Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 31, 1860, Image 3

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    ,i t wins,
1 .,ir.ighi nnd ormlii. w ill (ill in.l v,
llicdikpn for llieir iei'ti IWp district..
Wi publish in our paper a column
(I (i regular tit Itrt, whirli tinl) nil,
ncirlv mi. Id cot ihrln. Anyone le
e .i ing toe pnper can rut out tho column,'
-i . .... .
i ! liis own ticket, nnJ hand tho balanro
to hi neighbor.
We call Attenlion to the advertisement
Or J. r. Nelson in another column. It
' k . ... . .
tu importance to an wnom it may
l"sdA might be expected, several error
jpecurred lust woek in publishing tho "Pre
miums nwardod l.y tho Agricultural So
' ciety."
!. Class 20.
' First line ihould rend, Amos Bcod.
. Class 31.
'John A. Roed, bos t .Set df Framing Chin'
h niar.uliictmed in the county, biplo
ino, omitted Inst week.
r .A Class 44.
J First line should read, Geo. Thorn best
62 varieties of Apples, and other Fruit,
. Diploma and Premium, 60 cents.
; s' The Citizen Soldiery.
- One of the recent enterprises of t he en -
ergntic citizen of our borough, has been
the successful ellbrt among our young
men to establish a volunteer company, or
" military association, intended at we have
' Understood to combine mental cuHiva
tiou with military instruction the im
provement of the mind and morals, as
well as the gait of tho individual. With
. thU in view, the association intend con
necting with its armory, a club or lecture
room, which will be kept open for the
. jae 111 bora at all times as a reading room,
and be also adapted to giving public lec
turos and other intellectual entertain
ment. This plan meets w itn our hearty
; approbation, believing us we do that,
if properly curried out, it will confer
" lasting lenefit upon all connected w ith it. t
( . One of the most strik ing features of the j
institutions of our country, is its volun
teer military force. Tho foreign travel
ler, accustomed to the presence of the
, vast stunding ariuiei of Kurope, w hich
yearly drain the beat blood of tho land to
keep up their ranks, is amazed beyond
Bueasuro, when he reaches the chief cities!
and tojvns of tins country, at tho" entire
absence of that familmr ei"ht at home
bodies of armed soldiers which every
where throng the btrcets and thorough
fares of tno Capitals on the oihcr sido of
the Atlantic. Upon turning to the eta
. tistici of the Federal Government, his sur
prise is increased, by learning that, with
an army of fifteen thousand men, all told,
we ore Rble to defend a sea coast many
t'noti.iund miles in extent, and keep in
lubjei'.lion various iribn of turbulent and
:li Ini'
interior. And we
Clare s.iy Iiu u ,t.onit imii-nt would be morel
au;riiici.,..i.l .-lii I, il he were to accompany
a hostile army des gning to land upon our
il inres , fur he would then sco an 'iumy
i risn is it were out of the eaith, armed,
1 equipped and disciplined, ready nnd able
'to encounter the 'veteran soldiers, man
. fur man, of the powerful and warlike na
tions of Eurcpp, whose pastime is war and
. conquest. And yet a stranger, unacquain
ted with oui institutions, might travel
, from Maine to Texas in fact many for
eign tourists have done so without meet
"ing with a single body of armed soldiers.
, Vet there is a military force in the liepub
iic, which, although not daily exhibited
on parade, is ever ready and amply able
to resist invasion or avengo nggrcssicn.- -L
ko tho faithful clan of the brave High-
i land Chieftain, Khoderick Dhu, although
' no sound broke the silence which rested
upon mountain and glen, nnd no living
thing appeared in sight upou tho hill
siue?, when the signal of thq Chief was
ounded, every bush and tree seemed send
" forth an armed warrior, until vale and hill
Were garrisonod with ah army, eager to be
led to battle. 80 let a foreign foe appear
in hostile array in sight of our fhoros, and
the Innd would Instantly be seen bristling
with bayonets in tho hands of our bravo
citizens, all ready and willing to defend
the soil to the last.
