N - , I ,, . ,1 "I " '" "" lloiui Ahull. H-(tiili, I'"- ,M,,. St t X el B MuM t. I nl IIH I Meelinn I, t Mill I'll IK, Ii" Mlilil I') lilV id "P I 1 1 'i I s I r. r I '. 1 r i; i ( I'l'1'! l.ril ill;' i k I li hi In l(! Ft Ul I) , t lit Ii' lli f . III l f 1'.' ! per li.illnli. I J Y -1 'l i l.iy 1 In'iol, ; I r i.h ! inn:', i "iii-i, liiiii ii i M a, in .'iu, it ii 1 ii 1 1 tn i hit iiit! nil ).' ii t iiiuii't i: ; '' tin' i I'I't m I; i lis le'iuli-n lo on r t t hi ( it'; e ltl'' .11 , luU II nnd . ill,. ,.iy l( slilt, 1 -ill tillll .1 Mi w ill 1ii lulu .1 IIS III!' a th- l( t. Ht. beiore fining to ! rs in niii'tli.r 1, .inn . IkIIO III n Ill t IVl lI . V'e iw!', Lou t il l lit) (km It l't.' able In Mil rirxi, lo edve I I'm limit ii lull ii nil 1 1. ?lutff. H'c have nc-eived thv i.iotveding!! of u : 4 i l.Uii.ber of inretin I, el. I in dill'dent i-X- ' lions of the county dining the piet eei i lor I uMii ut ion. '1 1 is wo oMiinot do, fo;- tlit ronton that to do so would fill our col -limns lo llic c.i hi: ion all other mutter. Our friend will therefore know the cmiso of their non-nppearanee: fir-JA.The office of the Jersey .Shore lie vhicin hits been removed to Willianis port mitt the nuint) of tlio Kiper climbed to ' HVj( I.Mih'A J cm"cr,il," tho first num ber of which is before us. The Jlnnnrial looks nn;it, ami talks the rihl kind of jol itien, sneers reibbor liei e is oui'-aJ. EJinueh liiii'liai'iin jr. h:is re.-iinpd lji.i.j.o.-jtion p.s I'i'iVAtc Secretary to the ru'-sident, and Ad.un J. UloslireniH'r Mm., late Sergeant at ar:n.s of the House of Kepi e.-.entatives, ha.s been n j ; , i 1 1 ! i hi.: .-'.cud, and lots entered np. n U:n in dis- ;1 Lis on . ;,.s. ClearHci.i'1'iflems:: lho i:li-lii Imuc CuuipMiiV, will luoitt nt on tho 17th I J; v i.r P.'i-itdi' it i ' 1 Drill, : fi., at s ..'. Kick, A. M. liy order of the tnpt Oa. lo, lfli.i. JUJLN I'. HOIK, 0. S. 1-M.iiLAsK in nil. Kovai, Tamilv orSiwix. Un l.isl Thni'Mny B.iron Stoeekl. in full ivurt litcss, called olliciully on lad Presi dent of the 1'niicd States, and in afui'mal m . nner announced the birth of a Spani.d, ii ..i , .. ..... . . jiineess, mo ii'iiiii'.er ot imko do .Alont pen-ier. The rreulent lesponde l in an appropriate address, in whieh be t xpres-i-d great pleasure ut receiving intelligence rt'Mic'h an interetin-veu', and temieied lii- since: e Jcongi.it. iia: ion to 'lie Iuke nd hii h.'j'py con;ort. mi AcniiCXT Tl.'ii-dav hut, as liie iinm of W ilson Hoover, rcsi bin: near place, iv.is returning IVom Hin.:"ld i a load of plank and ;onie ftii-nitiire, j ; n '.liieh it c;e sealed t .vo of bis chil-. tlren. u hil-t desceiitlinj a bill, t!ie plank1 slipped forward, slrikinir the hor.-es' heels t and starting them to run, tlio wagon sti i j king a stump, turned over, throwing the j b;;. upon the driver and tho little biv, whilst the daughter n young la 1 of 1,) years, held on to the lines, ami was dri i ged through the woods and brudi for a; c.ir.sHierat le distance, receiving awry se v-M'O in mi V thinlL'h no bones were broken, I'ho .iriver es.?a.e.l aitii s .-me iiijtiries a-i bjttt the leg', whil-t the little V oy had a lei! broken, and was otherwise iniured . They are all, ,ve are gbid to learn, in a Mr. Hoover was lair way ol recovrrv. 1'iesctit, b.;t not o;i the wagon at the time. The County l air. The fair grounds a: o no, cjiuple sheds and-tand ' h ive been ereteu in most stibst in ;ial mantier, ami a belie "Hing'' is not to be f )un l anvtvhere. T!:e ooniriiittee having in char :e tho prepa:a lion of tliei g.'juu 1 ii r, o 1 .i i it i i a c:e b i:le m tuner. All tlm f.niliti.M neeessa ry to make a Fair pro.-perous ami agreea ble, have been secured in this case. It iio'.v only rein.iiiu fir the fitizens of Clear Jieltl county to say whether a Cjui.A Fair nliall reunin a tixej fact. If such is the de.-ire, ivo hopo f very ono wid do soniu- tiling towards establishing it upon n sure La is. Membei's with vivos, ami ihikhen under 10 years ofage, adiiiitled free, if dues are paid up. Single tiekets 20 ets, 't tickets lor f 1,(10. Family tickets for the Fair $1,00. For further p.u ticul.ii's in reference to the conducting of tho Fair, we refer our readers to the "Hates a.l Iegdutin,t" ol' tho Society published in another column. NOTICE to School Directors and 'I LAl'HFXS Or 1'l.EUiFILLD Co. If nothing ; ' ' ' nt, the nn.h r-ir.etl vill Imld pub 1 ;'i.. .'fid grunt, e'.r'.ilii-.ites to f"' ;'"':i.'