Lim . Vi: ' II. .I . ZtXZZ'J A2fWAl& STASIA or tin t'LEARFIELP COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. To U IdJM H,rmjk 0enrftU,n Txetaief, 16ft iay of Oetober, A. It,, lo. OKFItKRS OK TUB SSOCIKTY. ELLIS IKWIN, TresUlent. Jlon. Jas. T. Leonard, i ;ti, IV.Trsts. JAMES r ORRE8T, James II. Flexing, J A J61. EUu-eiler, Secretary. A. M. Smith, Cor. SecreUry. ',. Jameu Wriulev, Treasurer. J. U. McEnally, Librarian. Ixemtire Com. UuD, Kichard Shaw. (Jen. John Patton Job' Uoyulon. Jutina R. Eoed J. M'daughey, Orulor, Hon. O. R. Barrett. Committee Arratjumeitl: A. C. Finsev. utuinnan Horses. Ii liloom, Weorge il. Lytle James M'GlaugUliu James Levy, W.L. Antes, Sheep & Siri'nr. James Irwin, Sr., Johnson lloldcn I!ol,t. Mitchell, .Wm. M Italian, 1). W. Moore, Cattle. David C. Dale Samuel Clyde Milo Hoyt. Jacob AVillielm, 0. W. Shofl-, Fi criy f- 1 VnWa i.i. G. D. Goodfcllow, Win. M. Shaw, Edward McGarvey Aaron C. Tate, Eluh Johnson, 'Butter, Cheese, Flour Agricultural if- Miscclla' and Vehicles. neous Articles. John Irwin, Cur'v Thomas Wrigley, Isaac Bloom, Wm. liloom, Vm. F. Irwin, Merchandise tt Do - mestie Fabrics. l)e. A. Soryver, 1). S. Flemipg, Walter liarrett, Wm. T. Chamber!", John W. Shugnrt, Fanrf Department. O.W. liliem, John frwin, Curwens. J. P. Kratzer, John G. A'cryver, Mrs. II. F. N'auglo, M. A. Frank, Pavid M'Gaughy, W. W. Wright, Tdward Goodwin ''Mr. Henry Kern, "Miss. Mary Walters, Miss Knte Brown, .Miss Hannah Bloom, Miss Harriet Swan, Miss Jennio Leonard, Mm II. Spackman, Miss Lhza Kocd, " Em Alexander, " Anna Irvin. "Sarah liirchfieM M Nannio Irvin, " Sarah Rheom, , "Henrietta Irwin " Mary Moore. (Wlfi't at Jxirgo. Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Kandis Nichols Mrs. D. M. Weaver; Miss Nannio Smith, Miss Mary M'Gaughey.Miss Julia Galloway Miss Hcbecca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey S J. Uow, John L. Cuttle, U. W. Snyder, Alvin lioss, Samuel Rheem. Marshall Gen. A. II. Hills. Assistant Marshatls .Viijor D. J. Nevling, Col. Wm. Ten Eyck, Cai. T. J. McCul "lough. Capt. Edward A. Irvin. Pyrotechnics. II. B. Swoopo, II'. W. Hctts, L. It. Morrell, James L. Morgan, J. II. Walters Reuben V. Spackman. ,', I.IMT OI' PUCMIUMM. Class 1. Swerjiulntct. (Open to nil Breods and Competitors.) EctBullovor3yonreold, (4 00 2d best, ?2 00 ISest Hull over 2 yoar. old, 2 00 2d belt, t 00 Best Bull over 1 year old, 2 ( 02.1 best, 1 00 Beit Cow overS yean old, 2 00 2d best, 100 Beat Bull Calf. 1 00-2d best, 50 , All breeds como toircther in this class and '.onipote with each other. To be Judged, 1st, by their good points and symmetry of frame. 2d, by -the ability to fatten, t'is the animal a good hand ler?) 3d, milking qualities, 4th, Size. 5th, give no premium to any animal until they are satisfied it will produce good stock. To this end , the Judgo. .ball satisfy themselves in rcgitrd to the stock of aged bull, and cows. The animal that poasessos these nualitiea in the greatest perfection should draw the Sweepstakes, whether it bo Dur ham, Ayrcshire, Ucrctord, Devon, tirade or Ita , tive. Junoits. Geo. Thorn, Zitch. McNaul, David Ty ler, Asaph Kirk, John Shaw of Decatur. " ' Class 2. Grade Cattle rnitctt iu couniu. Rest bull, (4 00 2d beat, $2 00 Rest cow, 8 00 2d bost, 2 00 Reat holder calf, 75 2d beat, Dip. Rest bull calf, 75 2d best, Dip. J una kb. John McPherson, Jos. Lyons, Tnomas G. Snyder, J. M. Cummings, Dr. J. I. Hoyt CLASS 3. Milk Court, Rest milk cow, $3 00 2d best, $2 00 ,' " ' ' Milk cow Sd best, 1 00 ' Jcdgm. Jame. Forrest, Thomas MoGhee, Ad- '' ' am Gearhart, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Bailey. "' ' Class K.Oxe. Ileat yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2dbejt,(l 00 Bestyoko3y. 100-2d best, 50 Batyoke2y. 50 2d best, Dip. "' Best yoke 1 y. " 50 2d best, Dip. ' Jcdoks. B. C. Bowman, Hiram Woodward, Aa ron II. Fearee' Wm. Siniloy, Alex. Murray. Class i. ()xen. Best trained 10 yoko, 4 years old and over, from one township, $3 00 ' 2d boat, trained 10 yoke, 4 year, old and o ' ' ' ' , ver, from one township, 3 00 '.Best trained 10 yoke, 3 yean old and over, from one townshin. 1 00 ( ' .i ' 2d bast trained 10 yoke, 8 year. old and o- 1 ' ' ' ' ver, from one township, 1 00 , Judoks John Patehin, John M. Chase, Joseph ' 'A i I)!nnin8 John Brubakor, Joseph Yothers. Class 6. ( Cnttle. Rost Fat Bullock, $1 00 2d best, Jl 00 . Bost Fat Cow, ? 