I Thelatentmilitaryprowessof tho Amer
ican peoplo has been signally manifest
ed, to the discomfiture of the veteran
troops of Europe, on more than one !an-
guinary battle field, during the different
wars in which we havo been engaged i
and on every one in which they pariici-
- pated, it may be proudly asserted that
the volunteers of Pennsylvania, were sco-
bnd to nono iu tho rauk of brave soldiers.
Xet it, then, bo our aim to maintain and
.1 ....
u,iivi.e lw spirit, lor we know not
1 how soon it may bo called Upon to defend
tho rights or maintain the honor of tho
country. We know that' to no oth
er source can the government apply in a
time of danger, and that no other power
;w hich they could invoke, could render ef
fectual aid. . ...V . , ,""
We may have something more to say in
.future upon this subject. For the present
:let these remarks luffico ; adding, howor
. or, the recommendation, that every oora-
munity in our county, possessing tho
quisite population, and not hving dono
so already, will at once set about organiz
ing a volunteer company.
J. War"During a trial for as&ault, utrassa
Jc, lost week, counsel asked the complai
nant how hard the accused shook him.
Ja explanation, he waa seized by the wit-
raws, and the breath almost shaken from
. oouy, producing a very sat is factory im
pressioo. - ' j
5 hum i:
0 tii' Iks I ' 1 .., f ' i ... I
vUn.t ,., ( trPlf(,r f U
' '''''' Agtunlinn! P-rT. n nee-miit with
of . Vi'mo
up l( the 2ih iln i'f
T m.h rnvhul from ln rlil'ln
- L. ( '""""''I l"ronKh nd Vlrinltj,
lw """ mi rpi;-iTC'i hi inv buch uhihii
the Fair,
COD ft.
lo no
unouM received from Mfo Members,
I To amount n reived (mm county jet set
ul Assembly,
To ninomit received from License on
in To amount rccoicd protinus to the Fulr,
Jj.1 60
Tn amount rerolvoil fur out mM,
3 so
J '
To antount received on noeountof duos
fer next year,
To amount received for tho uic of th
gocloty'i flag,
10 00
Total roctiipH,
$1,SP8 55
By Mnounfn pnld ai follows, l :
For boards, posts nnd ppnntling,
Olemiion Wliilehiil. work nt fonoe,
Joeph Hurclifleld, for wrk,
Oijorge Thorn, - do
Jamvx Levy, da
Kobort Mitoholl, . do
f 021 Ot
11 40
12 SO
, 13 50
4 50
3 00
8 75
J 00
I 00
20 07
17 55
32 50
13 S9
10 00
22 74
5 00
75 00
8 00
Jsmts M'rlgley,-' Jo
A. T. Shrivor, do ' j
TboisM Wrigley, Ui ;
J. HoyntoB, for uuiU,
Uraboia A lioynton, liil Ac, , "
Do fur Hag,
Mermll A ilitfer, looks, iruit, if ,
Pamuol Clyilo, boy and oatii,
J Mooru & Kturoiler, books Ao,
J jluluoKoppr, surreyiug,
C.nnh imiil for dinloiMafl.
Oeoreo Hall, for iumi. -
1':tr nd.,M 70,i '" 3?
Ar L l,'iita.u Ur tl.B(l iwinU Alt 1 ? Ill
Fire workn,
87 77
10 00
25 Ot)
76 75
ti 00
60 00
1 50
10 00
.Tnmt'S Wriglcy, for serrices,
David Ettweilor, do
S. B. How, for printing,
O. B. fieodlandor A Co, for printing,
Curwonsville llnnd,
Bearding Band,
Gate keepers,
Labor on the ground, night natch, Ac,
liadgei, Morchamli.e, Ac,
Proinlnm paid,
Joha MeUtinKhey, for 471 days' work at
tbe ground, track, fence, and lieiln,
at $1 40 por day, -
12 $5
8 32
' M 72
71 25
Hands paid by John MoUuughey, via t
Jlobort Arohy, 4(IJ days wrk,
Alicbacl llgerty,'.'!7 do
Williaiu Kullerton, for work,
Nealy Ioaghorty, - do
.. Lawliead, do
John Bnrclay, do 1
Witllunv P. Beck, do
John Siren. do
Eilwtird Hurcli fluid, do
BliK'ksmithing and tools,
Total credits,
. 3i sr.
