Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 05, 1860, Image 3

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    'H'nrpwi fif i-r "fi""
jiiil Itcmi
'i 1' V
rl.KAItl I I.I.I',
Sept. .'p, M'iO,
1't'R VICK PU 11 DP, N'T.
Of V. f&T.MOI'.l I..IMI tOIMV.
of Vepanpo county.
of M 'Kpan rnnnt v.
of Jefforson county.
ri Mollis tp.
of TV pa I ur tp.
1' Ii I P F. ' T I A L E L KCTl KS.
!:eV.'vd Yiux, (ieo. M. Keim.
fj'sirttl .u.-fniv.
-Fred A. Servt r. !4-Isaac Rei khotv.
i-W. f. Patterson. 1.)-Cipo. D. .Tin kon
.'-Jos. Crockett. jr.lltt-Jolin Aid.
4-Jno. It. liiennpr.iK loel H. banner.
.Ui. W.Jacohv. 1 -.1 . IC Oa-.vtord.
i-Chas. Kelley'. ;1'.-U. X. 1-cp.
7- 'liver J'. .laiiica jJO-.losli. II. Hotvpll
M-lavid Schnll. 21-N. Ii. Fptlprniiin
'i Tod! J.iclner. i22-Saml. Maijh.ill.
0-S. S. J'l.ti liour.
L'.5-Vm. Hook.
O. Hamlin.
J")-iiiu'loi'.l Chiii'i u.
1-1". H. Wnlkcr.
i!-S,.- Winclips er
13-iTos. Lniihaph.
Rwhcrf. Thnt the Deitlocfatic Fleito.
ral TickPt bp headed w ith the name of
Sipplipn A. pouglas or .Trrlm ('. Ttroekpit- th
riilge-, na an TJectnr at I.ariro, nnd in (lie!
VPttt of the siiciipss of said Ticket, if (hpi
arpater ntintber of votes shall have I-ppii
past for Stephen A. Douglas tlipn the
vole of tho FlPtoral College of tho State
shnll bp pnsf for SIctihpn Tloiifl-n: .m,l
llersehell V. ,lhns;tn fr President and
Vice I'lpsid.-nt. but if for John C. Hrock-
t..t. ti t i r.
,111 M I , .11 Mill . I'lCI IM'III 1U"J I 11 ilOl.l" ' - " I" '. v.... w
- . It ... . . . ,
l.attp foi (Iip samp ntlii ps. If die vote ol don. Patlott did approve of -'all tho lead-.
Pennsylvania cannot elect tho candidates
lor whom Hip majority o( yotps are pas',
and it can elect any man running for th
office of President of the United States,
claiming (.) be a Democrat, then the vote
of the FJcctora', Cllcge shall be cast for
that, candidtttp. I f it will not elect eith
pr of Ihe Democrats lor wh run it ij r ict
or any of the Democrats who are voted' , "'""'"' '' The .'"o-.:,ii is correct in giving
for in the States, then the votes shall bo die vole upon the resolution Ypas I'lO '
cast for thecaudidntp 'who has tho mnjo-' Nily, l(i'.). ,ul not one Ii'ei.ubiican voted
1 1( V of the votes ol tho Slate; and that1 , ,t 1. 1 .
,1 f,i;. c. ,, 1 " against tho besolut ton except Mr. haver
the I Innrman o tins I ommiltco bo in- , 1
ttuetp.l to olit.iin from the gentlemen on 1' 'i,r':-
the Democratic Fh-cto-.d ticket of this TI13 .mnn! then proceeds t pnblihh
Stale their several and distinct pledges 1 extracts from snepeho ina.b. 1,v s.nne f.-,v
of in I ho foregoing residu-'
11011, iinn in repori, inn rcsiiit o nis aei
ion in the premises at the
pxt mp-f
tog ol (lie 1 oinnnttpp.
Dcr.ioci7.tic Meeting.
nif cl ing of the Detiiocr.icy of Clear-tn-l'l
coimtv, will be held at the Medio. iit
K. Church in tho Doi-nngh of Clearlield. on
Tuesday evening of t ho Court week, ll.'ith
dav of September, at S o'clock to hear the
issues of the present campaign discussed.
,-.,i , . , ,.
lot the l.tiriioso ol nmiomtm.' a Stand-.n."
Committee lor the ensuin.. ve-ir and to
perform mipI, oth.-v b,,si,ssas is'eustomn -
lyntlhallime. Hon. Hem,; D.
. .... ,...i...'i.,.e .0. uovcirior, ion. .mmes
t icrr our ciiinlniatc hr (. on gross, and
other eminent speakers have been invited
nmlvvillbeprpsptitto nddrpss the nioet -
JW11 out Deniocrnts nnd show the pup -
my tvnnre tmtted and arc dctermin -
Ml robe victorious.
D. F. KTZWIPKi;. Ch'm.,
nl' t l.rt 1 t...,i s:...l r 1 1 '.,'., 1 -..
Bttk.Our readers will hnvc to bear with' Jiopiitmcanism. 1 lerc a lew
llm ..rninU (i,ipf,,.i p 'of them.
. u. ,ci-
rial weeks to come aftre ni,r( ...;tt r.
..i.i..,. ... ' ' " .."lipolitkS-NoFpllowship with ll.em in Ke-
.....e .... iw usuai 1 icinu.y 01 reading
.... . -
matter, i.ut ivo lioj.e tncy will g;V0 ourad-: v t i . c. , ,
,..,;; ,t ,- 1 ,. ty No I alronage to Slave holding mer-
ei .ising columns n earelul read ng, as!,,,,,,,, v ,- ,t- .1 -,-,...;i
o . ... 1 , , chants No t.upslships at slave-waiting
inn to a number ol propei tics have cot into I it , 1 - t- . , in- r
1 1,, 1, .. 1 j rtf 1 1 ci , . Hottds No Fees to Slaveholding Lawyers
the hands of the Shoritl ; and a nutnbpr of x- t- 1 , 1 r m
.... , r ', No Pmplovmcnt to Slave holding Phv-
ot her interesting advertisements Court 1 x- .' i- .1 t 1 1 n
.... fc -oiiii. S10mn No Atidienco to slave holdini: Pat-
nml I'-lecdonrriv.-lanntions; Trial List for f0m
yx. icrm,
' h n A hk's ( Iw v Stitk. The lilaek
puMicnis brag "a gotid bit" about their
litlad I , Ill: : . TL. ...' .,
winuy initioc. ir.ii iimi, gtiu
. :. . ' 'ZZ Z'Z
" ....... v... .. . " " "
1.1 . .. . .. .. l.1 1 -.. ,1 i
A special election was held inOHlena
days ago, for City Trpasurer, nnd the
l ll
a lew
KepuLlicans mnde specin. elTorts (o pnrry
ii imL n rrp not filirt'ossini. l rip imniv(i a
cWltnj; llioirei!iililiitu by more tli:in tlx-
.iMul nmjiri. tl(nn u the rvntre of a
Bi,..i... H,.,,.
