Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 17, 1860, Image 2

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i run.
7 4 1
. -Yl.
' pie., N lo mv Ihnt they would rather .lis--lr
lli" 1 ' it in t ti ii ii g'ant to tli.' N"tilh
cm Sli-.l. th-ii ' i - i I ii l i l light.
. tn e we snv id il Mr I. IN' "i v i-not ,
ui. In- M'v nii'iinr I.m.'iv-, gel .thin rfj,-
The RrsnltinOnr ComPy.
Tho 1'iViriiil return ill the lute election
in ( 'loin t 1 1 county, will do ton nt In im
oilier pail nT t li 14 .nier. A xMo ft-lrt lie
V.'lO fer 'VllgrCMIIIIII, UlC I'cmill In highly
'.' i r i;ni:i i, t ig,
t(j .nomina!'
'cxtr.-u l from a speech made ly a nolnri
ons It d )ou I.I iiim nt ii linck K'-publican
! meeting by tlm n;mie of CA UL SII T'KZ.
The. "Journal" in attempting to defend
UrfCJOUrT V TfinWQftN Ulii-! lift ltiiiblic:an puMi-liei un extract
r'K vice pk evident.
,i..fii nd of tl.nvnto gven lol'i'dTit on creditalila I" tlm Pemoiiia.-y. Y n can
liit- Plli iii t. see no evidence of any change of men
l! it, i .in, togethei w ith tliai from tho Douiocriiliu t. tho Hl.iek l!o.uh-
ni-t toi (ie.i. I'omi k, be concentrated up- lieiin pfil'ty. In nearly every distriet Ihe
on ii'ty .'- clectiii nl I i. ket? An ell'. i t I modal have either !iel. tlieir own, or
i-. nov I eing inn. It' to i ll'. i't such n remit, increased llieir Voto ; ,!iilst in several dis.
1! s;u-( r -fnl, well aii'l p. mil, ami our glo- ti 'lets they hnvo ineroa'od tiieir majorities,
rinni e.H.ntr; may escape tho ruin mi l The reduction ol our majority, therefore,
disaster that must follow tin: triu mph of in 'ho county , is entirely owing to the
Abolitionism. . large influx of citizen from otlier coun
ties an'l States. Tho Logjinj Inttrest con
tributed largely in this behalf us is hovn
V v the vote in lUooin. Dei'ittur. (
"pitched" into u for having published an ... , . . . ,.
1 -1 ' Ilu(on ami Morris lownshiiia. Dur ma
jority injiirit al. out half what wu lnul ex
pected, ami what we believo it would have
been, had i.ono but I ho reguhir und buna
I . . ' . .'. ii' citi.ens ol the eountv voted.
i We wero fully aw.irc of the porsomil
Shi'rz and thn Journal
Tlio Kaftmar.'H Journal a few weeks ifro
i 1 i M ii ii ill i
New Yotk Politics.
ThoNiM Yoili ltrrHvi Hie loth 1ml.,
Illntetiipon the union hum finrii t in tlmt
talc in the li.llow inj! nmnnrr.
' Dver inri Ilie mnnli up of Ihd tlemO ,
rinlie putty l ( 'Inn leMon and llnlllmore, ,
v hnve hud i 'iMieiii! bedlam eonliiKinn
iiminit tin elilnpie nil'l piilitirnl lae.
tioino' Ibis oily, with every nppearaneo
of the rity beiiis! represented nt Vihiii(r
ton ami AH. in. y by n et of men totally
un pnililied f ir those impomnt posit ion.
I in i -inn the lust three or ( nir weeks the
jtipiabl.les of the f.ifT ends of t he lilllliel
ouh frnaments have been iiur on in our
midst, and the conventions that have as
sembled nnd nominated their aii'!id.Ues
MJX'llON Itl 1 1 liiNS 01' C f TAIil II f J CO! ,VV
(Jorj-inor, Confro
Coinin'r, Ami
ntiii or
IV 11.
Hi ad v,
Bin nside lint f,il-ivuril l-IM lies n I :i I i t'CK fit lit .
leiiht half ii down I'uctioiiH. Among thorn ','l,,l,
noniinuto'l for the State Asuembly are n v (,,, 'jct
end members of the last Lelature who Cunv,.IlRviilo
wero found voting with thu piratieul crew covj,on
of that body; and nmong tlio li-t of Con- jJ(catyr '
irretitiioiial eamiidatos are some of the ex- I j.,r,,ub0,')
Alderuieu who have brought disgrnce up-1 j, ' '
on tlio eitv by their action nt the City J ' ' ,
-iu.V,-.'.t; lJ.-:t.
Richard Vin.v,
i'rod .V. Seri er.
I', r'atlci'-'iii
:'.-.lo-j. Crucki tl, jr
- 'no. (i. r.rptiuer,
."-i. W. Jacoby.
.-Clins. Kelley.
7- (liver P. James
S'-I)avid Scball.
v I...-: i.i-i.tfr.
U- . 11 .i I..,.:: .
1- I'. Ii Walker J
U-S. Winelies er.
i:(-J.. L-uib.ieh. i
Geo. M. Keim.
, I l l-'aai! Met khoiv.
. I V-Gcii. ). Jackson
M-John Aid.
17-Joel li. Jianner.
, II Craw Curd.
'IV-If. N. bee.
j?ll-Jodi. 1!. Howell
'I-N. 1!. Ketterman
JL'-Sninl. Maruhall.