Bulanco in bauds of Treasurer,
Amount of prcmiuuia unpaid, about,
Hi 01)
Dalance iu favor of Society. 212 5(5
We do hereby certify thnt tho above
..l...l ...wl ...lll...nm,l J! I l.n r.itft IV.,.'
nf .Tamos Wrlirlov. K,n.. correct.
ELLIS IRWIN, President.
D. F., Sceretarv.
Clearfield October 2G, lSCO. . '
Ex tract from the Journal of the Society.
Mooting of tho Executive Committee
held on Saturday, October 20, IW0.
tVso.'i'A That Ladles tnaking applica
tion to the Treasurer or Executive Com
mittee, and paying into tho 'Treasury of
the Society five dollars, shall bo constitu
ted Life members of Uia Society, and khall
beoxhoncrated from all annual payments
JiwUfd, That the thanks of the Clour-
- field county Agricultural'Sitcietys are tnost
l; , ' j j rJ ii. rv .1.
luiuinuy iciiiieiru iu uli. tiuuii .11 uuugii-
v n ha Kfittivi
tor ins untiring industry, in
and fitting up tho grounds, and for his in-
defaticable exertions, and centleinanlv
deportment towarrisvihitoiTsandoxhibitois
on the grounds during the Fair ' '
the grounds durinrf the I-air" '
Rftolvcii, That the Society hereby pros -
ent their grateful acknowledgements 10
Mai. I). V. Etzweiler. our very efficient,
nnd worthv Secretary, for his efforts in be-
half of the Society and for the very satis
factory mannor in which he discharged all
of his duties. , , . . j . ,
And now, on closing t'.iis report", I tako
the liberty of adding my hoarty congratu
lations to the members of tbe Sooiety And
the citizens of Clearfield county geneinlly,
for the full and complete success of our So
ciety and Fair, and my sincere thanks are ,
j due to every ofliocr of every grade of - the
Society for their indefatigable and untir-
inn osertians to iierform all the several
duties, to w hich is to be attributed . tho
good order which prevailed throughout.
ELLIS IRWIN,- President
, Clearfield County Agricultural Sooiety.
ilfciriaiuc Scliwcm.'s
Infallible Vegetable Powders.
For the speedy and ofToctual Curt of all Iiihm
ma lions, J'h vnir li',, Dytfpiia, and J.iver Com
plaint and all Arnlr nnd Chronic Diieiuri of A.
dults and Children, Send 3 eont Stamp to
her A-jmt. Q. B. JONES,
Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phila. P 0
TRirA'jency S. W. Cor. Third 4b Arch Su.
Oct 21, 1S00 lOt.
Dissolution of Partnership.
!The cr. pnrtner.bip heretofore oxisting bo
tween J. V, Mulson and John Uriel, in the Lum
bering butiness at UuUonlnirg, has this day
beed dissolved by the mutual consent of tho par
ties. J. P. MULSON,
Oct 24, i860 0 1. JOHN BRILL.
Teachers Wanted.- The School Direc
tors of Jordan township wish to employ
three competent teacher for the term?' of
four months liberal wages will be feven.
applicants will please attend the Exami
nation at AnsonviUo on tho 22d day of Oc
tobor, apply to Robert Ltddle Pres't or
I). W. Wise Sec'y. By ordor of the
Board. - D. W, WISE, Sec'y.
Oct. 9, IRtiO. 3t. pd.
Why Btaild ye all the day Idle ?"