00-2d bust, 1 00 t Rest Hoiflcr, 2yonrs old, 1 00 2d best, 60 JvnoKa Georgo Kittlcbcrger, John McQuilkin, Casper Licpold, James Bloom, sr., Renj. Sto pbena, i .,, , QA,S y lAoroiiya-Jireo! lionet opto to at ,1 Reat Stallion, over 4 y're old, $3 00 2dbest,2 00 Rest Stallion, over 3 y'rs old, 2 00 2d best, 100 ,. i . .Best Stallion Colt, 2y'raold, 1 00 2d best, 1 00 V i The premium. In thi. Class are Intended only for tho.e Horses whose podigree. make them worthy of them. Tho Society wishe. to encour ,,,,, . , ge the rearing of high-blooded Horses here; on V i v the other hand the Executive Committee would caution the Judges to be careful that tho premi um, are not drawn by inferior .lock, .in ii- , i v nan. Jo me. Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. G. W, .. ! ;: Caldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph Rotora, Clas. 8. Single and Farm Ifortet Jiest uelilnig, ovor 4 years old, for work, $1 00 Bd best " Dip. V 1 ' Rest Saddle and Carriage Hoi se of any ago, $ I 00 Dip. Rest Saddle and Carriage Mare of any age, $1 00 21 best" " u Di I I final fimn ntT w t, -----v vi.u, uurprB or mares 2d best " " u The Horse that move, the heaviest load on 2 00 1 00 i .i i , a Stone boat without a whip, 1 00 - SSbeat, ntn Ji noaa-MiltonMeRride, Martin 0. Stirk. ..... ru it jil besL in. A Caldwell. Andrew AJillnmnn T..nA nJ-i-J Wm. Brown, Hugh Orr. ' Class 9. J,icAr CarnV Horses. Rest .pan matched carriago Horse, or Marea,t2 00 2d best do do do do 100 , viiouai wuage liarrett, Jame. Forrest, Dr. II P . I ! ;,. Thompson, Edwin Perka, Maj. S. C. Patchin' Class 10. Mara and Colts. " bro?i m" " hJ '!. tl 00 24 beat do do do 0 2 00 M.n ue.uing, over s and under t rears old, 2 00 Jd best do do do do 1 00 Rest Oolding, over 2y's old.ll 50-2d bcst,$l 00 r"!:.0:.3?""01 -?. 3 "7, r ll . ' V tughi, n. late. Hubert AlcN'n.l . Asue, nuDert Hcm. t Class 1 1 . Trotting ilorictapen to all, Beit tiui S In 4, trotting Id Uwm... (No pre- t miuini unloa. twe entriea . , - Best time, (rolling under .addlo, J' Beat time Wotting In double harneaa, do Heat time pae'i's onacr &Me , T , 0 T Jvie-J. O. Loraine, Lever Millar. John M. Cuinminga, John W. Ilnxlett. Class 12.--Trotting avd Walking Horses, owned in the County. Fastest trotting Bullion, Dip. 2d best, Dip. do do lloree or mare, do 2d beat, do do walking horae or mare, do 2d beat, do Ji imaj J. 1J. Graham, Wm. Irvin, A. 11. Shaw, Jas. 1. Stewart, Jaa. Alexander, (Woodward.) Class 13. Sheep and Wool. Ileat iaoh, any bleed, Dip. i$2 00 2d bet.$l 00 Best ewe. any breed, do and 2 0 2d beat, 1 00 Beat 8 Sheep fattened for mutton, Dip. t $2 00 2d boat do do do 1 Heat fleece of fino wool. 1 Best fleece of eoarao wool. 1 00 Four Lamb, beat, $2 00 2d best lambs, $ I 0 Sd beat 4 lomba. 60 4t " IIp. JinuEa Wm. McNaul, Jacob Kuntu, ar., iliaha Fonton, Adam Gcnrhart, llonry Irwin. Class 14. Swine open to all Ilsst boar any breed, t 00 2d best, $1 00 Heat breeding sow ' 2 00 2d beat, 1 00 Heat 2 Hoga in county, 8 00 2d beat, 2 00 Next beat 2 hoga In county, 1 00 2d beat. .50 JrnuEa Daniel Livingston, Wm. M. McCul- lough, ir., Col. Thoa. K. M Clure, John Irwin, Juntas liloom, er. Class 15. Poultry. Beat ceop apring chickens, not leaa than A, $1 00 2d bast do do do do Dip. Heaviest turkey, do lleat display of chickens, do Judoes tieorgo Thorn, J. II. Fleming, Samuel Arnold, Robert Tboinpaon, Clark Drown. Class 10. Viewing. Owner of team and plow, who plows green award the best. $100 Next best, Dip. Owner of team and plow, who plows rtubblo the beat, Dip, A $100 Next best, do do do Dip. Rest plow for stubble, Dip. 41 00-2d beat. Dip. Host plow for eubaoil, Dip. k 1 00--2d beat, Dip. JrnsKs Eliaha Fenton, Amos Reed, D. W. Wiso. John Wells, Jr., Wm. Hoover. Class 17. Jailers and Ihills, Ilarrouu and Cultu-aton. Rest clod crusher and roller combined, $2 00 21 beat, do da do Dip. Rest field roller, $1 00 2d best, do Rest drain drill, 2 00 2d best, do Heat Harrow, 2 00 2d beat, do Rest Cultivator, 1 00 2d boat, do Rest Horse-rake, 1 00 2d best, do Rest Reaper and mower, 3 00 2d beat, do Rest corn ahellcr, 2 00 2d best, do Rest corn planter, 2 00 2d best, do J loons William A. Reed, Reubon Wall, Jona than llarUhorn, lion. X. R. Davis, C. Rakor. Class 18. Aricultural Implements. Rest Original invention in the county, of an agricultural implement. $5 00 2d bost, " " orig. inv. Dip. Rest threshing machine, $3 0024 best, 2 00 Rest fanning mill, 1 00 2d best, Dip. Heat bay pitching machine, 2 00 2d best, do Rest hay rigging on wagon, 1 00 2d best, do Rest ox yoke and bows, 1 00 2d best, do Rest vegetable root cutter, 100 2d best, do Rest stalk and straw cutter, 2 01 2d best, do Rest common plow, 1 00 2d best, do Rest single or doable shovel plow, 1 00 2d beat single or double shovel plow, Dip. Rest horse power for goneral purposes, ' 1 00 2d best horse power for general purposoa, Dip. Rest fork and fixtures for unloading wagons, 2 00 2d best fork and fixtures for unloading " Dip. Jt'fiflEt Simon Thompson, Renj. Ppnrkmnn, I). R. Wright, Daniel llartsock, Renj. Rishcl. Class 19. Miscellaneousarming implements. Bost bee hivo, $100 2d best, Dip. Rest stump puller, 2 00 2d best, do Rest Potato digger, ' 1 00 2d best, do Rest grain cradle, 1 00 2d best, do Rest iiz hand rakes, 1 00 2d host, do Rest lot gardening tool, 1 00 2d best, do ?' "" .., ownea uyiariner, o t" UOBl r's '"" J ""mvr:r T J uncus John D. Thompson, John Russell, 0. ii. .Morrell, J. 11. flaming, bamucl 1'owcll. Class 20. Wheat, Hurley, Corn, tic. Rest. 2d best. Acre of winter wheat, $3 it Dip. $2andDip. Acre of spring wheat, 3 a Dp. $2andDip. F'ld of wheat, 4 to 10acres,3 Dip. $2andDip. Acre of corn, 2 a Dip, SlandDin. vi.ii..i i i iv. i. o . i.i- AcrYo irblpi.-.IUndDp;'?1; v d.'"V Y.Wk . r Acre of rye, 2 k Dip. (lundDip, Uushel or corn ears, 1 k Dip. Diploma. 3 acres of buckwheat, 2 k Dip $ lundDip. Jipuk. George Wilson (Bogga), Michael Solt, Jas. A. Reed, Samuel Kirk, Joab Rider. Jos. Irwin Martin 11 Luther. Robt. MehntTcy, llngh tin.i..nn Class 21. Ftcll Crops. Rest 2d Best. One-half aere of potatoes, $2andl)ip. $lnndlip. One-fourth acfo of beans, 2a nil Dip. $lundlip. Acre of clover seed, 2anrlDip. $ land Dip. One-fourth a. broom corn, 2andDip. $landDip, One-fourth acre sorghum, 2andl)ip Rest i acre of pea., 1 00, 2d bost, Dip. Best 1 aero of rutnbagoes, 1 00. 2d boat, Dip. Rest bushel Timothy seed, 1 CO,. ..2d best Dip. , Host 1 acre carrots, 1 00. 2d best, Dip. ucst j acre turnips. 1 UU. 2d boat, Dip. Jt'naKs Wm Smith (Covington), O. P. Oulich, Fobcrt Owons, Abr'm Goaa,jr., G. li. Logan. Crops being equal, profereneo will be given to those that yield the greatosl nctt profits. State ments to be furnished by the applicant, for pre mium, on farm crop.. They must be weighed and a .ample of the same furnished at the fair, and also at the rooms of the committee. 3. Applicants applying for premiums ahall fur nish tho committee a statement signed by him self under a pledge of voracity, of the ciuantitv ui iii mil raiseu ou me grounri enterca for a pre mium and be shall stute as correctly as he can tho kind and condition of the previous crops iiio kiiiu aim quantity oi iced used, ana tuo time and mode of putting it in the ground. 4. It is tho object of the society to grant pro- mums lor kuu, nut extravagant anu gcnoruliy impracticable culture, and any wilful inaccuracy in the statement furnished a. above shall do prive tho applicant of a right to compete for the future premiuurs. Cuss 22. Bread and Cereal Food. Boat 3 Loave. broad, winter wheat, Dip, " 2 " " enring wheat. do " i " " corn, " 1 " " rye, " Pound cake, Dip; " Spongecake, Dip. Pie of any kind, Dip. " Preaorvos, Dip. " Display of proaerves, " Ice cream. do do Rest Fruit Cake, do " Jelly cake, do " Plain cake, " Jelly. " Displny of lolllos. Jcnos. Mrs. Jaraca Forrest, Mm. J. Boynton, Mr.. Wm. Irvin, Mrs. M. McCullough, Mr.. Robert Ro., Mrs. JB Graham, Mr. Ilev. McLeod. Class. 23. Jtuttcr and Cheese, Best 10 round, butter, $1 00 2d best, Dip. " Firkin, 25 or more lb.., made in May or Juno, 1 0 -2d best. Dip, " 3 choose, tip; Jcdorso. L. Rood, Mrs. Richard Shaw. Scn'r. Mr.. Wm. Morgan (Lawrence), Mrs. Martha1 , ... "rl "u8 nrignt, u Ji uoodlandor, ii m. MuBride. Class 24. Flour, Jaa! ! f'"!?1 rFlour' $1 dip.-2d beat, Dip 60 e. A Dip. 2d best 100 lbs. flour (spring wheat), Dip. l'uu i.o uuur, an m l Ti:n 2d best 50 pound, ryo flour, ' Din! u pounds buckwheat flour, 50 c. k Dip - 2d beet 60 pda. buckwheat flour, Dip. " 50 pounds corn meal, 50 e, A Dip. 2d best 60 pound, corn meal, - ip. rnoss Jesse Uroomall, Samuel Jordan, R. uumporey, ferdinand Oswalt, B. Spackman, Llvss 25. Domestic Articles. Beat box or Jar of honey,, Dip. S0.2d beat,Dip Best 10 Iba. maple .ugar, Dip. S0.-2d beeLDin. P.Aaf n rata aw at. si a...!,.. I . ' IOOlEest Pre.erved -pcache. In a r-tia-ht eon. I ip. .nDip. ! Preserved tomatoe. in .ir-tUrht can , w, . . " i k. . ..V . . ""-"H" nip. J ittl Lam Cooka witb ekiii gB4iuoU cureDiJ. Best fancy Jar of plcklos, p'P- Beat 1 gal. ayrup, maple A aorghum each, Dip. JonaiaMra. Judge Barrett, Mri. Wm Cm Fo ley, Mrs. Gov. Rigler, Mrs. Eliia Irvin, Mrs. Job Bklroy, Mrs, Kills Irwin, Mrs. Jonathan Ilurtahorn, Wra, Beorgt Wllaon, (Bogga.) Class 2b. Domestic Manufacturer 10 Tarda flannel, $1 00 2d beet, Dip. Rest lOyarda aattinet, 1 00 2d beat, do licet 10 yarda cloth. 