Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 29, 1860, Image 1

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    Mr1 r 1
CI S iTiT S ft
i -rarnii.i.i . .
r .vm iy rti, v.y it' v'-y- vsy rra s .h-v.j i x
m h fj i.-j m n uj c3 M 4 Ei ii
. Terms ot f-urxicnptioii.
If pnM In advauco, or within tliruo months, $1 25
f paid anv time ih. vr i tn
h. i Vk
, ..... .... - i ii
If paid after the eipiration of tho year, . 2 00
Terms of Advertising.
Adrertlsemcntn nro inserted in the Republ
nt the following rates :
1 Insertion. 2 do.
fno square, (11 lines,) $ 50 $ 75
Two .(uuro8, (2sline,) 1 00 1 50
Three squares, (12 linc,) 1 50 2 CO
3 months, (t nioV
One Sqnnro, ! : : 12 50 $4 00
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Three s.uaios, i : : : 6 00 8 00
Four quarts, : : : : 8 00 10 00
Haifa column, : : : : 8 00 12 00
Ouo column, : : : : 14 00 20 00
8 do.
tl 00
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2 50
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$7 00
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11 00 i
18 00
S3 00
Over three weeks and Ie.s than threo months 2
conts per square for enrh insertion.
Business notices nwt exceeding Slincs ore in
lorted for $2 a year.
Advertisement not marked with the nnmher of
insertions deiirej, will be continued until forbid,
uuu cuareu accoruing to in.8e terms.
C. 1!. fiOuDLAXUElt t CO.
"A an ft coiivih'U U hal rcdrtu'a:"
A (implo raying, brief and wise;
Tho ready truth is ever best,
If truth without di;guiso.
If, in a weuk and anpry hour,
We utter bitter words and strong,
Oh ! let us strive with all our power
To rectify tho wrong.
If we attempt to mar and slain
A fellow-being's peaco and nauio ;
What docs our selfish spirit gam
liut fretl'uliicss and shumo?
lieiueinber that wo but ditre?3
Another's quiet and our own ;
Then let us hueten to confes,
Aid, if wo con, ntouo.
lint thero aro deods done in tho dark
More baneful still than careless speech ;
Vis when wo siugle out a mark
That feerct fpilo may reach ; '
An arrow from an unseen hand
Is wingd to wound somo guiltless
And who can su-.-li a foe ilhsUiu 1,
Hidden and unconfess'd ?
broast :
Cod j'jdtth justly, and will bring
Oricf for the mischief that wo do ;
Wo ennnot work un ovil thing
But we shall suffer too.
Then lot us lay tho bosom bare
llefore the injured one and Hcavon,
And, in a gush of bcarl-felt prayer,
Confess and bo forgiven !
J. C. Tnixi k.
e l.-'..- :
311 is ct II iinco us.
Maxims for Married Women
Tho unmarried woman, says un ex
change, who can rca I this without indig
nation, oushi to be married :
Lot every wife be persua Je 1 that there
nrj two ways ot governing a family. Tho :
lu-sl is L.y tlio expression of :hat which
belongs to lorcc: the second tit
t.nwiT :
of mildness, to which every strength will so,'i'ties divided, families estranged, "and
yield. One is tho power of the hunband ; j n". ' pratificalion of a love of mis-
a v i lo should never employ anv other c'-'ief for its on salse. Xo earthly good
means than those of gentl.-uess. U'lu-n a -ln resulted from theso insane efforts, but
woiiimi ac-ustoins bci-i-lf to say "I will," 0::,'' CVI! lm,l t'l-it continually. "
slio deserves to loso hei empire), ' ho New York Tribune has for years
Avoid contradic'.iiigyour husband. When ''CCM cou.-pieuous as a propagator ofmis
wo smell a rose it is to imbue tho sweets chovious fallacies and a malignant assail
of odor; wo I ooi; for everything amiable , nn.t . ot l'ivato character. It advocated
in woman. Whoever is oltcn contradir.-; spiritualism in a cowurdly round-about
tod feels insensibly nn aversion (or tho ' )v:1'' ,"lt'1 l"d'lio 0 inia decided against
person who contradicts, which gains " '"-'n 1 he editor tool; tho back track,
strength l y time, and whaluwr bo her f"ree-lovc abomination found an echo in
good qualities, is not easily destroyed. i columns until a torrent of popular in
Oceupy yourself only with household llV'""''Oii was raised, when ho unpaid nil
allairs; wait till your husband confides to ll0 ''ad ever uttered in relation to it, and
you those of higher importance, and do sneaked into a corner to dodgo the res
