Home Affairs. ClfarficIH, J)a. ahifnist, , lnoo. WU-hebrkk work of the7erCourt avu..u u "vii i7 vuuiiuieu nj wo equare, and it is the intention of the con tractor o Lave it under roof by the fi-st iof ,U"'?,e be aPPointecl by the chair to f October next ' I"1!"6 1,10 necessary arrangements to ob- oiuctopernexr. tain 8llti establish a press believing tho teUTbere is a lawyer in our town so ?uccess !i he DeI"Ocratic party, depends i . . . . i , . 'in a great measure on tae dissemination excessively honest, that he puts all his of the principles of the party, flower pots out of doors over night, to de- 9th. That wo cordially and cheerfully termined is ho that everything shall have 'endorse the nominations made by the its just rfnr .County Convention to day, and would loarnostly urge the party to make decided B?ft.By reference to our advertising lellort to triumphantly elect tho ticket, columns it will Lo seen that Mr. Nichols, j feeling confident tl.nt wo can safely rec and Mr. Danver, nnd Mr. Luther aro all!om, llleni as uulli1nc,,in Democrats, f,(n,i.min.nii.. i ii t i , I and to discharge the t u! 'ei of the o dices Ollennc lo sell tome vfiliirthia vtn wtntn ..... fc . :n ' . . ' terms. Fair Grounds. The oflicers and mana gers of our approaching County Fair ; are making fine progress, in preparing the fuir ground, by the close of the present Tveek the whole Ten acres will be sur rounded by a close substanoiiil fonco 8 feet high, the "Ring" is already complo. ted, and is exactly ono third of a mile ih -circumference -three rounds to the mile, and 2.45- -or more to make it in. ftayTho Warren Ledger says the people of that county have a happy faculty of doing things Brown, it seems that they are well Massed with 7Jwunoilico holders, Mr. Brown is Tresidcnt judge; Mr. Brown is associnse judge; Mr Brown is Sheriff; and one of their best practicing lawyers is Mr. Brcwn too! all however, different men, but all descendants of old Mr. Brown. The politics of that county aro becoming very Brown too, so much so the Blacks are in the ascendant several hundred votes. It did'nt use to was so! Hail Road. It will bo observed elsewhere in our pa pel this weeks; that the 'Thilipsburg and Wnterford Rail Hovl Company" have com pleted their organization, and an effort will be made at once to put Engineers up on theioute of this Road. An oxeohont set of men have been eloc tod Directors And olHoeis, they bavo plen ty of cash ? and energy too. If tiicy (ail in putting a Railroad through our County, itr will be needless for others to try the experiment for the next quarter of a cen tury. A Sluden Deatu. On Thursday last considerable excitement was raised in our town to the effect that a man was lying donlin tho Turnpike about one and a half miles east of town. A number of persons proceeded to tho place where the man was found. It was soon ascertained that tho vital spark had fled, and that 'io must have fell down in his tracks, he was immediately brought to town, an In quest was hold by M. A. Frank Esq., which rendered a verdict that he died from a visitation of Providence. During the setting of the Inquest, tho body tvus identified by several persons as that of a man named Frederick Sehindel, who kept Bar at Mrs. Ward's in Tyrone. On Fii Uy ho was decer.tly buried in the ceme tery cast of town. A liui.n Roiiiiebv. On Saturday absnt 4 o'clock p. in., tin Duelling lionso of Jn- r-uu auk near i.unu.er uiry was entered : T? 1 .... . by an unknown man, and ?1080 stolen mil it a clieht eichtv do bus be hv in oil. ver and tho ballnneo in Gold. Mr. Kirk was not nt home at tho time ; tint scoundrel adopted a stratagem to mako suro work, he first went and turnfid a lot of cnttle into the cornfield,, nnd then went to the Houso. nnd told them (t... mat the cattle were in tho corn! a boy nnd ai,(ft(, m , . , , .. ... , . n.i. . . . i"Oh ceaso to nfnnn, that man since his birth gll ' being all that were about tho house ; From Adam till now.has with wretchedness stood ul ilii timo, started with full speed for tho cornfield ; nnd in their absence the thief broke open three chests, in ono of which he fount! the money. ' A reward of two hundred dollars is of fered for tho apprehension of tho rob ber. ilk County! At a meeting of the KIk co., Democrat ic Committor held Aug. 20th, tho follow ing resolutions were passed. llesolved, That wo have undiminished confidence in tho principles of the Demo cratic party as enunciated in the Cincin naiti Platlorm, and endorsed by tho Reading Convention. 