ot ius CLEARFIELD COUNTY AO -tICPLTUEAL 80CISIY. To be kdd at bjrojth of C!arfi:d,on T:tdxy, 'dtii4dar and Tkitrcday, the Itrk, 17(A and Utli rfayio Octebtr, A. D., Is60. Itl'ICnilH Of THE SOCICTV ELLIS HiWIN, Trei-i.lcnt. Jlor.. Ja-j. T. Leonard, William Imvix, Jamis Foret, James H. Flemi.mi. V. Prsts. J. F. Et:wciler, iSccrnlury. A. M. Smith, Cor. Secretary. Janes VVmclev, Treasurer. J. B. JIcEnally, Libruriun. xteutiu Cum. Hon, Richard Shaw. lieu. JAm Pulton Jun'n Boynton. Joiali B. Reed J. M'Uaughey. Orator, lion. 0. K. Uurrett. Cummitlcct of Arranytrntnti. A. C. I i.v.Ntv, Chairman. 1 forte. Ta Bloom, ieorge II. Lytic James M'Gluughlin .James Levy, W. L. Antes, &ieq & Suine. Jutncs Iru'in, Sr., Johnson Holden KoU. Mitcholl, Wm. M Bchuii, I. W. Moore. Cattle. David C. iJale Samuel Clydo Jlilo Iloyt, Jacob Willielm, O. W. Shoti; FnrM crops it I egeta Lies. G. 1). Goodfcllow, Wm. M. Shaw, Edward McGarvey Aaron C. Tate, Elah Johnson Agricultural d- Miscella neous Articles. L". A. Scryver, I). S. Flemirg, Walter Barrett, Win. P. Chamber, John W. Shugurt, Fauci Department. G.W. Hhcni, John Irwin, Curwcns. J. P. Krntzcr, John G. iVcryvcr, Mrs. II. F. Naiii.de, flutter. Cheese, Flour and ' (hides. John Irwin, (Jur'v Thomas W'rigley, ioao Bloom, Wm. Bloom, AVm. F. Irwin, yienkandise f- Do- wiski Fabrics. M. A. Frank, nviJ M'Gnugliy, W. W. Wright, Edward Goodwin Mrs. Henry Kern. Miss Kli.a Hoed, " Em Alexander, " Anna Irvin. "Sarah Birchficld " Nannie Irvin, " Sarah liheem, , " Henrietta Irwin " .Vary Moore. Miss. Mary Halters, Miss Kate Brown, Miss Ilaiuiuh Bloom, Miss Harriet Swan, Mis Jennie Leonard, Jiss II. Npueknian, Comm'ttce at Largo. Mr. J. T. Leonard, Miss Kandis Nichols Mrs. 1). M. Weaver. Miss Nannie Smith, Miss Mary M'Ganghey.Miss JuliaGnllonnv Mies Kebecca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey S J. How, John L. Cut lie, G. W. Snyder. Alvin Koss, Samuel Ilheem. Marshall (Jen. A. II. Hills. Assistant Marshals .Viijor D. J. Nevling, Col. Wni. Ten Fvck, Cant. T. J. McCtil- louh. (.apt. Edward A. Irvin. Pyrotechnics. H. B. Swoopo, U". W. Belts, L. U. Merrell, James L. Morgan, J. B. Waller' Keuben V. Spnckmnn. I lT OF PHIOIIL'M. Class 1. Sircrpu,let. (Open to nil Breed and Competitor?,.) Rest Hull uei3 years old, $t 002.1 best, $2 00 Best null over 2 years old, 2 00 2d but, 100 Rest Hull over 1 year old, 2 ' 0 2d best, 1 00 Best Cow over3 yenn old, 2 00 2d bit, 1 00 Hoit Hull Calf. 1 00 2d best, 50 All breed.) come together in this class nnd roiupelo eacli otliur. To be judged, lft, by tin ir pood point mid pyumiolry offruuio. 2d, by the nbility to fntlen, lis tlio animitl a good hand ler?) 3d, milking qualities, 4tb, Site. 6tb, give no rtmiuiu lo any uniioal until they are sntisfled it will produce good slock. To this end the Judges shall satisfy themselves In regard to the stock of nged bulls and cows. The aniiuul that possesses these iii(ilities in the greatest perfection should draw the Suecpstiikcs, whether it be Dur hnm, Ayrcshiro, Hereford, Devon, Orude or No live, Ji poks. Geo. Thorn, Zuch. McNaul, David Ty ler, Asuph Kirk, John ghaw of Decatur. Class 2. (J rude Cattli railed in count). Hestbull, $4 no 2d best, $2 00 "est cow. 3 00 2d best, 2 00 Hcst heifTcr calf, ' 75 2d best, Dip. Hest bull calf, 75 2d best, Dip. Jt nors. John McPherson, Jos. Lyons, Tnouins O. Snyder, J. M. Cummings, Dr. J. 1. Hoyt. Class 3. Milk Cws, Hest milk cow, $3 00 2d best, $2 00 Milk cow 3d best, 1 00 Jvvr.r.i. J-nies Forml, Thomas Mclfhoo, Ad am Oenrhnrt, Thus. Leonard, Daniel Bailey. Class 4. Oxtn. Hest yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2dbejt,$l 00 iesi joKe ,1 y. " II. st joke 2 y. " 1 00-2d best. 40 50 2d best, 7ip. J'est yoke I y. " ifl2,1 l,..i. Tin JuPnns. H. C. Howinan, Hirnm Woodward, Aa run II. Piareo' Wm, gmiley, Alex. Murray. Class 5. Oxtn. Dcst trained 10 yoke, 4 years old and over, from ono township, f 3 00 ia oesi, irainca 1U yoke, 4 years old and 0- ver, from one township, Hest trained 10 yoke, 3yearjold and over, from one township, 2d best traiucd 10 yoke, 3 years old and 0- vor. from ono townaliin. 2 00 00 1 00 Ji'PCRH John Palchiii, John M. Cbaso Joseph llnntii..n t . .. 1 . ,wt, wium iiruoaKcr, josepn lottiers. Class 6. fat Cnttlc. Host Fat Hullock, $2 On 2.1 best, $1 00 Hest Fat Cow, ? 