Home Affairs. A. L.Sohneii, B. P.Htebbins W.'T, Ham ilton, George C. Kirk, L. T. Luther, T.J. Boycr, Jos. Lines, Tied Franke, Samuel .Shimer, W;n. L. Horn, anil Wm, II; Ar maeost. Success to the eiitoriirisi. Having hLn.frinenl1yiiil'poB.l Upon i vc also loam that thaF.enchvillo f.'om- Clrsrurlo,. 3M. sefll.ilfl, vision. . f.-arNOIICE.TXrti i ": qualified yotors'will volo. '," ,' For One porso for Governor of this Common wealth i ', ,' .. For one liornoti to represent the counties of Clear field, Jefferson, Llk, McKenn, Forrest Clar Siiydor, Jefferson Litz.i . ' ,.,... 1,.- i i Covington John : M. Koiterv . -' Ferguiion Philip' McCracken, Georgo straw. - 1 ' OSCAR LOKAINE t t. 0. BAllTSWICI II. D, ion. Venango, and Warren. In the House of (irnliam- Representatives of the U. States ; lor. " For Two ptrsons represent (he couutlej of Oiolich- Uleartioiii, Ji-nerson, jus nnu non.eu .in we i ' x M . ... ..... i.i I, in I IP till I, I Will nil OT "AllO IOr 8 "AUv 1 . 1 I .t . v t ----- .-- V, , ,-:T- -- , . lMm, 11UV0 commence uoving on me name j jous0 , jUprcseuUitiws of this Common -.k.wi-.. ot tho nvor immedialcly nl.ovc Knrthnns wonith ; .. , a" "CutiWS.',tt.c-PuW:sUer. ol BrlJgo-)aio experience! Lands are at ! '0I,0n; Tn'iv f Commissio,)cr of ttie WntI CM 1 ,vo,.k upo the job, who declare the .yrap.'VCo.fotbo office of Auditor of CW A'""1 KV1iftorF.iuire .W f)fn loms for oi, t0 bo Ul0 salno M wjer0 jt j, Hold coonty. ' ' i i! i. ... ... -,... .ij 1,. .,,-. i . ... The electors of the county cf Clearfield will du,... .found in Venango county, and elsewhere '..u. notice that the said General Election will in tho oil region. .will please lake notice, . '- S. 13. Row.' ' G. B. Ooohlamsee & Co. i , -' t, v KTine iniyj.ireiiiiM1uii.rni.u., ; Denver & Co, have a splendid Una un exoMjl;nIoJTnrnin.j.Yjvnlc Hock -ofl)ew. M) j fhionaUegooiU Mm -frred to tbo ilerghtrifs o; Jii?xyflnjy, to MM,j & Big,er offor flro chanccg ,0 .obtain their XirdUirtgt1ietiippUiu tWl. iine 0r business ; U. t "court-call and " 7 , Nangla will soil you nil tho Watches, ? Bible Society. l ' jjCJIbfk and Jewelry you want, at almost Tl.c next concecUof nublic worship in !cilywt, aud Messrs. StauH'er & Hurley of aid of llio Cleaifnt, County. Hiblc Society I'hiladelpbia will let you have all you V'e hel l in tho ijjuspopii vnurcn in "this borough on 5abb:Uli 'evoning tho 23d Inst, Tho 1tov.' Ir" SpotlBwood will proaoh, all thecoUMteiljoiis aud p.islois o! tho borough and neighboring churches i are invited to unite. - j ' NOTICE to Kihooi, DiRECTons and he held utthe followiuif plnrei I 1. .1... I. ........ ,.f Uu.....al Ki Kmltli fnr tliiktnwn. . . , j n HID liuunu v kiu mv. mi. .j tSfLF Wo call especial attention to our ,fl''lf Boeoar'a. , - , ' , ' At tbolioune or Aecph Ellis, for tho townfhip iow .advert weincnU thw week, Messrs, ' n..n -Martin V.' Frcncli,' Isaac Ky-1 ' .1. ' '',.' .1 .:. -James A. Hoewty. -;ir (iokhen Kobnrt Unragnrdner. ' -Lawrence Ooorgo Guolich; ,,v Lumber. City-Jesse sSponcer, John Ferguson, John Rrootnall.; ' , . c Morris Wm. Poviney," Jos. Donning, Kdwari Terks. 1 . ' Tike Jos. M. Spencer, Jacob Iiitter. Union Levi : Dresolor, ' Bonjamin F1 HarleX. John Hrubaker. ; ' ' Woodward Crihstian.ShofF.' ' ' wish at the lowest city rates, and then go to Charles Holts' Car, get your "phiz'' ta ken and go home. 18C0 MARRIED, On tho lGth of Sept. at tho Catholic Church in this place, by the Rev. J. I). Cody, Mr John Owens of tho county Queen, Ireland, to Miss Margaret Killian of the county Roscommon, Ireland Te.ciiers oi' Ci.eari iei.u co. If nothing prevent, the undersigned will hold pub flic examinations and grant certificates to ijch teachers as aro found qualified, nt tho times and phees herein named lira i ly and I'nion, opteraber 22d, at Luthers f burg; Ferguson 2 Uli ; Chest 2')th, at Ncw ' burg ; Hurnsi.lo and New Wasliington :2titli : Itfll 27th ; Venn, Lumbar City and lllooni' Xth, at l'ennvillo; Vike and Cur wensvillo 2'Jth ; Hoggs ( ictolier 1st ; leca iur2d; Morris 3d, ui Kylertown ; Graham , kli, at firahamton ; llradl'oid 5th ; Clear : field and Lawrence Oth ; Knox Stli, rt i T.1..L-01' Hill. Knrthnll lOtll! (?nvi licit nil j li.i, . i-)ti. n. 11,1,1 .MIIj fiiiklipn At New Hashiuton, on tho 10th inst Imii, 'nt. KiinivBuii'lrt. Ilnsiciii mid Fox 'with Consuuiiition, .Soiihia Stevenson, in Mith; Jordan 22d, at Ansonville ; Mecca-! the fifty seventh year ot her ago. Ihc ia 23d, sit Clen Hope ; C.ulich 21th, at deceased united witlithe M. li. Church, at Janenillo ; Woodward 2.'