2nd. That wo heartily and cheerfully concur in the action of the State Demo cratic Committe at their late meeting held at Cresson, and would earnestly urgo the Democrats of KIk county to rally to the support of the electoral ticket nominated at Reading. 3d. thut ir. tho lion. Henry.-D. Foster, our nominee for governor, we have a cm didate who is in every sense well qualified to fill the station, and deserving tho sup. port of every opponent of that sectional and unscrupulous party who aro seeking toseiie the reins of Government of this Stato. 4lh. That we cheerfully and cordially com.rend to tho Democratic voten of recom.Ten tlk county to cive an active stin-.iort to James K. Kerr our nominro for Congress; .-oiiiiK wo can rooon'mona mm ai a con- nemcn tvoll qtmlifird Tor tho lo which h Itunboeti noni nated. position 8th. t. It. Braily, nnd A. M. Benton, ara entitled tli support of the par ty as cnriHidtates for R'-presenlatives. 6ih. That it is the duty of tho Demn. f ratio party to eflect a thorough organiza Jtion of tho party, and that we recnm n3end to Hie IVniocrats to arouse thcin istolves to the necesity of a comjilote or ganization of the parly in every Tow n. Jthip, and neipliborhood in the county. A complete orgar.ization, and a united ef tort is essential to the welfare ol tho par- 5 th. That we labor under great inenn taoieuc for an organ of the party in this ium,( unu wouiu recommend to the Democratic oitizensof the county to make' n euori io esiauusu a i ress for the pur- ipose of promuluatinB the doctrines, am! oftircnoguS.,ntereSUOf Democrac j oni. x nut m oraer to carry out toe a 8th. ovo recouimondation : that a committee Ior. " ! ..l,1y ttre nommatort. . . . II Lf U VJUUJ1I1 I L Lru III t 1L' 1 1 . L 1 1 1 11 LU appointed in each of the dillsrent Town ships in the county. 11th. That tho above proceedincs be published in all thoDemocratio papers of George Dickinson. Dr.C, H. Earloy. J. S. Hyde. George Weii. M. L. 11(138. Charles B. Gillis, Sec'y. Tho following Vigilance Committees were appointed for tho several Townships. lknzimjer, George A. Huthburn, Charles Ititer, Joseph Seel. Benezet. Thoum Ovorturf. If. 1"). Dorr. Julius Jones. F).c J. C. MoCulluter, It. T. Kyler, Hugh McCrady. Jon,'. Mich icl Weidert. J. L. Urcmn. uacoo iveeper. Jjj. Chancer Clinton. F. C. Broekwnv. W. A. 'Hly. Highland. Charles Stublis, Thomas J ownley. 1 homas Campbell. Spring Cieek. Thomas Irwin, George lut-ani-iiiT, jiariin x erin. St. Mtm's, M, .Bruuner. Frank Weis, E. C. Sehultz. liUlgway. J. C. Chapin John Vanors dall, W.O. llealoy. Committee for J'roeurinij a Press. Gtorgo Dickinson, George Weis, J. S. Hyde. Reliable Douglas News. We clip the following from tho Dallas Star, a Douglas paper published in I Hi n ois. Wegivoit to our readers without note or comment, only Faying that we mm "Kooruack" in Ins palmiest days wuiu iiui. iiive maicneii u: How Pennsylvania will go ? The Old Kpystone nu.y bo sot down as morally certain to give a largo Domoeratio victory in November noxt. The Black Republi cans concedo as much. Tho Philadelphia lennsvlvanian. formerly a BreckcnHdgo paper out now going it st rong tor Dougs las, says : "The Democracy of Ponnsvlvania will i elect the Pouch's electors by 30,000 ma jority over all. Brerkenridgo with all the aid of Buchanan, cannot poll over 60,000 votes. 