00-2d best, 1 00 Hest HeiflV.r, 2 years old, 1 0U 2d best, 60 Ji Puks (Ieorge Kiltleberger, John Mctjuilkin, Casper Licpold, James H.oom, sr., Henj. Ste phens. CLASS 7. Thormtyk bi-ra' llano opr to nil He st Sinlli.ui, over 4 y 'rs old, $3 (10 2d best, $2 00 Hest Stallion, over 3 y rs old, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Hest Stallion Colt, 2y'rsold, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 i'ho premiums in this Class are Intended only for thoso Hsrsos whoso pedigrees make them worthy of them. The Socioly wishes to encour ro the rearing of high-blooded Horses here ; on the other hand the Executive Committee would caution the Judges to be careful that the premi urns are not drawn by inferior slock. Jikoes Juuies Forrest, Ell Hlooin, Dr. CIV. taldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph Peters, 1, r, ,C,'AS 8- sH'jlt and Fmrm Jfortts Host Guiding, over 4 jcars old, for work, $1 00 2d best ' " Dj 2d be"e ""d C4Ug UV," ' 0' HestSaddlo and Carriage Mare of any age, $l'oo " o0" " " ,1 l)j Host nan of Draught HfirtAa ftp M ...... - a n.. O.l 1 . ,. " " .'WIBI UU ' II The Ilorso that moves the heaviest load on Stone boat without a whip, 2d best, " 1 00 1 00 Dip." e,t toll. $0 7SJd best, tip Jr'","-M',0 McHride. Maitin O. Stirk, .la. A- taldwell, Andrew Addloman, Isaao Dunlar. m. Drown, Hugh Orr. Class H.Mtcheri Camnne. Ilest span mnlrhed carriage Horses or Mares. $2 00 ni do do do mo ui or.l,,rtge Barrett, James Forrest. Dr. II, p ''"'"n IVrk., Maj. S. C. Patchin, I A . :!... -.l.'-v.f ;,, ., nil. u . nr...., mare and ,;, i,v lbv fUe , -' "'M di do ,! . o (ifl r-i-i CJeHuif, (..T 3 and urd-r 5 rears o! I, 2 00 r;lU-,' in. l l" '(! Um T '' """' OV,ir M- -i!d bet,$l . "t Mar etw S v.-r. oi l. 2 0; ?i -...t I tf j."-1 mare, ever .' ,t un j or :i i 1,0-Vd Usi", I Ho H.-t c.iover l .t uudrr 2 v.! 0?.l Ul Imm -Johu Sw.u Mmhew f Jacob '-a-.il. M m.T.ve, Kcfcert Mc.Vaul. r, ... 7 War.w.fitiai !a ai miuru anlsU 1WS MUlaa. SiMt tiai, trotting under aaddl. Dip Smt Um t-ottlog in double faanMtf, Sett time pMinj under addl, Jcpois J. 0. Lorain, Lever nMU, John J. Miller, John M. Cumialngs, John W. UailetL Class 12.--7Vottuy aud Walking Horses, I owned in tht Covniy. Futest Irottinut SuUion, Dip 21 bcit, Dip. I do do Horse cr mare, do 2d best, do I do wilkino- horse or mar, do 2d bast, do Ji'DOti J. B. Graham, Wm. Irvin, A. H. Shaw, Jas. L. Stewart, Jas. Alexandtr, (Woodward.) CtAts 13. Sheep and W uoL He.t buck, any breed. Dip . a$2 00 2d bst,$ 1 00 1 Hest two, any breed, do aud 2 00 2d best, 1 00 ; iiett 3 Sheep fattened for muttou, Dip. if- $2 00 1 2d bost do di do 1 uu ' Best flecc of fiue wool, i Pest fleece of coarse wool. 1 00 1 00 FntrLauib, best, $2 00 2d best lambs, $1 00 3u ! vt4 luinbf, 60 41k " " Dip JiDb .: M'ui, McNaul, Jacob Kuntz, sr., Elisha Fenion, Adam Uearbart, Honry Irwin. Class 14. Swine open to all- Bvit boar any breed, $2 00 2d best, $1 00 Hest breeding sow " 2 CO 2d best, 1 00 Hest 2 Hogs in county, S 00 2d best, 2 00 Next best 2 hogs iu county, 1 00 2d best, 50 Ji'iioks Duuiol Livingston, Wm. M. McCul- l"iigh, sr., Col. Thus. It, M'Clurc, John Irwin, Joints Ulooni, sr. Class 15. Poultry. Hest ceop spring chickens, not less than 6, $1 00 2.1 best do do do do Dip. Heaviest turkey, do Heat display of chickens, do Ji'Does Ueorg Thorn, J. IT. Fleming, Samuel Arnold, Hubert Thompson, Clark Hrown, Class 10. Plowing. Owner of team and plow, who plows green sward the best. $1 00 Next best, Dip. owner oncam and plow, bo plows stabbls ' the best, Dip, a $1 00 ytxl best, do do do Dip. Hest plow for stubble, Dip. A$t 00-2d best, Dip. Ilest plow Tor subsoil, Dip. A I 00-Zd best, Dip. ji'kges--. fcimna ronton, Amos need, II, vv Wise, John Wolls, Jr.. Win. Hcover. Class 17. Ilullcrs and Ihills, Ilnrrours and Vulttcators. Hest clod crusher and roller combined. $2 00 2 i best, do de do Dip do do do do do do do Rest Beld roller, $1 00 2d best, Host Grain drill, 2 002.1 best, l)et Harrow, 2 002t best, Hest Cultivator, 1 00 2d best, Hest Horse-rake, 1 00 2d best, Hest Heapcr and mow er, 3 00 2d best, Hest com shelter, 2 00 2d best, (lest corn planter, 2 00--2J best. do Ji i.GK.1 William A. Reed, Keuben Wall, Jona than Hartshorn, Hon. T. H. Davis, C. Ilakor. Class 18. Agricultural Implements. Hest Original invention in the county, of an agr cultural Implement. $5 00 2d best, " orig. Inr. Din. Hest threshing machine, $3 00 2d best, 2 00 Host running mill, 1 00 2d best, Dip. Best hay pitching machiue, 2 00 2d best, do Hest hsy rigging on wagon, 1 00 2d best, Hest ox yoke and bows, 1 00 2d best, Hest vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d best, Hest stalk and straw cutter, 2 01 2d best. do do do do Hest common plow, 1 00 2d best, Hest single or double shovel plow. do 1 00 2d best single or double shovel plow, Dip. Best horse power for general purposes, 1 00 2d best horso power for general purposes. Din. Hest fork and fixtures for unloading wagons,2 00 2d best fork and t xturcs for unloading " Dip. Ji-dgei Simon Thompson, Henj. Spsckman, D. H. Wright, Daniel Hurtsock, Henj. Kishel. Class 19. Miscellaneousarming implements. Best bee bive, Hest stump puller, Host Potato digger, Hest grain cradle, Hest six hand rakes. $1 00 2d best, Dip. 2 00 2d best, do 1 00 2d best, do 1 00 2d best, do 1 00 2d best, do Hest lot gardening tool, 1 00 2d best, do liest set farming utvns.ls, owued by farmer, 1 00 2d best set farming ulensils, owned by farmer. Dip. Ji'PflKS John D. Thompson, John Hussell, O. U. Merrell, J. II. Fleming, Samuel Powell. Class 20. HViraf, Barley, Corn, dr. Ilest. 