a Hoaiuv Allans.: v -"' Cftttp Meeting. : Tho C'nmp Mooting of the &I. K. cliurch for the clearfield and cnrwensvillo charge Willie held on tho grounl of Mr. Tboa. Heed on tho oM piko to commence oil Friday Aug 21 ' Come to the Cnmp ; Meeting. ' Wnj T.. fpotswood.-- " Trencher in charge'. TnMDENTS Si'EF.rn. We this -week publish on our first pago tho great speech made hy tho President at tho White House on the Oth of July last. u;,. Wo hope it will be rend by all. It clear, plainnnd conclusive gives the fad and nothing lets. The principles there laid down; must nnd will sooner1 or' later o, adopted hy iv iiiiyoiity of the pooplo "of tho United Mutes, -or revolution and dinarchy will reign triumphant throughout our land and nation. i J i .'. . Dead. Mrs Holt tvifu of tho Pott Mas ter General died at Washington on thftl 14th inst, sunounded by a largo circlo of Vclatio'iis ft rid Mends, - ITor" remains vi i conveyed to hor lute homo in Kentucky. , She wad n daughter of iCx-Tost Master (ioijAViokliflb ' ' . ' li'Alokut to Lum UMjiumrili on ajm, ss V n Vnn-Uv Anl.rniv.w. , 1 ,,'tV '. , , ' oiMearuciu, iu.u ima mcuiou iu nouneo to uio public, mat no win cioso liis Gallery : oh tht: 27lh Aug. . (inst,) for ho purpose of making a jro(osionnl tour, ,'of probably several months.' Thoso wish ing Ambrotypcs can Bccuro liis services durinit thf mean . time. In ndilition to his stock of cheap cases always on hand, - . in a few days ho will bo sujiplied with an npariiucnt of 'unty Ai.nt lower prices than cvfir before sold in Clearfield county. Aug. 15, 'CO. -21. '' Sold Again? Tho Kditsr of the fUat! Sentinel seems lobe very unfortunate, as regards his correspondents from this county, orwliom, lio 1ms had sevoral. If be was aware of the political btaud ing of ilaek!,.in',d corrcspondcut of 10th inst., ' wo know very well that be ...1.1 1 .. t .. t , . ! o...lt f ..'i.ni'AIIE ;ger, as ho Is known to be in this cotnmu uity. The Kdilor jmblishes his letter as a malter'of ' nowi ; it may bo elsewhere, but hero it is, the orliclo lie doali out evc Ty day iu tho street tho whole loiter was known to tho boys in the ntrcct two days li4for it, nnneartd in the Srntinil. The 11 vholo letter !s a tissue of falsehood from "beginning to end go t up in the re,", ular Hyena, or Jackall style devouring everything but liitnsclf. v X, is as visible to our readers in hli half column of slanders ns tho vestibule upon : our new Court House, to dispiso hiw is just to see him. 1 Cresson. The following sentiment, wo ropy from tho Bedford Gaelic; heretofore one ol Uio most uncompromising Houghis apcrs in the State, and no doubt it refleets the sen timents of Mr. Cvssnii. Wo inig"it fill half ol our paper this week with similar extracts . from Douglas papers in this State; howover, the two liincoln papers itho rrcss nnd Soitlnd, howl tremendously , it the Crc.uon 'arrangement, as uo fill the ether Blank Republican papers. "This result is n great victory for the J)ouglas men nol that it gives them any (undue ndvantape over tho, friends of Breckinridge, but becauso in compliance with their roqnest, tlio iMi-mcr propos. tion of fusion has been Abandoned, and n much fairer nnd woro equitable plan of union ollered by the Committer. We nro, therefore, not withou hope that the differences i" tbc party may yM bo so 'reconciled ft3 to enable the entire Democ racy of tho Slate to vols for one set of 1 1 11.,,. .1.,r.,.,f n,,1 .llc-nnl- 111 J ilvl,l ' I a HIIU lini uun ii i,n . .n.-vv,,. v tho Blaek ltepublicnn horde." lUTHEfiSBUIlolijLUB. ', rnrsnnnt to ftdjourninent, tlio Iuthcrs burg democratic club met-,' on Saturday evening last. Prcsidcnf-i' 1. Cloodlander Eq. in tliethnir. On lcavo given, Dr. Ceorgo Wilson rose soon turned out to be rt Douglas speech, in which ho characterize! tho Jrockin- rii'go men as st coders, and disloyal to tho recular democratic organ izat inn, rrovod . ' to his own salibfactior, that the inimita ble Stephen wns the only candidate worthy of tlio support of tho Democracy ol Brady 1 township; and expressed himsolf ns op posed to any ujiion nt this time, regard i ! ing it ns premature; .llowm followed in reply by Dr. Boycr, who answered nil his objections, delendod the notion of the cx ; ccutivo committee, and closod his speech .' ' with a .strong, appeal for a nnionVm tho , Pending electoral ticket. After which, ithc coiibtilution was again read und oll'cr d for signers. AVhorcunon on cflbrt was mado by Dr. Wilson to ongralt a Bones to oncralt a series ol resolutions on tho club previous to his signing the constitution. Tho constitution wns then can sobroquiet, has split rails, and it is fc signedby' ten new meuibcrs thoso op- qually true that thoso rails will, split him, posed to union refusing to sign it. A H . Machino in a rami- i J ho chairman oltho cotonuttoo on res.