-i Hunity in our county, possessing tho re- ' listte population, and not having dunoj fnlrendy, will at onco sot about orgnnii I a volunleor company. fiDuring a trial for assault, at Passa t last week, counsel asked the coruplai int how hard the accused shook him. explanation, ha wis seized ly the wit- tss, and the breath almost shaken front M body, produoina a very satis fantotT im- .''e&sion. '''A Statement " ! ' 0-'' '7'!?T flcaf eld County Agri ' ,OUntT Agricultural Sonli.l. I iiuuinni uu ' i mnt received from Life Members, 104 00 i To amount nceived from county per act '" ' oi AwoniDiy, To amount received from License on Inn nn 70 00 ground!. To amount received nrAvlnu. lotho 2 j.i eo 3 L'O ', To amount received for oats sold. I v "mwum, ivepiiiu un account oi uues , . : j . : i icr iivjl year, ' To amount received for the use Of tho Society 't fiug, . i. 2 00 10 00 Total recoipt, By nmounta paid ai follows, vii ; For boards, posts and scantling, Clcmson Whitoblll, work at fence, Joseph 1'iirclifield, for work, Ueorgo Thorn, do James Levy, J i- do $I,CH(1 S5 Cr. $B21 CI 14 40 12 50 13 50 4 50 Robert Mitchell, do Jamoa Wrigley, 1 do A. T. Shrivcr, do , Thoncns Wilgley, 'do J. Bnjnlon, for nails, Grahuui A Boynton, nnils .to, J)o for Aug, Mcrrell A ltigler, locks, iron, f c, Snmuel Clyde, hay and oats, 3 00 , - 8 75 2 110 2 00 50 67 17 55 Ti 50 13 5!) 10 00 22 74 5 00 75 00 9 00 '2 61!J 2 10 B7 77 10 00 25 00 78 75 f j 00 J Moore A EUvreiler, books Ac, ' .T 1 Fil i iliiliti fitrvmiin r 'd lfuillf "r, '""eying. icieorgo Hall, for pump,' Wm 1,orlpf JI Hagerty. work on road, i inuuro r-"-vc"er, uu.-s uouks if, Fire works. Jiinies Wrigley, for sen ieos, David Etzwoiler, do S. B. How. for printing, CI. B. fieodlander X Co, for printing, Curweusville Band, Hoarding Band, Gate koepcrs, Labor on tho grennd, night watch, Ao, Badge, Mcrehimdite, Ae, l'roniiums pnid, John McGiiughcy, for 41 days' work at the ground, track, fence, and shed.', at J 1 50 per day, Hands paid by John McGnnghcy , viz : Robert Arcby, 4(1 days' work, Michael Ilngerty, 37 do Will lain Fullorton, for work, Nealy Dougherty, do 7.. Lawhcnd, do John Barclay, t do William 1. Bock, do John Sires, do Edward Burchfield, do Blacksuiilbing and tools, 1 '0 ir u CO 00 3 : 33 : 71 25 50 00 40 C 18 12$ 11 75 2'J 87J 15 Oil 3 50 1) 5fl 2 02 Total credits, - 1 1,549 I'D Balunro in hand) of Treasurer, Amount of premiums unpaid, about, 340 50 l.H 00 Balance In favor of Society. 212 50 We do hereby certify t hint tho above statement nnd settlement of tho accounts of James Wrigloy, Ks.p, is correct. KFLIS .Hi WIN, rrcfcident. D. F. F.tzweii.eu, Secretar ; Cleurlield Cctobei 2t', lSdO. Extract from tho Journal of the Society. Mooting of the Kxe;iitive ('omniittee held on Suturday, Cictober 20, IStiO. Rrsokrd, That, Ladies niuking applica tion to tho Treasurer or 'Executive Coin mittec, and pavins ito tho 'J'trasurv of the Society five dollars, shall be constitu ted Lifo members of the Society, and shall bo cxhoncrated from all annual payments thereat tor Hooked, That tho thanks of the Clear 0 i i ... t ....!. i t...:.... .. . . nclH qoiimy Iglicilllilllil rin:iriyt u.c iiiiiii i;,.n.. 4 ...i.f.i tn . ii, ri :..,!.