'The Lincoln vote will not bo over I'iO, 000 votes at tho outside." "Douglas will get i'O.0ud nt the very lowest, but with tho Bell ticket ho will get 270,000. "You may rely upon Pennsylvania for Douglas as upon tho Holy Bible." This may bo taken for truth in Illinois ; but here in Pennsylvania, it is considered a wheppcr. We learn from the Pat. & Union that the Republicans ol Delaware county have nominated John M. Broomall for Congress lie received 4'J votes, and John Hickman 12. Two years ago Mr. Broomall was put for ward by Deleware county but was de feated in consequenco of tho Republicans of Chester county goini; over to Hick man, who run as an anti-Lccompton Democrat. It Is probablo that Mr. Mr. r.rooninll will not yield to Hickman, . v and that either a new candidato will be selected, or, if both persist in running, l"ul l,lu J-'euincrauo canuiuate will bo e jlected. Kither way there is a fair pros- pert that Hickman will be beaten. MARRIED, At the residenco of the brides Mother, in Beccaria township, by tho Rev. Thorn. i V,...-'0.,., If. li- ? : .! . - -w- i ui-J uc, mr. l 111. lillMllllCr IO illlSS '!.... Ii....:. -ii -r i Home portion of paraciso. still is on earth And Eden rcvive,iu tho first kisi of Love.' DUD, In New Millport, Aug. 5th, Josephino daughter of George and Hannah Bloom, aged 2 years 2 months and 18 days. In New Millport, Aug. 20th, Wilmer, son of John and Sarah Toot, aged 3 years J months a 3 days. In Jordan township, Aug, I2th inst., after a short but severe illness, David, third son of the lata Frederick Shoening, in tho 14th year of his age. Tho decease ed was a youth much esteemed in tho family circlo as well a? by all who knew him, nnd when death approached, he evinced tho true spirit of resignation to tho mandate which ho Assured all, was to transpott him to tho bosom of his cru 'ified, but now triumphant Redeemer. Also, on Thursday last, Robert a broth ci, and second son of said Frederick Shoe ning, of Consumption, in tho 17th year of his ago. Tho deceased was also a boy of promiso and highly esteemed. S. Thirty-Ninth and Market Street, Plill'a. Pruf. COHTLAXD SAUMMIHS, Principals. Hon. WM. BIGLER. nearflnld Wm. MelTTn. BIN' " of ,,,e Morchanta' Hotel, l'hiln. ; . .......v,., in hid n. o. union ; Jinn it, MAV'NaRD, Willinmsport ; J. LKISENRING, i'.q., rres t or the I.ehtgb Coal it- Nav- Co., and .av- KjV.i inn will givo their friends who may be looking for a solo, thorough and pleasant School, any infor mation desired respecting this Seminary. A Grove and Lawn of I.Hill I' ACHIX, are attached to the Institute, for seclusion, roc rention and physical exercise. 8m. at looking for CAUTIOV, All persons are hereby caution - against harbouring, hiring or trusting, my Son Ja.ioh nn mv aeennnt. . T m s.i.rmin.j to pay no debts of his contracting after the 28th ' unj 01 juiy last, ana will prosecute all persons for bis wages that may hire or employ him. liExuv yn.t.OY Align stl5th. I860. 3U TTAM, Sides, Mackerel and Herring for sale II low at the store or W.F. IRH IX. ' Clearfield, July 11th 19(10, Hon. ASA PACKER, Alaiich Chunk j nil of. iV."u "8. w i?u 111 I"J'.'"0 lading from rhnm hPe,nn. boarding in Saun.lcr.' In.tituU,C?nr?H ',f0,r l'"T,,on) m Pike town- T.i.t f .w. fn. t . . V V T vumuluu' 6 . im iummaj, we .wi uujr, GRAND JURORS. Boll Adam Breth. Brady .Samuel Arnold, Joseph Rishel Harrison Passmore, Jos. 11. Arnold, Fred, crick Shaffer, Frederick Wingert iiurnsiuo Stephen Jirotliers. Chest Olvin Stevans, Covington Wm. Schuarrs. Decatur J. Parsons, Jonathan Kep hart, Philip Reese, Andrew Goaihart. l-raham James F. Shopo Huston Austin Brown. Lawrence John Daugherty, jr. Lumber City Wm. V. Wright. Morris Daniel Beams, Jonathan Roth- orck. Now Washington Samuel Sobring. Pike Abraham Snyder. Woodward Joseph Fiscus. Curwensville- Daniel Faust. TRAVERSK JunoR.s 1st week Beccaria Jos. W. Lull, James II. IIe 6arty. , ... liell Jacou w. Lampb'ii, Wm. T. Gil bert. Boggs Isaac Southard, llonry Wa pie, Thomas Waplo. liradtord -Jeromo Robinson. Brady George W. Long, Jacob Ogderi George J. Yoas, Levi Draucker. James C. Hat ret t, Henry Hoover, Georgo L. Morgan, Daniel Goodlander. Burnsido Philip Keff, Frod Shenpard I John Iforabaugh 'j Chest-Jonathan Fry, Josinh W. Lam.' burn. - Curwensville Faust. -Abraham Gates, Jacob Clearfield L. R. Merrell. Decatur Isaac Goss, Fox James Blair. Girard- -I'ctor Lumm, Adam Spackman, E. Woolridge. Goshen l ewis Irwin. (tulicli Jones Rollin. Jordan Joseph Dowalt, Joseph Mc Neal, Peter Bloom. Karthaus -Georgo Heckadorn David ITaynes. Knox John Jackson. Lawrence Oliver Conklin, A. II. Reed ss Reed. RMorris Wm. L. Merrell. New Washington Jos II. Broth. Pike John Bloom