M -Mili;
I !,.. ,1 , M " ' ' It j
Will ! I" I'l
,l III'
I il l
I .1 1' M ll'I' i V
M. I ll" ti'll" II ".
, ,,, 1 1 , V 111 . I
tilt. II u r, i'ii I In"
I Hi m-t.
i Vi nin ' tlii
Ni'.v W ui
in")., nt ' nViOi
Cumin Tbi r
I'. M.
I.i mi,: ii I'm
in. on 1 t ill i
I; I'. M
, r ; 1 1 div at
tii (I'll
; o'clock
nn Saturday t llP
i 1 ;it .'! o'clock 1'. M.
Cl II H - II II, I'll til"
tine day :it 7
(ho 17th inst.
im Ioi k r. M.
I.i nini-iun... )ti Monday
a: o Plopl'. I . al .
JAM KS K. K r.i;i. F.s.., our nominee
'or Congrpss will ! present. WM A.'K, Km,., iskaf.i, ti:st, r.-'i.,
nml ot hoii -v ill be present to address (ho
ItAI.I.Y I'KMOCIJ ATS nml show
devotion to tho inir.-.oi'lal pi inciples of
.i . , -. iv ri eit i-i, iv iii... i." . 1. .. i ; , ,,r
"" ""-'"i ""''""""' "1
,i ., ,
t .e Slates,
I.eliisnh.iw loourciicniicsiimlerwliat-l1"
,, , , I,,., i
ett'i ii. line tut v iir-uin-- in .n iii.n
tin- lieiii u ra.y arc the only pnrly in
whom the i'eoili- of this country can im -I anv trust in' I'ontiilclice.
j liKMni'h'ATS I'M I I'. I and let us pvc
M-oliti'iiii.'iii "le I a-.. I li'i'iimiiiL-, it pvp:- n."
.eived iii r. niu vlvani.i, an-l in rmit
'in tliem hoie, fiint and dr i'ooiii.
Convictions and Fcclinps "
h (
Thuc '.vcr
: H20 the liilli-nviiL r. ii
, gave, ' In irtlv" and "Irankly," and we I.p
: licvp truthfully, too - not w ishing to -lis-
... ui..- em i.. in i ' 1 1 1 1 ui riiini i 'iiiiv ;
( Ion. Pallon Piitei Uuns
IV til or alio
.... , ,,, , ,, , ,. i lie nnl iiiorii tier oi cou n i les incur .uiie, .
upon the doctrines ol ti e l.l.u k Kepulili . L I
can ,,,i .v-all the lead,,,,' rri.,c.i..les'a"' ',,,,,c, ots..eol tl.e-Statp,
uhi. h Hod ptrtv ,.,-orW:, and declared il """-
ii,' i s soon ai tho -i-oW repudiates tlic 1
i inui ui in' in iiii'.iii.iin. .-iiii lih Mini,
' .iI'p ttlrd fcflini. an! cjnvictiot,
"Jhis wo nrvcr doiilited lor one inomcni.
It -.wis howpwr neo:;s.u-y for the '"''
'ht' to make I ho dixlarati m "frankly''
'and openly. It in well known to our
readeis that the oppo-ition in tliispouti.
ty have alwins until no.v, rallied un
der (he nam? r( the- "Pi .ple'. Tally, "
,1101 or -'ssuinin their -i --j or inine un
til the present they d urd not go into
the Rul-w.iy Conv ntion with a t .in-li-lati'
for Conn.-ss li'doiiin to the ' People ';
Parti," hut had to till "frankly" to their
northern Ct i . i t Op". 1'atton did
4and S'ju.iroly upon '.he Black Hepubii
can Platform, thus iiioriiii' the ' P.."
pie's Parly'' entirely after the
The J--nud l-.itviii civPii lliu "frank"
.statement of den. Pattou 'h "t (mvi -.! ions j
anil feelini;s'' of l'.lack Ii'cpublic.mi.-tu, and !
knowing' that the celebrated '-I'.lakp" Kes-
oludon was cm' of "the lending principles''
of lippublie.iiiislii, wo rather jocosely, a
few weeks -if;o pul'ii-hed it, wondering if
the (ipn. would ftiili fc upon it inlendinj;
to sav no more about it. Hut last week
U.mal almost ai.i.ihil.tte.1 u.s by "an-
- . . , . ,. , hi, in iniiiii, i.i iiuninii iinvun tu
swenng a fool according to hn folly ..d,,u.,llt it as u forpcry ou;,. ono Illln.
lifter devoting nearly t vo columns to an-' died banks. The m mo of a year's sub-
s,vo1 '"f-' l'ic "Wake" Resolution stating
"that den. Pallon does W favor tlienntii-!
i i r , , .. '
7 ' l" l"lCS W"('re " '
cs '"''''' ' ' his is tlon 9 "frankly." IneJcKr-
.,, v.,,.L'u ni.i Mipti-nv..!. .1 i . 1 c- . 1 1 1 n I
ing principles of his nartv " and wo claim
,. , ,, .,, ,. . , , . ' . ., .
ol "the Ica-lmg principles of Ins party
as it was offered in Congress by a PI.-ck
1:...., ,1 .1 n.,,1 ,-,,t 11... 1 ......
eleeled to Congress as a Republican i"',.
lire caters, and asks whether
I 'r' crri n,lr nominee, for Congress en -
1 IIOl'ipS tllPlll.
lie ncouamlance
: with Mr, Kprr ; nor
1 .... .
uae we given mil
that ho endorses "all" die sent inmnts of E iaZkty, nnd Jr! J. W.lWcr ! Jtn A"f0UV",e
those men named by tho 1', but wo Seet'y. On motion, J. K. Poak, Wm.T 'Atlhe house or J. D Hull .1 Co., for the town
will assume to say fur Mr. Kerr, that liis,'S- Sitnk.-y, ami 1". F. Cotidriet, were elee-' ship of Knrthaus
"settled convictions and foclin-M" do not l ,n,0M ofi,I -'y, 'ilh pow- I At the Turkey Hill school hou.e fur the town
..r tr ..-.1I....I ,.-...1- I : .1: 4l1in.ll KnoX
... i. ..... ... r il . ... r..: 1.. 1 . . .
' Moore. M'b'ae I'.o,,l,nn. A- 'o W..
l l i 'ii in in.; Mini) 1. nou seimmuiiis 01
v., . ..w.-v. 1. . 1.
.1 ., w.. ,- . , .
.lI,iu-Hr- ''' r is iiiin-to a-iopt, ami w,U-
1 i"ubniil to Uto decision of the Supremo
dourt in iviVrenco to the subject of Slav,
cry in tlie 'I crrilorios opposed to Know,
v.t ., 1 11 .1 .1 ...
