f - ' or HE '. s CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. J'u hiltlut lit Imtmyh uf l'ttarJietJ,o Turning, Wcilnrmlnj and 'Jlnmliig, tin lflfA, 17lA und lata UuijivJ Utiubir, A. V., 1800. . Ol l it lilt OV Til I J SOCIETY. KLLIS III WIN, rrcsiilcut. Hot. Jas. T. Leo.narp, "I William Imvin, I v p . James Forrest, hV. lists. James II. Fleming, j J). F. Ftzweiler, Secretary. A. M.Smith, Cor. Secretary. James Wiiici.ev, Treasurer. . J. U. JIcI'.nallv, Librarian. A'jKHfi'it Cum, Hon, Billiard Sim it. lien. John l'utton .oii'u Boyuton. Jutiuh 11. Reed J. M'liauglicy. Orator, lion. (I. H. Barrett, l'omwllict Arrawjninul: A. C. FiNXEV, Chuiimnn, Dip. Boat bosk mattress, ' 1 00. .2d beet, do , . . ... . r..t r... in. ,.r nt..lrln. . . - . . .. rir1lZZ""' ttlttZZ&Sr ownnm-.aeh. Dip. .J0n.M-W. Irwin. Samuol Mit.hell, Mr.. --0M Um,, , E ouUioT' V T , Juioits-Mrs. jVdg.'Barrett,Mra. Wm .C Fo-1 Richard Mo.sop, Mr. J T MoCullougn, Mr. Jlursen. Ki Bloom, ticergc II. I.ytlo James M'Ciluughlin James Lovy, W. L. Antes, Sheep &. Hieine. Jiiiucs Irwin, Sr., Joiir.i on llolden Holt. Mitcholl, Win. M llohnii, J). V. Mooro, Culltc. Duvid C. Halo Samuel Clyde ililo lloyt, Jacob Willii'lm, O. W. Shoir, Field croit it' Vegeta ble. (J. I. (ioodfellow, Wm. M. Shaw, Kdward JlcCarvcy Aaron C. Tate, Eluli Johnson, Duttrr, Cheese, Flour and Vehicles. John Irwin, Cur'v Thomas V ngley, Isaac lilooui, Win. Bloom, Win. V, Irwin, Merchandise. ( Do mestic Fabrics. M. A. Frank, lavii Al' ianliy, AV. W. Wright, Ivlwnnl Goodwin Mrs. Ilonry Kern, Miss. Mary Halters, Miss Kale Brown, Miss Hannah Bloom, Miss Harriot Swan, Mih.s .li'imio Leonard, Jiss II. Spackinan, A ji imllural i( MisccHw neous Articles. Dr. A. Seryvor, D.S. l'li'inil'', AVulter Barrett, Win. 1'.. Chambers, John W. Khuuiirt, Fancy Depnrlimnt. (!.W. lihom, John Irwin, Curwens. J. P. K rat .or, John (I. .Siiyvcr, Mm. II. F. Nnujile, Miss Kliza Kood, " Km Alexander, " Aniui Irvin. "Sarah Birehiield " Nnnuio Irvin, " Sarah Klu'om, , " Henrietta Irwin " Jury Moore. Committee at IiirgO. Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Kandis Nichols Mrs. I. M. Weaver, Miss Narmio Smiih, Miss Mary M.'(ianj.'hoy,Miss Inliadalloway Miss Kolioeea Frank, Mis Hannah Cany S J. Row, John L. Cuttle, li. W. Snyder, Alvin Boss, Samuel Bhceiu. Marshall Gen. A. II. Hills. Assistant Marshalls Jajor I). J.Xevling, Col. Wm. Ten Kyck, Cat. T. J. McCul lougli. Cant. Edward A. Irvin. Virotcclmivs. II. B. Swoopo, 11'. W. Belts, L. I. Morrell, Jiimcs L. Morgan, J. B. Waltcra Kcuhen V. Spackman. LIST OK IMU:.MIL'.Mi7i. Class 1. Smrpituht. (Open tonllHrcorta and Competitors.) Hcet Bull over3 yenn old, $t Oil 2d l.eet, !?2 00 Uot Hull over 2 years old, 2 00 2d boat, 100 l!ot Bull overt year old, 2 I 0 2d best, 101) Best Cow over; years old, 2 00 2d best, 100 Dent Bull Calf, 1 00 2d beat, 60 All broodj como together in this class nnd conipeto wilb each other. To bo judgod, lft, by their pood points nnd fymniolry of frame. 2d, by tho ability to fatten, it tho animal a good hand ler?) 3d, milking qnulitie.. 4th, Hize. Dill, glvo no premium to nny nniiiml until they mo imtidficd it will produce good stock. To this end tho Judges shall futUfy themselves In regard to the stock of agod bulls and cows. Tho animal that postc!ics theeo qualities in tho greuUft perfection should draw tho 8wecpiUkcs, w hether it bo Dur ham, Ayreshire, Hereford, lovon, Orado or Na tive, Jt'DOKs. Oco. Thorn, Zuch. McNaul, David Ty ler, Asaph Kirk, John f-haw of Pocatur. Class 2. Grade Catlte rained in toHiiti, Best bull, $4 00 2d best, $2 00 Best cow, 3 00 2d bost, 2 00 Best heiflur calf, 7.1 2d bost, Dip. Best bull calf, 75 2d best, Dip. Jupuks. John McFhcrsun, Jos. Lyons, Tnomus O. Snyder, J. M. Cuininings, Dr. J. P, lloyt Class 3. Milk CWs. Best milk cow, f :) 00 2d best, $2 00 Milk cow 3d best, 1 00 Juikiks. James Forrest, Thomas MeUhco, Ad um Uearhart, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Dailcy. Claps 4. (W Best yoko 5 y. old and over, 2 00 2dboJt,$l 00 Best yoke. 3 y. ' " 100 2d bost, 40 1! st yoke. 2 y. " 60 2d bost, Dip. Best yoke 1 y. " 40 2d best, Dip. JunoKs. B. C. Bowman, Hiram Woodward, Aa ron 11. Psarcc Win. Smiley, Alex, Murray. Class &. (acii. Best trained 10 yoke, 4 your, old midovor, from oiio township, $3 00 2d best, trni nod 1 0 yoke, 4 years old and 0- ver, from one township, 2 00 Best trained lOyoko, 3ycnrjuld and over, from ono township, 2 00 2d bost trained 10 yoko, 3 years old and 0- ver, Iron! nuo township, 1 00 t miuiii. unless two ouLrie.i ' Best tiuio, trottiug under saddle, i ,. ., P'l't ; Best time f otting iu tloubla harness, ' do i Best tiino pacing under saddle, do Jennies J. O. Loraino, LovOT Flrgal, John J. , I Miller, John M. Cuinmings, John W. llailctt. m ... I 11'. ii.:.. . I I . owned in the County. Fastest trotting Stallion, Dip. 2d best, Dip. do do Horse or maro, do 2d best, do do walking horse or maro, do 2d best, do JniiflRs J. B. Graham, Wm. Irvin, A. 11. bhaw, j J as. L. Stewart, Jas. Alexander, Woodward.) Class 13. tStccp and llooi Beit buck, any breed, Dip.