.NY LADi or Gentlemen in tbe Uoltod ;
States, riofisnsjlitiff from in Jl7. can '
into a, eqy orid respectablo business, by which
from if 5 to $10 per day can be realised, For
particul ars, address (with sump) '
' W H ACTON A CO., '
Oct M, I860 3m. North 6th street, Phila,
Bonnots, Florence braids English stfntrs,
Shaker and othor stylos trimmed and un
trimmed, will be found in variety at the corner
l0" of E. A, IRVIN.
Cui wenBville, May 10, '60. '
Lndies dress goods, of pattorne and textures to
pleaso all, will bo found at the eorncr sehri of
"rwinsyilie, May 18, I860. , A. IRVIN.
Stella and other Shawls In rarlety at the cheap
Slore r k , ' E. A. IRVIN-
Curwenflville, May 10, '00. Tj
BooU and Shoes. A larger stock and lower
pnees than ever, at Irvine Cbeapost corner.
Curwenaville, May 16, '60- . .
60 00
46 03
IS 121
14 73
2 871
15 00
:i 50
(I 50
2 62
9 2.'i
' 1 ' I I ' V I 1 1 1 ' Itlilllilll '
I l.l-.MIH.I, lltlllUI) ,
I'nh nlnl .Inn 17, tO.
'Wo peel tin Improvement III Harrows," I i
remark tint utifrsiuently hosrd union farmer!
Aiming the few Imprnveiiieitit which hive here-
i.rr. limn mmli, In tliln liniinrlitit sin! n(nl,
" miljiii .nj inui.ifiipiwin , in .i "i.i un 1 wi mi.
tin 0 I r , it wnulJ "m Hint totio ifllH m bn
... I... II. ......... 1. 1 I. ... ..fl....l'" " "" " "Ul im lIKHPIt
.r. loo licvr. nlcd n,,, co,.lv.
mid alt lire linlilo to tlm tilijuctinii lint lln'
. . .
only laiiloii t rerUiiu kliulH 01 Kri,0''
i while It Inc..- to g.-t hnrrtw III
.urk w 11 ou ..uootl.r dur i.d l.vol .round. It
lira wuii uu niuuviii, viur iiu mi ui giuumi,
... . . . ,.. A...I ll., 111 .
ll' "
ill uui wv vmrj v.. ...ii. i,o 1111. nui .iirnn m n'.t
purpono In ik'W prouml, ninniig stumps or on a
"'"y undiilaling turfaoo, but whun you gi't
0110 01 mourner ciuw, you uuiy rostarsurou 111111
it w 111 almi give aatinfaction ou a smooth sui fucii.
Tbe tindorsiguud confldout!y believe tbnt this
object is fully Attained in this Improvement,
and would call tbo attention of l'motical and
Scientific agriculturists to tbo following import
ant features which characterise it, 4'irxt, its
simplicity; secondly, its strength iiud durability,
and Initly its adaptcdncss to any and nil kinds
of surface, Tbo following named practical
Farmers, of t'learfield County, who have used it
this season, thus testily to iU
We the uudorsignod farmers ofPenu tp., Clour
field Co., and Stain of Pennsylvania, having usuil
Kusscll's Improved Flexiblo Harrow, bnvo 110
hesitation in saying that it has ghVn entire sat
isfaction and that from Its simplicity And cheap
ness it should speodily eomo into general uso.
JOS. 0. M1USSELL. . ,
7ua "Soieutiliu Auioriuau," a pupor wliUh
the soieuailio world is woll acquainted palu
thus in refurence to it, "Tba barrow it one of
tho most iuipurtuut agricultural iuipluiuunU, as
much depends upon the top pulvefiaiug or dinn
ing of tho soil, both before and after the seed is
sown, fur the suiters of the future srop." After
describing it, it continues 1 "This combination
harrow is so simple, that it is superfluous to ex
tend for Harrowing eilher well uluured or rough
ground. . ,
Tbo undorsigdod, liavo purchased tbo right
to make, soli, use, anil trunafgr tlioir right to do
the same, within tho county of Clearfield, and
nro now prepared to furnish tho urticla to ull
who wish ropurchnso,on rcasaiiablo terms. Tlny
will ulso soil individual rights to make and
uso tho same, .MUKRKLL.C BIOLEH.
