Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 12, 1860, Image 3

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ihjiX W '" ' ' " "'
ml", V
... , i , , 1 1 iii t i ii ill 1 1 I
, t. i I 111" l'i ii"' i i-i" I'ti-, ii'i ' ' tin .
,,,,,! ,., It i fill "I' atii.-ti.' InlMi Willi
I, ,i a M 1 " i' l o p. ,ik lor it n oni-lid peril
..liy iniy o'UM'i v ii ( i o nun in (ho
.V ., ..(,'. . -Wo Ion i ii lint on Monday,
the ;d inat.. Mr. AMiitt of 1 1 (on (p.,
iii this county ' lull' .' illii'ti i;.' 11 1 k I , -i
l ii' i .iiiio liim a .leu ol i.mlo en.i!.,'.-
upoti v iiicli ho hi. 'cooi l.'il in Killing ''
jiiito ii hup' i-i.f.
At.iiTon.n li.w. Kami. Our fair grounds
rue rapidly hastening toward completion,
lhe Kuoo eouiac is now about coinpluted,
wid fast imps, nnd s,omo thnt iii'o not ho
fast, can j-iu-h in at pleasure,
Hall lini,he,l
The ('exsrs - Mr. J. IS.
up the Coiiatm of tins horoueh on last. Nit
unlay, tho return bl.oivi a nojnilation of
of 7li,'! naiilat iiu.'J inhabitants in SfiO.
'I'll is is an alai'ining inrtcaso anil ils no
v,,,J('v , ii mi.' a lat town, nt tho sain.) r i
'.,,,11 l,s"n tl.iiio who livo to sop it will
':' I at least one Ih.'ii' men, woman
-li.ililieii ill the ( lomliel'l (,'ily.
'I iiil.VIMi. This io,-iei oil.s hllsilicss
' ' iti nlinucs; init tvil lis la miiii tho "tor-.
r- of tho la.v." Whether men iire L'et.
iinj; worse in thestt latter tiny, or w hoth
or, they engage in I his Imsiness beoause it
rciiuiros loss cfipital, than n' any oth"
er, to carry it on, we are unahlo to fay;
c mi t boniis fellow Irieil his liuiul on lust l'ri
day niht on Isaac Johnson by ontprinn
!)is hhoo store ninl relieving the drawer ol
iO; o enango in some, i wpr.iy-
three dollars. Thi- came will suddenly ter. 1
minute some of those nights by detection '
and a trip lo ritM.nrL'. i
Koiu.krv am. Mi'itDF.R. I Mi Sunday the
"nd inst., tho house ol Thomas Stewart, of'
luby township, tlanon county, was in-
icretl nnd lobbei
I ..I' ,.1 .iS TI,,,
I 1,1 (K'lL.b -.'.. a,, i cn,i
ni'it Jared Lewis and !
ir ii ...
iO'.ail, tie
llitored tho persons suspected, OHO Ol i
liom dr. m n rornlvni, Ii.l l,inil,- i
' -
Miii' l.c is and wouniliii'' MeCall. TI
; oiin.ii'cle then escaped, and for whutu a
re.v.vd ofSsuij is oll'ered.
Une of the outlaws goes by the ntunc o'
Chtirloy Loijuo, is ithouf, six feet high, it
mole on the temple, florid complexion,
brown hair, and lionian coso.
The other
i nbout j foDt 8 or !) inches high, sandy j
i'omplexion with bright red moustache,
nd had on n light brow n coat.
John Bitowxivw. Wo rospeclfully ask
.Lo ..;tenlion of our readers to tho ac-
nil '.s published in another column, of
tho iil'orts of Ab.litioii incer.diarioi to
sir.' i 1'ti .scrvilr iiitirroction in vaiious
1 .irto of tho. South. Wo copy from th?
New York yVii-ioi, , in n-hieh p ij or, it will
ii-', be iirrti:tvl:d by oi;r Ko publican
'1'ii.U, these extracts arc publisbed "for
. ti-al cllect."
Like the John Ilr-mii foray at Harper's
l iirry, Lhose doino;istial ions are the legit-
irnatc conse.uencefl ol llio pi incijiles n.ntl
teachings of the present AiKilitionizod He-
publican party ai.d .e submit the la, ds i
. . m . i-.i . i
citizens of the loyal, tll)ioli-lovin' Coin-'
monwoalth ofrenn-vlviuila.
'.he "irrcprcsuilo cnilief is at hand
with tho Abolitionists. Tho extormina-
tion ofslavtry, whether by the torch,
t ho.
sword, or the poisoned cup, is n righteous
oaii.-o with them. ' Lot, tho
. i '..t death in his cup" w as tho command
recently given by l,,di.:g abolitionist.- ;
"I "'(iliiycry ueabolisiiotl everyw hero paid
the. Blake Ke olnliru, whicl
1 the
r.i-nls'YTV iil-w.i- Pftnl li .. r.c nf ' '
priwent Congress ; and ir. those extracts we
. .
; oe an attempt to obey such toachinis.
1 '. "isei'vntivo, men of Pennsylvania, should
.'ii-h (hbi be?
itiirday Sej.l., At Ii ViHmvn, dat.g
and Kliibeth McCullouh
.1 lay.
' ., ft.h Ph.vnk son of
Shull., aged about
r.rA 1.11 I, a !. T.. '
tf '-si'i,!,', on 8uturdav tho 22d inat.. nt 2 o'clock
,,. .,v ll',7rt.. l,f I'l, ,'IIU Fllll, ill 1,11. -
P.M. A certain niece or Iruet of land aituntcd
. on
Isle the property of Christian Duttry
I-'HMM OK tSAI.n, one third in hand nnd
in two c, iiml annual nnvments. to bo
" y niJ"r,'!., Morjifneo on the pr-micea. oi
ItllCll'I'l 11 cn-Mi-n .
Ii't'CO.-iu L ' "r'
.IM'I K ATH( i.' DivoHtuT '
W i. vm .Xr.i .s )
Mali, .is t"..rf. I
wi. miii .r.i..s ) Si. ,,tT.,.icu
Action ear Divorce,
And now Juno 20,
. ....u.iu vu. on Kimppotntedcomniasiun-
l V 1 ri.111,,1,1,. , cr nr.
rniua of the nbovn nppointinent, I will at-1 V
t . .1 ... j. . ...
: crM of flearfleld, en Kridny, the i'lat day C
" . n nibor noxt, (. 2 o'clock i'. M. of anid day,
..i.,.uid where all peraon. iMereated mn, af.
-ei ) tiler o rroner.
.ISO,. TI10S. J. M'CULLOUGH, Com'r. j
" -irise ) Xo. 5.1, June Term 1860.
Aollon .r Tlivore..