$2 00 2d bost,$l 00 Best ewe, any brood, do and 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Best 3 Bhoop futtent J for mutton, Dip. & 1 00 2d best do di do 1 u ', Best flocco of fine wool. 1 00 Best fleece of coarso wool. 1 00 Four Lamb, best, $2 00 2d best Inuibs, $1 00 3d best 4 lnmbs, 50 4t " " Dip. Ji pcrs M'ui. McNaul, Jacob Kunt2, sr., Elisha Fcnton, Adam (ienrhart, Henry Irwin. Class 11. Swine ou n to all. Bost boar any breed, $2 00 2d best, $1 00 Best breeding sow " 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Host 2 Hogs iu county, 3 00 2d best, 2 00 Next best 2 hogs lu county, 1 00 2d best, 50 JenuKS Daniel Livingston, Win. M. McCul- longh, sr., Col. Thoc. It. Jl'Cluro, John Irwin, Jinn.) Bloom, sr. Class 15. rvultiy. Best ceop spring chickens, not lus. than 0, $1 00 2d best do do dt) do Dip. Heaviest turkey, do Host display of chickens, do Jrix:Ks---(Icorgo Thorn, J. H. Fleming, Bnuiiiel Arnold, Kulicrl Tlmiupion, Clark Brown. Class Hi. '!ow:iui. Owner of team and plow, who plows green (ivard tho best. If 1 I'O Nextbert, Dip. Ownoroftonm and plow, who plows stubblo tho bost, Din, a $1 00 Next best, do do do Dip. Host plow for stubble, Iip. i$l 00-2d host, Dip. Best plow fur subsoil, Din. a 1 00--2d best, Dip. JulMiKs Klislin Fenton, Amos Heed, D. W. Wi.-o, John Wells, Jr., Wm. Ik-over. Class 17. RulLra and Ihills, Harrows and Cul(irii''r$. Best clod crusher nnd roller combined. lev. Mrs. tJor. Biglcr, Mr., Klira Irvin, Mr, John Bhiroy, Mrs, Ellis Irwin, Mrs. Jouathau nnrtshorn, Mrs. George WUsou, (Uoggs.) i. Class 20. Domestic Manufactures' B-st 10 yars flannel, $1 00 2d bost, Dip. Bost 10 yards anttinot, 1 00 2d best, do Ilest 10 vards cloth. 1 00 2d best, do Best pair woolen blankets, 1 00 2d best, Best 15yards woolen carpet, 1 Ol) 2d best, Best 1 5 yards rag carpet, w ool- en chain, i uu iu uesi, do do do $1 00 2 00 2 00 1 U0- 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 OIL do -2d best, -2.1 best, -2d best, -2d best, -2d hedt, -2d bost, -2d bost, -2d bost, S 2 00 Dip. do do do do do do do do 2 t best, do Best held roller, llo.-t Oram drill, Hewt Harrow, lloft Cultivator, llest Horse-rake, Best ltonpor nnd mower, Bei't corn tladler, Host corn planter, JnnfiKS William A. Heed, Keulien Wall, Jonn than lliirtshurn, lion. T. B. Davis, C. llaker. Class IS, Agricultural lmvlcmenls. Best Original invention in tho county, of nn agricultural implement. fa 00 2d best, ' " ori'. Inv. Jp. Best threshing mnchino, $3 0D--2d bost, 2 00 Best fanning mill, 1 00 2d bost. Dip. Host hay pitching machine, 2 OIL 2d bost, do Best buy rigging on wagon, 1 00 -2.1 best, Best o.xyoko and bows, 1 00 2d best, Best vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d best, Best stalk nnd straw cutter, 2 0 2.1 best, Best common plow, 1 00 2d best, Best sini'lo or doiiblo shovel plow. 2d best singlo or duublo shovel plow, st horse power for itenerul purposes. 21 "best horse power for general purposes, do do do do do 1 U0 Dip. 1 Oil Best foikund fixture, lor unloading wagons.2 Oil 2.1 best fork and fixtures fur union. ling " Dip. Ji piiks Simon Thompson, Ben.j. Spin kmiin, 1). II. Wright, Dnuiul llarlsock, Buuj. Kiihcl. Class 10. Miscellaneous farminy implements. Best bco hive, Best stump puller, Best Potato digger, Best grain cradlo, Best six hand rakes, Best lot gardening tool. 1 00 21 best, Dip. 2 0021 best, do 1 00 2d best, do 1 00 2d best, do 1 002.1 best, do 1 0021 best, do v.e.9t l vitnlit raif enrr.et. cot ton chain, I 0021 best, do Best woollen coverlot, I 00 2d best, do Best woolen fringed mitts, do Best hearthrug, Jo Best pair-woolon knit stockins, do Best 1 lb. linen sewing thread. do Best specimen of knotting, knitting or noo. die work by Misso. under 12 years of ago, do Best 1 lb. of stocking yarn, de Best foot mat, Dip. Best straw hat do Best straw bonnet, Dip. Boat tidy, do Jrrasa Mrs. Judge Ferguson, Mrs, li. IT. Cald well, Mrs. Lydia ltlieein, Mrs. John N orris, Mr.. Mary Spookman, MissKnney Ogden, Mrs Doctor Thompson, Mrs. U. L. Jteed, Mrs, S. J. ltow. Class 27. Needle, Shell, Wax uorl; de. Best specimen of needle work, Dip. " group of flowors in worsted, do " lump stand embroidered, do " lamp stand not embroidered, do " ombroilered slippers, do " embroidery in silk, do " embroidery in worsted, do " embroidery in laco, do " embroidery in muslin, do " shirt mado by Jliss under 15yars, do " patching unJ mending, do ' ottoman cover, Dip. Best tablo rover do ' funey ch an w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do " wax (lowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do " feather work, Dip " leather work, do " ornnmor.tod work do Jrnar.s Miss Kmma