Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 29, 1860, Image 3

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    . u el k i ( 1 1 . r- h a i ..! t
i" 1 1 ly i'in 1 ti I to i i-
, n n I it is tin
ii( tit'nn fit tlm eon.
tun li'i- l l.iwn it mull r r
of Petil i i tn t.
f I tli. linl
tsA-Tlnre i n lawyer in cur (own -
i rxccs.-ivilv lioii' M, (lint lie j'lits nil his
flower itM ut nl'iloiiri over nilil, n. dc
ti riiiiiicil is lip tliiit everything uli.tll lime
its J o v t d, .
B.I'iy reference, to oim (ulvei'ti-in;;
cnlunnm it will l.o seen lliat Mr. Ni huls,.
and Mr. IhinviT, and Mr. I.iitUr nre nil
oll'ct'nij.' to soli ronie v.iliiaHe t"al estate,
wliiih they will i,l upon rensonaMe
Faik (imiiMib. The ollieers and tnana-j
gers of our approaching County I'air ; are
making fine firoroi-K in preparm!.;; tlio
i lair ground, liy tlio close of tlio tu'inept!
' week t.'io whole Ton acres will ho stif
rounded fy n close sulistancial fence S 1
feet liijrli, the "King" h already comple
ted, nml is exactly one thiivlofn milo in
i'lreiiniterence --tiireo rnnii'h to tlio link', i
i ami -or nioto to uialie it in.
... ......... j
finV-Tho Warren J.nfa'r bnyn the people'
nf tl,,.t .mimlii l.ftvnn l.nm ('lh . .1'
iioiii inuigs jjifun, it SI.-OHH tma i iioy '
are well ble-sed with Hron -it oflieo hol.lers,
Mr. Urown is 3're.sulent judge ; Mr. l'ri.wn.
is assocniHe jii'lge ; Mr I'rown isSlu'iiil;
' nnd one of their best piaet'u:iug lawyers i
jilr. Ihcwn too! all however, different
lncti, but nil deseeiiilants of old Mr.
Brown. The polities ol that county ure
becoming very Jirtra too, so much so
the JJlai'ks aro in the nsceodant .several
hundred votes. It did'nt use to was to!
Eail lload.
It will bo observed elsewhere in our pa
pel this weeks; that the ''rhilip.sburJ and
Waterford Hail I'ovl Cmilpany " have e.nn
p!eted their orgatii.ation, stnl an dibit
will be 10 i h: ul 01100 to put Engineers up
on tho route of this Road.
An excellent set of men have boon elee
tO't Directors ftnd oilioois, they have plen
ty ol ca;h '.' nnd energy too. If th'.y (ail
in putting a Railroad through our Conn ty,
it will lie needless for oth'TJ to try the
experiment for the next pi irter of a cen
tury. A Si i.iu:. Li..uu. O.j ThursJiy last
considerable excitement was raised in our
town to the effect that a man was lying
tie id in tho J'urnpiko nhout one und' a
half inihs east of town. A number of
'persons proceeded to tli? place win 10 the
unan was found. It was .soon ace:la;ned th.e vital spaik had ll .-d, and thai '"le
nnust have fi;ll down in his tracks, he was
immediately brought to town, an In-
quest was lvM
by M. A. Frank I'.sq.,
which rend. Mod 1
from i visita'i'Mi 1
the setting of the
1 verdieL that he died
if I'rovidoiio: During
I in pie, I, tlm body Was
identilied by several persons as that of P.
tnan named Fredore k Schindel, who kept at .Mrs. Ward's in Tvroii". ! Fii
il.v ho was decently buried in th
ciy cast of town.
A l:.u R
n itur lav lib e:t
I O o'.oeli j
son Kirk 1
. in., th D-v.-iling hou.-e of .fa
ear Lumber Cily was en'.'-rel
by an unknown man
oui if n chest eieditv
und .ln.-0 stolt-n
lollars bein 1 in s;;.
ver and the fal'.anen 111 (bdd.
t Mr. Kirk was not a' home at the time ;
th.t .scoundrel adoptel :i stmtai;ein to
Make sure work, ho first went and turned
lot of cattle into the cornfield, rod then
Wenttothe House, nnd loll them that
the cuttle were in the corn ! a hoy and a
fill being all that were about tho house
11I tin time, started with full speed for
tho cornfield ; and in their absence the
thief broke open three chests, in one of
which he found tho money.
A reward of two hundred dollars is of
fered for tho appreheii-ion of tho rob
ber. Elk County.
1 At a mooting of tho Elk to., Democrat
ic Committee, held Aug. Oth, tho follow
ing resolutions wero passed.
Jieti'lcai, That we have undiminished
confidence in the principles of the Demo
cratic party as enunciated in tho Cincin
Haiti rimtomi, and endorsed by tho
Heading Convention.
i 2nd. That wo heartily and cheerfully
Concur in the action of tho State Demo
cratic Conimitteat their lato meeting held
at Cresson, ln, WOuld earnestly urge the
l)euiocrats nffclk county to rallv'tothe
upport ticket nominated
at neamng.
1 .
that in the lion. Ilenrv. 0. Foelrr.
our nomineo for eovetior ,.;i,,,.
didato vM.o js i every sense well qualified
tonil the station, and deserving the bop.
fnd m.--orm.,!,,',,0,K'nl f 8wtil
10 seize the reins ol tiovoinment nf (l.i
State. UUS !
. I"--J "IIU ll 11 .ll'IK I' I
cuii'u ivcii I'uu.iiica lor tho iKi.ii .....
Jo w hich holiuilmon iiom;r.ated.