No!i"n-lsm' ol Iho
'U''' : iMV c.'ii.nnttpd to the spr.ti-
1 nu-ntj ol the Nit;onal Democratic .nrly. r
' As dp... Pntton has thus ignorp.) rn-'of!
, 11,.,,i;n .;,-. iv,-,- ,
I11"' ll!,,l"'SH-K'yies olhis pnrly, wp
.t'"sweck 1 llish a few nunc of the!
. a " I ...1 . .1 1 1. .., . ,
, '
N on wiili SP ivo holders in1
I in.'in'ii niin .i.ic nop 11 is 111
x. , .,. . ., , .
lllglOll No A (Til in nn iv t li tl, in oe e-
"No Uooogniticn of PlO-Slnvcrv men,
' , , ,i i " i
except ns rulluins, ot.thiws and criminals,
a - LM - rupt I.'iscotitinuanco of .subscription to
i,l ... .. .
Pro Slavpiy Noivsp.itiprs"
"I" this extraordinary crisis ofaflairs,
r r mn ... I in n l.i... ...T. ... :,l . i
r.O man can be a true patriot without tirst
'becoming an Abolitionist." The above
! nro sonle ot .,,l0 iea,i; ,.;,.:. nf ,t,
r110110111 lai'l-V ami are emlorsoa lv mrnt, tW havinK t-Uimp upainM, fai.'l V
s ';'ark UqMi-lir,m niemlx r.. or't'oii- ,flt "r rp1,,p,,,,l 'o pr-nt them lniv nuthon.
, .., ,,. ,h t,2"-
... .
' llMlio" I'.- oit!i"t md WP nlli"i
i I f I i I In i i i I 'il o I ill "ill llin "I. ill
wl-.-t'- Shunt it."
' l!i ' 'I . e , l il tt'-t e ll 'll W llll I .l III! I'
1 1 1 - i f. it 1 1 1 1 1 iti"ii i'f i Hi w rii in llir m 1 1 -Irnl
nll'iiir- ol irroitnity, nml thai Hi'1 lih
i'f M ii. Ii next K ti i up r( -'. i,"
rrn n , ht.''
Thli is 'timllnr of lint "lending plinei.
pies l if the Ill'ptlblio.lU J' u ty" lull lU'l Hi'
sfongly pii"lorP'l mi Ilii- former' lenti
ini'iit --having I ron adopted : 1 1 v i v i r, u
' natiimoudv, by (ho convention (hut nomi
nated, leu. 1'atton for Congress, nnO tt
presume if tho tier., is elected, lo will see
tlint. this resolution is enriied out thai
i tvhen lie pels to Washington he will assist
in "winding up this farce of a govern -
Wccoul.l fill spveial columns with quo-1
t ill Ions of a similar character, hu t those
will miiliee to show the infamous anil trou-
.. 1 . l.t 1 1 ..i-rtj! ..n.i 1 in .'t.'11'.i..l
"' '
it I if it I ion. l alton, anil as it had been i:i
i, , i .. ,1, ...,,' it.ntl., ul. ...1 I
in oi t l iv I lio I'lunur, Hint no fiiiim-i i:,oh
1" 'I'" -i---.-,
tve di'l not pNppct the ."Ioil' ivould thus
I luck tlmvn so soon, ninl have lis litlicvc
I thai "ii'" niean.s only some,
j Wo arc, lio-.vevcr, riither inclined to
'.. . - ,1 T IP. ll..
pity man l eensure uic .mrwii lor line
pleilgin;: the jeneral so strongly nnl em
phatii ally Id ' all tho leailing priliuiplon'
of his
1 1 a r i . i ii- nnti rnii miuuih iiiivi- i
The Jvuniiil should have.
hnoivn lieltcr than to pledge flpll. 1'atton ,
to riieh a ('atalouc ius that cnniprc.
hi'iided ill "all the h: tiding prillciplcb Of
i no iippuiiin an pariy. j no pcopn.- oi
'Mearlield count y tiro not A holitionists, ns
is the ease with tho 1,'ciiiiMican party in
'foei:in't "principles of his party" which
i i . i i , i .. , . i
I n. iv-.. .....'ll 'I i nrii ,nr i.. il, ,rr. ii.r. nl , mi.
;:r-:;s a-:d tin- Uidway Convention, wo will
j ti y and produce a few more o( tho tame
: sort : Sut if he will accept the doctrines
Itlc'iciii inculcated lie will save lissome
troiil'li- t t a -ci-rtain lutw lar no anil I is ,
(..mdidate '. f C. ingrcsi will accept "all .
(in: leading principles of tho Ulack H"p;ib.
In an pajly.'' do on, brothel l!ow, rcpud-
latin:- "the
party -joll
ivork, I'epil'
l'-adin principles" of your
have coinnu hoikI in a o.-.d
liatilig iit least .; sentimelit ;
orse'l l.v vour paitv, and we!
you niiiy persevere in the ood work. I
Wc v.ill "ladlv furnish t oil w:th the load-
:. . i i .. .i
"' I'" " J " I'-'".'.
need be at no fi.rther trouble than to np"
piovo, or repinlialo lliom. th k PiiUAiiriiini I'liffsl
stvs ok PrTFitsoxs' ( 'oi ntiiii tit Dethtok : .
(iu),tiru 'tt llin; X)ti-.;. Petersons' De
tector, published to-day, enumerates and !
fully describes siMy-riglit new counter-i
f.-its, which have been uit into clieula
tions since the 1st iay of August. It abn
ives an Pii"ravin", the full si,e of. the'
lorigmal, ol a countcrb.-it plate, jtc-rtm;r
l"11'0 otc '"V1, l,Y l ''-"'""' I''-k, I-nu-
ViA I It llilllll U l.lj.l I" .A l-IAII I llll A,,,.1 1,1
scription is only One Dollar. Peterson
P'vrs 11,0 lll S notice :
fih!"lip Tare o( t he lolloiving lraudulelit
''""8 t,'10 ThoNhip ofHrndford.
bills are a swindle, gotten up in Indiana., At the public li.,us of 11. H. M vra, for Urn
utI :iro lilcelv to I io nll.-reil tn .1 li.-i- dy lotvn.-hip.
j -- - -
' nls -
Manhatten Association, N. Y.
3. vtg. Juno driving her chariot thro'
Nortliem Indiana R. R. Co., T,ogansport,
Is. vig. female Hying ivith a shield and
p.i.'Ip; Indian on the right end. female
with a scroll and figure I on lt-ft.
Manufacturers' Bank, Hartford, imn.
