it . lrmnr nllr Mrrtlni; I ,.,. 1 1 ( M.,1,1 ,-miJI he In l-t a I th.' I.. il-' I dir. I iti In mi l xil u- 1 1 1 I Mi T -Sf" "ml o n 1( n lif i! I nt "HI llm Mali . t u. , II M l t. I, jill'l III"' time II I'll'' I ihl I Inn lay i'Vi nin ' tlm At v it-. ' N i w Vi uivi'i.- ",A'0.A.a..'.-c .- I I.tltli'lt I'm. nil Saturday the I " 1 1 1 cllaki ll.l.P, s-i't. :., lsf.ii. .o'clock 1". .M. lTlh nist ' HUlte" 1!r-..t1i.l1, I ! r 1 1, i I lii i i I -it.' 'V ln'l i' Slill I I V CM.I''. "I!. l .!. Tn il'iM- li mI illi Imr ilM! III.' iminoni t i I ff i in iv ill ill llic polit ical ntliiiiot i r roilntl y, amt that Iho lib (if M ii'. h lioxl u r. 4 vjt tK . .ii.. '' rrin.i ht." This 0 another nf Mm "l,'ai!ing J'l ini pies of the Republican parly" hut not. so stonily I'li.lor'P'l as tin- forme, jmiti niciit --having I eoa adopted ; however, u I M di:m'Ktkj nominations. run prksidlnt. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. fl JNO C. BRECKINRIDGE. nu VICK FRKSIDFAT. HERSCHEL V.JOHNSON.; GEN. JOSEPH LANE. pro-mtiio il'thtt I let., is elected, le will hoc tint this resolution is carried out that iiovi;i;.nr,. HENRY D. FOSTER. or v.rmMoni i..i ioimv. for roNtiii HON. JAMES K. KERR. of Venango county. :it :; o'clock 1'. M. Ci ti u i:vm h i r, on llm o'clock 1'. M. Li ilii'iisiii tti,, )ii Monday tin n! L' o'clock P. M. IAMFS K. K I'.Klv, our nominee or i engross will ho present. ' al A. WAI.I.Ai'i:, i;M ISRAKL TFST, F.-., nml others -v ill lo present to address 1 ho meetings. RALLY DF.MOORATS ninl show your I'iI iai. I.-, tlirt I 1 1. M'I 1 1 til' III' 1 , 1 ...J llP ""' ' " "" "ii... i I ' r .i i ... I . i. . 1 1 . .. tlm CON ST I IT HON inul the K nu.lity ol " " '"-"ilmii"l"s """"""P" I .., m ,.i , . ' on out liy lli o tniriHi', thixt ho Milsori!,oil ! I.oinshhmv to cur rnoiiiii1 i 'over ti.iiiio tui'v t III- I '.'111 ! T.I'V Ml I, A f IHM.I Ii nM n mi. inn r "li i .1... ! n , I M'-. In. will ii : .'ii, III I I. il lii-lil, I, I hl Hi' "III " 1 1 il .nil III li inn. ninl Mhi.Ii I. iiini' In lil(.. Ilir f. Iii. nt n .. Itu'lt'i'tn t ' In- fi'li'l '- Ii I, 'H i n i l"ii; li .'I'.' 1 . ft - n tiro ill ti'inr" Mi .; .i..ii I., lull niirnlii n fmlintilnrlv In llin I n I lliul .In- mil gi.' SIM "I Isinti. I I l, Il ii'i i' n I"' i tm, l-f lk !m I'H"' I '.t i. li ir It nt Ii i limlii't" Imv.i I'tvrn I. ill lllIliTY 1.-- r. hi k ll.ii li I nin i ikivtili"! into lnn).ilK, ''h(..flii ul Mini .nii l u-iil lii-i rh liijj ili'iilil" thn mii'iiini "f in li ii-ll. ii. 1'nniil' Ii i' i' il ticM In ppri Kip ii.l i t-fff ill"' ili'itlili .1 ; nml, il III., villi'.' "I III' m Iiim-I ni l. Ptt ii tlv fiillnn i'. , .'lie I'l'il''" liribrir ln'l I" n.-uiinioii-lv. 1'V Iho oonvonlioii thnt nmiii- ilifuri'iiim Hn'i". . ,. ,,' , , . Ti t l'liniKH ltiiliiii'l-nn-nr llri'li'. Inr rinnn. li.'ili"'!, . i I'll, i in ion lor . oiii i'-, hum wi; LOOK OUT l'OR A BARGAIN? I'urliii nr I'liiivri''. liiiiliir. l'lie.-iui .'. nr l.iililiii-liii. I'm- Vnio'. T.TIII-I. $l MT IpllirllT llf JI'Vl'lllV l" IOMi'll-, fur I'lllii'r I'lUiin. ii iiilar nr Mi'lmlciui. ivhon lie pols to Wnsliinglull he will assist I Vmnl nnmlc fios lo ovcrr ) 1 vtu.lvini; in in "wlmlitig nit this agin-oi'ii- ,,r;V,'0,,lVTic, . . ' 04 ' ov- ' Sl'w.nrt. Jli'usrii. 1 . SnoTiiiRiT. nii'lit." I I,nno X. lli'rliii. T. II. HciiiiK. Win. Irriim, K. Wccoulil fill several columns with quo-1 's','"1.v- I'r. W in. H. Unl'-n--. nn.l nil mhor nnu .in..' nil 1 1 I'll I 'in mi', uu ii-iiiiiii iu. tiilions of a similar clim-noter, hu t theno will Hiiilieo to show tlio infaniom anil Iron soi'.alilu lioic-iios that can ho chari.'0l A nt'. I.'., ismi. :'.t. AI'I'I.ICATIHNS I'llll DIIOKCI'.. N.... -f Torill ISfiO, M'illiiiin Antes Ai'timi mir livnri'i MatiliU Allien. I Ami nnw June 20, isi'.n I'lwiu .1 MV,,H..,.I, ;,,i,i r urn lor what-1 10 11,0 l'-,'l.inpI"lin'il'll-,R p1' ,lis I'm'ty," Pr 0 tl' TeMimmiy At rr. , 1 1 . . 1 1 t 11 . . 11 w .... ..r .1 1....... ....... .t.. . ... t ... :n ... ..i..iit:u.iii!f tii'ii'l ii,,1i'.'v ..iiii'iv.iv.i.ii. .. . i i- .u . . .1111. . 11 1 aro tho only jnn t y in , v 1 m 'in I in' I' o' this ciiuii try can im 1 any tiu;-l oi- iiniliilonro. J OKMi 11 'I.' ATS I'NITK ! ami lot us ivo M-oliI iniii. iii I iio lie ,1 1 n n 11 1 i n 1 -j, it i-vor 1'ii , 1 oivi-il in J'.-niylv.uii;!, nn I aist in rmit 'in tlulii Imii-f, font .110I ill'. I''-oiii). FOR AKSKMHLV. A- M. BENTON. ESQ. of M 'Kcan rountv. MAJ. E R. BRADY. of Jofforsoii oounfy. tOMMl.IONKR, S. C THOMPSON, f'i- Morris '.p. j "Convictions and Feelings." ) Tim e '.vor.!..-: nuo Iho lv' ni' r, .huni'i : iihvo. I'lu liv ana 'irmiKiv, aim wo liovo truthfuUv, tfio-not wihhiii in oiinv vio v.i (ion. itlun ci.toi tains 1 . .1 ... u-iiii in on- iniii.