Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 24, 1860, Image 3

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Home Affairs.
iV invito the attention of tho olilic
ted to the Curd of lladanu Rehwend's Rem
tdic: We are assui ed tho ti they ' will do
all that it claimed for them, j '
Pf We learn that thePublio School
House near 'Robert Owens' in Lawrence
township, was consumed by fire last
mgni, .which was, no aouut, uie work of
an incendiary. This-is the second time
LI 1 . .... .
the School House m thot locality has been'
destroyed by fire.
ISUWe call especial attention to the
Advertisements of Merrell & Bigler in an
other column.
This firm deserves ike patronage of ev
ery citizen in the county, they aio both
young , men, and full of enterprise being
the hrsi to receive every tlitjlg (new and
useful. . Read their advertisements. ;
t&Vfe expected to furnish our readers
this week with the official vote of the tev
eral counties of the State for Governor at
the late election, but in tkis we have fail
edwo however publish the Aggregate
which is as follows, " . ; , .
For A. G. Curtin,
For II. D. Foster,
-I 22,25G
. 230,200
icaj for Curtin ' ' 32,059
The vote polled for Foster is 310 votes
less than was polled for Buchanan in 1850,
whilothe vote polled for Curtin, in 34,574
greater than the cotnbinod voteofboth Fre
mont and Fillmore at the sauio election
showing that the whole natural increase
has been cast for the Republican candid
ate. - -' ' - ; : .' !
The Republican majority in Ohio is
about 8000, one half less than it was
thought to be at first, and this is caused
by negio votes the State would, if no one
but white peoplo were allowed to vote be
Hear what the Cleveland Plaimlcalcr
says about negro voting at the lute election
"Full blooded negroes voted in several
of the wards yesterday. At tho Second
ward, negroes as black as coal peddled
tickets. Negroes hired carriages and car
ried white, men to tho polls. Negtoes
were everywhere. The refrain commenc
ing '
"Sheep's meat 'a too good for negroes."
is an absurdity. Here on the Western
reserve, roast beef is hardly good enough
for them. They sit at the first tablo, and
white men are forced to lap up the crumbs
nt tho second. That's the stylo horo.
That's what ails us. We have met the Af
ricans, and we aro ihsirs."
What we Seen.
We were never more agreeably disap
pointed in our lifo then wo were during
the progress of our "Fair" last week, not
withstanding the inclomoncy of the weath
er during a large portion of the time the
fair was open, everybody seemed pleased
nnd joyful, the very best order prevailed
during the f hole time, and not a single
accident occurred upon tho ground.
The magnificent display of Apples sur
priod us more than anything else on ex'
tibition, though we have traversed alnrtre
portion of tho county, we were not aware L Ti o j i ,(,estf r wl)i.l'' '' ? 0(1
that such fine apples; and such numerous!0 T,1n, 2l tSlf, d 1 00
varieties could betound within our coun- Mrs. R. Shaw sr. bostcoo'nsririnir
ty. The display would bo an honor to any! chickens, ,lo 1
of cur older counties in tho Eastom part!?,60, 11'0.!'" SJ,ic.kcn CO0P 1'P-
of the Stall.. -
The inventive goniuii in our county is
lso expanding ; a number of Patents were
on exhibition invented by citizens of our
county several of which nre worthy of spe
cial notice.
Hon. J. T.. Hoyt exhibited a water.
wheel which We bel ieve will supercede all '
now in use an excellent invention.
Messrs. Fenton it Spencer exhibited
.ii i , . , .
vmci min uuu press which exceeds any
i unrig ever before in U9e
j John Russell exhibited a Harrow
something every Farmer needs which is
I hound to harrow up tho feelings, nnd
fiold of every one trying and using it a
1 ; ' " , ; . . ,
! a numocr oi oilier userut agricultural
useful invention.
ii.iuviiin uTig mw uu BJIUIUIIIUII Vy
jfarmeri having them In ubc, all of which .1.. n.. I ' 1 " . ' t
will prove profitable to every one exam-
mng them.