J'UWm. Hook.
L Ml. H. Hamlin.
J'-Ciaidord Churcii.
1 1 .. I i ... 1 ...1... 1 V I....
, 1 , ctreii.'lh 3 den. 1'atton, and the voto lor
to how thai titiurz wii n. " ht. Hythisrea!,. . , , . ,
L J 1 bun is but little larger, proportionately,
foiiini' we infer the "Journal intendi to1., ... .
than was antieijiated.
! convey the idea that Mr A'no: uiideihtunds .... , . . , .. ,. , . ..
J . I lie uidtriots ol tlio boroughs of Clear-
'tlio Doclaration of Independence much1,. ,, lv ,.r . , ...
i 1 , field niul New Wa-shincton, and the town-
hhips of I)ei;aturt Fox, Uirard, Goshen,
Graham, (fulich, Htistou, Karthaus, Mor
I...I 1.,. . I, l.,,l,.a I l....,rl .o ill.. I lllfl lllw
1 lici kit. tl. "irii .".ii.ti .!. .it
jterpretation put upon that immortal in
'stnunent by American Statesmen is wrong
(This no American citizen will concede to
Rc.iulvcJ, That the Democratic Electo
ral Ticket be headed with the nnino of
Stephen A. Douglas or John C. lirecken
ndge, as an Elector at I.are, and in the
tivcnl of the success of said Ticket, if the
greater number of votes shall have been
cast for Stephen A. Douulas, then the
voleoftho Eletoral College of the Stat
ris and Woodwird, contributed nothing
I n iIhm rtiMiilt i.nil..'l unli.l vrtn fur
be a fact, but exactly the reverie the. 1 . , . , . . , '
' . the whole ticket.
"Journal" and SWz to the contrary not
SAurc ma do a speech at Tolndo, Ohio
last week, and tlio Ileea'.d of that pluoo
In tho districtH of lliioeari.i, Hoggs,
iiriiill'ord, liurnsidc, Covington, Ferguson,
Jordan, Lawrence, Ijmber City, and U-
' ' wn . 1 1 1 t s t A ..... a nl...,. fK.l l'.sM
says ho reiterated the name, obnoxious 1 ,
, ii 'ticket, with the exception of Cohliu.s
sentiments about fie declaration o! In-le-; . . , ,. ,
ami on l.'ns uio ueteciion is out siignt.
liut in Curwerisvillo borough and Piko
pendenco, in which tho "Journal" comes j
. i.:.. ... . r.. wl - l. l...l.l
lO HIS I'.S''lie. .Hi, iluiililJiiiu.ii'ij .mi
, . , ,, ,, , .. ' i- i if township, tho home of den. 1'atton, wo il... . nnpni rbl.nce of I I ' '
or ho certainly would not persist in his
wicked ;:oiii'b nf'ter being put right by it
on this f(uestio').
Tho lkrald says :
''Ho did not deny any allegation that
has been made against him by the Demo
fi'id that a very largo number of Demo
crats forgot their duty to their party
whiht in HillfChest, Penn, and one or
two other districts, the result was but lit
tle bette:-.
Wo have nothing to say in tho way of
. i. i . I.. . . . .
cralic press, lie repeuteu uis ceieoraiou censure, 10 sucn wemoerais us navo inns
tirade, which we, have published word for deserted their colors in tho time of need,
word, and was cheered by the negro o- .... . , , . . ,
eciio. i '
is a tree country, where every man bus n
quality Republicans, to the very
i ii- : .1 ...,l,.t....t .. I..,
lilt . r 1 1. 1 I ' HIS I IOl 1 1UII . S ti.'-M nuL.oviiiH.nui
(.hall be cast for Stephen A. Douglas J,,)'J ' himMt-lf U that il tiiii government w-as peri'jc', right to voto as ho see
1 1 or to hell V .1 ,ili nnii fnr I'rnMdn f. nix '. ' . , 1 0
Vice President, but if for John C. Preck-i ltitutoiI by w Into men lor the bene it rrC1(.,. ut how tll(.yt n5 p,,.m,KM.ut;1,
enriilge. John C. Breckenridgo and Jos.,0' ,v,,",(; ,:,"M- .!ln,d lh "'fc"' 18 r"7' 'believing in tl.eequalitv rf the people and
t r .1 ! ti- .i . , eoua lot the white inun, 'then our declar- , , , ,' , 11
Lam; 01 tho same offices. I tlio vote of ' ,. , .- , . ... . Of tha States under tie Const tut on em
T, . . , , ,, ,. , , 1 ation was a diploma tic ( lodge,' 'an excuse ' in,.i.ui.i uimu iiinonsiiiuiiun, can
fwhtr in setuling to Congress a man who
and it can elect anv man running for th: I 'd,:iwn "P '''. cl,lf';, rs lt, thv0. ' Llst ,n l'lwle.l to such a icaric.ion of the as,
office of President of the Unito.l Sta tes, I f ie of,l'' !V0''IJ, im'l n.: sumed rights of sixteen or the sovereign
claiming to be a Democrat, then the veto ,'e"rU?l1 fo lnt0 ,?t,"' th iml Stales of tho lln'on as m, sr ifearried out
of tho Electoral College shall be cast for al"1 ' ke r.-k-a - ' r, ilt.a.n .d out,
lint .ntirliilntn r : . ,,.;i WOOUell mil Jieg 1110 llio-l lllipuueiu i.'i- I f-uuy inu vyuiiiuut.-i.iuy, is liioro Ulan we
er of the Democrats for whom it is cast i l10si,ion evcr l"'iwti,cd ,li,0l ll)0 " ll0'(i can imagine, and we leave it with them to
. 'itvri-l.l' .........
