S ? h to . y ? I ii s of Of I rjuiffitirn Home Affairs. JWAbritid.Miss RmiKR, the young .tn- iv . i r MM who oilers to open a school Tor the i ... ,, initruction of vocal and instrumental rati- ic, ma, no be found at the residenca of Alex. IaviK, Kan.. . ' ' . , ' To mi Ladifs -Only think :of .' wo. na working nll day at a .h.rt,- when it Would bebutan hour'4 pi.st.me with an 2 I .1 S'ne! 7ritoto J Hoy an .atM.lan Ohio, and get the ErlS )cnl.g,u,,vu. . eoniiueninu circular . -..( ui...v'. ill y. ! . IJM ad tboirjiropcrty stolen, havo noted very ' Another "Doi'Bi.a IlKACBR.-Mr. .Jt indiscreet... All the adult niombers of the S.Ogden of Lawrenoe Tp., loft a stnlU f'; family being absent from tho liouso nt the OaUatour office afew days ago, which eV'tim. W-4 probably" every door in the hibited two full developed heads, ono was 18 inches, and'lhe fther twelve inches long; thus showing clearl tlia't.' "Poubfot JJeaders' are not. entirely unnatural, nnd "jvants a ''premium to sucli persons to soek; that they yield a double quunlity r Mb atubplunder their dwellings; More cnu' tft..: : i ,,. j. ...wh .noow .j." .H-Vtion should be, exercised in this" matter, sJKFVM rw who i ent . Ui nrti." ""' r"T--r.? ww r "X,: cle for publication entitled "The amp.:' Mcet.ng, ijilVoe good enouli to '.givo us i WT - i -. W i 1 1 i - ' . liht proper namo, we may have some Oral tr Jtei-latSnJt to' mnk6to liYin UhJa ho yet knows of, we will r tmi fool his bills. We have lotely1 roifelved'n nmnbeY of coiiimunicatioijis- some of .them well worthy oPiuWicalion lit wo 'will npt ,UI'J;tiSi.rt L ' '.!"" --..a- .v , ....,. , ,yiU 1U u iiiwuon without the firll name of t he writer.. Cor - reipondejiU npst bear ,Ull9 in ' wiijdi'lf J niy .wat in u HI I1UU1 tilt flames. Wide A'tfAM.'-iHv'olUpene'd'to bo i had the pleasure of seeing ; tl.ese "'New Light'" politic'Wis 'oia parade. ,., . w 1 -They were equipped, ffUh, an pil cloth cap, nnu a largo cn al, bearing aloft 11) cendiary and commanded by KAr 'Irvin and Lieut., Vol. ii. i). ratton, . .' "". :: It looked very John Brownish drill. 4 Li J' 'A ing men in military "ftctic to fit them for pe oi t ne same nrnte.,-; Wepubli!liniHtnl ,vns Abolitionism' in dW 1 1 e emblems of tho. mvCuiso.--tho'Toad that had not lost its "tail ' the assassin (ireand8word,;yet; and to destroy British' ifi'ipbrtoil Ab-T voting, or a John Browri raid wekhow nv,l'Saniuel .Shaffncr reposed,: and read the which rhocap'tuli. floiiiTslioa xl!ud )JAtMoVns liUi0ni,wnIcl,'Wero. iiuani ..... . ' motisly adopted with three heart v cheers km. Jim we presume relic ofKnow forlhe speaker,' nnd (he whole De.nocrat-Nothingisn:-cBhIo.t1o'attrai'.t,lhnd re- ic ticket. vl 1 '" r ( vive old memoiicsC'J'.i'j ' ' 1 ; Whereas, It is hfiihty important that. Tho whole troop numbered 20-half 0r firing acampa'ri Miko.tlic prertone. i , : .. v i uio peopio siiouiu opcniv. douuv ami j whom wore boys. 1 hare u hoivcver 'wW;,oart,,denahsiu nnl,t.:n UIs0 tl v.i. . thing in" this performance that-seems to1 riou' issues, thereof: And Whereas, tho j 1k overlooked. It is two dollars each' for ! Democracy aronow particularly called up I the oil' cloth, and twenty-five cents a tr'i!ht !on to1 dcclaro upon what ground tjiey i, ... , .. , . j mean to moct tlioir fops. .Ilierefore I'esol- f 0T 011 rtc;teYrjf y-r' not'"ng- ved: That tho Democracy of Mount JoV fir.TTi,vo O-LVaUiecilizehsin thoio'i" meeting as.emblcd.do reiterate their 1 .f...!.-.! .' - ri I. a i ... , t j former endorsonfont of the truly honest, rriartefoni"eouniyaretaUiifg the lni-1u.ilift ., A,l,.,intirniinn nf .Tn,: t tiaitvo in the.'oil business,; and from the; Buchanan, and. point to the perfidious i naiueiof the men who; have taken hold of character of his eliioftrudncers.h recent it; wo have no doubt they,)) ill' fetch tho !0VloVcd' Proving tho true. "caubo of. grease out of.Iother" earth, if it Ms to be had within fivo hundrcd't feet, of hq nurfacc. Cio on, gent leoien, na oon aaronf find it, and how the gold and nil Vet- sti.-fcJ i.,soU,,,.,s,AWClw,W expect the "fogies" in other parts of tho, county following yoiir example. ' j J - T-r. in.. . ai.' -j,- County Fair. Wo publish this week on our first page,'".1 .thcir r'm , 01,0 .hlectora nrtirlo tukon from tlio rhiljulclnbia uotiar cicsnapcr, wn i we commend to. t. , the attention of our reotleis. i i ! j The writer therein portrays lo tho, atr i V fact inn of every one tho truo secret ' e i co,ul,!c"!i l15rr9rly an n"rje?tum) u 5 exhibition . ..... al ;o i j Kver erv nerson nrnnnlnf ml ' n, llm lunul I11 ;ii. il. .... c 1 1 u. i i ... Vil li l III f Fll A Hllf-ra. lu r u.11 U vlnl.tl inr a rF' J . , . , , wns Kinn, Knows tnai top nnitn cannot jie idone In bciiig,liWul, and have everything Jroperiy arranged ; especially ntf the lir.