Gruhnne, Miss Sophie Bar rett, Mi-s JInrgio Irvin, Miss Mary Jane Wright, Miss M. J. Bard. Miss Kmily Forrest, Miss Matilda M'Murray.M iss Josephino Fleprul, Miss Mary Foly, Mis. Melissa Irwin, Miss Km ma Jones. Class 28. Millinery and DrcssmaHn-f. Best millinery' Dip. Heft Jre-making, Bip. Ji;iuii:s Miss.Mury C Wright, Miss Mary H Fer guson, Mrs Mary K Leonard, Misoes Jano Miteholl, Ada Swarts, lili.a .Stone, lletly Cntli. cart, Holon Cultlo, Louisa Kratzer, Mary A Irwin. Class 2'.), Artistic icor;. Best painting in oil, Dip. " painting in water colore, . do " portrait painting, do " landscapo painting, do " cattle painting, do " ornamental painting of any kiud, do " daj;uerre.itypes taken ou the grouud, do " umbrutype. taken on the ground, do " photographs taken on tho ground, do " writing, do " oiLaiuuiilal peninanship, do ' architectural drawing, do Jlpoks Dr John O Lurnino, H M Kiin, Mrs. W. L bp.dlsivnod, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Mi.-s Sopbio M'Lo (1, Mrs l.li illooui, Mrs J. B M'L'nully, K'.v. Galloway. Class JJO. 7,7ii. Best design for farm house, ?2-.-?1 bo-t, Dip. 221 best, do 221 best, do 121 best, do 1- id best, do 121 best, do Best sot farming utensils, owned by fanner, 1 00 2d best sot farming utensils, owned by faruior.Dip, Juixms John D. Thompson, John ltursell, O. B. Morrell, J. H. Fleming, Samuel Powell. C'i.ASi 20. Wheat, llarhy, Corn, (';. Best. 2d best. Aero of winter wheat, 5,1 .1 Dip. $2andlip Acre oi spring wucat, atjiip.. I F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10 acres,:) 4 Dip. -$2andlip. -'2iin.l Diji. -SlandDip, -MandDip Aero of corn, 2 It Dip F'ld barley, nut less than 3a.2 A Dip, Acre of oats, a Dip. $lundl)ip, ncro oi rye, i A Dip. llandDip. Bushel of corn ears, 1 a Dip. Diploma. 3 ncros of buckwkent, 2 A Din. tlandDin. Jl lioES (Joorgo Wilson (Hoggs), Mieliaul Kolt, jus. a. ltecu, Munuel Kirk, Jab Jildor, Jos. Irwin Martin H Luther, Itobt. Mehafl'ey, Hugh Henderson, Class 1. Field Crops. Lest 2d Best. Ono-hulf aero of potatoes, $2andDip. $landl)ip. One-fourth acre of beans, 2andDip. jlandDip. Aero of clover seed, 2and Dip. $ land Dip. Ono-fnurtli a. broom corn, 2andDip. JlandDip, One-fourth acre sorghum, 2andl)ip Best 1 aero of peas, 1 00, 2d bost, Dip. Best 1 acre of rutabagoos, 1 00. 2d best. Dip. Best bushel Timothy seed, 1 00, 2d best Dip. Bost 1 aero carrots, 1 00. 2d best, Dip. Best i acre turnips. 1 00.--2d best, Dip. Jrpons Wm Smith (Covington), O. P. (lulich, , Kobert Owens, Abr'in Uoss, jr., U. fl, l.ognn. Crops being equal, preference will bo given to thoso that yield tho groatosl nott profit.. State ments to bo furnished by the applicant, for nrn- I miuiug on farm crop.. Thoy must bo weighed ana a .ample ot the same furnished at tho fair, and also at tho room, of the committee. 8. Applicants applying for premiums shall fur nish tho comniltteo a stutoment signod by him self under aplodgo of veracity, of tho quantity ..i k.ihu lumeu on mo Krouna entereillor n urn. .7, nun-Jnl,,, l',,i,.hi j..i . t ri,. t. 1. '"- r"u siuio as correctly as Ho can ... ... r .i.yii v. i ii u prnviuu lef it;u fur bam, " design fur carriago house nnd stable, " design fur dairy house, design fur ieo house, " design for dry house. " design for bridge. Plan fur hridt'o cot less than L'oll tt. span, 3 00-21 best, Dip. JunuEi- lion. U K Bairett, Hon. Win Bigler, jiio. u lliompsuu, J.IH'3. Kirk, llob t Dough erty, Class 2l. Metatlc Fairies a id Maehhr.ry Best display of tablo nnj pockot cutlery, nineriean maniifiKturo. Dip. Best cooking stove, wood and coal, Dip. nnd 00 21 best, Dip and $2 3d bost, Dip and 1 00 Best parlor stove, coal, Dip una, 2 00 21 best, Dip and $1 00 3d besf. Dip Best parlor stove, wood, Dip nnd 2 0(1 21 best, Dip and 1 00 Sd best, Dip Brst cast Iron fence, Dip nnd 3 Ml 21 best, dip and 2 00 8il best, pip and 1 00 Uest tin wore, dip and 2 00 21 best, dip and 1 00 3d best Dip, Best blacksmith ing, dip and $.1 21 best, dip nnlj;! guusmithing, dip and 2 2d best, dip nud 1 iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 shower bath dip and $2 00 ' original invention in tho county, 5 00 ' plato eastings, dip and 1 (10 Ji'duks Wm. Melirido, John F Weavor. Llisha l'cuton, David Kirk, Wm. A Wallace. Class 3-. Vehicles of all kinds. Beet family carriage, $3 ADip.