- ey a member of tho Executive Cominitiee, foriii untiring inUustry, in prt?)arii-g nni1 liuin 11,0 groumls, and for his in- defatigablo exertions, nnd gentlomnnly deportment towards visitor and exhibitors on the grounds during the Fair... u-Wiv., That tlic Society hereby pros- then-gratelul acknowledgements to .Mai. I'. I . Jl.weiicr, our very euicuiii, and worthy Secretary, for his clforts in be half of the Society and for the very satin- factory manner, in vhich lie discharged nil of his duties. And now, on closing t'ds report, I take the liberty of adding my hearty congratu lations to the members of the Society and the citizens of Clearfield county genet nlly , for the full and complete success of our So ciety anil rair. nnd my sincere thanks nro ..O-J ' P. W. Cor. Third it- Arch rits. Oct 21,' 1 SCO 10t. 'Dissolution of Partnership. Tkaciikiis Wastkii.- The School Direc tors of Jordan township wish to employ thi-ee competent teachers for tho term c.f four mouths liberal wages will bo given, applicants will please attend the Exami nation at Ansonvillo on tho 22ddayol'Oo tober, apply to Robert Liddlo Proe't or ( D. W. Wise Sec'v. I'y order of the i Hoard. D. W. WISE, Seo'y, Oct. 0, 1800. St. pd. ! I KT LADY or Gentlemen in tho United. Sta,ef rofsessing from 3 to $7, can enter1 into an easy and rcspectablo Dullness, by wlncli 'from $5 to $10 per day can bo realized, For particulnra, address (with stamp) i V Jt ACTON A CO., f j 0 ct 24, 1800 tin. North 6th street, Phila. -jonnct.", Florence braids, English straws, i 1 1 Shaker and other s'vles trimmed and J - - ( ; irilumco, w 111 uv iuuhu iu i.iH-.j wimu i..iui-i I. A I Ul'IV sioro ot i. iiv A.i , CutwensvilU, May 1G, 'U0. 1" adies dress goods, of patterns nncl textures to I J pleas all, will be found at the corner store of Curwlnsvilie, May 16, I860. E. A. 1RVIN.'- j Stella and other iS'httwls In variety at the cheap Storoof E. A. IRVIN; Curweusville, May 16, '00. S i Doots and Shoes. A larger stock and lower 3 prices than ever, at JLrvins Cbeanost corner. Curweusville, Myr Jw.W - ' - RUSSELLS' IMPROVED J i 1 " T . V wight say indi.ponenblo implement of bus- i bauihy, it Konld i Id leim 'Ihpt nimo" tftli mi has . Some ru V AihL I i iMnltl? tl,d A a..L..i1tH.L. i a nre too heavy, some too coniplieated nnd costly, nI"l liable to tho objection that thov are only adapted to certain - kind, of rround; (J. wbiloit Uenfy to get uj a harrow thai "Trill ..Ti' ' 0 "tl1" vt U uluom Je-'1-work well on imooth, clear nnd level crOuud it1 ., "8 fi'.tlt eaab at timo of rale, a worn wen un uiooiii, ciear ana level ground. It is not io eayy to find one that will answer a good purpose in new ground, among ptuuip, or on a hilly and undulating gurfuce, but wben you get one ot the latter cln?n. you may rest nssured that it will aleo give sntisfuctluii on a smooth surface. Tho undersigned eonndvnt'.y believe that this onjeci is imiy MtiiiiiEd in tins improvement, al,tl would call the attention of Vractical nnd Sciontifio agriculturists to tho following import- I "t features which characterize it. First, its 'simplicity ; secondly, its strength Bud durability, Innd laitly its ndaptednesa to any and all kirds iu' surfuce. Iho following named practical Firiners, of Clearfield County, who have used it "'is season, thus testily to it. I We the undersigned farmers ofPonn tp., Clear- ( field co., and Statti of Pennsylvania, having use! , no.-suiia iniprovoa riezioie narrow, tinvo no hesitation in saying that it hai given entire sat isfaction nnd that from itn simplicity and chenp neifs it hhould speedily coino into general use. UFO FUliLEU'i'UN', E. W. UU'jOKS, S. DEKK1CK, 15. WltKJ LF.sn-( HiTll, T. DOU01IFHTy,.lUlIN XV, DERRICK, JOHN A. MUIU'IIY, WM. A. MO0KK, J(.S. O. RL'SSKLF. The "Seientilio American, a pi.por hi. h the sclennitie world is well acquainted s)ieuli.