01 1. li,,,,, I I I ! 1 1 M ' ,, ..... I'l V Mil ' n N I i ,S I HI' ill NC. I "li STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, JNO C. BRECKINRIDGE. 1 1 1 k vi' i; i i;i si I'l.N r. UIJXIMVMUU I I V VHtliVWtll GEN. JOSEPH (invriiNM; HENRY D. I. r 1 HI MviRI I ,M) l tH'.Nl V. I'cli t'ONiilil 'SS. HON. JAMES K. KKRR. nf Vc i!iuij;i) comity. ICK ASSl'Ml'.I.V. A. M. BENTON, SQ,, .-I' M'Ki'iin county. MAJ. E II, BRADY. nl' Jctloisoii county. roMMlsskiNKK, S. C THOMPSON, of Morris Iji. AL'I.'ITOK'. B. C, BOWMAN, of 1 'ri'utur tj,. 1'Ii:siI'i:nti.l elhi.tcks. Uicluud Yinx, lieo. 1. Kcim. JUstnct - Fred A. Server. 'J W. L'. l'nttt'fson li-Josi. (rocket t, jr l-Jno. G. I'.K nuc:-"i-G. W. .Tiicol.y. .7,',-r.,-.v. 1 1 1-Ikhuc Ileckhoiv. . 1'i-tlco. I. Jackson Jf't-.John Aid. ,17-.T,.. l 1!. Ihmnor. 1.x-. I. P. Ci.T.yfird. H'J-U. X. l.ee. -( fins. Kellcv -Oliver 1'. JaliieiiO-.Iosli. I',. Howell. S-D.tvi.l Scl.all. l-.!oe! I.it-utef. 0- S. S. 1', i Vl, our. 1- T. II. Wiilker. 2- S. Wiiit'hes rr. l.l-.Jos. Iiiilncii. Ll-N. H. Fetterniiin. L"J-S;unl. Miirshall. 23-Wm. Hook. J.. Ilntnlin. llj-liavloid Church. KESOM'TIOX Oi THE DT. MOCK. TIC STATE KXECl'TIVn COMMITTEE. fakl That the Demorsatic Klecto- ral Ticket be headed with tho name of ; Stephen A. Douglas or John C. It:, i ken- ridge, as nn Elector nt Large, nml in the j event ot the success of said Ticket, if the . . i n i i cieater nunii.'er ol votes bl.all havo been cast for Stej'hcn A. Douglas then the vole of iho Eletoral College of the fctate shall bo cast for Stephen A. Douglas nnd i llerscliell V. Johnson for President anil' Vice .President, but if for John ('. Itrwli. enriilce, John C. Urcckeiin-liro and Jos. ! bane for tho same ollices. If tho vote of Pennsylvania cannot elect the candidates lor wnom tue majority oi votes mo cast, and it can elect any man runninc for th: ollice of President of the Unitod States, claiming to be a Democrat, then the vote ,.-,l. L'l. .. .'',' I !.lll- . r m i..u ..icuum. '.'tot-Ku suau ue cast ior c.ples, ami the promotion ol their organi that candidate. If il will not elect eith- .- .1 i , r .i i er of the Dvmocrats for whom it is cast, mica' m' t,,e ,r,,no ol,Jccls f ,hcir or any of the Democrats who aro voted m'e antl ve Relieve t hat tho ninn, be ho for in tho States, then tho votes shall bo ; the humblest voter or the chosen stand east for tho candidate ; who has tho majo- aid bearer of tho parly; who seeks to rily of the votes of tho State; and thatL-i . , A , , . , n,fM, f.i- n i . -ndo into powor bv tho destruction of tructed to obtain from tl.o irenllenien on .... ....... , ...... j w .1-1. -T-I . ... -...I ine L'ciu icrauc ricciorni ticket ol this , State their several and distinct pledges of ncjuiesceneo in Iho foregoing resoliis lion, ami to report the result of his act ion in tho premises at tho next meet i.ig ot the Committee. Democratic Meeting. A meeting of the Democracy of Clear- field county, will be held at the Methodist I h - '-t.urrl. ui tfiol'torough of Clearfield, on cil a5 Elc,tors, ai ,. fol. Ncw Yfl luesthy eveiimg of tho Court week, Colli!,. , . , , , M . , ay of September, nt S o'clock to hear the j 1 rp'loi l-k 1)oi,C1'" ft"J -liai1- Hr -sues of the present eamiiaim ,lise.,Be,l for the purpose of appointing a Standing ectors not having been agreed upon. inrolf' ri,r,VS T?T . i lnf Committee for tho ensuiiiL' venr and to ri i i a traitor fall lack to the tory bosom ol perform siul, other as is'ctfs om ,"lr U' eon iy . brought about by Gr t l5l'itain where his proudest friends ry at that time. Hon Henry D Foster (-"'0'-'Iy R,ul Reward, to answer them nnd nre buried and highest Dopes survive, than our candidate for Governor Hon' James 1 lh'n' u'eu.l.s as a dodger. Let a Demo- that such poisonous sentimeiits be pro K. Kerr our candidate hr Congress, lion.! c. at charge upon tho 'Republican party I !'cre h? Heniocnicy of Clar- Ri -hard Viiiv Hon Willimn h;..i .. . i r. ... . i ion only pitv and give vent to feelings of aunaru v aux iion M1I am Higler arid ! ,-,f being and holding Abolition sentiments, ...p r' ,.th0 man Ta m;t(ok bis other eminent spt-fikers have been invi-1 , -,, v . . r . .. le"'01iC lo1, U1C, mnn J1, ,tt0Vu 18 . .... . . .,.. l.rl. ivill irnmn, hi. v 1-r.r.",,. I.i ll.n ....i:nA u.l... I., .a......... , ... I. in .1:., led, un will i,e present to address the inerf inc. Turn out Democrats ami show tho one iny tint wo nre united and nro determin ed to be victorious. D. F. KTZW1LEK. Ch'm., ot the Dem. co. Com. Sept. ., lOCO.