Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 29, 1860, Image 4

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    I I. AIM II I I' H'l'M V
II i i'ly stmt
IvA ,),,, It. 1, I. )., I UK!,
HI I H I lix -1111: . li'i t.
I I.I.H ll'WIN, rr.Hi.ln.t.
J I !.. ,Iak. 'J'. l.F.O.N . H l, )
mi. 1. m :n?n,
I WM I'tlKHr'-T,
. J. F. .V r,7,
V, 1'IS.U.
Scrrel;il V.
A. M. Smith, (.'or. Sonvliiry.
.Loirs Vki:i,kv, Tien.siiier.
I. H. McE.N.ti.i.t, Librarian.
hjiiHiiit Com. Hun, llii'liuril Shaw.
Urn. ,i'lm I'jit txti .on 'a Bnyuton.
Jci.xinh K. Heed J. M'tiaughfy.
Krof'.r, lli.n. 1. H. Barrett.
Ciimmtllrrt of Armiitjiunilt.
A. C. Finxev. t'lmiiinan.
V.i lilooni,
tieurjo II. I.ytlo
James M'dluuylilin
.lames Levy,
W. I,, Ante,
Slurp & Sit int.
James Irwin, !Sr.,
Inlir.ton IIoMen
Holt, Mitchell,
Win. M Hthnn,
1. V. Moore,
David C. Dulo
Samuel Clyde
Milo Hoyt.
Jacob AVilliolm,
U. AV. Miofi;
Yield crops it' TiyWd
(r. J). (ioodfellow,
AVra. M. Shaw,
Edward Met iarvcy
Aaron C. Tate,
Eluli Johnson,
Butter,, Flour Agricultural if Miscella-
and Vehicles. neons Articles.
John Irwin, t'ur'v lr. A. Scryver,
Tliomns Y'riley, I). S. i'lemirg,
Isaac I'dooin, Walter R'lrrctfc,
Wm. Bloom, AVm. P. Chamber.",
Win. I". Irwin, John AV. Shugart,
Merchandise t Do- Fancy Department.
mestie Fabrics. 11. AV. liliern,
M. A. Frank, John Irwin, Curwens.
David M'(iau;hy, J. 1. Kratzer,
AV. AV. AVrif-ht, John ii. s'eryvcr,
Edward Goodwin Mrs. II. F. Nuuglo,
Mrs, Ileury Kern, Miss Eliza Itoed,
Miss. Mary Halters, " Km Alexander, Kate lirown, " Anna Irvin.
Miss Hannah Bloom, "Saruh Kirchflcld
Miss Harriet Swun, " Nannio Irvin,
Miss .If nnio Leonard, " Sarah Kheotu, ,
Jiss 11. Srmckmnn, " Henrietta Irtvin
" Mary Moore.
Committee at Jirgo.
Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Knndis Xichols
Mrs. I'. M. AVeaver, Miss Nannio Smith,
Miss Mary M'Uaughey.Miss lulia Galloway
Miss llebccca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey
S J. How, John L. Cuttle,
G. V. Snyder, Alvin Koss,
Samuel I'heem.
Marshall Gen. A. II. Hills.
Assistant Marshalls Jiijor I). J. Xevling,
Col. AVm. Ten Fyik, Cupt. T. J. McC'ul
lough. Cajpt. Edward A. Irvin.
Pirotcchnies.U. II. Swoope, II'. AV.
l'ctls, L. 11. Mmrell, .lames L. Morgan, J.
I. Walters I'culxm AT. Sjackman.
Class 1. Siceepnltike.
(Opon to oil Breeds and Competitors.)
Best Bull ovor 3 years old, $4 00 2d best, 2 00
Kent Hull over 2 years ol J, 2 00 2d beet, 1 00
liopt Bull over 1 year old, 2 ( 0 2d bent, 1 00
Best Cow overS yvars old, 2 00 2d boat, 100
Bost Bull Calf. 1 00 2d boat, SO
All breeds come together in this class and
compete with each othor. To be judged, 1st, by
their jnnit points and symmetry of frame. 2d, by
the ability to fatten, (is the animal a good hand
ler?) 3d, milking qualities. 4th, Siio. 5th,
give no premium to any animal until thoy are
satisfied it will produce good stock. To this end
the Judges shall satisfy themselves in regard to
the stock of aged bulls and cows. The animal that
possesses theso qualities in tho greatest perfection
should draw the SwocpsUkos, whether it be Dur
ham, Ayreehire, Hereford, Devon, Grade or .Na
tive, J i hoes. Geo. Thorn, Ziich. McNaul, David Ty
ler, Asaph Kirk, John Shaw of Decatur.
Class 2. tirade Cattle rnltcd in county.
Best bull, $4 00 2d best, 2 00
Bost cow, 3 00 2d best, 2 00
IJcst heiffer calf, 75 2d host, Dip.
Best bull calf, 75 2d best. Din.
Jt'PGEs. John McTherson, Jos. Lyons, Tnomas
u. onyder, J, M. t'umnnngs, Dr. J. P. Hoyt
Class 3. Milk Coin,
Best milk cow, $3 00 2d best, $2 00
Milk cow itd bost, 1 00
judges. James Forrest, Thomas MeGhoo, Ad
am Gcarhart, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Iluiley.
Class 4. Oxen.
Best yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2dbet,$l 00
BcstyokoSy. 1 00 2d best, 60
Hi st yoke 2 y. " 60 2d bost, Dip.
jsost yoke I y , " 60 2d best, Dip.
J i hues. B. C. Bowman, Hiram Woodward, Aa
ron U. l'sarco Win. Smiley, Alex, Murray.
Class 5. Oxen.