--2d best, $3 if-Din iohn MoGaughey, David Adams, son'r, Cl-as' 38. Printing (n County, Best bill, ' ."'Pip.' ' Boat blank. Dip. Bost nnej. "do ' Card, do He.t Newspaper, do ' Pamphlet, do Juno.Es Uov. SVin Bigler, L. J Crans, Daniel Faust, Israel Tost, Jiiinos Watson. Class u'J. Stone Ware, Bost drain tilo, Dip. Best brackets, Best fire brick, do Bost pottery, Bost brick, do A purs Judgo Ferguson, tAudgo Lamm, Martin Nieliul i, jr., Wm Morrell, Goo Lrhart. Class -1). Chemieah aiul Chcnieal action, in Co. Best availublo manuro at modcrato cost, Best for farm products, $100 Best for glue, 1 00 Bost linseed oil, 1 00 Best tallow candles, dip. best writing ink, do Bost specimen soap, din best vincccr, do Ji duks Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson, Dr. T J PUK1FY THE BLOOD. .VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS . ' .' . AND ,' PHOENIX BITTERS. Tho high nnd envied colebrity which thoso pro cinir.eut lncdieine. have acquired for their Dip invariable efficacy in all tho discuses whieh they do I profess to cure, has rondored tho usual practice of lulling not only unnecessary, uut unwortny oi them. They tiro known by thoir fruits; their gocd work, tost'fy for them, and they thrive not by tho faith of tho credulous. In all casks of Asthma, eute and Chronic Rheumatism, A flections of tho H ladder and Kid neys. Dilliou. Fevor and Liver Complaints, In tho couth nnd west, whero these disenso. pro vnil they will be found invaluable Planters, Fnrmers,and othors, who once use these medicines will nover afterwords bo without them. , Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing; .l:..I,,i. ui l.i .l..ln.. .i.,t:lA. i... iUIBVMD BIIUU1U UUIIIJT UOllll IUUDV UiQUIVIUUI IIU Dip, do do do Boycr, Dr. A MuLcod, Dr. J U Uartswick, mediately. Eruptions of tho skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, Fovor and Ague For this ceourgo of the wostorn country those medicines will bo jound a sufo, apocdy, and certain remedy. Othor nodieinoR loavo the system subject to a roturD of uianent. Try thorn, be satisfied, and be cu cd. Mercural Diseases, Never fails to oradi oato entirely nil the elTectsof mercury infinitely sooner than tho moat powerful preparation of Snrsaparilln, Aight sweats, Nervous Dobility, Acrvou. Com pluiuts of all kinds, Organic Affections, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Paiutcr's Cholie. I'llcs. Tho original proprietor of thoso medi cines was cured of Piles of 36 years standing by tlio uso of theso Lifo uiedieiuos aluno, Worms of nil kind, aro elfectimlly enrol by theso modioinea. Parents will do well to administer them whonover their existence is suspoctcd. Relief will bo certain.' THE LIFE TILLS AVO THOENIX BITTEHS Purify tho blood, and thus romove all disease fiom tho system. A single trial will placo the Like Pills and Piiokkix Linens beyond tho reach of competition in the osliuiation ofevory putiont, jJirPreparcd an.l sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Erodwny, cor. Worth St., New Voik. Fob. 2llth 1800. lyr. Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr, Fotzer, Cless 41. Utone and Wiod. Bost dressed stono, It t dip. Bost mill stone, dip 1 1 . 1. I.. !..! .1. 1. . 1. ii... v i .1. ii ..... i. !....!.- itnodisoaso a sure bv these medicines is i or- Ul'bl itl'iiiiioi uuniu v & uu .ui'Oli .uiiiuie.. uu ... Best spliter shaved hoops, do Best turned art, do Discretionary premiums will bo recommended for nil articles of merit exhibited by mechanics in all tho various brandies, and it is hoped a general uttenduueo will bo made. For all improvements useful to tho farmer and having valuable properties, discretionary prom's will be roccoinmemlod by tho committee and a w arded by tho board at thoir discretion. JC1KIES Judgo Leonard, Judge Bonsall, F. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Bell. Class 12 Natural Minerals. Best (if useful minerals of C'learflcld ooun- ty. coal-Included, do. ' Liinostono, do, best snndstono, do, ' Potters eluy, do ' Fire clay, do ' suite crystuliicd min do ' Fossils, do ' minerals from tho rurrounling counties, do JenoKS Judgo lloyt, Key. W. L. Spotlswood, II. li. Swoope, li. F. Nauglo, L. J. Crans. Class 43. General List. Boot di.-play nnd greatest variety of flower.', do ' Display ' pluuts, do Best Floral ornaments, do Best basket boquets with handle. do Best manufactured nrticlo by sewing machine on ground, do I'.c. t hand boquet-',, do best bnttor bowl, do Beat washing machine, do Best butter ludlo, do Best churn, do J I'lx.i-s Mrs. Julgo Mooro, Mrs. Josiuli R. Hoed, Mrs. Joseph 11. Hegarty Lumber-city,) .Airs, n, l. Ktzwoilcr, Mrs. .ilurtiu Au lii.ls, jr., Mrs Win. Merroll, Mrs. A. 11. Shaw, Mrs. Wm. A. Wulluce, Mrs. Maj. Nivling, Mrs. Thos. For ceo. Class -1L Fruit. Best display nnd greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer und winter fruit, mimed and niranpvl, 50 cts & do Best disply nnd grentpt variety of curs, named nnd arranged, 60 cts & do But di .play and greatest variety of peaches, named nnd arranged, 50 cts f Ho Best Apples, 1 barbel do Best Collection of plums, do Best do cherries, do Best do quinces, do Best do strawberries, do Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do Best specimen of American grapes, do Best specimen currants, nut less than 3 qart'a do Best specimen jronsberries, ' ' 3 ' do Post specimen of blackberries, do Best specimen of seediii.g grapes raised In 'county nud worthy of culturo, do Bcs t specimen of Domestic wine, do Ji ikiks Wm C. Foley. Wm. McCrncken, Mrs. Samuel Mitokoll, Mrs. J. F. Weaver, J. IS. M'Kn- iiilly, A brain A'evliug. Jliss Joseqliino Lnnich, Mi.