Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 26, 1860, Image 3

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liilnliliator'K" mi 1 "Jlu sUb-tV 'IS'.ilin-s,
'".Htry"an'' 'Caution-,'' llu- piriif:sliei Of
Hhrt ltifimtD Journal nlvl (Virt-Ai iViv
V ill 1 v f-lt't -r fv"lli P II.'-VmY .i1y'f,,.
. . ll . 1 ' . . . . . I
lor nil Mien novel iis-eiiieni--, nik vui, iij
will fiUtMMi take iiulieev-
; , .'s, h. iW.' ' " :
(i. 11. llOnM.ANDHt A. t'-O.
JsST'l'ho Coiili tv Trrn-imvr informs ii.
tit nt un rKccllcri t oj jirt un;t vwi!T
frrM to tr-C Mwrflmnt.s of" t hi County, to
"Dhtnin Ifc.fir'Vrrrn.'-duilnj; tli SfpiOliiLo
court rflM ntifl pre ;
, , . . " "" : . ,
Br..sen.l for ii8)w.ien nfipiliCU'f Ai
Mn TI'...lwla. 1 nrlf fa . VAiviRiniini' t !
t iniii ii.i-(,4K'. unj , .'i" .
ou.y Lar v a Nwvsj.w(k)1-. iubJiUeil rq
Iimtnd tsf.ftt.' (Snpnimnn nunihcrH
i ,1 i r ii i LillUI liullialUu UUU i01V uelllilUiil
post-,.aul, or, Uio rev.P cf t tro; o;Ul . 1VlM1 Lum,Jvt. UlyH11(J
lfl!.il. J. 11. Ilyiam 4- -lo., 12 .South I joom U IVnuvillO) Tikumid Cur
Third Street, Thllu loli'liiit. Piii. ' :'( ire:i.-ville 2ytb ; Boggs October lat : icc
CvyA. jI. Uh.dosifM . to notify hi 1 4-U( a, Ul.aUaUitg , Ji.wVorU iilr ; Cicw
friends anil pnlion. in (Jur-vciisrillo and fto;j ulKi t,UAiuioi bill ; lvuux , fUi, rt
Burmundiiij; vii inity, tlmt ho will' Vic nt lurkey Hill; lvantiaint HUi ; Covington
his rooms at MhW irel, lh Hurt four l'h lirard llitli, at Uald .liiU ; Unn
i f.i- -i i- . i . i . ! 13th ut, Shuwtiville; llusion and Fox
days of the voclt ("m:nene:n Uotohcr 1st, ; . , . , , . .. ..
" loin ; .loiduti ii Aiisonville ; Hocoa-
18oO, fully rro-.ared touuend to all U.i:na id . t Uit-n lloin ; Uulich 24th, nt
duties of his profo-sion.
Serioch An i'pknt" OnTriilny las', wliilo
('0. Ii. Icrrell and Uuboi t Caniion ive-ein
Abo act of covering tlio mtv house rrf J. V
iiniilh, in our borough, witji tin, 'lie latter
in nttrinptinr to roath for a pair of wliears
ulipped anl fell from the roof of tin? house.
A ililanre ofiihnul livntv-fivft feet
X Hi injttrWnrp siiou.--,' and at Him ri-
linc ills noty-i-t known whether b will
' urvivf thom or not. " '
. . .. .- r
trX-O'i regular TtMin of Court
in fep-
sion this week, .nidfS, I.n:
aiiJMjjioon the lAuoh, ou ester Jay
thoOran-l ,hny founJ a truo l',ill ag:iint
.lolin'.ctirt for f-hootiiig bi iv i-ij in
July l.t-t., iind'an eil'vt iviil he mado to
il, iy lu ut him fni ii
rn:L. Un .Sunday :iiomiii? last at' Xi
lion i threi o' 1 wk,- the stahle of aiftu'!
'lark, i:i Cur.-, i-ti sville, wns cori.-uineJ by
fire, toothor Vf itb i'nir horses, ge;us ami
about two ton ot hav. Low. libtmt- six
buuJr'd dollars.
. j Ida. r' the shock tlmt he rwfivel,"an l.o-
fir'Mi SM'uiduy hu-t, Mr. Hollowpefcr . ing alone, it was supposed that ho lay np
Hini l.w .vili ii-liiln rmKMnif the f lcarlirld on the I'tcund for soind time, when ho
. rt-1-. -I'io.-c', the horse took fri-ht and
" .. . . . - ,
; run the;y over the b;Ue cl the Lmlge.
tin- hole toiagitfer, tEe nujipy turning
ui idj doirn, seriontily injuring Mvp,
I Itollij-.t peter ou her liepd and t-ule. 5-he
t is now in a critical situation. Mr Holi
f Ir.w jetrr rtcrivcd r.o rcrions injm".
f Aaeiicaa Tract Society.
. The quarterly report of II. X. Thy-fell,
, tho siiporitttprideiit rf this Branch, rmbud
io tTio d.ituil-i of the pciional htbc.rt.,
ales, and giants of 01 ec.ipui tfuin un ihia
fleid ; slmvin that lu the fiuaiter cm'iwg
T'liio I, including sale:-, nt the depository,
they err'-iil.'.i'd over $11,-10.1 worth of pub
li'.'iti )ii3j aa.l resell f77 Jiublic ' meeting.
. i.i.kl" iJ.lLf.i lily vnits, unite-J in pray
"a -r or held teliious eonver-a'ion witii 27,-
."15 of those f.inii! ic-s, 5,r.'-i of which, m
! lira ring nearly oO.nuO souN, hahitutily
neglect the house of GoJ ci the .Sabbath,
and 2,o 1'J of then- had no fcihle.