Sr., Goo. B. well, Geo. B. Dalo. Penn David T. Sharp, Joseph Cald Neir comer. Union David Horn. 2nd week. Bell John Orr. Boggs (ieorge Turner, Thomas Beers. Bradford Geo W. Gearhart, A. II. Lu cas, John Dale. Brady Jackson Long, Jeremiah Kri ner. Burnside r. C. Mitchell, John M'Cul lough, Eb'n M'Masters. Chest Daniel Gorman, Samuel Mc F.wen. Clearfield Wm. Radebauiih. Henrv .Snyder, Jefforson Litz. Covington John M. Reiter. Ferguson Philip McCracken, George Mraw. Graham Martin V. French, Isaac Ky ler. Guolioh Jntnes A. Ilogarty. Goshen -Robert Bumgardner. Lawrence Georgo Guelich. Lumber City Jcsso Spencer, John Ferguson, John Hroomall. Morris Wm. Doviney, Jos. Donning, Kdward Terks. like Jos. M. Spencer, Jacob Ritter. Lnion Levi Dressier, Benjamin F HarleX, John Brtibaker. WoDtlward Crihslinn Slioff. A T!io subscriber will send f free nt chartiA to nil who desiro it, tho Recipe nnd directions formnk ing n simple Vtjtlablt Jintm, that will, in frin two to eight dnys, rcraovo Pimples, lilotchos, 7'iiii Fnrlelr; fnllon ness, nnd all impurities and roughness of tho Skin, leaving the siiino--ns Ma ture intended it should be--of, clrnr, unvolh and brnntiftit. Those desiring the Koceipe, with full instructions, directions, and advice, will ploase call on or address (with return postngx.) JAS. T. MARSHALL, Practical Ciikmist, No. 3 2 City Buildings, N.York. Aug. 22th ISfiO. I mo. REGISTER S NOTICE. "VTOTICK, is hereby given that the following accounts hnvo been exnininad and passed by me, nnd reinnined filed of record in this of lico for tho inspection of heirs, legntccs, credi tors, and all others in nny other way intores. led, and will be presented to tho next Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, to be hold at tho Court House, in tho borough of Clearfield, com- mnm.tn. nn . V. a Ath Af .... . I .. .. , f t." . 1 iciln for tho confirmation and allowance : Tho account of Ooo. Jacob Yoas Adininlstra- ! tor of the iron.ls nnd ehnilBl.. ri,.l,,. nnA r,l. , battels, riKhts nnd cred- 1 lu.o of Undj township, ! ,8e,l J 1 : Its, ot Uoorge Uintcr lati Clentfield onunty docensed I VDMIMSTUATOHS NOTICE. Loiters of Administration having been this day granted to the undersigned on the etato of Thom as Owens late of Forguson tp., Clcarlloldeounty Pa. dec.d., all persons indobted to said estate nre rcquestsd to make immediate p yment, nnd thoso having claims again.t said estate, are re -quested to prosent them duly authenticated for sottleuionL E.MELINK OWENS I ANTHONY KILE, J Adra'r. Ferguson tp., Aug. 6, 1800. 3L 8SO Ken ai d. 1 K( Acres of land for Sale, IS acres of which J. JI is improved, the balance well timbered wilhwhite pine, Oak. and Hemlock: two dwell- ' ing houses, taw Mill. Lath Machine Sufal. and I other out buddings. V ' Kii...i.d ..j . 1,-ir -si... i i - ,. . on tho Turn Pik.TeatUag towa'rd Luth b "? For ftuther particulars apply t the suCrlber I on tho premises. Aug. , 1800. 6t. ISRAEL NICHOLS. OKI'll AN S COURT SALK.By virtue of an order of tho Orphan's Court of Clear field county, there will be exposed to miblio sain at the house of Isae Bloom ia the Borough of vurwcnimuo on SATURDAY THE 8TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. I). 1800, at 1 o'clock 1 M., the following desoribed real estato to wit : that certain nlautation nr tract nf . ..." ----- ..-. .... norta by land belonging to the estate or John S. Curry deceased, on the east by land of Fitch A Boynton, on the west by lands of Win-A Bloom and Wm Rox,and on the south by land nf llannt. W Pt.wv .. ... . 1 1 , , ...... : ' ------ mi iui I of Georgo W Curry. Containing two Hundred . and Fifteen Acres more or loss, havlnff erected l,her")n larKe t-tory frame (L) houso, ( alner-boarded and painted, with cellar, a large double log. barn, crain-house. drv-housa. w,lKon l,e1 ntl about one hundred acres of "' uenrmg orcoara, ana n,Ter fn"ing spring of water thereon, late the estate of Richard Curry deceased. TKKMS, lOper cent on day of sale, one-half Douiirmnuon 01 snie, ana me balance In one year with interest to be secured by bond and tnertgage. WM. REX Adm'r.. Ang. 8, 1840. of R. Curry deceased. ESTATE OF SAMUEL SPEN CER, ETAL, DEC'D. In