JI, icon. Jujtiil'lu: f Revohuioa. This ROiinn to U.i tliu order of the da) ( Jiroiijrnoii t Kuropo at our present writing" Tho late we Hi received from thcro very nearly settles tlio question of a general war on tho Continent. ,'. Victor Eimiunil and (inu iluKli aro no foubt ere this in full march towards the 'city of Home; whilo Russia, Frusta, and ! Ausli in, and eve n France, have by this time drawn tlitir swords against, these rev (.unionists w ho are secretly aided liv the 'plotters of (iical Britain, that daro not avow any such j !icy or design, i Without active countenance fr.in T-rit-i-ih sources, the revolu tioiihts will net ho SWTO1?! h TrflfTflTAO rmse tlio ono tv.-cnliethol ihe mon l&ll!li 111 liUUlfMDl ' k1 -una nocery to carry them through ; war in thc?o limes ia but litth, more than a measurement cd national pur se. Victor Kmanilel und Gmalmhli doubt- ess mean -Till the first desires the mucin ci k. I; ri i;li i, tvt. 10, iwo. l'K.V OCH A TIC N OM 1 N ATluX.s. pauper ami and oc.oupulioiileii population mige not to bo misunderstood, that the' that would eal out their bub-i .nco and ptineiphthat every (black and white , overburihen then, with poor rates for )ought to bo the owner of the soil he cul- tllCir KUPIlOrt. I hn iiri ..r fin.. (,.!.... 1 .1 .... .. . . iii" t i . V . . '""" '-. uiiu me owner ot innibett, ui w ould bo ablo to free themselves l.orn bour.l to go throu;;h all (ha thirty thr-o these results only by an inhuumi. anti-nt States of the Union, which i; tho minion ' gro legislation and tho connlnnf niHinten. of the Republican Furty, a . nuuciaied by ' ancc o' yig.la.it and costly patrol god po 'its father William j 11. kwml, .. Let re- , , , ,A' , ... 1 ' .' ' 'fleeting men eonsid.tr AvhcH it lea.li ; '. . But lot u concede . -till further to tho j It teaches ihnt the confederal,,, of black republican .fcllackf. let us sup- !slavo and free SiaWin, ,..,) i, ,' pose that emancipation will net be sudden tution cannot enduro ; and that tM uu 1 that I ho est!.. .hum of slavery every,v!,,v. ultimately free ihe negroes in lh s" "h ! V ""' as proclaimed by the . ae.k ri..),.!,!,, .,. '.! ,,, .1... .1,.,,. .1 r . , . .. . ou". . 1V1I. I . , , I I u uh ni till? CtlUil S OJ lIU'll' I11H- dors, must boilltainci ivcnnf nnnl '(,.,.. ..ll-.i i : ""' I.iig-, tati-.i ami slow degrees. H'i!l tl.e'hoi-iier It i. h, .l. .... ', ,' I LECTION RE TURNS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTS UUVOUlAi imi, I8G0 Governor. Ccngrew. AsM-nib'y . Com in V, Aui NAHM OF JiMRicys 71 Mil I'oi; vice ri;i:sii)K.M. MSCBELV. JOHNSON.: GEN. JOSEPH LANE, ;mv i;p um'o r ;i :n Vmi i ,1.1 i . i s. ha.i.a. uith a l.iaot. repub! ic-.it TS,(. ; tj.r Jt J. uliiuiUs, tin: - "' i.ac. repuoiiean poli-illie Imsisoi ;y l ining at i. .ohmgioi,, niih State and ; laws by ivhjd, ; oms. w.t.l, p,,;;,a,UY: and Unit! Ithe mcc-Jv op the fo nfn' I , ,;, i'';":lnu' l'-CJ' o.1g ..:i teaches lhat lour t ie mo.! active ut .ts advo alo,, with j must be ficed ain (hj-ot '.iiv' . lui I v nil inivnf. i.a . . :. . . i . .j. "uiti-iamitui niMng , fit nor to starve or iw ..giiiiuou anu open and secret war 'ga.n.m blavorv. how nmnu ilinimgli nr li . . v . ' oiacK anil iiiJo1miI nauner . . Buiii'old, igrai jiinisiii : pr(lr,. the oivi1cr;'i!lin);jjJ lie: I ro inif HI..,,,,. ictj.and i cversing nil ti:osf. (!,,' . ;" 7"ri-' CIcaifMd. a reiorm for the t-eoidc in tin Iml. I " t,"""1 paupers n ould bo run . . . ' " , i r ites ; and ilia latter n auiinig to , par om Viiginia into the black republicini amdise in rennsylvania ? Tens of thous T KKSII' 1-: : T I A L LI. l-.CTu US. AVi!l..;t.,-,'.( LU'.ivi s. lii-ip.rl Ceo. M. Kcim. Jhlrict Ekrtcrs. -Kred A. Per;-.-!-. H-Lanc IJeckhotv. 2-W. i'. l'a'l icrsoii. i'l-fico. ). Jackson '!-.Io'. Crockett. jrltVJohn Ahl. l-.'no.G. lrt'iiiKr..ir-Joel 1!. l:;rmer. W. .lacoby. 1;-J. R. Cncvford o-Clias. Kclley. 'rj-II. N. l.cc. i-unverr. James )-.Io,-h. l!. !Iortl . . 