llome Affairs .1; eimturB, SH'iAcb 518, lMQkt On Thursday thellth Inst, by Riohstrd h-rMVJJVy' spt.J5ib. Dl - ) m . . AlUllUf CllilLUlllJUIllI' A riLM 1M I uka Ml I AMI. Il A a hiu U. . ,i oisww- vr., uq,. sur, aipnn puller to him. , .tvt: 7i.t---.t.-,- , r--.-- .,...... I Mariati Cnnblin kntti nf Ij Bar Tot Moiar.-Furmert. Mech tw ica nd other., rto want to buy 'cbeip'.'o, On !. llat;, by Chas'. sioftn; T erocki bd better go to Feed iitinger's MrJolip Livingston or Dccutut: Ip, ii: 'wJmvi' vy .1 k l I.J . . .J . : ", , ., l- wv uW,i i iiiw i ritVWWUiliWCa OF.TSS LXi I ITUIOMUa I. UYNDKR would '. ewu losUm. i iDinnn mu an WMnniau. stnt. mi. . be will open, in Clearfieldy e tobool fur the tuidy AND V.IOH PRESIDENT OF TUB 0. make lb. tohool a permanency,, ibt promi..e to Whore... tor an aciloV the tiLeral Assembl!! J??f V""1 i. i. j .,, . '.:; . .. . . . . ' ruunno. - - - - - Jq.,r' uie .i-ommonweaiui oi rennsyivanio, ana u M-" R , d,,, t eM la 'Druul uiu'iurni in.reio, it is I. A. BAnrtWICX M. D JDRUG if VARIETY , " ci Miss K.' aostres te cnH attention partloalarly- K prov douYthut to fll0, thst ,hewil, gi, 6lxiy i,MI,llw,a,..I pi nuorCumvjW1,:LVE lu,, for tll0 ,Bn9 pr,ce JPP,,.; niuu.bor.ortho which other, leacliara hav givon l)ut:XUIKiy.i ' elect on at tho loitoWh, jb. I, divided into two-parts, I . t. V M III .1 " - i"! fl.U IJ1 ..I.,' Miss M,.lcr.r A nn I'.Iom r.:. 'BOCIOCIOM Of IU0 tUVAM. . COUtltiPi Viri.- .ml.w l""E" -,-VT-r 6" "-"'Ml v..,M-,on.llh . nualifi.J .,( voU f, n, lAUILlu.'tM t -I'lutiMhif''tKi nt.M r.l I,- !n . . ' . . . 1. a w- . T..n... T...l.-.,.,K . ; DIED. ... Y t .r. . r,Vri;..'li.J .ir..!.!. .lueoreucai ana practice. .nivi in r.ni.r 1V.0 nioofin f ' 1 nis morninc nnotil 8 o'clork. of nih.'on " r them for 12 J per gallon. .1, 1 ..! .0 uos aii'l Lawrence ' certnin. ITLi Thlk'J mnrninc 'about 8 o'clock, of .Dtbt'.5'0 result 1 ' ii-R"RF n t jonn mm i.cnortu"-' ' JlcvdiviDg duublti tlit amuui.1 of inttractioa, l l uciutty nexi aiwr trie r ir .unntiutf j; ., . i. , . .1 .... .VcWailir.ln tl ' J.ar of oor- fori one thoui. i ri. j T L-j .Zl'jKrX"'', . . 1 . , . t . - film wiov vwHu.vt. tMlv, 11 M IHIDI VI IUI KHUUI are atrictljr fullowad, aha pltdjei berielf sot to sand eight hundred and forty,1. ad on tb taais t v , r. ., . :.i Lar (re LOilAlNE & CO: h . . ! .W (T On.Puirffly nfghtlaVt, Of.dj'ptlieriu.'MisB re'.f electing Lleotort fre.ident and Vie., Tll BooKi-R.ohardf on or Oroba. for Piano. Tot 24th DisiHitTIt U believed, that -VW,bler of iTnttUew Tate o QroVv'-V.. f Ti.Fntfi.irir w fr , ' C""1 or tot Oaitar. .1 i Gen. Tatton's majority will lo in' 'tlph? t'1' - !' :- -hiS neighborhood of 1500. ' pities arMJ ' diptheri. m folio...-. Warre, Vel- Mo fc - ivaaaBrifjvaaBnHaMaaBaajajnnaB Kean ana Jcflerson Pftol4i0..in ftll. 2100jt" from which is to be tnkcil 350 in CItjrion, V C?tt Vi id il Hill l lietS. end .)0 10 hlk, fur Kivl. jiSrOver 500 more voten wero polled at the rcocnt election in Clearfield co., than on any provious occasion.'" jrecin.n oi Mia count, quanneu IQ Tot. lor- , Bert, j, b. 8tctrnrV MtMri. ?, muir nnnii nnuon gnincn on.i I'lous I in. ; r. Km,l. rir U'm k...rf. .J .11 NOVKMUliR NEXT, then and " " wV7..-. 1 . VVT "r.'T.r:"' " Soeorincer, ffm. Irvine, K. 1 IL'.'li'.vl'' 51 'L 1 '!' ' )tTi flTll DAY OF "" "": , ;i ,1.. t., V. ft.jirr ...i ...1. i si , a. , iuvii, 10 in in. .v.i. vi mixi4& 'v vivc a. lu w?"i""'i Tekly ,H? K.,A"" 8o". the morning, and SKVJJNoVlook in lb. evening r . VTITi 1 j oriaia aay.io vow tor inwu-MH.t vmiom. and Ueneral Dry Goods. Hi .naijli r rnrriii r . ti..,u..ni L.i v; d...;.i. ... aww vJ v a 1 v.iuuut , ivw a 1 a wu L 1 X I"1'- 9L$l -nf thai TIti.ta.fi RuIdh And that th wa.ru! Buckwhoat 19 Pn, .... my. " 1 Aug, a5, 1.80.-3t O .-.ii r.- f ACiTiryou wuh to buy sood and cheap ,ota poods almosUt1ity.WSt.,gotoG.KraU : ter & Sons whore you will find, an t excel- Flour, Pup. Fine, if, bM. lent assortment of clothing, and every! t" ,?,VrF(; ', thing else you really need. ' ' ' ' Juried Apple.! Tp 'b. . . S.W issue onr paper this week one '!""' 