The ladies department was complete,
nd their smiling faces told that thev
ere aware of it too.
Jellies, Preserves,and Canned fruits were
n abundance and of the very best quuli
We have heard quite a number of young
lents making sly inquiries as to what
got a Dip. for Jellies, Preserves, Neo
llework etc, '
t These are some of the essential inqui
res to be made by those who desire to
tress the question to an itsue between
Onthe 10 Instant by the Rev, J It
kOcht, Mr Loranxn Ttlnnm In Mlu. Tara.
I 1 Hr It 18 slated that thn Hnn r,lu r,l I Class 21. toes
i - : - i
werett is abont to marry tho widowed Misa. C Smith l1M,t nnn mn Jordan Reed Half bushel 2d best do
j Jugoter of Judge Pettigrew, of South r, ... J Dimeling Half bushel carrots
i arolina. The lady is described as aUf- , . . . !Jm I Fll"'nK Kfg plants, Kas
Jonde,attractivo,intellectual and wealthy. 1 V, T , ,,1e. i ,Mr? ,Jo,cPu A Caldwell I kin (' Japan Apples
ttd about thirty-three years of ace. I ?. . , I. rllV Irwin and Mrs Josiah Reed 1 Bushel bctts
I J ! I,av' Dressier, each had butter of ouch G P Gulich 2d best do
r J! 05rft11nnrA nn n v ilii inn ! tl, T .1 - i T . i. i i . ir tn .
J? H,'Gehan, both of Jordan township
l j Oearfleld county Pa- 1
A1 ''forable tenor cf the foreign advices by
? , "7 'tt a material advance In Liver.
oniy in j;ionr bul Wheat and Corn.
S fera bbl
4 ! 1 Iperfine Stita.
alt . . libera iteady.
f iff Bush.
' V steuiT at
1 Hi 7,"
6.T cv e.oa.i
4.45 (i
Ii firm and advancing.
1.35 (cj)
i. '
eed searee an j worth
5.7S 5,80
v it ni i ; . .
by the Clearfield county Agricultural
A N N;U A L F A lit
hM IfttW 17l .e.'l0.k JLfO- ;wrt
- -ooeietv. nt it r nt
. w. y i uu. ui vyui, ou,
' Class 1.
Thos. Bee,. 3 year old bull 2d prem $2 00
J & H M'GheeS year old bull 11? dk"l nn
Wm Rrown 3 vr Vmll o,r " ,V"
' " "
Wrn P.rown 8 mo old bull 1st prem
Thos M'Ghee3 mo. old bull calf do
... -v. uu A'lll.
JaHJUCWun'y 1!'ni0 'd bull " do
i no Mctintly 18 mo o Id bull Ha
It.Swart8orth8nioold bull ' do
Class i.
.T M.Kf. ....... O.l til i
" 3 m ihi uuu uo . z iu
vr.ji.uefu nostcair i do v-' -
1 hfw M 'fl lino O.l Ti.j ..lf I -i..t -.t il
i.ewis vnroon isest iieiter " i)
T i . .... i
Will. Ili'mvn 9,
A Bust lieifcr Dip, b
Class 3. i , , , ..
T M'Ghoe Best Darhatn cow Prom., ?2 00
J Hoy t 2d do ordinary st'k cow do ' 2 00
Class. 4. , '
A, Reed BeRtyk. 5 years old oxen do
M. Brown Bestyk. 2 do old oxen do
i. ' . Class 6.
.1 Miller Best fat steer Premium
J Miller 2d at stoer do
2 00
?2 00
1 . ' , . Class 1. .
J Tetera & co, best blooded stal'n prem.l 00
JI Vandorpool 2J best do do do 2 00
M Greys Best draft stallion Dip.
Win Caldwell Best 2 year old stallion
' " , premium 2 00
G L Reed 2n best 2 year old stal'n do 1 00
Class 8.
A. M. Hills, best saddle and carriage
mare (I.ady Nancy) Dip.
A Murry best geld, over 4 y r. old pr'm$l 00
J A L Flegal best span Farm hors. do 2 00
J A L Flegal, best pulling horse prom I 00
K Levingston 2u best do do Dip.