-i. nr inn muim ni my ii'j.ce in Hie luok lown so soon, ami have m l.ola've , ,,,,, f n,nrtiMi FriJny , (1f0 ;.,, ,,y r that "aH" nioan.s olilv some. I SepleinluT next, nt 2 n'rlnek 1'.' fhoI Uy, Wo mo. I.o-.vovcr, rati.or inclined to 1 "hpIn .."'V1 Vnm0' '"'""fJ ' tenil if lliey see irn)ier. ii(y than t oonsuro the -A ritl for thus t. .1, Is'i'.ii. 'i'lH IS. J. .M'cn.TH'ii If, Com'r. ph'ilgiii;: tlio Oonoial so strongly rml cm-. ihatirally to ' all iho louiling jirincinlon" ol his iiarty. '1'he tmrinil sliouhl havoj JIiij;1i Krwc ) Xo. .r,:, Juno Term I Kiln. Vi . Artiuii .iir 1 i vi ro j. af. Ki it. A ml ncov 2.1, Jmie 00 TIkip. .1 AIV11II......1, r ;..., 1 Unoivn hot for than lo Jilodjro doll, l'atton , ninner to hike T'.iini"ny ',,' r, to ilii'h a l'tr!; Catalo.;uo M that cnnilH'O. ,lv virtnn nf tlio hImivp ai'i'dintinent, I will nt 1 1 i - 0 1 .- - i ' teml lo tho ilntirs nf tin Piimo nt niv oTo-oin hrmh'd III all the lo mlllip lHIDcl J .Ic-b 0 lhh j;0, oit-,-1, n.'nrlieM, nnl-ri-lny Hip 2I.H Iho Kf ulilii-:tli party." 'J'lio ju-oplo ol 'hi.vnf Si.''li' t III uVluck A. ill. nf rn i l , .. ' Cloni li.'l.l count v mo not Aholitionist?, ns ' "' 'I ' ."" " " "" I'"0"" miiT.'.-tml may IS 1 110 cnSCMVltll t lit! I.OlitltillCilM TillltV HI f-f W. I, (". TIIOS. J MTI.'I.T.OT'iJ If. f,m'r I'in,' 1 1 -in 1, f t.n 1 1 1: r : ? ' 1 1!... i i ...n upon the (IfK'tnno.-. ol tl o Klai.k Lo . . The "CfntlC Hill Gliard3. ',,', i W ll'ir,- I .in. imJioil olsowlmro outsi'lool thotato. , , . ,. 1 ,lJ ' 1 1 '"lCl- pmty-all the leii'lnig prinoiplos . i ill nicot for drill and jarade at Con . W. Johnson uhi.h thi.t P.irtv iM-olVs, and dool.uod; . . . ""ll ill, i.ralinm tp.. on Saturday Sop- ViHin:n Hall tlion, lol,.. i .,,,,,,-,1,,,,'ouitl, .!,.. (I,-,,,.. I As s,wn a'' ,""'"" t.ic itonihor latli A . lsni), ;it 1U o'olook A-1 Waller 1. Shirov " Moitvom-'-pnm'ipl.'S ol his partv ' which . ' "-v ' l" 1,11 1 :'l'ia'. 1 1 .' i t i . .. ru -i. i T. M. .loll. O, ; 1 1 1. I v .".ill :ili Ii 'I M' I ov i I'i 1 1 1' III ' ii MS Ol l.l'U ur11 !iiinU i.( t ifht fin-l "lliompof, Sll '. H ili ftnl it'l lmit0, l lllll ht (j 'Vi'iiiij! Miluii'l, 1'i'iiij. niiiio ptitnl. :)iinj'M f ' i t iind nthon.nUo ior.-n(. 'mil" mti ml III 4. I ir )non n lo . 11,,,. illn ')" " ,n 1"''l 'nt" Inl.u- '"''"'"'''".' Wfl""l",r" " ii s-miii,,? iI.m-.Ihii, .m S ix r 11 ' -in"' . 2 1'. lo. k m io t h aioil, hoiiic nml ntnMo lln-tcon, ', II, A rrrlnm n i o 1 1 HI"' "I liMil ullunli'it In-ill f 11110 J IMMliiscn LotloJit of Ncliotr in li,nii"lii' IoiimIi I ' l"lli - tin llm ft ,'o , I y h I ' tldiili t . fllsn lot o p mi m) ..Hill Mint we.t l.y Tlwlnnf Mniilp.n....v, ni, t, j' y 'llMV u tnljoininj. 'rifht nn lit north nti'l ift I'V loll'itl 1l''. I l,lninlnlt '. us, flict on Iho north, Hoops on tll Itt'KMY sl. Adli: MOlli: ol! I.V.SS, Wt. ami mi ally on tho south, ,vlth l.oiiM il Ii n ln -I. iv I'lnlik II li"- mil l"K Slnli, mid st :il , .. hot ion (.feoteil. Scioii, t- "Mli"): I j-i.ol. ii.iii 'I n Minil ir nlfnni iu'' l,.u j,, txeent ion, tunl to ho hoM nn tho iUii.,1,. It,-tl. ii iily f ( liriMinn I'ullry propel ly of .Imnos M. I.Ponanl. ' 'TlMM l'' AII!. nniMliiiilinliaml nn l Aj.s.. -A t.-l'taill tlttCt of luilJ Wtimto in ll,,' l al.-inio In tin. .'iii.mI nnn...',.nlM..liO "Vinpton townHhtp, f lonrhoM enmity i r . ninl l.y J'.nnl nnl Mntt;n(!0 nn tin. j.n miff. I'H coiitinnili one huniln-il and forty-He-Itnswi 1,1, I.ITIIIH, Alin'r voti in res and allowntue, la 'ginning nt k Ani; :".i, 'nil. -;;t. f tot on the smith oust cfiitici of warrant 'No. K'.'T, theino south l'.i jiorches to a COURT PROCLAMATION. .ntump ooriier, thence .r2 prreliM 30 dep., T HldlEAS, Hmi. S'AMll'.l, LI NX, west to a white oak (Ortior, thom-o went M Tri'iilent .liiilo nf the C.iirt nf Cntniniiii toll pen lies toil post COIIltT, tlionco east ri.'n.i nf tin.' tfiity liftli Jmlii'inl Dmlrii l, cmn- 1 11 pcrchci ton stoi:n corner, tht-iKo ost inifii r iho I'minti'i nf (l.'aili.'lil, fentro an.l pi;, j,,.,,!, ..s t0 ,ac.0 hcinninp, l.omg ( iho linn. Wm. L. M.M,r. ninl 'i'1': port of i ai rant No. J.17. with about 75a in in in It, nsa I, A.iii'inlo Jnili' I lenrhol'l ' , . , . .. . . M ' . : .... h. ,,.,.., ores coarod, arj'o two i;tov fame house d t-tittiit v i hnvc ifMii'il lli'ir preen nt, t mo nirecl- , ', ' , '. . , . oil, fur Iho ImHiiiK c,f a Cmirt of I'oinmn.i I'len, ! ''"I 'l erected thereon. Seized, taken irt-()i-.Iiaii'ii Cmn t, Curt of (.innrtnr .Sncflnni. Court execution anil to ho sold as the property of of Oyer it il tl Terminer, nml I'm. it of iji'iinrn! Juil M. 11, Cotiaway. Helivcry, nt I'lenrlio Id, in mi l fur tin- canity of, n ceriain Intel of laud nitunte in n.'iirfU'lil, on the , 'Morris township, Clemfield eounty Tb, 1-nurlk Mnn.l,;, (21M d.,:i) ,J A.y.f, ,r . 