M . U 2 15 5 'J1 it M 5.1 VI it. IF AUdl ir tm ( NAM III 1' tVfM V AO.. IlULTURAL SOCIETY. rv fit rwir, ll,,.r(.. mi, 7 '. (U I flr, IT nm A. , ueu. l in I m or nit: tnc ik.'l V. Vl.Lls lli.VIN, r.f-i.lii.t. Jli r.. Jut, T. J.iodard, ILLlAB !, Jatin 1 OMlT, J.m M. KLMin, V. frit. A '. .'! fifer. SerrtMnr J. .'. .WM, Cor. Sfcififtiy. Jami Wniohv, '''reasiner. I H. McEnai.lt. Librarian, i, !( fW Hon. l.iohsrd f-'bsw. 'Ii.i Jl.n Psitm Jon's Foyntr.B. .' iii li It ltce.l J M Oaughey. . il. It I srrstt, - i f.".i t tf Arrattytn9ttlt. v. i' 1 t Ci.h.i iiiuii. Cu. Dau.l C Dal Nr.mnl Cly ililo lloyt. 1 t 1 IT ' 1 I t l.)t! JniT.tui M'Glati'hlin Jnr. cs J.cvy, W. L. Aiiiph, iS"icr 1 Swint. James Irani, Sr., .). I.r.kon Holdtii Robt. Miicntill, Win. M Behaii, U. W. Moore, 4 Butter, Chtat, Flour and Xthitlt. John Jrwin, (Jur'v Tlicinaa Wiigley, Jnnp Bloom, Wm Bloom, Wtn. F. Trwin, Merfhandut d' Do- mtitic Fubrici. M. A. ri auk. I'aviii il'Gimfjhy, W. W. Wright. Kdivurd Goodwin jncoo vviiiicini. TitU crrps ii Vtgeia Ltd. 0. D. Goodfollow, Win. M. Sliaw, Edward McUarvcy Aaron C. 'J lr, tlolj Johnicn Ajricu'!ural if MisetlL' neovt Articlu. D". A. Scryvpr, D. ii. Flomii'tf, Witltcr Jiarrctt, V lu.r. ('tiumbfi', John V. Siiugnrt, Fancy Department. G.W. Itliem, John Irwin, Curnenn. J. P. KlHlIT, John G. iVrryvfr, Mrs. II. Y. Nu.'l, Mikh Elizit Keerl, Mi'm. llcm v Korn, MikH. Mury Halters, Mib Kuie ISvown, Mis Miiiiunh lUooru, Mis Iluriiet Swan, Mi.-K J.'iniie Leonard, .1ibs 11. .packmftn, " Em Alexander, ' Anniv ! vin. ".ShihIi liirchfieH ' an lie Irvin, Sarah KheeMi, , " Henrietta Ir in " AIry Moore. Committee at Large. Mr. J.T Leonard, Mi Kandis Niclmls Mrs. D. M. Weaver. Mis Nannie Smith. Mis Mary M'Gatiyhey.Mi Julia GhIIov j M ,r 1 -. iu Hannah Carey John L. Cuttle, . lirs Kebecca rraijlc, iS J. How, Cr. w. ynydcr. Alvin Kob. Samuel Rheera. Marihull Gn. A. H. Hills. Aftistanl Martha'ls .V.ijor D. J. Nevling. Oil. '.'m. Ten Kyck. ("apt. T. J. McCui lo'ih. Cut. Edward A. Irvin. lro'chnie H. B. Swoope. W. W. Ectth, L. R. Mi'irell. J urn en L. Morgan, J. B. Waller Reuben V. Spaokinan. LIST OF PR Ii.MIL M. Claji 1. S'iceepttitktt, (Open tun II Urd unl Competitors.) Best Hull omr3 jeanold, $4 00 2d belt. ( 00 But Hull over J yean old, 2 00 2.1 l e.t, 100 Bet Bull over 1 year eld, 2 0 2d en, 1 00 BebtCowovor3yartold, 2 00 2d but, 1 CO Eeit Bull Calf. 1 00 2d bit, 40 All breed.! come togetW in ibis cln and compete wit'i eacb other. To be lut'ged, It. by tbeir juou pointe nt.d fjoimetry of frame. 2d. by the ability to fatten, (U the animal a good hand ler?) 3d, uiilkmg qualities 4th, Sire, ith, give no priuiium to any animal until tbey art eutittied it will produce good itoclc. To this end tbe Judges shall ratify tbetoselrei in retard to the .lock of ngvd bull and cows. The animal that ronesieatbeiequnlitiei in tbe greater! perfection should drsw th. Sweepiukes, whether it be Dur- bam. Avreibirs. H.reford. Devon. Grade or Na, I ti?, Judi.-Gso. Tbom, Zach. McNsul, David Ty. 1 1 v n- l. ,. t, ler, Anth Kirk, John t?haw of Dscatur. a 1 1 iaie oMitasj ruiu COUIicy. Beit bull, $4 00 2d beet, $2 00 Beit cow, 3 00 2d beit, 3 00 Best heifer calf, 75 2d bait, Dip. Best bull caif, TS 2d best, Dip. J 1 noil. John McPhersnn, Jos. Lyons, Tnouiai U. 6nyder, J. M. Cummings, Dr. J. P. Hojt iLiss i.J-'iU- t'.wi. 1 Beet milk cow, $3 10 2d beit, $2 00 Milk cow 3,1 h(,t. I 00 JciiGKa J o es Forreft. Thotuni WctJbee. Ad am GtaiLart, 1 hot. Leonard, Danii-1 Bailey, i Clais 4. Oxen. ! Bct joke 6y. old and uvi-r, 12 00 ?dbsjt.l 00 1: ?t! y y.u 3 y. ' ' 1 do 2d but. 60 ' 1 : ; ,-, i.o J. " SO yd best. .Mp. y ke I y. " " 50 2d beit, Dip. J '. 'I'oiis - - i. C. Fo.uiHi), Ilirnm Woodward, At-. r..i: 11. Ptaiv,:' V.'m. t-n.iny. Alex. Murray. Cls 5. O.ea. 1 !':; : iraipf.1 10 yt.kx, 4 Jtitt old and over, !',. ii; int. townrhi. 3 00 r.r. ' :.. ;i imm '1 10 )oki, 4 years old and o- vir, 1. 0111 one t.n.bip, 2 00 fot tiuim.l H'y.'ke, Sjcarjold and over, fi m i ne .wnahlp, CO 2d bait (mined 10 yoke, 3 years old and 0- in. I I I'll, I'll, IVFlirillll, J UJ JcnoLs-Jobn ratcuin, John M. Cha.e J,pb Dennin.. .!.. ii,i..tn, fn..v. v...v.. ver, lioin one townvliip, 00 Class .-. tv.fr... R.-et Fat Bullo.k, 2 00-?d belt, 1 00 But Fst r,.w, ? 00-24 beat 1 00 Best HeirT-r, 2 yean old, 1 0a-2d beit, 60 JrnoK.-Gerge Kittleberger, John McWullk.n, Cper Li.pold, Jams. U 00m, sr., Beuj. bt- phena. Clais T.-n.roa0 4r.d f7or.,.ow,a t. all B', t Stallion, ever 4 T're old. 13 OH-2d best. H2 00 Best r talliun, over 3 y'rs old, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 lie't Stallion Coll. 2 y'rs old, 2 0.1 Id best, 1 00 J 1 0 prrnnums in this (.las. are intended only for those llnrias who.e pedigrees nake tbem worthy cfthein. The Society wishes to encour- age the reuiing of high-blooded Dorses here; on the other hand tbs Executive Committee would caution the Judges to be careful that tbe premi. nn.a are not drawn by inferior slock. Jmcsa James Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. 