or any ot ine uoinocrats who nro voteu ; ' ., . ,. , . i rcconeno witn tneir uuty in their conn
tor in tho States, then the votes shall be , 1 V .
cast for tho candidate who has tho majo- !0,f U,1W S?ntlcmaii. Ec-pub henns :Mt and
rilvof the votes of the S!at; and t'1(lt ,the lack c-f enthusiasm thorcrftfr could
tho Chairman of this Committee bo jn. ly o altnbutabln to the wet blanket
tructed to obUin from the gentlemen OI1 1 tln"n ;ipon them by his open und un
tho Democratic Electoral I ieket of t his ! (llud avowals, where they expected
State their several and distinct i.ledfes ''e"'"ls : t,KU 1S- t;'a.p .!i0.L. ol'-& llu"'
of acquiesccnco in tho foregoing resnlu-1 'll''''l'a
tion, ami to report the result of his act
inn in thn iimmiurw ol it... evt .ni-
iiigol tho Commitlee. ' j Tho Constitution of tho United Sufes
-l contains this clause:
"Pers. ms held to service in one State, J
I by the laws thereof, escaping into anoth.
'er Slate, shall be delivered up."
I Ttieieean be no ouestion ns to tho
-the rank and hit
The Irrepressible Conflict.
The Result in the State.
Mr. Ci rtin is elected ( iovemor of Penn
sylvania by a very larco maioritv nerh.'u.s
,1,-,,. ,i .i i .i i i r.i Itieieean be no question
lliirtV ttlOUHHPd both brni.Mia.1 fllic I
1 a-iid. ,(,,... ,.:ii ii it. ii- ' nieutiirig of this clause. It means but one
Immature will bo largely Kcpublieun ; . - , .
nl,,i,i,.'. ... .. . . , ' thing, an 1 that is, if s aves esc.ipo from
a ill LllC l.onO'ess .mill fl.. pi-u inn it iu I.... "
lieved, will st-md six Democrat to 19 i
their masters in Virginia, and come into
u,.. -r i i. , i Pennsylvania, I'ennsvhm'.a shall deliver thrm
Hepu jlirans, being a Demot-rntx gain of 1 3
The csuko of this ovcr vhelming defeat
must be apparent to all. Until within
thrto or four weeks of tho election, the
Democracy owing to the unfortunate di
visions on tho Presidential question, had
niado no effort at organization. Of course
there was the n no time left to eanva.-s the
State, and but little else was done than to
cal! upon the opponents of JUack-llepub-licun
Abolitionism to cast their voles for
(ten. Foster. Had the election
Does Pennsylvania dd so? N'otat all.
On the contrary she, together with eight
otlier free States, impose a heavy jincand
imprisonment, upon any of her ofiiers who
I shall take part in the execution of this ob
l'HUory provi.don of our national Constitu
i tion. The annexed is a IUt of the State
above referred to, together with tho ex-
. ... . c . . - .I- ...i t
i ii'in oi punisnineni ltiiucieii in eaen
I., r.
i i '
unveil ,. -,
. V I Mil 11 1.
place on tho I'th of September, in stead of i In Mas.-achusetts
tho Oth of October, Cm-tin's tmyority I Ir. Connecticut,
would have been twice as great as it now is. j 1,1 Penmylvania,
On tho other hand, our opponents had I!" V.cli."la
.i f i i . , . .'n Michigan,
the Iiuld to thomselves for more than sev-' i Wisconsin
en lon; months a most able and noi,n.! In loan.
Republicfi.a Sentiments.
Wu head tho list with -Iosmi a R. Oid
l);s, the father of '.he lilaek Kepublieftii
at ty. Thn extract will bo found in n
speech delivered by him in the House of
Representatives, on tho It'th of March,
"When the contest shall com, when
tho thunder shall roll and the lightning
flash, when tho slaves shall rise in the
.South, when, in imitation of the Cuban
bondmen, the southern slaves shall feel
that they are men, when they feel the
stirring emotions of immortality, and rcc
ognuo the., stirring truth that they arc
mcn, and entitled to tho rights whtcli Cod
lin.s benowed upon them ; when the
slaves shall feel that, and w hen masters
shall turn pale and tremble when their
dwellings shall smoke, and dismay sit on
every countenance, then, sir, I do not say
we will laugh at your calamity and mock
when your fear enmeth,' but I do say.
when that time shall come, the lovers of
our raco w ill stand fo-lh and exert the le
gitimate powers of this Oovernnient for
trerdoti . We shall then have constim
tional poner to act for the good of our
country, and do justice to the slave. TVim
iet 7 ic strHr J' lhe shackle fr vn the limbs of
the ilave. And let mo tell vou Mr. Speak-
ei, that .(( time hastens. It is lolling for-
Imprisonment w ard. I httilit as I .. the niinrrmcfiin'j dii
5 ytars yf that politirnl whxt.swh which I am well
I'," " assured will come upon the world."
" j Next comes Uwbn Lovtjov, of Illinois,
5 ' i in that speech of his frmn which we hnvo
3 mo. already quoted so much :
IIm-his. "I tell you, Mr. Chairman, and I tell
Ji) ,you nil, that if I were a slave, and had 1
2 " j the power, and were it necessary to a
S " ichievoinv freedom, 1 would not besitnte
Hall, ami seveial other worthless philose-
phers who have no idea of the duties uf a
member of Congress.