-'t' xhihiVibriwhieh jut the case yitli w this lalt. rf , ,!i . . . . .. . -m' r It,,! 11.15 ' 1 rr" - "T T..-IU ; II o.f " .' 4 Our Explanation. "Queer that the oditnrs of.,4hri".Hal.; Bionious Deniocra((y".doi't puhjli their platform. kw)al. ';''V ) ..oU' iH We will, explain, neighbor ; our col umns haveibeen Terjf unich crowded ever rinca we assumed the control of Ml!io '' lie- pvhfirin jf ahd j beliig soiiiuivhat ' '.'Green1' ; Itt the, Editorial chair, we may haV 0 com- ! mitted a raveerror in not attending' (o1 . tnn request of tho "Journal,", and e& our: f cte neighbor liaa published it' tides nl nt raady for tU without charge,,' We, presume p. that the platform by this time, is in tho '(, j hands of everybody, and it wdnKl.be us6-.l rv. I totvf loput)lisli i(now,rtunlfn..;our !d ! fSend really insist a upon us doing so. ,r lot V 1aa.i I''. J ' ,p. 'jHiOiVMFB TAaaER.Tno Seplv'tiUiw ,n, inumborof this bid and. well known agri tj cultural paper " received. ;-Bfo noliee' ' j 'ht the publ.sjiek-offers 16 Vend ihe' pa t 'P-3 for the three, remaining months of tu hiyearrw la' all 1vho ligbgeribc now ior ia- S&anexl year' volume. The Farmer in ty. 'CD of the boat agricultural papers pub 'of ine(1. ' decidedly the. cheapest. it, ! Poly half a dollar a" year! ' By enclosing ft ,r,ntee" "re0. Cet, itanijKs io hjtter to fjloMrn Habris, Rochester, N, Y., yon wil ft, C the reviriing numbers of jhis-'year ip 17 tho'erftire volume for lfidl. "J'hig is aV i1. th'nce; , Fifteen "months' reading w jf-r fifty oenlsl Who need U withoolan "" "Jaeulturaland horticulluial journal.' ut I " 1 u. J IjOok OnT. We learn that a great ef- i w being made in .thii oounly to cir It a newspaper published at Harria. i called the "Slate Sentinel." , . .' W. wn our readers againat thin lloi L'l1 "7,,, ! ,his P"rr Ui opposed - regular nominp, of iha. I.n,,.i; . 1 gular, nominees xf (ha DeaMocra(ic Itry fortba Wl '-;. .. .:.i!a. j . ( ..jl . , i . . ."""iiiu the eUoljiUDpfxucWhonai' JfcfcHJHick. man, jonn V . tpraey.ana a number of other Black. Kepublicans; and it is now advocating a courso which will . elect Mr. Lincoln Tresidcnt. MM - m. r. C (. . ,!,.; '.,..,, . , : ' , g witter service for theBiiccess of the fcui, t. ir . . w,,ck Republican nominees, than onv oft,-. M ' , . . , " ? P , ', nd Ur J)em0 j Crot' 'n 1,ad beMer be,wvaro ?f,1 hT , serpent sheets. ' , ' ' ;;? " 'ftWe learn that there have lliclvlceri sovernl petty thefts committed ir, round our town ; and from what farts we W learned i relation to then., we, .l.avocomo.Uo.tLa conclusion, t .m i the citizens, ome of them at least,' Who lmve :hou9e standing wide open.' .There ,'aro always a few idlers about town, and this modo of : leavins ri house "U' l." uuy u;,c.ves. UII1W U-UV lM'Ll 1 1 1 r I III 11 in ir y . o o . .for i their trouble,, or find tliemnclveJ within "the w-alls' of a 'pj WonV' ' , The Campaign largo and enthusiastic ., Doniooratic 'eP,'"S' ,ViS ''J at .Mount Joy,, out Tbuay ttvoning. the 20(h qlt. . ,h i I m- Wftl!acair. was elected President J j j on n X ouiiR, , J oh n Irwin sr.;: Wni; Og.lon 'ond Jolin Owens were elected Vice Prej- "'dents, and 0. Lanich and It. If. Shaw, On ?notion. The folIowiDc oommitteo. , were appointed to draft-' HcsoluUons, ex- 'P'siv of thhsc of tho'thhotlng, Vij; 'jr.- 'I the 'absence of the committee; the I meeting called upon K.'J". Wiallttco En.. 1 to a'- the mooting, vho in an ablej olitionism, and intidolity in m 'county, was but. to defeat and overthrow tho pres ent Bluck Uepublicnn part J among us. I i.wiii.iiiuii ui au 1 . 