-.' , olutions appointed nt a prcvknU meeting, j ' treasure. 1 layo you seen the Ma. ,then offered tho following, which vcro chino called the, ''Frio''? ' If not, wo ad ndoptctl. . Whereas, Tho rresont being nn im i ....i l...... :.. jl.. . l.:. i r 1 im bIJV 1JI U, 111 IIIU iliabUlv Ul 111" l'ijiu"- . .o;,, ,,o, (.. n.,.i h n...ii. ivliir.!i imml men .inl patriots may contein-.late will, 41iaw t1ritW n(. flin r n u t (iti1 iiiiuinl tin J l I l'l. ' Jioiuing ino riMrK cioua wnicu in inys alone pnn our political horizon, nnd 117,,, In this ebecrine hope wehave bn diaappoinM, nd iiHend of peace nnd hnrmonv reicnlni? in our narlv and tbo union, w find ncitniinn, diseord, Slttrife, ntel We fear prepi ralion for civil nnsk t n-entenoil the nisaolution of our . "y,"v ' . . " , . i for logs, or upon winch a haw ,n,,n,i,inn nnin l.rnrinr In .1,0 nnliti. Of tllC.tll Of .1J convention, necCUCS W , croctea late the CEtatO of -Jt.i ..i,:t, V..i the Creason eoinproiniso. Jho pnpora deceased. ., , . - ' T.."5i" i t. 7 : , .Li l r tSnlhoWoutnsiniinraJcw indeod,-( Tl'.UMM, on-fonrth of the " , ..: ' . . . , . Tho : atrnur it-our. movement lias been en day ol tmio i ono-iourtu on mo ..llUliV D Ml I Ol 1J1M Dllll 1'H'IHllU OlIUHHI war, thjs !n .ho oidor of tliojay, there- 1st, Iimh'c.1. That we. sineerclv hone that tlio treat cause of disunion, discord, :lnil llls;pnlirm tvlnpli MAwnviuta nmnmi us, and ' not only divides us as a nnrtv. 1 .. j,, . but listracts our nnlionnl councils and I prosperity, mov auocdlv la removal, and! ,!,nni, . ...... .ettlfi.1 In . t li li.t..mi,lRLion of .nliieoU ' . : t . . . .: . i. . i i .... i i more essential to tho prosperity and hap piness, of a great and growing nation. 2d. That .ro tho democracy of Brady township, Vrogard tho preservation of the unity of tho democratic state organiza tion, which was to happily inaugurated by tho Itending Convention, as of tho greatest Importance to tho present and f'utuio welfare of the national ".Democratic parly, and that wenpprovoand ratify tho basis of union recommended by the Staid Executive Committee, whorcby tho elec toral tickot placed in nomination by that r!niii'!ntinti . niftv f:iiili' nitil linnnutlv . . j .7 j - , ceirc the support of every Pemocratic j voter in Pennsylvania, who truly desires' tho ilcfcat of tho Black l'epublican can didate." 3d That tho government of a Territo ry, organized by an net of Congress, is pro visional and temporary, and during its cxistenco nil citizens of tho United States have au ccjual right to sclllo with their properly jn.llio JVnitory, without their rights, cither of person or properly, beiug destroyed or injured hy Congiessional or Territorial legislat'on. 4th. That it js the duty of the federal government, in nil its departments, to government, u protect the richts of persons nr.d proper in U,0 Territories, nnd WhcrcvcrcUo lla constitutional authority extends. 5th. That wo attest our Learty appro- val of tho noininatior. of the lion- II. D. lost or of u cistni.orcland county, as our candidato for (iovcrnor that his public career has conclusively proved his emi nent nhilitbs, and his unfaltering devo- '" to the true interest ot our glories Ulnln An flik ITnitii .Mini II.. 1.... f.. iind iii rit y of his private charaetor, as at tc-ited by those wiio know him beet, sta id high nbovo suspicion, nnd that wo pledge, to ir.ni our hearty nnd undivided nt tho October election. After tho ndoption of tho report of tho Commiltoo a conversational duhatc was indulged in for a short timo, when the fol lowing resolution was offered by Dr. T. J. lioycrnnd unammoudy adopted liesolvcd, That wo heartily apprf.vo and j ratify tho nomination mado bv the late (lonvnntinn nt llrookville for Congrt-ss. j Jon, Jumc K. lverr, a gentleman in whom tho; Democracy rceognio nn able champion nnd n sound democrat, and our voto in October will attest tho sincerity of our declarations. On motion, the club adjourned, to meet a!?ain on Saturday next. LEV Kit FLWiAL, Secretary. Republican. Relics of the Campaign. The New York Herald publishes tiie fol lowing lid of relics, dicoycrod by n polil ieal anli(uarian, which he proposes to sell cheap to thoe 'ho may desire to adorn some enmpnign wigwam. Tho list will be read with interest : 1. Handle of live maul with which Lin coln Fplit his lirht rail. 2. Chew of tobacco masticated during '.ho operation. Wnislband of Irceches split during the operation. 