CLKAKF1KI.D, Sept. .r, 1800. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. VTVPUPN A TKITTItT a I KERR, Esq., our nominco DlLriiijll .ill. lJUUUlJllOi!;oi.iC()nl.ess Wlll b0 lir0Mnl WM A. i1C JK' for vice prjpent: ; f !)' :t HEBSCHEL V. JOHNSON. GEN. JOSEPH , LANE. . . r, , : i .ooverkoh'.; , -Mil HENRY D. FOSTER.' t'1' "1 I ,:.J CF WrSTMOREI-AND tOfXTV.' .! ' - ' - - -ivR.coNc.ftrssi , . .HON. JAMES K.KERR. of Venango , county.,. . 1 , CO ; FOR ASSEMBLY. A.M. BENTON, ESO., ' of M'Kenn county. ; MA J,: E. S,1 BRADY. '., -; ,of Jcflorson county. 11 'COMMISSIONER,- S..C THOMPSON,., of Morris tp. ' AUDITOU'.-: b. c, bowman; ' Of jVeeatur iH'i" I PRESIDENTIAL' ELTXTORSV ;. - RSehnrd Vn-. ' ' f TCoih,.' , i Dlttriet " Elector. i '' 11 ' -.vLi' e - it 2-W. C. Patterson. I.'i-Geo. 1). Jackson .l :i-Jos. Crockett; ir. Il-.lohri AM."" ' 4-Jno (. Ilrcnner.jl7-.Tnet 11. Jlanner. ?yj?hf,B-'l l;' w- mis. jveucv. I 7-OliverP. James -ilJ0-.Tosli. '.. Howell. -Invld Scb.aH..' 9-7ocl Ligliter.' tl-S. S. ISarliour.'-1-T. II. Walker. ' Winches eh' 13-Jos. LnubaCh. 2r-N. P. Fetterman.- 2'J-Snml. Marshall. 23-Wm. Book. 21-B; I).' Hamlin. , :.ri-(iaylord Cbtircli. RESOLrTION ' Or tHE ' DEMOCUATld, BTATB KXKCUTIVE COMMITTEE. U mwivca, 1 nat 1110 ueniocsauc fciecto. ral, Ticket, bo headed with tho namo of Stephen A. Douglas of John C. Breckcn ridge, as an Elector at Laree, and in tho nC ,1. A a....... .S 'l.l..l if At ! greater aitmber of votes shall have, boon cast for Stephen ,A. Douglas, then the vole of tha Eletoral CoHcgo of the Stat shall be cast for Stephen A. .Douglas, ond. Herschell V, Johnson for President. .aid Vice President, but if for John C. Breck,i,e enriMge, .lohn v, iireckenndgo and jQ..nlt tVle 'etKgago,;nowaver,Uid soy iiiatian-i are , likely to, bo lterod to i.ane tor tnc same olueeB. the vote of .Cfln: .PaUoft did approve 'of "'all tho lend- LPZf?,t,cc,1 -IUf i iirn? principles of his raHy;""ahcl Uclalin for whom the., majority of votes ure cn1 1,,, L .ia-r.f ' s ,-: : i',!f ' ,.m,i . , .Tlhat tbe Kosulution is ntlakt 0110 , t vii-vh any until ruiMHlgoriQSI' office ofPi'csldoiit of . thsx .L'nilod Slates. ' cl.Mrtitig to be a Joiiioprai..tlbu;tho yote, as. it was-oflored .in Uotigress by a' Black of tno " Kloetdla' College shaJl be cast. fir;,i?..wi,U- -..i i'.lv that caiulidalq., -Ifil will not elect eith-1 cr Of the 'Democrats for whom om,iFjlCs,, or any of thc'Jemocjats.who,. aro .votea lor in the Mates, then, the votm shall bo 1 fn ' c,fl,ui"J'lc .'vhobavthoajo - ...j ... niu ,1111.1 ui.iiiu .main; an mat K int viiiiiiui.iii ui hub CiiiumiLlC0 , , 09 n trticted to obtain froii; .the "gflnllemnn -on tho' )etnocratic Eloctoral .. ticket of this Slate their several and distinct,, pledges of itc()( in Iho foregoing resolu-, tion, and to report tho result pf hi net ion Iti tho.proiuisej at, tho next. meL i.igoi ino t.ominitico, IPemocrjttio Meeting. A mect'ui st nf the Demo'rrriev tuUd eounty.iwilli be hold fit the Method! K. Uiurchiri tlie rirniiirk of CJearfiobl n uciuny evening o: the Uouri week, S"itti day or Si'iitemberrnt O'clWk to bear, tho issnes of the present eainpaigh discussed, for the pin-pone of 'nppoitititigd' Standing Committee for tho" ensuing year,' and' to perform such oilier busiiif ss as Is eustonm. ry at 1 halt ink'; Hon; Henry D.' Fostprit oiircMidnlato for Governor. l!oii..riimi'.'l Goveinor, Hon.. James ii latcnr tnngrcss, am ether eminent spenkerit have been invited .oiiirroflu. rtiw and will Re present to ftddr-css tg Hie meetr ' nig. larn oat Dempcrats'dnd " show tho eno niy that wo are united nnd are dctermin' cd to be victorious.' . . . -' . i" n v. VTlWftirn ri.... ''' of tho Dcm. ' eo. Com.,, Sept. 5V 10GO.5t.. . l4.0ur waderTwnt' '.TmiTTZu. J,. ...u.i4i,bu, 1H the crowdo od state of our volumns for sev - eral weeks 10 tome, after court wo will U bIeto Kiretl,ett,ualnontiWof;ir0 ,,,fo:F matter, tut we hone tbev will .! ... j --""niwvM iuite a number of properties have got into the hands of the Sherjir; and a number of other interesting advertisements Court. a 'iviui a i-mi mi'. n and Election Proclamations ; Trial List for Sept. term, ic. Old A nr.'s oi s"Stax 1 .ThoBlack Re ru.bUc.ns brag "a good Lit" about their a bility to carry Illinois. The- "first gun" from that State, however, does not-seem to indicate that their claim is woll foun ded. A special eloclion was held in Galena a- few days ago, Ibr City Treasurer, and the Republicans mado special effort to carry it, but were not successful, the Democrat el-etiK thoir candidate L strong Republican district. j Democratic Meetings. I Democratic Meetings will lio' held at tho I following placrs and the time named du '.Inn nnvt tt'Anlf "V 1 4 Ulev ixorc, on iuuuuuj cvtMi.i.g it . - . tho I3lh inat.. . Q X , - :?