11 iti.m:u a tho committee through their chairman At the conclusion ol Mr. ul.ace s speech, " n" , v nf lA tiA,, .States is open for emigrat ion to nil tho States alikf, and that i according to' tho Constitution and the Dred .Scott-decision ' r:tnrv have no'nowerto islt sluverv until they como to form aState Constitution. , '.''" ,, isu. j line we ncartuy ajiprove ot tne iecominendation of tho Stato Committee 'i: i . :"l... i i a wiio and tiatriotiij nurncse to maintain the Union and interests of the Democratic party. : " - x Jlli. That' we will with heart itnd hands UTiito jn the support of our nblo and wor thy candidate for Governor II. D. Foster, his undoubted ability, personal integrity inl unbounded popularity, secured hinia iiii'iimiioue unu ttpuiiianeuus iiouiinuiiuii, . . a 1 iJiih attachment to tho mterosts of I t'enn- xylvania, his individual efforts to procuie a modification of the present Republican tnrill, ; havechdearod hinv.to tho ; poople of this .Stato; ho deserves ft united sup port, and ho will receive a triumphant el' eetion.i I';.' i.: -nt! Ji.in . i r. -i ' 'r i . .2th. .That wo ipprovo of the eonrse of Gov.' Biglef in the United Ptates 'Senate, and deem h in; worthy of.highor liquors.',,,. Democratic Meeting.. i iXha l'emocracy of Karthaui ' In., tlteKurrotinrlin country ftsembled Karthatm 011 Friday even fit 3' !art1i; g and at rcat narmoi)y. V "! '"' J'"u UiUiland UtnilT Vice Presidents, and Eyre H f- ... , ' Ir i -.,, a 11 , , i!a ' 'II liHiuon oailU UUIllalHl was ClecleU , Iinan S Mn i '' . ; were 'Sleeted 1 KylenndMarI U.ll.'..- U ..... . .I- I al.l u .. . ..v, o ,T:ii:i.iij, I he Meeting was ab'y ndressod by 1.1 .1: MK'tillough K.sq., Dr.' j; W. Tolter and J. W-Jlall. . .,.., . . r . universal WnUneiii of i'tilon nd har-i mony prevailed throughout the meet m''i' e learn that btraight-outiHii. has 'but lew advocates m the lower eonnty," and are; grdwing bi every day. 1.. , -,t- ' MARRIED, . Jn Sunday last," by Lever floral lw.p, Mr. Henry PenU, to. Miss Elizabeth Ifol lowpotcr, Ijoth ofnion Ip.', Clor field co. - 'i . " ' .. DIKD , .. " "':: i ) At Mount Calm, iii Iawrence townabin. oil Wedticsday the 22d day ef Aug., of pu- trid sore throat, 2Ikt,v Jane, daueliler of A. C. and Martha Jane Tate, aged 0 yours,! o mo. ana w ttays. , . "Litti.s Marv ..ulumtiers aweoUy, "' In her lonely narrow bed J 1 " i : Tolting storms, and howling tempest, On-tlie resurrection toornirtg. 5- fi . Ci-r.ht .ill -hiuM. rrrth, lw,v. 1 t 'Rise my child, and lc nit drcs theor ' In roiies of whito and spotless lova !f a a - - a' BIVUS IIWV Vf i KliickMiitliiiisr, JAMES CR688LV ,risn tn.l.,!M,i., ioth. borough of; Lumber tltv. where he will . . manner snowed verv i saimtnotnriiv ,inM .,''0,rolnPy," ork eBrosd to hint, a4Mvil6lJluJ,-i.?ft0Li; '' in a workmanlik. mtnaer, jUly 4, 186Q.-a.ly, -I. .I.:) ' ?-m ' .1Wm JWillllllllHMIB HWWII niHWIil.--W.tW WMWH Hi' IMUHlMJWWlwrMiww.wiwMi mmm I llll. W aumaaa, lwi aaaa.iajia,B.,'.a ,. .- ..v CD, .T i z -n r . The public are hereby Informed tht I will T , " U kcopon t hand, at the Conl Sank of Judge Moere ; I" tb matter efthe Estates ofSaijiucl SiVcnce'r' c 'I18 . 1,"'0UI of Clcarfleld, a ooiutnnt tupply Jwph Bponcer, Hannah ait! Naaey 8pmer' or the begt article of Peacock Coat Tha qoftlily i n' Joan Marloir FinUer deo'd. . . ,....,,,,' of Dert no . recommendation, a the , " ', ' , I And now Aprii i tb 180," ' public know H m Cur superior to all othors known Citation a warded by the Court upon tho hoira lor muny miloi otoiuiu. Orimt fat conl must ho exPC,ltor" I'1 Adiuinistrntori of the above de obtaincd at tho itore of Moore A Etr.wiler. eedontu, toaliow caue why fpocifip perforuiaaco rrlco fiV twenty Bnheli and upwards 4 ccnti' of contrncts forsalo ofrcafcutiito, made by thuiu per bushel at the bank, or (I delivered.''' " ' i" Uolr Hft'linie hall not bo dooreod 2'Jtli Jur.e Aug. 29, 'CO. Ot, MICHAEL CONLV. n8"0- dilution returned, and on motion of K. j. -!'-.' ' "'"L1".0' K"K Attornoy for appliuauu. Ihr.M. J. 01 jurors lor hept. lertil, common- cing on me lourtn Momiay, tlio 24th d;ty ,IJ liOANO JlftORB. 1111 ,H,Tnr' Ti.!.'.: ! Brady-Saniuel Arnold, Joseph Kshol. JIarrison raBtnorn. Jos. It. Arnold. Rrwl i ui...n ... r i. .r. jkiiuv ommri, rrtueneK Wingert. 1 jxiriiuHio ntepnen Krotliers. ' Ghost Calvin Stevans. ' ' " ' - Oovington'-JVm.Si:h!iarrs.' -"'.'.'' ". Decatur J., Parsons, Jonathan ' Ken hart, Philip Hoes.), Andrew Ooarliart., "!iflhan.-James F. Shope- , ' Huston Austin Drown. . ' Lawrence John Daugherty, jr. .Lumber Citv Win. V. Wriiahk. Moriis-T-Dnniol Bourns, .Jonathan Koth. orcka-i' .! : !: b.:a . .! . i . Xevr Washington .Samuel Sebrln"';'' I'ike'AbrnlmiU Snyder Woodward --JosenbFiL' ' !- Curwnl.syiilc- Daniel VunZ 'i u .'.t.J TRAVF.Rsr, 1 JlROKS 1T "'TVEF.IC-' ' i Beocaiia Jos. W. Lull; JarhcSif. 'IIo 'garty. ,'-i-. .'