1. Paleli Of seat ditto. fi. 1'ortrnit of the man whoslood against a tree looking at Old Abe splitting the rail. Old Abe told him if he kept on soeering thero he'd never go into Congress, and he didn't.) 0. Horns of the oxen which hauled the I'.'iil.,. 7. Half pint of whiskey (rifle warranted t,. l-ill ct l,r,,U-,l , n ,1Uii1I,l i i,n i ii . i .ii ii. ' iii'iunv, iiv i'io ,iiu H. Original in pot OUlOl V,'11ICIH.MU AU0 took his drink''. r '.. View of that grocery, (by "our own art ist on tlio spot." 10. Strir.g of one of the oripnal broans worn by the prophet in his hegira from Kentucky to Illinois. 11. Half a pound of best Young Hyson sold by old Abe ns n grocer, to tho tiro of tho (irst white child born in Nmganon ccunty. 12. l'mo knot from tho ordinal hut built by Uuclo Abe from lumber got out by his own bunds. 13. Hair from tho mano of tho horse wl'iieh won a race of which Undo Abo was judge. ' ' ''.''' ,' 11. litto from tail of losing Lerscin the same race. " 15. Tooth knocked out of a man's head H'ho fought another man, aud choso OKI Abe for reference. lit. Tortrail of Old Abe when ho tried to look pretty and frightened a child one of tho first families in the country in to convulsions. Tho Fowler Committee, consisting of Messrs, Isaac Hell, ilirain Cranston, Kll ,iah V. 1'urdy, r. Crane, and Dr. XV. XV. .Sanger, have collected over 00,000 to wards re-imbur'ing the Government lor Mr. Fowler's deficiency. Numbers of tho persons to whom Mr. F. lent largo sums of money, without taking any meiuornn uum or written acknowledgement, navo como forward nnd paid into tho hands of t he Committee tho entire amounts duo, foiy-Tho last thing in tho way of politi cal advertiseing is n letter envelope sur rounded with n rail fence. On onb end tho envelope is a portrait of Old Abe," nnd bcncatli it tlio identical llat-Uoat. which is said that indivdutd used to run. The engraver failod to produco fio bar at which he used to sell t.mslc-fnnl whiskey. , Xo doubt "Old Abe, "to use tho Hetmbl (vise sotno of our readers who may not - ',,' ,i 4i, .,.,.. .0,i , u...v, .... .w, . f T XT write to Mr. .1. JN lioylaii, at Milan, Uluo, n. got tlio company', confidential term, tflJuTlio Luzerne Uinn, published at the . , i . i . . i. : i I.. " ' ' . ,A .ia-.,i j paymonts wiih iutorost from day ol Sale, to be P;rat ?ro nrt TV'Z? - ll6D'1 IpublicanSn.1 certain perrons .tmngm.. .. , DAVID CAbDWELL, AdmVd prl i. !..' . ' '' I Aug. 8,1PM. cfSamnoP Caldwell, deo'd. i p,t The Lady who was Btrcuk with : cliiiUoUe- ; ' .. " ', ri. ...,'- WARBIED,...,,,,.,, , At the l'reshytarinn I'arsonna-o in Clear- iuli ,ii4n..;nti i..,' r.. .t t 1 t ....uiA, I I) .1...... 1 ..i i w - liuiii uuno ivuimoii uoin 01 itiorns ID.. DU'D, '-'ii On eclncsdav, July 2"tu ,'5n Piko t fe t"0' a. 1 "l&PW DC,. Lirdl Soil of and Maria McCluie, uged . i year and 11 months. ., With such a dear, nnd gentle babe, Wo do not always meet, As ho who llos now in tho grnvo h'slittlo Birdie t and fate. Father nnd molher tliey mourn, A lovely infant gone, Cod lias claimed, and took his own, Ilis tiuio on earth is done. Weep not your nabo w frc& froui care, ; Ho is not dead but sleeping thcro 11c was not yours, but Ohrifls, donl mourn .. ..: ' .i Ho loved him best, nnd look him homo. 11. A. T. L. JACKSON (JKANS, 1 ATTORXEY AT LAW, oIEco adjoining IU resldcnco on Second 6Ucct, Cliurf lid, Ta. June 1. 1S54. , ' .. NOTICE. The CommUtiioncri of Clenrficld county will bo iu torsion on Friday the 24th itny of August, 1 SCO, at their ollioo in Olcurliold liarougU. All ncrsbnd hnvlug businora with thorn w ill uttoud at that tiuic. WM. S. BRADLEY, August 15 ISrtO. Clerk. IAUTION, All pcrnona nro bcroty caution neainitt liarbourins, liirinir or trupting, mv fon Jacob on my account, us I am dutorminod to ny no dubts of his contructinz oftor tto i!Stli '""y "i'J"' last, nml will prosocuto oil persons fur his Wages that may liiro or employ him. 11ENUY ZILLOX. Augugtlitli. 1SC0. 