Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 26, 1860, Image 1

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    .r r-' : ..1 '.
TERMS-al 25 per Annum, if paid in advan-e.
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ilf paid in advance, or within three months, $1 25
t f paid any time within the year, . 1 50
If paid after the expiration of the year, - 1 00
Terma of Advertising.
Advertliemonti are inserted in the Republican
t the following ratott
1 Insertion,
ne tauare. (14 linos.) S SO
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$ TS
1 60
S do. I
tl 00
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tiro iquaret, (281inos,) 1 00
three squares, (42 lines,) 1 60
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3 mou'h
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$4 00
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Vne Square, t
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if Over three weekt and les than three mottbi 26
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i Buiinoaa notices not exceeding Klines are in
ferred mr fi a year,
L Vt . iT W 11 u " "'" , '
ani ehiirirod acoordinc to thane ternm.
e O. It. Oflonr.A VDKTt
LIT? LE fongator on the treo
flciwore t blooming on the lea
lirjeze thut wonJou from the tea.
Tell mo, dues lie think uf uie t
Does he know I wa it for him ?
Wait till dulifht gruevth iliin
Vfbea the slurs bein Ibeir hyuin !
l"ej he know I watch fur him?
Dues he knvir 1 lure him t
Hots he know this faithful heart
Heats for lii in iu every pnrtf
At bii imuix what bright (lroniua start?
lines he know lie hultl. m Lcart
iioen he kuuw I luro hun
Birdling, tc-11 him how I love,
tting it to him through the grave;
(imiiteiturs thut buaui above,
tpc-ak aud toil him huw X luro
Muriaer to him luflly.
Then the auiwcr hear to uio,
Lilt e binliiiig un tbu tre,,
rlowcrot bloouiiugun ttio loa,
Tell iuu if lie ihiusa ot uiu,
Tvil uio if be iuu. uie.
iug it Bof:1y liitlobirJ,
Vi uoi ut tu u lulu bu buurj j
Xwli t' mo uluus uuch nord,
oil ! uiv, littlo bird,
ll my duriiug luvci luv.
Vy tho iijjlit in hit dark cjee,
l.v h.i toltiy uturvJ nibi,
llj the happy thmilits thut rij,(
'nlh the iiht ul his durk eyut,
Ah ! I l.uow bulove uic !
OND. 1
o r
, tl.c .State of PENNSYLVANIA.
a - Wo deem it a duty e owe alike to
" truth and justice, to place bcl'or j the peo
f ilo of Pennsylvania, in connected form,
the tariff reconl ol iliu II n. Henry D.
n' KoBlei'i 'he Deuiocriic cmdiJuio lorGoVs
" ' ermr, wlnlit that genlleman held a seat
in the Congress of the United States as a
I, reiresentaiivo from the Westmoreland
iff district. His record 011 this important
nubject needs but lew words of commen
" ato ir hands, inasmuch as it sjieaks for it
self in language so plain, unequivocal
and direct that "he who runs may read"
and uiiderstaiid.
We venture tho assertion, hewever,
i that no geiitlemati whorver occupied a
If scat in Cuiiitrcss from the Slate ot Penn-
f rvlvuniii, certainly no Democrat, c n
r boast of Mich a record as thai lurtnsued
f by the extracts wo have taken from tho
sueechof'Mr Foster in lS4u. and his sub -
ti' teqttent course, in opposiivm to tho efforts ' cj jt (ll (tlt0 ,.iecii ,n, had been sue tnv" interests are in danger. Pennsy Iva - lata per ton provid"d that all iron iu slabs, of the d 'leat of that im-amr. is not charg
iil that aero inada to repeal the dut on iron e.CuI itl iniMltn.'lmir tin' iifoi.le uiion tho nia voted lor and illi tuein in the pro-j llnmns, loops, or other form less fit: ished able to Hip account ol'Alr.F. lie placed
fl 10 covertly and steuiliil, hv those Mio'
k ...:n: -...M.-.l I.
' vnf. u-i Htm, in ut , IU., 1 1 11 iv 11 the itii tresis
kr , - . -
( of Pennsylvania. Mr. Fo.stor has been
.1 . , ..... i- i.. r.i.
ootu consistent ir. ms scivo.vacv oi me
1) i iron nilerests oi ins native state ior a nmg
. .... r .... I ... .
period of vcars, bhowi..e thai the doctrine
i' be advocated on the subject was the re -
.v.- e i : i . . I. - ..l... i
'' BUIs OI couviciion, ami noi ine mere eoui- eould mauulacture lailrOud lion to the ipiesuiui in iniiicuiiiig uuiiio iii'iuni j i oiuei wise ii.eui--u. oiiu ii-.-ui i"-i i.,uuu. ye'Miniiiiv iii nit, xvi-ysi one ok aii- ninii's
' ' litioiis of a fickle fancy, got up lor poliii- ftillnnl of between 80 to 100 tons per Wny, then was an ainuipt made loanike on glased or tin hollow ware aud cat tings, t:fy their appreciation ft neh a 'ep -eso n
r" sal .f, et. His hold iiiuiilv. cleur und i. t. T? ..,.1 i. down ill one blow her ilniioi talll and sail irons or smoothing irons, hatters' and tativo at the not in ( cbtolier nsxt.