Best trained 10 yoke, 4 years old and over,
irom ono township, f 3 00
2d best, trained lUyoke, 4 years old ando-
vcr, from ono township, 2 00
Best trained 10 yoke, Sycarjold and over,
from one township, 2 00
2d host trained 10 yoko, 3 years old and o-
ver, from one township, 1 00
JrniiES John l'utrhin, John M. Chase, Joseph
Denning, John Brubakcr, Joseph Yothers.
Class 6.Fnt Cattle.
Best Fat Bullock, $2 00 2d best, $1 00
Best Fat Cow, ? 00 2d best, 1 00
Bost lK'iflVr, 2 years old, 1 00 2d best, 60
Ji HUES George Kittlobergcr, John Mcuilkin,
Caiqior Liepold, James Bloom, sr., Beuj. Ste
phens, Class 7. Thuroij.hrtd HorteioptM to a!
Best Stallion, over 4 y'rs old, $3 00 2d best, $2 00
Best Stallion, over 3 y'rs old, 2 00 2d bost, 100
Host Stallion Colt, 2 y'rs old, 2 00 2d bost, 1 00
The premiums in this Class nro intended only
for thoso Hrses whose pedigrees make them
worthy of them. The Society wishes to encour
ngo tho riuring of high-blooded Horses here ; on
tho other hand tho Executive Committee would
caution tho Judges to bo careful that tho premi
ums are not drawn by inferior stock.
JrnoEs James Forrest, Kit, Dr. O. W.
Caldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph l'eters.
Class 8. Simlr nnrf farm Jfnrnt
Best Gelding, ovor 4 years old, for work, f I 00
2d best " . .. jp
Best Saddle and Carringo Hone or any ace, $1 00
2d bcrt .. .. ' jjip.
Best Saddle and Carriago Mure of any age, $1 00
2d best ;, V D-
Best Span of Draught Horses or Marcs 2 00
2d best " ii j ()0
The llnrso that moves the heaviest load ou
u cume ooai without a whip, l 00
2d bost
Best Colt,
Jl-ncEs-Milton McBrido, Martin O. St irk. Jas'.
rv i3 zii nest, Jyip.
n vumwcii, Anurew Addleman, Isaac Dunlup,
A in. Brown, Hugh Orr.
Class 'J. Matched Carriage Horses.
Best span matched carriage Horses or Marcs, $2 00
Id best do do do do 1 00
JrnoEH Judge Barrett, James Forrest, Dr. U, P.
Thompson, Kdwin Perks, Maj. 8. C. Patchin,
Class It). Mares and ( oils.
Best broed maro and colt by the side, $4 OA
2d best do do do io 2 00
Best Guiding, ovor 3 and undor 6 yean old, 2 00
2d best do do do do 1 00
Best Gelding, over 2y's old,$l 60 2d best,$l 00
Best iMuro over 8 years old, 2 00 2d best, I 00
Best mare, over 2 A under 3 y.l 60 2d best, 1 On
Best colt over 1 i, undor 2 y.l 00 2d best, Dip.
JtiiOBs John Swan, Matthew Forcee, Jacob
I legal, a. Tate, Kobort MeXaul.
I'l 1 1 ' "" .. " "i "'.
'f linn In . lr..nih In t1n'tu. (No 1 1.
ttilnms dnlr" lw rhlrlrs,
time, tti.llin under sidll", I'lp,
tin. I (linn :nttiiK In tl Mtl.l hin-l, do
II,.. I htn 'iirlriR (ind.if la l lle, A
Jt i'ims- J, O. I.otitliic, t.srtr I'li fol, John J,
Miller, John M. Ctiminlitftn, J"hn S . Ilnslrtl.
('i.isn 12.- Tt oiling mil Walking Jlftit,
en ned in (he I vnih,
Fn.lest IrollliiR Stallion, IHp. fd le, Dip,
do do llorso r Dinro, do Id brat, do
do walking horse or mure, tin 2d best, tin
Ji irs J. II. Graham, Win. Irvin, A. II, Mmw.
J as. L. Stewart, Jas. Alexander, Woodward.;
Class 1J. Sheep and Wool.
Best buck, any breed, Dip, 2 00 2d best, I 00
Best ewe, any breed, do aud 2 00 2d best, 1 00
Best .1 Sheep fattened fur mutton, Dip. it- $2 00
2d best do dj do 1 00
Best fleece of fiuo wool. 1 00
Best fleece of course wool, 1 00
Four Lamb, best, $2 00 2d best lambs, $ I 00
3d best 4 Inmbs, 60 4 " " Dip,
Jrnnis Win. McN'aul, Jacob Kunti, sr., Kliih
teuton, Adam Gcarhart, Henry Irwin.
Class 14. Sitinr .opt to all.
Bast boar any breed, $2 00 2d best, $1 00
Best breeding sow " 2 00 2d best, 1 00
Best 3 Hogs in county, S 00 2d best, 2 00
Next best 2 bogs in county, 1 00 2d best, 60
JtDBifs Doniul Livingston, Win. M. McCul
lough, sr., Col. Thos. K. M'Clure, John Irwin,
James Bloom, sr.
Class 15. Poultry.
Best reop spring chickens, nut lost than 0, $1 00
2d best do do d do Dip.
Heaviest turkey, do
Best display of chickens, do
JrnoRs Georgo Thorn, J. H. Fleming, Snmuol
Arnold, Kobert Thompson, Clurk Brown.
Class 10. Flowing.
Owner of team aud plow, who plows green
sward tho best. f 1 00
Next best, xip.
Owner of team and plow, who plows stubble
the best, Dip, 00
Noxt best, do do do Dip.
Best plow for stubble, Dip. A$l 00-2d best. Dip.
Best plow for subsoil, Dip. 1 00- 2d best, Dip.
JirmiKS Klishn Fontou, Auios Heed, D. W.
Wise, John Wolls, Jr., Win. Hoovor.
Class 17. Hollers and Ihills, Harrows and
Best clod crusher and roller combine, d, $ 2 00
2 1 best, do de do Dip.
