xirtmi- wm jit u. -wif l 1 MR ci. t:ii iiii.i nn-NTY AO UICULTUHAL society. 7 m le hthl nt itip horntnih ut' ('It arfitlil, fin 7'looy, tt,,h, winii unit 7'A M I rt(. 1 7 (A mitl A. IK, 1 !(. lfA dnyl tif f, lul. OI IK VM ! Till: KOCIIITV. KL US lHWlN, J lor.. J a. T. J.roN.uin, William !kvi, Iavls Form st, J amis II. Fi mi NO, 1 V. TrsK ". . l:t:ueder, Swi ptnry . A. M. Smith, Cur. Nocroliiry. Putts Wnnii.iv, '''rcusnm'. I 1!. MoPnu.! v, I.ilr;irinn. AVrni'iVe Cum. II. iii. Richard Shaw. (ii'ii. .Ailin I'attin ."ii'n Roynton. . i i . 1 1 1 It. Reed .). M'lillUglloy, Ui-ntni; Hull. (i. It. Rllirett. I'liiiimntlrrB t-f ArruiujrintntH. A. (J. Fixvfcv, I'lmiiniaii. Kl I'lluniii, ifbrpo II. I.vtlo .Initios M'tiluugliliu 'allies Low, W. I.. Antes, She i i &. Sicine. 1 antra Ii h iii. Sr., loliti.son Ilolilcn KoU. Mit.holl, Win. M r.cluiii, D. W. Mooio, I;ivid C. Dulo Sainiifl Clyde Jlilo Iloyt. Jiifolj Williclm, (i. V. Shod; FiVA rcoijr t'' Yeeta l!,s. (!. I (ioodfillow, Win. M. Slunv, Kilwiinl McCinrvcy Aaron C. 'J'nto, Klah Jolmscn Jlitilrr, Chy.ii', Flour un l (hif!C,i. .Toll n Irwin, Cur'v Tliomas Wrilcy, I :lte r.lootll, Win lllooin, Win. F. Irwin, MerehnntUse (( Do- .!. Fair!.:. 51. A. Frank, Daviii jriauj;liv, W. W. Wii-ht," Ivlward (iooilwin A'ricuttura! it' Misccllw newts Articles. D". A. Scry ver, I). S. J'leinir', Wultcr l!;trrctt, Win. 1'. Chamber", John W. SluiLiiirt, Fancy Ih-purtmciit. (i.W. Klieni, John Irwin, Curwens. J. P. Krater, ilnlin l. iVcrvver, Mrs. II. F. Naiif.de, Mi-s Kliza lieed, 5Ir. Henry Kern. Mis. 5Iary Ualtors, Mint Kate ikown, Miss Hannah Iilooin, Miss Harriet Swan, 5Ii.-s .lennie Leonard, .Jiss II. Siiickin;iii, " Km Alexander, " Anna Irvin. "Sarah liireldield " Nannie Irvin, " Sarah Itiie.-rn, , " Ilenriet ta Irn in " Jary 5Iooro. id Iau io. Miss Knndis Xieliols ( vmihiltc 5fri. J. T. Leonard, 51 rs. I). 51 envoi', M is.s Nannie Smith, Miss Mary m t lau-iliey, Jliss JuliaCiallonav Mis Keliecca Fratd;,' 5Iiss Ilnnnah Carey s How, John L. Cuttle, i. W. Snyder, Alvin Koss, Samuel Filiecm. Jl;riu (Jen. A. II. Hills. Axsixtant Mtrshdl .Vajnr I. .1. Nevlinp, Col. Wni. Ten F.yck, Cajit. T. J. 5IeClll- loupn. tait. hdwara A. Irvin. Pyrotechnics, H. B. Swoope, W. W Betts, I.. K. M(.rrell, Jnmes L. Morgan, J B. Walters Heuhon Y. Spaekman. LIST Ol'' IKi:.MIl MS. Class 1. Sirernlntet. (Open to all Breeds and Competitors.) Best Hull over. 'i years old, $4 00 2d best, $2 llest Hull 'iver 2 years old, 2 CO 2d beat, 1 l est Hull over 1 year old, 2 0 2d best, 1 Hcst Cow over:) years old, 2 00 2d host, 1 l!et Hull Calf. 1 00 2d best. All breed.) como tether in this class nnd! compete with each ether. To bo judged, 1st, by lueir goon points ana symmetry ol tramo. 2d, by the ubility to fatten, vis tho animul 11 good hand ler?) 3d, milking qualities. 4th, Size. 5th, givo no premium to any animal until they arc satisfied it will produce irood stock. To this end tho Judges shall satisfy themselves in regard to , me slock ot ngeU bulls and cows. Tho animal that possesses these qualities in the greutost perfection should draw tho Sweepstakes, whether it bo Dur ham, Ayreshire, Hereford, Devon, (inido or Na tive. Jt naEs. Oeo. Thorn, Zach. JIcNauI, David Ty- ler, Asaph Kirk, John Shaw of Decatur. Class 2. O'ruilc Cuttle ruined in roiiiilu. lestbull, $4 00 2d best, f2 00 liest cow, 3 00 2d best, 2 00 Hcst heill'er calf, 75 2d best, Dip. Hcst bull calf, 75 2d best, Dip. Jt nt;K.s. John MePherson, Jos. Lyons, Tnomas O. Snyder, J. AI. Cuiumings, Dr. J. P. lioyt. Class XMHk CWs. Rest milk cur, $3 1)0 2d best, (2 00 Milk cow 3J best, 1 00 JfliiiKs. Junes Forrest, Thomas Alctihee, Ad am Licurhart, Thus. Leonard, Daniel Hailey. Class 4. On 11. riestyolie5y. old aud oyer, $2 00 2dbejt,$I 00 licit yoke 3 y. 1 00-2d best, 50 ;liHjoke2y. " 50 2d best, Dip. Rest yoke 1 y. " SO -2d best, Dip. Ji nuKs 11. C. Rowinan, Hiram Woodward, Aa ruu 11. J'muce' Wm. Smiley, Alex. .Murray. t'Liss 5. Oxen. Rest trained 10 yoke, 4 years old and over, from mm tuwn.ihii, $3 00 rjle.-t, t.aim d 10 yoke, 4 years old nnd 0- ir, from 01.0 township, 2 00 Fest Iran.eu 10 yoke, 3jeur.iold and over, lrnin cue township, 00 2d bd.-t liiiimd 10 yoke, 3 years old and 0- vcr. from 0110 township, 1 00 Ji nul-.s Jol.u Pillihill. Julin M. Cbn.a -Tn...i.l, Di lining John riubakcr, Joseph Yothers. Lss (,.--( ( utile. Rest Fat Bullock, S2on2,lhe.t 1 no lie. Rest l't cw. 9 n..o., ; Rest Heiller. 2 vers nl.l 1 Vi i" ,' J. ,.BKS-tjerge Kittl-bcrger. Jol Mui.ki Class 7. Tloo-omjh-lrtd U.rt j,r to al Hi st Staliioti, over 4 v is old. .') 002dbet, $2 00 llest Stallion, over 3 vrs old. (to n, ,,,. i on j.i-si Mm. ton i;t, L'yrsol.l. 2 0J 2J best, 1 00' 1 be premiums in this Cla.s arc intended only """ pcuigrces miiKo tlicin worthy t. Hi,.,,,. T,,. Soeieiy w ishes to encour- I ngc Hie rearing ol hiKh-looied Horses here; on, the olher hand the Executive Committee would caution the Judges to be cm etui that the prciui- ,' nml mo i.vi uiiinu oy piienor stock ui I'Oi.s .lames tones), Kli Lbmui. Dr. G. W. Caldwell, Peter Lb.oni. Joseph peters. Class 8. .SVnvt mo 'arm ,ir.