J Reed 2 best farm mnre over 3 yrs old d!p
M Soil 2d best
(o celuini!
Class Q.
B, C.
Bowman, best pair matched car-
ciago horses, premium f 2 00
Diggin & Hickman 2d best matched car
riage horses, Dip.
Class 10.
C Brown best mare &, colt nrrminm SJ nn
T Reed 2d best maro t colt do 2 00
A M Hills hest nmre over 3 y. old do
J J Itocd 2d best do over 3 y . old do
2 00
1 00
2 00
I 50
1 00
1 50
tu Jiloom best eld. over 3 v. old do
Thos. Reed, best 3 year old colt, do
oi iteo J m best A do do colt do
HWMullin best 2 year oldcolt do
Ross Reed 2d host 2 year old colt do
I 00
Beni. Jurv. bestl venr old ool.Hn.r
A I) Knapp best 1 year old coll nrem SI (V)
J Lounsberry 2d best , ; ' l)ip, i
J Caldwell, best spring colt, Dip.
' Class 11.
B. C- Bowman, fastest trotting horso 5
miles, Dip. 1(3 min 23 sec.
T. J. M'Cullough, 2d best trotting horse
5 miles Dip. 1(5 min. 34 sec.
Class 12.
B.C. Bowman, horse Blondin fastest trot
ter, Premium $20 00
Class 13.
M. S. Ogden, Rest Buck sheep, prem2 00
'A. Reed, 2d best do d
I 00
IV R. Dressier, net Fawn.
Class 14.
G L Reed, Best Bonr,
piemium?2 00
lco 1 horn 'M best roar
do 1 00
do 3 00
W L Moore f- R. J Wallace b. hogs
J T Leonard best breed s wine,
uivn, i urKey, iir
Class 10
Robison & Denmark Best plough prem.l 00
J D Thompson 2d best plough, uip.
Merrell & Bigler spears steel plough do 1 00
do do Iron mould board do dip.
Merrell & Bigler Spears Iron plough
(centre) prom. 1 00
Fenton & Spencer swivel plough dip. ,
do do Rogers subsoil do prem.l 00
Jos. Irvin, do subsoil do dip.
. Class 17.
J Russol Best flexible harrow prem $2 00
r- j J R Reed 2d host do " do dip.
Wm T lrwm "expnnslon cultivator p.l 00
koss Keed best horse rake prem. 1 00
Merrell & Bigler Ihs( corn sheller, do 2 00
Class 18.
Fenton & Spencer cider mill (original
invention) prem.Ji 00
John Russel. 2d Bestorininnl invent'n lin
lEIlis It win & Sons, Best Stalk and Straw-
IpiiMpf mnmmn
Josian jc Heed, 2d Best do. Dip.
Sam'l Breidemire, Best lime sprtader Dip.
W:l l I t i ... 1 ...
Miles lteed, Best clover-hullor, I Up
Class 10.
Geo Thorn, bostbeo-hivo prem. ?I,00
Vm. L Hawkins, best stumpspuller," Dip
Class 20.
Miles Reed, best bush wheat, prem. 91,00
r.u l erns, zti best, do
.dlerks, 2d best, do Dip
. W. Campbell, best bush Spring wheat
prom. $1,00
A P Moore. 2d best, do
Dip ?1 00
Potter Reed, sn mp'.o of barley
A Reed bett bush buckwheat
T. Reed 2d best, do
A Reed best bush Rye,
I forger 2d best do
1) Dresler best bush oats,
A Reed 2d best do
I Kirk best lot of corn ears,
M Reed 2d best do
Class 21.
were unable to make a destinction, Mrs
m. Morgan best cheese. dip
' Class 21.