1 . ( K day ip aavaaceof cur usual day oFiiublica-i, Bran "ja Bu. . . v . . . . lion, in order to give the J)evi!, and the f."" V !.S-ck rest of us a chance to attend the fair H;,E, the data on our outside i therefore wrong. i Hcn, baini and sides, .. i uea per. Dunn.. j.We ttill have room upou'our books for a few more ne,w iulnicriliersand hie our friendn while in town attending .the "Fair" will also drcn in nt the "Rsnub i. m.V o(Bce andleave'1heirTinmesvith us, g'Vj "hveryooay tanes tne nepubiican, it is only $1,25 per annum, in advance . tU r.-'Bit -of the Uuited - J 1 : 1 ,00 Judges, Inapeotors and Clerkf,. wbo atall borf . ' . 40 nticndod at tbo preceding Ueaeral El.etion, nr. ' . ,'. 00 reqnir.d to attend nd perform the alike duties, i 1 a aa i 1 - i ' . i : i . i.i.. r . - i . r v,uw inn ov uigec. w kiimv ieunuia tur uvgivvui WATCH & JEWELHy. THE'underaignod reipectfully Informs hit .uitoui.rs and tho oi . r IlaT culms renoraiiy, inai a. naa just 7,0ft . dnty or misconduot ai tn.y (hall be liable at said I mr roceived from the East, and o en. 0,00' General ileotion - ' A,!!-i - . I ad at hit establishment In 0HAHAW8 JtO IK 7,50 . The Eleolora of the Couuty of Clearfield will ' Clearfield, i'a., a fine assortment of Clocks, ' . 10 'take notice that the said Uuliun fur Electors of . Watcbis, and JcwsLnr of diffennt qnalitiet, 18 l'residont 'and Vic. President of tb. .. United i from a tingl. pi... tea full sett, which h. will , i 4 MIT Stales will bo held at th. following placet: f .50 1 ' At the house of Samuel M. BuiitU for th. town 8,00 'ship of Beccaria, " u25 At thebouse of Aseph Ellis, for th.' township :; 2 of Bolt. i- ; u --i lr. . j ' 0U0 1 -. At. the bous. 6f James' Bloom, Sr, fur the towa- 1.50 ; ship of Bloom.' : ' ' i ' -V ..i I i At She house of Edward AIb.rt for th. town- Orr ron Sait River. A portion of the Democracy of our town sat out for the re gion ot&ilt Jiiver on last Thursday ovcn ing. The voyage was entirely pleasant until they met. the returning hordes of loan, lank, half starved lilnckv Republi. cans, when a dispute arose as to the "t ight of way," and here we leave them for tho present. Tfacuers Wanted. Tho School Direc tors of Jorduu township wish to employ thrco competent tcachor for the lei in , T four months libortil waaos wilt be n.irti applicants will please Attend the Kxuiu nation at Antonville pn the day ot' c toocr, apply to Robert Liddle Pres't or I). W. wibe Sec'y. By order' of. the' l3o.-.rd. D. W. WISE, Sec'y. Oct. 0, 1SC0. 3t. pd. feiWecall attention t-o the advertise ment' ofD". A. M. Ililh, in aiDther col i i i I'-ie Dr. sli nv.i hi 'teeih' thlswoek. imr the laio elet'tttn lins caused the ''play of his "ivory "'"or whether he ii. ii'T something else, iiis not for us t$ -j. But,- give him a c;dl anchor. rtllLAUiLLraih MARKETS. , I ship of Boxes, v The favorable tenor cf the for'ciiii advices ky ! At tbs hous. of Wlllinin Iluover for tlioown-' tb. Africa, notioini; material' id ranee in Liver- ship of Bradford. .1. i. ' i ,t ; r-. ... peol not only in Flour, but Wheat and Coin. - At the public boufs of R. W. Moore, for Erai $5 50(51 $5 5 ' J '"Wnsnip. , J : l ! J 74 (S) 6 00 ": Al f',e noU!.u' John Young for the township i J 1 At the school bouse near Simon Itorabnugh's, 4 fr the township of CheU. , ' lij! At the Court House for the Borough of Clear- 80, Southern stoutly. fln.ll. Wheat Bed. Bush. White." " Rye steady at ,,; Ua't " Corn " . " " : Clover Seed scarce and worth 5.55 M is firm and advancing. , I-?' 04 . j hn: 1.35 . 77. 4.75 ( , field. 40 '74. 