- Res) Holding, uvir 4 years old. fur work, $1 00 2d best " " .. .j. Res) Saddle and Carriage Hoisc if nnvage, $1 mi Id bes) .. ., ( Rest Saddle and Carriage Alarc of any ago, $1 (It) 2d best " " ' ,, ,, ... Rest Span of Draught Horses or Alnres 2 (10 i .1. ... ..." . " lo iuo iniui' uiaimoves tlio heaviest load a cioue iioai without u whin 2d best. " . .. " ' ," Rest Colt. in A. r it Vii "cliriUf- J"tin O. Stirk, .las.' Wm. Rrown, Huirh Orr. . initlill'll, IINUrBW .,, .,.. I ,... , ' fl ' ' . - Class .K Matched Varri.ujc Horses. lies) span matched carriage Horses or .Mares, 200 -dbest do do do do 100 Jt nnns Judge Barrett, James Forrest, Dr. II, P. Inotnpson, Edwin Perks, MJ. S. C. Patehin. . LASS III. Mares and (o ts. 14 00 : v' '" liest brod nmre and colt by the side, hi nest Uo do do lo 2 00 Rest Uelding, over 3 and under i years old, 2 00 Rest'Tlel-ring. ov.-r"?,'. oldV 60-2d I.e., ! Z Rest Mare vw-r S ears old, 2 Oil 2d best I es mro. v, r A under 3 y.l 50-2,1 hesL ,. i ou r ..r-. .. r i miner I y.l 00 2a best. Iii- Jl'POKS Jobn Swan. Msnhew .. - li-t i u-.. .... I, r" '"rcee, Jacob C.M . 7'n '' II'"' V"" "i lt tun .1 In f. It"tini)t I" Harness. ( Vi pre- thinum unless I ni entries, Hot 1 1 in. Imtilm under saddle. P. i tini tolling In lin)t- harness, do Rest time pm ing undi r saddle, "In Jituiss-,1. (I. I.i.tnin. l.ivtr 1 li put, John .1. M illor, John M . Ciiinmings, John W. Harlot). Class I-. - Troll mi) nml M'(i7.n. llocsts, oicmd in tin' I i'liii?'. Frslesl trolling Sliilliiui, lii'. 2. 1 hot, I i . do do Horse or mare, do '2i best, tin ilo walking burse ir mure, il 2d best, do JrhUKK J. 11. (Iriihitin, Win. Iriin. A. It. Shaw, Jus. 1.. Stewart, Jas. Alciatidcr, (Woodward.) Cl.AS l.'l. Sheep and Wool. llest buck, any t.ri-ed. Dip. A $2 (Ml 2d licet. 1 00 l'..-1-t ewe, any breed, do nml '.' Mil 2d best, I tit) Rest Sheep fattened for nml ton, Dip. ,( $2 1)0 2d lu'i-t do d i do 1 U) litt lloerc of (i do wool. I li" Hot fli'i'co of conriio woil. 1 (lO l our l.iiuili, I'i'st, $2 00 2d lii'Bt IumtM. $ I 0 :id hot 4 liiiuliK, .'.() -Ilk " IMfi. Jt'lUiK Win. MrXiiul, Jnccib Kunlz. sr., Kli.-liu l'llitipii, Aduni tieiiiliiirt, lli'iiry lrnin. Class II. Sicuicoiini to nil. lUM Imiir nny lirci'd, $2 tin Ji host, $1 00 Ht'st lircoiliii),' ow " 2 (HI 2il Lost, 1 (III tli i-t 2 llo'H in county, ;t (1(1 2d lies t, 2 00 Next lnt 2 liots in clmlitv, 00 2d licet, .'id J i ikiks liaiiicl I.iviiiL'Mon, Win. M. McCiil- l"ii;li. cr., Col. Thoj. K. M'Cluro, John Irwin, J (i inns liloom, er. Class 15. Poultry. . Dot crop faring chickens, not loss than (1, $1 00 2d best do do do do Dip. ' Honvioi't turkey, do I Host diKpliiy of chickens, do Jl'iiOK8--tioorKi) Thorn, J. II. Fleming, Snniuel I Arnold, Itobcrt Thoinpnon, Clark Jtrown. Class 1(1. Ploicini), i Owner of team and plow, who plows green I sward the bet. $1 00 Next best. Dip, ! Owner of team and plow, who plows stubblo i tho best, liip, $1 (10 Next best, do do do Pip. llest plow for stulilile, iip. tl 00--2J l.et. Iip. llest plow for subsoil, lip. k 1 00--2d best, l)ip. i Ji ikiks - Klislm l'entoii. Amos Kecd, I). W. Wise, .John Wells, Jr., Win. lkovor. Class 17. UJIcrs ami hi!tt, Harmics and I Vi!iri!rrs. ' Hcst cluil crusher nn J roller combined, $ 2 on lip. do do do do do do do -do' , Jo mi -liukcr. 2 1 best. do do do llest field roller, llest (iriiin drill, r.et llnrrow, liest. Ciiltivntnr, Hcst Jlcirse-rnke. Hcst Henpcr iind mower, Host coin shcller, llest com planter. $1 00 2J best, 2 00 2 J hcst, 2 00--2d best, 1 002.1 best, 1 DO 2d best, 3 00 2d best, 2 OH 2d best, 2 OH 2d best, Ji iKiK- -William A. Hood llenben Wall ; than Hartshorn, Hon. T. I!. Ilivis, C i ' I.A--S IS. Airiai'lurid Implement.!. llest Original invention in the county, of an ngr cultural implement. fcj 00 ' 2J best, " " ori;;. inv. l)ip. liest threshing machine, 00 ;M best, 2 00 llest fanning mill, 1 (10 2d best, Dip. ' Hest buy pitching machine, 2 00 2d best, do Hcst bay rigging on wagon. 1 till 2d best, do I Hcst ox yoke and bows, 1 Oil 2d best, do 1 Hcst vegetable root cutter, I 00 2d best, do Hcst stalk and s'.raw cutter, 2 01 2d best, do i Hcst common plow. 1 00 2d best, do llest single or double shovel idow. 1 00 ' 2l' 1)tfst "ingle or double, shovel plow. Dip. uorse power lor general purposes, I 00 ii uesi nurse power tor general purposes, Dip Hest fork and tixturcs for unloading wagons,2 00 2d best fork and fixtures for unloading " Dip. JriniKs Simon Thompson, Hcnj. Spa. kmun, 11. H.Wright, Daniel llartsock, Henj. Kishel. Class I'.l. MiacellitHeui'SJiiriiiiiii imjdemcnls. Hest bee hive. tl 00 2d best, Dip. 2 00 2d best, do Hest stump puller, Host 1'olato digger, Hest grain cradle, Hest six hand rakes, Hest lot gardening tool. 1 002.1 beat, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 2d best, do do do do 1 002.1 best, Res set fanning utens. Is, owned by farmer, 1 00 2,1 befl "et f"rulin? utensils, owned by fnrmor.Dip, Juiioks John D. Thompson. John Russell. O H. Alerrell, J. II. Fleming, Samuel Powell. Class 20. Wheat, Barci, Cora, l'r. Ro'st. 2d best. Aero of winter wheat, $3 A Dip.