5t!i. Ii 11. llrady, and A. M. Ilpnton,
are t ntillod the siiport ol' tho par
tf us candidlates for KopruMinUliveM.
dill. That it is tho duty of the Demo.
4.lALic Inirlv 4. ..II. ...I . .1 .1. ...
!' ksp cuuci i iiiuiTiiii;!! uriiin.ii"
Mlpn of tho imitv. and that We reeom-
laend to the Deinocmts (0 nrouso thein
fenl it ai il,. .. ... .
Mnintir,n nf :" F " . I
ru: " "j. : rr ""7 '".lra' 4.ii.M
. y 'fe'iw'Jini'oii 111 inc. COIIIIIV.
run ni.ri ...... .1.1..... 1 . . i . .. .. ;
A complete orfiai.i.ation, and a united ef-
tortjuessieiitiul lo the wcll'ure o! tho par-!
tm . . .
th. That W0 labor under event i,,,.J
rninr for an nrgan of tho parly in
t . --
I I n
"" '" rmiiy nii't con ui v ' lo " 'c .'lercnanrs' innei, num. i 1 SATlW?rAV
Peeoiiimrnd (olhn tl..m.,,.,..:. . . Vlbm. J. W. Fdlt X l-:v. nf '! Im n... 1 i. I. 'u A 1 .
eii,,,,,,,, , .. . "luM.nvi:.Ti!i!u(K.of .he h v. "w M'-P, A. I)
Tan,:; V ' ?t 'yrl 10 mayxakd. Williams, 3: rims !,',t.,('c,-k l,-W" t''o.i
...v.. ,.4 lM miik'd 1,11 v.ingies s; 1 ,, Prei of il, I ,.,isl, i'n,.i 1. v r.. ,i f'tnto to wit : that certain
feeling we can recommend him a, n e0. i ' aS i p ru , g : 'W .v:,.Lol,?n.'l land .Itoale (on the publi,
.. ,1 ... . .. . ...... ,,iivi,'ii jiiii,,K:fiit,.
rmiMi , nii'l W-'il
I I "tlMMI'll'l I') I t0
I V ni'i'l III
i 1 1 lit) i ( mil) ! Iinkn
ll n I i i' i In I tin i r -
I In- ini li iiii ., mill
1 1 t I'l till' I ' ' 1 1 1 Ml ,ir
:ll i 1 1 'it .i i M
I 1 " I'l I ' Ml I ' 1 1
i i mini i ,
Mil. ' ,( Oldclt
I "M' I '' i 1 1 1 1 1 r-ti itii-n
Mi v nut (lie ii
Unit ll Ollltllllt.rt
i'l' tliiic tin ii') lintoil ty 1 lie clmir to(
in ike tlio ni'rc--;ii y ill l!ilii."'lil''liU to nli
tuiti, mill est iI'IkIi n pi i'si I'cliovin tliu'
)' i i'M nf t!n I'i in n nitic party, t -1 1 ( t - (
in a )ii c it in' asm 0 mi tiio ilisboiiiiiiui ion
nf tlm i i i . i i j K ol I ho purl v. I
'.'tli. Tliat wo cordially nii'l cliociTully j
clidHO tin' III lll i llitt ions made t'V tlir'
('niiiily Convention to day, anil would i Luihher City Win. V
enrnetly urge tlio party to niuko decided, Moitim Pauid lVtuns,
I'll'ni't til triumiiliiuitlv elect, tlm ticket Uirck.
lei dni'' oo::lKleut tnat we can alely roe-
iiMHiid them in tilillii.'ehilijt leinoents,
and to (lis,'h;rgo tlio ilutio of the ottieon j
for whii h they are nominated
hHh. 'I'l 1. it 11 Commit teo of VicilnnoiJ l"3
nppointod in each oflho ililloreut Town
ships in tho county.
lltli. That the iihovo jiroeeedinps ho
pul li.-hed in nil tlio IVmoeratic papers of
ihis li'i'jiresentutive listri"t.
Georgo liekin?on.
IV. C." If. Karley.
J. S. Hyde.
ioorgo Weiii.
M. L. Koss.
Charles J). liilliii, Soe'y.
Tho following Vigilnnro Cominitteei
worn nmmmte'l for thn fievernl TmiMwIi'ms
H-i;i:irr, (eorgo A, Kuthbiirn, Charles
liittM, Joseph Scfl. '
'Vi :. Overlurf, II. 1. Derr,
JUH.U 'Olieti
I-'m: J. C. Me'Jnlliater, K. T,
i j ,,
:h MeCradv.
.,, . MieliAul Weidert, J. L,
,1 acob lveopur.
Ja:i. Chaiicev Clinton, F.C. lirockway,
W. A. ijy.
lli:;hlnhl. Chnrles Sfublu, Thomas
Townley. '1'homas Campbell.
Azf'i; (.''.. Thoums Irwin, (ieorgo
Mossonger, Murtiu l'eiin.
S Mir.', M, Uruniier, I'r.uik Weis,
K. ''. Schultz.
''.'.?. .T. C. Chat'In John Vnnors
ddl, W.C. Ilealey.
C.'i.mi7iVi' for J'lvrtiriiti a V ji.v.
Ctorge Dickinson,, .Cieorge Weis, J. S.
Reliable Douglas News.
