pi i ii mmmm-mm i n i . . . '-pi i ii i i 1X If 3 n iMfriT 1) rfM v t 'My TO BY 0. B. O00DLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI. NO. 1. &t JSepullitan. !'l'orin ot urrrif iuii. f pttl'l in ndvanco, or within three months, $1 25 f pftiil nny tlm within the ycur, - . - 1 St) f i-aij nftor the expiration cf the yeur, . 2 00 Terms of Advertising. ' Ach-ertUnuioutu are iusertod in tho llcjiubllcnn tt tho following mti'd : 1 1 iDHortion. 2 do, 3 do. f no iquar, (H lino?,) $ 50 $ 75 $100 iTwo miunreti, (URIinc,) 1 00 1 60 2 00 Three i.piares, (42 line,) 1 50 2 Ot) 2 60 A months, fl inn s. iz mo Ouo Square, : : : $2 50 $4 00 ; Taoiriiiarefl, : : : : : 4 00 6 00 ' Throe squares, : : : : 5 00 8 00 Four squaros, : : : : 6 00 10 00 Half a column,' : : : : 8 00 12 00 Ono column, : : : : 14 00 20 00 $7 00 iv vu 12 00 14 00 15 00 35 00 Over throe wooks and les than threo months 25 conts per eqinro for oach Insertion. Uusinos notices not oxcoeding 8 lines nre tn iorted for $2 a year. Advertisements not marked with the number of tnsorlions desired, will bo continued until forbid, nod charged according to theso turms. a. it. (iooi)i,ANii:n ,( ro. A FAULT t')M'"lSi:i). "A fault conrind in half m'lm.'a :" A Biiujilo saying, brief and wise ; Tho ready truth is evof best, If truth without disguise. If, in a weak and angry hour, Wo utter bitter words and strung, Oh ! lot us strive with all our power To rectify tho wrong. If we attempt to mar and stain A fellow-being's peace and name j What docs our selfish spirit gain but fretfu'ness and thinner . llcmeuiber that we but distress Auolher's quiet nnd onr own ; Then let us hnsten to confrs, Aid, if wo can, utone. lint there aro dcods dune iu tho dnrk More buneful still thnn cureless speech 'Tin when wo single out a murk That secret ?pito may reach : An urrow from un unseen hand Is wing'd to wound some guiltless And who cm such a foe uilbstuud, ' Hidden and uncoufess'd ? breast ; God judgeth Justly, auu will bring Grief for tho mischief that wo do ; We cannot work un evil thing l!ut wo shall sudor too. Then let in lay the bosom baro Ueforo tho injured one nnd Heaven, And, in a gusli of heart-felt prayer, Confess and bo forgiven ! J. C. I'lllNOK fll 5 c r r 1 1 n ii r ft ii Maxims for Married Women The unmarried woman, says an ex change, who can read this without indig-. nation, oulit to be married : hct every wil'o be persuaded that there ar j two ways of governing a family. Tho first is by tho expression of .hat will which belongs to force: the second to the power of mildness, to which evorv sti'cii"th will yield. Une u the power of tho husband j j n wif k'kviM novi.r nmi.lnv nn i. means man iiio.c oi gentleness. When a When a : wnnihn ncnusLims lifrrfnlf t.-i cii I will " she deserves to lose. h..i Pmi.it-rt Avoid contradicting) our husband. When been conspicuous as a propagator of mis wo smell arose iUs to imbuo the sweets chcvious fallacies and a malignant assail of odor; wo look for everything amiable , ant of rr'vato character. It advocated In wnnmn. Wlin.,vPr i nitpn nnnim.lie. ! spiritualism in a cowardly round about ted feols insensibly an aversion lor tho person h jio conirauicts, wlncli gains Btrenglh by time, and whatever bo her good (iialitles, is not easily destroyed. Occupy yourself only with householU affairs; wait till your husband confides to you thoso of higher importance, nnd do not read lectures to him. Let your prea ching bo a good example, and practice vir tuo yourself to make him lovo it. Command his attention by buing al ways kind to him ; never exact anything, and you will attain much ; appear always flattered by tho little ho does for you, which will excite him to do more. All men aro vain : never wound his vanity, not even in tho most trilling in stances, -A wifo may havo more senso than her husband, but sho should never seem to know it. Whouanian gives wrong counsel, nev er feel that he has donoso, but lead him by degrees to what is rational, with mild ness and gentleness ; when ho is convin ced, leave him to tho merit of having found out what is just nnd reasonable. When a husband is out of temper, be have obligingly to him ; if ho in abusivo, never retort, and never prevail over him to humblo him. Chooso well your friends, havo but few, and bo careful of following their udvico in all matters. Cherish neatness without luxury, and pleasure without excess ; dress with taste, particularly with modesty ; vary iu tho fashion of vour dress. k,...,.iii u i-..rni-,la colors. It gives a change to the ideas, I and recalls pleasing recollections. Such inings may appear trilling, but they havo wore importance, than is iuagiued. Never bo curions to pry into your hus bands concern.