or TBI CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICUITUBAL SOCIETY. I Cuss . Trotting IcrsctOpen to all. i I)et time 8 in , trotting in Harness. (No pre I miuins unless twa entries, j Beet time, trotting under (addle, Ben lime coning in uouun nru, Bret time naoine? under saddle . . m ... , ' Jnnsn J. 0. Loraine. Lever Flegnl, Joha J. "Z:72T?miZ?,ttlh -i".r,.JUh.M. Camming, John W. B.ri.tl 1 002dbst,do Dip. do do . i i- : i-t.. Til. Rat hmk tnatlriaa. 1 Beat I gal. syrup, maple A sorghum each, Dip, Judges Wm. F Irwin, Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. ! JoneCT Mrs. Judge Barrett, Mri. Wm C. Fo- Richard Mossop, Mre. J. T. McCullough, Mrl ley, Mr. Uor. JJigier, jars, fcliia xrrin, jra. u.(m, uu,n, - John 6klroy, Mri. Ellis Irwin, Mti. Jonathan j Cla" 38. Printing in County. uaruuoru, jnra. uwip (Dugusw Clasb 20. Domtetie Manufacture- (toys October, A. .D, 100. Class OFFICERS OF THE SOCIKTY. ELLIS IRWIN, President. Hon. Jas. T. Leonard, 1 James Forrest, p.irsis. .'awes II. Fleiiinu, j J). F. FUueilcr, Secretary. A. M. Smith, Cor. .Secretary. Jake Wmolev, '''rousuier. J. 13. MuK.N.ui.r, Librurian. rinafiH Ton. ITon, Richard Sbuw. tten. John Pstton Jon'tt Royiilon. ,oiiah It. Heed J. M'Oaughey. Orator, Hon. 0. R. Barrett. Cvmmittrre of Arnnatmtnt. A. C. riNWEr, Uiimnmn. Horse. Hi Bloom, i curge H. Lytic 'anies M'GIaughliu Junes Levy, iV'.L. Antes, Sheep & Siciie. lmoa Invin, Sr., 'olir.son Holdcn i:lt. Mitchell, Win. M Btihnn, t'. W. Moore, Cattle. Duvid C. Dulo Samuel Clyde Jlilo Hoyt. Jacob Willielm, G. W. Sholi; Field crops Vegeta bles. ti. D. Goodfellow, Wm. M. Shaw, Edward McGarvoy Aaron C. T:ite, L'lah Johnson I'utttr, Cheese, Flour and Vehicles. -'ilni Irwin, Cur'v i honins Wriglcy, !-anc Bloom, 'A'm. Bloom, 'Vra. F. Irwin, Merchandise ( Do- mctlic Fabrics. 'I. A. Frank, ! 'ivi'i M'UaugJiv, .'. W. Wright," 1 Iwiml Goodwin Irs. Henry Kern. f Us. Mary If alters, ist Knte Brown, I iss Hannah Bloom, Miss Harriet Swan, lias Jennio Leonard, '.'tss II. Spackman, Agricultural if' Misctllw tt ecus Articles. D. A. Scryvpr, 1). S. Flnmipg, Walter Barrett, Wm. r. Chambers, John W. Shugmt, Fancy Department. G.W. Khdhi, John Irwin, Cunvcns. .1. P. Kralzer, John G. (Veryver, Mrs. II. F. Nannie, Miss KIi.u JUicd, " Km Alexander, " Anna Irvin. "Sarah Biirhfiukl " Nnnnio Irvin, " Sarali Iiheetn, , " Henrietta Invin " .Vary Moore. Vvmmittcc at Largo. In, J. T. Leonard, Miss Ktuidis Nichols frs. I M. Weaver, Mi.s Nannie Smith, iisa Mary M'Uauj.'liey,Mi8s Julia Gallon uy Ii Rehecca Frank, MiR Hannah Carey 1 J. Row, John L. Cuttle, W. Snyder, Alvin Ross, Samuel Rheem. Marshall Gan. A. II. Hills. Assistant Marshals .Vajor D. J. Nevling, . Wm. Ten Kyck, Capt. T. J. McCu'l .o'lfli. Capt. Edward A. Irvin. Pyrotechnics. II. B. Swoopo, II'. AV. I'otts, L. R. Morrell, James L. Morgan, J, it. Walters Reuben V. Spackman. IJST OF PKF.MIUM. Cl.Aa .Siortpitnk-i. (Opm to nil Brcoils and Compotitoro.) r.eft Hull over3 yean old, $4 00 2d best, $2 UO l!et Hull over 2 years old, 2 00 2d best, I 00 tst Bull ovcrl year old, 2 I 0 2d best, 1110 I'.eat Cow oror3 yari old, 2 00 2d brut, 1 00 ::eit Bull Calf. . 1 00 2d best, 60 All breeda como together in thin clan and 'ompote with each other. To be judgod, lt, by heir good point and ryunnetry of frame. 2d, by lie ability to fatten, Kis the animal a good hand r?) 3d, milking qualitiei. 4th, Kizo. 5th, ,ive do premium to any animal until they arc fttidfied it will produce good Hock. To this end .he Judges shall ratisfy themselves in regard to .he stock of nged bulls and cows. The animal that possestes these qualities in the grontert perfection hould draw the ISwccpttakcs, whether it be Dur ham, Ayreshire, Hereford, Devon, tirade or Na 'ivo. JonoBf. Geo. Thorn, Zuth. McNaul, David Ty ler, Asaph Kirk , John Shaw of Decatur. CLASS 2. tirade I'attU raitetl in county, licit bull, ti 00 2d beet, $2 00 Itest cow, 3 00 2d best, 2 00 Bent hnifler calf, 75 2d best, Dip. liesl bull calf, 7J 2d bost, Dip. .IrnoKS. John McPberson, Jos. Lyons, Tnomas (1. Snyder, J. M. Cumniings, Dr. J. P. Hoyt. C'LAga 3. Milk 6'ows. Best milk cow, $3 0 2d best, $2 00 Milk cow d best, 1 00 Jcncii!. Jms Formt, Thomns McCibee. Ad am (Irarhsrt, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Bailey. Ci,Af 4. Oxen. Best yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2d be.t,f 1 00 Be.tyokcJy. " 100-2d best, 60 Hi t yoke 2 y. 60-2d best, Dip. Best yoko 1 y 602d best. Bin. Jcputs. B. C. Bowmen, Hirnm Woodward, Aa ron u. re arco' vi m. emiley, Alex. Murray. Class 4. Oxtn. licet trained 10 yoke, 4 yean old atld over, from one township, $3 00 2d best, trained 10 yoke, 4 years old and 0- vcr, from one township, J 00 Best trained lOyoke, Syearjold and over, from one township, 00 2d best trained 10 yoko, 3 years old and 0- ver, from one township, 1 no Ji'DORS John Patchin, John M. Chase Joseph Denning, John Brubnker, Joseph Yotbers. Class . Fat Cattle. Best Fat Bullock, $2 00 2d best, tl 00 Best Put Cow, ? 