Bost fluid roller, $100 2d best, do
Best drain drill, 2 00 2d best, do
Host Harrow, 2 00 2d best, do
Bost Cultivator, 1 00 2d best, do
Best Uorso-rako, 1 00 2d best, ' do
Best Keapor mid mower, S 00 2d best, do
Bost ooru shelter, 2 00 2d best, do
Best corn planter, 2 00 2d best. do
Judges William A. Reed, Kouben Wall. Jona
than Hartshorn, Hon. T. It. Davis, C. Baker.
Class 18. Agricultund Implements.
Bodt Original invention in tho county, of
an agricultural implement ii 00
2d best, " " orig. inv. Dip.
Best threshing machine, f 3 00 2d best, 2 00
Best fanning mill, 1 00 2d best, Dip.
Best hay pitching machine, 2 00 2d bost, do
Best hay rigging on wsgon, 1 00 2d best, do
Best ox yoko and bows, 1 00 2d host, do
Best vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d best, do
Best stalk and straw cutter, 2 01 2d best, do
Best common plow, 1 00 . -2d best, do
Best single or doublo shovel plow, 1 00
2d best singlo or double shovel plow, Dip.
Best horso power for general purposes. 1 00
2d best horso power forgouoral purposes, Dip.
Best fork and fixtures for unloading wagons. 2 00
za dcsi lorn ana fixtures lor unloading " Din.
Ji'HCES Simon Thompson, Benj. Sua- k man. B.
B. Wright, Dauicl Hurtsock, Benj. Kishel.
Class l'j. Miscellaneous farming implements.
Bost bee hive,
Best stump puller,
Best Potato digger,
1 00 2d best, Dip.
2 00 2d best, do
1 00 2d best, do
1 00 2d best, do
1 002d bost, do
Best grain cradle,
Best six hand rakes,
Best lot gardening tool.
I 00 2d best, do
Best sot farming utensils, owned by farmer. 1 00
2d best set farming utensils, owned by farmer.Din.
JvDiiEs John D. Thompson, John Russell, 0.
1 M It T tf 1.M ! a i t .. '
u. iui'mii, . ii. rmniiug, camuoi 1'owoll.
Class 20. Wheat, Barley, Corn, ifr.
Best. 2d best.
Aero of winter wheat, $3 & Dip. $2andDip.
Acre of spring wheat, 3 k Dip. $2andDip.
F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10acrcs,3 Dip. 2andl)ip.
Acre of corn, 2 t Dip. tlandDip,
F'ld barley, not less than 3n.2 i Dip, ijsiandDip,
Acreofouts, 2 Dip. $IandDip,
Acre of rye, 2 Dip. $landDip.
Bushel of corn ears, 1 Dip. Diploma.
3 acres of buckwheat, 2 t Dip. $landDip.
Ji naEs George Wilson (Boggs), Michael Bolt,
Jas. A. ltoed, Samuel Kirk, Juab ltidor, Jos.
Irwin Martin H Luther, Kobu MehafTey, Hugh
Class 21, field Crops.
u , - Bcrt 2J n-
Ono-hulf aere ofpotatocs, $2andDip. $landDip.
One-fourth acre of beans, 2andl)ip. $londDip.
Acre of clover seed, 2nndDip. UlandDip.
One-fourth a. broom corn, 2andDip. $lndDip.
One-fourth acre sorghum, 2andDip
Best i acre of peas, 1 00, 2d best, Din.
Best 1 acre of rutobagoos, 1 00. 2d bost, Dip.
Best bushol Timothy need, 1 00, 2d bost Dip.
Best i acre carrots, 1 00. 2d best, Dip.
Bost 1 acre turnips. 1 00. 2d best, Dip.
JunoRs Wm Smith (Covington), O. V. Gulich,
Kobert Owens, Abr'm Goss, jr., G. B. Logan.
Crops being oqual, preference will be given to
thoso that yield the grootest nctt proBts. State
ments to be furnished by the applicants for pre
miums on farm crops. They must be weighed
ond a sample of the same furnished at tho fair,
and also at the rooms of the committee.
8. Applicants applying for premiums shall fur
nish the committee a statement signed by him
self undor a plodgo of veracity, of the quantity
of grain raisod on the ground ontored Tor a pre
mium and be shall state as correctly as he can
the kind and condition of the previous crops
tho kind and quantity of seed used, and the
timo and mode of putting it in the ground.
4, It is the obiect of the oeiiv in
tnlums for good, not extravagant and generally
impracticable culture, and any wilful inaccuracy
In the statement furnished nhnv. .t..n
prive the applicaut of a right to compete for the
i nit it ret nrinnmina
1 v jri VIUlHUlf,
Class 22. Bread A r.-,.,? r.v.;
",- mw a W(
Best 3 Loaves broad, winter wheat, Dip,
" ' " " spring whoat, do
1 corn,
" 1 " " ryo,
" Pound cako, Dip;
" Spongocake, Dip.
" Pie of any kind, Dip.
" Preservos, Dip.
" Display of preserves,
" lee cream,
" Display of inllini.
Best Fruit cako, do
" Jelly cako, do
" Tlnin cako, do
" Jelly. do
Jrni:s-Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boyntnn.
, .rs. Mu. Jrvin, Mrs. M. McOullongh, Mrs.
Robert Boss, Mrs. Jl Graham, Mrs Itev. McLood.
"-LA5S. -.liutter and Cheese.
J. f uuns butler, $1 00 2d beet, Dip,
u Firkin, 25 or more lbs.,
maua in May or Juno, 1 0 2d best, Dip,
" "esc, X)ip,
JrDORs G. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw. Scn'r,
airs. wm. Morgan (Lawrenec), Mrs. Martha
iiarttock, Mrs ndgo Wright, U B Uoodlandcr,
ii ui i.ieinuo.