1 . J"B""i o-ija in iuous gain tho same point. B:lt, how i. cv jnds yearly. We need not tell the pen it able it is that they njll fm 1 them.se. ''os , I'lo of JVnrsylvafcia "hut would be the ef. overn hvltned i in the coils of ,W .R-p-ib!i-' , 1 ,i a "at0 0l. tl""'-'s on icanrfm- svi.onoir.ous will, ...- n..,,,.';. ...V ,..V .'nu .""7 " " -".'. SllllUlt.1 ilMv LI leniscli'PK it'll l'iv l,,,n.l, ...... . ..I,. i """"" mis couinrv, i lie leai ins ele- ot ruuawav tH-ro,. vapacily 01 ,(,., n8vi,) millions of Inves ( n,.,.nnr '"" iwn upon tho conn- i.v,..' I,,..,;., I... . .. """" r l 1,1 I 1 1 i I I I I II I'M or upon the oharilv of lh4 reoi le. or bv competing with the frco laboi-ers of the North at wages ruinous to white men - " line tlie Southern States are to bo def lated, like Jamaica and St. Domingo. It te.icl.es that all mer.. wit.lniiit.di. I. notion if race or color, aro entitled to e 'pial privileges; that negroes should be ad mute d to all tho rigl.ts of citizenship in all the States of tho C llion. mid tli ii e. quality fchould pervade all the pcoplu as well as nil tl-.oStatw of tho Union. X-lavid Sehall !-Ioc: Lighter. 0- S. S. Barbour. 1- T. If. Walker. 'J-S. Winches er. bi-Jos. I.aubach. til xt ,i r . . ii. l etteinian HL'-Sanil. Marshall. :';!-U'm. Book. -M-B. J). Hamlin. 3-t!avlord t'hurcii. KKSOM'TIO.V Ok THK" Ili;Mo'c;tAnc' !?TAlli EXECLTIVE COMMITTEE. iVWiv., That tho DciinxsiUic Klccto nil Ticket he headed with tho nmnu of Stephen A. Doimlas or John C. Brecken ndge, as an Khetor nt LarL'o, and in the event of the f-iieee-.- of said' Ticket, if the greater number of votes shall havo been ca't for Stephen ,. D.iimla", then the vote c, il, Kh.tor.d College of the State f hall bo ea-1 for Stephen A. Ooiiithis and H.Tscliell V. Johnson for President and ioe I'f 'sident. but if for Jnlm I'. lt,..-,-.l- enridge. John C. Breekenridgo and Jos. bane loi the same oiliees. If tho vote of Pennsylvania, cannot elect the candidates tor whom the m .jority of voles arc ens i, and it can elect any man running for th olhce of I'rosident r,f Hl0 United States claiming to be a Deinocnit, then the vote ot tins Electoral CoihM'e shall l, e ,, r.,J uiai canuai iic. 1 i! wi i.m , ' ii.i.io.uiiii,,j mo leaning cie- oi runaway negroes are now so pei melons mem oi political citios actively engage I 1111,1 "isiatiei ui to llu ni, what will the ;.n plotting again, t each other. In all , J , ' " l,u'-v nu-;t imvn I hese m ,ei euces aro fiiirlv drawn (mm .their attributes they are acting similar to V 7 , . i .u t,litit government. the t.osiiion of Mr. Seward, the father of j the club, that brought about tho destruo su u tf m f "' tiou of ci.il liberty in IVance six-y years Uack rem.Uican policyVovfil to0!!" ! tllZtf ttZt '"tL jago, while oriSiinilly they aimed to tccuro 'n' o! 1 'J'" Ivania, Dayton, of New pres;ible conllicf mm t continue unlill all it to iiie people at large. J , V ' J l''ic men in me uio slave states become tiro. Kepubli- It , impossible that their int. ferenco in i) t obfc ffi? tJ the political nthurs of Kuropc at the pros- pervades black republicanism. They spread of slavery into L l'l , 'orie" o put limp, will r.i. ui i i., .,... i,;., . i ii. know that tbeir eoiiKtil iionl e I,. 1..,. ..I. i.,l- ... . i. - '.. .... . '. '. cm) uiiii- ueuen" ii I - - nu:i,.n u,,uu 1110 sunaee. J lint is cial to tho common causa, but will no "M''.V with tho aho htmnisni of Sot-j t imrrmv n conchido.i for the ;loubtprvedis,:!.ously,ocivi. liberty "their faOT they did m r ranee ut tho time referred toi'ne. f .ey joined the black re. tiblican lers It i, f...tr,t . .... .', . . ' . ' : I!i,'.'-V ,f!0m oll",r al for all it d.wigns : and il'no't a'-TcsU-d ' in iu Wo may, uowever from th s time hc.ico ; , " " . u' " ""'"i- nnni career muM plnng I,.,.., ,..., :.. , . ., 'rrcsist.hly into the .vhirN civil wnr.-7V , iMV," .v,. .Miuj, linns in i,u,uji', iei ure j pooi oi us anti-slavery war. Piey can-1 conscqiieuca in the end be what they j "."'W. e tliciiHoIves they cannot control 1 A Lincoln I-lector. ! w.i.i o.u iv poucy .or oilier mom ptithn- r, r u- i ., . i iiastic., more excited and more hitler ,,,.. I. " ""-ui. a, r oi u.o lot- I1' OK, 0 irai d, Cosh en, (iraham, 'iiiliuh, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, l.aiviem e. Lumber city, lu orris, N. Washington, Pen n, Pike, Union, Wood, van! , s1 ? 