-ot. Covode. Ho observe that Jlom-d ! "(.lory to; 'oil, eovode is getting his sides wcrmed in tho YV ,'stmoreland District. Tho Republicans had two candidates in tho field for Congress, Cowun nnd White, ant no conlereos Inct several lime but: could make no nomination, neither of tho1 cn.li.P,.... n.;.. ... ... J . timing tu J 111, I HI llll- ..i.- t i ..... ... ... t . i..iSg en out mm tno smell - er ovo.lowou.tt not accept a re-nomir.a. lion, but finding that peace could not be '"l,,i ut,'-nivu ii, neii ja ;i i.oiins nation, which was immediately given him, (..IM'n.l tin Artnonnlnl Iaaa. .. ! Cowa:-. and While loth withdrawing from the contest- ct wil, ncvcr bo glvcn outi thus leRvirg , Aporlnon of the Ropub.ienns of the the j.o negro Electors in New York .oj tilt,,. l,.i,..,,l.....A. 1: i:i.i... '.I'..... I.. i-.. . i. it ,- ' """"S t'vuinn, ui'iiuiMira wan ti.e Umufty of (. ovode, have brought out Darwin Phelps of Armstrong county, as an Independent candidate against Co vode. crnts have made no iiomiiiiition, leaving he fight to continue between thoso two . w - mil .ens. not rarving much which whirs. Mr. Phelps, if we mistake not, was the ! know vou nre. This Is what we will meet- with the aid of Aukabim the faithful, to1,,,', , , J ... tL l" ' J'"l?n.J,r -l.0111'' ,,r 1 h,? -" " Uepubllean nominee four years ago for land the only principles we have o con, rut adilTorent color on . aft.irs-especiallyj 'e Two Ihousand, iwo Hun, lYZ ... .. . ... . .. . I . . T .. 1 ' n iboifl "bnmnn affu r" ofton l,,m,l 1 dred and Sixtv-fonr I),, Hum nnrl Tl,i.l., t. 1 ".li"?",'P " , J. I.1.IM.MUM. AU'iuor t.enerni ol mo stnte. no now tend against n tlio approaching contest I i n- ... i . n i " i . i' . , . . . 3 J'-k,.. rr-s i or the i.etngli Coal ( Nav. Co., and ever is a very nonular man and as the nr. ? 'th S s-.rc,nsm' ,ln , ,?''1' ' l?ook of six cents of the principal of tho debt 0r H,n. ASA PACKER, JUueli Chunk ; ail io mr ei) popular man, ami as tl.o w.orlhy of otc. Lamentatloni "chattels"-"humn chat- tho Common wealth inclu.liiv- Five Tho,, vh""t '"'J - ' '"'''' District is so hopelessly tho Demo, ! riln .n,,t,vi,:iion. ur.d rPanr. r nAm. tel. !" - . i i-: ?r l ti . l n clu il i n e live! hoti w, , , J Al'I'iMhtlt'Mil' T ' in .1 i ! In' i 1 "'I I 'I ' li. M tn H !!. ' , I , ill III i I I I, 'I "H II' , I I "I" n tj' , 1 1 M.y '..VI It ,1 N I. n l i I mI i ii i le K I i'l , I A i li ' ' ( i li""l )i -ii I Wy licfl lp , nit I il I'M tin '. lil l l at T i 'ii. 'Ik I'M Mim .lie, l ii.l i , VI. I V, 1'. M. 1 linlinnili n. Siilurdiiv, V'Jtl r. ah . it, n.Yj' , " .i.i. .i,., I ' ! 'in i ii ' t li , lii'liiv, '..Mil, .I.) neii ilia'. Siluiiln. '.'.Hli. il ). to. I'i. I.i. lo. M iilsomiii g, Monday l-t ivi.de ""hue'. Hind, t, Turn. 'Jnd do. do il. do .In ,lo ilo do do do do d,) do ". I,, 'o. , iv Millport Tluiinliy Itli, do. i .Icll'i ip.t, Wooihvni'tl, ilo l'ciilii'M llou1. t, Wciln. iinl 1 KliilipO,m.', Fiiilay f.lli lNol'Ui'i! ,'itli i 'niiiiltcU' r.cll i, Sutni 'y titli iKjI.ilowu iId t'tli . ll'Uin'n 1'lonni tj: Moiulny S 1 1 ' T!o. k ton, ' ' ni.tti tp do lo , o ' "" do. do. . do. do. do. AMe spcakei H will lie present to address i il' ll of these meet ilia's. The Sti ait Ticket. Wo have already vxpivsed our views 'in ii'ard tj tin' formation of an Electoral j ticket under the iiupiecs oft ho Forney, i ll.ddcrman ltoimfort giuij;. This nt ! tempt at politici.l lofty and ground tuiii ihliiif!, appeiim nt length to have culuiina- ; ted. We now have tn the held, the reg I ular Klector.d tiyket framed nt Heading, Ian. I this new or strait i'oughu ticket. jTho lioumfort Ilai risburg ('ominiltoe, nc tin by mlvieo of ,1. W.Forney have ta 'ken the Reading ticket and struck from it, thu iiAtnos of