Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 17, 1860, Image 4

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    i , M, i ciMM
' I. '... (Is A ..... n ''"
ii , i- I p... 'v, il
, ,..., " I'll .lr, A
I r f . ?i rf
in i m I it or 1111: MX 11,11.
I I.I I IIMVIS, rr..M.,.,l.
Ili'l.. .! IS. T, f f iN AKIi,
W'lllUH !VIN,
' tH I't'lllUT,
.1.00.1 II, ' Rtt(i,
l. '. l.l i.-'rr,
1. .V. AWM, c,
V. l'lsls.
Sn I otiiry .
i)'. Si iTclul V
.'on V mi. i riv i'iisii i i i
I I'. Mi '..w i v, l.ihi iiriun.
fuii'r ',,, 1 1 ..n , ):i,liiir.l Mm .
irn. ,'"lin I'attoii .cin'ii Booilnn.
in li II. Iti'inl .'. M'l.angliey.
ii,,, lu-, linn. li. K. I'uiroil.
f"Vrii"'iY' f Ai'ratiyii'rnt.
A. C. Fin 'ban man.
l'i J'.looin ,
il tI'0 II. I.J' till
.'tllliCS M'lilllUgll
I :iv ill ('. Dale
Samuel Civile
in Milo Iloyt.
Jacob Willii'lm,
(. V. SlioH, l.ovy,
. I.. Auto.",
Sheep & SinW.
James Irwin, Si'.,
Johnson Jloldeti
Uobt, Mitchell,
Vii. M rVhtiii,
1. W. Moore,
Yield erpx if- I Vovfn
ft. D. UoodfelloW,
Win. M. shmv,
Edward Mctlurvp'
Anion (.'. 1 lit r,
Flah Johnson
j'.m'.v', ( Vi.v'.', Flour
and X ehie'tv.
John Irwin, Cur'v
A:rncutiurni If ..t,-Ul-
uri'K.t Arliclis.
D-. A. Seiyvrr,
I). S. Fleiuii'p,
Walter Il.ulelt,
U hi. 1'. I 'iianiber,
J i ili n W. Sluijiart,
J'anry hptirtment.
li.W. Kheni,
John Irwin, Curwens.
J. 1'. Kratzer,
John ti. iVeryver,
'!'::, !nts Viij.'i'y,
!-,i;i,' i,o .':),
i.; FJooin,
W'i.i. I'. Invin,
.WrJ-ifi-s,- ,(' hi-
r J'ti- ..
.'1 . A. Friiiik,
iViviii .M.'liiiughy,
W. V. Wright.
IMwiml (JooiUvin
Mrs. II. F. Nan
.Mr-. Henry Kern.
Miso. Mniy Jlnllerx,
Mis': Kate llrown,
Mi.. ll.miiiih lilooni,
Miss Harriet Swan,
Mi.-s Jennie Leonard,
Jisa II. Sjiaekman,
Miss F.Hza Heed, !
" Km A lex an tier,
" Anna I:vin.
"Sarah l'irehlielil
" Nannio Irvin,
" Sarah Uheem, ,
" Henrietta Irtvin
" -Vary Moore.
Vathinittfe at Laiyc.
Mrs, J. T. Leonard, Miss Kiindin Nichols
Mrs. I). M. Weaver, Miss Nannio Smith,
Miss Mary M'liau'hey.Miss JuliaUallowny
Mi8 Hobecca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey
S J. Row, John L. Cuttle,
G. W. Snyder, Alvin Hoss,
Samuel Rheum.
Marshall (Jen. A. II. Hills.
Asi.itant Marshall .1ajor I. J. Nevlinp,
Col. Win. Ten Kyck, Cupt. T. J. McCul
louh. PMward A. Irvin.
l'lri'ltcltiucs. II. B. Swoope, H'. W.
Hotts, L. li. Murrull, Jiuncs L. M!organ, J.
B. Wiiller Ueuhen V. Spncknian.
Class 1. Siecipttnte:
(Opci tOBll IireeJfl and Competitors.)
I' UullorerS yean old, $4 00 2d belt, $2 00
Bent Hull over 2 years old, 2 00 2d bct, 100
Host Hull over 1 year old, 2 0 2d best, 100
Ht-t Coir over3 years old, 2 00 2d best, 100
It t Hull Calf. 1 00 2.1 best, 50
All brced.i eoine together in thin clusa and
coinpeto with each other. To be judged, 1st, by
thi'ir good points and symmetry of frame. 2d, by
the ability to fntten, vis tbo animal a good hand
1"T?) ltd, milking qualities, 4th, iize. 5th,
give no premium to any auiuial until they are
satisfied it will produce pood stock. To this end
Jie Judges shall satisfy themselvej in regard to
'lie stock of aged bulls and cows. The uniinal that
possesies these qunlities iu tbo greatest perfection
should draw tbo Sweepstakes, whether it bo Dur
ham, Ayroshire, Hereford, Devon, tirade or Na
tive, JincEi. Geo. Thorn, Zach. McXaul, David Ty
ler, Asaph Kirk, John fhaw of Decatur.
Cl.Asj 2. Oradt Cattle ruined in county,
Bcstb.ll, tl 00 2d best, $2 00
Kest cow, 3 00 '.'d best, 2 00
Ilcst heiffer ealf, 75 2d best, Iir.
liest bull ealf, 75 2d best, Dip.
Jl'DUi'.s. John Mcl'hcrson, Jos. Lyons, Tliumas
G. fc-nyder, J. M. Cummings. Dr. J. 1'. lloyt,
Class 3. Milk Cons.
Host milk cow, $3 00 2d best, $2 00
Milk cow :i,l best, 1 00
Jt'DGK. Jgnies Forrest, Thomas Mctihee, Ad
am Ocarbart, Thos, Leonard, Daniel llailey.
Class 4. Osca.
nestyok5y. old and over, $2 002,1 bc.'l.f I 00
best yoke 3 y. ' " 1 00 2d best, 5(1
l!i st yoke 2 y. " " 50 2,1 best, Dip.
Bestyokely. " " 50-2dbest, Dip.
J cdoks. 1). C. Iiowumn, Hiram Wooinnnl, Aa
ron II. Ftarvo' Wm. t-uiiley, Alex. .Murray.