'r r ?! .:5' $ o ' P F w yS lVi .n i:!8 !-' .10 74 57 0 i 3ii 01 40 114 iYl U Oi) .17 147 .11 1.11 -'9 1!3 19 :m 33 100 23 li'4 'Ji T j7 . W 1,'i maj. ' ' 01 . 4 .ly 47 57. i-K 5o S'J 61 17 - 5J 50 4ti 41 4H '9 IV 13 50 l'J fi'. '1 i'U VI -i-.o n 117 Oi' 42 C3 4! 43 31 43 32 57 32 4H -II U-2 VI i.1.7 !" -G 17 L'l VJ ll! C'2 f,o 31 15 30 15 13 maj. Hi r V.i 11C (, 1)7 31 1.1 I'J L'O W B r o . 3 , w 3 a a o a. o a W 53 HJ 07 117 'S, 53 2 53 U C7 117 121 138 50 21 CI 74 a ? W 138 50 34 (, 73 o a 15 o .13 00 11)7 22y c 135 50 34 00 70 53 82 64 117 224 to 70 57 210 15 J27 31 31 20 -;3 24 25 22 7 53 Iu4 104 V3 ,75 73 VI 72 V2 . fC 55 87 03 '0 12 12 4S 14 44 17 17 80 27 00 13 110 IB) 13 I-;,. 13 00 43 12 ' 09 '42 C2 .17 32 32 .17 32 57 210 DS Dl -07 ).', oii 21 27 28 20 27 ..5 1-7 Oi 1)2 114 7.1 13" 31 15 15 31 41 W 31 20 25 30 2'J 29 en! 11 eompre 'otiiiliy into ... I ... II., ... . . . c . ... . .ui- 1 .".uuierais lor Wlioui It is ca-t or any of tho Domncrats who are votci h"Mll the Stat, then the votes shall b cast lor tun candidate who has the maio V 1.V ot the votes of tho Stab' ; and tint Hie Chairman of this Committee bs in tiueted to obtain from the gentlemen on the Democratic Kloctor.it ticket of this Mate their sevcial and distinct pledges ot acquieseer.ee in tho foregoUig resolu tion, and (o report the result oi' hii act "ii 01 uio ireinises at the next mgol tho Committee. niet Hescit.--,s,i faraa we havo rcltirns this morning, tho Democracy of Clearlield have achieved another spluidid victory. The County Ticket is trium,,antly elect ed, and the majority for Foster Tor Cover nor, and He:. ton and Brady for .Usenbly " ill, we think, be about 3o. I he energies of tho opposition were spe cially directed against Mr. Kerr, our can didate for Congress, and w i ll, indeed have they rucceeded. C,,. I'Mton, hiscompcli tur, is a man of gnat personal popularity,: mid of great wealth, and the most unsc us !'moiis.ipr,lllllC03 lV01.e used in his favor the meanest and ir,t damning Of whieh was; (he ii, Cullough fur,!,;'!, and the elandeslin.. mar.ner of its circuiat.on. Nich tricks ...cldoni fail to return t their invenlors. Tho Fruits of Lincoln's Election -a Word to the Border States. The exaggerated and dangerous devel opeuieit'.s which Senator Seward is giving to the black republican idea in the North ern and Western States is pregnant with 1 c... i , : 1 . , , . v,.,. ,v,. a i iiii.v i 1,1. i.i mill nil iiirt eom inn nities lying along the northein boundaiy of the shue Slates. It is now beyond denial that tho aim ol ilio lo del s of the party w hieh advocates Lincoln's election to tlio Presideocu U to agitate for the abolition of shivery "cvei v- liere. 1 her di cluim any intention to do this by other than what tliev call eon . same time elect eith- Jstilutional ni.'ans, but at tho 1 plague Mr. Hamlin on the Homestead Bill. Webb an, Henry J. linyniond to prove it.ai .Mr. lncolu was naminnled by ac cident. It would seem tbut Mr. Hamlin's nomination win another necideid. F.. eeplmg bis hostility to tho South 'l they atiiiouiico a new interpretation of uio constitution and tho lederal compact widely dill'erent from what has been ac cepted ever since wo have hud a national existence. The federal courts aid to lie r. cognized by tiie appointment of aboli tion Judgis, Di!rict Attorneys, Marshals ami oilier lederal t.flioers ; the army and navy are to bu tinned from any service lhat tends to repress servile agitation and commotion, sml the whole policy of the goveinment ia to bo an '.mate 1 with sym pathy fortho.