.'- n-iu" i'.i.. I'd (i ii ti 1 1 ti ft 1 . nt ''o- liei .-in ii fi 1 1 tc .1 : lir n - '' '' I '.i :. Nn-: l.fi-L'.Jii. -it I.utlior. ITf.i. i el . U 11.1 n -bli ; Che.il 'J51I1, tit New t aid Neiv Wa-liinitm I ..I' '. t; t i;: A r u iVim. I umb.ir City and nt iViinviile ; I'ike and Cur- . I. ' me ..ith ; tio October lt ; Dera 1; Mori i lid in. K'v i. i,v, . '.....l , i..i, ,1.1 ' talmimoii ; Biudfuid 5th ; Cleur n.udnntl I aiiron. e dh ; Knox 8th. rt fui y Hill : karfnau, p-itb . Covington Jlth: Oiranl l'Jtli. ,u IV.I.l .1 iiu ; (Jesl.Pn ;th nt .Shnwsville; Hust.m nnd Fox 15th : Jordan '.'I'd, nt Ansonvitle ; Keecft ria 2Ud, tit Glen Hope ; (iulieh 24th at outiesviiia ; noouniu'r i.0111, at delli tries, a', y 0 clock A, M. Where no place is named, Direct, ,t!) should choose on. It would be well l'r teachers to improve themselves in ihwurt of Leaching, initsuiueh as tho Mundai d of lualiMcntions has raited. Director. liould he present with the lew-hern at lh exam ination to judge, of their enpaeity to im pari iriatruetion lr their jmpils. dUSSE BHOOMALL, Co. Suiit. 19, lSOO.-ot. An infant, in tho urma ol'ita 1,10th- ".wcrusiieu to deuth bv the crowd pruaauig tortvrd to bee the Prince at the it. Louie Fuir. . . . " x 1 v " v ' MARRirn. I'll Niiii.tny lad l)rtihi II.M.ilfit,ilpr ' . Mt. Km ton lliiili v n' like lii. ti 7:,:. M Vli.U Mil,, lul I, If 111 I hi Tllnd IV 111' '.Yd ill-! In I'lnbuL 1 . U.,, -1. Mr. ) liin, ) l;i f lili .i Kn I, i I i 'l' ii 11 I I to Ii. ii. it, N. .1. i if. Mm m ' n-ii.iit. i. I c . .r. Ml L I 'n Tin ilni u. t lil Ali'Htn l.'i-iitns I.. . i mi. r 1 1. . in I ' i - I'l'l 1 1 ."ir o di-i ii ;....t ivi ili.' . Ii iii'.i ili.it r.itlifi' mail. I i n In- lh.. v..'.-,' r f i!.h iilii-j cil, Ami eln-o lo .1 Ins kiinlro.l il. nr ; Cmld 111' Oll.lllgll 111- I'lv't' l-.pii'-S f'.'l l.ltll Wild plu'llist .1 Hlill .) I, loss , An 1 clioto him for his friend. of Thi fi lend of find, the A nelx fuir t No sivc. tcr inline tliuti thin could boar, H.-mnvor hili their ftate, Yfl fiuiy u erealuro made of cluy WhAivilltho Lord's eomtnnnds obey, Obtain this honor great. j. i.. it. t , In 15iaily tp., on the jth Instant I'hilip Allnian nged Id yeais. n-i i , . . ,, 1 hi, aged man upon K.u nin of the munier ot ins on tioiilrey in 1H-KS hy nn- other -on ( Laurence) immediiitelv sot ojt - , , from Germany for Ihi country beiivf; th'-n in li i 4 With year nnd Arrived in OlcarhVld Town a few days before Lawrence wu ta ken to u western IYnile.'.tiHiv, ami the only wish of his life has been to live ti see Lis ci i ii.g sen rinlored r.cnin, but he became blind two years ago, which was very mortifying to him knowing ho could never see hi.s son lace to face. Iiespiuiinc ol l'eint" "rat. lied in Ibis, Lo j;ave himself tip not loil,: n"t willing to depart ,o l rest. I ' T ... !,..- 1. no v.i n t. v.. V ..l 1 , iiii.iii.ii; j l-..i Jili I u l vu, : when his time of imprisonment will ex- having been sentence I for I'l years at Sent Toom l.i'l Clcsirficlf! lliiifa ls. W1I0I.K-ILK AXtl HRTAll, mirl'S crnitET. i inre. leu weeKiy nv l', kiiatzbii ,t ox, Whnlefulo and lteliiil Doulera in GroccrioJ, Pro visions, nnd ticnmal lry Goods. ' ulKftucat f .!' ii 62J 1 iia 0"t " " . . . . Corn (cars,)" " . . . . Clover seed per, bush. , riour, Sup. Kiue, f b il. " Kxtrn " ' " l-'ii in. " Dried Appltj, J 'b. . ; ulier, " . , , . V.w f. .l .z. : . . . . lieu us 1 IIu .in DO n,n 7,00 fl.no 7.A0 10 IS 121 1..M) 3,on .-ait r' .ek , Hops "..1 I!). I :.i-r'f Ilnenn, luinis nnd sides, Wheat per. bush. i2 nno 1.50 Ni:.I?V WIHTEllKAI), Jl'i . iCli of the peace H.ici.ton, Uniun (p., will attend pr. nipt.'y to ul! businms rutruntcd to bis care. fcpt.. 1?, 18 ill. y. Teache.s Vanted. Tiie Irani of Iii cctors of Knox (nun. ship ai-ii desiro'js of empl jy iuu four com petent teachers, for a term of 4 months. Application to lie inado in.n'.erliatelv to Conrad B:ikw, resident, or I). I. Cath ead, Secretary. I). J. CA'1 11CART Sec. i ::. I INii 0. 3t. AttCS'.icn KotKlfaj'ii Ctvahy. You die criie'id to nt t ' ..t Kj hi town on v eilnesdny October lOtli at JO o'clock A. M. fully eipiipped for piuade and drill. Parade on Wed nesday. Tliursoay and Fli d.iv. Hv order jf the Onpiain, JAS. W. Sl'IvAN I'OKD, 0. ;ber .'