-", but obtain his confidence. Always preserve economy, avoid beiii" outot temper, and bo rareful never to cold; by this means ho will tind his bouse plcasanter than any other. Seem always to obtain in formation from him, especially before company, ihough you may pass yourself for u simn ploton. Never forget that a wifo owes nil her hnportanco to that of her husband. jueavo mm entirely master ot his own ac tions, to go or come whenever ho thinks fit. A wifo ought to make her company ami able to her husband, that ho will not be able to exist without it, then ho will not be able to exist without it, then ho will lot seek for pleasure abroad if she does Aot parUke of it Mth him. Mr. Horace Grcely. Tho intrigues of this notorious indivi'J unl to defeat tho nomination of Mr. Scw nrdat Chicago, seemed to have surprised a portion of tho Republican party, who hnl not previously been fully acquainted with tho loading traits in his character. Wo believe that thoso who know him well, need not lo told thnt ho scruples at no means to accomplish an ond ; that ho r e. i 1 . , I is an uiisiiio menu, ana an uurorgiving an relen ties enemy. It seems that Mr. Howard did not go in to a fit of hysterics some yeavs ngo, when Greeley received "a reword of merit" in i-iih r iv. in ino snaiie o a sound inrasn- ing for his venemous personality. Mr. Seward was of tho opinion that if an edi tor dipped his pen in gall, ho ought to havo back-bono enough to "fnco tho music'- -so ho allowed tho affair to pass without sympathizing with this victim of his own ungovernable passions. This was Mr. Seward's first offenco. Tho next personal grievaiico on tho part of Mr. lloraco Greeley, was tho decision of Mr. Seward against him, as umpire, or referee, in tho libel case of Graham vs. Greeley, in which Mr, Greeley was very justly com pelled to mako a most humble apology for tho wrong ho had done. This was grievance number two. Tho third nnd last but by no means tho least, was the fact that Mr. Seward did not appoint Greeley to an office when ho was Governor of Now York, nor use his influence in his favor afterwards ; but on the contrary, preferred a rival editor, Mr. Raymond, upon whom to bestow marks of his eonfi denco and respect. This was tho cap of tho climax. From that day to tkif, Greeley has been laboring day nnd night to undermine Mr. Soward, and to destroy his political prospects, lie has succeeded and by such means as no honorable man can fail to reprobate and condemn. Wo look upon Mr. Greeley as intrinsic ally a bad man. Tho bitter disappoint ment in tho groat pet scheme of his life, tho Fouricrito millenium, seoms to havo turned every generous emotion of his soul into malignity and gall. It has had similar influence upon others atached to t ho Tribune olllee, as is demonstrated in every edition of that unscrupulous sheet. Thousand tako that pestilential journal under the false impression that itisnsem-i-religious and reformatory paper ; tho so nior editor professes to bo a sort of non descript Universnlist, and sends tho Trib une to ministers of that denomination at half tho usual subscription price By this means in conjunction with the C'AnV I'taii AmbassaJur, he has succeeded in abol itionizing a large majority of tho clergy men of that persuasion in the State of New York, who tako wholo sermons from the columns of his paper. The two jour nals mentioned havo succeedod in des- i troying the cause ot Temperance, by j their advocacy of the odious Maine Laiv, and injuring, beyond all human Icalcula ' tion, tho cause of religion, by their fanuti ' cism with regard to