One colporteur, tvLo has labored
teen viais, had vii-iud t.cailv every
I ri 1 ,1 .- l .
i!y tn niarr and Hnnt.ngdon counts, and of litem repeatculy ; and in this
time had fiimi.-he 1 them by erne wit li 1 12,
tVO volumes, or 5!l,l-0 wonij. anj dislri -
btit-d gratuitously 7,'nr ,'i(ni pap.. Li i a
circulation b:nl annaally increased, ami
h l ist quarter il exceeded any qtmvter' In Gl en Hope, on the 12th inst., an iu bfttegau bis work.
Ai other. wi o In 1 vi.ited SSI f:uTilies.
d couvor-ed iv1 nrarr.-l with 20fi
om,iu,m,t,,eSV,,cr. relates an
count-of tue OLnvetsioii i f in lNlallient
ji.-tii.lomaa by tho blos.iiii; oJ Uod on
the i
Teauini- di the AriierK-nn Jli'sseiiper.
Another, ucofribinj Iho destitution
bis fkbl, say ruligintis book would nw r
iu unci s-oilii! l.jri-; rn n nriiix-..! rfliri .
m '
me ucipurl-cur. ierrors Jiadaboivn
tracts nnd bonks vhich .bn, sold them,
three, or fuur yours ago, which had Wen
tbo mear.s of their conversion.' Some bid I
been active in rrMuciin.' Kibbalb.;
I c
- Schoola. . '
' - Seven colpwtours, during Uicir cornec
(fe tion with the Soehty, report the organiz e
. won ot E,5 srhoLd. .Many other chet rieg
( Tacts ttiight he tnuiDeratod.'ir our limits
ttotilJ pcrruiv. !
During the mnnths of May, .lime, and
juiy uie winw.Lioe Lava comiimed j
12i colporteurs, ineluding 74 Mudonts, to,
protccn'JOJ.liis- work
in twenty thiec
.-'iM-a5V-Jbav4iei-ia.f nrh - nt -
v- .11 -. ..if ,, - )..,-..,.: 1 . . : Hm.c 44 . ' nw- w . . - ... - V ,.i J i.."i.r i. j . t 1 4;-.! n.i V -. . . . w-, , - c .. 1. . , -. . . . T
rsai , ..ui iiui.iii nugiii .u-uaie tiC goppi- " "'- " -." sic.-lit.K.'- , . " ' , ' ner- 1 a. wi nwiasny wi oaa1 fi t"rr? aa-i gress also it oMi.led ; Olid, if the rt'les of tlio m-Ki. It "fWottM r
FT,' : HsthUeimofsalvatigive th'Aork " cl , . .1 jTiTmlir' t , " ' " VT m tWi ,fY :
1 tl.inwDioutgW.orerati,,;" irRiobard.oarrOrlef P' 1
r!T.. i ' 4 ' ;'- - ----.. . -"M. Bso. nf l.e McM..rt H.e). Phi la. s; Aui"2 1 sf .P..I desirous of : rfeWtW-rbSir;. r.rti, or C..i,,cr.f fr Pl,,n0, 1 KV 11 -All ITB IV tin"
toaTrktl,,li-nro,;- ls: v vANttD "im MEi;t.vrruT'wir .'Wririin
jf!VllJ o'clock, fir broke .ut .-rth iJl -1 ' 4' Vuti" K-'f, ih;,nrorMe.J,eon. , ..h,r, i. slr. wrid ffer Uholesalo'.H Re.
iC 1 "'thlsl.lnce Which resullod in lb J. I iA'AVUkh. ttZil U,I, ,.". Tk '"S't fPeSf f, a' fj- .T rt ,-,'-.- 'r -iu.,, fr,, t. wer, r.iCll M.,i1fn.g in-.wl'J.isl d- l.f4 Cash Prioes, a largo and very
.. il ruci.(j4l ol ILe L itv Illn . tnd Im .v,i "" nart os Umrdina im t,.fc . """i "'"'' " i' m i. 'i m mi r- m I'll, tTIMI KU lti. . l. i2i. iV4,J ,"--" ipw. . nmec mocki n l n, JOMeli V, Mlrar and 1' St.-1
aW 0uZ2JlJ?nl " im V , m rlv. U,.ir frTa. 7hT7v bf faiTiS'M',,"! '' Wnniitf or .'ty r located bimsTi. of cvorv. variety ..rl.. :.
fd' Ja th lt CHbforoU for Mm- A Grov, J TlTwof UUIYcBfrr7Tri; Tjvrr-, -bob.vapatropu.dme.caabM.f.ydto.,- j" " t-A. good, warracd MreZti.teA
1 na,r::ribI LlI;-0"-- ' . j ,., m. v i -I ? ba hotel, jaynesviile. pa. ! " "cnM "u - ' Ti'iATfif-r n v.
H I - - T 1 -V J.UUU, . . ...... . . I . J . 4 . i I . . . - ' ...... , tm . , ,, , w , V - - ' f in . f , , - A .- - --
I'tHini I All1 h( rtlli(i.
no ..! ll..- 1 -m. ci ii. i 1 1
Mid I'.' ml I'm d low Ip-litpii, r.ns Ii
!m'1Hi oil ludiy ll.l 1'1't II 't.
V. 1'. II, .it, : t luci'ii I'li'-i'lfi.l ;
iUiid ,lmv mill l.ilm liivrigood,
l'i i vidi ii Is : li. H'. liutes mii) W in,
11 do
Ll L,-" '.' ' . . t a-.-. i .. .- , ,
" Ablo'ud conviiu'uit: rildrw-si- nt-rc
tnndo- by It. .1 .' aH.iro
- if ll, LmiUHl' lq.
