V 'It" - ' 1 W iJ --.J s l"'U 111., lion, jV Uuit ' tr thj low !. ri. o Ui tof S. apt, id tt I m i. E. Ill pti ntj. Hill hii opt rat. 1001 linr 1 to ler. EST . 'ol- u, r . BY 0. B. GOODLANDER & CO vol. xxxi. whom: no. (4 Ac publican Terms ot Stiusrripuon. if pmd ui advance, ur within three month, If paid tuy time within the year, - . -tf '..til iit'ter Iho tX,ir:itiiMi of tho yenr, 'i rriii s of Ail erllsiii. A IvD-'ifcinriitu uro i u.itirttul in tho llopubliciin at t ic- following mtos : 1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do. 8') t ymrc, (1 1 lines,) $ 40 $ 75 $1 un T. i,.ur.-, (2SliD.'s.) 1 CO I 40 2 ui) Throe mjuiirwD, (12 lines.) 1 40 2 " 40 3 mon'l" Mn it y 10 Ono Sipiriro, : : : $ .. $ no f- no Tw...iu:ires, : : : : : 1 00 a 00 K) no Th.-o mures, : : : : b 00 8 00 12 Ml Four ( onmon, : : : : 6 00 10 00 1 1 00 lUi!t' ft o.iluiiiu, : : : : 8 00 12 CO IS Oil Ono column, : : : : 1 1 00 20 00 35 00 Over three week and less than three mcrdlm 25 iiM p-r nquitro for oath insertion. Uii-iiu'.-i notice not exceeding S lines nre in. Mrled I'ur $2 year. Advertisements not iiniikod with tho number of lniri'ti.ii.3 di'Hirod, will be continued until forbid, ftad JUurged accordim; to these terms. !. 1!. CMOOr.ANIiKIi ,f- CO. SHERIFF'S SALE. T y irtiic tt sundry writs of r J ;.. , , issued Otlt v (lii ("ui t r f Ci'niiii'..n ai;il to in' diii ( ti, I til'Ilf :i,!c, M ' i-i.il t f ('h I'll!, id, d.lV t'.' llll'V!'. Ic.'lr ciClltilllcM Will 1 1 1 IXJ.iMlI to C Itll't l;f ll-0 111 l!.C 1 ( 1 CD MoinlaV, t!lC I (til y.lO I'ellowillLj ik'MTibl'd Wit ; property, t ' e IHitV d ill and A 'Ti lam j. t o) !ii'i t ''.vi!. Morns toiMi-i;i i .i.ii- ivi'.ui.i, K 1 1 1 v : t i l);.n i'V Mii.l O. 1'. Ho. i S.tU.iiO 111 -ie:i! :-'!(! s lot i ;.: : i a -1 Ha!! 'f C M , Ue-l o. . ' ' I 1-1 1 o, -co and ot Kay hm n, b"iir. !. 1 . scru as ii-im'.vi : j( ii.niti, !' ' t Crt.-t Oj pCl'dn s to ;ul HI , ..J j i robe to a i wi j st ii in i .-s tn pine pest, s t" li 7 ' .-.-iiiit I'd.-;, wf.vt rod , t i i. "icC hoi 1 ii st veil pi : clji-.s "' 1. 1 fjli'iiliL-. fi :i!ii;i.ii:t; j , : "t an k 1" ;, ui-t i I Cii- an ook to tho t mi a- J i t -. l-r.'i til e'i'Ool' icis, liinnii; in: rl a hout-e ana me sto:y sl.i.jj thiieon ed. S. iz.'.l. laki n in execution, and -"! 1 1 as the ; r.'pei ty of C-. F. j a eel-tain tract of lai d si!....:l i:: a ia towi'slnp. Clem tii-I-J county, 1'enn i-i.i. l!ej:nin;i'i; at an old sd,i:' .-" "! G:.l !: !.-.., liiein e ,,- i,.,' t s::c;y t or I, to -i.-'tr 'in as nee lea , t .... 1 J i liilee iie;;ret' e; : i. t hence I- I .:: i v J'.v We t erot.es 10 po.-t. 'hei.co ioutli . .1'' i pLSt, tluoce by fl;,, l.'i.ts.-.eUMii.'tli ,ytst and o-ld I'' :) a pod, tlirr.oo by :-.'.e. 1 A. K. 'A'rieht', i-.!,,.-,' erciics to a :i u IMIlll ll'-'I'tll .jl.i lito.V ,! icii, tiicii.-o in :'t!i "aches to a no.-;. '." (1-g West 1 uids of I 'i ce li rl and IIe1.1v iiiii'side-. Iieith 7 1 ,'i i'n to a p. :,i ami degrees east plac r.f bej'.niii,;g. o en Cj a 1 1, let Held e ituaie in Culich towu- uly, J'eni svlvania, bnun ' ' ';: I V Iiiikis ol ,;olili lawer, Ceoi lto 1 Ictr " . J. II. Morgan, Dai -' ".'llli , , Mo.-e., l.iibins, ington iV Co. 1.; It i. and John S. V. 0 ". .. . containing ,',1.0 n,.r( . it- story frame dwelling - more or less, louse, 21 bv e'i i-.i', ' tenant houses, bank-barn 1.;, 70 '";' 'aw-nnll, -") by f,(i feet, with one'iun if buns attmhed theiTta, largo orchard r.d about iU acres cleared. Also on iwo other tracts hiluato in (julieh tounsiiip, M .-aid county, Ixgiiniir g at n white pine 1, corner of wid land, and land, of 11. : , pai ty, in rlh -17 dei:. east I.-'O per. to a 1 -. whence ,y huidst.l V- C. Cros, t ti.li !3 ilogiee.s ea.st 12 per. to a post, ti . 'o lioi tli -I.'! dog. 1P' to pbee or he- '. :iii:ug, oontaiuiiig IIS acres ll!,'' petches '' i,: ol'"hoos, being part of n largei stir.- . .'i. il.o li.tmo rf John I.andliock, the 1 ' ceiniiing at a white pine, thence by ''. ft t'hiilips no, th -t.j degrees w est one 'dual an 1 six per. to a post, liielieo by el jf l. Johnson cad 12. and 710 per .an oak. thence by hinds Hall i nth, 27 and 71') er. l place of bo ng. C' litainlng ZV, n-ros an I allow , bMng same tract surveyed, warn, nt o'ni Cross 17, December 1 uil, about K) - '.lerod, alatgo dwelling hoic 0 and . 