6. W. rMn t.,.. ni 1. ...u n... r, ...a v 1 .j i- a Beat r.Uin. .T'l'C Ia V Z'" a. . 2d I I..S ' " ' 1 r Best Fsddl. and Carriage Ho,., of ant. re. tl'tTo 2d best" " " " Din Best Saddle and Carriage Mar. of an) ags, Il 00 Id best " Hp BestPpjn of Drought lionet or Mares 2d best ' " " ' Tbe Horse that movet tbe heavieil load oa a Stone boat without a whip, 2d brit w a, ,, 3 01 1 00 1 00 Dip. Beit Colt, 0 75-24 beit, I in. Jcraes Milton iicBrida, Maitin O. fctirk, Jaa. A' laldwell, Andrew Addlcmnn, Iaaao Danlap, Vm. Brown, Hugh Orr. Claks 9. Matched Ctmiays Hnrsts. Celt ipan matched csrriaga Horreaor Alare.,n0'i 2,1 lift do da do do 1 ( C Jitoli Judge Barrett, James Forrest, Dr. 11, P. Thompson, bdwin Perks, Maj. S. C. Patcbln, Class 10. Mares and loir. Hert broad mare and solt by tbs aide, 4 00 2J beit do do do to 3 00 Pest Gelding, over 8 aud under ft ysars old, 2 00 ' 24 b st do do do do 1 On Lrt fielding, over ly's ol4, 50 2d best,! I 0 1 t.i Mare over t rears old, 2 On 2J b.t 1 00 Pee inare, ever 2 A undr I y I SO 2d be.t, I On )rt 1 ni oer 1 A under 1 I 00 2d bn. III.. t I'HhV WLUO V,.. i u- vk... u-u I ' F-gsJ. Y m. T.ss. Robert MeNmU. i""."! .nui" ri.raaa- Juul. n )i . r tt,j ft"' - v"1 "'. Hi. I In I, Ironing If, Itstne.i ( pis ml n mi onti-i t sMriei, PeM lime, Ircliir f nsrir-r ml Hi, Veil I "iii" In it.iun1 hs.nsis, I'm linn Mrln uni t eerfd , I'ip, do t JnUJ. Mm til J i )-. U. Iitsiiis, l.st.r Fill sillier, J. tin M I nmmlri", J. iiiiV Class r:.-7Wy T,ii cu i'ni hi the ( mnf. ftinl Irnl'lng Htillma, H bil, lip da il lli.r- r uier, do Id List, do de aslkmg hor.e i.r unti, iln M li.at, lo t ti i - - . . t - t. . 0fvwmw0 V. VTIDIB, " SB. ATVIU, A. V. (' T rl nark, any kr.ed. I'ip.iIH M be.t.ll rl I J n t, any i.revu, au ana i so is ti, 1 " 1. t-t X r erp faltrntil for Biuttou, I'ip. at' tl ,U id bH do d do 1 00 lull fli'tc of One wool. 1 0U j J'eit fliev ol count w.l. 1 00 ir Lamb, beat, f 2 00 2d t lassbs, 1 1 u0 1 -s Umht, 60 4tt " " Vi. Jrn Win. iicNaul, wucob Kunts, r., L'iuba FsDion, Adam Gearhart, Nunry Irwin. Claim H.tswihe open to ail. Il.it boar any bresd, 2 On 2d beat, $1 00 r.tit bri-rdiug low " 3 00 2.1 bet, I 00 Beit 2 Hug in county, 00 2d beit, 2 00 Next ben 2 bug) iu county, 1 tilt 3 J beit, 0 Jciissi Danial LiviDKtn, Wm. II. WeCsU I' IirIi, ar., Col. Xbop. H. il'Clure, John Irwin, Jim.il Bloom, ir. Class 15. Poultry. Beit rsop spring chickens, not las than 6, 1 1 00 2d bout do do do do Dip. Heaviest turkey, do Ben itiiplay of chickens, do JVDOSIGaorgs Thorn, J. II. Flsaiag, 6amuel Arnold, Kobsrt Thompson, Clark Brown. CLASS W.J'lowing. Owntr of teamind plow, who plowi green sward tbs beit. $1 00 Tsxt bu Dip. Owner of team sod plow, who plows nibble the best, Dip. $1 00 Next beit, do do do Dip. Beit plow fur stubbls, Dip. all 00--Jd beat, Dip. Beit plow for subioil, Dip. 1 00-2d best. Dip. Juuass Eliiba Fsnton, Aeaoe Heed, D. W. Wire, John Wells, Jr., Wm. Utorer. Claes 17 .llolltrt and l)i ills, Harrow and Cultivator. Beit clad eruihsrand roller combined, 2 00 2 i beit, do ds do Dip. Ben keM roller, $1 00 2d beit, do Bet Drain drill, 2 00 2d bait, do Ben Harrow, 2 Ou 2d bait, do Beit Cultivator, 1 00 2d bait, do Bent Horse-rake, 1 00 2d best, do Belt Reaper and mower, S SO 2d best, do lisi-t corn sbellsr, 2 00 2d beet, do Beit corn planter, 3 00-. 2d beit, do Jciieta William A. Reed, Reaben Wall, Jona than Ilartsborn, Hon. T. B. Davis, C. Baker. Class IS. Agricultural lmpl.tmtntt. Bst Original Invention in tbe county, of an sgr cultural implsmeuk ti 00 2d beit, " " orig. iov. Dip. Beet threshing machine, $3 00-.-2d beit, I 00 Beit fanning mill, 1 00 2d bait. Dip. Beit hay pitching machine, I 1 I Brtt b.J ripginon w.gonl 1 1 I bm ox y..ke and bowe, 1 0021 beit, do 00 Jd bet, do 003d belt, do Bert vegc able riHitcuttor, 1 00 Jd best, do Beit rtalk au I s'raw cotter, I 01 2d baft, do Bt romiMon plow, 1 00 2d best, do Best lingln or d 1U1.U rhorel plow, 1 00 2d ben ing!e or double ibuvai plow, Dip. Bret hone power for general purposes, 1 00 2.1 b it hnrso powrr fur general purnoici, Pip. Bert fink and future? lor unloadirg wagoni,2 00 2d bent fork ao I fixtures for uuloading " Dip. Jlli6t ffioion Iboiupsoo, Berj. Hpaekman, B. B. Wrigbt, Danisl Jiartsock, Beuj. Rubsl. CLAbS D.MiseeHaneoMS farming implement. Beet bee hire, Beat nutup puller, Beit Potato digger, Beit grain cradle, Beit iix band rskei, II 00 2d best, Dip. 2 00 2d beit, do 1 OH 2d beat, do 1 00 2d bait, da 