1 1 .... - ... .. ...
A M. lllil.s Iti-ntint, (Ioiim is lo1
. . . , .
til .ll llH H LOW IH liOHW, IllJii Will tif
wj.uii iiiiiii further iicttoo m given, lie
will jilso Ijo Y lon-i' l ta sri vi' nil liU IVit'ii.h '
ivl;o III. iy Jcsiio iinyililiig 111 lli.S lillO ol Ihi- i
Tcaciu:h or C'l tAuriELU to. If uoibing ;
iiroviint, tlio uudciaijjiieJ i 1 1 KoUpub-j
Ho cxanniiKlioiiii iiliii j-iaiit cfililienles to
,eacl.e.-H m are lou.i.l ouul.lie.l. t !
i r 4 . ... 1 .. I . . . I ....... i i .
tjie iitnps win iiiTHit miiiieu : ira-
i lie'd and Union, Soptomlior -Uii, ut Lutlicr'
s.mi. j burg l 1'crusou L nil ; Client Uiii, ut Xuiv-
Janobvillo ; Woodward 2th, at JullViea,
aV'.V o'ejuck A, 51. '
W'htru up place 14 uained, Diiectorii
should cIioomo one. ll would be hu.1 lor
teaeliL-rs to improve tht'iuuelvea in tbAurt
o! leuHiin" masimteh- in tlw btandurd of
qufilif cations ban ruibprt. lirectois should
Lc jiicbcijI. wilU tlio loacliera' al tho exani-
; ination to-judo ol their' fiApacitr t u im
i liui t. inslructiiiii tr Uieir pupiln. : -ip
Jtili iiliUO.MALL, Co. SupU'
Hpt. 1'.', iHiid. it.
BJ-iL-'-'he Cleui liefd Iliflo Company w ill
meet at Go.-l. tn on .Saturday the 2'Jlh in; t,
at lu o'clock' A. M. equipped in full uni-
iforni for dull, l'.y order of tlic Capt.
j. r.'lvOfK, u. s.
. f''e publish this week, lie Rules
j ind luuintions cf the 'Clearfinl-J county
j r'air," uud uok for thoru an attentive pe-
On the Otli int. Hon -lames Green,
war to lV-itcrloo, Mo., 'vhere he
; on hi!
was foiiij: to maki a public rpcech, was
: mrow n irom ins put-y,. iiy ine norso run-
di.h a-.r.iT.t iiuti lciiuih? ia continL alt 1 n
Islmnji, Mr. tireen was rendered answnsi-
, ;v 8 discovered by a passerby, w hiM took
I iii'.n.ei' care of hini. Mr. Green is fevero -
jf uqX ff.noll,,v hl,rf
Ax Aui.itiox DoboE. An ahum has
leer, t aised ia Clarke county, Ala., Iy a
a t.arul ol tivtiaies. irto askeU ii mision
It is said ex-President Tyler, now
seventy-five yea-a old. and looking more
robust and younger than when he occu
pied tho White Ilou-e. has an infant
daughter only two months old.
fcyTho National Agricultural exhibi
1 tiop for this year, was held at Cincinnati
l.'t-t week. The altentianee was ery largo.
: .. j . . a. ....... j
j. "" HAEEIED. -
Iu Gln Hnpe on tho 12th inst.. bv
! Her. H. Mendenhall, Mr. Edward De
itor, to Mips Esther JanoXichcl.
' On Mi.ndoy evening last, at - the houe
. f ii . t'.;-i !.. ,. 1 .. . u n
i'i 113 i,i,i,..o i.dou-1, ui ii-: ..
M Tye , Mt. (jscauU. lirnmt, Mi
r4?n Nimei.. : -
( '"i""asMBssasBasssasssBssaBSBsssi
l -DIED. .
' In Jan.iM iilo, or. tlie 2Cih ult., Mrs
j ''c- ae-H years.
, fanl son of Mr,
and Mrs. John KobLson.
I In Kartbttts
tewnsbip, en Fri'loy the
f,f!21t inst.,' Marr I.ooi-n. danshter o"fRo-
JlTICE of the peaea
Bo -kton. l ii ion tp
ill aUecd
proiiipi.y to a. I l.tifincss cntruttcil to hi. care.
Svpt.,12, Iap.
i). a. ri.-ar
lum' - wv. A. wai.lacs
a. c. risssv
CLLAUV11 LI) COUXT', '.. '
IBtl.LS 8lV:trT!Ator., STOTrS A!Ctl Dn AFTS P! -rsil O
nrpoiTs Rixr.n rn,
("uiicstians mjtf and protrrih rtf.itttt
r.chinje Wt llio titles constantly
Ci hand. '
JTt OZjrt on Pcccad St., coorljr oj posits ".be
4 C- it
ana Market
4 X ,j-l . , . .
I I -" ui" oa cul -asw. aiaaa a axes as j
n B-S a.aeoi Jl-tr4w.r Uf
rurwfurville, May 15, Iff
- .. . ....... 1 ..... . ..II . . I .... . I m r. . .V. .... ... I ........ . . . L ' . ' I ' " ,
to uurv or.e oi tneir nuiniier wriio nail aiei "'"-J iii-iuiuiia iiiiuvi tidui, , r , , ; r ii;, rocket cuuio;, n;i stvics : Amenonn, t n-ii' ii A i uurweritvii.e
.... - ..i 4.- . t - I .1 n- i. i ' Fee. who alt ail told aa ! apiajlttthieii t ,:..r.,;., I ' T ..,.:...-..' . r ..i
!' "I'""""""- ..,u!u!.,,.,o, '' ',J 'niCII lliey OIKTI!! iarenrifl?mn cf trust,, uiidtr tho government aftho Unnd v 'Si"?. "u," . ii ..'. '-; ' ' U., Fl
I'.rw. ...n.unnfl in ,,nu-a ivl.f.n I It A rr, 1 n ! . . J . O . . . e.. ... r -i---- ...... . . 1 8 !. , ri.-h t .-, ft.sneenet A rjnWBTi CX- "1 .llliel.", Hi
r, too d filled will, ar n, and UtJUntltlCS Oil tlie lllOSt IVnsOnMe ZuLZll": hnn ikerchicr ofa.Rre van.ty. of I SLakernnd
... . ..r. r.' ; . r.. . .-it-j.."""