'ionic erected thereon, and bearing .iard. Seized taken in execution, anil b-sold as the property of Abraham .. '' and Asi Dcyor. !.-- A certain tract of hp 1 siuiato in '. dy toivuship, Clearfield county l'a. o. iiluiuing one hundred and twenty-five ' cs, adjoining lands of Kingsbtirrv, Du e and others, with' two log 'tise3, a .sin;.)! stable and about ton neres! I'.ai od t icieon. Seized taken in oxocu. :ei . and to bo Hold as tho property of Wil-j aiu Loiic, ' i so-- A certain tract of land situale in .-riuson town-hip, Cleailild coantv f ei.'.i.-vlvanm, bounded by lands of John i - n berry nod Thosias Jlenrv, con-j '" ' 'wo neres mote or less, v,,(h a two nee hotiso and stable creeled ' ' lasieii in executi-;,,, nnd s-ldas the iropeity olCast er Uoclv I ! V A :.so i .11.,, -ce. t. h- 1 111 t! land situate in i.. (' ni'. Peiiii- I ' , Ol.c 0' I.I l.ilo' . J .' inn- -oy iiiims 1.! x. Wiight, aoutii I JO;..- e.-1 nv 1 core., ii,ds ot VViigl.t uiai i'tioi.ipR.iti, e'eered with Louse, bum and 'Minr rrchiuJ, Leing nine premise .il!',: t el ' iridic i, 11 1 ot.,, i s I iso dcil n i ' intetest in 431 net es know n us Row. one tract, warranted to R. Smith, S le.nej, house find stable thereon, .er ic ., v C .'ii J same prenii-.es bought of Nel.-on by delendant. also a lot of round ion n, nojoining Wright on 'he , a ,-t rt. !!, : cot oiUi.e noi th, lbiop on the I an ally on the south, with house lie 'hereon erected. Seized, ta- 11 '- 1111011, ninj 10 no soid as 1110 '"pei ty of James M. Leonard s, . -ji certain tinet of land situate in i it'll lei'iiship. Cleatoield county - - . cnheidng ope hundred 1 lid fol-( -sc- '" le'i'os (1Il oilownnce, beginning 'at n wzi. i po.it on tho south cust corner of warrant (and I Uo ballanoc before the deed 'No. s'.'7, thence south J1.) porches to acknowledged- btninp col lier, thi'iici- S crol.cs iiO dep., w c it to ii w liiti n.ik coi hit, tliitico west tin juTchfN to ii J out roiiier, t li oil to eitsi 111 nrrli('! ton i-to::o coinef, thonco oust I io I'ciflr's to I'lut'f of hi'giiuiiny, lifinj; ).n tot 'v.uriuu No. ls7, '.vitii about 75 iv cros cit iti eil, large twoston,' tiaiao house ! barn elected thereon, fctized, tHken in eei'iition and to bo sold us the jprojici'ty of M. IS, ('onaiviiy. Ai.so a certain tract of land situate in Morris towimhiji, Cleiulield county 1'a., eontaitiini; on? hundrt'd mid twenty-fia acres, bounded as I'ollows : bepinniiig at an old chesnut on tho north east corner of the trad, north Ml di g. west l.y Win. Mollis, survey 171 J.eiehes, thence south II ) perciie-', tlieiire south K) deg. west 171 lien.hes to line of tract, t lience north 11) perches, with 1)0 Heron eieareil, and house and burn theieon erected. Seized, taken in execution am! to bn M!d a the in'oiier ty oi'O. 1'. Wild.'r. Administrator of Ac j tenut-i Johnson dee'd. j Ai.c a certain lot of land situate, in ilie 1! TiMi'.:h ol ( 'urwen- ille, Cleai li cnut.tv 'a, bounded north b- Tuino: 'I ciHt by lot formerly owned by Iiielnn-'U, sotitli by an ally, an-l Wei-t bv !ut of John I'.ile, 'eii.'.fi fi ( iy. front bv one l.un Ii'eii and lil'ty !'-et back, bavir.p a tavini bmise, Mai'linir and r-ther out buildint's tliererin ,S-;.:ec to l e sold ?' i'ji: taken in execution,' ;ro;ei'l- of Nancy I'H'i "'on :ieid. j A.'.-o n cci tain tract of hinl sitiiato in 1 eeati:i' lii,Misl.i', I. 'lea: t i . 1 . 1 f-u n y l'a.. i'.' !' tuiiiin.' sixty iiercs more or less, with l:ii"' T.nein hot'ee, stable and wn'.'on s'o'd thereon erected. Seized, taken in e.ecni:iin. and t..- b" sold as th !' Ib i'iy P. -t. pre .ortv Ai.'o- a certain lot ot I.uiiiber city I'er.n tew county Pa., bound, d 1 y M'.ore, KK,:.i !i vin, and lain -iii an.i air,. siiiiate in t'learlit !d ol' A. S. Al lllll! s, half acre; itli vonie' con'.iin in fori v-.-even and nioro or less. :jy ncsc c.l ate ove'iard. h!"ized, taken in i v. x"cut ion, and 1 to v., id as tbe j roppi-ty of William A. M of iand sdunto in irtiehl 'oun'v T' i A : -r r. ci-i I ', n tin ,' T'el'vO-eil town-hip, ( C .in tail: In:: t iv O I; un ll i iv !';. a. 'ios elearod. a ores, wi:h nino Moini'nr land., of V:ii. Wise. .lames (,lenn an 1 others wa.-on Willi j dwdli'i" h .-il b. ik i fi' imp 1 ain !.:r m il ol her impr.vements t hei e, : al-t wo !;e:!ri .nd Jour lots ' i Mi'l '!. Seized, taken in execution, and to 1 sold 'is (lie property i f Jolin S. Wil! A i o a ci 1 tain ti a. t of land situate in ike townsliip, Clearfield county Pa., iiitalning o:.o hundred an,l fif.y a res, 'joining lands (,f the estate r.f Ui chard ..'