southern slavery. j Churches have been broken up, religious societies divided, families estranged, nnd a". tor u.10 gratification of chief for its omi sake. Xo a lovo ot mis earthly good "as resulted irotn ineso insane enurts, out onlv cv" a"(l lnat continually. i iiejsew lork intone has lor years I way, until public opinion decided against it, when the editor took tho back track. Free-lovo abomination found nn echo in its columns until a torrent of popular in dignation was raised, when he unsaid all he had ever uttered in relation to it, and sneaked into a corner tododgo tho res ponsibility. Tho only subject upon which ho has been consistent is his unrelenting hatred of tho people of the South. Ho is a man of somo talent, but constitutionally prono to errors of judgement ; nn egotist without an equal, norrow-minded, bigot ted, arrogant, intolerant, and unscrupU' lously vindictive, to the Inst degreo; ut terly wantina in conscientiousness, refine ment nnd true nobleness of soul ; in prin ciplo he is an Ishmaelito, and in manners lie is a clown. This accounts for his utter want of sympathy with true greatness, 'and his instinctivo antipathy to a true I gentleman. Ilcnco his studied misrepro j sentations and injustice, his ferocious in vectives, coarse vituperation, nnd unscru ! pulouj calumnies, it is only because ho is not universally known, thathoisnot u nivcrsally.cxocrated. Democratic Erposit" or. Tue 'Toon Slave." John Sauderson, Esq., of Norfolk county. Va., has paid his negroes this season $j30, for corn raised for their own benefit, on his farm. Ho paid one of tho men alono ?lr)(j. Thoy aro nllowed time to work for themselves, and aro liberally nnd cheerfully paid tho product of their extra labor. ueorgo A, Wilson, Esq., of tho snmo section for tho corn purchased under cir cumstances similar to the above, has re cently settled with his men for tho year paying them 000. Wo take pleasure in stating further, that W. W. Wurdcn, Ksq., also of this county, has recently paid his hands foOO for corn raised on his land; he, like the others, having allowed them time to work for themselves ; and there aro many other similar cases. Tho negroes alluded to, like millions in tho Southern States, aro not only plen tifully provided for in every way, but they are saving money to uso ns they may Snd best iu tho coming years nnd with al viiey H'cm as happy as lords. They work well nnd cheerfully in tho day, anil nn.isiii.anu uuiuik tho holidays they sing, dunce and smoke, cat sweet pota - toes, drink hard cidor. sit around tbo hiir i kitchen lues, "laugh arid grow fat," ro - (tartness ot the tom.fookry" nnd non sense about tho "poor oppressed bhivos.", Norfolk ( Va.) Herald. PRINCIPLES, not CLKAHFIKL1), PA. VKI)NESKA, AUGUST 21), 1800. Pluck and the Pistol-The Bladsnsuurg Duelling Ground Hero, is a beautiful littlo grabs plot ur rounded by trees forms, made alter tho imago of God, romo to insult Naturo and defy Heaven. In 1841, Edward Hopkins j was killed hero in a duel. This seemed to bo tho first of threo fashionable mur dors on this duelling ground ...... . ... r p n In 1S1D, A. T. Mason, a, United Slates Senator lrom Virginia, fought with Ids sis tor's husband, John McCai ty, hero. Mc Carty was averse to fighting and thought thero was no necessity for it ; but Mason would fight. McCarty named muskets, loadod with grapo shot, and so near to gether that they would hit bunds if they fell on their faces. This was changed by tho seconds to loading with bullets, and taking twelve feot as the distance. Ma son was killed instantly, nnd McCarty, who had his collar bono broken, still livts with Mason's sister in Georgetown. J I in hair turned wbito soon alter tho fight as to cause much comment. Ho has since been solicatod to act as second iu a duel, but refused, in accordance with a pledge ho made to his wife soon after killing her brother. In 2ti Commodore liecatur was killed in a duel hero by Commodore- Barron. At the first Are both fell forward, with their heads within teu feet of each mp posed himsolf himself mortally wounded, each fully and freely forgave tho other, still lying on the ground. Decatur expired