3,, . . ,
s, vig. tram ol cart running to the lelt.
on 1 ight
.1.. r. t .i.ti.i . -V it i i-i.. . '
left, ;i, man with scythe
Covington township Oil.
ri, 1111 pile 1
I he stock holileis ol tho Susiiuehanna
'11 company, went on Saturday, Scptem -
ner t.M.ii, allhe house ol John Kilter in
, Covington tow nship, nnd organi.pd by c
Iccting the following olliccrs
P. -it i
John Kilter. tee Piesi.letiis Jolm i:;iii
, , .. , . ' .,:
1 i. --i-i mm oiocci ii iiuiiicui -
!..i to -,.iL- 1 1 1 1 .1..1 !.... 1
! ;... .1. t...'. , " , . o-'' "?
1 ,11. 1 jinn 1,1 u na u.i u iu j rcas uici ;il
i.,. . , . ,
;n ; mm .no managers employeu juim
i .I,n;, to.f lo. Uam or some olhcr point
the work Mr l'., i,.l is I.i,
1 1 .1
as ,s0o.-j as he retuins tho company
conuminco operation.
1 filj "nf)f l'fiqfmfllk
UlU cxuuuu;:'uluuu
M II I. followiiig named persons have ft-
; led in the CHVme of tlio Clerk of the
Com t of Quarter Seosions of Clearfield'
nty, thoir Pptidon for T-ieeno at ,)0
...... . , , . .,
eir Petition for License at the
SpMOnnpxt, ngt-Peablo to Iho
., p 1 . 1
emblv of Mreh 2. I.s.'. enti',
7 ' Hem -erosion npxi, r'reea no 10 11.0
1 ,ci ot Aspmtjiv 01 .uitreii .s, imh, pnn-
.1 1 ......... ' 1 . . - . 1. . 1 . ,-1 . .
(led "An act to regulate the snlo of Intox -
ieating Limiors," Ac,
W. D. Woodward. Huston tp., Tavern,
I IHVOIt K M(TH:i-:.-.ln the mbtter of
the e.tme of Ahrnm decease,!, .ao ,f
lb.ggs ir., cienrfield ciiuiy I.
An nM!irncd Audil will.he hold in tho above
estate, on I lU'sdny the Istli i lis Unit at the Ofhce
of Liirrimer A Test in the horouli of Oa rlield '
nt I" "'clock nf said .lav of whieli lime nml tibii i.
ror,n, intcr(,((1 n ,flk(( Mnt' nn I ''"l.,
. .
ml I'hico
('IcartielJ tsppt, i I8tn
.1 nySTU.KWW NOTIfK.-.I,e.
.uy grunted to'tJte anitrrsiBno.ronbcMnto of
Jic oh Lydick Into of I'ike township. Cienrfield
.... r . .... .. .
"rty Vn., dee'd. All pers. ns indnhled to Mid
t-.iv, miV in ureiv tj 1(1 H K 6 1 HI ITT 11 1 II f tlft V .
Ml I A f M M l l! I
HIM r ll-fll I II " I 'Mil ! it . r I i '" " ,
t... mi ..: i n. lit I I' t Imlil, ' I.I...I li'i ll'i- Mil i
, I . il nn I I n Ii ii it-1 Hint Mind li ttit-ir I"
tn i li Hip li""l n i ti-' ii'i iii't In- f..u-i e l'i
, 'II I II it- l"l': II l'i' li 'fltr It IIPI' II- I 'il
i . I; ,i.ii.n I., i nil n I ' r t I i ii f v li-'iil at Iv
.i Hi.- I n I III ut ' In' iH flit" SI It ltiMnii, ,ilnl
1 I l, I! .- I' I' i'IK, l"t lb" IflltlO I'll' " l .t
itlm Ii I'll" i I'li'lnr- liitfi- riven Irnl 1IIIKTV
... .ma I' m It I" .ml i divlilfl inio lit" t'ltil-.
'J 1 - i o 1 1 . ill nml I'tm l n iil
l!,.. i.t Itijj il"il..- lb.- nne'iilll ( in liie ll"ti.
I'ii rr ii I Ii a - - it i i ir 1 1 1 Li p-p'i Hip' 'f"-Rri-Mi
ill-" ili'iil'li'-l ; nml. il I In- ruin? "I lie- m Ii'"!
nrf ftrii llv f"llinvi"l, fIip Ii-ij;p" lirlM'H' li"l I"
. I 1 ! I ) ' ' 1 1 1 ' ill. 111.
Ti At J!uuki Uiiliai'l-'in or llp'lii-. I'-t I'iiiii".
riirlin or r.iiiVi-rP. i'M' IJiiihir.
l'niiiiii. I'lu ki'. it l.iililiiclii' . l'.-r t iiiri-.
1 Ti-rtiin. HO -i-r iiinrti-r if "I'VPtilv Inn p-.,n-,
lur t-illii-r l'inni. tiuilnr nr Mi'liulcnii.
'ociil iihihIp froj to ct rry ni'il Imlvinj; in
Iriimrnliil intifif.
l!cv. .. IV Plnwitrt, Mi'"fm. 1'. Snoprinp-r.
Imino X. lii-rlin, T. II. llclttm. Witt. Irvim-, K.
u,,"'.v- Wm. H. H Jl .Hior.t
nil" nin r Nii(iiii'.ii nn't i mi 1 1 i i i u ,v.
Aiik- l.'i. 1 sen
Villimn An!"
-orTpim lSfid.
Ai'tinn niir Divdri'i-.
MaliliU AiiIph. Ami nmv Jhiip 20,
,. , . . , . ,, . . '
St,ii 1 Imih. .1. M Ciilluiicli n p puiiiteil CiimniKsiiin-
lerioinKP j.-Mimnny r,r t r.
Jlv rlrluo ofllio nliove nppointino nl, I w ill lit-
len.l to the ilutien ot tho cinne nt my o0e in Hie
lorouR t ol I 1,-nrlieI, I, en I rulnv. the Pint l,iy of
ppi..,nii..r next, ,, 1. opLk k j . a,., uH day,
l,en mi.l where nil person. ,Bfr.f I'.l mny nt-
, 'irK'; ,,...,., .
M- I. .,, 1 III..-. J. M ( I 1,1,01 liir, Con. r.
Htijfh Kline
) X. .r", Jane Term I SOU.
Arliun snr iMi'iin:?,
Ciilliiiriae f. Krise
Ainl now Si, June
.,, ni ..... .. . . . ..
!"' Jlini. .1 ,11 1 ill nll-'li k,i.. iiiii, inn, i,l I 'imiiniJ.
nionor to lake Te'liiiumv ',, fur.
. l!y virtue of the nliove npi'dintiiient, I will nt
tenil to the iltitifs of tin- rnw nt my oTi ee in
Ihe lJnioiili ol Clearliehl, on Friilny the 21st
.lay of Sejiti-Militr ut 111 o'eloi-k A. M. of sniil
ility, tvliim nml ti licro nil pcr-uin interestml may
ntleiiil if thev ee tiroper.
,c(pt. 1, 'Oil. ' TIIOS. J MVU.T.OrniI, Cimr.