A II Shaw best bbl of flour din r'oo1
R. Shaw ' 100 W) of Spring wheat dip
bcl o0 It) of buokwhwit flour dip
"!.fi Cikti 26.1 ,1 ;
Geo Thorn best honey , dip
B 1-1 rt.-ii. . I r I.
rj iruury, set Jtest .(tip
. .,vw v vAuiuifivii. iune k n u uiiirta tjust'iiii tv v ir iiPnt ioi
$5.6flra $J.T5.iMrs. J. G Jones, best apple Jelly dii
hiss a Irwin Uvplay of JelUosdip
Masai Irwin 2d ; . : rfin
' MA Irwin beat fclaekborry preserve dip
. A A j"ng ,ied Jf'erry jelly flip
it Lr vTuoiiiGiiov nrwr. trntiA inn a
.w ... v.v W.
Mrs R Mosson host Sloe iellw di
Mrs D G Neyling bnet titiinewjflly dip
Z f, 0081 P.eaf Jelly, dip
""'B w"ue currant jonv dip
Wm Merrell best Siberian crab-ann
j""r v - mm m .. w ciir
1 Wf 5 b!8t Stf. Mm odeii best jK?
Mrs 11 Irwin best Strawberry jelly din 'an n vI'-Fm
Miss Eliza Reed 1 crab apple clly dip
Mrs Q R Hnrrelt best air-tight peaches dip
' Tat?4 2"d ' ft .
S"n' P.resor.v?J PCBcl" diP
, i. " .uossop .a oest
Miss IS Fleming best preserved . GooTf ber -
?ercs, din
j'Mrs H Irwin best presm'd tomat's dip
R Mossop ' Sloes dip
..aUi:.. ir i ' . . r.-. ..I
i uws ii irwm i iiron dm
srvo Uip
U'P . .
75tUi,rs J i irwiij a reaches i
j . I ii 1'1.... 1 j r.-: A
R'Shaw ir ' cround Ciierrv nreservo
U Jt Barrett Uinntly Teaches dip
31IRS h Koed best epiced Pears dip 1
Mrs E Irwin ' Mangoes, dip
' E Irwin ' pickled peaches dip
G R Barrett best mixed Pickle.dip
Miss M A Irwin best Tomato dip
Mrs Wm L Moore ' Pickalilly dip
Mies E A Wright ' Tomatoe catsup dip
Mrs J Boy n ton 2d best dip
' Wm Irwin & Daughter best Apple But
ter. dip
Mrs H Irwin best Tlum Butter, dip
G R Barrett ' Peach Butter din
Miss J Shnw best air-thight Blackber
ries, .dm
Miss MA Irwin bestairnticht Corn din
Mrs R Mossop best spiced Peaches dip
' S J Row best white r.)br'y Jam dip
Miss A Larimore b'st Silver cake dip
Mrs J G best Sponge cake dip
u K carrel bs't Lo f wh't Bre'ddip
' J Boynton Best Pound cakn dip
Class. 20.
Ann Reed best p'r woollen blankets $1,00
Mrs Jiw Wrigley best single blanket dip
do do best rag carpet wool chain 1,00
Mrs John Barclay best ran carpet cottnn
chain din
Miss Nancy Ogc'en best wool coverlet 1.U0
Mrs Sophronla Harthorn best rus dip
Miss Nancy Bloc m hest knit wool mitts "
Mrs llartz. Caldwell best knit wool hose "
Miss Jenny Owens best specimen of knit
ting by littlo girl ' dip
Mis William Buchanan best cloth caps dip
Class. 27.- -Mils
.1iiggie Irwin best crochet tidy dip
r runcos .ioore best do dip
" .Vary K -1oore best em. lamp mat dip
" .1cXaul 2d best do dip
" A'dith Boynton best knit lamp mats d
" Bertha Wright best chen. slippers dip
.Vis Fleming best silk embroid. dip
"AC Finney 2u best do dip
" A Hills best Ottoman uover in silk dip
" Doct Bryant best do in worsted dip
u nri. oil.. . 1
.my uiicis.u UCSt UO
-Vary Ann Irwin best embroid. sett
.1rs A C Finney best embroid, skirt
Dli ISevling tiust einliroid. "illo'i
Sophiocia Swan best braided cap
iucnssa irwin o?st cmbroul. collar
Mrs Morris Wallace 2d best do
" Matilda-Allport best embroidered nnl.