1 00 2d beat, do Beat pair woolen blanketa, 1 0024 boat, do Rcat 15 yards woolen carpet, 1 00 2d beat, do Rest lSyanla rag carpet, wooi- en chain, 1 00 2d belt, do do do do do do do Rest 15 yarda rng enrj ot, cot ton chain, 1 00 2d beat, Boat woollen coverlet, 1 00 2d beat, Best woolen fringed mitts, Boat hearth rug, Beat pnir-woolvn knit atockins, Rent 1 lb. line aewinK thread. Best specimen of knotting, knitting or nee dle work by Misses under 12 years of age, do Beat 1 lb. f stocking yarn, de Beat foot mat, Dip. Beat itraw hat do 1til straw bonnet. Din. Beat tidy, do JiruKa Mrs. Judge Forguaon, Mra. II. II. Cam- well. Mrs. Lvdia Rheem, .Mra. John florna, Mrs. Mary Spaukman, Miea Nancy Ogden, Mra Doctor Thor-pson Mrs. U. L. Reed, Mrs, S. J. Row. Class 2".Xcedle, Shell, Wax vork tftf, Reat specimen of needle work, ' group of flowera in worated, " lamp aland embroidored, " lamp stand not embroidered, " embroidered slippers, " embroidery in silk, " embroidery in worsted, " embroidery in lace, " embroidery in muslin, " shirt made by Miss under liyaars, " patching and monding, ' ottoman cover. Din. Rest table cover Dip. do do do do do do do do do do do " fancy chain w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do " Wax IlOWers, womcu iiuma, uu " foather work. Dip " leather work, dn " ornamented work do Jibc.ks Miss Emma Graham, Miss Sophie Bar- rntt. Miss .Mairirie lrvin, Aliss -Mary June Wright, Miss M. J. Bard, Miss Emily Forrest, ) t : ir.tiMn f M nrrn v M in. Jn.AnliinA Flntrul. Mis. Mary Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Em- ui Jones. I Class 28. Millinery and Dressmaking. ! Best millinery Dip. Host dress-making. Rip. JroaKs Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary 11 Ker-' .'"'""" j,..., vuson. Air. tMary r. L.eonaru, misce. jano Mitchell, Ada Swartz, bliiaMonc, llotty Latn rart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Kratzer, Mary A Irwin. Class 20, Artistic rk. Best painting in oil, Dip. do do do io do do do do do do do " painting in wato' colors, " portrait painting, " landscape painting, " cattle pninting, " ornamental painting of any kind, " daguerreotypes taken on the ground, " ainbrotypca taken on the ground, " photographs taken on the ground, " writing, " ornamental penmanship, architectural drawing. Ji hof-s Dr John O Loraino, II M'Kim, Mra. W. L Spottawood, Mra Alexander Irwin, Misa Sophio M'Le d, Mrs Eli liloom, Mrs J. R M'Enally, Rev. J.M Galloway. Class 30. Designs. Rest dosln for farm house, $2 2d best, Dip, " design forbnrn, 2 2d best, do " design for carriago house and stable, 2 2d best, do " design for dairy house, 1 2d best, do " design for ico house, 1 2d best, do " design for dry house, 1 2d best, do " design for bridgo. Finn for bridgo cot loss than 250 fL span, 3 00-2d best. Dip Ji DCES Hon. G R Ilarrett, lion. Wm Rigler, Jno. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough crtv. Class Zl. Mctatic Fabrics and Machinery Rest display of table and pocket cutlery, American manufacture. Dip Rest cooking stove, wood and coal, Dip.and $3 00 2d beat, Dip and 12 3d best, Dip ami 1 00 st parlor stove, coal, Dip and 2 00 2d best, Dip and 1 00 3d bos, Dip Best parlor stove, wood. Dip and 2 00 2d bost. Dip and 1 00 3d bost, Dip l Rost cast iron fence, Dip and 3 Oil t 2d beat, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00 iiesi nn Rost tin ware, dip and 2 00 gunsmithing, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 iron turning, dip and 2 Zd best, dip and 1 shower bath dip and $2 00 original invention in the oounty. 5 00 pluto castings. dip and 1 00 T ,J'; nuFs m. Alcllride, John t Weaver, LlL-ha Fenton, David Kirk, Wm. A Wallace. Class 32. Vehicles of all kinds. Rest fiimily carriago, $5 A Dip. --2d best, $-1 if Dip buggy. do do do do dt farm wagon, sleigh, timber sled, horse cart, do do do do do do do Dip wheel barrow. $1 00 2d beat. Dip ' Ji linns--. Dr. II P Thompson, R C Bowman, Jno. W Puuly, John 11 Hewitt, George Henkcndon, J. C, Brenner, F O Miller. Class. 33 Cabinet ware m Ch'tnty. Rest dressing bureau, $.'ltdip.-2d best, $2 and Dip sofa, .1 do do 2 do lounge, extension tabic, set of chairs, 2 do 3 do 2 do 2 do do do do do do 1 2 1 1 do do do do do variety of chairs. 1 sat parlor furniture, 3 po 2 ' displuy of cabinet ware, $5 00 and Dip ' omce chair, I UU and do Jcneita James II. Fleming, C KrnUcr, Renj B Waigbt, Thoa. .Mills. Harrison W Spencer Class 34. Coopering, Carpentering and Vasket-tiiahitig. Rost specimen of pine ware, Dip window rash, $1 002.1 best, 1 00 2d best, do ' window blind, set grain measures, ' lot of buckets, ' lot ef splint baskets, ' panel door, do 2 00 and do 1 00 and do 1 00 and do do Jt nnKs James Fenton, Frederick Culich, Tho. iionuerson, Aornnam Ogden, John Garrison. Class 33. Hoots and Garden Vegetables. Boat 4 stalks celery, Dip. Bost bus. turnips, Dip. 4 bushel carrots, do 1 bus, onions, do ' f do ) do parsnips, do i do table beets, do 12 tomatoes, do 8 heads ' 6 egg plants, do 2 heads qt. li ma beans,do ' ono-half bushel table potatoes, do ' quart winsor beans, do ' variety of squashes, . do variety of melons, do ' one-half bushel of sweet potatoes, do All vegetable, to be raised by the exhibitor. JuncRs Jame. R. Graham, A. K. Wright, Wm L. Moore, Philip Antos, Rev. Joseph R. Foe! it CLA68 30. Curriers. Saddlers, Shoemakers, &c. Rest 2d best. Gento'bootsand shoes, $2andDip--$l andOip. Ladys' boot, and shoos, iiauya doois anu anoos, 2 and do 1 and do Qonts' gaiUrs, 1 do Ladys' gaitors, 1 j0 Display of boots and ahoca.J and do Traveling trunk. do 1 and do 2 and do I and do do 1 and do 1 add do do i Ta& harness, 2 and do i Cnrrioge barnesa, Sand do ' Ninirlfl barnesa. 