- N j New Washington, on Eriday tho I4th .inrt, at 2 o'wock P, M. j-? ') ; i Ciitrrt 'Ms, same day aVT o'clock P.M.- V-s V 'xv I Lijiiier C'nv, on Saturday tho I5th ,' at 3 o'clock P. M. Ci'RU'O'svili.e, on tho same day at 7 .'o'clock P. M. ' , Ji-TJiivw:o, 3n Monday the 17th inst. at'2 oYlockT. M. and others will .hejjre-ieitt to Jddrsa the v i.a.uti'1'..a it RALLY DEMOCRATS and showiyour devotion to the imciortat principles' of theUOXSTIfUTiON and the Equality of the states, ''- ' " , , T.ct its feliow to our cneu)ic3under what- iicycr iiim'o " ";hiay. assume, to act) that 1 1 lie Democracy, aro the -only; 'party' m' whotn the iieoiMff of tlits country ' can im.. .an nnd 4..f tf ! fnn It . I II A ' ' . ' ivji; ,iii u ui. 'i v. . in v, . , ... i 1 f . ... .-j 1i-'' . DEMOCRATS UMTKi.and let us give AbolitJutiimi the Ixsst trouncing, it'eVor re ceived In Pennsylvania, and assist in' r'ut in tliein lioise, foot and drairoous.,,,. ) r:i, , ... ,. -",,;.);. 't: r- u"" L ,"CoavictioDiand Feelings." ' 'Three ftebkir hgo" he SnJ'tmaif JfiiriuiU gave, brictly" and ,"(fruiikly,,1 and we be ILtjve truthfully, too-not wishing 'to dls guise any' Viown f!cn.: Patton 'entertains upon the doctrines of tlio Pl.tck Republi can "pnily all' tho ...leading piiuoiplivt which that party profess, -and declared thcin to he in aocordanoe with 'the Gener- ,,IV - (4ci - .f A.nlinira nn't .rtnt'i.'llnnc M Tlis wo, never doubted for one jcomcut.; It was ,:liowcver necessary- ;for tlie Jvui ntd to tnako. the dodlarafiorr1 -"frankly" atuKftpenly'. vljt 'isliwcll kn6w7) lo.'oiir readers that IW oppbiition- U tif comit, I tv. liuvo alwnvg until howj mliicd 'uiwl der tho naruj cf thoi PeopIe's.T.irt" fnCrer ,! s'Mii ming " tlic'lr' proper namo un- ''f tltq prasent they dared not go into tlfc Jijdftway Convention with a candidate Mfor. Uongross' bolonains t.f the Peoi.lo's ariy,' Mil bad to tell; 'frankly'' to,n"-'ir nortlrern filci'ids. I hat .(iea. .Patton did Utand squarely 'upon tho Black- Republi lean Platform, thus knorin the "Poo- , . v, ,i . " ;; Illc 8 Parly '.entirely aftor .tho Chicago fiislnoii, . ;Tlie Journal having givon this ''frank" statement of Gen. Patton 's "convictions . - I" m . r, 1 ! : "' i ra ici-inigs ui luiuk vcpuuucuiiLiui, una ( ! knowing that tho celebrated 'Rlako' Res- ' - 1 ... f " . '!... ! .1 (Oiuuoi waa one 01 ' tue icaciiiig principles of Republiertnlmi 'wb 'ratlier' jocclsel' a 'few' weeks 'ngo1 ptibjislied It. won-lerin if 1110 tjen.woiiiiugiiiupon H mtending to say, noouore .about it j 1 --llti t - last' week the. (rMaaltnost'ntiiiiiiilaed us bv '''iiri- swering a fool ac'coWllog'tfe hiiVolIy',' and, devoting nearly to oolumiia to no., swenug tho ,"lllakb-' Resolittion-' itntinrtseription w, only n0"eBIollar. .,Petei-tmii' "that lien.-Patton dtfos teffnvor'tKe'aa'nt.,8i' tko.fallowiuft notice:. . ,! ' i.jift.:on of slaverv' in tbn 's'rne'"-li'i.'li . itoS' of tho following fraudulent . L " I - ' . d1:0 1 as Iherc ur uo such .-hanks, H.Th . H' 'V"?n.B .'..! -ne Mk? 1. . . I ' ,J .- J' '. ''tuo,lesdig -principlesM of hi twrtv" w -1 1 ..! 4 fm:tC2?v a iauepuuiiain.:r.)W a'Jlln( it-.l Jhc. JuumJ ii jcon-oct in giving the vote upon tho. resolutions-Yea W'-J iN - ay, UniX-but -not one nihilist 'tlio; Resolutloi) .Of aist'r'r '"'"" ' 11H .it ! .11 11 -tU'FI '"I""-''" "H" iiuu'jiigivmir J' 111111 Ml y ' a,."'1l7 f ) f, . ..... m- i I ni - 1 . o? I extracts from speeches' tnttdtj U'somo fciv C''-,W'0 lUo ""l"0!1'""" K.,hn.n-c Ak, i-f-' 1-1 1 i 'iG'l.C.onipaujV'Wmjt 9nr,Saturday, Septem Slfe'VS! 3!!, nVvl.otheiviicr ts.lil, aU!,5 houso.'of j.Iohn Rutor iu Mr, Ivetr.uur nouiuieo loi-t.Con uresl en.ACoviiiL'tnn iuivntliin.' liml mnanio.) Ku a. ,- , .. dojflqs tlieuv.j- acquaintance lle?,lj'o t''e' Pjrflst. l . ..i ..t with., r- . u i.A-. u.b.. s...a' ...-i.iohn. J?utc'r..Vioo Prciiidoiits '.Jolni llilli.J .vi, , , nui -uiiTu- ivc kivcii Dili s ' , ij T V V ' ' ' i -."'T A 1 ' -- I ' - mi l,n '',.. 'ii.-,-t i'V" o"' ',,. J.otcnz,n uartuciij, , jreasurer . . IUiM he endorses "all '.the serftimcnts oh; Jsian n -Mcriiwi-ft.V. t, v ,,-' 'nrnl?"?u,rtmv'--W iuvritf, um.