Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 31, 1860, Image 4

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    Ml- t , t M M'l 'i
i tl.M I " . Ii r. I , , I ' "I ' '
A ii i I
I iii-l ! II"'
( .I.', Ii I f .lid I it I ItlM.
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All t 'I'll M Villi l'
tu rn Ull 1 ill'.t Ii.
t An tile I till Ul''lt'
W . II A i K, JuMn i' i I lie l'vni x, mi Ml mil
''" !
J . t'l' l!yt
1 1. t'.i !y I" i i'lldii ft mill r mi. n
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rll in b'i Ii a i K"-
Adams ktiii v, r.ik in.. I
l'ANJKI. Ot.'till.ANUhi:,
J I It I: of tl.c im f
I.ullirlrbtiir, (IrmfirlJ t ". I'D
willallinl iriU'i't'v In all 1,iimih. initu.leil,
Id I, iik. iiuiili i.'", lKili" y. "l ;J"
AT lUe muuth f I.i.-k Kun, five iuilf fr.m
r it vii'iii'iiivtj t -
Miinufiu'tiirorii nf LuuiL.ur,
July 2, Ui2.
j. D. TiioMrao.v,
BUckNinlth,V1i,iiM,Buggi.'(Ao.,i,-.I ironed . ti.m ol tU Heart, luiuUr lliulu-.
u, alturl uti-, auJ the very boM style, at tin HUfR.-Xhe oriKiiii .roi.rHi..r f tue utrd,
old (laud Id tlio butvugb ef I'utweUMilJe. " '""J 'f i'lle t.f 35 yoaM by
Duf 2W tbe ure of Ibc.e Lilo uicJicinen aluoe, Woruinol
'''. - - ,' all kiuds axe ellectually cured by tbeaa inediciitea.
DlV. M. IVIHIDS, huviug rbaiiKed liia lota ' I'arcnls will do well tu adiuiuinltr thmu h.'iivvrr
timi fruin Cujuiiievillo tu Cltiar&ul'l, , tUeir exisltnco id auiotltd. llelief will be
(laulfully iilen bis iirofmsiotinl aervicel lo Ibe
cidii'iie of (u InttiT iliu'o ana viiui.iy.
lleaidvni'e ou bucuud elraet, opnuaila tl at of
J. CiaiiK, '.tt. uty 1 JIJC".
l"h)alliii aud Uurgetui,
ClearfiiM fa , Hay SO, ldflO. I
ATXOHNKY AT LAW, will attend i.rouiinly ,
aud faithfully tu all legal bunuifS enlru.iU"! to
bit ran', in Ibe neicral Cuurln of tleurlield aud
ailjiiiiii couulie.t.
UlTue, tbe one formerly occupied by O. K.
Oft. 26ib, leitf ly.
1 )li)Kiclau aud )ur;cori, uflem bia irofes
J lioual aervk-ei to Ibe citiicui of Ham Waeb
iuglon aud kurruuiidiui; couimunily. tbree
doori wet of tbe Wabiu(tua IIoubp,
Sew IVuabinglon, l a., Ott. 14, 18j'J.
l.'lVll, KngI IIH i IviU .Sl'RVtYUR, Otlel'f
bii prufi mioual letviccs to tbe citiieni of Clear
btltl couuty.
All buainets cotruMed to him will be promptly
aud faithfull y executed.
Office with Luuuanl, 'iuaay Jb Co.
Justice of the peace
Lulberfburg, CUurGeld Co, l'a., will
alleud prouplly lo a'l bu.iu. vuliunotl tobir
care, lie a!fo lufurui tbe public tbat be keeps
couttantly on band at bit tbup, a general as
orUuent of fciiJ'.c, Uridio', llarue.fl aud
vtbipH, which ho will tell vu teaauuable treuit.
April 4, IsbO.
AM. SMITH offers his professional services
. to the I-adics and (eutlcuicn of Clear
held and vicinity. All operations pvrforuieel
with ncatnots ami Uerpalch. Eeing familiar
with all tho late iuiprovuienU, he Is prepared to
make Artlllflal Teeth in tbe best manner.
Oflice in bhaw'a new row.
b'ept. 14ih, ISiS. !yi.
J l. . I.XKRIMER. I. TEST w TIT, Allorheys at Law
J Clvar&elJ, l'a., will attend promptly to Col
t tioti.o, Lalnl Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield,
Centre and Elkcuubtiei. July 30. y
OBEHT J. WALLACE, AtToasxr .it Law,
X Clearfield, IV. Office iu Shaw's How, op
pusito the Juuraal office.
dec I, ISi!. tf.
"riiulcaalc and Ketail Merchautti. Also
V extensive dealer in timber, sawed lumd
her and shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an
graio, which will bo sold cheap for ca;b.
Oct. 14,1S09.
Thankful for past favors and lolicitioua of fu
ture palruuage. I would respectfully announce
that I have on hand again, and will constantly
keep at Iho Tottery in thla borough, on tho cor
ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church,
a large stock of Crockery, such as Cream crocks,
milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jam, Stove pipe) catiug and also an extensive assortment of
different aiiee aud patUrni of brackets and
roaeltca for eornke on bouses, and other nioul
Any mouldings not on hand will bo made to
older on short notice. Also (Ire brick mad
and kept for sale.