--$2nndl)ip, Acre of spring wheat, 3 t D p. f 2andDip. F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10 acres, 3 a Dip. $2iindDu 1 r .. ... 1 . . . I nere 01 corn, 2t J'ip.--J lanill)i r iu uuncy, nui icss man ..a.z a lip Acre of oats, 2 k Dip. lamlDip, - $ I ami Dip, $IandDip. Diploma. Acre of rye, '2 k Dip. 3 acres of buckwkea't, 2 k Dip.' jsusiiei ot corn cars, 1 . 11:.. --f hinilDip. I JfnoES llcorge W ilson (Hoggs), Michael Solt, ! Jus. A. Reed, Samuel Kirk, Joab Rider. Jos. Irwin .Martin II Luther, RobU Alehafley, Hugh Henderson, Class 21. Field LVups. Rest 2d Rest. Ono-half aero of potatoes, $2andDip. $lnndDip. One-fourth aero of beans, 2undl)ip. flundDip. Acre of clover seed, 2andDip. JlandDip. One-rourth a. broom corn, 2anIDip. $landDip. One-fourth acre sorghum, 2aiidDip Lest J acre of peas, 1 (Ml, 2d best, Rest! acre of rutabagocs, 1 00. 2d best, Hest bushel Timothy seed, 1 00, 2d best Rest 4 acre carrots, 1 00. 2d host, Rest j acre turnips. I 00. --2d best, Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Dip. Ji iioks m .Ninth fCovinirton). (J. I'. linli.h Robert Owens, Abr'm (joss. jr., (j. JJ. Logun. Crojis being equal, preference will bo given to those thntyicll tho greatest nctt profits. State ments to be furnished by the applicants for pre miums on farm crops. They must ho weighed and a samplo of tho same furnished nt the fair, and also at tho rooms of tho committee. 3. Applicants ainilvine for Iireillilima adult fiti. nish the committee a statement signed by him- ' self under a pledge of veracity, of the quantity I of grain raised on the grjund entered for a pro- j inium and h shall state us correctly as ho can ' III, fllllU md condition of the urevious t,ii, Ihe kind and quantity of seed u,.,l i.l th I : i i. . . ... ... . ' ' ? ? u0, .' ''""'".S 'l m .""- gr"nd. ! " " t"o Bocioty to grant pre ! "" Kod. not extravagant and generally I Z 7 ulen 'Vt1 "Tu'V u ur" Pr0""(UU"' ! , ., V ",' 7'V,W a"1 C ecal Fovd. i LCH ? J'uves bread, winter wheat. Din. , spring wheat, do corn, do do do do do do do do do rye, Dip. Dip. Dip. " Pound cake, " Sponge cuke, " Pie of any kind " Preserves, Rest Fruit cake " Jelly cake, " Plain cuke, " Jelly. Dip. " Display of preserves, lee cream, " Display of jellies, 11 " J""ics Forrest, Airs. J. R oynton, Robert Ross, Airs. JR Ornham, Mis Rev. McLood Cl.'s.. !,.. .., ;. .. . .'sin. vi iii. in in tl rs II l..j'..tl m. uen I" rounds butter, $1 uO " Firkin, 2i r ,,,or ii 2d best, Dip., ... it- m .nay or Juno, 1 0. 2d best. Din. 3 cheese, Jrncrs (J I n. i n r- . , . 1 Mrs W, i ' n'chnrJ shaw. Scn'r, "III. .VlorL'Un I .llrrnn..! , , Dip ; IlnrtHick M ; i ", .'," ' ''"" V, i ottiu'- m ,, .? """ " rigui, i u uoouinnder, Dip. " m- 'McBr'J' , 75 2d best, Lin. I ,, . Class 24. Flour. 1 , rro1 url,"r. dip 21 best, Dir 11 U lha n.mp I .... n- - I t.. - ... ?il bn.l inn II , .. ' . .. ..... in. uuur innriiiir wneau. Jlin. 50 iinund rve flour. 50 c. A Dip. 2d best 50 pounds rye Hour, ' 50 pounds buckwheat flour. 2d best 50 pds. buckwheat flour, " 5(1 pounds oorn meal, Dip. 50 e. k Dip- Dio. 50 c, k Dip. d best 5J pounds corn meal, J1,',",!-Je" Drooniall, Samuel Jordan, It. S. Iliiiitt.hrnv I.... ......I i. t .' I,p. Humphrey, 1-erd.uand Oswalt, II. Apackman. Jr. Cl.vss 2.1. Domestic A rticleji. u"'. bVr .f h"",. Dip. 50.-2,1 best.D Rest 10 lbs. !ii.,l.; u:'. , ..' . l'.1. T' . jn.-ia oest-llin. ii" , c I .! " ?!! T' ? , l' uesi preserved r,,.h. i . . i. n.. : . -ugui cans, Din- lu... .V.' ., , , ,u ""-"gni i-v. ,ni uiacanerri Rest ureservetl n.-r.n,. j ht ,t ham cooked with skin on,nod of ure, Rest fitirt Jnr i.f ph kins, fit), lt I gul. syrup, maple A soreliiiin rarh. Dip. Ji inr. Mri. .Iiulf Rarfelt, Mm, Wm (I.. In- Icy. Mr. liny. Iliglcr, Mn, Llir Irr inv Mis. John Shlmy, Mrs, Lllia Irwin, Mm. .1nnllinn Hartshorn, Mm, Hcoige M ilsoii, ( Hoggs.) Cl.As! 'Jii. Domestic. Mannfactuntf lWt 10 Jsrils fliiiinel, llest 10 vntds snlliliet, 1 I10-..5.I b...l Din. 1 (in. ..2.1 hps), ilo 1 Hi st 10 yards cloth, 1 nn - 2d besl, do ' Hest pair woolen blankets, 1 00 2d best, do ' Hot l.'iynrds woolen carpet, I 00---2J best, do ! Hcst 1 .'i yards rag carpet, wool en chain, 1 no... 2d best, do . Hcst l.S yards rag cnri.ct.cot- ton chain, 00 2d best, do I Hest woollen coverlet, 1 00-. -2d best, do t Hest woolen (ringed mitts, do Hcst lien r I li rug, do Hest pair-woolen knit stnrkins, do ! llest I lb. linen sewing thread. do i Hest specimen of knotting, knitting or nee dle work by .Misses under 12 years ofoge, do llnst 1 lb. of stocking yarn, da Hcst foot mat, Dip. llest strnw hat do Hest straw