(Vi t'1'..M.irrii.J And now 25. June I
MTl...vj MTullouKh Ear,., appointed Commia-
'. ,et ,,""tll"'y Vr r,,r. I o
-., iv-.. in m,ove appoiniiuent, i win ai-
"ii il'. Urn diitic. of the mm., ul inv o , in J
i.- r ....... . . r ... . .. ----'
! i ti.p, imd wLoro ill persona interested uiuy ;
;. ' ' V."' ',r"l'or'
' it.J, 80. TJI.LS.J Sl'CULLOtOU, Coui'r.
,n Lo- ,,li, n...l.l.. .. . . .L t t t .
aouth and wi. k' Tk,. xi . ' lu ' . nl' V" ".l V " ! V il "S llo" -1 Held Town to Clearfield
.ii-.i , i uuu , i-,i in u, kr: i ii li n n 11 1 , I I'.i, I n t-t , l. t v vm. ii......A 1..11 i..., .., .....
. -v . . inllll OI ., II imnn Am . ':, inn 7. 1,1,,. n. ...I: : .1. ... .
r -, T'n mid est by Tolbert Dale. Coiilaininjr - , . . , , , , ' '." .lUUIIM. " "u rn OI A . 1. .cll
lAVLxxY-PIX ACHES 1I011E OR LESS. v.. !i i. i-' V-T., y us ?' 1,a'1. - ver. "e"?8 "y in fronton
.. , yu., 6ouiu, i nnd i-io jier. to pinceot lie- rotu, nnd thirty feet in nnd the
wna a mo atory plnnk House nnd n loz Stnblc. ait.riiti ( 'on t t i tl 1 11 if 3't .1 nroa n n .1 n I lnii. ' nl ltitA r.f I .. . I ..,1 ,-i .
, , t i .-.i' . ' e'-"",i- o "'" emu ui ,i,un, mm c ir i "O there o
- ....t. tuiui-u.aim H milliner oi truit trean
Tl'riT 1 ll'K'l A M AT t'N
i hi
ii., it.
I ii
Ii .In I
I t
' !' -I I .Ill- Ml.,
in I I' - II i . M in 1. M
l!.iii"l, Aiim-mii' 1 1 1 1
Inn e i-Mii l Ihrn i i i-l
i. i .
Ml Ml
" t'. mi. I 11. II .
.1 I If itlf,..
In till' illf.-cl
I. .r llii li.i,m I (' nil "f ''.'tiiin.ii I'lim,
i'i It ft ii d Curl, I ,,iiit ..f, r fvf tui. I. ml
nf nior nii l T.iniln. r, ninl i l (lin. iiil ,1ml
I'.-litcir. a! (! Tic 1-1 , In mi I fur llic comilr of
Cl.'nill. lil, ..n llic
"".. M ,.. (-'I'.
III I '. Ill l-.,,,,',ll,, til o II I ,, '
NnriCK IS, I',,., ,.(,,.. hereby U
I'l'T'ilMT. Jil'li-, - i f tho I'l-nce, llllll
ill ninl lor Mini c,. of deal li. d, ,i
iliM il.l. ,
,i r:ii in
II. ,.,,ril.
their i r.iiu'r in'. .-.iik, tvilli then K , . I n
liiiiui"ili,iii.. I ! x ti ii ii it n I iiiii.' ii'iil iillirr Iti'iii.-m.
Im:iii.'', In iln lli.iho tliinj-H li'..'li tu il.cir mI'ih'i'I -,
ami in llirir lii'liiill', pirlain l b, iin, .1 ii
inrt bo Iln n mi l lli, ti iiii. ii.Imi, mul mil I" Uc
piirt willi. nit li'.oi', ul llii- pern.
tilVKN iiii li-r ui.v IiuiiiI nl ( I-iii li -lil, tlii I.". I
,i..,- ,,r ;.. .1... ..... . . I ,., i ,i,..,,
.i.ii.l ..i,,!,!!,.,,,!..,,! ',..,.1 slvii' '
v 1 1 !...;
- - y -..s..,
A .t ,. no i r.i
LMofCausc, lor September Term I860.
IsilllM llllUJit VS.
Alihonso l.aoounle.
Williams it Looser,
hviui ,t
John M. Chase,
David Cimvell,
John Nelson.
John Wolf.
Chase, liow los ct al.
J.ainl ,V I'.lair.
Javid A-;key.
in. .Sliit'iiich.
lU'vid ihkey.
James Hull'.
(!. I. CiooillelloW.
Cliiise it Cuiuuiings.
)avid Askey,
Jauoh llolierl'mg,
Jacob Wilhelm.
William Majies.
,, , ,, t' 1 ,
I . . , . . . ' I. ..II it
T. W. John.on "
William Hall "
Walut J. Jhiiey "
William Ii'vin "
.lon.ithan J'loyntou "
lierueman it Mock "
John Harmoy "
' Kliza h vin ct al "
I'anicl Kjlley "
(ioorjre 15. J.oin "
Isaao'SitailoV "
Samuel .MeUuno "
I.u i J.utz use "
j Jonas Bow man "
, 15. Gi aham "
iJosiah W. Smith "
'H'"' following; named jieisons have fi-
i I led it) tl.o OIlK
: of tho Clerk of the
, . , o(- (iUilrter
.Sci-sion-i of Clearlield :
,,0untv. their I'dilion for l.icenso at the!
tSeptomber, Session next, agreeable to the i
Act of Assembly of .March :W, lwti enti-:
tied "An act to rejrulate the sale ol lniox-i
ioatinjr Iniuors," iVc, 1
'. 1. Woodward, Huston tp., Tavern.!
lter" 0(
A I IM Mill S ,1,11 II I II IUI lllll I IT.' I l'l
a,,,...., ,1, h'fl t tn .1
tV Hie eataltf of Ahmm lies doccasu.l, Into uf i
- .. .. .. , . ... i,
l m. lilt: vi,,i:m ,,.".', " r 1 v...--.... .
ii.iir.'s ii,.. ccitm.' ti e.iiuiiv rii.
. ..,,,, i,,,i:, i i... i, .,1,1 : ,1, ,,1,..,.., I - iti'. on Tue.nluv tho IStli instant ut tliu Ulli
uf laiiinitr A Xi'nl in tho boiuUL'li of CloarticM
ul M o'cluvk of fiJ day of wliitii time uuil pliite
l nil p,.rson,i in!tri.'st'."-l will lake nutu'i'.
.irlioW Sept, i 1SG0.