Clacrflcld, Oct. 21, 18fi0.
PU1JLIC fUI.U. The undersigned will
soil by publie outcry nt the late resident of
Abraham Koajn Uue'd, in Lawronee township,
on Thursday tho 1st Kovoutberp Two horses,
horse gears, Cows and young cattle, sheep and
bogs, ono large wagon, sleigh, sleds, plows,
Iluirow, buy by the ton, grain, stoves, btds;
Bureaus, and a goneral variety of household ami
kitchen lumituio. Terms made known lib day
of sale. Sale to aommouca ul o'olook A.M.
JuilJi L. RHAMS,
Oct. 17, i8i;o 2tp. . : gi:o. w. RiiLiiif,
Liccutors of ibe txUite of Abraham Ream doo'd.
i; , . Executor's Notice.
Letters tcstumcntury having been tbid day
gnisted to tbo undersigned ou tho Ohtato of
Abruhuin Tearce sr., luto of Bradford township,
Clearfield county 1'n. All porsons knowing
themselves indebted to nid estate are requested
to make imiuediuto payment, and tliuto having
claims agiinst it are requested to present them
duly authenticated to the'undrrsigued
Oct. 17tb, I860. Ot. pd.
1... i:---ijrir'-ki.; ,w
Propersttention to
tbo teelh in prorer !
Lime will bo of great I
benefit to every ono I
in point of health, i
comfort, and conrsnionce. - , -
fil.Cf j, u,0
J wi,'cn nono
DR. Ill can nlwnys bo fwund at his of-
tiio corner nf Front anil .Main utro.i.
J w,cn no notice to tha contrnrr nnnr. in fl.i.'
. pnper.
1 AH ocerntions in tbe line of his profession,
I performed in the latest and -most improved
, styles and guaranteed for one year against nil
natural failures.
A stray Heifer cam 8 tresspassing upon the
premises of tho subscriber, about the IstofAu-
t:i.t iai, in uiuoin . p., a unnitie ueilcr with
white lico nnd three white feet? supposed to bo '
about 8 years old- I
The owner is requested to come forward, prove '
propeny, pay cnarges ana take It away, or it
will be disposed of according to law. 1
Bloom tp., Oct. Ill, -60 .3ip. JOHN BILGEU.
rpilE CLLAltll:i,D ACAUIiMV.will
X be opened for tho reception of pupils,
(males and females) on Monday, Aug. 20tli, 1860,
jcrw por session oi eleven Hwki
Orthography, Reading, .Writing, Primary
Arithmetic and (r'oography. $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog
raphy and History. $3.00
Algebra, Geomotry Natural Philosophy
Mid Hook Keeping . .? , i , . $4.00
: Latin and Ureek laaguogo. $6 00
To student desirous of acquiring a thoroagh
English Education, and who wish to qualify
thomsalves for teachers, this Institution offers
desirable ad van Luges.
No pupil roceived fur loss than half a gnu. inn.
and no deduction made exeeut fur i.rnt.rm-tn.l
, Tuition to bo paid nt the close of the term.
..C. B. 8ASHFOI1D, PaiNcirAU
May 2i, lbOQ.- Iy.
Cabinet, Chair Making1,
J OHN OULlCn, of the borough of Cloarfiola,
Pa., will be prepared at nil times to attond to
to any business in the above line on short
notice, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His ntnnA
, of business is at tho eld shop on tbo north sido of
jtiarKot street, Ax door east of Third st, nenrly
opposite tho old Jew store ; .whore Ue will keep
constantly on band a lrgo nssortraeht f .Ma
lmgoiiy and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
Wro vf.every description, whiah htrwilf dispose
ofoa asK'nsonaWa1 tArms as tho ue articles
can be bad elsewhere in the county.