Class 24. Flour.
Best barrel of Flour, $1 a din. 2d best, Dip,
" D)0 lbs. fluur (spring wheaL) 60 c. A Dip.
2d bost 100 lbs. flour (spring wheat), Dip.
oo nnuml rvc flour. fin j. liin
2d best 50 rounds rye flour, Dip.
" 50 pounds buckwheat flour, 60 e. It Dip
2d best 50 pds. buckwheat flour, Dip.
" 50 nounds corn meal, 60 c, Dip.
-J best 50 pounds corn meal. T;n
1 Jritoas Jesse Broomall, Samuel Jordan, R. 8.
xiumpuroj, xorumana uswalt,u. .Vpackman, Jr.
Cltss 25. Domestic Articles.
Best box or jar of honey,, Dip.60.-2d best.Dip.
BoetlOlbs. moplosugor, Dip. 50.-2d bcsLDip.
,, " ' , r-" ' iwr-ugnt cans, l)jn'
Best preserved tomatoes in air-tight cam. Din
Best preserved blookbcrrios in air-tight eanj,Di...
.....orve. currants m air-tight cans, Dip.
. vvvacu niui emu on,iuoue of eure,Dip
ii l I if. H nip, m l k rl1m rui'h, Dtp.
Jl luti Mr, Bnrtill, Mr; Wm f In.
. v, Mrs. i'n. Ill((ler, Mrs, Kllti tt in, Mrs,
John Hhli'tr, Mis, Kill tiKln, Mrs. Jonathaa
llaitsliotn, Mm. George H llon, (II , )
Cl.M !. An M.'ie MttniAietnrrV
B'.l 10 nrt Annuel, Oil.. M ,0.t, Dip.
Be loVnfls sattlnet, 1 00 - 21 best, do
Besl 10 yards rlolh. I ltn...?, best, do
Best talr woolen blankets, I 00- 2d best, dn
Brst It yards Woolen carpet, I 00---2d besl, dn
Best I Jyer l" rag carpet, wool.
enchain, 1 00 --2J best, do
Best 15 yards rng arj el.col.
I ton chain, t 00-. Jd best, do
Best woollen coverlet, 1 00--3J best, do
Best woolen fringed mltU, do
Best hearth rug, t do
Best rnlr woolen knit stop V Ins, ' do
' Best 1 lb. linen sewing thread, do
i Best specimen of knotting, knitting or neo
I dlo work by Misses under 12 years of age, do
Best 1 lb. of stocking yarn, de
' Best foot mat. Dip. Best straw hat do
Best straw bonnot, Dip. Best tidy, do
JrnsKS Mrs, Judge Ferguson, Mrs, B. II. Cald
well, Mrs. Lydia Klioein, Mrs. John Norris,
Mrs. Mary Spaokuian, Miss Nancy Ogden, Mrs
Doctor Tboirpson, Mrs. 11. L. Heed, Mrs. S.
J. How.
Class 27. Needle, Shell, Wax uork fc.
Best spochnen of noedlo work, Dip.
" group of flowors in worsted, do
" Inmp stand embroidered, do
" lamp stand not embroidered, do
" embroidered slippers, do
" embroidery in silk, do
" embroidery in worsted, do
" embroidery in lace, do
" embroidery in muslin, do
u shirt made by Miss under 15 years, do
" patching and mending, do
' ottoman cover, Dip. Best tablo cover do
" fancy chain w'k, Dip. " worked eollar, do
" wax flowers, Dtp; " worked quilts, do
" feather work, Dip " leather work, d
" ornamented work do
J I' does Miss Emma Uruhaa, Miss Sophlo Bar
rett, Miss Maggie Irvin, Miss Mary Jane
Wright, Miss M, J. Bard, Miss Emily Forrest,
Miss Matilda M'Murray.Miss Josephino Flogal,
Miss Mury Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Ein
m Jones.
Class 28. Millinery and Dresmakini.
BoBt millinery Dip. Best dross-making, Dip.
Judges Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary H Fer
guson, Mrs Mary a Leonard, Misecs Jano
Mitchell, Ada Swartx, KliiaHtone, Hetty Cuth-
cart, Helen Cuttle, iiouisa Kratter, Mary A
Class 29. Artistic work.
Best painting In oil, Dip.
" painting in water colors, do
" portrait painting, do
" landscape painting, do
" cattle painting, do
" ornamental painting of any kind, do
" daguerreotypes taken on the gruud, do
" ambrotypes taken on tho ground, do
" photographs taken on the ground, do
" writing, do
" ornamental penmanship, do
' architectural drawing, do
Ji'iiors Dr John O Loraine, II M'Kini, Mrs.
W. L Spottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss
Sophlo M'Le- d, Mrs Eli Bloom, Mrs J. B
M'Enally, Rev. J;M Galloway.
Class 30. Designs.
Best design for farm house, $2 2d bost, Dip.
" design for barn, 2 2d best, do
" design for carriago houso
and stable, 2 2d best, do
" design for dairy house, 1 2d bost, do '
design for Ice house, 1 2d best, do
" design for dry house. 1 2d best, do
" design for bridge l'hu for bridgo
not less than 250 ft. spaa, t 00-2J best, Dip.
JrnoEs Hon. Q 11 Barrett, Hon. Wm Biglor,
Jno. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough
erty, Class Zl.Mdalie Fabrics and Machine
Best display of tablo and pocket cutlery,
asnerican manufacture. Dip.
