Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 29, 1860, Image 2
4 V i nil r uiliii'iii, I III ll . I I I , tOnillK (I, lit luU r d iHcii'll l,ow if Hie Pitt V nl PriMOf i nf H Ma' I li ' llil.. I m . 'line I ,'inmilli l.i 11 nl,,,.. i ii.. I , ri inn w n rotmiiilli'd (tie I. I '. in i i il I. in.- l-h . l ulii.h llml Cotumllt, o i Vitcl) dependent of, tidopemo front, 1hel, n met .a f'ii".. .ii on tli.-l'lh Attf.. 1 t , nnd ft'itl liovi mmi'tit of llm United Ni.ite. f a Tn i y inil 1 1 i'i nnM h iniii fur Hie 1 1 in Hirinsi h r. i,v ntin rr their tnn i-i vl.n to I v tli h'civliiig r.ihwMi wi h'o,, or any nth. r nltnhnlrt or Miiireri. in- form i lmm i I Mi I ni n w n I '.''. We iiie lln' opinion "I (Ii"1" Mil ( lliM'u-n upon ml.jnrl, nnd l.'iin onr liilM Ihf'ir rtl I'. ln tn i"li i n ! i i I i j i . , ,, , ,'imli"n (.i i ten ,' (In y ' VViV( ')T r ; rut. I tin In no .iitrel ' tlicy cilaiuly rati rrniuin, mil emilmiio , '. Vj !l.itti,n th. filcroU nf locln mil tl ' in n Territorial .-mlilion ; and nol como v,v" ;V'..J J -'Ji jfnoivN of Hisk:iHi.1ii fc fur m In pre- into llm Union nt nil f Tims pi-n-ontlng l- ri.: i i ii i i, i. . ., i-'ii. I'I. Mi ''!: I IC Mi'lIN TI"V-. n:: rKini;.T. STEPHEN L DOUGLAS. ; I I 'III e, n ll I . I '. I . ll I .i I . ( Ill ll i'lt II 'I'll K Mil e Communication. r i ii,.. n. 1 1 n,.i,i.- ,,- Mi i"hi I'm ioh-: II a in? l.i . ii (n t l,t (,i pretentions to Democracy, that liM in conlnmpt any i tent, ire m,",ii t.. I.M i-toMl!v rl,i,re lh nc on oft e Sin o ih"i.m i" i"""" "" '"".' Mini . I Pxeeiilivc Commilteo nt l'roon, are llm t ,i x i,,. r.i ii,.,. ...... m.,.1 ti.n "."ii- h " - (r, iihi in nun i in' uni.-r rn '- hn '.ill o , . tin' I'.H t , li ni Uititfd Artion. ho (ntv nirf in lYnnj lvaiiU, iimk i llil'l f it K-l 1 1 1 I )i) nullum! inn uli. i 1 !, Iitui ill ivliir in Mli'iiiv a ! Ii ' in i I in our i tin' liter i- i ii ee. Ml). I ' a.irl v f I' ilif Slate fr tl, T1TA n nUriflTmTMinfiri inonlrr tlmt tho Stnto v nt iuiv iii in.irtiit e reuiK Ihh opposlt- tli novel Jporliii lo of an in lepeti'lenr i.t il.i !..;.i..j .i....ih;... .,i 11L...1. tin...- . t i i. . i 1 , . 1 ' '' ''" nt I'M ' hosier. I lie lorinor In with malum! in. n ' ! : 1 1 1 1 t .' ' r "'"""".V' '.inn ; .mnoi or our I ...on. .,.! an mljun, t of Vornev't. 7V.... nl the on you ms ,.r I !,... I l""l u illi . nirniijreine nt for u li:noerat to ; Surely no iuiin.1 1 enioernt will ronletnl t.. i " i ! ,.r t .i... tho M-ivihro of a..h-oii.. (hut nieolin .'. M,,.,.,t,,tl:rH-ken, l,o or Kunlai. 'for a il.ietrino liko tl.m. W n,e1 to, in ll hi. act. of trenso., to the "r": ? . :Mil..t""M ie 1' an :in. Mian let n , ,. .( wni l.i n..1, I i.,.r,.i I,. fll,-., ;i .!,,., .. " " " 1 M " 1 m"'" s ' ' hen ex pi e s me ll.e wlmle vote of the I leniornitif Ii ''I i "Mi rt in- I iitvl tlmt nnvitliif f, .iti liT lut hi i' 1,1 linn ill nil I .l- i, i, , i nl ll. I to tin, 'iv mill'' in, ,l lie' ."hi' n, I i, IM. I. tint,! in j in, ii ' 1 i I l ie " -i the ii ,1 .'I N , ii ill, ii i n 1. inn, I m ,,. i . i i . .'. 1 ' " Hi "III,"'' HI 1 1 i.l , ,),. , ll. t1: t'l Hill I' III r llil'l ' K t I L- 1 1 1 1 1 '' I l ' ir i'i- n)M, iiIh H von . ,u,j,h ' ' " ' MMIHI, ,l , ,o I,,, , t I .1.1, , ii I i ... ' ''" ' "" 'i i ii i in1 i , ,11 ll i,t 'ii, ni i i :'ii i-1 r nil v , , i i , 1 1 , or ii,, . , , ,,,, i' ... .... t I .1 . . . ' I ll. ' .' "" " "" 1 i '".v "alliiu, a ll"!-tliertl lln.,,' (., . Jour " ' to ' "' if Irii M UK to lull IB 1 ft 0 I ill V. I it hoi f ill. 1 1 i i 1 1 -r that ineelin ;, "'rl" I'lrh!. Tliink yon i),,,v. , ... , . .... . . ,, raiien in u I'rii.oriiuu! .ila I.iiim eiitmn, I "'""" '" n il nun-in imi, ,M 1 1 i. k man in nil li iy m-tu of I I'l'in.m ,l n . i . i . . ' i .... I 11 ' t nn. our le.noeralie''ellowcitiifn,everyher i WorrK(i, ,)(irt, I "n'"""1 1 ";l"''"v , V , , , ' ( ''""-" "l..,i,l i-i.,,fJf .. .. I'etnorrKlic jxiriy. ,.,, H,,, v.nir t'liiier luij M lei the meet- (M" il,'" Matrt iui-1 un u.i.-.i i 10 noeomo unuuu, una nssisi in f.irryu.,? , HN, , thn,llin ,;.-.'i..i!a U.-i.uLli.-iui meetin ,l vii ...Uho Ceavonnhh. a.f,nii ilmt ..i..,-." '!! 11 1! l'h'KSII'KNT. cm ineijli:,nn,l thin it v tlmt eouhl hefal tho 1 1 was iiiljiiiletl hy that Coininitto, that to ''Tl nfiTFDT X? TfJ7TTf1ATT '"'V1'"if ""' '1',r,1" f, J.meoin 'vas the jWas, tliei eloi o eniliat .eally a uiuun or tho I fofnia! io,i of n partnership, hetwern the m au ivini of the democratic party tho j IVi, 'ii' Is of Ih eekeliriJuo un,l tho fl ion'ls of jl'ouliM in order that either tho ono or tho other of them tnitjht. he electe l, nml tl. ih I.ineoln he ilefeateil. Tint hoi!1;: theeae, we respect fully suh- m 1 1 to ll j " n urn r i nai I tin l.veninm;' iiir- ni); n ii,-uiuii,,iii uieeiin, all, I Ml'lilil- ' ',r .., .,,7 ,.,,,,. onrrhl Snnneronjo vietory-BMsist inruN tU,t 1Vrfy j,,-, Warren Mjer, Butler l4'"1 w,, r""!!"'