!rd, ohoO. L-t ,Ve'l. rvVtXTTOR'S OTICIi. Letters testa- sUiuivntuiy having boon granted to the untler itiguod on the K.-lnte of the Uev. Timotli v Lee, lato t.f ISurnsiilo lp., Clearfield r o., Pa. And ail per.-ons knowing theinselros indebted t siiid es tiite rre re. netted to innke iniinidiate payment, and those having claims against it are rciiieste.l to present tl.em to Jacob W. Campbell iu Ucll Ip. or Washington Gardner of liurnside tp. JACOB W. CAMPCLL I li'ICIIIV'lTr.vo , i r. V Kx'rs. ...i-iii.iuiy.lUililL'.lLi: I Out. 3.1, lS(ii tit. Ww, A, wai.lacb. S,:inliinii and (Lollfdion (D5rc OK LEONARJ), PIN1TEY &Co. CLE A H F I I, D, C LEAH Fit-1 A) C0UXTY, PA Iiicpo.-its iii;( i:ivi:i) yiUi'ions mafTc ami prorcnt prmi'pthj r, milled llxchangc on (lie t itles coinstaiilly on band. iH'OIEco on Second St., nearly opposite the COUKT HOUSE. STUIKIXCJ TIMI IX IMIII.ADi:f,.i 111 A ! TrrmenJoiu A'rci'rcmtiil iimoa? tht J...:'.'-EXcm.iJ FOOT IUCE between tlio rinladolphia Pillponnd the notorious For per and counterfeiter, Ju nos Buchanan Cross '.'..'. Cross Uce.iptured ! ! ! !It seems to be the goner-; nl opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a puir of Prank Short' French-calf Boots, that he would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is ! not mncb put out ut missing bis custom ; but would announce to all Hrcctinridye, buuqlai,' LinnIn niirf Hell mr.n, and women and children iu Clearfield, nnd Sinueinithoning in particular. Shoe, .nJ Uaiter. of any style or pattern, ali'ch- ta, fowo.l or pegged, (aud as he is a short fi low) on short uotico. Ail kinds of country produce taken iu ex change, and cash not n fused. Repairing done in the ueutost manner aud charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Heed, Weaver A Co'a store. F1IAXK SHOUT. X- II, Finding, for sale Sept. 2(5, lt-OO. ristins Mill and cut ,vws, Jann'ai"s and XJ a general assortment of lUrdwure at the 10 01 t. A 1RV1N Curwem.jHIo.Jl.j lfl,'l80. ' ' ' low,.fi, "i ilorring fof sl8 low at the ttoro of w y Jtt iimv Clearfield, Jul, 11, h 1860. L. JACKSON CRANS, , V . I A1 A. w offl0 '''joining U, reaidenoe on Seoond Street, Clean kld, Ja.8 ft TTnn v rv ! : ' I'll IV a:i . ... i : ' a i . j ... . . . . " . .. : , Ui,J wwrvinivu uuu-jci. are uy iavr incaimJihi - . . ix 1 1 lie ill a iii it I I'll' v i -iiii I i on . l. ihi igwidia oermii, yoke of oxe', now in the ,'p 1 7mon " of Jud'e T" ,' Passion ,fS. W. Hon, and R. J. Jh,is.,n. a, " Tk f K " " i'V'r- W : lu ii' iiiiiM uuii' ,m r mv nnv ri rn. , i. . :.. . .... . . " , the tnn.e licit ngs to me. JOHN McINTIHK, , i, " i ';.;: ". , . . '. I tl t- . ni .. I me nni.i, JUUilU. lir Ut er flIIK'lr lit utt u i tun iji., c,n.. 1,1, iuuu. 11. nu tnoii,AMAiion or nil? I u: 1 1ON Or J ,i ii(,m A I lll.fillM -.Nl" ami vii n i it'fiit nt op "WW. r. n. hen , I t mi n I i ( il ..I it.. I twm. riv i ill ili .J I I I I Inl ll 1. i...... l,n Mm II f l. 1. n i,f (In. ti'tmiil i i lie... ml A "I'lnl lj ' Il i M It lll. Bl.'l I I'll II ! provided, Cut -fiiin' ii f ili i i-iii. lii'.imrnlil , i.iiinll.il .i int ..r t . rn 1 r ..I Km l.. ll..lll AtKMll'll-, fhllll In. 1. 1 nil rl. l..i ill lm Miiiift .lni't k itl ylii. h III.. pititiit iiii'iiil'i.in luill l,.i ( I.. i'ii t.ili il In Hi II ir ii'i'iliiiK fin lien - I'll f ! .'! ( . 11 tl i' 'i'. thr I il ,1'Hiiny i,i .V. iiiii'.i , In Hit' tn.r nl imr b.ii'l inn' III.. ii mi'. I ri 'lit luii.ilri .l ul. l t.iilv, nn I nil III" houii tiny in uvoiy fmirlli jenr lln't. nlli r, I'.r Ihn I 'ir 1,'ini' if . l i 1 1 jf ..l. ri.ir nl Vi, i.,iiit an. I Virl l'i- i.l. nl .,1 tin. I'. H. I N,', ili,r,l'..r... 1. T It 1. 1 1 Kit I (I. MIM.KII.i lii;li Miiri!! t.f ( :i,.ii Ik' I.I I'liiiniy in iuinUniiro uf ili.. iluty i nj ii. iii'.l mi mo by llio Art oliuv.i ta- frrri'.l to, mi.! tlm mi I iiUminit thiirclo, do is - no ihU, ij I'rorUuuniion, giviliK iiutift to (lie fruimuii uf miitl puiinty iUiilillt'tl to vntc I'nr tn o in rn i f tbu lietiornl Asm1 mill V, t ini'rt lit tbt'ir nuvrr il ripction Jislriols or T KSHAV ilin CTJI HaV OF NOVIi.MllKll StXl, il.tti and l lliore, bt'twt'un tho li.iiiinuf KI'iHI' u'eluuk in tho morning, ami FKVMN u'rlnt k in il.e evening 1 ofmihl ilttv, lu vuto fur T WKSTY-SE YES EI.El'TOIlS ,t nYretidpnl ui.d Vict) IVi'sitU'iit til' the United .Stutrn, Anil Hint tlia KnVHrul Jil'ljien, Iiifioot.irs and Clerk, who al all linve atindod ut the preceding (liH.