--eirceiy . un, motion, t Jf((JM Joak, ,WtpJ 'h wiH sunic to say fof'.Mr; nKcrr, thriiMils iS- 'nH.ey'. ftud F. F. Xoudriet, wero'W"i "sottlcd coinicilOnsand'feeliugV1 do not ' M7inio M-rU rt.,l. i. i -i- that Mr. Kerr Uwillin.tondont n.l 1 ' w v TI U UUlU-rUl ingtosubmit to tbo decision of the Supremo Court in referenco to tlio subject t of Slav. . ... . . . ' '.r.' cry in. the Territories-opposed to Know 'N - ollli .. .... t . ' uDtil,n?lra' nJ ' the other ismK of the " '. luny-conimittcd to tlio $cntl- j merits b( tlie' National Democratic party'i I-. i As Geu. Patton. has thus ignored mj of tho "leading principles" of bis party;: we tuts week publish u few more' bf ' the Sort.'but cndorsoclVniueJi Stronger i l' lack KcpuUfoanlsm.,,- Here a few l? '.'-"v;""' ' " ; '' " ' p!r,u'on Wlt" hoUIe,s ' "8no Aviation wUh.thein it, sooie-, -V--. Tli-' .. ... 1 ... ... .. .. 1 - ehants-No; Guestships at slavin Hotels No Fees to Slavoholdinir 1 aw vers No Audience to alavft bnldinv Por-i sons." .' . ' i i . ' Vn ' r -n 1 i0 KOCOCnitlon Of rrOSlnvorv mi. n except as ruffians Abrupt Discontiuuanco of Pro-Slavery Newspapers", "In this extraordinary crisis of afl'airs. r.o man can be a true patriot without first! becoming an Abolitionist." ; an Abolitionist." The abovo, a,.i..i:--1 . ... 1 are some party" and are e. dorsal Kwf ma ii-uiinil! lllinciOIPfi nr f lin W-k llepuWic.,, n.eml,,, orco,, i grow eight more than endorsed .u . the .be.' .t 1. ' K" 0 Clock of said day of wbk-h tlm .nit lnn. for. ' r , v . . ivHu..iilm vi minima, i in . 1.., ..... . . . . ....... , - - . . - , , , ruiuuson lowninri fisk where el5 do thor brterale"" buPIn tho States where Slavery exist." "Resolved, ThatVe hail with iilonsure,: i. . ,. ' the inauguration of a now era in the poht- ical affairs Ot our country, and thai the 4th iiwi auiuii wi v"i';i . Rlako" Resolution, nnd we Of March pext ujirwnd y thisat ofayov , TWELVE review lessoas, for the same price lor in ernmnt." J ;yi ; f which other teaciieri have rlten but TlllBi ouih , ... i . . iuJ J, .,h!r..: 'lemons. Eacb Uion is divided into' two parti, north plci of KenitlibcaU f.wty'iliut not "SdJ Keceiving double tho nmouat of" btongly mAortoV a tho formpr lentijl""' jfP.M ' v t f rAsa nUn ilntililtfd anil, if (lilt ruln ment having leen adopted j howeviit.l- j naniniously, by the convention that nomi nated, fien. Tatton for Congress, and wo presume if the Gen. is elected, ho villeeq that this resolution is carried out that when he gets to Washington ho will assistl in "windiog,up iiTiIifarce of .VgoVerAl Je f oulij Jill several 9bnuu with ,quor taiiotw ;pf, simiht . character, bu t . these will euilice tothoirtbe fnfmrtOiis nnd tren sonable" liefcsie ,'tiiat can'1 fie ,7clinr'6(i unr" Oen. Tutlon. and as iLhad been civ cn'oui by the iww',; that lie .aubscribod to "ul 1 'I ji o, lead in g ppi nci plea o f his'part v,' welid not expeci the Journal ft-otild "thus back 'down- so soioli, ftiiJiave us believe tiat ' rnenouly.some. .; r . . Wo are,, liowover.t'rathor inclined to pity than tv. ceiisirr'tf' the 'cwnVji? for"triu5 pledging the General so strongly ,'niif eni phatfeally jo ''all ,tlio leading principles" o.1his,,.party11TIie.i jotmnl should' have known- better tlian'to pledge Gen.' Pattori W fitch 'nlildi-k Clifaloiiefts'lhal conipro, hendeitin'.ultho le udiiifi principle of the RoDublican nartv'. -nThe ieon1o . of Clourfield count i nro not AUlilionlsts. as I is ihe case with Ihb ' t!cpiiblica(i party iii the northern tier of counties, in our State; , and indeed elsewhere outside o the State of Pennsylvania'" ( ' As'soon ns the ' Jioi(?,ro'pudiate3r,tliQ foregoing ''priiiciplosy of hi party".- which-lmve- been endorsed by 68 riioinberi of Cin-' gress and the RKIgway Convention, vu will try and produce a few ni'oro,bf . the, s.-vue sort ; but, if ho-, will- accept the doolritics tliorein inculcated'rho - will savo us oine trouble to ascertain- how far' lib' arid his Ibis Commonwealth," It' is enjoined on the Slior onndiilalo for Concrbas will 'accent' "all of.,uo. 0Terftl t0 PU.M5. tbe leading principles of tho Black Rcpub, ... . . r . '. . ... 1 - j lican pejty." Go on, brother Row, repud iating "tint ' leading' principles" 'of, yoilr parly you have commenced ' in a' 'good work, repudiating at least one, sentiment heavily eudorsed by your party, and wo hope you may porscwo in tho good work. We Will gladly furnish you w'th the lead ing principles of your paity, io'that you need be at no iui titer trouble than to ap piove, or repudiate them. 1 WHAT TIIBt PillUDEU'UIA PrL'SS sav or Petersons' Coi'ntkrkkit DiTrcTOR '. Vottntrrfrit 'llank .Vo?c.".