There is, however, a gleam of hopo that
a better order of things is about to take
j place, and that the political vagabonds
j who have had everything their own way
. o long will bo driven back to their h'ding
places, fiom vhieli they should have nev
er emerged. The formation of a union
electoral ticket-is wot king like magic up
on these barroom combinations, and is
destroying the feuds which have? given
the pothouse politicians their food and
stock i.) trade. The great or.tpo iring o!
the masses at tin Union rati flea '.inn meet
ing Monday ni)jht is one of the significant
feature of this new order of things. That
assemblage, in and around tho Cooper
Institute is the triumph of the indepen
dent press anol public opinion over the
combined efforts of the trading politician
of all grades and importance, find is an
emphatic warning to all such sin i'l fry
politicians as John A. 0 recti. Oid, Tucker
and Jim Hrpdv, who are trying to elect
Lincoln, that they must stand fiom under
or they will bo crushed by tho onward
ma'choflhis mighty eonserv .stive army.
There is now no mistaking the liign of
the times, thai whatever other . States uviv
do there is a fair prospect of a triumph ot
the Union forces in the Emr-iro State over
the sectional republican party and tlieir ''t'1
new allies reen, Tucker and Ih-.idy ; lOtli
not, however, a victory of ihe lOgeney M
fiction, the T:oiniianv f-iel.ion tlm Mrjni-I ' I-th
taction, tho faction, or tho Hell
faction, but a triumph of a new Union
party that h is spruirg up, as if bv nude
from tho ruir.s left by tho crazy politician
at Charleston and Baltimore- a party tht
owns its oriirn to tho indignation in the
public mind toward the action of tho -el-lish
and unscrupulous politic'ems that
have so long had the control of the par
lies of the day. 'This same feeling, so
thoroughly aroused upon tho Presidential
question, is being extended to our local
t ioshen,
En.v renee,
Eiimber city,
N. Washington,
'' i
3 k S. il 4
? P o w 3 S -
: : ; ; p h : ?
134 .fI 138 53 62 133 W. IM f,G
r,0 74 67 t2 K2 5(1 .') H'2 6U r
3(i Gl 40 tl C7 3-1 31 00 3f. (, (
t','2 111 W iir, 110 tl CI K-7 (-.' ;i;
72 '.lb .'l '..I '.-1 71 7 '. . Ii.
147 61 151 57 57 117 117 57 147 .'7
:3 ly 35 v; li i; i.. -
U0 :'-'! 1-1 53 6.' KM l:-4 -M 1 i., 7,(1
72 '.'7 OS "J2 03 75 7J !Ji 72 1)2
53 12 SI c'J 37 50 52 40 53 41
42 50 47 f.2 G2 43 43 54 50 G3
rS 5G o9 6K 58 80 80 55 87 G.l
47 60 60 C4 04 -18 -18 01 40 64
L5 7 24 7 7 25 25 7 25 7
41 4, ?9 42 42 45 45 3'". 53 41
13 60 12 50 50 12 12 43 11 44
27 '.ill 27 90 90 27 27 80 27 90
120 13 117 13 13 119 110 13 I 20 13
81 39 80 -11 41 81 81 41 77 41
42 G3 49 GO 70 42 43 f7 42 GO
31 43 32 45 45 30 30 41 31 41
32 4S 41 67 57 32 32 50 33 67
92 207 .97 SI 0 210 93 9 1 207 95 20.)
27 24 20 25 25 28 27 20 27 25
C2 128 f.2 127 127 f.J G2 111 Gj H Z
15 30 V, 15 31 31 15 15 31 15 jo
40 40 05 02 C2 -H 48 01 48 fi3
110 02 147 91 8s 119 117 9" 117 w
25 29 20 31 31 25 25 30 20 29
33 -17 30 40 45 33 31 45 32 40
1755 1SG5 1929 2i20 2022 1772 17G0 19M) 1795 2037
04 251 250 ls5 2
XXXVII Congress.
Wu tubjuin a li-t of the delegation
t l is State o the next Congriss, as show n
by the reiui i.s i f t lection.
Dt District
, Pith
1 18th
1 22.1
1 24th
Wm K. Lehman. D.
E. Joy M inis, P.
John P Verier, T.
w'. D Kellv, P.
W Mori U Davis, V.
John II it:l man, P.
Thoiiia.s 15 Cooper, p.
S E A neon, i, D.
Thaddeus Stevens. P.
-John K llinger, P.
Jr. m os II Campb-ll, P
Cleorge W Sennit hi. P
Fhiiip Joliii--on, D
ialusiia A Crow. P
James T .Iale, I'
Joscjili Polev, D
Kdwar.l M.-Pheio:i. P
S lihdr. p
John Covotje. P
Je-se I.a.ier, D
James K M .-,t-;.e:i.l. P
Eol.cit McKiiighi. i
William .Stew. u P
John Paltmi. P
jpua i, fully confirmed. Ow account u
I'm m f tllu luil 'our hundiyd hilled and woui;
vu, iimiiLut iiunutvct jtiisoners. Th,
fo -in.. a, m-veitheless maintaiiir
' 'O-ai nick reiit-we.; ii; forep,
j l i.e king .- tr ..i.jj.s me reported to liui.