5,80 Rai.timorf. Elections The .l?ciio;i la3t vDek, for Jfayor, and city Council, Ao., resulted in lavor of tho Refo. m Pavty by ovej ?,000 majority tn.tldng ucki.li wvej) ?f Ci'try thing. . ,i- i' . .''; i Tt U weli known tluit. !iu:B.4SiS..J!:.ith more has presented a prnctiC!ildtmort.itra t'on of " Ancricant Hiding Amiri "and fiT a man to go to the polls and not rote .o AuiMfcan tickot, was in groat danger o.'louing his life, and if he esciped with a whole skin and sound bones, he was ex tremely lucky. The result was, but few. people ventured to vote and the Plug Vj lies had things their own way . The last Legislature of Maryland, how pvc, was Democratic, rd the city of Bui ti'iuro was cut up into small election dis tricts. This prevented large crowd nt the pulls. Business men and property hold ers than took part in ths seloctioti of can didates, and on the ly of the election ail the grog slops and drinking falcons wt ie closed. And the result was, thatthe lute election wa the most peacable and quiet ever held in that city. PlPTIIFRIA AND ITS 1'1'RK.SlUri.l. AND Et'FiCA-i sUUiasSg ciors REMEDr tor tub Disisae. Tit is sin-' rcj' m .u'ur tlisetse, which lias thus fur seemed to bailie the skill of our best phyMoians, i has become so prevalent, and has been so ; cenerally-fiital that any sUL-piMiou will hardly' prove uninteresting. Its enures are not known, and . therefore all tront rue nt has heretofore been merely i experi mental t but its pathogonomie symptom uro so diversified and dissiuiilur, that in many instances the throat of tl;e patient! closes, and he dies before the disease has been discovered. The diagnostic by which it is known from nearly eve;y other complaints of tbo throat, u the : formation of a wpnibiane which Increases gtudnally un til the patient is literally strangled to death. It is sometimes accompanied by ulceration, and extreme prostration of the entire system, and at others by neither of those systems, yet in either case it is e quaily tatal to arrest te formation oi this membrane would therfore seem eouiv alent to curing the disease, and this in most case, may be done in tho following Wanner : In the early stages ofthe complaint, which is alwavs aecomianied by a sore- lflManl swelling of the throat, .lot the patient use a simple solution of salt and ft iter, a a gargle ! every fifteen niidmes. a ty t me time moisten a piece or nan i -'i's M'-itHn of 'tin ame kind, . ' . fn'.i t:iyrrti iMti in1. .r it. iiiid 'List of Traverse Jurors tor an adjourn ed Court commencing on the 12th . " of November I860." Piko-'AKin' Bloom jr Jos. M. Spencer. Daniel B iiley. ' '"'"" Huston icfTeraon Bundy. Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Dale. Uuli. h -J. A. llegarty. Danl I'ulker- . : 1. 1 i. i sen. 1 Kergttson-oGeO. M 'Cracken. Goo. Straw .l.iim Straw. J. ?. Williams, Albert. Y Mil. .''!.. i t Lumber, City Joh Iiroomall. - J ohn Ferguson. . - ..... JoiilinWm'.' Puseyi John .rattirson Ilrudy-Fred Kohler, Jos. Seyler, Geo. Ellinger.' Jackson Long'. , , , , , Lawrence J. U. Reed. Knox Levi M'Cr'ioken N. Washington H.'D. Rosei " turnsiile C. C, Mitchell. Peter Ruth. Joseph. llutton.- - ' Union li. r liaiioy. nugn iviuo.' , Covington J.'B. Renaitd. i - Gruliam Wns. Ililo.l ' ' '.-:: Beccaria WrrfM'Coy. Bd I Robert Kldcr. John Orr. , '' Morris Tutor Hoy horn. ' ,'; Chest Daniel Gorman. : : ', . -. At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township of Covington ' At the house of Isaae Bluoui jr., fur tho Bor- ougn or turwensrille tell at the most reasonable prleot for cash, oa n oxrliares for old gold and stiver, CLOCKS of every variety on iiaad, atth. nu.it reasaniible pricet.' ' . ' j ALL kindt of Clocks, Wat hs and Jewelry, carefully repaired and Varrattd. I '?. ' A continuano. of patronage It solicited, . Sept. 19, I860.' . U. F. NAUGLE. DlSsOt-UTlOJI Of PaRTNKUSHIP. " ' - ' ' - ' ' '. . ' ' ; Tbe co-partnertliip litr.tofor. .sitting between1 Tbomns it Jol'n 11 ill in tne woollen ousincss in ) iil"pnrt slhis ly d!toivei Dy mutual con- 11 lU ' . L I... TI 11 III scnti u'l paymeun are w op uihuo iv iuu, mu, who will bcraflcr ctnduct tno tame ousiness at ,h. old stand. ; . -hQMAS IHLL Bridgeport, Ui;l. win 43i iV. ims mLU r At Centre school honje, for the tow;.thip of Decatur At the house of TLouiat 1 bin Is for the town Ship uf Fvrgueon . At the t'uiue of John I. Bundy for the the township of Fox i At CongroFS Ilill school hous. fur the township .ofOimrd; ".'::. ;; . . , .. T , ' :. . At the public school house tor the township of 0ohen ' . , ..'.,) t At the house of Jacob ilubler for the township of Graham ..',."