,1 siincitig erguirent against the proposi-
.!tior of Mr. Holmes, of Souih Carolina, in
lT'1S40, to repeal the duly on railroad iron.
it a; masterpiece in itself, both in point of
,1 reasoning and logical deduction, whilst it
demonstrates tho fuel tlml ho is deeply
i itnliued with a just sense of llio value of
the gi eat staples of his native State;.
' tV -We C'.nfidently appeal to the people of
,,! Petllisylvunia to suipoi t Mr. Fjler for
m i!ifliotiid' Governor, without reusid to
. . - .
n1, l'riy pred.ieclions or party prejudices,
becauso ha is the man to direct the desti
hieiions .... r.iot in-... i, lice
itieeof this great Commonwealth ut a
time like the present-
Weask ihe pa-
I tlml perusal by all classes of
ti j,ot Mr. Foster's course iu I'ong
ongre.s on the
otti tv. act ot the larill po'icy, whu:U he advos
10a'. d, and then let (I em vole tor hitn or
'',1'Sr'fet lutn, as their juJgeuient may die-
sS" " i tntist all be borne in tnir.d. that du-
.sti..,i""e 'it session of Cong: ess, when ready lo contruct now, whoro coiitraels to
''t.1 ir,m t' 'ff' bill whs under discussion. Gen, be made, al forty eight dollars ner ton.
F true lo his I'otmer con v ci ions of Mr. HOLM ES interposed, and asked ir
,4 f 'iWiHiia ihe ground at Washiugi' ti be undernrmd ihe Benth nmn to ay lhal
Vhorni with esriiestnesH and eal the T railroad iron could row be obtained
indi'';"; !a 'sage of a tariff bill for the (ro- lietn in any qn .inii v.
" V;i to ami (.ro'eetinir of the cliertVheJ Mr. Foster replied In tho affirmative,
i ' : '..M.est . of l,U Si.i'c. He spent week of-
Hi ' Iter avek in tho Federal Caiutal, laboring MB. FOSTER cor.tinned. Tbe ostab
"': Oil'" i
to effect the passage of a tariff bill, thus
testifying his devotion to the. cause he so
ably advocated when in Conjress. Such
devotion as he has at all limes evinced in
behalf of the interests of Pennsylvania
must necessarily bugot in tho bosoms of
his tellew citizens a corresponding? devo.
tion we feel will be signally manifested at
the polls on the secuud Tuesday of Octo-
ber next.
... . . ..
ilYJS ur J UK UK 1 1 EU SI A 1 E.S,
1S44, Mil, H1NUY U. KUSTEU. OF
1I." VVV I V a V I i w i iil' rir f l'ih
J.UWINU KtMKKS I'N THE BILL houtl1 Uarolina, and thoso wna actedwilh jvain for uny good reason ihatcculd be manulastund nut otherwise provided li.r "T.T lR"Uf),t,inoro1 moaiu ammipn
TU Khl'KAL I'll K DUTIES UN KAIL- ,lim' cte dif,l0!,J to make? He was givou for the passage of this bill. It ; ahull j,ay thesmno rutd of duty a it whol-, Be"Uil
KOAU lHO.. Vide Vonyrational Globe, gld that the gentleman from South Car-1 might bn I ti at tlii.i question would come'ly maiiuftctuied. And provided also. I PROCLAMATION.
V vl. U, W tiobion, 2A 0ngrtu pp, 44, had thus early given them informa-' up in a general bill which ho was a mem- I that no articles ;nanulactuied irom Meel, j WHKREAS, Itv the Third Seotinn of
4i; tion as to the course he intended to pur-i ber ol the House, and then lie would be .sheet, rod hoop, or oilier kinds of iron, ,i f ,i ' r it i i r v
Mr. FOSTER, after adverting to the tin- ue as to the question ol the turiff. The ablo to meet it j onil the tariff was to be tshull puy a less rate of duty tiiai. is charge-, p general Aemh.y oi in
fiimwI .ml minimi. i .i... If Oil t lti ttl uf 1 went for a revenue ttand:tril ot al tacki d in this niiintipr in riMmil i,r.-nr mIiIp mi tlm nniiMiiuI nl u lurli it w nun. , Ct'Hinionwcallli, liai-sru ti,e .nd (liy ot
but lutu been tu ought Jorwaid. and re
I,,. i,j I
e "jm.imii hum uccii u
i . t .i ...
cusiuiuuu to couiuer I HO larill question
as one to be treated )n general principles
proceeded to express his regret that his
colleague (Mr. E J. Morris) tiad alluded
to the recent canvas 111 Pennsylvania as
he hud done. As a melnbor of This Uouso
r.... l ..,!....;.. 1...... 1
i au VIMIDJ )OUIU UD JUili pi UUtI UI 1 11 tt If
great Stale, and ho would not allow him . to ger.iieineii inuu .ew 101 a, aini ntuu 'anil 111 iletiul. Jt it cnuhl not tu sus
self, here or elsewhere, as hi colleague other States engaged in the munulactuie taiiied as a sysieui, by, let it go down;
had done ta charge the people of Peon- of sail, iron, M oid, cotton, and sugar. Al ami if that policy which the coontij had
eylvania wth acting with false and baud- though the gentleman professed to bo in cherished above all others could liot be
u'loi t motives 011 the subject of the tariff, favor of a "revenue duty," he (Mr. F.j tutaiuet in all its parts, ho was for let-
it the Whiu uartv had carried the Sima
Mr. F. esteemed that nailv so hiiihlv. that.