3t. Clearfield Riflfi Comrany. You will meet for drill nnd pr.rado nt tho Mount Joy School House, on Saturday the 25lli day of August, nt 10 o'clock A. M in summer uniform with arms nnd nc co'utrcmciits in good order, and supplied suppoituvitli six rounds of blank curtiidge. By or der of the (.'apt. Aug. 1, m0. JOHN V. ROTKO.S. VJ)MI MSTHATOM.S ROTICl'J. Letters of Administration having bce this day granted to the uuder.iignod on tho estate of Thom as Owcus lato ol Jforguson tp., V'lciiruoiiioouniy Pa. dcc.d., all persons indebted tj paid estate are reucsl:a to uiuliO nnuieiuaio p jiueni, uoj those bnvinir claims airaint said estate, nro re - ouestcd to present them duly authenticated for , tl lenient. EMKU.VB OWKSri I AATltUM illLli, jAUuir, Ferguson tp., Aug. 0, lfi0.-8t. :50 r is culi rii. 1r l Acres of land for Sale, li acres of which sv is improved, tho balance well timbered withwhite pine, Oak, and Hemlock; tiro dwell ing houses, Snw Mill, Lath Machine, Stable and other out buildings. Situated olio and a half miles from Clearfield, on tho Turn Tiko leading towards Lutbersburj,'. l-'ur further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. Aug. , ISCO.-Gt. IS1UEL NICHOLS. 0HPllAVri COI KT SAl.F.. My virtue of nn order of tho Orphan's Court of Clear field county, thero will bo exposed to public talc nt tlio liouso of Isaac Illoom in Uio liorou-li of Curn eiiavillo on SATURDAY THE ST1I DAY ol" iSKl'TKMUEH, A. I). lStid, at I o'clock 1', JI.i the following described ronl estate to wit: that certain pln'itntijn or tract of laud tilnato (on the public road loading from Clcnrfirld to Kew Washington) in Pike town. i-hip Clearfield county Pcnn 'a. Hounded nn tho north by bind belonging to tho estate of John ,S. Curry deceased, ou tlio oust liy laml of l itcli .t JJovnton, on tho west by lands ofAVnrA Llooiu and Wm Hex, nnd on the south by land ol Ucurgo curry. LO'iiaMiing nvo Jiuuureu ! FitWn Acres moro or Its?, having erected thcrcou nlargo Hvc-etory frame (1.) Iinusc, I wealher-bonrded and t aintc'l, V illi cellar, n largo double b g barn, j-rnin-liouso, dry-bouse, wagon-slied, and about ono liundrcd acres of i cleared land, with a luriro boaring orchard, and a never lulling spring ol wator uiereon, into uio estate of llichiird Curry deooasod, 'IICIOIS, toper eont on day of sale, one-half nt confirmation of sale, nnd tho balanco in one year with interest to bo socurod by bond and moitgnjcc. AVM. KliX Adm'r., Aug. 8, 1SC0. of K. Curry deceased. SHERIFF SALE. 1)y virtuo of sundry writs of Vendition Expo ) nas issued out of tho Court of Common l'lens ol Centre comity nnd to me directed, thero will bo exposed to public sale nt the Court House hi liollcfoiite, iih Aliuda.y, tho 27tli day of August next, tho following property, viz ! All tho rl-jht, tillo nnd interest of I). M. Lil ger, in tha undivided no-fifth part, .tc, of six certain tracts' ef laud with tbo iinpruvcnicnU thereon, situated partly in Morris township, Clear, held county, and partly in ltush luwu.diip, Cen tro county. Ono tract wheroof situnto in ' Morris tir'p., Clearfield county, was surveyod under warrant to To tcr lnruohl, and contains AM acres and ul- ofllowance Apso.Oue tract eiluntod as abovo wns sur veyed in tlio namo of Josso Yarnold, nr.d con tains llvo bandied and twenty -one acres and al lowance. Also Ono tract situated in Rush township, Centro county, wns surveyed under warrant to Hcrijiunin Martin, uud contains 420 acres nnd allowance Also. One traot situntod as nbovo was sur veyod under warrant to John Weidman, cons taiiiinjl 410 acres and 70 perches nnd allowance. I Ata,. fltM li-fiet tlfv,.r,l Mnilnr rnirrmt fit 'jicob Weidman, containing 40.1 acres nnd 3b iiclchos. Also. One tract situated as nbovo whs tux. veyed under warrant to Jacob Hush, and con taining JJbO ueres and 22 perches. There boing erected on tho nbovo described properly, two caw Mills nnusovcral dwelling of; Houses. Pelied taken In enivMitlon and to bo sold ns ,nu r-ropunj oi v M. llilgor. . THO'S MoCOY, Sherifl". Sheriff's offioo, Bollefonto, ) Centro county, Aug. 8, 'CO J ! -', v" of nn order of the Onihnn's Court of Clear - I field eminty.' Tliore will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court House in tbo llorough of Cloar ' field, on ' : i 1 ' . I , I'll I DAY TIIF 7T1I DAY Ol- Sl-tTEMBEU A. D. 18(10, i , tho following described rial B.-tate to wit I A tract of land situalo iu Huston township. Clear 1 field eonnty Pa.,- surveyed on a warrant In tho .",.. ,lf ivA (Vlrfwnll. - Cnnla n 10.'