...' . .. (At, the school, bous. in JanesvUV for' th. township of Gulich " ' ,. . . ' At the house of Jess. Wilson for the township of Huston , ' .-,' At the schosl bouse In Ansonville for th. town ship of Jo.'dun ' ' At the house of B D Hill A Co,, fur th. t.wn ship of Karthaua ,t, At, tbe Turkey Hill tehool house for th. town ship of K put , i : At the Court Hous in the Borough of Clenr- ,' field for Lawreuc. township i . At tbe public school house fur fh.' Borough of LuuiLcr City ' . '.' ' . I ' At the bout, formerly occupied by Thomas ivi. lur lunu.-uijl if , - ' At the public sthool houte for the Borough of yow Washington .: . ... ' t t '. - i .t the hotiie of Samuel Eolith for the town shp of Pcnn ' At th. house of Isaae' Bloom jr., iu t. Bor ough of Curwtnsviil. for Pik. township, h ' '" A tilt house of H, W,'M:orofc-r tut township of Union :":"''-' At tbo home of Jtbn Whiteside fur th town thin of Woodward. . ! , NoiitK is i rnuiKH itcitr.HT lliyUJS, Thnt all persuni. etcept Justli'bt of the Pence, who shall hold any office of appointment cf trust, under the government ot the United States 'or of this PtHte. or of nnv .tupnrrtmlAll 'district! whether a commissioned officer or other wise, a subordinate ooicec or ageuf, who is or shall bt employed under the Legislative, Exec utive or Judioiul JJapartUients of this Stats or of the Uuited btatei, or any city or incorporated district, aad alto that .very member of v; ingress aud of th. State Legislata , er of th. common or eeltct eoUi-ctl ufany oity, or ooinu.lsslonero( toy incorporated diatrict, are by law incapable of holding or txerciting, at the laoio time, tho ollict or appointment of Judge, Jaspector, or elei k of any eiectiou of this Commonwealth ; and that no Inspector, judge, or other officer of nay -such oleution, shall ho eligible to any oUice voted for; 1 ' And the Return Judgct of tb. retpeotiv. dit triott aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court Huuse. iu'th. Borough of . Clearfield, on tho t'ir&t 'ri'iujf, next allot the said 'iY.( . Aourfiiy bf Sot-twltr then and the:e to do those things required of them by law. , 1 I.IVKN under my hnnd and teal, at Clear- field, thit 26th day of Sept., in the year of eur , Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and 1 fs-mmia2lr,.;'. 'EffisMfoajta '; Thlrty-Nliith and Market Street, PUIl'a, Prof. E.Id. C'OKTLAKU SAUNDERS, . - . PrincipaU. u . ii.,:. Hoh. WM. BlfJLER, Clearfield : Wm. McKIB- RIN', Esq. of the Morchants1' Hotel, Phils.; Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of 'iha Br.ft;5 Rev. R WESTBROOK, nf the S. S. Union ; Hon. J. W. MAYNtHD, Williiiinsport; J. LEISENRIXO, ! I'S'i-, Pn't of tho Lehigh Coal t av Co., and Hin. ASA PACKER, Mauch Chunk; alt of 1 ich'tm Auoe nous hoarding in 8niderf usfitiite, will give their frionds who may b. looking for a sufe, thorough and pleasant School, any Infor mation desired n-spectiiig this Seminary. A Grove and Lawn of i:iCilll' ACRIv", are attacli.d to th. Inttitnte, for teolusion, rec reation and physical exercise, ' 3m, ' l HY, ASV SILVUR AUE. ; WTB would respectfully inform our friends, i TT patrons' and tbe public generally, that we have now in slor. and offer Wholesale and Re tail at tho lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice stock Watch, Jowelry, Silver and Tlat.d War. of every variety and ttyle. ' Frory description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, made to order at short notice. Jfr-All gooda warran 'ed to be as represented. I'artioulnr attention given to th. repairing of Watchet and Jewelry of every detariplion. STAUFFER A II A RLE Y. Xo. 6?2 MARKET street, (south side,) I'hila. Xlt. Itttb, 1M6V. mo. . , CUBA hotel; jaynesville, pa. TUB above Hotel, having recently beeu fitted np tor bouse, of cntertAinment, is now open tor tlie accommodation ot the public :,ravelert will End thit a convenient hoi'se. Mi? II ISis, VOHS J0 OAS. AVE just received from th. Eastern eilitJ, and opened at their SDW SIOHE ROOM on HAlthb.1 bin SET, two doort wast of Third, tbt most extensive assortment of Drugs, ; i ., Jlcdicilos, : .., Puinttr, 01 It, . . ; . ' i . Var"ihei, ', ", ' .Dye-Stuffs, .) ,'. i