.lh, at JellVie?, ! the age of sixteen. Her end was peaco vi', (.l o'clock A M. K11'- 'lH' M was consecrated to tiod Wlicro no V'''ce named, Di- ectois , when but a child, and at its close she had should chooso one. It would be well tor ligtu in mo valley teachers to improve themselves in the art '' of teachinir. inasiiitieh as tho standard of DIED, At Lutberslmrg on Tuesday Sept. 11th of Consumption, Mrs. Elizabeth Heed wife of William Reed aged 33 years formerly of Lamar Clinton, county Va. In Lawrence lp., on Thursday, Sept. l'Jth, of diplheria, F.lvy U daughter of Jacob, and Eliza Uulich, aged 1 year and 7 months. .'(itiaUMfatioiiR has raised. Directors should be present with tho teachers ut the exam ination to judge of their enpucity to im Vin t ini'truction tn their pupils. .1E.-SK nnOHMALL, Co. Supt. Sept. V,', 1SC.(. ot. Dii, A. M. IIilu, Dentist, desires us to av, that lie u now nt home, and will re main until further notice is aiven. Ho pvill also bo pleased to serve nil his friends who may desirennything in his line of bu iiicsd. 01, Vi'e are requested to state to the Jurors Wi messes Ac, sumiiioncd for the i tffunil week of our Court, that they need ;iiot attend, prevision having been made for holding an adjourned Court in Novcm u her next, at which time it seems to suit rll parlies better, as by that lime tho fall work will be through with the farmers. fci" A new Font Olliot) bus been ctab 'limbed in lllooni Township called ".,.(, ' .niu .nines I'.lo.-.ni Esq., appoii.ted Vo ' Master. Tho location i.s on tho li ia.Tuni J iii;e, midway between Cunvensville and i l.uiheribui'g. This is n decided advun fl.ige to our Pdooin lp. , friends, hcretufore they have had lo go six r seven imle.- to . i' Post Otliee. T i IIi'muniis. Every husband having t ieii-1 to liis wife's l'.eidih and comfort, : lioiil .1 lose no time in getting an ''Erie ' m viju uracil iue" lor l:er. Write to Mr. Onward sho has urgod her way, To the land here dwell tho blest ; Where the inmates never wy, 1 am weary ! but at rest. 11. GOOD S. Ju't recoivinj; ami opening at the Old stit of Lewis iS in i tli in Ilotliluhem a well solecto'l a soi tinont of Spring ntel Snininor (ioodj ofal most every 'Inscription. Staple anil Fancy, a beautiful assortment i Prints nml Dress Goods of tho latent si .vies, also a variety of useful Nc liuiis. Hals and C'nns, Jlonncts nBil Shawls, l!ools and Shots, Hardware, Queonsware, Drugs rji Modi- incs, Fish, GROCERIES, Tohaeeo, Seurs ancl all articles usually kep! in a country Siorc, all cheap for cuh, (iive us a call and sec for Tour elvcs, II. h. 1IKNUEKS0N, .1 CO. At the house of James lilooin, Sr, for tho town ship of Dlooui. At ;ho houno of Edward Albert for tho town ship of Boggs. j, . Al the house of V'illiain Uoovor for the town ship of Dradford.' At tho imblio houte of R. W, Mooro, for Drai. dv township. At the house of John Young for tho township' of Burnsldo, At tho school house near Simon Rorabaagh'e, for the township of t'host. At the Court House for tho Borough of Clear field. At thohouso of Jacob Maurer for the township JofCovinxton I At the homo of Isaac Vloom Jr., for tho Bor 'ouirh of Curwonaville At Centre school bouse Tor the township oi Decatur . At the houso of Thomas B Davis for the town ship of Fwrguson At the hoiuo of John I. Hundy for tho the township of Fox At Congress Hill school house for the township ofHirard At the public school houso lor the township of Goshen At (he bo-jso of Jacob Hubler for the township of Uraham At the school house In Janosvillo for tho tow nship of I) ulich At tho house ot Jesse W ilson lor tlio tonnsnip of Huston At tho school house in Anronvillo for the town ship of Jo.'dun At the houso of 11 tl Hall A Co., for the town ship of Kurthuus At tho Turkey Hill school house for the town bliip of Knox At the Court House in the Borough of Clear field for Lawrence townfhip At the publio school houso for the Borough of Lumber City At the house formerly occupied by Thoints K'vlcr, for Morris township At the public school house for tho Borough of New Washington ytlhe houso of pnmuol Smith for tho town slip of l'enn At tho house of Isnnc llloom jr., in tho Bor oueh of Curwensvillo for Pike tornship. At the houso of H. W. M.orefor the township of Union At Iho honse of J hn Whiteside for the town tl ip of Woodward. muki: m i'i hihi.h iii.iii.mv il That till persons, excert Jueliccs of the 18C0 DRUG $TAlUqTY i A LOllAINE&CO; "T TAV'K jsst received from the Pastern eitioe, XJL - trill kteu - 1 v . , i . .jUcrcimiit,: y , ."Aud extensive Dealer A FARM FOR SALE. The iti,'r (i'3iiTon"irs fo kM, a valuable farm in Tenn townshif ; f tia.