2d best Acre of winter wheat, $3 A Dip. $2andDip. Acre of spring wheat, 3 4 D'p. $2ndDip. 1..I1J . .. ... A . r iu 01 wneai, 10 iu acres,) a Lip.;'audDip. Acreofcorn, 2 a DiD tlanriniii F'ld barley, not less than 3a. 2 a Dip. $landDip, nvro 01 obis, 1 a Hip.---Htn.lDlp, - ui rje, 1 Kip. SlandUip. Bushel of corn ears, 1 a Dip. Diploma, 3 acres ofbuckwaeat, 2 a Dip. $landDip. JrpoesGeorge Wilson (Hoggs), Michael Sot jbs. a. neeu, Samuel jvirk, Joab Kider, Josi Irwin Murliu II Luther, RobL Mehafley, Hugh Class 21. Ficll Crops. n . Best 2d Best One half nere of potatoes, $2andl)ip. $landDin. one-fourth acre of beans, 2andDip. $IandDin. i ...... .r , h .... -. . . ' , - I -....',(.. f iflUUUJI,, One-fourth a. broom corn, 2an4I)in.$landIiin. n.,- r,,..-ii. 1 n . 1 , . u..v-,..u.vu bub eur(iiuilj, 4linaiip Hest t acre of peas, 1 00.-2,1 best, Dip. Hest i acre of rutnbagoes, 1 00. 2d best, Dip Best bushel Timothy seed, 1 00,2d best Dip - 1,0,1 1 cr earrots, 1 00 2d best, Dip. 1 00. ...2d lie.t r.;.. " cr turnips. Jipoks Wm Smith (Covington), O. P. Oulich! Poberl Owens, Abr'm Goss,jr., G. D. Logan. Crops being equal, preference will be given to those that yiel I the greatest nett profits. Stuto nenu to be furnished by tie applicant for pre miums on farm crops. Ther must l m.i.h.A I ""J "'nple of the same furnished at the fair, , and also at the room of the committee. 3. Applicants applying for premiums shall fur 1 nish the committee a statement sicnod bv him. self under a pledge ofveracitv. of th. nnntii. I of grain raised 00 the ground entered for a pre niium aud he shall stale as correctly as be can the kind and condition of the previous crops I "' kin'l quantity of seed nsed, and the tnno and mode ol putting it in (he ground. I 4. It is the object of the society to grant pre mlums for good, not extravagant and generally impracticable culture, and any wilrul Inaccuracy in Ihe statement furnished as above shall de privo tho applicant of a right to compete for the . luture premiums. 1 Class 22. 7?rei and Cereal Food. Best 3 Lvave bread, winter wheat, Dip, I " ? " " P"Pg wheat, do " " corn, do " I " " rv. ,l round cake, Hip. " Sponge coke, Dip. " Pie ofany kind, Dip. " Preserves, Dip. " Display of preserves, " lee cream, " Display of lollies. Best Fruit cake, do " Jelly cake, do " l'lnin cake, " Jelly. Ji'rjOEs-.-.Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boynton, ..... ul. nvin, jirs. in. .McUullough, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. ,BUrahsm, Mrs Rev. McLeod. Class. 2i.Iiulier and Cheese. Best 10 rounds butler, $l 00 2d best, Dip. " Iirkin, 25 or more lbs., made in M.y or June, l 0 21 bet, Dip, . J chcc(. Dip! Ji-DOBS 0. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw, Seo'r, J rs. Mm. Morgan (Lawrenc), Mrs. Martha Haruock Mrs udg. Wright, O B Ooodlander, m. Wc Bride. Class 24. Flour. ;t. Dip. A D p. Dip. . 4 Dip. 100 lbs. flour (spring wheat.) io c Zd best 100 lbs. flour (spring wheal;, " 40 pounds rye flour, b0 o, 2d best 50 pounds ry flour, Dip. ....... i, . uueawuoni nour, oU e. k Dip 2d best 60 pds. buckwheat flour, Dip. " 0 pounds corn meal, 50 c, a Dip. .d best ii pounds corn meal, . Dip. Ji i'oas Jesse Brooinall, Samuel Jordan, It. S. Humphrey, Ferdinand Oswalt, B. S'puckmau. jr. Cl?ss 25. Domestic Article. Best box or jar of honey,, Dlp.50.-2d beet.Dip. Best 10 lbs. maple sugar, Dip.4 50.-2d besLDip. De.t preserved peaches in air-tight cans, Dip Best preserved tomatoes In air-tight cans, Dip. Best preserved blackberries in alr-tlght cans.Dip. Be;', preserved enrranta in ir.ilr,hi n;L b,.,bam,.oked.ith.kinon,od.;7e:r.:tB::rB,. wtfteTitofwi!i. Dip. S7, Kr. Oot. ij:r, sua. ui irvin, sin. Jobs 6biroy, Mrs, U( Irwin. Mr. Jonathan Hartshorn, Mrs, Gorg WUaou, (Hoggs.) Clais 26. Domestic Manufacturer B"(t 10 yards flannel, f 1 00 2d best, Dip. Best 10 yards sattinet, 1 00 2d best, do Best 10 yards cloth. 1 0 2d best, do Vest pair woolta blankets, 1 00 2d best, Best 1 4 yards woolen carpet, 1 00 2d best. do do Best ISyards rag carpel, w 001- en chain, 1 00 Best 15 yards rag carjet, cot ton chain, I 00 Hest woollen coverlet, 1 00- 2d best, do -2d best, -2d best, do do do do do do Hett woolen fringed mitt-", Best hearth rug, llenl nulr. woolen knli alocklos. " Hest 1 lb. linen sewing thread. 