A liberal reduction on prices mvle U
wlHilesal dealer. F. LEIXZINUEK.
Clearfield, Buy 23, 18I. ly.
Tha underalgned respectfully begs Icavo te
announce that ha recently rented a bouao in tbo
borough of Lumber city, Clearfield oounty, Pa,,
fur lit aoouu)J itioo of the travelling" public,
Tiatenncn and all others who may favor him
With a call.
His table will alwayi be supplied with as good
M the markou afford; and no pains will bo
aparod to render his guests comfortable while
uuiicr liis roof. To which the fade that no in
toxicating liquors of any kind will be kept about
the, will he trusts, contribute In no
suuill degree. While, what is always important
to the ixavellor, the best al ten lion will be given
by careful h (wilier to that faithful companion of
Lis journey, his patient stood.
July 4, lotW. ly. JAMES CROSSLY.
The subscriber will tend Urtt uf cAury-) to all i
who doaire it, the Kccipe and directions tor mak-'
ing a simple YtyttaUc Ham, that will, in (ram,
two to eij,-lit duys, remove Fiuiplos, Blotches, j
7us 'recsVca, Sallow noes, aud all luiiiurities and
roughness of the Skin, leaving the same as Na-!
ture intended it should be--ao clear, tmooA a4 ,
oiniidu. Those dvairing the lUceipe, with full i
iiistruoiiour, aireottons. ana Mrtoe, will please .
fjll on or address (with return postage.)
JAS. T. MAlve'llALL,
PilAtlTKAi. CaiXl.T,
No. 3 i City Buildings, JS. York.
22th k"60.-.-:uw.
JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blackauiitiiieg
in the twrooh of Luuibr city, where be wiU
execute proiuptly ail work euuusted to biuo, and
execute it is a wurk uiaubke uuuiner,
July 4, HCti.lf.
excellent quality of Flour fur sale low at
store of W. F. 1RVM.
2 the store of
leaifield, July lllh, Hit.
V large lot of BkANP lor sale at the lioi
Sloe of HllllUllMLlU. 1
M'iUMM till Itll:
1 .e l,,e,h an I I km. I rt lt Iti' w Ini Ii ll"-
) i in I I I tnc'li' im I at a iiinr1 I' t llit l
Mil al inldr !','' ill 1 ll uimkm Whit h tlif-V
i Ii i In i in", Imi Ii iniiri the a sun I pi si In "
ili i Ii' t I'lil.T iihiu i inrni r, imt ttiiKiKiliv ( I
tin in. lln-i M ' kiiun lj Hunt IttiiK: tin"!
Kn I woiks. let ly I' r dun., mi l tin y limn lint '
iy u. Ihii'.i "I Ilia 'irtliiliiu. i
i Al 1. lAfl "I Ak ill III 't. Acuta mul (lltolll.
Lht uuiiiti.-Mt, A l;.'i:i!"in el liiii DimiU I Slid kid I
:.. i. ' . ..... .t...- ...... .I,"..,. .....tin
. l.illious I i M ainl l.urr l oiiiplawis. ,
. . . ... r
ptlll Itll'.r I.I H' li'llll'l llllklllHI'lt'. I IMIIIVIK. i
1 hi iiM T-.iiii I uUi' i h li" i m e ue iUvrt luriil'.iiicr
iii lu ii r alt. i xnril t lo uln.ut ,
I li.ii ihi.i. - Nu .i'i-i'ii mill lliii- iliilriug i
Iilutitfu rliuul 1 Jtiay umhk IhifO nn-Jiciur au- (
tin'iiiiiU iy. lwitliu 1 1 tlio Uin, ljjriiil.S ,
l laUi'u'iiiy, 1 iM" - mul Aj;ii-. IVr tliii (cutitijc
i f I'.ie ni'.-li i ii t:iuiti(ry tliic miliiiiit' mil be
mi l u rul'.'. fii.'i'Jv, uti l tirliuu reuiuiiy. UluiT
, . , i - ....... a ..i
I LUI'Jll llll'H ll'UH' 1110 tyilflll Uigci:ilU . lUiui - v.
llio tliM'iiM1 a uie by iIiumi uieJiciiu'S i "rr
' .i i... ...r....i u.t.1 l... mi!".!.
l""'.' v r "l, f -r.,li
ilt'l'tuial llhtcs, lnf luiln to ernti-
uoner limn the luutl I'uwurlul jirepiratiou uf
Aiulil twvuli, NrrvvUl DfUilily, Nrvuu Cuin-
liluinli of hll kiuii", Oruuuio AHertiuUK, rl'il-
, I'urily the blood, and thus remove all diaeane
fioiu (ho fytU'in. A siuglo trial will place tbe
I.IIK Pius aud 1'hok.six liiTiaas beyund tbe
reach of competition in tbe animation of every
pa linn t.
5!-iyrrepared and aold br
1)11. WM. B. MOFFAT,
3Jj Lroiixay, cor. Worth tl., Hnm I oik.