1 1 n i i 1 one hundred mid twen'tvfiv J-''' J1"' vrcU. meres houndod us follows : beginning nt NOTICKIn therefor. , hmly K.ven, to tho , o), chlstlllt on ,hc north east corner i oroner, Jnsticea of tho I'enee, tml Loni.tnlile?, . . ., ul. . ..., , ... in nml for sui,l of Clenrfielil. lo .ppn.r in ! J ,rft(;t- !;,h1 W 'R- 1.V . their r"-"cr "with their Itolls, l' Morns, survey 1)1 perches, thence, soul!. Iniiuinition-, j:.:iuiinntion nml other l'.nineiii- 1 1" porches, theiieo south S'.l deg. west 174 iiran.'en, to ilo tlmso thiii);. which i thoir otlieerii, jierthos to lino ol tract, thence north 115 ninl in their liclialr, pertain In bo dune, ami J ll-f j porches, with .ri() neres cleared, and home rnr i.e i non mm uiero niioninnK. mill nnl 10 no- (,,. t),oreon ereetO'l. Seized, tak'.n I 'il I I 1 ITI'Mlli 1 1 il I i II L 111 ! r HI Hi JIVK unhi- inv linml nt Clnrl rln v (if Mnv ill tlin voni nf nnr -ninl eii'lit'linmliea nnJ sixty. ImiUH .lolinson dee'd. 1'. i. .MII.I.KIl, Sluritr. I Also a certain lot of land situate in An?. 20, isfiti. ; tho I'lorotigh of Curwensvillo, Clearfield tilt fn. ;vj.;tt" .""'y u,,n,.lwl i,o,t!1 .b-- l"p:. ill iviiauommuAUiiuu iimnuuv wsl ,v llt nH' OIVf l I V itlC.I!.. I. . .1 . 1 . .'in. i .... i . i-i;n-'.i. 7I-J.1.-11, lilrv'.n r ii .i- nn i execution and to ho sold as t hp proper rfiel'l, this 23.1 . ... , , , , , ... . ' r,i one thou- ty ol O. 1'. ilder. Administrator of Atr ' . 11 1 A I'D I TO K. B. C, BOWMAN. of T'ocatur tp. t u i:s i r e t i a i. e r. kct n r s. At ",s..:i ',.' K':-'-' :!!. !;chprd Viux, (ioo. M. Keiui. -Fred A. Server. 14-lsaac noi khoir. --W. t'. Patterson. l.")-Oeo. I). Jai kon .'i-Jos. Crockett, jr.lld-John Aid. 4-Jno. t.T. liienner.17 foe B. Vanner. a-O. W.Jacol.y. '-.1. Ii. Ciawtord. f-CliHs. Kcllev'. Yi-U. X. l,cr. 7- iliver J'. -.I aines iJO-.Iosh. P.. Howell. I'I-N. li. tettei l22-.Sanil. MarM.-.ll. L'.i -Wm. Hook. 24 H. 1). Hamlin. pi- iai'lord Church. M-iavid Schall. -.loe! I.ifihier. 0- S. S. Harbour. 1- T. H. AValker. Winches or i3-Jo3. I.nub.ieh. . ai'.. "..i tth d fcolinn an ! cjiiviotion .. " This wo nrver iloiibled lor one ir.onicni. It v.-, is howe"er nco:is.iry for the " ;. -j ' to make the deolarati m "frankly'' and openly. Jt in known lo our readets that the oppo-ition in this conn ty nave always until no,v, rallied un der the nam r) the 'Ti.ple's r.nly," neu.-r .'ssuniin their u t r naun' un tii the present they dared not go into the Kid-way Coir.'i ution with a i .m-liTatr fur Coni i.-.i-. Ii'lonm lu the ' Koopli. rail,"hut had to till "iV.uikly" to their not thorn fiiim!- that lie". l'atton did tau-1 s jtiarely upon tho Hla.'l; Hvpubli I'latfi 'i lii, thus i;ii'i in? tho "I'o'i pics Part" entirely after the Clii.a;ro fashion. Tho ",; 'in I having given thia "frank" slali'ini-nt of (Jen. Tattou h "t onvi -lions aim feeling" of I'lack Konul knowing that the celebrated 'IWakp'' K'os olutioti was cue of "the leading pi inoij'los" of Republicanism, wo rather jocosely, a a-1 the Rid;;way Convention, wo will ' GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA- try ami piodui e a low inuro of tlm Mine sort: but, il'ho will aiceptthe doctrines thi'ieiii iii! iilialed he will save lissome trouble t i a certain how far ho and l is catidMat" f"i' Congros? will accept "all (lie loading principles ol'tlic ll,u:k K'"pu!;. 1 ii ii n pjlv.'' tin on, brothel Row, repud ;;it in;' "the 1-adin;; principles" ol' your I'.irty oil have eoinmcne.-l iu ;i oml work, repudiating at loxst uio; Mmliiiiolit : heavily endorsed by your parly, and wo! hope you tuny jiorsevere in tliogood work, j We v. ill idad.v fiitiiih vim w:th tho lead ing pi in lie TION. William I i'v i ii " Jonathaii H n uton In'rneinan A. M'X-k luhll )'.:innoy Kli.:a I n in et al Oani. l R dloy M'iierons, l.v nil net nf Iho (leneral A.t'inlj'v of tho Cemniiin wealth of Pennsrlvniiiii, en I i I I'll . ( ieorfc I;. I,,... in "An n.-t to reulnte the t.eiii''ti..n n llun i ,lf nn v innaioiiivcnmi, u r etijninou on inn mut ills of t Ii o severnl eniinties to 'ivo' mitieo of Mieh e'.e'ti.'n, the, plaeep whero to lie I .-M, ninl llm tifTiecrs t. lm i-lecteil; 'J'iii:Hi:i'niir, I, Fit Erin tuck u. .Mii,bi:it. iti-h sii.r.ii ..i Cloartiol l en.. h !, ',: ii ri' ' hi;. t" tie Kleetorf of the ennntv nf Clearfiel'l, tlin t n ill.'N' KIlAlj i:i.K('T(i. will ho lit. l. on tho s.