I. 11, liAlllll.ll 1-H,
. . , , ,
y virtue of mndry writs ol 1 L.c, 1
issiud out of tho court ct Common '
Tliini; '! in Mr-hl i-n nn, 1 1 1, tun . 1 i i r-c( , -, I I
,vi 11 bo cMosrd to rubhc fi.le, at tho
onir (be lliu in tiio boK iiidi of Cl. nilli l.l
cn Monday, the 21th ihiv of Seiitember. i
f, l 1,-ni in" ilesi'iib. il iiroiici tv to
,vit . " "
A rerlain bit of bind t-itunle in Kvlei
town, Mollis towiivnp CicarlioM coiuiiy ai.-o iho nouses lour lots in 31H1
1'.. nn-vlvania, known as Kd purchased in 1 pwt. Seized, taken in execution, and to
pai t by .-aid 0. V. JJo.,i of J. S. Hall and ! '0 sold as the property of John S. Will
C. II u!uon and of Kay Lorn, bounded an.l ' imtis.
'd. scrif.ed ns follows : Beginning at nn ; Also -a cn lain tract of land situate in
oak po t oust COA perches to an oiu; post, ) l'd:u town.-liij., Clearlield county I'n.,
'south 'J! l.eiehes to a mnpb' ktump, wot
l.'i. norclies to TMii'i iio.-t. sfMilh T '. V'Ot'i'l i i
os to chesnut pto t, we.-t (i rods to" an oak i:''''t!'. William (ilenn nnd others,- w ith a
post, thence north fccv en perches to t,e frame hou-o and barn ereetotl tboreon,
j.lace of begiiiiiiiifc', i-oiituining i of un u- Uixly acT'''f of i-'lcnjcd lam! and an orchard,
cru moreur less, lmvii.'' a one and a lialfi Soizo,!, taken in execution, and to be
story house and one story thop thereon j
erected. Sei.vd, tuken in c.ecution, undi
to I e sold as tho propeily of (i. F. Hoop.)
Alsj a cortnin tract of lard situate in
Leecria towrship.Clcai heldcounty, l'enn
svlvania. lseinninir at tin old suunr
corner r,l dill .t linlloa. tben.o bv residue I
'south K;xty perches to u supiv, (hence
P V7
h? J.'7 . "T 7
j.i.ih iw j,i,i, im-iitu cuuni ii p I. oi"(
to it post, thence by and Jacob,
Mussersmith we&t 21)0 and 0
10 perch os .
to ft r0it.'t'",nc9 ly Jacob Musm-i sunt h(
ana a. a. rifiit, north ou Uej:i eos i perciios to a birch, tnenoe imrlli 1
dogA-es . west 18 peaches to a post, !
(hence by lnuls of ltob.rt and Henry .
Whitesides north 73 dogreos oast '.M
1' rcnes ion riosi una piaco oi ncginnin
aisoon a uacr, suuaie in uuiicu lown-
Mnp, Llearheld eoutv. l'eniisvlvanifl. boun .
(led by lands of John r.oyer, (ieon-e llejr. I
"'t v, J. li. Morcnn. T)arliliLrton &. Co. bile;
i t i . , , .. , ' -,. ,
JlcCully, Moses Kobinson Hlid John .S. Mc
Cnllv cnntiiiiiii-r 'l''ll nr nmrn nr less mm I,, it,, I.. .1 f I , ., I I . . ;
. , o'c 1 " 1 , ! ! ..o,. 'C1 "CU '', bl'tngpart ol
. ,..M,.i,;,ul-. ....
loot, tenant bruises. baiiK-bnrn 41) by iD
.ui.j uu nil, nun em i 11 ;
ofbuirs nlttiched thereto, largo orchurd
od about 50 acres cleared. Also on two,
ther tracts situate in Culich townshi)., .
in said county, begiimir.g at n white pine
loot, rstiw-nwll. i hy ut! feet, w llh one run :
on cumer oi said land, nnn lands oi 11.
, ii-t .
Jltgarty, north 4i dog. east IMJ tier, to a,
post Ihenco by lands of W- C. Cross,
souia u ui'iiiei's nisi per. 10 fl posi,!
theice north 4.J dog 112 to placo of bo-
, , .. ,.. ,..,.......-
YCV II 11 P T.' IIH Al .,..1, I .ft 11 , 1 Itn. U I I , . ,1
in of John Lnndbeck, the
g nt a w hite pine, thence by ,
is north 4:1 degrees weft one
other boirinnin
. "
binils of I'hillins
nnces, being same tract surveyed, warrant
to Win. Cross 17. Doeeruber c?.0. about W
neros clenrod, a laige dwelling nnd
1 house erected (hereon, and bearinc
chard. Seized tnken in execution, and
. .. "
tol"oltias l'loporty of Abraham
... . r tl .i
Heyer nnd Asa Hover. ! certain tract of Und f-iUmfe in
many loivnsniii, i learlielil countv i'n..
contiiining one liundrod nnd twcnlyhvc
ncron. mtjoining lands of Kingsburry, Du'
noise and other.", with two
l,ni.coD .1.11.
. ' Vi " L , ' , u . " " '" " S
it'll I'f Hi I ifH'cnn .'ii'ni-l lulon in nvMiii
Seized taken in oxoeu
lnn' ond to bo 8oM as iho VVy of Wil-!
hum Long. A eortain tract of hind situate in '
ForLMisnn i.i.:.. ri..-.i.i
IVnnHjdvnnia, boun'd.Uy lai.d, of Johil
':''n..erry nnd Thomas Henry, con-
tllininn tlVO QOrp, ln..r ...I I n I,...,
story frnnie bouse and t-lnble erected
thereon. Seied. ,krn in ,i,T,o
be sold ns tho property of dinner Hoc!.1 1
. J ' . . inn tmpU r ..:.. ,i :..
'.vlviiniii. one cntuining I to aero, boun-
do(1 hy U,,ul o(ti- J- Hoover, oHHt by
K. Wright, south by Joseph I'atten, and
!ii. .Ii ( f W i iclil ft t ' I 1 letup'
I II I I t 1 I Mil1! I, 'II 'I , I III II
I I It'll, III , III' llllll' pi I III
I I I It'll, III
I hi 1,1 i I i,i ' hi,, 1 1. Dm t itUn .. I. ti l
lllll - Hit. I I III I , I 111 I i I, li. W tl II h'.l'V-
1 1 f i f Sl.-iu' (in, I. wm i it ii' i 'I In Ii. Smith. N
m I a I I. ul.-d, hi'll 0 nli'1 ulubbi llii'lt'Ml,
lelno, utile ptenil"0 I (Infill (I .Nil-. Ml
l',i, l-v il.'(i.i.iiillt . ftl.tnlol nl rummd
in K h i town, mlj. lining Wright on llu
. .', .i .., i 1 1... ,, 1 1, II,,,,,,., II,..
. -l , ft i, I nit nil v on I In' niil h, n il Ii in mi m
nil. I M ible III. :i "11 t in I. I. Si iril, ln
k I'll ii. i t fill i"li,
I ,1 IIITI t V "I it 111! -1
ami to dp
1,1 IK (lilt
M. ,i iMiin.l.
I .i-o -n certain liai t ot l:iii. situate in
i 'oviiii Iimi town-hip, 'I. in .'i.-l'l county
I n , t oiii niil iii)! ono iiunilri'il nnd frty-sp.
vi-ii .h i oh ninl hiIoh niK'c. l.ogituiiii; nt i
I I n-t on tlio o,.ti i , il coiiioi' of wiin.'int
'No. I 'l7, tlll'IHO k.iUtll l!l Jt'llllOs to II
!-tiiiii' cornel', tlirlii'o ,VJ I'l l i'Iiox M tlt j.'.,
i ivt f t to u w Into oak corner, tiii'iico wct i
lli - n ni'i .In, ton nosl 1'onior llii-noo i-nst
in I .. .1- .,.