nol read lectures to him. Let your prea- j'onsihility. Tho only subject upon which
ching be a good example, und practice vir- '10 '' !0n consistent is his unrelenting
timyourtelf to make him lovo it. j hatred of tho people of the .South. Ho is
Command his attention by being nl- ia '"an ofsomo talent, but constitutionally
ways kind to him ; never exact anything, ! I"; to errors ofjudgemcnt ; an egotist
nnd you will attain much ; appear always . without an equal, narrow-minded, bigot
llultered by the little bo does for you, ' tc'J nrrogaut, intolerant, nnd unscruiiu
which ill excite him to do more. loudly vindictive, to the latt degree ; ut-
All mou aro vain: never wound his ' tol'y wanting in conscientiousness, rcfine
vanity, not oven in the most triiliug in- j mo,lt aUl' tl uo nobleneis of soul ; in prin
stances, A wife may have more sense C'P'. 'J" " au Ishmaelito, and in manners
than her husband, butsho should never 110 is a c'mvu. This accounts (or his utter
seem to know it. want of sympathy with true greatness,
When anion gives wrong counsel, ney- nnJ '''s inslmclivo antij.athy to a true
cr feel that ho has done so, but leud him ' gentleman. Heneo Ids stinlicd misrepre
by degrees to what is rational, with mild- J B,,'tions und injustice, his ferocious in-
iv". miu gentleness ; wnen no is convin
ce.l, leave him to tho merit of having
found out what is just nnd reasonable.
When a husband is out of temper, be
have obligingly to him ; if ho i abusive,
never rotort, and nevor prevail over him
to humblo him.
Chooso well vour friends, b.ivn . nit Toii-
and bo careful of following their ndvico in
all matters.
Cherish neatness without
luxury, an.l
and recalls nlin. 3:
morn im;.' 11 , V ave
,ji uioro innii 14 mqitii.iki
, . ....... .v i J . . . . . . j w . . . . . . .
band's coucerus, bnt obtain his confidence.
icvi-r oh c:iiriniiH in tii-u inM trMir. hi..
mil nl 1 I - I f i .l
.v.iin.r.1, una uo careiui never lo
cold; by thio means he will find his
house pleasantor than anv other.
.Seem always to obtain information
from him, especially before company,
though you may pass yourself for a sitn
pleton. Never forget that a wife owes all her
importance to that of her husband.
Leave him entirely master of his cwn ac
tions, to go or como whenever ho thinks
A wif nii.rl.f Ir. ..-..t. 1
v uiuno uur coinpauy ami
able to Lor husband, that he will not be
abla to .,;.. .ST "., , "-j
.if. . without it, then he will not i
! 10 exist
b altle to ex
..r.llouj n ui n no win
not parUk ofitrvithhiw.
It. TT .
j , , V.0 11)0 nomination of Mr. Sow-
: Wucago. scorned to hr.vo surprised
) j w h I iJbv
' ft Portion of Ho rv.vlv !.
. . . - -i .. 1 " "uu
1,n' not previously been fully acquainted
W r ltf"tWr?'3 ln L.w character.-
It. S , '? Lh .
' ; , 1 , ' . ."l
iiim,iU vjmi.iuuiiu; unu ho
is nn unsaio mend, una
un unforgiving
It semis that Mr. Seward did not tra in-
to a tit of hysterics sonic years jo, ivhun '
iiit-Kn-y rccoiveu -a rowura ol mciU" in
this city, in the shape of a eoun.l'
for his viUK'moin cr.-on:lity. Mr.
S'tnard was of the opinion thai, if an edi
tor dipped his pen in tiull, he ought to
Iiayo back-bono cnoiiLrh to ' faco the mu
sic -soJ no M In iv eu the a lair la
without sympathizing, with this victim of
ins own tinpovornablo pa.ions. This
was 3fr. Seward's first oll'ence. Tho next
pf-rsonal irrievnnco on tho unit, if if
Horace Greeley, was tho decision of Mr.
Seward npainst him, as umpire, or referee,
in tho libel case of Graham vs. Greeley, in
which Mr. Greeley was very justly com
pelled to make a most humblo apology
for tho wrong ho had done. This was
grievance number two. Tho third and
last but by no means tho least, wus the
fact that Mr. Seward did not nnimint.
Greeley to an ofiioo when ho was Governor
oi iNow ork, r.or uso his niHuenco in his
favor afterwards; but on the contrary,
preferred a rival editor, Mr. Raymond,
upon whom to bestow marks of his confi
dence and respect. This was tho cap of
tho climax. From that dav to thi--
Greeley has boon laboring day and night
to undermine Mr. Seward, and to destroy
his political prospects. lie has succeeded
and by such mo-ins as no honorable man
can fail to reprobate nnd condemn.