-i-Pctcrsous' Dc toctor, published t0day, enumerates and fully dHcribes sixty-cighb'. now .counter feits; which have lieen put into clie.nla tions'since the 1st day ofAugu. ''"(I'a.'lso givea an entravinj?,' fhe full tier 'of the original,, of ,n countof foit., plate, ',i(f-mi-oli the nolo issued by. Thames Lau rel,. Indiana, which ii variously altered to fadapt it fortery ;i)po(i over orte llun- did baukft..iyXio.l.priiji ofa year's iul l.iIlro . swindle, gotten up in - Indiana. Manhatten Association, NYJ '. -o. vig.l Juno drivinc lier chariot -thro' mlouds,) '.. . j'!!,, 1 v 'ii "" Northern! Co, ansrUf't L .h.'.o-ijl?.. Indiana, , ,1 - 1. - - 1 . fi ,1 lsi'Vli;.' femalo flvinc with a sbleM and -es;le Indian 011 the right end',' female with n scfoll and.figure foii left.1 vovmeron lownsniD mi. . J. K -J. . . -- --- T ;n-Wo : and the ian mVjl I FikLI I 111 LI I lilts llllllfiu f I I HA s fAnull lam itl. ,i,., ., , " ir ' Uiielogb.lo plitrion some other point L in j.uQ on rcsioti. and nrccura Iso fall exneriDliccd llnd to takocluiriaof - iiiunuiK. - iur.uriei is now ' on ilia ir. t. i ! . . . . i 1 iur. unet is now -ou ins wav i nnd a soon , as lie returns the comnanv "J" ' ehep operation, , 1 i . A J ri I.' I. .mm B'Stisfiutnis;;'.; fi - ' LICENSE NOTICE;' 1 1 Til irI7i1 fqil'owi'ng namoti porons' lipvo ju M. led in the Otlioe of tho Clerk of tlio rlv . onri ot Quarter Sessions 'nf PtonrRnTl eounrv. tliein Petition r T.,.,.- . V i..' Septeniber Session next. Agreeable to . pi iMannfactrirers Rank.' TTui Pn'n'n : '. o. ...... r;r . - :' ..;'.' t -""' Attn RepubH'voied mnmi excel .Mr. (".haycr: 'lei?,, Wan with scythe-:',' ' : . '.; 1 townsh ' , . I '' ' " U.:jl,. 7.J.'-''.'I jrLif " Y At, iiiiiiiugiirsi ui company, wiin poiv. Asa Be er: ' ,ledAn net to n-tidnt 1 i.jht'f. . . . . ' O urn qnv ui iiiniviiu. it. .;,! ui,.. ,. 1 . W.' D'.! Woodward.'lruston tP;; TAvein. 1 v-" '' .n-i. u,. nJJZkU , HoEgalp., Clearfield oaiit P. , . ..; .... 1 An sojoursed Audi wUl be held in the abova:clelk of,n.v election of thisCommonwpalth and I r; , ' . " 1 . "y , 10 '"".tant at the , .Oflice. of Larrimer A Tout tn tha ..( n-.. t . Auditor. 4 DMIMSTR ATOR 8 NOTICE Let A. ten of Administration havinr been - thiir (lay granted to the andorsirned. n. ,s. "vb Lydick late of Plk9 township. Cloarfiold conntv Pa., d.e'd . Alt n..... u.JJ ..; . . I "ffl-"' inu.oir.i 10 Baia V'TT.T! .r.k mmAJ- - - n - rr .. in i'n a, ai m r. Pik Ip. .!.. V WH0.J-W...-. . i . 1 ' j tip. lull fnr ..11 Lm.nfc lliuultm,... . . suhicriniionto'CiearflnUstA isr.n T..r'.. -. .,1 u"un v. " r"r""'T".- - 1'ennsvlvania. bounded -r n pernons inieresia win ink nAi.. t - 1.-.1-- m ir.i.. t..j... - l. . --- - .-, , ... ,.,... .. 11, Luiviw.iiivB, iricn .loreKnia ore requefieu to meet at tha' Mt'SIC.-MISS L l..PRTMKE would snnounce that on Wednesday, Sept. Mb, , ib will open, in Clearfield, a school for tbe study !of vocal and lnjtrutnental Sialic.- Desiring to V"001 Prmneny,- ! promisee to nouig u ivniu mo receives a f enerou. poi- TonaK0. v ; A rj MissB. desires to call attention particularly civtvI... InstftiAflnn pupil i pro- nre gtrictly followed, h'o pledgea hcreelf not to erers also doubled ; and, if tbe rulef of the icbool disappoint them Tkxt Books Richardson or Grobe, for Piano. Curtis or ConTr, for Gaitnr. f !(MKinl. Cof ke; or I.ablaclio, for voice. for either Piano. Guitar or Molodeon. Vpco mm,i() free to every pupil studyfng in. sarukientiil-inuc. ,vl.i.ii Kev. J. H. PtownrL Me3Sri.rBrinri. I I...,. , ..i-iiiii, . ii. jiuiiiip. ,,1,1. iitinr, it. ..-T,.1irir ti lli.. t...:. f J,SUidy., -hi. Vini. (BMtobcrte. nit vnlt'iodiFra who bate batruniied e caabeiefrrrod to. . !.- ,.".A"it V', ,b r In fi ai'pmcatio.v vim inJmtn: -Willlaih' 'Antes' " Xo.rrl-i ' Action sur i.' "" '"' At of Term 1360. IV ':illtl sur Divorce, Matilda Antes. And now June 20. loon, inoa, u. M uuiioukU appointed Comnission cr to take jCcstiiuony J'tr (.'nr.. , liv Tuluo of tbe abovo appointine nt, I will at tend to the duties of the same at in v office in the lloroagh of Clearfield, cn Friday, the 21t day of ct'piKiuuor next, ai z o ciock 1 . .11. or saiil day, wncn onu wnero all persons Interested mujr at. tend if tbev se proper. ' - " ' gept.5, 18D0. TlIyXM'CfLLOCUH, Com'r. . Hugh .Kciae . t-i. ) Ifo. .M.JiineTermlSflO. I in , Action tur Dlvures. ' Cntbarino M. Krite I . , , And now 25. Jnno '60 Thus. J M'Cullough Esq.,appointd Coinmis fionor to tuke Todiinony I'rr Cur. , . Ity virtue of the above appointment, I will at tend tct the duties of the same nt my 'oliee Jn tbe Jloroughof Clearfield, on Friday the list .1 . r t- . t . . . . . .. Iijr u cciii;iuuer ni so o clock A . .M. or rata J?.y' 'iH0,". w J wher Pc"on' tore.ed may attend if tbey see nroncr. gtpt.l. 'CO, TU9.. J Jl CFI'bOUCIW. Com'r. - The 'TentrT Hill Quards." 