- iy owued aud now oecuplod by Rtcbard liifer jr.'Vorrtaihing aliouv SO uoree. bounded by hirtd of John P. Hoyt, Tbo-Uarliu and Jonathan- Wain, one mile west of J'enuvillo. From 40 to 50 acres eloared -M gosl fr- me dwelltiip 'hoi.-te.'ii log barn, and other biiildiug erected tsevocn. Also a good bearing orcnara ana a uevo lainuj spring on tho prcniiscS, arid will i.r"M on reasonably term. l or wincn apply to n in. ir- Vio Curireusiille, lllUHASp liCJ.Ytll, en. Aug. 22'h lM!0.-.1m; Venn township. . REGISTER'S NOTICE. Shingles, die. and opened at their NEW STORE ROOM ou JUKKKT ointLT, two door west or Third tlis mosl cxttnsivo assorliuont of Drugs, , . . Jlediciies, i . , Paints, . I. . ,, Oils, . 4 ' '' ' ' Varnishes, . Dye-Stuffs,. , ... Tobacco A Segars, , , , Toilet articles, . ' 1 Perfamorr, , Blank books, 7 ' f tatihnary. ' ' ' ' "' ' Cutlery,'!', : , , "' ' Misccllarieon , . . , ! And Fitaey . . Articles 4c. Ac, vor'otTered to the publie In this secticn of tho country. - Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which they have an extensive assortment, have been select ed with especial refTerence to their quality aud freshness. Their stuck of Oils and Paints will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turptntine, Red A White lend, dry and ground in oil, Span ish brown, Veuitian red, Yollow and (Stone ochre . Lampblack, 7ilsck lead, Ivory b'ack, Chinese a' American Vermillion, naris green, naris. Ultra-1 marine and Prussian blue, dry and ground in oil, Curinuie, Chrome green f- yellow, Chalk of all . Cobalt, Drop, Inks it black, Kmory, Olue, Guim, I Copal, Dnuiar and Sbellun, Indian rod, Litbnrgo, ( Orange mineral, puiuico and Rotten stone. Rose ' ins receuuon ui ou ,un, . ,. pn,, j u i e.-, (males aud females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1S00. f . . Torrn . . ' . a I- I1 IIp.Ij.W' silU Jtfl lliniuij 1 - " ....... , , .V f I.. .-I Tf ft, r ..,iot ".4 Its i. . . tMU a mtll iiP'1 M'ch 14 1860. 1)I.ASTF,HIN(;, Tbo subscriber, having located himself in tho borough of Clearfield would inform the public that he is prepared to io work in the above line, from plain to ornauicu lul of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairirg done in a neal manner and on reasonable terms. EDWIS COOPER. ClearfieM April 17, 18C0- ly. '' riMii; ci,i:ini-ii;i.i) acadi.mv, win I bo opened for the reception of pupils, Ttrmi per session of elevon Weeks Orthography, Rending, Writing, Primary Arithuietio and teogrnphy.1 ?2.00 Higher Arithuietio, English Grammar, Geog raphy and History. $3.00 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philusophy and Hook Keeping $1 00 Latin and Greek languages. $0 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themsa Ives for teachers, this Institution offers desirnblo advantages. No pupil received for less thnn half a session, nnd no deduction made excopt for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo pniil nt the close of tho term. C. 11. 'SANDFORD, Vuincipai . May 2:1, 1800.- Iv. COURT PROCLAMATION. YyilLKKAS, Hon. HAMlEb LINN, Esq., 1'roKident Judo of tho Court of Common Pleas of tho tsrenty -fifth Judicial District, com posed of the counties of Clonrflcld, Centro and Clinton and tho Hon. Wm. L. Moore and llen- l'encn. who shall hold nnv office or niiiiointinen 1 1 Jamin Jinnsal, Associate Judges of t Icnrficld cftmst, under tho government of the United ; county ; have bmcd their procopt. to mo direct- t t . I. N. Lioylan, at Milan, Ohio, and get full ! ,TC ck,cleJ Jtwk uf . M.iy 21, ISiIO. i (jJiEAT EXCITE MENT, A HUN OFF, ALMOST. i I.iiot I'ridny the i nliabi'ants ol " Cletu 'field, were j thrown into n state of tho most intonso excito ' li cut, by the nppcnralico of a team, coining into ; twn, on a run, and apparently fiightenod'; but upon examining it, they fouud that I was uliout i to open out my 'DAGUERKEIAX CAR," hand r hirgo unl t p.n lieu lars. i rtiyWe publish this week in another i-.jlumn the Vroelaniation of Gov. Viieker J setting forth tliu'l tho debt of tho Com J nvmwealth has been reduc?d ? i'i02,2li4, ."