i . Tobacco A Segars, ; ; . . . Toilet articlat, . . , ' Perfuraofy", , . , ' Blank books,. .. , Stationary, ,;CuUefy, l- . i .Mitcellaueons . , , ' " And Faucy Artiolet do. Ac, ever offered to. th. publio In tbit tectien of th. country. Thoir Drugs and Chemicals, of which th.y bav. an extensive assortment, have bsn select ed with especial refference to thtir quality and freshness. . i .. , Their ttock of-Oils and Paints will consist of Linssed oi, Coal oil, Tanner't oil, Turptntint, Had a, W bite load, dry and ground in oil, bptin isb brown, Yenitian red, Yellow and Ston. ochre Lampblack, j3lsck lead, Ivory b ack, Chines. A Ametioan Vermillion, parit green, parit, Ultra, marina and prustian blue, dry and ground in oil. Carmine, .Chrome green d; yellow. Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, lak. black, Emery, Glue, Gil nit, Copal, Damacand Sbellae, Indian red, Litharge, Oinuge mineral, pumice a d Rotten ttone. Rot. pink, English and American, Kosin, Scar'ct, (or persian red,) Terra Sionna, Turkey umore, Ver digris, blu. at- whit. Vitriol, Whiting, Zino, put ty aud putty knives, Glast of all sites and quali ties, Looking glast plates, do. etc. ' Dye-stud's b Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip ped and ground. Indigo, Madder, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red taundtrt ; Copal, Coach, Black for 'rather, Japan foraying, lap, Mattie, Whil.Dauiar, Whit, aplrt and Flowing Varnih. Tobacro alegars I I Cavendish, best, Natural leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Fin. eutt of all kinds, and pride of the Harem, tobacco ; Rappee ant Scotch snuff I El phauton, Henry Clay, punch, Lachica, El mono, Ac, began. I! I auk-Hooks and Stationary. Ltdgen, Diy-bookt. Tieceipt and Not. .hooks, Diaries, La dies and 0 flics Portfolios, Blark pa-rhment and paper DcedsV' Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blanks. Foclscap, letter, Note, Basinets ami drawing paper, Envelopes, Rtady reference riles, Annear'tand Arnold's writing fluid, Ink, blark, blue, and tannine, bteel rent auu rn holders, Paper clips, tnuoilsge, and all other ur acils in the Stationary Hue. Toilet fc tfancy Art ictesde. Perfumery. ;,.v ::. Hair brubot, American, French A Snglish, with Ivo. nFPLEi'Mkiiiiij, from 75 cent,- to $1,25. ,i'i.:u. j :. . . COAl. OIL, 15 to rr.lt CAL.t 1 , ,SELF-SEAUNU . FRUIT CANS, I . ; i II0LDINQ 6 FISTS, 20 CESTS, MONROE'S PATENT EGG-WIMP, COAL OIL "LAMrS. ASpleuditlAsKO)imeiit, at heduced Rates, MEAT CUTTI'.HS AND SI rFl'IJ'S, At Greatly Reduced Prices ; . ALO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP , i I Hardware Cutlery, Iran, NAILS, STOVES, Ac, AT M EERELL & BIOLEll'S. Sept. 19, 1850. -ly. . Clearfield, Pit. esh Arrival of AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. : WANTED IMMEDIATELY. TI.a lot.Mlll.. .MnL.m.nt tn m Ant. Her to dig three or four thousand busheltof coal -lit go.d wages. Address him personally or by letter at Li thersbut'tt Pa. . ..(. ScpUlttU 18f 0. .It. J. A. T.rp. 18(i0. ,- 1800. I am Jutt receiving and oponing a large and well selected assortment cf SPRING ND SUMMER Goods, of almost every descrip tion, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dross goods, of tho iiewest and latest styles. Also a great variety of nsefut notions, A larenssortment,ready-mfi(li; CLOTHING, Bonnets, Sbawts, Hat and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, a larg. quantity, Hardware, Qi eensware, Druggt and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, w&ooriJiia'S of th. best quolity, all of which will be sj':. at tb. lowest cuh or rondy pay prices. My old friends nnd tho publio generally, i;i respectfully invited tj call. Cloartleld, Miiy , IcBO', WM. F. I" wiy NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1 1 NEW GOODS 11 1 Just received arid rlow opening at Irvi.n1 cheap ry, : Shell. Pearl, Buffalo, Satinwuod, Rosewood A ornamented backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes Hat brushes;-Teeth brushes, various qualities Shaving brusbet, American, Eoglishand French with Russia bristles and Badgor't hair; Flesh brushes t Comb brushes and Cleaners , Tortoise shell Tuck noinbs. Tortoise thell. Plain A Fancy I ami IiiiB 'rlihhfie T.nnff Combs. 