.I.' . '. '. ; v-..i..' Bell Jacob. W, Compball, Win.. T. Gil bert, i, 1 1. ; . . i I ,' BO''ss Isaac ' Southard. Henvv Wn'- pleJ.Thfln.orf Waple. . ' nrautoiYi : .leromo Kobmsoiu ., , ,. Brady G'e'oriie W.1 Lomr. KJeor'o J.'Yoas. Levi l)rnucker...Jrtiin!4 1L; Bairctt, Henry Ilooyei:, Goorgo Ly Morgan, l'aniel (joodlnnder. , . . Burnide Y'hi'lip Neft'rod'heppard',' Jolln noVanaugh. ...... ! Viicst Jonathan Fry, Josiah W. Lam- b'lrn.i,'.!. f,t-r .;.i ' I;'! .-' :. Curwensville Abraham Oates; - Jacob Faust ""1 ' ' ' ' . ' ; Clearfield L. 11.' Merrcl!. DoratiiK Isaac (Jos. .. . ,. , rox-Jatno LIair,;i '"'.' Oirard- -Pctor Lamm; Adam Spockman, U',.i..:.i.. it . .,, .... . .. . Goshen i-ewls Irwin. ' k ,!' '''' (Hilich Jones Kollin. Jordan Joseph Dowalt,' doseih Mc Neol, Petor Bloom. -; : : Kaithaus George Keckodorn David I lay net. . , .' ; Knox John Jackson. La.vrenoe Oliver Conkliii, A. II. Keed s Peed. ; -i ., t . .. . ,; . : PMorris Wm. L. Merrell. New Vivshington Jos II. Broth. ' Piko John Bloom Sr., Geo. B. Cald well, Geo. B. Dale. . : Pen n David T. Sharp,. Joseph Now coiner. .' ., '..,...,,. . Union David Horn.. .1 ' 2nd week. Bell-John Or. . .'" ' .. ,' Hoggs Georgo Turner, Thomas Beei P. . Bradford (5o W. Oarhort, A. II. Lu cas, Jolin Dale. v ji -:i..-i n. 1 Brady-uJackson Long, Jeremiah Krl- ner. ..I ... in' i BmiMde f C. Mitchell.' John M'Cul- kaijjh, KVh M'Mastcrs. ' Chest -Daniel Gorman, ' Samuel ' Mc Krten. i , plearfieM Wni. Itadclaugh', Jleniy Snyder, Jeilerson Lit. ; , ,: i : (Jovinton John M. Reiter ..' l-ergiibOn Dii.'ipi McCrncken f!eorL'e Sttaw, w X ' ' lor'. Guclieli 'James A. Ilepsirly. 1 Ooshen -Robert Bumgardner. Lawrence (ieorge Uuulich. , Lumber City Jcsso Spencer, John rercuon.'otin i.roouiail. .., Monus Win. ,J)evinoy, Jos. I'ennlng Vflivnt'! Pm-lfa 1. -. . . . . i ' . . like Jos.'M. Spencer, Jacob Hitfnr." j . Union Levi n Dressier, Benjamin 'I! J:irloA.Iohn Brubftker. ' Woodward Crihstian ShoflT. A1 (Dsxsrdl bsr Ym&ft iLaffliUa Tho subfcribor will send frei of ehitxjc) to all who dcniro it, the JUcipe and directions for milk ing a simple YtffrtftMf Itnlin, that will, in. from two to alirht: davn, romove Pimples', lilotchcs, Tiii Frrrkh; Satlownass, nud all.impuritios and renghncss of thrSklnllavlnt Hit sahio-ns Xa turo intendoirMrlrnnbnio-'if,Var,'iiioo(i fruit bcnwtifni. Those doeiring tho ReccipeAwilh full insti'uctiona. iliroetiont, and advice, will plenso oiill ou or address (with return pnstngfl) . ' JAS.TaMAUSItAMa, . . . PnACTICAL ClIICMIKT. No. 3 2 City liuildings. X. York. Angjth lsiin.hno. - t ;; , REGISTER'S NOTICE jVT UlllK, u nerooy given Hint tne folluwingc ' 1 "fj 1 1 11 nccouniK nnvo orcn cxnmineu and pps"c by me, and rpmaifted riled of record In this 0 ..I flee for tho inpeotln; of hei-rs, lecnteeVv ' ervdi- "' ' 1,11 "icrn in any n.ucr wny iniercs I n .i i -.i.. t0(1 an'' w 111 1,0 Prf,n,e'' t,,D noxt ()rP,iau l'a,. ,'( : nla.'.SaM' aai.Kl.! I Ua V-l.lnh'H.., mnnnittrt nn ika I K l ,1 u ., T C....4 .ik! lllnO - ;4VT"n, "v.iy.-a va uv.aw., for the eonnrmiion at for the eonfirmiaion and allowanoq j . .ni.'l Tho account of Goo, Jorqb . Vona Adtninietra tor or the goods arid cHa.tersV tlgJda. .and cred- r lnlo.of -Erndy township,".1 .aed-i'-O ' ' ' i' ' '-'-I its, of (leorgo Ointer 'oowhty eaed. 'b Situated one and a half miles Irnm ('li.rn,.l.l . I 1 'Kewjirdi !:; end ol tlioil RI l cros m innnior miic, uacreaof which , ""'Wonce,.,uniieit. by lands mirveved -oh eaUtifull'v- leai M.'' Is improved, tho hnlnnfo well limloied wnlrnnt ln "'o name of Jaraes Wiliwil midlands . ailtt at il IIP' j.niwi ann, .lau-i iii.'iiinri-H j ITrn Ulreil- . .-...w.. ... ... ui.u.c ur aullure B U9H fleTt the ' i l""""a Saw Mill,, Lath Machine,' Stable Knd wlll f id tract being Well timbered", will. ! otiier out huildines. .,,). r. -.iii.t t-nr. i valuable whito Pino timber and Ira on the Turn Piko lending towards lautlierburg'!rf'"' '"S'l' Or upon which a Haw Mill mljnt be For further particulars, apply te tho subscriber rpr;cM,, iato. tha .a.tatd of iSamaol CnldW II on th premises. .'. Augi 8, ISflO. 6t.' 'ISRAEL NICHOLS.. " - .... I I I il'i,! t ? aRancduoirs -1 Jinicil.fitTnittd5 i 1 liirty-Mntli Prof. Ii 1 & and Market Street,1 rlill'a", tORTI.AKI) SAUXDI'.HM. , ; . ' PrlnclpalH. j ) r t.. Jtoo. WM. IlIflLEK, Clearfield ; Wm, McRIB-3 HIU 1. a. . .. ... .. u r.sq. oi tne jtiorcnants' Hotel, Pliila. : Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of 1 be Press Rev. R. WEST!! ROOK, of the 8. 