. anres Containing lOi aores nnd allowanco, bounded by lands surveyed on j Un ZV'X '"".V"'1'" 7J l'vlng .stream ' of water thereon, wlnon onn be mado nayigur-loi Mill mlgtit bo Samuel Caldw, purchase money eouurmation ,,r Sifclo. and tlio bttlanoa in twii fldiial annual "1AUY CHERRIES for sale nt tbo tfnreof XJ , ., w!"- (Ir7in;, ,cl"rfio1(1 'J0' HII H'Mtl lU; AXI WATKHFORIr ICAII.-KOAJ). Notica !i hereby fclvcn to l,,ri&r to the stock oftho "Pbilipsburg fii'lil, CloorlloM county Pa.."nt tho oflico nfW.it- . - .. 7 L . L. - -J... tcr linrrctt Kto,., on Tliurwlay thri 2:td ilay' of Anpiift A. I), IHfll), kotweon (lis hours of 2, ami ! t u 'I'.lotU 1'. M. of oit day,- fur tlio urpoco of I clouting una l'ioiJont hiiJ Twelve . iicrsoU) to torvo an Iircctor for raid coinimnr, until tho fccend Monday in Jnnuury ISCI, A full uttcn uiinco ib riiuesteu. (Joorgo It. Barrett, John Tatlon. ' f . Lon'u J. Orans. John Carlisle. Juiues Cnniphvlt. Jnmos X, Leonard, John D, Thompson, J. J. V. Tbointoo, W m. X. Ali'XauUi'r. J nines lllukealoy. II. L, r.icliinond it- ollicrs. Couunistioucrs Clearfield, Aug. 8, 1800. 2U ESTATE OF SAMUEirsT'KN CEU, ETAL,mC'IK; .,. In tho matter of tho Estates of Pnisiiel Spciicer, Joseph Fpenecr, Hannah nni Nancy t-pencer, and Joliu liiirloK Fislior doe'd. , And now priM7th 18f0, Citation awarded by tho Court upon the ters, executor and Administrators of the nhoro de cedents, toshow causo why ppecific prfoininnce of contracts fo r sale of real cutnto, mude by thoin In their lifetime shall not bo decrocd, 2!lth Jur.o IXltO. Citation roturncd, and on motion of It. J. Wallace hsq., AUornoy for applicants, Thn!. J. McCiilloiigh E;c., was appointed Couuuissioner to tnko lestunonr, . JASIKS WRIQLEY Clork 0. C. In pursuance of tho abovo Commission to ine directed, testimony in the abovo matter will bo taken nt my office in Clearfield, on Thursday tho loth day of (September next, w hen and where all persons iiiteroeted may attend. TI10.S.J. MoCULLOUuif, CWr. C'cnrfield, August 8, 1800. It. . "J?KLTSUGOOI5S7 ST IN TIME TOO. The subscribers nro just opeiiing at thsirold stand, n fresh htock of seasonable (ioous. consist ing of a full aesortnicnt of lry Ooods, ' Hardware, Quccr.swi.ro, mado up Clotbin?, Hoots and Shoes of every variety, Ladies Pre tiiminfrs rfc, which they will disposo of en as pood if not belter terms to tho pureha cr than they can bo obtained elsewhere, for cither cash, Lumber or country products Rcncrallv. Auj;. 1 . 'GO .-at. M00HU4 liTZWILCrf NOTICIi. Letters Testa-' i mcntary linvin in been granted to tho under. tinned on tho cstut o nf Gcugro M'vlcU deceiuscd, lato of Lawrouoo tp. Clearlield County l'a., 1,11 persi ns indebted lo kaid Citato aro reiiursled to iiinho imniediate payment, and thoso having claims against il, are requested to prcccut thou, duly authenticated for seltleiuent. August I, I SCO. (It. WM, POIiTEIl, llx'r. C1AUTIOX. All persons aro hereby notified J not to purchase or in anyway ineddlo with the following property, now in the jwssession ( M. S. Clark of lirndy township, vir.; one Hone mare, ono two horso WaRO'i and ono Cow, ns tho samo belongs to mo nnd is left with him on li au only subjoct to my order, DAXll'L UlHliL. lrady tp., Aug. 1, lsii0.-3t. 1)I,.V"n'.ItlX(:, Tho subscriber, having lo'ealcd himself in tho borough of Clearfield ivould iiifurm tho public that ho is prepared to do work in tho above line, from pluill to ornamen tal of tiny description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repuirirg done in a neat uiannor and ou reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPEIl. ClcarHeld April 17, ISfiO.-ly. Cjlll'.HIKKS MAI.i:. l!y virtue ofn(cM. 0 him writ of Ten, .jr., issued out of tho court 01 Common Picas of Center co., and to mo di. reeled, will bo exposed to public sale lit the Court House in tho borough of Cloarlii bl, on MONDAY Tllli 2uTllY OF APfiVST A. P. 13f.li, at 10 o'clock A. M tlio folhiwintf described property, tovir. : A rortain trnct of land situate in tloshontp. Clearfield county l'n., bounded by lands of Jaeob i legal, LI lis Irwin, Lllis Liver rc,0a nnd tho Susiiuohunna ltiver. Containing (wo hundrod uud rovelity-f ix acres more vt less. thrco dwelling bouses, two barns, wagon si ed nn,l ether out buildinir's nnd it luriro bearing , nrehnrd thereon. , bci.cd taken in enecution nnd ; (0 D0 t,, nl, ,c property of John SoH'rig"'. r liUJliKICK U. AlIliLKU, Mi II. .Slieri