-s Ldith Boy n ton, Miss Bertha Wright. Class 15. Horsemanship, lv, Best 5 couple of ladies and gouts on horseback, do do do do do do . Pat- C.1 Denning, John Brubaker, Joseph Vulliers, l l.ASS 0. Inl I'attlr. llesl Fat Bullock, 1 0021 best, $1 00 Best Fat Cow, 2 11021 best, 1 00 Best lleilfer, 2 years oil. 1 Oil 21 best, 50 Jl wins (ieorgo Ki'tlelierger, John Mc(uilkiu, Casper Licpold, James Bloom, sr., Benj. Ste phens. Class 7. Thvitmyh-bn.,1 II ,rt$ oHii to nl But Stallion, over t y'rs old, $:i0021bost,$ 2 00 Bost Stallion, over 3 y'rs nil, 2 00 21 beat, 100 Best Stallion Cult, 2 y'rs ..Id, 2 Oil 21 best, 1 00 The premiums in this Class are intended only fur thoso lUrses whoso pedigree, make thein worthy cl' I lie in. Tho Society wishes to encour age the rearing of high-blooded Horses hero j on tho other hand tho Executive Committee wuul.l caution tho Judges to bo careful llint tho premi ums aro n it drawn by inferior stuck. Jl poks Jnnies Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. fl. W, Cnllwcll, Peter Btnoin, JT, peters. CLASS H.Siitr. aml'tirm Ihn-nc9 Best (lelding, over 4 years old, for work, ft 00 21 best " " in,,. Best Sadlloand Curriage lloiso of nny ate, $ 1 00 21 best " . .. I,:,. BestSnddlo and Carriage Mnro of any nge, $1 00 Dip condition of the nrnvinn. n,n. Iho kind and quantity of seed used, and the iiuio huh niouo in putting it in tho grouud. 4, It is tho object of tho society to grant pre miums for good, not extravagant and ecncriillv impracticable culture, and any wilful inaccuracy in tlio statement furnished us above shall do- pnvo the applicant of a right to conipeto for the future premiums. 1 Class 22. J'.rcad and Cereal Fvod. ; Bost 3 Loaves bread, winter wheat, Dip, " 2 " " spring wheat, do i'ssy furm wagon, sleigh, timber sled, horso cart, w heel barrow. do do do do do do do do l 002,1 bost, do dj do do Dip Dip JnxiKs Dr. II P Thompson, B C Hnriuan, Jno, W Pnuly, John 11 Hewitt, Uoorgo Houkoulou, i 1"l,l',J 1,1 a "oek or . C. Brenner, V G Miller. Best coinpiiny of cnvnlrv, Best eonipuny of infiintry, Best band nf brass iustruuieiits, Bost martial, band, Best 23 singers. Ji ikiks Hen. J. II. Larrimer, di. H. D t in, Col. A. B. Shaw, Col. B. J. Wallace. Smiley, Col, Passmore, Col. M'Clure, Mai. D. W. AVise. Major S. C. Patchin, Major Holt, Maj, lleiscy, .Major Win. Dell, Captain Mathew Og deu. Cunt. W. A. Campbell, Caption Taylor Howies. Class 40 Nurseries. Uo't nursery containing tho greatest variety of iruus nnu siiruos cultivated in tlio most np. proved nnd mctholicnl manner, $2 00 & do jriiuKS Thomas Mills, Jacob (lulich, Jaines A. Hagarty, William j. Ileuiphill, Kichard Shuw jr., John U. Cain, Wm. L. Moore. . Persons appointed to act as judges aro request ed to notify tho Secrotury, if possible, before the 1st day of tho Fair, of their acooptunco of tho (rust, and to meet the Prcs't at tho opouing of tho Fuir. Tlio P.ulos nnd Regulations, (f o., will bo pub- i.ooiv iikhi;! lh)k imiti:: TUEun1cr;if;nJ subscribers, take this moth ol of informing tho publio generally, that tucy liavo this day entered into copartnership iu THE PLACKSMITn BUSINESS, .and can be f.iuud at the shop formerly occupiod byj. hhunkwiler, on Third street, in tins bo rough, w here they will bo pleased to see the r old customers, and as tunny sew ones as can niako it convenient to give them a cull. Bring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare, No threo-yoar old shall thou go baro. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height, Y our swot Is too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such lis (Ann ue'er bought. JACOB 6HUXKWILER, uEO. W. OUR. Clearfield, December 8, 1S5S. If. LINDSEY'S IMPROVED ISEood ScHi'cJicr!! A STAMHAK1) MEDICINE i"or the speedy, rnlienl, and cflcctuul riiro ot AAL DISEASES arising from IMPL' HITY OF T11E BLOOD. This mcdicino has wrought the most miracu lous cures In despuruto cases of JOB PRINTIN.G. . 1 An oxtensivo stock ofJobbing maberi enables tho Publisher of the "llepulluxa to announce to the publio that he Is prep red to do all kinds of Fosters, ' Pa urn lets, Phoqhavhiil Ulanks, . Paper Looks, Circclars, Labels, Ball Tickets, Handbills, and every kind of printing usually done in a country job office. , All orders will bo executed with neaU ncss nnd despatch. DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUSTICKof Ike peace T .. 