8. Union Hon. J. V. MAYKaRI), Williamspnrt? J. I.ETSENRING, Kaq., l'rea't of the Lehigh Coal rf Nar- Co., and Hon. nASA PACKER, Maueh ChnnV nil nf wtiTliCr'th?r "t' !"" ,"'!? th1. 'T1? wno m?y. "...'"king for a tafn, thorough and pleasant School'; any infor mation acaireu rospecung rnii perninary. A flrore and Lawn of i;if;llT ACRKM, nre aimcneu 10 me insmme, lor seclusion, ret (I reition and physical exerelse. . '"' ' 3r. ' IJ AM, rides, Mackerel and Herring 'for sale yj - . - - ,ow r.,,.".,l'f'..0' 1.: :' ' w' r D R Y CH EH RIES fo r .U at . ihr-atW.rf' 4 Wui.'P.lmln. Cleuifield Pa. J WcCullOtigli ' Esq wa nppointod Couiiuiwionor' uiWiMiorj irk 0. C. . .J .'" iTi JA.MKS wnrdTTr' tU . ' u puiiunucc 01 111 at)VO CoiUUl ' J! ...liu.c",Ji ia CfcarBoW, ou i Will be In Von nl i,,,, ..!. s.1 , , , - f ,i " ol'"nbBr next, when 1 ..hv au .mioiii niioroaiuii mv 1 wbero all pero"n inloroatml m.v ti..A J fringe. . . . - i . -, C'oarflcld, August S, 18(p. It, "FIll'SH GOODS, JUST IN TIME TOO. i . Tho aubucribors are jmt ! (jptiu'ing at their old , itnnd, a freah Stock of eonnonablo Ooodn, coimist- i inn nf a full ua.n .n , -"R vi tun uvDUumini OI VfJ UOUUtl. I'll .A., , . , . Ilartwnre, Queoniw(t'e,-i mudo up .Clothing, lloutsand Shoes of cvory .variety, iLadiwDroM triiningi rfc, which they will diep.we -nf ni n good if not bt'tler terms to the pnrchaler Hum Ihvy enn be eblnincd eUowhero, far oither tuth, Lumber or country proilucci gancrnlly, i Aug. lVCU.-ilt. MOOKE A ETKWILEU. ' 3 x iF.cirr)rris-(mclt2eTu7i ,j hicntury having been granted to the umlor tigned on the estate.of (Jeore Welch dccaed, luto of Lawrence tp. Clearfield conn I v !.. all perstpa indebted to raid etite aro requostoil to iniike, iuiiuediute, payment, and; tboso ; havinj rhiiiiieagainet it, ore re'iuostcd to presont.liieii duly aulhchticatod for eotlleuicrit. ' , . , Auyuft 1, 18C0. flt. W.M. POUTER, Ex'r! luuueuiuie payincni, nnu; luoso ;Iiaring Uion. T) I- ASTEH I X G, Tho.;, subscriber, having JL locutod himself in the borough of ClcarlioM would inferra tho public thu,t be ia prepared to do work in tho abovo lino, from plain o ornamon t:il of any description in a workmanlike mniiuor. Also whitewashing and repniriag dono in a Deal naiiiior and on rcnaonable terms. . I "" EDWIN COOPER, uClenrfioId April 17, 18fiO. ly. - fiiiii: tLK viti-ilaj) acaJ)i.:mv,wIH J. bo opened for tho.- roeoption of pupils, (inules and females) on Monday, Aug. 2l)ibi 1(10, 7'r;-fw per seaisiott of eleven Weeks - - .Orthography, .Heading,, i Writing, Primary Arithmetic and 6'eogrnphy. ' $2.59 Higher Arilhuiotio,' English Grammar, Oeog. rnphy mid History. ... $8.00 Algebra, (ieometry, ; Natuml Philosophy and ll'iok Keeping ' $1.00 Jitin and Uroek lunusires. .i . . uoo i To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify theinsnlvcs for tenchere, this Institution oflers desirable advantiigcsr , .. , ; No pupil received for less' thnii half a jotsion, and no deduction made except for protracted sickness. a -. ... Tuition to bo paid nt the close of the term". ' 0. B. 8AXDKUUD, Prixcipai... Mjy 2:s, '1.8iJ(f- Ir. , . ' ., ,;. ;. .. MV.S T. !.KOARn. ', A, Wll.I.ACE.' ,P. A.'l'IMXKT A. c. n.vxcr . ' ,. ,f ' -or '''... LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. '- C L E A R F I L I), Learfiixu covxrr, 7'X',," : jnn.LSoi, axcnA"ci!, NoTKSANDMurTSDnrniNT):!) 1 ; deposits Rrxrivr.n, (Mfotions mailt and proceeds promptly remitted I-rlian'gc on the Cities roiiNfmitly . ! ; .! ' oil hand.'""- ( " ; 1 jX tl-Oflico on. Seccad St,, noarly opposite the .COURT 1IOU8B. 10 Mercliantl S cxtoiiHive J)calir "i a-nuro Timber. Iliar.N la. . .. . . ' SflX . ""'S'CS, AC. rXNvvIV. '' ilr V-' faa ti,J C"' .upl I SCO. To; Persons out of Kmploytncnt. i.h.M'b WASTED TO SELL the Erie Sew 1 Y' mg Machine. ' 1 Wa will civo Conimlisinn. n il.' o o per montli, anrt oSpcnges paid. ' Thii j a no,T mncirinc, and so simple in llsconttruc H on that a child of 10 jears can lenrn 10 operate it. by hnlfnn hour's instruction. It is counl to i ny family Sewing Machine in' use, and the price is but fifteen Dcllura .. i 1 I'rrsona wishing tin Agency will address , . 'c 1 w , N. MOYLAIS',,". 1 K wn 't?t .. c. : i. 1 ,. ' AuB, 1 i;5ir. MIL A.N, Jlllo. JKI'IIAVM rUHT SAMJPy vlrtue SCO . .- V 1 S' n Veli arch 11 ' ! ""pale t lbs Cniii4 llnnu l ih n!....i. fU, - fiold, on. nii I ... ;' . ; ..u. vf r.L' A : -t . - T . VDIIM' V. 'rif n.iu, .. . 