1 00 2d hoit, do 1 00 2d beat, do Beit lot gardening tool. Beit let tannins utena Is. owued by farmer, 1 00 2d but it t farming aisnaila, owned by tariner,Dip. JiDfisi John D. Thompson, John Kuisell, O. B. Alcrrell, J. il. Filming, Saniuel Powell. C'LAaa 20. Wheat, Barley, Corn, tfvr. Best. 3d best Acrs of wintsr wheat, $3 A Dip. 9 land Dip. Acrs of spring wheat, S a D p. !2udDip. F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10 acrei,3 Dip SiiaudDtp. t,Z , . - 1 t;!P :,.,p F Id barley, not less than 3a.2 a DiplUadpip. Acr ,f.0l D.p. I sudDIp, ; Acre of rye, 1 a Dip. lar,dlip. 1 ?u,hel uir ?on? H'p "i10;"' .3 seres of buckwkeat, 3 a Dip. llandDip. Jcdces George Wilson (Boggi), Michael So Jas. A. Beed, Samuel Kirk, Joab Rider, Joa. Irwin Martin H Lutber, Kobu Mebane, , Hugh Uenderson, Class 21. Full fUpt. Best Id Be-1. One-balf acre of potatoes. t2andDip I lamiD.p. One-tounb acre of beans, 2andDip. llaoriDip. Acre ol clover eeed, 2abrtDip. llandDip. One fouith a. broom corn, 2arDip.-landDip. Uno-iuurib acre lorgbum, XendDip Lest i acre of peai, 1 uo. 2i best, Dip. Beat i acre of rutabagoes, 1 0024 hut, Dip. Ben bukhel Timothy aeed, I 00, 2d best Dip. Beet i acre carrots, 1 On. 2d beit Dip. Beit i acre turnips. 1 00. 2d best, Dip. Jcucts Wm buith (Covington), U. P. (Juliet,, Fobtrt Owem, Abr'm Uuia.jr., G. 1 Logan. Crops being equal, preference will be given to moae inai jiai 1 toe greatesi nett profits, citato a enta to be furaiibed by tLa applicants for pre miums on ierui crops. They must be Weighed ' J - ! .. f . L. - r : 1 1 ... . i iumv vi mv same luruiaueii at me lair, and also at lbs rooms of the committee. 3. Applicant! applying for premiums shall fur nub the oommittce a statement signsd by bira elf under a pledge of veracity, of tbe quantity 01 grain ranca ou tne grjutid entered for a ore JLla, r - ThUvl'nd .L CmC'1' " h the k ind and condition of the previous eropi bs kmd and quantity of aeed ud, and tbs UV T ..' VaU!a lUa ih f mond. ,4, II i tb "V'1 ot tb' """''J 10 tntti P f '. DOt ",rvnt generally u,P':lcuta culture, and any wilful inaccuracy in.'U, U,,"i?1 I" pnve tbe applicaat of a right to compeU for tha , P"aiaiis. ' 'L.ss 22. Jrwoi and Cereal Pood. "V ? Loss bread, winter wheat Dip spring wheat do corn, do do J J" c Dd c .' P'P' Pgscake, Dip. of any kind, Pip. ' J r'rT"t Dip. Display of prsssrves, ' eream, " Display of Jellies. Best Fruit cake, do " Jelly cake, do Plain eaks, Jelly. Jt'Pots Mri. James Forrest, Mre. J. Boynton, 1 Mrt' W"- IrTln' Mr' M' WcCullough, Mr Bbert B0',, Mn Jl Ur,b,m' M" McUod. r, V""- -LuVc.L?.t- luB"S ouner, l Zd best, Uip. VirLii. 9 . - Ik ---w--r- mads in May or June, ' 1 0 2d beet. Dip, " 8 cbee-e, p.p. Jcness G. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw, S,n'r, Mrs. Wm. Morgan (Iaiwreoce), Mrs, Martha Ilnritoek, Mn Jiilra KrichL (1 R llu,itu.., Wm. McBride Class 24. Flour. Best barrel of Flour, 1 1 a dip 24 best. Dip. "100 iha. flour (pring wheat. SJ o. A Dip. 2d best 100 11,.. JU, (airing wheat), Dip. " 60 pound, ryo flour, 0 e. Dip. 2d l.t'.t AO pound, rye ti'.ar, pip. " Opounda huck wheat flour, 60 e. a Pip' 2d bet aO pub. buckwheat flour, Dip. ' 611 pouuds turu weal, 60 a. Dip. d best H iMiands eora real. Did. null.-wesse orouaaaii, eamaei jordaa, Jt T . , 1, .. , . - ' Humphrey, Ferdinand OiwaltB. fnaiikmaa.tr. Clvss ZS.-Lotvut Articlu. n..i Kn . I.. ..f t..-. . rw..t..i.ivii. B..t 10 Iha. mspl. sugaJ,' Dlpr.i 50.-24 bo.tD.: Best preserved peaobes in air-tight eans, Dip- Leal preserved totnato.s In air-tight cans, Dip. f ...n., MUHrnn loair-ugoi oaos,iip, K..1 t.M..r.d ..-r..:. I. .1. I - - ,H -ou. o. m, vif. kssm soked wish skin eaxsA. ntt.Dxi. Mt fr J ,f I . fct"l. lip I si. simp, inrsntia,.. sub, f f Jit.nrs .Mri Ju'l IUtfM, lift. Urn r. .i lev, Win. O.i. I '', Mil, Miie litln, M 1. j . . h n hlri't, Mis. r.llli Irwin, .s. Jr.nslli.1 rlitlsherw, Mt. Il(..il IWi.i, ll., ) Cti 28 " ,V'.mi 'it'll' K tt Kjr4 lnn.l, H ...M hH, b p f,.t NitliiH. I l' . 14 rin 1UM tt 'rttHi rl'.lN. I I . I'm .ir O'.ltfl kUnk, t til. -14 it !' I rrt m..i tp I M-.-ld bMi. 4 Ujiriti- r rit, ttrldk, I v14 bV SK-td UrS, W,M,,,. . 