--.i,.t Tni"l 'il ul Vrtnl-r nrt-l, (l.cin tho V.V7 II ilny nl'llio month,) i.t tho K'venil elceli' u iti-trlet-in sai'i couiily, ul uliieli time an. I plaee tin. iiia'ifi ''1 Voters " ill vnte. 1'ur On" per mi I'.'r (!uv.rn"r of this i'iuni"!i wealth ; i.I.'S or YOlir li.'il tv, h'ltliat vou F"r m" pers-in to repres.-nt the eountie. ..f l l l.e at no further trouble than to a." ; -, ,a urr ;,, n,,,,.,. , f'tovo, or repudiate thorn. JU-.rc otitn live? nt tho 1'. .Sines: - - ! l-'nr Two person to represent the counties i f READ what THK I'llll. inn . ni i .v I'ltrss i ' leirfirM, .lelleroon, Klk nml .M. Ki iin iii tho Samuel Mi-i'mii' ' Levi I. ul use " lonai liowuian .'anies p.. (itaham .losiali W. .Smith SHERIFFS SALE EV vil'fll.j of ilti.hy Wli'-of 1'-,' issiii 1 out ol the court i f C, .mnion rii-a of Cleat field e., and lo t.n- directed. will lo expired to public Fale, fit tin? e nrt houiiin the borough ol Clivtrtield. ni yrond.iy, tho iMlh day of September, tho follow im: described properly, to wit : A cr-rljin Kd of Ian 1 sitnalo in !m1.'! Alphonse Lnooiiutc. south by nn ally, and west by'lot of ".To! n Williams A 'Jooser. ' Dal,.. ' chip-S'b 'foot hi front bv one :,t . dred and lifty fiet bntl;, linving a tavern I house, stabling and other out buildir-j ' thereon. Seized taken in execution, and to oo sold as tlie pioperty of Nanev Set" field. At so a certain tract of land, situate io ; Decatur town-hip, Clearfield county 1':.., i containing sixty acre more or less, w, b i la lire Tuvern heme, suhjo nnd vrftw b'aeJ thereon erected. sjeiVed, taken in execution, and to b" sold as the proper! ! of Henry Tcf Afo a certniii lot of lmd sitimto 'n , 1. umber city I'enn township, Clem Held ccuntv Pa., bounded by lands of A. 8. ' Mo. re, iJiirn Irrin, and Jpm"3 Ai )i;rt, e t-.';: f jrty seven and a Inh' acies , iiivfpor Jos-., .'- i aei-Pi cleared with youn orchard, ' ei-''1 1. takon in execution. ;.;.Ll l - lie - il 1 u.; tjje p.ropprty of Wllliatll A. I oero. A'.'-o a eet tain fra.-t of i md siiilato ill r.'iyu-on I.., vti ,!ni, Clearfield ?oun'.y Pa. e -i!it laiin:; two huiidred acn.-, ivith nine-tv-tivo a 'res cleared, adjoining land of Win. Wi-e, .lani.-s (ilenn timl others), witl. d a elline house, fiaine bai li. Matron sheit. coal buik witii oihor imt.r ieeuient there. 5-wan A Koo.r. .Tohn M. Chae, David (.'rowell, John Nelson. .'ohu Wolf. (Jhase, Row los of al ' Laird A 1'ilair. David Ai-key. m. Slop..icj. l.'avid Askcy. Jau i oi Huff. O. D Uoodfoll e.v. Cha'ii- & Ciiiiitn'injis David A: key .laenb lieb oi 1 i 1 1 T . Jacob Willielim' William Mai..-.. RFSOLl'TION 0 THE HKMOCItATIC STATE KXECL'TIVE t'OMMITTKE. I '' weeks i'o publishod it, wondering if Rwlvtd. That the Homo, ..Uio KleHo.,ll,e,ion' wo"1'1 pmi it -intending ral Ticket, be headed with the name of : t sn' " more about it. Hut- 1 Stephen A. Douglas or .Tofm V. Hrecken- the Ji.r,ft almost annihilated us by lon n Mon-w tow..-1. in OleoiKeld rountv I ' nNo Iwo bouses and tour lots II) AUll- loaiii.-in, amo svs oi rrTKitsoNs ( oi NTtui riT Deth toi: i , ., 1 ' 1 i... .,;., L-nmn. ini i.iiw.iinvmi ; port. i'i.-l, taUen in execution, and to Cvuuhrfat llwk AW.v. Petersons' Do J Fi.One fer.m for the ..Bi.-e of C nmini.-sioner f : part by said O. V. Hoop of .1. S. Hall n.i ; i' 'IS 1,10 property of John S. Will, lector, published to-day, enumerates and ! I'lenriieM county : j ('. Mnnoii and of ltayliorn, bonmleil aml'l:,nit:' fully describes sixty-eight new counter-1 'or n person for the office of Amlitor of Clear- do'orinod n 1'ollow : Peginnin :t an1 Also n errlain trad, of bind situnto ia foils, whioh'havc b'cen put into ciieula- ,fle1'! c""n,y' , , r r,, .,, .,, oak io-t east 'JIIJ perches lo an rr'ik pot, : ''iko . ,n"'nv,llP' 'l'm-field county Pa.. tions since the 1st dav of Am-tisl. It nl-n w..,nt coumy ' !sft,i .i r,.l,Pt, mai.lp Hum... wet contain, i;r oi.o numlrcl nnl 1,1 ty lies I , 1 . . , c , , . .. . , i.ihi- iiiiiin- (ll.ii nil' iu . uni-i ai i.i.iieill mil , . . , - , , mending gives an engraving, the full size ot . the i,. .,,., ,i, ,,ir. . il.l! nei-elii"! tn pme pnt, cotith it perch ist week 'original, of a counterfeit phi to, lac-ftmir ; , .', ,nnn of S'.nnut'l'.M. Smith fur Hie l.iwn- los to cliestiut pot, west (' rod to nn rnlge nH an Klector at barge, nnd in the pvent tf the siic.iiess of said Tickel, if the greater ntlniber of vote? sltall have been ati- ifif the note issueal by Thames, l.atl- ship of Beeenria oak ipnt, thence north seven perch-; ! swering a fool accord after dovoting nearly tvo columns to , .. . .. ., rel, In liana, which is variously altered to : At the Imu-e nf A.-eph I'llii, fur the towa.diip , place or beginning. . onlaiiiing of : nig to Ins lolly utlapt it as u forcrj' upon over one bun- !"' 