1 1'. i i.v),vio. , .i... ii - is U-.-tf. tat nod to hJ
.1' li"..
U Jll ui:r ' 1 1. 1
liai. M.nistiy at Naples L
in u i-iepon,iei-.tiKi
Coiifoie nus ubout '.,
pro euig e-tieu,'
iiij I.. ;m
pli l.i. -he:
t J,.in;
I. i-M -
iiiiu in ;
- i ft-, ,':
An . r.a itl
is. -iiit
.-el ; 's wain,
iaik Vcsiiia.
JlrtJ obn'tisfinmts.
Vlll IC Al.IJ.-TLu un.K-rsigm-d
i im,ni: tiutcry in Hie luto rseiUonci i
Ito iui doc it, in
-i -
atfairs, and there aro already symi.toms I -ilU hlij-th I!.i!:!.ut. P
that the wrangles of tho potty trading The People's party, aecrdini.' to this
waid cabals will bo f.trced to give way to ; ',.st, will ha. e i'J and the D.-mocrais 0
the prc'isure, and a better class of men be : , . ., . , .
i t . ,. . r .i , ... . .members in the next (on;ire.,s. sho.v inea
brought lorrt-aru for the several olhces to r
I e filled at the coming election. j Democratic gain of three members.
Now that tho Union electoral ticket! And for tho tiiie.iie" 1 'hiiu o! the lite
has been completed ami emphatically en-: f0. J01, Schwartz, of Perks, in the
dor-(d by the people, let sonic attention I , it- h t .
, i r . . i i . r -i present Congress, J. K. MvKco ty, Dem..
ho paid to tho judicial, county, I.egishi- i J . i
live and t'ongressional tickets, w hich are
of vital imporlancj to the city. Let the! The lltux.MM. or iui-, E.i. We cjiv
buying and selling coalitions, and the I ,ll0 fl)llovvi,,, advertise:.! :.,t from ,!,',.
wrrllilcss philosophers placcl in nomina-1, , , ., . ,. , , ,
tion by them, be cleared away as so mm h 1 "l"tr (1 ) V-ytch. It speaks lei
rubbish, f ud let there be a concerted sic j ii.self, and carriej with it its own corns
tion of all Union loving men upon s n-h : nil tils : .
men lor Congressmen as Hon. JohnCe.-h-
11...1 ..' .1.1 ; i ...
I ...... .111 M VI ll-llt l.Ill 111.1 V lilt M'llL III'
t.r.. i: r .1 .-I... . I 1 Oil ill i
. . iwn iiiciuii iiuiii inn vnY inui .Yin u.iror i
some voice in the halls ol (Congress, Let 1
t.iere be mcli an arrangement in regard'
to the Assembly cundidates that, none of
ay tlio 1st 7uvciiiLvr; Iwo aurm
e l -- ' g-- tr, CoWS nlltt J UUIlg CMltlc, (tiD U
"i.e largo wiigon, tk-igli, .Ie!;, jilowi
".ir.-iw, uay l.y tho tun, train, ftvt-s. b,i.
Ilari-iiiij. ti ti J a gcnural vurii-ty .f houM-h-ktitl.ei.
lni-i-Puiv Ttruis inuih Vt m t.
ol n't, hi.c to cMi.r.iiiiio nt 1. n'rl-jck A.M.
.1 I IV I, KK MS,
't 17. VT0 "t-
'Jm-,iti.r. i'f.h
il K0. W. It II V. EM
! to ..f . r.iiinin U-. i-n itec'i's Notice.
t.--t -i ii; i n ;o i v fiavin" Lion tliii Jv
tl-u in.i'.-isicni-il un tl.o ctato
o eiiiiageo m the biiec.iiii-ering oi.e-
rntious of last sesvion nil! find their way
back to Albany. Every movement that
has for its objects the de' and over
throw uf the numerous trading and mer
cenary political factions that have so long
disgraced Ihe city, and tho selection of
word y mid upritdit men to fill tho sever
al city and county offices, and to repre
sent the city al Albany and Washington,
will receive our hem ty co-operation.
A Lesso:;. The
(.Ml C,4..,v7 .V.-n ' 1'Ht.d.tir ,;nl Vu y,
requested to meet ai.d I'm
'V-ike Ciubs nun
diately, h.r tho purpose i.f I'm-ihei ing iii"
interest of the friend of the human r.M .,
Abraham Lincoln. Our colored l.rt-t h.-t n
bad a Ueinenihuis ileinon-,1 rat i -n ii: Ii..-.
till leceiilly. Alie.iuv .',-,v Yo; k ha
sp.. ken in l ivor of universal snti'i hl-i-.--'"They
who would be f: t e them-. 1 e-m..o
strike the blow." A:id it vol,. u I n. i,
would have their rights, they should
move for the success uf their friends. Do
not leave the )v.teh and l.i.-h to iii..ii..po
li.eall the. honor of e lectin..' Lin.-nln an 1
ll iuilin. L olore l tn rn have a ligbl to act
I I,i-itt-i-
a -ii : i- a i
j A I. mini in l'i-:irti. sr., late of llritlfur.l ti.wnhi
I I'h-art 'lit. I oiniiny l'a. All icrjnj kniiTi
j tl .-m-t-ivi s lik'd to iiu.l estiit are rt-fut-its.
it-, in i ke i nun- .1 tn to payment, mi -.1 tli ' b:ivin;
. I.i i air ui-t .t nro r quested lu iir.-s-snt thou.
l.i.y uMiLt-imi'utvil I'. Hit 'iiiiili-rsipiH-ii.