'Will meet for drill' and parado at Cen tre,' II ill, Graham tp., on Saturday Sep tember 13th A. , ISOO, at 10 o'clock ,A M. l!y order of thij Captain, ' ; ; i; , t. m. jolt, o. s. GENEEAL ELECTION PR0CLAMA- : , v !-i..... .-TI0N.7; 'I,;., AVhcrcas, b on act of tho General Assembly of tho Commonwealth of rcnnsvlrnnin. entitled 1 ''All Mrf in rurvtiUtM flin ftnnnril .-n,-tlrn Iritliin oiauea. oloouon, tno places tviioro to bo ecu, nnd tbo ofiiuers W bo elected; TuKnrioiiK, FREDEKICK U. MILLtH, Jligli Sheria of Clearfield Co., do horihy y'ue fmhlit Hutie to tho Electors of (lie County of Clearfield, that a GEN ERAL ELKCTIO.V iH be held on tho A'rW Tii't'luf Oetflfr next, (being the A7.V711 dny nt the uionth.) at tho sorerul olectirn diMricts in raid county, 'nf which time nnd- plnco the qualified, voters will vole. ; For Opo pcr.fon for GovErnor of this Common wealth; For ono person to represent the counties of Clear field, Jeflersxn, Elk, MeKenn, Forrest, Clar ion, Vcnnnco, nnd Worren, in the House of Representatives of tho V. States j For Two persons t represent the counties ofl Clearfield, Jofl'creon, Elk and McKean in the Houso of Representatives of this Common wealth ; Fbr One person for the office of Commissioner of Clearfield county ? - . ' For One person for the office ef Auditor of Clear" 1 Bold onumy. sri. 1 1 . s I. . . ie. f 1.1 ..-11 ,take notiee that the , said Election wiin" lot ft'ciuri 01 mo empty m viearneia win 1. . t. , , 1 . r.. 11...:.; . I . oe nt'lu Hi mo l" no" nig pinyca .- , At , tho hciti?ti of ."ainuel M. Smith Tor tho town ship of Beccariit;'-" ' "' At tfce house if 'Aseph Ellis, for tlio .township of Ball...,--, '.i .! ,1- r .At (the hou.-'o of James Bloom, Hr, fur the town ship of iiliiwn... ' ,t .1 ' 1 1 At 'he house, of EdwurJ Albert for the, tuwu, ship of Ooggs. . r ... At the house of William 'Hoover for tho town ship of Bradford. '" ' ', ', At the public honse of K. w, ,M.;oro, for Bra.s' I , othcfd.t,w'n : ' 1. ' . .. . of Burner W ""n r-nj so,aI,' Miay , to a sugat- theneo nd State of Pennsylvania ileginning si At tho school houso near fiiinun Korabnuth, sni,'h thiee degrees east 1W psichcs loa n Post in the road 011 the North-West cor for tho township of che't. , ' Llosl. thence by Henry Bycr west 'X2 ner of the tract. Thence by Marv Sand- At thb Court Jlnnse for the Borough of Clear'-, ' , - - 1 01 Covington . - . ill i - ,i.0 At thehnllso of Tuun ltl..nin If . Tor IIia llnr. I M10K nt Carwinnlll.. , i ' 1 AL CaliLrd school llouaa Ir lk .Inw.-Mikin nf Decatur. .,.-. - '. ,- . .. . House ui Jl.oiujU.U Davis tor the town-, 'erguson ' .... hmito of 'John I. Bundy for thtf the ip Of FoX t!nn9raia K III fl.vfi n nt Iia'iisiA fis tit a lit n It Sti IIP o uirnrd- m -. u 1 m At tho public school houss or tho tewnship in. Atthe Sbdsuor.JMso WilsdB for the townfhfp ... . 1 Viftliiitfnni I ....Ai y Ai,tbe sob ool house in Aneonvillofor tlietown- l Vl) ship of Jo.-dnn .,: : .,(,, ,,,, lt At l ie wpuso qi: ii u ii ai) t, to., for the town- nf U)osjics , .. ,, , , t, -i-n ,:. nrljvJH. Morgan Darlington. Co. Lil, being apnH of the Thomas Stewa-dson . At tho house, ofJaeoIt Jlublcr for the.tqwashipj McC tilly, ,Slosc,Iiulbiiison nnd John S, Mc survey. Also the undivided half part of f IVh.scUor i,a...-. w tit .-,;; 'll',M,K ntaiiung 520 uoros moru nr-. loss, one hundred acres of land, being part of iti.l '"'i'" 'nu I'V'ry baio 4wclligl,ou,e,iny Murvy in namo or Mary Sandwilb, .-1. " . ,'. . ... ' coot v t,.nnnl. liAticnu ,iml.k..H Ji) u "ro:.:..:.. il . .... . t. .. , rtfe TuZ;. school h. Air ,U U.rt5" kWfi t ? white pil.C . ... .... . . , .... Hons. In th. Borough of Clear: oe township . ; ..r nt. ;l Ml In M A.. !.,... . Attb.p-bUe school hous.-fo, the Borough 1 -' Hlierpointl- At the house' formerly. occupied by Tbomss too U-and lyler. . m '"' "'P ' , : ' Mmmtuij . . . ,, , i ,, . At tho public school house for the Borouirh of vL'' ","I"KI ' ' i ' A t th hntf.A nf R.miiAl jSmitK f., V. lnn shpaft'onn . m . : i .,; t li At tha hnusa of lsaao Bloom jr., in t be Bor- jugh of Curwcnsville for Pike township. .. At tno nouseoi ji. w. Alcorelor the township piluon . .... , At tho honse of John Whiteside for the town.1 :,'; rw;i ' of 1 J i n ' sUp of Woodward... ; . i8l,ininP-. Containing 33. acres and allow. 1 NOTICE IS FUKTHKK , Hl lHKBV inccs' "c,a enmc tract surveyed, warrant CIVKJI, That nil persons, except Justices of the Win. Cross 17, December 1S30, about ol) l'eaue, who shall or appointmcn t acres cleared,. a laice dwollinir houso and 10 rf trust, uncKr tho government of tha Ciiiiail ' Klntoii nrhf tl-i fJl.'if. ee nf Ariv iti.n,nn.