.!., William (iienn and others, with a name non-o anil bam erected thereon .1 sixty acres of cleared Inn'd ami an orchard Sei."d, taken in execution, and to be scl I as the property of Wni. II. Rex and 1 .1 eorgo . rte.x. Also uy virtue 01 suiKiry writs ot 7.;'- 'jn -.(.-iui, the lobovving Ke.d rotate, to wit : :,o piece or tract of land situato in Woodward Township Clearfield county, and State of Pennsylvania. llegiiuiing at a l ost in tho road on the North-We-t cor ner of tho tract, Thonco 6v Mary Sair ivith tract, .south ono honored and sixty perches lo coiner ot land of C. Kraiz er, otf saino tract, thonco east along his me. ono nun .treil ami six perches to post, thence son;h oneh ndred and ix ty per- dies to b,:o ot tiact, tnence (.1st one uuniii'ofi mi l six pel cues to corner ot lam 1 formerly of llan ison oll'sanie tract, ilieneo along his lino, Fnw,iy & Kay's line ninth three hundred ar.d twenty perches to the old line and stones, thenco west two hundred and twelve perches l.y the Mary M.'Clauahi ii survey to place of beginning, being 11. art of tho Thomas Stewarosoii survey. A so tho undivided half part of ono hundred acres of hind, being part of survey in name of Mary Saudwith ad joining the Thomas Stewar.lson su'rvey, situate in Woodward Township and Stale of Pennsylvania, being s.iuio p.-emucs wnicn .jo.-iuii li. lice i. enenii. deed da I I , , , T, I . ' , - ... , tod 2o;h .1 ugmt, 107, t onveyei to Wil liain Irwin and Josiah W. Smith, the lirst liece containing three hundred acre;, more or less, together with the ho; p.lili.imeiils. Seized, taken ill execution, and to bo sold as the property of Ellas Felt. Also-a certain building ami lot of ground of Mary Ann Luinadooand Eli Lumadoe, reputed owners and contractors to wit. all that certain two uory l-hink dwelling nouse, suuaie in juawr'nee ioimis hi Cieailield county Pa., uiidon (lie teat! leading from Cleniicid Town to Clea: field Pi idge, iidjo'.-.iing the farm of A.T. Sehry Ver, ,ng thirty jeet in fionlon said roa:i, and thirty fec t in ciepth and the lot or piece of land, and cuilihigo thereto up- ourlenant. Seizid. taken 111 execution. and to be sold as the property of Mary , (1r,jiliarv common sense, t hey might learn . '''iobl is jtist now all'ortiing a lucra Ann Lliir.adoe and llli Lumadoe. to refrain from this st eoial .ienaia men.. f ,1,ost 1',s . employ m.-iit. Al-o n certaia building and lot of tiioiiun u i.on ai 'i .uci larvey, 10 ivii: un 1 . ,- 1.' 0 .l I . 1 - - 1 1 1 t t,y A 'hat one story saw mill or building, feitu 1, 101.I ate in Karthaus township, Clearfield eoun- ty Pa., on the Three Runs in sai l county, containing in front 'M feet north south, nnd depth SO feet and the lot or piece of gioiuid and C'urtihij'e appurtenant. Seiz- d taken :n execution, nnd to bo fold as the tifoncilv of 1'il-v.ml Meburiov. 1,,. 1, . . . . f . - At.sn-- Uv virtue of n certain writ of 1- - - - - - -.' eri V.iruis, All thai crtiiin tract of bind situnl e in ,, Pa , roll township, deal field ooiinlv bounded by lands of John 1 a! ton. laai Hlooni, W illiatu Hrndy and others, con- taining 75 acres more or es, and nbeuit- uvcniy ncr.-s cicnred meieon. Seized, vi ken in execution nnd to bo sold as tho properly of James Ilockinberry. une nurd 01 1 ne purchase money must m a-iatily he pnnj at the time the prop. with every such defeat of the Abolitionist, can fee that I aui. for Salo by pnvatc con erty is k necked flown or it tvil! be refold, ' the advoctite of the institution arc fur- tract.' PRINCIPLES, cu:Aimixn, ia. wkdnksk.w, skit, id, ibgo. is no- K 0 MILLi:it. .iiKin.r Clcnrfiolil Kept 5 I860 flcci '1 otlrn. Sensible Wishes. I'd kind o'lilto to liavo a cot, i'ied on Homo nanny flupoor pot, !'ivc ncres mi ro m loss, AVilh ni!ii., eediiri, cherry trees, And pi'i'lurs wliiti nln,'! in the breeze. "J'lVi.llll Ml 1 1 ill tllSt", 1 ;U(ibS, To lint e the p'lieh with vino o'crliuug, With bflls of icml(nit woodbine swung, In every boll li lire, And rmind my liittii o-w indnw spread A clump of roses, while and red, To Kolaee mine nud me. I hind o'lhink I shoul 1 desiro T o henr iiround the hiwns a choir O' wood turds eiuinj,' iiweet; And in