Class 5. Oxr.n.
Best trained 10 yoke, 1 years old and over,
from ono township, $3 00
Idbest, trnined 10 yoke, 4 years old and o-
ver, from ono township, 2 00
Ilest trained 10 yoke, 3 yean old and over,
from ono township, 00
-M bost trained 10 yoke, 3 years old and o-
ver. from one township, 00
Jt'PCiFS John Pntekin, John M. Chase Joseph
Denning, John Bruhaker, Joseph Vothers.
Class 0. ',il Cattle.
Host Fat Bullock, $2 00 2d best, $1 00
Best Fat Cow, ? 00 2d best, 1 00
Hist ileiffcr, 2 years old, 1 00 2d best, 50
Jn.GEs tieorge Kiltleberger, John McQuilkin,
i' t i...u t .. . ...
t lions.
CLASS 7.-ni,ijh.bred Uor.e,-vpa, Iv ol
JWst Stallion, ever 4 y'rs old, $3 00-2d best, $2 00
HcstKtallion.ovcr.Tv'rsold. 2 00 5d kui. 1 (in
.muni-mi ion, i y rs oiu, l uo uesl, 1 UU
The premiums in this Clnss are intended only
for thoso lUrses whose pedigrees ninke them
""r!hy of them. The Society wishes to encour
age the rearing of high-blooded Horses here ; on
tho other hand the Executite Committee would
caution tho Judge lo be careful that the proini
uins are not drawn by inferior stock.
JimiEs James Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. fl. W.
Caldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph Peters.
Class 8. SinyU and 'arm llurtet
41 nn
$1 00
liest Oelding, over 4 ears old, for work,
..I nosi ,. i,lr,
HestSaddloandCorriiigeHoiseofanyoce, $1 00
2d best ., iji,,
Best Saddle and Carriage Marc of any ace tlio
n.i i..,,.. .. .. J "o,-"'.,'w,
2d best
Oip ;
Best Span of Draught Horses or Mares
2d best " " i.
The Horse that moves the heaviest load on
2 00
1 00
A Mono boat without a whip, 1 00
21. " : Dip.
'". $0 74 2d best, lip.
Juices Milton McBride. Mattin 0. Stirk, .!.
A' Caldwell, Andrew Addleman, Isaac Du'nlap
Win. Brown, Hugh Orr.
Class 'X Matched Carriage liases.
Best span matched carriage Horse or Mares. $2 00
2d best do do do do 1 00
JrnoEs Judge Bnrrett, James Forrest, Dr. H, P.
Thompson, Edwin Perk, Maj. S. C. ralchin,"
Class 10. Mares and Colts.
tiisl nrnd mare and en It by the side,
14 tin
"" a" uo do 0 2 00
Best (iclding, over S and nndor 5 years old, 2 00
'i itsi mi i n A i
"2 ' M 2d be,t,$l 00
n.,.. r. . ' .
...r. ...u.v yours oiu, 2 002d best. I 00
nest mare, over 2 A under 3 v 1 40.9.1 i n
nog ai, Wm. Tate, Jtcb.rt Mefaul. ' ,
Ileal 7',, ir,.,,, ft -i i. f in H,
Fl lirnl J Ik ( lit lit"""
ft loft, lii.N l rti'iiM,
l'r . lirtir, Ir'.l'lo I'M' I- SI'll'S, 1'l
l'i . I limn I .1 1 1 ttf In ll 'libit" 1' arltril, in
let tunc v Irt lie I' t Mir,
Jiiuia-J. 1'ini". I'll ("tl, .tfl.n .1.
M illrr. J.ilin M . I limn, lug., .'"'lilt IV. Il-Hrll.
'l."i It - Tx-fh-y mi. M, i,di.;
i a in, i hi (, I '.
l'i .lot (totting r'lallloii, Dip. 2 1 1m . I, lii.
il'i "In Horse ft liinro, lu ?d hi t, do
tin n'Kiti lini.r it Hint"', do ?, I not, tli
,li ii.. .1. ll. Iltalmin, tit. In in, A. II. Shaw,
.Inn. 1,. Mcniirt, J. Alexander, nod mil. )
f'l. t" l.l. Sheep vial Her',
I'rtt l,n, k, n ii bierd, Dip. ill liO-ZJ Lesl.$l
Hist tur, nnjr Iri'dl, ili an, I 2 HO ?i It.I, I 00
lr. I ,1 Hlii'ii InlliMirl mill ton, l'ip. if $i PO
M l.'.t ,lo il i do I llU
ItiMt fli't'i'D of filio wm, I. 1 HO
t'rt Hi i'i'it of conmi wnnl. 1 PI
i .,i.r I.mnli, li.'M, t'i 00 !,l Uil lonil,j, f I u0
;l. I 'M i liitnl'K, 60 4lk " " Ii.
.1 1 it", .' --Win. Mi Nnul, Jacob KnnU, nr., KlUlm
l'dimn, A, lam (ii'urhiirl. Iluury Irwin. .
Class I I. S'ii" open to nil.
H.t bo;ir miy hr.-i-J. $2 002,1 htri, l 00 I
lie, I l.ri'clinj; Miir ' 2 00 2il lnnl, I 00 I
IlffC 2 II."!,"' in I'oiint.V, .'I 002,1 lu'Hl, 2 00
Ncxl bil 2 Uiii-t iu I'lMinly, 1 002(1 hit, 40 j
J i'ii(iK llaiiii I I,ivin.'liiii, Win. M. McCul-
1,'iiL'li, tr., Cul. Thoi". It. M t'luro. John Irwin.
I Jiiiuta lllu",iii, r.
'l.A 1"). I'vullr;. I
Hi'st ceop cpring chii'lu-ns, not mn thiin 11, $1 00
2d lnt do do tin il'i lii. '
lIuHvivst turkry, ili
l!r.t (li.-il.iy uf cli ickeim, tin
Ji I1.: - Ciuort'o Thorn, J. II. I'li-m i ni;, 8ninutl
ArnoM. llubi'it Tliouipaon, Clark llrunn. 1
Class ll), I'lowtny.