1 RheW. BufTillo. Horn and India robber puff tide Combs j India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inehet. all styles ; Fuglish Toilet combs with handles ; Bonnet combs Ivory and Outta percba fine tooth combs i Pocket combs, all styles i American, French i German Cologne A Laven Tar waters ; Lubin't, Taylor!, Wright's, Mangeuet A Coutay't ex- 1. ' 1 1. . L.H ! 1 . . I, . .. f fA , ..a.t-lw . f liiivi. li'T WV UlUIHIVHICI, VIH lni i,',"; .i f , , . , stvlcii Burnotft Cocaine, Burry't Tricopherout, corner ttore, a large and well selected stock ot Lyon's Calhairon, Eau, Lustral, Bears, Mattaeoar. I Spring and bummer geods, all of which are or Antigua, Rot. and Coral Oil Be.f m.rrow, i fered at lower price, than ever. Call and exam Pomad.t, aud Philoc.om. American and Fr.noh in. gBodt and prices. h, A. IKVin. all stylet and prictt cold crcara, Toilet powdor, I Curwenivilte, May 10, t, ii.ii. i:ii. u'l.i,. U..W rtva rin. - ! mu.! -.mollina s.lis. Bulin of a thousand TJonnett, Flnrenc braidt, Luglish ,,.,i, .ii, ,.( -k.r,,L r... 13 Shaker and other t'ylet trimmed straws and un- iTIIE'FIUSTiAURIVAL -: '.: v . ' ; of ' .' FALL WINTER COODS AT THE OLD STAND OF REED WEAVER & CO. I! store of K. A, IRVIS. Cut wensville, May 1G. 'CO. radios dress goods, nfpatternt and texturet l. t pleas, all, til lbs found at the corner ttore of Curwintviils, May 18, 1800. E. A. IRVI.V, Skeloton. Skirts, a largo variety at reducod pri cet at Irvinscornor ttore. Curwensville 16, '80. hjvd . .i vi ma luuuvvuviuuv .'I iu. i;iiiiuu Ofcilies ill. ' 3 . . .igbty-fourth. F. G. MILLER, Sheriff. "3 i-' WR-1 ' ' .i . - 1 . . . ..J pa::"'.:V Vskv liW&mui ,.r. " a , And, extensive Dealer . ' Pfiag.H .S... -p F',; VV.'' : .'.. (M ... . j .. . . - ' . ( .)-. . - ' mtll tuoi'l", - J 1 JAMES T. LEO!AnD. , . D. A. FlKT ' MVltH 0 .JtfQ- I ! w. A. vn.Lici. '' " ' a. c. rtswxv , . , r do., Ac, Shaving Compound all tites MiliUry , tnmmed, will be found in v.rtety nt t? soap, Honey. Soap, Chrystsllne aud floating soaps,, Ottoman. Yankee and Gallagher soaps, Transparent end Castile soaps, Ac. Ac. Miscellaneous Articles. , , . G.ntt Steel frame morocco and cuff Portmonaiet, Ladies silk lined papier Mich., inlaid tortoite thell, velvet and morocco Portmonaiet, Ladiet Crotchet purtet mhrttdered witn steel beads. Ladiet Cabat and morocco intgh.la.tb.il, pearl, ivory, volvet and . Qtella and other .Shawls in variety at the chen( apier Mncho, ivory nnd pearl memorandum tab- btoro or Jt. A. iu liv eta, Fine Engish Morocco, Pocket Walets, Mo. Ctirwensvillo, May 10. 'CO. M -t . tocco and can Pocket books, with straps anal . Oil Mai'ket Street 2 doors north of,1''11!"; UtU books, and Banker's coses with lock! T)oots and Shoos. A larger sto.k and lower , a anu auy , ociihubiuh urinning i-un, i,iuuium i. , , . - ..- . - , - - . ... - -- j. - - tnO L,0tm IIOUSC, WllCrO UlCy ire',et with and without drops. Fishing tackle, In .1 nnnnmn nn iiniiannllv U riro Cbnpman A E jiorton't Bator Itrops cignr onset just opening nn unusually large itruib hrillll. SUo. UrU)h((t ,nJ wilhut and Well SeJCCtCd StOCk Ot COOUJ, handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint . . . .,i and vnrtisk bmshos a sisrs, tin and copper SUited tO tile WantS Ol t llC COinmU- bound, Sa.h tools siies, oountcr and mark nifv fnv tlm Vnll mill WintPr trndo ,nK brutlits, white wash and scrubbing brushes. nity tor me ran anu tvinierir.iuc, Fc.cuur.dfe.,b,r dusters &0 luoi. Parf which t 1CV Otkr Hi lame nnd Small MM pler mncho, toilet cases, work boxet, I tJtinvonsville, May 10, 'GO- Avory larg. stock of Spring rnd Summer clotbingnf the latsst styles for s! mw bv , Caiwensville, May 16. 1800. E. A. IRVIT "looking Stoves of various sizes and prices fot y sol. by ikm.i ,nAnl,ln writing desks,' Rutowoud and Mahogony .rnting quantities on the most reassonable deskt.chessm.n and chesi boards. Gnu. Kid: Curwensville, Muy Iti, 'CO. E. A. IKVIS. terms call and examine for yourselves Their assortment of Gloves, Neck tics, collars, cravats and canes, La. diet Kid. Taffeta Silk and Kid finished gaunt' lets, and Lyle thread gauntlets, Black and color-1 1 'II. l. .! r....Mnl. .Llnntl i.il.tl . 