1 V 1 fll f.lln WW liumiiiLiiiji vieuriieiu to, i'a will attend promptly to all business entruste) ... Lia .... ATnt-fL 9Q lfir.n Ml- -.1 ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of Link Hun, five mile1, frits) Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturer, of Lumber, July 23, 1852. J. D. THOMPSON, I)lacksniith, Wagfjns, Buggies, 4c, 4o., ironed1 ) on short notice, and the very best.tyle, at hi old stand in tue Dorougu oi uurweu.ville. Deo. 29, 1853. DK. M. WOODS, having changed bis lots tion from Curwonsvillo to Clenrfield, res. puetfully offers bis professional sorviceu to tba citiiens of the latter place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposut tt it of C'runs, Esq. uiy I Hid. J. G. HARTSWICK, M. D. Physician and sturgeon, Clearfield Pa., May 30, 1SC0. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his enro, in tho sovcral Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. Oflico, tho ono formerly occupied by 0. R. Larroft. Oct. 2Ctb, 1859 ly. DK. (. W. STEWAUT 1)liysi( Ian and Surcon, offore hi. profes sional services to tlio citizen, of Now Wash ington and surrounding community. Office tlire doors west of the Washington Houso, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1S59. Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples) on tho face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Totter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Cancerous formation, Erysipelas, Boils, Soro Eyes, Scald liciiit. Bliouiuiitic Disorder! Costiveness, Salt 11 Ileum, (icnoral Debility, Loss of Appetite, 1'uul Stomach, Female Complaints, and sll Diseases having their org in in uu iinpuro state vf the Blood. Class.oU Cabinet ware in County. Boat dressing bureau,$3i1ip,-.21 best, f 2 aud Dip sofa, lounge, extension tablo, set of chairs, varioty of chairs, 3 do 2 do 3 do 2 do 2 do do do do do do do 2 1 3 1 1 2 do do do do do do f 5 00 and Dip i uu 8IHI (to do do Bost Fruit cake, do " Jelly cuke, do " Plain cake, "Jolly. 21 bost " Best Span of Drnugbt Horses or Mare. 21 best " " Tho llnrso that moves the heaviest load on a Mono boat w ithout a whip, 2 00 1 00 corn " ' " " rye, " Pound cako, Dip; " Spongecake, Dip. " Pio nt' any kind, Dip. " Preserves, Dip. " Display of preserves, " Ieo cream, " Display of jollies. Ji iiuLs Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boyntoti, Mrs. Win. Irvin, Mrs. M. MeCullougli, Mrs. Hubert Boss, Mrs. Jh (irahain, Mrs Rev. McLood. Class. 23. F.utUr and Cheese. r'Zl,n?"'"U l"t,or 1 " 2J best, Dip. " l'irkin,25 or iiit.ro lbs., u made in May or June, 1 0. 2d lost, Dip, do do do do do Jri.OFs--(l. h. Rood, Mrs. Richard Shaw, Sen'r,' i no 1 "iirtinek, Sfiu Judiro Writfht. (2 II IIn,ll.,n.l. 2d best, " i. . i, v.... " in. MeBiilo. ' licsit Colt, 0 75-21 best, ti ,! I .. Class 21. FUr. Ji:.UR-.M, on MeBride, Martin O. Stirk, Jas. ; " 7n"T,cI "fFltir, f 1 4 dip. 21 best, Dip. A (:nlili...Il A .1 rn A. Ill I lllllllla 11 .......-! . , . . . . ... .....c iuoici.mil, isaac uunuip, Mm. Brown, Hugh Orr. Class U. Matched Him',,,,? ,,...-. best .pan matched carriago Uorsoa or Murcs,$2 00 Zibet do do do do 100 JrtnM Judge Barrett. Jnme. Forrest, Dr. H, P. Thouipson, Edwin Perks, Maj. B. C. Patchin. Class 10. Mai'es and lolls. iiesi nro.u maro and colt by the side, t 00 , 2d best do do do Co J 00 ' Best Uoldiug, over 3 and under t ycari old, 2 00 I 2d best do do ,1,, ',' 1 est Gelding, over 2y' old.fl 602d best.fl 00 Bost Mare over 8 yeara old, J 00 2d best I 00 Bstnire,over2Aundor3y.l50 2d best, 1 On' Best colt over 1 A under 2 v.t 00 S.l h..i ni- Jonsaa-Johu Swan, Matthew Fo. .T.Vk T-. II I . .. . . ' I "o lbs. flour (siirinir trL. .I 1 mi - a 1 Tik. L-.rn.c. 2d best Kio ,. n.iur (spring wheat), " Dip! J Carriage harness, sot parlor furniture,.! po ' display of cubinet ware, ' oflico chair, Ji-niiss James 11. Fleming. C Krutzer. Bunl H Waight, Thos. Mills, Harrison W Spencer, Llass ol. Loiimtuif, larucnteriiut and Jjuskrt-maiing, Best siiqt'iiurn of piuo waro, Dip niuuow Slisu, , nu w, i,cs ' window blind, 1 0021 best, do ' set grain measures, $2 00 and do ' lot of buckets, 1 00 aud do lot ereplint buskctr, 1 00 aud do panel door, ,i Ji nous James Fenton, Frederick (Tulieh, Thoa uenaerson, Aoraiiaui Ugden, John Garrison. Class oH.Jiivts and Garden Veietailes. Best 4 stalks celery, Dip. Lest bus. turnips, Dip. ' J bushol carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do ' t I rutebagos.do 1 do parnips, do ' i do tulle beets,do ' 12 tomatoes, do C heal? ciibbago.do 6 ogg plants, do 2hea ennlillower,1o qt. hum bcans.do ' one-half bushel tablo potatoes, do quart w insor beans, ju ' variety of squashes, variety of melons, ' ono-hnlf bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetables to bo raised by the exhibitor. Ji'iHiFs James 11. Graham, A. K, Wright, Win L. Moore, Philip Autos, Hey. Josoph K. Foclit Class 30. Cuniers. Saddlers, Shoemakers, &.c. Best. 2d best, (lente'bootsnnd shoes, $2andDlp--$l anIDip. hadys' boots and shoos, 2 and do 1 and do Gents gaiters, 1 Laity.' gniters, 1 Display of boots aud shoes, 3 and do 1 raveling trunk, 2 and do 3 uud do DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Spccio