1 Best specimen of knotting, knitting or nee- die work by Misses under 12 years of age, do Hest 1 lb. of stocking yarn, d Beet foot mat, Dip. Ilest straw hat do Best straw bonnet, Dip. Best tidy, do J it 0 us Mra. Judge Ferguson, Mrs, B. II. Cald well, Mr. Lydia Kheeui, Mrs. John Norris, Mrs. Mary Ppackman, Miss Nancy Ogden, Mrs Doctor Thorpson Mr. O. L. Heed, Mrs, S. J. Row. Class 27. Needle, Shell, Wax vork iff. Best specimen of needlo work, " group of flowers In worsted, " lamp stand embroidered, " lamp stand not embroidered, " embroidered slippers, " embroidery in silk, " embroidery In worsted, " embroidery in lace, " embroidery tn muslin, " shirt made by Miss under 15 yean, " patching and mending, ' ottoman cover, Dip. Best table cover Dip. do do do do do do do do do do do " fancy ehin w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do " wax flowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do " feather work. Dip " leather work, d'o " ornamented work do Jl'DOls Miss Emma Grahasa, Miss Sophie Bar rett, Miss Maggie Irvin, Miss Mary Jan Wright, Miss M, J. Bard, Miss Emily Forrest, Miss Matilda M'Murray.Miss Josephine Flegul, Miss Mary Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Em ma Jones. Clams 2tf. Millinery and Dressmakina. Best millinery Dip. Best dress-making. Dip. Judues Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary 11 Fer guson, Mrs Mary t Leonard, Misees Jane Mitchell, Ada SwarU, Elixu Stone, Hetty Cutis -cart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa KruUer, Mary A. Irwiu. Class 29. krtistie work. Best painting iu oil, Dip, do do do Jo do do do do do do " painting in wate' colors, " portrai painting, " landscape painting, " cattle painting, " ornamental painting of any kind, " daguerreotypes taken on the ground, " ambrotypea taken on the ground, " photograph taken on the ground, " writing, " ornamental penmaoship, " archilectural drawing, do Juliets Dr John O Lorain, II M'Kim, Mrs. w. L ripottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss Sophie M'Le d, Mrs Eli Bloom, Mr J. n M'Enally, lUv. J M Galloway. Class 30. Design. Best design for farm house, $2 2d best, Dip design for barn. 2 2d best, do 2 2d best, do 1 2d best, do 1 Id best, do " design for carriage house and stable, " design for dairy house, design for ice bouse, " design for dry bouse, 1 2d best, do " design for bridge. Plan for bridge cot less than 240 a. spaa. 3 00-2d best. Din. Ji dues Hon. O It Barrett, Hon. Win Ilieler. Jno. D Thompson, Tho. Kirk, Rob't Dough erty, Class 31. Metalie Fabrics and Machinery Best display of table and pocket cutlery, aiuerican manufacture. Dip. Best cooking stove, wood and coal. Din. and S.1 on 2d best. Dip and $2 3d best, Dip and 1 00 Best parlor stove, coal, Dip and 2 00 2d best, Dip and $1 00 3d besi, Dip Best parlor stove, wood. Din and 2 on 2d best, Dip and I 00 3.1 best, Dip Best cast iron fence, Dip and 3 00 2d best, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00 Best tin ware, dip aud 2 00 2d best, dip and I 00 3d best Dip, Best blacksmithing, d p and $3 2d best, dip andfl ' gunsmituing, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 ' shower bath dip and $2 00 ' original invention In the lounty, 5 00 plate castings, dip and 1 00 Ji nom Wm. McBrlde, John P Weaver, L'llsha Fcnton, David Kirk, Vim. A Wallace. Class 32. Vehicle of all kinds. Best family carriage, ti ADip.-M best, $3 I Dip ggy. do do do farm wagon, sleigh, timber sled, horse cart, do do do do do do d) do do Dip wheel barrow. $1 00 2d best, Jinois Dr. II P Thompson, B C Borman, Jno. W Pauly, John B Hewitt, George Heakendon. J. C. Brenner, V U Miller. Dip CLA8S.33 Cabinet ware in County. Best dressing bureau,$3Adip.-2d best, $2 and Dip ' "f. 3 do do 2 do lounge, 2 do do 1 do ' exteusion table, 3 do do 2 do ' set of chairs, 2 do do 1 do variety of chairs, 2 do do 1 do ' set parlor furniture, 3 po do 2 do display or cabinet ware, $5 00 and Dip offico chair, l 00 and do Jcnoas James II. Fleming, C Krattor, Henj. B Waight, Thos. Mills. Harrison W Sponcer, Class 34. Coopetiug, Carpentering and Haskct-mahing. Best specimen of pine ware, T)j,, window sash, $1 00 2d best, do ' window blind, 1 002d best, do set grain measures, $J no and do lot of buckets, 00 and do ' lot efsplint baskets, 1 00 and do panel door, ,j0 Jtnoaa James Fenton, Frederick (?ulich, Thos Henderson, Abraham Ogden, John Uarrison. Class 35. Itotts and Garden Veqctablcs. Best 4 stalks celery, Dip. Best bus. turnips, Dip. ' i bushel carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do f do rutebgos,do do parsnips, do i do table beets.do 12 lomaloes. do do O heaJs cabbage.do ' egg plant, do 2 heads cauliflower.do qt. lima beans.do one-half bushel table potatoes, do ' quart winsor beans, d variety of squashes, j variety of melons, j0 ' one-half bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetables lo be raised hv ih .l.ll.;,. Ji'iiors James B. Graham, A. K. Wrigbt, Wm' L. Mooro, Philip Antos, Rev. Joseph K. Foe.'it Clahs 'M.