I Owner of toninitnd ploir, ttliu I'luwn irrccn
! l.. I..,.,
fl 00
' Owner of ten in and plow, wliu plotvi rtulible
llio bed, Dip, $1 00
Next bunt, do do do Iip.
Heat plow for ftuhhlo, Iip. if I 00.-2,1 bant, ii.
Kent plow fur aubmiil, Ui. 4 1 00 I'd best, Dip.
Ji DKS---IJIi.ilia Fcnton, Ainos Heed, D. W.
Wihe. Jolin Well", Jr., Win. llcover.
Class 17. Rollers ami Huirous ami
Uost clod crueberand roller combined,
$ 2 00
2 i best. do
Host Held roller, Grain drill,
$1 00 2d best,
2 002.1 bct,
2 002.1 bent,
1 00 2d bent,
1 002,1 best,
3 00 2d belt,
2 00 2d belt,
2 00 2d best.
tt "arrow
Best Cultivator,
Best llorse-ruke.
Best Reaper and mower,
Best corn sheller,
Host corn planter,
Jt huKs William A. Iietid, Bonbon Wall, Jona
than Hartshorn, lion. T. B. Daris, C. Baker.
Class IS. Airlcultural Imjicinenti.
Best Original invention in the county, of
au agricultural implement. $5 00
2d best, ' " orig. inr. Dip.
Best threshing machine, $3 00 2d best, 2 00
Best funning mill, 1 00---2d best, Dip.
Best bay pitching machine, 2 V0---2.1 best, do
Best hay rigging on wagon, 1 00 2d best, do
Best ox yoke and bows, 1 00 2d best, do
Best vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d best, do
Best stalk and s'.raw cutter, 2 01 --2d best, do
Best common plow, 1 00 2d best, do
Best single or double shovel plow, 1 00
2d best single or double shovel plow. Dip.
Best horse power for general purposes, 1 1)0
2d best borne power for general purposes, Dip.
Best fork and fixtures fur unloading wagons. 2 00
2d best fork and fixtures for unloading ' Dip.
J LiitiKs Sinmn Thompson, llenj. Hputkuiaii, B.
B. Wright, Daniel Hartsoek, llenj. Hislicl.
Class l'J. M(cellaiuou farming
Best bee Live,
Best slump puller,
Best Potato digger,
Best grain cradle.
Best six hand rakes,
tl 00--2.I best, Dip.
2 00 2d best, do
1 00 2d best, do
1 00 2d best, do
1 00 2d best, do
Best lot gardening tool.
1 00 2d best, do
Best set farming, owned bv farmer. 1 00
2d best set furniin,. iiu.tiila ...! I... r n:
Juices John D. Thompson, John Russell, 0. 1
. u, ,r..iui;i,Lii,
B. .Morrell, J. II. Fleming
;, Samuel Powell.
Class 20. Wheat. It., ,, t .,rn .(.,
Host. ' 2,l'besU
Aero of winter wheat, $3 A Din $2andlin
Acre of spring wheat, 3 k D p. $2.indl)i p. !
f Id of wheat, 4 to 10 acrcs,3 a Dip. 2undl)ip I
Acre of corn. 2 a llio ln,in;,. i
F'ld barley, not less than 3a. 2 k Din. $ landflin.
Acre of oats, 2 A Dip. $ I and Dip,
Aero of rye, 2 Dip. $landlip.
Bushel of corn ears, 1 a Di Diploma,
3 acres ofbuckwkeat. 2 a Din.... in;.
JmuKs (ieorgo Wilson (Itogvi Michael So-j-1
Jas. A. Heed, Pioniiel Kirk, Jab Kidor, Josi '
irwm .uarun ii i.uiuer, itoui. .vicnaney, Hugh
Claps 21. Hell Crops.
. , Bt 2d Best.
One-half nore of potatoes, $2andDip. $landDip.
One-fourth acre of beans, 2andDip. $ landDip.
Acre of clover seed, 2an.lDip. $lundDip.
One-fourth a. broom corn, 2undl)ip. $l.mdDip.
Ono-fourth acre sorghum, 2nndDip
Best 1 acre of pens, 1 00, 2d best, Dip.
Best 1 aero of rutabagoes, 1 00. 2d best, Dip.
Best bushel Timothy seed, 1 00, 2d best Dip.
Best 1 ncro carrots, 1 00. 2d best, Dip.
Best J acre turnips. 1 00. .-2d best, Dip.
JrmjKs Win Smith (Covington), (J. P. Gulioh,
i-oucri ywens, aut m t.oss, jr., U. ,;. Logan
imps being coiial. tirefercoen will I...
those thatyiell tho greatest nelt profits. Slate
n cntj to bo furnished by the applicants for pre
miums on farm crops. They must bo weighed
and a sample of the same furnished at tho lair,
and also at the rooms of tbo committee.
3. Applicants applying for premiums shall fur
nish tho committee a statement sign.,,1 bj him
self under npledgo of veracity, of the quantity
of grain raised on the ground entered lor a pre
mium and he shall stute as cnrr,.,.il ... I,. ..
tho kind and condition of tho previous crops 1
ino Kiiin on i quantity of seed u.-cd, and the
timo and mode of putting it in the ground.
4. It is tho object of the socioty to grant pre
miums for good, not extravoeant nnrl vn.r,.ii
!",rracticl'lo culture, and any wilful inaccuracy
' in llio slatemeni
P"V9 the applicant of a right to coinpeto for tho
j '"'""l'"'"'"'"''.
';ASS 22. 7(rt'o,i and Cereal Fuod.
I Iio' 3 Loaves bread, winter wheat.
spring wheat,
1 " rye,
Pound coke, Dip.
Spongecake. Dip.
Pie of any kind, Dip.
Preserves, Dip.
Display of prcsorves,
lee cream,
Best Fruit cake, do
" Jelly cake, do
" Plain cake,
" Jelly.
Display of jellies.
Ji nGLs-Mr, Jame Forrest, Mm. J. Boynton,
1 t, . ' "'' Irv,n' Mr"' M- McCullough. Mrs
Robert Ross, Mrs J B (irham, Mr. Rev. AULeod
, . , ' """ui, ..irs uev. McLeod,
ti . m ,' JS"' cr a'l Cheese.