1 00 Id lt. l'e.t aoi.lai, irinaa ailtts, l rit hearib lit. IUiM ).ulr wmilaii kuii ilnrkins, Bait I linen eiiig thread, Beit ipeciuieu of knotting, knitting or ee dle work by Alines aader II ysars of ags, Bait I lb. of stocking yara, Beit foul mat, Dip. Beet straw hat Beitstraw bonnet, Dip. Btiidy, , d de do do Jl'L0S Mri. Judge Ferguion, Mr: B. I. CalS well, Mrs. l.ydia Kbvria, Mrs Jotia uni, Mrs. Mary tpaokman, aliia Nancy Ogd.'a, Mri Doctor Thorpiun Mrs. O. L. Ksed, Jkln. ti. J. How. Class 27. Needle, Shell, Wax pork dr. Beit specimen of needle work, ' group nl flowers in wori-ted, " Inuip stand eaibroidered, M lamp stand nnt embroidered, " embroidered slippers, " embroidery la silk, " embroidery in worsted, " embroidery 'n laee, " embroidery in muilin, " shirt msds by Miss nnder Hyesri, " patching and snending, ' ottoman cover, Dip. Best table cover Dip. do de do do do do do do do do do " fancy ch .in w'k, Dip. " worked collw, do " wax flowers, Dip. " worked cjuilts, do leather work. Dip " leather work, do ornamented work do Jcnesi Mill Luai Urahaa, MiasSopuie Bar rett, Miss Maggie Irvin, Miaa alary Jans Wrigbt, Miss M. J. Bard. Mias Itnily Forrest, Miss Matilda M'Uurray.Miss Joaephine Flegul, Miis Mary Foly, Miss Meliesa Irwin, Miss Km ma Jones. Claks 28. ililliuery and Drusmaking. Beit millinery Dip. Beit dreia-makinc. Dip. Jddoei Min Mary C Wrigbt, Mine Mary H Fsr- guion, Mn Mary E Leonard, Miiees Jane Mitchell, Ada Kwarti. Eliaa Stone, Hetty Catb tart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Krauer, Mary A Irwin. CLAt 20. Krtittie work. Bsst painting ia oil. Dip. do do do Jo da do do do do do " painting m wnte colors, " portrai' painting, " iandicape painting,. " cattle painting, " ornamental painting of aay kind, " dagnerreotypes takes oa tbe grund, " ambrotypei taken en the ground, " pbulograpbs taksn on lbs ground, writing, " orcauieutal penmanibip, " architectural drawing, do Jmeas Dr John U Loraine, II M'Kin,, Mn. W. L SpotUwood, Mn Alexaader Irwin, Min Sophia M'La d, Mrs Eli Bloom, Mis J. B M'Enully, Kw. J M Galloway. Class ZO.Detignt. Beit deiigafor farm boose, 2 2d beit, Dip " design for barn. 2 2d beit, do " deiign for carriage bonis aad btable, " deiign for dairy bousa, d reign for i-e bouae, 124 beit, do 124 b.-it, do 1 Id beat, de 124 beit, do " daaign for dry bouae. " design for bridge rot Urn than 2j0 it Plaa for bridge ipsa, beit. Dip. 1 Jcneaa- Hon. G R Barrett, H. n. Wm Biirlrr, Jno. D Tbompion, Tboa Kirk, Kob't Dough erty, Class 31. Metnlie Fabriet and Maehin'.ry Beit display of table and pocket cutlery, aiuerican oianofarture. Din. TT . . , .lulLi. .Inv. A.ut mrA a1 Tt'm . J j ah 2d beiU Dip and 12 Id best Dip aad I 00 ' Best parlor stovs, coal, Dip ana I H . 2d best Dip and l 00 Id best, Dip Best parlor stove, wtwd, Dip aad 2 UO 1 2d bast Dip aud 1 00 3d best. Dm RbC aaat Iron t&. 2d best din and 2 00 Id best, bio and 1 list Best tin ware, dip and M 2d best, din and I 00 3d best Dip. Brit blarkimiibing, d p sn1 .i 2d bast, dip andl 1 ' gunsmiibiiig, dip and 1 3d b-st, dip and 1 ' iron turning, dip aad 2 Id bast dip and I ' sbowerbalb dip and i 00 ' original iuvention ia tbe bounty, 4 ti 0 ' pla-e rastioga, . dip and 1 00 Jcnaaa Wm. MrBrid. John 9 Weaver, Eliena Fenioo, D ivid Kirk. We. A Wallace. Clam- 3-. Vehicle of all kinds. Best family carriage, $.i ADip.--2d b. si, 1 d Dip kuggy, do do do fariu wagon, sloigh, timber slsd, borss cart do do do do do do di do do Dip wheel harrow, SI 0.-2d beit. Dip Jvdksi Dr. H P Thompson, B C Uo man. Jno. W Pauly, John B Hewitt George liaakendoa, J. C. Brenner, F G Miller. Clas.k.33 Cabinet war in County. Best dressing bureau,3Adip,-2d best, 12 and Dip lofa. 3 do do do 3 do lounge, exteuiioa table, set of chairs, variety of chairs, 2 do I do 3 do 3 do 1 I 1 1 ds do do do do do do do de set parlor furniture, 3 no 3 display or oabinet ware, ' offioa chair, Jrncai James II. Fleming. C a ana Dip 1 00 and do Kratnr, Benj. m W Speacrr. A r . . . . V AUV. !(!! Class 34 -Cooveriua LA" . wpnug. D vvaigDt in OS. Mini, Harsrii (orpnfrirt and jMUKn-maning. Best ipecimen of pins ware, Dip window laih, II 00 2d beit, do ' window blind, ' set grain roeasurei, ' lot of buckets, ' lot of splint baiksts, 1 00 2d beit, do 2 00 and do 1 00 and do 1 00 and do panel door, do Jrnoas James Fsnton, Frederick tfalirh, Tboe Henderson, Abraham Ogaen, John Garrison. Class 35. Jtots and Garden Vegetable. Best 4 stalks celery. Dip. Beet bus. turnipi, Dip. i bushel carrou, do 1 bus, oniom, do ' sj do nitbagos,do i do parsnipi, do ' t do table beeti.do ' 12 tomatoes, do ' 6 head! cabbage, do t egg plants, do 3 boadi cauliflower, do qt utuabsans,do 4 one. half bnshel Ubl. potatoes, do quart winaor beans, d0 variety of squsibss, do variety of melons, do ' on.-half bush.l of sweet potatoes. do All vegetables to be raised by tbe exhibitor. Jrncrs James B. Graham, A. K. Wright Wm 1 v. iiu:i: ... t, , 1 ft m v ii, mni, nmn, ncr. tfoacpo n. fOCIU Class 30. Curiiers. Saddlers, Shoemakers, Ae. Rest 2d best Oenta'bootssnd rboes, 2and ip-l andDip. Ladys' bots and shoes, 2 and do 1 and do l)n..