bcluie tho National Legis ature. tie would
i.ol have been found inukuig such a charge,
He knew ihe uiKiiiier 111 Hiiich tho can.
yuss had been conducted ; and wiiou the
g( ntieiimn came to speak of it as 11 had
been carried on in his I Mr. F's.l couniv.
and to declare lhat the pujpia hail acted
under uch influences, he had niisUiken
lliem altogethei ; tney had aclel under
no delusion. The lariif question was me
one which, in tho late canvass in Peiuyl-
vai in, had deeply awitaied the puu ic
mind. Tney had been toll by their Wnig
friends there, and generally tiiroughoul
the couiuiy, that by the election 01 Mr.
' Poik the iron and coal interests of fenii
eylvania were to be trodden down ; but he
had deol
jlured to them that tho profession
e Whig party a ero the only friends
c 1 . J .
j that the
I to the protection of the iron
llllei'Osls of
t etany I vama ueie hollow and uusouiid;
ih hi at tiie last session of Congress, in tho
Sunate of the United ."states, the first blow
ut tho iron interest had sprung from a
mombcr of the Whig party lruiii Maine ;
aud although a distinguished Sei.atoi from
Georgia had i:iadc a ulgrima.e to Penn
sylvania te tell tho puoplo of thai Slato
l hat protection to that great interest
couUl only bo looked for from tho Whig
pat ty, yet when 1 hey turned to the Jour
nal of the Semite, they lumid tho vote of
that jcuaior recorded naainst the tariff of
142, ami his vote recorded in favor of the
hill of the gentleman from Maine to 10.
duca tho duty on railroad iron- Had ho
been mistaken when he told the people of
his Slate lhat for a fair, equitable, honor-
ablo adjustment of the tariff svstem they
must not rely on the Whig party alone?
W hut did wo sec now? The fii.t move- they wouln i.e able to auecesstully com
ment at the present session of Congicbs, peto with loreignfrswithcut any protect
aLiurkimr n, urnitt imi.A4 nf l'..i n j I. lion at all. lie knew that lime would
vaniu, did it coma from the Democracy
of the North, the South, the East ot tho
West? No : but from a nroininent Whisr
member uf this House. Now when his
colleague undcrlook to say that 170.UU0
of the people of Pennsylvania had been
deluded ho told him that he did not know
that ueo'nlo. If the L-enileuian confined
his remarks to the people of Ins own dis.
trict, it was very piv,b.ihle lhat he might
li.ivi. iiriiiifi i.ei'Miimil i-!Lsnii.t Mierefiiiv
- . , .. f. 1 n .. . ! . I 1 1 .1 11
ir in.. iiAnn n ,1, I'iinniiv vi I 1:1 linn mill nil
the lights o! the people of the whole
.. I. ' . . .' . .. . .
nion, a four-horse wagon would n I hold
all the documents thrown that one
district b'' Whig writois and Whig ora
Uiit Iia iriis tniM v lia hml nlineeeart
ll.l I, I- ..1 t.,,i m I ml .1 l-,l t, 1,1.1 1 Itill'.tA ill ;
nwmi,y tt,iy questinu of tuis kind; and
ie im . ueituer llio gentlom iii nor
! ,i,u, m: ..-in, 1. 1 imve inienmi..
nuesiinn of Uin tariff' nr anv oihr Tim
' ' . - . . " .
' r : f i. - : :.. . ..
(Hiesnoii 01 pi iiiecuuu ui iiiv 11011 niieresi
Rj plMnlfv Iviuna was one decnly fell by
i' . .. . -
: Pnnnsvlvuiiia 1 1 111 i I not lierhans lie
. . o . I . I .
kiwwu lo this House, that, in Ponnsylva-
r . . .. . . .
nia alone there was one establishment in
; . i,0 western unci of the Slate, where they
. . . . . .
,1 ceiv vm. I. t, lliawmmiivu m vii vi iuu
other establishments which wero uianu
llcii jng t() a like extent.