-c zealots and fanatics who believe that they arc doing God and ho ciety a fcrvioo by enabling the negroes ol the South to esaapo from that Mibierlinti and control in which they arc maintained by the laws of the Southern States. Such a policy on the part of the federal govern ment would give an impulse to tho labors of the abolition agitators such as ban novei hitherto been witnessed, and which .vouhl be productive of an excitement on both sides of the lint, between the free and slave States productive of an excitement on both sides of the line between tho free and slave States proihiei iv e of tho mo.,l prejudicial ami uiilore e n ie u t. Wo have seen the olleet of tha peei el labc rs pff the abo'itioni.-ts in tho Sonthern eoun'iei of the Central ('rep State-. The, 'ire conlmu.aly inducing larger or smaller h unts oi negi ( s to eseapo lioni the South. ... 1 ...... , 1 . ! . . .1 1 -. . iv no us 101,1 in uio oi iuMvo para disc olb ied to tlntn in the North. I5y this asylum a population is brought inio Pennsylvania .Ohio, Indium and Illinois ol the laost vicious and degraded charac ter. To such an extent has this aet prej udiced the interests and excited tho Icci ings of the industrious and thrifty, w hites in theso Slates, that in borne of them leg islation hostile to the negro residents has been adopted, and in all of (hem mea.-ures have been sou-'ht to nrotect the nurl aim more oaier nar- iiis.w. arc its re d leaders. In this crisis M0"1.1? atrocious te.tiio.'-nt-', A L1X the conse.vativc press of lYniifylvania P'l-N' KLIv.T, 2 I S M AS .' t;sF TT-: has a h,h auJ a noblo duty to perform.- !1 metinio :.-o .vldrec 1 a L'.'c'n 1 heir proximate State election is soon to !.., , J 'l J-'"-'-n eomo OH', and its results will havo an im ",' !l, "'T" ol 'or-"'erab!e portunt inlluenco on tho future of 1V. I "".L'' u'hk'1 !:"'' ('x 14 take... svlvaniaaiul of the wholocountry. ''.'hoy j " 'Vl!i 1,0 "'hid that the I-mba should press homo upon tho politician's cnns ol Miissaelmsetti havo in.-e t l ,.T and thoj.eoplo the rp.estio..-What will 1 ly which they a!! , w a .,-!0 ,3 ', . , ., oecomeol tho negroes when black 1 epub- ;, , , , . J "1 hca..i,m triuumhs? Thev sl.oohl ....n 0,lt J 'u s '"'1 J''1''')' lv"'l! Imvi.,,,.,-is ...)iei.e,i 10 remain .seven vers S-forche r That's So : The New York Ei-n,y thinks that when . .Kin .SAT-- f.Dall havo been t.v.he ..cars longer in this country, and Mioiied something iJuui t'.o "Trib.iiie," !, . I.., ..,...!..... 11 ... .1 ... . .. , -. ., i noeu 1, nun - narrisons tiiijerntor, he will begin to 1-arn a great deU more of tho -,-. sLu-rn) ehaiacter cf "the Hypo- rib s M.id Jluuibugt'ers of the Revolution' sii'ili men, lor instance, as and ; rmn, una iV.'r.r.v II. nu 1 JA.,m-, and s,,7 f,i?ts as il,f.,o will him : That onr Fathers divide. 1 V Of Ihe S sith into j,r: ! he I hio and un'i r':in; ail ',iiio. fiAi-.f t.-l..'.. l.A i:.i .. .i ' 11 ue inn win. an convetil mi.- 1 e, Tho ran the ;iy, and .V , and .b.v 'c icai iii Ii- sec i,d deputy a!o had a vp.-vI "" ' one in aiieiupting to serve his'. ' ""',"'' uoi, us luuy inloruui 1 11! UCUI.llS. iV number of tho fi ind -o - . lasn.bhd, and when the. officer m,,. . " mni no was tired u.,r,n ''I'eer relumed the Lhargo and oi uogi 1 j 01 a negro, Irom one hi.mi ... i- c..ii.,.i.,. ,, ,.;1Vt. t, oiii -e; :n ;r, ; ins l'um.r 1 ii.it tw, " 11 : re,.l i i le ,ea e tin, gn man. Ih'io m. 1. Iniil been t to no leiiiilile authoi it in- rest wh . ie it 1, ii th noril mo 1 I ot ll I'h at in the ordii r t air e of 17s7 the: , sui-eirl-r of l'.u . . ..... .1111.1 iu eoiisuier WIliU slio will do with hundreds of thousands of uma.ici putod uml escapod slavoi that will tluu to iier borders. Tho conservatii 0 interests h v ory hero are uniting to pi event tlie cal amities that the black republican triumph would bring upon tho country. Let them unite in Pennsylvania in support of Fes ter now, and of one conservat've Presiden tial ticket. And, above all, let them be ware of Forney, and the whcle set of false conservatives, who havo sold themselves to the 1 lack llepublicaue. and who no., counsel division and diioortl aiuong the conservatives, in order to enable (he fm- Uioal minority to triumph. X, !',,, U'il, Abolitionized Republicanism- Mi) O- 'a", nta enlighten i rs an to tho to I'.-ner -ie,t o , . . i , .us Th 1. -! can cist a vote. Thi soi!i! ofour foV.'igll V 10,1 ol too Itepublicu. p.u ty toward 1 ihem Lari ftciuir and the 'Dutch jilank' tiio contrary li'Hwith.itandin" ..