Hit stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand,, con
sists In part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks nnd
Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedetends,
Wining, lireakrast, Centre, Cnrd and Tior Ta
hh'' c,,n!n" manurartnicd and delivered at
any IM lesired. ? ! ! . ..;. i
' Fehmary 9, 185D.' fno 4 Vol ivV' 1
'rP n,
.W A V .... . .
illt; Jllallll,
. And extennirc Dealer
Iu sipure Timber, Bisrds,
Stlliiffles, bc.
...r t
o ittil supp
Cedar and Willow ware
Sopt. 19, 1S0.
R. W. A CO's,
lMN (III , Mil It, ,,.
I ' -t . fiiJini. t , Mil i.r i ..
r. H r w , .it. ..,,) (,, , ,.
S l Mm h' im ul !..,. Ill, ,m . i, li I
n( niiWrnttlllA, nt,
, .. ... ...... " ITfrtuAk 1 Jl R f 01 tl lA f
OF N"TPVIH li, Vm-,ii
il oV.l-.ik I". M., ii.mi,wi,b rM o.uikio
All (hut rottfiln lr I ,f I iIhI illt, .In In I'll,
, " """"'T i iin.f. 17 inril
nil Ihn ml ti Ininl
of in. Iltlilxn, cm Hit north hj w rf Hon, 0.
1'i.nimorn, an-1 on (ha M.itl, ,r t, ,,f Wlllliim
:?- ' '.'" "!'"' ' r",
' I W I H wn R Tnrv I.I.M4M 1 - - I . .: 1 I
. t V. ..... U 1 1 r .... .
"iV.-.Vwi" ."T.u" .V' "mW,"'"'. ' .
1 V'' on. ,h r"'h "' f . '"
. 11... 1 r . V
1 Interest eanimcnclnv itl ut A i h, .nu.
bjr bond and niortgii. JAS A. 1)I.(MM, Kxr'i.
Out, IT, lnn. of lmc Jllonm doe'd.
o P
To Persons out of Emjrfoymcnl.
In every County of the'United .States,
TO enogo in tho sale of snmo or tho bust and
mest elegantly illustrated Works fulilishod.
Our publicntiims are of tho most interesting
character, adaptei to the wants of the Faruior,
ftiucbunic and .Merclmnt ; they are published in
tho bc.t stylo ami bouud in tbo most substan
tial mftuJier, nnd arc wortky a plane in tho Li
brary of ovtsry Ukiuseholil in the Land. .
i'A-Tu men of fioterfiriso aud induJIri ins hab
its, this business oilers an opportunity for nrofit
ublo employment seljoul to be 'mot with.
ii,l'rn.ns desirius; t act as agents will re
ceive promptly by mall full particulars, terms,
f c.,by addressing LKAKY. (JKTZ A co., Pub.
No. 221 North ttreot, Philadelphia.
Oct 34, ISM ly. "
List of Traverse Jurors lor an adjourn
ed Court commencing; on the 12 th
. of November 1860.
Pike Abnr Bloom jr Job. M. Spencer.
Daniel Bailey. ; '
llostoo JufTorson Bundy.
Bradford Matthew Wilson. John l)ale.
Gulich J. A. llegarty. Danl Fuik'cr-
son. '.
Ferguson Geo. M 'Crack en. Goo. Straw
John' StraT. J. M. . Williams, Albert.
Lumber City John Broomall. John
Ferguson.' .
Jordan Wm. Tusey.' John Tatterson
Brady Fred Xohler, Jos. Seylcr, Geo.
Ellinger. Jackson Jiong.
Lawrence J. It.-Iieed.
Knox Levi M'Cracken
N. Washington II.'D. Bose.
Burnside C. C, Mitchell. Peter Buth.
Joseph" Hutton
Union B F
Union B. F. Harley. HughKrh-e.
Covington J. B. Uenaud. . , ,
Graham Wm. llile.
Boccaria Wm M'Coy.
Bell Kobert Elder. John Orr.
Morris Toter Koyhorn.