Feb. 2Hth J800. lyr.
LtMK iu;iti;: look. iil;ii;:
fHK undesigned suburibers, take this uieth.
JL od of inlormiug the public generally, that'
tbey ba.e tbt, day entered into ,n
and can be found altbe ,bop formerly occupied
byJ. Sbuukwiler, on Third alroct, in this hu -
lough, where ibey will be pleued to aea the t old
cuaiouierf, aud as aew ouea at can iuuke
it cuuvenivul to give them a call.
liriut; on your hoeH, your apades and picks,
Your log-chains aud your pulling (ticks,
Your aleds, your sleigh", your horae, your uare,
No thieo-ycar old aball then go bare.
Y'our tpears will work up then just right,
Xo prouniug hooka for every height,
Y'our awords lu", shall then be wrought.
Xo ploughshares eucb as L'u.n ne'er bought.
viEO. W. OKIE.
Clearlitld, Dtcember , ISiH. If.
IMoiHl Meai'fher!!
For tbt speedy, radical, aud rfieuual euio
JiLL Il.SLASfES atinug fioui lilPC
Bl'l'Y OF .THE ilLOOX).
This medicine baa wrought Iho uiott mitacu
tous cures in desperate cases of
Cutaneous Diseased,
Pimples on the face,
Old, Stubborn Ulcers,
Teller Affcctiuus,
Mercurial Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Low Spirits,
Cancerom formation,
Erysipeiuf, Boils,
Suie Lies,
cald Head.
Ubeumatic Disorder!,
Salt Hhcuui,
Ceaeral Debility,
Lots of Appetite,
Foul Stomach,
Female Complaints, aud all Diseases havinf
their orgin in an impure stale f tbe Blood.
The above is a portrait of David M'Creary,
Napier township, who, on the 31st day of Aug.
l!SJe made affidavit belore Justice Uorley tbat
he was treated fir the cure of Cancer by three
physicians of B .dford county, and by Dr. New.
.on of the Else trio College in Cincinnati!, for a
period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding
which, his Hp, nose and a portion of his left
cheek were entirely eaten away I lie had given
up all hepe, when he heard of the "Blood Search
or." and was luduad lo trv it. Four hnillna
cered him, and although sadly disfigured, there
is no stuestiou but what this invaluable medicine
saved hit life. The full particulars of tbit case
may be seen in a circular, which can he bad of
any of tbe Agents.
We also refer to the ease of Nancy Bleakney,
of Eldertown, Armstrong eounly, Pa., cored of
Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed far
threo years.
To the ease of a lady in Ansonsrille, Clear
field county, who wai also afflicted with Scrofula
in its worst form.
To the case of George JcUel, residing in Carl
town, Cambria count, Pa., who was to badly af-
! dieted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off.
and his case was ,worse, if possible, than
. MoCreary's.
j Tbe particulars of these cases every one of
, which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher
' may alao be found in a eirculnt to be had of
any of the Agcnte.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, nea
tho Pa, Kailroad Depot, Hollidayaburg, Pa.
Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Agent Pitts
burgh l'a.
FOK eALE BY C. I. Watson, Clearfield :
John PaUon, Curwenaville ; James B. Graham,
Graluauiphm : E. F. Brenner, Morriadale I John
Kusaell, Pennrtlle ; K. U. Moore, Luthernburg ;
M. 0. Stirk, New Millport ; C, K. Foster, Phil -
"P'ourgj a. rwan, AosonvUle ( xiusaell Mc.Hur-l
ray, ew Washington j Edward W illiams, Wil-
Lamsville ; Jackaoa Patchea, Burueide ; Samuel ;
Uegarty, Glen Hope.
feb. 1st UMI.
The undersigned offers for sale, a valuable
(aa in peon towesbif ; formerly owned aud
now ecvupied by Kicuswd Deovvr jr: eoutoiutug
about 0 acres, bouuded by Uud of Jobs P.
Moyt, Tboe. Martin and Jouatiiaai WaJn, oue
sutWweetol Pouuviae. trom SO to oil acres
civsired stood frcuie dwelluig huuae, a log j
Lara, and other buildings erected thereoa. Alao
a good beau-uig orchaid and sever failing
spring on the prcuiuot, and will be aoid on!
reasonable terms. F'or which apply to Win. Ir
via Curwenaville. RICHARD DENVER, Sen. I
Au. i'Jth ltuO. -.ui. PiuB tewairtip. j
nnm:v i Aiuirn
L01U INEk(X).
UA ju-l rt'privf j Hum iii i nM. rn I'm-,
n.l H t llmir KU' f t It i: IHM..M
MA It k MM ll t h I , two 4...M t-M -I 1I..M
'),. I,.,,. I rkli Miilluil'llL l l 1'rllK-'.