lhoso whom they In licv jetl were inimical to tho rule or ruin poli cy and in their stead have mlistituted per son upon whom they think they can de pend, to throw their votes for Puuflflp I tiret, and (or Lincoln or I'ell if necessity 1 requires it. ! H'o have thun, upon tho ono side, the ! regular ticket foi ined by an united I'e 'moeiacy, sustaineil by the regularly con stituted stato Organization, and ncipiies eed in by all 1'omoerat who have the i J good of thir party and the success of it principles at ho irt : and upon the other a ticket, formed by a bogus organization without the shadow of regularity, formed by men who have distinguished them selves for disloyalty to tho organization, composed of men who are of the. name po litical complexion and Mtstained only by jthoao who prefer the election of Lincoln to tho success of the Democracy. J If the utter dismemberment and de- stru,'lion of tho P"l.v, if tho slllVOS 01 Khu-k Republicanism and sec tloiialism, bo the aim of those sell-styled patriots, then indeed they havo adopted ,u. . , , ,- , th') means to secure their end. l .hoiv- ' evor' thc sucys ' tlie Democratic pa rty oc the end scught, political insanity is the mildest term wo can find to apply to their conduct. "Whom the Gods would de- sll'.v tllpV Clst nlakc niad," is nn adage that may in the days of these Latter Day Saints of Democracv. be well applied We hnve nn abiding faith in the noblo Democracy of the Keystone state, wo feel know that the success of their prin- . . . . . .... tllt' ortTnnizat ion, and the defeat of their ! -1- .. Ml l.i ll." , 1 . principles, win meet ai tneir nnniis, tno stern rebuke his conduct merits. Another Candidate. The Xationtl Abolition pnrty assembled at Schenectady N Y. a few weeks ago and nominated Gerrit Smith for President, Sanuel McFailantl of Pa, for Vieo President ; nndatthe same time nominat- a i.ug.i ioi ien ior, ... i , r.. v -1--..1. am- niond two negroes, the balance of the vWo Irniismitteii to posterity was ft poor ' J - fact that the Abolitionists havo a eandi- , union sentiments would meet with appro jdato of their own in the person ot Gerrit l1 l,y 11)0 n-'moeraey of Claiion His I 1 1 lliotL-i' nitiHiinMil cnrihiT tl.nl Una I mini Smith ; a ,d conser,t.ently they not willcann;)t le sunclclx.tf Werc not believed by vote for Mr Lincoln. jhun, and as he would reign as monarch. It is well known that tho Abolition par- .ho entertains no such desire, tv ennt-.-nlK n b.rae voir, In inn ,,rihorn i Curt in joined tho Know Nothing party it.". , , ... . . , . , and led the hosts in opposition to the De flates, and every effort is being mad.; by ! ,, n ' ' i..,u..i, t..i the Republican party to secure that vote : for Mr Lincoln, which he is tuio to get untlcr the present arrangement. This is wealth he labored to defeat Governor I ack ,..!.,.! !.i, ti f;,i,i; . f..:...nr -m.. . er and every other Democrat on tho tick. '",'iw J vnuu i. v I iuiiip, '. unni'ia V ... , T. . ... . . , ,. and Benj. F. Wado nil notorious nlolil- tti.iulc orrt l.,1.-M.lr. I l... lonwi, aro Inuring to liing nbout.- These aro the men, and they hold the .- ., .., , .. , "fl.llillCI. IS II1HI, WOUIII COOirOl inO aCUOlI. . ' iul ilietate tho policy of Mr. Lincoln, in the event of his elect ion to tho rresiden - cv. It is a fact that Gerrit Smith isaenn - ..'1 , 1- ..T 1 . t .. .. iiiuaie ior i rcsiiient, puievery Abolition istwill.no doubt, vote for Mr Lincoln. because the balance of the Electoral tick Miiauiiiuiii', auu un mo u;iy ti ciecuon to vote for tho nominees of tho Plack Republican-John Brown parly. Democrats of CWrfield are you ready to moot and iMc&t Abolitionidin t W inoes oftheRepublicaarty.lbr Nation - al, State, and District ofticcs are in accor- hi. otHie. auu i 'isirict oinccs are in ncror- Ku with th Ua-li. in.i.U. f ,t,.i. --.- i ....., .w v. ...v.. I'll' , Illicit II ll'illiil'l' I'lt'in I" I l''' I luiii liii I r HM'tliilli md . Al i lil ' iv i III, I I I ll .1' I. II I'l I II ll'l) It . III! l'( w lid Ii run h li"in nn I i.li!t'i ,-i' n ! k ! nifii t, 111 Hi" Lienliif rri v liin.r'l li. pi! Inn-i lit lhr rrtil ilny. Lineolni Opinion of Thornm JrflVr noil, The Mfiroiiib ( tlliwiN) '?'