H'a Oliiee, Clearlied Pa, Aug. 1, Ul'O. T IIIU CM'.AHI'llilJ) ACAIir.MV, will bo opened lor tlio reception of pupils, (males unit fcinnlvs; on Monday, May jsin, jaou. 7'cTwipcr session of eleven Weeks Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and (Teograpliy. ?2.i0 Higher Arithmetic, English firninmnr, Geog raphy and lliatoi-y. $:j.U0 Algebra, Geometry, Nntnnil Philosophy andltiolt Keeping ." ' ?I.U(( T.atin nnd Greek languages. ' $0 00 To Ftudent? desirous of ncqitirlng ti thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify thomsnlve8 for teachers, this Institution oilers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session, and no deduction mado except for protracted sickness, i Tuition to bo paid nt tho close of tho term. C. 15. .S.VMDl'UKD, rui.Mii'AL. Aug. 20, ISCiH.- v. JAVKS T. I.KONAni). WM, A, WAI.I..ICB. P. A. A. C IINNKV F1NSKV OF LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C I i: A 11 F I I. D, CLKAHFJEIJ) VUUXTV, PA. JBILI.9 01, KXCHANGR, N0TKR ANO nil AFTS IllSCOl NTIII) , DiiFosnrs ii:ti:ivr:i), 1 Cxilleiit'tnns nmi'.c and procteili promptly remitted I'..cliniijr,e ou Mic Cities constaiitly on linnd rft-Offico on Seccod Pt., nenrly opposite the COURT IIOUiSK. 1800 1CC-0 will Icrp c t . itvrciiiiiii And extensive Jiealer ai-iara Timbsr, lliard Shingles, &c. fc. 'oi -'w.v.t'ir,.'- . n icctl soppl"1 i M'eh 11 Isoo. lo Persons CUt ol hmplOyniCUt , nPKr, w . vTrn Tn SFT.T. hn Kri. Sow ii ' 1 ing Mnehinc. ' -I... - n !..! -. -I r.. 1.0 Will gl.V l VyUIIHUIBPIUII, 1,1 Pill-a ...'"u S25 to tftfl ncr month, and expenses paid.. This new Machine, nnd so simple in its construe. tion that n child fif 10 years enn lenrn toopernto it by half nn hour s instruetion. Ills equal, to any Family Pewing Mnchino in use, and the price is but Fifteen Hollars. ', l'orsons wishing on Agency will nddrcss - ,1. y. ROY LAN. Sscretaiy F.rio Pcwing Machine Company, o .irfA . .... V. T1 IV Aug. 8. W.0.--PV MILAN, OHIO, rnU' hc77 7.... A v.' (? 0" i. c. iiAnnwiiK - -r. l JJUtJU lV VAUIK 1 1 , ..... ,, LOltAINE&COr HAVE just received from tho Eastern cities, ami opened nt tlioir KiiW SlyllK ItOOM on MA RKET STHEET, two doors west cf Third, the nol extensive assortment oi ' l'rugs, Mediei'ies, , Paints, . Oils, , Varnishes, Pyo-Stnll's, . j '; . Tobacco & Hegars, , . , Toilet articles, . , , . Pqrfuniery, . ,. . ;lai,k bouks, i I ; Stationary, . , Cutlery, ' , . ', ', . . Misoelluneous . -. .: And Fancy . Artk'les Ac. Ac, ever ofTerod to the public la this necticn of the country. Their Drtiu-N aud CheuiU uls, ofwhirh they liavo nn exteusivo ussurtuiont, havo boeu select ed with especial rclTerenc to their quality and freshness. Their stock of Oils and Paint n will consist of Einsecd oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, lted K Whito lead, dry ami ground in oil, bpun- ish brown, Venitian rod, Yellow and Stono ochro' I I.anipbluck, yVlack lend, Ivory biack, Chineso k Amorienn vcrmillion, pnrisercen, puns, Utra marino nnd Prussian blue, dry nnd ground in oil Carmine, Chrome green f yellow, Cbnlk of all' Cobnlt, l)rop, lako rf- black, Emery, Glue, Gums, Copal, Hainar nnd Shellac, Indian rod, Litharge, Orange mineral, pumice nnd ltuttcn stono, Hose pink, English nnd American, Hosin, Scnr'ct, (or perian led,) Terra Vienna, Turkey umbre, Ver digris, bluo it- whito Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty uud putty knives, Glass of nil sues and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac, ( c. l)C-stUliri & Vttl'llisdlC: Kxtra Logwood, chip ped nnd gronnd, Indigo, Madder, Annattn, Cochineal, Sol. tin, lted saunders ; Copal, Coach, lllaek for leather, Japan Tor (lying, Hap, alaslie, Whito Dauiar, Whito spirt nnd l'Jowing Varuih. Tohacro Scjjars : Cnvcndish, best, Natural leaf, Rough ready, Lady twist, Fino cuts of all kinds, and pride of the lluroin, tobnece J luippeo an! Scotch snuffs: L'l phneton, Henry Clay, punch, La cbica, LI mono, Ac, regnrs. Ulank Hooks nnd Stationary. Ledgers, Ioy-book. Receipt nnd Note-books, Piaries, La dies nnd Office Portfolios, lilauk parchment nnd paper' Deeds, Jlonds, Mortgages, nnd all other legal blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, llusiness nnd drawing paper, Knvelopos, Ready reference Files, Annenr't and Amohl's writing fluid, Ink, black, Mac, nnd carmine, Steel I'elis and Pen holders, Paper clips, niucihige, and nil other ar ticles in the Stationary line. Toilet