" Founds butter, $1 00-2d best, Dip
' 1'lrkl" 25 or more lbs.,
mndn in Mm,..- I , a ....
made in Moy or June,
1 0.2d best, Dip,
t cueese,
Jt nnrs-o. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Sh.w, Scn V,'
Mrs. m. Morgan (Lawrence I. M
I artsock Mrs odg. Wright, U B Uoodlander.j
Class 24. Flour.
""l.."rr.el or 1 $ 1 din- 2d best. Din.
100 1b
ll k. I : , . ... '
m ., . - -w.f juip. i
,n .. j "sstij, Kip.
11.. ... '
. . n - ww v. m I'll,. '
2,1 h. . ' j , ' - 50 c. l Dip.
2d b.,t to pound. r flour, jj.
50 pound, buckwheat flour, 50 e. . Dip-
2d Lt m pd. buckwheat floor, DiJ.
2d best 40 pounds corn meat,
.w. .urn moai, e0 e. A Din.
t.. . 1 ,. - ' . '
""'" roomaii, tamuel Jordan, R. S,
llii,i,nhr l'.r.lln..J A I, i ... . ' .
f ...u.uuuu vb.iiii,ii, iipacxman, j
Clvss 25. IhtnrMic Articles.
Itflft DOT ttf lr af knnaw TU MM I
Best 101b.. nTatd. Z2 YCZ ." '
t- " ' " 's,iu,
n... I ' , r ""s1" -ip'
i m ... ,.o.d wio, ki, M.v, rf, j,, ;
i" i. .V.. . S . -A., eV' " ,
f,, f.)w, . lfLVte, tip
tv-l 1 Mtt't'. f l "!, mm, m.V i,p.
JiinM .Mr. ,li".lf I'nti.'t, Mil Mm (' . I
, ll, 1'il., M, Ji lultt, M"
,l, l,h Mili., Mm. ' ili 1 1 In. Mn, ,rt,ihiiii J
llnr'.bottt, Wi, Il-it( ll'"li, (ll"lii ) f
ci iy.
, "Hi " .V (III, f,u fill , '
It ,i o jtj. fift"t"l, l on
l, .1 III iJ" mtiiiii't, I no
:i-l l )M. rl"th. I l'i
lie. I inir wnoli n lilimkets, I H,t
lii M IS tanli wo'ilet rarpol, I 00.
lie. I I a yai'ls tH cur pel, W nol-
rn ebnin, 1 00
llr.l 15 yards rsK ear) rt.iel-
lott chain, ( 00
H.'.l wnull. n eovcrli'l, 100
J"l .., t'lp.
71 bfl, il "
. fl,
H It.nt,
21 br.l,
M bell, in
1,1 bf.l,
2d li"M,
II, -t wo.ili'it fringe! mills,
Best hearth rug,
Best pair woolen knit ilockins,
Best I lb. linen sewing thread.
Best specimen of knotting, knitting or ee-
dle work by Missel under 12 years of age, do
Best I lb. of Hocking yarn, d
Best foot mat, Dip. Best straw hat do
Best straw bonnet. Dip. Hostility, d,t
Ji roKs Mrs. Judge Ferguimi, Mrs, II. II. Cald
well, Mrs. Lydiu ltherm, Mrs. John Norrts,
Mrs. Mary tSparkman. Miss Nancy Ogden, Mrs
Doctor Thor pson Mrs, (i. L. Heed, Mrs, 8.
J. Hon'.
Class 27. Xectilt, Shell, M'a.t vork
Best speeiinen of needle work,
" group of flowers in worsted,
" lamp stand embroidered,
" lump stand not embroidered,
' uiiihroidi red slippers,
" embroidery in silk,
" rinlir.iidiiy in worsted,
" eniliniidory in lace,
" embroidery in muslin,
" shirt made by Miss under 15yurs,
" piilnhing and mending,
' ottoman eover, Dip. Best table cover
" fancy chain w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do
" wax flowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do
" feather work. Dip " leather work, do
" ornamented work do
Jrnur:s Miss Kniina lirahaa, Miss Sophie Bar
rett, Miss Maggio Irvin, Miss Mary Jane
Wright, Miss M. J. Bard, Miss Kmily Forrest,
Miss Matilda M'Murrny.Miss Josephine Flegal,
Miss Mary Fuly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Km
ni ii Jones.
Class 28. Millinery and Dretinnudwit.
Host millinery' Dip. Host dresi-making. Dip.
Jiiiges Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary 11 Fer
guson, Mrs Mary K Leonard. Misees Jane
Mitchell, Ada Swartz, Klixatone, Hetty Cath
cart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Kratzer, Mary A.
Class 20, Artistic work.
Best painting in oil,
" painting iu water colors,
" portrait painting,
" landscape painting,
" cattle painting,
" ornamental painting of any kind,
" daguerreotypes taken on the ground
" ambrotypes tukeu on the ground,
" (ihotugruphs taken on the ground,
" writing,
" ornauiental penmanship,
architectural drawing,
Jriioes Dr John O Loraiue, II M'Kim, Mrs.
XV. L Spottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss
fophio M Le d, Mrs Eli Bloom, Mrs J. B
M'Kuiilly, Hi v. J M Galloway.
Class 30. DctUjn.
riesi design lor larm uouso, z i'a nest, Uin
design for barn,
--2d best, do
" design for carriage house
and stable, 2 2d best, do
" design for dairy house, t 2.1 best, do
" design for ice house, 1 2d best, do
" design for dry house, 12.1 best, do
" design for bridge. Plan for bridge
rot less than 250 It. spai, 3 00--2d best, Dip.
Juices lion. U R Barrett, Hon. Wm Bigler,
Juo. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough
erty, Class 31. Metuie Fabrics and Maeh'm'.ri,
Best rli'.nl.lT of tnbln find n.ifLnr entlnrv
i -..i- .
, ainoriciin uinnuinciitre. llin
Best cooking stove, wood and coal, Dip.and $100
2d best. Dip and $2 3d best, Dip and 1 00
I Best parlor stove, coal, DiD and 2 00
2J '""'t. l''l and $1 00 3d bes. Dip
,ic,t l'"rIor wo"l' f'P i'l 2 00
ZJ be"'' . DP nJ 1 K 3d best, rj,p'
i Best cast iron fence. Din and 3 00!