FitAN'fiS PKAUt'li. r ,
.1 A;nb 1'KAKCli. Llr
Oct. I7t'i, isr.o. ft. j,a.
iiriii s iin iu S.VI.Ii l.y iu.
i,l" an ..rH.-r i.f liie (Iri liun- ci"..-t nftlw,-
11 j l':.-l-l r.iiiiit;-. Tiii-rn will In. t-.v-p.-M ! ... i
ip, m Iii.un- l.-..,e- i.tjoui i.i (;.- . ..r
lU.-i-l . . .lV. "M
1 uay ti:;: lM'i i-.v.
. ii rn ii: r itUU'Ii
at the Poll, as a vigilance Commit tee (oi
I'w..rinj influence of the prevention of illegal voting. J.
of N' v;:m:
III 1 li'i.l.i'k t
.e .
A!! tl -it ivit.::n ir-
! '.n,.i
t i
.iii -
. I
un tl.
itiiiiir in V.'n
-, i in ; v J 1st Ur.i
n liio c.i.-; I t iii
lv i 1 'Ii " j 1; l-l i,l -,'t.C
In- -...i'i 1 - i mil , 1 W iilta.
t..ii ji . p. s i:i,,r-. ut ki.
Miili a two it -ty Ii, iic. .', 'ill-!.- l-ani, rnit Imii
ings. i-ri'liinil ami nl.uiu ll.'i ere- cli-nrvi In
thi-i .'..ii, i.'t.i l! .' i f !;.!" ( Imi:ic JI!-oui dv. 'i'..
C I It .Msv i in- Ii ii, i-, .i ut time ef .-all'. n
ti..- b;.i::M-t- i'i f.inr i'iji-i.1 iiiiniinl inyiuiMfWi:
Ii j ut-n-i i-. i.iiiniii-iiij: It.Mi.y ISfil. tu l.c muw
the Democratic iarty in our .State his n- Ihowu, ti:- hero ot Harpers I'.'iiy, i.-et
ii-i ,i , .1 t v to be ai eii'-ed. O.v.uv I louu.
behind a ( i,i-..i until the l!h of Novenij c ...
bet- next, when it will ri-e in all its M.len-, Tiik Cai-it.vI. or L'xntn U u.v. Mr.
i i . ii ... .i Trollop, the well ki aiu.i ! an I El'ii-
dcr ntul power to illuminate and strength- 1 ' , ... , , ,'
1 . . ' . I'll.'.' corrcpoml -nt o! the Eon-Ion .M,-.i
en those d.irk and benighted regions of in u ;a,t )(.U).,. s.,yS( .., (:im
Allegheny, Dradford, Erie, D.uij.liiii, Clies- (. tin- t cm pest nous ings and li-
Dehnvai e, to zbng light ning lla-h.-s uf this latt-rt a t ol
thegreat lialiau drat.:a, the
'..en. I uii'l iiu rt 'age.
hir man as their candidate a tnostthor j Now hear what Mr.
. . - i'.i . j i i .i t ...
Wrel)Klcr si', I O 11 ' . vivtyr. oivr ittc cnflxin in ir i itciM
outfit ortfni,a;n,.,.l il.l.: I , : ..... . l" '" ' 'V " "
c ' 1 "iv ovy , Mini iu:jcci. , nix .j.ft-n iii ni"ii f'-ce.-n, uv.h the e.wut-ss it the f.,in. (iive
f eriecny untied
Is it any wonder, thoro -Springs he said
for?, that they have triumphed ?
This lCSlllt is chiefly to bo rei'i-elled on
a.'oi-.nt of its influence on I he ! ftnd J-'Ubei'tttely to carry into effect thai
:ne inv lieedviil. ilanils otf
I lo not hesitate to say and repent, that . lie t'",, uive '"ni ,,s ll,"'l,J'
if tho Nnt-ilw-i-ii Ntui;. t-..f.i- w'.liriillu i is entitled to it from his God."
sov lor t lie tion. Ansom iil'iii inoamb,
i t- r, Ii., liana, L'-banon and
'the utter astonishment of nil concerned.
'I he ('rtrlin is now raised, and the j.oliti
leal stage presents to the pcnp'.o the most
'gli.-u.lly fight t.ver wiinesscd in this coiin
try. Negro equality as taught by (Ireely,
Sumner, Lincoln i. Co; U about to be in-
rai.:a, me idea s(.,.m:
steaJlv gaming ground on every side, that
El.'i-enee. the -tl jn-er of all ei: i.w, cit V of
a'.l Mowers,' will i-ro hmg h-e c.i! let I to the
high destiny of Incoming the. capital ol
unite. 1 llalv." lie adds :
Pet . veen Poineand l'lotcnce
ir. i.-i.t.
IAS A. la.UO.M, Kxri
J' U r.LOd.M
ol Ii-uno V:!um d.-c',
lial election to come off in November. ;10
part of the Constitution which res pects , ol Mtissachuselts, w ho, in a speech in Pos-
.. -II . I- ....... ..' . ' . "-" ' '
( , . . Y I . ! , ... .... iii.piiiy in,, u ii i ii. i j , i v in 1 1 1 i, i mi- Miiin-ri'iiT, in,, nit the
i""e .1..- .-Miaii i ptvstige oi ages w trch girdles round her
daughters of dio Anglo-Saxon lo bo drag- of dio Seven Hills, thennni'ol-l obji-ctions
restoration of fugitive slaves, tho
provisions of our National Compact openly
ton, blasithemously exclaimed i
"The timer, demand, and we. must have, un
anti-slavery iiinstitutiun, an unti slavery JUble,
and an and slavery God."