fc l-'anry Art Iciest Pcrriimcrv. ilair bru'ies, American, Fronch A Knglisli, with Ivo rv, Shell, Pearl, l'uffalo, Satinwood, Rosewood A vriiuuieuted backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes Hut brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualities ; Shaving brshcs, American, Knglisli and Frcueli with Hus. ia bristles and fiadgor's hair,- Flesh brushes : Comb brushes und Cleaners, Tortoise shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fancy ; and India rubber Long Combs; hhel', Luhiilo, Horn and India rubber pull side Combs ; India rubber Pressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ; I Fnzlith Toilet combs with bandies; lionnct i combs ; Ivory and Uutta percha fine tooth comb; rocket combs, nil stylos : American, renuliA German Cologne A Luvon, 'or waters; Lubins, Taylor's, Wright's, liangenot A Couway's ex tracts for tho ban fkerchicf, of a grcnt variety of styles ; Ilurnett's Cocaine, Parry's Trioopherous, Lyon's Culhnirun, Kan, Lustral, lioan, Museaccar, Antigua, Roso and Coral Oil ; Reef marrow, Pomades, nnd Philocoom, American and French all styles and prices cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge Ralls, Lilly While, ruff Poxes, Chinn,' nnd paper, smelling Bulls, Rulin of a thousand llocrs, tooth paeto, tooth paste, charcoal, rcso, &c, Ac., Shaving Compound nil sir.es; Military soap, Honey Soap, Chrystaline nnd Floating soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and lialliighcr-soaps, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac, Miscellaneous Ai Ikies. Gents sleel framo morocco and cull Porlinonaics, Ladies silk lined papier Macho, inlaid torloiso shell, velvet and morocco Portmonaics, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered wild steel leads, Ladies Cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and papier Machc, ivory and pcarj memorandum tab ic ts, Fino F.njris.h Morocco, Pocket Wiilcts, Mo lucca nnd ca'f Pocket books, with straps nnd c'asps; Rill honks, and Hunker's enses with lock and key; Cidlapslon drinking; cup, Medical glas ses with nnd without drops. Fishing tackle, Chapman A Enerson's Razor strops cigar eases:, crumb brushes, Shoo Rrusbes with and without handles Horn brushes, ull qualities.'' Paint und varnish brushes ull sizes, tin and capper bound, Sash tools nit sizes, counter una mark ing brushes, while wush nnd scrubbing brushes. Fancy cotorod feather (lusters e., l.icli rL'nr' inaid pai ier mache, toilet rases, work boxes writing desks, Rosewood and Mahogany ivriting lesks, Chessmen und ( hers boards, dents. Kid (Hove?, Keek tics, collars, cravats nnd canes, La dies Kid, Tiilfcln Silk mid Kid finished gaunt lets, nnd I.yle thread gaiintlejs, Rlaek and color' ed silk web suspenders, frencu striped gnm sus penders, Rich enibroidired auspenders, (lulota new stylo French suspenders, dents, linen hand kerchiefs, colored border nnd Cambric handker chief: Ladies 7incn bnndltcrchiefs in great viui- ety ; Sim shade fans, cireuar French fans, can ton feather fans of a prent variety ; Fino Canton pa'm fans wlih ivory nnd painted hnndes, 11aek and mourning fans; Hair pins Kngisli and Fredeh, Ac, Ac. Aso Pnlent Medicines of ev ery variety. All of which wirt DO toliMnl tlio lowest UMl prices, Country I'liysdclans furnished With Drugs, Medicines nnd Surgicul Instruments, nt tho most I reasonable, rates for cash. Juno fi, 1SG0. ly, LUMBER CITY, Clearfield County, Pa, , JOS. L. KIR13Y, pRorniRton. 1)EOR leave to announce to tho traveling enro ll munitr and tho publie ceneiirally, that he bus taken tho above, named botol nnd refitted it in n stylo suited to the tiuics nnd tho wants of tho public. HIS TARI.K T111 nlways bo supplied with tho best the mar kets and tho surrounding country can nlijpa j IMS CAR Will contain tbo cboii est Honors, nnd. ma STARi.f'.s ' Wilt bo In tho mire of nttentivo hostlers, re sponsible for tflcir conduct to their employer, who will givo tho enliro establishment his per sonal supervision. - In the tho hopo that he will be nblo to innko his guests coaiforlnble during their -isits ' o his houso ho respectfully solicits a sharo of ( ublic fntronngs. Lumber City Oct. HI, 1S59. lllncksifii thing;. f JAMES CROSSLY enrricson Riacksinlthing id tho borouith of Lumber city, where bo will iexeente promptly all work entrusted to hiin, and cjtscutfl it in a worKinauni.o manner, Jllly J. llc."