11 I " " 1 ' inn 1I rini.i- it'inri, tin-in - i ii i
iii - i . i j. i i
1 l'i lu rch 's to nlaco of lio"itmini!, Iioin
.,J,S "712
Lai n oreetod thereon. Scied, tnken in
execution ami to Lo soldu.s the jiiopori y of
M. Ii. Conaway. a certain tract of land hituato in
Morris township, Cloiulield county 1'a.,
I'otititinitij; onp lititu Irod nnd twenty-live
acres, bounded as follows: bp"inninrr nt
ti n old ehesnitt on tbc north oast coi ner
j of the tract, north X de'. west by Wm.
Mori i -, survey 171 lerehes, theneo south
i 1 15 perches, thence south f'.l de:. west 17-1
j pel dies to lino ol tract, t Immii-o nort Ii 11-1
j perches, with ;"0 acres cleared, nnd house
and barn thereon erected. Seized, taken
jin execution nnd to be sold as the proper
itv of U. V. Wilder. Administrator of Ar-
teiiMH Johnson dee'd.
Ai,so a certain lot of land situate in
tin? l!orouh of Curwensvillo, Clearfield
eouiity 'a, bounded north by Turnpike,
t'ast by lot formerly owned by Uichards,
south by an ally, and west by lot of John
Iale, 1 eiiir Mi feet in front by one luin
died and lilty fret back, haviig a (avorn
house, stublin nnd other out buildings
thereon. Seized taken in execution, nnd
to no sold us the property of Nancy .Seo
Ai!o a certain tract of land situate in
peeatur township, Clearlield county I'n.,
containing t i x t y acres moro or less, with
, ... ,
'V " ' " ' c ' " biuuib una
I I lii.rnnii
, ,
creeled. .Seized, taken
I'VO.'llli.lll .mill lnl,,.w,.l,l ni lli urnnnrl v
of Henry 1'ost a certain lot of land situate in
Lumber city Tenn township, Clearlield
county Pa., bounded by binds of A. S.
Moore, Kli.a Irvin, ninl James Arthurs,
containing forty-seven nnd a half acres
more or less, ;',il acres clearod with voung
,1 ij; ,...1 ...l.,... : i
"ni'"i'i. .-1.11. i, L.livill 111 I'.M'IU UOII, llllll
as tll0 ,..,....,,. of u-illiani A.
A !.'nO
:i corla!i1 ' tact of land situate in
, I
FoigiiM.n township, Cle.'lJ'field rrmnly Ta.
con ta:n nii.' two hundred acres, w":' h Dine-
ty-fivo acres cleared, adioiuinii hiii'.ls ol
Will. Wise. James (ilenn and otlwrs uitlii
idrt ellin!.' house. I'liiniQ barn. w.Trnn Kbcd -
i coal
ik with ol ht-i i m prt f omen ts tl
. coin.-imm o;;e I.iiinirei.1 nni Lily a.l
'i' ',i ' 1 ' ' l n .Lt l.inus ol the estatt. ol J.ichaid
--"Id as the property ot m. 11. Hex uml
0eorj,'o 11'. Kex.
Also Py virtue of sundry writs of Lt.
is, the follow in" Heal tstato, to
wit :
O.:o piece or tract of bind Mtnat)
Wood ivard To.vnsliln Plei. fi ,.l,l ..nnnlc
'and State of Pennsylvania. i;einnjn,r nl
' V"VZ W
."!'. C U'Ml' 1 ,'e.,'0 Sand-
iiiiii uaei, soiuu one nunuroit anil MXty
perches to corner ol bind of (!. Kintz.
or. oil' samo ttnet. theneo oast alon bis
line ono hiimired nnd six
0 liiimire.l nnd six l'erehos to post, ". ,,' .
soii-.h one hi ndro.l and fixlv per-1 , '""o' ,"nf-f"ur'h "f "10 purchase mone
li-o of tiH'l tl,..,,... i " "f '"'"' "ne-fourtli on the confirniati,,
1 I I . .!. , ' K oast.""MofSale, and th.i l.nlaneo in two e..inl niinui;
cite? to
hundred niid si. ..iu -.'Vo ,m, cr 'of land
lornier'y of Uairisoi. oir.-nmo tiact. ihonce
al.'iiL' his line. FnWicy it Kav's line ninth
three hundred nl.d twenty l erehes to
tno o u ino nniJ stones. ,. iiep west tun
bun. rotl and tu-clvn i,i irl,..a l.v tl,. M.m.
...... . . ....
MiClannhan survey to place of bogiiuiin;.',
beiiic nniirt of the Tlmmnc.,r,L
survey. A SO the undivided half nart of!,
A so the undivided half part of 1 f.,
......iy ,,, !,,(, ei ..un ,-aii(iiViui nil-
joining tho Tl.nnuis Stewaidson f u'rveyt I
situate in V oo.lwnrd IVuvnliIn ,.r,,l ii
an inn u ill ITOO.inaid lOWnslllp IIIICI rSUlle
of Pennsylvania, being same premircs!
which Josiah li. Reed, Siieriil, deed da-'
ted liOth August, lt57, conveyed lo AVil :
linm Irwin and Josiah V. Smith, the first ;
riioce t'oti (:, in iti , ll.i.,.nl.,.,ll ,.,-c ...m - A't
. fr ..,,,ii,iiiutuiioiiiMivj
or lv, tOJOther with the hot edit in.nenls
Seized, taken in execution, nnd ,0i,esol(i!
as tlio properly of I'.lias Pelt
Also-a certain buildim; nnd lot of ground
ullmlP. ,,u toinracorsto wit : 1
all that eerlain two story plank dwelling
house, Mtuato in I.tuvrneo towns hits
Cloartiold county '., nnd on the road
I t , n I t. I 1 t . ...
Seized, taken in execution,'
nnd to be sold ns (ho nrntwi-iv of Mm-v
Ai.n iAimadoe. nnd Eli Lumadoe. i
Also n on tnin l.nildin ,n,l lr,(.
grouud of Kdwurd Mdlarvev to wit all!
,1,., ... , ... .s. ,
c - i.n oi - lut VOy, ll
that one story saw mill or luilt
ntoin Knrthaus Imviikhii. ('fii.'i nn
ty Pa., on the Three Huns in said . ouniv
con Iain in a m Iront. .'!i) Inf .......
und depth iO feet and the Jot or l.ioeo of
ground nnd curtilage ntd Ul teiuint! !eizs I
ln.Fodl.ikon i., ..,: i i. . '
... i,i,, ,,u lo 00 FOKl IIS
I'roPor'y 1'aIwhM .McC.n yey
eri Vac;, lU 01 n CC1 Wl jl of
.it .,.. . . - , . .. .
ll , 'U"( ','K ,ltt" J ln
llsJilji, Clearfield county Ta.,
Zm V SteltJ0'.'" .
tninin, 7 .- ' I'' " l' v" ,
'nmln - moi'f) Or less, mill llbollt-
k" '-Y'1'"' ud o U aol
', 1Ju,,"0,i, Htkiiil.eri'y. i
"in- uuru oi uio piireitaso money nitint
invariable I,a i,n;.ni . I... .1...