Wo look upon Mr. Greeley ns intrinsic
ally a bid man. Tho bitter disappoint
ment in the great pet schemo of his life,
tho Fourierito millenium, seems to huvo
turned every conerous amotion of his
i . "! lnl malignity and gall. Ii liaa had
similar influence upon others atached to
tho Trihune cfllce. ns is demonstrated in
every edition of that unscrupulous, sheet,
Thousand tako that pestilential Journal
under the falso impression that it is a semi-religious
and reformatory paper ; tho se
nior editor professes to bo asort of non
descript Universalist, and sends tho Trib
une to ministers of that denomination at
half tho usual subscription price. l!y
this means in conjunction with the Chris
tian Ain'jas.iaJnr, lie has succeeded in abol
itionizing n largo majority of tho clergy
men of that permasion in tho State of
New York, who tako whole sermons from
tlio columns of his paper. The two jour
nals mentiancd have succeeded in dei-
troyin tho causo ot Temperance, by
their advocacy of tho odious Maine Law,
n.n1 "'.1'iring
beyond nil human .caleulu-
tion, tho cause of religion, by their fur.ati.
cism witn rcgara to southern slavery.
-nurciies nave been broken un. rch.'ious
ceuvcs, coarse vituj.erntion, and unscru
pulous calumnies. It is only because ho
is not universally known, that he is not u
niversallyexecrated. Vanvcniiic Erjsit
Thk "Poor Slave." John Sanderson,
Esq., of Norfolk county, Va., ha3 paid his
negroes this season 550, for corn raised
for their own benefit, on his farm. Ho
raid fine nf llm
m nlln.,-.i i; , , ., . '
. "ie vi worK lor themselves
sm'on ,or P. purchased under cir
has re-
contly settled with his men for
tho vonr
paying ilium
Wo takepleasuro in stating further,
that W. W. Warden. Fsn.. nlso of this
- ' . i ... ...
county, has recently paid his hands ?:'to'
tor corn raised on his land; he, hko the
others, having allowed them time to work'
for themselves; and thero aro many other 1
The into'S ZL t,.,.,,.
similar cases. near the old fort, they discovered tho rc-
Tho negroes alluded to, like millions mains of fifteen bodies of lVitih and Am.
in tho Southern States, aro not only plon-' eriean soldiers who fell in the war of lcl2.
tifully provided for in every way, but Several buttons, bayonets and epaulettes
they aro saving money to uso as they may : were also found. Ono button had the in-f-nd
best in tho coming years and with-: itials of tho Pennsylvania Rangers on it;
r1 they em as happy as lords. They ' another is maked "U. R." and another the'
work well and cheerfully in the day, nnd 1 'th Iwitish Grcnadies." A few AmcrU
at night and during the holidays they can coins were nlso found. From the ikh
sing, dance and smoke, eat sweet pota- j sision of tho bodies, it was evident that
o. urinn uar.i oner, sii around the big
kitchen fires ."lautrh and rrow fut." n-
gnrdless of the- "tom-foolery" nnd nen-'
senso about the "poor oppressod slaves.",
I XorjM ( Fa.) Herald. '
!Kttck and the EladnsW
Duelling Ground.
IT ! l.,..i:r..i t!ui. . .
i iiviv. t ii ui'.i ii i ii i it n nn'ick .h-.
' l.l i... c. fc. I"u' "l 1 "
, "uuv;u I'jr irtus mrms mnuo niter (ho
imago of God. como to n-nlt !
, defy Heaven. In 1-11, Edwn-d Hopl"
i -.. - -' .This ;;w
- L0 1,10 lu'sl 01 llmi fashionable
dors on this dtiellin
Jn A. T. ItLtson, a Unitod .States
.Senator Irom Virginia, foupht with his : sis
tor's liusband, John Mct.'arty, Iicro. ifc
Carty was i.verao lo liditins and thought
tlu-ro was no n.'csiiv f.jr il : but Maon
Muid fight. McCaity named muskels,
loauod with prapo thot. nnd so near to
th.T that tlioy would hit heads if they
Ml on tliuir This ivaa climuf..,! ),v
ii i . i i. . . . .: '
10 loaning with bullets,
a! air (o mm.Ih .ijk. i r.ii..i .. i- . .
sou was ki W 1, X TT.T
who had his collar bono broken, still lives
with Mason's sister in Georgetown. His
nair turned wluUs soon alter tho fi-ht
as to cause much comment. Ho has since
been solicited to act as second in a duel,
but refused, in accordance with a pledo
ho made to his wile soon after killin" her
In 120 Commodore Decatur was killed
in a duel hero byCommodoio Barron.