uilell I'd have u brook, Where I could sit mid read my bonk. Such should bo my r treat, Kar from tho city's crowds mid noiiio ; There wi old I IViir (lie j;ii'! nod ln.ys, fi Imvo Kiine two ur three.) And if kind llciu'oii tJumld bloai my rtoro With live or six or so on iii'ire, lion happy I 1 hould ho. ) is cell anrous. Frefcring Slavery ta Freedom, '.hie oftlio.se iiistancos which now and then .how tho silver lining of .Slavery viys the . Y. Tan'', ooouned on T110-. day. at l'h:!adelil:ia. r.ssMOitE Wim.iam that in. .nil southbound, whoso scent for t he slave., is a-keen ns th.it of th? 1.1. i-t a . irnpli-hed (.'uban beagle, uiscov (re. I in 1 he : ( 1-0:1 nf a fcrnide servant., at tci.d.in! U) on a Mr. ('oiiipje.-t, ol X'irginiic nor i. ling in riii'.adelphia, an involiin tary i t iui of the gre:lt ivrong. Theirl, it '.v a- rcisona' Jo to presume, could not be a.'ipi'iintcd witn her rights, la the true evangelical ppirit, Williamson seems have indoctrinated her tith t he nritiei. pies of the Contitu.ion, as iiiteiju'etud by the Supreme Court : ami iriiuinir a in. i- i lm',Ual'' inlluonce over her "mind, prueu J 1 i'cd ner signaturo to an application for a , writ o l.u. writ v.- ;,. ii'l li e-ed ta Ju"'! worse than this, Forney's Prrfs almost d.-.i-i'lni t-M- Sc;,lons- J I,,. ; i.. (,,,,.,, ...;.). i., ,.,inr.:,.0 ;i r..i.: of th ranted the slave was produced a-. d ti.cn . in tlio sei.ee of the luulti - ! tude, ui. I that iouhiiil colored won. an at ' te;t her undying loyalty to the he; t o tii: tors, and her determination not only j to a '.hei 0 to him among tho actual tempt ; a lions to liberty, but to return with him, if I need were, to the house of b-nidaje it'elf. I She stated that she had receive! nothing I bat kindnc-. s friiin tho respondent the 1 latest exhibition of ids generous temper being that "he had taken her all around i ,,,..f 1 ' ' and shown her all tho sights; ' and with an acute senc of th" proprieties of life, worthy of the pme Caucasian, she declared that after such delicate atten tions "she did not think it wouid be hon- 1 orablo to leave him.' Chagrin ' t., fittrfit-ntion' I't.'i. I .f m v.w suit s oli'.tle to be anticipated, the Aboli tionists left the lioid, and Coi';i'it resu med his negro. Now tho cunning of tho t'-uusiietion appeal s, in this ; The master, ((usoi.-u.j of the precarious tenure of his property, and prescient of tho Mf.rts of her Abolitii nist tempters had indulged Ihoirirl with a survey ol the city and its siglils. Wo may take lor granted that a pr set ical 1 1 1 11 . is given to this expidition; and that among the purlieus laid open to l no inquisitive eyes 01 I He neress wore vich loealitiei as Lombard, Elizibeth South and Shippon streets, the haunts of tho free coined population of Philadel phia. What the girl must there, have seen mu-t necessarily havo qualified the aspi raiions, if any, she had previously enter tained for Freedom. Poverty and sutler i:ig; rags Insullioient for decent shelter to tbe limbs ; eager hunger in hollo v eyes and cheeks ; sloth, vice and misery, on ail sides, are the attractions presented by Li berty in those particular quarters. The lot.-ioe.,,, 1 ' , 1 1 , , , , . 1 1 . . , 1 ., -1 1 , . , 1 , ,.. n ' ts' ." " 1 " r " r gateinjar tower soe-al position than loose ol imv "ot her Noll hei a 1 il v. Instnrwe n' idiv .l,,,,! -1-e ,1,1. - moral, iniu 111telleetu.il elevation aro not. uncomnion ; but tno inert nia.-sof tboAIVi-' can population, horded together in its own accti-toined di-trict, presents nil tho ,vo;t characteristic1- of the race ; :td the un bappicsi re.-u'u.s i f sudden IreciLm. o wortier that fiotn hiich sights, the "ei'vcnt of an indulgent nasi er should derivoa lo.-- sou 01 coiiieniroeiit, lieu 11 coitom lias tit, h.-sti.r i.rtio t--. I.. 1 . f a I,, ,.tC..- f,,p n 1.1.,- long hon.o and cou.lorta' le subsiste-nc, v. ithout cafj or undue labor, bi-edom, ul thouii einbudio l in the per on of iho pei'Miasivc J'-istmrc Wi'" untvn, will be likely to tail in itn pies lytisni, Perh ps it wai al'te;1 -S'ou had signed tho applica tion for the boiietits of t!ie nikiis corpus. un. 1 1 ins e.vc.nui ride was taken. Wore ..mi',,,,,,,,, I ,ii,i;ii,,i. i.i...i,i,i l-.U,,.. Wcneati dlv have thev .ouchL to deooy away the personal attendants of .Southern tnasteis, and in nearly every in stance haj Iho difiioulty in the way ofsuc cess been found to be attached to the -lave for his owner. The truth m, it is t ol the Southern household servant who feels the ranch of servitude. ( '011 1'orta- i,iy housed, lavishly fed, indulged, and v?