1!o!l' . ore more cr los. having a one ami ii 1 """ r' lur u,v 'OHn-! story houve and one Morv shot At I lie hull cast for Stephen A. IVinglas, then the swonng the "Hlakc' Resolution staling scriphon is only no )obar. 1 etorson " At .H hon?e nf IMwael Al'mrt for vole ol tho Ivtetoral lollege of tho State "that ion. Pal ton docs favor the an ni-n ' 8 1 'r 1 IO"OB nonce : ; ,.,ti., f ,.t) Jtittf-lioaaio Ol I no lol towing Iraimulent , At tho hou." nf William Hover f..r the town- dred banks. 'Tho pli'.-e of a year's sub Petoi to tbe in a- hall' t hereon the town. -1...1II . r... c ...a t. ..i . i ,, V , v i1' '"' hilation of sh.verv in the Stales where it Vice President, but if for John C. Uro'ck- This is don 9 "frankly." TheJevr- enrtilge, John C. l'reckenriilge and Jos. ! '. three w eeks ago.'hownver, did say that Lane for the same otliees. Tf the vote of (ion. l'atton did approve of "all tho lead-P-... ... , i, ..,-. i i....( ii.-. . i:.i..i . aim one W, M .'iro, for Bra- creeled. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of(i. V. Hoop. Alio a certain tract of lai d situate in Piece o ia towrship.Clcarlieldci' tmty, I'enn n'it : svlvania, I'.og'.nning at an n!d 0;;o idioii.iiiK lainU ol tlio eHtole nf Ri-!nij d 'c'd.. William Ilenn and ol Iters, will.i fiame home and barn erected ll, i n r,' sixty ai i es of cleared laud and an orchai u Sei.od, taken in tit ion, and to be sold a the propeity r;l Win. II. Rex ninl fieovgo 11'. Rex. Also P,y virtue of sundry writs of ,,, i-tii-i -.--' r.s, the foUnwing Real K-tate, tn- piece or tract of land Mtilato Pennsylvania .'antiot elect tho candidates ; , principles, of his parlv," and we clai. lor whom the majority of votes aro cas1, .. , ., ... , ., , ,. ' . ., and it can elect anv man runnin-forth; -h:it tho Llakc Resolution is al least or office of President oi' tho United States of "the loading principles of his party"- corncr of Hill A- I'.ulloo, thence by residue Woodward Town-hip Cleai lidd county. pcrcnes to a sugar, mono ami Mate ol Pennsylvania. r.ogmmng ni degrees cat 'JK proI,es toa a Post in the road 'on the N'ortli-Wo-t c: - soutl .t; thice , issues as Micro arc no such lianks. 1 lie ; slnii tf II, bills are a swindle, gotten up in Indiana. At the pul.lic l.on of 1 i.v.t are likely lo bo altered to other ".v "n-n'P- bank. i At iho h ini.-c nf John l oims w the ttuvn.-lur Manhattcn Association, N.Y. I ,t tiio nho..! him.' si iioTahauL-i.'.- J-i. vig. .Iu no driving her chaiiot thro' fr th.- ti.wnship of rhet. ; post, thotico by Henry l.yer wo-t ILL nor ot the tract. Tliceo bv Mary Sam.!- clotlds, ', At the Court ll'-uso fur the llnrnuch nf Clear- pefehes to i o-t, thence ,-outh ' pen lies w'ilh ti ai l. -oulh one humired and s ! UnrlliamTnJIii.iili T n. 7 fi'l'b to a nost. thence bv and Jacob tien-hes to cot tier ot bind of C Ki-i.t. claiming to bo a Democrat, then the vote as it was offered i, Congress l.v a P.Iack Indiana '' ' "' ' -At 1"'"M' "rJ:u'"b 'imer f..r the township M,i-scrstniili west L".i'.' and f.-l" perches or, oil' same tract, tlienoe ea?'. ale iu lm of tho KIPdor.V. CollogP shall lip cast f.,r Republican, and not ono man that was Is. vig. female living with a shield and ! "' mmZ .0 of Kane i;i,., ir fr the H..r ' 10 ,a l,0,,;.,h,r"r ,,y J'u' '.'""t"' line one humired and six i-erehes toposi, I'ofIC 1 Hr , rl!W'n."0t V t'Vt"'tlr elected to Coimross asa Republican ,.'i oairle: Indian on' the right end. female ,.J, of i!.e and A. K. W right, north iu dog.ees, hence south ono hmidrod and sixty re, erof Ihel omocrats lor whom ,t ,s cast, . , ., . ,. 1 . . .'. with a scroll ami fi.crc I o left I At dntre .-.lieol house f,,r the tmv -..hi,, ..r!oasi.".ii7 pen hes to a lurch, thence north i, l,e to lire ol tract, themv eat ,, oranyottlie Oeniocrats who are voted , "'17'"'" " collect in giving tlt , v. ., .. llVcatur 12a degrees west IS to a post, hundred and six per. lies to comer of l.itel i or m i.i 1 1 r o-j. t p inn vnwc timii i 1 1 in vn win 1 1 1 n inn ..u i . i w - , cist, for the cm., li, Into '.vlwil,,, 1, ..,:., v ... i . . OS, v ig. t ram ol ca r i run nin ' r;. , ,' iii..i.i,iji- ,mij is to, ..Mil, not ono iti'pllolicau VOleil on riehl ". fenvile slorl.l I'll V of llll Votes Ol Ilie In . ..,,,1 !. ... 1 I'll 111,111, .., II 111,110, SIllCl'l the Chairman of this Oonitnilt'eo' b0 ,',',. i'-i""st "10 l'0'1"""' ""l't Mr. Thayer loft, :i, man with scythe tiuctod t.) obtain from thr ntleme., on ! ela-s. : . A , ' ""Sr-fviioot i,uso lor Uio t.iwnslnp 4. . i, . ... . - ...... .. .... vaviugion lownsmp uu. n.ii.irara me i tuiii'ia. it; taeeorai lieKcin t .is ."o'jn'K men lTOCCCHs t'l l'lllilislli . I .,,.. ,,i.i:.. .a. .... i. .. . , ., . ... he .Inch wild.'!