At the first fire both fell forward, with
their heads within ten feet of each Mip.
posed himself himself mortally wounded
each fulJy nnd i'reelv Ibi-ira flm mi...,.'
still lying on the ground.
I'ocatur expired linmcuiatulv. hat I'.ir-
ron eventually recovered.
In 121, two strangers mimed T
"-; ;, i Joareu uero. Ioul' it. nm S t. n
O ...... II J . -- f... ......
instantly killed. Tho neighbors only
learned this much of their namos from
the marks on iheir cloves left on ti.n
ground. Losa was not hurt.
In ls2G, Henry Clay fought (his second
duel) with .John Randolph just ncrof s tho
Potomac, as Randolph preferred to die
if nt all, on Virginia soil. He received
Clay's shot, and then fired into tho air.
This was in accordance with a declaration
niiido to Mr. lien ton, who spoke to Ran
dolph of u call, tho cveuini, l.rfmv.
if..: .i... . .. ... . " --.""-t
of her child nnd tho renoso of t L ,ni 1,,
ur. iiay, ami ailudsd to Uio quiet
-1 .
Randolph quickly renliel
"J shuil do nothing to disturb tho sloop
of tho child or the reposo of tho moth
cr." General Jessun, whoso funeral
I attcn-
aeu last week, was Clay's second
Whun Randolph iired ho
"I do not shoot at you, Mr. Clav," and
extending his hand, advanced toward
Clay, who rushed to meet him. Randolph
showed Clay whero his ball struck ids
coat, aim lacetiously ; said "Mr. Clay you
owo mo a coal." '
Clay replied :
" J hank God the debt is no greater 1"
They wero friends ever alter.
In l.-.2, Martin was killed by Carr.
Their first names aro not re meinbered!
They were from tho .South.
In I?:;:!, Mr. Key, son of Frank Key,
and brother to Uarton Key, of .Sickles no
tonety. met Mr. Sherborn , and exchatv-cl
u shot, when Sherborn said :
'Mr. Key, I have no dc.tiro lo kill
"No matter," said Key, "1 enme to kill
"Very well, tnon," sai 1 , Sherborn, "I
will killyjn." And he did.
In le, W. J.Graves, of Ivcntucky, ns
siiming tho quarrel of Jas. Watson Webb
with Jonathan Cillcy, of Maine, selected
lliisi.liico lor (j ev's iiim-,1,..-- l.i tl...
paitios learning that Webb, 'with two
ii icin.i jucksoii ana LUrrell, were armed
ana in i ursuit, lor tin. nurnoso ofiiKiiin
ating Cilloy, moved towaid tho river, and
nearu-the city. Their pursuers moved
toward tho river, but missed tho parties
....i.i .i . . . . . '
'"" leiumeii 10 tin city, to winch
tnoy were soon followed by Graves and
mo corpse of t llley.
m . a lawyer, naine.i Jones, foui-ht
witn and killed a Mr. Johnson.
in i.wi, Ji. A. JIoolo and A. J. .alias
wnssnoim the shoulder, but
In Hunicd nnd Johnson, two Rich
mond editors, held a hannlesa set to hero,
which teriuiiiatc-.l in colleo. '
In 1,-!.V1, Mavis and Ridge ray f. night
hero ; liidgeway allowed his antagonist to
fire withoutre'urning tho shot.
An Ei.trHANT swimminu tiieOuio. Ful
ly five thousand people gathered on tno
bank of the river vestord iy mornin", lo
wkiicss tho feat of tho LTephnnt i.alla
Rookh sv. imuiin;' from tho Kentucky to
tho Ohio shoio. On tho first attempt sev
eral skill's laden with peoplo accompanied
tho elephant but when a hundred and
fifty feet from tho shore, Mbs Lull-i evin
ced an ugly disposition, and chased them
all outol the water. Unattended nave by
her keeper, another trial was made, when
. mm .v. cm nn:. i nur iiisr. nt.c a. ia.i , Plan
ing troin tho mouth of Licking, and land
ing at tho foot of Raco street. As sho
walked out of the water tho crowd greet
ed her with several prolonged cheers, for
which she seemed to bo much obliged.
Cineinnatti Cotitmn-da!.
PiTAt Toronro, Canada, a
few davs
since, workmen were mal-ini. nveivniir..,.
incy were buried near trench where
thev fell Gpnernl I'iU-n frndtirn l,.,r..1.-,l
Americans and a number of British were
killed near tho spot in led;,. !
plosion of powder maguiiue.
iy tho
A Picture of Queen Victoria and the
Royal Family.