002.1 best, 1 (10 Best Heiffor, 2 years old, 1 00 2d best, 60 Jinocs llonre Kittluborger, John McQuilkin, Caspor Liepuld, James Biooin, sr., Benj. Ste phens, C'LAJS 7. Thorouyk-hrcd UortcM oj.cn (o qJ Bi t Stallion, ovor 4 y'rs old, 3 00 2d best, $2 00 Beet Stallion, over 3 y old, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Best Slallion Colt, 2 y'rs old, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 The premiums in this Class are intended only for tlioo lUrios whose pedigrees make them worthy of them. The Society wishes to encour age the rearing irhigh blooded Horses here ; on the other hand the Executive Committee would caution the Judges to bo Careful that the premi ums are not drawn by inferior stock. Ji-ones Jiuiies Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. O. W, Caldwell, Peter lihiuin, Joseph Peters. Cl.ASS 8. ,S'iiiy and 'arm Hunt! Best (ielding, over 4 years old, for work, 1 1 00 2d best .. jjjp Best Saddle and Carriage Hoi ee of any ace, f 1 00 2d beft u ,. jjj Beet Saddle and Carriage Mare of any age, 1 00 ml ur,i .. .. ,1 t Vil !n.. .ni. U. II ' - ' i viauguv iiorrp or Maret 2d best " 1. II10 llorso that moves the heaviest load oa a Stone boat without a whip, " " DiP Best Colt, to 74 3d best, Lip.' JcDors-Millon McBride, Mmtia O. Stirk, .las. A- Caldwell, Andrew Addleman, Isaac Dunlar Wm. Brown, Hugh Orr. Class 9. Matched Carriage Iarses. Best span matched carriage Horses or Mares $2 00 2d best do do do do 1 00 Junom Judge Barrett, James Forrest, Dr. H, P. Thompson, K.lwin Perks, MsJ. 8. C. Patchin, Class 10. Mares and Colts. Beet broad mare and colt by the side, I 0ft .1 ,1 ia do io 2 00 j 1 Ul'u,"' ov na under 4 years old, 2 00 12. Trotting aud Malking Horse, i owned in the Comty. Fastest trottiag Stallion, Dip 2d boi, Dip. do do liorse er mare, do 2d best, do do walking horse or mare, do 2d best, do Jckgei J. O. Graham, Wm. Irvin, A. B. Shaw, Jas. h. Stewart, Jas. Alexander, (Woodward.) Class 13. Sheep and Wool. Best buck, any breed, Dip. at 2 00 2d best,$l 00 Best ewe, any breed, do and 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Best 3 Sheep fattened fur mutton, Dip. i $2 00 2d best do da ' do 1 00 Best fleece of fine wool. 1 00 Pest fleece of coarse wool. 1 00 Fur Lamb, beat, $2 00 2d best lambs, $1 00 3u l,ti lnmbs, 60 4tk " " Dip. June Win. McXaul, Jacob Kuntz, sr., Elisha Fenion, Adam Uearhart, Henry Irwin. Class 14. Su'ie open to all. Bst boar any breed, $2 00 2d best, tl 00 Best breeding sow " t 00 2d bost, 1 00 Best I Hogs in county, 1 00 2d best, 2 00 Next best 2 bogs in county, 1 00 2d beat, 60 Jirnoas Daniel Livingston, Wm. M. McCul- lougb, sr., Col. Thos. 11. M'Ciure, John Irwin, Joints Bloom, sr. Class 15. Poultry. Best ceop spring chickens, not less tbant, $1 00 2d bet do do do do Dip. Heaviest turkey, do Bost display of chickens, do Jt'nor.s---Georgo Thorn, J. II. Floiuing, Snmnel Arnold, Robert Thompson, Clark Brown. Cms 10. Plowing. Owner of team and plow, who plows green sward the best. $1 (0 Next bost, Hip, Owner of team and plow, who plows stubble the best, Dip, a $100 Next best, do do do Dip. Best plow for stubble, Dip. i$l 00-2J best, Dip. nest plow lor subsoil, Dip. a J Vll-Zd best, Dip. Judges Elisha Fcuton, Amos Reed, 1), W. Wise, John Wells, Jr., Wm. Hcovcr. Class 17. Hollers and Drills, Harrows and Oidtivaton. Best clod crusher and roller combined, $1 00 2d best, Di. do do do 2 1 best, do de Best field roller. Best Grain drill, Het Harrow, Best Cultivator, Best Horso-rakr, Best Benper and mower, Bost coi u slicller, Best corn planter, do $1 00 2J best, 2 002d beet, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 3 00 2d best, 2 00 2d best, 2 00 2d best. $ 2 00 Dip. do do do do do do do do Judges William A. Heed, Rcubea Wall, Jona than Hartshorn, Hon. T. B. Davis, C. Bukor. Class 18. Agricultural Implements. Boft Original invention in the county, of au agricultural implement $5 00 2d best, " " orig. inv. Dip. Best threshing machine, $3 00 2d best, 2 00 Best fanning mill, 1 00 2d best, Dip. Best bay pitching machine, i 00 2d best, do Best hay rigging on wagon, 1 00 2d best, do Best ox yoke and bows, 1 00 Id best, do Best vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d bust, do Best stalk and straw cuttor, 2 0( 2d best, do Best common plow, 1 00 2d best, do Best single or double shovel plow, 1 00 2d bost single or doublo shovel plow, Dip. Best horse power for general purposes, 1 00 2d best horso power forgoneral purposes, Dip. Bost fork and fixtures for unloading wagons,2 00 2d best fork and fixtures fur unloading " Din. Jt'lioEs Simon Thompson, Benj. Spackman. B. B. Wright, Daniel Hurtsock, Benj. Hithel. Class 10. Miscellaneous farmina implements. Bost bee hive, Best stump puller, Best Totato digger, Best grain cradle, Best six hand rakes, Best lot gardening tool, $1 00 2d best, Dip. 2 00 2d best, do 1 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, do do do do 1 00 Best set funninirutens.ls, owned by farmer. 