. liMinK ip fioni its old ti l-8 i i("rli 1111111" by Aliiilinni I.iiiioln in fit. in w in li in ... . I Fill! I "Mr. .Irll. 'mm ii a Miitcshinn tlio.n ,.r .,.., r nl f ll. i.w.nll. id' I III' I ' ' . Iicinocraln' i.mly. I,ct us nttcinl to tim iiiicnr.ji'ioinisiiit: ini'iin oi iircttoin, '.vno-i' i ' . ' r . . . . .... .i . nnine nc m contiiiuiilly invoke,! ni'ninl ttn , ilP party. The clmni. tcr cl' .Ictlcr,,.,. IIIII1Z lull. I llll I I llll Ht 11' I OI din, I.""' - , . . , , , , , , i ivn. tnUiv.'. fontin.ii.lly piling about ul . Master i.reelcy and .i.e. is his bbe.ty. equality and the d.n.di. enu.se '."' "' 'Vominon hun-nnity . - Wm of shivery, ho brought Iwh own childem to the liiiinmer, find iniitlii money ol lux , debaucherien. F.ven at his death ho did . not :iiauumit his numerous offspring, but left them, soul and body, to degradation ,. ,s for holding our first Agricultural , ' h,J " u 'j! ' u" u,"- and the cart. whip. A daughter of this . . - , ...,......,,,. Ult.;, iob of f.-n-' ,"1,1,;""'lf ""'"'''. which whs .on vaunted champion of Democracy was sold ; (, tt0JUst ,C(""1, tU'! .U,U .J' ' ,.' ' 1 Mle.,-d l.bcri. and .... e-s .a., j.utu e to some years ago, at public auction, in New grounds, mid n.akmg the. lung, !, K V aud.ei.ee ll.s lllack ,,-publ.-- Oileans. and iiLirchased bv a society 0 . f I J ' I ,'r.hll,.iinn u'.r. iviJunl t , (nvtil'v.- l,V lirP ' i,' Illl.!!!!!!) HHV 1.1 - J ' ' i;i...,.nil.M, .1,..;.. ,l,;,..r,n of it,., Si,.l.-s,' tv, , c..,.i. .,.,;., ti,...-u ..,i.r.,..n ' "This sim-le lino I havo (.noted t ives ;.;.!. , i, ,.i,. ,..,., r il... ! man than volumes of panegyric lb will onfli.e liifciiilaol, .-to it who mav." I i.iuiu iimiii. ti.v uuki . vi This is tl.o l.u.i;uafc of Mr. Lincoln against tho author of the Declaration of American Independence a calumny that should tinge the cheek of tho vnriest dem agogue in tho land, and would be a dis- t,i I.., ill f pi-el ntrniitst nnv m:m of " i . .i " i i even common respect, but this is Lincoln.-1 ism all over. .. The Opposition. Opposed to Democracy we have Andrew a. t.'uitin of Centre, county, the son of an Iron Master, once lumsetl an iron .Mas ter, and always opposed to (he Demoa-nt-' ic pnrty. His father was a foreigner from England or Franco. His associaiions were adverse to our free institutions. His fam ily had a p.'culi:-r liking for the nubility of Europe and always pteferred tho socie ty of II irdinan Philips and kindred spirits, who resided in Centre county fur many y pars nnd refused to become naturalized citizens Mr. Philips was born in Eng land nnd died there, lie loved tl.o coun try, nnd although his dominions extend ed far and wide in this ''land of the free,' his feelings were exclusively with mother England. The Curtin, Morns, Jrvin and other families in that vicinity, made the pleasant home of Mr. Philips a principal place of resort. All tho influence they could bring to bear were centered to do feat nnd overthrow the Demacratie party. Mortified nt ill success in efforts to defeat the party of principles under which our government has remained free and pros perous, Mr. Philips returned to his home ;n England, leaving his landed posses ions to be disposed of at great sacrifice. The persons that we hnve named in con nection with Mr. P., remained here ambi tious for power nnd place. Norm got po sition in the Lewistown Itank, a sw indhng shop. Gen. Irvin ran tor Governor on the anti-masonic ticket and was tic en ted bv nn overwhelming majority, and now his relative nnd bosom friend, Andrew Gregg Curtin stnnds in his shoes, about to meet the fate of his uncles Gregg nnd Irvin. Andrew Curtin is no less aristocratic in his feelings and conduct than wai even Mr. Philips himself, who despised out laws for naturalization. He too, like Mr. Philips would return to tho country o' his choice had ho a homo there, nnd were it not that he has bosom companions in the party that hates our government for its simplicity nnd eschews our people fo: ,.;.. i;i,eral views nnd plain matter of fict customs All over this country wo have that