They had been told by the genlleman
from'South Carolina Mr.' Holnus that
Pennsylvania .ut. one time introduced
large quantities nf imported lailt'oad iron,
pr ,ell j,eirrt j,,;,,,. , iji, rstlroad Tron
had been admined free of duty. Then
no lailroad iron had been manutaciui-ed
in the Union t then no capital had been
invested in this country iu lis uiaiiulac-
linn Hut let him u"ll the L'.-iuleinau
i.niSouih ChiiUiiiii tlmt l'eioisi I viinia
w hen she did im,sn t that ruilr a I iron
fieo of duly, paiulatdve dollars more ptr
ton than she touid how manuhiclure it
for. .It had lioen lice ofdiity for ten years ;
fon igiiois then had con uul of (he Miole
market: domestic compe'ilion the. e was
none. Then she hud paid sixty dodar
tier ion for railroad iron ; ami he pledged
liiuiself here thut her nianufao urers vere
iisliinents in Pennsylvania and in Marys
land w ere air. ady prepared to make large
contracts for the furnis'iing of railroad
iron. Hut Had not the gentleman from 'other port ons of'tho Union were left un. locomotives, and (.team engines, or iroii
South Carolina, who yesterday had tlelen I touched i and he wanted the vole on this : chains other than chain cables, and on
dd this bill with so much warmth, told bill to decide that question. As he obser- malleable iron or castings, three cents
them that he was willing the tariff should ved before, he trusted there was no dispo-! per pound ; on ateum, gas or water tubes
so bo ana jged as to yield auffcient revon-;Rition in the House to sanction a measure or pips made of band or roiled iron, .'our
ue for the government, and that all he as-1 such ns thk Hud tho introducers ot'thif ; cents per pound ; on mill daws, irons cut
ked, and many other gentlemen whojuieasure given, or eoulJ they give any jaw, und pit aas, eighty cents each ; on
agreed with him, was to bring the tariff to j reason why railroad iruii should come in, tacks, bads, and springs, not exceeding
a revenue standard? Was he to under- free of duty, in preference, to cotton sixteen ounces to the thousand, lour cunts
jola," F"" f"" ouuiu parous,
I , ....I L. m... f . 1. , If
come in free of duty T Was that tho rev-
enue standard tvhieh tl, a iFnlli.innn from
uul"8 : wouiu tuo geniieniau ten nun
how much railroud iron it would lin ne-
. --- -- -
n,. i i mi.i.i I., n, . f
"-"""J " ""i"" - pmi i-nui ui .
")is ui" To iniirrnw the gentleman
'"'U'-t tell his friend from Auw England
"'he revenue standard upon woolen
ami col ton oud? amounted to the same,
as it did iu the gentleman's action 011 iron,
mid iio fiiitrht iiuiUh a siniiliir ih.rl.n i I.,,. 1
C " ' "- (
sliouiu ten ine people 01 11 ih rsute, ul
least, ti at Ihe genilemun, by Ins aeiion,
n lavor of hiving loreigu iron, come
in duly fre.
All that Pennsylvania aslmd was fair,
honoiable sellleinent of llns grest qne-
quosiion ; she wauled it adjusted in some
m inner to ive secui il.v to ner ciluens.
She ha. always maintained the doetnne
'hat the m ijoiity were to rule, and that
''"'if laws were M be submitted to. '
From ls,'2 t 1.S42 a period during
which her industrial pursuits had been ,
i"Keii u 11 y 111 operation 01 tue
compromise aci no arm nan het n rtiseil
their in ueliain e or th, aulhority of tlii-e
eminent ; but daily and hourly they
the whole of these interests g nig to
iU'Ci,S Hl"' destruction ; an 1 they w: 1 e l
until um appeal imwwiin go ui seu,o
and patriotism of the American people
- .. : 1 . 1 :.. . I. .... .. r .1... 1 ' .1 r
prianeo 10 mi, passnj;,, ,i mn inriu 01
irliz, -iiider which all Ii.t interests began
to revive and look ;ip. She now oceopi
es the same position she had occupied be
f):e the passage of ihe c enproini-e act of
lsii. The principle of the tariff' of 1842
as far as related to the manufacture of iron
of any description, or of every description
was not ton Ugh.
He would state it as a reproach to the
American character, that, in his own Stato
foreign railroad iron has lie.en l i d down
within six inches of the finest beds of iron
ln ,U'Q w'iu. fuel" iron aDotintl.-d ir:
Pennsylvania, Missouri, Tenneseo and
Ne Jersey ; and yet foreign railroad iron
''ad hitherio been imported; and laid
t'0'vl 011 all our ra Iroads. He wanted to
teo the time arrive when, by the perfection
of machinery, by the increased skill, and
t-y uie nuieaseu cupuni m 1 riinsuvania,
co.uo ; but he would ti ll gentlemen frori
the South that it wouid never arrive un-
less auequaio piotection was given to cur
great interests in 1110 beginning. 10 show
t'"1 benelicial eflecU of protection, he
would uieiuioii that in I-3rt, '.i'J, and '40,
when radroad iron was brought in free of
duly, and when it was imported largely
man me oiuies, n ne up ao mm uu per
c''"1 i oui now, suite uie uu 111 01 isi-, n
inn be bought 13 per cent cheaper than it
.-,. If I IS' t 'iV.i IOI ll 1). I I P AH, I'D. it V
... . w . , - -- - ..w .. . ...