2d best set farming utensils, owned by farmer.Dip, J I nuts John D. Thompson, John Russell, 6. B. Merroll, J. II. Fleming, Sainuol Powell. Class 20. Wheat, Ilarley, Chin, (V. Best. 2J best. Acre of winter wheat, $3 i. Dip. $2andDip. Acre of spring wheat, 8 A D'p. $2.mdDip. F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10ncrcs,3A Dip. $2andDip. Acre of corn, 2 t Dip. $IandDip, F'ld barley, not less than 3u.2 t Dip, $ land Dip, Acre of oats, 2 A Dip. $ landDip, Acre of rye, 2 A Dip. $ landDip. Bushel of corn ears, 1 A Dip. Diploma. 3 acres of buckwkeat, 2 A Dip. flandDip. Jl'POES George Wilson (Boggs), Michael So It, Jas. A. Rood, Samnol Kirk, Juab Rider, Jos. Irwin Martin II Luther, Robt. Mcbafloy, Hugh Henderson, Class Zl.FuN Crops. Best 2d Beet, One-half aore of potatoes, $2andDip.$undDip. One-fourth acre of beans, JandDip. jlnndDip. Acre of clover seed, 2andDip. llandDip. One-fourth a. bruom corn, 2andDip. $landDip, One-fourth acre sorghum, 2andDip Best 1 acre of peas, 1 00. 2d bost, Dip. Best i aero of rutabagoes, 1 00. 2d best, Dip. Beat bushel Timothy aoed, 1 00, 2d best Din. Bent 1 aero carrots, 1 00. 2d best, Dip! Best! acre turnips. 1 00. 2d best, Dip. Ji iiges Wm Smith (Covington), O. P. Oulich Robert Owens, Abr'id Goss. ir.. O. P. Crops being equal, preference will be given to inose luatyiell tne greatest nctt profits. Stato n cnts to be furnished by the applicants for pre miums on farm crops. They must be weighed and a sample of the samo famished at the fair, and also at the rooms of the committee. 8. Applicants applying for promiums shall fur nish the committee a statement aimed l him self under a pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre mium and he shall state as rorreellv . l. n the kind and condition of the previous crops " Mu""'iiy 01 sccu used, and the timo and mode of pulling it in the ground. 4. It is the object of the aocioty to grant pre miums for good, not extravagant and generally impracticable culture, and any wilful iunecuracy in the statement furnished as above shall do prive the applicant of a right to compete for the futuro premiums. Class 22. Bread and Cereal Food. Best 3 Loaves bread, winter wheat, Dip, " ? " " P"ng wheat, do R-st 10 vards Bonnel, Best 10 yard sattinet, I 00 2d bast, Best 10 yards cloth, 1 00 2d bast, Bost pair woolea blantote, 1 00 2d beat, Best 16 yards woolem earpet, 1 00 Id best, do Vest 1 6 yards rag earpet, w ool- en chain, 1 00 2d best, do Best 16 yards rag earpet, not ion chain, 1 00 2d best, do Beat woollen coverlet, 1 00 2d best, do Best woolen fringed mitts, do Best hearth rug, do Best pair-woolen knit stockins, do Best 1 lb. linen sewing thread. da Best specimen of knotting, knitting or noo dle work by Missos under 12 years of age, do Beat 1 lb. of stocking yarn, de Best foot mat, Dip. Best straw hat do Beat straw bonnot, Dip. Best tidy, do Jccar.a Mrs. Judge Ferguson, Mra, It. II. Cald well, Mrs. Lydia Rhoem, Mrs. John Norris, Mrs. Mary Spackman, Miss Nancy Ogden, Mrs Doctor Thor pson Mri. G. L. Reed, Mrs, S. J. Row. Class 27. Kecdle, Shell, Wax uork etc. Best specimen of needle work, Dip. " group of flowers in worsted, do " lamp stand embroidered, do " lamp stand not embroidered, do " embroidered slippers, do ' embroidery in silk, do " embroidery in worsted, do " embroidery In lace, do " embroidery in muslin, do " shirt made by Miss under 15 years, do " patching and mending, do ottoman cover, Dip. Best table cover do " fancy clmin w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do " wax flowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do " feather work. Dip " leather work, do " ornamented work do Ji'ncES Miss Emma Grabaaa, Miss Sophie Bar rett, Miss Muggio Irvin, Miss Mary Jane Wright, Miss M. J. Bard, Miss Emily Forrest, Miss Matilda M'Murray.Mirs Josephine Flegul, Miss Mary Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Kin ma Jonos. Cla.ii 28. Millinery and Dressmaking. Best millinery' Dip. Best dress-niakine, Dip. Judges Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary H Fer guson, Mrs Mary E Leonard, Misces Jane Mitcboll, Ada Swartt, Eliza Stouo, Dotty Cath cart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Krattor, Mary A. Irwin. Class 29, Artistic