() during tha past year. This is a saving to 'a tins Taxpayers of over 30,000 ayear in in- ti.'i'est alone. However even nt this rate t f reducing tho present State debt, a large ' i nrlion of the citizens of tte Common , wealth will have passed away before the 4 venr of Jtibilco is declared to them thai TVnrisylvania ones "no man anything." Democratic Meetings. Large and enthusiastic Democratic meet , angs wne held during tho past week, at ' 'ilon Hope, New. Washington, Cherry - i Tree, Lumber City, Ciirwensville, and Lu- i thersburg. i fall sizes, l'orsons desirous of gettinj their faces taken, c an bo accommodated, by calling nt my car, on market street. Prices ranging from 25 cents, to $S,0(l. CHARLES HOLES. Sept. 19, 1800. 2m. RV, AM) SII.VF.lt VAHli. I T E would rospeclfully inform our friends, I patrons and the public generally, that wo . Ion e now in eloro und offer Wholesale and Ro ! tuil nt the lowest Cush Prices, a Inrgo and very choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wan of every variety and style. Krery description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, mn do to ordor at short notice All goods wiirran ted to bo as represented. Piirticulnr attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every dosoriohon. STAUFFER A HAKLEY. No. (122 MARKET stroot, (south side,) Phila. Sept. lOlli, 1S00. 6 uio. States or of ttis Slate, or of liny incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or other wise, a subordinate eflicer or ngent, who is or shall bo employed under the Legislative, Exec utive or Judicial Dupnrttiionts of this State or of tho United States, or any city or incorporated district, nad also that every member of vjngrcss and of the Sluts Legislatu S , or ofthocomruon or select cou. ei! of nny city, or comitlssionor of nny incorporated district , nro by law incnpablo of holding or exercising, nt tho snmo time, the oflico or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or cleik of nny election of this Commonwealth.) and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, shall re eligible to any office voted for. And tho Return Judges cf tho respective dis tricts iiforcsuid are requested to moot at tho Court House, in tho Borough of Clcurfiold, on tho 'lint t'litlttu next after tho said Second Tuesday of October, then and the: e to do those things required uf them by law. IVIiN under my hand and seal, at Clear field, this 2'Jtlids.v of August, in tho year of nor Lord one thousand eight hundred an t sixty, and of the Independence of Iho United States the eighty-fourth. F. G. MILLER, Sherilf. List of Jurors for .Sept. Term, commen cing on the fourth Monday, tho 21tli day. URAND Jl'RORS. Bell Adam Rieth. llrady Samuel Arnold, Joseph Risliel, Harrison Vassmore, Jos. it. Arnold, F.ed, crick Shaller, Frederick Wingert. liurnsidc .Stephen llrotlicrs. Chest Calvin Slevatis. Covington Wm. Schnurrs. Decatur J. Parsons, Jonathan Kep linrt, Philip Iteesi, Andrew (Jearhatt. raliam James F. Shopo Huston Austin Brown. Lawrence John Danherty, jr. Lumber City Wm. V. Wright. Morris Daniel Beams, Joimtiiiin Roth' orck. ' " ' ' ' New Washington Samuel Souring. I'iko Abraham Snyder. Woodward Joseph Fiseus. Ciirwensville- Daniel Faust. TKAVEIISK Jl'RORS 1ST WEEK iJeecaria Jos. W. Lull, James II. lias gar ty. Rell-Jiicob W. Campbell, Wm. T. Gil bert. Boggs Isaao Southard, Henry Wa" plo, 'l lioinas Wnple. Jlradford - Jerome Robinson. lirudy George V; Long, Jacob Ogden digris, bluo if' white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty nod putty knives, Glass of all sizes and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac, d a. pyc-sluils & Varnishes! 