6'J and
I.ij V,...I I' M....I I. -.,1.-
miiiy iu itc iii. iiremi iiuiiiuuuiu vi vii-
na I Jr Holmes) lall into llio arms ol a co-, tient material ol clnet value, and not rates of duly as if entitely finished." six cents of ihe principal of the debt of
allium which he believed had already be-1 otherwiso provided for, 30 percent ad va- We have oiled theahov'e amendment!, ' ,l0 riimmonwealih inrluiline Five Thon
gun between souieof the gentleman of tho Jorum. On needles nf all descriptions, otTered by Mr. FoMor. to show how vigi- iami j,-lve jriii i-od and Taeity seven
Soutli and of New Eugluud ; but let him 20 per cent ad valorem." ' i hint ho was, and how desirous to save the .' .. . , '. .
tell the New England gentlemen, that if
thev do-'Ci'tcd IVniisylvAuia. und liirew
themselves into the arms of thegerule
man from South Carolina, they must not
exnect tho aid of tho foinior when their
tectum o! their cotton and woollen iiiana-
.. i- I l... 1.1...
u.r,,..i n res ii ml lin would a.-k tlieni v ho iL
, --.---- 11, , I
WAi 'hat passed Hie tui ill ol 1612, by .
...i:.i. i. I , .: I..1 i"
which such toni'io piov-cwou iwiomeu
. ..i v i.-.. ., 19 vt .....
. . . . : . V 1-.. . I II 11. .1
io toe nueresis oi en butiiiuu i
let n;ti; asK the gentlemen oi ..New -
land did Pennsylvania ever fuller on Ihe
i' l... ........ I
- ...
vital inlerosts, sliouh; il bo countenanced
ly thoe to whom Puuusylvauia hal al
r ady gave hei upjiorl ? Why waoit, nhen
Poul'i.sylvania alone wa sii gled out from
all Ihe other States, and htr inlere Is set
up a uiai k lo be shot, thai he found some
nl liia-luuuds from New England joining
in the al'uok f r If UiVy-were disposed lo
desert Pennsylvania now, lot trifiaJlot
h real'tei say, whatever the action in ry be
iu regard to a Ui ilT.tnat alio has debi ted
. .. . .....
them. If Ihe majority of l lull , 11 m-e
t hoiiJtht t Ho duly on i unload ll on, or any
kind ol iron, was too high, why, id ll be
reduced in ge,i eral lull ; bui when hoy
wereaskeil to strike down this important
interest, not lor the sake ol the lurmer,
or the mechanic, but for the s.tke of die
large corporations, then he hoped they
would pause and consider whethur they
wotdd be consiilitutf the interest of the
cuuie.ij 17 sii"i'iiiig iiirini-s-u , , it--,,,
glad that thus early in the session a
i.iominer.t niem'iet of the Whig party had
brougfit forwatd ft nieaure that 'Viiuld
show tho people how far the were willing
lo protect their interests, w.nlc thuy
would exempt from taxa'ion wealthy in-,
corporated eonipaiiies, an rl Impose its
burdens on ho industry oflhe 'country.
Uo wanlod to know, and Pennsylvania
I. . !... rtll....... a 11. .
wanted to know, if there was a disposit-
iou iu that House tostrikedown her most
i.llDOrtant interests, while lh interns!, nf
. 1 I , . .
or wtouen goons r nan uipy given
duty, in preference to cotton bugging ?
lla knatv il,,n t.a ..I ,
uing to wnas t ne gentleman irnm houth
Cmi.liii;i ( Mr. II llllllAxt UVIIU'M Bit liw ill..,-
- .....
. . I t ll:. I.
uuru (jjih;,v, nie nuuiu u enu i i o. ,
day the attack was un railroad iron, -md
next week the a-au!t (night bo on wool-j
len or coiton gnods. Then salt, and nexi)
the'sugar ol 'Louisiana and the lead of Miss
omi aould be attacKed in demil. He win 1
i.,,i n;., I...I.I.., I , i. I., ,. 1. .,,,.!, .1.- 1
we ' ' O - uv w fca.s - a vv nunt,r 111c
ling it all lull tcueiiu-r
UN 'Til E sEi'ONl) OF JULY, I84G. PIT
A M EN I) ! EN T. VtJe (Wm. Ghbt,
ut, loth, 1st Scjswn, 'J.'Jlh Vviirjresi, l'uyt
" And it il further rnacted. That if at the
en l nf the !ii-l yen Irnm the lime ibis act
gnus inli, rH'eet, there shall not be realized
under in punisions, an amount of revo-
n .e ipial to 1 hat pi tnluc, d during the
ihcsi yeai eiiuiiig not im 1,1 juiy, itrz.
under the act fiililled "sti Act to Lirovide
revenue fro n imports and to change und
innility existing laws imposing duties on
imports, and for other purposes,' that
then this net, from and afler the expira
of ih" til at yp,n it goes into ellect, be in
operative and void, and I lie duties on 1111-
Kil ls shall thereafter I e levied and col
eeled in iiccoi dance with the provision,,
of said not, approved lln- 3th d.iy of Au
gust IHP2. shall thereafter ne revived aud
continued in force ns fully and effectually
asifthiaci hud not passed; and it shall
be the duty of the Pirsideul nf Ihe U ut
n! States so lo declare by proclamation."