kind of people. They stood around the stand last week in Clarion nnd cheered in tri umph when Curtin exclaimed in burning words from tho rostrum, "If the Union is to slide, let it go now !'' Paso traitor to his country, ho felt that the constitution had remained too long and as ho defen ded Lincoln and his party ho desired to ri-frni-e the wav for lettimr his friends ' down easy. . I hat the tottering labrick "should not .uuuiemu nni-.i .m puuini.ii m ma 1 ock rewarded him for his tm-irc ! and in his position as Secretary of the Common , . . , , x' L ' ' . i 1 etwitlihnn. Now hois n position lo be rcw(mc(l for J,is hatrod of De.wracy ana1' 'it. ... .l-A J.. 1 . . I. - 1 the party that defon-ls and sustains .the nion, will drop tho C urtm with all his ! Pritish antecedents to bo raised f n a new. . i. i . , , i .. , nnd In him ha ed scene, the cor ion of ,nfi i,pmorrat nd r-alriot. Henrv D. Fos - inr ryr,o w,,. i -V"T Mr- Greeley's Point ofView. Greeley, in his "high moral tone," anil climacteric style, thus notices the ipsur. rectionary movements in Texas : K."-" ? SSmA .- . . . and frccilom that maketli alive. ' which it is so pleasant to behold in the ohtOBo1e, of 'ft great ..moinp, r,rophet, l,n ik hoimri to tnomt niAnlcm.l flni'.: m ..i . ' I ...tii. ii i r a . a r 1 f i . ' tuM lo protect jheir property, and tho pupil, i . ... .i . UiT 2 '1 . aV". v .u J'ui'i" .-la.-. or ,'.n, who In il'' ('i "i 1 1 . 'i I . I i i 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 I ,1, ,,. ... t, I,. , t, ,H hi, . I 'i ni'li' . li 'ii in the Mil'lmi" "I lit tn in.; ,i li i ill i. I . i I r li. iniiri 'li"l I., I V h .' 1 1" il It'll '.Hi. II III I " H", Hill I'l III' i ... , MM In il' .1. U I, iui r lit i mir in' " iminn fi ; i m i In' , I nl tu t, it liin-l l ' ronl'".'!, IHi H( irt i'i 111 nun"'3. ; , '.i, nui'lil til go (ti'l't Tt Mill Incline in In linll nl In . I'l Pupils nii'l r. t (In-ill 'out of the tlouhli' (hat ho hits P'l Minn lilt., ft 1 . Hill" I'M I 111' II) HII' Ilipill' ll"ll ot nn ol.l I'lii-liil. liohl In' niriilllv allow- r, (,, immolate limiull niiti Inll i tloz.n l.ill.nr, lor the rhnnee of nmuintf ''' ..'. ;..i.l., i',..,.... ,. ,, l, ' . " " ' '. ' I1"'" I""' i . t . Hi 1 1 -. nlicy ll.l' llltll'li'l' No diniltl, if Ur,h:i coulil only njoy i in, iwiiM.iimi' oi i iirncc oi . i I '!UI' - .. v , .....,..1, I .......t trt t., it 1 1 1. 1 niv r.l, lulu I ie ., .i V .. V l'n l-;,'t-M.eh ft luunly. m M The County Tair. 'rhtiComniitteo havinc in charge tho. ' Wliiel. tl.OV havo iloi.O in a NiibAtuntial Xf.. Xfi1! 1.,,.. ., ,1, . . I 1 i'i MIULIH Y Ullllll,1 HMU lHIIILH " .. ." . .. . I Ot lluiswoik has itonc m a mo.tltnluil nml workmanlike manner, tl.o arrnnueinentM far nro excellent, if not Euiiciior to . , , ,. ., ... , nnu 'nn' r.i'Aiir.1 ivn oinw fi l l in . ;l m. i , ,, . , It is probably mi necessary to have so !"""' iuV within the enclosure as they .. ... . have no doubt that many of them will bo ! " , ...... w occupied most of the time during the con tinuance of the Fair. Now that tho committee have discliar- Ifl their duty in a manner Aorthv of " . J . .. . ly generally, will taxo upon ilium selves (to discharge theirs also, with them now! ,',-csts the building up or breaking down of un A iouItuIlll oci in tllia C0Ulltv. , to discharge theirs also, With them now Agricultural ocieiy "us.iumngo, uu.j one upon another, but let every Farmer, r ,1 t. ..... i : ..f r .uecr.anu', .Merchant and artisan tic at his post of duty-there are none so ise Vllt i.l t i .m ti.ey may i.ecome wiser, ana "one so rich but that they may be made richer, a general exci.angc oi opinions inm exam ples always results in good to those wil ling to receive them. Pennsylvania SS. In the name antl Ly the au- . . . f j t.iority of i " . Peniisvlvi . . . - t i i 1 ennsy vaii'a, u.i.ii i-.i acr - V ' .. ' . . ... er. liovernorol the saul Lomuion- '!-'hl- PPCICIT A M A TTCIW WHEREAS, Py tho Third Section of hi A,' th ( eneni Asscm . v of , , ... , , icn.ii.onm nn n, jiH.