Best cooking stove, wood and coal, Dip. and (3 00
2d bost, Dip and $2 3d best, Dip and 1 00
Best parlor stovo, coal. Dip and 2 00
2d best, Dip and $1 00 3d besr, Dip
Best parlor stove, wood, Dip and 2 00
2d beat, Dip and 1 00 3d best, Dip
Best cast Iron fence, Din and 3 nil
2d best, din and 2 00 3d best, pip and I 00
Best tin ware, din and 2 00
2d best, dip and 1 00 3d bost Dip,
Best blacksmithing, d p and $3 2d bost, dip and I
' gunsraithing, dip aud 2 2d best, dip and 1
iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1
shower bath dip and $2 00
' original invention in the county, 5 00
' Plato castings, din and 1 00
Jinor.s Win. McBrido, John F AVeaver, Elisha
Vonl.m ll. Ki,l, U'. A U'.ll
Class 32. Vehicle of all kinds.
Best family carriage, $3 ADip.-2tl best, $3 Dip
' kiRRy. 3 do do 2 do
' farm wogon, 4 do" do 2 da
eloign, 3 do do 2 do
timber sled, 3 do do 2 do
' horse cart, Dip
wboel borrow, tl 00 2d best. Din
JrnoEs Dr. H P Thompson, B C Bowman, Jno.
W Pauly, John B Hewitt, George Heakendon,
J. C. Brenner, F G Miller.
Class. 33 Cabinet ware in County.
Best dressing burcau,$3dip,--2d best, $2 and Dip
4 ofo, 3 do do 2 do
lounge, 2 do do 1 do
' extension table, 3 do do 3 do
set of chairs, 2 do do 1 do
' variety of chairs, 2 do do I do
4 st parlor furniture, 3 po do 2 do
display of cabinet ware, $5 00 and Dip
' office chair, 1 00 and do
J 11)0 ks James II. Flemintf. C Itn!
B Walght, Thos. Mills, Harrison W Spencer.
Class 34. Cooperiug, Carpentering and
Best specimen of pine ware, Dip
' window sash, $1 00 2d bost, do
' window blind, 1 00 2d best, do
4 set grain measures, f 2 00 and do
4 lot of bucket, 00 and do
4 lot ef splint baskets, 1 00 and do
' panel door, do
Juneas James Fenton, Fredorick ffulich, Thos
Hondcrson, Abraham Ogden, John Garrison.
Class 35. Itwts and Garden Vegetables.
Best 4 stalks celery, Dip. Bost bus. turnips, Dip.
4 i bushel carrots, do ' 1 bun, onions, do
4 f do rutebagos,do 4 do parsnips, do
4 t do table boots,do 1 12 touiutoos, do
4 6 heads eabbage,do 4 6 egg plants, do
4 2 heads cauliflower,do 1 qt. lima bcans,do
4 one-half bushel table potatoos, do
4 quart winsor beans, do
4 varioty of squashes, do
variety of melons, do
' ono-half bushol of swoot potatoes, do
All vegetables to be raised by the exhibitor.
Jrnors James B.Graham, A. K. Wright, Wm
L. Mooro, Philip Antes, Kov. Joseph U. Foelit
Class 30. Curriers, SoMcts, Shoemakers, &c.
Best. 2d best.
Gcnto'bootsand shoes, $2andDip-f 1 andDip.
Ladys' boots and shoes, 2 and do 1 and do
Gents' gaittrs, 1 j0
Ladys gaiters, 1 &0
Display of boots and shoes, 3 and do
Traveling trunk, j0
Tug harness, 2 and do 1 and do
Carriage harness, Sand do 2 and do
Single harness, 2 and do 1 and do
Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do do
Gents' riding saddle, 2 and do 1 and do
Ladys riding saddle, 2 and do 1 add do
Display of saddlery, 3 and do
Calfskin, land do do
Sole Leather, l and do
F.very ether kind of leather, a0
Robo made by exhibitor, 2 and io
JPS.6("j:RincLftd -V,0"03' I" 1. Horace
. m.u.u, utuiHs u. tuoore, n m. Portnr.
. Class 27. Tailors ana Upholsterers morl
Best suit clothe, made by hand,$2 00-2dbest,Dip
. IZ Z ad,-l' 6.2dBe.t,'d0P
Best pauti ntds by lady, ia
Jliats- Via. t liifi, fntnirl Mlt-ltsll, (In.
J Blihi4 Mi""p, Mis. J. T. Mel iil,.ti(h, Mr
! Jnn MeGaiighey, IUld A'lainn, Sfn'f.
j Cl.AI ' 38. hiting it County,
'tls.tblll, Nip. Host blank," Nip.
t i,.l fancy, dn ' Card, do
Best Newsf aper, do Pamphlet, dn
jjl'i'iirs Gov. Win fllglir, I.. iM'rans, Dstilrt
Faust, Israel Test, James K lon.
CtAM 3'J. Mone Ware,
Best drain tile, Nip. Besl brackets, Nip
Best lire brlek, do Besl pottery, do
Best brlek, do
il niirs Judge Ferguson, JuAge Lamm, Martin
Mehol i, Jr., Ww Merrell, Geo ErharL
Class !). Chemicals and Chemical action,
vi lb.
Best available manure at moderate cost, Dip.
Host for farm products, 1100 do
Best for gluo, 1 00 do
Bost linseed oil, 1 00 do
lost tallow caadloi, dip. best writing Ink, do
Bost spocimen soap, dip bestvlneger, do
Jt nois Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wtison, Dr. T
Buyer, Dr. A McLeod, Dr. J G Harts wick,
Vr. V. u. urouch, vr, J otter.
Ci.s 41. Stone and Wood.
Best dressed stone, tl A dip. Bost mill stone, dip
Best floor boards work'd do Best grinds tone, do
Bost weather bnard w'k do Bost shingles, do
Best splitor shaved hoops, do Best turnod art, do
Disorotinnary premiums will be recommended
for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics
in all the various branches, and it is hoped a
general attondauco will bo made.
For all Improvements useful to the farmer and
haviig valuublo properties, discretionary prem'i
will be reocominonded by the eommitteo' and a
wardod by the board at their discretion.
jfpoaa Judgo Leonard, Judge Bontall, P. K.
Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Boll.
Class 42 Natural Minerals.
Best of useful minerals of Clearfield ooun-
ty, coal included, do.
4 Limestone, do. best sandstono, do,
Pottors clay, do Fire clay, do
' suite crystulited min do 4 Fossil, do
' minerals from the surrounding counties, do
JrnoKS Judgo Hoyt, Rev. W. L. Spottswood,
II. B. Swoope, 11. F. Nauglo, L. J. Crnns.
Class 43. General List.
Best display and greatest variety of flowers, do
Displny 4 4 plants, do
Best Floral ornaments, do
ltimt basket bnnuels with hnnill.. A.-.
Best manufactured article by sewing machino
on ground, uu
Best hand boqucts,, do bost butter bowl, do
Best washine muchino. do Best buttur luillu. dn
Best churn, do
Jt noKs Mrs. Judgo Moore, Mrs. Josiah R.
Reed, Mrs. Joseph 11. Uogaity Lumber-city,)
Mrs. D. V. Ktzwniler. Mrs. Miirliii 'ii1i,,Ia r
Mrs Wm. Morrell, Mrs. A. 11. Shaw, Mrs. Wm!
A. Wallace, Mrs. Muj. Kivliug, Mru. Thos. For
ceo. Class 14. Fruit.
Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap
ple, summer and winter fruit, named
and arranged, 60 cts A do
Best disply and greatest vnriety of
poars, named and nrraui;ed, 50 cts l do
Best display and greatest varioty of
pcucucs, named and arranged, 50 cts if do
Best Apples, i bushel do
Best Collection of plums, do
Best do cherries, do
Bost do quinces, do
Bost do strawberries, do
Bent specimen of Foreign grapes, do
Best specimen of American grnws, do
Best specimen currants, not less than 3 qart'f do
Best specimen goosberries, ' 3 4 do
Best specimen of blackberries, do
Bost specimen of seedling grapes raised In
county and worthy of culture, do
Best specimen of Domestic wine. do
Ji iiues Wm C. Foley. Wm. McCracken, Mrs.
Samuel Mitcholl, Mrs. J. F. Weaver, J. 11. M'En
ally, Abrain Novling. Miss Josoqhine Lanich,
Miss Edith Boynton, Miss Bertha Wright.
Class 45, JIurseinanship, ilc,
Best 6 couple of Indies and gents ou horseback, do
Best company of cavalry, da
Best company of infantry. do
Best band of brass instruments, do
Best martial band, do
Best 25 singers. do
jYiiiiKS Gen. J. II. Lurrimer, Col. II. D. Pat
ton, Col. A. B. Shaw, Col. B. .. Wallace, Col.
Smiley, Col. PasMnorn. Col. M'Clure. Mni. D. W.
Wise. Major S. C. Patchin, Major Unit, Maj ,
lioiscy, Major tt'm. Dell, Captain Mnthew Oc
den, CupU W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor
Class 40 Nurseries.
Best nursery containing tho greatest variety of
iruiu ana rnruns cultivated in the most ap
proved and methodical man nor, f 2 00 A do
jriwEg Thomas Mills, Jacob Gulich, James
A. JIugtrty, William j. Hemphill, Richard Shaw
jr., John G. Cain, Wm. L. Moore.
Persons appointed to act ns judges are request
ed to notify tho Secretary, if possible, before the
1st day of tho Fair, of their aceoptance of the
trust, and to meet the Pres't at tho opening of
tbo Fair.
The Rule and Regulations, ifc, will bo pub
lished in a woek or two.
!! ! DEATH !!!
To every form and Specie of
" COSTA R'S" Hat, Jioachitc. Exterminator,
" COSTA R'S" Fcd-Bvn Exterminator.
" COSTA H'S" Electric Powder for Itsccts.
Rats, Ronrlies, Mice, Moles, Grouiul-.Viee,
Bcd-liugs, Ants, Moths, Mosijnitoos, Kleiis,
Insects on 1'lants, Insects on Animals, tic.
m Bitot t every form and species of
10 vonrs efctnLlished in K6r York Citv
usetHiy the City Tost Office the City I'ris-
on and btation houses the city fctenniers,
Shins &c., tho City Hotels. "AMor," "St.
Nicholas," &.c, and by more than 20,000
private familes.
Bft.Drii!gtst8 and Retailers everywhere
sell them.
Bp)usoholosalo A t-cnts in all larce Cities
8t3,ltogular sizes, 25c, 50c, & $1. lioxes
Dottles, llaslcs.
5illl l!tswARi 1 1 lofanurious imitations
Examine each lkx, Uottlo & Flask.
mm uiito nownng UUt "UOSTAR b '
BPX?I.0O Boxes sent by mail.
BU3 .1 $5.00 by Express.
.Address orders or for Circular, to
rnncipal Depot, 410 way, N. Y.
March 17th. Clearfield Pa.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
JOHN Gl'LICH, of the borough of Clearfield,
Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend to
to any business in the abovo line on short
notieo, and in a workmanlike manner. His place
of business is at the eld shop on tho north side of
Market street, 8d door east of Third sU, Dearly
opposite the old Jew store j where he will keep
constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma
hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
w are of every description, which he will dispose
of on aa reasonable terms as the same article
can be bad elrewhero in tho county.
HU stock of Cabinet Ware now on Land, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Pesks and
Book Cases French and Field Post Bedsteads.
Dining, Breakfast, Contre, Cord and Pier Ta
bles, Ao. Ceflini manufactured and delivered at
any place desired. " w
February 9, l$49.-no. I, vol. iv.J
n un v nil. moot).
VmiiTABU-. UIK rn.Ls
AM) .