-rnl Klcctl nro require I to alioni : nd poriorm tho nl ko duiius, and be miliiupt to aliko pcnnltit-a for nosloc t f duty or inlsomiduct a. th.-y 8l..tll be liable ut -aid , Ufnt riil Aloptinn , 1Tll T,"!i l,'V?T,n,T- "f rl", la ni'lii'e Hint tho suit! I'.lfi'tinn fur r.l.'i:tnr ol rtsl.nr nn.l Vlt-c l'rpsidunt of tho UniteJ s"i,'v" wiM bo l'l'l"t tlm l'..ll'iniin? yUnv At tint honun ot Samuel M. Smith for tin; lown a'.iip of il.'ci'iiria, At tho house of Ascpb Llli, lor l bo township of licll. At llio limine of Junic liloom, Sr, for tlio town nliip ir llluutn. At 'bo liuimo oflidwurd Albert for the town phip i f Uoj;g. At the house of Williuui Hoover for tho town ship of llrudford. i .1 l... ....!.): I ..r n U' (. ...... r.. ii-.. .w totvusliip. A' 'be house of John young for the township ' of "?T'uia; .. c. , . . I At tho inboiil houso near feunon KorabauKli , ' r .1. . . 1. . j lor too tun iianip in vuesi. At tho Court House for the liorouKb of Clcar- ileld. At the bunco of Jacob Maunr for the township of L'oviiiirton At thehouso of Isaac Bluoui ir.. for tho lior- ough of Curneimvillo At Centre school hvuno for the towmhip of j Decatur At tho houso of Tl.oiuas il Duvis for tho town eliip of i'urguson At the boute of John I. Jiundv for the tho ! tottnship of Fox j At Congress Hill school house for the township uf tiirard At the riublic tshool bouse lor tlm townsbiu . of Ooshcn ! At the bouse of Jacob Hubler for the town-hip of dmli.nii At the school huujo iu Juucsville for tho i, Vi i r i , , At tl.e House or Jesse ilsou for the township ti Illusion At the feliool bouse iu Ausonvillo fur tlie town ship of Jordan At the huiise of E I) Hall A Co.t for tlio tnwu sliip uf Iviirtlinus At tho Turkey Hill school house fur the town ship of Ii nox At the Court House in the Luiough of Clear licld for Laurence tuwnship At the public s.jhuo: huuse for the Lorough of Lumber City At the houso formerly ocvupinJ l.y Tlnuuss iiei, uir -iiorris lownsjnj At ii.a k.,,1. ;,. u..i i i .i . ....mmuui uuusoior uic ijoruugu ol ! .1. I, n .' c . , , . . , - , ' t In fcoo.-e ot b.ilnuel Smith f..r i I iwii. ft''" 1 slip of l'unn i At the hiiiiso of l.-nuc I;l.;Uin jr., iu te Ilor- ougli of Cui Hinsi illc fur Pike tov nsl.ip.h At tho house f It. W. M. ore for the township of Union At the house of Jihn Whiteside for the town-' tl iji of VVoo.lwaid. noi ic i: is i j i: i ii i:it iii;iti;rt til 11.", That all persons, evecj I Justices of (he Piuce, ho shall bold any olhce or appointment it trust, uudtr the government ot the United' tMatoa or of this tate, or of uny incoi jioraled , """vi, ni'v-iici u w.'iiiiuinsiuiieu omcer or oiiicr- , wie, a eubordinato otlicer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the Legislative, Exec utive or Judicial Dupartmautj of this State or of the United Statu, or uny city or incorporated district, and also that every member of ti.rgres and of tho Slalo Lcaielutu E . or of tho or seloct cou. cil of any city, or couiiiiseionerof such cle ition, sliuil U eligible to uny ollico voted lor- And tho Return Judges if the respective dis tl it'll nloiesaid urn ruiu. stcd to meet at the touit lleiisf, in tLo Ui.il,uBh of CU-ariield, on luei;-i tridiiy next alter the sail Hut Mimiiuy of S.y,,i!,ir ilun and the: a to do those tilings required of them by law. I.N under my hand nnd seal, at Clear field, this I'titli day if Sept., in tho year of our Lord one thouia d eight hundred uu I sixtv, mid ol the Independence of the United State's the eighty-fourth. P. 0. All LLHIt, H.critr. 18G0 ir,ro vlll It, r'J V'c M t Ainl vxtciiniic ifci.cr liuj ii.nur, liu-.ls( v. - V "sr,.. utFif" Si,, '"trrf fis.olll" CO ii' " fl tfll at.titlll. M'ch 11 ISiiO. rniin cmiaiipieli) academy, win JL bo opened for tho reception of pupils, (males and feutaUs) on Monday, Aug. HOth, 1S(10. itrm per session 01 elovon Weeks 1 Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary ' Arithmetic and 6'eography. $2.60 ' Higher Arithmetic, Euglish aramniar, Oeoe- raphy and History. j;(-0() Algebra, Ueonietry, Xaturul riillosophy , and Hook Keeping $1.00 Latin and O reek languages. $5 00 ! To Studellta desirous of nennirtno. thnrnu,.!. i T l Z'ZlL' desirable advauUiins. Xo f upil received for less than half a ieision, and no deduction made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid nt the closo of tlio trui. 11. iSANDFOKD, Prim H al. Miy 23, lji50.