! therein as ' might ho aimed .in it hiphcr; for if our old .dversnrie. ra',, .,,d one or two olher paper., hae !',T'"!" !,"n 1 il ,a ''".v lo n-ply. ' i theivornteuhim. pet hold of it ; ihey will hand it over to'.0. ,.n,irH1d ,r,no,m. Vlll ' r,nu l",ll,'l'0,l" l ''"'' ,1in. ,.,,. ,, , ' " 1 ,n,,"r'iL"1 tlit a'r.riKHrueut. Lut Caie.iiimti plfltlorru, my Leliof that the 1 .ountry, averted. John p.ron nism. most ofthem Lave frankly 0J:uitteJ iU ( Ccn.lit ution rm',Vni,..,luvery a nd e, ' ,. I o, 11 ll, , I 1 1 1 1.. t I r - - - ... . " 1 ,. . . , . 'constitution is a 'let u ith !l is a coniii'iet u n i i .... i an, I :i li'.'i.'iin iilli ),i. ' i ... ii.,. '';.' ' I'nlN, likn tho eadin,'.. iiiu.i.' on our ear.i? If so. von . , I. It Inn deen .suoiiosed tl.., . it Gen. Foster Found. ', ! fairness, lut neither of them so far os we ,l'r's ou lavt-holduii tho riht 1 1 take lint " ,ltft" ennnot mix, hut skillful 01 master litel i'i rouiuci wiui oilier .evil ' . ''lint, l. . il'v J I :l, u. Dio ontiOHition Press ! ti. imi to create 'liave seen, liave onenlv denounced it I "I"'01.' of property 'lo our coriimon tw- .') l"-"":"l"-'. 'ru,Umg, and ynudnn tho . . ' .. " . ti ii.'.. . ritorie.s wiiere llm relation in. JOSE? D. FOSTER. :o i-:i:oii. ( l V HTJIOHI I ami , or.NIV Koli t'l .Nil.';i'S.. HON. JAME' II. KERR. C'f I'liiinj.'') cuunty. irm .sKMi;r.v. A. M. 1' EN TON, ESQ,, of J!'Kc!iti eounlw MAJ. E. Tt, BRADY. I'fJi'fiorson countv. ivhuthcr "Foster lias heen found." For the purpose of satisfying f ho curi ous, nnl nlliiying tho anxiety ofoui neigh- CUMMISSIOXKR. 8 C THOMPSON, of Morris tp. Al'MTi K. J? C, BOWMAN, of I)ecatur tp. ii.F.siri:NTiAr. klixtdks. ,y. ....,:, ;; Hiciiaid Yiux, Geo. M. Keiui. IhAi rt .7, ,,.,. !'r,.. A. S.-rver. il l-l-aae Reekh.uv. W. i". J'.,! toi'.-QIl. I.J-I ico. I. .Tarksull lYookefl.jr.llo-Jnhn Ahl. esee in llmv are. :i lvoeatin! the claims of llio one or tho other, that they ceno their Litter 1'nder this nrranemont there is no call for Douglas men ahuing P.reckin- reiLfe or iioe who support, i,im. ior is there any call for tho friends of Breokin rid.uo or thoso who support him to hhuso Douiilai or his friends. There is quite nn uhun, lance to say in favor of both theso distinguished St ateniiicn, to fill nil our columns from now until tho election. If not, then let us employ our time and la- jhor in the exposition of the dangerous and I'lo'truetive doctrines of Black liepuLlican ism. This u heautiful field, tmd much I i:ood may Le the result. If either Doug I las or Hreckenridge is elected, it will ha a lemociatic triumph. But if Lincoln i i- defeat o,l it Till bo nt le;v-,t ho f a victory ( to every Domocrac no matter vho is elec ! ted. i... -! i:....o . .1- :i hi in .1.,., I ... ii ...i . . i - .-..w.. , ni..., mi., capiuu, ov r.mcu.n.K . oi our ;- ... .inwivii,) prcer ( M.,.val) t c,1,1, ) 0 const iiutionally uLroi- to lender it minutely ilivid-v, , candidate for (iovernor Henry D. Foster ; ' I''eoln to Breekenridge. , ted either Ly Coiigren or a ten ilori al le"-' Miceee'iVd in making it !ionid" '. nnd tho little man down street Lai re o arc fjuito nure t hat nine-tenthfi of i--wture, my deiei iniiiatiou to adid.. l,v -'. the tiv:i. Think yoo, tl i rently caught the samo fever, and desires , Hc I'emocruts of tho State endorso tho ( t'"-' deci.sioii. ot the .Snprein,! Court now you enndentroy n.ri,.,. . , , . ., ,, .... . . . luaile or which mav hereafter he made ' ion , or ride us ml) atoms, un. I , to getupaHensation, hy innocently ftS. .action atCreon, and ih.s unanimity of t0UL.,lilll? ttlll, ull oil...,' J,.i, ,.i l .i'us for udmixlu.,. wi.l. H.ns. . .. . king in two successive issues of Lis paper,' Expression on helmlf of the Tress of the ' my titter al,horen.:e of thu dietiino of Mate, lully demonstrates it. cungres.iional nitervenlioii eiiher lor m Oil and Water against slavery, coinlituu, mean Al.oli- . UU ana WRler' ! tioni.t-then I am one and on that cea; At the North Mr. Breckinridge is do- sion 1 made an abolition cpeecli. nouiued as a "secessionist" aad "distm i You (ire. well a ware '....loi-o tl,,. never been ; nor is ho lost, lie is a man 1 1"1"'i, wnne hi tne ftnuth some of his en- meet in ol the national Convent inn I was Ui 111 1 "'"lt now call the lino i that never hides himself nor does Le 'fmK! ',o1,1 llinl UP as -""too northern in opposed u the nominalioii ol.ludi;,' n.ntg- Let your euurs,, anuver. Mni;nl ti,n:i, ,'t i i r his opinions. At the North Mr. Iouglas . Lis. You, then, doubted if all hisadhe-i lo-.