9 nA An I Riding bridio and mart'1,1 and do 1 Gents riding saddle, 2 and do ! LaIjs' riding aaddle, 2 and do ' Display of saddlery, 3 and do j Calf skin, 1 and do S.i sole Leather, 1 and do jr. -very ether kind ofleathor, An Robe made by exhibitor, 2 and do Jonoss Richard Mo.sop, John In In, Horace i-avcnin, ncuoen u. moors, Wm. rorter. Cuu 21.-?ailors ana VpholUerer, tt ? Beat .uitelothe. made by hand,f200-2db..t,Dlp' VMnZ nl Beat eoat mad. by lady, 40-2d b..U.P , Ul&SSLS"? - iiesi Tei mAue dt jady. ' Beat puU uaUe b Udj, do do Boat husk mat trass, 1 00-. 2d best, do Judges Wm. V Irwin, Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. Richard Mossop, Airs. J. T. AlcLullougn, Mrs John MoUsughey, David Adams, sen'r. Clas'' 38. Printing in County. Best bill, Dip. Beat blank, Dip. Best tfnncy. ao ; uara, Rest Neweraner. do ' Pamphlet, do do Judges Uov. Wm Rigler, L. J Crane, Daniel Fauet, Israel Teat, Barnes B Watson. Clabs 39. Utone Ware, Rest drain tile, Dip. Best brackets, Dip Rcat fire brick, do Reat pottery, do T Reat brich. do JWe Judge .Forguaon,. Judge Lamm, Martin Niebol I. r.. Wm AlerrcU. Ueo trnurl. , . , . I Class 4). Chemieals and Lhenncal actum,', in Co, Best available manure at moderate cost, Dip, Best for form products, $1 00 do Boat for glue, 1 00 do Beat linseed oil, 1 00 do Beat tallow candles, dip. boat writing ink, do Host siiecimcn soap, dip best vlnceer, do .i imn Dr. M Woods. Dr. V. Wilson. Dr. T llnver. Dr. A McLeod. Dr. J U llarUwick. ' Dr. D. O. Crouch, Dr. FoUer. Cl.ESl 41. Stone and Wood. Beat dresacd .ton., ft dip. Rest mil, atone, dip e.tnoorDo.ra.worau o "S""""""' the di.ea.e-a euro by theae medicine, i. Per ca weather baard wk do Be t ahingle. do m.neBt.Tr, thenlbe, and be cureL Real spl.tor shaved hoop.,do "' turned art, do MtreurJ , ie;M.,.Ncrer faUi to eradi Discretionary premium, will be r econimended ( Infinitely n,tn:tv.1r.tB:!:, rja'-r- mo,t powerful 5 general aiienuaaco . u u. m.u. 7or " 1 rtap;..U the farmer and vi.g valuible propertle., discretionary prem's 1 hav will J . . . .. ,. junoKS-Juclge Leonard, .uclge uonsail, r. K. Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Bell, in ArlhllV llnll I Class 42 Natural Minerals. Rest of useful mincrnla of Clearfield coun ty, coal included, do. Limestone, do. best aandatono, do, l'ottora clay, do ' Fire clay, do suite cryslalizcd miu do Fossils, do minerals from tho surrounding counties, do Ji hoks Judge Hoyt, Rev. W. L. SpotUwood, owoope, i. r. iinugi., wwna. Class 43. General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowera, Display ' plants, Best Floral ornaments, .- ...... T T -. do do do do nest Kct Doqucia wun nanaio, Best manufactured article by tewing machine on ground, do Best hand bouuets,, do best butter bowl, do Best washing machine, do Best butter ladlo, do Rest churn, do Jt'niiKH Mrs. Judge Aloore, Mrs. Josiah U Reed, Mrs. Joseph II. Ucgnrly iLuniber-city,) Mrs. D, F. Ktzweiler, Mr.. Martin Nichols, jr., Mrs Win Morrell, Mrs. A. 11. Shaw, Mra. Wm, A. Wallace, Mrs. Moj. Kivling, Mrs. Tho.. For- cee. Class 44. Fruit. Bo.t displny and greatest vnricty of grafted ap plet, summer and winter Iruit, named a nd arranged, 50 cts t do Best di."ply and greatest variety of pears, named and arranged, 50 eta & do Best dUplay and greatest variety of peaches, named and arranged, 50 cts if- do Best Apploa, i bushel do liest Collection of plums, do Rest do " cherrios, do Best do quinces, do Rest do strawberries, do Rest specimen of Foreign gropes, do Best specimen of American grnprs, do Best specimen currants, not less than 3 qnrt's do Best specimen goosberries, ' 3 ' do Best specimen of blackberries, do Best rpeeimen of seedling grape, raised in county and w orthy of culture, do Best specimen of Domestic wine, do JrnuKS Wm C. Foley Win. McCracken, Mrs. Snmucl Mitchell, Mra. J. F. Weaver, J. II. .M'En ally, A bra m Ncvling. Misa .useqhino Lanich, Misa r.dith Boynton, Miss Bertha Wright. Class 45. Horsemanship, tic. Best 5 couple of