- Iv. iShicKsiiUiiiis'. I JAMES CROSSLY t arries on Bla.ksniithing I iu the borough of Lumber uly, wh.ire he will execute protnp ly all work entrusted to biin, aud oAicuiuii in 11 worn manlike manner, July 4, I860. ly. . I F excellent quality of Flour for sale low at tha atoreof W. F. IKWIN". juieorneiu, July Xltb, 13 60. A largo lot of BEANS for a.ile at the Iron Store if MERltltL 4 BI.jLtR. 1 ' v Jf o t . V I .III I U.S. ,, r Y f il link 'Int. F' I I 'Ol tl.l. ! i,,,b(,, In n-il ., I n., (.. l,i. l't I'l Vi'l a ii 4 ltittiiiiiitoii M n i n Iwoi'iiftn La ..Hiiii m mi. n n. t li ii,mUi i ii n.iilii I. .n m l,i. ri...,.( I., j. ii... H.i -,i t... ik i M' Ii iV,lt.. ., . nil Bn, i,,.T It'n fm I (lint !,,. k, elvn HI M V !,...,'., ,.. 'I I , I, t, tjw , .. f,,r ,,, ,.,, , . t f lil. h .lrf .,,.,,r, JiavKplrrnl.nl I III III Vi I.-I..IM J'n'li ...,in I. illvi .. ll.l l ltfn,tl 'I licnn llml and pr u lii ul . Ili'i'i -i v lift dinil lw ilin aniiitii,( nf lniriii.m, I .triili liio a i mhl l.i f i .rt Dm pupil ' pro . "i.'M ii I mi il.'iihli .1 1 and, If tlic ruli'i iifllm rli.,,, nri altii'lly f Mm-i, nli.i plrdgr Jit'rrilf initio ili-nppiiint Ihnn. Ti.xr IIii.ikh lliclinr.l-iin or tlr.ili", fur I'laini. l uiiiniir CtinvurMi, for (inttar. Ilimiiiiil. Cmitie, nr bnlilarhn, fur vol. , 'I'm nil, IU prr ntniiti r nl m vi nly Iwj luism., I fur rilhrr I'iattn, (initio nr Mi l i.l'oii. Vhph I iiiunii) fie .i eviry pupil nimlylng In- llrillllrlilii! iiiiimiv Hit. ,. l. Slnwart, Meant. P. Snrnrlnijer, I -.niio N. Hoi Jin, T. B. llultnx. Win. Irv1n, E. I b. Htn.lv, lr. Wm. B. iiobcits, and all citlmr.i; who hnve pntrnnlretl me, can bo ritferitid to. An. li, aco. at. WATCH & JEWELRY. TIIIIE untlurafgnud roipoolfnlly l. infurma bin culoinora und the public. gi'iuTully, 1 1 1 ii f ho hiotJu.it ropnlvotl from tlio liie.t, nnd o on- ptl nt Iiih tiKtiililiahmmit in i II All AM'S HO W ('inarfi.ild, fu., a lino nssortinnnt uf Cl.mKa, Watciiks, nn, I Jewkmiy nf ilifiurcnt uulitit's, from h tinglu piece to u lull r'.t, which lio will veil nt tho most reiiaonahlo prices for cash, or ill rxrliHiiiro fur old gold und ailvor, CLOCKS of every variety on bond, at tho imtt reinoiniiMo price. ALL kiudu of Clock. Wuti'hiS and Juwolry, carifiillv riipnirotl and H'oriatitci. A coutinunnoo of putronngo is oliritttl, Sept, IU, I860. II. K. 'AUOLli. I;,'!S.ic:iri(iIliii.jfi' Smctaftuito Thirty- Iiitli and Market Street, Plill a. Prof. H. I tOIITLAM) SAL'.N'DKItM, I'llnrljials. Hon. WM. LIGLEIi, C'lcarfiold : Win. MoKIU DIN, Kf. of the Merchants' Hotel, l'liiln. ; Hon. J. W. KOKXKY, of 'i ho l'ren Rcv.lt. WESTKKOOK, of tho S. 8. Union ; lnn. J. W. MAYNfllll), Willininsport ; J. LKISliXKIN'O, ! 1;s'l ' Proii't of the Lt.liL'U Conl it N.iv IO., ami Hon. A.SA PACKlilt, Munch Chunk ; ntt nf , '' fcouvrfin; in itutuim InnMutt will give tboir friends who may bo looking for a safe, thorough and plo.is.mt School, unjr infor mation desired respecting this .Soiuiunrv. A drove aud Lawn of i:lOIIT ACTtlN, are nttacbed to the Institute, for seclusion, rec reation and physical exercise. :ttn. J I i li Jj. .il U fl -il Jjf.Ji Jja I IIY, AM) SII.VMH U'AHi; E woulj resiieolfullv infornt our I'rionJ, ! trons and the public generally, taut we Ibai'o now in atom and ofl'er Wholesale and lta- tail at the lowest dish Prices, a large nnd very . ..1. ..: n.. .,,. !. ii- .... . ... . ...... it cvorv vanetv and stvlo. Frery (.esniption of Diamond Work anil oth er Jewelry, nindc to older nt short notice. -JWAII guilds wnrramet to be as represented. Particular utt. n t i mi given to the repairing of Watches and Joivclrv of cvorv description . STAL'FFFIt 4 11 AHLEY. No. f22 MAHKET treet, (south si lo,) Phila. ept. Hlth, If 01. Ii mo. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. I Jl l'i at.nve Motel, l.avir ., f,)r . inn v ueuu llll-u ,1.. 1 a Imiisti uf eiittirt.iinuient, . is now open r..- !...