uoii. T'tiriy ui i vuiai ens . narieu alter tsjiius CALL, AMI r- AJU.X. Ui .' ' www-is or ,.,.- li.rtir-,,. R:,' M .m.., tit'
the , ,,:,,, belvu.g them,s y0l.R SELVKS'l ncir a380rtrnent 0(1X7, nrL r .-CwraI Oilh. Beef r Cu,w.,Svil-
ininr..4 hih ...j v . .1 . 1 ui . m.w i . .n nnn i. a . i.. , iitt -: ....... i i 41.. 1 1 -i 1 . k. 1. h 1 4 . 14171. ,
WATCH ft )twti.nt.
l'i Ml I' titiil rifttr v-t-spc.-n'iilly
I 4 ii m hi. i ni"tiii'n and U (;i'ni'rnllv, thai Im lis. just
i, i-it -,) final Ih'' J. a. I, kimI r en-
v nl Ina i -tiii-li-hi'icnl III 0 AM t.V . AO It
( li Hi field, Pa, a lino at sol tnmul if l l M,
Win ni f, mill Jk i im nf dtllnreul iiiiilmi-,
from hiiixIh I iri i) l a full roll, nliu li he wiU
I 1..U liM. MiryiniMjiufcnnJ Mli(i (iu;
kih-lii iifrlo W.lisi. (itid Jfwilry.
ejuelwlly rimlicil H urranNil.- . '
A niiilinimiicd uf ltrlio in mlicitf-d.
"''"!-,. ; . )h V- Al'tLli;.-
Large Copper Kettles,
from 75 cents to $1,25,
COAI. OIL, 7ft to tl.lH PKR GAL.,
- . - , - ,
A Splendid Assortment, at Iteducc Bates,
Allireatly KtJucd i'liecs ;
1 ' I f v
Fardiearc Cutlery, Iron,
.. . XAILS, SIOVF, Afc.,' ' '
.pt. l'.l, 1?(.0.-Iv. Clearfield, Ta.
tiik i insr aiikiVa,
' i -
; Oil Market Street 2 doors north of
lL . i ...i. . i -i. . ..
Ju V.uuri liUUsL", WIltTG UK)' oTC
just openiniv an unusually iare
atlU Well Selected Stock Ol' eOOdt:,
-luiivu iy Liiv. n IULU3 l'i lilt VVSililllll
) rr larea and rnmnleom mlirantr sdainet
everj article both of faskk,n and sonrioe. Et-
peciul attention has been paid to the eletioof
LA L'lES" LBEaii GOOD, wbioli are of every
variety and the rery latest styles.,
Eilk.,T Belafnes, riaidf, Merinos, 'Poplins,
.Alpaccss. ' Cashmere, French. Pcofb
and Domestic Ginshatn, Prin.ts,
Linycrj, Csnjbrics, Eriliiantu,
ri?. and plain tobinett?,
Irish Ianen Clutbs Ac. '
Black and Fancy Casfimcre, Fstinett., jean?,
A -v V.- T.V- - v . . ' V ,""",
war... iiaper. r-ieine.i ?uu uni icaciicu mus.
hns A dnlls. RelT, Urey, bilesnd Canton Flaa j (. ; UIJ,i,.r riJ. hlll;j a! f lev. t-, Fine EtuWivb JIoiocco, Pocket Waflots, Mo.
ncls. Alioalarg .to-.k of Udies'and Gcatle-1 n,ldi th, -rh rt- el Augu. la"h.a year of enr ',tr" Pocket hooks, v.lth straps nn I
mens Shaw.s. HouMe an I Sig1.V Stellas aud j LnrJ onp th.1B4S. rfel'-tit buudrcl an I itfld -'T; BiU. b,ik. ami Banker's ernes wiiVbvk
chenille., Mack and lrab Cloth capes of tbo , of the" Irrdcndeacvrtbe" l'u-T.M 't.t)i"a tb, Ud Cdla'icu .liinkiiiecup".-X-M 1 f-!-rs-vfry
latest fsaiaia. - . - r : eighty-fourth. V. MILLEIt, Sh-r!T." t vna-an.1 -wlthaut dr-p-, FH.Inrr- tick)..,
-ii'laadid . MUueH of l.a-iiet'rertt'eruens'
X.and Cbildrcna' Clove' "and Ilosierv at
' l ; tAn:R a co's
4- i-r---r
Bonnets and IlaU, Uiuiaisd aud ua
triuiuied, of the Latest Styles at
K. V. C0,
V Large and splendid stock of press trim
mings, Belt?, Head Brer-es, N.itta, 1'iuam
Ac, at IU V'f-C0'f,
Earpe stock of Mm A Bey's -tlothine;. jufti
received at A. w . A CO s
I lletaei. aud Childra at K. W. 4 CO'..