The high am! envlcl celebrity whlcli lhee
pro-etnliieut inrdirlne bare neitiired for their
Invariable eflleai'T In all the disease) whli h they
profess to pure, has rendered the ustml praetioo of
puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of
them. They aro known by their Irultsf their
gned works tesl'fy for them, and they thriro not
by the faith of the credulous.
In all casks of Asthma, Acute and Chronic
Ithoumatism, Affections of tho Bladder and Kid.
nys. Billlous Fever and Liver Complaints,
In the south and west, where these diseases pre
vail they will be found Invaluable, Planters,
Fanners, and othors, who once use theso uiodicinos
will nover afterwords be without thorn. (
Isyspepstia. No person with this distressing;
disease should delay using thoso mediciues im- 1
mediately. Krupti'iu.8 of tho skiiii Krysipelas, I
Flatulency, Fovor and Aguo. For this scourge ;
of the western oountry these medicines will be,
jound a safe, speedy, and curtain remedy. Other
medicines loave the system subject to a returB ot
the disease a euro br those modieiuos u er-
manent. Try thorn, bo satisfied, and be oured. I
Mercural IilNcasea, Ketr tails to eradi-
oale entirely all the effects of mercury infinitely
sooner than the most powerful preparation of j
Night sweats, Nervous Debility, aorvous com
plaints of all kinds, Organlo Affections, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cholic.
I'llca. The original proprietor ortnese moai-
cines was cured of Piles of 85 years standing by
the use of these Life medicines alone, onus of
all kinds, are effectually eured by these medicines.
Parents will no woll to administer them whenever
thoir existence is suspected. Kolivf will be
mi ura tills Ann rnot-mx (ittriis
Purify tho blood, and thus remove all disease
from tho system. A singlo trial will place tho
Lira Pills and Puoknix Bitters beyond tho
reach of competition in the estimation of every
Jt-rrPreparod and sold by
3.15 Brodway, eor. Worth St., New York:
Fob. 2th 1SBU. lyr.
nri"K undoraiirnod subscribers, tako this meth-
X od of informing tho public generally, that
they have this day entered into copartnership in
and can be found at tho shop formerly occupied
iVJ. slimikwilor, on Third street, in this bo
rough, where they will be pleased to soo tho r old
customers, and as many mcw ones as can make
it convenient to give thorn a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks,
Your log-chains and your pulling sticks,
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your maro,
No thrve-ycur old shull then go lure.
Your spoars will work up thon just right,
To prooning hooks for every height.
Your swords too, shall then be wrought.
To ploughshares such as Coin ne'er bought.
uEO. AV. OllJl.
Clearfield, Dtrcmber 8, 1858. tf.
I Hood JSearcIior !!
For tho speed?, radical, and eflerluul l ure ol
AiL DIiSEASK.S arising from Ul PU
This medicine has wrought the most miracu
lous cures in desporata cases of
Cutauoous Diseases,
Pimples on the face,
Old, Stubborn Ulcers,
Totter Affections,
Mercurial Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Low Spirits,
Cancerous formation.
Erysipelas, Boils,
Sore l'.ves,
Scald lioad.
Hhomnatic Disorder
talt Bht'uui,
(Jenenil Debility,
Loss of Appetite,
Foul Stuuini'h,
Female Complaints, and all Diseases havinj.'
their orgin in on impure Btute fcf the Blood.
The above Is a portrait of David M'Crcary,
Napier township, who, on the Slst day of Aug.
1848, made affidavit belore Justico Oorlcy that
be was treated fir the cure of Cancer by throe
physicians of B.dford county, and by Dr. Now
.on of the Klcctrio College in Cincinnati, )for a
period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding
which, his lip, nose and a portion of his left
chock were entirely eaten away ! Ho hod given
up all hope, when he heard of tho "Blood Search
er," and was induced to try it. Four bottles
cared him, and although sadly disfigured, there
is no question but what this invaluable medicine
saved his life. The full particular jot this case
may be seen in a circular, which can ho had of
any of the Agents.
We also refer to the ease of Nanny Blcakney,
of Eldcrtown, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of
Scrofula after being unable to got out of bed for
three years.
To the caso of a lady in Ansonsvillo, Cloar
ficld county, who wai also aftlietod with Scrofula
in its worst form.
To the case of Georgo Jelscl, residing in Carl
town, Cambria count, Pa., who was so badly af
flicted with Cancer that it eat his cntiro nose off,
and his caso was .worse, if possible, than
The particnlars of these cases every ono of
which was cured by the use of tho Blood Searchor
Uiav also be found in & ptrntilaa in h l,n1 r.t
any of the Agents.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for tho uiunufacturo and aalo.nca
tho Pa, Kailrond Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Dr. (leo. 11. Kcysor, Wholesale Agent Pitta
burgh Pa.
I'Dll SALEnV-CD, Watson, Clearfield :
John Patton, Curwensville ; James B. Graham,
.-uiu,.,u , jv. r. irenner, juorrisdalo , John
Russoll, l'ennvllle ; It. II. Moore, Luthersburg :
M. O. SUrk, New Millport C. R. Foster, Phil
ipsburgj II, Swan, Ansonville j Russoll McMur
ray, New Washington ; Edward Williams, Wll
liamsville) Jackson Patohen, Burngi Jo : Samuel
llcgarty, Glen nope,
Fob. 1st. HjflQ.
TAKE CAHF. f)P tttmh
DR. A. M. IIIf,LS, dosires to announce to
his friends and patrons, that he is now de
voting all of his limn In
1 hose desiring his cervices will find him at his
I face, adjoining his residonce at nonrlv all times,
nd always on ('rid ays and Saturdays, unlex
Kotlcc to the contrary be given in the town pa
tiers tho weak previous.
N. B. All work warranted to be satisfactory
Clearfield, fa., July 25th, lstiO.