0p SITTEAIB tT 1) i W, ' ' . , J. ? V , L A,' ,iJ,,t)' ' ' " i"1'".'". dwrllwd real . Estato t W : A tract or land Simula, in Huston township, 'Clear fieiacounty Pa.,, itrrveyed oo a warrant tn 'the V vy' Mvwm. "Vontalning 1J 'Keres of water thoroon. which can be mt Mavirtal.il ucc.-n.-.a. ; , ,. . .. i d, purchase mnnoy on day of Fnlc ; one-fourth on Dm run R rut ii I inn XITIHTlal r....1. a.. ' ijut Palo, and tho balanco in two tonal annual pnymoiiti Willi.' fnterest- front d?y tr Hale, to be secure by'JJcnd ,r M.rlgaio. f 1 DAVID CA LI) WELL, A.lm'r.'J Aug. 8, 18fi0. of Samuel Cnldwelli dee'd. wVA VlV UiUJAJl :. Isponsil.lo for tlioir conduct to thoir employer, 1 The undersigned offers, for sale, a Valuable1. Wl,,wi" giT- tl,e ntir ""nt his per- farm in Penn township , fonnerly owned nhd !" '''P?. . i. , 1 j now occupied by Richard Denver jr. wM nine -ln U,,.tL hT ""' b M ,0 k abonk ,80 acres, bounded br land' f J, Z P618 V" cosiforlaW. during their .isila 'ohis Hoyt, Tbos. Martin nnd Jonathan Wl a. milt west of Pcnnville: 1 from 40 to 6U arra. cleared-a good frsm dwelling i' bara.Jinft nllinr hullHitiM a...iul .a..-,.- a,.' a gooa bearing orchard - and a hever . .... .. . a," cmim tiii.-rouii. Also spnag on toe. premises, and will he sold on roasonaine lertns. I or which apply to Win. Ir Vin Curwcasville, RICUA3D DENVER, Ren. Aug. '22th !sn...Xm. 1'enn lown.liin i ,,. LiTHCKSON . CR ANS , ... 4 J. 2"' "WW l si ITTADVl'V A -r 1 s . ' ' ' June I. 1854. 1' HARTIWICK If. D, DRUG A VARIETY l .it .1 I. - .t It lOIlAINE & CO. - TAVR .lelT.J from tho Intern 'citio,, MARKET STItEET. tWu d,,,i Jt .. m..i.,i : j:.. t ,t ; Drues. 1 .... . rA1l..inna , ,;i ariiMbe. - ' Dye-Stuffs. hi. : 11 v. Tobacco A Segnrs, " '" ' " Toilet articles, ' ' ' I iPorfumery, - - ' ' '. ' lilunk books, ' - - ' ' '-' tilationary, ' ' ' : Cutlery,' ' . . Jlincellnnoous . ' '' And fancy Articles .(c. it?, ever olTcrsd to the public in Hi is soetien of the Country. . ,1 Their IriiK and t'liemfrls, uf which tftay have nn extensive nmrtiuent, have been select ed with especial rcll'crenQO to their qualltj and freshnc. " , ' , ' , i Their stock of Oila and Paints will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, TarpsntiiM, Ked White lend, dry and ground iu oil, Span ish brown, Venitinn red, Vollow and Stono ouhro Eatnpblack, Mnck lead, Ivory bluck, Chinese a American vernilllioh, pnris green, parin, intsaw niiirme and Prussian blyo, dry and ground in oil, t'nrmiue, Chromo green 4 yollow, Chalk of all Cobalt, I)rop, luko ,f black, Emory, Clue, tiuius, Copal, paninrjind SIioIIhc, Jndiun rod, Litharge, Ornugb mineral, pumice and Ilotton tono. Hose pniK, i.nglisn ami American, Hosin,. Scurlot, (or iersinn red,) Torra Sienna, Turkey timbre, V digris, bluo tt- white Vitriol. Whltine-. Zinc, n or- put- t.y and putty knives, mass of all tizea nud quali- lico, j.uimiiig-ginss illlCS, itc, li e. : I'C-atttffii V Varulslies: ' ' Extra Logwood, chip ped nnd ground. Indigo, Miulde.-, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Ked siiundcrs; Copal, Couch, lllftck for leather, Japan fordying, Hup, Maalic, Whito Dutnnr, M'hito spirit and flowing Varnih. i Tobacro Segars t -. . . . ' ,' ..! Cavendish, host, Natural leaf, Rough & rendy, Lady twist, fine cuts of all kinds, ar.dprido of the Harem, toburco I Riiimoo an! Scotch snuffi; ,,E1 phaeton, Jtonry Clay, luucu, jaivciiica, , f,i mono, itc., pogari. IMank-Hooks and Mtaliuiiarjv , . 1 , ' - ' 1 Ledgers, Duy-books. Rocelptand Xote-books, Diaries, La dies nnd Office Portfolios, Blank parchment and paper Deeds, JJonds, Mortgages, nnd nli othor legal blanks. foolscap, lettor, Note, llusiiiess and drawing pnpor, Envelopos, Ready reference files, Aniiear i and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink, omen, oiue,ana carmine, ttcel I'ons nna Pen holders, Paper clips, muoilage, and all othor ar ticles in the Stationary line. Toilet & Fancy Articles fc Perfumery. . .' . Hair orulios, Amencnrt, French English, with Ivo ry, Shell, Penrl, Dntmlo, Satinwood, R osewood A ornamented backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes Hat brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualities : Shaving brushes, American, English and French with Russia bristles and liadgor's hair; flesh brushes! Comb brushes and Cleaners, Tortoiso shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain .1 l'nncy and India rubber Long Combs j ShoU, Buffalo, Horn