We clip the following from tho Dallas
A'.ir, a Doughs paper published in Illin.
uis. We give it to our readt-rs without
nolo or comment, only faying that we
think "Roorback" in his palmiest days
could not lrivo matehe'l it :
llow Pennsylvania will go ? Tho Old
Keystoii3 in; v bo set down 113 mornllv
n ii.uii iu lmvc ii Koge I'omoonuie victory
in November next. The Black Itenuhli
cms concede as much. The Philadelphia
I Pennsylvania)!, formerly a Breckcnridge
paper hut now st rong for Dongs
las, pays:
j '-The Democracy of Pennsyhanla will
I elect tho Doughs electors by 30,000 nia
'j irity over all. BrcckerjriugilViitli all tho
aid ;of lhieh:;nuii, cannot poll over fiO.tlilil
! votes.
"The Lincoln vote will not bo over l'O,
:i"it votes at (ho outs.'do." , , ,
"L'onglas will get i2Jil,0lii1 'nt tho very
lowest, but with tlio Bell ticket ho will
"You may rely upmn i 'nnsylvania for
j Douglas as upon the iluly Bible."
I This may be taken for truth in Illinois ;
, but ln ic in Feinisvivunin, it is considered
a p;ut. '
We learn from tho Put. & 6n'n that the
Republicans ot Delaware county have
nominated John M. I'.roomall for Congress
He received i'J votes, and John Hickman
'll. Two years ago Mr. Broomall was put
forvard by Dolewaro county but was de
feated in consequence of the Republicans
'i Chester county going over to Hick
man, who ran as a a atiti-Lecompton
Democrat. ll Is probable that Mr.
Mr. I'lroomull will not yield to Hickman,
and that either a new candidate will be
selected, or, if both persist in running,
that the Democratic candidate will bo e-
jloeic l. Either way therein a fair pros
pect that Hickman hoateu.
At tho resilience of t lid brides Mother,
in llcccaria township, by tho Rev. Thom
as Van Scyoc, Mr. Win. Lightner to
Clara Davis all of BeccatTa.
'dh censo to nfflrin, that mad" nineo his birth
from Adam till now,hns with wrotehednoss itood
j Some portion of panic ite, (till is on earth
; And I.don rcvivci, in tho kii of Lore."
In New Millport, Aug. Cth, Josephine
daughter of Georgo and Hannah Bloom,
aged 2 years '2 months and LS days.
In New Millport, Aug. 20th, Wilmer,
son of, lohn and Sarah Toot, need 3 years
I months a o days.
; In Jordan township, Aug, I2th inst.,
altera short hut pevere illne, David,
1 third con o( the late Frederick Shoening,
in the I Ith year of hi age. The deceas
ed was a youth much esteemed in tho
j family circle as well ashy all who knew
him, and when death approached, he
'evinced the true (spirit of resignation to
(ho mandate which he :a.tired nil, was
to tr.mspoit hfui to (he bosom of his cru'
'ilie l,' but mvv triur.iphaut Rtdeeiuer.
Also, on 'I hlirsibiv List l.'ont nT n tunlli
ci, and second son of said Frederick Shoe .
iinofCo1,aumpti..T,.iIithoi:thvearofi0'"" " . ...
I :., . ti,- 1 1- 1 1 c'
Ills a 'O. I e (Iccp.i-.eii iviw nlun n hnv iS
n?iZLu7JJZ.i Z :
'-"'J' ... 1
rXr.cSOTC' EmeftatalS
Tli lily-Mnth ami Market Street, Plill'a.
PriiicIpalN. :
. WJI. hlGl,n. ,,',, . Wm. v.,TrTn ,
. ' - 11 "
i" give their friend, who may be looking foi
a sale, thorough and pleasant School, any lufor-
lalion desired respecting this Seminary
A drove and Lawn of LIGHT AC II IX.
re auached to the Institute, for .eclusion, roc-
reation and physical exeruise. 3,n
. . !
I J ."'(V All person! ro hereby caution-,
W ... , 1 "b 11 liUCUIlK "IJ
Boiuneiili cm my neiount, as I am determined
... " ariioiirinir. h r 11 . iti ini.i;,.,
iioiirinv nici,... . ...,: '
, r"v . "f,,i" contracTmir after tho 2sUi i
..y uiny,..Hdwlll prosecute nil ,.ro .'cleared land, with a larire bearina orchard, and
., - . .. . 1 vv
ur ui wages mill may h re r I.. .J...
HE.Mty ZlLLo'.K.
Angu st1ath.18f,n. it. 1 ; .
-w I I u : . 1 1. . 1 11 . I ,
I I i . ,i "l ,,'m ..".I.""''"'?. r,,r "'"u .,
m m ... .. .mv v 'l.r.ia I IK
CiearBeld, July 1 1 th of J 11 1 0 1 ( i Si I. If tin, icrntiwn
t iii(j mi ili. Imntli Mi ii liy, Dm "ltd ilny
I.N N i t ROHI.
1MI litrtli.
Ihalv iniifl At notd. .loipi'li l!ilil
' Mai ii'i'ii lVi'iiore, .Ni.s. I(. Ai hold, ! red,
Click Mlllll.T. I IC'I'Mlk I Mitel t.
I tu i nniilf Slcplw i; Prot lier.
, msV, ,lv.ii .-levmii.
t 'Vlllton in. N liimrrn.
Pueatur J. rurom, .lonnthnn Kop-
hart, l'hilip Koeio, Andrew (loiu lnu t.
. . . i ...
rnioain lames Y , Slujpci
1 rii!t on Austin Urowu.
I.awronee John I ati "lierJ v
New Washington Namuol Sobrint;.
1'ike A bra hum Snyder.
Woodward Joseph 1'ison.s.
Curwcnsvillo- Daniel Funj-t.