(.. . 1. . 1 . . .. . r' 111 111 ii'-ar 01 n,e u,i one single m-.b!.. inipuNe throb of put 1 1 ,ti- :!1 J t. degl-i l.( lh;,; I;,. 1,5 ,, , h,. anythinir but cabbage and 1.,. taloes and buttei'niil!.-, ,-,r s-o.-n oniniblc ou'l imlh-h li-b, only 10 -gt 01 ll.e ,ivel or (en. tell you t,;it ;any fm, i-. :ciu. now ii, th,. name r 1 p..,,.,,.,. v an they say it ? .., y, , ;, m'.kin- h: T.ioe. I 11 .; the !'. .1.. "ee in liMt I i:..-oiii::it I do (Milt 1 ii M.n on r a Coin, net -fir.... That Apr'd 7 ving as 1'ifid pi were ile.be:, Thct ( ;...,i -go ,r,.-.t- -irsl togitue si i"e law I: J I ii'it i'.i the treity of 1 provision a.-' iii.' t tho' lepnrt bv the ltrilwl, That iu the Judici.rv a.'t of 17.-",) ; i'.Hi v hr, i . i: - y.a-::. -i.... e i v.,: ..i i , 'hi r. ... :i 17, M. .ri!i-i A l.r,H :: t , . lah.ou i an 1 y( ; e.d to -hu e, v. Wiuhiiirtor. (ii'o.-ov t',. re li'.Mi oi i i t. id. v. ;. ' - i r j. r.:. ;w, i hi.;..:..; : i .ui i i:a i,o,i. Oj j .1v ! U ; ; It i 1 . t it ;uc ', oi L. J.'u.o.n U i.l t iB.l. Ii. !il il ."!!:,' r.. m: m V '- Vi. llliEKJl, .ii I !' erly, r.-i uell a- lives i r- A Mr.y lb, o. in:;1 it l'jr Hie MllllO are intelli i ii f : i: ta.'ed a-- i . r 1 iv Tha! ill th f Tren'v i.f 'Ip.: ish ( ioveriim. r.t , oviiled f:,r Fathers 1 .2' hi.im.O lor il.-i,,--' That Jeti'er en hoi; :;l. ! ir au. lns..,:ih3ii1; , 0!l ::i.-tfi-i.i-,r, in, ,ut t!. ft ,f ; a 'l'., :i in Ko le. ;".,r v -: ' ' l't i tujijiusc.l i 1 ' ..I tail lry oi l.n.n. ain.-i the '1 tl.e Kilrepeari you can see a lav of i: till ,.. Il,.l,....a 1. 1 - ......... ...i.iwiik Ill -e Ol ,l- , SllO-.v It t:l Jioon in trie ilruiikcti b on,., I r.. duty .no, man, witn ris rotgut whi-. his pocket, and he (h unk . i . i , aim reeling, aiel show spark ol -Hi,... 'y boll!,, i,, m I s-.v, .ii-;.,,. n"t in thai poliu-uioialit-,'. i,n,.', ,.i I'h-J Iviea , ah. i;; d - it ;. a- lilt. p to 1 rrrn, no iol l.l.i .1. n lll.clslrolii their iii.i melons ,i,.i,.iiu.., uui "I this Stale. We refer, rd lie- i l ,H"'c l;lcls nl'e heyond dispute, and thev itii )r!v to i -: c!.;:iy stioiL'lv I ii s lri-e trade lii'.icd I lie res i . iiouuceu nun 1. .. J . . I I X- I convictions, and Mlu"" lo H11,- lXor. u'l us accept lor( PKKS.SIur.K (liixifr ii-r inn ,. niuaisu, .MiUItU i.y L AL1TV. tllllinmll. Seward, the npostloof the "higher law" and tho "irreioessihlo con ll.., I ' ...1 .1. . . . . 7 . I . I , . in- i, niei me a.ivocaie oi uui election ol ( leu lace one -Abraham Lincoln, because I o is pled, j jor Ovlacation, id ii.e.,n lawless doclrinei. l.'iheen mak prcposterou.-. mg -iieeehes in U, We-torn S'ales, in j '' Wo mc-t change the law of , Hliieh be advocates, witii nbihtv in.jahd prev cut i bi-n.. ignorant, di ,., ,-,-..,.., ,,,n, i.,-., linn, tjai'iiC'i in:y. H'-'is iifiuiro.u voting and h in-. ii.iiiiiiiiM i B-.ioii oi me i on en. nie!! ! . 1 "ey are a must, inc- i'ably produce, discord and en lind rulhns, in ine u.-iiructi. n i, tl;o I n, mi. Jn -peech deliicred on the 22d of Sen' em ber ist, Jlr. Suiviifd iiM-d the full, eviiii' I.i,,. guage, as roporicd in th w Y, rk T : ioic : 1 will dwell for one moment on thi xtiaoi'dir,ary sc. no, full ol nssurance on iminy points, and interesting to every one of you as .t is to ire. It teaches that ' hero is no diliereneo wlnitever in tho na ture, constitution, or character oflhepeo ploof the several States of this Union, or ol tho several s.'olions of this Union. .. They are all of one nature, birth, a: ,J ed ueated in thesame ent imr ;;! s, Althou-h many oi mem carna irom , if-taut lands still the very fact of them being Aii.ericni ci.ens is Piillieient to make them all Hue. 1 i I He prili I ! evei v oo'inted. The co,n I a "i!i,r ins I -iv well vr th act im. ip!.- rt I and pr., 're,,! v. d m! th itutiou i ' .-! ive Ti lO SI.IK nr . I , ,, ! r a i I, , 1 1,1 .1 T Ml- 1 ', I. T.-iri M.v i-'i- p., ll,.; a -Hi . : i i.' , IjV 1' li, l-.l I li.l nt-.tum. I , I, rrO-i 'J:l: 3 i o.i.