- 1 .. ..i-. :i.. l 11. 1; :t iv oueii pooii'.-ii, into nun uiu e-.i- ny 111- , , .1 1 1 . dolent ; ana their daily intercourse with daily tho white moinbors of the family seldom , , 1 r .. 1 'ails to inspire mil tun feelings of a'taeh- , , .... , .... , , ,- ment. I ho Abolitionist otters no substi - tute for tho.o comforts no guaruntee against an unprovided old ego ; and with the better intelligence ncquiied by as-oci- ation with the master s li Dtisetiold, (he ao- ' mestio negro has forecast enongli to study these little considerations, to shrink from 1 the change. And, it is needless to fay, not MEN. tiished with n minhin'ou sly jilausible Jem onstrntion of iU gentlu ftn'u pBtrinrcha 1 character. Jehu W. Forney. There was ft time, w.,en thennmn of tho mun who IimiJ- tliU nrtiole stood hisli in the estimiition of tho trjo Democr.iey of the land. For years h had been thn bold, able, unsw-'Tving champion of tho nr blest cauio : his jien, truer than tho Rtcel it was made of, wrotn down ' the bold bad men," who essayed to crush out tho everlasting principles of I)( nnoeracv. The errors and sophisms of the old Whic party, the monstrous iil)urdi(is of AbrJ. ition Uepublicanism, ami the wickedness and injustice o,'" Know Nolhinuism, met willi no mercy at his. hands. 1'heir falla cies were exposed hml their cunninplv de vised props knocked from under them, us it were, by the strong arm of an intel lectual giant. Whiln on the tribune nf his. cherished J'rmti'vtninn. he mndfl for himself n name that was loved and eber ished by the American Demo-racv thro' out this broad continent- n name that our poop,, delighted to honor. And am-on-' other thinei. his love and eonst.an.-v : to t lie fort une of the ',-,.,-, f Whenthmd.' won for him tho admiration of tliou-ands who did not aeor l J, j,olitienl ori e l. ,,r persona! predil.-ctinm. ; 'It ;vns said there was at len-'t one true man in tbe land one who through n, hen scries of years, not e.-inlrolled bv mevepn.irv mo tives could 'land by the friend nf his ear? li'-r years, l'.ut . tdas for liuumu frailtv ! The fell spirit of di-.ippoin'ment foiled nmbilion reared its ulv front, and "a eh.inge eafne o'er the spirit of his dream " And now, the man who "snout twenty of the liest years of his lir.." jn u nc.blo war fare for Democratic principles, and in de votion to the caii'e of James Hiiehunan. is exerting himself to the utmost 'to trail the Democratic banner in tho dust and bring the gray hairs of the venerable Ex ecutive of tho loiMon mien worshipped by him as a (lod to'tho grave in dweraoo. Now, no epithet 'is too bad, no fiction too fell, with whiih to s'innnti.e the Presi dent. Every motive is misconstrued. ev ory notion is misrepresented (jiat (,,nn,,. ates from lie "Wlol.i Mn' A.,,1 i cations, intended to iu!ur. ih.- f..h. r.,ma ; 0f James Huchanan. The members of his cabinet, some of whom Forney used to fawn upon and almost idolize, come in for .1 share of abuse second only to that heaped upon that of his old benefactor. FJecled bv the PJ ick Republicans (0 the C'erkship of the Cidtod States IIrme of Representatives, by the inot abject and corrupt of bargains, to tho disadvantnue of his former political friends, .10 lends the columns of his journal, in carrying out his infamous contract, .to advance" the cause of Lincoln and secession and disun- ' ion. ' He does net openly proclaim h;mself i Republican. No, that would block his 2.11110. The few d ill-pated dupes who now fodotv in Ids wake would see the whirlpool to which he is leading tbem. he still professes Democracy, advocates (he claims of the Litt - Oiant, and opposes tho union of the Democracy for the sake of the union. In this way ho can render hi; now-marlo I'.laek Republican friends more effectual aid than bv raising tho names of Lincoln nnd Hamlin. Ifsuch a calamity was to fall lipon our loved land as the election of tho Republian ticket, Forney would havo his reward. Wo know that he does net love Do:i"bis. and that Douglas does rot trust Forney. Four years nco at Washington, Forney said, "Douglas was tho prince-of dema oorues, an I was not fit to tie to." And all vli. knew For.iey then, and worn in his eniifidorice, nre aware how much lie despised the little man who is now trav elliinr the country, begging the American people lo voto for him for President. The only earthly reason that he nrw has for usiii! tho'n.ime of Douglas as he does 1. '.I i I, .1 . t . is in irii iK- it. tiio nest way to am in (ten- is he'thi'ik- n-oviim the great party that brought, him 1 i.:... ,i 1. 