Rev. II. Uaylics, who is writing a series
cf letters from L'ngland to tho Zion's Her
ald, draws tho following picturo of Queen
Victoria and tho royal family, which dif
fers materially from tho roso-colorod por
traits that me generally presented ol her
Majesty. The picturo was taken ut the
Ascot Races. It is well the artist delayed
d.-awin.! it until aft?r he as oil' of Rritibb
soil, lie snys :
;Unving been disappointed by a slow
train in reaching tho place in season to
sec the Queen and her husband and chil..
dren finer, 1 determined to get ns near
her Majesty as possible, and succeeded in
getting into aMiiall enclosure just in fiont
of her stand, which enclosure, I have rea
son to think from a notice, was designed
only for "tho members of tho Joekney
Club' It was a very good place, howev
er, and fornn hour or two I had the most
favorable opportunity of look in" nt ninl
quizzing tho Queen, Prince Albert, l'rinco
of Wales, Princesses Alice and Helen and
Louise, together with her Royal Highness,
Hie Duchess of Cambridge, tho Count of
Flanders, Prince Louis of IIcsj ; in all,
cloven carriage lends of royalty und no
bility. l'rinco Albert is a good, wide nake,
sensible looking man, familiar and c.vv,
and fit for a husband to a queen, which
he is, and only is. l'rinco ot Wales is n
boat It, of light complexion and rather
eparo ; looks like a fair, sensible senior in
college, and will graduate at Oxford some
time in June. Tho Princesses resemble
very strongly the Princa of Wales, und
aie noi especially noticeable lor beauty;
indeed, I should not have looked at them
a single niiiiuto were they not daughters
of tho throne. As to tho other persona,
ges, I saw nothing that would attract at
tention. There were a thousand on the
field better looking, and lo all appearan
ces equally sensible. I suppose il does
not reqtliro much senso to patronize horso
racing, does it V Well, what of tho Queen ?
I am not in England, and so 1 may speak.
Understand, I was within from twenty to
sixty feet cf her more than an hour, look
ing with my own natural eyes, nnd with
tho samo eyes a .sistcd by powerful raco
gksses, which I boirowod. Lot mo say
then as I thin:.
lieforo I express my thinkings, howev
er, let mo remind you verv recently
the Queen refused to sit for a likeness to
nn American artist, becauso sho said her
time L fully employed. That is not tlio
reason, as youVill miess. Queon Victo
ria u doubtless tho mother of several chil-i
dren, nnd is said to bo an excellent wife,
mother and woman, which is likewise
doubtless; butsho is not handsome, ns
::on.eoi ner portraits represents j)Cr ; !.ho
is not good looking even, nrcordiiif; to my
taste. That kissablo little mouth ycii
lc.'.vo seen in her portraits was borrowed,
Tor it ii not in her face. Her mouth is
ralhnr drawn nt tlio coiners, and arched
in the middle. 1 1 r complexion is that 1
hnvo named for her children, but her
skin looks blotched nr.d unhealthy. J
cqioci.Uty watched her manners in her
conversation and her movements
I - . -....j , ....... X
v lllllliy nilil Vlaltinff rivi I nr.. I I
. iiiu-u say sue was entirely wanting in what
i""-,"" fi.w-e, aim was coriainiy very
iliirlrom aj.pc.iring imceiily atcordiii". to
u.e looieiiuonai meaning ol that word.
W hen she boned in repoii'.e to the honr-i'hn
tVP ienl sof Iiit lnvgl ciil.;....!. il
... .. . uiuuiMiq.' " louui, i ioii oniy suiialilo
a iook oi uio uisdainlul altaelied to a still , 'or the season, but tho age and comi.lex
aud cheerless motion of tho head- I w.a i ion of the wearer. I low m,.mI. f I,- r, ...i .,,,,1
;lora moment within ten feet of her .and 1
no n.:,. i u:e Kiine expres-ion.
Sleal.ii)g with sni lin-disliman in Pari,
about her, tho other il iy, he remarked
' , she docs very well l,ir a (Jueeii lo liil
the throne ; sho makes a good mother and
wife, nnd that is about nil." Moro than
once I heard this sentiment expressed.
The pern-ail you sco are portraits of the
conventional Queen, and not the red.