1 1 . - , , , cvum lieu iuii,uuciiigi,.v - DRY GOODS t) NOTIONS penders, Rich embroid.red suspenders. GuiuU f r '..' v - v. .'.. Aft- T,,K tl lUKI'lUI.D ACADIJ 1C . ;f i" :' ' " ' -'.t l,lwwil 1nt,ird!v .K'W rf . in tip s?i'.,t it-e h.h ' to- LEONARD, ." FINNEY &C6. - r ' CLE A R F 1 IV, ' ' j , ':, CLEARFlhLD COmTY.-PA: ' JSILLS OL ExlaAKoa, nrtTKS n b AVTS MSCOfSTrt) I) r.POSITS KKCl.lt f.I),, i1 , . Collet'toiu m(ttre and proceeds prnmilly remitted Exchange ou the Cities constauUy ' . ' " .' on hand. ',; . ' ' .MrOffice on Pecood St-I nearly opposite tbt f.'OUF.T HOUSE. '' J ft TtatSWi WAhted, , j Tiifi'ijild.' L-Oota:of iKhOx town shin are desirous of employing four pm petent V achors, for a term of 4 wonths. i l.i 'iiMVin, i 'inv be ''en, Application ii.oeiiiisus laiiiinuiairi.r i o .' i,i" simple, and, irttxed lp l''0 Conrad Bnker, resident, or 1 I . itii ,.e ,'.! 0e diseue, "will ires . a cart. Serrtary. 1 D. J. CATIICAR r Sec. :i..ete cure Ci. Ireis. ' i r UCl. dii IPOU. Ut. i;i.d acaii:iy, will t, pupils. ''I., 1-6,. rei-ms nr si'sl'in of eleven v e s ' Xl Orlhorniil,i , Res-ling, Writing, Pilmsiv! , Atithmetio and fVogmpliy. - $2.i0 Higher Arithmetic, English Grtamar, Ueeg. rapby and Uistory. . ' $3.00 Algelira, G.omotry, Satnral Philosophy and Hook Keeping v-r $400 Lntin hnd Greek langunget. " ' " $6 00 To studunta deeiront of acquiring a thorough English Education and who wish to qualify xherasulvet .for teachtri,. this Institution offers dosirabla advantages. " ; ' ', ' So pupil received for less than half ti tessi.n, and no dtductioa mad. except for protracted sickness. ",- ' . .' ' Tuition to bt paid at the clot of th. term. , : C It- iSANJ'FOltD, ruscim.' May 23, 18C0.- Iy, .., r. i i mu. ii i ii , ,i h it very Inrg. and complete! embracing almost every article both of fashion and trrvioe. Es pecial attentini, hat been paid to th. teltution of LAD It)S' DRESH GOOOS, which are of every variety and tbe very latest styles. -Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merirtot, Poplins, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, French, Foolou i and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, ii Linseys, Camhrioa, Brilliants, Fig. and plain liobinttts, , Irish Liuon Clntht do. Black and Fancy Casslinerts, Pntinetts, jeans, TWeeds, Corduroys', Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Diaper, Bles'-hcd nnd nnblcnched mus. lins A drills, Ren". Grey, M'hite vid Canton Flan nrls.- Also a larg stock of Ladies' tnd fientle mens' Shawls, Double and Finile, Stellas nnd Cbi-Dillcs, lllsck and Drub Cloth capes of the verv latest lesbian, W eckerol and Herring for sal. at teeornc -LtI ttor. of E. A IRVIN. Curwensville, .Vay 16, 'CO. IT'lour, Bacon, Beant and Clover teed, at th r cheap corner by E. A. IRVIN. Curwcntrillt, Mty 16, 18 SO, 1. .l..t ......-! k....lA ...! r.n,l,ri. littndknr. chiefs, Ladies fincn handkerchiefs in great varl-! T"111 D"!"1 ApvU? IW1 n"1r"nPsr cty; Sun shade funs, circular French fans, can- i- Peaches, Cherries, Brunei and Raisin. h ton feather funs of a great variety. Fin. Canton the eorner store of E. A. IilVIS. fnns wiih Ivnrv .nd nainted hsndes. Back Curwensville, May 16, 1S00. and mourning fans; Hair' pins Kngish and , Fredch, Ac, Ac. Aso Patent Medicines of ev i cry variety 1 I AM of which wf b. sod at tb. lowest CASH j pricet, Countr)' Phyairlans furnished with Drugt. Medicinos and Surgioal Instruments, at the most rcaeansbto rates forcaib. ' June S, 160 ly. tidet of Spanish tola jv r, leather or sale lo.t or cash by E. A. IRVI . Curwensville, May 16, 10 6 P. s1 Splendid assirtmei.t nf Ladles' Guntletnens' ii nd Children.' Ob.ves and ID sirry nt ' HEED, WEAVER A ( OS T adiet" Bonnets and Hat, trimmed snd un- trimmed, of the Latest Stylet at R. W. & CO's, A J mings, Ao., at Bella, ilead Dresses, Nstts, Plumet H. W, if: f U's, j