Che6t Daniel Gorman.
cnTKIKI&R TlMls IX rilll.ADKI,
C5 111 A ! Trrmrndmu E.eeitemmt nmona the
Mitti-m ! ! .' KXCITINQ FOOT RACE between
tho Philadolphia Police and tho notorious For
ger and Counterfeiter, Janes Buahanan Cross
Cross liocapturcd I ! ! ! It of urns to be the genor-
ol opinion in Clearflold, (bat if Cross bad worn a
pair of Frnnk Abort's French -oiUf Jloota, that he
would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is
not tnaoh put out sit missing his custom ; hut
Would announce to all ftrkinridyc, JJoutla,
Linetln tnit BM men, and women and children
in Clonrfield, and Siunemahoning in particular,
that he is prepared to furnish them with Hoots,
Shoes ancl (juiU'rs of any style or sivttern, stitch-
i ed, sewed or peggod, (and as he is a short fcl
j low) on short notioe.
All kinds of . country prodnce taken in ex
ichango, nnd cash not n fused. Ropairing done
! in the neatest manner and charges moderate, nt
j the .Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite
lloed, Y oui or A Co's store. FRANK SllOBT.
N. B, Findings for sal Pept. 26, I860.
1). A- nUNKT
a. c. n.sstv
JanIiinT nnb .Collection: 05cf
' or
. CLE.WriEJ.1) CO UXTY, PA. .".
jnn.i.s oi. exchange, koths ako nnA"n msrotfrtEp
. DEPOSITS II Kci:ivr.i,
Ctitfctit'toni made andprocccds promjiL'y remlUof
; Kxctaaue on the Cities toiihtniitlj
on hand. -' 1 ' , i
,rOmce an fSoeend St. nearly 'eppfito ;th
couP-T jrorsE. ; - ' 1
ET:rtrroit;s oTirii.-Le tiers ,tcsto
montary having heen granted to tbe uniler-
1 kigncd on'tha Etale of Abraham Reams lals of
! Lawrence tp,, CleaTfleld co. Pa. ' And all persons
1 knowing thomsolvos indclitocl to said e slat 3 jiro
i ft n.filrU Itninnilinln v,ni'.H...,l . .1
ivijuupwu ... nv lUliilLiimiu jn.(l IUU.I, IUU
those having claims against it arc roqucstod to
present thorn to John L,-lUiws"cf Woshen town
ship, or G. V. Ithei tn of Clcsrtield Boreugh.
... .JolfNd.. hKsVMS,
Oct. 10, I860. 6t.p U. W. RUF.K.M, Ex'rs.
Dissolution of Partnership.
, The oo-partnership heretofore existing betweon
Thomas A John Hill in the woollen business in
Bridgeport is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent, all payments are to be made ta Tbos, Hill,
who will heraftureonduct the same business at
tha old stand.:
Bridgeport, Oct, 0thlS60.: 3tp.
Skeleton SkirU, a large variety at reduced pri
ces at Ixvioicoract store. Curweasville 16, '60,
Ko'p t'tistiitilty on hntid,
lit their old ulaud oil Httcond strtet,
1.1 KM fF 'VAHIOUH KlNliS,
Scales of till kind , i
which will weigh from one to 4,000'
. ( .. ... 1 t j
pourtds, ' f. . ''
of different fctylts, (
A a largo assortment of Carriage Itolls,
A general assortment of Mcohanics's 'I o&Is,
ic, (J:c.,.itc., &.c,
Of the host quality,
. Monroes patent cgg-wliips,
.a giikat variety of apple
, pari:r.
A general assortment of
. Plows ancl Plow-wings, : , r
A large and well assorted stock of
TUry Jiavo a very extensive assortment of
which they will soil on the most advinta
goous terms,
i . . i ' i
. Alsoai-ery large stock of
to which llicy deblr'e specially to call tho
ntlen lioii of Wwfrsule Dealers ;
S t o v o B 1 a c k I n g,
. . Saw Gumraers' fc, ttc
They wish also to direct the epr cial at
tention of owner',' of houses, mifll
nnd other building? to their
. stock of
which they aro prepared to lell at
the very lowest prices.