ladies nnd gents on horseback, do Ileat company of cavalry, do Best company of infantry, do Best band of brass instruments, do Best martial band, do Best 25 singers. do Ji ikiks (icn. J. II. Lnrrimor, Col. . D. I'at ton, Col. A. 11. Shaw, Col. H. J. Wallace, Col. Smilev, Col. l'nssmore, Col. MTIure, Mai. D. W. iso. Major S. C. Patclnn, Major Holt, Maj , Heiacy, Minor Wm. Bell, Captain Mathew Og den, Capt. W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor Rowloa. Class 40 Xurseries. Best nursery containing the greatest variety of fruits and shrubs cultivated in the ap. proved and methodical mannor, t2 00 A do jriiQKS Ihomas Mills, Jacob Gu'ich, James A. Huctrty, William J. Hemphill, Richard Shaw jr., John U. Cain, Win. L. Moore. Persons appointed to net as judtresare request ed to notify tho Socrotnry, if possible, boforo tho 1st tiny ot the r air, of their acceptance of the trust, and to meet tho Prcs't nt the oponing of tho Fair. The Rule, and Regulation. J o., will bo pub- linhed in a week or two. !! ! DEATH ! !! To. every form and Specie of VERMIN. "COSTATl'S" "COSTA R'S" Piat, Hoaelt !'. Erterminator. "COSTA ll'S" "COSTA R'S' lied-Bug Rctermmator. I "COSTA IV S" "COSTA ll'S" Electric Powder for Ir sects. DESTROYS INSTANTLY Rnt, lionelies, Mice, Moles, Ground-.Vioo, Beil-bucs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, FIci, Insects on I'lnnts, Insects on Animals, etc in short every form nnd species of 10 ycitrs established in New York Cilv useil by tho City 1'ost Uthce- the City l'ris- on and Station houses tho city Steamers, Shins Ac, tho City Hotels. "Astor," "St. JSicholRs," A:c., and by more than 20,000 private familcs. BrS-Dmpgists nnd Retailers everywhere sell tlicm. BJuscholosalo Agents in nil lnrpe Cities BfJi-Regular sizes, 25c, 50c, &$l Boxes Bottles, Flasks. Ba.!!1 Beware 1 1 lof spurious imitations. Examine each Box, Bottlo & Flask, nnd take nothing but "Cobtar'h" BP3U?I.OO Boxes sent by mail. tt)u$ S & $5.00 by Express. .Address orders or for Circular, to HENRY R. COST A R, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. BGUJOLD BY LORAIN E & CO. Mnrch 17th. Clearfield Fn. Cabinet, Chair Making, - ---- - - ' --"h " viiunu, oppoaiia me old jew store where he will keep constantly on hand a largo assortment of Ma- hogony and Cane Bottom Chain, and Cabinet Ware of every description, whioh ha will dtimnan ofon as reasonable terms as the same article, can be had elsewhere In the oountv. T r : ..... - - , . . -.. J aiataln part of-Dres.inff ,nJ n Jim nwi oi vaoinet ware now on hand, eon TA tin nn hand. i-mn. I o. y.uina manuiacturoa and dolivered iht n u iini i eurnary a, a no. 4, vol. IV. la., will be prepared at all timos to attond to ipaburg II. 6wnn, AnaonvilU Russell MoMur to any business in the above lino on .hort'ray. New Washington Edward Williams, Wil. notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place liamsville ; Jackson Patchen, Burnsiie ; Samuel of business ia at the eld shop on the north aide of, Uognrty, Glen Hope. Market etreet, 8d door eaat of Third at, nearly Fob. 1st 1860. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PTTrtTfUTT HITTERS. The high and envied celebrity wnicu tnese . eines have acquired for their pre-emicent medicines invariable efficacy in all the diaeaaej which they profeaa to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unnccoaaary, but unworthy ot ... 1"' i gou woras icji ij i by the faith of the crcduloua. 4Hi casss of Aathma, ileute and Cbronie Kneumntlsm, AHecllons oi tne uiuuuoi ana n.ia neya. Rillioua l'evcr and Liver Complaints. In tho south and west, where those diseases pre vail they will be found invaluuble. Planters, Fanuora.and othora, who once uae these medicines will never afterwords be without them. IyN)cpKia. No person with this distressing .discnao should delay uaing theae medioinea im modiatolv. Eruptions ol tne skin, r.ryaipeias, Flatulency, Fover and Ague. For this seonrgt of the woatern country these medicines will be lli rOreanSecllTT P S!S.VhoHo Dol)iiUT. Nervoua Com- aipita- medi oinAi irni ritPAal nf FiIasi of Ah vAan fltAnainir bv ; ' - . .. .,..',. w . ', all kinds, are effectually cured by those modicines. uw "ow w -vrw . - , Parent, will do well to administer them whenever their existence i. suspected. Rolicf will be certain. TOC LIFE PILLS ASDHOEXIX BITTEnS Purify the blood, and thus romove nil disease front the aystein. A ainglo trial will placo the LiKit I'lLi.a and l'Hor.xix Rittkrs beyond the reach of competition in the eatiination of every patient. fl-Prepnrod and aold by DR. WM. R. MOFFAT, 335 Rrodway, cor. Worth St., New York. Feb. 2!lth I860. lyr. LOOK Hl'.HK! LOOK II UK 111 rrillK