(ricrs. Saddlers, Shoemakers, &c. Best. id b'e,t. HeMe tn, tnl fhoes, Sjnd .'lin.. 1 1 an.lDin. Lady bo-its and slioes, '.'and do 1 nui ii (louts' raitrrs, 1 Lailj s' (Sailers, 1 Difpluy ot'bontsand shoe, 3 and do Traveling irjnk, 1 ue hanie.-s. 2 and do tairiuv li'irneas, 3 aud do Mngle harness, J and do Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do Hnt riding saddle, 2 and do Lady' riding saddle, 2 and do Display of uddlery, 3 and do Calfskin, and do Sole Leather, 1 and do Every ether kind of leather, Robe made by exhibitor, 2 and do da da do 1 and do 2 aud do 1 and do do 1 and do 1 add do do do Junors-Richard Mossop, John In in, Horaca Patchiu, Reuben H. Moore, Wm. Porter. Class 27. Tailor na Uphoktcrcrt work. Best lull clothes made by hand,$2 00-2d best.DiD Kit at !,.) . . ,1 . k I.J .a a . . . . " Best vest mad by lady, au Jo Best busk mattraa. . 1 00-2d best, do Jcdgis Wm. F Irwin, Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. Richard Motsop, Mr. J. T. MoCullough, Mm John McGaughey, David Adams, sea'r. Clak' 38. Printing in County, Best bill, Dip. Best blank, Dip. Beit Fancy, do ' Card, do Best Newspaper, do 'Pamphlet, do Jonor.s Gov. Wm Blgler, L. J Crans, Daniel Faust, Israel Test, Raines K Watson. Class 39. Stone Ware, Best drain tile, Dip. Bert brackets, Dip Hest tire brick, do Best pottery, do ilest tiricK, do ., jr., , u, rrre,i, ueo lirnart, LLASg 1 hcniicals and .hemical action, m Co. Best available manur at moderate cost. Din. Best for farm products, $1 00 do Best for glue, I 00 do Best linseed oil, l 00 do Best tallow ciadles, dip. best writing ink, do Best specimen soap, din best vineeer. Ho JYdoes Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson, Dr. T J lioyer, nr. A AlcMod, Dr. J Q Ilnrtswick, Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr. Fetzer. Clesj 41. Stone and Wood. Best dressed stone. $1 A dip. Best mill stone, din ueii noor uoarua wora u uo Jiest grinds tone, do Best weather board w'k do Best shinglos, do Best spliter shaved hoops,do Best turned art, do Discretionary premiums will be recommended for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics in all the various branches, and it is hoped a general attendanco will be made. eor all improvements useful to the farmer nnrf baviag valuable properties, discretionary prom's win do reccommenuoa dj tne committee' and a warded by the board at their discretion. jupoks Judge Leonard, yudco Bonsall. F. K. Arnoiu, aisx. xrwm, Arthur jlell. Class 42 Natural Minerals. Best of useful minerals of Clearfield eoun. ty, coal included, Limestone, do. best sandstone, ' Pottors clay, do ' Firo cloy, ' suite crystalized rain do ' Fossils, ' minerals from the surroundinz counties. do. do, do do do Jl'DOES Judge Iloyt, Rev. W. L. Spottuwood, If 1 t' II t XT I- , T ' i. envu,v, At x, nugiv, u. i. iron. Class 43. General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowers, ' Display plants, Best Floral ornaments, Best bosket bonuels with handle. do do do do Best manufactured article by sewing machine on ground, do Hest hand boqtiet,, do best butter bowl, do Best washing machine, do Best butter ladle, do Best cburn, do Ji'noxs Mrs. Judge Moore, Mrs. Josiah R. Reed, Mra. Joseph II. Hegarty 'umber-city,) Mrs. D. F. Etxweiler, Mrs. Martin Nichols, jr., Mrs Wm Merrell, Mrs. A. II. Shaw, Mrs. Wm. A. Wallace, Mrs. Maj. Kivling, Mrs. Thos. For ce. Class 44. Fruit. Best display arjd greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer and winter fruit, named and arranged, JO els 4 do Best disply and greatest variety of pears, named and arranged, 50 cts A do Best display and greatest variety of peaches, named and arranged, 50 cts if- do Rest Apples, ) bushel do Rest Collection of plums, do Best do cherries, do Best do quinces, do Best do strawberries, do Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do nest specimen of American grnpes, do liest specimen currants, not less tban S qart's do Best specimen goosberries, ' 3 ' do Best specimen of blackberries, do Best specimon of seedling grapes raised in county and worthy of culture, do Best specimen of Domestic wiue, do Jcnr.ES Wm C. Foley Wm. McCracken, Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. J. F. Weaver, . B. M'En ally, Abram Nevling. Miss ,osriihine Lanicli, Miss Edith Boynton, Miss Bertha Wright, Class 45. Horsemanship, Ac. Best 5 couple of ladies and gents on horseback, do Best company of cavalry, i0 Best company of infantry, do Best band of brass instruments, do Best martial band, do Best 25 singers. rf0 Jv PGKs-.