' "l cn!
dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00'
Best tin ware.
din and 1 00
Best blacksinithing, d p and $3 2d best,. lip and$l
gunsinuning, uip nnu s sa i. ( unit I
iro ...uiog, aip and 2 2d best, din nud 1
' shower bath dip and $2 00
' original invention in the tounty, 5 00
' plate eastings, 'dip and 1 00
Jt -ncEs Wm. McBride. John F Weaver, Elisha
Fenton, David Kirk, Win. A Wallace.
Class 32. Vehicle of alt kinds.
Best family carriage, $j ADip.-
2d best, $3 . Dip
do 2 do
do 2 di
do 2 do
do 2 do
farm wagon,
timber sled,
horso cart,
wheel barr.nv.
$1 00-
2,1 best, Dip
Jl'DiiKS Dr. II P Thompson. 11 C Ho ninn Ann
W Pauly, John B Hewitt, tieorge Ileakendon,
J. C. Brenner, F U Miller.
Cr .ass.. 13 Cabinet ware in Co'inly.
R..I JPn..i-rt1........ (i.t:. nil . ...
vp,,, vui cMu,v.,A.iip,--.u nesi, f t and IMp
3 do
extension table,
set of chairs,
2 do
3 do
2 do
2 do
variety of chairs,
sot parlor furniture, .1 po
, ' displuy of cabinet ware,
' "'111' .! rhuir,
J CMil -- Jliini"" H. 1 1,'lliili!
$5 00 and Dip
1 00 and do
Kratzer. Rem
11 Waihl, '1 bos. Mills. Harrison W Spencer,
-'LAS!i loopenuy, Carpentering and
Jiatcec- matting.
isest specimen orpine ware, Dip
' window sash, $1 00 2d best, do
' window blind, 1 00 -2d best, do
' set grain measures, $2 00 and do
lot of buckets, l 00 and do
lot ef splint baskets, 100 and do
' panel door, ,0
Ji'liurs James Fenton, Frederick 6'ulich, Thos
Henderson, Abraham Ogden, John Garrison.
Class 35. ftots and Garden Vegetables.
Best 4 stalks celery, Dip. Best bus, turnips, Dip.
bushel carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do
f do i do par.nins. " do
i j. ... i.i. i. .. .: -i"i
j luuie oecis.uo u lomatocs, do
heads 6 egg pl.nts, do
2 head qt lima
one-half bn.hel table potatoe, do
quart wiusor beans, ,j0
variety of squashes, $0
' rariety of melons, do
' one-half bushel of sweet potatoes, de
All vegetables to be raised by the exhibitor.
Jt'DOEs James B. Graham, A. K. Wright, W'nr
L. Moore, Philip Antes, llov. Joseph R. Foc'it
Cl .ass 30. Curriers, Saddlers, Shoemakers, (lc.
Kest. 2d best.
(Jente boots and shoes, $2andDip--$l andDip.
1..4u." 1 . - .1 . ,. . . . I
"-j- uu suoes, j ana ao l and do
ii en is gaiters, i
Ladys' gaiters, i
Display ofboots and hoes,3 and do
Travelinr trunk
.- 1
1 and do
2 and do
1 and do
1 and do
1 add do
i mge nan
r. .
--'-hw "".lei.., J ana do
single harness, J and do
Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do
nt.' riding saddle, J and a0
Udy.' riding saddle J Ti To
l'isplay or saddlerr. I ..j
' 1 and do
ooie iieatner, j aa
r. , "erj tmor Kind of leather.
Roba made by exhibitor. 2 and do
Pate bin, R,beo U. Moir.. w" 'S'J
. '
""'"' . ior ma UphoUterert umri
m j i , .
MJd best, d
as izr:axi;?j-Ti
?eBt lady,
f, i,
l,i U'k l'",
J t !) W m ' (itlii,
M H 4"t
f'nt'i l yi, to il,
V. '
, IMI," I M I", tl
.1. 1 Mr I ,: iikS.
,,nl V' nrnifhtt, 1'ntl'l A Is ti, I, ft r,
lit ii i un'v.
fl. .t tilsi.k,
1 Cud,
:-.t bill,
jiMl t'sticy.
ll n.l SiA .1 ht.or.
ruin) blet,
Jlt'iiSI lloV. Wm r'rirr, '" J ' I'UlHel
I sii.l, l.isi l li 'l, .'anil's H Wslsoti,
Cum ;i'.l. - S"'i' II "in-,
Uesl drain tile, Mp. Bet l,i" kl, Dip
Hot Urn Mi A, d't Best pntlity, do
Best bill Ii, do
.I'lwki - Judge Kercnsitn, JuAn Lamm, Martin
N irll.ll i, Jr., Win Ncrrt ll, (leu Krhart.
' I " - . . ... . . .
('.a 4). C'AiTtiKvilii an, I ( fifmienl twtion,
in ( V.
: Best avallalle in a nil re at moderate eorl, Dip.
I Best for farm prodtuts, flOO do
1 Best fur glue, 1 00 do
Best linseed oil, I 00 do
Best lallow eandlei, dip, best writing ink, do
Best specimen eonp, dip best vluecer, do
Jriwics Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson, Dr. T .
Buyer, Dr. A MiLcod, Dr. J (1 llartswirk,
Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr. Fetser.
Cl.Esj 4 1. atone and Wood,
Best dressed stone, tl A dip. Best mill stone, dip
Best floor boards work'd do Bostgrindstone, do
Best weather baard w'k do Best shingles, do
Best spliter shaved hoops, do Best turned art, do
Discretionary premiums will bo recommended
.for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics
: in all Ihe various branches, uud it is hoped a
ecnernl nttendiinca will be made.
For all improvements useful to (ho farmer and
having valuable properties, disoretloiinry prom's
will bo reeeommendod by the cominitteo' and a
wnrded by the board at theirdiseretion.
ji'Ihikh Judge Leonard, Ju.lgo Bonsall, F. K.
Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Bell.
Class 42 Xntural Minerals.
Best of useful minerals of Clearfield coun
ty, coal included, do.