bonnet. Dip. Host tidy, do JrtdKs Mrs. Judge Ferguson, Mrs, 11. H. Cald well, Mrs. I. vdia Hbeem, Mrs John N'orris, Mrs. Mary Spaekman, Miss Nancy Ogden, Mrs Doctor Thorpsou Airs. O. L. Kecd, Mrs, 8. J. How. (.'lass "".Xeedle, Shell, Wax vork ir. llest specimen ol ncedlo work, Dip. " group of flowers in worsted, do '' lamp stand embroidered, do ; " lamp stand not embroidered, do " embroiilcred slippers, do " e'jibroidery in silk, do " embroidery in worsted, lo " embroidery in lace, do " embroidery in muslin, do " Hhirt made by Miss under 15 years, do " pntching and mending, do ' ottoman cover, Dip. llest tnblo cover do " fancy ch lin w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do " wax flowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do " feather work. Dip " leather work, do " ornniiientcd work do Ji ixik.s Miss Kinnia (iralmrs, Miss Sophio Har rett, Miss Maggie Irvin, Miss Mary Jane Wright, Miss M. J. Hard, Miss Kuiily Forrest, Miss Matilda M'Murrny.M iss Josephine Flegal, Miss .Mary Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Km ma Jones. Class 2S. Millinery ami Prcssmttliliiii. Hest millinery Dip. Host dress making. Dip. h imrs Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary 11 Fer gus"!), Mrs Mary K Leonard, Misees Jane Mitchell, Ada Sivarti, Fliza Stone, llotty Cath- cart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Kratzer, Alary A. Irwiu. Class 2d. Artistic wurL Hcst painting in oil, Dip. " painting in wntc colors, do " portrai' painting, do " liindsciipe painting, do ' ' cuttle painting, ju " orn.iuicntal puinling of any kiud, do " daguerreotypes taken on the gri.uud. do " nmbrotypes taken on the ground, do " photographs taken on the ground, do " writing, Jo " ornaincntal penmauship, i ' areliiteetural drawing, do Ji ucks Dr John 0 Lornine, II M'Kin., Mrs. W. L Spollswi.od, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss Sophie M'Le d, Mrs Fli Hloom, Airs J. II M'Fnally, lUv. J NI tialloway. Class Desiyns. Hest desi- n for farm house, $2 2d best. Din " design for barn 2 2d best, do " design for carriage houso and staldo, 2 2d best, do " design for dairy house, 1 2d best, do " design for ice house, 1 id best, do " design for dry house, 1 2d best, do " design for bridge. Plan for bridge' rot less than2.,0 It- spun, 3 00-2d best, Dip. Ji'liOKs Hon. (J Rllarrott, Hon. Wm ll'igler, Jno. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough erty, Class 31. Metalie Fabrics and Muchimn, Hest display of tablo nnd pocket cutlery, American manufacture. Dip. Rest cooking stove, wood nnd coal, Dip. and $:! 0U 2d best, Dip and 2 3d best, Dip and I 00 Hest parlor stove, coal. Dip and 2 00 2dbcst. Dip and t 00 3d bos, Dip Rest parlor stove, wood, Dip nnd 2 00 2d best. Dip and 1 00 3d best, Dip Rest east iron fence. Rip and 3 00 2d bc.-t, dip nud 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00 Rest tin ware, Ji,, , 2 00 2d best, dip and 1 00 3d best Dip, Rest blacksmithing, d'p nnd $3 2d best, dip and$l ' punsmithing, dip and 2 2d best, dip and' 1 ' iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip nnd 1 ' shower bath dip and $2 00 ' original invention in tho jounty, 5 00 ' plate raslincs. '.lin n.l 1 nn i Ji ikiks Wm. Mellridiv John F Weaver I'li.U Fcnton, David Kirk, Win. A Wallaco. Class 32. Vehicles of all kinds. Rest family carringo, $j ADip.-2d best, $3 f Dip ' buggy. 3 do d 2 do ' Turin wagon, 4 do do 2 dj ' sleigh, 3 do do 2 do ' timber sled, 3 do do 2 do ' horso cart, );., ' wheelbarrow. $100 2d bet, Dip Jl nors Dr. II P Thompson, 11 C Rorinan, Jno. W Pauly, John II Hewitt, (loorge Hcakondon, J. C. Premier. F U .Miller. Class..'!,') Calinct ware in County. lt..l .lri.c.iurr l.nrnnn 1 . .1 1 Oil... A . . " -'b ""iu,'ui,."u oesi, n una Dip sofa. 3 do do 2 1 2 1 1 d.i lounge, extension table, set of chairs, variety of chairs, 2 do 3 do 2 do 2 do do do do do do do do do do set parlor furniture, 3 po 2 do display of cabiunt ware, 5 00 and Din ' off'co chair, l 00 and do Ji niiKsJnmes H. Fleming, C Krutzer, Henj. R Waight, Thos. Mills, Harrison W Spencer. Class Hi. Con, 'penny, CarpenteriiHi and Puiket-tnahiitg. Rest specimen of pine waro, Dip do do window sash. $1 00-2d best, 1 002,1 best, window blind, set grain measures, lot of buckets, lot of splint baskets, $2 00 and do 1 00 and do 1 00 and do ,i panel door, JrnuEs James Fcnton, Frederick ffulich, Thos jic.mcrson, inranam UgUen, John UnrKson. j Class .1'). Umts and Garden Vcyetald.es. Rest 4 stalks celery, Dip. Best bus. turnips, Dip. ! ' i busk el carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do f ' J do rutebngos,.lo J do parsnips, do i do table bects.do 12 tomatoes, do ' heads cabbage, do ' 6 egg plants, do 2 hcndscBiilifluwcr.dn 'qt. li,u heans.do one-hull buslu-l tablo potatoes, do 1 quart winsor beans, ,u ' variety of squashes, do variety of melons, ,o ' ono-huir bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetables lo be raised by the exhibitor. Jl liGKs James R. (iriihani. A. K. W riirhi. Win- Aloore, Philin Autes. Rev. Josenh It. !