How Gen. Walker was Shot.
Tho exact minner of Walker's takinz
. voles more than Mr. Lincoln , . . , , ,,1.1, ioflwthua given by an apparently well-
,, , , and notoriously disregarded, and that by 1 . . , ' 1 ' ,
ei any circuiustancc'. Although ,, , . 6 . . ... . 'unformed correspondent of tho -V. 1'.
. 1 . ,7 ; I he solemn enactments of sovcreu'n States. ; ,. 1
ten, anil unanimously supported bv , limes:
.... , . . '. 1 hat It this but vwhed disrolutvmi .... ,
litionists, yet Mr. turtin is noti J "lie marched from his noil to tho place
Few persons havo had abetter opportu '. S uth would 110 longer bo bound to ob
nitv to know- die Ttiblic sentiment of serve, the compact. A I5AKOA IN PUO-
Pemisylvamathnn howl,, pens this ai,i-1 ;');1 " BAK0AlN
1 . ,. , r 1 , . . il'HuvENUN ALLMDivV
ec, and o leel peifeedy safe in taving: ,, .. r., . - .
, . . " - Hero, then, we son ono of tho plainest
- .rn-iiry ill, ll-nst .IT-
t thousand
caP tltld
the Abolition
otherwise stained with Abolitionism. No Read 1 Head ! ! of execution Vfith a uteadv sten. and un
treasonable sentiments could be brought Uof the purpose of enabling our readers 'lil'?n -men. A chair hud been p laced
home to him.-nd therefore, thousands to see precisely wnat the country may ex- '.'"" .n"!lh 'l bltck, w t.1'" Cits tie.
of ,ound national men supported him. j peel from the election 0. a Blaek-Hepubli. Th"
It will bo far diflercnt with Lincoln. Ho can President, we devoto a largo portion of twenty feel of him, and disoharged then
is tho author of tho atrocious doctrine of our sheet this week to a ro production of : muskets. The balls entered his body, and
tVtSun"! ',et,VeC' , "I8 ; Se",i,nCI,U UU ,MJ- f :oWeL
.Noitlmndthe Sonth, and every body tins party, together trith those of their . mercifully advanced so cloe to tho Mtfl'-
knows that his triumph would bo tho sub- candidate. We confess to but little hope ,eri"5 ,,in t,,nl ,ho muzale "ft1"1 musket
jugKlion of tho South-that his election : of preventing tho election of Lincoln. tt1,m?8' UTI,0(1 ,,U CrV,Ifa4,J' Lein,
would l,o fli Km-ili 0,,: ( .1 ., , . . ,. .. . dischargeid, scattered hi brains and bkull
woultl bethelSo.lh to the South 1 he weakness of the friend of Hell and 1 to tho in Thus ends lh life of tho
you aro no longer acwrctyit States-jou : Everett, and the distraoled condition of "grey-eyed man of destiny."
can no longer do as you wish, but as we tho Democratic party render such a result jBt NK(IROs in the Field. In Ohio,
please- -we are no longer equal partners in next to hopeless. New York, Massachusetts nnd throughout
the powoiision of the 'common property' Nevertheless, we feel It to be our dut England, the negroei are forming
Of the nation, and you must tnbmit to such to present theso facts to tho people, in o-- Ia'.um1h "" "'' CuAi, raising Lincoln
rest ie.iiont as we fee proper to enact.'' No dr that they may be FULLY WARNED iS?.?
sane man cun fail to see that the triumph of the danger to the oountry that must ay and zeal for theolection of Lincoln and
of such sentiments in the National Ad-' follow the election of Liucoin, and a? long Hmlin. And yet, nothaitlntanding this
ministration, must dissolvethe Union, and as there is the faintest glimmer of hope of "'"mible evidence, tho Linoolnites pre-
to say that a majority of the people of averting so great a calamity, we shalkAT'1 10 f"! ny lliIiation w'th their
leansylvanU are in favor of Buch princi- n'aro uo iu. to contribute our mite. lovbTAbSlsonis
.. 1 .1. 1 : ... 1 . , ,
nuieii neiiiiiie nay 01 tier nli,iemaey
need no foru.uliziiig to ma; k t In ii iiupor
tanee. Even were that nhadow i. tl.e Pa
pal throne which now darkens the Van
can removed, as once before, lo ,1 domain
beyond the Alp, jet en irisni Ie
ol.staele to the choice of It,, me a- the
Metropolis of the Per. insula exi-l s in I .
deadly miliaria which for six ni'-n-i -oi
gcd down to the level ol the degraded Af
This is no fancy sketch, it ii the practi
cal rfsult of Jiepublifanism as taught al
.1.!-.! I.I 1 i
. tins time, ami tnose wno do not Peo it tire
I designedly blind to al! their best iiiteie.-td
in the future.