THvriis Jinions 1st wkek
Heccarin .los. W. Lull, James II. lies,
! Jloll-Jacob V. Cami'hjll, Wm. T. Git
hert. I Kogijs Isaao Southard, Homy AVn-
'pie, Thomas AVople.
j J'radford -Jeromo Robinson.
J Brady Goorgo W. Long, Jacob Ogden
iGeorga J. Yoas, Levi Draueker, J.nnes
I I'.airett, Henry Hoover, Georgo L. Morgan,
I Daniel Goodlatidor.
J T.urnside rhilip NeiT, Fred Sheppard,
John Rorubaugh.
I Chest Jonathan Fry, Josinh W.
I Curwcnsvillo Abraham Gates,
J aeob
Clearfield L. R. Merrell.
Decatur Isaae Goss.
Fox James I'.lair.
Girard- -i'etei Lnnim, Adam Spackman,
K. Wool ridge.
Goshen Lewis Irwin.
Gulieh Jones liollin.
Jordan Joseph Dowalt, Joseph Mc
ul, J'etor I'doom.
Ivurthaus Georgo lleekadorn
! Havnes.
Knox John Jackson.
La.vreneo (j;irer Conklin, A.
IF u 1
RMorris-W'm. L. Merrell.
New Washington Jos II. llreth.
l'ike .John Lloom Sr.,
well, Geo. 1!. Dale.
IYnn David T. Sharp,
Union David Horn.
Bell lohn Orr.
Goo. B,
NeTT J'.oggs George Turner, Thomas
Bradford Geo W. Gearhart, A. II. Lu-
cnn. Jrtlm Dale
tiraay daekson
Jeremiah Kri-
r.urnsido r'. C. Mitchell, John M'Cul
lough, Eb'n M'Masters,
Chest Daniel Gorman, Samuel Mc
Clearfield iVni. Radebaugh, Henry
Suyder, Jetlorson Lit.
Covington John M. Reiter.
Vcrgiison Phl!ip McCracken, Georga
Straw. .
Graham Martin V. French, Isaac Ky
ler. Guelich James A. Hogtrly.
Goshen Robert Bumgardner.
Lawrence George Guelich.
Lumber City .lesso Spencer, John
Ferguson, John I!roomall.
Morris Wm. Deviney, Jos. Denning,
l'dwnr 1 Perks.
1 ike Jos. M. Spencer, Jacob Rilter.
Liuon Levi Dressier, Benjamin F
HarleA, John Brubaker.
Woodward Crihstian ShofT.
Tho subscriber will send (free of charge) to nil
who desiro it, tho Koeipo and directions for mak
ing a miiiplo fgetalile Jlulm, that will, in frtim
two to eight days, remove Pimples, ldoUhcs,
Tun Frrvkltt, Sullowness, aud all iiupuritiej and
roughness of tho Skin, liaving the sumo-us Na
(uro intended it should bo tuft, clear, imuulh ami
lirmtHful. Those desiring tlio Keceipo, with full
instructions, directions, und advice, will pleaso
call on or address (with return postage.)
No. 3 2 City Uulluings, N.Vork.
Aug. 22th I sc,o. ; mo,
"VTOTICK, in hereby given that tbo following
X 1 accounts bavo been exatnintd and passed
by me, nnd remained filed of record in this of
lieo for the inspection of heirs, legatees, credi
tors, nnd all others in nny other wy interes
ted, and will be presented to th ntxt Orphan's
Court 01 Llenrlleld county, to ho held ut the
Court House, in tho borough of Clearfield, coin- '
nieneiDjf on tho 4th Monday of September, IStiO, '
for tho confirmation nnd alluwanco : I
Tho nccount of Ueo. Jacob Yons Administra- ;
tor of tbo goods nnd chattels, rights and cred-'
its, of (ieorge Uintcr Into of Urudy townsbip, ,
Clearfield onunty deceased. 1
Adininistrnlion hnvinc beeu this dav !
granted to the undersigned on tho estate nf Thom
as Ovtciis late of Ferguson tp., Clearfieldenun ty '
Pa. ded.d., all persons indobtod to said cstato
nre reriuestid to make immediate r ymcnt, and
thoso having claims againit said estate, aro rc -Huested
to present' them duly aiitheutiented for
settlement. EMKLINK 0WKXS I
Forgiifon tp., Au;,'. 8, 1SG0.-3U 1
80 Hcw'sml.
U Acres of landfor Sale, 15 acrcsof which '
U i, improved, the balance well timbe od
while pine, Oak, and Hemlock; two dwell- !
,!,,. S,. vtni I. .ih M..I,;.. B..1.1 . 1
in.? hol"", '!w Mi"' I-ath Machine, gtablo and
u,,u ""' "an miles iroin I earl elil.
.1.- t 11:1.. ... .. ....
1" '"'ra rikole"'n toward. Uth.rabur.
w .ucuicr parucuiar Hfyiy u tu nubscriber
j on tho premises.
Aug. f, 100.-
,. 1
Vyof an order of tho Orphan ' Court of Clenr. I
nen county, inero will be exposed to public sale
Ji""' iu trough of
nil ....
V. Ill WI'MNl Jin 1111 1
.'owing ilescribod roal
plantation or tract of
3 road lnndinf fi-nm
h,P "'fiJ 3 l'm,a a. Jloundod on the
rr.h by b(""'l.r'nS tho estnto of Jehn
i V" ,.urry "cefsod, on the eiisfby land of Fitch
1 1 I!oJ nn, on the west by land, of Win-A
nni,VAn KoX' ? .0,e Boulh 'nd
(' "forgo W Curry. Continuing two Hundred
and Fiftnen Acrs inni-A nr In.. lia,.:nM n. 1
,ll0rcon lrK two-itory frame (L) house,
wenther-bonrdi'd nnd tiuiiifAiI. m-lil. .nil..