-'... Class o0. Curriers. Saddlers, Shoemakers, & c. "d best. Ocnto'bootsand shoes, 2and :Ip-J 1 andDip T ,-.-,.... I . , a . . . I Rest. 2d bes). iMuyt uo-iu anu suoes, i ana uo I ami do nenis gaiters, Lady,' gaiters, Display of hoots do do do 1 and do 1 and do 1 and do do 1 and do 1 add do 1 nnd shoes. 3 and da Traveling trunk. Tug harness, 2 and do Carriage harness, 3 and do Single harness, 2 and do Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do Hunts' ridinir saddle. 9 a.. Ladys' riding saddle. ? .n.i ,i Display of saddlery, 3 and do van sum, j an(j do Sole Leather, t. . ! do A,, Every tlher kind of loathe" llob6 w"10 b7 exhibitor, 2 an 1 and do 2 and do Ji'DOKS-Ricuard Mosson. John T l ir Patehin. Iteubnn II - i- ----- ", JtVIKUQ ' " aioore, w in. Forter. ("... o- vi,ss3 i(. i ailors r.t.Li . m Pntll. I situ . 'i.i .i ... - ' IiOOK L'HIAI hrimk J u- . -" " . vw UiilU I U a B It FA1 1 ann e. .n n.r-tight cans.Dip. R eot Iuad, b, "'"ro J . IJrc-akfast, Centre, Card and Vie, T.. sZiV: "D,d unless small degree. .-- x..f, Lil-ri PUIL riULIIKI millA h h.i.s1 f 4 AA nit . . -ivmU It II U f H n Hiat If Ail-t l I " uun i i i wmtf. imd 'l Vliusjl's, l i'ip. Rest vest made by ladv. ""-" ymng manufactured and deliver.,1 .1 ,i. .k. , luu l." r' M 6'ven in tne town pa- to the traveller, ,I"P. Rest pants made lla; , n, pi.ee desired. . pr.y.ous. by eareful 1 " ao I ehrnirr 0. lBno r 1 , . . All wor warranted to h ul , kl. 1 flsO riii-k mstlriis", I .Mbt,di ji iHirs Wm. F liwl, r'ntiiurl Mitrrii-ll, Mrs. lUrhstd Mnop, Mrs. J. T. Mi Cullntiiih, Mrs ,'ohn Mellsnghry, Dsvld Adam, sen'r. (' A' 38, tVilljt in CMny, Uesi bill, Hest blnnli, Dip. Hi St r'slirT, !' ' 'rd, do llest Newst stier. do ramphlel, do Ji ixms (lot. Win fllglr, t.. J Ctans, Daniel Ji ixms (ioy. Win fllglr, T.. J Ctans, Faust, Isrsel Test, .nines h Watson. I Cl.AM Stone M'arr, Pest drain tile, Dip. Host brackets, llest fire brick, do llest pottery, Dip do llest brieh, do Ji ikiks- Judge Ferguson, Judge. Lamm, Martin Nicholi, jr., Win Alerrell, lleo Frlinrt. Class -J 1. C7tfnivdj ami Chemical action, I in Co. llest available manure at moderate post, Dip. dl do Hest for farm products, (1 00 llest Tor glue, 1 00 ' Hest linseed oil, 1 00 i llest tallow candles, dip. best writing ink, I Host specimen soap, dip best viucger, Ji ikiks Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson, Dr, do do do T Hoyer, Dr. A McLood, Dr. J (1 Hartswick, Dr. D. 0. Crouch, Dr, rotiecr. Cl.ES'J (SVioii' and Wood. Hest dressed stone. $1 A dip. Host mill stone, dip llest floor boards work'd ilo Hestgrindstono, ilo Hest weather haard w'k do Hcst shingles, do llest spliter shaved hnops.do llest turned art, do Discretionary premiums will bo recommended for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics in all tho various branches, mid it is hoped u general attendance will be miido. For all improvements useful to the farmer and having valuable properties, discretionary prom's will be reccoiiiiiicnded by (he eooiuiiitcc' and a u ii riled by the board at their diserctiou. ji'Ikiks Judgo Leonard, Judge. Honsull, F. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwwi, Arthur Hell. Class -I- Auiural. Minerok. Hest of useful in i 1 1 ro 1 of ('Icnrlic'd eoiin- ty, coal included, ' Limcstuiio, do. best s.md .tone, ' l'ottnrs clay, do ' Fire clay, ' suite crystali.ci! mill do ' Fom-U--, ' minerals from the surrounding counties, do. do. do do do Ji iioks Judge llovt, l'.ev. W. L. SmiIs oo.l, II. H. Swoope, 11. F. Naugle, L. J. Craus. Class -Li. General Jjixt. Lost display and greatest variety of (lowers, ' Display ' plants, Hest Floral ornaments, Hcst basket bmiuets with handle. do do do do Host manufactured nrticlo by sowing machine. on ground, do Hest hand buoucts,. do best butter bow 1. ilo Hest washing maehino, do Host butter ladle, do llest churn, do Ji ikiks Mrs. Judge Moore, Mrs." Josiah H. Reed, Mrs. Joseph II. Ilegany ;I,umber cily,) Mrs. D. F. Ftwi i!er. Mrs. Martin Nichols, jr., Mrs Win .Merrill. Airs. A. II. Shaw, Mrs. Win. A. Wallace, Airs. Ainj. Nivling, Airs. Thus. For cee. Cl ass -I I. Fruit. d display and greatest vuriety of grafted pies, summer and winter fruit, named np do a ml unuiigcd, 50 cts A He t disply and greatest variety of pears, mimed and arranged, 50 cts A Rest display and greatest vuriety of peaches, iiniiicil and arranged, 50 els ,f- do do liest Apples, J bushel Rest Collection of plums, Rest do cherries, Hest do quinces, Rest do strawberries, liest specimen of Foreign grapes, liest specimen of American grnprs, Rest specimen currants, nut less than 3 qnrt's do Rest specimen ginnberries, ' 3 ' do Rest specimen of blaekberries, do Rest specimen of seedling grapes raised in county and worthy of culture, do llest specimen of Domestic wine, do JriM.Ks Wm C. Foley Win. .McCriickcn, Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, Airs. .. F. Weaver, J. R. .M'Fn ally, Abnim Ncvling. .Miss .oseqhino Laniih, AF.