1 Extra Logwood, chip ped find ground. Indigo, Madder, Annntto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red saunders; Copal, Coach, Blnck for leathor, Japan for dying, !ap, Mastic, Whito Duuiar, Whito spirit and Flowing Varnih. Toliacro Segara : Cavendish, best, Natural leaf, Rough A rendv, Lady twist. Flue cuts of all kinds, and nrido of the Harem, tobacoo : Rannee I nn I Scotch snuflc; El phaeton, Henry Clay, I punch, Lachica, El mono, Ac., Sogars. Blank Honks and Stationary. Ledgers, Doy-book. Receipt and Note-books, Diaries, La dies nnd Oflico Portfolios, Black parchment nnd pnper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgnges, and all other legnl blanks. Foolscap, lettor, Note, Business nnd drawing pnper, Envelopes, Ready referonce l-iles, A linear t nnd Arnold s writing Huid, Ink, black, blue, and (nrmine, Steel Pens nml Pen holders, Paper clips, mucilnge, nnd all othor or tides in tho Stationary line. Toilet Si Fancy Articles b Perfumery. Hair ) eoutuive two weeks. Hat tirusnes ; leetn brusi.es, various qnai.uos : ICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the 1 Shav.ng brushes American, EnglisUnnd frnnsb r, Justice, of the Pence, md Constables, I J" . '' ba'r: for said coi.ly of Cleaa field, to appear in j h'u; ' J:omb ' "ntX .""xT ' TV" ed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Court uf Quarter Sessions. Court of Over nnd Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in ami for the county of 1 brulics, Amoricnn, rroncli Migli.11, wun ivo Clcnrfield, on tho ry, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Satinwood, Rosowood fourth Mtoidau (2ith Jnw) J ,Satf.nilcr , ornamentud backs, all qualities ; UotU Drusliet next, in cimluive luoweek. '"".". ........... NOTICE Coroner, ii..,ir .ni,nF i,A,,nn.' -tii, ii,...'. p.Iiu ii.,o..ri. IshcllTuck combs, Tortoiso sUcll, Plain A Fanny Inquisitions, Examinations and other Rcincm- 'B'1 Il'tt rubber Long Combs; HicU, Lulfn , biances, to do those things whloU to their officers, ! n'1 ll"1,a X,st f ",do .C",nb'; nnd in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Ju "U" '"i""!" "" 4 '.0.8 i""' "t-vle!' : rors oe then and tbcro nttcndlng, and not to do- Klig ish 1 inlet comb, with hand es; Bonnet part without leave, nt their peril. ;un,1',, ' Iv"7 a"J, iu ta PorVh Bnc t"u't c,,,bj,: GIVEN under my hand i.t Clearfield, this 1:U ! ." "' ','"" Aule"uia' J"1.". , day of May in tho year of our Lord, one tl.ou-,"n,ni'!1 t A Uvealer r. ers; Lubin ., sand 'eight hnndred sn.l sixtv. 1 1 sUii s, V right e, iiiagciiet A ( onway . ex F. G. MILLER, Sheriff. l,'"!u fu,r, ll,Q ".'""V1""!, rtt 8r'.1 vaVy ' Auir 20 1S00 styles j Burnell s Cocnins, liai ry s Tricoplieioiis, ' ' j Lyon's Cnthniron, Eau, Luslral, Hears, Mussueenr, ilst OlUaUSeS lor beptember Term 10l)U. Antigua, Rose nu t u rul (JU ; Uecl marrow, Isanc Haupt vs. . Alphonse Laeouute. P"- ; I'l'il'.cooiii. Au.e.ienn aud French ut'ii1 u f- Uli BijtcHi'u i-uiu in'uui, tum'i jun . c ' l r 0it'r' Rougo Balls, Lilly Whito, Putr Boxes, China. 1. wan it b-oiuor. nnd puiier, smelling salts, Jiulin of a thousand 1aI.ii r CI,,,.,, ' n ..... ... .. ...... I .1 .1 wwini '"io, 1 ;uo''i'ii, lomu ruMi, lo'iiu ii,.sio, ciiurcoai, rose, "VTOTICE, Is hefeby givn tliat tho following W sccouiitE hate beia ex.in.ir.sJ ui.d pnssed by me, and remained filed m reci r I iu this of. lice for the inspection of hers, le(fu- creUI. tors, and all others In any otln r way interes ted, ajid'Wlli be presented to thu next Oiohan's Court uf 6'ltarllelil cocnly', to be 'field at the Court House, in the borough of Clessrl'iebl, com mencing on lut'-lih Monday of Suplviuber, lSfio, for the confiruia'ion and allowance : . Tho accouutsjf Geo. Jnoob Yons A JuKhif tr. lor of tho goods sud chattels, rights, and cred its, of George, Cinlcr Into of Brad)' tpwnsMp, Cleurficld oeuniy deeeaseit. ' K hatzi:rs" HAVE JL'.fV OrKXFD'l'HEl KLW SPRING GOODS EaOIHlCCS, ShsiwJs, Ladies' Dress Goods, liibbons, Flowers nnd Millenary goods gciv erally. ATTK.VTIOjf INVirtD TO THEIR and Shoes of every description Also' to their elegant styles of BUilNESi COATS, and Men's .t- Boys' CLOTHING. A full assortment of Carpots, .Floor Oil cloth and Carriage trimmings constantly on hand. ytO flour, Uaenn, Fith fe. al the loieft j)ri'ce IT'resh Arrival of Jcw l.oo (Is, AT I'lliv CHEAP CASH STORE. John Campbell Robert Wallace " T. W. Johmon " William Hall " Walter l).r?hirey " Willinni Irvin " Jnnatlian P.oyntori " Rernernan & Mock " John llarmoy " Kliza Irvin et id " ; Daniel Rilley ' Georgo t. Log m " Iaac Sitailes " .Samuel McCuno " Levi Lult use) ; " Jonas llownittn " James Jl. Graham " David Crowell John Nelson. John Wolf. Chitfe, Rowlcs el al. f.aird & l'.Iair. Do v id As key, Wm. Sloppieh. David Askey. James llillV. (i. D. Goodfollnw. Chase & Cunilnings. David Askey,, Jacob Heberling. .laeob illielm James K. Kerr our nomi.ico for Con- T""1, oi'Pn,' '," Ve" 1 V, tu'v.my: of vocal und Initruuieiitnl JIusio. Desiring to gress, llni. A. Wullace, and Isreal 1 est muko tho school a permanency, alio promises to Lsqrs., were severally present and Address-! remain as long as she receives a generous pnt- " ft 'SIC MISS L. A. P. RYMiER would George J. Yoas, Levi Draueker. James (J, Al .. . ... 