- nf ll. ,,.... t, ' ' """"" "'r Hie u-ufn., , , ,,. , .. Ipeiatiir 12 a degrees west IS poaches to a post, ( hundred and six porches to corner of l.itel lal ltoKi, '""i.. At the hou.-e r.( ri.oinas H Pai is fur tho town-! tlionco bv hndsof Robert and Henry , formerly of Harrison oll'samo traot, then-''"Tiii-i'r '""I' "f I'"1'?""'" S Whiiesidos north 7'i degrees east L'Sl along his lino, I'awlov A Kay's line nor'i' ,; lltliM-., on At the hi.ii.eof John I. ) f,.r the the p,.1(.IOs to a po-t and place o bogiiining. three hundred and twenty porches t.. ! 'TtV,?n"rV,,M;iu..i,,,a i r ,i . i 'Alsoon a tract situate in tiulich town- the old lino mid stones, thence west ttv- . -- I At I nngro 11,11 H'liool Imuso for Iho t.'wnship . .. . .. .i.i . ,. ,,,, ,.t ;,. . .... ..... . . ... . , ,, i . .i ..t.i......; - ,n .-. i.-.i.i...... r n... c... ... a ",r,r !"v,?i ' 'Hsimcl jiio.lges extracts from si.ocelioi made by snio few " iu-...hjii ,,f o'n.hen r . ... - oi m tint torcgomiT lion, and to report the result of his act in in tho premises at the next mo:t" bigot the Committee. Dem ocutic Meeting. A Hireling ,,f tho Democraey of Clear field county, will bo held at the Methodist K. 'hiireh in tho Pxirough of C.learliold. On Tuesday evening of t ho Court week, L'.'ith lay o 'September, at K o'clock to hear the isMies ot the present campaign lot l lie purpose ot liseussed, 1 Mo tn- ship, Cleatficld couty, Peni sylvania, boun ; hundred and twelve pen lies by tho Mnrv ded by lands of John l'cyer. Oeorge Heg , MeClanalian survey to place of beginning, arty. J. II. Morgan. Darlington A Co. Lile being apart of tho Thomas Stewarcsui. McCnllv, Moses Robinson am! John S. Mc survey. Also the undivided half part 0.r Cully, containing ."..( acres more or less, one hundred acres of land, being art ono L' story frame dwelling house, '2't bv ,"f. survey in name of M.irv Sainlivitli ml. ' fent '' tnnilit tii-intes I ,n , n .ill 1 ... Tl .:..:: .1.- '11 l.'. 1 At ll, 1,m. ,l .t Mil. on lh '.'"'''."" " n ...-.'. r j-... .1 . if; nil- . i.i.iini-, nionnriifon funrv. 0f iinston 1 loot, Saw mill, Ja I'V oiMcet, with ono run siiuatc in Woodward Township and State . . . . . . .... ... ' fC 1.,... nil., Ua,I ll,-.h.n 1 I 1 .' 1. . . . I 1 1 - . s"all"thc seritimenls of srlcC Mi-Cluskev nnd Dr I W l-.aW At the Mhonl lioufc m Amonv.Me Mr tae town- - " ..",.,,,,,., ,., p. o.cna... o- len nsyivanin, nemg same primi-es , . ,, T ... V"1' ? ' ; lcit '' i. 'i.J. . lottci ' thip of Jo.-.l.n nnd aUnit oO acres cleared. Also on two which Josiah R. Reed, Sheriff, deed dr. ed by tho iW- but woMn-ty On motion, J. K. Poak, Win.! At the house of P. Ti Hull A Co., for tho town-1 other tracts sitnato in (inlich inn-nihil, led "OH. A.. 1A7 .!.,, U.I will assume to say for Mr. Kerr, that his Ninkey, and 1. F Coudriet, ivere. dec-! .-hip of Knrthaus in said county, beginnir.g at a white pine liam Irwin andJosiah V. Smith, the frs "settled convictions and reeling" do not k'' '"-""SC" or said ompany with pow- A, the Turkey Ibll ,.-h.x.l houo for tho town- on (.or,1(,r of an,, ,;l! J H. ! piece containing thrco hundred acres n,or . . ' . or to collect st. H-k and i.i'oeeed imi,,.i; i-lur- l hnox ,, ,-. , . . . . , . ., " approved tlio individual scntimonts of ! .,',, .. i,-. ,,,.i. .... 7.,, " I At tho Court House in the bnrou;li of Clear- 1 M " " '- ''l I'er. io a or less, togettier wun mo nerpciilia:iie l'es.ilu- i r. l i , -"!'"".. ."'O' on eiuuuiii,, -cp iciii- Al the lin-jso nf.Tneoh Huhler fer tho township . ..... ii.. , i. inv ...uu.-, .i-..i ,, oui uci in..' ..sol uttiif. iaiil.i .i l-..., .,.... :., i i ... ., .u . .. . ..v.,,. .iv.iji, iiiii.'i iii iii ,rin ll in Janesville for the Wil.-nn for (lie town Mr. J.eir, our nominee for Congress en- Covington township, nnd organized by e- At the o'.ol hnnso dorcs them. Wo have no aeoiiaintanec 'ecting the lollowing ollioers viz; Picst. : l"n.hip nf (iulieh jwith Mr, Kerr ; nor have we given out ! that ho endorse? these men nam. John Ruler. Vieo Presidents. John tiilli. land, and Lon n. Harthoin, Treasurer i and lu'oooed inmiedi- alel v to wnrU- (hie l,,i.,,l,.-,,l . I. ,u. i ... . ii,ii,,iii.i lu.iiaia 11 113 1 - . . ,. 1 !:ip '.iiiilmn, .( l'.i W.. l.i.llevr. .l. I i . . . i . ...... ., field fur I.iiw rcueo t"W re-li tp ' v " i ...w ui uio jrcasuror m ., ,a ,,,; ,.,. fllr ,,, ,v,r perform sncl, other business as is'estonn. ! to ihc decision of the Supreme ' 1""" f"' !yat thattimc Hon. l.emv D. I'Z .'oni, in reference ,o the subject of Slav ( 1,1 J, -fn o v rrfTi1, Vw..V 'l . ..V.'f VI! 1, ?i.TJi,1J. r Zt z of nnr candidate for Governor, llo post, thence Ivy lands of W- C, Cros, Sii.'