-s Fdilh Royntoii, Aliss Rertba Wright. Class 4". II irscmanUtip, d c. Hcst 5 coupleof Initio an 1 gents on horseback llest company of cavalry, Rest company of infantry, Hcst band of brass instruments, Rest martial baud, Rest 25 singers. Ji iiiiEsticn. .. II. Larrimor, Col. II. D. ton, Col. A. R. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallace, do do do do do do Mn i ley. I ol. Pnsstnorc, Col. A! 'dure, Mnj. D. W. Wise. .Major S. C. Patehin, .Major Holt. Al.ij . Heisey, Major Wm. Hell, Captain Alathow Og. den, dipt. W. A. Campbell. Cnntsin T nvltir Howies. Cl-as 40 Xurscries. Rest i nursery containing tho greatest vorietv of fruits and shrubs cultivated in the most ap proved nnd methodical manner, $2 00 A do Ji lKiES-.-Thomns .Mills. Jacob (Ju'ich, James A. Hagerty, WiHinin j. Hemphill, Richard Shaw jr., John (i. Cain, Wm. L. Moore. Persons appointed to net ns judges are request ed to notify the Secrotury, if possible, before tho 1st day of the Fair, of their acceptance, of tho trust, and to meet tho Pres't nt tho opening of tho Fair. 1 Tho Rules and Regulations, f c, will bo pub Iiihed in a week or two. ! ! ! DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. "COSTA i:s- "CO,S"'.l.",V" Hat, Roach l c. F.eterminator. "COSTA If S" "COSTA irS" lied-IU,,, Rdcnninutur. "Costa ri's" "COSTA 11' S" Electric Powder for Irsccli. DESTPOYS INSTANTLY P it', Ponclios, Mice, Molos, Oround .1lee, ned-luiL's, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Plants, Insects on Animnls, d'e. in Bhoit every lot ni and species of lO ycnrs estuUished in Nev York Cily used by tho City Post Ulfiee- Hie City Pris on nnd titation liotisns the eitv Stenniers Mi 1 1 s Ac, the Citv ITnlula 'ti. ui r. . '.. , ..-.w. , ,'i.( iMcDoliis, kc, and by moi'O than 20.0IMI iftvnto Inmilcs. j three years. Dfli-Di'iipsists and PetaiK-ts evervwhcrelc m e"K0 !'f a la,,y " Ansonsvillo, Clear soil them. i ?C,J counl.v' "'ho wat also nfllicted with Scrofula seholestile Agents in all lnrpo Cities - i To tWase'of'bcorgo .Veisel, residing in Carl BfaKefrular sizes, 2JC., bOc.iiH Poxes twn, Cumbria conn), Pa., who was so badly nf Hotlles, Hasks. flieted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off. B5L.l II Hkh ahe ! I !of tjiuriotisiinitntions. his caso was ,worso, if possible than Jixaiiiino eacti liox. Unit e .t Kiimk nnd tnko notliini; but "CostahV Bf,.l.(K) Poxes sent bv mail. B-r ss & S,1 (Mil . v Expreso. uiAAddiess orders- or lor Cirnil.ir, io II EN II Y R. COSTA R IVnit!iinl Deiiot, 410 Broiulwnv. N. Y r!'VJ5 Y L0UA 1 K CO. March 17th. Cleat Held Pa. Cabinet, Chair Makinp-. .1 U, IM ,VPCH.oftl,e borough o . fJ In., will be prepared at all limes uusinoss m the above I DotlCA. mnA in . l ,.. - i .. iu m nurinnin iu ,v . ., ..i sireei, a,t door east of Thl, ! E'U,.,.h: "'d. AT where he will kTe'S i." ' 'rge assortment nf M,.! " are orevery description, which he will disnose i . m ine oounty. , His stock of Cobinet Ware now oi I.,, i. .r . I are now on hand, con- . ,.i,n ui iressinff and (',,.n,n., ... bofas. Knwln c. . """", c, FreCh".n"; --..,.,. v..luv. toi. JT.I ClurW. r. .1 o; v""' "",J""'ni ruKirv nn: mlood. YI.UKTAlU.i; 1.1 KB 1MM.S AND niOENIX BITTERS. The high snd nled rciebrlly which ths.e, j pre-cnilreiit inediclnes baire scipilred for their Iiivnriiib e cfbeaiy n all tho dlseasei which they pmfo, to cure, has tendered the usual practice of! pufllng not i.nly uiinccesMiiy, hut unworthy cf 1 them. They ire known by their fruits: thoir oed works lest'fy for iheui, and they thrlvs not the tall It nrtlio croilulout. In ALL casks of Asthma, .AYute and Chronic Rheumatism, Arlcctinns of the II ladder and Kid neys. Hillioui Fever and Liver Complulnts, In tho south and west, where these diseases pre vail they will bo found Invaluable, I'biulers, Farmers, and othor.-, who once use these medicines will never afterwords bo without them. I lVNM'isln. No person with this distrossinir .disease should delay tisinir these medicines Im mediately, hruptions of tho skin, hrysipelas, Flatulency, Fevor and Ague. For this seoiirgo of t'.io western oouiitry theso medicines will lie joiind a safe, speedy, nnd certain remedy. Other medicine louve tho system subject to a retur0 of tho disease n sure by theso medicines is Per manent. Try them, ho satisfied, nnd bo cured. .Mci cin ai IMm'iim , Never fails to eradi oato entirely nil the cll'ects of mercury infinitely sooner Hum-tho most powerful preparation of Sa rsaparilla, Night sweats, Nun ous Debility, Nervous Coui ,.!..:... ..r . ti i. n. : a a- i..i. i. , ii i ii in i.i i, 1 1 n i ii ' 'i L a li n- n li eel iwun, i uiinill- tion of ,h Heart, Painter's Cholie. l'llcs.Tl1(. onginal proprietor of these medi. ciues was cured ot I'llos of L years standing by the use of these Lite medieines Hlon... Won,,, of all kinds, in ofl'octually cured by those medicines. Fare nls will do well lo administer them whenever their cxii-tcnco is suspected. Itulicf will be certain. THE 1.11 K 1'ILI.I A Sll PHOKX1X DITTKRS Purify tho blood, and thus remove, all disease fioiu tho system. A single trial will placo tho Lick Fills and 1'hokmx Hittimis beyond the reach of competition in tho estimation of every patient. .''