work. Best painting in oil, Dip. " painting in wate colors, do " portrait painting, do " liindscupe painting, do " cattle painting, io " ornamental painting of any kind, do " daguerreotypes taken on the ground, do " ainbrotypes Utken on the ground, do " photographs taken on the ground, do " writing, do " ornamental penmanship, . do architectural drawing, do JtiruEs Dr John O Loraine, II M'Kiru, Mrs. W. L Spottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss Sophie- M'Le d, Mrs L'li Bloom. Mrs J. B M'Knully, lit v. J.M Galloway. Class 30. Designs. Best design for farm house, $2 2J best, Dip " design Tor barn, 2 2d best, do " design fur carriage house and stable, 2 2d best, do " design for dairy house, 1 2d best, du " design for ico house, Jd best, du " design for dry house. 1 2d best, do " design for bridge. Plan for bridge tot less than 250 ft. spaa. 3 00-2d best. Din. Judges Hon. G R Barrett, Hon. Wm Bigler, Juo. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dougherty, Clasj 3 1 . Mt talk Fabrics and Machinry Best display of table and pocket cutlery, american manufacture. Dip. Best conking stove, wood and coal, Dip. and $3 00 2d best, Dip and $2 3d best, Dip and 1 00 Best parlor stove, coal, Dip and 2 00 2d best, Dip and $1 00 3d best, Dip Best parlor stove, wood, Dip and 2 00 2d best, Dip and 1 00 3d best, Dip Best cast iron fence, Dip and 3 00 2d best, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00 Best tin ware, dip and 2 00 2d bet, dip and I 00 3d best Dip. Best blacksmithiug, d'p and $3 2d best, dip and$l ' gunsuiitlilng, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 iron turning, dip and 2 2d beat, dip and 1 ' shower bath dip and $2 00 ' original invention in the bounty, 5 00 ' plate castings, "dip and 1 00 Ji'PCEs Wm. McBride, John F Weavor, Elisha Kenton, David Kirk.Wm.A Wallace. Class 32. Vehicles of all kinds. Best family carriage, $5 ADip.-2d best, $3 rf" Dip PURIFY THE BLOOD. Best bill, Dtp. Best blank, Dip. Beat fancy, do ' Card, do Beet Newer aper, do 'Pamphlet, do Judges Got. Wm Bigler, L. J Crane, Daniel Faust, Israel Test, James B Watson. Class 39. Stone Ware, Beat drain tile, Dip. Best brackets, Dip Beat tire brick, do Best pottery, do Best brlch. do Vudoes Judge Ferguson, Judge Lamm, Martin jtnem. I NicboM, jr., m Merroll, Geo Lrhart. Class 4 ). Chcmicas and Chemical I in Co. , Beat avniluble inanuro at moderate cost, I Beet for farm products, $1 00 I Best for glue, 1 00 ' Bost linsocd oil, 1 00 Bost tallow canities, dip. best writing Ink, Best specimen soap, dip best vineger, Ji'DQEs Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson, Dr, VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND s PHOENIX BITTERS. The blirh and envied oelebrity which these pre-emirent medioiDoa have acquired for Iheirj JOB PRINTING. An extensive stock of JoLbinc mniJ enables tie Publisher of the "ltepuUim to announce to the publio that he is preJ H In Hn I t n, . r ' rV Postr8, Pasirnf.iTfl, Procjiakxb Blanks, Pa per Books, Circcum ' Labsls, Bail TtrKTfrs, ITanpiiiu, invariBO 0 emeacy in ail tne aieease wuicu tney 1 . l-jw-i .... ,, ,"" nrofos. to cure, hasrendered the usual practice of ! .?nd CTery fpnting Usually tJ putting not only unnecessary, but unworthy f in a ooumry joo onice. nil uruurs win ue cAeguieu WITH net, ncss and despatch. in. 1 .. . . ,i,nt I irnAft wnrlra lit.t'fv fill Ihain Anil lli.lV ll.rirA nut I - - 'J ' 1 J ' action by the faith or the credulous, Dip. do do do do do , T J kuggy. farm wagon, sleigh, timber sled, horse cart, wheel barrow, do do do do do do do do do de do do Dip Dip do do do do do do 2 1 2 1 1 2 du do do do do do $5 00 and Dip 1 vv and do 1 corn, rye, Dip. Dip. do do Best Fruit cake, do " Jelly cake, do " Plain cake, " Jelly. 2 00 1 00 " Pound cako, " Sponce cske. " Pic of an? kind. Din " Preserves, Dip. " Display of preserves, " lee cream, " Difplav of Jollies. Ji-poks Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boynton, . u,. ,,,,, j,ir. ,n. aicuullough, Mrs. Robert Boss, Mrs. JB Graham, Mra llev. McLeod. Class. Putter and Cheese. Best 10 rounds butter, $1 00 2d best, Dip. " tirkin, 25 or more lbs., uiado in May or June, 1 0. 2d best, Dip, Jt DGSs-tl. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw. Sen'?; ,Mrs. Wm. Morgan (Lawrence), Mrs. Martha 1 00 ' v m Vi . " " ' Wrilht' G B uodlander, 1 t'lvlHIUO, ' Class 24. Flour. I n, nr,l ' I flour' ' dip 31 beat, Dip. ilV lb, flneir Isnrinv k, 1 to. 1 2d best 1 00 lbs. flour (spring wheat), " Dip! 50 pound, rye flow r, 50 0. A Dip. Id best 50 pounds rye flour, Dip. ' 60pounda buckwheat flour, 60 c. A Dip ad best 60 lids, buckwheat flour, Dip. " 50 pounds corn meal, 40 e, a Dip. d best 50 pounds corn meal, Dip. JrPGES Jesse Bronmall, Samuel Jordan, R 8 Humphrey, Ferdinand Oswalt, B. Spackman. jr! 2d best do do A., a.x . Best Gelding, over 2j-i old $1 40-2d b... t Z T . i"'" V '"""' 'P -W kest.Dip. Best Mara over 8 yc!rt Z, j tit '1 2 5", J0""' P,""'. P b..t,Di?. ltrt,Tr 2i a Jl 1 1 m f l"erved peaches in air-tight cane, Dip- $1 00 2d best. JunoEs Dr. II P Thompson, B C Borman, Jno. W Pauly, John B Hewitt, George Heakendon, J. C. Brenner, F G Miller. CLA8S.33 Cabinet ware in County. Best dressing bureau, $3Adip.