the matter of the Estates of Samuel Sneneor. Joseph Sponcer, Hannah and Nnncy Epenocr, ani John Urlo,r Fiaber dee'd. And now Anril 17th lSfifl. Citation awarded by the Court upon the hoin, executon and Administrator! of the above de cedents, to ehow cause why epeoifio perforinanoe ofeontracti for aale of real entute, made by thom in thoir lifetime shall not ha dnnroxrl 9'lrli .Inn I I860. Citation returned, and on mution of R. J. Wallace Esq., Attorney for applicant. Tho. J. MoCullough Eq., wa appointod Commissioner lo taae lomiinony, JA51ES WEIOLEY Clork 0. C. In pursuance of the above Commission t Die directed, testimony in the above mutter will bo taken at my office in Clearfield, on Thursday tho 13th day of September neJtt, when and where nil pomom interested mnv attend. TIIOS, J. MeCULLOUUil, Com'r. C'earflold, August 8, 1860 4t, "FitiisirGOODs; JUST IN TIME TOO. The subscribers are just oneuius at their old stand, a fresh Stock of soasnnnblo Goods, connot ing of a full oceortmont of lry Ooods, Ilardtrnrd, Queenswfro, mnde I Boots and Sho?s of evory variety. up Clothine;, l.auies Drops triminps f e., whi-h they will disposo ofenas good if not better wrms to the pureha icr thiin .the-T, cnn b" l'ine'1 ire r b i ijinuinr fir I'D mirv v.rn.iiirA itpn.-.rjii iv. Aug. 1, '60.-31. MOORE t E'XZW'II.KR. Testa- uiontary bavins been ernn ted to thounur- signodon the ostate of (loogro Welch deceased, late of Lawrence tp. Clearfield county l'u., all persons indented to sniil entate are requested to mako imtnediuto payment, and thoso having claims against it, are requested to present then duly authenticated for settlement. August 1, 1800. Ot. WM. PORTER, F.x'r. I)LASTi:itl;,Tho subscriber, having located himself in the burough of Clearfield irould inform tho public that h is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamen tal of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a noiil manner and on reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield April 17, I860. ly. rpun ci.KAitnr.i.i) acadiomy, win I be openod fur tho reception of pupils, (mules and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1800, Termi per session of oleven Weeks Orthogrnphy, Rending, Writing, Prliuury Arithmetic and 6'eogrnphy, f 2.1)0 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog raphy and History. f 3.(10 Algobra, Geometry, Nntural Philosophy and Hook Keeping $1.00 I.ntin nnd Oreok languages. $(1 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, nnd who wish to quality themsftlvcs for teachers, this Institution offers dcsirublo advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session, nnd no deduction made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo paid nt tho close of tho term. C. B. SANDFOKD, PitiMiPAi.. May 2.'5, 100.- I v. JAMKS T. I.K0.1ARD. W, A, WAI.LACK. D. A. FINNKr A. C. FINNKV 36anluniranb (Eolltclioit Mtc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L K A R F I L I), CLEAnFIELI) COUNTY, PA. .WILLS OL EXCII ASOR, KOTKR ASD IIRAFTS niSt'Of.lTltn ni'.i'osiTs ii p.cr.ivi:i, Conditions made ami proceeds promptly remitted Kxrhauge on the Cities constantly on hand. T"Ouico on Scceod St., nearly opposito the COURT HOUSE. 18G0 1GC0 .,T 11-- V) m m extensive Dealer o'lmro Timber. Iliar-.l. a tccll eiij'1 M'ch 14 IMfiO. To Persons out of Kmploynicnt. I A GEXT3 WANTED TO SELL tho Erie Sew. : J. 1. mg JHncluno ,) , ' K Cmmon r "K at from 1. . I'" "'""u. ina expenses paid, 'ihls " " i'lncnino, nna so siniplo In lis construe- !; "Z M'jlne, nnd so simple in its construe- ,?, n f . h . J0ar'.c"u ,ef operate " hJ Jialf an hour's instruction. It is cqitnl to nny Family Pcwinjr Mnchino in uso, nultlio price is hut Fifteen Dollars. Persons wishing an Ageney will oddress J. N. 110YLWX, Foerotnry Erio Sewing Mnchino Company, Aug. 8, 18(50. 