immeuiatuly, but Bar ron cventunlly recovered. Iu It21, two strangers named Loga and Sega, oppcarod hero, fought, nnd Sega was instantly killed. Tho neighbors only learned this much of their names from the marks on their gloves left on tho ground. Loga was not hurt. In 1820, Henry Clay fought (his second duel) with John Uandolph just ncrots tho l'otomnc, as ltnuJoIph preferred to die. if at nil, on Virginia soil, lie received Clay's shot, and then fired into tho nir. This was in accordance with a declaration made to Mr. I'enton, who spoko to Uan dolph of a call, tho evening before, on Mrs. Clay, nnd alluded to tho quiet sleep of her child nnd the reposo of the mother. Itandolph quickly replied : "I shnll do nothing to disturb tho sloop of tho child or the reposo of tho moth er." General Jessup, whoso funcrul I atten dod last week, was Clay's second. Whon Kandolph tired he remark ed: "I do not shoot at you, Mr. Clay," and extending his hand, advanced toward Clay, whorushedtomcethiin. Randolph showed Clay whero his ball struck his coat, and facetiously ; said "Mr. Clay, you owe me a coat." Clay replied: "Thank God the debt is no greater !" They were friends ever after. In 13'2, Martin wns killed by Carr. Their lirst names are not remembered. They wero from tho South. In Mr. Key, son of Frank Key, and brothor to llarton Koy, of Sickles no toriety, mot Mr. Shcrborn, and exchanged a shot, when Shorborn said : 'Mr. Key, I havo no desiro to kill you." "No matter," said Key, "I camo to kill you." "Vcrj well, tnon," said Shcrborn, "I will kill you." And ho did. In I80S, W. J.Graves, of Kentucky, as suming tho quarrel of Jas. Watson Webb with Jonathan Cilley, of Maine, selected this place for CHley's murder; but the pnrties learning that Webb, with two friends, Jackson and Merroll, wero armed and in pursuit, for tho purpose ofusftassin ating Cilley, moved toward tho river, nnd uenrtr the city. Their pursuers moved, toward tho river, but missed the parties, and then returned to tho city, to which thoy wero soon followed by Graves nnd tho corpse of Cilley. In 1845, a lawyer, named Jones, fought with and killed a Dr. Johnson. In 1851, It. A.IIoolo nnd A. J. Dallas was shot in the shoulder, but recover ed. In 1M2, Daniol and Johnson, two Rich mond editors, held a harmless set to here, which terininatod in eoll'oo. In 185,'!, Davis and Kidgcnay fought hero ; llidgeway allowed his antagonist to fire without returning tho shot. Ax Elepuan't sh'immi.nu tukOiiio. Ful ly five thousand peoplo gathered ou tno bnnk of tho river yestorday morning, to witness the feat of tho Elephant Lalla Kookh swimming from tho Kentucky to tho Ohio shore. On tho first attempt sev eral skiffs laden with pooplo accompanied tho elephant but when a hundred and fifty feet from tho shore, Miss Lalla evin ced an ugly disposition, and chased them all out of the water. Unattended save by her keener, another trial was made, when she performed her task liko a lady, start ing from tho mouth of Licking, nnd land ing at tho foot of Itaco Btreet. As she walked out of tho wator tho crowd greet ed her with several prolonged cheers, for which she seemed to bo much obliged. Cincinnatti Commercial. BJAt Toronto, Canada, a fow days since, workmen were making excavations near the old fort, thoy discovered tho ro nuins of fifteen bodies of British and Am erican soldiers who foil in tho war of 181 Several buttons, bayonets and epaulettes wero also found. Ono button had tho in ilials of tho Pennsylvania Rangers on it; another is makod "U. S." anil another the "8th British Gronadios." A fow Amori , can coins wero also found. From the po j sision of the bodies, it was evident that thev Worst KiuriiMl near n. Lrpno'i wlipro , they fell. Genoral l'iko and two hundred Americaus and a number of British wero killed near tho spot in 113. by the ex plosion of i powder magazine. MEN. A Picture of dueon Victoria and the Royal Family. 