1 1 r. . e. I,. .. .. II.. IT . 1 r r itjL nunounco nun on n euuesuay, Dept. oiu, Ac, Ao., Shiivinz Coiupoiind all sizes;. Military soap, Honey Soap, Chrystalino and Flontinp soaps,, Otteiiian, ialikee uml (ialiaghcr snaps Trjiispnrent nnd Cnstilo soups. Ac! Ac, Miscellaneous Ailii les. Gents steel fuin" morot vo nnd 011 IV l'ortiuonaie.i. Ladies silk liut J pn lor Mavho, inlaid t'nl,,lso shell, velvet and morocco Portuiotiaios, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered with steel bends, Undies Culms on 1 morocco tatehcls, shell, pearl, ivrv, velvet and 'papier Macho, Ivory mi l pnnV ineuiornndiim tab lets, fine r.ngfish .Morocco, rocket iia'lots, .Mo locco nnd ca'f Pofkct books, with straps and e'nsps; I'.ill boohs, nnd Bunker's eases with link nnd key ; cellapsion diinking cups, .Modieal glas ses with and wilhout diops, fishing taukle, Clinpmnii A Enerson's Razor strops clgnr casts eriiinb brushes. Shoo Riushes with sud nit hunt hnndlcs Horn brushes, all ,iunlUios. Puini varnish brushes nil si.es, lin and cupper bound, S11shloolsoffi7.es, oountcr und mark ' Ing biiishrs,. wbilj tvusli nnd si-i ubbing briisbos, Fiiney fuored fe.ilher dexter !te.,' l'.ieli pear inaid papier mnchc, toilet cases, work boxes, writing de.'ks, Riisenro.,d and Jlnlionny irriting desks, Chessinrn nnd Chess boards, Gents. Kid ' GloTes, 0l'k ties, collnrs, crnvuts nnd canes, La .!; 1,1.1 T (T. t . kMI. .,..1 l i.i fi.,;i,,i ,..,,. ,, 1 1 tr....i.,.. 1.. T........ v . It. " (lonwiini, liusioii n'., ""em, lots, ami I.yle tiiread gauntlois, Black and color Joseph C. llrciilicr ol Morris tp , Liquor ed silk web snspenders, french striped gum siis with Merchandize. ponders, Rich emhroid:red suspenders, Guiols iifw style I rench rufpeudcrs, Gents. linen hund kerchii fs, coorcd bonier und Cnnibric hnudker chiefs, Lndics inen handkorchiefs in great vnii- I am Just receiving and uponing a largo aiulW well selected sssortmont if SPifING Nl) SUMMEK Goods, of almost every descrip tion, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress goods, of tho newest nud latest stvles. Also s great variety t useful notions, A large'assortment,veady-madci CLO TlilNG, Bonnets, flhnwls, Hills and Clips, Boots and Shoes, a largo quautity Hardwure, Qicenswnre, I'mics aud Medicines, Oil and Pninli, Carpet A Oil Cloths, FiVh, 9ncon and Flour, Josinh W. Smitlr " Willinni Mnpcs. LICENSE NOnciiT" f flllliliviftff r.r.A.tia lint- fi a ,i,n riO;.i ,.r n. r-u..i- rit, n ml Com t of Quarter' Sessions of Clearfield county, their Petition for License at Iho SeplAmber Session next, ngrouabls to tho Act of Assembly of March 2S, IHfift, enti-' tied "An ot to regulate tho salo oI'IdIox- ieating Liquors,' 4:0, of Iho best quality, all of which will be solo at the lowest cash or ready pny prices. My old friends and tho publio generally, ar respectfully invited lo call, Clearfield, May , 1S0O, WM. P. IRWIN. S rW goods N KV GOODS ! '. N" KW C.nOP.S ! ! ! Justrotoivod nnd now opening M Isvin's choop c -iruer storo, a large siel n en eticetsu suck 01 Spring aud Puninicr pnod", uli of which are of fered nt lower prices thnn ever. Cull und exam ine goods nn d prices, . i:, a. titviN. Curviensville, May 16, '(XI; , B),miiols, Florence 1, raids, i:tigl!ih sthiws,. if Slmkor and oilier s'ylos tri mined nud un trin.inrd, will be found in variety nl tin -lornci Horoof K. jt 1 KV IN, CurweiisvilW, May 10, 'OV. Into of of ed tho meetings. Tho old Dcmocratio firo was fully aroua 'id, and Iho prevailing senlimenls was, tthat Bluck Republioaiiisiti which is Abo litionism in disguise must and shall bedo iVate'l at the nppioaching Klcclion. Mr. ronnge, Miss R. desires to call attention particularly to tho fnct thnt she will give glXTY lessons,nnd TWELVE review lessons, for the same price