Mr, FOS T Ell moved to strike out the
following section :
"On iron in burs and bolts, not rnana-
faclured in whole or in pari by rolling,
filteen dollar per ton. On bar or bolt ir
on, made wholly or in pnrt by rollling,
eighteen dollars per ton. All iron in slabs,
loops, 01 other Toi-m more idv meed than
pig, shall be laied as iron in burs f-r bolts.
un nuiiui or square iron, or tnuzier s iki
ot three sixteen hi to ten sixteenths of an fifteen cents per pound j on hewing, turn
an inch in diameter, inclusive, ar d j turn ing, din ning, netting, end knitting,
on iron in nail orspike rod-i, or nuil and all o'.her hunts of needles, aduty of
j lutos blit, rolled, or hiimmeied, and onjjiUjer cpntuni ad valorem ; oil common
ntn in sheets, except tajueis' iron, und tinned, and jappaned saddlery nf nil de
011 hoop iron, nmi 011 iron slit, rollen or
Iiumniered tor band iron, scroll nun, or
casement rods, thirty dollars per ton.-
in iron in pigs, and on old or scrap iron,
noi cn dollars per ton- On Mp in bars,
pUtes, or sheeis, 15 percent . d valoiom.
un an vessels ami oilier at iiiie. est irom
iron, and not ninei wise vroviaed lor, and
of all
irain.f tiHures nfuou.or of steel,
t ..I' u u,....l AH ul.l.,1, .III... n.
ui u ,, mi , i, ..,wi ",,n. i, .,ri .-,
1. 1 I- . I , : .1 . . I . 1 1 I . .1 - .
' urn ii oi in-u i i icies sum i ne uiv ( ompo
And insert the lollowing: ' inter -sts of Penn.vlvunia when these in- L"",", l" TV
' On iron in bars, bolls, mmafactured terenls ware jeopufdized Ky its enemies; keen canceled nnd destroyed, aa autlmnz
in whole or in purl, ly rolling, fifteen dol- and, allhouuu the-e inc-iidnients ivere de- ed by the Ninety eight Section of the Act
lars per Ion; on bar or boll iron, made
wholly or in part ny roiling, iwunydois
thun iron in bars or bolts, and more ad-
I vm. o.,il ilmii i,ii, in in. exe..iit east 1 11114.
e 1 ' 1 ,
rlia'd be rated as iron in bars or l olls, and
, ... i:... I :..
. pav a uuiy accoi uirgijr
on iron in ings
1 ... in .
seven uoiiars prr ion ; on vessels m casi
I it . . I . 1' . .
( iron, not otherwise sieciiied one cent per
pound ; on all other castings of iron not
. i : ... ft ...I ...... - , ...... I .
w .
tailors pressing irons, and cast iron lulls
or hinges, two cents per pound ; on iron
or steel wire not exi-eeding No. 1 1, four
cents per pound, and over No 14, and not
exceeding No. 'i.'), six and oni' ha If cents
per pound, over No 5, eight cents per
pound: silvered or plated ware, 30 per
cent, ad valorem ; brass or copper wire,
2j per cent, ad valoi cm ; cup or bonnet
wire covered -W!lK-uli ten.eniH per
l ound; win n coveifd with coilon oroTii.
1 . . .
er mil rial, wvui cenia per pound;ou
round cr stri.n e ir.m or u aiiei s r'inil
llnee-sixli enlhs to len-sixn'roihs f nil
inch in diameter, inclusive, an I iron iu
rail or spike rods, or pi. lies. lil,
rollist, or lisuiinei ed und on iron in
nheeta, excvpl laagers lion, and on hoop
linn, und on iron slit, tolled, or ha. inner
ed. for band iron, -oroll imn, or casement
rod.s. iron cables, or chains, or puna there-
r it, ivli.ja r , . ,n ,-l , r
iii.iiimi I.,
whatever diameter, the link lieinu eill ;
er twisted .or Mraiflhl. aud when air.iight
of greater length than thorn u-ed in
die in for fable, 3.1 per cent ad valovcni:
on anchor or parts of anchors, manufac-
lured in whole or iu part, anvils, black-
smith' hammers and aledges, two cents
per pound ; on cut or wrought irn .pikes,
two oentti and ono balf per pound, and
on wrought-irou null or axletrees, or
parts iboreof, mill iron and mill cranks
of wminrhL-iimi. or wi-oiiuliL.ii'nn lur .I,i,,q
. .
per thousand, exceeding mxtee n ounces
Ion taggers' iron five per. centum ad valu-
, I. ..1 . 1. ,., 1 1 .. . ,
'poseii, in whole or in piv t, uayinir the
lliillfKt ,'ILtfl lit ll 11V A:.tlil lv U'Mitrlif r.t
...e ... j ........ j
I... I ii.:- i..
imun, mm uuij i ii jit cciiiuiu i va
loiem 011 llio cost uf the article auded
thtreio, On all old or scrap iron eight ,
dollars ton, provided that nothing
snail be t'eemed old iron that has not
been in actuui use, and tit only to be re-
..,i;.ni ... .1 o.wl ;
inaiiu n-a usmt mi J VVVS 1 I null, TJ A
eept old, of more tliuu six ii.cues in ""w l" V"-'r
length, or of sutlioienl length to bo inudo lHr'9. and on the s itno day annually theie.