lar by an ehiorly lady dip
Anna Mills 12 years old bst embroider
ed muslin din
I.- 11. ii In ...rt I
runny jwreu v years otuj -Jd best do dip
' CLASf 28.
yr T..! n-....i n.... .i i ...
uviiuiu uj. iiui, juni iioiieu quilt clip
' Nannie Smith, best Chain work, Dip
Mrs. D Bryant, best wax flower & fi uit.din
MrsAMUills 2d bet do do Din
If t L'l l 1.1 I . . ...
niio ouaw yut-c r) oest KimteU lace Dip
Mrs M J Shaw 2d best do do Dip
Miss S. Barrett crotchett Shawl Dip
Mrs Mcndenhall knitted cloud Din
Mrs M E Leonard best plain sewing Dip
Miss E Lanich best bead work, Dip
Mrs wm Merrell d best bead work, Dip
" Dr Bryant best leather work. Din
- Morns ivauaco best quilt, Dip
" G L Reed 2d best quilt. Din
MissS Barrett, one quilt, Dip
Class 2'.. ,
Miss Nannie Irvin best Oil painting Dip
Mrs Spotswood 2d best paintim: Dip
Miss S Barrett best Pastil painting Dip
" Sally Rhesin best poucil drawing Dip
Hon Wm Bigler for tho ereatest vnrintv.
and largest display of "Oil paintings and
riintni-ia " nurl ('.m It. a ....... . . I .1 '
( '1 ii ivi Hiu lllullIitT Ul lllCU nv
rungement on tho cround. Din
Charles Hole best Anibrotjpe, tV,p
A M. nuts best set ot Artificial teeth Din
Class 3D
Merrell & Biglor bst noblo cook stove?.100
uo do best Ida coal stove . 2 IX)
do do best stanly sto. for wood2 00
do do best Tin ware 1 ih)
J P Hoyt best water wheel (original in
vention) 5o0
Mcrroll & Bigler best display of cutlery
Doct II
P Thompson best Jonny
Amos Reed lest farm wagon dip
i;.j o.i i. . i i. ..
!!!. ureu ali iitrei. uo uo uo nip
Kern it Laporto best Sleigh dip
Parks & Merrell best Bujirv wheel
G L Way best coach
ico Thorn best one horse cart
Wm Gahngan Best Spring wagon
(ieo Thorn best Stone Bout
Tark d-Merrell best trotting bugy dip
Geo Thorn best Wheel borrow C ?l 00
Johp A Keed, best sot mortising chisels
manufactured in the counly dip
Clvcs 31.
Mills AiSpackman, best display of Me-
chanicworked doors, sash si Jeing mould
work, Din.
Class. 35.
Geo Thorn Imperial White potatoes or
Geo Thorn best half bushel potatoes dip
Amos Reed Half bushel California pota-
dip dip
flip I
Lewis Irwin Sweet potatoes
Henry Gulich Half Bushel (
' ' din
Onion & Citron
A tnos Reed Leghorn Squash
l. villi J 'OR l- lUIIT.ll
Joseph Caldwell Squah Trx
mnkin '
.i ii uuine nest vnutitio-yers ,
Henry Snider best Cabbago
'n ?. Xfrt.fn Jll ....... .1'-- r 1
TT ....I 1 . y i . . ,
, sialic
'O W Jtheem best single Ilarnesi dip S2 00 1
' .loll II M'Plinriiin lioal CilLI... , Ink1
John M'XauI vOo 2d best do' - (lip"'
J. Jt FM.'&aughcy.bcst grained bUck
. i..iri'
- . -
Calfskin ilinSIifl
4 31 iautiVLo test upper liar dtp "
J t I) .WGhaugher 2(1 best do do dip
do hest Bn Leather dip do
uo ao niue or Harness . . ,i;n j.
do do da of Skirtinc ,r,r ,i
W W TWt Kn. r i.: i.-
Jacob Stump do Slippers k) dip $1 i)
Class 37
Uipl W
ASS 08
a Tl p, . .. ... - .- , ,
a JlOW brtt exhibition of ramphlcl card
and other printing
Class 3!)