O I I t ,
Tubaccit ,t trgam,
Toilet article',
Ulaiik bunk",
Aud Frnicy
Articlea Ac. ir,
ever vderd to tbe public in Ibis lecticn of tbo
Xbcir Diujja aud Chemicals, of wbicli Uiey
bat e au cxuiumt a annuruueut, uava beau aeloct
eu wuii especial rtuoieut-o i lueir quality ana
, . l
Their itrn k of Oil aud I'alntt will otniamt
..t i : -.1 .' l ..:t . :, n .
o. r. "r mit viHi. on, ituucr a on, Aurpenuue,
lied A n hite lead, urv ami irruund in oil. tiian.
irll brown, Veuiliau red, Yellow and tUinu ochre
Laitipbluck, yluck lead, Jvory b.uck, Cbineae k
America u Vermillion, paria green, parif, l llra
uarine and prujuian blue, dry and ground in oil,
Carmine, Chrome green it- yellow, Chalk of all
Cobalt, Drop, luke black, Emery, Uluv, (Jum.4,
Copal, Dutiiar aud bbellu-, Indiau red, X.ithargc,
Oraugo uiinvrul, pumicu and Uotlen elune, Hoe
piuk, Lughrh and Auirican, Koin, Scaret, (or
perniun red,) Terra r-ieuua, Turkey uiubre, Vtr
diRni, bluest- while Vitriol, Wbiliug, Zinc, piit
ly aud puily kniven, tiiata of all auci and nttali-
.. .. .
tiff, iiooking-gUfii plate?, Ac, d c.
Dyc-MulJs iv. ai uinlits:
Kxlra Iingwood, chip-
- ft -
j UUck fur ,.tuer, j.p.0 lurdy.nS. vAv, Mul.c,
j WhUe uur. White pirt and Howiu3 Yarnib.
i Tobacco Regain :
' Cavendiah, best, Malurul
ileaf, Hough t ready, Lady Imet, liue cui.i of all
kindu, and pndo of tbo ll.reio, tobacco ; iUppee
aal bvoicu mull.; Ll phw-lon, ileury Cly,
ipuucb, Lachica, tl mono, Ac, fcegats.
Ulauk llook and Matiouar).
Lay-books. Ueceipt and Note-booki1, Diaries, La-
dies and OOice l'urtlolioi'. Elank pa:ium"iil and
paper leds, Jiunds, Mortgages, and a'.l other
legal blauks. Foolaeap, letter, Nolo, lluaiueas
and Uiawiu paper, tuveiupes, Ueady relerenee
Files, Auuear'i and Aiuol'l'a w riling Uuid, 1 nk,
blavk, blue,autl caiuiiue, tloel l'eas and l'eu
I ll ti. .,
I ii.iuvi, i cup., iuui.age, ana ail oilier ar-
i ticlej in Iho rftaliunary hue.
j 'lollct .v l'anry Articles A I'erTuuicrj .
j Hair
bruhet, American, French A English, with Ivu
I ry, Shell, Pearl, Lutlalo, Salinwood, llosewwd
. A uruauienled backs, all iiualilivK ; Cloth brushes
OI.n.i i r . i. i . t ....
nai uiusues ; leein oru?iies, various uaiiiies ;
Shuvitit brushe, American, English and French
with Kusna In idles and Badger's hair: Flesh
brushes ; Comb brushes aud Cleaners , Xortoiae
I aliell Xuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain k Fancy
, a.U'1 main ruuoer bouff tonih ; fcliel'. Uutlalo,
Horn au 1 India, rubber pull aide Combs : India
rtilil.rlliM..ititrt',kiiih. 1 In I. ii.l... .11.1..
. , , ... ....v.-,
LnghtU Toilet comb with bandies: Luuuet
ouibi : Ivury jind 'Jutla ptrcha line tooth combs :
1 Pocket combs, all aiyles : Aiuencau, French A j
llieiman Cologne A Laven ior waters ; Lubiu'a, ,
j Taylor's, Wright's, Maugeuet A Conway's ex-,
. tracts for tbe ban ikercbief, of a groat variety of;
tly ks ; burned s Locaiu;, Harry s Xncopbeious,
Lyon's CathairunrEau, Luslral, Bears, Mas&accar, 1
Antigua, liose and Coral Oil : Beef marrow,
Pomades, and Philocooui, Americun and French
all styles ami prices cold cream, Toilet powder,
llouge Balls, Lilly While, VuS Boxes, China, ;
and paper, smelling sails, Balm of a thousand j
dowers, toolh paste, toolh p-jite, churconl, rose, I
Ac, Ac, Shaviug Couipouud all aiies ; .Military j
soap, Honey Soap, Chryelaline and Floating
S"apj Ottoman, Yankee and Uallasbcr soaps, i
Xruurpareut and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac,
.VixellancouH Articles.
morocc. and cuff Portmonaies, Ladies silk lined
papier Macbo, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and
morocco Portmonaies, Udies Crotchet purees
embroidered witn steel beads, Ladies Cabas and
morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and
papier Macbe, ivory and pearf memorandum lab
let, Fine English Morocco, Pocket Wallets, JIo
locoo and eaf Pocket books, with straps and
cusps; Bill books, and Banker's cases with lock
anu aey ; euiapsion Urinking cups, Medical clas-
ses with and without drops. Fishinj Ucklc,
crumb brushes. Shoe Bruahea with and wiilnmt
handles Horn brushes, all nualities. Pnint
and varnish brushes a1 siies. tin and rniintr
bound, Sash, oounter and mark-
ing brushes, white wash and scrubbing brushed.