. .. . . v..m.t m
'"n?" doublo log.bnrn, grain-house, dry-house,
wagon - Bhod, and about one hundred aorea of
... ... w, nnwi .l,lt7UU, 1. 'V iUO
cstnte of Kiohard Curry deceased,
' TI-'.KMsj, 10 per cont nn day of sale, ene-balf
A nfiM Inlllni. ...ritiir n ..I. . U - 1... . 1. -
at eunnriiiation ol sale, and tlio balance in one
y. Wllu ""rel t0 "ured by bond and
WM. HEX Adm'r..
Aug. 8. lyflQ.
of R. Curry deceajed.-
Lsiwinor samuii, mmin.
In ttir tnlior f.rih r.lnt,, f ,.. ui'l K'"
nniiiinn mi unnrj riMirit,!
mid John llnrlnw I Uliof ilr'i.
Ami nut Auril I7lli Uil).
I'llnllon inxinli'l i tl,o C'nuit iihui the ti'lr,'
rtpititnra anil A .1 . I ..I .. i . t .1 - - i .i
. " ?iiiiiiiR ui inn niniTn III'
rP,,'nt,. loMnifr r.iim ,, M,rriBo
: iTootitrix-l fut milo nf renf mto, mmli Yj ihi ni
l,ll'ir lirlini nliall not ,a Jmn-i'il, 2wih Juno
J 'sr'"- ( ''"' rolurnnl, nn, u ninlii.n "f ll. .1 .
I W iiUn
1 , n'"""vJ i . in tn i inn. .1.
( .Mi I iiIIiiukIi 1 iil l'iiiiitcil L'ttuiiiiit-fiinicr
In In h 0 Tuttiniunv,
JA.Mi:S WKIULKY Chrk (1. (.'.
in ,i..rum-0 ui in iiimivo loinin ii-mn
T . . 1 1
,... .....,,',, nauiuouj in llionuiive llnilUT
nill In- luk.-n it iuj nir.eo in CloarlleM, m
1 Thin mln y ilio Mil, ,7 ort?fiti'uiburiii'i, wlnn
I mid wLito nil numum imiv utlunil
TlloS, J. Mi CL LLOl till, Com'r.
C'curficld, August 8, IHfll).--It,
Tlio'flnlismliorn nrojunt opciiing nt their uhl
i fUiml, a fri'di Stock of f.ufonutlo (looils. cnsi.-t-j
ing ol'n full lu'nurtincnt of Iry Ooodn,
HanlwnriJ., mndo up Clnlliing,
Bunts nml Sliocs of evory vnrii-tr. Lmlio IVoss
triiuinnii li e., v!'i''li tho will dii of mi uh
ftniid if nut tii'ttcr lorins to tin jiurcha icr Hum
thi'.v cim ulitnini'd rlscwln'ro, lor either iiith,
LiiiiiImt or countrv produon oiifrnllV,
Auk. 1, 'flO.:it." M00KE A ETZWIWU..
IXIX'UTOK'S (Tl7'k ToUom To.-iu-J
niontiiry lmving boon Kmntiid to thonndi r
n'iu'd on thu cstal i of(icoi;ri Wulidl duron-ud,
lute of Luff renoo t. C'leurlield county I'u., t
vrHL ua inilolitod to suiil iMlnto lire roiiiostod to
uiulio i 111 mod into payuu-ut, and tUimo liariii);
olniins BKninut il, nre reiuonted to pronvut Iboio
duly nut hentioatod for BetllcnnTit.
August 1, 1SCU fit. W.M. l'URTKK, Kx'r.
IJLASTKHIXt;. The nubscriber, bavins
hunted liinisi lf in tho bnrmiKh of Clcarliold
1 "1J iufi'i in tlio pulilic that lu is prepnred to
I do work in tho nbovo lino, from iiluin-fo ornnini'ii.
till of any description in a workiminliko niAiiin'r,
' A'" wbitowuahin); nnd repairing dono iu a ncal
' ,,,,,.,. I .. r ..,.11..
uiuuner und on reasonable term.
Clearfield April 17, lSflO. ly.
miv: t i.i.AU 11 i.i.i ACAi)i:mv. will
bo opened fur the reeentinn nf nunils. i
(males und fciiiiiltf?) on Mondny, Aug. 2lllh, lSiil),
jci nm per pcriun ol eleven Weeks
I OrllioKrnphv, Itendinff, Writing, Primary
' Arilhinotio nnd 6Vo''rnph-.
Jliher Arithmetie, Knglish Orauuunr, (ieo
ruphy und Ilistoiy. $ :l.un
Al!cbrn, tioomotry, Natural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping f 1.(10
Latin and Ureek languages. $(i 0(1
To studcnlH desirous of acquiring a thorough
Knglish Education, nnd who wish to tunlily
thetnsalvos fur teachers, this Institution offers
dcxirahlo Bdvantagos.
No pupil roeeived for loss than half a session,
nnd no deduction mode except for protracted
Tuition to bo paid nt tho close of the term.
C. 11. SANDFORD, Pkixcipai..
May 25, lbOO.- ly.
A. c. ns.iEv
J5;mliinii anb Colltctioir Qti
' C L K A R F I L I),
r 11 t' 11 i 1 .