They have also an extensive assortment of
. f ir.
which they will dispose of at reduced
' 'prices'1, V'
nt greatly reduced rates;? : -
Glass, Oils, Paints.
Pprtablc'Ilcdterp and Registers,
Sieve Wire, Horo-shocnil3, Dumt.-Bclk,
0 A R - R I N G S,
Quoits, &c, ic, ic,,
They keep also a general iwsurtuiewt o
gririillnnil . J mpkntrntsf '
. such as arc iiccdcd .in this icctioaof i
- " .. . country. -Tho
fpllurviitg articles will be taken IX
KXCUAMGKfor art:lc in our lino ol
i -: . i.n , basinoss j , . . . , . .,
Old Copper, Old Brass,
'' ' ,' ttW9' sniNGLios,
ii . i -
B c o S-w a x, T a 1 J o w , . it c,
We yjt. ?Vlrjrbody to givo a call and
examine our articles, and wo led satisfied
that we can suit them In quality nnd pri-
.. '. I ,;'oei. .
-1 ' n i "i , " . .
Cloarfisld, Pa., Oct. 4, lSfif).
ftfurgf M, Ki ini.
Mitlmid N'iuix.
I'itiIi ri k A. S ivi r.
Willifim C Pnllcrfinii.
.losrpll ( 'ift ki lt,
.oli n (t. Ilrcmirr.
(icorge V. Jacohy.
diiirlcs Kdly.
Oliver P. .ji urns.
David Schall.
Joel L. Liglitner.
Saiiiucl V. Barber.
Thomas II. Walker.
Stephen S. Winchester,
.oscph Iiubach.
Isaac Reckhow.
George D. JacksotL
John A. Ahl.
Joel B.Danncr
Jesse H. Crawford
Horatio N. Leo.
Joshua B. Howell.
Nathaniel P. Fettcrnian.
Samnel Marshall
William Book
Byron D. Hamlin.
Gaylord Church.
For Electors.
George M. Keim.
Richard Vaux.
Frederick A. Server.
William C. Patterson
Joseph Crockett.
John G. Brenner.
George W. Jacoby.
Charles Kelly.
Oliver P. James.
David Schall.
Joel L. Lightner.
Samuel S. Barber.
Thomas II. Walker.
Stephen S. Winchester
Joseph Laubach.
Isaac Reckhow.
George D. Jackson.
John A. Ahl.
Joel B. Danner.
Jesse R. Crawford.
Horatio N. Lec.
Joshua B. Howell.
Nathaniel P. Fettcrman
Samucl Marshall.
William Book.
Byron D. Hamlin.
Gaylord Church.
For Electors.
George" M. Keim,
Richard Vaux.
Frederick A. Server,
William C. Patterson,,
Joseph Crockett.
John G. Brenner,
Ccorgc W. Jacoby,
Charles Kelly,
Oliver P. Jamc?,
David Schall,
Joel L. Lightner,
Samuel S. Barber.
Thomas II. W'alkcr,
Stephen S. Winchester
Joseph Laubach.
Isaac Reckhow.
George D. Jack son ?
John A. Ahl,
Joel B. Banner,
Jesse R. Crawford,
Horatio N. Lec,
Joshua B. Howell,
Nathaniel P Fcttenrean,
Samuel Marshall,
William Boole,
Byron D. Hamlin,
Gaylord Church,
For Electors.
George M. Keim.
Richard Vaux.
Frederick A. Server,,
William C. Patterson,
Joseph Crockett,
John G. Brenner,
George W. Jacoby,
Charles Kelly,
Oliver P. James,
David Schall,
Joel L. Lightner,
Samuel S. Burlier
Thomas II. Walker,
S:cphcn S. Winchester,
Joseph Lobaugh.
Isaac Reckhow.
George D. Jackson.
John A. Ahl.
Joel B. Banner.
Jesse R. Crawford.
Horatio N. Lee.
Joshua B- Howell.
Nathaniel P. Fcttcrman,
Samuel Marshall.
William Book.
Byron D. Hamlin.
Gaylord Church.