undersigned aubacribera, take thia uteth- X od of informing tho publio generally, that they have tbi. day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and ran be found nt the shop formerly occupied by J. Shtinkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customer., and a. many acw one. a. can make it convenient to give thorn a call. Bring on your hoc., your spades nnd picks, Your log-chuius and your pulling aticka, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare, No thrco-year old ahall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooiiing hooka for every height, Your awurda too, shall then be wrought. To pluughshares such as C'him ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, GEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, December 8, 1958. tf. LINDSEY'S 1MPKOVFD KIooil Searcher!! A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual cure ALL DISEASES arising from IMPU RITY OF .THE BLOOD. ot Thia medicine line wrought tho moat niiracu Ions curea in desporato cases of Scrofula, Cutancoua Diseases, Pimples on tho faco, Old, Stubborn Ulcer., Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Canceroua formation, Kryaipelns, Roils, Soro Eyes, Scald Head, ltheumatic Disorders, Costivcnesi, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Femalo Complaints, and all Diseases bavin. ' their orgin in un impure state ef tho Rlood. The abovo ia a portrait of David M'Creary, Nnpior township, who, on the 31st day of Aug, 1858, made affidavit botore Justice (iorleythatj he was treated f ir the cure of Cancr by three ' physicians of U dfor.l county, and by Dr. New ton of the lilcctrio Cullogo in Cincinnati!, for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his lip, nose and a portion of his left cheek were entirely eaten away I Ho hnd given up nil hope, when ho heard of (ho "Wood Search er," and waa induced to try it. Four bottles eared him, and although sadly disligurod, there is do question but what thi. invulunblo medicine saved hi. life. Tho full particulars of thia case may be accn in a circular, which can he had of any of tho Agents. We also refer to tho case of Nancy Blcnkney, of Eldertown, Armstrong county, Pa., cured of Scrofula after being unable to got out of bod for three years. To tho case of a lady in Ansonsville, Clear field county, who wai also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To the ca.o of George Jfcisol, rcalding in Cnrl town, Cambria count, Pa., who wa. so badly af flictod with Cancer that it cat hi. entire nose off, and his case waa ,worse, if possible, than McCrenry's. The particulars of theso cases evory one of which waa cured by the use of the Blood Scarchor may also be found in a circulas to be had of any of the Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for tho manufacture and snlo, noa tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Hollidayaburg, I'a. Dr. Geo. II. Koysor, Wholesale Agent Pitt, burgh Pa. l'OH SALE I1Y C. D. Wataon, Clearfield ; John Patton, Curwenaville j James B, Graham, Orahainpton j E. F. Brenner, Morrisdale j John Russell I'nnnvnln. t) It f nnA 1 il,...l . v.. d li. k, new mnipori i v, iv. rosier, i'nil' YOUR TEETH. TAKE CAHE OF THEM 1 1 DR. A.M. IIILI.ft, deairo. to announoe to his friends and patrons, that he is now do- 'J .V!:"" " ?nu"?ta. .L!.i: i l" v,?"'1'? I'rlda,7aud Saturdays, nn, ?0"". th. eont" b town pa- at dors the neck nrevioua. i . . . . All work warranted to be aii,rM. Clcuxfiold, Pa.. JulySith, 1800. igmv JOB PRINTING. An extensive stock of Jobbing materia enables the Publisher of the "Jlepullicanr to announce to the public that he is preps red to do all kinds of Fosters. m I'll lets, Programmes n . ii..,..,. n r Uuxks, Laml. a ai mn JAIUM VIHLILJ R9f !! Kit t. I IPsTf"! Handbills, usually done . ... f t)rint;D2 IL j " ' , i .... B ' " 7 "J"." " DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUST1CU of the peace Luthcraburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will aitond promptly to all business entruUool to bia cire. Mnrch 23, lSOOly. pd. ELLIS IRWIN At SONS, AT the mouth of Link Run, five mile, from Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturer, of Lumber, July 23, 18i2. J7D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, 4c., Ac, IroneJ on short notice, and the very bost style, at hip eld atand in the borough of Curwensvrlle. Doe. 29, 1853 DR. M. WOODS, having changed his loea tiou from Curwcnsrille to Clearfield, res pectfully offer, his professional services to tha citisens of the latter place and vicinity. Rosidence on Second street, oppoaite ti at of J. Crans, Esq. my 1 1 158. J. Q. HARTSWICK, M- D. Physician and 8 n r g e o n, Clearfield Pa., May 30, 1860. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to nis care, in tne several courts oi uearneid ana adjoining countiei. Office, the one formorly occupied by Q. R, Barrett Oct. 20th, I859ly. Dr7g7w. STEWART Physician and Surgeon, offers his profes sional services to the citizen, of Kow Wash ington and surrounding community. Office thres doors west of the Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1859. JOHN HUIDEKOPER. " Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor, offers hi. professional torvice. to the citiien. of Clear Bold county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Offico with Leonard, Finney f: Co. lMr. HAYS, DAGUERREAN, Melnineotypist, Amhroty. piet, and JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Kersey, Elk County, Pa. LEVEU FLKGAIi, . Justice of the peace Luthcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all busines. entrusted to hi. care, lie also inform, the public that he keep, constantly on hand nt his .hop, a goneral as sortment of Saddles, Bridle., Harnes. and whips, which ho will soil on reasonable tretus. April 4, 1800. DENTAL CARD. AM. SMITH offers hi. professional service. . to the I.adics and Gentlemen of Clear field and vicinity. All operations performed with neatness ana despntch. Being familiar with nil the Into linprnvnienta, be la prepared to make Artlliriul Teeth in the best manner. Office in Shaw', new row. Sept. Uth, 1858. lyj. jas. n. i.AnniMF.R. i. test .W TF.ST, Attorhey. at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will nttohd promptly to Col tAiohs, Lahd Agencies, Ao., Ao., in t'lenrOeld, Centre and Elk counties. July 30. t ROI1EUT J. WALLACE, Attohmcv at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shaw's Row, op- poaite the Journal office. dee. 1, 1S58. tf. MOORE Si ETZWiLEU, "llfliolcsale and ltetall Merchants. Ala If extensive dealer, in timber, sawed lum ber and shingles. Also, dealer, in dour an grain, which will be told cheap for cash. UCI. 14, IBJ'J. Keep up the lxcitcmciit! REMOVALS always cnuso excitement; and since tho great excitement about the remo val of tho Court House hn. tub.idod, the commu nity generally have become somewhat excited upon henrinithat C. D. Watson ha. determined to pull up stake, and remove to Virginia, But the latest cause for excitement Is the fact that I hove removed my saddler shop from my old stand opposite the Court llouso to my new shop on Market street n.arly opposite th jail, where all who may favor me with a call can bo .applied with Single Harnes, Double Harness, Tug Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Halters. Housings, Breech bands, Side Straps, &c. In fact every thing in tho line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful for the vory liberal patronage heretofore bestowod, I solicit a con tinuance of the .nine, and a call from as many now cu.tomors a. can make it suit GEORGE W. RUE EM. P. S. My being connected with the Drug business will nut interfere with my shop, for I mo vrug mote auenaca to by careful dands, and intend dovoting my time exclusively to my rogular busineaa. q. f, R. Aug. 31, I8j. MOUNT VERftON HOTEL, CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTERy. Thankful for past favors and solici tious of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announc. that I have on hnnd again, and will constantly keep at the Pottery in thia borough, on the cor ner a ahort distance east of the Mothodist Church, a large stock of Crockory , such as Cream crocks, milk pons, Churns, Jugs, Jars, 6tove pipe casing rf-c. o. j and also an extensive assortment of different alios and patterns of brackets and ro.cttcs for cornice on houses, and other moul ding.. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notioe. Also fire briok made and kept for sale. 9-A liberal reduction on prices mde to wholoanlo dealers. F. LEITZINUER. Clcarflold, may 23, 1870. ly. x i antferslgned respectfully begs lesvs a announce that he rcoently rented a house in th borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Ps,, for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all others who tony favor him with a ealL Hi. tablo will always be supplied with as good as the markets afford; and no pains will b pared to render his guests comfortable while under bis roof. To which the facts that no in toxicating liquors of any kind will be kopt about the premise., will he trusts, eontributo in no small degree. While, what isalway. important to the travollor, the bo.t attention will be given by careful hostlor to that faithful companion of bi. journey, his pationt steed. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CR0L1