CoJfitwM made and )rccetd promptly remitted
niii.mgc 011 1 iic vines constantly
on hand.
tlf-Oflico on Second SL, nearly opposite the
M r .7 7'
Ami eteiisii
... - - 1 u I, I
la 8nurn Xi,.,i.....
- i,;Jr,
Sliln-les, ,ic.
---V i
'"tel.. ......wiini'i"'
n trll $uj'l
M'ch 14
; To Persons out of Kmployment.
i (iEXT.S WANTED TO SELL the Erio Sew
1 iter Machine.
)l c wJH Kive Commission, or wages at from
5-5 to $mi per month, nnd expenses paid. This
is a neif .Uaclnne, nml so simple iu its construc
tion that a child of 10 years can learn looperato
it by half an hour's instruction. It U eual to
any Family Sewing Machine iu use, andlho
!' o is um rurcen in liars
Persons wishing an Agency will address
j. N. novr.A v
Secretary Erie Sew ing Machine Company,
2"'-' . ill I LAN, 011 10.
ISPHAX'H C ll ItT SAI.I'..I .1.,...
of nn order of the Ornhau' ('...nn nf ci.....
field ounly. There will be exposed to public
sale at tho Court Ilouso in tho Borough of Clonr
ficld, on
the following described rnl Estalo to wit : A
" , r I 'T "M!;n"",IIr"
$ m ". " 7
name 01 iuvih Caldwell.
ton townshii). Clcar-
nn a warrant in the 1
Contaiuint' 105 ncp. . i
iiau aiiowanco, nountlcil ny lands s irveyed on
warrant in the naino of James Wilson and lands
and aiiowanco, bounded b
warrant in the naino of Jan
warranted in tho nnme or Moore 4 Delancy ; tho
w hole of said tract being well timbered, w ith
valuable whito Pino timber nnd having a stream
of water thereon, which can bo uiulo navigable
for logs, or upon which a Saw Mill t,,i,M,i l.
erected, Inte tho estato of Samuel Caldw.ll
TIOKMS, one-fourth of tho purchnso tnonoy
on day of Sale; one-fourth on tbo confirmation
of Sale, nnd tho balance in two citial annual
payments with intorost from day of Sale, to be
securod by Pond f- Mortgage
Aug. 8, 1800. ef Samuel Caldwell, deo'd,
The undersigned offers for sale, a valuable
farm in Penn township ; formerly owned nnd
now occupied by Itiehard Denver jr: eln.n ning
about 80 acres, bounded by land of John .
ji oTr. i no., .tiurfin nn. .hwintiinn ni
' vuiaufisian TT III ilf UIIU
muo west oi fcnnvillo. From 40 to Ml meres
cleared a good fr. mo dwelling house, a log
barn, and other buildings croeted thoreon. A lav
a food bearing orchard and a never failing
spring on the premises, and will bn ,,l.l ,,
- ., . - . . v.. i
1.7. m, VuV. ""ei'D,
nuii. IWU.-.1I1I. rutin township.
ATT0RXEY AT LAWr, otTioo adjoining bis
res:deuoe on Second Street, Clear! Ud, F.
June 1. 1354.
r. -As.
tj. -tj?r
. l U:1'" I' ,i I
Vt: Juiit fpi-licd from (hi. frulirn liti,-.
nml ni.i'iioil nl tlii'ir XIMV S'KHii: liiid.M
11 .M All K KT M Itl'KT. tnn.lui'ra kim i.fl hinl,
tli m,t , xun,i 0 nnrltncnt
0 i 1 ,
'J'ubiicro A Koguri,
Toilet niliclo,
lilui.k hiMik.i,
And 1'ntuy
Artii'lcK Ac. .li1,
ever od'erod to tlio public iu this ncclirn of tho
Their Dniffs nml C'liciiilcnlH, nf which they
hiivo nn (ixti'iislve iissnrtininit, havo been mdoct
ed wilb Cfpcciul rcllervucu to their tiualily und
Their ctoi k of Oils anil I'uints will
of I.itiM'i'd oil, foul oil, Tuuuvr'l oil, 'J'ui p:iitino,
lted A While lend, dry und ground in oil, pan brown, Vinitian red, Volloiv and 6ln oi lflo
Lnmpbluck, luck lend, I vory b'nek, Ch
llinero i
k. tdlra-
Anieriuiin Vermillion, panaifreen, miii
inarino nnd primaiun blue, dry nml ground in nil,
Cnrnune, t'broinu irreeu t- vcllnw. Chalk of nil
Cobalt, lirop, lake ,1' Muck, Kuicry, liluc, tiutn.i,
Copu.'.- 1'auiar anil Shellur, Indian rod, Litharge,
Oningo lijiuerul, I'liinice u'.d Hotten Flmie, llo.-o
pink, I'nli-sii an;! Auicriunu, lio-iu, tear'ot, (nr
per.duii red,) Ten,: j-'icnna, Turkey nnibrv, Vcr
digriH, blue if' white Yilri:'l, Whiting, Zinc, pnl
ty und pnlly knives, (ilun of ."'U niiea and tuaU
tie?, l.uokins-glass plalcs, Ac. it c.
Dye-t.tiills .v VarnMies:
lixlrii Logwood, chip
pod and ground. Tn J io, Madder, Aiinutt",
t iichincal, Sol. tiu. lied faundcr?: Conul. Idach.
' . V.laek fur leather, japan for dyinir, Hun, Matie,
I VIM.:,.. I, 111:. 1 .r
While Dauinr, White sit '1 and Flowing Varnili.