-. 2d best, $2 and Dip ' aoia, j so lounge, 3 do ' extension table, 3 do ' set of chairs, 2 do ' variety of chairs, 2 do ' sot parlor furniture, 3 po ' display of cabinet ware, office chair, Judges James II. Flemine. C Kratter. ltnnl B Waigbt, Thos. Mills. Harrison W Spencer. Cl .ass 34. Cooperiua, Carvrntcrinrt anJ Basket- mahing. Best specimen of pine wro, Hip window sash, $1 00 2d best, do window blind, 1 00 2d best, do ' set grain measures, $2 00 and do lot of buckets, 1 00 and do ' lot ef splint baskets, 1 00 and do ' panel door, An Jupoej James Fenton, Frederick fjulich, Thos iienuerson, Aiiranam Ggden, John Garrison. Class 35. Itovts and Garden Vegetables. Best 4 stalks celery, Dip. Best bus. turnips, Dip. ' i bushel carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do f do rutcbagos.do 1 ) do parsnips, do ' t do table beets.do ' 12 tomatoes, do ' 6 heaJs cabbie, do t egg plants, do 2 heads cauliflower. do 'qt lima beans,do ' one-half bushel table potatoes, do quart wiusor beans, d0 ' varioty of squashes, do variety of melons, do one-half bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetables to be raised by tho exhibitor. JruoEs James B. Graham, A. K. Wright, Wur L. Moore, Philip Antes, Rev. Joseph 11. FocM Class 36 Cvrricrs. Saddlers, Shoemakers, Ac Best. 2d best. Gente' boots and shoes, $2iindDip-$l andDip. Ladys boots and shoes, 2 and do 1 and do uents gaiters, 1 j Ladys' gaiters, 1 ItiIlay of boots and shoes,3 and do 1 TraTetinc''trnfc, Tug harness . Joi do Carriage harness, 3nd do Single harness, 2 and do Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do Gents' riding saddle, 2 and do Ladys' riding saddle, I and do Display of saddlery, 3 and do Calfskin, 1 and do Sole Leather, 1 nd do Every ether kind of leather, 1 Robe made by exhibitor. 2 and 4 junor.s Richard Mossop. John In in, Ilorace Boyer, Dr. A McLeod, Dr. J Q Hartswick, Dr. l. U. Crvucn, Dr, t etier. Clesj 41. Stone and Wood. j Best dressed atnno, $1 t dip. Best mill stone, dip itest noor ooorus work a 110 nest grindstone, do Best weather baard w'k do Best shingles, do Best splitcr shaved hoops, do Best turned art, do Discretionary promiums will be recoiuinondcd fur nil articles of morit exhibited by mechanics in all the various branches, and it is hoped a general attendanco will bo made. For all improvements useful to the farmer and having valuublo properties, discretionary preiu'a will be reccominendod by tbo committee' and a Warded by the board at their discretion. ji'doks Judge Leonard, Judgo Bonsnll, F. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Boll. Class 42 Xatural Minerals. Beat of useful minorals of Clearfield eoun- ty, coal included, do. Limestone, do. best sandstone, do, ' Pottors clay, do ' Firo clay, do ' suitocrystalizedmin do 'Fossils, do ' minerals from the surrounding counties, do Jupors Judge Hoyt, Rev. W. L. Spottswood, H. B. Swoopo, 11. F. Nnugle, L. J. Crans. Class 43. General List. Bost display and greatest varioty of flowers, do ' Display ' ' plants, do Best Floral ornaments, do Best basket boqncta with handle. do Best manufactured article by sowing tuachino on ground, do Best hand boquets,, do best butter bowl, do Best washing machine, do Best butter ladle, du Bost churn, do Judges Mrs. Judgo Moore, Mrs. Josiah R. Reed, Mrs. Joseph H. Ilcgarty (Lumber-city,) Mrs. D, F. EtMveilcr, Mr. Martin Nichols, jr., Mrs Win. Morrell, Mrs. A. H. Shaw, Mrs. Wm. A. Wallace, Mrs. Maj. Nivling, Mrs. Thos. For cee. Class 4 1. Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer and winter fruit, named and arranged, 60 eta i do Best disply and greatest variety of pears, named and arranged, 60 cts 1 do Best display and greatest variety of peaches, named and arranged, 60 cts f do Best Applos, I bushel do Best Collection of plums, do Best do cherries, do Best do quinces, do Best do strawberries, do Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do Best specimen of American grapes, do Best specimen currants, not less than 3 qart's do Best specimen goosberries, ' ' 3 ' do Best specimen of blackberries, do Best specimen of seedling grapes raised in cuunty and worthy of culture, do Best specimen of Domestic wine, do Judges Nm C. Foley Win. McCrucken, Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. J. F. Weaver. J. B. M'Kn- ally, A brim Novling. Miss Joseiihine Lnnirh, .nits ejuuii uo-nion, iiiss iiertna virignt. Class 45. Horsemanship, A-c. Best 5 Couple of ladies and gents on horseback, do Best company of cavalry, do Best company of infantry, do Bost band of brass instruments, do Best martial band, do Best 25 singers. do Judges Gen. J. H. Larrimer, Col. II. D. Pat ton, Col. A. II. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallace, Col. Smiley, Col. Pa-smoro, Col. M'Ciure, Muj. D. W. Wise. Mojor S. C. Patchin, Major Holt, Maj , Heiecy, Major Win. Bell, Captain Mathew Og den, Capt. W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor Rowlcs. Class 40 Nurseries. Best nursery contaialng tho greatest variety of fruits and shrubs cultivated in the most ap proved and methodical manner, $2 00 I do judges 7 homas Mills, Jacob Uu'ich, J nines A. Hagtrty, William J. Hemphill, Richard Shaw jr., John G. Cain, Win. L. Muore. Persons appointed to act bs judges are request ed to notify the Secretary, if possible, beforo tho 1st day of tho Fair, of their acceptance of tho trust, and to inoet the Pres't at tho opening of the Fair. Tho Rules and Regulations, etc., will be pub lished in a week or two. !; all cases of Asthma, yieute and Cbronto Rheumatism, Allections of the Bladder and Kid. neys. Billious Fever and Liver Complaints, In the south and west, where these discuses pre vail they will be found invaluable Planters, Fariuors,and othnre, who once use these medicine will never afterwords be without them. Dyspepsia. No person with this rltitreeiiaf disease should delay using those medicines Im mediately. Eruptions of tho skin, Erysipelas. Flatuloncy, Fever and Affuo. For this soourn of tli o western country these medicines will La jound a safo, speedy, and certain remedy. Other mcdioinos leave the system subject to a retur of tho disease a sure by tUoto medicines is Per manent Try them, be satisfied, and bo curcd. Mercural DUcai.cs, Never fails to eradi oate entirely all the effects of mercury infinitely toonor than tho most powerful preparation of1 Sarsaparilla, Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Organ io Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Puintor's Cholio. Files. The original proprietor of theso raodi- ciues was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of theso Life medicines alono, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. fu rents will do woll to administer them whenever tkeir existence is suspected. Relief will be certuin. THE LIEK I'lLLS AND PHOENIX B1TTE RS Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease fiom the system. A singlo trial will place the Lifk Pills aud Phoenix Bittkiis beyond tho reach of competition in the estimation of every patient MyPruparod and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, cor. Worth St., Now York. Feb. 2!)th 18rt0. lyr. DANIEL GOODLANIkER, JUaVilCE of the 1 race Lnllierrtmig, Cleeiteld Co. f, wm encia rfrsniiy 10 u 1 cru ris ci.tri n,J il.'.,.n M.,.1, SB let.ii- . , 1 ' - " ' J'l-u look iii:itij: look ni;itii: fflHE undorsiirned subscribers, take this meth- A cd of informing the publio generally, that tlioy have tins day entered into copartnership 111 THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can bo found at tho shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwilor, on Third street, in this bo rough, whero they will bo pleased to seo tho r old cuaUmiors, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a cull. Bring on your hoes, your spades and picjts, Your Ing-vhnins and yuur pulling sticks, Your sleds, your aloighs, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall then go Imre. Your spenrs will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height. Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as Cain ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, GEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, Dtcerohcr 8, 1858. tf. LINDSKY'S IMPROVED ISKoori Moni'cliri1!!' A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual euro ol A.L DISEASES arising from IMPC RITY OF THE BI.uOI). ELLIS IRWIN & SON3. A T the anouth of Mole Run, fire miles frj j. ClJarfleM, MERCHANTS, and exUnik Manufacturers of Lumber, July M, 1652. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagous, Buggies, 4c. to., irom 01 short notice, and the very bost style, atsV iu stand in tno Dorouga 01 vurwensvuio. lec. ZV, 1853. DR. M. WOOIW, having ohanged hialta tion from Curwonaville to Clearfield, nJ poctluily otters Ins professional services to Ui citizens of the latter pluoe and vicinity. KiBidonce on Second street, opposite (1 at of i. Crotis, Esq. my I 3 J, This medicine has wrought tho most tiiiracu lous cures in desperate caes of Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the (ace, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous formation, Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head. Rheumatic Disorder! Costivencss, Salt Rlieiun, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Female Complaints, and all Diseases having their orgin in un impure state of (he Blood. J. O. EARTSWICZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield Pa., May 30, I860. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend rromm', and faithfully to all logul business entrusted j his cure, in the several Courts of Clearfield nl enjoining counties. Ofiii e, tho 011c formerly occupies! by 0. J Ilnrrett. Oct. 2tith, TS59 ly. d rg. TvTTtl V Allf " 1)li.vsiriiiti and Surgeon, offers his profu sionnl services to the citiious of ?Vrvr Wai: mgton and iiiirounilini; community. Office 1I11J doors wet ol the Yt ashington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. , 1S69. JOHN HUIEEKOPER. Civil Fxcineeb it Land Survevoh, ofTcJ his professional services to the citizens of Clear 6eld county. All business entrusted to hiui will be prompt', and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney et Co. T".(il'EI!HE.N", Melaineotynist, Amhreli If pist, and JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,- iver.-ey, r.m tounty, l"a. Justice of tlie peace j.uiiiersnurg, ucariioid to. rs., it. attend promptly to all butinc.-s eulriisled to it euro, tie also informs tho public that he ksrpi constimlly on hand at his shop. agnerslai sortmcnt of Paddles, Bridles, Harness ail whips, which he will sell on reasonable train April 4, 1800. DEKTAL CARD. VM. SMITH offers his prulussinnnl sorvita . to the Ladies ami CciillcmCii of CIni field mid vicinity. All operations performs with nentnoss ana despatch. Being fmnilis with all the late iiiiprovmeai.", he is pieparedi make Aitlticl.il Teeth in the best maims Ollice in Shaw's new row. Sept. Mill, 1858. lyj. jas. n. 1 AiiniMF.n. 1. m do do do 1 and do 2 and do 1 and do do I and do 1 add do do do !! ! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. "COSTA 11' S" "COSTA li'S" Pat, Poach f-c. Fxterminator. "COSTA II' S" " COSTA R'S" Bed-Pug Exterminator. " COSTA U'S" "COSTAWS" Electric Powder forlrsectt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY R ils, Roflchcs. Mice, Moles, Orouml-.licc, Red-huffs, A nls. Moths. Mosrmitoos. Klcni. Insects on PhilltS, Ilisei'tS on Anillinls, ilr. 1 cheek were entirely eaten away ! Ho had given 111 snort every lorni niut species of IAItHIMI.lt A TF.ST. Attorneys at In J Clearlicld, Pa., will uttobit promptlv to Cm Iaioiis, Lalid Agencies, Ac, Xc, in ClearJtil Centre and Elk counties. July 3i. J OBER T J. WALLACE. Attoiukv at Las Clearfield, Pu., Office in Shaw's llow. pusite the Journal oflice. dec. I, 158 if. MUORK & KT.WiLVAl, Wholesale and Retail Merrliants. Ala extensive dealers in timber, ensrsd ll ber and shingles. Also, dualvrs in Dour a grain, which will bo sold cheup for cash. Oct. 1I.1S59. (LEARF1ELD STONE WAKE rOTTl.EyT Thankful Tor past favors and soliciliousoffi turo patronage I would respeetlully unnuutt thai I have on hand again, and will consists, keep nt tho Pottery in this borough, on the c ner n short distuneo cast uf tho Methodist Cburi a large stock of Crockery, such as Crcuio crock milk pans, Chums, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe eaiia, f c. d v. ; and also an extensive assortment I different sizes and patterns of brackets sa J rosettes for 0 mice on houses, uud oilier un! clings. Any mouldings not on hand will he mails I older on short notice. Also firo brick tnai and kept for sale. liberal reduction on prices midit t pnysicinns ol li.dford nminlv, and by Dr. Now. I wnoiesiiio "enlers. t. LEITZIXUEa. ton of the Electric College in Cinciniinlti, for a I ClearDeld, may 2.1, 1870. ly. penoa ni nearly eight months, notwithstanding ! . ,. ,,,, n (loruon 01 ins leu 14 b,-. r rtrtryrrtA The above is n portrait of Dnvid M'Crenry, Napier township, who, on the i! Ist day of Aug. 1858, made affidavit botore Justico Gorlcv that ne waa treated f ir the euro of Cane r by three 10 years established in Npiv York City used by the City Pofct Ollice- the Citv l'ris. on and Station housos the city Steamers. up all hope, w hen he benr.l f "ltl,,r ,1 s,.,.,i. cr," and was luduced to try it. Four bottles! Tho undersigned respectfully begs leanl cired him. and aliliouirb ,i!v announeo thai ho rereut'v rented a house lit is no question but what this invaluable medicine i bor"1IKl1 of Lumlrr city, Clearfield county, ft snved his lifo. The full particulars of this caso 1 ,or "o aecomniointion ot the travelling puwi may be seen in a circular, which can he had of , w"t,,rnen and all others who may larorki S!iV,f.C"rtU,e CU? ,IIOt0lS- "A0'," "Stl ! '"wSVuhMo' the case of Nancy Ble,,Iev, ! """"' wi" PpHd with sP ixicuoips dc., ana Uy more than 20,000 of Eldertown, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of i 01 the alT.ird ; and no pains will I private funnies. Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed for ' srred to render his guests comfortable if BrHi.Drilf.'gistS and Retailers everywhere , three years. i under his roof. To which the facts that ft Bell them. To the case of a lady In Ansonsvlllo, Clear- ! ticnting liquors of any kind wi?l be kept sis BrSiUseholosnlfi Ai.pnta in nil 1nr r;i:. ficl1 county, who wai also alllicled with Scrofula ,he Preln '". i" he trusts, contribute ia 1 ltano,,l,,,Bi,J , i t. ' " I in ila worst form. small degree. AMiile, what is always importar To the case of George JMsol, rosiding in Carl- ,0 1,19 travellcr. tho best attention will be ti v nuiorui coiiiu, ua., mo was so bailly af- ? v... .."suu, ,u 1 ihiuuui coinpaiou" meted with Cnneer that it eat his entire nose off. and Ills 6a,Regiilar sizes, 25c., 60c., &J1 Uoxes tfottics, Husks. Bf3s,!!l Hkwake ! 1 1 of spiinousiinitations. Examine each Rox, liolllo & Flask, and takfl nothing but "fJosiAR's" tk?1.00 Roxcs sent by mail. EJ.?3 A fj.OO by KxpreRs. BHi.Addrcss orders or for Circular, to HENRY K. COST A R, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. 0aSOLD B Y LOR A 1 X K & CO. March 17th. Clearfield Pa. i case was .worse, if nnssibln. than McCreary's. The particulars nf these cases everv ono of which wsscurodby the use ofthe BloodSoarchor may also bo found in a circulas to be had ol any of the Agents. t H. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sulo, nca tho Pa, Kuilroad Depot, Ilollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Goo. II. Keysor, Wbolosole Agent Pitts burgh Pa, 1-OR MLE I1Y-C. D. Watson, Clearfield j u, vii, ncimviuo 1 james u, uraham, Hrahsmpton j E. F. Brenner, Morrisdalo : John his journey, his patient st ;d. July 4, 18(10. ly. JAMES CItOSSLf. constantly on band a lim ..oMn,., r u. hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet I uonvi iiuou, wnicn ne win Uispose 1 vi uu reasonamo terms as the earn articles v.,, ,,0 ,,.q eisewnere in the coqnlv "is siocK or cabinet Ware now on hand, eon Patchin, Reuben H. Moore, Wm. Porter. ' ln rrtof-Dressing and Common Bureaus. TJ. . PJn9' ..!'.?' .'nd. ,'""l; two dwell- CtAs. 27,-TauW na UphoU,erer, k.iZVlZl;&' BestW,elothesmadebyhand,$200..2dbest,Dip Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta' 8,''u"i'd "''? hlf miles from Clearfield, Best eoat made by lady, $o2(J ), do o. C.flin. manufactured and delivered at I . T.?rn toward. Luthersburg Best rest made by lady, do I nT Place desired. ueuverea at For further particulars apply te the subscriber Best pints nade by lady, Jo February 9, 180.rB. 4. T0. T 1 on the premises. ' J I Aug. 8, 13o.-t. HRAEL SICH'UR The subscriber will send (free of tlmrne) W who desire it, tho Recipe and directions far a ing a simple YnjctubU Halm, that will, In f two to eight dnva, remove Pimples, Blot'H 7'hii Frec.klrt, Snilimness, and all impuritiail roughness of tho Skin, having the same -ail turo intended it should be-anr, clear, moo' beautiful, Tbnso dos iring the Receipe, with ' Instructions, directions, and advice, will j! call on or address (with return postage.) JAS. T MARSHALL, Practical Chksist, 1 No. 3 2 City Buildings, N.Yotl Aug. 22th 1SH0....: mo. To Persons out of Employnici V GENTS WANTED TO SELL tho Erie ing Machine. -.111 r . . , Si '1 tr-v lrriBft.i,Jf.t.i. n K' " commission, or wages i I 50 i. ul' ,!d ! T ,SV ' 15 'C n ' 0f whirh t2i 10 fi0 P" onh. "1 expenses paid. tion that a child of 10 years can learn wops' it by half an hour's instruction, ltia eq' any Family Sewing Machine in use, nd" price ia but Fifteen Dellara. j Persous wishing an Agency will addreai J. N BOYLAS, j Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company. A'ig. f, I'ftrt 6w, MIWN.OH' Cabinet, Chair Making, Tnitv nrr.Trir r...i. . . . O Pa., will be prepared at all time, to attend to j tf'o ,T K '1! M n' "ho'"-fK ' to any business in the above line on short i i ,. c. M'.!,'ort ' C R' Fo"er' ,,hi notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place ,8bu,?i ; ". Ansonvillo 1 Russell MeMur of business is at the old shop on the north side of f"'' if," , ut,h,n8'n i Edward William,, Wil. Market street, 3d door east of Third sL. nearly i'i""""'. lle',J"ck,on Patchen, BurnsUe; Samuel nhnn.Iu i. 1 1 t ' J UOimrt V. 1 4 1 nrt II.ttsa 1 no um jbw store: where ha will kn i i3 " conatanllv nn . i . - . - Feb, 1st. IS CO. $:( Howard.