-ret t ing that we ditl'er in opinio, y utrut l.ko agay Teaeock Utfore is presented as the champion of "popular ! I'ei.ta would eordia.'ly support tho i.omi- viui a ,p(e,.i., as eon,-,,'.' ! ' the people or our State, Baying; relloiv sovereignty," while at the South his eup , nee of the Charleston ventio:;, should ; mention, nnd v cognizing air'. ... eiti.ens, this is I. Your next Governor. ! i'orteis are compelled to disavow his in- h fail to be selected, and vou udeavored "" ''ndy, but a Ctmvi i i, . Wo know Le is unlike Lis coninctitor ' , ri""i,,,".on tl,nt (1o(,,r"10- Mr.,lo pledge tLeiu. It was for this purpose : "ul"nuity (o i,rly u , ., , as BliOuld rer-eive . 1 am ti"! L. .). i. ' ' ic Memocralic editois who nrqu:-1. . . ., . , , j lor, wo would Roy, that Gen. Foster, Las the ( if sson nrrangeineut, whether . . . . ' . UA. ...Jill , I - " ' ...J .11 . .... Hll.( , uy , U1',,., i Lis competitor ' telTrjt,tn.on of that doctrine. Mr. Doug- , lo pledge them. It was for this purpose ' (niforiuity lo j . . ' j las und his northern supporters are uri- 'J'ou gme vour uinualiMel lileili'e in vonr'110'1 d.ctiiue a ly accompanying sparing in their denunciations of those paper of April 1m h, when you said "we til':- "ft he parlv , endiliir Uemoi rats whose cotli.-e '.u , veil them ns "unstable us water "' 'future coiKluet i''.ll imswer. If , 'uroiignnd j on are right, would ui i ied words, railu-r tlian thoso full r nty si.rve your purposo better, in ( with that native modest uUWi;,Lu..,iinirj u. rosier resis on uney enu "inrervpnuor.ists," advocates ol , urc lor llio nominees of tl,0 Charlesiou Lis past record, not on Lis present Lnppy "slave code," &c., wLile at tho South Convention, be they who they May." U'e speeches, on Lis principles; not on Lis '(!1V- JoIinso". v' is running on the same all looked to that convention with anxie- appearanco on Lis famo as a irreat eon !',' 1 I,,,,uE,n.s' hsaid : "1 be- ,ty and liopo. W , exp-i lenced bitter dis- appearance on ing lamo as a great con, ,.,lcv0 lhat lt , (hc ..; ,it of Ujo I oi ,,., youlf t.lilto,al of mav Hnh servalivc .Statesman, not on straddling "to demand, and duty of Congress to ex-' condemned tho course of the see ders ; two plntforms, and publishing his own "'end, protection to persons and properly ' '""l il language "the secession of dele-' eminent qualification for office. , eyelT kind (including shiveiy; in the gates from those states was caused by the When the gallant Col., six feet four r . . wiring ineir lern tonal st.ile. rcmsai oi tne Convention to adopt a set ,. e . . '., I Mr. Johnson has never redacted thiso- ol resolutions in aoeoidaneo with what was sneaking around with ft Bible in Lis pinion. On the contrary, he has reitera-! they claimed to lea recognition of south - Jiai, bccieny swearing men to proscribe, led it, m a speech made by him in Mis- ern rights on the question of slavery tneir ie:iow citizens : Gen. Foster as pub-1 . , ' B"":u "ls ""'"'"'""'c mr v ico j res-li.-lif n,l.,i:.. i I, r T ,i I 'dent. In that speech ho quoted the fol- laly advocating tho rights of man, wheth- ,owinir ft M . . ,,,, er native or foreign born. Mr. Toombs at Lexington in September Whan the heroic Col., was Luntinc lnt : es, ivo iil- so -0- 'Jl ' T "e if, ! 'if . in te I T'l. 1l rtl ,. ! , 1 . a r- ... n . ) ,1 A . 1 . 1 , v.... . uv.i. r. ...... DI.VIU 1111,1 U U ITH . : . 1 "may De insaequuto lo mat purpose (tlio ( rot, i lantern : Gen. roster was pleadinr? with , "tion r uluvcrv in th T..rfi i,,ri.. o v,, ic. .I,,S 4- 'no. (i .i-G. W. '-( 'has. Kelley. 7- i iliver I'. .Ifitnes H -Iiavid Sehall. ll-Joe! I.i.jhtor. 0- S. S. Barbour. 1- T. If. Walker. '2 -S. Winches er. l'i- Ios. b.iubai !i. Un ntier. j 17-.loel B. I'armer. Taeoliy. l.s-.I. J ( .' I-Tf. N. I.ce. Jil-.Tosh. ',. Ifowoll. -M-N. B. Fetterman. -'2-S'atnl. Marr-hrdl. -''I-Wm. B.iok. 1M-B. 1. ITainlin. '")-G ivlord Chiire'u. I 'Ml rent Iccalities. The sticklers 1 o. 1 o .1 i . . . . . . Tooo, c.ann lor i aemseives 0R flecount of thpir l,,IIac0 nlul reli ,. Ithesatno rights in tho Territories that j and Uki f tLo C).iminals an(, j i lin n .tune I,, ii.a v'i.,1. 4 1 ;...;,... i,.t-i,al.,y F- !W, .l,iPcJjnon us hy Ireland nn.l correct -if a man is a Sovereign in : . . r..n i i"inw, ui-ii, .U.-..VI as iiiuiiiuny repu diating this miserable slander, by pointing' to the many prominent names in Annri-. Hie lellltoile.s unhuuiU tl.,: rrx,,lu!,r.,.