.ed, taken in execution, und lo be r'' south -I-, degrees cast 12 per. lo a .pot,; as tho property of Llias I-'clt. . t he:, o mn th ' dog. 1 PJ to rUce of bo-! Also- a certain building and lot r.f nro'u ormerly oei-nj ieil l.y Th.iui.-s ginning, containing ! 1 acres IMS perches of Mary Ann Lumadoo and KJi LuiM ti'wtishin ...i ..n' i. i i-.. i... i i , i . 1 " ii.'. , , ... u; ... I.....I ,.... ...... i . '..'"''-,'. in- I'.o, oi .t cupel nn. i '.-.. t. ' toil 1 1 itoiors lo 1 111. .lames Cl-V I, I ,o "e..ifo. faol,n,., tn lC-n... 'll I. . . . V Wnl 1,.m "' ... li.e n.u;..- .,. .M.,1,, j... leiii. ll, im ,,..,.. m ,i i,w.,Uiy piUUK U1V'.'- K. Korr our candidate IV r Congress, and v" ... , : . VV. '.' , s 'l0W..,n lm wa-vi hus. ,.f Sa,,,,,,.! Smith f, in ..,. ' T beginning nt a white pine, thence by . house, situato in Lawrpnco towns.. other eminent speakers have been invited V""V"" l" ""'r OI "lu "e mvm the company i , ( , lands ol Phillips no. th 41 degrees wet one noarfidd county Pa., and on the r andwillbepresl.ntto mltlress tho meet-l,i,' ; ''.V n.miltcd to the scr,ti. " "i commence operation. ' At tho houss nf l.-;ine Uloom jr., in the l!or- hundred and six per. to a po-l, thence by loading from Clearfield Town to Clcaifk ing. , men Is ol the Nil'onal Domooratic mrly 1 ' - - " ough or Curwensvillo for Pike township. lands of P. Johnson eal IlVi and 7-10 peri Pridge, adjoining tho farm of A.T. Sol" Turn out Donioorats and show the one-! As (ion. Pattor. has thus i.-nored rn of ' ))t) Mif I'ficfmMlfc : ! A' 'I10 'leaseof H. . Mnrefer th township to n span oak, thoncp by lands of Kail A,vcr, being thirty feet in fronton tnv that united and are dotermin-! (i, .o ,.(i:,, ,.;;. ..,' I W r U Ul U 11? Ull I JU5. !of,n," ... ......... , tV., outh. 2. and .-IU per. to place of be- real, and thirty feet in depth Bnd the ed victorious. I . loa.ling,,.lo, ot Ins party, lvo! At the hnn-p o John 1 h,li,d. for tho town- j,imiin,. Conlainfng Xi neres nnd allo,r-or piece of land, and curtilago there I. F. KTZWILl'.R. Ch'm , ,i'"''"' 1 insii a low mine ..I the' LICENSE NOTICK. i NTIn l II It Till .It lir.KIIllv ""'.'.r-,K l"" ' '"et stirveyp. I, warrant, purtenant. Seized, taken in exocut co. Coin. Sept. fi, It.liii.-ilt, same sort," but endorsed nunh strorgerir-rT-,,.- f .. , C.l i;7. Thai nil p-rnon-, ci-ert Junie,'? ..i the to ni.' toss 17, Ieopniber lS.iti, nbout Wr and to bo sold as tho property of M bv Plaok Rpptihlioanism Hei-ciren lew! I , , "....-'. hi.-oiim n- renee. ho Hiiiil iioi.i nnjr oni.-c nr appmntTncn t ' tint.iiniK nouso am, Ann i.timaooe una Mi LiimaUoo. ' . 1 w m. led m the Olfioc of the Clerk of the fl trust, the Kovernn,'nt of the Cnite.l log house eroetod thereon, and bearing! Also a oertain binldine and lot 01 1 ,cm- 'Conitof uarter Sessions of Clem Mold ' Htiit'. or of this Slut', or of imy hicrporat'l orchard. Sei.wl laken in eeenl ion .nml ' -rnnurl nf Vr....,6, i ..V.W -, c; . . .1 "..:.:... . .. k- ,..mi..ii.nnl nftl,..r nr . ., .. - - . .....v... ,r, , ... .... ,.o I'peiiuiori wnii ,iavo iioj'iers in ' "ii"iy, uit'ir i euiion lor i.icenso at t no - - i.e som as mn propcriv ot Abraham 'that one story sa.v mi 1 or b SAia.n ,-.V,.n.,AH . i . I . . . .. . W 1". I, Ftliinruuiiiiu u. iiL.-ui, mi" ... ur . i. . 4 ... I ... .. 1 - . . . . 7 1 - .n iiii.'. i ,h'mviii iii-.,i', niTC'iioio 10 1111; - , - , ,, . , la ve. an., .isa ,'i'ver of the Pom BA.Our readers will have tobear with 1 politics N'o Fellowship w ith them in Ue , U1KIIU2, " Act of Assembly of Mareh JH, Is.m, entw ,,.., r ,,.' , uav.Ttmt.n 0 .s.aU. nr (.r .ate in Karthaus township, Clearfield con A certain tract of situate in j ty Pa., on the Threo Runs in aid com... 3d foot north sontn the crowded state of our columns for sev eial weeks to come, after court wo will be ...... . 1 .,1. aldo to give the tis-uai ouanti'.v of readin-' c - , .... . , ...' r ! bfiion No mauor, lui ivo nope they Will g;yC ourad-: lyy0 p)t vcrtising columns a careful reading, aL j,, . y. quite a iiumbci ofproppitieshavegotinto; 1. v r Hi.. l.nnJj r n, ci. 1 , .. " em 10 .-mveiii.i. iing i.awyers . ,.,im,M mi rn: I-; i .i mi.., ..r in..r..rnt.l .ii.tri,.i .r. I... I... i . ' o -iii-iiii,.nm aiiumnerni v., r 1 ... ' . . ' ' ., .. ......... ... -j .....M.u.o l(i(i . ,,, kI. , . .... nl, n, . n ,. , .1 Mxln,. ..lli.... i.i ...1' 1 . , . ' " "i'i'iov iiicni 10 Mave nolding 1 ll -. the i'tiiie i Anrnm ne- uceeason, ,ate il i noming or exercising, at tlio fame time, the i , on nt i vf , m.i yt upi-i i m ...nimn ..i1..n..vJ. 1 ri 1, 'f ' S'II't' l-our. sioian No Audieneo lo slave holdim: Par- M--. Ci-rn.i.l ..,..,.. t eflieo nr appointment ..f .lujee, I.,pcetor, r '.''cd Hereon. Sowed taken in exeeu..! At-so Rv virtue of a certain writ of- nml l-lection ri aclamitions ; Trial List for An ni..urneil Audit will.ho hel J in tho almve elei k (r aiiv cleetion of this C'oirnKmweitlth ; tn.l tl,n. l sold as tho property of Wil-. m' p,,,.,-,,, ,(c T'. term, .to. 