' Limestone, do. best sandstone, do,
' Potlors clay, do ' Flro clay, do
' suite rryxtalued min do ' Fossils, do
' minerals from the surrounding counties, do
JrnoKS Judge lloyt, Bey. W. L. Spottswood,
II. B. Swoope, II. F. Muugle, L. J. Crnni.
Class 43. General Lift,
Best display and greatest variety of flowers, do
' Display ' plants, do
Beit Floral ornaments, do
Best basket boqucts with handle. do
Best manufactured article by sewing machine
on ground, do
Best bund boiiiets do best butter bowl, do
Best washing machine, do Best butter ladle, do
Best churn, do
JrltffM Mrs. Judge Moore, Mrs. Josiah It.
Heed, Mrs. Joseph II. Ilegarty Lumber-city,)
Mrs. D, F. Ktutt filer, Mrs. Martin Nichols, jr.,
Mrs Wm. Morrell, Mrs. A. II. Shaw, Mrs. Win.
A. Wallace, Mrs. Mnj. Nivling, Mrs. Thos. For
cee. Class 1 1. Fruit.
Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap
ples, summer and winter fruit, named
and arranged, 50 cts A do
Best disply and greatest variety of
pears, named and arranged, 58 cts A do
Best display and greatest variety of
I peaches, named and arranged, 50 cts A do
I Best Apples, J hushd do
j Best Collection of plums, do
Best du cherries, do
; Best do quinces, do
I Best do strawberries, do
i Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do
I Best specimen of American grnprs, do
Best specimen currants, not less than 3 qart's do
' Best specimen goosberries, ' ' 3 ' do
Best specimen of blackberries, do
' Best specimen of seedling grapes raised in
county and worthy of culture, do
j Best specimen of Domestic wine, do
Ji ncrs Wm C. Foley Wm. McCracken, Mrs.
j Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. J. F. Weaver, J. II. M'Kn
, ally, Ahrom Nevling. Miss .oseqliine Lanicli,
Mii l.iliih Boynton, Miss Bertha Wright.
Class 4,'i. Horsemanship, lr.
Best 5 couple of ladies and gents ou horseback, do
. Best company of cavalry,
Best company of infantry.
''" of brass instruments,
Kest martial bund,
Best 25 singers,
Jvtsi lien. J. II. Larrimer, Col. n. V.
'"n, lol. A. II. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallaco.
! .-inney, loi. rsssmorr, l ol. .tt't'lure, Mai. D. V .
j Major S. C. PaUihin, Major Holt, M.ij ,
j- " .., .uiin niutnew ok-
den, dipt.
11 A,
Campbell, Captaiu Taylor
Class 4ii Xursrrirs.
Best nursery containing Ihe greatest variety of
froit and shrubs cultivated in the most' op-
roved and methodical manner, $2 00 A do
Ji liOKs---Thomas Mills, Jacob Gu'lch, James
A. Hagirty, William i. Hemphill, Richard .haw
jr., John U. Cain, W in. L. More.
Persons appointed to act is judges are request
ed to notify the Secretary, if possible, before the
1st day of the Fair, of their acceptance of the
truM, and to meet the Pres't at the opening of
tho Fair.
Tbo Rules and Regulations, ifc, will be pub
lished in a week or two.
!: ! DEATH !!!
To every form and Specie of
7'ir', Roach i(c. Exterminator.
Bed-Bug F. x'.crnnnatiir.
Electric Fvwder for Irscctt.
Ruts Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground-.liee,
lied-lmgs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas,
Insects on Hunts, Inserts on Animals, etc.
in shoi t every form and species of
lo years established in Nevy York City
used ly tho City Post Oil'ice- the City Pris
on and Station hoiisos thn city Steamers,
Ships itc., tho City Hotels, "Ailor," "St.
Nichobs," Ac, and by more than 20,000
privrtto f'amiles.
RcTi,.Di-iipgists and Retailers eveijwhero
sell them.
KwRehoIesale Agents in all large. Cities
OffX-Rogular sizes, 25c, sOc., Boxes
Rottles, Flasks.
B?-!!! Bkharb ! 1 ! of spuriousitnitations.
Exumine each Box, Bottle &, Flask,
and takfl nothing but "Costar's"
Br$.$I.oO Boxes sent by mail.
BA.?3 t $5.00 by Impress.
DeB-Address orders or for Circular, lo
lnncipal Dcnot. 410 Rrnnilu Di. v v
nji.uux LOKA IN K A. (VI
.... !
March 17th.
Clearfiold Pa.
Cabinet, Chair Making:,
rnua 2o.Tffi.a iAaiTyasra
J '1N OUpCII, of the borough of Clearfiola,
' 1 W1" be prepared at all time to attend to
to any business in the above line on thort
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place
of business is at the eld hopon th aorth side of
Market itreet, 8d door east of Third L. nearly
opposite the old Jew store ; wber he will keep
constantly on band a large assortment of Ma
hiitrony and Cane Uottom Chair, and Cabinet
W are of every description, which he will dispose
or on a reasonable term a the same arUole
can be bad elsewhere in the eonnty.
Hi. .I..L A.l' . n '
.... .U.U. ui laoinei vtare now on band, con
sist in part of Dressing and Common Bureau.
S0fYvt,wll,lMd Wti$ Stand, De.k and
Book Case, French and field Port Bedstead.
Dininis. Rr.Wfu.i r..u r, a j n.
, , " ' . ua rier la-
) bles, Ao. C.fflna manafatr.d and delivered ai
i m" J fimKm aesirta,
Ptbruarjr 9, I85 fao. i, To). Ir.J
mmm j . . 1 -
itmi v mi; ni iMin.
Mull AMI: 1IM Ml I M
II, ,lh M.ti"1 ril.ltll, ll.
l is i mil em tt.i-dl.iM" 1st lo'i'iitnl f-r Ibslr
linitilnUe etTirsr y In nil lbs d ' "M'li H"
i r. fi'.. .i nils, li tHi'l'-i"! II" ""l !'' ' "f
I tiflin P..I fitly iinnece.'iity, but iinwmtby t.f
Hum. Ibey lie lilii'Otl l H"'f ,,,,,r
.ord wotki I. sl ljr l" t llum, nd Ho y Il'" l""1
1) the faith nf llin itndiiloli'.