-: ,.', ) Joitt Jhi the C'JI,r.l)i;,jri cmUJuJ ,.(! M been hint J' ire r,ymil,;l a. the il.etrinr im tii '; M suljcct which if carried out in letter and !l spirit in the ntlminMratioii of I If '"IV- I S. , "It mny be Ihut tho power of the Executive 'eminent mutt .'Ceure to all sections ol j the country, north as weil as south i''' the lights guarar.tecl to tliem by the Federal compact" was approved. U'e l iru-ie.i i nut M ttor counsels Fhilii)sburp;& VEterford B.a.1-' Al a in,',. ling of the Sto!'.- , . , the "JMiilipsbiug ,t Waterf-jril l.i..! l.'oinpany" hrld'ut the Borougli ,.' field on Thur-day Aug. 'J.'M b".. lowing ollieers Were 'Jllauiui. ,'!:,! ; lor ?aii! eiiinpanv. II s. G. II. !.w:;ti rr, l. ., ;-1 . I . . ,., '. II,,.. . ; ,. I.eOII U'.l, I, , . ,,,ltl ljt:tl), id i'. i .In it'i; iin-1,.1. ; ! :. n s 15. G' '. s. ii. ; 'Vil'.l'.l', iJoa 11 J. I 1. " lopnlar Sovereignty. j "'" " uiijn',,.,!,,,,,,:,, n'ncc pc(,po of pefln sylyania not to mnke "these ls fail, I phftll then he prepared I of otiinion exists, beiii" construed in suit I , . .. . . . ', "I" I'rotcet all the right, of all the rooi.lo in the i ' ' c , reninon a oua incation or test for n tiei , ..t.,;. 11 . .. .. i iru- e l t hat ..Tiee iiW,i. 1.1 . i .i..i"nc.i an wun m Bi.oiiucri', iy uu me .. " v. o , v.... j . IV hM n A...AHI Ah,.. ... niini.r. l.r I ,A l.iv..rn.n.,, ' Villi 111. 'II I 11,1 I il.U'l.r .1 H ...I... ll.f.Ut'llh IIIJIIV Tl i.S UOllSlllLr Ilieil I'" ' " " ... v. " . v. ..... yji, i .... .,i I'l I'll?. IIJ 1 O I . r. . : . i . . m . . lit... ... I, I... .... yiuer q.ioinig i ii is exit-net Jrorn the."l-i,L ouimore. "it was with sincere speecli of Mr. Toombs, Mr. Johnson said : reyret" you recorded the action of that "I subscribe totuse srntimciitx." Murk ; Convention when on the 1:7 ih of .Im.e tho fact, that this endorsement of tho po-:'ou eould not divine "what oSje.-t t!:ev si'ion ol Senator loombs ivas made since ' 1110 seeeders) exp l i, .; 'ri'1 . Yi.-e Tie.. 'hreCori haviii.' i, 'i Inn in i ii i ii .oii,t :u, i: ; , , a' sai I c unj.any. J'n -i,!, nt. G' -ii ,!ol,n 11 t.- -II, ,n. .lame- i i r y. I.. .1. Ci.iu-. Daily correct if a lnati is a Sc iViiiisylvaniii ; he is not huwever the amo sovereign w hen ho emigrates in to a Ter- I ii riESOM'TIOX Oi THE PKMOCRATIC STATE EXKCUTIVH CO.M.MITTKi:. HmoI-cI. Thai th Democratic F.lecto- ritory that is, he is r.ot entitlea to the I same sovereign t ights there that Lo has in i Tennsy lvania. Tiio sovereign in Pennsjlvani a right to assist by his vote to choosa can history ; and calling on Li? country- since -sei eoeis ex ,( ( i lo aeeomi' .. in,. tt.e nomination ot .Mr. Johnson for iee j ,t,aS ll he the entire overthrow o! the I 'em rresident on the Douglas ticket. 1 1 comes i ocratic parly, the trampling t f u prinei up fully to tho Breckinridge platform. ll'lesinthe dust, an I tho dissolution ,.; . I..- . I. ... I - - . 1 . . : .. I .. ii l.r . ii u n.iiiiiei uiaw me t'ci nenu' ioii" i.aunuai union. e auniii e,! v,mr .. i i. 'in: ii,, r.,: W '. . i ii iper rHILADLlI-illA HALIi:: I.. I I 'l.l'.VI, . 1 -I'al I ti'.i .IeU'. y :lt ST..- ral Ticket he headed !!, th f:,.... t...i ...i .. t higher claims on government than 'worth Stephen A. Doug as or John G B.-eekcn-ii . . T i Z . t. . i No Democrata T our gallant standard bear. ... - v.. ji.xni ii hafl tiower to elect. I nitnl S nt.s Nimnlm- . ruiiro, as an Moctor at Large, and in the,. , ,er i not lost, nor is ho in damier: and ....a. r.. .i.n - . ... .. i.ei.i.i....Li. v.iii'M.ii .irffiinn..,. v in. , " :ei,uui in.; siiiti'mi ill nun I ICKei II tne men, to look around them at the thrifty, i lw men do not repudiate their candidato! independent lar.gtiapo when on the ifb j 'm ,'r i'v hardy, honest, emigrant ; and then forev-i f"r Vi,' '-'etit iif.der such circutn-i(li'y of July, casting oil the letters of phur.- i .: , u .! - v.'i, l has erbanishtho heresy that "birth" Lad ,',anr,'s'. Vhal!, Vnion between an in- "i'.'11 ''! heeker w i.o s,igi,t to de-'; K.-J. V is...;,, oosa i, , ' , tervet.tiouist and a ton-inturveiilionUt !; pnvo us of "our right of thouLht-our Whit,.. " ' ion might a-i well attempt to mingle oil last and only reluge." You u.ed the..e ' 1 '' v ' land water. 'IIoiv can Mr. lougl.ts con-1 words "ll "cannot tail to appear doubly i''f. sent to nine wuu jonnsou; i.upiiriani to us thai a cnnilulate :-!;.iulil'. (..; i.O.I (.0 firm nml nI v.i !: nu. ' :.i (... l.,.t, M. n.:.: . I . ' " f"""cni llim .. .. . . . . . uiuuiu n.- I'liv.tii. iiinv ii.ii aiu 111111 i..w....k ...i.a r. . ping mo executive, Judicial, ana l.egisla-! , ,,, , , .. . """c-ues nougias upon ,:,. i. . i r i . t i ; wirouuu n glass uirniv, inr i mo is oo- tne lam j as , a , tive branches of his government: if hoi . , 7, , ,. . .It-.. ; 1 , ,.