-Oen. J. II. Larrimer, Col. II. D. Pst ton, Col. A. It. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallace, Col. Smiley, Col. Passmorn, Col. M'Clure, Mnj. D. W. Wis. MajorS. C. Patchin, Major Holt, M iJ , Heiscy, Major Wm. Bell, Captain Mnthew Og den, t'apt. W. A. Campbell, Cnptsin Taylor Rowles. Class 40 Xurseeies. Best nursery containing tho greatest variety of fruit and shrubs cultivated in the most ap proved and methodical manner, $2 00 4 do ji'Poes Thomas Mills, Jacob Gu'ich, James A. Ungsrty, William J. Hemphill. Richard Sh jr., John O. Cain, Wm. L. Moore. 1 ersons appointed to act as judges are request ed to notify the Socrotary, if possible, before the 1st day of the Fair, of their acceptance of tho trust, and to meot the Pres't at Hit opouing of the Fair. 8 The Rules and Regulations, f c, will be pub lished in a week or two. !! ! DEATEuTl " To every form and Specie of VERMIN. "COSTA It'S" "COSTA f"S" JJat, lioach f ?. Exterminator. "COSTA It'S" " COSTA R' S" llcd-Bvg Exterminator. "COSTA US' "COSTA II' S" Electric Powder for I, sects. DESTROYS INSTANTLY IJetl-l uga, Ants, Moths, Mosiiuitoi-s, r Icon, ; up all hope, when he heard of ihe "Blood Search insects on 1 Iants, Inserts on Anilillils, f c. cr," and was induced to try it. Four boltlos in filioit every form nnd snecics of cared him, and although sn.lly disfigured, thero 10 years established in No'v York Cilv . usruby t lie Lit v I'ost Oil n-1 .k Cilv I'i w. on Rod Btntinn houaia tho city IStenincrs, ninps c., tno uty Hotels. "Alor," "St. Nicholas," Ac, and by moro t'.inn 20,000 private fnmiles. B.Drugpist8 and Retailers everywhere sell them. j !.seliolceale Agents in nil larce Cities lara-itHpuiursizcs. zoc., 60c., &?1 JJoxes j Iiottles, Flaaks. ttSf-Ill Bbwark ! 1 lofsiiuriotisiinitations. j Examine ench Box, Bottle t Flask, and tukfj notliina but "Costah's" fcWL.$I.OO Boxes sent by mail. i-$3 A $ 5.00 by Express. H!a,Addrcss orders or for Circular, lo I . . IIENKY K. COSTA U, ! Principal Depot, 4 10 Ptonilwav. N. Y. ; BA.SOI.b BY LUKA1N K i CO. March 17tli. t:i.'aifi,.d l'u. Cabiaet. Chair Making;, Jt'MX (11 I.ICH, ot the borough of Clearfielo, Pa., will In, prepared ut nil times to attend to to any business in lbs above lin on short notice, and in a w. rkinanlike manner. His place of business is at the old shop on the north side of Market street, 3d door east of Third sL, nearly opposite tho old Jew store where he will keep coustantly on hand a large assortment of Ma hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet H are of every description, which he will dispose oron as reasonable terms a the same article can be had elsewhere in th county. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con sist in prt of Dressing and Common Bureau, toras, Sewing and Washing Stnnus, Dusks and Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta blcs, Ao. Coffins manufactured and ,IU..-.H any place desired. ( Icbruury !, no. 4, vol. ir.J PUKIFY THE BLOOD. VEGETABLE LITE 17113 PHOENIX BITTEE8. The high and envied celebrity whicb these pro-emir cm medicines hart acquired for their invariable efficacy In all the disease! w hich they profess lo cure, has rendered the usiml practice puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy , j; foilh of ha" craaulou.. I ALL cases of Asthma, eiite and Cbronio Rheumatism, A flections of the Bladder and Kid- j neys. Billious Fever and Liver Complaints. In the south and west, where these diseases pre-! vail tbey will be round invaluable. I'lanlors, Fnrmers,and othors, who one use these medicines will never afterwords be without them. Dyaprpaia. No person with this distressing disenso should delay using theso medicines im mediately. Eruptions of the skin, Krysipclns, Flatulency, Fove' and Ague, For this scourgo of t'.ie western country these medicines will be jound a safo, speedy, aud certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a relur" of the disease a sure by those medicines is Per- mancnt. Try them, be sU.fied, and be curcd. Mcrcural IMRcaws, Never fails (o crmli - onto entirely all tho effects of mercury Infinitely sooner than tho most powerful prepiration of Snrsnpnrills. Vit. v.aa ni.:i:i. v...