iir.o s). ikes und holts, sliuil bo rated as aTter, to report and certify to the O.ivcr
bar, bolt, r.,p or hoop .iron, as the case 1 ,. tho nnl011nt received under tho sai 1
may be, aud pay aduty accoiduigly ; Pro-1 . ... ... ., . ,
vuled.also, that all vessels td' iron, Act. Ihe amount of interest paid, and tho
ard al! castings of iron not rough, or from amount of the debt of the Commonwealth
the mould, but purtially manufactured redeeemed an held by them. Wheie.ip-
ulier lha casting, or with . LamJles, rings,
honk or other u'Miuoiis ol iMOUghl lion, 1
hIiuII IllLL lIlHK'IIIIA iMlesltl' rilllV lll-ulll I
imposed on aL other inanuliictiires of led, and on Biich eancclhitbn, is-ue hid
wrought-iikiu not herein ei'iuiiit'iiii.-il, it ; 1'roclamatior stating the fact, and the ex
lluil snail a.::oiinl to moie lliaii the diny j tinuislini it and final disrhargo of so
1 1.. ...... 1.... . .... j .i, . ,
011 cuniins. vii iiiusKuo, unu uoiiur Hiei
tweiity-tivi! cents per stand; rifles two
dollais each; on aaCs, udz s, lunches,
plui.e irons, -ticket chisels, vices, drl'vmg
knives, cuiling kuiv, , sickles, or reiiping
liuoks, kcylliun, pudes, shovels, squares of
lion or steel, pbted or polished, steel
saddlery, and bniss saddlery, coach and
ha; ness IVrtiilureof all desi. riptiuns, steel-
yut'ils as:il
other thai.
rule heitms, ami ml firearms
uniskels- and rllles, und all
side nuns. uO per centum ad va'oii-ui. On
square wire, used lor the r,ia..ul'.iciure of
'Irelchers for unibitlla-', when cut in pin
ces noi oxcf-ednig tl;o length suitable
tiierelor. I'Z per centum ad valorem, On
screw s inudc of iron, called wood screws,
ten ceuls er pound, at id on nl! ot!irr
uii.,i,-a i.l iciii tint n t i.i, i li ... 1 a,.(l t.nt, v.,,.-
1 1 11111 ail valorem ; on brass screws
live cenis jier pound : on sheet and rolled
lit-flsa fl Hlllv r.1 ?.(! l,..r nnhlnni ml u ,t I. ..., '
on brass ba'tlury or hammered kettlos ten
cents per pound ; on cust, shear, and Ger-
limn steel, in bars, one dollar and twenty-
five :ce.:ts per hundred and twelve pounds :
and on all o her sieel i;i bars, two dol-
Uis per one hundred .....1 twelve pound, ;
on solt.l headed pim and nil other pack-
ago pins nut exceeding five 1 limit and 10
the pickofiwe vo paper,, thirty ecus
pr pc ; unu in 1110 same proportion lor
a grfiiter ir les quantii ; on ttoimd iiins.
'cnption. VIO per centum ad valorem ; on
jupanueu ware 01 an kiihis. or paper mnciis
and (dated nnd gilt wares of all kinds,
and or. cutlery of all kinds, and all other
manufacture not otherwiso specified,
made of brass, iron, steel, lead, eopner,
j pewier, or tin, or of which en tier 01 tliesn
j metals is a comiionent part. per ceu.
i tnm ad vnlorem . Provided, that all man-
...! .,..1 - .. .
ii ii-iuii'i.i ill inn huh Biri'i uiiiiiii-iiiit-i,-
, . .... .,.!.. I ii
nisparuv ii ii is unu, si in 1 1 pnv ine sauio
feate l by the cm 1 1 at'on that wa then
i.irnKd airamsi the mi ill ot ih, the tauit
himself in the linl rank oflhe delend
era of I he larill of 1X42, because
he sin
of tint
cerely believed th il uie repeal
law would be detrimental to the best in
tcrest. of his Stiiie.
Such n:en a- Mr. Foster tho peopla de.
liht to honor, and we repent it, thai the
.. .. r . i. . l.'. .. . - ... : 1 1 . ...
....... - ,
American .ynt'-i'u'tn. I nere are a
bent three hundred daily papers in the
Utiifed States. A first class daily paper
n is lurire coni'iiiTciui t-. nes mis jidiht-
,, , . . , ..i- i
.i . i :-l I. I
II l V liooui meivu eilious uie, ir inuri.
r...... ,...( 1.,1-s tiiii.
teen nressinen. eugmeeri, and
1 1 i . . . '
othei eii: -
pin -ce In the pre riom : half a dozen
correspondents n Europe : two or three
iP-iJl.f-Cutii-iJrfm'eiiij. in n asiiing.on ,
.i r... ?.. tL 'iLir : ivintiininr
a !!..
ml m illing Iia. Ut.pnt, atid uboni us
tnanv more entice.' e-,.
fikr.t Koa-l. in "enlly, a
child name, I Francis .Seville Kent a
mnrdi-red tnvl one Eilmund .lolm legj
g;tve '"imseir up In Ihe tu i!it rales as the
mni'd"rcr. IVsfove the trial. 1m fever, it
was discoNeied that he bad not been uer
the tiluee where me murd -r was enuimit-
. . ... . . . . .
inat lie rim nit know tti" c!iild nmr-
,( , in s,ort , ,t he was in a dis-
,, nn t f t n,,,,',trv. Ar last he con-
s, (t previous conrei, n were
ll.lil n,j tt),t IP n hei n le I o ii be.
rflUJ. j(e whs a hurdr u to hiin." Ho
Wft, of course, discharged.