I'obareo Scars :
Cavendish, best, Natural
inuf, Hough II ready, Lady twist. Kino cuts of all
kiuds, ami pride of the Jliireui, tobiii en; ltuppeu
mil Scotch BUiiffi: Kl pliaelou, Henry Clay,
punch, l.achica, lil mono, Ac., Segarj.
Ulaiik-Hooks anil Stationary.
Day-books, Heceiptand Noto bnoks, Piarics, La
dles and Office Portfolios, Lhir.k parchment and
paper bleeds, llomls, Mortgages, and nil other
legal blanks Foolscap, letter. Note, llnsiness
and drawing paper, Knvelopcs, lUady reference
Hies, Aiiuear't and Arnold's writing" fluid, Ink,
black, blue, and carinine, Steel Pens aim Pen
holders, Paper clips, mucilage, and all other ar
ticles in the .Stationary line.
Toilet A I'anry Articles & Perfumery.
brubes, American, Trench ,t English, with Iv0
ry, Shell. Pearl, PufTalo, Salinw M il, Itosewowl
A ornamented backs, all ipinlilics ; Cloth brushes
Hat brushes ; Tcetb bruslu s, various iiiulities:
Shaving brushes, American. Knglish and French
with Hussia bristles and liadger'a hair; Flesh
bru.-hes ; Comb bru.hes nnd Cleaners , Tortoise
shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fancy
and India rubber LongCombi; Slicl, huibilo,
Horn nnd lu l'.a rubber puff side Combs India
rubber Dressing Combs, I to S iucbes. nil stvlos:
Kugllsh Toilet cniubs with handles ; Ponnet
combs ; Ivory and Gutla percha fiuu tooth combs ;
Pocket combs, all styles : American, French 4
German Cologne A Laven !er wuters ; Lubiu's,
Taylor's, W right's, Mangenet A Conway's ex
tracts for the ban Ikercbief, of a irtet vuriclv nf
I styles: Iiurnett's Cnenin. itarrv'a Trieoi.horou-
i T IS... 1..'...., I. "'..I
'j"" a viiiiiaiioii,, i.uMrai, iears. Alassaccju-
Antigua, Kose and Coral Oil: Beef "arrow!
fomaaes, nna I'liilneooni, American and Prcnch
. jinn iru-cs coin cream, loilct poiVfier,
Hougo Palls, Lilly White, Pull' Poxes, Chiua.
and pe per, smelling salts, Palm of n thousand
flowers, tooth paste, tooth pr.ste, charcoal, rcse,
Ac., Ao., Shaving Compound all sizes ; Military
soap, lloney Soap, Chrystnlino and Floating
soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and Callngher soups,
Trniispareut and Castile soaps, ,to. ic.
Miscellaneous Ardtles.
dents fteel frame
morocco and culT Portiuonaics, Ladies silk lined
papier Mache, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and
morocco Portmonaies, Ladies Crotchet purses
embroidered wilb steel bends, Ladies ( abas nnd
morocco satchels, sholl, pearl, ivory, velvet nnd
papier Mache, irory nnd pear memorandum tab
lets, l ino Engish Morocco, Pocket WoVlets, Mo
rocco and eaf Pocket books, with straps and
ca.sps; pill books, mid Panker's cases w ilh lin k
and key; collupsivn 'Linking cups. Medical gins
ses with and wit1,, r drops. Fishing tackle,
Chapman & E nersiiii's lia.or sirups ciirur cases
siiimb brushes, Mine Pni.-hcs with ami wiihou't
handles llorn brushes, all qualities. Faint
and vnrnish brushes nil sizes, tin nnd cupp.'r
bound, Sash tools it sizes, counter nml mark
ing brushes, while wash nnd scrubbing brushes.
Fancy coored feather dusters Kich pear'
inaid papier mache, toilet ca-es, work boxes,
writiiitfilfks, Koscwood an 1 Mahognny ivriting
ilcsks, Chessmen und Chess bonrds, Hcnts. Kill
liloves, 'eck lies, collars, cravats and panes, La
dies Kid. Taffeta Silk nnd Kid finished iraunt-
.,11 . . 1 . .. .
Itts, and Lyle thread gainillep, Ilia, k and color
ed silk web suspenders, trench striped gum sus
penders, Kich cnihroidjreil suspenders, ijuiots
uew style trench suspeinleis, Cents, linen band- !
korchict, eoorod border nnd Cambric bnndker- I
oh il l's. Ladies inen handkerehiefs in great vnri- I
cly j Sun shade fans, circu'ar French fans, can-I
ton feather fans of a great variety: Fine Canton
pum funs with ivory and painted bandes, l:a'k 1
and mourning tans: Hair pins Eng'ish mid
lieilcb, Ac., 4c. Aso Patent Medicines of ev
ery variety.
All of which witt be sod ot the lowest CASH
Country PhjuiciaiiK fiinii-h. d with Prngs,
Medicines and Surgical instruments, at tho most .
reasanaldc rales lor cash,
Juno (i, I Still. I y,
' ,-Jic'il Co uhl i, Pit.
"lJKl'S leavo to announce to tho traveling com-
1 1 inanity aud tho public genenrally,
that be
has taken the nbov
in n stylo Fiiitcd to
named hotel and rclittcd it
tho times aud tbo wants of
the public.
Will always be supplied with the best tbo mar
kets and the surrounding country can nlLird :
Will eontnin tho ehoi.esl liquors, and
Will bo in tho caro of attentivo hostlers, re
sponsible for their eondi.ct to their employer,
who will give the entire Cftablisbiiieut bis per-
rT' T rV,:,on'
i . "T 10 1,0 u,,le t '"k.i
T irx their -isits 'obis
I T hc ' '"MMy "liclt'' W o , ublic
LuniborCily Oct. 19, lSjtJ.