.Of-Prepared and sold by DM. WM. H. MOFFAT, 3.15 llrodway, cor. AVorth St., .New Yoik. Feb. 2'jth IsiiO. l vr. look mi. hi;: look iii.hi;: T HE undersignwd subscribers, take this meth od ol informing the i.ubiic generally. Hint they huvo this day entered into copartnership in THE HLACKHMITIl UFSINE, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied byJ. Shuiikwilcr, on Third street, in this bo- roil'rh. where Ihev will In. til,.nu.l , x.a ,hn nl.l cusiomers, and ns many now ones as enn mako'-'lv" it convenient to give them a call. llring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your log-chains and your pulling slicks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your Imrso, your mare, No thiec-ycar old shall then go bare. Your sponrs will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height, Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such ns Vuiu ne'er bought. JACOR SIIFNK WILER, ubU. W. OUK. Clearfield, December 8, ls:s. tf. LINDSEY'S IMl'KOVFD JSIood Jy'ei.ichcMJ A .STANDaKD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, nnd elTectuiil riiu ALL DISK ASKS arising fiuin l.MPC RITY OF TIIK FLOOD. This mediciue has wrought tho most loin euros In desperate ca-cs of enracu Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the lace, Old, Stubborn Fleers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Ja undicc, .Mercurial Disinses, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous, formniioii, Krytij.elas, Roils, Sore Fvcs, Scald licad, Rheumatic Disorders Costivencss, Salt Rheum, (Icncral Dohility, Loss of Appetite, l out Stomach, I emale Complaints, and all Diseases hnvinj their orgin in un impure state wf the Flood. , The nbovo isa portrait of David AFCnary, Nnpier township, who, on the 31st day nfAu", ISjS, undo affidavit betoro Justico (lorlcy that he mis treated fir the cure of Canejr by three pnysiciiins of II. d ford county, and by Dr. New- , i.in ii iu oiiege in tincinnatti, for a period of nearly eight months, imtwithstandiiig winch, his hp, nose and a portion of his left cheek were entirely eaten away ! He had given up nil hope, when hn heard of the "Rlocd Search er," and was induced to try it. Knur bottles cirod him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. Tho full particulars of this case may be seen in ft circular, which can ho had of any of the Agents. We also refer to thernso ofNanev - - ..unij, in., eureu oi hcrofuln nfter being unnblo to get out of bed far oi ciueriown, irnisireng county, l'a., cured of . r i.'i i ...... . -" I Tho particulars of theso cases every ono of ; wine, was eureu liy the use of the Rlood Searcher "".j a i so no lounu in a circulas to bo had any of the Agents. of I H. AI. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory f"r tho manufacture- and sale, nea tlio Fa, Railroad DepL't, Hollidaysburg. Fa. Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, Wbolosulo Agct Pitts burgh l'a. nPnl'VXyC-U- W"t,on' Clesrfield, . . ' -" "'"'IUITi ATI irrrlRllIt I A .Is. fin . . Feb. 1st. U60. YO Ull TEE TH. TAKR CA11R OF T11KM1! I11,.A:?,M,L,'H' do'ire o announce to ins inenas and nnin.n. n rotinir all ,.r ki. . ' . -.--' h,V'?.;l t'fneto ?P'""nln Dentistry, n 1 1 v. MLiun,. inn, n. i ... eta- L . T . I noso aosirins; h i servi,.... ? will nnd bun at his .1 mw.l. .1, limn, . i ...... i ,i f Cearfiela, M. O. Stirk, Now MiHport ; C,r! PPhRi to attend to lpsburiri H. R,.,,n a U ' ..r'. '"" lino on short ray, New W.. i n'JZ! "I 1 ' Ve""" c.u'- ... r t unniu t.ii iiiin. iv i . JOB PRINTING. An rxtniflvn slock of .lnMilnit nrntorl-t riiiiLlen (he I'uhlishrr nf tlm "Pqivldtarf lo niitiouncp lr thfl ptililie thai lie is rcj.s) red to do nil kinds of FiisTiBS P t M I'll I.S.TA. I'hoiiraiimh. iilank. 1'Apr.H Hihiiis, ClRctUt.s, , ALL Til BETH, 11 AN 1.111 1.I.S, . ' . . , - n ' nl ovory km-1 of printing Usually lot,tf ' n untry job olhee. All orders will bo executed with neU ncHS una despatch. DAN1KL GOODLANDEll, -tTlt 'U of the price I I-uibirsbuig, Clearfield Co. !'. w ill nllrt.d to hit (ire. r In 1 1 1 y to sll busings ntrusi. March 28, lrOO.lJr. id. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS," VT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles frosr' Clearfield, M KUCHA NTS, and sxtousi1 Manufacturers of Lumbor, July 2:i, 1S52. J. D. THOMPSON, H hi i' k smith. Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed on short notice, and the very host style, ot hit )U1 stand In tho borough of Curwensville. Doc. 2. 