'Tv.. 7 All that eeVtain tract of land sitnalo in '" , " i ro,,M....kof.M lavofwl, Vtmennl Xo ' F 7 y ,A ,n , , Uft,C Ml township. Clearfield county Pa. ni.i an ni iiiiw m hitri nm i'iininti U ' .. - uuir lill'l lillH1.' I. nr rvticnn Awna nn I 1 1 . .a .1 -1 i. . I .. . -.. m AO',n...: -.1. .i : .,. i oi emui, ''irni, im", onii" , , r ,,i; :ii i,nr,.ni, nl ,i,;, ,.f ,..i.......... -, ni soi io- ,,, ,n P,1i,- Kii i,flT.i '..: c. v '::";. , r.,,,i,. .,i.: ,.:;..:....:'::.:.".; , ... Y pi,-, . ci i , , . . ,. ,, T I oi" i ii.irt e.i.ic.-. ... miij in, .'. im 'irporaie.i .v.. --. ,-, , ,,i ueni niuniy lil,, .oiiuiiriing in lrOIlL .' .., . ......'.,.,,., H.iHii( njr mci- icaiing i-imiors, ,vo, district, -ml slso thai every memher o, or.e.vss containing one liuildrod and twentv.-tivP and dentil AO feAt. and Iho lot or niPOO M Ourslshiiis nt sliv. -:. it Iii.-y W TI Wooilu'iir.l Ifnslon In. T.-ivein ' nn.l nf the Mn to 1,'L'ifliiturc, or of the coincnn neros .ulioin in if li.n,l U';. l... .. t... . i i .:i . -i c: i - c- i i v ....;' . . ' . i (s vi .i..ii.iuur, t oi ki on.iu iii'u eui i uatre ni'i'in -tnimm.. .31-1. ces to Slaveholding Lawyers ' VntmilfK iimi,:,. iu. ,; Tr' iirrr-a J l n""1 two log !ed taken in execution' and to Ik, .old a- Ami's m x Sr-The lilaclc Re- except as rulliuns, oi.tlaw, and criminals, Z:, V' liuMicans brag "a good bit ' about their a-l Abrupt Disoontinuanco of subscription to Clo-rtielJ Sept, 4 lPi'.O. J. H, bAUniMl'l! trietj b.hty to carry Illinois. The "first gun" pro Slavery Nowspa.-ers," ' . Audi.'.r. ', Court Ami the return Juilgcn of nlnresaia re re.iieftej Jloiisc, in tbe Horoin: aordinarv crisis of afl'-iirs i lMI MSTII AWK'S ' NnflfR Im tho rir" V"'".V " rtr the -ni,l Semml "a"""1? two acres more or less jvul, a two twenty ncres elearod thereon. Seined, U- i ! A ter. nf AJministraiion harlne boon Vh t "hy ,,f,XM'"r' '"'n an,l th ere to do thoso .v trame honso and stable erected ; ken ip execution and to lr- sold M the f-iMn K,n,., i .1 . r. '"-"c,f V .".'.'.'" I ' n t i s extr.iordimirv c-iB of -n'.Ir. ll.'H IS TH 1XK'X N'OTIIP. r.. "''."" ' '".V nex( anr uio miu .veenn. in ni.iic.'uo mai ineir claim is well toun-: -- led. A a election was he .1 in Galena 1 r.O man can he a into patriot without tirst .v.. ...... . . '."" ,r..."l'en thine, renuirclnf them hv In a few days ago, for City Treasurer, and the. becoming nn Abolitionist." The above Je eh Lrrtick Into of PiVo town.hin rLF.!r,!xi 'Vlii nnrter my hum! an.l seal, it Closr- ocpublicans made speoia. ellorti to carry 1 arn gomc I. 1,11. n nr --, . .1 1 'rtuw l'l 1 1 ll,.. T. nrk.a- . a el'ectinn their evididati, bv more than the I'P"hl'Pan - . , ) ' ,V"1 li-i.ii.., V. II.UI IIV, VUHIIM - f .hero, oeiiro .li, ',.?nT !own,,"P; rh 'i !',1,n,-v , -ounded br lamKof John Tatton. Isaa f.cJ tolZ , ., , ; ' "p.vlvan.a. Sounded by lands of John p.lnj, WilliarLi Itrady and others, cor. Rh of Cleurtield. nn lo'bcrr' an1 11,oraa-s, Heni'v' con- tm'ning 75 acres more or less, ami ahoul ...v ... ,. o o. ,ess, h a iwo twenty ncres elearod thereon. S y trame house and stable erected ken ip execution and to l no! reon Seized, taken in execution, and i property of James Hockinberry o sold as the property of Casper Hock-j ' me third of tho purchase moi Ihereon. lob. 'Jeiul majority. Oslpna is the centre of a 's kfrntlj? Iinpiil. liean Htv(et. ,,'vr. an Abolitionist." The above , Jf 'h Lrdiek late of Pike township. Cle-rficU ,a , r 7 . T ' , V' BS ll,e I,roPerty ofCasper Hock-j ( ne third of tho purchase monet must ot "the leading nrincinles of H, 0"n,y 1 apc Al1 P""' inl.hiH to said 'a : X. ! .A.""', "'. "V,. " u: i invariably be raid at the time the ramp- an ar.v" nnd Z "I ?V inimcdiato nay- t , 'T 7, ' ni tracts of land .itua.o in rty is knocked down or it .ill be re-old, - .-.-. ... ue in, ue ..! nm uic riaims uramsi .ii ra. , - .' aiorris fnu-.iui,,., nn. Plack membei, of- Con - 'f'1-- ! rrnt them .llv amhen. VtM'rtt-. . . ' M,L,J:"her,fl' sylvania onecontani -h. r UVnTuHa1 MI l'K' Vlm r' t i 4ri'U.;W..l,., ihs s,nr..,,wm. ded by lands of S. A J. Hoavrr. ea.t by A. ' ' - Ll' t- irin, 'latk-t trt-t, tearh-ld Pa. K :ht m"t fiKii Kiidor-oil ;ar held county 1 enn- nnd the ballanoe before the deed is ac-' one containing 150 acres, boun- knowlcilged- mds of S. A J. Hoavrr. ear.tbv A. r a sstnirr K. Wricht. (.onth bv Jo".erli Patten, and He-irftoM tcit s ln