1 IV.? . au, an., mn.to Disappointment in Lis n.nbuious views is the solo eanse of Fomev's dr-feetion II ad Mr. liuchanan given him the control of tho fu'eii .newspaper, or mado him Postmaster 0neral, ths President would I still havo b"en a "good and gveatj old man." and Douglas "tho prince cf. demagogues:, insi:ci-re, and nd fi' to tie 'o." li'it. fortunately for the Democratic 1 party and the country, this bold, bad,' unprincipled lil'in, h is been thwarted in his schemes of self t'ggr indiement, and. caused thereby t exhibit to tho world his fiilhliO sness, mid moral deformi'y. the Pluck Republicans havo bought him let the::i make th" best they can of, their bargain. The Deir.ooratio party i- well l td 01 h!Dl.--.l'-(i,T. to somn exiensivo concern it: tlio coun- i terfeiting business, t hat seems likely to lender its usq as coin considerably les. (iold coins are split open, and half or two thirds of their contents taken out, and the vacancy filled with a composition of platina and zinc, of precisely tho s-.nie : weight as gold itself, filatina weighing about as much nioro than gold asz.inc le-s, i the outside are accurately closed, and ,, , . ,i l us we iiuve 11 co 11, co il on '.lie outsiu ,, . . . ... .. . . . ,. , that weighs as much as ore that is of solid rueiii , uuu vi is ll') line . , ', , - ., . has lot-t half of its value , rneial, and yet is no laiger in bulk, but BX.A lady being on a visit to her daughter who was a young widow, nskd her why ttho woro tho widow's garb so long: , 'Dear mamma, don't you Reo,' replied tho daughter, 'it saves nio tho expense, of advertising lor ft husband, as. every one Christiaaity vi Bwbarisn Some thirty oi'd joins ngo. uli'.u the Turks in their infuiijtis.1 bigotry 1111,:1 cred (ho ('liiistiuns of fJiwcf iu'd Mis-o. longiii, nil the Christian .ild wus 1410US ed at tho outrugi. The voice t,f our country w-as heard also riuiug in tunes of indignant doiHinc'ution of thoso uiurder 011s deeds, The spoeeh of Henry (.'by in the House ot Kepresentatii j upon this subject was 011a of tho uiost imloily ol forts of that gif'lod man. Tho indigna tion ff (lie Christian world oounielled tho tho bloody Turks to nuspenJ their iitrooi- lies, and the Uinstiuns in Nyna havo en- joy.-., a p.uuai ie.,1 iioin iiersecutioii ana dentil. Hut us tho power of thu Sul'.an waning, the restrained bigotry ar.d bi u - tiitityot the heathen iiordos snout g,un to have burstod forth with aJ'l"d bitty and horrors, The mountains uf Libnu m and liio plains ol'Syriu, aro again dytnl with t!ie blood of unarmed men aud helpless women and children. And those atrocities are .pistly chaireable to the policy ol En?!ai.d She ulono has upheld this biutal despot ism lor yeas past, .solely for her own pol itical interests. The I'.ritidi Coverrirr.cnt first began its Turkish protection in icni-Cng ihf l'a .-ha . -f l.jy pt, and t hen boinbiii Ocd Aem to prei-.-rve-it to Ttuki-h duuiiuniioii, ar.d il i.vul.e.l it-' ll' vit'i Fmacrin tho Cri mea:) war in order to j r -!sCt Turk IV' ui Ros in. Tl'f instrue'ed ? oliey ,.t Sii- il' -.i-ry P.ui'Avr, tln Jbitisii min.sU-i' iu (.'..ii stantinople, iiai ever b i-u to uphold Tuikey and Turki-h j .vcr, in n iLr to save ii'-r fV.un Rjsda n i,i'a-p. Put the policy now nm-it bo charged. It 'S far better tor Ciiri.teudom and better for t ho woi 11 t ha. Ru.-sia pos;,'-;.iv, Tur key, th. 11 l.'iat i'urkey thus Co, till. ic herself, not only barbaii j, but the p,ev ot sivaes, ii( li us tlio D:i--.'- and r.. ',.; nr.', liar e.l in linr own bar'.,. u ism. Tur key no v 'C. ;..'--is ,'oiihi ol tho fiiie' (lis iritis in the world; naturally tho iur..-:t pi oii tic, nnd g'-o-iraj hie illy the u-ist situa ted lot tra ! - ;t!i J coiuiiicice, a:: J for tin general progress of eiviii.'