F disnlav of IlrnL-r.i. l.,.
ing baskets, Urns, nnd i other J Pottery
Ware"; . .'v . i . .; t 'din
Soap dip
laril Rnan liln
! 11 Xn" Compound toilet Soep
ti u'0.t..ii I...T. n
, Class 41
drnped jlnrblo
Wm Galjagnh
Class, 42
l " Swol10 hcs,t disPlay of niincrals and
Shells. i ... dip
j jnvjn Ljme stone .. , . ul
1 I '. !! ....
Class 43
Win Chambers best W machine dip
A M Smith best Sewing machine dip
Inventor Ladu & Webster
Miss II Irwin best Basket Bouquet dip
3iss E Lanich Bouquet Din
Mm lrvins best cone what-not Dip
.1 iss Jane Flegal Lest cone stand Dip
Mrs Dr. Bryant best hair flowers "' Dip
Lornin it Ilartzwick Variety Case, consis-
tine of perfumorv and Toilot n.-C.-l.w ,r
profit. i-nri..t
t . ii",r
iioiiune k nanzwicK. Renin Fntmtn n
silver plated of modern stylo and justly ra
tod first lass.
II. K Naugle, a silver platud show-case,
containing a large variety of gold it silver
watches, also Jewelry of rich quality and
greatexcellcnce hard, to beat anywhere dip
The judges wish to add that tho display
in this deparlment has equalled anything
at any of our Stale fairs or in our lar"o
Class 44.
Geo Thorn best Plums Dip
Geo Thorn bent variety of apples and
other fruit Dip SO 50
Klisha Fenton 2J best of fruits &c, Dip
Mrs A I earhnrt best display of
Peaches Dip $0 50
L Dressier best display Bus. Apples Dip
E Irvin it Son 2d best j do do Dip
G R Barrett, best American cranes. Din
G W Rhcem 2d best do do
.1 T Leonard 3d best do do
Jrs Jane Jones best specimen of do
mestic wines
Mrs, Wm Irvino & )
" J Boynton and L2d best
" S J Row
Class 45.
Chicago Zouaves, tho exhibition of this
company of fantastic surpaed anything
In tho order of tho ridiculous that has ev
er made its appearance in this, or perhaps
any other county, and by way of rilling
up an otherwise idlo moment in the con
tre of our beautiful fair ground was most
opportune, and dmv from the thousands
assembled there tho loudest and heartiest
fipplausoand lauchler.
Best brass band of Curwrnsvillo
Best Jarlial Band Clearfield Rifle
2d Besl .lartial band Chest Crook
Best Cavalry, Mountain Cavalrv
liest j.ight Infantry, Clearfield Rifles Dip
The exhibition of Ladies and Gentle
mens riding Company was very creditable,
but they not having been properly enter
ett on the books, tho Judges were unable
to make a proper report. Tho Executive
Committee cannot therefore award pre
miums. Miss Alice Mossop, for good horseman
ship in driving, xip
Clearfield Co. Agricultural Sociely
List of Travere Juron i0r an adjourn
ed Court commencing on the 12 th
of November 1860.
Pike A bur Bloom jr Job. M. Spnncor.
Daniel Bailey.
Huston Jefferson Bundy.
Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Dale.
!, Gulich -J. A. Hegarty.1 Danl Fulker
son. .
i Ferguson Geo. M'Crackon. Goo. Straw
' John .Straw. .1. ,S. Williams, Albert.
Lumber City John Eroomall. John
Jordan Wm. Tuscy. John rattorson
Brady Fred Kohler. Jos. Seylor. Geo.
EUinger. Jackson Long.
liawrenco J. 11. Keed.
Khox Levi M'Crncken
N. Washington H.'D. Rose.
Bttrnside C. C. Mitchell. Tcter Ruth.
Joseph. Hutton.
i. nion B. I-. Hailey. Hugh Ivriso.
Covington J. B. Renand. "
Graham Wm. Hilo. -Beocaria
Wm M'Coy.