1'ov. II. Hay lie, who is writing a series of letters from England to tho ion's Her ald, draws tho following picture of (Juocii Victoria and tho royal fumily, which dif fers materially from tho roso-colored por traits that nre generally presented of bet Miijestv. The picture was taken at the Ascot Kaccs. It is well tho artist delayed drawing it until aft?r ho a oll'of British soil, lie says: "Having been disappointed by a slow train in reaching the place in Reason to seo thotjueon and her husband and chil. dron enter, I determined to get ns near her Miijety'as possible, and succeeded in getting into astnall enclosure just in fiont of her stand, which enclosure, I have rea son to think from a notice, was designed only for "tho members of the Jockm y Club." It was a very good plnce, howev er, nnd for an hour or two 1 had tho most favorable opportunity of looking nt and quizzing thotjuccn, I'rince Albert, l'rinco of V ales, rrincosses Alice and Helen and Louise, together with her Koynl Highness. fho Duchess of Cambridge, tho Count of Flanders, Prince Louis of Hess ; in nil, cloven carriage loads of rovalty und no bility. l'rinco Albert is a good, wide awake, sonsiblc looking man, familiar and easy, nnd lit for n husband to a queen, which he is, nnd only is. l'rinco of Wales is a bout 18, of light complexion and rather spare : looks like a fair, sensible sonior in college, nnd will graduate at Oxford some time in lune. Tho Princese resemble vory Ktrongly the Prince of Wales, nnd nro not especially noticeablo for beauty ; 1 indeed, I should not havo looked at them 1 a singlo niinulo wero they not (laughters of the throne. As to tho other person x ges, I saw nothing that would attract ut tontion. Thero weio a thousand on the fiold better looking, nnd to nil appearan ces equally sensible. 1 suppose; it does not require much senso to patronize horso racing, does it ? Well, what of tho (iiocn ? I am not in England, and so I may speak. Understand, I was within from twenty to sixty feet of her more than an hour, look ing with my owu natural eyes, and with tho same eyes assisted by powerful race glasses, which 1 borrowed. Let mo say then as I think. Before I expreis my thinkings, howev or, let mo remind you that very recent ly tho Queen refused to sit for a likuncss to an American artist, because sho said her lime is fully employed. That is not tho reason, as you will guess. Queon Victo ria is doubtless the mother of several chil dren, and is said to be n excellent wifo, mother ana woman, which is likewise doubtless ; but she is not handsome, as someof her portraits represents her; sho is not good looking even, according to my taste. That kissablo little mouth you havo seen in hor portraits was borrowed, for it is not in her face. Her mouth is rather drawn at tho corners, and niched in tho middle. Her complexion is thnt 1 havo named for her children, but her skin looks blotched nnd unhealthy. 1 especially watched her manners in her conversation and her movements, nmong the family nnd visiting Roynlity, nnd I must lay sho was entirely wanting in what is termed grace, and was certainly very fnr from appearing queenly nccordiug to tho conventional meaning of that word. When she bowed in response to the hear ty cheers of her loyal subjects, there was a look of the tlisdninful attached to a stiff nnd cheerless motion of tho heath was for a moment within ten feet of her, and noticod the same expression. Speaking with an Englishman in Taris nlout her, tho other day, he remarked U, she does vory well for a Queen to fill tho throne ; sho makos a good mother and wifo, nnd thnt is about all." Moro than onco 1 heard this sentiment expressed. Ihe portraits you see are poi traits ot the conventional Queen, and not tho real STiMur.r.STS. Tho Louisville Journal beautifully says ; "Thero nro limes when tho pulso "lies low iu tho bosom, and beats slow in tho veins; when tho spirit sleeps tue sleep, apparently uint knows no waking, in its houso of clay, an 1 tho wir.dow-shuUots nro closed, and tho door is hun? with tho invisible crnpo of mel ancholly ; when wo turn tho golden sun shine into pitchy blackness, and are very willing to "fancy clouds whero no clouds be." This is a state of sickness when physic nmy bo thrown to tho dogs, for wo will havo nono of it What sh ill raise tho sleeping Lazarus? What shall make the heart beat music again, and