I - imw mo lui'ii-
CWeid s.
l" " I
.. ' MILLER SliB Kirr
Mil lull . Sum I; .. I .ii,
,- (, ... i .
t'B I ri tl iti''l to th tin 'I- i
i n "' - I "'i I Ii" i - tt ., t.r.i in 1 1. h -1 mi,- I,
lull- i l 1.111. in n lp I I, fiitl -l I i-,,nniT 'ii , nil
, l'i m In. I ,i .n i ilnm hi f , -l. .l-n l i
1 a it l limn, ilinl,, n liinltl, mi. I U t. -i t n jjp
r In tii nj-iilii'i II, n, r, ,tl, .i. , i i,.i, m il-.-n
ilulv ftnili. i.lli !M r pfiiUmnii
Ain:nt I, I !. r,. KM. I'liH'H.II, I m !
1)1 1 1 HIM;, 'iii,, ,i,., ,ii.r, Iniiiiitt
in. at. ..I iiiiifiir iii t ti o ii. mi. iiiiii .,r ciiiiiiii'i i
It. ml. 1 Milium tlif 'iilii.. Unit i i. i.'' In
.1.1 H ul l, ill (lie llli.ll ! lill, fliMII illill In "I H I II. 'IL
I ll .if iiny tl,--,. i linn in ii tuirkiiwiniil 1n.11.1n r.
A 1 -1 wliilt ivii-liin mul Ii'imlrn-j; il,,nu in nrnl
manner ninl un ri i-mi'il-U. i.-nn.
Clriirln 1,1 A t 1 1 (7. li;0. - I ,-.
1 in.
I I ; Alt l'i I'll lllsIV. nill
l',.i,', i,r Hi., rorppiiun ,, i.niiil
(iinili' and fi initio) mi Aus. SHili. IM'U
7'imim )'..r ai'l.,n nf il.'vin V,.(.)s (
'illi"LTiipln , Ki'mlirr, Wilting, I'riiiiuty !
A ri t h in ot i unit iii'.iiirni.liy. f2.."n '
IliclHT Arithiiii'tir, Kn ;lisli (IrHininiir, Uon.
i riili- mid History
f :i.ou i
Niitunil l' y
1 Ali'lini, livomi'lry
unit 1 1, ink Kouiilni; $ lull
iiiiii Mini uircn I" Mlinm-if,
t) i'H
I 'I'n "tuUriila ili'siniii nl iiciiiiriiiL' it'li
Imi'isIi lalii. iiti.Mi, nuil who wi.-ili to quiilil'y
tln niMilvos tt'iw'liurs, tliin Iiistituliou ullVrs
(li'siinlilo iiilviiiiluts.
No pupil rt'Ofivi'J l.n li'sa limn liulf u. sonsion,
mi. I mi (imliicliou muJo cxmjpt for pnitnu'ti il
Tuition to In. :ii 1 nt ill.' close .if lliu tirm.
'. 15. SANIU'OKI), ritiNcii-Ai.
M iv 25, 1 stit i.- Iv.
MM, A, 1VAI.1.AIU.
1. A. I'l.lNKr
C L V, A U V 1 L D,
DI'.I'osits iii:c. i-.i i;i,
C.olli iiliiinx nuu'c ami procerdt promptly remitted
l'.xcliaiw;c on flic, Cities constantly
on hand.
"J-Oflieo on Socon.l St., nrnrly opposite tho
ll l'i vr.j
1, Mt
And extcimive J)i'nltr
' n'luuv Tinter,
liinies, ifcc.
V ,f
.I. "if'clut nmorti"1" '
tr. rt ui initi'
Mvh n
T() IVrSOtlS Ollt f KmiJovmont.
i (i EN'TS WANTKD TO SELL the Krio Sew
.1 ...... i.-
itift Mncliinc
i We win r;e ft Cnunilission, or wnafts nt from
lC'1'. ... Crtn ...t,. ' m I .-. "n eot; rm irl 'l'l, I
"':. .. m it... , , . : ..,,,
. - -' U,, l', 111, ,11111. Hi. A l-A,'... I -
is u in-w .ii ao ii inc. n nil so si ill pie III Ji- eon. : ' '
lion Unit ii cri i I.i or 10 years enn learn lo opera.;'
it l,y lialfnn l.uur'a instruction. U is ciual to
nny I'liinily Sewinp Macliinc in use, mid t he
1'i iee is hut Fifteen 11. Ilnra.
I'ersotis ivishiiiff nn Agencv will address
.1. N 1H)YI,X,
SeereUiry Erie Sewing Maeliine Coinpnnv,
OU1MIAVS Olliltl' Hy virtue
, of un order of tho Orphan's Court of Clear
lield county. There will b cioosu.l I o mil, I ic
pnlo at the Court IIou.-o in Uio Coroush of Clear-
Held, ou
1.-PIM V v Ttir -nr i.iy'
1 '- ilil VA
Ul" S KPT KM HE It A. I). S(V)
tins following dencribed rnl K't'tto to wit : A
tract of Innd aihinto in Huston township. Clear
Held county I'n., purveyed on a wnrrnnt in tho
niinio of Jlavid Cnldwell. Containing P.ij acres
! und nllowitnce, bounded l.y aurveved on
1 Wl,,l"nn' ."1C ""'-' of Jntnea Wilson midlands
"T'XX edf
vn!uft,,:u whito Pino tiinher nnd having a sVrZ
of unter tlicreon, which run b mn Ju inn iahle
'for loirs, or un.-n which n Saw Mill t;,r?,t i.
erected, Into tho tsttitt? of famael Caldiv 1!
t . . i
;:a;CdlttrJrr, !H.!,.f ""T.'!
aec'urcd bv U.nd x- M,.rti.n,,
DAVID CAbljU'ELL, Adni'r.'.l
of Suimicl Caldwell, dee'd.
Au". 8, lstio.
Jh". "V.',"r!!"(Ml ?vr .f"r valuable
"irm in l'enn loivnsnip : iormerty owned nnd
n,)W opied by Piehnrd Denver jr: c,,..-,ininK
inhotit .Miner.'?. b.Mindert bv and of John P.
lloyt, Thos. Martin and J.mnthan A',il n, one
milo west of P
ciere.i a :inia ir mn uwvuin); noiise, n lug
burn, nnd other buildings erecte.1 tlu r 'on. Also
(rood bcnrini: orchard nnd a never failiiu'
fprinj; on the premises, and will bo (-old on
renaiinnblii terms. For which amilv In Wm. Ir.
- in r'.-...nnL-..:ii., ineniiiTi hevvn. -
,, ..u. ,Mi,i.iL,i,riij:ii1 nru.