-,., . t- .. ,ming when they shall see him an ho is.;1'1" ""' Ti-'ech. enoerate m K nnsn ni- iiin nil. .r- ..,r.. " J ' .ii . i lironiinent man at bu selected who could command l.' e en- lire a;ieng'.h ol the party and enable ii mil as declared in his 1 10 present lo the country unity ol 'I' the i, Ur. i i ll u here ho Las a voice in direttins and sha-?., ' .. ' .'. ' . . There is not no.v greater number of votes shall have been east for Stephen A. Doiflas. (lien fhn . ' . " " , ...u ...Hiivi.ta "i ...a L.MCIUIilVill , 11 UU . . . .. .. . . II... i .... . . ' , , vote ot tne I'iietnrai ( olleco ol the State P -,., t- . . fi . . ming wnen iney snau see mm as ho 13, " ' I'"" . '1 wren, uiose nno nave rs- ";''"" oi m-iuimkiii incur c.iin shall lie east tor Stephen A. Don-las and . V J and shill like liim 'uie,i him cause are cirtrnl to repudiate "'-li insures suece i-y i : i-p s ri n ' re.- llers.hell V. Johnson for Prosident ati, lry 01 tl10 1 "ltcJ Statos Lo 1,il8 none ofl it-. 1 t c i , , nis dojtnnes. Putri t d- IVn.n. 'I'"'. Whether so desirable a r,-,ul: eat. Vic President. Imt if fir John 0. Breck- Hioso rights-except incidentally in the1. ',T ' 8 , 1 F'""u", c, ;------. - , ' accoinplushed with eiiher, John C. Preckenridge and Jos. 1 Leci.lative branch-havin ,. ri.l.t to" Andy s-tho former as a Lightened Straight -out Dictionary. tlemen now in tho field, a,,- l.'tn for the same office-?. If 'tho vote of vnt.i fiir nimnUr. f T i i i , honorable man a consistent and censer- ,. 1 ho i orncy-l'ouglasites attach a peeu- '"' virus j il.c I), nucrain- nr... ,' -. we will Pennsylvania cannot elect (he candidates , , , ,! . V r . i vntive Statesman, the latler, a.3 a weak !,'ar '"rf'n to ?MW, which dif, : not umlertake to say : but if it c,,.i be for whom th- majority of vo'cs are eas1 'Ure' 1 " u 1 01 nto''y ''C is furiiiiLed with . '. i lers so entirely from (lie commonly rccei- done with either, wo have no Lcmi alio: nnd it cn eb.ri any man running forth" 1"3,iovernoran'1 J udges, aid has 0 ' tatm willing one year to tlespise and ahuse ved nnd ohvioua meaning of tho term, ,in saying that the safety d our org ant.v o(!i"? of President of the United" Sta tes ' right to vote for a Legislature that can elect , men' for tbclr '),rth ftn' relleir,n : and the they use that some explanation is npces. ' tion, upon which ham- the'ol tin. next year to cajoie anu emt.raee mem tor ' " "" """"""""'i oi me uniuatoit. , union, ih-hu mat Hi" i' -raiij party i : like him Govcrnor-wil, ' '7 "r insi.-iii.-e lew illustration : Jol the country ol the whole country - '-- . . , , J'P't'ir A '-, rn:n,'i. 1 his titans the h""U '"''' td' liis m i".-r in their in. 1 ", - any prmeip.e, or endure right of a sell-constituted Convention, liU and ueelaro for themselves whoshall i u.L fur fit fr ins nnwnnal nnny ,piimiirts.iil f "ilf .I!.,..,.., i . ' l . l. : i ; i . . i - . v. v.,.ir--, vu iiPHjmuihiu'i politicians. " Ul, 'r euiiuuuo lor 11.0 T r M it iiev. : :.. n tuo Mitos. then the votes sliall lo with a flinvriim- nn.l inJ.,., I r..; ,lly ana ambition willing to t.rtr.iv Ins i lu 11 coiniuiuce ot l.j por-onn to At tnv. timoyou worn willing to refer tlii T in Clll, !( ;lto w hr iu f in mi., .1 rArmAnl;(;naW.,;iln,: .irmiut! in a CiOserooill Till', r.irm nn UlltUl O lhn k inrro ni uruvr tl.. ,r,,J U ..ill ii, . .... ill ii w- , I i fUr fr I III. I iollul'-il Cneo,.,..,,..! . L V-'I 1111,1 "Hllll,PI 11JL1.VI3, llil'l BVll 1IIUCII LU . i.-t .. . - - - . .v. 4. s - - -- wiv 'IM- . I iii- l"Hi "I til'- ''lilt - . ill I III T ten v'iivhl Ma Hivi a. itn..i.i:.. i.r. a n ; 1 1. m ail I'l.u ts , rinii'vr. .ru'I.'.l v,'.'!.ly i- f. Kit.rt:it .1 IV, I. .: nml IJ.-tiil iK'iilns in tinicL'ii.s. 1' as. in. 1 it.i! l),-y Li j, .Is. ii ' - .it ' i ,., . . , el ,rni,v. to b, a IJemocrat. then the vote 1 two United Slates Senators, until this ter- ncxt '0:ir tft 01 11"' I.le-tor.nC .l.w.; shall le cast for .-, 1 . , . ., their votes to m tint candM,. If i! will not elect e','h ' nlor' l'0l,uiullon "fc'1' Cnlltle ' 'IT, 1 t or nrthe IWinerafs for whom it is cast, tliem lo bo admitted as a State. Herewo! g 10 at,vocat0 or m of th-s Democrats who are vnte.i ' fir.d ibis would bo sover. i.m (n. nid,,.,l !' platform to ' and Jud 'c 1 v a forei n ' y Bn ftnu,,llon willing to hetrav Ins .'I'l'oin j a commit tee ot In per-ons to -vt that time you were wilnnu to rel'e alral Uovemment former political friends, and sell himself lo ' close room ,ind form an clcc uattci to the s jurce of i.c '.