-,-JLV - HAM, Sidos, Mackerel and Herring "for sale low iilUio store of , W.IMRII'IN. Clearfield, duly lltli :.i' KY APPLE!?, for eiilo at tho store of Win. F. Irwin, Market street, Clearfield Pa. j. cms lohaixk. "iyiATZEKSv: I II A YE. -JIW gOl'EyEP.TJlEIt A'Etf SPRING GOODS .; r. i .- - . i .i , COMPRISING JSoiuicts, " liQilics' Dress Goodti, Hibbons, ! Flowers and Millenary goods gen , ; crally. k ....... , ATTEri'i INVITKD TO Til EI 11 and .Shoes of every itcscriptioiu " i j i . ' ; - - Also to their elegant styles of RUINESS; COATS, nnd Men's it Boys' CLOTH 1NO. '' A full nssertment of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths, and Carriago .trimmings constantly o Iinud. '' irVl'Umr, 'iron, F!th f c. at the lowed prict S?resli Ai'rivsil off -IJSL1 1Vs7V flllsK. AT. TJIK CHEAT CASH STOKE. I am just receiving and opening a largo andt w'ell solucted ussurlment tf SPRING Nl) SUMMEt' Good, of almost every desert n tion, ... A beautiful assortment of Prints and Pross goods, of tho newest nnd latest, styles. Also tk. great vuiioty of useful notious. A large assorlrtient, ready-madcj clothing Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Cups, Roots and Shoos, a large quantity,. Hardware, Qi ceiiwuro, Druggs nnd Modiolncs, Oil and Paints, Carpel A Oil Cloths, I-'isb, Bacon and Flour, of Ibo best quality, nil of which will bo solar nt tho lowest ensh or ready pay prices. My old friends nnd tho public generally, nrei respectfully invftod to call, Clearlield, May it, lSliO, WM. F. ItWli new go on s: Just rocoiving and opening nt tho Old stiti of Lewis Smith in liethlobem a well selected a sortnient of Spring nnd Suiuiuor Goods ul'al'. niost overy description. Staple und Fancy, a beautiful ussoctmeid I Prints inul Dress Gootls; of tho latest styles, also a variety of lisuful He. I lions. Hats nnd Caps, . Uonnels and Shnwlr Roots and Shoes, Hardware, Quecnswaro,'' Drugs ar., Medicines, Fish, Gil OCE 111 ICS, Tobacco, Scgars and all articles usually kept -in n country Store, all cheap for rash, Uive us a call and soo for i'mir holvos. 11. L. 11EXDEHS0.N, A CO .May 21, 1 300. NEW GOODS ni;v coons ! i nkw cuolwhi r 't Just roeeivod uud now opening al Iiivin s cheap corner storo, a large and w ell selected slock olf Spring unit Summer goods, ull of which uro of- -fercd nt lower prices than ever. Call and exam ine goods and prices. li, k. lit VI N. Currfcmvillc, May 10, W.. onnets, I'lorenoo braids, Mugliah straws,. 1)1 Ml, !,k at tuiil nl 1 1 tl r At villi I rim innil nml urv . trimmed, will bo found in vuriclv nl (ho rornciv store of K.A.1UVIN, Cut wcnsvilU, May ltl, 'ikl. Indies dross goods, of pal Urns and texluies to. J pleaso all, will bo found at the corner store oh' .Curwiusvilio, May 10, lbf.O. K. A. 1RV1N. Skeleton Skirls, a largo vivrioly at redticod pri ees nt Irvlns corner store. Curwensvillo 111, '(10.. Qlelln nnd other .Shawls in variety at tho cheap O S'.oro of E. A. IRV1X,- Cui wensville, May 10, 'GO. Ill oots and Khoos. A birirer stock and lowei - Prices than ever, ot Irvins Cheanosl tornor. Ctirweii.svillc, May 10, 'GO' very largo stook of 8ring end Finn met clothing of tho Intost stvlus for sale low bv .xV. Cuiwensvillo, Vnylfl, 1800. E. A. 1RV1N. Cooking Stoves of various slies nnd prices foi, sale by K.A.1KV1N Curwensville, May 10, '00.. Mackerel nnd Herring for sale nt the corwtj. store of K. A, 1HV1U Curwensvillo, May 10, '00. T?lonr, Raoon, Beans and Clover seed, at thai B. A. IIIVIN 1 cheap corner ny Cnrt nsvillo, Mny I(V, If (to. AN excellent quality of Flour for sale low a, tho store of W. F. IRWIN.. Clearlield, July 11th, 1360. 50 sides of rpaniih solo Icnther 'or salo Ion for cash by . E.A. IRVI'V Curwensvillo, May 10, 19C0. IT'RUIT. Diled Apples, Pared and itnpnreuY.. . Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Rnisinsa. tho corner storo of li. A. 1RYIN. Curwonsville, Mny 1, 1SS0. pirstins Mill and cut .Siiws, Mann's axes and' j a general assortment of lUrdware at the, store of E. A. IRVIN. Ciirweinvllle, May 1ft, 1 SCO. ' Ahiiril" ' RKANS tr saIo at' tlio iroa - n.i T L nto. l XV Store ot MKRRILL k BIOLEIU COA by OA I, t)U,- -And (ou. On. LAmtfor sal C. KRATZlll fcoNS. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA- TI1K above Hold, ba-iiir recently been Clleil up f-r a house ,f eiiUruiiiiDiont, is now opoit for the a.iiniaodtlin of tho public. ,'raviflei will find this a eouvenicflt house. May l Hii, JOHN JO) DAK. .... . .1 ' - . : '...'.!.- . i