of VEltMIN. "COST An' S" "CO.STAIi'S" rlltt, Loach dc. Exterminator, "CnsVAirS" "COSTA i",V" Bul-Bv3Exl,mnmalvr. "COSTAli'S" "COSTA IV S" Fleclric Tmcder for Insects. DlvSTHuY.S INSTANTLY li':tt, Hooches, Miro, Moles, Cround-.Vico, Hcdbug3, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Plants, Insects on Aniumls, d c. in bhoit every form nnd species of 10 years csdnbliHlicd in Now York City used hy tho City Pcs.t Oilkc- the Cit v Pris on and Station hotisis tho city .Steamers, Ships ivc.,. tho City Hotels. "Aslor," "St. Nicholas," &c, and by more than 20,000 priviUo fatniles. B.vlVtifrSists and Retailers everywhero sell them. r'TX.scliolocale Agents in all larpe Cities tfjA..I;e(T'dar sizes, 25c, 50c, &$I Boxes Bottles, Flasks. BGUl 1 1 Beware 1 ! ! of spurious imitations. Kxamino each Box, Pottlo & Flask, and t:iko notLiiir; but "Costar's" CSI.OO Boxes sent by mail. ?A-?3 A MM by Express. tfi-AUdress ordorsor for Circular, to 11KNKY It. COSTA1J, Ptincipnl Depot, 410 BrA.nlwnv, N. Y. P.S()I.DBY LOliAINE'&CO. .March 17th. Clearfield Pa. i." .. "7V .'-ira i if H"-.:srsssjs. r M 4 ' T-tJft.'N'V' V.V- JOHN IIUIDEKOPER. Civil Engineer & Land Sukvetoi, oilers bis professional services to tho citizen, of Cloar Beld county. All business entrusted to him will bo promptly and faithfully executed. Oflico with Leonard, Finney it- Co. lW. HAYS, T" AGUEB,REAN, Mohiineotvnist. Ambrotv. JJ pist, und JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, I'll i LEVEll FLKGAL, Justice of the peace Lulbcr.'burp, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to nil business entrusted to hil cure. Jle also informs tho publio that ho keep, constantly on hand at his shop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and whips, which ho will sell on reasonable troini. April 4, ISOO. DEKTAL CARD. A M. SMITH offers hi. professional service. to the J. miles nnd ciitlcmcn of Clear held nnd vicinity. All operations perforine4 with nentiiess anil despatch. Being familiar mill all tho lalo iniprovineiits, ho is prepared t iniiko Artificial Teeth in tho best uiauucr. Uftice in Shaw s new row. Sept. 1 llh, 1S5S. ly.i. JAS. L it. r.Anr.nirn. i. tea? Vli!U.Mi;il A TIWT, Atlorhcy. nt L Cienllield, l'a., will III to lid promptly to Col. t violis, Lalnl Agencies, io., Ac, in Clearfield, centre anil i.!It counties. July 30. y J) (JBHIIT J. WALLACE, Attoiukv at Law, V. Clearfield, Pa., Hfliee in Show", ltow, op posite tlio Journal olliee. dec. 1, 1S58. tf. lN!'r.S5!-'..1l MHO HE & ETZU'ibEl!, Wlinle-ale und Kctalt Mcrcliaiits. Ali cxtonsivo dealers in timber, snwed luin ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour au grain, which will bo .old cheap for cash. Oct. 14,185'J. do do ' 50 do 1 and do 2 and do 1 and do do 1 nnd do 1 add do do do Cabinet, Chair Making;, Tho abovo Is a nortrait of Dnvld MTmn.w Napier township, who. on tho 31t ilnv of An!. 185H, mado offidnvit betora Justien Uorl ho wn. treated f ir tho euro of Cancer by threo physieinns of B.dford county, and by Dr. Now ton of tho Electrio College in Cincinnnttl, 'for a period of nourly eight months, notwithstanding which, bis lip, nose and a portion of his left cheek wero entirely eaten nwny ! Ho had given np all hope, when ho heard of tho "Blood Search er," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, nnd ultlmugli sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluable mcdicino saved his life. The full particulars f this case msy bo seen in a circular, which can ho hud of nny of tho A gents. We alsoreier to thocaio ofNaney Blcakney, of Ellertown, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula after being unublo to get out of bed for thrco years. To tho case of a lady in Ansonsvillo, Clear field county, who wnt also afllicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To tho case of (Jcorgo jlfoiscl, residing In Carl town, Cambria count, J'n., who wa. so badly af llicted with Cancer that it oat hi. entire nose off. nnd his caso was ,worso, if possible, than MeCrcary's. Iho particular, of thoso cases ovory ono of which wascurodby thouso of tho Blood Soorckor may nlso bo found in a circulas to bo had ol any of tho Agents. T , R. M. LK.MON, Proprietor. Lnboralnry for the manufacture and sulo, nca tho Po, ltailroa.l Depot, Hullidiiy.bnrg, Pa. Dr. Ueo. U. Key.or, Wholosnlo Agent Pitts burgh P. FOK HALR nV0. t). W.in r...