C tU Seri v s ,vf nink t.i ore n opde
than cork jatkcis will ever kcp up."
Pennsylvania fS.
crv- ri-f
1 Jt z
the riftme untl b, the n;
t I 1 ei)!i" IV
of the C'lmiii' rj'-pnl' h "
an;a. Wim.iav V. V.'.-
April. A. 1, JoiiH, entitled An Act to es-
...I 11. O.'. . . r .1 . .
uiuu ii ii oiiiivins; r unu lor uie imvuiet's or
.1 p m- j, 1 . h . . . ilinduiv of
:' '
""' f,'',',1,y 'he Comtnonwealth, the
Auditor General and Stale Treasurer,
Commiioneri or the Sinking Fund, ere
.....1 u ail-j ... r,llu . 1i1i'.. r.n
ue sin i act 01 uie rt-K nioi , on
on ihefjoveriior shu
lall direct the certili-
fates representing lliesameto bo cancel-
much oft e principal of said debt.
And Whereas, by the Ninety. Eighth
Section of the Act of the Qeiirl A :eni
bly passed the Dili day of April. A. 1.
entitled, "An Act to provide for the
ordinary exfenres ol Government, " it is
provided lhat thereafter the receiiits of
ihe Sinking fund to the amount that inv
. . . , ., ,. , .
uc iieui-.-ury 10 eantei win reuei issue
now in circulation, under the provisions
I'HieActof the 4th day of May, A. D.
j 1B4I, ami the re issues umh-r the act of
I tho 10th day of April, A. D. lSIIt, siuiH bo
W'cn ion am mo cancellation 01 aaiu is
' aild
And Whereas, William M. Hiester, TliO!",
E. Cochran und E'iSlil'er, Comui'ssioner
of ti,e "'king Fund, in obedience 10 the
requiiemenis of luw, report und certil'j to
! uie, licit Ihe debt of the Commonwealth,
1 0- p. nrisvlvaiiia ledeeiued and he d by
. , , - , , , t. , .
1,1 " ,l,lr ol h,l'.," r A.
') ' 'he3dd.y of Septfi nber A. D.
IcOO. amounts to t he sum of Six Hua T3i
and Two Thousand. Two Hundred tnd
Sixty-four Cellars and Thirty six Cents',
mad.) up as follows :
Stock and Coupon Loans, $593. 028.51
Inleresl (,'erlirieates, 3.103, 42
Relief Notes cancelled. 5,527, 00
Domestic Creditors' script, paid, 5,4')
Total. SG02.2G13G
Now Therefore, as required by Ihe Third
Section of the Act of Asheaibly aforesaid,
I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation,
declaring llio pivinent, cinceilution, ejt-
t joguishmcnt nnd fitful discharge of Six
Hundred und Two Thrusund, Two IU
,l....l o.wl K!vt.iV,K nr,ll..,.u ci 7I Tl.iu
. .i.j -i... ..,,ui
o' tho Nineteenth of April. A. D. One
Thousand Eight llundreda Fifty-three.
Given under my Hand and the Great Seal
of the State, at Han ishurg, (his Thir
teenth day of September, in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Eight Hurdred
and Sixty, and of tho Coinnion-vcaUh
the Eighty Filth.
By the Governor,
Wji. M. IIiesTer,
Hccrctari J the Commonwealth,
Vs3m young gentleman of I) istou, who
had a nnli father and a rich mother, was
i . . ... i if. r ,i . , ...,
lately lelt an orphan. His lather deuian
. , v , . n ,i , I I .11
I ded in his will lhat bo shall marry
1 uli'l i, ,.,ini.iii u rise leet pxiveeil a oer-
,f V , ,. ., i i i s
lillll sue, Ull'l IMS lliouioi iieiuuinieu in
hers that he shall Inarry
hair is of a certain color,
bly have to advertise.
no one whose
lie will proba-
fCC!ov '"iks goes lo Chioajto Irj'r "
da.;s io ;h.kV. aVTir.;c;r,::,.2 ''"iTie remo.
val of his r.miily, and tho as-!imption of
his i.ew duties. His family will reinovo
thither early this full, and llio Govornoi
will pas a', onee from the Stisto House in
.I inuurv. to the Illinois Centra! railroad
flue in C! Ki'i .
"o-riMp ind. n' o .hrt Western
Ciiri-tmn advoc lie, "peallinj; ot Superior
("ity, on the western terminati'ni of the.
lake, adds: ' The 1 c ii ion of thncltri
'hariniiri, superior to i iv nn the !a'e
PipulMin elu'it Irin'rel, subsisting
in iin "y b selling lots to o'i a'liMmr,''
tlC9.-ITov to keep' your fi u-nds novcr
aik them to do vou a service.