Is AM, I'Asi . of Aslbnin, grille ml f'liri.tnr
Mittiinnilnii, Afli't'llon of Hie Blndd. l end Kid
lieys. Billiom Feur aii'l Liver t'omplaiiil.. -
In the niiilh and west, where these iIih-iit" rc
lail tin y will be f'ou ml ln alniible, Plaiilors,
Farmers, and olhors, who mice use these incoli nil s
will never be willi.nit them.
Djspt pxla No person with this distressing
disease should delay using these medicines 1 in -mediately.
Krupti'iiis of Hie skin, Erysipelas,
Flatulency, l evee and Ague. For thil si ouigo
of t'.io western country these medicine will be
joiiiul a saTe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other
medicines leave llio system subject to a retnr" of
the disease a sure by these medicines is ler
nuitient. Try thorn, be nilisfled, and bj eured.
MeiTUi al IMscum-, Never fuils to eradi
oate entirely all the effects of mercury infinitely
sooner thon tbo moil powerful prciarution of
Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com
plaints of all kinds, Organio AB'ections, Palpila
tion of tho Heart, Painter's t'holie.
I'ili'N. The original proprietor of these medi
cines was cured of Pile of .'15 years standing by
tho use of these Life medicines uloue, Worms of
nil kinds, aro etl'ectually cured by tlieso medicine.
Parents will do well to administer them whenever
their existence is suspected. Relief will bo
Purify tho blood, and thus romovo nil disease
fiom the system. A siuglo trial will place the
Lira Pill and Phoenix Bittkks beyond the
reach of competition in tho estimation of every
fid' Prepare J and old bv
335 Iirodway, cor. Worth St., New toik.
Feb. 2'Jth18f.0. lyr.
Look in.iti:! look 1 1 1 :it i: :
fllllK undersigned subscribers, take this nieth
X od of informing the public generally, thai
they bavo this day entered into copartnership in
and can be found at the shop formerly occupied
by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in litis bo
rough, where they will be pleased to seo the r old
customers, and as many new one as can make
it convenient to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spade and picks,
Your log-chains and your (lulling stick,
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Your pcars will work up then just right,
To prooning hooks for every height.
Your swords too, shall then be wrought.
To ploughshares such as Cuin ne'er bought.
iiF.O. W. OUR.
Clearfield, Diecmbcr 8, ISJS.-tf.
For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro
ALU DISEASES arising from IMPU
This medicine ha wrought tho most niiracu
lous cures in desperate caies of
j Scrofula,
Cutaneous Diseases,
I Pimples on the face,
Old, Stubborn Ulcers,
Tetter Affections,
I Dyspep.ia,
! Juundice,
Mercurial Diseases,
j Liver Complaint,
j Low Spirits,
Cancerous formation,
Erysipelas, Boils,
Sore Eves,
Scald Head,
Rheumatic Disorder)
Salt Hhciiin,
(ieneral Debility,
Loss of Appetito,
Foul Stomach,
Female Complaints, and all Diseases having
their orgin in an impure state ef the Blood.
ni, ..,.. .
..ra,,.1,1UB,, Di i.,iTia itiireary.
lV5'sCu, Zn:mtrVt07 ",0T S'-'t ,l'f A,"R'
made amdnvit betore .Tustico Gorley that
.on hi in Mcctnc tdlleRO n Cmcinnntti, for a!
' T:, r ! '
cheek were entirely eaten away! Ho ha ! given
up nil hope, when ho heard of tho "Blocd Search-
er, nnd was induced
to try it. Four bottles
'cared him. Anil thmirrh sn.llv ,i;.f, . 1 . .
j, ft - J uu-nuiKU, IUCIV
M4 no (iiudinn Itiil iflmt tl.ic :.....l....l.i. i '
1"' ""iu vino nn iiiminiu IlirUlClllV
1.1. I "-iu i particulars oi tins case
... circumr, -nun can ne una
vVf'TZ-....... .v.... ,..,....
ofEldertown, Armstreng county, Pa., cured of
Scrofula alter being unablo to get out of bed for
three years.
To the case of a lady in Ansonsville, Cleor-
... . , . w ..mi, - j .
r.IdMrtown. .nun li .n,n.
,uu ... ...v auncieu wun ocroiuia
,.. ,,o ,uu, mini.
T ,1- en t . ... .
.U i.c oi ocorge eisoi, resoung in can-
Intvn In inhri nuAi II- L . .11.. r
....... w. ... l., wuo .in fo oiniiy ai
meted wmi lancer that it eat his entire nose off.
. " " WIL 'wri possioie, man
Mccreary .
which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher
may also be found in a circulas to be bad of
ny of the Agent.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, nea
tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Holliduyiburg, Po.
Dr. Geo. II. Keyser, Wholesale Agent Pitts
burgh Pa.
rOK SALE II Y C. D. W...,. n....i.i .
" i ! iu. i-.asB eynry ono
johnp.tton. curwenavin:, j:i::'n"' r.. ..1'
i .'. v .. " . ' '-'.
n fiiirl, v min . ... r. '
.... . 1'iiiipori; m, it. roster, I'hil-
lipsburgj II, Swan, Ansonville; Rnssell MoMur
ray, New Washington ; Edward Williams, Wil .
Iliamsvillej Jackson Patcben, Burnsi Jo 1 Samuel
I Wegarty, Glen Hope,
Feb. 1st. US0.
The undnrsiined offers fur .mI. . i.., i
farm In Penn townshi : fonurl '
now occupied by Richard Denver lr-
bout HO K, U . " . ...
,:i. in "n wain, on
I mile west of Pennville. From 40 to 40 acre,
cloared-a good fr. m. dwelling hon.e. a log
barn, and other building. .,,ct,4 thereon. Also
a food bearinj orchard and a never failing
spring on the premise., and will be .old on
reasonable ttynn. p, wnon , to Wm Ir.
Tin CurweMvilie, RICHARD INVR, Sen.
I Atij. 2Jth lf.M,..3. Penn township.
i iiiif l i nil. Minin ami t. . .
jon rniNTiNc.