Tim i.rnt, tr;n p,tn "
A"c lntIC Hill OtiarU8.
WiH 10Pt for drill and parade at Con
trP 11 ill. Orahnin tp. on Saturday Sep
tpnil'i-i- l.ith A. I . 1 SnO, at TO o clock A
I If T) .. I I'll.. ,1 .
',l' n-v , 1,1 1 nTl:,,m-. .
I ' . loll. O. S.
- .-
T .
AVliere.t.i, l.y mi net nf the (ieneral A'seinh!y
of the ('ciiinii'iitTi-alth of I'cnnvl vntiin, ent i th-il ;
An net to rcL'.ilate the ln-t.i-r.ii I l."-li"ii iv:llun 1
tins oi.uiiohh li. H i enjoineii on tint mht-
ills of tlio si-vpriil i-'iinities loivc piihlie imtieo
nf.-'.u'h ek-pti"n, tlio iilaeef ttlicro In be I .'Id,
and til" ollii-i-rs ta In) eleeled; Tili:iti:i"iic, 1,
fl'-artil'l-l PH.. !iri;f.: ,,- y.i','.. ..?.. 1" the '
Klppfirf of the enuntv of Clearfield, thai n III!" j
i:it.l, i;i.K''TI(.. will hit held on Ihe N ,
Tn'"l "I l (VefiiA. r iipi-f, (bi'in (lie .V.V7 II day
of till) uioiilh.) lit iho fei't-ral electi' u di-li ii'li I
in said county, ut tthieli liiue and pl.i.-e llie
,,;,!) II..-.1 voter.- "ill vie. ;
For One per'nii ,r t,uv;ni"t' nriliin I nin in. ;i
, . 1
it 'I '
V..r rino iieryun til rel iri'iprit llie poiinlie. nf t 'lerir.
ti,.,. .,.,,r,,. Fll;. .MeKe.'in, F.-rn st, Ciitr-'m Monday, Ihp'J-lth .lay of,
i, Venaic'i., nml Warren, in tho Hons, "l.thp follow im: described properly. to
Jteprci-etttnlive. m mo i . snues :
,-.,r iiv, -" " "! ',-"", ' '":" "-
Cle-irfield, tlk and .M. K. nn in the
ll,.iie of r.eiirefentntive nf tins ( niniiton-,
. ,.i. . 1
I-'.ir Imp Tieraon for tbp offiee of C mnini-i.liini-rof
( lenrliel.l county .
For One per son for the office of Auditor ol Clear
field county.
The electors of the county if Clearlield will
take notice that the sitid lloiiera! Election will
l.A t.l. I ... ,l... Cllnivlr,,, i.lnra-
.. i..i, ,.r n..,,r..i t si.i.iti. fur On, init-n.
shin of Boccnria.
At tho Imu-e nf A.-i'i'h I.llis, fur the towii.-dnp
... uii
At the Itoitse of .biincs Iliooiu, Sr, for the town
.-hip "I Hlooin.
At 'lie house of Fdward Albert for the lotm
ship nf Hops.".
, At tlio house of William Hoover for the town
f.-rthe tnwn.-h.11,
At the llou.-C nl John 1 uim
,.r i-m;,i ..
Al llm silio.J hmi,e near Simon'.ni'-i'f
f t the tnwnship of Chet
At the Court House for the Dornueh of Clear-
I At the house of Jacob Manrer for the township
ll ( nt n.gtoll
At tlicliniisoiif Isaac 111,,,..,, jr., for the linr
till "!1 01 t lU WOIlsV MlO
At tVutro m-Im,u1 hou.e U tho tmv-hin f
,u ui'- iiiiu.-i "i ii.uiii,i.i ii I'.iuniui IIIU luiui -
.1,;,, ri.r"Snii
""' " , . .
at inc iioine .11 joiin j. itnn,iy l'-r the tin-
!l,rfiiAr'aSret house fur tho trnvtiship
i" .'.'rr. , , , . ... , ...
1 -i 1 lie lutiiiiu nr 11D01 lor tnc lowiiMtip
' At the ho-jso of Jacob Huhlcr fur the townshii
U-f (irahnm
1 At the ehool h.inso in Janesville for the
. t.iKiifhin of tiulich
At the house el .lejse Wilson lor me lowiiMi.p
: of Huston
1 -; ,
At the Court House in llie Forouli of Clcar-
Held for I.uwreitco Inwiishi,
"ui lmuse fur the llornuizh of
' . , ,i,rt ,.ni,i;(. ii,.i,
: At tlia pitunc 1sv.11
Lumber City
! At the house formerly ocmpicil by Thomss
.he K SH of
r!' Wnshii.Ktn
f t 111 c house of Samuel Smith for tho tow n-
fhp of I'eun
! . At tho lions of liano Uloaiit jr., in the liur
' oiif;h of Curwen.- ville for l'ihe township,
! Al the hottseof H. W. M: ore for th township
! of I'nlon
At the honse of Jnhn Whitoside for tho town,
'ViVnc'r "lil ITKTIII-lt III It I III
I.IV KW, That nil p.-r6,.ns, euc'r. Justice of the
i-nee. lio i.biill hold nnv oflice nr aprnintinen t
if trust, ttmlir the Kor.-rnmpnt ol the United
Wnt" or of thin Sinte, or of nny iticnrponited
district, whether n e...i,.n.f!,.one,i oit,,-eror other-
p. ,1 m ol ner or itceiit. who m or
district, whether u eoininifiiioned om.-eror other-
"j";. 'rdinio olhcer or nge,,, who ,., or
shn be cmpl'ived under Ihe Lrgislaltve, hxec-
t, ;,.r.,t m,,,i. i?ii,i- s, ,i r
- cm , milo. ie LflatiVC, Kxcc
, (i ... r 1 . ; ,.r ,.t i ...
Jtl,0 vnitcd Slate.", or nny city nr incorporated
district, nml nlso thnt every meiiih.-r of pongres
o"'1 "f ,nc s,ll,n Legilnture, or of (ho eoinmnn
1 n .alitnl nnnrii' nl'uMt nilti on Knini iu.!.... nr
or select eour.ei: nfnny city, or commissioner of
any incorpomted district, re l.y law incapable
ol l,oldiK or exercising, .1 tho famo lime, the
, nd-t-o or nppoiuiment of Judge,, or
cl.-ik of anv election of this Commonwealth ; and
Ihal no in -peclor, judge, or other officer of nny
' sin ll elertlnli. hull re elieih e In Itnv ollien voteil
such e
f - -
ir. , ' , ,
tenri. House, in tho l(.,rimKh nf Clearfield, on
-" ..Kiel-, ,ii mu i,.,rini:ii .ii v.ll-lirnci.1, on
tho f'i,.i y,i,iu ..vt iw .i,e ..i.i s .i
- :T . . .