Bell Robert Elder. John Orr.
Morris Tetor Roy horn.
Chest Daniel Gorman.
XI'X'UTOR'g KOTICIi-Lcttcrs testa.
mcnuirv having been ernntod to the under.
signod on tho hstnte of Abraham T.eams lato of
Lawrence tp., Clcnrfleld co. Pa. And all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said eituto aro
requested to make lmmediato payment, and
those having claims against it are requested to
present thoin to John L. Heams'of Goshen town
ship, or U. W. Rbccm of Clearfield Ilnrough.
Oct. 10, ISflfl. fit.p Q. W. RHEE M, ) E'rs.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The co-partnership heretofore cxiiiting botween
Thomas A John Hill in tho woollen business in
Rridgcport is this day dissolved by mutual rnn.
i sent, all payments nre to bo made to Thos, Hill,
who will noraltcr conduct tho snmo business at
tint Kl.l fund. 1
-. . '
Bridgeport, Oct. 9th 1900. 3tp. joj uxft1
Jill .11 a,, hill,
Teachers Wanted.
The beard of Directors of Knox town
ship aro desirous of employing four com
petent teachers, for a term of 4 months.
Application to bo made immedjaMy lo
Conrad Baker,
resident, or D. J. Cnth-
cart, Secret ar
Oct. 3.1 ISOi
r(7f t
And , exteusive . lcalcr
sipiare Timber, lizards,
.:., Shlnelea. Ac. i ' ; ?
"rnjr rt.v.KV.
weft siijl'
Ci D -AC''
dipl. , .'
M'ch 11
PU11MC SALE. The undersigned will
( sell by publle outcry at the late residence of
Abraham Koin dee'd, In Lawrence towushlp,
on Thursday the 1st November Two- horses,
i horio gears, Cows ind young cuttle, sheep and
w wairon, sieign, Heus, plows,
Harrow, hay by tho ton, grain, stoves, bods;
uu d kunlthi variviy 01 nouscnoid anil
'"'eben furniture. Terms made known ' oh day
bureaus, and a general variety of household and
vi "lie. Bale to eonimeuce at o'clock A. M
Oct. 17, ISflO 2tp. OBO. W. Hit GEM,
Executors of ilio estate of Abraham Keam dee'd.
Executor'! Notice.
Letters tctumnlnry tiavinj; been this day
grarted to tho undersigned on the estate of
Alirnhnin l'earco sr., late of Uradford township,
Cleitrficld county l'a. All pormns knowing
tbcinxulvcs indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those baring
claims ng dnst it aro requested to presont them
duly authenticated to the'iindcrsigned
Oct. 17th, lSfifl, gt. pit. :
Poper attention t
j mo leeia in proper
y time will be of grcnl
- benefit to .every one
in noint of honlili
oomfart, nnd convenience.
. "" !cnn always bofonnd nthisof-
i ace, on the corner of Front
and Main streets.
I wlicn
no notice to the contrary appears In this
Al operations In the line of h is profession,
performed in the latest and most iinprovedi
styles, and gnarnntced for one year agnintt al
natural failures.
Stray Heifer..
A stray Iloifor came tresspassing upon tie
premises of the tubicriber, about the lut of Au
gust last, in Bloom tp., a brindle heifer with
whito face nnd three whito feet; supposed to bo
about 3 years old-
Tho owner is requested to cotne forward, prove
property, pay charges and take it away, or it
will be disposed of according to law.
llloom tp., Oct. 10, '00 .3tp. J01IN BILuER.
rpilE tl.l.Altl li:i.D ACADEMY, will
X bo opened for the recoption of nunilx.
(mules and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1800,
Termt per session of c!ovn Weeks
Orthography, Reading, Vriting, Trimnry
Arithmetic and 6'eography. $2.60
llighor Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog
raphy nnd History. $.1.00
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy
nnd Hook Kocping $4.00
Latin nnd Greek langungos. $0 00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qnalify
theinsnlvca fur teachers, this Institution offors
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for loss than half a session,
and no deduction made except for protractod
Tuition to be paid at the close of the term.