.ati. 01- -Lilt Tur key s ) governs these di .ti iets that instead of advancing as the world advui.eos, thev leirogla'b- all the while, i.u 1 every yea: are plunge l deeper an,! deeper in barbar ism. Her po'vor to govern through, her Pas has is about gone, and bur hold upon such districts as Lebanon, or Lhifiiascu-, or Ju- dea, is so h-blo th it 1 triumphs oil her over id- A nb clement 111- .-!-'! 1 arm.' or Turkish fears. Th" world, of course can 'I'm key inn s', oil her goveinci by (,ti,.;s. not .submit to this, govern herself or be It ti:e.-uitan has ceised to e.ist .".a Sultan, it is time h" was replaced by the Czar of all the Russius. or by the combined forces of Russia, Fro nee and lluglaud. S 1 e 0 j) . There is no fact more clearly establish ed in the physiology of imui than Ibis, that the brain expends its energies and it sell' dm i::g tlio hours of wakefulness, uud that these are recuperated during sleep; if the recuperation does not equal tho ex penditure, the brain withers this is in sanity. Thus it is that in early English history, persons who were condemned to death by being pievcnlod from sleeping always died raving maniacs ; thus it is, al so, that those who starve to death becouio insane ; the brain is not Mr i-hcd, and they cannot sleep. Tho practical infer ences aro these-: First .- Those who think most, who do the most brain work, require most brain sleep. Second: That time saved from necssary ileep is infalli bly destructive to mind, body, and estate. Third: (iivc yourself, your children, your servanis, give all that aro uvrler ou, tho fullest amount of .-iee( .hey wil take, by compelling them to go to b d early tit 11 regular hour, and to ri-e 111 the. nioiu ing the moment they awake ; and v. ithiu 11 fortnight, nature, with aliuo-l the reg ularity of the rising sun, will unloo-e tho bonds of sleep the moment enough repose has bion seemed for the wauls ot ' he sys tem This is the only safe ur.d siiiheieiit rule and us to the question how naieh any one requires, each must bo a rule lor himself great Nature will never fail to writo it out to tho observer under tho reg ulations just given. Dr. Spieer. Railroad Freights Charged by the Central Railroad- Loco' Ac . 71'.' "'' 100 V,& 1st 2nd. '2d. Lb. Class. 20 10 60 Miles. Class. Midl'n-102 110 llunt'dn20j 70 Piit.burg "00 fid 1st. Miles. Class Columbus, 5rVI 10, (.'ineiuatti, 7 0 120 St. Louis. I'ol loo Class. 2.') 00 7." Class. 2nd C as', 3 1. Cl'H: SO CI 'J ' 1th. Class. 1') !') ('. r-2 '.'- 1 2d I'.V this little t il-I" made up published freight ehnrges of t! vidiii Railroail local freight- from the li t December. And tho through on tl 0 D t 1 1 of August last, Peinisy lvauli uieie'ni ut , may see that while the St. L'.ois uteicb "id P'lys un aveiage freight of aboui tno cents per ton per mile on his merchandize, they pay from four to live cents j.'- r mile for theirs. And yet this eonipi'i.y v lit ask of Peiit'sylvani.'nis, through I1-- r ! C'pr(-ciita-tives tube elected this. fall, to forgivo it a dent of ?ii0i),l00 it owes to tlio State, and to free it from taxation in the future fl-A lady at, her marriage requested tho clergyman to unimnnce to be sung, by tho choir tho hymn commencing "This is tlio way 1 long have sought, And inourntd because I tound it not,' BP!i,Tho longer the saiv of contention n drawn the hotter il grown. - V .. 1 . 1:... I 1 . 1.!.. 1!. I r.f Hi 'A, n i-.isie'iil e-'iuoi iii-iiis no ii-i- f.irths, Marriages and Deaths -M.il'hed Matched find bifpntchod. TERMS-SI 25 per Aunnm, if paid in dvanco. NKW.SKIilKK-VOL. I.-M). 10. rrin'iajOcKulci. Colli" into I heoltico wl,en.""i' voil ph no nnd stay as long a yo'i wish hut 'A e;, your hands otr' of evi:i y t hiiig ex cept t'10 "tlevil" an I Hji :hting editor ; -s p.-.'ial!y reinoiid.ei' to lol lh.) 'copy" a 11 me. lon't rortd "copy" on the compositors ca-e-, nor yet the proof sh.'ets. " There's a time for everything," and (ho time for reading whutevcr ir.uy bo in u n"wspapi:r, is alter the newspaper ii printed. If yo'.i happen to he a good jvliistler, just htato too laoL ta the coinpositi.rs they will tiko your word for it without. , t-.ition s. f von are ivhUili.., I is'il.ev .l.- ...i,;.,ti.. i,..i ! ...'. .1.. .... 1 ...i, ,.11, ,.1 M ii..