lor which other teachers hare given but THIRTY lessons. Each lesson is divided into two parts, Theoretical and practical. Receiving double the ainouLt of instruction, pnrentr hii' e a 1 ighl to expect tho pupil s pro Jveir is an able aild eloquent defender of , rcss also doubled; and, if the rulos of tho school . , r - 1 11 1 1 are strictly followed, sho pledget herself not to our principles, our friends may well be , .ilii ,i,. ' 4 6 ..prouu of such a champion ; we have never had an abler defender of our rights in "this Congressional District. , Mr. Kerr's majority will not bo less than 800 in this county. Heckadorn David TLo Luthorsl urg Oil Company organize don Tuesday evening September Ulhj jlSO'l, by electing the following ofliceis for f Tkxt Books Richardson or Grobo, for Piano. turns or Converse, for Unitar. Dassini, Cooke, or Lnblacho, for voice. Terms, SIO per quarter of seventy two lessons, for either Pinno. Guitar or Melodeon. Vocal music frea to evtry pupil studying in strumental music. Rev. J. I). Ptewnrt, Messrs. P. Pneeringer, Isanc fli. Berlin, T. H. Helms, Wm. Irvine, E.l TiMmrin Wm I, M,rv.11 L Bludy, Dr. Wm B. Roberts, and .11 others j V(nr Vnshinglon-jos U. Rreth. AriVTm -st Pike-John llloom .Sr., Geo. R. ' ' - Ll I well, Geo. B. Dnlo. ! Tenn D.i id T. Sham. Josenh , ----- & 1 - Hairelt, Henry Hoover, Georgo L. Morgan, Daniel Gooilliir.der. ' 1 llunisido l'hili NelT, Frod Sheppard, John Rorabtuigh. . Chest Jonathan Fry, Josiah W. Lam burn. Ciirwensville Abraham Gates, Jacob Faust. ' Clearfield L. R. Mcrrell. Doeutur Isnac Goss, Fox James Wail'. Girurd- -Peter Lam in, Adam Spackinan, E. Woolridge. Goshen l ewis Irwin. Guliclr Jones Rollin. Jordan Joseph Dew nit, Joseph Mo bail, Peter liloom. a LIIHTOH S NOTICi:. In the matter V thoeitatoof Abrani Hoss decoasoj, llorrs In.. C.earfiold county Pn. An srtjourned Audit will be hold In Iho above (un roftther funs of a great variety : lino Canton ostnte, en Tuesday the I 8th instant at tho Ollifl ,,n fl,n .ilh ivory nll, llft-llU,., nu.-k of Larrimcr A Tost in the borough ot ticarficld . .,.,...: is..:- .,;. VuellA, and at It) o'clock of said dny of which tune nnd place l-rBil.iSi 4 4o. Aiso Patent Medicines of ev all persons intcrestsd will tako notice. 1 cry vnri0ty. Clearfield Sept, tj 1SC0. J. 11, LAKRIMER, j a of which wi bo soM nt tho lowest CA.-II j UXH- prices. Country I'liyslriaiiH furnished with Drugs, ' Mcilicinps nnd Stnrlieal i list mini' ut s. ut llm tiin.il. No. of Term 1S60, 'rensnnnhlo rates for cash, Action sur Divorce, Juno 0, 18f.tl.-ly, cty ; Sun shade funs, cireuiir French fnus, can. I lies drese goods, of patterns and textures t J , lease all, will be found at the cursor store ot Curwinsvilie, May 16, 1H60. K. A. HtVlN. O kcteton Skirts, a large variety ut roducod pi i- telln and oilier .huw ls In variety hi llin c(nn 1HVJN- AFI'I.ICATIONS FOIt DIVOBCH. Kai'thaus George Hnynes. Ktiox John Jackson. La.vrcnec Oliver Conklin, A. II. Reed SS) lcod. William Antes vs Matilda Antes. ) And now Jitno 20, 1800, Tli os. J. M'Cnllough appointed Comnissmn er to take Testimony J'er Vur. lly Tirtuo of the a'boro appointment, I will nt tend to the duties of the same at my ofl'.co in tho Borough of Clearfield, on Friday, the ilst day of September noxt, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, when and where nil persons intcrosted tnny nt- itend if they see proper. Sept. 5, 1!:09. 1110S. J. SI 'CUI.LOUUU, Com r. Hugh Kriso GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. ti e ensuing year: President, Dr. T. J.. Boyerj Treasurer, T. Luther: Secretary. Georce C. Kirk ; Managers, B. P. Stebbins, F. Franke, and Wm. K. Armagost. On hundred and If fly dollars was immediatalv raid into the " of.tho. ""n11 c.onnlI. t0 6'.v Pu,bl'e "tjM , . 01 such election, the plaoes wnoro to bo told, Lands of the Treasurer. t the oBioers to be eloctcdr TiiEiiavdnr.. I. Whereas, by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, of Pennsylvania, entitled ''An art to regulate the Gcnonl Election within this Commonwealth, it ii enjoined on the hor, comer , Un'.on David Horn. 2.NI) WEEK. Bell John Orr. ' 1 Uoggs Georgo Turner, Thomas Beers. ""Bradford Geo Vf. Geaihart, A. II. Lu cas, John Dale. Brady Jackson Long, Jeremiah Kri I nor. No. 53, Juno Term 1800. vs Action sur Divorcj. Catharine M. Kriso I . And now 'ii, Juno 'CO Thus, J M'Cullough Esq., appointed Coiumis sioner to take Testimony 'it Car. lly virtue of. the above appoint"1 nt, I. will at tend to tho duties of the s me atmr o . co in Odd- tlio Borough of Clearfic d. ooFrii., tbo 21st I day of tscptemlicr at 10 o'Oock A, M. of raid Xc'V1 day, when and a hero all perious interested may attcnu 11 uiey roe proper. 