Autt. 22lU l.-f.0....i,n. Penn lurl,i.i.
,.',n axt'Z v". .v-".' '
i -la;yl - '"Uiir;- ALdj'.iillijtf
XTi'I H 'HE ft! :&E3KPaa.
The briber wil, ?end U,, ,f tU,,A to S
wha ,i...irn ; n,n K..;.,n ,i ,n....: c i. i
'in a .implo 'lV7.c lilm,
t" c''l't duya, rcmovo
T"" .ShIIohhoss, nnd
. . .
that will, in frni
Pimides, Llntchea,
and nil imi,urilies nnd
loiiliucss of tho Skin, having the same--as Na
turo intended itshould bo aoV. rli-ur. i,i,,f, ,!
Lrulltiftll. Tl.nqrt .It.Klrinir llio It..nnl..n .1,1. A. II
inatructiona . diroetiona. and n.lvien. will t,t,o,o.,
call on or address (with return poatnge.)
JAM. .tlAKbuALL.
I'iuctical CniiMisr,
.i. ' - t ny xiuiiuinga, is. ioik.
Atitf. 22th lsti(i....: mo.
"TVTOTICE, it hereby civen t lint the followini;
nceountK hnve been exnmintd nnd pnsfed
rL r,
me, nnd reuinined filed of record in this if.
or the inspection of heira, lcgnlcr", credi-
w. .nilnli il,r i
nny other way interes.
'''J' nncl win U l"csented to tho next Orphnn'a
('""rt cbrlicLl county, to be held at the
Court lloiise. in the borouirh of Clemfield. eoin-
.,: ,!, A,U V l.,.,..r l.... i yen
S.' i
1 y
.., .. .... ... - .... ... ...... ,ij u, L,Vl,Vllj ICIJU,
its, ol lieorgo Uinlor Into of Ilrdy township,
Cleui field oounty doccased.
s:M) CSeivai'il.
1 Acre of linidfor Sale, 15 acres of rhich
ntt,. Vail
fir tin confirmu'.ion and nllotvanco i I . SrAl'blOS
Tho neeount of Geo. Jacob Youa Ailiniuitra- ! ' '" ,K' "' t,'p rn,'e "r mtctitivo lo-tlera, rc
tor oflho fiooda nnd ehnltels, rights nnd cred-' "Ijnnsible for their eondnt to their employer,
... v win,, ujru
j withwhito pine, Onk, nnd llomlockj two dwcll
" inj? houses, Snw Mill, Lath Mnchlno, Stuble and
other out huildinKa.
. "ii .mu ininersourir.
Anff. 8, lli0.6t. ISRAEL XTrnnr.S.
.. .
ilW CJJERRIEP for a,le at ,r.W
w v - -;
XJ Win. I, Irwm. Clearfield I'a.
III I-1 . , Il M I
i o n: r
, I! ju 1 1 1 1 ii r, 1 1,, iM H,,. .fl.,.n cili. .
it n.l . p. n. ,1 nt II,, ir M,W liilil. 1 1 1 1 1 1 M
on .M A I! K 1, 1 ,s 1 11 ; 1. 1 , lu ,i ,!,,., , I , r h it I,
llu ii'.i'l .l.-HMu ii in, nun ,( ,, lnu'-,
Ml'lll. i'M'p, I
Var irlin,
Xoliit.'. o A ftei;ii rs,
Toilet arli.'li's,
lllin, k li., lis,
l ull. iy,
A n.l Kniiry
Arli, Irs Ar. ,ti',
I'V.'i' iiII.-imJ to tliu pnlilie in tins :..i tit ii of tho
Their I)ni!;'.i anil ( lirinii als, nt'nlilcli tiny
lntve nil I'Mi'iisive iis,i'lini.'iil, linvc !rii holee'..
nl wild isn'i'i:il n-lleii'iieo tu their quality nti-1
T lifir stock of Oils mid I'nints will consi-l i
of hins.'.'.l oil, t'niil oil, Tiitmi.r'a oil, Tiiip.'iiliii.',
Il.'il .t Whilo Ifii.l, dry ninl xroiunl in oil, t-" in -isli
frown, '.'iiili:ni r.'.l. Vellnw nnd" oel.r.i
Lainplilii.'k, .hi.-k leu I, Ivory li'aek, ('liin.'s.i i
Aiiieiii.'n ii eniiillion, purii (jreen, p.'iris, I'llr:i
iiiiiiino ninl I'lii--inn liliie, .Iry ninl gnninil in oil.
Carmine, Cliroinu cr.'. ii .1 yolloiv , Cli nil; of till
Coall, Urop, Inko a: Iilaek, Kinery, nine, (linns,
Copal, liiiinur mul .Shell. if, I ntliati red. I,i!linr'.',
I'nni(;e iiiini'nil, pinni.'O nml It.itten sloni', ltoso
pinli, Knulisli nnd Ainr rieitn, H.min, .Sioir'cl, (or
pi'rsiitu red,) Terru ,iennii, Turkey uiiibro, -r-di;ris,
lilue .1'- whilo Vitrie,!, W'hilin;;, Zine, put
t.v ninl utty knives, (ilium of nil dues Uu. .nulli
ties, biHiliinj; glass plates, Ae, it c.
Dye-stuffs it Varnishes:
Kxtru Ijotvo.i.l, chip.
pen linn ground. Imiio, iMaddn.-, Annatto.
Coi'liiiieal, Sot. tin, Heel siiundf ra ; Copul. C.meli,
Iilaek for leather. Japan f, rdyinj;, V'ap.Mnsli.',
While, llmunr, While .-pir't nnd Plowing nrnili.
Tobncru Si'L-iirs!
0 Ci.vciidii.b. best,'
17,, I ,7 ,, '"''I-11''"1' "" "f "" i
kinds, nml )iride ol the Unrein, tohneeo ; Hapiieel
nni Jseotch aniill.-: 1C1 Ili-nrv Cluv I
puiieli, bn eliiea, V. inono, ,te Scaurs.
Illanlt Hooks and Statluii.iry.
Ilay-liooks. Receipt nnd Koto-lmoks, Diaries, bu
llies nnd Office I'orll'olins, Hindi par.hiiient and
t'liper becds, linn, Is, Mortfrngi-s, nnd nil other
ltal dlatiks. l'o.iNeap, letter, Note, Husiiies.
mid drawiiif,' paper, Lnvclnpoa, Htndy referenee
files, Anncnr't nnd Arnold's writing fluid, Ink,
Murk, liltie,nnd rnruiine, Steel l'elis hum l'cn
holder?, Tajicr clips, mucilage, nnd nil older nr
tieles in tli Slatiounry lino.
Toilet & Fancy Articles A I'crlinnciy.
drulies, Ainericitr., French .1 Knjrliali, wild Tvo-
Miell. Tearl, liutlalo,
iSatinwo.ul. Hosetv,.,,,!