Fancy eoored leather dusters esc, Kich pearl
inaid papier macbe, toilet eases, work boxes,
. -i ,in n .1 .. . L . I) J .1.1 .:
uvr.., ..oaewuoii imi luauoguDj nriiiog
desks, Chessmen and Chess boards, Gents. Kid
Gloves, Keck ties, collars, cravats and canes, La
diet Kid, Taffeta Silk and Kid finished gaunt
lets, and Lylo thread gauutleis, Black and color
ed silk web (spenders, french striped gum sus
penders, Rich crubroidired suspenders, UuioU
lnew suspenders, enta. linen band-
kerchiefs, eoored border and Cambric handker
chiefs, Ladies fineu handkerchiefs in great vari
ety ; Sun shade fans, circular F'ronch fans; can
ton feather funs of a great variety ; F'ine Canton
pam fans with ivory and painted handes, Black
and mourning fans ; Hair pins Engfish end
Fredcb, Ac, Ac. Aso Patent Medicines of or
ery variety.
All of which mill be told at the lowest CASH
Country Physicians furnished with Drugs.
Medicines and Surgical instruments, at the most
reasanable rates for cash,
June , I860. ly.
N.E W FIKill. AiL
Just receiving and opening at the Old star,
of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well selected a
sortment of Spring and Summer Goods of at
most every description.
Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment!
Prints and Dress Goods
of the latest styles, also a variety of useful Nc
jtiuns. Hats and Caps,
Bonnets and Shawls,
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Quoonsware, I)rugs ani
Medicines, Fish,
Tolacoo, Betrars end all articles usually kepi
in a country Store, all cheap for cash.
Give us a osuM and tee for your selves.
May 21, I860.
1) IASTLJtl KG, The tubteriber, having
lotatod blmsolf in tbe borough of Clearfield
would inform the publio tbat he it prepared to
do work in tbe above line, from plain to ornamen
tal of any description in a workmanlike manner.
Alao whitewashing aod repairiag done in a neat
manner and on reasonable terms.
Cleajfsld April 17, l6P.y.
It I I t i I" I I' ' "' I, 1 " "' I ' " ' '" "
, i.. .: nl t lpi'm'ii tit' I M' I ' 'I I"
lt, 1 a (I ' In 'I I " I ""' ' ' l , l " "
i-inn il M I I I ' '" ll ' in l"i' it
t n r "
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l,i. !i t.h. ' l. lifi Imn H'' 1 I" I lllll. n
onll I H' 'l l"'i'H l ill I'll I llll'i lflll'.
'J I.e., ii in ii mi I l hi I
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I "I'll ' I'l
;lr" lil"'l tliilllila'l , t' I, ll U"' rllli id ll'i' X I"" 1
,1m n it'll fnllimt ! , mi" I'lrtl Ji' I litilft !f ucl I'
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' 1;',T k...1.i.I'Im
r GiuL", f' r l'iu i
t iillia i't tnaiir- , l"r tia.lnr.
l.ii-iiii I o"k' t r l.nliliii b", U't vuii e
in nil, HO it iuarlfr t'l t'ttttl; two ltou,
l r titln r I'luti i. liuilnr i r Moiououu
ociil uiuno Irra In tun ,n il etii'ly ii'S m
ftruineliliil mum'
Ilcv. J H. biewait. Maram. P. fcnierinKer,
Ijiuic N. lirrltii, 1. 11. lii'iuia, Win. Irvnx-, I.
I.. Muily. 1 ' r. Win. J', l.obetli, and ail otbura
who kitte i:iinitii.i"l un', cuu be ivltriod to.
Au,;. 1.', iDtiO. ;tt.
f lillli unilerainuru refpectlully
l,il..r,n In. ..i..l..ntu,rf .ml li...
iulorun bit vunUmiere and tbe
. ..i i: ...n- it... ).. i.. .....
r""" n.'Mi.v, ..v . "")""
rvouivetl Iroin me tl, ami ot en
. A :1 It 1.1. tl i.liUlinl It. I i I C A 1 1 1 II . S lill 11
ed St 1.
I .....
I l.leurliuld, ! ., a uuo aseiirluiont H CxiH'as,
lu., a uuo aaaurtuiooi n ttocas,
mill J k ki h v fif ditlurt.nt nuuliiifH
fro.ti a (ii.Kle piece l. a full ae'.t, wbicli be w ill
- . .
n . re,,onilble l.rtoee for cah. or
, ,, . .
.... ituiiirn inr l, .. .'nil. 11 tl Hitler.
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at ibe unit
ruaauuable price.
A LL kinds of Clock.", WaU'h.s and Jewelry,
carefully repaired and H ununo il.
A cunlinuuiH'O of patronage ia solicited,
Sept. I.i, 1800. 11. 1'. NAL'ULK.
Uiirly-MiHh and Market Mrect, I'liila
I'rof. l:. 1) ri. COK1LAM)
"SAU.NUKMS.ijy towubhin.