JUCiaV o Uc o .cr. t hen nm I i i.r In ,lo Ihn.n
01,li,,'1 nf u""n h? lftW-
c ! , ,,:N "u'1!"" my, ' h"m, nn'.1 "'. ' Clour
, ; . -. . :. T . . ,
.:r.t'"i' TlnltVfbt. :"n "1 fr1'1 :f
...i.,-r......i. v ,. uini-n ;....:
.'S.'.'J '. . . ii. t'liiiui.ii, i-i'vuu.
HY irrLO.-t.-r -nle aI iho store
'. Irwin, Mmket ttrrd, (Whld I'a.
ii,, in,, p'r.-i t...iip(flp ii.,..
HrrH.m,.'IM III ?S1 it-. . Xt 2 fi l-- k
1- M ',.,,1.11, i hid it Itifl ff In ml nilunii-d
in Vi it ilv ii r Ii 1 1 ' IoiiiiIi I i I "lli'f-i : nn tint
' tilli mi l Pfi l.v 1 l-'-li.nii M'luljf'ltiptv, nn lli
nnrlh mi. iim I v lollurl il". I'' t.tninlr,,? J
1WI-.N1V MX .OIM'.S Mom: OH l.Ksf, '
mill n nn. -!' iv I'lulik II te' '"'! " I": Slt'ilf.
mill ;i, il (:nnli ii, in il n Miiiil ir "I liuil tii-"
H"" Lit' Ho- in-'lfiiy a I liii-iimi ""ry
I I KM! Ol-' i.ik' tliinl in luiii'l mi l
llic liilatiiP In In ii t'iinil n n n mi I I'livnii'iil.", In lit!
ifiiiinl I'V I'mnl nril Miiriii(ro mi (Iip n miiii'.
IH'SWI 1.1, I.t'Tlll H, A hn'r
Atifr ;".i, 'I'". ;'.i.
i i
rili;HKAS, Hun. S'AMll'.b Ll XX, Kc..
l'n-si lent .linlt!" "f t" 'nrl of I'linim.ui
I'li'im nl thi) tapulv liltli .lii'licml DiKtrn'l, cinn-
imin-ii nf (hp piuiiiiips nf Cli-mfu-lil, Ti'ii Im anil l l", purch -s lo jdaco l lp;ilininfi, hping
Clintiin -mill Hip linn. Win. L. MonrP nml l; "; ' j,n, t of Warrant No. Ip'.7, with nlxnit 75 a
jiimii, l!,,i,fal. Assneiitlo Jn.tK.-H of l.-iirh.-M 'r,.s ,.,,iH.,;J jal..,0 t,Vo to'V frame houite ((
p,1, f,,r the hl.linR or a C-urt of !!... Plons, 1
OiiliAti' Court. Court of (Mnrtor SoFnions. Court
of Oy.'r mnl Terminer, iin.l Court of ti.-n.-inl Juil
Delivery, nt CU-nrlield, in mi l for the eminly of,
Clinrrielil, on the 1
I wirfh M.mihy I2 lh ilvi) cj .Sp(, ihl r ,
tn fnnl;m, t,n, vrch.
'1 ,,ho
v0TICK 1S, tiler-fore, hereby (riven
(.( onho ,,, ConMnM,
. , ,! pujll eumA ()f CWnrtiM, to pp,-nr in
their proper person,. Villi their Foils,,
, iJiti,',,,, j.;xalllinntion mi.l other Kemein-
hrnnees, to do those things which to their iillieerit,
.mil in their behalf, pertain to be done, nml Jit-
ror In- tliPit nml there nttendinir, nml not to lie-
l'r; itlin"t '"e, nttheir iieril. , .
t;i l-.N nmler tnv linnil ht ClenrficH, tins ".1.1
,h,v of Mav in tho yenr of our Lnnl, one thou -
nii'i. I oiiihi' hundred nnd sixty.
1'. ti., sheritr.
Aiijc. 20, ISfio.
: Tr,
Lit of Causes for September Term 18GD.
Isaac Haiii.t vs. Ahdionso Laeounte.
lohn ( 'auilihel'
AVilliams L'ooser
Kohert Wallace "
T. W. "
William Hall "
Wallet 1). Shirt-y '
William Irvin ''
.lonathan J5 .ynlon
J-'wan A Koo.or.
John M. Chasp,
David Croivoll.
John Nelson.
John Wolf.
Chasp, Kowles e( al.
' I.aird A Plair.
David Afckey.
A in. S-loppich.
David Askcy.
.Tames Huff.
O. D. Goodfell e.v.
Chase it Cuiiimint!s
David Askey.
Jacob ll'-I.erlil)'!.
Jacob Willii.-lni.
Vi'illi'im M i., ..
luhn I.arinoy
V.Yu: Irvin et al
ll.micl H dley
( icori.'O P. Lui'ill
I...,,. , Sit
Saniupl Mc''uue
Levi Put use "
lonat I'ow man
j .'aaies p.. titaham
l.losiah W. Smith
E y o Mi.. .
1 ' issued on
f iiiidiy wi of 1' .' AV .
out ot the court f Common
,,, , ,,.,, ,;,,, co ,( . I j ,-0tt o 'J
.,, , , , , ,, , , ,
will bo pxt ospd to piililn- Fale. nt t Ik
. i . , i .. . i- i . i
nu t nil' uorongii in leaiiii-in
wil :
cfi-luin lulol lalt'l MlilalP m IMei- ,
. At..,. ..,., . I.i.. i -l..i ti,.l,l ,,ntvi
'' ' .' ' " 1 , . , i '
Viiiiavvania. known as ot nuichnsod m
Hart bv snid 0. F. 1 1 OOll of J . S. lhill ami
at.. l ,.( iin..i,n,. i.r.i, I n.iiiams
i. .mill-on .in-, in n.i ,., ."....... . ...... .
ok po-t east 'J) perches to nn rrak post,
south "J.1. iipi'cIips to a maple Hum., tvot
1'! perches to iine post, south 7 p.-reh
es tocliesiiut i-ost, west l'i to iiii onk
I nnt. tllPiep north SCVPtl perel;, to
, ulace o' bp'-inniltL'. . ontnining
. . iJ. ..:
ll! a-
crn more or io?o. nnvin;' a oiip nnu a 11:111
story h on "P and one ftory shop thereon
eret tod. Si-i'ed. tnkpii in expeution. and
to be sold as (ho property oT d. F. Hoop.