-i-i.., ll,.ltt.:ll : ...lll.il : li am-' ii I Hod a, i nr oltiee el ol unpii, n ,,,. J ;i;i;,j,, iio coiiriv.-ale in a n.l ..u.i uii; i.u-..e lanes l:n 1 live ly sic d.iu; bom the Ai ' ohm y..ii buck, and let a h -tea. I oi Jon,-.- e!i a: pi -I,,!,. iu e ; -Med -Iin I. ile a. k:i jer ol tobacco i unni..,, and is he couuv, hear lhiiicciaey,' and heu, 1 from the Logs, jun one year village icricr. e Amu ricau i ri-iiii.i.!. i I no wiv'cli as 1. i:.(s-ki.!g and lh liio V,' tt. Hijh- -hel - .'111 ,Ve r L Ll I": 17, ;uil i:; !:, r ()(;'roj;r: T 13 ri O'vi. an st in II " in t, ln.n hurrah for "HUM tie l, ' and want-. I.ll V'lll,. 'l.iil 1..,. I e iiie ooys ci V 'mo i him, tin begets knocked 'down for hi impudence, u gi cm nry is made about, it " OKI HI, ! m re-; ,,r t .. if Iberia, i ;l.i .: )! ' a' iii'-nt of il.e 'iii , :: : ..1 with tiio duly '( "' of M, ,iid.iy n i i I. -wing purlieu!. irs ,,( th, About four l;li ; 1 1 1; s ; brothcis, o.-eaoeil f. Pollock, n ear . lently a l., . I' ll .1 'ted an . 1 mv il is rohi cniajioi'it '" i 'ii.ii siaiid Illicit. "Again: yo:i ,se a lop eared, wide inoutheu mullet-headed dutchmaii coin ing ill). 111.-,! Irom sonic hot in il... I I ..i W, Ie vr.n ... ll.: . ! 'e, I." I.,. . I . ... , ' , r' ' . - i in; e i.i in o i oecl" SI : i .1 . ii . 1.- . c - IV....M ,-i ujr pull I no on i rti.-t ,. ip. mill i ' 1 1 If 1 I I I 1 1 .1 I H m L- f (MM 1 1 1 1 ii n . .....nm-.v,:, il ,1 "v Ii.i .in ..... iiHi mi unni' iu i ; i'L' m I' n i , , f l t would call t.enii..., , 1. ' li .V ' ' of the effect of the r I rim,,.. . i7. ,1... ..... I i V limns and the head he v tiiuiti I'll inn , i ' nn ui'' nniiumi ia i,,,if .,n i . 1 i . . - ad bill- preaching national election. Thev nllirm V. r.V' u"! " ,s ",:,;u 'elopted, ay anytinng , the world but -Diaioeiat. . . . i.i . . . " llll cllll.l' (II tril Malim oailinn II I ia .... . i "in Ihe United Sta!.,, Senalo fl 1 the Soiilhein States will not secede : o, u i . ' 1 . 1 V om" "u """"'. am, that vote counts hit ions, which l"k lli, nl' lnr saie or Hon thr st:el- and iii- ; i n ;t of ',!!- oni&ns enoiiL' i in l.lil .. .. .o.. in uireo nundrcd vanb. nml l.i',,. l, Cllll r! f, th. ' a ii b.giii , and - t "' a. Tlie (Jin. ;!;i , give t. li.o ., ; oul.-.ige. : tliri e -! ,vo. ,-rs. 11. ..1 Kv. 1: ,-. a 1 thai" th, . S.. V C ini'y, : I for linar an-e.-t of tho Uoile, nthc: n l'.-".iet p: o 1 1 h ! . I, r lr lo ; I ; .- i IV li 1 :",.a' i' I..I 111 ii.,.,i..i 1 1, at at tho li:,,,. ; oi.ii. will lie ci'i.,1 'O'.k il. c:,. i.,r ".:rr i, j 1 l't loi It r. r. ci r ii m " l-y I,',: ,,'-1,m1 l 1-1 oi' .v inn 1 ji- e.vlotuiiuii . 1, w li' !i on.; i, i- miry, anil irii;,!,. n v.ili I... i iuvai,,;. (:r,.,v ; 1 , , .'li'.l aa.l the l'.'.J li i. i, ' - : ' y n I jl.o uf in - I'OIU .i.i.in lie ia, Ma;, !'" i:.-lle, e hand r the S Mar.! 'a, ie , i i y-two ' I vul.c in. n. and t) -.. u,'. i'h giving tu w e: e i 'a I T tell I'.ratcd. th . Ihe ii -h.,1 hw deputi.-i, 1 their a. ..i-".;. nil, i.'1'hof .Inly, l.s.vi. Mr. lfamlin H,id, tho "" !hu 'vw '.'' itoi ies will bo closed I I rllI'n.i.l I :il 1 ... 1.1 i ni'A i,,,..., . il i ll n "Mi. rirsi.Irtil, from iin f.xamii Htioii ; Stil,3 wiH 1,0 orocl0 tho slave r.T I ,1- l.il! I I. ... r . . . 1 " l.it.i Id.. 1... n in f PI K JUKI tvVmrn !( i.-n 1. l t- . . . ..... i ...tii- v ;ii 111 iii I. l!ll' lo . II . lIlLit.Il HM ViMI I'J i , ti .... . 1 ; v -.o,,,, o, ilU,, oiKca online iruits of higher ml- ous and uhominul, ne. I Ills is oiiliao-e unen. ...,f r . " . - - -. . . .'vi..i.-i :; oe : s will ' P : . fc 'A: :' 'Tnse, oi grc.it. " C .rr..;4 the elections far the -hi 1'... I rMU. 11 11(11' 11 NIK 11 ii,ii n . i' 1VII1 lelf.l to I,, - : ltfll. ('lll.TIU lu.i ni,il t I I t , ll fl,Ht it m ny aM,e,.(s i whi,,,, U i. groiving public opu.ion slavery, thus hem-1 ,hf , ,1" " n" - ' . n'Lno's ' vote than tho ln l-ive,,.,.,! ,o (he scale! I see no ,w, 1 '" ",l,st '' oon extinguished. lUtTnnllT; T"'7 " "' tliH'wd lllv ! "ol hM "' 'umi principlo 0f cc, ., upon which' In U'is Mi,lk "i "Mica,, scheme or fu-1 1 1 ZoJh "llT'v , " "ln "'''i 'iV A 0h1 Ncw '"l-'- :- M'.ch measure can be bimal . U J l!" -olhing is raid of the fate of H jS fT W'' 80 'm"!'