I 1arpe1-, Pni-jret. carpet chain, Bags and
l'sgmg. Ca.-kd Bair Ac. at
W. it CO s
i Viid t oas jafj, they ar just tba thing yoa
oecU, lor rule a; , i4- . IVI.
T Tkrdwate ef entry kind, koifeJ--Mil--frrlll
l '.. " wJ Kill If 4U1TV9. l.rKI.. .. 0" 1 ...
I v u- a rn-. ' n. L. fib.Nitrnsr'f. , CO.
4 Freh W-.k r f crnorhes of erery k!ndt
rocein-a at BKHD. WKAVKIt, CO'
Clidir and Will'.w war ot
.' Sept. I?. lSfO."
ll. , ij l1,
The andarslnf l rrTrrs for sale , a rlMe
farm in Penn t.iwn.bir : formerly owned and
now occupied bjr Ki-hirJ fcavet jr.-, containing
about -0 a-in-f, boaaded by Um I of John B.
H...v, Ihos, Martin and Jonalbawi Wain) ona
mile et of Tcnni;'.e. From -10" Y i3 acres
cleared a jot -fr. mo'-siwellin hii.e, a
hern, and other l iilTi' .-r-I lliereon. i'fo
t-TT. Pried Apple., lre l and napsre l.
r.;.,B. V
seacnes. cnernes. J'rnrrt nd
tbo oorner alnro of - p. A.
rsrwenrnn, May IS, I5C0.
V bete, I.) until .f n iioftnl A'inhli'.t
i ( Hid l'i in in. -tin vklih I rtiiipt IvniiiM,
An m l In ri-(.iil .ir iM. hr) , i,un MI,
ll.i CiniiiiK.ii . nili," i ,n h.J mu, ,1 n 1 1. r Hni.
M' .llh mini rmmli.n lAfUl fnMIrt n.ifl.-
i. n.'li .i1ii A, iU,tn nhri-o hi Im I rl.l,
i.tnl Mi oflici i In l.c (...fl; 1'nc.lil Pnnr, t,
mi.lKRU'K (. MII.I.KK, Iliirh Hhfiin uf
('ImiDvkl on., itt kt,,4.y mrf,hlir Mr. I i lti
7nr.rf,.v , r imr.-1iii.Tt, - AV.T f If nV
inn- Hl.lllh.f Mllic .- lvllr tliftn.-tji
in-Mvul .hiIt, nl winch tim tud- tlnen'tti
imllflliill. vntvm lll vt.
Kor Ono uin-on fur Ooverndr ftMj Common
WOllllll j
For ono iiri.n to Mpi nt Iho rmintin nf 'lr-Ci-M,
.U-fliirnui, Klk, MrKiun, Yntr, Olur
..n, Vtimnfo; tint Wmron, 4n tho- lldiile pf
lttir!pntalivf of the t. Hlnli ...
Knr Two pinon t rprcfKiit the enntim of
rii'nrliHit, JcflfMf.ii, t'!k find MeKenn In tht
lloiino f Itjrcnmtlv of- this C'oRimon-
enlth ;c ...... !
For On iMTOn forth cPIii of Commifw.idmM-of
C'li-firnVM ronntr ; ' . - : ;
For One person fur the o(Dc of Auditor of t'letir
old cuntityi ' ii''. .
Tlio electors of lb couolj cf XlUarfiold will
Uke ootice that Uio ail Uaneml Election will
o helJ nt tli ii followiug plci: .
.At the homo X Saniuaiil.iiuiilUur tbotown-
illip of iJineoria, ,. t
. At the house of Asep'u 5iliJ, fr-4Uo, lonnriiip
At the house of Jauies Jilooni, Sr, fur tlinluwn-
abbi of Bloom. - ,
Atthobotto et Edward Alheri fur
ship of UuKga, .. 1 t - . --
lAt 4b boow ttf WillUn Uoovar for lU town-
ship f Uradfurdr -i ' :: - . -
, .Al luo public houfs ofJT. W, ilooic, fjjr Bras
dy tinslni.' . - i; -, ... :'
At the bouto of John Ysnng . ur tho IvaNsli'P
of Uiirnside. k ' -.'... . . ' . -l
in At tbo Mhool tioaieUcnr SimOu ilotthaaKli'a,
far tba twnsbif of Chert. A f .;-". h
At lbs Court lisosat t'ortha' Borough tfiltar-
leldi- ;: . --.i ...-:.. .
At the bouse of Jacob Maurcr for tba tdwualiip
of Uvviufiton ., . .. '. . , ,i 'dirl, hlaa -whltp Vitrlu,',. IVbiUns. ZiOcr put-
At tli L..u.e of , Isaac Boin jr,,. fur (be ,B- t aud putty kaivea, OWs of u.'.1 '-'' nndquall
9ugl ef Criv'erviUo . . .. -,; '." ns, Eookin-KUm plae, 4c. dci .-t.-'.i
Af6uUBc1i?oi;i,oite,l,ii,tli jfow. ship M vl)yc-wtwtili-&-'Viiriilshc9: " '
Decatur ., j .a Extra Enewood, cliip-
At the botii-c of TLomae i Una fur the town- ,i ,.j.a-.j- r.iiA M.a.l.? a !
iliip orf.r?hoo ' ''.,.
iiuiu "iiiu ui rfuiui i.ijiiigiii mo ine
toWBfhipof Fox
Al'efs Hi. 1 school fat ths tfwaship
aAt tho faUij school buttw-tef itb tawnfhip
ofUjsbcn . i
-AtJ1th!i Lou.e of Jacob 11,'Wor fortbotown.bip
rftirahami- -
v At tiro rehonl houss ' fn ' JanffvIHa: far tho
township of Gnliub- - 4
At the bone of Je.--?e Wilmrr for tko towntbip
of Jiustun ' '
rAtthe fchool bouse In AawntiHe for the (on
-Idp of J i.-lan. .