- .it. r. 1 a Laaye gaiters, 1 do Display ofhoots and ibos,3 aad da Traveling trank, do 1 and do 3 and do 1 aad do do Tug harness, 2 aad da Carriage harass, 8 and do Fingl. baroeas, 3 and do Riding bridla aad asartLl aad do Ganta ridiag saddle, 3 aad do Ladys' ridiag saddls, 3 aad do Display of saddlery, aad do Call skin. 1 aad do ai a.a 1 add do I ft (! til do Sols Leather, 1 and do Every ether kind of l.atb.r. do Ra saada by .rbibitor, I and do oowanreaara soossop. j..rn t:. vr T? -1ass Z7. Tauori Moor., R'm. Porter. ij in, ji -rnce , a Vpholaacrs wirk. Bsst suit olotheimsde by bsod,2 Oil 4 best, Dip null coat mad. by iady, 60 3d beat do do . . . , bi vest aoaao ov isay, U paai. saasAo by uiy, ful l,ali miri, I i Mlm, Jiktm.-S I train, fi Mm bell. Mn. i,,l.nl M ', Mri. i T M.I ll!,.i(t, ,lia ltir(iiiiiahy. I'l l Adms, in r. I Ctsr ' UH. ltti'H II (Vii'. DM kill, l p. IMI ''Hi, rlest ran't, d'l C.u.l, llil flip. 4n Ut sper. de ' I'liiipbls yil.sii-UiM. Was I'gtrr, I., r'liaue, fauat, liraal leit, Jtmm K wal.on. ! Clash M.-Pho.t MV'S. rt drain III. Dip. Bret Pra kaas, Pip Its -t Ire brick, do Bist pait.i, d feet bfieh, rites' Jsg rsi-fii .n, uJse Tan as, Vartui Kukoi s jr., ai Miritll Gee tr bars. Ci.au 4 ).--' hemk.t and ( kemieal action, in (b. B.'nt svnilaM" naaura at taoileraia met, Pip. II, ,1 for In nil prodactr, II 00 , Bent for f ae. I 00 lo I het lin-e. J nil, 1 00 il 1 j Bert IhIIow eaadlce, dip. belt wrung ink, do . Bnt ,ptritarn e.iep, dip brir vinrgvr, do JvooKt Dr. M Wi.uiU, Dr. V. Wii.,, pr. T J Dover, Dr. A Mi'Leod. Dr. J ii iiaitawick, Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr. Krtier. Cl.sss dl. and HW. Beit (lre?e. itone. (I 1 dip. IUt aaill ntune. dip Bxet lour bo irda v.(.rk d d. Bert griadatoiie, do lt..ut nufliMr hniiril w a do lli'Sl slnali.a .In Beslapliterahuved hoops.do Beat turned art, do Diacretioosry premiums will be recommended ror an articiea 01 merit exnioitea ny mechanics tn an toe various oranrnes, sua it is loped s general sttundanco will be made. For all Improvements usoful to tbe farmer and haviag valuable propertici, discretionary prem's will be reccomineoded by the committee' end a warded by the boord at tboir diicretion. juduss Judge Leu nard, Judge Boniull, F. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Bell. Class 42 Natural Minerals. Beit of uaeful uiiuernls of Clearfield coun ty, coal included, ' Limeitone, do. beit landatone, Pottors clay, do ' Fire clay, ' suits eryitaiited min do ' Foiiilf, ' mineral! from tbe surrounding countiss, do. do. do do do Jtiooss Judge lioyt, Rv. W. L. Sputtiwood M. B. bwoope, II F. Naagle, L. J. Cram. Class 43. General Lltt. Beit display and greatest variety of flowers, do ' Diiplay ' plauta, do Best Floral ornaments, do Beat baaket boqueti with handle. do Beit manufactured article by icwing machine on ground, do Beit band boqneta., do belt butter bowl, do Beit washing machine, do Beit butter ladle, do Beit churn, do jLDnss Mrs. Judge Moure, Mrs. Joaiah R. Reed. Mrs. Joseph H. Uegarty Luuiber-city.) Mri. D. F. Etiweiler, Mra. Martin Nirboli, jr., Mn Wm Merrell, Mri. A. II. .Shaw, lira. Wm A. Wallace, Mrs. MaJ. Mvling, Mrs. Tboi. Fur cee. Class 44. Fruit. Beit diiplay and greatest variety of grafted ap plet, auuimor aud winter fruit, named and arranged, 60 cti A do Beat dieply and greatest variety of pean, named and arranged, 60 els A do Beat diaplay and greatest variety of peach ei, named and arranged, 50 cts if do Best Apples,! buehel do Beit Collection of plums, do Beit do cherries, do Beit do quincea, do Beit do strawberries, do Beit specimen of Foreign grapei, do Beit ipecimen of American grapes, do Beit specimen curranta. not leu tbaa 3 qsrt's do Beit ipecimen gooaberries, ' 3 ' do Best ipecimen of black berries, do Bert ipecimen of aeedling grapes raised in county and worthy of culture, do Brat specimen of Domretic wine, do Jfnsis -Wm C. Foley Wm. McCracken. Mn. Faiuuel Mitchell, Mn. J. F. Weaver. J. B. M En ally, Akram Nevling. Mis Joseqhine Lanicb, Miss Edith Boyuton, Miss Bertba Wright Clam 45. Jlonemanthip, d c. 5"' 4 eouPUof ab"and gents on hori.back, do Se,t """pany of cavalry, do emPny f infantry. do B,,t b,"d of br" InstrumsnU, do Best 25 lingers. rlo p, t cDOxi Gen. f. II. Larrimer. Col, n. d. vB, voi. n. tt. ouaw. vol. n. Wallace. Lol. 1 oiuuer. v.ui. j aasmore. to., ia 1; are. .via . 11. w. Wise. Major 8. C. Putcbiu, M ijor II., it. M ij . tteiaey, Ujor Wm. Pell, Capuia Matbew Og dea, Capt W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor Rowlea. Class 4G Nurseries. F.eit nursery c.ntaiaing tbe greatrit variety of frails anrl ahrnKM j.nliiw-J n k- .... ! rir..'il ar.S m..tli.il;,.al I4 an . r - .... . ui.nur., m w.f m uv Jt ntas -. hnmai Mills. Jacob Ou'ich, Jaiuel A ll.g rty, Wilham j. Hemphill, Richard Snaw jr., John U. Cain. Wm. L. Moore. Persona appuint4 M act as judges are request ed to notify the M'lTftary, if possible, bufure the Iii day of the Fair, of their acceptance ef the truft, and to meet tbe Prei'l at tne opening of the Fair. Tbe Rules and Regulations, d-c will be nab- liebed in a week or two. !! ! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. COSTA H'S" "lOSTAISS" "COSTA ITS" "COSTA Jl'S" " COSTA Ji'S" " COSTA R S" " fiat, Jloach dr. Exterminator, Bed- B ug Ex 'erm inator. Electric Powder for Ii sects. DESTROYS INSTANTLY I?.it T?na.1.. xr:. ri i' 1 ir iv;it, itottclics. Mice. Molea. Ground-.lice. 1, j . , . u . - 1 " " ..i,uiinifriou is.y; jiv nan riven Ded-buea, Ants, Moths, Mofquiloes, ( Iphh, np all hope, when be beard of th. "Blood Search Insects on rlanta, Inserts on Animals, dc. ar," nni was induced to try it. Fcnr bottloi in snoii every lortn and species of 1fl... ,.m:.i...i:.v , lorKiy uaeu oy 1 ne uiiy 10.1 unioe- tle Ulty i'ns- on .notation houses-, he ci.y Steamers, Mitps d.c., the City Hotels. "Astor," "St. NichnlM," Ac, und by more than 20,000 private familes. BDrupgits and Retailers everywhere sell them. taseholeBale Agents in all larpe Citiea i Regular sizes, 25c., 60c, A $1 lioxes Bottles, Flabka- ft.!!! BrsiARS ! 1 !of spuriousitnitafions. j.ji.u.1.10 encn iHix, iviltle & Mask, nti imka not Ding Mil "s-OfeTAR V iSLI.(t0 Boxes sent by mail. sW.$3 A M.00 by Express. L,Address orders or for Circular, lo HENRY R. COSTA R. Principal Depot, 410 Broadway. N. Y. OLD BY LOR A I N E A CO. March 17th. deal field Tn. Cabinet. Chair Making:, dLBH WW 3 tfAira JOHN GULICH. of tbs borough ef Clearflelo, ' SI fa will rw. i.r.n.Mit . I .11 . -. . , . 7i.; : .7 T r " I notice, and In a w-rkoianlik. manner. Ilia place k. T !..i i . w.ai.. ..... - . .. . AlaVrkatt atMidlt. MA drua saa. Tkl.J . i , - -w ' vwwss va esaisj vine UNflT i opposite tba old Jaw store where h. will keep ; ooostanllv on hand a larra I w0"7 d B Sultnm Chairs, and Cabinet I War. of .r.ry desariptioo, which be will dispose - of .a as reaaonabl. term, as th. same artioles can a. Bad elsewhere in th. eonnty. lll..iMh.rr.ki... r.u ...' . ou nn, cop- S'.f in partof Dressina and Cmmoa Ri... f.?"r", ?rnei "d l'"id P,,,t .S"U.sda. l,ii.. Il.-.L,... o o -j . j ... bla. A r.ssT. . a j im- alv nba .fcH nftured and d.livecd at lebraary , Uolfoa. 4, wal. iw.) prim v 1 111: 111,001). MUlTAM.f. II IK ni.Li l AND nioENtx mnens. ; Tha Mrh Slid snvled Srlebrlty hlcll .re.mli efit tnrdleih bats SsulNl fnf tka.r Int.riahls sfllrary la all thsdisraaei hl.JllU..y ,frateuie, bss reiidrfed the uauaj pr je . . A .. . 1 . kla a. a. ka,.aaaa lUlit la k SB , ,a I li ....... ti.av . kn.iain ti thalr fru tn Ilia tied works iel ly lr thi'tn, and tbey tin Ire not by tbs laith of Ilia err.lu.ou. j Is ALL CAifi of Aetbtna, Acote and Chmtiltf Itheumntlrui. Affection! of the Blaildat and Kill fieri. Billlous Fever ami Liver Complaints. Iu tbe a .mi 1 li end Wrrt. where there dlreavt prv vail tbey will bu fniiml ii vnluiiiile. Plimtvis, Kiirtnr. ,iini Hbo re. wli" nnra iifi I !. iiiedu I lei will never uln ra inl" ! aiih uit ll.en ItjVin-liaia. X. poric.ii Willi tliis diatieaaliiK di.,.,. F li..u hi lo.uv u.ii.a tllirr lii...iU-iilri im- irdinli-lv. Liupii ina ol ibe iktn. Kryalpelai,1 H.itulen'. y, hive and Aguo. For Oil svourge 1 if tlie wiieti-rii country lliere mrUk-inci wJII be : ;.'Uinl n rufe, epi'eily, and certain remedy. Other lueiliciner leave the system subject to a rtur of tbr diaearr a rure by there owdicines ia fer-1 I m ..t Merrural IiihCOae, Never' fails to rudi i ry iiioiu, ua .a'iviiuu, uuu u uu vu. r... .1 u . : n .1 I I . ...T- I I sate entirely sll ti c otlei ts of mercury Infinitely eooner tliun the most powerful preptration of 1 Barsumiril la. Aiglit aweats, Nervoui Debility, ervouj Com plaints of all kinds. Organic Affection!, Palpita tion of the Heart, Painter's Cholic. 11 lea. The original proprietor nf these medi cines was cured of I'ilea of 35 years Handing by the use of these Life medicinal alone, Worms of nil kinds, are eO'ectually cured by these medicine!. Parents will do well to administer the in whenever their existence is suspected. Koliof will be coruiu. T Lire PILLS AMD PHOiHtX BITTI R9 Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease f.om'tbe syntem. A single trial will plnee the Lira Pills and Pbocnix Birrtaa bryond tbs reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. 2laTPruparad and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3.15 Brodway, cor. Worth 8t., New Yoik. Feb. 2tfrh IKliO lyr. 1.00k nt:iti:t looiw iikiil:: rwHE nndersigned subperibers, tnko this metti- J. od of informing the public generally, that they bsve this day entered into copartnership in ' THE BLACKSMITH BUSI.NES, j and ran be found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Hhunkwiler, on Third street, In this bo rough, where tbey will be pleased to lee the r old ualoiners, and ai many new ones as can make it convenient to give tbem a call. Bring on your hoes, your sparlns and picks, Your loK-cbaini and vour nullins: sticks. ! Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall tben go bare. Your spcan will work np then juit right, To prooning honks for every beight. Your iwordi too, ihall then be wrought. To ploughshares lucb as Com ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNK WILER, UEO. W. OKR. Clearfield, December 8, 18t8. tf. LINDSAY'S IMPHOVfcD IU001I ic lirr ! J A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, rndicsl, and effertual ruis ALL DISEASES arising from IMPU RITY OF THE EL11OD. ot This medicine has wrought tho mnrt lous cures in drrperate ca-ea of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on tbe fsce, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyrprptia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Cancerous formation. Erysipelas, Bulls, Pore Eves, Scald Head. Rheumatio Disorder! Costi veil ess, calt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, j Liver Complaint, ; Low Spirits, Female Complaints. and all Diseases bavins tbeir orgin in an impure ilnte of tbs Blood. Tbe above ii a portrait of David M'Creary, Xnplcr township, who, on the lilst day of A.'g. 1 fl ', ,n..ln . n. . : . 1 . t . - , . , . . -1 &YKntwi v v b. ..77,.i.h r., .i. 1 . "'"' '"".older on short notice. i i mo vwiD vi n lib r ij isirtrij pi.ysicians of B dford eounty, and by Dr. New. '.on of the Electrio College in Cinciunatti, for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding 1 wnico, nis up. noie ana a portion or bis eft t,.u . 5 . t, i.j cared bim, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but whiu this mvaluablo medicine aavrd his life. The full particulars of this rate ... 1. 1 : 1.: i.:.u i.-j V.r 1- . u"""u 1 V , 1 JlZllVL' ... , case nfNan'V Blealinev. .r ci.i.- a . n" ... ....i , n.i..urii( QtiauiJ, 'a., Clirofl Oil Scrofula after being nnable to gel out of bed far three years. j To the case of a lady in Ansonsrille, Clear-1 field county, who wai also afflicted with Sorolula in its worst form. To th rase of George ieisel, resi ling in Carl tnwn. Cnmbria count Pa., wfto was so badlv ar- a:..J :.L r. .. . .: . . uo-ivu wiid cancer mat it eat his entire nose off. McCreary"s. and bis case was won., if Doisiblo. than The particulars of tbes. osies ererv one of j which was cured by theuae of tbs Blood Sesrcbe j may alio be found in a oirculas to be bud ol R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for th. manufacture and aula, naa , tho I'a, Kailroad Depot Hollidayiburg. Pa, Ti. ii 11 ir-..!. iuL.i...f. . . ... m. itmiiuB.i uru iL ni 1 i.iuv.i.i.p. .' W.; p7 ' UU'"M r,lu FllHStirnr rn w. c. . ,j K"" Frtcku, Sallowness, and all iinpunlios and i k d .. r. C" W"01'. Clearfield (Songhness ot the Skin, baring the sams- as N JobnPatton, Curwensvil), Jam.. B. Graham, Ur. intendsd it should b. -., eir, imooth ni (.rah. i,i.,l,,n , V B T. t j , ... J ' . 1 .... n ii r, -------.....-., oU m n" u'.i l" vT . fr Vf' i-otharaburj j ' ipsburgi II. S.r.n.Ansonv,lle; Russell Mc.Mur- ray, New Washington : Edward Williams. Wil. . ...,,, uurnraaii ; aonn "J. W..hingt,,n: Edward Williams. Wi a msvill. j Jaok son Patoh.n, BurnsiJ. j Samuel rBTlB.Pt V. IsIaii w I una v 'u isjuv. if K I A IQMli GOAL ! GOAL ! ! Tb. publie sr. hereby Informed that' will keep oa hand, at th. Coal Bank of Judge Moor. In th. Borougt or ClearBeld, a constant supply v.,crne.n, a constant ol in. best article of Faam.ck r...l Tk. .r .k i j " . .. " m ' for many miles amnno. Orders for eo.l mn.tb. ' . 'V -I'" amiaa many mi lei arnnno. Orders for enal roust b. ""tamed at the store of Moors A Etawli.r. Price fir twenty Bn.bel. ..4 opw.rd. 4 cents . Awf . 3, W.-Sll. M1DIABL C0NLT. FniMlNC. AM f HliMl IVi Sim Ii of Ji I t ir.l. tit I lea M.e I't.t lirlisr if ll ;!,, lo aiitit titKf lo tliri iillio ,nt ),t u ... I ....I 1. .1.. .11 Li.i. r "I. lNiTra TaBl-Htl-M. 