-i thus in reference to it, "Tho harrow is one of tho most important agricultural implements, as much depends upon tiio top pulverizing or dless ing of tho soil, both before nnd after tho seed is own' for '"' o1' "o future crop." After ! describing it, it continuos: "This comblmition 'harrow is so simple, that it is superfluous to ex- " ii.iivniNj eiiuur w en eieiireu trrongn ground. The undersigned, liava purchased the riirht to make, sell, uso, and transfer their right to do j mo saaic, wiinin the county ot riearliold, and are now prepared to liirni.-h tho articlo to all who wish to purchase, on reasonable terms. Tln-ir ,,iwill also sell indiviilinil right to mnko and . 11.1, ..... A l L' II IJ I.' 1 I tll.'l I.'., . C'lacr fluid, Oct. 21, lboO. PL'ltl.lC S.il.K. Tho undersigned will sell by public outcry at tho lute roidciue of Abraham ltoam dco'd, in Lawrence township, on Thursday tho 1st November; Two horses, horse tears. Cow.i and vmin.. ,.nl., i,., i HlW'l'' "n,0 Uu'K W11S" 'loigli, hl'eds, plows, ...... ...,jr uy mo ion, grain, stoves, bods; Uuroaus, nnd n genera! variety or household ulid kitchen furniture. Terms made known on day of sole, fnle to ominonco nt !i o'clock A. M, , J-jHN L, REAMS,, Oct. 17, 1SflO-2tp. GEO. IV. R1IEE.M, Executors of the cslato of Abraham Ream dee'd. . -t 8,-' ""' ,"JU"1' "'0 most substnn- Executor S NOIICC j t'ml manner, nnd are worthy a plaou in tho Li- Letters testamentary having been this dny brur.V of ovory Household in the La.id. grar.teil to the undersignuil on tho estate of i . t 5-To moil of enterprise nnd industrious hnb Ahrahnm l'enrce sr., late of Bradford township, Ini' business offers an opportunity for nroSt Clearlield county l'n. All persons knowing . Mo ciiipldymont seldom to bo met with, themselves Indebted to said estate are requested I I'rrsoni dosiring to aot as ngonU will ro- to ninko immediate payment, nnd those having cl'n'8 rromptly by mail full particulars, terms, claims ng'inst it mo rqiiste. to present them duly authenticated to the unilerirned FRANCIS FEAItCE. ) ,, . JACOB l'KARCi:. Kx" Oct, 17th, lSiiO, Ct. pd. ' A. M. HILLS Proper attention to lk .....u :.. 2 n,v .vein in proper lime mil bo ol grout bcnchl to uvury one in point of health, coinforl, nnd eonvmionee. l)lt IIII.I.S can nlnays be found nt his of. fic e, on the corner of Front nnd Main streets, ' when no notice to tho contrary appears in this i paper. j AW operations in the line of his profession, j performed in the latest nnd most improved sljlcs, siid guaranteed for one j mr against nil I natural failu s. j 'fit l'n y iVi it'tiv" A stray Heifer camo lics.-pns..ing upon It e prrniiscs of the tubfcriher, nhout (ho 1st of Au-1 g;st last, in Bloom tp., a brindlo heifer with white face and three n hi to feet; supposed to be about 3 years old- j Tho owunria reiicstcd to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take it nwny, or it ! will bo di.'pOfod of according to law. iilouiu tp Oct. io, 'Ou .;;ip. joiix niuiEU. T mii: ( i, i:ki ii;i.o .u,ini:v .in bo opened for the reccntion of i, m.il... (mules and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, l.y;i, 7(-pcr fossion of eleven Weeks Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary Aritluui'tiu and 6'cogiapliy. ' S2.00 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog raphy and History. Jvi.OO Alr.,,1.1... I!,......l.. -..l..