-i.J ititrit. .h . . ruZZZZZVr wi-e, a .ubordinat. oflieer or wnty u:or I or J udioial .I.parfns of this State or of 4ilfII UD CII111U olive or Judicial the United ... . J... ....... ..... ...W.W vi UI . , ' ... ..H.V . Slates, or, any city nr incorporated Brady , township, Clearfield county Ta, 1 also that every member of cocgroij.jcontaioing one hundred and twonty.fiv( ler district, nnd also that every member of cocgrosj., d. 11.. c.;. lT. .:.!........ ,.r,i.. ..' -u., v. .. jk..,.,., . iu. cuuiu.ou .... - - j ......wuvi ui any irTrporated district, nre by law Inclinable IncnnaMs .1 hl,li. n,....!.l- ,i,. .u. Ai.Km '. Ibnt no in spector, judge, or oUier ofiicer of any .... .1..11 l. .i:.:i . Court House, in th. Borongh of Clearfield, onl; . ' 4 nomas Henry, con ths tint fn! after th aaid -Second l,aininS iv) acres moro or less, with a two Tuesday of October, then and there to do those j8tory frame houso and stable erected thine required of them bv law. thereon. Seized, taken in cT...nimn n.,rl e , V. m. hand "1 1 'nls JPth day of Aueust. In the V IjS under mr band and seal, at' Cln.r. ... . -. . . . ' -- t .j ., -. . . ..." i . . jr.r ui our tracUof land situate in 1"VRV APPLES, for tale at th stor of Wm A "win, Market street, Clearfield Pa. LOOK OUT FOR A BAR h ' GAIN? Thermit! b eipoaed to public tale In Lu-,lm tb.r.burp;, on Balurtay theZM mat., at J clock. n . . l.. ... r t.J ,.A .... a Kriia ii u.cvv v. . " - . - .".- .......,. Urady township, bounded as follows: an the and West by Tbomai Monttroery, on tba anu nil o. iuiuih vmw, imnr, " - . .... with a two story plank iiouio and a log btauie, atitn a good garden, and a number oi iruu trees thereon, lule tbe property of Christian Duttry e5?!.?ofa m 4. s. ...i ibe balance in two equ? annual payments, to be secured by Bond ard Mortgage on the premises, ROSWKLL Ll'THKR, Adm'r. Aug. tv, uu. Jt. -..wmnr vvuxvi. riwviiniuniwii. . . TTfnCTtAf?, non gAMUEL LINN, Esq., j T rrcMjcqt jodge or the court or common Picas of the t wenty ,-tifth Judicial District, coin. poscuoi um eoumic. oi vicarneia, ccniro .na Clinton and the Hon. V m. L. Moore and Ben - Jamin Bonsai," Associate Jndges of Clearfiold county i have issued their precept, tome direct- ui: fni-iim liniHinir of a Court of rommnn Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court or oyor and terminer, and Court oruencral Jail Delivery, nt Clearfield, in and for the county of Cleaite d, on tbe ' I fourth .Way (2Mh-Jay) of September Hi'Tt. tu contiHUA ttro lerfkl. vATrnu m .i. r . i . ., NOTICE IS. thAmrnrn. hnrAlitf irtmn. tA thn rnrnn.r. Jn.ii. ,.f ii.. vZZ . ami rn.,.i.i in and for said cout.ty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper person, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations and other Kemem- branecs to do thoe things which to their officers, and in their behalf, pertain te be done, and Ju- rors be tbeu and there attend in sr, and not to de part wi thout lea vo, at their poril. UIVKX under my hand at Clearfield, this 23d day of May in the year of our Lord, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty. ' - F. 0. MILLER, Sheriff. Aug. 29,1 S80. Li-t cf Causes for September Term I860. Isaac Haupt vs. Alphonso Lacounte, John Campbell " Williitnis t C'ooser. Robert Wnllace " T. W. Johnion " William Hall " Waltei D.Shirey " William Irvin : " Jonathan Boy n ton " Pornernan & Mock " lohn Barmoy : - " Eliza Irvin et ai i' " Daniel Itolloy " Swan & Koozcr. '" John M. Chase, David Crowell, John Nelson, John Wolf. Chase, Rowles et al. Laird & Blair. David As key. ' Wm. Sloppirh. David Askcy. James Hull'. G: D. Goodfelb.w. Chase & Ctirnmings. David Askcy, Jaeob Hcliet ling. Jacob Williclni. William Miipes. Goorgo H. Log in " isnao Mt uiies -' - 1 Samuel McCune " Levi Lutz use " Jonas Bowman " James B. Graham " Josiah W. Smith " SHERIFF S SALE. y virtuo of 3undrv writs of liv V.X., J 9 issued out of tho court of Common PlonS of ClenrfifM en . nnd lo mn dirntril will be exposed to public sabs, at thej ciurt house in the borough of Cleaitie.ld, cn Monday, tlie'-llh day of September, tho following described property, to wit : .A certain lot of land hituate in Kyler town, Morris township Clearlield county Pennsylvaiiiii, known as lot puichased in part by said G. F. Hoop of J. Hall and C.tMuiison and of Raylioi-n, bounded and described as follows: Beginning st an o.-dc post east 4 pciches to an oak post, 1 i .i . ... t . l. " " 1 1 l . '.'" I'. west 1 LI? nnrchua to nine Dust, soutli 74 neich- es to cbesnut post, west Ii rods to an oak fV-'.'r.'"."