SnMi.i.r.M.-. The Louisville .Lurnnl
beautifully says : "Thero aro limes when
tlio pulso "lies low" in (ho bosom, and
b.-ats slow in tho veins; when the spirit
sleeps Urn sleep, apparently that knows
no v.- iking, in its bouo oi' clay, and tho
iyii.dow-ahul.iuts arc closed, and the door
is hung w ith the invisible crape of mel-
anchoily ; when wo turn the golden sun
shine into pitchy blacknes, nnd are very
niltiu; to "lancy clouds whero no
clouds be.'' This is a stato of sickness
when phytic may be thrown lo tho dogs,
for we will havo none of it- ll'hat slul'l
rakcthe sleeping Lazarus? What shall
make tho heart beat music again, and the
pulses dance to it through all tho myriad
thronged halls in' our house i.f Lie?
L ll'hat shall mako tho sun kiss tho Kaa.
cm hills "pain for us wilh nil his old a
wuking gladness, and the night overflow
wilh moonlight, music, love und 11 jwera?
Love itself is the greatest stimulant the
moit intoxicating of all and performs all
these miracles ; but it is a miracle itself,
and is not nt the drug store, whatever
they say. The counterfeit is in tho mar
ket, but tho winged god is not a money
changer, wo assure you. Men have tried
miny things but still they ask for stimu
iilants we use, but require tho uso of more.
Men try to drown tho floating dead of
their own souls in the wine-cup, hut the
corpses will rise. Wo soo their faces in
tho buboes. Tho intoxication of drink
sots the world whirling again, and the
pulses playing wildest music, nnd the
thoughts galloping but the fast clock
runs down sooner, nnd tho unnatural
stimulation only leaves tho ho-iso it fills
with wildest revolry, moro silent, more
sad, more deserted, more dead. There is
only one stimulant th it never fails, and
yet never intoxicates duty. Puty puts
a uiuo skj over every man up in his
lieart may be into which the skyhuk
Happiness always poc3, singing." t
e-:-y Reautiful extract helping a young
lady out of a tuud hole.
"1 do not ever expect to bo married,"
."MMouiig ianvoi iwcniy-ihreu, soine""'0. '"in tne most wonderful pioeo of
live and twenty years ago. mechanism in tho world. It is one hum.
Ah lM ," replied a facetious old dl'cd feet high, thirty feet wide, nnd fif-
uncle in a tone of mock pathos, "if you , teen deep. About twenty feet from thd you should not bo married, you ' I'ottom is the dial, on each side ot which
ivould not sleep a wink to-night." j is a cherub, holding a small mallet in his
"1 do not expect to bo married," iicrsiM- hand, while over tho dial is a small bell
ied the maiden, ' and I have formed three cherub on tho left strikes tho first
resolutions on the subject': First, that 1 ' l"arter, and that on tho right tho second
will not become soured toward tho world ; I quarter. Fifty feet abovo the dial is a co.
secondly, that I will r.ot talk scandal ; 1 '"sl of Time, with a bell in his left hand
and thirdly, that 1 will not be ashamed to andascythoin his right. A figuro of a
toll my age." young man in front strikes tlio third nuar-f
Jlio girl road her destiny with a nronb tpr on tho bell in Time's left h
elic eye, und perhaps her resolutions have
I tei II r..i. I, ... . I I !...
:l" rwi-ii. nj.ui resolutions goner-
any uie. i.tH men tho icmntat on to vi
oiaie uio lirst two has been snmll. Tl.n
world has proved a very good ono, pre
senting as few sharp corners ind ns many
smooth surfaces ns could reasonably have
been e.xp ectod : nnd if Ibn a-ml .ii'a
hard work living," have been echoed no-v i comes out and takes bin position, ready to
and then, tho prevailing and almost uin-''-'0 his duly when called upon by tho ma
slant sentiment hns been: "Tho world ! chinery. As soon as tho old man Im
is inn ol beauty and love." Of course,
when one's on good terms with society,
there is but littlo inducement to spend
one's breath in circulating ill reports.
As lo the last resolution there nro tran
sition years, when it requho somo little
heroism for a women, especially nn un
married one, acknowledge her ago. To
render a sufficient reason for this may bo
dillicult ; let it be set down to the account
oi vanity, .but w hen ono has succeeded
fairly in weathering this stormy capo, tho
navigation is plain once more. "It is
more bleskod to be npproaohins ago than
to be receding from youth," somo one
has said : and truly in some caes lo say,
"I am loily-eiglit," than it was to say, "1
am thirty ihre." Ono even comes to
hear the once dreaded term "old maid"
a; plied to herself with perfect equanimity
The Tords trike the car, but carry no
thrill to the heart. Tho lino woman feels
that she can Bland on her own rcspectibil
ty, Miongh sho stand alone. Had she in
liictod a wound'ou thu holy estate of
matrimony," that relation, more frequent
ly abided, perhaps, thou any other of
God s blessed fift" had she done this, by
giving her hand without the pure oll'cring
of tho heait, tho mi-ht, well f. el that she
had taken nstep downward. Rut stand
ing in the unity in which (!;-d created her,
she can wrap the rmintlo of her own self
respect about her, and whilo she ncknow
ea that many a sister woman has in her,
keej in;; holy and beautiful trecurcs which
she b.-w not, sho will feel I hat, by the
laithlul dishargo nf her own duties, she
also perform,; a. perfect work in tho world
Many and sacred may be her tics to earth
ly lWond.s ; or, if iu..,0 1 o wanting,
"Gales from heaven, if so he will.