.! '""MV,i ,v'""u 1 n mdidato for iinv ct least theroi., none n i """ ." population. What. ' iZLShAt i! '''I lt""UU.? 'lif! I'Pu.l 1 vaga- oarr.es conviction to my mind! 1 "'n. is to l,c-c..n,o ofthefonr millions of ctlftWln t 1'"'C ; '' V'U'' 1 ,rt' t!,li'- ''.i(ied, 'lhng lovote A.iiNT Tins., ,,. i.."' "laves l,ose enlo.ced industw now run. .. 'M iU w oo- idiotic lereignirs I did not, u,u ihei Illl' . i ii II 11 IV I 11 II a iv.',. .,ii,. . ollnU. ,1 . r.i .. iiuiun.il . - ""i'M'iuMi.y in mo . -soiitii, nnu fhoi i-..,ii, on ine , ( 1) (.' fllny, j SgS M r ., "oinrsuc suop'Cllon lolllls '.ho salo "auii.n voted m bivor of Mr. C'linnman's lX f .ullicin society f w ith their lil i i.'uon u. poHipmc ..he lloniehtoa that fession over until the next '"i" iiiisiandiiig Senator Scwtid I he ( i i,,n. I . . ( . l. , . : i . i . ' ' em iniii ,,os:,,on.o, 1,-1,1 was cqiiiv alent to (l,.f.t scenes of livi liboml iNortliern comiiiunili... it" w" '1 no, anu ought not i f . .i T leaso um" a t"StutiM of the Union 1 Ip'po -Mid hnahy, en the '20ih ot May, l,s,',() jMr. Hamlin vend ng:fi,,st the'Senato ... ...cM.-aii mil, win,.., j..v0 fct,( ii.",,.; ,,,i:us at twentwfivo acre ! is tho cents jier- the would. Fnthusiastio, votes, and if ever I am n . ,,,,li,l i orinc. i to Cin.l T I,., ;:i .. i Tl, ... ...1 .,.. .. ...ii (,"1 uinii. , ''"'" 1 im uio aoovo extract, wilt at once perceive lhat it announce, in sub- ft'Ii-Hernon! rmiicv uio eainn m iiicin u wb eb "l;l'i'-i,ii.-ei;.i ii uc unit Lincoln havo heretofoi o pro (":uo "' '-'Ovcriur who t.v .7. , his; uiai un irienress, , b eon ... , icr pv iio l...i r i i . I?-:i .... . , , ., Iftho prosperity o; f " .. , mui f"lV("y. ""'L ' ., , " l!J0 "n,"e l,Jfl)''ntlu communities survives. lhV " " 1 1 " " "n,i ?' not , -..- .... .,.., ,i!ar.v oon.pauies c, must inevitably bo ovarrun' by ti e nit , . ' lllE Union , ' 'i ciia iiy ot adopted c.;;en.s ; u, pouring of.ho oiuht millions of nLror - ulT. Tu " ,!0m-,,'t M limo their armr to companies of colore, ished white., and r,,r m.lli.,... ,.r I" ". ." ' " l"r oi anti-Maycry opinion uti 'uoiicann. , . - .... ....nmuj vy l iv i ill in I i I. l .. . ' . 1 Homestead toll nT iralio.i, wlieth?r sudden or ttradu d. all i-ession, '"I'ne material interests in t ho South toward n :m. inet n,,l l,("' l'" and blacks seek oilier i, 1... li'Ml' loci w.iirants ,v, and placed iu ti States Mar !. On T'lcr.-day t he locality, mvi and mine eiglit , groes having se; il:to I hi e.. ai ; , in-trueiioiis to nu n of I'crvc, ui pi-oe. i l. i, i. ceo Mani un, ei ,1 o , '.,. ii evening (he M , ,-,!,:,! lum-clf na.d the negro for ul-.oni he had .(tamed the war ran, at (after a Walk of fourteen miles placed him on board a freight ti-mn, 1Ul, . ceiled in reaching this city. All ex .dilation was b 1( before Commit ioiwi .Newii.ill, and his con'iiiion bein ;'Ht:-''ie-torily e.tab'.i- hfd, und the fact of h!s' 0s e.'ipe being pioven, he was reman, b ,! t0 theeudody of his former ma ..tor, and tu ken nor -pi lh river. So far so oo- Jlia the deputies were not a' mccessru ns uifir cine., ixouner sueeeeilcd in "e cuiing their man, and one of them was twist lnhumimly treded. Soon rter howini; his wanant he was crt. m,,,., t. .. that tho Iicj jblicins of!rv-,Vl' negiMes and w hit- ,,, t(, t.,. no:ii,u:o i a caiidi- n'Hlll,,'r"1 ix'r "rseventy, a part of n 1 oi 1. 1 1 1 '.'.!! ! ri:.: ,1 any lii, 'orctil i;'ia, Y.::., C.D. A Ii. tt.tV T. .'"r' ij "i :' ' -.''." P''"a rull-llli-".; -,' ''" '. ." ; Uio f .ii-f ?i in )ii ' . ' '.' , .".' , -" ti.ui will In; i.f r ' -.- "' lifllffit lo I ViTT ' " in lmint i,i' lie I it. una i.i,i,v. nirn c,. II till. I inn n!wfi.vj l,c ,ruiiJ id 1 j " i 'o r "I I'roul nml Main !., 'l 'ii no nn:l.. tj tin: ouutrary nppi am i: , i,,i-i. j AI! Oj.rriitiiini In tho line of li in profe--1 I'lhiraii!,! in il,,. Iniost Htnl must, In, je r... hi-, uu i u:irHU'i...l lor ono venr n;:iu.'i i riulin.il la i lun,. r-- 1 : w I.' ?jr.ieMS ' . I' g I- "cstEtB-ay lioni lyre arine'i w.rii guns find pi.