-.. , . r -i. .... . eir i'ie nr, -.iitiiiiiM. lonn ill I no i.uuiic, 'l.iveiers ' . , . ... .nn nm iims a eouvenii'iit nmise. Jlir- 19 ISj, JUII.V JO; 'JAN. W A NT K L) I M .M E D I AT E L V. Tho Biihfrihcr will irlro pniriliivmpht In n rnl- Ii t to dig lliieo or four thousand bushels of conl al gi..l wiiL'tls. Address hiiu norsonn Mr or bv letter nl Li thersburg Pu. fcpt. niiii itto. :;t. J. A. Terpo. 18(50. AltiilVA. THE FIRST ..of FALL 4 WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD STAND OF REED WEAVER & CO. r . . Ull JWarkOt street J dOOPS north Ol ll.s fVu.rt lion,,, ulin -.uii iiou.iv. iiuiio inuy uiu just openmir an unusually 'll'ft! 1 ,H' ailli Well Selected Stock of aOOtls, ..It.l il, ,.. I '" cnitnd tn llii ii-..i,ta nl'il. n,i' ...... Slllteil tO 1 11C W.UltS Ol IllC COIllinU- nitv lor t lie Kali and Winter trade. I. , i . .. lin.ll llll'V Ullli l III liiriJO ailll email . . quantities on the uio.st rpaponahlc terms call aivd examim: for jYouitsF.i.vEs Their assortmetit of ''RY GOOD -3 NOTIONS :m vorw !.,..... i ,i , i i - . ,7 ""' """"""'8 "'"' --i i iiiiiir I'i'ill Ul ill?. iiIl il BUI V H O. JLVtt- p. eiiil attt'lili.'ii lias bce-i Imid to the selection of LU'IliS' KUESsf (iOODS, which are of every variety un. 1 (he nr.v la :. st fclj les. Silks, Delaines, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpiiecas, Cashmeres, French, Seotcli and Uonicstii! liirjjliHiu,, Prints, Linaey,, Cambrics, Prilliants, Pi K- and plain Pobinclts, Irish Linen Cloths Ac. llluek and Fancy Cas'inicru, Satinetts, jeans, 1 Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crush, Diaper, Bleached and unbleached 11111s. ; Una ii drills, Red. Grey, Whiteand Canton Fluu , 110 Is. Also n bir' tek of Ladies' u ml ()"ii(lo , Dions' Shawls, D.iublo and SinirlA Stetlus and 1 Cheiiillus, Black and Drub Cloth capes of tho very latest fashion, ( 4 Splendid nss irtmont of Ladioa' (ientlemens' L anil Childrcns' (iloves and ll.wiery nt HEED, WEAVER 4 COS L aiW Bonnets nnd Hats, trimmed nnd un- Irimiued, of the Latest Styles at It. W, .1- CO's, ! 4 Large and splendid stock of Dress trlm- dx. mlngs, Belts, Head lresso, etts, Plumes e-i It. V tf CD's, Lai go stock of Men Buy 'i clothiojr, just received at rt. V, 4 CO'a i)oots 1 fhocs ofevcry kind for Ladies, fJen ) tlcmon, nnd Children at R. W. t- CO's, C(uriets, Drugget, carpet chain, Bugging, Curled Hair Ac., nt Bags and I ' It W. X- CO'a . I Call nnd examine the Patent air-tight ti lass and stone jars, they aro just the thine vou need, for sale at 11, W. A CO',. Hardwaie of every kind, knlve, and fork! spoons, Locki, Files, Nails, Cow Bolls, Moid and Hand uw! and Mill saws at K. W. A CO',. A ,-7.i. i Z 'T,;ry kin'' JU't mL 11WU raaibli, c JJ ,. Cedar and L'ept. 13 Wlllnw 11. ware at R. W. A CO's, iNIV.!!. Wl. - in i i.Mtia j n htrt a a r, nnva vmiikty J.()ltAJNH6c((). II AVI' jiot rr.."lvr,l fr nn III" I n t. r ti nt mi. I hi.iii.mI m ii, ,..r .V !, w .W'-'llK It HUM "ii Al A It ll. I .'-'I I! .' 1. 1', t- i .In . i Kt n I r.t. Ihe iii".'t r.xl. n-i iii.,i imp nt ul Ilinri, Mt'ill'l-,. p, I'll in Is, Oil., Varililipi, Iiyf-SlnfT, Tubrn'co A h'cijHr", Tnllt't artiolii, I'm funiory, lllui.k bniik, tioilinnary, I'utlttry, .Miioulliin. uuit And FiincT Arlirlna Ao. Ac, i evtr niTcrad to the juiblin iu tliU Buoticu uf llip ' country. J Tlifir l)i iir and ( IiciiiIchIn, nf which tbov ! Imve an vxtenaivo luHortmimt, hnvc bofn iclcot fd wiili e.tpetiul roffcrence to their ttuulity nnd rrohwi. Their etoi k of OIIh and Pnlnls will cotnisi I of I.initMtnl oil, Coal oil, Tanner' oil, Turpsntine, lieu A into icuu, ury und cround in oil. f-au- in!i brown, Vtmitiiin rod, Yellow and Stuna oclir Latnpblaek, Wlnek loud, Ivory b'nek, Chinese a AmeriCKn Vermillion, pnrisgrccn, paris. Ultra marine and prusainn blue, dry and ground in oil, (.'nriiiinc, Chrome grcu t-yellow, Chalk of all Cobiill, Iiop, lake t- black, IJiucrv. (Ilue. Oiniis. I Copal, Dninnr and Shellac, Indian rod, Litharge, ' Iran ire mineral, p'jnuce a u uotteu ftnne, Jtuse i pink, Euglisb and Aintricnn, Ko-in, Sour ot. (or persian red,) Terra Sionnn, Turkey uml.rO, r tligiis, blue f- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty aud putty knives, Glass of all eires and (iuo!i tios, Looking. glass platen, Ac, rf c. Dye-stufl'H & VaniUhes: Kitra Logwood, chip ped and ground. Indigo, Madder, Aiinatt", Cochineal, fc'ol. tiu, liod enuudurs; Coiial, Co:iuh I lilaek for leather, Japan for dying, Uaii, Montic lute miiuar, n Mto i,pir't ana 1 lowing