At iho- liXu of B t Hull i Cd for tho town
diifjof Kiirtliirt ' --.t-
At ttiv'arkey llill scbodl Boir for the town.
bin of - ' - - . -'-
i Al the Court HoOio ia t'.i Borough of Clear-
tnrxrt ;t 'f- , ;,
: At ths tililit scboo. houso .Kr.tUc Bur-Jiigb of
Enmbi-r City . ' .
:, J ort,uI':Ia jy.f0",
Krlcr. for1 ilorris townshin
' At fbo ptjblic school "bou-if Ifor the Bor6ug!i of
5ew WasbinJon ' ' ' '
i t the boa.-e of. Satnuol Sihitb for tbe Unn
bp of Ecnn . ' ',
At the hotus of 1-aac T.looiu jri, , in to or
onrb uf CurwencvUle for riae toy ntbip.h
At tbo hcaseof Tt. XT. .M.nre f. r tb"o lonnsbip
of Lnion
Atth hnniof JbD Wh;tes;d6n.r tli
tba town
. T.. ,,. . ,
hSSlYZ .re'.. 1 1 JZ. 1 ,i
t,f T V-h
that no inspectar,- JuUee; or mk-r officer of any
such eleotioii, shall ba elijcibl to any woica voted
for. i - i " i .
And the Rtturn Judires of the renDeetiie di-
Itrict St foresaid aro retrne-tcd M wed at the
Court House, in tho Borough of Clrsriield, on
the t irn Friday nt it after the suid Second
Tnesday of Octow, then and t!:
e tog tbt-so
, r..irJ of th,,,, h, I..
nj: ir goods.
Juft receivhu: and -onooiaa- M Hie Old stu
.of Lewis amkli in Ealiilaiiuia ajfoil aolactad a
SOrUant of Spring and Summer too is of-,1
moat everjf iejcriuuoB. t , i.. '
Uple fsiddTaiicy, btautiful -HSortmcnt i
I'rints ntul Dress Goods
vai-oty of. nseful No.
ttons. . .Ilals-and Caps.
' Eojirets nnd Shawls,
! . rt
' Jledi- ines, J'i.b,
l.'oots and SboiM",
i'teonswarn,- Drug
- v .' " .-- i" ; - t- . "
Tubaoco, Seears and all axtijlcs nsa.iUv kotv'
May II, ISHO.:
1 -
La--t Friday ths inhabitant of ClerHefd,- ere
.'.brown into a s'ata of the oiot-t Intauia wicile
nent, l y the app-ajance of a team, cominir into
town, ona run. an 1 apparently, frii;btecdj but
npn f tiiTti!i!(g 1t, 3iey t lUt'I.tLalJ was absut
to er?i out bit ' ' .' ' '.
"k . .".-.i
i. II tlAI'tHMI
Dittllt i- VAKIKTY
V H I A (X Vvi
i f - ! - I . ; 'I ,.: i '-
HAVK ,lut.t rt.vivrd front lk Kmtrn rlti,
ml nf.-iied nt th.iir N K W K'l OltK ROOM
on MAllKl.T MUKLT, Iw.mUm.ii- wont of Third, '
th m.i.-t ext.-n ivo risnrtinni i4 1rnir,
. : i i j Mrtctici, 1
1 Patau,
Oils, !
i . . . VwiMku, ,
L-Stull, . t .
Tobucvo A iSogars, i
t , . Toilat article', . .. . -
l'urrumery, . . t
. , Dlm.k bnoks, . , . i. .. . .
biuliDBaxy, .,..... i
. - I'ullery, -' . . ,
r . -Miicsllauioim
And I'uuoy
. Artiolea Ac A.',
vr; ofisroil to t'us- public in tbii taction of tlio
conntry. . 3 . ...
Their DruE and Cliemlcala, of which thev
have sn rxteimivo nsortnint, hiivo ben 'elect--
.adrtth naclut rflM-Dce to thetr.qimlrty ond
ireinocss..- m i ... , -
Their rtork. of- Oils and Pnlnt will'ipt'
of Iiinsoadjbtt; Coal oil, Tanars ott, Tarptfitliie, ! t While lend, dry and-ferorfn4 4n v'.f, .n-o,-
idh brown, Vnnili.m red, Yell-nv an ! Hfini ti'-' ra
IianiHilak JLt-MiR ' Ivory b'actt, rii?ine s
1 A itisi D er in i ! I i on, pari fireon, pari, Ultra-1
ni.rino and f ru?si..rt sliiu, dry nnd grnimd in nil, i
Varniiih. -ChroniA -Vr yeH-, rbalk cf all j
C',''' I'rP. l';o Wiick, Kmer, Glue. I JnniJ, ,
-("pii!, ianiar nd, Indian red, LithnrK, !
Orange mrcl I'U'I: "d R'jtton-Hniid, r.oo j
fiinlt, Enj;lih iwiu Aait-rioan, to4ii Kcart, (or I
in-r.-iiin red,) Terra Khmcu, Turkey uinnre, Ver-
Cocbinenl, .So!: !iri. Bed sa'iti.leir?:' Copal. foii.:h'.
ui, a, t,,v r. ,i,; 'i,.,t
wi.n m.,... - wi.t.J ;-r.'-t ..' '
., .
r' , i ": v L (ravnd'b, U4V tra
lear, Lough A ready, Lady twist, riiia cuts of all
kid-', .cdi.rde nfijie llurcnv tobacco ufom
Anl. fccolcl. yugi:. f.1 pbaHoa, .Hear (.lay,
futieb ha cbi-. W mono, Ac, Pegan.
j- t'auk Book and SiiiUoiiarj. . .