Hon. WM. LltiLKIi. Cleuifield
in. Ale Hi
1U.N , Lrq. of ibe Men bans' Hotel. 1'bilu.
lluu. J. W. FORNEY, of 'ibe l'raaa :'
WEST11K00K, of the tj. is. Luion ; Hon. J. W.
..i.ii.j.niu, nuiiwuiapoti; j. i,r.i3r.. ivio,
7, ... . .T . . , , .7
.. a.,.v rfliiui. ..laueu inura; o
Irkmn ,,',... yw.r,.u,i ... A., it....-. ....,...
... . , , . , , , ,
will give their friend- who may bo looking lor
j a sale, thorough aud ploaaant oubuol, any inlor-
i waiion uesireu ropocuus uita oeiutnarv.
j A I. rove and Lawn ol LilClll AC1II,
, ... . ..........,, .v. v.u..o.., ice
.lat.oti U-J I'llOIVUI CICIIIOU.
i t i ilU'i'M -i 1 .,'iu,
iS&X JJi y U JLi 1J i
' iiv IMI ll I III viti-
! , ' '
' would rerclfully infurm our friend.-.
1 pfctrona and tbe public generally, lluu ho
i have now in alore and oiler S boiesule and llo-
.liiitulll... I. ...... .,'.. .1. l.: -1 t
' M" . u .-1 .upii i rie , a .urge an u very
choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and 1'iaied
uarioi every vuuety and alylo.
Every UeM-iipliou of Diamond Work andotli-
r Jewelry, niade to order at thoit iiulii e.
it goods warranied to be as repreeented.
1'arlicuiar alUnlion given . the repainn of
ii alcoes aud Jewelrv ol evorv deauriptinn .
No. 62:' .MAKKEX tlreel, (south sidej I'hiU.
!ept. llllh, S(iLi. 0 mo.
THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted!
ui a bouse of enieruiument. is now open
r .t.. . ...
ior iue acrommoaalton oi toe public
11 t,-H ihi. ....-.,.., i.
. . ... ... .. :
. lavcicra
Jiay U UiS,
(Oil Market Street 2 tloOTS llOTtll ()
I (J,e ronrf llnlls(- ulipri- tlir-v -ii-..
f . v'uurl- liUUbt, UCTC 111C .1 TC
just opening an unusually large1
I I. , , '
dHU Wt'Il SeieCICd SIOCK Ol LrOO(. -
!llilil tr. tlio ...... 1'tl...
j v.....i.ti
nity for the Full and Winter trade.
i ,l.:, .1. ,1.,.., f" - 1 1 n
I U lllC ll,cy OtlcT 111 large aild Slliall
quantities on the most reasonable
1 '
: tCl'tllS CALL
in . . .
lOUKStLVES i IlCir aSSOrUlllMll 01
! HDV POnnc .( MHTinMO
U " wUVJUot) lJU I lUIMfc)
ja ,ry Iarae and
complete: embracing almost
overv artiulB lioth of l.l,,.,n .H.rv,.. K.
ipeciul attcntiui, baa beau paid lo the solaclioii of
LADIES' DKESai GOODS, which ore of evorv
variety and the very latest styles.
Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merino?, Poplins,
Alpaecas, Caahinere.', French, Scotch
aud Domestic UiDghntn?, Prinu,
Linseys, Cambrics, Brilliants,
Fig. and plain Bobinctts,
Irish Linen Cletbs Ac.
Blnck and Fancy Canaiinores, Satinotts, jeans,
Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking,
Jins A drills. Red, Grey, While and Canton Flan, uiujwr, uiuacneu anu unoioacnea mu..
nets. Also a large stock of Ladies' and Uenllu
mens Shawls, Double and Siugle, Stellas ami
Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capes of tho
vary laiost lasnion.
Splendid aasjrtuient of Ladies' Gentlemens'
J and Childrens' Gloves and Hosierv
T adies' Bonnois and Hats, trimmed and nn
JLi trimmed, of the Latest Styles at
trimmed, of the Latest Styles at
11. W. t CP's,
A Larare and snlendid ataek of Draaa trim,
Jtx. mings, BelU, (lead Dresses, Notts, Plumes
Ac, at
FU W. rf- C'O's,
a Large stock of Men A Boy's clothing, just
X av received at R. W. A CO's
Boots A shoes nf every kind for Ladies, Gen
tlemon, and Children at R. W. ct CO's,
Carpets, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags and
Bagging, Curled Hair Ac,, at
R. W. at CO's
all and examine the Patent
air-tight Glass
and stone jars, they are just the thing you
need, for tale at
FV, W. A CO's.
TT ardware of every kind,
knives aud
Nails. Cow
forks J
Bella, i
JLI. spoons. Locks, riles,
Wocd aod Hand saws and Mill saws at
R. W. A CO's. j
A Fresh stock of groceries of evury kind juet
received at REED, WEAVER, A CO's.
rVisstins Mill and cut Sum; Mann's axes and
JL a general assortment of lUrdware at the
tore of E. A. IRVIN, .