and India rubber nufTsiile Comlm- r,,.i; rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all stylos j English Toilet combs with hnndlcsj Ronnot ennuis , Pocket Oci-mntl laylors, Wright's, Miincnot i. Conwnv'n tracts for the ban Ikerebief, of a gret variety of o.j.u. , a..uiiun m ucuiiie, jjRrry a rricopnorous, Lyon's Cathairon, Eait.Lustrrtl, Hears, Massaccar, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil i lloef marrow, l'oinmlts, and phileooom, American and french nil itylei nnd priacs cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge Ralls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling salts, Balm of a thousand (lovers, tooth pnttej tooth paste, charcoal, reso, AC Ac, Shaving Compound all sizes!' Military oap, Jlonoy Jjoap, Chrystnline and floating ""i"ii viMimuii, ioiia.et ana (iaiingher eonps, Tran.pareut and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac. ' Allsrcllancuus Articles. ' Ocnts steel frame morocco nnd cuff Portraonnics, Ladies silk lined papiorjaMaehe, inlaid tortoiso shall, velvet nnd morocco Portmonaies, Ladies Crotchet parses embroidored wito Meel bends, Lsdios Cnbns and moniten satchols. shall, nearl. Ivnrv. relrel nnd papier Macho, ivory and pear mcmorandnm tab fets, fino Engish Morocco, Pocket Walets, Mo tocoe and af Pocket books, with straps and ciu-ps; Dill books, and Banker's cases with lock ind key oollapsion drinking cups, Medical gins sea' with and without drups. V Idling tackle, Chapman A Eiiorson's Ruior strops cignr cases irumb brushos, Shoe Brushes with and without' handles Horn brushes, .all qualilifrs. Paint and yarnish brushes n is, tin and cupper bound, Sash tools a sites, counter and mark ing brushes, whito wash and scrubbing brushes, riincycoured fcutlior dimliin Ac. Rich iiiiniu iiii). ler liiacne, toilet cases, work boxes, writing derka,. Rosewood nnd Mnhogoriy writing desks, Chessmen and Chess boards, Oonts. Kid OlaVOS, Neck lies. Clillnrs. ernlmta nn.l nni.aa I . I.. . .. i . . . . ' . . dies Kid, Tuffeta Silk and Kid finished gaunt IcU, aud I. vie thread irattnllois. lllnnlt n,l a.nl..r. ed silk web mspendcrs, french Striped gum stis peudurs. Rich cmbroidtrod suspenders, Quints new Mvlo Erencll aiiaiiAnilnaHi llta ;..h l....t kercliiclsi ourcd border and Ciimlirin h,in.ll chiofs. Ladies inen handkerchiefs in great tarl. oly j Sua shade fans, circular fronch Ions, can tnil foathor fans of a great variety fine Clinton India faus with ivory nnd nainteri linmln. Jiei and. . mourning I'niisir, Hair, pins Enirish nnd tredch, Ac, Ac. Aso Patent aModioincs of er- ory variety. . ..... i Alt nf which Witf bo iqIA ut ,tho lowest CASH priOcV. ' -Country Phjslrlana furnished with Drugs', Medicines nnd Surgical instruments, nt the most rensnnablo rates; for cpsh. i . i Juno C, l.sOD.Iy. ... , . mSTJNT -VERNON llOTEU LUMBER CITY, .i :. . C7v a rfic Id l 'o ti n (i , ,' . JOS. L. KIUBY,' Pnoi aiF.Toa. ' ' "I ) E(S leave to announce to tho traveling com lJ rounity and tho public genenrolly, that, Ik lilt lias taken tho above named hotel nnd'refittel i In a style suited to tho times and the wants of tho public. , ,. ' : II ID :TAI5LK Will always bo suppliod with the best tho mar kets and the surronnding country can afljrd : in I. ii in.! ii An i Will contain the choicest liquors, and I . . HIS STABLES . i. I i' Will bo in the enra f atiamiivaa i..ii.. ' '"3?" 00 rcpcctlully solicita a shnro 0 . ublio' . Atrnnntt V '..."... - - . . . . umecr Lily vet.. 19, 1S59. ivorj ann uuua percna Uno tuulh comb ; combs, all styles : American. French A- Cologne J.nvcnior waters; Lubin's, . Also . I)MIMj?THAT()HS NOTItU-Lclters rai in? 0r Administration having been this dar inn An,aMni..ii.iL....j . . . . . . . k. hM.i.u vi tun Haiurniirnia.on rne CTiate 01 J nom as Owens I a to- -of f ergnion tp.y Clenrdeldeunn ty Pa. dec,d all persons .indebted to Said estatn " are requastsd to mnke immsdinte fi yment, and those having claims iiraint said eslato. aro .' nuostitd tn rirsKnnl ffhami alnlw amiliAnf;f.niA.i r... , i i '. .' ..in'.irn nil BU'Settlettieni. n tDj.KMEl.INK 01'KNS - ANTHONY H1LE, i.Admr, lerguson tp , Aug. 0, ?60..