C. B. SANDFORD, Principal.
May 181.0.- Iy.
Cabinet, Chair Making:,
"I OHN GiaiCH, of the borough of Clonrficlo,
ff I's., will ho prepared at all times to attend to
to any business in the above line on short
notico, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His place
of business is at tho old shop on the north side of
Market street, 3d door east of Third it. nearly
opposite the old Jew store) where be will keep
constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma
hogony and Cauo Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
Waro of every description, which be will dispose
of on as reasonable terms as the same articles
can bo had elsewhere in tho county.
His stork of Cabinet Wore now on hand, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common Itureaus,
Sofas, Hewing nnd Washing Stands, Dusks and
Hook Cases, French and Field Post Uedsteads.
Dining, Ilrenkfast, Centre, Card and Tier Ta
bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured and dulivored at
any place desired.
February 9, 1869. no. 4, vol. iv.l
I tni-BiAnn iiM MI s.l.liBy virtue
V 01
of a n order of the Orphan's court of Clear
field county. There will he exposed to rublie
sine, ot the home of Isano Bloom in the Borough
ui i urn uimi lllL', on
nt 1 o'olock 1 M., the following real estate to
wit :
All that certain tract of land situnto in Tike
township. Clenrleld county l'a., bounded by land
r 11 1 1 x- .. I .i . . . .
' tf Win M.Vnnl nn !.(...... n 1 1. - . . . 1
1 .v....... Ui. illv nun, vii uiu vnsi v iana
fW, ..v K- l.J . . j,'.
ot wm. Jlehlcn, on tho north bt fund of Oeo. C,
I'assmore, and on the south by land of William
MeNaul Cent lining 150 acres more or less,
with a two stnry bouse, double barn, out build
ings, orchard nnd about It acres clenrei land
thereon, Into the estate of Isaac Bloom dee'd;
1 h.H !!!, one R'.th cash at timo of sale. nd
the balnnco In four equal annual payments with
interest cummencing 1st May 1861. to be soiared
by bond and mortgage. JAS A. BLOOM, Kxr'a.
Oot. 17, I8fi0. of Isaac Bloom doe'd.
D. A.
A. C.
unliiiuT ;mb (EoIItdioit Ma
Colfnliont mark and proceeds promptly remitted
Exchange on the titles ronatnutly
on hand.
j Jt-9'OSc on Second St., nearly opposite the
EI 11 1 2 :
Keep constantly on hnnd.
nt their old stand on Second slret,
Scales of all kinds
which will weigh from one oz. to 4,000
pounds, . .
of different styles,
A a large assortment of Carriage Bolts,
A general assortment of Mechnnics's Tools,
4c., 4c, 4c 4c,
Of the best quality,
Monroes patent egg-whips,
A general assortment of
Plows and Plow-wings,
A large and well assorted stock of
B3iff"Siria mmcJl Hails,
They have a very extensive assortment of
which they will sell on tho most advunta'
geous terms,
Also a very largo stock of
to which they desiro specially to call tho
attontionof Wholesale Dealers; '
Stove Blacking,
Saw Gummors (f'c, 4e.
They wish also to direct the special at
tention of owners, of houses, mills,
and other buildings (o their
block of
which they aro prepared to sell at
- tho vory lowest pricos.
They have also an extensive assortment of
which they will disposo of at reduced
p r i c e; s ;
at greatly roduccd rates ;
Glass, Oil s, . Paints
Portiible Heaters and Registers,
Sieve Wire, Horso-shoo Nails, Bumb-Bcll -,
Quoits, 4c, 4c, 4c,
They keep also a general assortment of
Agricultural Implements,
such as are needed in this section of
The following articles will bo taken IN
EXCHANGE for articles in our line ot
business ;
' Oltl Copper, Old Brass,
Decs-wax, T ft 1 1 0 w 4 c,
We invite everybody to give us aoall ar. 1
examine our articles, and we feci satisfied
that we can suit them in quality and pi i-
r o 6 S . : -I
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 24,' l'ftftO.
4 . -