Curwensville, May 16, I860. 1
TT AM, Sides, Mackerel and Herring fur
jLXiow at tne store or
Clearfield, July 11th I860,
Skeleton Skirtt, a large variety at reduced pri-
ces at Irvine eernei store. Cuxwi tuvillt 16, '60.
1 I'M I'l I I I 1 I I I I 11 A I I, I i i
A.'t '' M' . M I M -I I'MI I i iu f. ,
1 1 II
il v i :
'I ' 1 I Hit
I I,t1tlttl
i ii I'll mi ii i
,, i. ., . ( I .
I i I
t M H Hi,
i-1 i i
,1 ,,
II" I I I ,
I' I . II I,.,
tt"'iM' tlll'i, IClB'll '
I i.. m ti-1 A i" I y ,
II II I Ml ' t i n I
' ,nt 1 1" n t i, ,
I I i
IIR'I (till I Ml Mm t
I' ' II I'
I III ll'" 't
1 1 e
til 1 1 ,' in t I i,i ..(. v i" ' " I , I , ' If-f Jil
. i ,., ti . ..... ..i ..... i ... i "
...I,.! .,..1.1 .......i.i .1 !... ...I .1 H
'f " ' ' "" i .M ut
.... it, .. . ... I- I...,t I . . .-ur 1 1 .
.ure l I'm Iiii" l l'ilmnil rn.i'ivi lin
1 1 rmuitlil i'l Hi" i .
.Nun, linn In:-, .t I. iKI; I t'K ii. Mitt,
l bib MuTill i t tliuilnl l cuutity in 'inui(
I Ilia uuiy niijiuiiri. ru inn ur liio it'' abw.
Ivried In, aud ll. u imi I mi ni'iiioi.i luertt.
1 usue lut., ffjf i T'uti.wtiiii.ti, l;i lu. ni'lii'iti
lllcetut'D t'l i I cuuiity i uitl i (ir I -, y-
.1 . .. . f . 1. . : ...I 1 i i
I IUnllll't'1 .' ll"? '"'iiriin .l.-llini V, 'l flu.
. llti'ir a.iveriil rii'dnni ililr.v! w nnT I r.SUA'J
lDXll WAY UI- JuJb.Mr,tK .NEXT, Uie
. . , .i.i i-,
iiivrtt, ueiweeo iu ui -i' i i.iuai ir.
1 1 I.i) tnnrniiiK, mi J tnVK.N' uMntk in lU ft,,,.
, nl Mud dii v, t" Vol" lur lh..St
( LLLVTOHS i'l a l'leitidniit and Vk I'ltnJ
I ul lb" I lulu 1 Mutes And lb li I lUo
juui'-, iiiMiurii)t ana wicik, in i taili.J
; ,tlt,nii,i 8l ,Ml. preiiniiii ; lionernl V.,cim
. . '
'. ... i ... j . j UHr.r, ,i, ui .
' ' . . ""mi
, miJ lie e a i ) w L lo alike i.euulliei lur urrl.
- , j,, ur .,.,a,.OI11iiii i luevslmll be iial... .,.1
i .. ....
UUR.rui rtecunn
, 'j be tlcrtora uf tba Cuitutv (f CUarDulJ J
. . t . . . . . . t . i i i .
, ... . iiimii n i ii ii r itiu K!i I 1 J.i.iri Hilt Uir l.lunl,., I
, i.rtl)ilk.n, ,( Vjp,. FrffldtTt of lb l,V
blalea will bo hold at the tollowiua; iburei
i At ll") tiuum ol Samuel M. SmiU lor UeiJ
hhip of lieceariu. 1
At the bouae of Aseph Elliit, for tbe towg.7
ol ilea.
At the liuuco of Jauits Bloom, Sr, for luu
abip t'f liinoiu.
Atibehouao of Lunar I Albert lor ibul
I ship of
I At ibe buuae of William Hoover fur lut k.
I ohiu of JjiaUluid.
At the publio hour of K. i . .duutc, fur U
j At ibe houtie of John Young fur the tetrui
I 01 Aiuruaiiio,
- I i,,i, .
I for tha lownabti of Cheit
i At tbe Court Houae lur the LorouzU of Cki
' Leia
, At the bouae of Jacob Muurt-r fur the towJ
-1 ol t-ovinglon
t ti,e bouao of Uaac Liooui ;r fur ibt J
.... ... ' '
uugli or lurwuiiaruie
Al teutre 8(;,10o1 nou,,. vr the
J At the hou.-e tf luuuius ii bu,t lur luwij
I tuni ol t urgusun
- Al lll0 U(jU,e cj Juiul L Luniiv
At Lhtl liUUktt Jtiiin I. lnnilv for ll..
tuwuthip of Fox
At Coi 'letd Hill school bouse for llietnvv.
of l.irurd
At tin' public icboul bouse lur lue uiitiid
, iflioheii
' At the bojae of Jaeuh Hubler lor the tout.
jof Uiahaiu
At liio school houie in JaucMi.i- f.r
i. I :.. .1 ,:..': 1.