185S rvll. M, WOODS, having changed his Iocs 1 tion from ( urwcnsville to Clearfield, res. I , , ... . . i , , poctfully o ffers his professional services to b, ! ''!" f ,he ln',Pr P1"0? an,d ,C,B' . , , K' on bouonJ treBt' I'PU", i J' t-runs, fcsq. my. , U6. J. 0. HARTSWICK, M. L. Physician and Hurgcon, Clearfield Pa., )Iny 30, 1800. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORN FY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to nil lepnl business entrusted to his cine, in thn severel Courts of CloarGeld and Hiijniiiing couriti'.s. Ull.re f. 'y occupied by 0. U. I Ilnrn lt. Oct. 2lith, l.-iil- I v. DK. (i. V. STEWART 1) sii ysirlnii and Siircreon, offers his urofos- sional services to the citizens of New Wash ington nnd surrounding community. Office thrc Jours west of tho Washington Houso, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1850. JOHN HUIDEEOFER. Engineer & Land Sikvf.vor. offcii his professional services to the citizens of Clear field county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. OITn e w ith Leonard, Finney it' Co. r.ir. hays, !I)V:' lUFRRFAN, Ar.dainontvnist. Ambnitv. and JL'STICL' OF THE l'EACE. vcrsey, Llk ( utility, Pn. l.KVEK FLKGAIa, .kislicc of I he peace Luthcrsbiirg, Clearfield Co, Fu., will nttend promptly to n'l business entrusted to hit enre. He also informs the public that ho koejis constiintly on Imnd at his shop, n general as sortment of Saddles, Rridles, Iliirnosj and whips, whi-h he will sell on reasonable trems. April I, ISdO. DESTAL CARD. M. SMITH nffors his professional services to the Ladles and ticntlciucii of Clear and vicinity. All operations performed ticntness unit despatch. R inir fiimilinr A liel.l with with nil the late linprovments, ho is prepared to innko Artiiicial Teeth in tho best luunner. Office in Slenv's new row. Sept. 14th, 1S51. yj. ias. n. t.AiinniK.n. t. TEST I AKIM.MI'lK & TP.ST, Attorhcys nt Lr.w J J iearucld, 1'u., will uttutnl promptly to Col t.iot,s, Lnbd Agencies, Ao., Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. July .'id. y j OllEHT J. WALLACE, Attorxet at Law, V Clearfield, IV, Office In Shaw's Row. on- posito the Journal office. dec. 1, 1S5S. tf. MOORE & ETZWtl.Slt, Wholesale and Hctail Merr!iaiits. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an grain, which will bo f.dd cheap for cash. Oct. 11,1850. Keep up the L'xeilemeiit ! I FAIOVALS always cause excitement ; nnU Ji V since the grent excitement about the remo val of tho Court House has subsided, the commu nity generally havo becomo somewhat excited upon hearing that C. D. Watson has determined )') pull up stukes and remove to Virginia. Rut he latest cause for excitement is tho fact that I havo removed my saddler shop from my old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on i .Market street nearly opposite th jail, where with IUny f"VOr "le Uh CUl1 Cn b" ,I,PI,,icd Single Harnes, Double Harness, Tug Harness, Bridles, Collars. Whips, Halters. Housings, Breccli bands, Side Straps, &c In fact every thing in the line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful for tho very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, I silicir n con tinuance of the same, nnd a call from ns manv now customers ns cau make it suit. UL'ORUK W. RHF.EM. P. S. My being connected with the Drug business will not interfere with my shxp, for ' have tho Drug Stole intended to by eiu-f daiids, and intend devoting My imv cxulus M i'. to my regular business. fl. p, ' Aug 31, I85U. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTF.Bj. Thankful for jmst favors and solicitious of ft, turo patronago. I would respectfully announce that I have on band again, and wi.'l constantly keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, milk puns, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stovepipe casing do. d' e. ; and nlso an extensive assortment of different siios und patterns of brackets nnd rosettes for enrnico on houses, nnd othor moul -dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notice. Also fire brick made, and kept .fnr salo. t-H'A liberal reduction orl ririees rnvla ta (wholesnle dealers. F. LKITZINUER. Clearfield, may 23, 1S70. Iy. imv iioT;i7 The undorsigncd respectfully begs leave ht announce that he recently rented a house In the borough of Lumber city, Cle&rflold oounty, Pa,, for the accommodntion of the travelling publio, waieriiieii uu un oiners wuo may furor hiin with a call. His table will always b supplied with as (rood as the markets afford : and no tmins min ba . r, n r p i in r.fin.. ,. I... . - r . . ... ......1.. uU nuni coinionaijio wnne under his roof. To which the faeU that no In- toxieatmg liquors of any kind will be kept about t h A m . I . .111 . .. . win ne trusts, contribute in no While, what is always Important , the best attontion will be if-yen hostler to that faithful couipaoion of ins pauem sicea. , , .... -v .v, lowu. IU1 1, 1800, lj. JAAIE3 CROSSLY. 1