A Is.') a ccitnin tract of lard situate in
Piece ,1 ia towr ship, Cleat field county, Penn
svlvania, l'.eginning at an n!d sugar
corner ol dill A l'.ulloo, thence !v residue
sninh ,-... rm.)lOS t a sugar, thenc,.
so'.Kh thicc ilpgreps past 'JC torches ton
1 post
thence by Hciirv I-vpi- west
ppi'clics to post, tlu ncp .-OUtll .. 'PlcliPS
to a post, tilt-nee by and Jaenl
Mnssorsmi I It west 12'lii and ! porches
,.n-.t llw.n,... lu- .laeol, f llssel'sm 1 1
, A - bright', north .Mi degrees
I ,, , ,n i . i . , i
; ent..0( porrlirs to n Uvrh thniro imri I.
125 (Ivoos west IS peaches to ii post,
i uitinv i ' ' -
u-i.:.:.i. r,m-tl, T.t il.rcx east "SI
..ii..-.'.-" ....... . r.- -
pei chps to a post nml place ot i.ogtnnipg.
! Also on a tract situate in Otilicii town-
,1,1,,, (!,,,. Held polity, IVni sylyania, boon
1 dpd bv lands of John 1'n-ver. (iporge Keg
1 ,, .. .-. ; .. - , , , . . ,. , .... . r
!aitv. J. II. Morgan. Darlington ,V I o. I.tlebpinc nnnrt o the I 10111 nr. Stewm-i-soi.
Met .11 llv, Jloses hoiunson ainl John S. Wc
onc s(ory frame t
t iiiiv. coniaining
.".'JO acres more or loss,
Iwplling housp, 121 by "di
f'ppt, " tennitt houses, bank -barn -ID bv
feet, Saw-mill, 2.i by ." feet, with one run siiuato in Woodward Township nnd State
of burrs atta phpd thprrto, largp orchard nf Pennsylvania, being same pri aiLes
nnd aliotit M acres cleared. Also on two i which Josiah It. Pood, SheriH", deetl tin
other tracts situate in dnlich township, ted "1HI1 Augiut, 1S.Y7, conveyed to Wil
in said county, begitmir.g at a white jtinc liam Irwin nnd Josiah V. Smith, the frs
on corner of said land, and lands of 1 1. j piece containing three hundred acres mer
Hegarly, north 17 dog. east ISO per. to a or less, together with tho horpclitiautp.. -post,
thence by lands of V- (', Cross, , Sci.ed, taken in execution, and lobei'
south bl degrees east 2 per. to a post, I as tho property of Klias Fi lt. ,
thenco north (leg. 111! to plitce oi' be-1 Also-a certain building and lot of gro'u
ginning, containing IH acres percltcsiol Mary Ann Luni.uloo and Kli Lumi
and allowances, being part of a Inrgprsur- reputed owners and contractors to 1
yev in the name of John I.nndbeek, t Iip , all that certain two htory plank dwv.
odicr beginning , -it a w hite pine, tlipnce by house, t-ituato in Lawrpnco totvnK.i
binds of Phillips north 41 degfppR w-pst ono : rlpnr(ield county Pa., nml on the r- .
humlrp.l nnd six ppr. to n post, thenco h j loading from Clearfield Town to CknthY '
lands of I?. Johnson eat llVt nml 7-10 perl Ptidge, adjomini; tho fnrin of A .T. .Sch'"
to a span onk, thottpp by Innds of Kail & vcr, bping (hirlv feet in fronton
Co., south. "7 and ,-10 per. toplaeoof be.
jjinnj,,. Containing .'?.' neros and allow-1
uncos, being snnto Iraetstirvpyed, warrant;
:oWnV''ro7 17, Deppnibpr 1 S;fii, nbotit Xo '
acres cleiirpd, alnrgo dwollinif housp nndl
log Iiouo ereptotl thereon, and bpnring
orchard. Seid taken in pxpcution, nnd1
to bp sold as tho property of Abraham
. j,rvcr a)(l u v
1 ', . . , . , ,, , . , .
I Also A pprtain tract of hud situate in
to bp sold as tho property of Abraham
. i 1 .... 1...... 1 -
r .,., ..oyer.
1 '''lady township, Clearfield county I'a., ; containing in front 30 foot
; containing one hundred and twenty.-dlvo and doptfi 50 feet anil the I(
ncrps. adjoining lands of Kingsburrv. Dus'cround and curl il l"" appurtt
I ' . t . .. - . . . '
bnise ami
ill, HPS It-itll l,.n 1...
l,nspa n ", ",1 l t V
1 T ? hmM b,a).' fl"(l n',0Ut. ton m'rCH
: ('.lcn,' (1 t icrpon. Seized taken in pxecu..
V""1' nm' lo 'K! R0'1' ns luo property of Wil -
'"m Long. A eoeluin Irn.-I. if Innil tilni.l.-.
ilergnson township, Clparliol-J county
!' ' n!'or, nn'1 1,,oma. ,Ien!. - n -
, , . i . , .
taming two acres moro or less, with a two
,.,,,.. --A n . 1 .. ,..!!
, thereon. Seized, taken in execution, andj
- j to bo sold as the property of Casper Hock-1
on'.) ii i.v iiviipu iiiiu Bi.toiu erect
: Ai.M-ocrtnin trac's of land situate
.not i is lownsiiip, iioartielu county l enn
. - .. i-,, i
i , .mm, inn; ciniuillling 1,).; ucres, imuu-
ded by lands of S, Al J. Honvrr, eflptby A.
, K. VVricht, bOttth bv Joseph Patten, and
.-..V.I..Hfc.ll I iiii ll i jpg
l !'Hi'U i I ij-ltf (til l 1 li'-lii) tnt,
1 1 it ' Ii t I li-M i il
ttit't linni.r, I n t tt ht ij
nin? ''i lint i
I i liii' minit Mi'tnlrM
lioiil'lit t-f liiitl lihil nlliPiii.nNo le(pii.
niil" ml ii l In 4.1' I i leu khnn n n l!i.t,
I. . . . 1 . ll L ...... a
' I' n , i it .1 p Vi 'i i -1 pT( j
Hi I el ( ll fttPil, IioH'P llll'l ullllle (lli'l eon,
luilii; rilllP t.rnlliisi Imllcht of Nrlmii-
A l.'o , I y ilt lenilunl. Also it lot of gi mind
In Kyi tntvil, liiljoinitip WriPlit CHI llif
( (J ( f. r, ,' orlli, livi,n on ()i
.,. nml nn ally on tliomnlh, vitli Iioum
nlel f-taMe (Iieleon MectOtl. Sei.i-il, In.
kill ii, ( xenitinli, ninl (O ho Mil J 111 lii
Monei lv of.lniii.'s M. I.ponnid.
1 . - ....