-..t . .1 I nnd Itlok Keeping " $ I 00 1 Latin nnd Greek languages. $0 00 1 lo students desirous of acquiring n tliorouuh Knttlish Education, and who wi.E i .;, I ii,n,n,.i,.. r... i i .i.i . v.. ..!. .... ' ... i desiraMe advanta";;. '' ""a 1"' l,lu"u" uue , Xo pupil received fjr less than half at ...... ...iv.uu nuM.j vAeiq.i lor prouucied 'sickness. 0 Tuition to bo paid nt Iho close of the term. ' C. li. SANDFORD, PuiNui-Ai.. I May 2'i, 100.- Iv. Cabinet, Chair Making;, j n.,.1 .... .1,.,I..0,, .nn.l 1- . . . OIIN' fll LICII, of the borough of' Clnnfielci, ' l'a., will be prepared at nil times to ntten.1 to j to any business In the ubove line on short notico, nnd in n workmanlike manner. His place ; of business is nt the old shop on tho north side nf ; Mnrket street, 3d door east of Third PL, nearly t opposito the old Jew store ; where he will keep constantly on hand largo assortmeli t of Sla-I bngony nnd Cano Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet' Ware of every description, which lis will dispose) of on ns re.i.-onnl.lo terms ns the sumo articles can l.o bad elsewhere in the county. j His stock of Cabinet Ware now in hand, con-' sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,' Pofns, Hewing nnd Washing Stands, Desks nnd! Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedstead.'. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Tier Ta-1 bles, it. Collins manufactured and delivered ut nny place desired. i February 9, 1R6. no. 4, Vol. if. ' ' " 18G0 IKCO edar and Willow ware It. W. it CO's, mo. f Aim extensive Dealer . , , In S'liiirc Timber, Iliards, v. 'r- Shingles, c. AIL 1 1 1 'It t - JO'.IW. , n i J Sept. It', RPHAN'SCOrjRT VAr.K.LBy- virtue i uruor or me I'rpnnn court of Clear. V mere will oe exposed to publio IB houso of Isaac Bloom in Ilia H,,rh nf r-.-........:n. . , .Saturday;, the jotii day OP NOVEMBER, U(,o S ilZ" A 1 ntlo'olock 1VM., the follow ing real estate to Wit: , ; , ... . .. , ., ,, , , , All that certain tract of Innd situate in Pik town. Lip, Cleaiticld cuuntv l'a.. tf Wiu, lcNaul on lite wtst, on tho oast by land ' ?f Wm 11,Men ' noth by land of Geo. C. 1 ,n vn",,ro 81,(1 Ul.1 lu ,out1' y lund of William ' . , Lontuning loU aorce mora or 1pm, etury lloufl double barn, out build- (,7"UMU,WI"1 iiuacrci oioarel iund ,i i 7 umu i r.n-, uu I (u u'""c ' ftur cual annual payiueiita with ' .wt"e oomuienowg lt JJay 1801, to be .etuird I by lo"d auJ u,ortK'4- JAS A. 11L00M, Eir. nd . JUJt.N JILUU.M . ' I Oct. ir, isco. .. of Isuao Bloom doe'd. To Persons oul of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of tho United Slates, rw) cngnge in the sale ofeomo of the bn,t nn I JL iiiosl elegantly illustratod Works published I Uur publicalioua are of tho most interesting chiiructcr, aiaptel to the wants of tho Fanner, , Mecliunio and Merchant : thov are i ublisuad in - ii'.iiiiosatug i.iva u X . u 1,1 1. & co., l'ub, Xo. 22 1 North ttreot, Philadulnkin, List of Traverse Jurors tor an adjourn ed Court commencing' on the 12 th of November 1860. Piko--Abnv liloonijr Jos. Jf. Spencer. ! i 'iinioi litiioy. " j Huston 'Jcfl'crson Bundy. I Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Pule. ! (lulich -J.'A. llegarty. Dan I , Fulker. son. i i IViguson ieo. M'Craeken. Cleo. Straw" ' John Straw, J, S. Williams, Albert.' I Young. Lumber City John Broomall. John ; Ferguson. ."''