; t'rnauiinte.l lmcka, nil qualities; Cloth liriishcs
Iliit brushes ; iceih hriihes, var
'arious qunlities :
Shavini,' I'ni.-h.'s AiiK-riean, Kn;:;.-li uml l'rench
with Kus.-m linslleit and liad-er'n hair; l-'lesh
brushes : Comb hru-he? nnd ( Unnerj , Tortoise
sliill Tuck eomlis, Tori. lire slcll. Plain A r,incv
',.,,,1 I ,,,ll .,,1.!.,... 1 ,' i.
j " " J " "' ' ""i - "'ii'J
Shel. nn'lal...
Horn "d India ral-'cr pull' ride Coin!,? ; India
rubber riV.rr IVul';?, ! oS inches, nil ly!es :
bnnli-h Toilet rmnlis with lianclli s ; B mni
coinl'j; Ivory find Cuttn percha tin" tooth i-.o'iib-i :
Pocket combs, all styles: American, I' A
German Cologne A Lavon 'or water? ; Lubin's.
Taylor'?, WriphlV, Man-.'iiet ,t Con way's eX
Iracti. for the han Ikurehii'f. of a rnrii-tv of
styles ; lluriiutt'f Cocnin;. Hurry's Ti icopher.'inn,
byon's Calhniron, Eau. Liirtrnl. ilenrs, Minunccnr.
Antiguu, Kofe nnd Coral Oil; llcef marrow,
l'liinndca, nnd Philocooin. Amcrienn nnd l'lench
all btylciiind pi ice? --cold cream, Toilet powder,
'"''K" Halls, Lilly White, Puff Jioxea, Chiun.
und paper, ."niellin.' salts. Paliuofn th oiisnn.l
HoKers, tnolli pirte, touth p...-te, ehnrcoal. rcre,
Ac, Ac, Shnvinu Coumound all : Militiirt-
aonii, Jbmey Soup, Clirystalino und l'loatiii
soaps,, Utl'iuiiin, Vaiikee nnd (iallnlier sonpr,
Tranrpnrcnt und Cnrtilo soap-, Ac. ic, i
lisccllunt'i)iis Articles,
nents Ftecl trimc
coroeco und lull P.irtnionniee, Luil
i I I - I
silk IiiicJ
papier .Vlaehe, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet nnd I
morocco Portiuunniep, Ladies Crotcdet pnrfes I
embroidered nitti f.eel bond?, Ladies Cnbas and j
morocco sateheU, shell, pe.ul, ivory, velvet and I
pnpier Macho, iron- nnd penr niemornndinn tab-!
'ets. 1'iuc LiiL'.irh Morocco, Pocket WaI-la, Mo
rocco und cuf Pocket books, with strapa nnd
eVarps; Bill booki, nnd Pnnkor's ensos wild lo -k '
nnd key ; e, llnprion drinking eupa, Me.licnl gin?. '
? with nnd without drop?. Kirhinj tnekl.-, i
Chnpiiinn A K 'leraou's l'aor Militia cicjar cHH'f J
urutiib bturhcf, .Shoe liiu."hrs wiih nnd wilhout I
luindles Horn brurhea. oil qualities. Paint I
and Mirnirh broken all sis, tin nnd enjper'
bound, Su-h tools ui ries. oounter and i, I: . !
in brntliea, white wush and ferulibin? brush,-.--. I
runcy eoured leather
dusters iSi".. Kieh n,
'n'anl p.'ipier niaihe, teilet cines, work b,.xc,
"rion,; uioks, i.oscwou l und Maboconv .rripiin
H-U Che.-.-men und Cl,ef8 boards, (i.'i,.?. Kid
u.ove. Aeeli tie, c, urs. cr.ivai. l i I
,!'ies Kid. Tain tu Silk nnd Kid fmished!
lets, and Li lu thread riiiinib.i... l:i.,,.i.- ,,n,i ,
p " ' 111 i siisj'en.iers, lrciich striped guiiinir-'
lenders, Ilich eiubroid.ri'd s:i.-pend,'i s. lluiot--'
"cw style l'rcticli suspender?, tienl.-. linen him I-
kerchiefs, coored bonier nml l.'iimbrii: hnndker-j
chiefs. Ladies linen dun, 1I,t,. I. ,,.!,, ;,, ,-,,. i
i,-- si,,,. .i,.,.i.. ,- ,
' v i " i.iup, ciic,i,nr i rci ,11 i.uis, enn-
(on feather fail of a Lr.v:,l; In,,, i'
!''' tu with ivory on.l .ini...i lumUA-s. Uh-U
'o1" inoiirning tans: ll.ur pin? l.i:;-isli ,..,,1
Iv - ,hhv'
I A oi which ,i bo , the
"lieincs of ei
luw..t CA.-1I
Country Physicians furui.'-hed
.Medicines nnd Surgical i.lriiin-nt.-rcnsntinblo
rates for cash.
June C, lst',0 ly.
with lll;.,
i at '.be niij.H
Clear tii-it Count,, It,
JOS. L. KlItliY, l'lioitucToit.
1 mtn
S ton ve In nnn.iin.r,- t-i th.. ii-n-,.i;,,,-
mtitilly nnd the public ,-,'i ni allv. that I.,.
baa taken the lilmv tunned h del an fi. .'fitted it
Innatjle mitvd lo the time nnd tic want-of
tlio public.
m' TAr.i.i-:
. " l,"T".V!t
w ill iiltT.' be MiMilied !:h I he l.t the o,.,r.
" 1 lnl
urr'iiiii.lln ccnlitiy can alf.rd ;
inn i .mi
w ill contain the eb.ii-ct liquors, und
, '" K"? ."'u vmire csrajiunnneut Lis per
annul aupervisi.m.
Imhelhc hupo (bat he niil ho nble lo mako
his quests oomforlnble dunni; lludr Isi(s v 1,1.
loaso ho respectfully lolieils a almre o, ublio
Lumbor City Oct. If, 13.'9.
4 D.MI MSTH A Toil s
onci:. i,ct.
i JL icra oi AtiiniDiairation liuviuv boon tliis
day granted to (he undersigned, on tin rstateof
incoii i.v.iiuk in or i' mo towns i n f .....
ImenV. ,.l I i,..! ,TT." "'."").r.
... .., .v, ..,,,
v , . f- . ",,re,7 ?Ua?.T: u,.'
" "'V -" ' ii'iiioui. .'1.11111.11; '. .'1:1 nr.
cukio tp. Sefl. .1, 1800.
it- I Ii I ' ! I is '
Ii I'll S I oil!