-btu n,e i.nu (i ij oil April. A. D. lxri.t, entitled "An Act to es tablish a Sinking Fund for the pnymens of the Public Debt," it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Auditor General nnd State Treasurer,1 Comniisf ioners of the .Sinking Fund, crc, ttlm tonimonwea. iio.,. ,, ., . .... t,onu.!. ,,f ,. , -, , atedby the said Act or tho Assembly, on - h i'u:onsistei-y of Hrecken, . Ig.- : , ., , i Lincoln, and uru'i'd all true I't-iiKcrats U the first Monday of September, A. D.,,. .,, ,i, ., .;,.,.,.,. ,,.,.! lSot, and on tho same day aniuuilly there- i after, to report and certify to the G J er- J nor '.he amount received under the sai I j Act, the amount of interest paid, an. I the I amount of thc debt of the Commonwealth : redeeemetl a:: held by them. Whereup on theGovernor shall direct the certifi cates representing tho same to bo cancel led, and on such cancellation, issue his Proclamation stating the fact, and the ex tinguisliDient and final dischargo of so much of tV.c principal of said debt. And M'l,crciiA, by the Nii-.t-ty-Kightli Section of thc Act of tl.o Genrrul A - sem - bly pMssed the 19th day of April, A. ). lSo3, entitled, "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of Government," it is provided that thereafter the rece'j'ts of the Sinking fund to the amount that may be necessary lo cancel the relref issues new in circulation, under the provisions ofthcActof tho -1th day of May, A. D. 1841, and there-issues under tho act of! l.r. Toil. ,1.... a . ..:l i i i o i.i ...i.i. i i ' V ' '. uiHiiii-u loivarai'io cancellation oi saiu is sues. ii, II hfreat, ilham M. II icstcr, Thos L. Cochran and Eli Slifcr, Commissioners of the .Vinking Fund, in obedience lo the requirements of law, report and certify to mo, that the debt of the Commonwealth of Tcnnsyl van. redeemed ami he'd by J lhein f,Pm lha 5th ,, of September A n 1ar(1 . ' 1 " Uo)' to tb 3J ly of September A. D. lll'.n I. II. re- IT i 10, amounts to tho sum of Six Hl'Tld red 'und Two Thon.n T VT,,n ... I c: ' , . A . 17.7 I . ' V,, ttuUA"lr 8tx Dls' aunvtv, u ii no ti'itViTi? . Stock ridel Coupon Loans, ?,i9,'!, f.28,,'il Interest Cei lificates. 3,in:i, .p; Ttnliof Kolosfncnllnd .i 7 fli I lUm..U IVai.nM' o,.t.. ,.Ai.l C ... . ... . . - . - . u,.... , v I " i'i ' 'I ' Tol!l1 frtitt,2c-i:ic Xow Then fore, as roouired ly tlio Thirl . 1 c, hereby issue this, my Proclamation, declaring tl.o payment, cuncellation, ex- a -....-..... i.i.y.uni lu v. i of the relief been cancelled and tic e uy seven issues wnicti l.avo v.., ..,i.i ,i ,i.. , .t i V v. . V", . . . eu oy me niueiy eignr, eectlon 01 tlic Act ,,l M i,l I' " n l . . I ,' I1"" .i.l i t t . . ll.tl. I , ll. I ' I. nil. 1 1 , in iln ) - 'I ( 1 1 n lli il.i1 "I ''' t in 1 old i 'in' I II i I n in. i I vu ll.l 'i, mi l Si! ly. i'"l ''I' (li.i I 1,'lilV I il'lli. if ( 'iiii,i"lr. ..Illi M. 1'. r.('M It, Ity tin I lovei I'.ol , W'm. M. 1 1 ii m mi, Sr. i i 'm li lit '' ". " I't'll I 'oVi.lll S'", till' I )iio-iti II. l',t. in si, I lie i iiio.i;on nave t n il . .... bll Fill Ion, n voun i! tniill el' l:i;lii'rple pttskcfung n pi ui iiiii i) in iiht'iiiii'l l oy r d.incing iiui'ter. Ili-i ( ally cdm uliou inn el.'! k in n couiitiy it tail st.:e, whoro till (b btH due Wel e collected lit thc'in l ol the vear, under the liiiininci', if neetl bo, wus not lugliuteu, n i vouUnt ttuilent once of this idaet won I J hay, lie has u lol'-iit for his profession, i:J u the1 words of our neiglibnr, 'Mnade it .-a." I He hxs mado some money by bnj 4i..,i- , , i i . .1, ............. can and Know .Nothing friends who havi always stood on t ho same plank of his ' ' " , , - , l'liutorm, were u.o same inin nave gen-r- v ii,uImI similar meelines here in t a f,nt'ie I.emocrat that no cnii liear ol ' pledging him support. Ho is not in the! ivimiiu 1 lull was. nxcei.t s,) lar us the i,u:se ! . . 1 i is coneertK d. (ullis bad lueiiii-s : tin .MS jn Wiirrrn lwl treacherous 1'e.i.o Icats all over tl.o district t-oMayed their; r , i.t.i ,' ,.nt.,.vi.. I pi ' ,, , ... , ioi ho i. lis campaign, u.o jn-ess iiii-i im Mil tv aro a unit in lavor ol I. h. Kerr.