5w. JIILAN, Oil 10. IKIMIAVM COURT A MiBy virtue J ot an order or tho Orphan's Court of Clear field county. Thoro will bo exposed to public snle at tho Court House in the Borough of Clear field, on FRIDAY THE 7TII DAY OF SEPTEMBER A. 1). ISM, the following described rI Estato to wit ! A tract of land situnto in llojton nn),ln n-.. i.i ii. , n. ""-- "TiZJ.riJ 'rT7eu 2n a rnntin the ,Y" """" V",uw. ".' . tontnining 15 ncre, "" "", nounuea Dy lands surveyed on ""iniuna me name oi jatnes n Uson and lnndu Tlr "fT ?' A ."L..?f 'ct 1 timbered, with valuable white Pino tiinbor and having a stream of water thereon, which can bo made navigable for logs, or npoa which a Saw Mill migntbc ercctod, Into the estate of Samuel Caldw.ll deeensod. TIHH, one -fourth of the purcbaso money on dny of Bale one-fourth on the confirmation of Sale, nnd the balance in two oqual annual payments with interest from day of Sale, to be secured by Bond t Mortgage. DAVID CALDWELL, Adiu'r.'d Aug. 8, 1860. of Samuel Caldwell, doe'd, A FARM FOR SALE. Tho nndorsigned offers for tale, a valnnblo farm in Penn township t formerly owned nnd now occupied by Richard Denver jr: containing about 80 acres, boundod by land of John P. lloyt, Thos. Martin and Jonathan Wal n, one mile west of Pennville. From 40 to 60 acres cleared a good fr.ime dwelling house, a log barn, and other buildings erected thereon. Also a good bearing orchard and a never failing spring on the premises, and will be sold on reasonable terms. For which apply to AVra. Ir ia Curwensville. IUCHAHD DENVER, Sen. Aug. 22th 1360 3m. Penn township. L. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office adjoining bis residence on Second Streot, Clrarf lid. Pa. I Juno 1. 1341. x . - . w v- Shingle, Ac. V Ssj-i. ,,-bp y ,fny "t 9 'r'KlU n'i """'"' (4 itlft - ). . BARTSWICX,H D DRUGty VARIETY LOIIAINE & CO. HAVE Justreeoived from the Eastern citios, and opened at their NEW STORE ROOM on MARKET STREET, two doora west of Third, tht most extonsivo assortment of Urugs, Modiciues, Paiotr, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Ptufl's, Tobacco i, Segars, Toilet articles, Porfumory, Ulur.k books, Stationary, Cutlery, Miscellaneous And Fancy Articles ie. 1c, ever offered to tho public in this section of tho country. Their Druga and Chemicals, of which they have an extensivo assortment, hnvo been select ed with especial refforence to thoir quality and freshness. Their stock of Oils and Paints will consi.it of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tunnor'j oil, Turpentiro, Red Jc Whito lead, dry and ground in oil, Span ish brown. Venitian red V. ll,. anil fitonA nnlira Lampblack, Mack lead, Ivory buck, Chinese,1 American Vermillion, pnris green, pnris. Ultra-1 miirino nnd prussian bluo, dry nnd ground in oil, ( Carmine, Chrome green f- yellow, Chalk of nil ,ti0,'!!lt'i!!,r,,,!!,,lunki ti b!"'"k'rE',ncry' ""p"'. Copl Uamur and Sholluc, Indian red, Litharge, Orange ;uiucrul, pnmieo aod Rotton stone, Roto pink, Engluh and An.frican, Ro-in, Senret, (or !...i.. n...-. Kinnn,, T..,i,,, v),. ' digris, bluo if- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty nud putty knives, Giiiss of all sizes and quali ties, Looking-gluss plates, Ac, f c. Dyc-stuIlH & Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip ped and ground, Indigo, Madder, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red saunders ; Copnl, Conch, Black for leather, Japan for dying, Map, Mastio, White Dnmur, White spir't uud Flowing Vnrnih. Tobacro Scg;ars : Cavendish, best, Natural icaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Fino cuts ofull kinds, and pride of the liiirein, tobacco j Rappeo anl Scotch snuffs: F.l phaeton, Henry Cluy, punch, Lnchicn, El mono, 4o., Segars. Ill a nk-Hooks nnd Mat binary. Ledgers, Day-books, Receipt nnd Note-looks, Diaries, La dies and Offit'o Portfolios, Blank parchment nnd paper Heeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, llil-uncsv and drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready reference riles, Anmar'f nnd Arnold's writing fluid, Ink, black, blue, and carmine, Steel Pens nna Pen holders, Paper clips, iniicjilnyo, and all other ar ticles in the Stationary lino. Toilet & I'anry Articles & Perfumerv. J1air bruhes, American, Froncli A Knglixh, with Ivo ry, Shell, l'carl, Buffalo, Satinwood, Rosewood A ornamented backs, nil qualities j Cloth brushes Hut brushes ; Teeth brushes, various qunlitios ; Shaving brushes, American, English nnd French with Russia bristles and Badger's hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb brushes nnd Cleanors , Tortoiso shell Tuck combs, Tortoise sholl, Plain A Fancy nnd India rubber Long Combs ; Shel, Buffalo, Horn and India rubber pu(T sido Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, nil stvles: English Toilet combs with handles; Bonnet combs; Ivory nnd Outta perclia fino tooth combs'; Pocket combs, all stylos : American, French A (Ionium Cologne A Lavon !er wulcrs ; Luhin's, Taylor's, Wright's, Mangeiict A Conway's ex tracts for the ban Jkerehicf, of a grent variety of styles; Burnett's Coeain?, Bnrry's Tricopherous, Lyon's Cithniron, Eau, Lustral, Hears, Mussnccur, Antigun, Rose nnd Coral Oil ; Beef morrow, Pomades, nnd Philocnom, American nnd French all styles and prices cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge Balls, Lilly Whito, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling salts, Bnlmofa thousand flowers, tooth paste, tnoth paste, charcoal, reso, 4c, Ac, Shaving Compound all siios ; Military soap, Honey Soap, Chrystnline and Floating sonps,, Ottoman, Yankoo nnd Oallngher soaps, Transparent nnd Castile sonps, Ac. Ac, Misc-i'llniiroiis Articles. Oenls steel framo morocco and cuff Portmonnics, Ladies silk lined papier Macho, inlaid tortoiso shell, velvet nnd morocco Porlmonaies, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered with felecl lends, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet nud papier Mache, ivory ami pcarf memorandum tab lets, Fine En-iiish Mororc, Pocket Wnlets, Mo rocco nnd cn'f Pocket bunks, with straps nnd ciii-ps ; Bill books, unci Banker's cases with lock and key; oollnpsion drinking cnp, Medical glas ses with and without drops. Fishing tackle, Chapmnn A E nerson's Razor strops cigar cases erumb brushes. Shoe Brushes with nnd without hnndles Horn brushes, nil qualities. l'liint and vnrnish brushes nil sires, tin nnd copper bound, Sash tools nil sizes, oounter nnd mark ing brushes, whito wash nnd scrubbing brushes. Fancy coored feather dusters fcc, Rich pear? infciid papier nmelic, toilet cases, work boxes, writing clerks, Rosewood and Mahogony ivriling desks, Chessmen nnd Chess boards, dents. Kid Gloves, Neck tics, collnrs, crnvnts and canes, Ln dies Kid, Taffeta Silk nnd Kid finished gaunt lets, and Lylc thread gnuntlo).', Black nnd color ed silk web suspenders, french striped gum sus penders, Rich cnibroid.red suspenders, (iuiots new style French suspender., Gents, linen hnnd korchiels, coored border nnd Ciinibrin handker chiefs. Ladies finen handkerchiefs in great vaii- ciy ; Riiusnnuo inns, rircuriir trench Inns, can ton feullior funs of a great vn ricty ; Fine Canton pam funs with ivory and painted handes, Back und mourning funs; Hair pins English and Fredeb, 4c, 4c. Aso Patent .Medicines of ev ery variety. Alt of which will bo sod ot tho lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Medicines ami Surgical instruments, at tho must rcasanablo rates lor cash, June 6, lMiiO. ly. Ml) N ' V. f.M 11 T'i;i . , 11V 1 IjU) LUMBER CITY, Clcarjicld Countu, 1'a, JOS. L. KIRBY, PnorntKToR. )EGS leave to nnnounco to-tho traveling coin ) munity nnd the public genenrnlly, that ho has taken the above named htol nnd refitted it in a style suited to the times and tho wants of tho public. HIS TABLE Will alnnys be supplied with tho best the mar kets nnd tho surrounding country can affjrd j HIS BAR Will contain the choicest liquors, nnd HIS STAIlLIvS Will bo in the enro of sltvntivo hostlers, re sponsible for thoir conduct to their employer, who will give the entire establishment bis per sonal supervision. In the the hope tbnt ho will bo nblo to make his guests comfortable during thoir visits 'obis house ho respectfully solicits a share ol , ublie patronngs. Lumber City Oct. 19, 1859. IHucItMiitEiiii?. JAMES CROSSLY rnrrioson Blneksinithing in the borough of Lumber city, wfcero bo will execute promptly all work entrusted to, him, and executo it In a workmnnlike man nor, ;i July 4, lSOO.ly. n RY CHERRIES for sale at the store of Win. F. Irwin. Clearfield Pa. D APPLES, for salo at the store of Wm. F. Irwin, Market street, ClenrMd V. J, OSCAR L0RAIKK. KltATZEltS' HAVE JUST OPENED