clothing, Just It. Y. A CO'l Large ttock of Men A Boy's received at Boots A thoet of evry kind for Ladiet, Gen tleman, and Children at R. W. & CO't, NIC IF GO ODS. Just receiving and opening at tb. Old ttai of Lewit Smlih In Bethlehem a well toleotod a tortiuent of Spring an I Summer Goods ofal most every description. Maple aad Fancy, a beautiful assortment Prints nnd Dress Goods of th. lat.tt styles, also a variety of useful Nt lions. Hate and Caps, Bonuett and Shawls, Boott and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs an Medi inet, fish, Carpets, Drngg.t, ' carpet chain, Bags J Bogging, Curled Hair c, at T ' T i ii'! . i . R. W. t CO's and : GROCERIES, TltlklX; TIM KM IN PHILADEI PPIA ! T'reweiiodiiit Erritrmmt among It' Aftsses ! I .' EXCITING FOOT RACE botwee the Philadolphia polite and the- notorious Fo gor and connterfeiter, Ja net Buehanan Cross ! ! ' Cross Recaptured I II I It teems to be the geni al opinion in Clear6eld, that if Cross had worn t pair of Frank Short's French -culf Boots, thatl; would not be tattn yet. However, Shorty i not much put out at missing bis custrm ; bu. Would announo. to all Ilrtckinridyt, JJnujIu . Lincoln and Hell si en, and women and childrr in Clearfield, and inneinnboning In pnrticultti . that be is prepared to furnish them with Bool,, ! Shoes and Ouiton of any style or puttorn, stitel d, sewed or pegged, (and at he is a short fii low) on short notice. Ail kinds nf country produo. taken in ex- ' change, and cash not F fused. Repairing don in the nentMt manner and el arges inodcrato, r . the Short Shoe Shop oa Second btreet, npposit ; Read, We.w.r A Go's ttore. FRANK SHORT. N. B, Findings for sale Kept. 26, 160. D'istint Mill aud cut .Vnvrs, .M.iun't axut an f.ireiieral assortment of litrdwsr. at th. I slore o. E. A. IRVIN. Curwentvlll., Mty 16, I860. I j? . it is said that a fine I nay in Jew V V Las ordered a dress, lo be worn at !" tenfew ball, which will cost three .(thousand dollars. HENRY WHITEHEAD, JC STIC 14 of the peace Rnt-kton, Union tp.. will attend pro mptly to all butinets entrusted to hit car. Sejit, 12, I960, ly. f-XtCUTOTrfl MOTICF5. Letters tesla lliiuentaiy having b.en crunted to the under signed smth. Etat rfth. Kcv. Tlm'rthy Lee, lata of Burnaid. tp., Cleartlcld ro., Pa. "And all pertont knowing themselves Indebted te said es tate ar. requested to make immediate payment, and those having elMlint against It are requested to present them to Jacob W. Campbell la Bell tp. or Waehiogton Gardner of Burnside tp. I JACOB W. CAMPKLL - i.. WASHINGTON G A RDNEB J " .. Oc. 3d, I860 t, i air-light Dlast and ttone jars, they are jutt th. thing yon eed, for sal, at R. W. A CDs, i forks Bells, "tall and examine the Patent V?nd tton. jars, they are j need, for sal, at nardwaie of every kind, kniv.s and spoon Locks, Files, Nailt, Cow W old and Hand taws abd Mill. saws at R. W. A CO'l. A Fresh ttock of groceriet of eve J re.iv.d at REED, WEAVER, Tobacco, Segart and all art. -Its isually ktp" In a oountry Store, all ebe:.p for cath, Giv. Ut a call and tee for your selves. II. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May St, 1860. MASTERING. The .ubtcriber, having located himself in th. boroutrh of ClesrOeld would lnlrm lb. publio mat n. It prepared to do work in th. above tin., from plain lu ornamen- AM, Sides, Mackerel and Herring fn sal.' w. t, in trijf. TT I 1 low at the store oi Clearflold, July 11th 160. L. JACKSON CHANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. oTn-. .ajilnln tit residence on Second Street, Clca.d ill, Fa. June 1. IS54. ltv kind jutt al of any description in a workmanlike nunner. ed against purchasing or in nnv wn; R A CO's. Also whitewashing and repairirg don. in a n.nt dling with a certain yoke of oxea.n.n 1- ; manner and oa reasonable terms. pottession of 8. W.Horn and R J 'o Cedar and Willow war. at Sept, 19, 1M. B. W. t CO'l, EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield April 17, mO.-ly. ft, AUTION. All persons are heraby eautinn. way rnd. In th i nan. tt the tainehekngtto me. JOHN McINIlRE, Tenn tp , Jrpt. J4, 160. it. pd