-- Kven in (iillis' defeat tho Li nioi.i aoy o! ! this district rim-ied a majority of more than three hurdreii for the tale ticket ll I now in at ills un i ten on a ...liii o. us cno.eo, i .1,,, ;i.;i,. i. ,, ,.,! r,.i.; i bord enng on lil'teen hnndreil. (", !),-, omit rt,-Tl,0 ne.nuerats in ll, Co.!,.,' f.v. . f'mi.' 1 ' - ' " w t r tiling Ac., Oongressioi;al I'lslnet liave nominated Gen. Robert Fleming of It' ill j ia.nsport for Con-ross. , Jjunes T 1Mt, u ,jo( n re-nominated !jy (j e j; ('publicans in '.position to Gen. ; j.,, ,, . , ;,,,.,, 1 ,0 ,,lt ai abolition , j,,,,,,,. ijy i(rtK, nK.j,)i ity, and .-, '(' corn v sending jsueh Democrat to Ccngn-s-, it will not tike them three months to elect a speak jer, as it invariably does the Ji 'i':, --. j GoSMOroi.ITAN AIIT JO 1' H N V ' . W e h.e j received the September liun.ber of th.- "t 'o.st: opolitan Art Journal,' pul'li-he i in New York by the Cosiuojiolitaii Ait ; number contains an Association. Th interesting artich on Di:as Swi. t ; "Win nreu -ow i, Ly ai.h.-k r.uii'.v, i.e.-ni much other entertaining matter. Tin illusti ions aro very copio.isand exceed'--, iliL'lv well execute' 1. A line steel n -' i - , i- sM E.n -, " n.. il,. ....... .v v . v v . ' 1 ' i'l i . , , ... I e :l.. . i i ;wllul ",:,i " P':'' :u' i iii,,,uei ;l "" TIa,,-,! Tti, f UTiMt; uujjmo uaia'., In . pu. a'-eo o a ca 1 ' lOi" - " '"""'f Sat urday evening the-St U n.it. Jo.-.h i 'im S . . ' A, I'tloom. M,srs is,;, .inuiel l.oiur aid I). W. Reau. Vice Picsid nt.-, Sec"; i j. i: Kratzer and W. A. Dale, I t li. I'aui r.Mj, was c.il.i l upon to ad ! le antl fo rnii r l-i 'Viiig is mi-cling, .in ,1 in a very i elo'iuent manner, showed un the and present position of tl.epaity. Biliimorc Coiiveiilion, DouljIus and Jvlm I sen. I, J Crams Esq, was then called for, and aJdrossctl the meeting i. a titling and be coming manner. He gave his realms for supporting Douglas and Johnson, ami fully endorsed the doctrine of Popular Sovereignty as enunciated in tho ( i t.-i 1 1 - atti Platform, and adopted ly Iho Demo-1 cratic party in ls'it',. Alter MrCrans ha'?: concluded, th? following resolutions were ' ofl'eicd ami unanimously adopted. I Il-'iolc t, That in Douglas and Johnso.i, ', u.o ren'iiar nominees oi i no party, we i liiivc sfiiinl. n-d bem-ers ol' ivliutu v.. t'e.-l i j ,,roud, and tii.it ive support no man .-s an 1 ; elector who is not unc'i'iivoeally pie I I ' j to their support. " ! II,. v, ... I, . i M .. I ! . I i M i ii i . 1 1 -1 - !' l 1 1. 1 Id,' M-iif. nl ii-.'-', .-i i, iiuii. in'iiry i. ro-irr nn; nominee lor Gt.yernor, deserves the. unit ed support of the Democratic parly, and that if other counties fol. ow the cxunplc of Clearfield, he will be t r'uu'.phan'lv elce- j ted. ! Rt'.io ',-.-,. That in o-ir County and Dis-j Irict nomi:iees wo have true Democrats ' who can command the partv vote. After tho adoption of the above resolu. HOI lions, Halter Marrett r.sj, was cniieu ior, but stid that it n-iw now growing late, andlnetd, for tU .t movctl the meeting to adjourn. BPft.Tho ikvU nl our olbo w en ir (trc t J ' f .' , , -. . ,, t xt- 0 Albie Kelly as a most likely way of im provinu th e A bolition party. 31 tfo SUbtttiscmcnts. HEN'RY WHITEHEAD, JrSTH'i: of the peace ltoeklon, Union tp., will attend 'promptly to .11 lnwineu entrust..! to his car,. I bept, 12, I860, ly W A NTE D I M M EDI ATK L V. ' Tho nibtcrilier will give employment to a lier to die throe or four thnurnnd liuhelsof col-1 coul K"-" -i;"' u.u, j.crsuua i.j or oy (III . ... ' b - ... n , h.r. ,.ri, ' Sept. 10th isco. rt. J. A. Torpo, &Tiill(rt3rcs' Hr.s4S't2i't3 1"lirrty-inth and Maiket Street, I'hira. ."XDI-tltx. I i liicipals. Hon. M. UIlJT.KR. (Mimrfiol,! M..KTTt Km. tho Menhnnts' H(.ihI. lhiln .,.., ,i v. .., . c..i i r . - , ...... ,.u 11 1) J'lvll?.. I.L CIIIU"! 1111 ll.l"! imil.on aenred retpe.-t.ng this Srininury. A Uruve and Lawu of ltlCillT ACHI'K , tah.l to tU Iu-tituV. f..r s-..l.,slon. romiou and physii-ul exereiM'. im. W A I t II f ' i 1 t i' r i , I I I'1 i. . . . . 1 1 i 1 l ,. t, t .'.li 'I i" i ' - ' i i ii i I m (. 