-r-t he iisuiuoteinment; 111 the ; toral ticket for tho I "en-.o-.-racv 0f Ponn-I'ie. Vou then marked out a cm a Father is bound to fur- t,,e I?l'5 . Ivnnia, notwithstan.Ung the regular . took ihe initiative, and advocated cal i'i i' 1 111 ' I I'".'. !!,.!,. . . f'li ' Kllll', 1, ,1 . I'm 1.1 " I'nii. 'It'' V '' V 1;... . ." Il k. . 1''. . . for ci ri! the 1 'linirnrin nf thi? Pom, nil trA 1, ' ;' I same way that a tiue'ed lo obtiin from the .ntlemnn n 'nish food and elntlom. fn,. 1.;. ,;,. t.;t. c:,n P'vo lli,r 0""ce. r . - - B .vi itu nun ji viur 1 ,. . . . T:m I'.Mii-t-riifK! lAovimM ticket of t . m ion I,,.,,! nU i, r. ..t i i iH'twcon sucii men t no TPOMe ot I'cnn- ; V" lMi: v u' -unonupauii. had a ro.idv i.or. ! t.v. 1 our Dosiiion MM-nlot ti imi-.l, - ...u.j iui.t. 11, 1 1: ia j 1 ium 111 1111 11,. 1 1 ir 1 ' i . . . i . 1 j 1 , 1 -........ . 1 . . . . . . , innnnii i tint in r-. . j i .-n .. .i.i'.i i n i-.. Bvivania can nave little aillicultv in clioos 1 . i J 4Ub auhiaouon ot u 1u,tt' urajnm an uiaeivm: it wms, - I 'irif iiioimm r .. f 1 1. - . . n-t 11 l 1 October next-after I "J: "! 'V0.. ."" "'T .v,. tt ''l"'omi.-0 might not a- ni..! , sOni i. : - i -..1 . . . i.'o- ia"ii sevei-.-n an, 1 instinct Jile.lges of ac'iuies-eeren in tho foregoing resnhj. imn. ami t ) report the result or ins act ion n tiie 7-.1-f.n1 1 .-.n nt i.iL' ol lli'- (' lavnitlee. .(iovernnient is comi.osed of a Trinitv it. 1 lakes ;.,-.-.. .IilTr.,... 1 :i..... '"S CioVCinOr ill v. viiniv.nnuuj untlllUl iltll HHJIUS COAL ! COAL ! " -'w ''M ii . 4 II VJ H'l.ii " ' v j.v. tk I wnijuuiiii.-v; toiu lar bOVf-r.Montt- " ;.i i.. i ..1 Ikm-h i....... iv,.,. 1 i; 11 i i 111 .ico t - ..11 t 4 1 r r 1 mi r 1 in inn .ii Hilary l-uvi ivu, iui uu u try in the .xt most- to caiTy it a!ong-the Executive, Judicial 'w,,7ltimefndrew ;Ca ruti- ware at that time that a committee lueuuy 11 tne Jixecutivc, JuUicial ' (... -i. t j,ai iy, uio signities t ho run- :waro 111 mat tune that a cuiumuice ap- and Legislative, and in tho organized Ue 6 Prac,lc,) oflaw in Bellefonto, where '""P of n straight-out ticket in opposition i-ointid by one man could release clectois C '1 1 1 Al 1 1 . 1 1 ! . .1 1 tO tllC tliclirm aI ,.;..t,l ......I. . , I''., I . . . ,.l ........ 1 .... 0. . , - v.. . . lulion ?.as pns- of the l)ou,das 1".',1.'I he follow ing res, o,l nt the la. t in, , -tin; . '! 1 ., 1 ' 1110 in tins place. ,' . . That all 10 Ml-!. OHM.: til') le -ll .ll- IK, !ni,v, tin,. 1 ie,Uf'st,,l to meet in Mass Meeting in Cluaii'K'l 1 1'.,. rough, on Tuesday night isi,ii j.-or ol organizing ihe parly for '"til way.- eit Douglas ele vania il'iion as a v ' '.' 1 a "ni that their love for reguhr nominations prevents them from having anvthiiv to t'-rs," Ac, Ac. States wo all huve a right to assist in ma. , " " c" m3 m,'y "ml ' Ana king thc-m; whhh right constitutes us ryj) Foster will bo found at Harris- Popular .Sovm-igns-in short we arc 21 ' "urP u'argmg the uuties ot Governor Democrats favorable years of ago and must provide our on jf t'"S U Commonwealth. food and clothing It will thus be been that the General Who is correct. 11- 1111. - .!., 11 o iuoosii in anotner coiunii'. a long o the wishes of eight-tenths of 'che Doug las men in the State. eiic.scii i,y a Mato toiivi ntion i',,in obe dience to tho unanimous resolution of the imrpose , ('ovt'rnment furnishes the people of a ter-1 letter from Mr. Crans, explaining Lis1 ocutive Committee to play fast ami loose ,' 1 mining f, the future. , ritory with the hole working macliine- J course, and referring to tLo action of tho j "y.PrParing at the meetings of the Com' United -it t'-ral tie the ('re t in l'ennsyl-i on .in angement do with OCe less will do. to see thai v,ii..1 t.;,.l.o . ..... . .f . 13 jiuarauiocii to all the several States of this )IV . na . r ,, . : ... . . lUa why wo,.t th,s itile wo.k i,s well in: eitizens thereof. been Governor of it ; and w a delegate! sunorv i rlDS.: 1... ,.f ii.. :.. - . . 1. ... . ii.Ia ." j oonule that wont work 0VenmiL',lt' " 01 'eh it "'oro uonvenuona, a subject upon vol the adv3 t-ates of a straii-ht. i "IUst tec luillifully executed and carried which there seems tgo0 a divessity of o- c- 1 ; r : . 