' iumiriii. "i v ui u n
j At ibe boute ol Jcisj WiUon fur lh twt;a
i ot II iii-iuii
1 At lite m Iio.I huufo in Antw.v iiii f' r u.'H,
i ehip of Jo.'duii
At the iiou.-e i f j; D ilall A U :'or U. U
, ship of Kitrihaui
At the Turkev
i houl bouse fur the l
; ship of 1. no.
At the Court l.. uteiutho Borough cfCiit
nelu lur Lawrence toivnship
i Al the public eiuoo. house lor ihe Buruup
I Lumber Cllv
At tho bouse formerly occupied by luuaj
I lor .Uoiria lownalnp
...t 1' . : ii. ..r.. ,,.T .
nl lu puunu acuoui utuee ior mo ioruu
New Washington
t the house of Samuel Smith for Ihe to''
all p of Peuu
At the bouas of leuac Bloom jr., in nli
ough of Curwenaville Inr Pike Uivnship.h
At tlio uouse ol il. W . AUuiel' r Iho tuwtu;
of Luion
Al Ihe house of Jehu Whiteside for tho Ui
.trip of Woodward.
.noiici: is ii;ktiii:i iu:kei:
til i;jf, That nil persons, except JuMiersvl.
I Pence, who shall hold art oSice or aw uinliiii
c 1 'trust, . under tho government ol lue In...
Males or o; ILia Mule, or ol any unurpur.
idisttict, who'.her a coiuniiisioiied o.'ii'.'er ur oia'
wise, a auuordinuto ctlioer or agen:, wlniii
thall ho empUiyeJ uiitior iho LesiM.nne, Lit
titive or Judicial D.ipartmotils of ibis .Slate or
tho Lulled Sutes, or tuiv titv . r inroniurai'
district, aud also that every iimuioer ol vorjns
I uli'l nt tho Male u I , ui ol Hie eu.
I iar select cou..cil of iinv city, or romiistwanii'
any incur pun. led di.iLri.t, are by laer incitl.
ul holding or cxetcisin, at the auiiii uaie, L
i onic" or it j ii. ,i n t in c in o i ounge, lastit'cter,
, cleik ol anv election ul this Commonwealth ;
i that no iiispeetoi. juil'j, or UUier olluer ul
s,C, d
itch election, sh.i
'. e eligible lo any uthcj run
And tho Ileum Judges i f tho respedirsd
It ids iiloresnid nre reiiieslctl to meet St :
Courl House-, in the Borough of CkarlielJ.
thuirtf tridxij next allor the aaid 'A
. Jomuim ; .iKri' then aud tii e; e iu uu uivJ
r thin
i reiittncd of then, bv lau.
t.l L,. under my hui,d and soul, nl Clw
bold, this UOth dtiy of Sept., iu tbo veur vft
Lord one thnusa. il eight huntlred an J -ixtv.i
' ' Itoudenee ofthe Uni Sutes t
i B,B" V -'uur 1 . u. iVllblitl., stierit
! : ! DEATH
T I 1
To every form and Specie of
Ut COSTA ir.s
! "COSTA r."iS"'
1 "COSTAirS"
Ji'it', Iioach ut'e. LU'.'. rrow
lied liui) Ex'xrmtnutitr.
Lte;tric 1'uwdcr tor It seek
Kuts, Kouclieii. Miro, Moles, Grounu Ar.
. liecUbugs, Ants, Moths, ilosduitoe-. Fie
' DWl on Pluntf., liiBOutst Oil Aliitnni,
at m eBoi t every lorui and species of
j Vjj53EIEHJ
- 1 10 years es.tablish(xl in Nw Yoi k Cit'
Ubed by tbe Citv l'ubt Oilice tbo Citv ir-
I on and fetation lioiiMnH the citv Xcumer
bips ic.,
-tho City Ilottila. "AaM'i,"
I Iiehol8," ic, and by more thnii IP,'
pnvat faruiles.
"5k.iJruggiKt8 ana lietailer evrrrirur
sell ttiem.
ir!ufttiole8ale AtenU in all lnrrj.- Hies
BBwKegular sizes, :5c.,' 50c, $1 Loxen
Bottles, Flusks
lfS. II liEHARi ::!ofsi.uriouiuiiuuo
Examine ench liox, Bottlo A Fl4
anu tako nothing but "CosTxr. t
W.S1.(KI I'.oxes nnt by mail.
VkJ$3 & $5.00 by Kxprcs.
BEUAddrcw ordern or lor Circular, to
11 EN It Y K. CO.STAi:
Principal Ilepot, 410 Kromlwnv, N. V
March 17th. CUnifioll I'"
- I
meiilaiy hnving beoi. granted ( t. t -
aignod ou t ho Estuie ol tbe Rev. 1 imotny
late of lliirnsiile In., fleartieid ro.. Fa.
persons knowing the u.sclves indebted t aai.
late are renuosted to un.l e immediate psyiat
and those havlnr cliiiti;' nrainat It are eB',
to present them to Jul oh W. Campbell ia kl1
or Washington Gardner of Burnairf tp.
JACOB W. vAMi'tLL I r,'
Oct ii, lOtJU-ut,