r-wfetor melody may wake
hi Uie lonely moiintuin-i ill,
Than the meeting waters make,
Who hath the Father and tho son,
May be h It, but not nlono."
'p.... r.. if 7 '
IW. I '1 11: .MIWTU l-ft-ll- llr.ut.vr n-
i Ur.RS.i "All ll.n Vo l'.....l'i 1.....I-
. ...w . . hi ic.e.iiil IKISIIIC
I loiiowiiig : -"As you look from your win .
m i an., oo-erve tlio first fifly wo-
men who pass ; forty havo noses ilem-n.
m tlio middlo, a small tpiantiiy of
k h.iir, nr.d a swarthy complexion but
If!..,,, ,, l..l ... i- , . , -! . ,
band., ! Hoiy well the elof l.i. n,-.i nm
and, than nil. how well their suit
C'.ch otner 1 lieforo Ln.-l
dres; perfectly, they mu-t
of tho French, esj .via'.ly
reason i. hv wo vci: colors
a women can
have tho taste
in color. nc
ill-ari 'an."od in
l.i'.glaod r;, that diiloreiit articles are pur
chased oach for its own imagined virtues,
and without any Ihoii'dil of what is to
booni with it. Women, while shop
ping buy what pleases tho eve on the
counter, forgetting what they havo got at
home. That parasol is pietly. and it will
kill, by its color, one dress in tho buyor's
wardr..!.!-, and be uniiit:iblo for the others-
J'o bo magnficontly dressed costs
money ; but, I.i be dressed with taste
kno..l "Igo and refinement. Never buy
nn article unless R is suitable to your age
habits, s! le, and to tho rest of your ward
robe. IVDthmg is moro vulgar than to
wear costly dresses with a common delaine
Ol cheap laces with expensive .brocades.
what colors o may be ticked go best to
gather? Green wilh violet, ; cold with
dark crimson or line; palobltio with scar
let or pink. A cold color generally re
quire a warm tint to givo life to it. 'Gray
and palo blue, fjr in.nanco do not com
bine well, both beiuj cold colors. White
and black are safe to wear, but tho latter
is nol favorablo lo dark complexions.
Pink is, for some skin, tho most becom.
ing ; not however, if there is much color
in tho cheeks or lips, and if there bo even
a suspicion of rod in cither hair or com
plexions. 1'ca.jIi color is perhaps, ono of
the m st tlcganl colors worn. Maize is
very j.ccoming, particularly to persons
with dark hair and eyes, liut wherecver
the colors or Materials of the entiro dress
tho deluils nro all in all; the laco round
tho bosoms and sleeves, tho flowers in
fact, ull that furnishes the drc-s. The
ornaments in the head must harmonize
wilh the dres". If trimmed with black
l ice, somo of tho samo should bo worn in
the head, nnd flowers that aro worn in tho
heiidthouhl decorato the dress
K5tTho following now licll and Evorett
journals nro just started in this Stale:
Constitution, Lancaster, Pa.
The Union Hell, Nowville, Cumberland
co., Tn.
Llair County Amorican, Altoona, Ta.
i vrono Mar, ivrono Oity, la.
Montgomery Press, (German
i) Norris-
town, i'a,
And a paper at Reading, nalilo lio
TEKJISr-$l 25 per Annum, if paid in advance.
A Wonderful clock
The clock in tho tower of HieCathodraf
of Strausburg, is not
only a monster in
",c 'rns and glides wilh a slow step a-
I ....... ..1 I. I 'I'.. ... .
ueijicu nine, wnen out comes art
old man with a mallot and places himself"
in ironi. oi mo great reaper. As tho hour
of t welve comes I ho old man deliberately
strikes, with much power, twelve times
on tho bell. Ho then glides slowly be
i.:...i t: i ji J
itaie, unu i a vouriff nmn aim in
struck twelvo another set of machinery is
set in motion somo twelvo feet higher,
whero there is a high cross with the imago
or Christ upon it, Tito instant twelvo is
struck a figuro of ono cT tho Apostles
wulks out from behind, comes in front,
turns facing I he cross, bows, and walks
on ai ound to his place. This is repeated
until the twelvo Apostles, largo as lifo,
wal k out, bow, nnd pass on. As tho last
appears, an enormous game cock, perch
edon tho pinaclo of tho clock, slowly
inqis nm wings, sirciciics lortn his neck
and crows fhteo limes, bo loud as to bo
hoard outside of tho church lo somo dis
tance and with lifeliko unnaturaluoss.