tho pulses dance to it through all the myriad thronged halls in our houso of life? U'hat shall make tho sun kiss tho East orn hills again for us with all his old a waking gladness, and the night overflow' with moonlight, music, love and flowers? Lovo itsolf is tho greatest stimulant tho most intoxicating of all and performs all thoso miracles ; butitisa miracle itself, and is not nt tho drug store, whatever they say. Tho counterfeit is in tho mar ket, but tho winged god is not a money changer, wo assure you. Men have triod ninny things but still they nBk for stimu ulants wo use, butroquiro tho uo of moro. Men try to drown the floating dead of their own souls in tho wino-cup, but the corpses will rise. We seo thoir facos in tho bub!es. The intoxication of drink sets tho world whirling again, nud tho pulses playing wildost music, and the thoughts galloping but the fast clock runs down sooner, nnd tho unnatural stimulation only leaves tho houso it fills with wildost rovolry, moro silent, more sad, more desertod, moro dead. There is only ono stimulant that never fails, and yet ncvor intoxicates duty. luty puts a blue sky over every man up in his heart tuny bo into which tho skylark Happiness nlwnys goes, singing." JfjrBeautiful extract helping a young lauy out ot a uua hole. PKOPHECY AND ITS MENT, FULFILL- "1 do not ever expect to mat nc.l. " sawi a young lady of U i-nty-tliive, mine (ivo and twenty years ug). ' "Ah! M ," replied a facetious old uncle, in a tone of mock pathos, "if you j thought you should not bo married, you ; ivouhl not Mccp a wink to-night." i io noi expect to no married, persis ted tho maiden, "and I have formed three resolutions on tins subject': First, that 1 will not bocomo soured toward the world ; secondly, that 1 will not talk scandal; and thirdly, that I will not be ashamed lo tell my age." Tho girl read her destiny with a proph die eye, and perhaps her resolutions have been better kept than resobiliens gener ally are. But then tho lemptalioii to vi olate tho lirst two has been small. Tho world has proved aveiy good one, pre sontitig as lew nharp corners and as many smooth surfaces as could reasonably have been expected : and if tho wads, "It's! hard work living," havo been echoed now nnu then, tho prevailing una almost cm-! slant sentiment h:is been : "Tho world 1 is lull of beauty ami love." Of course,! when one's on good terms with foeiely,! there is but little inducement to ppe'id one's breath in circnlV.ing ill reports. As to the last resolution there are tran sition years, when it requite somo little heroism for a women, especially an un married one, acknowledge her ago. To render a sufficient reason for this may bo dillicult ; let it be set down to the account of vanity. But when ono has succeeded fairly in weathering this stormy cape, tho nnvigntion is plain once more. "It is more blessed to bo approaching ago than to bo receding from youth," some one has said : and truly in some cases to say, "J am foi ty-eight," than it was to say, " I inn thirty three.." Ono even comes to hear tho once dreaded term "old maid" applied to herself with perfect equanimity The -voids strike tho ear, but carry no t In-ill lo the heart. Tha true woman feels that she can stand on her own respectihil ty, though sho stand alone. II ad shoin llicted a wound'on the holy estato of matrimony," that relation, more frequent ly abused, perhaps, than any other of God's blessed gifts had she done this, by giving her hand without the pure offering of the heart, sho might well ft el that sho had taken astep dow nward. But stand ing in tho unity in which (led created her, sho can wrap the mautlo of her own self respect about her, nnd while sho ncknow cs thnt many a sister woman has in her, koej ing holy andbeautifiil treasures which sho has not, sho will feel J that, by tho faithful dishargo ef her own duties, she also performs a perfect work in tho world Many nnd sacred may bo her ties to earth ly friends ; or, if theso bo wanting, "Gales from heaven, if so he will, Sweeter melody may wako On ho lonoly mountain-rill, Than the meeting waters mako, Who hath the Father nnd tho son, May be left, but