-;it. ORPHAN COUHT BA1.K.Bt virtu, of an order of tho Orphan's Court of Clear. Bold county, there will be exposed to publio sale at the house of Isoao Bloom in the Borouch of Curwonsrille on SATURDAY THE 8TII BAY OK SEPTEMBER, A. P. 18001 at 1 o'clock P. M.f tho following described reaf estate to wit i that certain pla-itation or tiaot of land situato (on the publio road loading from Clearfield to Is ow Maahiogton) in Pike town ship Clearfield county Pen.., lionndod on the north by land belonging to the tt of Jehn b. Curry docessed, on the east by land ol Fitcl A Boyntoti, on the West by lands of Wm-A Dloom nnd Wro Ret, and on tbo south by land of (Jeorgo W Curry. Containing two Hundred and liftmen A emu mora or ! -- "w.iiic niuuauix thereon a large twc.-,tory: fiamo (L) house. nuivi-iiraiuiju naif pa in lea, witli cellar, a'' largo doublo log. barn, grain-house, dry. house, wagon shed, and ' about one hundred acres of cleured land, with a largo bearing orchard', and5 a never failing spring of water thereon, late tho estate of Ki'hurd Curry doceaned. TEKMS, 10 por cent on duy of sale, nnc-half . at confirmation of sale, and- the bnlance in one year witli Interest to be secured by bond and' mortgage. WM. REX Adin'r., Aug. 8, 1S60. of R. Curry deceased.' If AYE JUST OVENED TITER ' XE& SPRING GOODS lOaWRlsrNG ISoiinets, Ladies' Dres3 Goodsr HibJjons Flowers and Millenary goods geivj eruHy. : . ATTENT 10 ji INVITED-' TO TnEIR' aiwl Slwes of every descfiplioni Afse fo their elegant styles of BU.INI.S3; .-ji- COATS, and Men's .0 Boys' CLOTHING. A full nssertinsnt of Carpels, floor Oil cloth's' and Carriage trimmings coustantly on hand. .7flyiour, fi'acon,J?ih fc. or Mc loirrtt firicef If? rcsh , A rrivjiT of IV civ Goo! AT THE CHKAr CASH ZTOUti. I am just receiving and opening' a largo and' well selected assortment cf SPRING ND SUMMER Goods, of almost every tfcscrtp" tion, ; iiiiiia a IFilaiWXaV A benutiful assortment of Prints and 'Dress' goods, of tho ticwcst and latst styles. Also & great variety of useful notions, A large nssortment, ready-made' CLOTHING, Bonnets, Shawls, ' Hnta and Caps, ' Boots and Shoes,' a'large quttatity,'. Hardware, Qteensware, Drnggs and Medicine", Oil andl'aintS, Carpet A Oil Cloths, fish, Bacon and ; flour, of the best quality, all of which wlH bo soli" at the lowost cash e ready pay prices. My old frfen) and the public generally, aror' respectfully invited to call, Clearfield, May 9, 1800, WM. V. IRWIN"'' NEW GOODS NEW GOODSll NEW GOODS!!!' Just recoivod and now opening at lavis's chenf corner store, a large and w ell selcctett stock oft Spring and Summer goods, all of which are of. fered at lower prices than ever. Call nnd exam' ine goods and prices. E, A.- 1RVIN. Curwensville, May 1(5, 'CO. innots, florence braids, English' straws,. HaSlmkerand nllinr sv1i ariitmiA.I . trimmed, will bo found in variety at the cornorr tro of ! E. A, IRVIN,. Cm wensville, May 1C, 'GO. rndici dress goods, nfpatterns nnd textures t( J pleasoall, will bo found at the corner store oft' Curwinsvilio, May lfl, 18(10. E. A. IRVIN.- Skeleton Skirts, a largo variety at 'rodaced pri- cos at Irvins corner store. Curwensville 16, '60.'. Jtolla nnd other Shawls in variottnt lh cheBr -5 Store of . E.'A. IUVIK- Curwensville, May lfl, 'CO.' SOOtS and Sllnas. A Inrirer Bln.lr an.l lv.i- J prices than ever, nt Irvins Cheapest corner.. iviirwonsvute, way to, ou" A very largo stock of Spring and Summer' clotiiingof tho latest stylos for sale low bv Cuiwensvillo, May 10, 1860. E. A. IRV'I.V. " Gooking Stoves of various sizes and pricos for mlahy E. A. ll'.VJX, Curwensville, May lfl, 'CO. nackerel and Herring for sale at theeorner LIE. Horo of K. A. IRVIN. Curwensville, JIay IG, '0i.' T'lour, Tiacon, Beans and Clover seed, at th cheap corner by E. A. IRVIN. thaS vurwcnsviuc, .May in, lSBij,'.. 1 V excellent quality of flour for sale low at .xa!o Fioro oi vi. t utwihi. Clesrficl.l, July 11th, IS CO. K( sides of Spanish SoU lesfher'or sale lor J f for cash by E. A i lit VI . Curwensville, May li, 10C0. ITRUIT. Dried Apples, Pared and unpared!1 Ponehos, Cherries, Prunes - and ' Rsisins ar the corner store of 1J. A. IRVINi Curwensville, May lfl, ISM. rVrstins Mill sad cut A'aws, Mann's axes and: I a general assortment of Hardware at the store of , K. A IRVIN. Curwensville, May 10, 1S60. A Urge lot of BEA5 (or sale at 'thelroa Store of MERRILL A BIGLERi c DAL Oil. And Colt. On. Lamps for sale by C. KRATZi R A 80N5; CU1A EOTEL, JAYHESVLLLE, PA. TRlf above Hotel, having recently been fitteua . up for a h'ou?o of entertainment, is. Dow oi ea fur the accommodation of the public, tl'ravclers wilt find this a convenient houe. a May IV l!SS, yollaN Jul DAIV.