- ' i. . ulacatoi beuinliuiu. containinc . o I 11 11 a- ere more or Iw-s, lulling a one nod a half) - . ! story Jioufic.antt one story simp thereon creeled.. tJcizcd, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the propcily of (i. 1. Hoop. .Also a certain tract, ol lard Mtuatc in Bei c.iria township, Clem field county, Penn svlvuni:!. Bc'dnniniT nt un old Kiinur I .- - ' n - C 'corner ot (iill Bulloo. thenco bv residue lurches to pos lies to post, thence tout ii it iierc.liesi J';,.1 !( and Jacob i ua;i i aiuiiii est .jo niui o-iii percheti a post, tlicnco by Jacob MiissersantU 1 A. K. Wright, north oli degrees a,UI caslo' perches to a birch, thence north 25 degree .west IS peaches, lo a post, thence hydatids of, Robrrt. and, Henry Wliitesides .norlli deiixoos cant 2S1 percle.s lo a post and place of beginnini;.! Al.-ocn a.tcUt situate in Uulich Inun. .- kiiip.iv.ioai1iietd.coui)-, i ciisj ivania, boun M,d ,V I.1111U nf -Inllli l' :.i,,w. 1 1 . 1 ft , . .. . . . i v :' . ,T:- , v .-'-.-v.-, in- l t' lands o.Jolui R-ycn, leorge lleg.- o -iw VJ ,v I..,! S.i w.iiiill r,r. 1,,. '.it Cni u. . k of burrs, rtttu ched.lhereto, large .orchard i v ... -v j ivui,, nun due i un .r ii...w..i ,i !.i i .. 1. i Isnd alo,ut.i!ilr acres cleared. -, Also on two other tracts.; situate in liulich isowiiHhin. n ,1,1, on, corner (oi paid land, and lands of II. l11"' !"' iorth 47 deg east i-fPo'. thence., by; lands ol east ISO per. to a W- (X Cross. of(sputh 4.i degrees east i- per .to a post, i- .. - ginning, contaiuing US acres l.ti perches nd allowances.,bcIng part of a larger sun. ituer.ce norm u aec. to. nlaco of bo vcy in the Cauio -of, John Iindbeck, the otlior beginning at. a white pine, thence by lands ot 1 lumps north 4.1 degrees west one hundred and six per, to apoht. thence bv lands of 15. Johnson east V2i and 7-10 per to a span oak, thence by lands of Rail A Co..' amilh 'Tflnd 7-10 nor In n!,.f k Iol' bonne orpi lod tlioroni, an.) 1 ' t ! , i.i . . H t "' -''u taKcn in exocut.on, and Abraham -;, Auo-A certain tract pf land situate in 1 nrflf f fnit'iithm containing 0110 hundred and twenty-five. auies, aa oining lands or ivinssburrv. Du - - i ., . . . . . - noire 1 t...i.. nnd nllini-a will, I...- li.J.i : ? 11 . . . ... 't . . iT . , V' . , 1 u 1UK" ""vtiii iu oxocnuon, ana to bo sold n Biuaii Biaoie aaa auou nuu.i-iB. h Hiiinu Kinn n nnn a aii , .., . i cleared f iereon. Seized taken ' - - - ' wvvu . .l OA.IVS in oxecu. llon' J"1" ,'0 be sold S3 tho property of V'il- , bam Long. iraci 01 inna situate in ijiearuold county bv lands nf John tr. 1 " 1 .. . " to be aold ns tlin nrnnnrlu nrPnun,. Tr '. 1 - - ---- --.w .-. I v-1 ,, V . v.l..JL UUUA' eroerry Vlnj,jL!!ctariDjni150 acre9' ln . Vl "l "03Tr. east dva. '' right, south by Joseph Fatten, andj' 'went by lands of Wright and Thompson! CO.. . -I 1 I.L. I- - I 1 1 , oumuica cirrreu wu.i iioass, Darn and . : young orcnara, neing same promise! , ! bought ot ur&ts and others. also defend lantsinterestin 4.14 acres known a Row 1;.,,. ti.. ,,...i...i d cl'.i . btOD0 tr.80.t' warranted to R. Smith, g! --. v-, "'"eon, I mini- limn nMmiH hninht nf Vl.. --.- . - - - .irnnr A Co , by defendant. also a lot of ground! jn Kylertown, adjoining Wright on the! . ilrnAt nn Mm nnrlh Knntu r, ic. . v, lu wst, and an ally on the south, with houal ' ond staLtie tliereon erected. Seized, ta.l , kj.,, ,R execution, and to be sold a th.1 , I)P0,)P.ty 0f Jamcg M. Leonard. 1 Also"-a certain tract of land situate In I Covington tOWtuMp, ' Clearfield County I ,1ft, containing one liunured and Torty-st-l ven acres and allowance, beginning at A rost on tlio soutli east corner of warrant, l 1897, thenco Bouth' '19 perches to .1 (stump coruer, t nonce oZ perches 30 dec i west to a white oak corner, thenco west : ten pert nes to a post corner: uience cast 1 144 perches to a fctor.O comer, thence east I lv pcrcn?g tQ plaCQ or begilining, beii,. ' r ..nprnV,f Va ISO? 7 ' " , , , . . ' r , ,M jfes-cleared largo two to-y frame house "am erected thereon, beized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property o( 31. IS. Conaway. Also a certain tract of land aituate v ! Morris township, Clearfield county P, COnfoining one hundred and twenty.., i. ..... 1.1 i-.n . . ... . acres, uounueu us ioiiow: oeginuine t I ... .. . 1 ! nn ola cliesnut on tue north oast cerner I j "10 tract no,h 89 'leg- west by Wm. ! Morns, survey 174 perches, thence South J 115 porchc", thence south 89 dcg. west IT4 perches to lino of tract, thence north l!5 perches, with SO acres cleared, and hn-sa and barn thereon erected. . Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the prop ty or V. r. Wilder. AdunnwtrAtor of A temus Johnson doe'd. ' A 10 a certain lot of land situate in tho Borough of Ctirwcnsvillo, ClearCo'i county 'a , bounded north by Turnpike, cast uy 101 101 meriy owned Kicliurd?, f outli by an ally, and west by lot of John JJaie, Veins U lcet in front bv one liun. dred and fifty feet back, having a tavern house, slubling nnd other out lmildirgi thereon. Seized taken in execution, nnd to lie sold as the properly of Nancy Sco neiu. Alo a certain Irnct of land situate in Decatur township, Clearfield county Pa . containing sixty acres more or less, with largo Tavern , hous-e, stable and wagon shed thereon erected. Seized, tuken in execution, and to behold as tho property of Henry Post. ' Also a certain lot of land situate in Lumber city , Dcnn township, Clearfield county Pa., bounded by lands of A. S. Moore, F.liza Irvin, and James Arthurs, containing forty -seven and a half acroi more, or 30 acres clearod with yotin orchard. Seized, taken in execution, an3 to be sold as tho proporty of William A. Moore. A :,o a certain traH of land situate in Eerguson township, Clearfield sounty Pa. coniaiiniiig two iitui(irul neren, with nine ty-live acres cleared, adjoining lands of Win. Wise, James (ilenn and others, with dwelling house, framo barn, wagon slio t'onl bank w ith other imiu-d'-eineiits there, on also two houses and lour lots in Mill port. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John S. Will, iams. Also a certain tract of hind situate in Pike township, Clearfield county Pa., containing or.e hundred nn J fifty ncirs, i ""joining lands ot tlio estate Oi Richanl '"iam C-lcnii and others, with a jiratiie House and Barn erected tliereon. I.!..,.. r.f..i..:.....ii.:.i... , .. P,AV " v ck-.hcu uiiiu .iiiu hii ''-'. 'aken in execution, nnd to le .vl.l . a 1 W . it 1 .. 1 ' j "", " 1 'j. i""i" ,v p " "i. 11. nex ai.j i 00'1 """' Also By virtue of sundry writs of Le, 1 van of.v j.i, the lollowing Real htate. tu 1 wit : ll-.n r t 1 .: 1. :.. I j'i..v. v'l 11, ,1 1 111 lIIIIIMllllf. Ill . Voo,liv:ii'.l Tnu -,wi,i fqn, -n.i.i with tract, snnili omp Inm.lrr.d ..,! .;m 'perches to corner ol land , if C. Kriti. cr, off salno Itact, thence east along his line, one humlrcd and six perches t' jn I, 1 hence south one hundred and sixly , dies to lire of tiaU, thence east hundred and six porches to corner of lane formerly of Harrison off fame tract, theno I0I1L ills line, l awlov A. Kav s lino nnr'h three hundred nr.d twentv n.-rrli. t , the old lino nnd tinnr.c n. 1 Inuidrcd and twelve perches bv tho Marv XT M 'I . I i .1 .."i ... I. . - vv "V-o v.w McCJanalian survey to place ol'beuiiininii. joining mc u;onius niewaruson survi;, ' . tit ..... , rt. , . , ... i aiiii.uu in t , ooaw aru l ow .,i . . . oi i eunsvirania, oeing samo pi en.;. I t.:l. ti 1 . . . , , yiiu:ii .lubiaii u. jteeu. JMierui. uecci n.i- ted 20th AiK'Uil. 1S57. conveved to Wil liam Irwin and Josiah W.Smith, the first piece containing three hundred acres mors or losj, together with tho horeditiamcts. Seized, taken in execution, nnd to be sold as the property of Klias Felt. Also-n certain building and lot of ground of Mary Ann Lumadoeand Eli Lumadoe. 1 reputed tjwncrs and contractors to wit. ail that certain two story phmk dwollinj house, 'situate in Lawr?nco towns.'up, Clearfield county Pa nnd on the rxi leading from Clearfield Town to Clcnrfb.i! Bridge, adjoining the farm of A.T. Scurv ver, being thirty feet in frorit on sa'ti road, and thirty feet iu depth and the lot or piece 6f landand curtilage thereto ap purtenant. 11 Seized, taken in excctit'on, and to. be sold as the property of Mary Ann Lumadoe and Eli1 Lumadoe. 1 Also A certain building and lot of grouud of Edward McGarvey, to wit: all that one story saw mil! or buildiug, situ atoinKnrlhaus township, Clearfield coun ty Pa., on the Three Runs in said county, containing in front 30 feet north south, and depth 50 feet and the lot or piece of croillld and rni'!-tn..nt slnir. tlio property of Edwird McGarvey. Auio-i-By virtuo of a cortain writ of Ti-, ri Yaeias, ko. All that certain tract of land situate ip Bell township, Clearfield county Ts..' boundod by landof John Tatton, Isasi Bloom, William Brady and others, con taining 75 acre moro or loss, and about twenty acres clearod theroon. Seized, ta ken in execution and to be sold as the properly of James Hockinborry. One third of the purchase money must invariably be paid at tho time the prop erty is knocked down or it will be resold, and the ballance beforo the deed is aor - lknowledged f a mtt.t fr. R...irr Cl.ardeld 6Pt 6 10 It-