'art M i "i j IjUitti, IULtTlriT HaMMILu I of e r 1 m-ff kilnl of i Hiitla usually d m.f " II . a I r ... J . . All nnlrrs illtr) execuJ Drthrtaat. nr ana uesjia'cii. liANIEL OOODLANDER, lIMlll nf d e 4nr J 1 'lining, riieif.U Co. fi 11 S'lili! I tr (.it. P'trj ' ell In me iriivnW I'lKb 1 . , 1 . . j 1 , ril f la IDU'fV A. cava 4.UL.IC 1 1 I il Ol A T tba mouth of Ll"k Run. fra tnllei fral XV CloarfioM, MEFCIIAXTS, and sxunilri Manuratiinrs of Lumoor, July 23, 1812. ( ' 1 J T) TMOMPSOM - 1 T)li"n'th. Wagona, Bugtes, 4o Ao., irom. ! J on short notice, and the very best style, nfo j "u """ n viirc.iBw Dec. 29, 18i3 Di HI. W OOD, having changed hia ltu tion frinii turwousviiie to Clearfield. ri. pecttully oners nis professional eervloes to e eititena or the latter pinee and vicinity. Kciidonne ou .Second street, opposite I it of J. Crans, Esq. my ' 5S. J. 0. HAHTSWICK, II D. I hysicinii and Surgeon, ClearfKId Pn , Hay 30, 1SB0. VALTEE BAREETT, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, will attend prnnntl, and faithlully to all legal business entrusted li his enre, in the several Courts of Clsurfisld ui sdjnining counties. Office, the one formerly occupied by 0. I Barrett. Oct 2tb, T859 ly. DR. G. W. STEWART Physlclau aud Hurpeon, offers his profa. sional services to tbe citiiens of Hew Wait, iuyton and turrounding community. Offioe thru doi rs w -st of the Washington House, NaiWabington, Pa., Oct. 14, 186. JOHN HUIDEK0PEE. Civil Encinter & I.avd Siaviron, otTm hia professional lervicts to tbe citiieni of Clrsp Eeld county. All husinesi cntruited to him will bs promptlt and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney t- Co. V.W. HAYS, DAGt'EnitEAV, Melalneotjpist. Aml.rntj pist. and JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE, ker.cy, Elk County, Pa. 7"kevek fQ:gaT7 Justice of he peace Lutbcrst'iirg. Clearfield Co. Pa., wit attend proiatitly to a'l business entrusted to bit care, lie also informs tbe public that be keep constantly nn band at bit shop, a general ai. sortment of Saddles, Bridloi, ilarnen anl whips, whieh he will sell on reasonable trean. April 4. ISG0. DOTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH offers hit professional servlcei to the l.adlcs and Gentlemen of Clear field and vicinity. All operations performei wub neatneas anil despstcb. Being familiar with all the late improvmrnta, be is prepared U make Artificial Teeth In ths best msnner. Office in Shaw's new row. Sept. Uth, 158. lyj. ias. n. l.AnniMra. 1. Tin LAKHIMKK A. TEST, Attorneys st Lit Clearfield. Pa., will attend promptly to Cel. tAiohs, Lund Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attobsit at Law, CirarfieM, Ta.. OfT.ce In PhaW, Row, vs. poaite the Juurnal office. dee. 1, lf;.8. Lr. MOORE A ETZWjLSR, VI7holeale and Retail Merchants. Alu j extensive dealers in timber, sawed Inisd tier nrd rliinglcs. Alsi. dealers in Hour au t;niin. which will be sjld cheap for cash. Oct. 14, t:M. rLC.lBFir.LD ST0E WARE ruTTEByi Tl.n.iklul for piist favors and solicitious of fu ture patronage. I would respci tiully announe. that I have on band auaiu. and will cunatantlf j keep ut the Pottery iu this borough, on the cor j ner a short diatiitice east ol the Methodift Church, I a large stock o Crockery , lucb as Cream crm-ki, , u.ilk pans, t burns, Jugs, Jars. fStots pipe ca.iuf f c. dc. ; and also an extensive assortment of different sues and jinfterni of brackets anil J rosettes fore mice on bouses, and other moul dings. Any mnuMings not on bsntt will be cadi to Alio fire brick madl and kept for sale. ftJ liberal reduotion on prices mide ts wholosale denlcrs. F. LKITZLN'GEK. ClearCold, may 23, 1870. ly. iKW HOTEL. Ths undersigned respectfully begs lears ti annnnnce that he rcrrnt'y rented a bouse in tbs oorougu 01 bumner city, i,tearnel,l oounty. rs,, B'jfortbeaccommodtinnofthe travellinit pi travelling public I watermen and all ,. others who may favor hia wnuacaii. His ta'.le will always bs supplied with as rood as the maiketa afford; and no paini will In spared to render his roerts comfortable woilt under his roof. To which the facta that n" is toxicating liqnori of any kind wi I be kept shoal lbs premises, will bs truits, aootributo in si small degree. Wnur, wuat is always importasl to ths traveller, th. best attention will be gi'N by careful hostler to that faithful companion el his journey, bis patient steed. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. Zal Ths subscriber will send (fr of chary) to sll who desire it. the Rnclue and directions fur muk- , . . ling a simple Viartabtt Bain, that will, in 'roi !tuto eight day. r.mov, Timi-lo.. Blotch.s btanhfuL Thoaa dm r ni th. Kao ne. with tut oenariyiit. i nose uesiring the nooeipe, won iui. instructions, direotions, and a.lvioe, will pleasi JA8. T MARSHALL, t.,.. r..u. Practical Cbemist, No. 3 2 City Buildings, N.York. Ang. 22th 1880 I mo. To l'crsx ns out of Kmployniont. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL tbs Irl. 8 In. Mn.hlna W. will glv. a Commission, or wagas at froa $25 to $ll per month, and oxpenses paid. TeH is a new Machine, and so simpls in its eenstJaS- tion that a child of 1 years can learn to operas it by half an hour's instruction. Ilia squalls any Family Sewing Maeblno in aso, aadts pries iabnt fifteen D( liars. Parsons wiabing aa Agency will address J. N BOYL'N, Secretary Erl. Bswlng Maabina Company. Aag. I, m0.-w, MILAF, OHJCk I