-..n.., r-.. Plaints of all kinds. Orcanio Affections. PulmUi sutuv oni-uu. ninuuiLuuiiiiiiiuui'U.' viii'i tion of tho Heart, rainier' Cholic. Piles. Tho originnl proprietor of these medi- les was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by cines tho use of these Lifo medicines alone, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicine. Parents will do well to administer Ihrm whenever their cxislenro is suspected. Relief will be certain. TI1E LIFE PILI.S ASP PIIOEHIS R1TTE IIS Purify the blood, nnd thus remove all disease fiom tho system. A single trial will place the Life Pills and 1'iioexix Bittkrs beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3.15 Brodway, cor. Worth St., New Yoik. Feb. 20th 1800. lyr. look iii-.itr,: look in:ir.: THE undersigned subscribers, take this meth od of Informing the pulilio generally, that tbey have this dny entered into copnrtncrKiiip in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied byj. Shunkwilcr, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will bo pleased to see tho r old customers, and ns many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoos, your spades and picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your aleds, your sloinhs, your horse, your maro. No three-year old shall then go bare. j Your spears will work tip then just right, J lo prooning hook tor every liaight, Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as CWn ne'er bought. JACOB SIIUXKWILKR, GEO. W. OK11. Clearfield, December 8, 1858. If. LINDSKY'S I.UPKOVn) ISIood Sen rclicr rj A STANDARD MKMCINE For the speedy, radiral, nnd efl'eotuul cuio ALL DISEASES arising fimn Ull'f RITY OF THE BLiiOD. This medicine lias wrought the lous cures iu desperate ca.es of most miraeu Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on tho face, Old, Stubborn Vlcerj, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, M.ircuriul Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous foriiintiun. Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Rheumatic Disorder! Costivcncss, Salt Rhciiin, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Femalo Complaints, and all Diseases bavin; their orgin in an impure stntc f the Blood. The abovo Isarorlraii nf .lW,,l HTr.. i Xnpicr towiishin, who. on tho aist ,1n .,f aI, 1 18i8, made nffulavlt beloro Juslico (lorley that! he was treated r ir tho cure of f nncr by three; physicians of B .dfurd county, and by Dr. New-I I '.on of the Electric Collcgo in Cincinnntti, for a penou or nearly eiir it months. noiwiil,in,i;,, ( nuiui, um ll), DOSO OnQ I "M"1-"'."" wnai mis invniiiahio me.licino saved his lifo. The full nartleolnr. of H.i. .. 1 moy l ecn in a circular, which can ha In.. I ,,f 1 ... ... ny m ' Agonu. We also refer to the case ofNoncv IIUnLni of Kldertnwn, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed far three years. To the case of a lady in Ansonsville, Clear field county, who wai also afflict. d with Scrofula in its worst form. T.ill. rn... tr-. .1 , ,. , . l.w,C.b dieted with Canr.r ih.i it ... . "L - i and his case was worse, if possible, than McCreory's. The particulars of these cases every one of which was cured by the us of the Blood Searcher j may also be found in a circulas to be had ol any of the Agents. t , R. M. LEMONS Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture nn.l sale, noa I tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Hollidnysburg, Pa. ; Dr. fleo. II. Keyser, Wholosalo Agent Pitts burgh Pa. I FOR ALH IIV-C.D. Watson, Clenrflold , John I atton, Curwensville James B. Oraham, (Irahamplon K. F.Brenner, Morrisdalo John Russell, Pennvillo: R. H. Moor.. I..nh.r.k II n v ,!,,... . rl . ? ' 1 ,"1". -'0n,V 10 ! .B.H""U Mc.,,r .: n' . i"l ."5T.v "w..ra " """'' w". .g ?. -.-. Fob. 1st. 1S0O. GOAL ! GOAL ! ! The public arc hereby informed that will keep on hand, at the Coal Rank of Jud-e Mooro in the Borougr o Clearfield, n constant mpply of the best article of Peacock Coal. The ipialily of lb coal needs no -ucoMmcndation, as the publie know it as far superior to all others known for many miles arouno. Orders f ir eo must be ohlained at th corn of Moore A Ktswilor. Price fir twenty Labels aa I npwards 4 certs per bushel at tha bank, or delivered Aug. 25, 60. 3t. MICHAEL ONLY. - - - - 1 "HO JOB PRINTIN C. An xns:T utocJ? rf JoH:?ir rriRtprisi ci)b!e tb Publisher of th ''AirwcViarn'' to announce to tho public that he u prcr red to do all kinds of Posters, PAnrnnrs, rRoor.AWct, Blame). Paper Booes, Cibcciam ' Labzlsj, Ball Tint its, IIamibiiu of end every kind of printiBg Usually don, of i jn H country job office. nrss nnd despatch. DANIEL G001LANDEB, JUSH CJi oft lie (car Lull (ill uig, Cliaifield Co. Pa. will nthr.d rni tly I all 1 miners (ctruFted tolisttre. ftlsich 2f, IfCO y. jd. KLLIS IRWIN At SONS, 1 A T the mouth of Link Run, five miles fr.B' 1 V. Cloarfleld, MERCHANTS, and exteniir' j Manufacturer of Lambor, July 23, 1862. . I n TlinMPHflM ! ' " ' . 1 T)larksmltli, wagons, Buggies, Ac, 4c., iromj : It on short notice, and the very best style, at bi i ld ,1 in thl! ""'rough of Curwenevillc. Dec. 29, 1853 - I - I l". ""'"". naving cbanged Ins Iocs x aa'.sit.i a ... XJ r 'J""1 urwonJm!10 w LlcarBeld, r- tin T, "U"' "", , "'" I' "" "1'" rvices to it, !c"'m!" of 11,0 1,".lcr ",'nce "lir- Rosiilonce on Sccoud stroot, opposit li it of J. Crans, Esq. my '.Mi. J. G. HAItTSWICK, M. D. V li y a I c i a n and Surgeon, Clearfield Pa., Hay 30, 1360. WALTER BARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptlj and faithfully to all legal business entrusted his enre, in tho several Courts of Clearfield snj adjoining counties. Office, Ihe ono formerly occupied by 0. It Barrett. Oct. 2r,th, Tf39 1y. UJ777w. STKWAlW'" 1)liysiclan and Siirjfcon, offers his profes. sionnl services to the citizens of Xcw Wsih- inglon nnd surrounding community. Office (lire doors wost of the Hashington Houso, w Washington, Pa., Oct. II, 1S09. " J 0HN inJIDEKOPER Civil Kncinker & L.txn Si kvevor, odert Ins nrofes!iloiiril services lo tint iit,7f,na ,r fu... field onnty. All business entrusted to him w ill bo promptly nnd faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney ,f- Co. IMfTllAVS, T A'Jl'ERR EAN, MclaineoUnist. Ainhrolr. 17 pist, and JUSTICE OK THE l'E.U'E,- n.erey, jmk louniy, ra. Justice of I lie peace I.uiliiuliirg. Clcarficl.l Co, Ph., sill all. nil promptly to n'l liutinc.-s t-ntrustcd toll. I euro. Ho also inform tho pul.lic that he ksspi ciiii.-iiiuii.v on milium iin simp, a general as sorliiient of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and whips, winch he will sell on reasonable Ircmi. April I, ISCO. DEKTAL CARD. SMITH offers his nrofcsionnl servicH I A- to to lli Ladles mi l f iciitlcmcn nf rit. Iichl nn.l vicinity. All unernlinns tierfurwf; ailll neatness mnl dcspati-h. I'rinir limiilb n illi all the lain iiiiiirovmctit.-), ho is in cimrcil I ... ....,. I inline iiiiiii. iui ii-eiii in tho Lei-t uuuiiiil Ollice in Miaiv s new row. Sept. I lib, 1858. ly i. iasi. ii. i.AnuivKn. I. TCf T AKKIMI.lt A TI-.ST, Attorhevs at Ul 1 J Llcarlield, Pa., willnlluhd promptly Iu U l iaioiis, i..iii, Agencies, Ac, 4c, in ClearCcI Centre and Elk counties. July ;itl. j I OIllCIlT J. WALLACE, Attouvkv at I.is.1 XX. i.lcnrflelil, Ph., Office in Shaw's How, u; I posuo me journal ollice. doc. 1, ISiS.-lf. MUUHK i LTViL:-:ii, "ITTholcKalc and Retail Merrliants. A! T T extensive dealers in limber, rawed luir; nor and shingle. Also, dealers in Hour o- ?niin, which mil bo fold cheap for cutdi. Oct. 11,18011. rLEARFIELO STONE WARE rOTTLRj. Tliaiikrul for past favors and snlHlioiisofftl lure patronage. I would rrsncctfull v announ 1 j that I havo on hand again, and will ' constasl . Keep ut tho Pol (cry in thin borough, a tliew i tier n short .lisinnfo 0i,Gi ..r il... m..i....i:. im.... I a largo slock of Crockery . such ns ('ream crorl I niim pans, I h urns, Jug,, Jnrili Stove piperasi' rfc. rfc. ; and also an cMensivo asinrlinent different sizes mid patterns of brackets rnsetlcs lor c rnico on I ,.,,,1 ,.ii,..r ,i i lmg. Any mouldings not on lian.l will be n.slc M'ler on short notico. Also fire bii. k and kept fur sale. jf-fl-A lilier.il reduction on prices innls- whoiosnle dealer. F. LEIT.I.NilER. I L'leartlcl.l, may 2.1, 1870. lv. MOW IIOTJ-'L.' Th undersigned respectfully bees lean! . " T0 ",nt ". rentvd a hous. . .1 . 1 ". " I """".Kii 01 ijiiiuoer cuv. i;ipflrn.iii p....ntv. ij ; i.t 1110 acconiiniMi.it: .n ol tho travelling noM watermen and all others who may favorkl with a call. I j His table will always be supplied with isr a mo uiaraou an.ird ; and no pains will spared to render his guest comfortabls under his roof. To which the fuels thai no I . tnxicating liquors of any kind will be kept ab-1 me pioiiiises, win n trusts, contribute U Mliile, what'!, always iT-n 0 tnB travellor, the best attention will ftf by careful hostler to thnt falibr.il 1 his journey, his patient steed. I July 4, iHfio. ly. JAMES CROSSliI The subscriber will send ( free nf chnrqt) 1 who desire it, the Rocipe and directions furtj ing a simplo VnjtlabU Ham, that will, in 1 two to eight duvs, rem ere Pimples, Hlof-f T.. .. I' 1. ci. , ... .-..I ut.n i ,zvK,rm, rm ...wncss, ana Bll linpi'll" roughness 01 the Skin. 1 taring the saiuo- ture Intended it should b-s, elenr, tmi oroiiriiii, iiioso lei inngth.i Keceipe, win insirueiions, (iiroction, and advice, will F - 1 JAS. T. MARSHALL ! Practical Ciir,-t. Mifc City Buildings. N.V To I'crst ns cut of Kmploymfl i (3ET WAX! i:i) T) SELL the En J V. ing Machine. Wo will give a Commission, or wages $25 to $110 por month, and pxp"nes paid- is a new .Macbin.i. and so si mute tn Usee' tion that a child of 10 rears can iiaro tMII it hy half nn hour's ii.s'roctin. It Is "I'l sny Familr dewing Ma-hine In ne. V price is hut Filiecn Hi Mars. Persons wisliii.gan Agnncv will aldrcst j.s Euvr.A Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Comf1