not nlono." The Proi-f.ii Mannkb kor Wohex to Dkf.ss, "All tho Year Round" has tho following ; "As you look from your wiu dows in Paris, observe tho first fifty wo men who pass ; forty havo noses depres sed in the middle, a small quantity of dark hair, and a swarthy complexion, but then, what a toiiot T Not only suitable for the season, hut the age and complex ion of the wearer. How neat the feet and hands 1 How well the clothes aro put on, ami, more than all, how well they suit each other I lleloro English tv omcn can dress perfectly, they must have tho taste of tho French, especially in color. One reason why wo see colors ill-arranged in England is, that different articles are pur chased each for its own iniaiined virtues, nnd without any thought of w hat is to be'worn with it. Women, while shop ping buy what pleases tho eye on the counter, forgetting what they have got at home. That parasol is pretty, and it will kill, by its color, ono dress iu the buyer's wardrobe, nnd ho unsuitable for the oth crs- lo be magiilicoiilly dressed costs money ; but, to bo dressed with taste knowledge nnd refinement. Never buy nn art nMo unless it is suit dlo to your age habits, style, and to tho rest of your ward robe. Nothing is moro vulgar than to wear costly dresses with a common delaine Ol cheap laces with cxpnii-ivo .brocades. what colors, wo may be asked go best to pother? Green with violet ; cold with dark crimson or lilac; pale blue with scar let or pink. A cold color generally ro. quiro a warm tint to givo life to if. Gray und pnlo blue, lor instance do not coni bino well, both being cold colors. White and black arc safe to wear, but tho latter is not favorable to il.u'k complexions. Pink is, for some skin.', tho most becom., ins ; not however, if thero is much color in tho cheeks or lips, nnd if there be even a suspicion of rod in cither hair or com plexions. PoAch color is perhaps, ono of the most elegant colors worn. Maize is very peooming, particularly to ptrsons with dark hair and oyes. But wherecvor tho colors or materials of tho entiro dress tho details are nil in nil; the lace round tho bosoms and sleeves, tho flowers in fact, nil thnt furnishes the dress. Tho ornamonts in tho head must harmonizo with tho dress. If trimmed with black lace, somo of the same should bo worn in tho head, nnd flowers thnt aro worn in tho hend should decorate tho dress CIuThc following now Bell nnd Evoretl journiqs are Just started in this State: Constitution, Lanenster, Pa. Tho Union Boll, Nuwvillo, Cumberland co., Pa. Blair CotiDty American, Altoonn, Ta. Tyrono Star, Tyrono City, Pa. Montgomery Press, (German) Norris town, I's. Ami a paper at Reading, name not . known. TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if paid in ii-lvanou. NKWSF.H1K.SV0L. !. 10 . 7, A Wonderful clock The clock iu liio tower of the t 'atluvb.u iransiiuij', is not only a monger in HU0' u"t is I "o most wonderlul ;.i cn ot mechanism in tho world. It is one hutis drod foot hb;h, thirty f.;et wide, and fit ,PPn deep. About twenty feet IVou tha bottom is the dial, on each side of which ' il c'k i'iid, noi'iin-; n small mallet in liu nana, wuue over tho anil i- n small -ell; tho cherub on tho lull strikes the first quarter, and that on the right the second quartet, rmy ion above the dial isaco. hssal of Time, with a bell in his loft hand and a scythe in bit-light. A figure of u young man in front strikcu the third quar ter on the bell in Time'.- left hand, and then turns nnd glides with a slow step n round behind Time, when out comes an old man with n mallet and places himsolf in front of the groat i caper. As tho hour of twelve comes the old man delibiiralely strikes, with much power, twelve timet; on tho bell. Ho then glides slowly be-, bind Time, Hiid the young loan again comes out and takes bin position, ready t- do his duty when called upon by the ma chinery. As soon ns tho old man has .struck twelve another set of machinery is set in motion some twilvo feet higher, where there is n high cross with thoiniagej of Christ upon it, The instant twelve is struck n, figure of one cf tho Apostles walks out from behind, comes in front, turns facing the cross, bows, end walk.'