Alt yti tiiti ti i V .f ,!. I In f,,,,
1 1 ! I llii I n1 htlii ' i'l llin " i'. v;v,'
In Miin I In rt In Ihn iiMie lliitl don. '
r"l t"V ili nil liiti'l. nr
To-IMIS, rVIMIM, I'H-Hlin,,
I'l , I'""', ( ii
l.l'.l ', llM ' i'H T, II tst i in,
aii'luny kiinlof i inline iiiiny (
in n loiiiiliy .joh olliie.
All ni'li'is will Lit rxmiili'il iu,
tit" Mid ili'M, n'i li.
W. UA ti, Jli.lice of lb l'enrii, .jii" .T."
li ri lly lo f ollefll"IH end Mli'T M,
liisihnrge Address Kersey, Klk r i"
'l.l lu, II i... " CU,''l
loll in
Oct. 3d Isiill. ly.
ll1 M I' of lb tf are
I I 'l'l cii-biiig, CleaiDfld C
.n . . .i . ii.. .. ..ii i .. ' I'U,',T Sll I'll. III.', (,Ul l
VT the miiiith of Lick Kim, five miles f..,
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and .itfai,
iMiinnlncturcrs oi uuinuer,
July 23, 1852.
Tllacksmllll.Wagnns, Buggies, Ac., 4c, m.
I y on lmrt notico, unn uie very Lost style, ttt
.J stand in ino norougn in i.urwenivrlii
Doc. 29, 1B53
M. 1VOODW, having chtinged his
tion from Curwcnsville to Clearfield m
peclluliy onors in proiossionni services tv th
cititeus ol tho latter place and vicinity.
Rusidoneo on Second street, opposi! t, at af
J. trans, Ls'i. iny ; !JJ,
I li j 1 1 1 a n and H n r p e o u,
Clearfield Pa., liny 30, 1860.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend
nnu taitlilully to all legal business entrusted
his care, in tbo several Courts of Clearfield .
u'ljoining counties.
Office, tho one formerly occupied by G,
Oof. 2filh, 1650 ly.
I) lC, ."TvTKT E V A RT
iiijsiciau ana mtnceou, offers his pttW
A sionai services to the citizens of Jo Wj,:
ington ami surrounding coiumunity. OfticeU-J
doors west of the Washington House, ,
NowWashi!igtoii, Pu., Oct. 14, 1859.
Civil FsuisrER it Land Sckvkvor, off"
his professional services to tho citizens of Cle.-
fild county.
All business entrusted to hi in will be prompt
aim taitlilully executerl.
Oflico with Leonard, Finney & Co.
Justice of the peace
Lnthcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., i
attend promptly to a'l business entrusted to 1
care. Ho also informs Ihe public that he kmi
constantly on bund at his shop, a general
sort men l ol .'"addles, Undies, Harness ' ir
whips, which he will sell on reasonable trem
April 4, I SCO.
4 M. SMITH offers hit professional serritJ
to tlie I ndies and (Jen t lemeii of Clti
held slid vicinity. All operation perfom,
with neatness anil despatch. Being fauiin
with all the lato iiuproviiieuts, be is prepaml
male Artificial Tcelli in the best m.uni
Office in Shaw's new row.
Sept. 14th, 1858. lyJ.
ias. n. i.AminiFrt. , n
AUHIMI.K TI'ST. Atlorh.v. t li
Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly te C
tAiulis, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clea.
, Centre and Llk couhties. July 30.-J
I 1 uiw.ll r J. W ALLACE, at U
11 Uearfiold, Ph., OtTice in Shaw's How, ;
pusite the Journal office.
! dco. 1, lsir-tr.
VITliolesalc and Helail Merchants. t
j IT extensive dealers in timber, sasrid lixt
bcr and shingle. Also, dealers in Hour n
! grain, which will bo sold cheap for ra.-Ji.
Oct, 14, 1S59.
Thankful for post favors and solieitionjof (t
turo pntronnge. I would respectfully annonti"
ii.ii, i ou nun, I again, nnd will cor,
keep at the Pottoiy in this bor-iiL-h. a th er
nern short distance cast of the Methodist Cham
a lar'e stock of Crockery, such as Cream crock
milk pans, Churns. Juirs. Jor. Stove nine cwic
1 " c. ilc; and also nn extensive assortment f.
.lillerent s ?.cs and p.Vterns of bnckets t
rSe,tC fur o -d o her U:
nnd kcr-t fur silo
reduction on prioe,n,vl.k
Clem field, may 23
1870. ly.
j 1 b, undersigned ropecifully begs lean 4
ot announce that he recent'v rent . hm... i. ti
I r"".'!1?1!. f ,,",",''r .eity, Clearfield county, P-;
lur ,0 uieominou itioii ol the trove ing
..f i I
nun-mien uiiu an onion ttbo may favor b
with a call.
.no mom .in niways oe supplied with Mfwl
III. ...I I !l , .
ua uie iiiaraeis ununt: and no na na wilt
spared to render his guest comfortable trk
.' ,. nun L,,w IliCIS luai Bv I.
. uniler hia rni.r T. w , .k
. I. r . . i u
toxicating liquors of any kind wi 1 be keptilx
.i I
- me premises, will be trusU. euntributo ta C
small degree. White, what is always iiupwUi
to the traveller, tho best attention will be fir
by careful hostler to that faithful companim
oi nis . onrnev. his tiat ent stee.l
July 4, is .ly. JA.Mi S CROSSLI.
. ... r
The subscriber will send (yrre nf r'o'il to J
woo nesiro it, mo Recipe and li-,., li ms l irmi.
ing simple Vnrlnhlc Hum. will, in
"f :.
Jih, hallow net., and all iniiuriuai
ture intended it should he--oi,, iio'"1
oeaunjut, -i 10e desiring the It -eeipe, with ij
instructions, directions, and Ivioo, will pie"
can on or address (with return
Practical Chemist,
No. 3 2 City Buildings, N.York.
Aug. 22th isao..-.(mo,
j JAMES CROSSLY e.i-H.. nn
in the borouirh of Lumber . It- .h.r. he wii
! ...,. . ,1 , . . . ., ..
execute it in a work manlike maimer,
jury 4, itjtiu. ij.
A excellent quality of Flour for lli"'
X'ne store or W. F. lilw w.
Clearfiold, July 1 1 th, I" 80.
A largo lot of BKAN3 for saie at thU.