(n, ii.. . .. , .1.1 L II I i'. they wont except it of you. I )) not get into tiio iuk especially il you havo new clothes as new cloth takes ink amazing well (and ink costs '2 cents per pound j which inakfs bad for the ink. If you keep in t!o way and a printer si..).; i.r. V 1 ' 1 1' fni'Oril.. ......i .n.,1 .....l. !.... youl. ,,,, j,,,,," ou Iuay kn0vv bo's only lu.vlll 1. Tiieu" rules may be violated with impu nity un ! entirely disregard",! by tho hi ,. q.ccially tlio rules relating to whis. tiirig and ink. In conclusion il the ''coat' pen to til any person.-', too sho-iid hi'ip oiiouid 'iiot ie; iio-ir iingrv passions ;.iiti inaste but keep ry over their better s. cool inn culm as Mimnici' etonin; gen- tie showers." f.,r eiety 1. ii i.ds to shorten one's li,'-, . or tin- sou- total of oii'.-'s i"illg I'M good. Of 1'oiiM'o v, v d ei't io!o tautly ,' to any t hiu" ih:l lu but i.ici Ay i' : - h to , . un eh! li. II." si 01 temper :r;..klne it bad days, Jcides do, ihoV di s Hulispiied "oUl.tl ,,'I'P" Koihs .h: -.Ui-lied '.v, er tho poor Id, with all his wTidili, n.iistbo ii the .'nine ,-ky that hangs ov tnan. lie cannot order a-iri- vato .sunset, that ho niav cii.ov it w.lti a select circle) of Ir'iend .r cau ho add olio songio ray to the cl'.'ar iri;'iit to oil it r,t the Vpe-eii of lrght, a-1 sin- sails magniAo' ently ihiougb lb" li'-.iv I'i.o lOr'iitW. banker lanuot have on re tbiiu his slnf-b of the (mi e I're.-b air to 1. re it in-, j.nl tin.. 1-ourest of all men ! ;:ve tho sni'p:. Wealth may buy 11 brilliant bracelet, dazzling with dia:n i:di and rubies, lot wealth cannot, buy a graceful and well t imed at 111 011 whii li to lipl.iv in splendor, (iod only can give that, and to many ul'the poor ho ha-; giv-.n if, 'I wish I bad the health of that rosy-checked peasant girl,' sighs tb ai'ist..c,-Lio invalid, proppad up with rilluws in hei costly carriage. 'Ah, me' says the girl 'if I eor.ld only ride in uch style as that.' Wealth cannot purchase lieilth, noi'can it give a contented mind. All that ii most valuable can bo had for nothing. They come as presents from tho hand of a kind and indulgent Father' and neither tho air, nor sky, nor beauty, health, strong; h, tnd g-r.i as eti be bought and sold, K"ador, whatever may be youf condition in li.'o, re member th's3 things, and bo content. Da Cox'IL.vr. l iio man who is obliged to earn the necessaries of life, and sup port his family, knows not tie uuhappi-1K-S5 he prays for when he do1 res weelth and idleness. To be constantly busy is lo bo always happy. Persons who have sud denly acquired wealth, brokou up their uetive pursuits, and begun to livo ut their :'ase, v ,ite away and tt'p in u very short liu',0. 'J'housands .w-iu'.l have been bless ings to world, and .id Jed to Die c nn r.'.on stock of happiness, if they hail been cuntent to iL'iMain in un humble sphere, and earned every mouthful of food that nourished tLc.ir bodies. lVrson who are always Lu-y, aud go 'cheerfully to their diily biiks, u;v tholeia disturbed by the ll ictuitl.ns of b'.isi.iii.i's, and at night sleep with perftct compos. :ro. t-rJohu Adams, teing called upon for a cuntriLution for foreign mission ie uiarkcd : "1 have nothing to give it r that cause. but thet'iiaro 111 this vioiusty, si niiuis, ters ; ii jt one will preach 111 tho other' piopit ; now 1 will give- as niueh and morn than any one elso to civili.o theiio clergy uieli." ji"-"Toinuiy, my son, run to tho btore and get me some sugar." ''Mxi'u.-e inc, ma; I am somewhat in disposed this morning. Send father, and tell him to bring mo a plug of good tobao J co." ' Is.A port says : "t.h, she w.n fair, ! I'-ut sorrow catiui and left his trac" ! there." 1 What be .-.une of the rest of thu; hurncs-; ' he don't state. t.:.-V"Tbe IV ing of young Rowing resolution ut a meel l iuies wiij adopted soliio days sill.' c ".',-.; ii-c , That if we doiiot get married thi- vear, somebody wd) be lo biaine." S-f""" I He! 0 is II'.) p e on tiie gi avo.'' s.id a di- tlng'.i! man, when preaching at tho I: lend. 'W.'l', ol I chap," .-aid 1 ; "v on can e. in.- oi r on this ibis side) of .'i-d finry grave of a oyj"' side, tar, are di it bis quio. eiiotigh lo re. -The rose has i's tl mond its spooks, an 1 the ..ni.., the best, man failings. "Tln. w.iii ivlm died to draw his breadth with n corkscrew, is now endeav O'ing to pull tlio idiiigi from tho moutli of Iho Ohio river. j? iyTo speak h".r.-hlv to a person of sen sibility is like striking a haip.-c'noi'd with yuj. fj 3 ' tliVln the woo! .S".'f'. ,