-, on in omul lo his place. This is repealed until the twelve Apostle. lar;e as life, wnl k out, bow, and pass on. As tho last appears, an enormous gamo cock, perch" eilon tho pinaclo of tlio clock, slowly (hips his wings, stretches forth his lie and crows tin co times, so loud us to bo beard outside of the church lo somo dis tance ami with lifelike unnatuialuess. I hen all is still as death. Live for Good. Thousands of men breathe, moovcan ; live pass off tho stage of life, and arc heard of no more. Why ? they did not a particle of it in tho world; and none were pleased by them, none could point to them as the instruments of thoir redemp tion; not a word they spoke could be recall ed, and so they perished; thoir light wont out in darkness, and thoy were not re membered more than the insects of yes- terday, V ill you thus live and die 7 (, man immortal! J'ogood, and leave bo hind you a monument of virtuo that tho storm of time can never destroy. Writo your name in kindness, love nnd mercy, on tho hearts of thousand you como in contact with year by year nnd you will never ho forgotten. jo; yoiir nnmo, your deeds will bo ns legible on the hearts you leave behind, ns tho stars on tho brow of tho evening. Good deeds will shine as brightly on the earth ns the stars of heaven. Blondin ox Fire Narrow EscapB. Blondin, the tight-rope performer, met with a serious accident a few nights ago during his exhibition at Chilicotho, Ohio. The Cincinnati Gar.ctto says: "After dusk ho gaye a performance of trundling a wheelbarrow neross a rope, nnd to mako the feat moro terrific, he encircled him self in a bla.o of fireworks, which wero ig nited simultaneously with his starting. Before ho hnd accomplished half his task, ono of tho pieceB prematurely exploded and set fire lo his clothing. The peril of his situation could not be seen by tho thousands of spectators below, in conso quenco of tho constant emission of sparks, and the adventurous Blondin had no thing lo do but walk tho ropo and suffer the torturo of biing slowly roai ted. Hav ing nccomplishcd tho distance, ho, by his own efforts succeeded in cxtiuguishinjj the ll.imes, hut notbeforo his back wits vo ry badly burned." PcAxn.M.'i.N Ohio. nt Hamilton, Ohio, n few days ngo, ".a prominent citizen" wroto to a popular clergyman that ho wanted to join t he church, but could not think of as sociating with Mr3. , tho wifo of nt "well-known lawyer." Tho letter got hnnded around, nnd llnally reaohod tho attcntion of "woll-known lawyer," who immediately went gunning with a Colt af ter "pro'iiineiit citizen," and got within shooting distanco of tho "citizen." "Well known lawyer" blazed away, iho citizoiv dodged and ran ; "well known hiwcr" fol lowed, popping a shot in after his llyinp; came f t every chance, until at Lust he 'hit iiini'iu tho shoulder. The doctor was cal led in, explanation1! ensued, nnd tho affair was "hushed up." New OiiJEcrtoN to Mb. Brsckinkiuoe.- -Mr. Breckinridge is charged by tho con" spirators with having opposed Mr. Cass's election in If I. The charge is fal-o ; and has been refuted. Jfo is charged with having favored Know Nolhingism in 1S.V). It is false. Ho denounced tho wholo thing. He is ehargod with being a disuuionist. Tho charge is made by those who aro plot ting tho overthrow of the government. It is false. Ho is now charged with 1oing a poor man 1 It is said he never owned a slave l-that ho is not a slaveholder ! that lie is com pelled to employ white servant girls! thnt ho necessarily employs white labor ers on his farm 1 This may all bo true. Mr. Breckinridge is not, wo believe, a wealthy ninn. Is that a valid objection, freeman of Kentucky 1LonUdllc twur it'i'. . KrtJuTho N. Y. 77wsays :-We tlesiro to congratulate Kev. Mr. Sheehan, who is the reported bridegroom to whose for tunes are now allied the famo name and reputation of Mrs. Eaiuia Cunningham Burdell. Mr Sheehan is a Universalht preacner of more than ordinary talent. Let us hope he is happily located nnd may be live an enviably Ill's for many long and blissful year".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers