rv jr srwsrs war eaas ';M TO I if ' CLEARFIELD COUNTY , AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. .. JTo 6 eW 'As horouyl o CUarfitli, ex Tumrfny, HoVsil..y (!( Tkundoy, the 18ra, I7l and ISlk dpaf Octubrr, A. I)., U6U. (iI'Hi,l'.ll OF 1UU HOCIUTY. ULI.S llt.VIX, Pre-i.lcnl. J Ion. JAs. T. LEONARD, VtlLLlAX IhTIN, Janei Forrest, Jam lb II. Ficmino. V. Prt. A EUueiler, Senetnry. .4. jl. ib'miVA, Cor. SecieiAiy. J a he Wriclev, Ti-eanjier. J B. JIcEnallt, Librarian. Exttutic Com. Hon, Riebard f-baw. lien. John Patton un'a Boynton. Juklllll K. Bead J. Al'Gaugbey. Orator, Hon. 0. K. Brrtt. Commillert c Arraeivnt, A. C. f js.vr, Uiaimmn Horte. El Bloom, Ofoige II. Lytic Jaiiiea AJ'Gluuglilin Jnmos Levy, W. L. Antpg. Dutiil C. Dale Samuel Clyl Hilo Hoj t. Jacob Wilholm, 0. W. Slioff. Yield crops & Vegeta bles. Sterp A Sti'me. James Irwin, Sr., .lulu.on lloluea IMit. Miiciiell, AVin. M Bi'hun, D. W. Moore, G. D. Good fellow,; Wm. M. sIiht, Kdwftid McUarvey Aaron C. Tute, Elh Jolinson Butter, Cheese, Flour Agricultural d' Misctlla- and Xihicli's. neout Articles, .Tolin Irwin, C'ur'r Thoiim Wi-igley, Isaac Hloom, A. Scryver, 1). S. Flomii'g, Waller Banett, Wm. P. ''Imnibera, Jolin W. Slaigart, Fane) Department. (4.W. Rlieni, Jolm Irwin, Cui-wcbb. J. P. Kmiier, John U. A'orvver, Mra. II. F. Naniilo. V in Bloom, Wm. F. Irwin, Merchandise i0 T)o- meslio Fairies. M. A. Flunk, Duviii M'Uuii);ly, W. W. Wri'lit, Kilwnid Goodwin Mr. Urnvy Kern. MisD. Mnry Halters, Mist Kate lirown, MUs llnnnnli Bloom, Miits Unmet Swan, Mi8 Jennie Leoimrd, Mm II. Sjiackman, Mi"8 Elitrt Heed, " Em Alexander, ' Anna I vin. "Sai all Bii obfield ' Nan lie Irvin, ' Surah Rhep ii, , " Henrietta Ii ain " .Mary Moore. Committee at iAtrges. Mra, T. T. Leonard, Mia Kandia Nichols Mrs. D. M. Weaver. Mia Nannie Smith, MiN Mary M'Gaughey.MiM Julia Gallna ay Mixa Rebecca Frank, Miss llnnnah Carey f J. How, John L. Cuttle, G. V. Snyder, Alvin Rosa, Samuel Rlieeni. Marshall Gen. A. II. Ililla. Col. Wm. Ten Eyck. Capt. T. J. McCut luuli. Capl. Edwuid A. lrviii. Viroleehnics. II. B. Swoope, W. W. BcH, L. R. Mmrell, .Inines L. Morgan, J. 1 if i. r , t t. , 13. lutein ncuuen . .--i'h'kimhii. . LIST OF l'RtiMIUM. CLASt l.tiicetpttaktl. (Oi'OO to all Breeds n I Oomnstitori.) Bert Bull ovvrSyenn old, $4 00 2.1 ht, 2 00 Bed Dull over 2 yen old, 2 00 2l licit, 100 Beet Hull over 1 year ..til, 2 0 2d bout, I I'fl lirht Cow over 3 yearn old, 2 00 2d bf it, 100 lift Hull Cnlr. 1 00 2d bent, 50 All breedii como tncMliT in tbia class and compete wlt'i eneb other. To bo judged, let, by tliuir pood point and 'ytumeiry (iflnnno. 2d. by the nbilitr tn t'nttvn, ,ii the animal a good hand- Ivrf 3d. milking qunliiien. 4th, ,Hito. 5th, give no pnmluin to any animal until they are' wltned it will produce good sto. k. To this end the Judges shall satislv ihe.iiselve. in regard to the sun k of aged bulls and cows. The animal that I ..s.sses these qualities in the greatest perlertion fhetiid dttiw the t rptaker. whether it he Diir Inn. Ayrcsliire, Hertford, Devon, Uiade or Na tive. Junor.. Oeu. Thorn, Zmh. McNaul, David Ty ler, Asaph Kirk, John 8hw of rrcatur. Cl.Ase 2. tirade V"tt roVvetf in cohhIv. Bert hull, $t i ll ild l est, ti 09 Best cow. 3 00 ?d hast, 2 00 Best h. iHer calf, 75 2d he t. Dip. Best bull calf, 75 2d best. Dip. J unci:. John Ale Pherson, "os. Lyons, Tnniuns ii. Snvdrr, J. M. Cumniipga, Dr. J. V. llujt V LASS A. Milk- foWS. I Best milk cow, $1 00 2d best, 2 00 Milkeow 3d best, 100 Jl'HOR. J-mca Forrest. Thomna MeUl.ss. Ad., am Gcnrhart, Thos. Leoimrd, Daniel Bailey, CLASS 4. Usui. Best yoke 6 y. old and over, $2 00 5dbeJt.ll 00 Best yoke 3 y. " " 1 00 2d best, 50 lb si j oke 2 y. " " 60 2d best, Pip. Best yoke I y, " 60 -2d best, Dip. , Jt l.oss. B. C. Bowman, Hiram Woodward, Aa-t run li. l'nerce' Wm. rimiloy, Alex. Murray. Class 6, Oxen. i . Beit traimd 10 yoke, 4 years old end ever, fiom one township, 3 00 2d best, trained 10 yoke, 4 years old sndo- ver, from one township, 2 00 Bert trained lOyoko, II j ear j old end over, from nno township, 00 2d best trained 10 yoke, 8 vearsold and e ver, fiom one township, 1 00 Jt nr.r.s John l'atchln, John M. Chase Joseph Denning, John Brubaker, Joseph Yotheie. Class 6. t'at Cattle. Best Fat BtiUntk, f 2 Oil 2d best, II 00 Ben Fat Cow, 00 2d best, 100 Best Heifler, 2 years old, 1 On 2d beat, 60 Ji-noEs George Kittlcberger, John AlrOuilkin, Casper Liepold, James B oom, sr., Beuj. Ste phens, Class 7. TaorouyA-lrerf fiance sea to nfl Bi st Stallion, ever 4 y'rs old, 13 Mi 2d best, f 2 CO Bestitullion.overSy'rsold, 2 00 2d best, 100 Best Stallion Colt, 2 y'rs old, 2 0J 2d best, I 00, The premiums in this Class are intended only ' for those Horses whose pedigrees make them j worthy of thoui. The Society wishes to eneour- j age the rearing of high-blooded Horses bare ; on the other hand the Executive Committee would ' caution the Judges to be careful that the preuii- j uuis are nut drawn by Inferior stock, J t rcas James Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. 0. W.t Caldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph Peters, I r. . u &.-i , x- tt r, , :.-""''"'-""'""' lln.! K.,1,11. .A r..-i.ll t -a,... oil , .. 6 " f. ,L" 2d best " " " Din Best Saddle and Carrisge Mar of any age, $1 00 2d besl" ' n,, Best Spun of Draught Horses or Mares 2 00 21 best " ' l 00 The Horse that moves tbe heaviest load on a Mone boat without a whip, 1 00 xo oesi. Dip. Best Coll, 0 75-2d best, L in. ' . . , Zi-rW. Juices Miltoo McBrlde, Mailie 0. Stirk, .Ins 1,4t,b'Tl r Flour, ft dip -A- Caldwell, Andrew Addleman. Isaac Dunlar. . .'. IUU lh- flour (spring wheat.) Win. Brown, Hugh Orr. Class 'J. Matched Comaae Hnrscs. Best span matched carriage Horse or Mares, 2 00 2d best do do do do I ( 0 Jfneea Judge Barrett, James Forrest, Dr. H, P.' Thompson, Edwin Perks, Maj. S. C. Patchin, Class ID, JAjrf unit lolls. Brstbrod mare aud colt by tbe side, ft MO 2d best du do do lo 2 00 Best Oelding, over 3 and nnder 6 year old, 2 00 I'd best do do do do 1 Oil lies! lidding, over Jy'a old. I JO 2d best,! 1 UU nest Alare over S years old, t 0 2d best, I I'll r.e! mare, over i a under s y.i t 2J Lest, I l' i-csi cuiiiiTir i a wnuer i jr.i vw t,i best, Dir. v Tu. """"nrw creee, aeo tisiiB. aaaa, suDn aseeoi, Clam l.-Trottino Jforte-oPen to alt. B..t If. 3 in 6, trut.In, I. Han.- (X. P"- niiutni unless ta entriee, 'Best tima, trotting nudor saddle, Dip. Hart lima tutting in doable heroeee," v' l ! Beet tiaie peeing eod.F eedwse, ' V Vi Jinae J. 0. Loraine, Lev. Millar, John at. Cenieiiags, J"" sleelati. Clam 12. 2'rutting ud Waliipf Uortm, owned in tU Count). Fistest trolling Stallioa, Dip. 34 beat, pip do do Horse or aiare, do 2d baat, do do walking horse or mare, do Id beat, da Jninmi.l 11. UmLam. Wm. Irvin, A. B. Shaw, Jaa. I. btcwart, Jas. Aleioudr, (Weosjward.) Clam 13. Shrrp and M out. ' 1 iBe.tbnrk, any breed, Hip. 2 00-Id best.ll j Test ewe, any breed, do and 2 00 2d best, J 0 Best 3 thei fattened for mutton. Dip. I 92 00 2d bant do do do 1 O" I Ptbt flvace or Cue wool. 1 uu Ifrst fleet' of coarta wool. 1 u 1 arLamb, best, $2 00 2d best lambs, f 1 00 u -H lumbs, 50 4U " " Dip. Jr, T 111. McNaul, Jucob Kuntf , sr., Elinlia I"en con, Adura Uearbart, Uanry Irwin. Cl.AbS 14. Swine open to all. ft .at boar any breed, 12 0 2d best, II 00 BH breeding sow " 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Eet 2 JIog in county, 3 00-2d best, 2 00 Next bint i bogs in county, I 00 2d bent, 50 JcncKa Bauiel hiving'ton, Wm. el. kfuTal- 1- ugh, sr., Col. Tbor. it. JJ'Clure, John Irwin, Jaaiea Bloom, sr. C'L;a 15. Poultry. Beat caop spring chickens, not tail than 6, $1 00 2d beift do do do uo xip. Heaviest lurkey, do Beet duplay of chickens, do Ji'ueia Uaorge Thorn, J. II. Fleeting, Samuel Arnold, It o beit TbuinpK'n, Clark Brown. tUm 16. Plowing. Owner of team and plow, who ploi grata iwerj the best. II 00 Next b't, IMp. Owner of teem and plow, who plowi stabbla the beat, Dip, $1 00 Krit be it, do do do Dip. Best plow for stnhble, Dip. $l A0-2d bait, Dip. Best plow for rubanil, Dip. I 0ll-2d beat. Dip. Jcpocs Elieba Fenton, Aauos Bead, I). W. Wife, John Wellf, Jr., Wm. hUorer. Class 17. Hollers and Units, Harrows and Cultivator. Best clad cruiiberand rollar combined, $ 2 00 Dip. do do do do do do do do 2 i baxt, do da do rte.-t 1 1 roller, I'.eft (Jrain drill, l 002l beat, 2 00 2d beet, 2 On 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 1 DO 2d best, Pen llarn w, Btat Onltlretor, Bent Rorse-iake, Bert Uoiiper and mower, I at corn shrller, Beat corn planter, S 0 2d beet, 2 00 2d bht, 2 00 2d best, Jii's William A. Bead, Beaben Wall, Jona than Hartshorn, Hon. T. B. Darts, C. Baker. Class IH. Agricultural Implements. Be-t Original inrauiion in the couuty, of au agr cultural implement. $i 00 2d best, " " orlg. Inr. Dip. Beet threrhlng machine, 1 0021 best, I u0 Beet fanning mill, 1 I'O-.-id hast. Dip. Baat hay pitcbing machine, 1 1'0 2d bent, d Brat hay ntrinit on wagon, 1 On 2d hext, do Brrt ox yoke and bowa, 1 002.1 best, do Ben vegetable rooteulter, 100 2d ben, do Beat stalk an 1 s'raw cutter, 2 01 2d bent, do Bcit common plow, 1 00 2d best, do Best single or double shorel plow, 1 00 2d best dingle or double shovel plow, Dip. Best borne power for general purposes, 1 00 2d best horse power for general purpose!, Dip. Bet 1'i.rknnd tixturcs lor unloading wagons,2 00 2d bent fork and lixiures lor unloading " Dip. J l'i.or---Siiu"ii Thompson, Brt.j. rprkuian, B. B. Wright, Daniel llaruock, Benj. Kinhel. Clash IV. M,tecllantous farming implvnents. Best bee hive, Best slump puller, Best 1'tnaio diegcr, Best grain cradle, Bert six hand rakes. Best lot gardening tool II 00 2d best, Dip. 2 00 2d best, do 1 m 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 -2d he-t, I 002.1 best, Best set fanning uteus Is, owned by fanner, I 00 2d best set farming uiensila, owned by tenner, flip, JtliVKe John 1). Thompson, John Kustell, O. B. Merrell, J. II. Fleming, ISamuel Powell. . s-.s tie. ei 1 , 1 l Lee -v.- n neat, uaricy, lorn, . , ... . , . ,.: Acre of wmter wheat, 3 A 1 ip....2i ft "'l'riuH ;h J?.P--"' ld hint- 10 ,cr"'? Dip.-li, Best. 2d best. .nil Dm IndD n nrtf"P' audDin. Acre uf com, 2 Dip, llsndUip, F'ld barley, uot less than 3a. 2 Dip. tlaudDip, Acreufoats, 2 D.p.- llsndHip, Acta of rye, 2 Dip. f iandDip. Bushel ol corn ears, 1 Dip. Diploma. 3 acres of buckaVeat, 2 Dip. llaudDip. Jcneea Ueurge Wilson (Hoggs), Minbaei riolt, Jas, A. Bead, Sumuel Kiik,Joab Kider, Jos. Irwin Martin 11 Lutbur, UobU Mebatle), Hugh Henderson, Class 21. Field CYaps. Best 2d Best. One-hair acre or potatoes, 2andDip, flandDip. "-"" mi uv.ui, ...i....-t..n.iiiii, Acre ot clover Med, 2andDip. llandUip. Oiielourlb a. broom corn, 2anilDip. IandDip, One-fourth acre sorgbum, 2nDdl)ip i ,n oro r !"' 1 0". 2d best, Dip. Dip. Dip. ,,nuuHuc., i ...-'. mil, Best bushel Tinmlhy iced, 1 00, 2d best Best acre earrots, 1 On. 2d best, Dip. Dip. Ueel i sure turnips. 1 00. 2d best, Jl does-. -Win Smith (Covington), O. P. ttulieh, Fobert Owcas, Abr'm Uo.s, jr., tt. 2. Logan. trope being rqeal, preference will he given to those that ylel I the greatest nett profile. State. n enta to be furnished by the applicants for pre miums on farm crops. They must be weighed ', uu . ."... v, .ii v tuiuisueu ai ine lair, and also at the rooms of the committee. 3. Applicants applying for premiums shall fur nih the committee a statement signed be him. aeu unuwr a piaage oi veracity, oi the quantity of grain raised on the gr iiind entered for a pre - miuin in ana ne snail slate as correctly as be raa kind and condition of the previous crops lb th kind ind quantity of seed used, and the j time ana mode ol putting it in tbe ground. 4, It is the object of the society to grant pre miums fur good, not extravagant and generally inipiatttcable culture, and any wilful inaccuracy in the statement furnished as above aball de prive tbe applicant of a r.ght to compete lor th luture premiums. Class 22. Dread ad Cereal Ftod. ' Best 3 Loaves bread, winter wheat, Dip. J ' " spring wheat, do com, rve. do do i " Pound cake, Dip. " fpone cake, Dip. " Pie ol any kind, Dip. " Preserves, Dip. " Display of preserves, " Ice cream. Besl Fruit eske, do " Jelly cake, do " Plain cake, " Jelly. do do do do do Display of jellies. i " .-... ... m. .. iuoT,i, eiri. Boynton, Mrs. W m. Irvm. Mrs. M. Mct'uilough, Mrs. v...o-. .o. imti una i.nrw. Best 10 lound buller. II 00 -2d best, Dip. " tirkin, 2.i or more lbs.. made in May or Juue, 1 0 2d best, Dip, e cnee-e, bip, Ji noss u. L. Boed, Mrs. Bicbard Shaw, Hit'r, io rs. n m. Morgan ILawreneel. Mrs. Munh. llartioik, Mrs Jttlge Wright, tt B Uoodlauder, Wm. McBrlde 2d best. Dip. Dip. best 100 Ibe. flow, (aphng wheat), Dip alt pounds rye flour, 60 e. A Dip. -u oe st ao pounds rye Hour, Dip. " 50 pounds buckwheat flour, 50 e. Dip" 2d beat 511 pita, bueh wheal floor, Dip. " 60 pouuds corn meal, 54 c, Dip. id best 6J pouuds corn meal, Dip. Jrnoas Jis.e BriH.mall, pamuel Jordan, k. H. Humphrey. Fenlioaud Oswalt, B. &'packman, jr. Cl.vss IS. Domestic Articles. . Best box or jar nf homy,. Dip 40.-2 I boat.Dip. Best 10 lbs. maple sugar, Dip.A 50.. -2d besl,Dip. i.esi preserved peaches in air light cans, Dip- ilest preserved tomatoes iu air-tight cam, Dip Ilest preset vtd blackberries inair tight cans.Dip. uesi preserved cu-rants in air-tight e Dip. ; V hem evoked with skin oessHe ef rnre.Dip. " Dip. "' . v.. .v XL- T'T 17" WaTc'.. Ict. Mr. Uor. liilr, Mra, Eliu Irin, Mre. jbn Sbiroy, Mra. Kllia Irwia. lira. Juaatk Haruhara, Mra. Ueorge WUaoii, (Hugga.) B -at 1 yarda lean!, II afl 2d baat, Dip. Bart Kyarda aattinvi, 1 Id boat, do Burt 1 .Tarda cloth. 1 0l-td hart, d Baat pair wo..la kUtakaa, 1 a...Jd Wat, da Bant layanta wurM oarpaa, 1 M ld.beh 4 Baa J 4 yarde rag crpl, oal- - . d t.i ejt,at ea cbain, 1 wi nasi, !,;,. 1 00 Id baat. da do do do do do 'Best woollen eoverlet. 1 002.1 beat, peBt woolao fringed anilta, I B , t.(.rtb rat. pCat pair-woolen knli atoekina, licit 1 lb. linen e eewing thread. Best apeciuieo of knotting, knitting or aee- die work by Uiseat aoder 12 year of age, do Best 1 lb. of Blocking yara, de Best foot 111 at, Dip. Bret straw bat ao Beatitraw bonnet. Dip. Bent tidy, do Jl'lGKs Mra. Jadgo Ferguson, Mrs, B. I. Cald well, Mrs. I.ydia Kheeia, Mrs J oh a e. orris, Mrs. Mary Bpacktnan, Hiss Nancy Ogdea, Urt Doctor Tborpsoa Mrs. Q. L. Kecd, Mrs, S. J. Kow. Class H.Xeedlc, Shell, Hu.t; uork de. Best specimen of needle work. Dip. " group of flowere in worsted, do " lump stand embroidered, do " lamp atnnd not embroidered, ' do " embroidered elippers, do " embroidery in ailk, do " embroidery in worsted, do " emhrolilory tn laoe, do " embroidery in muslin, do " shirt tnude by Miss under 15 years, do " patching and mending, do ottoman cove', Dip. Best tl le cover do " fancy cb in w'k, Dip. " worked collur, do " wax flowers, Dip. " worked ejnilta, do leather woik. Dip " leather Work, do " ornamented woik do J nines Miss Kmm tirahnr, Miss Sophia Bur lett, MUs Mairgi Irvin, Miss Mary Jane Wright, Mins M. J. Bard. II ins Xmil.r Forrest, Misa Matilda M'klurray.Misa Jusepbiue Fli gul, Miia Mary Foly, Mifs Melissa Irwin, iliss m ma Jonea. Clahs 28. Millinery and Dressmaking. Best millinery Dip. Best dreas. milking. Hip. J l' no as Miea Mary C Wright, Mi Mary H Far gttsnn, Mrs Mary G Leonard, Miseea Jane Mitchell. Ada Svtarti, Eliia Stone, Hetty Cath cart, llolen Cuttle, Louisa Kruttor, Mary A. Irwin. Clas 20. Artistic uork. Best painting in oil, . Dip. " painting in wate' colors, do " portrai- painting, do " laiidscnpa painting, do " cuttle painting, do " ornamental printing of any kind, da " daguerreotypes biWeu on the g n.und, do ' ainbrotpes taken on the ground, do " photographs luken ou the ground, do " aritinj;. do " orraiueutal p.MiniHnnhip, do " arebitectunil drawing, -do Jvnotf Dr John O l.oraine, II M'k'in., Mrs. W 1. tpottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin. ti L 1 t ' I J B fl Ll Hi.... - M & era . Snphio M'Li d, Mrs Hi Bloom, M s J. B M'Enal.y, Hi v. J M Ualloway. Class 30. Designs. Best design for farm Bouso, 12 2d best. Dip " design for barn, JU nest, do " design for carriage bouse and stable, 2 2d best, do ' design for dairy house, 1 2d best, d 1 design for ice house, 1 Id bet, du " design for dry house, 12.1 heat, do " design for bridge. Pl for bridge tot less than J.'.O it spaa, 2 o-2a best. Dip. ... . li ,1 t, u u n ; OLlUK---llon, u ti i.Rfirn, hiiu. w n. Ulglrr, I Jno. D Thorupsout Thos Kirk, K .b tD .u-h-d I erty, iClabi o . Mi !u!,c Fabrics and Maehiniry Best display of tshle and porket eutlrry, j a uorican n:aoala. ur. ' Dip. , Best oookinjr stove, wood and coal, Dip.and .i OH .2d best. . Dip and $2 3d beet, D p and I Of) I Ituat r4i-lnt alnva ttAul. Ilin aaiasa 9 lail ; : " . , - i r.. , . .K. psnur miiii, ou.i, iip ana il lit; "h'. Dip and 1 00 3d best, Dip . lt,.i r.t irnn ..,... t.i i ..a 2d best, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and I Oil Best tin wuru, dip and 00 2d best, dip and 1 00 3.1 best Dip, Best blucksiuiihing, d p and 1 1 2d beat, dip and! I ' guiiBuiilbiug, dip and 2 2d b. st, dip and 1 ' irun turning, dip and 2 Id best, dip and 1 ' shower balh dip and i 00 ' original invention in the iounty, 6 00 ' plat castings, dip and 1 00 Junoes Wm. McBri.le, John F Weaver, fclinba Fouloo, David Kirk, W m. A Wallace. . Class $1. Vehicles of all kinds. Best family carriage, ti ADip.--Jd best, $3 if Dip buggy, do do do farm wagon, sleigh, timber sled, horse cart, do do do do do do di do do Dip Dip wheel barrow, $1 80 2d best, JrneKs Dr. H P Thompson, B C Bo man, Juo. W Tauly, John U Hewitt, Ucorge lieakeudon J. C. Brenner, F U Miller. Clabh.33 Cabinet ware in County. Best dressing bureu,$.1dip.-2d best, 2 end Dip ...r. 6 S di do I " rf,. 3 do do do do lounge, 2 do . 3 do do do do do do xreusion labia, .do . do do de 2 1 1 sot of chairs, 2 do 1 variety of chairs, 2 do ' set parlor furniture, 3 po display of cabinet ware, 2 15 00 and Dip ' oflice chair, l uu and do l Jrnoas James H. Fleming. C Krateer, Benj ; Jj Weight, Thos. Mills, Uawiewn W Sneneer n. s . . . vbARS Ol. Ivopeiwg, larpentertng and Jiaskct- mahing Best specimen of pin ware, Dip - winm.w susn, i uu -'.1 Best, do window blind, 1 00 2d best, do ' set grain measures, (2 00 and do 1 lot of buckets, 1 00 and do ' lot ef splint baskets, . 1 00 and do 1 psnel door, . . do Jrnuits-Jaaies Frnlon, Frederick Culich, Thos Henderson, Abraham Ogden, John tthrrlsnn. Class 35. lioels and Garden Vegetables. Best 4 stalks eelrry, Dip. Beet bos. turnips, Dip. I ' i baste! carrots, do ' 1 bus, onion, do ' f do rutebagos,do ' 1 do parsnips, do i do table beets, do 12 tomsloes, do ' 8 heads cabbage, do t egg plants, do ' I beadscauliflower,do ', ' qt lisua beaus,do 1 one-half bushel table potatoes, do quart winsor beans, ' ' do variety of squashes, . ? . : ' i ' .' do vartely of melons, do I ' one-half bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetables lo be raised hy the exhibitor. Jrnore James B (,'n.haiu, A. K. Wright, Wm1 - L. Aloore, Philip Antes, He, ,1ns. ph K. Foo'it Class 30, Vw-nvs. S,idJ',n. .9' vnnukers, &.C. KeSL 2d best. Oenle'bootsaml slioee, iltwi ip I n -Uip Lailis hicls an,l .In,. . i.4 Uo 1 . . 1 and do do do do 1 and do 2 and do 1 aud do do 1 and do 1 add do tt phis' gsitirs, Laitys' gnltera, 1 Display ol boots and shoes, I end do Traveling trunk, Tug harness. 2 and do Carriage harness, laud do Single harness. 2 and do Biding bridle end mart'1,1 and do O-nis' riding saddle, 2 and do Ladys' riding saddle, 2 and do Display uf saddlery, 3 and do Call skin, 1 end do Sole Leather. 1 and do Every ther kind of leather, Kobe made hy exhibitor, 2 and do Jt'Poi a Blehard Mnss. p, John In in, Horace His stm'k nt Cabiurt Ware aw a hand, eon Paichlu, Reuben 11. Moore, Wm. Porter. ' ""' Prl f Dressing and Com mm Bureaus, Class Uoe. ;- aa Up,Lter.n rk. &$?J&7& te Best suit olothessaadehjr haud.tJOO -2dbest.l)ip Dn.iog, Ureakfast, Centre. Card and Pier Ta Best cat made by lady, - ,u..Jd best, do , blue, die. , Cftine manufactured and delivered at Best lest oiaua by l.iiy, a do , any pla desired. ' , t Beet paote aiad by lady. . f Je I February 9, -ne, 4, woL le.J , t ' - I . A -.,- ioo.2db.Bt,do T V.ii k 1 .1.. Mi.,k.ii. m. ,M Mop- li. J. T. McCU Air. , r 1 it . . . 1i...l.l A .1 Vfcar tli J J ...If'.y .r. vohoi. , Meat em, v v. n" oiaua, aii .. ' ii t, do' f Baat Caaey, do ' Card, Baat Naaal attar. da 1 ' Fauiplilet aftiveca Got., Vaj Rigler, L. XC'raui, Daniel . VaiMl, Ureal Teat, aVasae K Wataon. ' ' Ctaee eia.-Ston Wurt. f Baa drain tile, Dip. Bast brack, Die Best ra brick, do Bast penary, tW Best brie';, U ; rnoes Jadg Ferguson, udjra Laeiai, Martui Nicko't, jr., Wm Merrall, daw JbrUarl. Cl.Ae 4 -Chemicals ttiul i hnnicU mclion, in Co. Beat available anaaure at moderate rost, Best for (arm projects, .- $1 00 Best fnrglae, ' . . , 1 00 Dip. do do Best linraed oil, ' 1 00 do Best tallow candles, dip. best writ ng iuk, do Best specimen snap, din besl vinrgrr, de Jvpum-Dr. U Woods, Dr. V. Wilaoa, Dr. T J Boyer, Dr. A MeLeodk Dr. J ti HarUwick, Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr. Fetter. " Clksi 41. iShnt and Wood. Best dressed stone. $ 1 1 dip. Best asill stone, dip Best ioor boards work'd sloBeMgriBditone,do l'.est weather board w'k do Best shiagles, do Best spliter shoved hoops. do Best turned art, do Discretioonry preuiiuias will be recsuunended for all articles of merit exhibited by suechenics in all the various branches, . and it is hoped a general nttendanco will Itaiude. For all iuiprovementa uselul to tbe farmer and baviag valuable properties, discretionary preiu'r will he rcccuiuinended by the couiuiitlce' and a Wiuilcd by the board at their discretion. ji'Dcks udge l.eomird, udge Botuall, F. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwiu, Arthur Bell. Class 42 Natural Minerals, Best of useful minerals ol Clearfield eoun. '' . ty. coal included, .1 k ' ' do. ' Limestone, do. best sandstone, do, ' Potto' cloy, do ' Fire elay, do suite cryrftalizcd miu do 1 Fossils, do ' minerals from the surrounding counties, do Jt'ueus- Jiidjro Hoy 1, He. W. L. Bpnttswood. M. B. eiwoupe, 11. F. Naugle, L. J. I'niiis. Class 43. General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowers, do Display ' " plnuts, do Best Floral ornaments, do Best baskot boiiuels with handle. do Best manufactured article by eewing uincli i no on ground, - - do Best hand bnqueta,, do best butter bowl, do Best washing machine, do Beat butler iadle, do Best chum, du Juuuxs Mrs. Judge Moore, Mrs. .Tusiah U Becd. Mrs Joseph H. Ilegany ; Luuib.'r-city.) Mrs. II. r . Etiwetler, Mrs. Alurt.a .Nichols, jr. Mrs Wm Men-ell. Mrs. A. II. baw, Mrs. Win A. Wallace, Mrs. Mnj. Mvling, Mrs. Thus. For cee. Class 4 4. finif. Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap- pies, summer and winter fruit, named and arranged, 50 els 4 do Besldisply and greatest variety of ... m . tatn(i and Mrr.,nff..il 50 eta A do B.st display and ureatcst variety of peaches, named and arranged, 60 cts (t do do do . do do do do do Best Apples, t bushel Best Cohection of plums, Best do cherrie, . . Best do quinces. Best do airawberru'.. Best specimen rf Foreign grapes, Best specimen of American grapes, Best specimen currants, not Jesa than 3 sort's do 1 Best specimen gnnsherriea 3 do do I Best specimen of blnckhe Ties, Eert specimen of seedling fcrs.s raised iu county and worthy of culture, Best specimen of Poms-tic wine. Juikii -Win C Foley W ni. AlcCrncken do do , Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. J. FT Weaver. J. B. M'En ally, bram Keeling. Miss . Joseqhine Lanich, Ants A.. lull Loyuton, Miss bertha n nghL Cl.AS-sl 45. llorseianship, A c Best i coupluof ladies and ijeuts on horsoback, do i Best compiny uf cavalry, do t r,,lt company of infaotrV d do do do D. Pi.t i l'.est band of brass instruments ,, . . , . T ' e' m" ,ttl bttnd- . . Hest 25 singers. ' - - 1 liUKS-.-Uun J. II. Larriiner, C.d. II ton, Col. A. B. Shaw, Col. H. J. Walla Col. Smiley. Col. l'ussiuore, Cub M Clare, Maj. D. W. Wise. Major 8. C. Piitchlu, M ij ir Holt. M ij . lieisey. Major Wui. Bellr .CupUtiu M ilhew t)g deu. Capt. W. A. Campbell, Captsiu Taylor Howies. Clahs 40 Nurseries. Best nursery cint.iinitig the greatest variety of irnits snrt shruiis cultirated iu tho most ap proved and methodical manner, $2 00 A do Jfl'es---7homas Mills, l.ieoh (Ju'ich. Jaiucs A. Hag-rty, William j. Hemphill, Richard Sliow jr., John (1. Cain, vt m. L. Moore. Persons appointed to act a judges aro request ed to notify the Secretary, if possible, before tho 1st day of the F,.ir, of their ucevi.tance of tho truth and to meet tbe Brest ' al the opening of the Fair. The Rules nnd Regulations. c.. will be Pub lished In a week or two. - !! I DEATH !!l To every form and Specie of . VERMIN. "CO.ST.-l WW" "CO.V7'4-'W" Roach de. Exterminator. "COHTARV "COSTA ti S" Ikd-Iiva Exterminator. ' " COSTA Ii'S" " COSTA A'W" Etc:(rie Powder for h sectt. DKSTliOYS INSTANTLY R, , ... ,. , , r. ilS Ront-lies. Mire. Moh-e, Ground ,1ice, Hed-buwa, Ante. Molbe, Mosijiiiloea, Klr, Insects nn Hunts), Inserts on Animnla, d c. ill Bitot t every form end niiei'll-a of . W iMO'VIMfVYO v . in , li. ri s v ' v -. .Ut uX. MJ. V v 10 years eMaUished in Neiv York Cilv USt'Ul.y IheC'lty I'osl Uthre-tlieCity iVib on and Station hotis-ihecitv Steamers . . . Sl.ins Acthe Cllv Hotul.:. Alof ." "St Nicholas." Ac. and hy more than 20,000 t.riva.e lan.iles. . . .. M-Duitrgists and Rotailm everywhere sVuaeliolcaale Agents in all large Cities tgSwli.'giilaraize. 25c; tOc, f I BoKes Hiiulos, Flasks y sV&l!i Bi.HARt ! 1 !of Biuri(Miaiinilalions. Exnniine each Ilox, But lie A Flask, - nnd tiikfl nothing but CosTar'" Brti.SI.IKI Boxen g( hi hy mail. Bf.3A$5(0l.v 'Kxpivss. ' Vft-Adilt esci ol ilci s rir lor Circular, lo HENRY R. COSTA R. IVincipal Deiiot, 410 Hrondway. N. Y. aOLDHY LORAIN EACO. March 17th. Clvai field Fa. " Cabinet. Chair Making, fik(S ILiCW: 12 ii LliarjaVJJ TOIIN (U LICII.ol the borough of Clcarnelu. fj I'a., will tie prepared t nil tunes to attend to to any vimines in tin above in nn short notice, and ia a w rknianlik niniiuvr. His place uf business is at the aid sln.pi.n the iiorlh side of Market street, ltd door ts.-l nf Third St.. m arly 'opposite the old Jew store where hp will keep constantly on hand a large assortment nf Ma liogony and Cane Boiium hairs, and Cabinet I Ware of every deeoripiion, which be w ill di.ix.se of on as reasonable terms aa tbe same articles can lie had elsewhere In the coontv. Best bunk rjiettrass, ptflilFV THE BLOOD. VEGETABLE . LIFE PILLS . AND .- - PHOENIX BITTEE8. Thehinb and envied celebrity wUIolt pre-ruiitent uiedicims have ecquirsd for Uteir invariable efiioacy in all the disease 1 wbiuii they profess to cute, bas rendered tbe eaunl practioo of pulling nut only unnecessary, but uuworthy tt tnein. Tbey t.re known by their fruits Uietr goed works test fy for them, and they thrive ao by tbe feitu of the creriuious. lutL casks of Asthma. Aeule and Chronic Bbeiimutiam, A flections of the Bladder and Kid neys. Billioua Fever and Liver Complaints. Iu'the south end we?U where these diseases pre vail they will bo found invaluable. I'lnnters, Farmers.end otbors, who once use these medicines v .. i, ,1,1, d!.tr...in 1 - -1 -. . . . r . . ... , disease should leiay using tnese meuieinei tin eifdiiitely. Krupiioiis ol tbe skin, Eryaipelas, I Flatulency, Keve'aml Ague, ror uitt tcourga of the western country there medicines will be ; jound a safe, speedy, and certain roiuedy. Other medicines leave Ilia system subject to aratur3 of the disease a ure by those medicines ia P or- sutmciil. Try tlioin, be tiiisfied, and be cu'ed. .. . , . f . . 1: Aicrcurui ssisenca. over iuhs 10 eruui-, ante entirely all tlie etleetsuf mercury InCniUly sooner than the most powerful preparation of; Sursupiirillu, Night swonts. Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds. Organic Affections, Palpita tion ol'tho Heart. Painter's Cholic. ! Piles. The original proprietor of theso medi cines was ennd "f files of Ha years standing by tlio use of these Die medicines hIoiic, Worms of all k'uds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Barents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will be certain. TltE LIFE ril.U AKD FIIOEXIX BITTER!) Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease fiom tbe system. A single, trial will plnco the hire Bills and 1'hoknix BiTTKns beyond the reach of competilion in the estimation of every patient. A-Prepared and aold by DU. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwny, cor. Worth St., New Yoik. Feb. 29th 1SH0 lyr. l.OOk. HI'.KHI l,()t)ii HKut:: raell R undersigned aubscrihera. lake this math I od of informing the niflilio generally, that .hey have this day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied hy J. Shunkwilor, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will bo pleased to sea the r old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Ilring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Your log. chains nnd your pulling sticks, j Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare, No three-year old shall thnn go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prouning hooks lor every height. Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such us I'liiii ne'er bought. JACOB SIICNKWILERj OEO. W. ORB. Clearfield. December R, 18S. tf." ' UN 0L:YS I.Ml'ltOVti) A STANDARD MEIUCINIi For the speedy, radical, and eOVctiml euia ol AZ,L DISEASES arising fiom l.Ml'i.' 1UIY OF THE BLiiOD. This medicine Uns wrought I ho must u.irncu lous cures iu Tlespeinto c.i rs of Scrofula, I'ulane.iiia DiHCnsof, Pimples on the luce, Old, (Stubborn I'lrers, I tter Aduetious, lllspipsilt, Jitttii.liee, Meicurial I'ifenses, Liver Complaint, Low spirits, Cancerous formation, Erysipelas, Boils, Suro Kes. ci.ald Head, Kheuiuulio Disorder! Custiveuess, Salt Kheum, (cneiul Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Slolliiich, Female Complaints, nnd all diseases bavins ill c ir orgiu in un impure sliitu of the Blood. The shove Is a portrait of David M'Cresry, Napier township, who, on Iho Ml it day of Aug. 185ft, made affidavit bcli.re Justice Uorley that ho was treated f ir the cure of t one r bj three physician f B .dfi.rd county, nnd by Dr. New ton of tha Electric College in Cinciiinotti, for a , period nf nearly eight months, notwithstanding i nip u..r aoo a fiuriior, 01 ins leu cheek were entirely eaten awav ! He had glvon up nil hope, when he heard of "the "Bloid f-'earch er,"nd was induced lo try It. Four bottles leered him, and although sndly disfigured, there is no qiisslinn but whm this invaluable medicine whicn, tits hp, nose and buvi-u uis ins. ine inn iiariu-ii.ara ui iu rs case my be seen In a circulur, which can he bad ..r.l. . - " v.. 1 V ? , ,i r i,. watermen and nil other who may favor biis ' ..V-,."1:0 rFrvr.i0 ",eCR'e rN7 '"'"'""y.; with a call. V.. w":.",,r!"?. e"alJ'. . 5'.'' I" - To the ease of a l.dv in Ansonsville. CI..,. "ld -uniy . -ho ws, enticed with Scrofula i . .... T . el,- . I rr If t i ! t town, Cambria count. Pa., who wassobadlv af flicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, ii ml his rase was worse, if possible, than McCrenry's. The particulars of these cases erery one of which wuscuiedby tbe use uf tbe Blood Seorche ' may also he found in a circulns to be hud ol auy of tbe A genu, R. M. LEMON. Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture nnd suln, nea tho Ps. Il.illroad Depot, Hullidiiysburg, Pu. Dr. (leo. II. Keyser, Wholesaio Agenl Pitts burgh Pa. . . I'OK 4.H 11Y C. D Watson. Cleorfielll John Potion, Curwensville James B, Urnhnni, llHk...,.i.. . I? stf ts tie -isa. Wll, Pennv.ll, K. II. ALh re, hu.hersbnrg; m. u. BtiiR, Aew sn.lporti t. K. rosier. Phil ipsburg; II. S'ran. A nsnnville t Kussell .lelur ray, New Washington Edward Williams, Wil liuinsville t Jueksou Palchao, BurnsiJe j Samuel Llegariy, tllen Hope, Feb. 1st. I Sad. - ', COAL! GOAL!! " The riiMIe are hereby Informed that ' will keep on hand, nt the Coal Bank nf Jud'S Moore I- .1.. 1,. . til U - J - . r 'i'" oon.iijri in i learnein, a consiani supply of ihe best attiele of Peacisrk dial. The qiialily r-f theeiyl rnerl. wu r, enitint.n.l.li.in - .i.. mo iu, public know tt as fur superior to all others known ,ui., -i nr.. uo.i. vmers it eoal must obtained at tbe sloro of Moore .4 Euwuar Prleerir tw-nty Desbele s I npwards i oenti tier bushel at the hank, or 6 delivered ' , Aug. 39, 30. 3V.' , . , Mll-UAKL C0NLT. . JOB FRINTIIMC. An fxteiflive etock of JoLhlng materia rtu.McK tL:ruLlitirr of the "Jirpullican' lo uaiounc to Uio j.uLlio tLnt he it prept, . ted to do sUl kinds of ' Torntu, Pturmim, rRooiuimt, Dlahcb, (PakiBookb, Cinrcuts, Labcij, TicraJM, IlAjirBau, and etcry Itind of prlntlrg UDtitilly don in country Jot cCioc. !1 order rillte Careocrted trhhriCiU oei utd despatch. DANIEL COODLANDEIt, Jl feTICr tif lie rence I tili4tiir, Clu.itilJ Co. Ps eiiHr.uud J r rj ) i'j In all I nsitwi ttitrtiiud toLisioie. JiiikI) JS, JUt j. d. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, 4 T tbe mouth of Mek Run, five miles freer Clonrfiidil, MEBCIIANTd, and cxkntiva Mannfacturera or Lumber, July 23, 1862. J. D. THOMPSON, nincksmlth. Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed 3 on abort notice, and tlieverybeststyle.ethls ld staiKt in tno borougn 01 turwensville. Doc. 29. 185S FH. M. WOODS, having obangod bis Iocs J tion from Cnrwensville to Clearfield, rss. puctfully offers his professional services to tbe citizens of the Inner pince and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite tt at ef J. Cruns, Esq. . my Z 7)58, J. Q. HARTSWICK, H. D. Phyelclen and Surgeon, Clearfield Ta., May 30, 1880. WALTEH EAREETt! ATTOBNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly end faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his rare, in the several Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. OITirB, the one formerly occupied by 0. R, Borrett. OcL 2filh, TS59-ly. DR. (i. W. STEWART T)!yHlciun and Suifeun, offers his prnfcs. 1 j siomil services to the citizens of Jtew W,h. in c Ion nnd .urroiitid.ng community. Office three doi rs w -si of the Washington House, rew n iislnngton, I'u., Oct. II, 1S69. JOHN HUIDEKOFER. Cimi. Esiii.sr.cR Si Laxo Sckvevoh, offi-n his pnifessionul services to tbe citiiens of Clear field county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Ollico wilh Leonard, Finney f Co. I'. jr. HAYS, DAOrEBHEAN, MolninentirpM, Ambroly. pisi, nnd JUSTICE OF T1I12 PEACE, Ker-cy, Elk County, Pa. Justice of i lie pinco I utheisl org, Clenifield Co, Pa., will allend proiaptly to a'l busincis entrusted to his rare, lie ulso informs the public that h keo ronstnntly on hand lit his shop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Bridle, Harness and nhips, which he will sell on reosonabln tremi. April 4, I.S00. DEKTAL CA3D. A.' M. SMITH i. Ifers his professional ssrvicci to llio I. Milieu and CJHitiCmcn of Clear. liuid and vifiiltv. All operuiions performs nith tientuess i.li.'l despatch. Being familial wilh nil the lute iinprovmi-iit4, he is prepared lo tnnUe Artlliclul I'tcih in the best manner. OHice iu F hnw-'s new row. Sept. Ilth, I85S. 1j4. JAS. II. LAIIIIIMKIt. I. TTSl JAltltlMI.lt A: TEST, Attorneys at law J Ck':irliUI, l'u., will attend promptly to Col. iaioIii, I . ii lid Agencies, die, Ac, iu Clearfield, Centre and Elk couhties. July 3i).-y 1 OltEIlT 3. WALLACE. Attoiinbv at Law, J V Clenrficl'l, Pa., Oif.ec in Shaw's Bow, v posiio the Journal otlice. dec. 1, l?jR. tf. mho iTi: I e rz h-Tl Yr7 " t"IT1iiiletnle end Itclall Mcrchanis. Alss If extensive dealers in timber, sawed l'u is J ber nnd shingles. Also, d.ialers in fiour an ;rain, whl-h will be sold cheap for cash. OcLll,ISJ9. riEARFIELO STOXE WARE rilTTtRr. " Tli.inkiul for past favors and enlioilious of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce tn ii 1 1 have on bund aguiu, and will consiiullr keep nt the Pottery in Ifiia IiomiiIi, on the cor ner n short distance east of'lho Methodist Church, e large stock ol Crockery . each ns Cream crock., milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, riluvc pipe casiiift f c. rj c. j nnd also an extensive assortment ul different aiies and lmn. rns of brackets nn J rosettes for c rnico on bouses, and other nioul ding.. Any mou'dings not on hand srill bo ir.ade to oi.lcr on short notice. Also fire brick msdi and kept for sale. ifiisrk liberal reduction on prices invle to wholesale dealers. F. LEITZlNUliK. Clearfield, may 23, 1ST0. ly. iKV ICOTKL The undersigned respectfully begs leave U Imiilllll'. lllnt lij. rani.nl'u imnl-J In tkl k.u f i .,.i.- ,o a .1.1 ti. of , ,h. ,,, i,i., ,i. , , ;.'i.,:.' -.v ti.vii!UK l-u-'uvi Hi ta-do will alwny, be supplied with nsgoeJ (.. the maiW, afford, ami no pains will h. ! 'A,l"',",Ur. JX. f1'",."rl"1,10 w1!' ' ZZZU nor. ofl.ndVn b ke t";, i nriiiirra, wni Uf Hli, OUnwiOtlltJ in ina nrpmiPPR. w nm ixti 4L4. mint-irtii tn to the traveller, the best attention will be (ires hy careful hostler to that faithful companion si las Journey, his patient steed. July 4, 1800. ly. JAMS3 CROSSLY, The subscriber will send frt of cknrtjt) lo all who desire It, th Kecipean.l direutions forms! ling a simple '"jrlnblt Halm, that will, in 'rsnS two to eight navs remove Pimples, Blotebeil 7na t'rerktt: SalluWness. and all iinnuritios atil 1 ...nuhiiMNM nl ihrtSuin. Ii.rint th ..-. t N'tl tnre intended itshould he -..f, enr, siaoott ti . ... ' . ,J ,tm'etions. directions, and advice, will plea - oull on or address (with return postage.) : JAU.T MARSHALL, PUACTICAL CHKUIST, No. 3 2 City Buildings, N.York. 22th 1 SfiO.... J mo. Aug. 'Jo I'creit ns nut of Kiitp!oynicnt ,4 DENTS W ANTED TO SELL the ErieSe V iiig Machine. ti e will vie,, a nnmiMiaeinn i.r wares at fT 125 tn llll lo r nmnlh. nn.l ...,.in.. nald. Tsil . . . . ' . " r li a new Alaohiue. and so simple in Its cowl" tion that a child uf 1 joar can lcaru eopert l. i, i r . . ..,..1 tf ii j iiiiii nu iiur s nisi run ion. nil -i any Family Hcwiug Macbino In ute, audtU be price Is but r iflecU IK liars. n Persons wishing so Agency will address J i ... J.N joYttJ, , .! H.-rlai TVl. sA.l,ln I ..r.i.inT, Ang. 8, l60.-6w, MILAN, tHl