Mil: t
I l, -ill- .1 II
1 1 1 1 i ... . I
- ' I
1 I'
i J. .. I , . I
f i . I ll il- il. l'i
H i
v H IthAN
II'I "I II l' -
i l
.1 I
I l'i I' Mi l II. I' I" '
i , I, c, ti , il, t. :v '
I n V I I l,.l ''. I , -i in I ',1 I 'I' I
lll,l, (- 1, III-. I ,ll I -' f 1 1
,1 .-1 I ..ft I
i I
i I- nil- I I I
-h , I I. -.Ii
... -ii'i I i In
, i' . i ' '- il- 1 mi i in
i n ho i.. n
HTl d . ii llic
' 1 1 - i I -l-.l.n
..ii I -.f l it. Ii
U .,f Win-
.in Ii '.v land
In . II . i . 1 1 . I
. .- tnilr I'm "i it. I
I I,. I- Hi.ii,,: ' ' '
, - .!..! tJ... .ii-l I
I il
nl ii, n i 1 1 ' n.n-l I ) !
: I in ll.'T IM,. -1, II,"
lr I nil V. ; ',,lilnlliill;r
..( il.
in.. I t ill rii A i 'r in"! c i i li -j. l-.niii-: in-
. to-1
il.i-ii-,11 it l,nui li-i'iiy Ir.ini.. i l.i In n-",
u ..-ii i In i 1, in'. , I ii ii I pmnt.-.l, null t'l-lliii, ii
In l;:.' iln ul. ! . .n' llllll, j.l,u'h l:..ll-... ilty. In, list',
:,; .,! Ml.'. I. nil I llll'Mll Ull llllll, lllll ItiT," .if
.l.'i.r.'il Inn, I, wild it Jn rjjn liniiii; rcliuril, mul
n iifViT liiilii aprlii? ul wnfiT lln'i. mi, Into llio
ilitli' t.f lli-l-iinl I 'ill iv .1 :i-c. I,
'I'l'IOI-. HI p. r .'. lit "ii il.'iy if -..!,', .-in lm!l"
I i'n i ;iruiiitii.ii 1. 1,', till, I l!i.' l-i',,;i -' in nil.'
I . .. i,i, ... t I i... I I I
ill',rl:lr. WM. IM'iX A.llll'l..
An", s, Isi'.c. I'nri'v il."'i'ii",'..
I . . .... ... ,
I '- ''' '
nvi:si:i imui m;w
I indies' Dross (ioods, Hiblions,
KloMorts and Millenary oods jfcn
(jrl!!! ; li
11111(1 SIlOO
of every dosciptiou
Also to tlieir elepnU stjle
U'OATS, and Men's .f Hoys' CbOTIIIMl.
A full nesfrtinent of Cnrpi'ts, I'loor Oil elotlu
and Cnrriao I rim tu i ns constantly on hand.
"ft" r imi r, 11
, I'i-h if.', (it the luiri-tt rii:r$
rival of
I am just receiving and. opening a largff mil
II .-el.'cl.'.l assortment if
Uootls, of alino.-t every doscrtp
tion. A beautiful a -rorliuent of Piiuts an.l l)re?j
If.xid.-', of the iicwc.-t and lute? I rlyle?. Also a
jrent ii.iiety ol'u-' ful ii'.tioi'.s.
A lurc aasnrtmcnt, vciiilv-iiuulo
Bonnets, f'isii!',
He I? and Caps,
Loots and Shoes, u laro qiialilily,
Hardware, lit ceimvare,
DniL'ir? und Medicine.-,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet .1 Oil Cloths,
I'irh, 9acon und l-'lour,
J, K If, ll iflj
C1 mm kaiw M Mi id
"f tho best 'iiuality, all of which will be sold
jut the lowest ea.-h or ready pay prices.
I My old friends nnd the public. LreiieMUv, ni
1 I t. .'I'll 1 1 Ul I i 1 1 1 t 1 1 C 1 1 I K I I 1 ,
f '
tlullv invitod I.J
irui ui.'iu, i'j iotn',
VII. 1'. II'.VIX
n ev (jt.iois : : n i;v d mid.s : : :
Just receive and now opening at luvi'l's cheap
corner stoic, a larrre and iv ell m-1. lied stock of
- ir i ri or and .Summer i: nils, all of which are of
fered at lower prices than eier. Cull nnd .'.tain
ino too is and prices. IC, A.. 1KV1N.
Cm w cnsville, May JO, 'ii','.
J'.t.nets, riorenc braids, 1 : u it I i -Ii straw,
M liaker an 1 utloji' i'yii:s ti nnd mi
ll 111,1111 d, will be found iu vitiiilv nt the corner
store of II. .MliVLV,
Cm n eiisv ill..', May lo, 'sK
Is, ol'iiat tci us and tcytuies
lilcuso all, nil I be foil ml at the corner More of
Cttiwinsvilie, May 10. lsf.0. K, A. IK VIS,
O keleton Skills, a lare nui.'t.i
..bleed pri
i'!e ID, 'l'l'.
i. J at I
rvin.-conier -it .re. Curiv
lo tin nnd other .Vhnwls fhechenn
O Slor,. of p. ,. IIIVI.V-
Curweu-vill.', May lit. "(". .
oi. Is ai.d Shoe.;. A biri'cr stock aad loner
. rices than ever, at Irvin ' 'heai'.-t corner.
'.'tirwi'lisvillo, Mtiy 1'',, 'l.ll-
Vvery tnrpe stock or Spiiii- ni l .-'iimm.'i
ilot!iiu?of the Infst tyl. for sale 1 by
Cuiwensville, MnyM, isfiil. K. A. IltVI.V. '
Cl.iokinir Sieves uf vat-inn riy.s and pricep tor
Id I'.v k. a. ihvix.
Curwc-nvil!o, May Iii, 'till.
jack.-rel and llcrriii!; f-.r sale at
L I at itv of .;. a
'urwen-villo, .1av Iii, 'i)n.
I he corner
lit VI N.
ii.', Hic'i'i, Henna un 1 Clover sod, at ilm
heiip eoi:...,- l,v p. i. H'ViV.
( in nuijville, Apiy III, lscn.
cJicellct.t (ji.ulity of floor for sale low nt
t!i,. Wove of W. I-'. IU WIN.
Uclllllel'l, ,luly I I til, I-
K -'ioi a of ppani-h role b.-atlirr
r p.i le bur
J l"i- rarh l.y
-ur'it:si:!l")'.Miy IC, ll'iili.
i:. A. in viv .
V IVa-he
Pried Apples, I'ared n nd nni. ared.
hes, Cherries, I'ruucs and linn-ins al
the crner store or L". A. IKVI.V.
Ciiihcii.-i illc, May li. 1 810.
DifMina Mill nnd cut ,Vaw. Mann's ncs and
n "enci iil H.-soi Inleiit of lln'.bvare at th
at., re ot
Cin tvfii-villo, May lfi. 1-1(i.
4 lave lot of riiANS t r r.i
i More of jii:i;hii.i, ,
nt the Iroi
A II Id I, Kit,
f(, OJI. And ( on, 'in. l,Mra for aal
- -- ..
1 ""' ye """ 'oy be,,, fitted
up lor n iioiim i.r nil.Tl-iinniMit. I
tloiv op,. I,
"" ,U.,.li,( ,.,',
.t.l.lie. :
vi! in 1 1 1 a j
May IJ 1 j.
A'!1N JC'I
; 1