- - Ledger?,
I)T-Voki, tkeqeipt aad.-Mte bw;kf, pinrirs, Eb-
i die! and Office Portfolios. Blank uarcliiuent und
ftivt EtedH, Bond, MorlK'"5f. aud all uliitr
0jl biui(3. i oulncau, iotlor, Note, Eusmefi
and druivi'ij pupnr, Enijoliipoii, -Htaily ref.-retice
1 ile,-Anotr' and Arnold's writing Uuid, Ink,
bik, bjucn.d tannine, Suc( l'cus ana Pen
bubicrii, I'n per (n;. jnucvlse, and all oiUor ar
ticles in the tjialiouaiy liui1. .
Toilet i Kaurv Artldpn St I'ei furuerv.
i I .. - j. .
Drol.e, Amsricar., Frenob A Sn!U!i, with Ivo-
rv,"?he!l. Tiarl, EufTalo, fiatinwood, Koscwood
A .nrflnmhited backs, ntl iUa!ities'; CiWU brulics
flat brushes ; Tooth brushes, varimts qualities ;
almving hru.-bes, American, Enliab, and Eu'ueli
with llurria bristles and Hadacer'a hair: F!obi
bruibe; ; Comb brushes nnd Cleaners, Tuioi!"
shc'I Tiii:' coiub.-. Tortoise iliL-U, l'i iu i l'uiicv
ai.d I ;di tubber I.'.n- Cunbs; ShM, B'ulUlu,:
U.rniinil Indus, ruhher puff Mdu Coiuiis: InJia i
. - . . . . '- - . '
rubber Lre-sing CviUi''?
.. tii'ritb .T. ilct , combs
to i jiw'bcj, nil . iylef ;
coiH bs. tviii liaoAiWai .iijiinet I
o papor, smelMnR salt, Bnlmofa t
let "powder,.!-
e rMna'L
tnrtV! and
1 a.aa 1
Sb-srta Compound Ml sire, - Militarv
i ... ,, .
Miacellaucoun Articles. -
j (ionts sti-i-I frump
t Morocco ai.d niff Pnrtmonnies, EaUics filk lined
W't '. Inlail totiarse,alet and
U1"UCl!,, 1'urttnoaaicj,- Lsd en Cratehot f arf-es
eitibr.iifod witu atcel l-eada, Ladins Cabas aid
"lO'wcco smcuu:. such, pe.iri, lt'.ry, velvet nna
rnpu-r .iivjie, iirviiia pouri inPni. riin'liim fab-
. j.thapniati A K-ntM'tft Viior strirv"''l:ipiir cn?es
..M'aJ. im .-ic,-.tlta.'K.felias wltB and wlib-.iit
bsBdl(pe Kom i bnih, alt )iialiti. l'uint
ad. vuriiieb,liiiss--f fife., tin. and cspper
bound, , bash toa:f situs, (Kmnli r ami mark
jin bmthea, hitc-ar!i nnd -rrnbbine brushes.
; Fancy co, ltd ienlher dust . -At., .KM ftif.l
, inlaid psiiier mache, toilet e-v, Work 1)ore,
writing doika, itoMW. gd and Iheony KritinR
desks, Chcfsiaci and Ch-s boortls, Oiwits.- Kid
-, Uiovos, Nen.k tirt- callarM cm-nts at A enne?, La
dies Kid. Taflrta -Stilt and Kid finivbvd paiint
U-t. i ad Lrle thread ffwintl-ii, Black a.-nl cclor
djilk wb sarpendtTS, french ftripc'l pun fus-
ipxadj, iU.-b, emloid:red sui-pemliT-. "titiiots
new tyla Frrarh aiis- ender., OYtit.. I.nco hand
kerohuds. Oi.ered border nnd Cnmbri, hai.iPi.r.
t chiefs, l adies lintn h-irnlke-clicl's in pnnt Vari-
ty; eiuu idiiid.r f-,n. cirfu'ir French" Wn. van
ton Iwulier fis ea peesfva riely r Flnf Cati-tou
piiim fans Willi iM.rjt and painted bstifl'e-r.'ack
and mouruinp; fium; Hair pins" Fniri-h' end
Fredehj Ac, Ac. v Asa 1'utejU. Mc Jicincl of ev
ery variety . ,,,i .. ..-.!.-: : -
' . AH of whiili wi'i b sg.'J nt the lowest CASH
Ja'riecs, ' 1 r.. - ;
i C'ouutry rll yslrlanti furnhe 1
with Briip..,!
wwiii-ine, aim .-nrsicisi rnsiiumcnis, ai iao ntost
ra-'annb!o rates (orcarh,
Jure 9, ldO Iy
i. .--
" ' : i
B. BYNDEll would i
announce that on Weduesdnv. Sent, .'iti- t
sUkwuI (.liarliet.I, a fcl oolfof tboslmly
of Vocal und ln drtunc'iital Jllisi". , si't.iiig to
make the scbogj a J ormiuieney, tho pmibisrs to
remain as long as the receives a generous put-
rurnpe. " ; .