aruili loonrro scgars : Cavendish, best. Nntnrnl iouf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Pine cuts ofall kinds, and prido of the Unrein, tobacco ; Ituppce nni .Scotch snulL-j LI pLaeton, Henry Clay, punch, Lachica, El mono, Ac, Scgars. HI a nk-Hooks nnd Stationary, Ledgers, Day-books, Jtwelptnnd Xoto-books, Diaries, La dies nnd Office Portfolios, Black pa-chmont nnd paper Dteds, lionds, Mortgugfs, and nil ether kgul blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, Dusinesi nnd drawing paper, Envelopes, HeadM reference J iles, Aunear't and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink ; bieck', blue.nr.d inrmlnc, Steel Pons una Pen holder, Paper clips, muoilngo, and all other tr- . ' n ' ticks iu the Stationary line Toilet & Fancy Articles & Perfumery. Il.iir bruhcR, American, Freuch A English, with Ivo ry, .Shell. Pearl, Lufi'ulo, tatiuwood, Rosewood i ornutntinted bucks, all qualiliea ; Cloth brushes Hut brushes; Toothbrushes, various qualities; Shaving brushes, American, Fnglith and French with ltussiu bristles and liadger'l hair: Flesh brushes ; Comb brushes untl Cleaner , Tortoi'9 shell Tuck comb.-, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fancy nnd luaia runner nong tombs; bhelt, lititlulo. ;,,... ,..-.. ... , ... ....,., .. n .. . . ... ' I l " " il" i.etia miuri mil 91110 i,uiuiis ; inula T, ., ,-.,.. , , k :,.i.. I English Toilet combs with handles: Uonnet i combs ; Ivory un I dulta perchii tine tooth combs l ocket combs, ult styles : American. French A I Herman Cologne A Lnven ier waters ; Ln'iin's, j Taylor's, Wright's, iMungenct A Couwiiy'a ex Iracis for the han ikercliiiT, of u great vurictv of Lyon's Cathair-.n, Eau, Lustral, Pears, Massaccnr, I A miimn !!... .,.,1 r..l mi. n....r stjics; nurneii s cocaine, uarrv 1 1 icueticroua. l Pomades, and Philocooiu, American and Prench all stylo and prices cold cream, Toilet powder, j I Knuirn lUlla. I.illv Wl.lln !ir n...- fl,;- and paper, smelling salts, Piilmofa thousand lloWeiS. tO.llll lia-l.i lll.lth llliln nl,ar....nl .... Ao.,Ae., Shaving Compound nil sizes ; Military jsonp, lloncy Soap, Chrystiilina and Flouting : soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee und Gallagher svaps, Transparent and Castile noapa, Ac. Ac, -. Miscellaneous Arlicles. Certs steel fiume ! morocco and cufl' Portmiiiaics, Lsdies silk lined .papier Mnebe, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and) I morocco Portmonaies. Lndies Crotchet nurses 1 I embroidered witn steel leads, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, saell, pearl, ivory, velvet and papier Macho, ivory nnd car nuin' riinduin tub- morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and 'M, tine Liigisb Morocco, Pocket Wu!e!s. Mo. '"fco "i t rn'f Ticket books, with strips and c'nl,s; bill books, nnd Panker's cases with Pick I ami Key; Ci.iiupMon drinking cups. Medical glas- sen wnu ftnit willinut (lroii. FishiliL' tuek! "- ""P""111 E acrsou's P.aior strops clfjur ciscs , crumb brti-hes, Shoe Itrushe.-- with nml wiilmntl handles Horn brushes "i'1 vnrnisli brushes nil V'alities. Pnint ! Rn" v",",l brushes nff sues, tin and cnpperl b..und, P0.-l, tools n?i sizes, oounter und mark-1 i"B bn,f,ie. "hnnd fcmbiinK brushes., fancy coored feather dusters tWc, Kiih pcari i "''am pnpier nnirhe, toilet casts, work boxes. .1 . .. . n . . i . m. . ....Ling iieRs. nnscwini'1 nn.l jiaiiogony .rntirg desks, ( hes'iiVTi and f.bess bnauls, ' (i.-ut.-,. L'i I G.oves, Xeck lies, collars, erftvati nnd i i.!."-, L:i dies Kid. 'J'nflVtn Silk nnd Kid finHied pn nut lets, nnd Lylcthre.nl puuut'ic!, Pl.icli nnd color ed silk web suspenders, IVench ftriped kuui sus penders, It tf-li t'liibroid.red suspender-, (luints no.- tfl.. 1.'- U . . , r,.