JAMKS CROSSLY carries on Plseksmithinir
, 1 1, ' ,,i uiiimi in i.uiiincr tin. w uero
iu the borough of Lumber city, where bo will
iu, and
oxoentit inn workinanhko ninnner,
ju)y 4, isflt). ly.
CllKRIUliS fur salo at tho store of
Wui. F, Irwin. Clonrflebl l'n.
UY API'T.Ff. fur sale at tho sforo of Wm.
V. Irwin, Market slrest, Clearlield pn.
s. ('!' i'ir..
117. .(..! i i:i h I in n M It
srnwa coons
Ijulica' Dress (mhmIs, i ihhoits,
i'low era and JMillcnary goods e;cni
and .Siiocs of every description.
AIjo to their elegant nylon of liU.slXK-JS
COATS, nnd Meu's it Buys' CLOTHI.N'U.
A full usfilmclit of Carpcld, Moor (lil clutliH
un.l Carriage Iriinminx-i coiutanlly ou baud.
lit tin' ImrtMt iirircrt
' KJ
Arrival ST
I am just receiving and opening
well Bclt.ctcd ad.Jorlniuut if
arge ami
iJotulfj, of nlmost every descrtp
t ion,
A beiiutiliil a-sortnient of Prints nnd Press
goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also is
great variety of useful notions,
A large assortment, vcady-inadtf
Jlats and Caps,
Pouts and Shoos, a largo uunnUl,),
Hardware, ti eon-ware,
Druggs and Medicines,
(HI and Paints,
Carpet i Jil Cloths,
Fish, tincou and FIoui,
i V V ku -V aJ mm J
of tho best iuality, all of which will bo suluf
at the lowest ca-h or ready pay prices.
My old friends and the public generally, are?
respectfully invitud t.i call,
Clearlield, May U, lljilll, WM. F. IRWIN
si: is
GOO 1) S.
Just receiving and opening at tlio Old stai
of Lewis Smith in I.'ciMclieiii a w II selected a' .
soituicnt of Spring and Summer iJoods ofal.
most every description.
Staple and Fancy, u loautiful assurtmeul I
Prints and Dress Goods
of the lalosl styles, also a variety of useful No
tiolid. Jl.ils and Css,
Pomicts and Shnivls,
Pouts aud Shoes,
Hardware, (Jtieensware, I'nigsj nr
Medicines, Pish,
Tobacco, Sigurs and all articles usually kopt
in a eounlry Store, nil cheap for cash,
(Jivo us a call and see lor voir selves.
May 21, 1300.
N EW GOODS 1 ! N KW CoO 1)S ! ! !
Tust received and now opening . 'it Ikvin's ebca
corner store, a large and w ell selected stock of
Spring nnd Summer goods, all of which arc of
fered at lower prices than Li er. Call nnd exam
ine goods and prices-. K, A. 1UV1X.
Curwensville, Liy Iti, '(i'J.
nncts, Florrneo braids, Knglish s'ruws,
Shak-rnnd other s'yles trimiu.-l and uul
triiMued, T ill bo found in variety at tbo eorne-
"tore of K. A, 1KVI.V,
Ciirweiifvilk", May lii, 'i'.n.
i 'Ilea dress coods, nfpniterns nn 1"s I.
please all, will be found at the Corner store ol
Curwinsvilie, May 111, IMHI.
Skeleton Skirts, a large variety at reduced pri
ces at Irvinscurner store. Curivensvillo 1 0, '(ill..
Stella nnd oilier Mian Is iu variety at thoebont,'
Store of K.'A. IKYl.N:
Curwensville, May It", 'On.
ools and Shoes. A larger stock nnd lower'
pri 'es than ever, at Irvins '.'bcaeust omer
( urweiisville, May Pi, 'till'
Vvery largo Mock of Spring fnd Siuntner'
clolhiiiL' of the Lit "st si vie? for snU low by
Cuiwcnsvillc, HaylC, lMlli". K. A. 1HYIX.
Clucking Stoves of various siz
salo by
s and prices for'
Curwensville, May
Vfiiirueiei anu x lei ring lur sr Ic a I tlieeornes-
LVJi store id K. A, 1KY1X.
' 'nrwensville, Jay hi, 'C'l.
mi, l.aeoii, llenns and C over seed, nl tln.i
heap corner by K. A. 1HYIX.
Curwensville, May If), lslb).
11 excellent (piahly of Flour for sale low a3
the store ir Y. V. Ji.WlX.
Clearlield, July lib, ls',0.
sides ofspniiuh fi
iJU lor cash by
Icalhrr or sale
villu, May R, lUtjn.
I?llt."IT. Pried Apples, Pared and impared.
Peaches, Clienius, Panics nml llaisins af
the corner store of K. A. IHVIX.
Curv.-cnsville, May Ifl, l5i'.0.
rirtin Mill and cut .s",iws, Mann's ax". and
JL a general assortment of lUrdwiini nt the
store of K. A. IUYIX.
Curwensville, May 1 it, 1 cfin.
V large lot of BEAN'S fr s,
Sloieof M Kit It ILL
lo nt the Iron
CO A I. Oil, And Con, On. Lamps for sl
by C. KUAlZt n A SON'S.
cub a hotel7jaynes ville paT
THE above Hotel, bavlnw reLcutIy been fitted
up lor a house of entertainment, is now open
for Ihu nccoininodalion of I be public. ' 'ravelcrs)
will fin 1 this 11 cmn euient huu.e.
Mjj l A UN Jol It AS..