1 ii.i., ... uui, 0 11 Miuuiu laKc-.tie 1 resident tho Su- pinion. prcmc Court, and Congress all these' Bilow we pnhlish an extract from a branches of thcGeneral Government must "peech made in Philadelphia by Hon. b) brought into requisition if nothing ' lfanc 1. Stevens. Mr. Stephens is the Delegate it. Con gress Irom Washington Territory Pennsylvania as it does in Nfii. Vork ? ' 'rerore, believing as we do, that the! to t,ie Charleston and Baltimore Convon seems, the Don-ln, m,.n n-,.r ! lc'"'itory of the United States, belongs to tl0ns an eye witness io the whole rro- uil the several States alike, it then necesccelm. "ear what ho has to say upon tho arily follows that whatever is recognized j 8anio ulject. as property in any of the States can lo-1 f- Stevens then referred in detail to gaily bo claimed and held as such, in any I tl'e action of the Baltimore Convention, territory ol the United States nn.l ). " .. fi I'"-"""" - ' I'OlipiBS 1 Ircneral Government must see that thoso sho-vedtl rights aio proservod invinluto: to all tho 'obtained 181 VOtM. n reo'!ilion ,rn tTer.' lor citizens of tho several States if it fchould ''e'arir.g Lira tLo unanimoui choice of I Nulimiin take tho wholo throe branches to do lli0.Con-TCnlion' "".opportunity was allow, to agreo to .1 .n. wuwa lu uu A,l for ,l,.eft.f 1 u . 1 i 41 1 .u:..i ii- jt ,-- " -'"""."ii i,ik'iih'ji i nose oppo- ' , , , nentsof Mr. Douglas who remained in the U O nliO llOl I thill, nml .n "V., . rVinvontinn T f I 1 . V . 1 . . - ...... vvi.utbs iiui nQDuuncu mnt, aetllleling 1 " '""..ii-.iuiig tno regular o-1"'. me, ami a'lvoc-ateii calling ,.s am 1 ..m'.tif.n.i . .( .- .. .. , . ..... ...... ,,,,, ie,iiescnunii all parts"1" i.ouvenuon 110111 tne oouy o: ol tho fiH'l m,,m,'fl,.l ' 1. 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . - . 'i 1 . . ... ....... ........ ,1-1' - - i.r'iiiui ll l.lllIJU'l,.. ' hi., ,,. ..r.i I, ......I . :..r. 1 il ... - I - 1 1, , in in ,-ii .,,' I;v , uu liioi.l.nt tho t'oal liank nt'Jul; in il,,. I!.,i-..iih ,.f i :..iirii,'l,l, n eoasllll., ,,r lie. I....-I urti-li. i.l I'ciu'i.vk Co .'. X' .. , nf tl..' I'.'iil n.-cls no rv iinai. .. Lit-', , ,. lail'lie kn.nv it ih far Mi,L'rinr I . ,ui tlj" I, r many mil. ;ir,iii,ui. (rlis I'.ir is;. I, lain, , I nt tin- Mi,,-,.. ,,f Mnnra A I t, p..; ... .' . . .... , . . v.,ii.r hr ..... ;-..:..., ti. .i...:. 7. . '.. i - ' i " i .'i ii i--1 1 . tifi. i uu til i ii nn fii uiu i. uii t in i inn u nun u.' ' i 1 i n 1 1 1 111 hit niMiei at in,, i... , i- - i: i .1 i iuis term ii principally comprised m tho iho support ol tli tiiitmmU (. invention -M'l'. i. :,t. loregoing. it consists in getting up a "d could authon.o them m ease, "ihe ppuriou? organization in opposition lo tho votu of Ponn.-ylvatiia cannot elect the Beading Convention. It also means the Candidate for whom a majority ol the right of certain members of tho State Ex- votes are cast audit can elect iy im ' for the otjiee of President of tho: ites eaiiiiiii lo bo a Democrat. I mittce, voting in favor of the Ihell tho vote of the electoral colleiru shall adopted, and then takinj in tho so- bo cast for that candidate." cret at the liuehler House. MIUIAKL ft' 1 V FOR AB:i I'lile willin; their fellow were to "fu.-e," not only with Democrats who Breckinridge, l,t th the KtqW, actually putting ',-.i Bel", nnd Kverett men on their c'.ecloral licket and agreeing to Vole for them. Now if the Douglas men of New York can thus "fas.c" with their forner enenii,"', it seems totis very strango that tho straightouters in lira -State refuse to form a partnership here. It nna.-ks too visibly of rorney-I.ineolnini and so will the people understand jt. 4:-iflIow to tost the temper of a Vounir j Tlior,) will 1.,. exposal U piil.iic salo in be. , thrrst.i.rir. on Saturaay tho 22,1 hist., at 2 oVlu 1 . M. A certain ni,'..,' ,,r true! ,.r ,,,., B; . ip. Iiounded ns fullow : , r ' teirth ami oust by T.illiort Halo. ,:, n,-TYVENTY-SIX ACKKS MOI!.-: Ht LE- -'. Democracy of Pennsylvania Lave no right ' Democrats, I among tho number, review-! ;,' ! '"".'V:?, 1r'k .n"n"' ?,!". St"v ' in ..nt. ii,.: .. ... - fc ' i .i- . ... . . . ., 8 K"'"' K'lrilen, ntnl u iiu.ii.M-r of fruit In. . no iiii-u on ii iiuairs in iiMr o.v.l en ine piuii expecting ll yioni a tutn tho nrooertv nf I'hri.n..- ri,. .. way, and that Miles Taylor's Federal glimmer of light to conduct them in the ' is,.,i. 0 founU that at a national Con-: H.H.MS Ol'" SALK, ono third in hnn,l n,. conveneu accorUnig to tho u.-a- """" m two c.pml nnnuui pnvmunts. . 'i'i.;..i, .. ,..,....i- r i Aiii.irvi.m .i.i.u -ui.i . Lin,,, is voiiie ireti .... .V..-..-..I :... a n. .- ..'i I-'..: l i a: ill brau.v t..wn-lc . " y i.i'AioieeAprcs- ..-v.'