Then all is still as death.
Live for Good.
Thousands of men breathe, moovo and"
live pass off tho stage of lifo, nnd nro'
heard of no more. Why ? they did not a
p:u liclo of it in tho world; and nono woro
pleased by them, nono could point to"
them as tho instruments of their redemp
tion; not a word they spoko could ro recall
ed, and so they perished; their light wont
out in darkness, nnd t hoy were not ro
membercd more than Iho insects of yes
terday. Will you thus livo nnd die? O,
man immortal I Hogood, anl leavo bo'
hind you a monument of virtuo that tho'
storm of time can never destroy. Writo'
your name in kindness, lovo and rr.croy.
on tho hearts of thousands' you como nv
contact wilh year by year nnd you wilf
never bo forgotten. No; your namo,
your deeds will bo ns legiblo on the hearts
you leayo behind, ns "tho shirs on tho'
brow of tho evening. Good deeds wil!
shino as bri-htly on the earth ns the stars
ol heaven.
Rlonium o ITke Xaukoiv Escape.
I'.londin, tho tight-ropo performer, met
with a serious accident a fow nights ngo
during his exhibition nt Chilicothe, Ohio.
I'ho Cincinnati Gazette says: "After
dusk ho gavo a performance of trundling
a wheelbarrow across a rope, and tomako
tho I'.vt moro terrific, ho encircled him
s If iii a blaze of fireworks, w hich wero ig
nited simultaneously with his starting.
Before In had accomplished halfhis task,
ono of tho pieces prematurely exploded
and sel firo to his clothing. The peril ol"
Ii is situation could not. bo seen by the
thousand of spectators below, in conso
quenco of tho constant eti.ission ofsparks,
an 1 tho adventurous Lloiidiii had no
thing to do but walk tho rope and sudor
tho torture ofb'iing slowly, roosted. Hav
ing aceomplibhed tho distance, ho, by hi
own cllbiu succeeded in extinguishing
tho II. mies, but not beforo hisbai k was vc
ry badly burned."
Scandal in Ohio. at Hamilton, Ohio, s
few days ago, "a prominent citizen" wroto'
to a popular clergyman that ho wanted to
join the church, but could not think of ns-
eociating with Mrs. , tho wifo of a
well-known lawyer." Tho letter col
handed around, and finally reached tho
attention of "well-known lawyer," wh
.- , ..I . . . ... ....
iinmcuiaiciy weni gunning wiin nuoit al
ter "prominent citizen." nnd cot within
shooting disUneo of tho "citizen." "Welt
known lawyer" blazed away, iho citizen
lodged nnd ran ; "well known lawer" fol
lowed, popping a shot in nfter his flying
gamott every chanco, until at last he -hit
um in the shoulder. I he doctor was cal
led in, explanations ensued, and tho affair
was "hushed up."
New Oiurctio.n to Mr. Breckinridge.
Mr. Rreckinridgo is charged by tho con"
spirators with having opposed Mr. Cass's
eloclion in Tho charge is fidsc ; anil
has been refuted.
Ho is charged with having favored
Know Nothingism in 1855. His fulso.
Ho denounced tho whwo thing.
lie is charged with being a uisumonist.
Tho charge is made by theso who aro plot-
tins tho overthrow ot the government. IV
is faho.
Ho is now charged with boing a poor
man 1
It U said ho never owned a sI.ito 1-thafc
he is not a slaveholder 1 that he is com
pelled to employ white servant girls I .
that ho necessarily employs white labor-.
its on his farm 1 This may all bo true.
Mr. Hreckinridgo is not, wo believe, a
wealthy ninn. Is that a valid objection,
freeman of Kentucky? LouUvHl Cour
ier. BtTJuTho N. Y. 7Ws says : Wo dosiro
to congratulate Rev. Mr. Shoohnn, who is
the reported bridegroom to whoso for
tunes nrs now allied tho farao namo nnd
reputation of Mrs. Km ma Cunningham
P.urdell. Mr Jdieehan is a Universally
preacntrof more than ordinary talent.
Let us hopo ho is happily located nnd may
be livo uu enviably life i'w many long and
b'.M-fu; vials.