TlIEil NEW SPRING GOODS COMPRISING ISoiincts, Shawls, Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibbons, Flowers and Millenary goods genj erally. ATTENTION INVITED TO THEIR and Shoes of every description. Also to thoir elegant styles of BUSINESS' COATS, and iMon'a it Boys' CLOTHING. A full assertment of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths" and Carriage trimmings constantly on hand. frFtour, Uncoil, i'iah fc. at the nicest priced F?jMCS!j rlTiVftl Of E' mTr T i ,.Ic l lv V H iKJfliSr at the ciikap cash store. T . . . . J" ""'""S and opening a large an woll selected as?ortinont tf SPAING ND SUjMMEi tioods, of almost every descrtp-' tion, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Pros goods, of tho newest nnd latest stylos. Also great variety of useful notions. A large assortment, ready-made CLO 'MING, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots mid Shoes, a larjro quantity, Hardware, Qicenswarc, DrugL's uud Medicines, Oil nud Paints, Carpet A Oil Clollis, Fish, Bacon and Flour, of the best quality, nil of which will bo solo? nt the lowest cah or ready pay pricos. My oil friends and tho public generally, nro respectfully inrited t i call, Clearfield, .May U, 1S60, WM. F. IRWIN" fvF a i iii a i in NE IV GO ODS. Just recoiving and opening at tho Old star : of Lew is Smith in Betlilolioin a well selectod a sortment nf Spring nud Summer GooJs ofal! most every description. Staplo nnd Fancy, a benutiful assortment'! Prints mul Dress Gootte of tho latest styles, nlso n variety of useful No lions. Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shnwls, Bouts and Shoes, Ilanlivnre, Queenswaro, Drugs art Medicines, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Segars nnd all articles usually kept' in n country Store, nil cheap for ensh, (Jivo us a call und sec for vmir selves. II. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, 1?S0. NEW GOODS"" NEW GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS ! I ! Just received and now opening nt Ikvin's chen' corner store, a large nnd w ell selected stock of' Spring and Summer goods, nil of which aro of- -fered nt lower prices than ever. Cnll and exnin--ino goods nnd prices. E, A. 1HY1N. Curwensvillo, May 10, 'CO. innets, Horenea braids. Enclish Shakorand other stylos triuuuod nnd uni- trimmed, will bo found in variety nt tho cornor' "tor! f E.'.IUYIN, Curwensville, May 10, '00. Faclies dress goods, ofpalterns nnd textures to' A please nil, will bo found nt tho cornerstoro of' Curwinsvllio, May 10, ISOO. E. A. IIIYIN. Skeleton Skirts, a Inrgo varioty nt reduced pri--ecs at Irvinscorner store. Curwensvillo It), 'fiO.. O tella and other S'hawls in variety ot tho cheap' O ftoro of K. A. 1KV1N: Curwensvillo, May 1G. '0O. Boots nnd Shoes. A larger stock and lower' prices than over, nt Irvins Cheiipost cornor. Cunvonsville, Mnv 10, '00 A very large stork of Spring end Summer' clothingof the latest styles for sale Inwh' Cuiwensvillo, Vnylff, ISflO. K. A. 171VIV. Cooking Stoves of various sires nnd prices for1" flll l,y E. A. 1UY1N. curwc-nsvillo, -May 10, 'GO. illnckercl nnd Herring for salo at the cornor i More of E. A.1RVIN. .'urwonsvillc, May 10, '00. 7lnur, Bacon. Beans and Clover seed, nt lli cheap corner by V. A. 1RV1.V. i-urwtusville, May 1(1, 18C0. A ,T excellent qunlily of Flour for sain low a ine noro ol l learfield, July 11th, IS CO. W. F. IRWIN. sides of spanith solo leuther or salo lovsr fj fore cash by E. A. ItlYl V. Curwensvillo, May 1 0, 19fi0. 1 ?RL"IT. Driod Apples, Pared and unnarodV 1 II 1.-- -I :.. i. . . ..... . - . eiieoes, oneirics, i runes anil jcatsins ar the comer store of E. A. IUVI.N. Curwensville, May 1(1, IPrtfl. irstins Mill and cut Saws, Mann axes amf .1' a general assortment of lltrdwnr nt the store or K. Curwensvillo, May lrt,lSC0. A. 1RYIN, large lot of BEANS for sale at the Iroir Store of MERRILL A BIGLER. CO A OAI. OlI-And Coit, On, I,Ars for Sale C. Kit AT.FK A B0N5. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having roccntly been fitted? np for a bonso of entertainment, is now open fur the accommodation of the public Traveler will (in 1 this a convenient house. Jlay l j0; DAN,