-'ols. The n"gro ,Ti,s noerair.i. ar.d ihe of the iiepi.lv s. turid by the ,iirit. MiHrlotbes wrTo nea.lv nnd, amidst ! t en with di 'an!. ' IC pel -on a-'nil- tf il-ll r.i1' mut and oaths, h? -m,s l,..,i s. tc serve bini. nn ibo i,....i they treated slaves at the South." I nr. I mm 1 1. . vt . . i i . . . T J I ' ( . . .... " " i i nnt an(l uncontrollo'l noiiroci. whoso for- ! . ? the Snth int0 tli0 c" ,U!,m7T.p ll,at -uo p. Kkv Ui ve ' 1 w Ti-niit mnl nil his mono-' mer fcciul tics I . . . . " vd'miuii (Ji MHVOH. f.lMi 'UCl'CI litl JIllf.'lt'MS h.u ,m ll , , i io ia i v I 11 orv or when .""'",eiius"i :n many states that the , iiceomnlisiic'l. 3Ir Sewi.nl soouui no uiioived not nii'lipiite whether it is lo bn ! Yo'' State, th i,-. n j i,t in n ii,.r.ni.,i. r o. .... ... ' 1 Mollis. I'llUI .Mill- WOllh bo i etrovr..l 1 ...l. 1... V"" ne'oin, says that (.iov. u-ilb.nl nfl..;.. from tbn Sr.,,, I. ! 1 .7, ., " , u "nl """ . w,,""'imi, - ' v ! u- i ,ui nt h u nu 1 1 ifi in.. i... i . i . . : ti ' f it : . . . ' - mcdanimt place on the night of tho 4th -'11,l'" ' Platen would be tho first to r , i X Z2 1 " 1"":1 growth W'H mostly oe overrun ny the newly emancipate, and s!.i. " .' ,' ' "t"M i..,l. 1.1 I. ti 1 . - ......... eontem ien pom Inn., mv to vote, and in ... 'inng turn, but ey vote ilpcn that ouestiou then extendi Instant nf n,iiiiii...i;.... . . indolent ILuek I nnt, .. . r , , , , , . "' i""" vonieiii .'ftY.tlldira .1.1-fcllT-. if V... , ... l.lil r.,1 ll.rt rt . .... . . ' e--- r .'UBucimuiia county i """ o any ouier light than niton. In,. mi. . c had his pocket picked or S-'dl id n,r..i. a til subject for political nirilation U Instant, whilo travelling f.on, Jersey Ci. Tt, Z! ih! J1!? Brown ..iZZTlvlt1" . v: ..... -.. i. - ,. . ,,i nun iiiipviiih n. .i..i.i . . r . o. -..-..,. -- -'" ..l-.l ........ ...... I 1 . . - " f ...ic-l unties.. I n tlnnr. .. c 1L'.. II Oftrltull f,i, ,l nr.l i. . l,l,,ni t .Ah. .,AI l-C . n. , .... f . ' ' '"i". "'cuiirci-, giirnensanil larrn- ilinnti..,.:ii, . """! ui . i . j..i..i.jr u, i uces n jack -f-h '" mure, mo eons were ittTA despa.ch to the State Uepartment rds would bo tho scenes of their eon- , m TV Gctt.l,on" """"h would tend to, ,lncl whllp- - 'dropped, and the deputy wa, M oral c I at Washington mention, the death. Bl f'"n -pwlntinns. and the industrious ;.. " '.?!l"J,5,ll1t0 d,,nSer"'nil-' EMr."7iT.r, :7, Ifrom his nnenrnfortiiblo pillion. rio.e..ce,ofll.U.JohnSon,latulvai,.,oint- '.' " W?U' d ."ed of tho eal nml Z T.V"-.?S?nS r118 iN U II V Z. : . " " 'n, : ot sn.is.ied w..h the Indignity nd e'lL'i,ildSinrn i' . , i.iso. u.eir industry in orery way. Tho ,. i " , "' renl revolution- - "eoniou in lud counci , s lo 'n,n mreaiiy lnuicleU, a knife was sent et tinted it4ii Consul to Cor.Untmop0. town, and vill.. would b. UlLl . . f h,rctor. But hi. ultirnnto obiect is load off in tho dnnr.ivi.b ... i,.: " ' , 'r..r. and tl.e hair of the offlr, Z u. . 1 "oneu in uoabt. H t.H. :.."i.., ' , , " rinw.oi ri.n , ,,- .. . "'l'I' ,err..n with Ibipvin nJ. .TIT, jsiem n,U a ... 7. : U.L"'', in ( eneralitie: v eie ln- ie mob end, avow , I failed to do fo 'I I,..., I his ni iiis nnd i In, .,,1 ) , , , .-..j . ...in n mark lr the biiile;.-0f ihr.e , ,r a i,i. MillVage, and tho rest r'f p,"1"- l'1'? deputy begg, ) them to t-boot vote nniiimit nnv . 1 I, im . rid ber I bun Ion ntiosj v"""u ul.l,ltfrv.onsiauHon ' fne. 1 rmtc ujo noro thw n nr. or whether , J401fHJer that -the Kei nibiicin lead.'i ' th word wni given- "niake remlr inl. on tho John :.:,var(J-. hincoln, Oreely, Wilson. Sih..f 'i.im" hut before thed -r,' i r it V .n. i ,1, ! ii". .. . v"i.., . on.- iJ.r. SiewAMl '-"'mini's, lliuot. htirr (iv. : ,, ' iiven, wrtlP ono 0. t 10 moh riu iMl l mrmmmw,nm fit CO the i voio lor neuro South so as to render slave uroni lv wort. "10 voters wi Hloss from tho dangers and injeouritiosi chftnf?6 fj.:--:.'sj.'. - and il tells us- in Iun"? ' Wales. EM TT' I". - 1 ..' ' San P l'JOfc to make his w.iy out of tho ne.'tdiU.r- i i ,'. 'w.vn tuiiir'i