-. Mis It. -fTrstrcsl.! call' attention particularly
t" the fact that phewi!! R:v SIXTV ors. tm.t
T ELv E review leMtin. fur tlie sa'ii:a price I r
k;..i. ii... . i. ... . ... .. i .
n,. .. uiiin ii-Hi'iiviK nave given nut iiiiuii
Each l".on )j divided Into two tail.,
'TnenrelietiT and practical. ' -' '
I neeeivtrig itouMo tho imimrl f,f instruction.
parent; nai a nlit to. expect llio pupil"
TI1H aticve Hotel, Ifarfej? refenrlt Wn fitted
n , oT np.ertlriniftt;' r tiow open
. i i-i UK t n a i -
n..... 1. I . - ..... I .. ... .1. .. I.
Tri'tir i I r .
SriLXG i.tttt.
' 1 .
i ; '
i i
1 .
4 j
Lfulles Dress .(jtHjilu, liililn.'iis
rinwors find Millcnarv j.'oods
ATTi;.vTroj iNvrri'D 101111:111
and. Shoes of every Uosc.-ipiiou
Also t Mr elognnt wtylfls of UO INK3.S
COATS, and M,iu'.-i . Boys' OI-OTHTNO.
A -full imnrlinetif nf Curui-ta. Flow Pil-clotl1
tnA Carriiiu trimmings i ii'isuiiily ou hnnd.
. . ;
J2f&Flour Btimn, Fi'h ,1'c. ul the Mkrtt priff
I am ju.-jt receiii)g and openinj a largo and
weir fcelcrted aJiortnu-ut f
Sl'ilNG iM) SUMMEd
Goods, of nluiosl every descrtp
. tion,
A leaittlful osiaorttnotit of 1'iir.t' and Dress
iroadj, of the ncwet nnd btOLt
style?1. Aliio u
great variety .f uft-ful notion?, -
. A large assortment, rcady-niado
Bonnets, Pbawf?,
Ilatu and Caps, -
- ' i l!oot and .Shoes, a Ur(?a (juimtitr,
' Hardware, Uiecnswarn,
DrupRS and Modiciuts,
, Oil and Paints, -
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
' ' FisTi, ?acon and Flour,
of tho belt quality, aH of which irrtl ho soil
at tho lowest cash or roady pay pricot.
My nld friends nnd tii puulio geucval'.y, ara
TSpcctfully invited tjcull,
C.learfiold, May 0, lf.g, " WM. F. I.WIS
vt'tc ri iiti j-' ' vmv icuvnii'i'
; ,
- , .
Jn'trcccuod ond uowpemnfc al IaviN s cboap.
enrni'r n ure, a larc anu w cu .u-icu
.- . .i hii..r l.i..l. ..... i.r
-print; ai.d iia.iMiiir Riods, M of which are of
fcred ai l'.ersicaj tuaacvor. call ami .iviiiu-
ine a-iou.-i n.iu uriew. . a, a. iiaia...
1 -P .... ..'V.A
ility I'j, jj..
orenco braids, Engl'toh straws.
other o'yljj trimmed and ua-
icunu iu varieiy bi ie C"iuci
i. May 10, MO.
I ' dic drem goods, uf patterns und texiiui j "
ploaio all, n ill bo roiind nt tbo oorncr -'omi o
Cunviusvilia, May 10, ISoO. I-.. A. IK .'i.:,.
kelpf'.n Skirt. a lnre variety ul r.-li"d f-ri.
kj. osat Irvlnscorner storer Ciirwcasi'f'b- J(b 'ijl!
tella and oUwr bwls in variety at rht-che:
tora t f
E. A. ritVU"'
.Cm wensviip; Mav 10.
... -
1f)Cts and Sbecs.- A larjof stoik-and ;:nvi
) prices than aver, nt Irvinn Cbrnostcnr:i i
i.'iirwc'iisville, I v b, 'u')-
very largo tim k of Spring r nd Summer
c)..liin(t of the lafft stylos for sale low by-
t uiw.insrillc, ny Ui, ISM. E. A. IRVIN.
T1jokiii(r Stoves of various sizes and price, for
E. A. 1KVLX.
CurwonHvillo, May 10, '00.
ackerel Mid Herring for sale at the eornev
i.VJi utoro if E. A
t.'tu wensvilk", .Vay 10, '00.
l ili i tip
Aud extenshe Dealer
liirj Tin c:; il)ird.
".X -!c. ' ,V1 X.e
:'nc ''new fforiln',, J rf4
""m rrt' sn).r'l
rpim ( l.i;ItlMl:i.l) ACADEMY, wi:
. f. ho epenH for Iho recet.tlon of tiunils
4 (uiaUs and femnlss) on Monday, Aug. 20th, lSDn,
I 7Vrmeper sesfion of eleven Weeks
'' ' Orthounilihv, Rcndinc. Wririnc Primarir
Arilhin. tio and fr'enirrepbv.' S2..'.'
llieber Aritbnii'tlc. Enrlish (Irammnr. flnnf-
, rnpby and IllstnrV. $3.(1 i
: Al,'ohr:h dieiimutry, Nataral Philosoph
('Sad H-iuk Ivtfi-ping - . $t.O
j Entin and '.ireek lan(;unc;e. $0 t
I To ui-U,iitB of acquiring a tboroUK'i
English K lucalimi, nnd who wish to qualiiv
LJliinsa li u, r teucbern, tblt Inatslntion offei .
ilesiraj.lo advanlnces.
v. , .. . ... . . . .
... pupil ra.-ai su iot less thaa half t SMSloiv
aiid no deduction mads eieeni for nmruii L
iikncn. ,,
I ! '. ii tion to bp paid nt tht clous of ths term.
ill v-cipi f
lotlr, itunn, r.e.iai and t?lornr n..l 4t ll..
cheap corner by E. IRViy
C'arw. nV!!'e, Vit fit, 1 -f,i.
I ' .IS.'"'
I V'