-,w A.eucii atmreniiers, iii'ius. mien natitl- kerchiels, corod border nnd Cambric h.innkcr. chiefs, Ladies Kncn hnndke-chiofs in grunt vari- eiy ; fun simile tuns, ciretinr Jroneh fans, can-, ton ft iithcr f.ms of a great variety ; Fino Canton pn111 Inns with ivory and painted bandcs. iiack and inoiirning Inns; Hair pins Knir.'uli and Frcdch, ic. Ac. Aso Patent Mcdii lues of ev-1 ery variety All of which wii bo soM ot the lowest CASH1 prices, Coiinlry Pliytdclaiis furnished with Drugs, Medicines und Surgical instrument's ut the iu'-t reasanable rates forcash, Juno d, 1 ?C,(J. 1 v. t 1: f NE IV G O O I) S. Just receivinir a..d opening at tba Old itii of Lewis Siniih in Bethlehem a wo!! selected a sortmcut of Snrinc and 11:11 uior Uoo Is of al most every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment Prints and Dress (iioo'l.s of the Inteat stylos, also a variety of useful N'c tiuns. Hats nnd Cap., Bonnets nnd Shnwls, Ho"t8 and Shoes, Hardware, Qiie.tnswnro, Jfii!r Mcdi -incs, Plsli, c GROCERIES, Tobacco, Sugars and nil nrtlclcs nsuallv k.p in a country Store, all cheap for cash. Give us a call and pee for vonr selves. H. L. HENDKHSO.V, A CO. Mny 11, isnii. -v ) IAS I IKI NO, The aubscriber, having located himself In the horotnrh nf Clonrfi.a.i would infuriii the publio that he Is nrrl . dt worn in the above line, from plain roornnmcn. ..n .,1 nn.T nesnripntin in a workmanliko manner. AIo whitewashing and rcpnlrlrir done In n ni 1 "f y Ascription in a workmanlike manner. manner and on reasonable terms. EDWIX C00!F.ri. C!iarrel. April 17ltr Ty An' 77 1 1 I ; I dill t .I t inn ft? tl i I I it i- u lldl.MNt, -i I'l v.--. MONl;tJl'. i- l' ATI' NT o i i:m KvMVLIi'. i A Sjilondi.l As.-orltn.'lit, at lic.l:ied b'ale.s. mi; at c rrruis and su i'itiix, AKirc-ntly Hediw.vd Piic't: AI'O, A LAKtiR AS.OIJTMKNTOi' 1 r si liaraicarc Cutler, It Oil , KAILS, STOVJvS, An., AT MERRELL& BIQLEJl'S. v'P' 19. WO. ly. .1. i'l, ?a" 1 A rVrUl. A JLUV 1 JlilltJ UAVEJUSV 0I'i:YEI 'llli-'R m:w SPRING GOODS tOMPHMNC liOlilH'lS, I ..ti dies' Flowers Dress Good, and Alillcibiry cnlly. Hel. i !s ATTLN'TIO i INVITED TO Til lii and SIiocs ofevcry dodciptic.; Also to their elegant styles of BU-INEo-- COATS, and Men', A- Boy3' CLOTHING, A full assortment of Carpets, Floor Oil clotle and Carriage trimmings constantly on hand. Tit Ffoitr, H'fo'i, Fih .f c. at the luicett priect. . WbtsJi arrival ot Kcw Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STOHE. I am just roceiving and oponing a largo an well selected a-sortmetit f SITING NU SVMMER , LiOOtlS, ) allllOpl CV'CrV dcSITtl) I . J ' t lion, I A beautiful assortment of P.ints r.nd lire ! P". of tho newest and latest styles. Also , i;roul varioty of useful nmior.s, A largo assortment, ieady-mad. CIA) TliING, Poiinots, Shawl", Hats and Cap0, Boots and Show, a Iar'i quantity... Hardwire, Q, eenswaru, Urucps nnd Medicine!, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Tisb, 7icon and Hour. ! v i-i t a j of the bet ipinlity, nil nf which v'11 he sol i j nt the lowest ensh or roady pny priciir. My old friends nnd the (mblic gcnornrly, nte 'respectfully invited ti call, ; l.ienrnei'.i, May 'J, 1 SCO, W.H. F. IRWIN NEW GOODS NEW GOODS ! I NEW f.'t.iODri '. ! : Just reJoived and now opening; at TrviN's clica; 1 corner store, a large and w ell silcted etjek . t Spring and Summer fpods, all of which nro ot fored ut lower prices than ever, ('all and oxan: iue goods and prices. E, . 1KV1N". f.'uriv etuville, May 10, 'O'J. Vnncts, Floreoc braids, Enil-sl straw U Shakor and other s'yliis trimmed and ut trimmed, will be found in variety nt the cnrm-i f'oroof L'. A, IKVI.V. Cut iveusvillo, May 10, 'W. 2ndioi drest goods, 01 'pattern, and texture, v . j please nil, wil I be found at tho corner store 1 i I Cunvinsnlie, May 13. lfltS'j. K, A. iKVIX, 1 O ktlolou Skirts, a largo vsrieij ut rod-icnd pr, j O.'fJ Irvinscorueritoro. Curwensville 16, '6- Stella and other Mian-Is in variety at tile rliei., s'oio .f E. A. IKVIN- Curwensville, lfny 1'',. T,f). ! T oe.t and Shoci. A Irrger ftoel; nnd low. ; 1) prices than ever, at Irvini Cher.p'ist come, t.'unvetiiivillc, May 'CO' I - - ' . A verv Inrro stock of ? urine thu Sumimr il. c do tiling of the lnft stvle for silo 1 01' b Cuiw.inivillo, Jiiy1rt. lscu. n. A. IRVI-V. C looking Ptovea cf variola lirei and prices fi.r by T. A. IRVI.V. t'urivinsville, May I'', "00. 1 nckcrcl and Herrir; ackcrcl and Herrir- for sale at the corn.. Lit More of r.. A IKVIN. ' i-iU'WetiM-Hlv, .Vay In, 'GO. Ilour, Bacon, Beans and Clover see l, at tlm cheap rornnr by K. A. IRVI.V. Curwinsville, .May In, I 60. "IU:iT. Driod Apes, Pared nnd ui.parel. Peacbe, Chotrioa, Prune, and R.iisinsni tho eornur store nf K. A. IRVI.V. Curwensville, May )$, isdrt. JT( j tiuei or soani.U sole leathar or salo low ' 101 fur cash by E. A. IRVI. . 7'"'.'." A F Pi tirn;l. fa i (,ii,i