Also -Acei tuin itac t of land Mtunto in
Covinplon townhhip, ('lentHoM pnunly
I'a , contitinitij; one liundrcd and forlv-if.
veil in iPK nnd ailowaiH c, lipjnnniiif; nt
post on the south p.,ihi pmih-i of wnrrant
'No. IV.IT, thenco Mtutli l'i ))f-rchpi to n
, stump conif-r, tlipnce -VJ jipielip'? SO dep.,
wesi lo il one uaii. iimiur, nieino wpmi
ten pen lies to a post col lier, thenco piwt
tieri-lieJ ton stonn coiner, tlu-nee Past
"totl , Sf'. ,nkp" "
exeeutloll and to 1x3 sold lis the property of
M, K, t'onaway. n certain tract of laud nidiato irt
Morris lownnhip, IJk-nrfield county Ta,
nitiin t nun hundred nnd twentv-fiv
j acres, hounded as follows: beginning nt
an old chesnut on the north Past corner
" ' v ", " "V "ost ,v VnV
! oT O tract, 110. th H. dpg. WPSt ly W.n,
Mwi'lf, Mirvoy 17 1 pPrcl.PS tllPnco. South
II.) perches, thenco Kouth W (leg. WPstl74
pprcllPS to llllO Ol tract, tllPnpp north 115
j pprches, with Tit) acres ch-nrpd, nnd IiO'lie
i nn, J,nrn tllProoil PrectP'.l. Spized, tak-m
' in pxoput ion and o ho sold as Hip proper.
. n- i i i . . r .
, ' ol 1 V' 1 l--, ' I"1" .fl rator of At.
lonnH Johnson doo d.
j A a ppi'tain lot of land sitting in
i tho I'.orouoh of CunvPiisville, Clearfield
; cou lit v I'a., houndpil north b'- 'I'urnpiki,
! 0!lst i,;, ,)( ionpily owned l.y Kicha. 'i,
; sonllt hv nn nllv. and wpst bv lot of ",To! ti
Dale, ' .eing So feet in front by ono lit
: tlrcU nml lilty lt-t Dntl:, having a tavern
i house, stabling nnd othpr out buildip-i
1 ilipipon. Seized Inken in pxppudon, nnd
to tie wold n Hie jiioj crly of Nanpy i-
1 Al so a certain trnct of land situntp in
Decatur tow n-hip, Clpnrfipld county I'.-i..
j containing fixty itet-pp more or loss, w. L
j large Tnvpi n hourp, stitblo ntid wrj;iin
-.le J thereon prpctcd. SeiVcd, tnken it
execution, nnd to bo sold ns the propprtj
! of Henry Tc
j Airo a pert ii in lot of It. ml Bit unit- in
i Dumber city Pcnn township, Clpnifeltl
i county Pn , bounded by lend of A. S.
' 'J re, Kii'a Irvin, nnd Jprno Arth'.irj,
.r-r.'ainin fjrty seven and :i Ji-ilf acu-s
, m.teor '-' acres cleared with yotin
oreliard. ei-'-i I. t.iken in execution, anil
to be -- il l t the J.rnpprty of William A.
I M ooj-p.
' A'.--o--a certain fra.-t of i and Kiiuale. ia
jPeiyn-on l.nviihip, Clearfield rounly Pa.
ciint -riiiti!' two hnmlrcl acrr.- with tone.
ty-tive M.ri-s eli-arod. adjoining lands of
Win Wi-e, James dlenn and others, wilii
da piling hou-e, fraino bai n. wagon slieiU
Coal btnk w it ii ot her impr t-'piiipiits tltpre,
on nlso two houses amj tour lots in .uili-
, I' '
Seii-d, taken in execution, nnd to
be sold 'is the property of John S. Will-
Abo .1 en tain tract of hind situate in
' ,KP . ,n" nv'"P- icainem county in.,
containing o:;e hundred nnl lilty a:ies
iiljoininy IninU of Iho phIiiIp of ilifh.-ml
d -c'.l., William d i.-n n and ol Iicrs, wiiht
fiame hou-e and barn erected ilaier.
sixty .'11 les of cleared hind and nn ov.-liaiil.
Seized, taken in execution, nnd to le
sold as die propel tv of Win. 11. Pcx ainl
deorge 11'. Pex.
Also ',y virtue of sundry writs of .
i'.;i' -'i.vis, the following h'eal K-tate, to
wit :
Or.e piece or trad of land Htnafe ii.
Woodward To-vii.-hlp Cleaili.-ld county,
and State of Pennsylvania. I'icgiiiiiing ii',
a Post in the 10. id on the Not tli-Wo-t c,:
ner of dip tract. Thence bv f.-iry '-'ai.'.!-with
tract, south ono hundred and s'!
porches to corner of hind of 0. KruM-
pr, oil same tract, thence cast alon.r hn
l I 1 i 11.' nn.i l.iiiii!,.,.,! ..n.i l!v i,ni',.li,iu l,.,i,'
I hence south one hi-ndred and sixtv pel'
! , t. , , ' 1
, i-lu- to hr.o ot tnirt. tl.rnoo fa I w
j IiiinImI nnI m. pen-lies to corner of L:!i.i
- ' 'i "
nlm-... line !:. .v A ic.i '. .,..i.
- ...........
three hun.lreil twenty pprehps t,'
the old lino and stones, thence west tit')
; hundred and twelve by the Mar.v
, McClanahan stirvev lo ulaep ol'lieiriiiniiie.
survey. Also the undivided hall' pin t 0;
ono hundred acres of land, being tart
'survey in nnme of Mary Sand with, :
ill' loining the Thomns Stuwnrdt-on stirvev.
roa 1, and thirty feet in depth nnd tlm '
or piepo of land", and curlilago thero
ptirtpnant. Seized, taken in exocut
and to bo sold as tho property of M.
Ann Lumiidop and Eli Lumadoo.
Also a certain building and lot
rrotuid of Edward McGarvev. to wit:
1 that one story sa.v mill or bnildiug,
1 . . .. J . .. .. '
atp in Knrthuus township, ClparhPlU con
in ty Pa., on the Thrco Huns in aid count...
north souti.
lot or piece M
appurtenant. Sen-
I AI l.byv.. 1 ...In., t. n ,1 t f I.ABaIiI
l'V , , l.VV pJ..
11,0 l'Py of J'tlw nl 51c,,nrV(! ' Bv virtue of a certain writ ot F
1 m' FrtCiVw .VP.
All that certain tract Of land situate ill
in I tiu . i. ri n.t.i 1
nni tow nsiiip, v iein noiu eouiiiy x
i bounded hr hmds'of John Tntton. Isnao
p,,oom, William Prady ami Cher..
1 taming 75 apros more or Ipsa, ami about
i rs ' .-. -
; i wentv ncrps rWrn.l thereion. Seined. U-
i.i.. y ...... , e -
OH ' ken in avoen inn mill IO IIP HOl.I ftS LOU
property of James Hockinberry.
' One third of tho purchase money must
tnvnnaoiy ie pai.j at ine lime me pmp-
in ' erty is knocked down or it rvill be reiold.
- nnd the ba ance be bro the deed is to-
K UOW;cilg0(l -
F a MILLER, fenmtrr
, n.trfiei,l ffpt 5 iHffn