.o... i u,vh,.,ih. '"'"""S : ttoiith ami wes l,v Thnn,. fiiAii 0,l.nnM:i.. : .i ; .... ..... .1. .....n:r.. .,. : a i... i, ..!.. ,,y innnins u.v... v. v...,,., ay !ijviin3 inorigntoi mo llJI l,u i .emu issuevi UOIU ll.l? ii Jllill- eople to govern themselves ; but among house that "evefy Democrat is at perfect theFnrney-Douglasites it means that tho ; liberty to vote as he thinks proper," tome 1'cmoeraey oi rennsyivania In to settle their own atl'airs in ticket to elect Lincoln was regularly nominated. Ha 1 Htwncn, alter Jir. Douglas liaa;oi a amaii committee ing of the much misunderstood expres gesoftho Democratic party, having fulp tecur'-,'1 ''.v 'l Im-.l Mart-.i-o on tlio rcm: s sion "non-intervention," nine-tenths of delegation from every State in this Union I Al 20 ... JEWELL LUTHEK, A im i the Democrney of a Stato may resolve to ' adopted an orthodox platform which "cm-! ...UK' '' '. pursue one course, but if Miles Taylor j bodied what has been heretoforo regarded i COURT PROCLAMATION commands another, they arc bound to o- as the constitutional dactrincs.'' That1.... lev. I alter certain men entei tniniti ",i;, I ' "'"UV '" 'in. SAM! Kb LINV r 7V.w.. n,....;. l : ... i.. .... I ..:.... .r i. . ,. ,. i ' H .... ,y .., ,,,,,,, Hiruigiiivout nc" "i i 'i-iuoeiaiic principles irom "resilent Jmhn nf il, i'....ri ..f . .unn.nga siraignt-out is -eniocrane principles- Irom ' ri.. ,.f ,., u,.,,tv;m . ,1 , ui ri " ti .. I I10"0 entertained by the majority of the .,,,', f ,. ,,;;,., r atn,,, wpfc.lUo minority Convention had seceded, the Convention, : I'lintun mnl tho . AVin. h M,.oi uu i ; '0 in Buehler's par- still containing regularly accredited J"n,in I'-'umiI. Asfn.-mto Jnli'.,., 0r t'iou- a'ferritori , islatc up, il Leeisinturo has aright to Leg- rolu tl,c'80 11 the bogus votes asd the: ic vote fairly ascertained at the polls on the adject of slavery in a Ter- 71. ?1 Zl '.c,u.,i.1 strength of Mr. Con,:. Kefusing to eo op - p n - . .ucvAiiiveci of the Popular Will, Bcfusing than two thirds of a full Convention) had ,d' f"r ''"ltlin!' "f a Court ..f i'nn.iiior T" in arrangement by means of unanimously nominated Stephen A. Doug- r1,' "."l1, l.""rt "f Qr""' S''1'- ; "'"V" wr', ""F'ns cn,,!'s w the vote is-thnt a part of thoso who had seceded 1 ,li' . v i t .3 i '' 7," ,0B " or Pennsylvania is malo dependent upon I held nn inlormal Convention at Baltimore, ' Ch'.r i,- ,i ' "' "' " jciat- uu. i uooiiier irameiH ol them at luch- 1-mnth MoU,,, 2h Jny) lUmuc tuo ii e Li. frptr : :.l t..... " . . - - ... o. If vou iri-li to asee. i ,i ti. tMn, ""rj, i.ih Hint the people thereof; when line of arcumei.t on thi. .,,l.;i ...!, ' M,nA .i. ... 7. " . ' S"a" 1 '.' H1" .mcu on their Iiatmers pruicioles i'Toi.-r, J,..m,s f the ivnro. t'onn.i ...... ii.. :..i. i. i ... ... .. . i, .. " c . . - j -".v. .iiiuiiv.u.un. 'Hiiiai'i n si n in .amI.i.. ......i... . in una i,,r ..n. i..,n,.iv i-.nn,fi , ...... ;i,.-...i sn.i - i ... ., :. i . ----- ...... , vi-uki.i'u . . Itnond, and each Lad selected ns Ih.'ir ,. . i,., ( ia u ea ers nrecKinrnlgo ami l.ane, wriCK I--, tl., r..'rc. herol., Kivn, t- of a young lady, look at her nails ami the ")' ish to be admitted into tho Union sUntially the .arne as that exhibheti Tin ' InddosiVba?gain .ith ZXlV lITV rceoj t.pKoUierplM-.,, Ifthey nrejagced and ns a Slate, may form and adopt a consti-' V'e of the National Executive' terventionists" of the South. 0 l"t buttle crv Sj,? 77' ' Kxio.iin.tiJn, unVi.thor kV. .....V much bit en. you mav be sure she is pee- tutioti Bepublican in form.aod it. it cither ' Con?uu. rublwhod in Saturday's Pen, IiunivnLlt.-Al Democrats who don't 1 whic had ZJ I Zl of m.n, ,,ru,,cc" ""w" """K" wb;, h ,0 ""irf ' vish, irntntl.'.fpiarrelsomo and too ready ' ,n, , e, " V " u , er, !"ax, Mr. Stevena being the Chairman support Deuelas i . lro,el tower of strength, a.i in tl.,.ir hehalf. -en..i.. t.i he lono, an-l .1 to show her tooth at the smallest provoc ' J"1 . exclude Slavery therefrom. The of that Committee. S I The dictionary i. incomnlem l,-i ., ' ranR 'n4lour ears and wo determined rr, no , on,l tle'ro ,,.ton.ling, d not to do ation. TLis is nn infallible lest tlmt every f".':ioui doctrine that tLe citizens of a ! Mr.fmn, .... it. t........ t.. n.r . 1 .1 "1 -"?,1' bu to support the regular nomineo and dc wl.i,,,t iv,rt, ,.t thuir i..-rii. ill-temrered young lady canies at her fin-State carry with them into a Territory the'votes in th-rZ' ZT.B'B" T. Person's who i! tr" h "Tn - IT "ll" "T' recognised of n - W -.W' shi-i eni. !.,,.,., ,u.,. . . '. . .. . u ujb . . ,. ---i- ju.i.-, r,,-ui nm an coalition which woulJ . .',." ,J , 'ft" ' 'fc"" "'joy in ne naa but 11 Jnn.lth.i mi,.,.c, .1.1 - '." i.-nu, una arc at a ions to cause an ii Mi nnmi ,r..i;i. u-. . -uii.-'i m mxiy. 6'tKnowthemeaningthey attach to them, thought lol Au, , IM0 K. U. MILLKR, Sheriff,