. , j Jordnn Win. Tiiscy. John Patterson 1'ratly Fred Kolder, . Jos. Seyler, Ceo. EllingiM-. Jackson Long. Lawrence J. K. Jieed. Knox Levi M'Crsckcn ; N. Wasliinclon II.'D. Rose. Lunisirlo-C. C, Mitchell. Peter Ruth, .Joseph.- IIuttotT. Union 15. F. Hurley. Hugh Kri Covington J. 15. Renaud. firahnm Win. Ililo; !ecearia Win M'Cov. l'll -Robert Elder. John Orr. ' Morris Peter Roy horn. " Chest Ianiel Oorman. eiTRiKiNc; TIJIKS l lllll.lr.l.. r9 IMU A! 't't-rmt ii'lnit tircitemeiit timoit't the ,l..--.!!.'-EXClThNil l'-OOT RACE between the l'biludolphiii 1'oliro and the notorious For ger ai:d oountciloilcr, Ja lies Buchanan Cross ! ! ! ! ( Cross Itccnptiirvil .' 1 ! .' It, seems to be the gener al opinion iu i.ioamoKi, tool u cross n ail worn a pair ol Fiiink short's l ieuch-calf Boots, that ho ,vou ' ' taUu yet. However. Shorty is "ul ,nUch ,,Ut " Ut u",. , '""V" ' ; "l i , , , ' ', , . ' llUU ."'" nJ. nd cl.ildreu 'a t-lcarlield and oiniietnalion mir iu tuu ticular that ho is prepared to fumUI. them with Boots. cnoes uuu nailers oi any style or pattern, t tn u-1 ed, sowed or pegged, (and ns ho is a short fel low) on short notice. Ail kinds of country produce taken in cx cliiingo, and cash not ri lured. Repairing done in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Hhort ,Shuo thup ou Second Street, opposite. Reed, Weaver A Co's store, l'RAXIv SHORT. . X. B, Findings fur sale Sept. 2li, 'still. jami.s t. li:ov.uii. Wit, A, WALLACE. ll. A. n.lSKT A. U. J'lNXKV fouiliinij anb (oI!fcfion or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A R F I L P, CLEAUFlElb COVXTV, PA. J KILLS OI. EXl llANCK, KoTKS ANn ln M'TM murnt'XTr.P ni:iosiT.s hi.ci:i i;n, ?pl'r-;!hns andprocredi promptly remittal i;.chuii(;c on Hie Cities constantly o i hand. OSko on 'Second f?t., nenrly opposito the COCI-.T HOUSE. IXr.Cl.'TOlfM XUTICU belters testa J nientnry having been granted to tho tinder cigneil on the l'slntc of Abraham Reams Into of I.nwrenee tp,, Clearfield eo. l'a. And nil persons ! Knowing nieinseives inueiit"t to snlil oslnt: are rc'iucfled to make hninedinte pnyinont, nnd those having clniins against it nro requested to prcitenl them lo John L. Reams of Uoshen town ship, er U. iV. Rheem .t I'learll dd Borough !- .- ' JlMti L,. I IK A .VS. . I Oct. 10, ISfift. Gl.n O. W. RHEEM, J Ex'rs. Dissolution of Partnership. 1 Theco-ptiTtnerbip borolofore existing between Thomas A John Hill in the woollen business in Bridgeport is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, nil payments aro to be made to Tbos, Hill, who will herafter conduct the enaio business nt the old aland. . . . b.i.1 . r,.. o.m.., ... THOMAS HILL ' 1 JOitN HILL. 0" ' flul(1 eounl i aeieion rKins, large variety ai reduced pri. v J 0 at Ixvins cornel store. CurwensvllIelOM.Clearfiold, Til., Oct. 24, C keleton Skirts, large variety at reduced pri. Sin IflIT! ' I MERRELL & BIGLER Keep constantly on bund, at thoir old stand on Second strct, CLEAR FIELD, L'A., A GENERAL ASSOKTMEXT or i. , -- ; j "J f- 1 1,1'1SV7" 4 f I I -V I V I I A I l) 11 X.JVJ. LOCKfVOl? VAUlOltS KINDS, i PAINT MILLS, i i Sfiilcs nfnll Liiula which will weigh from one o.. to I.Ontr pounds,' i TEW RACKS', j MEAT OUTERS' AND STUFFERS ! '". ,;' ;. ofdiflereul styles, j i A n large assortiucntofCarriago Holts, A general assortment of Mechanics's Tools, .HlUSTOm AX1 tit Vk, Ac., Ac, Ac., &c COPPER KETTLES, Of tho best (p