(ii.i . John Tatton, Curwcnsvllle ; Jamo. B. (Jrahaml )rah..npton t E. F. Brenner, Alorrisdalo t John ItimflnU. Ini:iln . T TT r . Keep up the Excitement! I EMOVALS always enuso exe.iteincnt j and J V "inco tho great excitement about tho remo val of tho Court House has subsided, tho commu nity gcnorally hovo bocomo soiuowhnt oxcited upon hearing thutC. D. Watson has dotorminod to pull up stukos and rcmovo to .Virginia, But tho latest cause for oxcitoiuont i. tho fact that I liavo removed my saddler .hop from my old stand opposite tho Court Houso to my new shop on Market stroet nearly opposite th.) jail, whore all who may favor mo with a call can be anpplio4 Sirgle Harnes, Double Harness, Tug; Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Halters, Housing's, Breech bands, Sido Straws, &c. In fact every thing in thd lino of Saddling and Harness making. Thnnkful for tho very liberal I'uiiuinigo uereioioro ocstoweu, 1 solicit a con tinuance, oi iuo same, and n call from n. many uon ciisiomors us can make It suit. UF.OHUU W. UHEEM, l. S. My being connocted with tho Drur business will not inlerfero with uiy shsn, for I .uiu iim irug oioio aitenuej to by careful dands, and intend devoting my tiino exclusively w liijr mguilir Dusincss. f j, Aug. 81, 1859. riegal, Wm. Tate, Robort McXaul. "v IHillllil. rv flun r. tn. . ta,-. Vin . . hn.n.,.. n, i. Oil . rn . ' J'ip. j "ft1 ....... A null 110 i J best 50 pounds ryo flour, Dip. I Biding bridle and mart'1,1 and do HOU&ds bui'blrh.nt ll.,. u. . , .:' . Il.nl.' .1.1;, , ....1 11. ... . . 91i ... . . vvv. t joii H -.... i,,;, A tiuu no 'i best 50 pis. buckwheat flour, Dip. Ladys' riding saddle, 2 and do oi l!0U.UV Cl,rn WMl' 60 L'I'- i '"I'y f saddlery, Sand do -v. au pounus corn meal, Dip. call skin, , ,j0 Jrpons Jesse Broomall, Samuel Jordan, R. 8.1 Sole Leather, l nnii d Humphrey, Ferdinand Oswnlt,!). .fjiackman, jr. 1 Kvery ether kind f.f l-ntlu-r, ULVss 'i.i. Domestic A nicies. VJ eUID"r, 2 and o Best box or jar of honey,, Dip. 50.-24 be.t.Dip. J ClT?1 b "L ":?! Jo',.n I" in, Horace iu "' inapie sugar, Dip. A 60.-2d best Dip I ' r, n m. rorter. Best preserved peaehea in air-tlrbt rnn. 'ih!:Class 27. Tailor nn., fV...- Bel!;ZrViauTie I"i.,ish, ' 1!e" 'uit " y had,$2 00-21 best Dio ""d M "uad.. lest preserved blaekberric. in air-tiirht caus.Diu. lio.t m.,i i.. u.i' UB"U'-Ibesl.Dip Dining, Breakfast. Centre, fn.r.1 .n.l t" !! r."erTe.'1 C,Ura,n,' .in "ir-,iS1'' ". Wp. ' 1'ost vest made by l,dv. "e'' ',. I 0' . ffi' manufactured and dcUvmd lit d I February , 185'J.U0. i, yu. iT. J T wm'beICJr' f rUK" of CM .w in Vo n tSTS. ? l& notice, nnd in a workmanlikA mnnrinp li; , 1 of btisines. is at tho aid shop on tho north sidoof .,...-( sireoi, .vi uoor cast or Third at., nearly Opposite tho old Jew store j whero he will keen constantly on hand s large assortment of Ma liog.my and Cune Bottom Chair., and Cabinet Waro of overy description, which ha will dispose oroij as reasonable U-rms as tho tame article ean lie find olsewhere in tho county. Hi. stock of Cabinet M'aro now on hand, con sist In part of Dre!i, n,i n.. . ' . Kof.... Kl J II'. T n. i .. uurBBUB, or' l". t n ""uiiig eianus, Desk, aid eo . in.. u?i iho j uacK'ou I'atchon. Iturna . n. t: I Ilcgsrty, (Hon H..po. ' ' " Feb, 1st. ISfiO. I lie. I Z V T 7i I "-,iS,'t " UiP-' ot vest made by l,dy, I Bc,t hain cwkeJ Wltu eu.Auiode of enreip. Beat paut. made ly lady, YOUR TEE TIL TAKE CAKE OF T1IEM11 D R A.M. lllLI,j, dosiros to announce to his friend, and patrons, that ho is now do rotingallorhi.timoto oporationa in Dentistry I hose desiring bis services will find him at hia t ffico, adjoining his residence at nearly all tine, and alway. on 1'rldaya and Haturdayg, unless Notice to the eoutrar, be given In the town p" dor. the woek previous. 1 NV"?' lJ,W0k Wlimnt'l t h satisfactorr Cloailiold, fa.. July 25th, I860. 7 CLEARFIELD STONE WARE TOTTERy. Thankful for post favors and solicitious of fa- iuro patronage 1 would respectfully announe. that I havo on hand apain, and will constantly koop at the Pottery in thi. borough, on tho eor nora abort distnueo east of the Mothodist Church, n largo stock of Cruckory, .uch a. Cream crocks, niilk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stovo pipe casing ( o. rf-o. i and also nn extensivo assortment of different sir.es and patterns of brackoU and rosette, for ournioo on housos, and other moul dings. Any moulding, not on hand will be mala te oiler on short notice. Also flro brick nis4 and kept fur sale. -0A liberal roduction on price, mvlo to wholesale dealers, f, EITZINUER. Clearfield, may 1.1, 1870. ly. ftinv IIOTI.L. Tho undersigned rcapoctfully teg. leave W announce thnt he recently rontod a houso in th borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Vt,t for tho accont mod o tion of the travelling publio. watermen and all othon who may favor him with a call. Ilia tuble will always Le supplied with as goo a. the markets afford ; and no pain, will spared to render hi. guosts comfortable whih) undor hi. roof. To which the faeU that no in toxicating Ufiuor. of any kind will be kopt about the promises, will he trusts, contribute in mall dogrco. While, what is alway. important to the traveller, the best attention will be given by careful hosdor to that faithful eompanion of his journey, his patient iteod. July 4, I8W.-ly. JAllKS CHOSSLif..