Sum Hiv-urm hi- riDi-rn- V'.. 1 il.rt .... I . ..r.
j - -- ". ",'n.i'i. -. 1 u iuvti-ii 1 ,-ii'.ii-n 11 t-ti union- in i"i'j.'o
I ill ready published the denunciation of tho ers and peri, 0.1s even to its mil, on j ,,(, u
! Declaration of Independence, and of tho hoiori. Centuries of improved cIihimii.
imnmrtal signers, by Carl Shut 1, ono of and enligi tened ciiPivatim: may indeed
most celebrated of the Lincoln orators in lessen or theevil- but meanwhile
this campaign. As worthy to go along regenerate Duly must hnvo her cnpiird
side Olilvte ctvn the opinion of Horace and many and weignty
lireeiey, m the ,nr-w 1 tirk lrtbune 1 no winen mai it irs rote here. Mian we, m
niostdislingiiialied of its editors of John deed, see Dante's heloved little eitv of the
Brown, of llarpei's Eerry notoriety, an- narrow zorio queening it among her sto-ctlif-r
kind of revolutionist- ead : ried sisterhood ?"
"John P.rowri, dead, will live in millions iT. 7 r;
or hearts. It will bo easier to die in a 'Later Itm Europe.
good cause, even on the gallows, sinco The War in Italy The Sanlinians
John Pro A-n has hallowed that modo of nrn reported lo havo named their siegu
exit from the troubles and temptations operaiionsat Ar.cona. and not hw iih-iin.d
of this mortal existence. Then, as to tho ing the despemto resistance ol 1 he
"irrepressible conflict," ho doo nol ieo son. they had look For! "
that this saoi ifice must inevitably inien Victor Emmanuel would lo.tve l.n- Fl .r-
sifv its progress and hasten is end? Yes, eneeand Hologna on the i h
John Pro ii, dead, is verily a power- It was iisr-cried tlmt the' uliima
like .Sam,on in the falling temple of turn for France threatens that he will quit
D.igon ike Ziska. dead, with In. skin Rome at .. nee. unless France interferes k.
elretched over a drum head, still routing slop the pi-ogres, of the Sardinians.
the Iocs he bravely fought while he lived. A majority of the Caidinals ate re,,or
So let us be reverently grateful for the ted to have reooru mended the Pope's de-
nnvilego of living in a world rendred ro- parture.
ble by Ute daring of heroes, the suflering Additional French troop bad been or
of martyrs among whom, lot none doubt dered and the French outposts 1 ad bet 1.
that history will accord an honorable niche placed two miles beyond Pome,
to old John Prown!" . 1 The repute of the Oanbaldians Cas
.11111 '. I ...!.. m
, ' - - O .. '
I J UUII'.l.y I, ivi" 1.,1'Cil n.-unti.'! f 1 ll,
-.gtii'ii 1 n tne l .-ta: ,, Anrahaui fToaii.s law
r.-ii.-e ti l,;-:u id co. I'll. Aud all penut
i.i.inui:;'f.vs 111 I. Ijted to mid e sluts il
ro..i's.t: 1 1.1 make tin .nliule payment,
n,i-i' iini'in- n-aii..vit nio renue; ti-d l"
j pr-ont tneni to .'oh : L II a n- of Q- jho.i town
'":' ur 1-hci.iii nl tl-urtield lloroupli.
Jnip. r.. 11 r a m- 1
O.-t. Id, l.-OO.-fit.p tf. V. IiIiCLM, I Ex'n
Ms-ay gEeit'eav
Mniy Hi ll", r unne trt-s.-nnssini' uror It
1st of AU
ir .-l lust, in ill, ,1,111 tp., ;l hriiiilte lieihT w.tfc
lou- 1.1 co 1111,1 ihrco wlrt foi-t; Fiiiijiosfd tut
11 -,..i 1 . yflii rn 1. ni-
Tlil- unr in iciucstrd In cune fnrwurd, prof
fri.,i riy. ,uy t loiruts nn.l dike it away, or
"ill In. .Iiii.ic, i, inj.-nrdiiii; tn lnw. ti., un in, 'till lltii. JulIN 111 LOW
IG, 17, oikl II
'" i;i" ti tl'ttt die timo furen
ir,l ....! r , il.l .,111. will bo extended
1.-1- W il. i-nli y nt I 'i- . cl,,,., r,
ti ceil,! utiiiii. jo ir onti-rinii'
in-.. 1, f, r xhil.' t-x ,t ir Horses entered
li t n, k ,,r ii i-iiMirr !
I1, i m o.- nun s'v r. n .. 0. n
weigmy are me itii-oiis .-ty i,rt,i!c o,. i mi. (', . .11 . It will no
:". tin-in im.iMi.f f , 1- M..iv,nii.l aiiiplo ni.-cir
iMlii.un wi,l i c ,. 1 1. (1 Aire nlv lil'go lif
b.n-e heen ,c,vil",l re ,1 i,0 FA I K is ccrtm
tn le apneco 11 l.iy.m; ihi- h'.ao i.f ny 'me'
1 1 'in. Kx., Com.,
Villi OIK
Ml Ul U S Ii A .V,
a 11 ma:
'' J-rnnnrHltc'Cin "
. i'i l. i'lh 111 ir""
lime will be nl i.-""
in point of be
enmfi rt, Rii-I cmi "lf-nei.
I IK till. I. un 1. 1 HUTU ho Tnii nil at his ft-
Bef, n tin. ei.riHT i.f Front anil .Muln itrnew
hen n-i notici- to 1 1 c cntrary Bi,,ai in tbii
All o (.rstim r in llic line nt h is profeMin"
,crfi,iincii 111 tic I, t.-rt nnd roost impni'
Ij Ic, nn.l imraumed lor uue year agnlnit si
natnrul filur.