ality, Monroes patent eglw hips, A GHEAT VARIETY OF APPLE FARE RS, ' 1 A general assortment of , Plows and Ploy:wihfs, ; A largo and well assorUd stok of They have a very extensive assortment of which they will sell on the most ad r in la , ', .. .., ,, gcous terms,' ' ,, Also a very largo stock of Stove-Pipc. to which they cKire speeial'y to call tho attention of Wftdrmte Dealers; . STUVlvPirE COLLARS, Stove Rlaeklng, CORXSHELLERS, CORX GRIXDEUS, ' ',' '. Saw Glimmers' l'c, Ac. They wish also to direct the spr-cial at tention of owner, of houses, mills, . and other buildings to their stock of , LIGHTAIXG RODS, which they aro prepared to Jell at tho very lowest prices. Tln'v havo also an extensive assortment of TINWARE,! which lliey will dispoo .of at reduced prices; ' .i asi &&. 2-3 at greatly reduced rates ; r t T (r 1 it 8 S, O 1 I S, P a i n t ?, ! fTNrr--ra t U WW Port;0lo Uojitcrs' and , Ko'istcrs, KUGGY SPRINGS, Sieve Wire, lloi'so shoc Nails, Dtimb-lV-lls, OAR - R I N G S, . . Quoits, &c, &c. Ac, They keep also a general assortment of Agricultural lnipltmcnts, such as aro needed in this section of country The following articles will bo taken IS EXCHANGE for nrtitlos in our line ol business ; OLD MOSEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, 'HAGS, SHINGLES, BOARDS, Git A IX, HIDES, B e o s-vr ax, T a 1 1 o w, & c, We invket cverj body te givo v oall and exauilno our articles, and wo leel snlisfied that we can uK them in quality and pri- ' CM. ' MERRELL & BIGLER. I860. mm For Electors. George M, Kciin. Iticliard Viiu.v. Frederick A. Server. William C Pattcrsoih Josepli Crockett, .olin G. Brenner. George W. Jacohyt Charles Kelly. Oliver P. nines. David SclmlL Joel L. Lightner. Samuel S. Barber. Thomas JI. Walker. Stephen S. Winchester Joseph Lnubach. Isaac Reckhow. (Jeorge D. Jacksom John A. Ahl. .oel B. Daiincr Jesse B. Crawford Horatio N. Lee. Joshua B. Howell. Nathaniel P. Fct'crniaiu Samnel Marshall. William Book. Byron D. Hamlin. Gaylord Church. For Electors. George M. Keim. Richard Vaux. Frederick A. Server. William C. Patterson. Joseph Crockett John G. Brenner. George IT. Jacoby, Charles Kelly. Oliver P. James.. David Sclial!. Joel L. Lightner. Samuel S. Berber. Thomas U. Wnlkcr. Stephen S. Winchester. Joseph Laubach. Isaac Reckhow. George D. Jackson. John A. Ahl. Joel B. Danner. Jesso R. Crawford. Horatio N. Lee. Joshua B. Howell. Nathaniel P. Fettcrman. Samnel Marshall. William Book;. Byron I). Hamlin Gaylord Church. For Electors George M. Keim, Richard Vauv. Frederick A. Server, William C. Patterson, Joseph Crockett. John G. Brenner, Gcorgo W. Jacoby, Charles Kelly, Oliver P. Jainc?, David Schall, Joel L. Lightner, Samuel S. Barber. Thomas II. Walker, Stephen S. Winchester Joseph Iuibach. Isaac Reckhow. George D. Jackson John A. Ahl, Joel B. Danner, Jcs-c R. Crawford, Horatio N. I.cc, Joshua B. Howell, Nathaniel P Fettcrman, Samuel Marshall, William Book, Bvron f). Hamlin, Gaylord Church, F or Electors. Gcorgo M. Keim. Richard Vaux. Frederick A. Server William C. Pa'.tcrson, Joseph Crockett, John G. Brenner, George W. Jacoby, Charles Kelly, Oliver P. James, David Schall, Joel L Lightner, Samuel S. Birl)cr Thomas II. Walker, S ephon S. Winchester, Joseph Lobauyh. Isaac Reckhow. Geonjc D. Jackson. John A. Ahl. Joel B. Danner. Jesso R. Crawford. Horatio N. Lec. Joshua B- Howell. Nathaniel P. Fettcrman, Samuel Marshall. William Book. Byron 1). Hamlin. Gaylord Church. t I