8 fU 1, '60. TH08. J M'CI LLOI GH, Com'r ITcT COAL! COAL 1 1 The publio are hereby informed that I will keep on band, at the Coal Bank of Judge Moore in the Borough of Clearfield, a constant supply nf ttiA 1,fRf BrlirlA nF pAnArtf Pnal "Tim nliftiilv . v. - - - - - - J I of the cool needs no recommendation, as the Several of tb ninmbora nflba Cnmnftriw FREDERICK O. MILLER. High Shetiflof ' :it it 1 .i . Clearfield CO., do hireby nirt public oft'ee to tb e llrr.t.il-L.' V. Mllflioll .T.V,n AfCl. ' tmblie know It as far superior to all others known .u .iar onmonuay meiiiu msi.ana Rlectort of the county of Clearfield, that a GEN-. Vi.-r. mta7ii.. , for many miles arouno. Ordors for ooal must be immediately commence operations on the ERAL ELECTION will be hold or? the .aJ,,10"?u u. , r,;0' t , obtained at the store of Mooro A Etiwiler. site which n,.rnB,r, -i i,. i i ' Tufday of October next, (being the A7.VTH day i Chest Daniel Gorman, lnuel Mc Pri f ,r tw.nty BnheU and upwards i cents v site Wcli the Company had already leas- 8f ,h, 'miBlh,, rt ,fc, '.iy.raf elect!, n district. En en. -. . .. per bushel the bank, or 6 delivered i U. Tde Stock holders ate F. K. Arnold, in said county, at which time and place the! Clearfield Wm. Radebaugh, Henry' Aug. 29, 60. 3. MICHAEL C0KLY. , i I j 1 LOOK OUT FOR A BAR GAIN? There will bo exposed to tibllc eule in Lii. thersburg, on i?aturiluy Iho 22d inst., nl 2 o'clock P. M, A certain piece or tract of land situated in Vrndy township, bounded ns follows: on the south and west by Thomas Montgomery, en tho north and est by Tolbert Dslo. Containing TWEXTY FIX ACRES MORE OR LESS, with a two story plank House nnd a log 8tnl1e, w ith a good garden, and a number of fruit treos thereon, Into tho properly of Christian Dultry deceased. TI ;ltMS UF SALI one third in baud and (he balance in two equal annual payments, to be secured by Bond ard Mortgnge on Ibe premises, ROSWELL LUTHER, Adin'r. Aug. ju, 'en. at, . I1IMSTHA1()H S tors of Administration NOTICE, having bson ' Let this day granled to the undorsigned, on the oslnte of f Jacob l.ydiok late or Pike township, Clearfield county Pa., deo'd. All persons indebted to snide estate, are requested to make immediate py r ment, and those baring claims against said en tato are requested to present them duly auihes Ptited for settlement. MARY LYD1CK, Adin. oakie tp. PepL !t, 1880. at. 3ces at Irvine corner store. Ciirwensville 10, 'CO Otel IJ Store of E. A Curwcnsville, May 111. 'CO, oots nnd hlioos. A larger stock and lower prices than ever, nl Irvin Chcai-osl i-onici'. 'tii wensvillo, May W, 'fi'J' i very large s'oeit of Hiirin V. clothing uf Ihe Intssl styles f,,r snle 1 uw by Cmwonsvilte, VaylO, LsOO. end buiniiier E. A. IRVIX. Clocking l-tovcs of vsrtoni sizes and prices for snle by E. A. IRVIN. Curwt-nsville, May 10, '(it). " facketel r.ud Iletring fof sale nt tho cornor 111 store of K. A IRVIN'. Ciirwensville, .Vny 10, C0. Ijloiir, Bacon, Beans and Clover .seed, nt the ' cheap Burner by V.. A. 1HVIN. . Curwtasville, May Id, IfflO. VI" excellent quality of Flour for salo low at Ihe store of W. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, July 11th, H00. sides of Spanish solo leather or sale low 9.r forcMli by Curwcnsville, Mny 18, 1900. E. A. IHV1' lRUIT. m. 1'ried Apples, Pared and mi pared. Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Raisins at (he corner store of K. A. lit V IN. Curwensvillo, May 16, 1900. D"! rstins Mill and cut .S'aws, Mann's axes ami general assortment of IWrdwnro at the storo of . A. 1KVJIN, Curwonsville, Muy 10, 18C0. largo lot of BEANS (or rale at the Iron 2V. Store of MERRILL A BIGLER, COA by OAL OIL And Com. Oil, La! for salt C. KRATZFR A SON?. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. TIIK above Hotel, Wing reeentljr beerj fitted up for a honse of entertainment, e now open for the acrommoJation of the publi?. -wtfravelt r it no i bus a oonvenieni nun. (-,