1 1, i I i - .i .... i W in III , Hint .'i l I l' I ti l' .. ' Ii m a i n kIh 1 1' i " t't I "II ' ii, Ii ' , i .I'll i.l lVt III "I I I .tM,.l. il. , M 't . . I,, , I i lial i-i' I r 'tt '"l't '"' "I-1. ( I. Ill l,C i if i-t i) Mill' I; t n I,.,. i , t; ,( I II nlllllillt 'l II IV. AI.I.IukIk i.l ri.'l, Hul' li.i hti'lJn,, uii'-liillv ii ii,"l ini'l H'.t, i-.inf. ,i A rt'lllilill'l.''.' nl I ii 1 1 o ii it j; . . , 1 ; . j r. . I ." I t. l:i, 1!" "I. II 1'. N.M i;,t Im rf!v Copper luAll APPLE PEARER liom 75 cc'. to $J.,2,'i, t.oi. )!., r i ri " c.ki ,V.7.'-S'' !.!S; VWVYV CANS, IIOI.MNii 5 l'INTK, t'O CENTS, M(iNi:oi:'s iwTF.yr i:iG-wi!ir COAL OIL LAMPS - i'" hmh. .-insiu iniviii, in, nuuuceu uui MltAT ( r iTI.KS AM) Ml I I f ltsl Atlirc'itly liO'lueed Trices; AI.'O, A LA KG I' a.s.soi;tmi:ntoi I I Titr,Ln,ii' nnlinr,, .-, I I J It I f C Ct ( r ft-1 n, ff M I un ! NAILS, STOVES, o., i ;AT MERRELL & BIOLES i .''.pt. P.i, Wj i.-ly. Clcuilkld, Tt. nn: ims r ahival OF FALL 4 WINTER GOOD AT TEE OLD STAND OF :: REED WEAVER &C On Miukct Street '2 doors north lb: Court House, where they nil ii - 'Hist 01)',I11I): ail UliUSlKl V iiri' just , .,,,,1 v, ..II S(.WU 1 ,t(lCc of rO0t! - i . , r , . . " I ....... I . . . I'. ... . I - r-u u c t to ine .UUfe oi uiu .-uiiiuii.i inily lor th.-i'ali tiinl Winter ir,u! I , . , . -. i j u 1 1 K-ii ii:cv oiler i'i bime aiin r-ina ,,,,1,,,,,:,,., ho M lvaM)naU : tftriUS C1.L AM) KXiMINP. 1(1 voi;it,i:i.vi- heir assorln.ei.tt I 0RYCOOD34 NOT 10 Nil ;s v :y largo a t- ii i.rtici,' '.j , 1',,'i.il iilUiili'.i. , I.A PIES' I;;1.- .I .'r,:ni,'t..': t-iii't rat ii; f I'., I lli, Hi llll'l s. i vi is I I'rti.I t , tin- .-.'! .' ,i Of I I.i.s. u il.. il .11 I Ml l l. l el t'lc very I.i 't s:v!t t. il:.--. I Via in. i. I'labl.-, .Mrin... l'.-.l'.i. Ali'ii,-c.i-, (.'ii-liiiii'i'i.-.--. 1'icncii. Svi'l-I. nii'l I ' , , 1 1 1 e : tie (,iii'liiiin, Print.-. 1 i.ii..--. .;. I', Ciiiabri'-s, liriliiiuil.', I ir ..mi pi. i in U ..Inm l'.-, 1 1 ir'.i l.ii.i-n l.'tntiio c. ii n l I.ia.v 1 .. r.-1 oi 1 s, hat'.i ..ilr. j.-rn Titivil.', Ci.i.Ur- J. liickery S!i ij-", l:--I l ia.-li. Pi.o.cr. liiin lit 'I nii'l mil. It'll. ' lm.- A 'lull-, ll.il. (iivv. Wliitc- ,n.. Cui.t.'ii I'la mlj. Ai.- j n Inn; i f hi li.-.i' an. I li-.-iill j in.'ii-' .-ii.i .v!-. p jiilil un I .-'in ;li-, ,(.ijd I Clii'-.iili-s. rl.i 'l; uuil i'i-ub Ci .tli c-a!i..-s of 1. 1 vt i v i.ir -t i.i.ai .ii. A L ."'!fl.ll'l ll.' )It!ll..-I.t ill bll Uim' (i 'll'.l. illft n n I tiuiilii'iis' lluvv ami lb .-ii-iy i;i-:i-;ii. v, i.avi.k . ms ii ii.-.-' t. ill:!!!' li I.l.i'tS .lll'l 11. ,1, Inn, ,1, l,f lilc I. itiH MJii'! .- A I.ar-i' i.n 1 s ; li'ii.li'l , niiiigi'. Holts, ll.-u.l Pio K ' f t i 'S-t. Ni l!: It. W. ,! t III: nt balV-' ft" L f M-ii i J!' I-eee: vo.t at i if A i',t..i...,. w. .i e IJnuts A almi's ol uvcry KinJ fur I.i lie ) lifiiio'i, au 1 CuiPlren at li. W. a C 1. 1 rj. ..!-,, Iiiii-;;.-t. i'arict ch.ii.i, l'.i-ing, Curtvil Hair ic, at V. l- tall nml . uni : u .- tho Patent nir-tiirlit U .intl stone jar?, they nre just tho 111 in:;) 11, W. ,t COf I I ardwiu o ot ovoi v- KinJ, knives un,l In. I L spooii", I.'M-li-t. File, Nail., C'ov 11' VoiJ anj lluuj saws anil ilill suws lit K. W. i CO'i. t Frenh stock of K.ocerie of ovcry Uinl jt ! 1. :. rccoiveU ut Kf.LlJ, WEAVER, iCUi. Cedar and Willow waro at Sept, 19, ISO". It. W. A CO L h t a b I I 8 I. e d in IHill. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER 1 Three Honths for Nothing ! .' This ol.l and popular Agricultural an Horticultural journal is publi'hcd Rochester, N. Y., in Iho very hear: ..foi ol" the lest wheat nml fruit districts! America. It has hundreiU of practic- and experienced coi respondents in a ptirUol'iho I'nited States and Can.i'l It win.s lo be iho "rauint-rb Own I aiior. In ils l.aL'.t. the larineis ami liuit-ro t rs of all sections interchange (heir vie utnl record their expcrienco. Ito-tsc 1 1, it'll o nt.t a ,(' '', and all w ho subscril- at this tune wnl i-ect ivo iho remain'" numbers of this year . c. I'illccn .HniilliH fur 1 1 a 1 1' a Dellarl Send I he .Sflv cent-iin stamps to Jt'-" II AliR IS Rochester, N. Y. L. JACKbON CHAN'S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, offico adjoininf t- rec - r.sidenc. on Second Street, Cle.rt !d, , jiiTii i. is:4.