An cit nnlvc tii U of .InU.ihK innlrrisj
f tint .! Dm I'tiMislirr rl llm ";,i t.
tt nimouncn I1 Din pnMir tlinl, tut Is i rri.i
rt 'l to do nil kind) of
ronm!, hi rti, rn.K im,r,
l'l.ANKS, l'AIMt ltiHiK ( 'l Rl I t.A R '
I.Aiiu.s, Ham. Tk kits Hamiiiii,i,
nntl every kind of printing tiHimlly don
in rountry job ollioi.
All orders will bo executed with neiU
ness and despatch.
JtlSTIl'Rofthe peace
Luthersburg, Clearfield Co. r,(
will attend r niptly to all business entrusted
to his cure. Murch 28, I860 "" :. lJ.
AT the mouth of Liek Itun, Are mlUs foW
Clearfield, MEItClIANTri, aud extenslv!
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 23, lSil'.
Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed'
on short notice, nntl the wry best style, atbir
aid stand in tho borough of Curwentvillo.
Dee. 2U, 1853.
DH. M. tVOODS, having changed his loc
tion from Curwensvillo to Clearfield, res
pectfully offers his professional sorvices to the
citir.ens of tho lutlor place and vicinity.
Residence on Socond streot, opposite ti at of
J. Crans, Esq. my X 1 16.
I h y s I c I a n aud Surgeon,
Clearfield Pa., May 30, 1800.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
bis care, in the sovorul Courts of Clearfield and
adjoining counties.
Office, tho one formerly occupied by O. E.
Oct. 20th, 1859 1y.
"1 )ti j sli lan and Surgeon, offers his profes.
i siouul services to tho cituens of Itow Wash
ington nnd surrounding community. Office thro
doors west of tho Washington House,
New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1859.
Civil, Enuincer & Land Sirvevor, offera
his professional services to tho cititens of Clear
Bold county.
All business entrusted to him will bo promptly
and faithfully executed.
Odiee with Loonard, Finney it Co.
iur. ijays,
DA(il'EI(REA, Meliiinootvpist, Aiubroty. J
rversey, r,iK bounty, l'a.
Justice dfilic pence
Luthersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will
attend promptly to all business entrusted to hit
care. lie also informs the public thnt be keeps
constantly on hand at his shop, a general as
sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and
whips, which he will tell on reasouablo trems.
April I, IS00.
AM. SMITH offers his professional services
. to the I ndies and C'riitlciuCli of Clear-
liold ond virinity. All operations performed
with iienliiess Hint despatch. Being fiuniliar
with oil the late impnivuieiitji, ho is prepared to
inuko Altilili.ll Teeth ill tho best manner.
Office in Shaw's new row.
Sept. I lth, IS.'iS. lyj.
.MS. II. l.AltlilMKII. . TT.ST TIVST, Altorhcys at I.uw
J Clearfield, I'll., will iittghd promptly to Col-
j ' vmiis, Lntid Agoiieies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield,
Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y
ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attou-ikv at Law,
Clearfield, Ph., nriice in Shaw's Mow, op.
j poMlo the Journal office.
I dec 1, 1S5S. tf.
! .M.( HE ,t ETZn'il.EK,
Wholesale and Itetnil Mcrrliants. Ali
extensive deab'rs in timber, sawed luui
jber and shinglns. Also, dealers in Hour an
gr.mi, wnicn win uo sou cheap lor cash.
Oct. 14, 1S5U.
Keep up the Incitement !
I EMOVALS always cnuso excitement ; and
J V since tho great excitement about tho remo
val of tho Court Houso has subsided, tho commu
nity genorully havo beconio somewhat excited
upon hearing that C. D. Watson has determined
to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But
the latosl cause for excitement is the fact that I
have removed my saddler shop from my old
stand opposite the Court House to my new shop
on Market street nearly opposito tin jail, where
all who may favor mo with a cull can bo siii'pliod
Simjle Harnes, Double
Harness, Tug Harness,
Bridles Collars, Whips,
Halters. Housings. Breech
bands, Side Straps, &c
In foet every thing in tho line of Saddling ond
Harness making. Thankful for the cry liberal
patronage heretofore bestowed, I solicit a con
tinuance of the same, aud a call from as many
new customers as can mako it suit.
P. S. My being connoctod with tho Drug
business will not interfero with my shep, for I
have tho Drug Store attended to by careful
dands, and intend dovoting my timo exclusively
to my regular business. G. W. R
Aug. 31, I860.
Thankful for past favors aud (olicitious of fu
ure patronage. I would rcspoctfully announce
that I havo on hand again, and will constantly
koop at tho Pottery in this borough, on the ow
ner a short distnncn f ai rrth. M.,ii,...i:i rn,.,h
a largo stock of Crockery, such as Cream crocks,
milk nans, rimpna .T,,na 1 .. Ct l. .
.f i -" - b") iui;iipe cmuB
j; and also an extensive assortment of
different sizes and patterns of brackets and
rosettes for oornico on houses, and othor moul -dings.
Any mouldings not on hand will bo mado to
Older on short notice Also tiro brick made
and kept for salo.
fi-if'A liberal reduction on prioos mvlo to
wholesalo dealers. F. LEITZINGER.
Clearfield, may 2.1, 1870. ly.
The undersigned respectfully legs leave U
announce that he recently ronted a house in the
borough of Lumber city, Clearflold county, Par
for the aceominodntiou of the travelling public,
watermen and all others who may favor hint
with a call.
His table will always bo suppliod with as good
as the markets afford : and no tains will b
i spared to render his guests comfortable while
under bis root. To which the foots that no in
toxicating liquors of any kind will be kept about
j the premises, will he trusts, contribute In ne
email degree. Whilo, what is always important
to the traveller, tho best attention will be given
I by careful hostler to that fulthful companion of
Ibis journey, his patient steed.
I July h J.8!i0.-ly. JAMES CROSSLY.