Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 22, 1860, Image 2

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ffltc Sficjudlt
. JE -5trirrrr
Thompson nml B. C. Dow man and you
will have a "full hand," of Democraiio j"Slnvo Codo."
-nif llmLnpa nn honor to Our thirty, t M
i nnd there is no doubt but that Iho vvholo , . . Jl
hand full will bo elected.
'nnd which is said to ombiaco tliis terrible lnlion of shivery "wherever U exUU.'! If tho phui of oompromiso recommended by of our ability.
not. ho must repudiate tho vota ofbisino ircmocriiwo oiuia mnirai ommiuee, yy,
. rait president.
or v;m.MOKEMXi) couxtv.
of Venango county.
of M'Krnn county.
of Jellorson county.
of Morris tp,
of Decatur tp.
n To Our Friends.. -.-rV.
Tho position of that of editor of a pnlit-
i ical newspaper, is a very trying ono under
tho moi-t favorablo auspicos. Wo find it
particularly so under present circumstan
'cos. Tho Democratic party is divided in
iits choice' iW tho Presidency. Ono por
tion of tho party claim ihat Dau-rlas was
'ragulorly and fairly nominated. Another
jportion deny this, and say that neither
DouL'lnsor Prcckonridco were fairly nom
QTPPHPW A TlflTIfrT 'natcd-thnt thcrois no rulo of tho party
U 1 III fl Ml ill U U U UilillJi requiring tho snporl of eithor en the ground
yif the re.'jnlarlly of their nominations, and
; hence that all Democrats aro at fu'.' liber-
ty to support eithor without doing vio
Icnco lo his consistency as a party man.
This sooir.s to havo been tho view lalf-n
by tho State Execulivo Committo, ns has
boon already expressed by that body on
two occasions a largo proportion of
whom are Douglas men. .
If tho Democratic party of Pennsylva
nia lias any organization, this Committee
is its head. Wo believe it is tho only or
gan competent to speak fir tho party
and henco wo yield obedienco toil, and
recognize its action as binding.
For tho above reasons wo placed the
names of both tlio candidates at the head
of our paper, without onco intimating our
personal preference for either. Wo pub
lish a paper for tho Democracy of Clearfield
county. Among that Democracy wo know
that each have many warm and ardent
friends, and it is our desire to makcour
paper as acceptable lo tho friends of the
ono as to t hoc of the other.
e hero refer lo these who arc acting
in harmony with tho Execulivo Committee
Thoso whooro in favor of a sraight-out
electoral ticket, either for P.rcckcn ridge
or Douglas, aro in our judgement, aiding
tho Republican Abolitionists much nioro
cll'ec lively, than if they were members of
that parly in full communion. Such men
cannot rccicvoany sympathy ntour bands.
It is not for them that wo place the names
of both candidalcs at our head.
Rut to thoso who rocognizo tho ac
lion of IhoJExcculivo Committee, and arc
willing lo enter Iho contest, not airainsi
Douglas or agni.nst Rreokinridgc but ay
abut Lincoln wo aro icady to make any
sacrifice. No matter how zealously a man
may support his favorite, whether that f.i-
vorito bo oiu! or iho" other, wo ivill be
with bin). But ho must do it in the only
nay in which it will count against the
common loe. Let cvciv Pre.
man say (and so act) that Douglas is b's
next choico 'if I can't cet Brokeni
- c
giv? mo Douglas,' and let cvo: v' Douglas
man so speak and act towards Prcckin
ridgo, and our parly will bo so perfect!'
and powerfully united against the Repub
lican Abolitionists as ever it Mas.
This is the object of the action of tho
Male Central Committee. If it is adopt
ed m good iMtb, our victory is certain,
and either Douglas or P.reckenvidgo will
bo President. Such will be. tho result of
acting in harmony with tho Democratic
party of tho State. Such Is tho object at
which wo aim, and for which wo aro wil
ling to labor and it is to reflect this pur
poso that vo Acep tho names of
both Rreckcnridgo and Douglas at the
bead of our paper.
i or pursuing this course, wo bear of
frequent complaints. They arc not unex
petted. Tho lircckinridijo men say thai,
as the editors aro for Rreokinridgc, they
should withdraw the namo of Doughn
and support Breckinridge and thus'rclhict
their own sentiment. A little reflection
will, wo think, causo them to change
their minds, and admit that wo aro right,
for tho rc.vons stated above.
On tho other hand, tho Douglas men
say that, tho editors being the friends
of Brockinridgo, will only publish sueli
articles as favorthe prospects of their
-iU-Tha. it M th duty of Iho party. How stands-tho General, oady 1, tho WJlnJj. Respond.! i
FoderalG'ovarnment, jn nil Us , deparU or not ready ? Nigger; or not "lugger?. ,.j0t,a Coune that could havo boon pursu- Ulcs8 to. ,he 'lllb
mcnls, to protect, when iiccccssaiy, tho Annihilation of slavery, or tho W-pudia-'j cd under tbo ciroupvstances fct present 4 On nation, the Clul
A, WulTace. Es.i..
n s , . WllUtJ
' ? Trot out tho nag,
and avert tho disgrace which threa'.oned
rights f persons and property in tlijO Tor- .. pf JlU rty
i. a nn, I ivliernvfir nlRO its I onsll lu-
tionalftuthoritv .extends." " ' - l SETTLED
Cm tho rembjrBecanv thins authon-!J Iho adjuslmciit by tlio btato Central i,. Knv,nna Stain, of enstim? hnr votn
zing legislation in favcr of slavery in thli i Committee, of tlio d-IRcultios in tlio Dom- or an abolition condidato for tho Chief
Can they see any thing unfair or unjust in ' ocralio party, at Crcsson tho othor day, Magistracy of this Union.
it?andintisnotin thoabovo resolution, 'amounts simply to refer tho wholo nnltor On motion Messrs. Backus, Dickenson
ihen it is not to bo found, for this is tho in controversy to: tho popular will to and J, S. Ilydo woro appointed by tho
in an eloquent ad-
the Club adjourned lo m.
aitiiiinliitn' mil linfttf and I tint. !( ii'lll l ((a 'lurt Tf.Yt A tl.. nj.l. .
s,w.H....a t'" i v " iij iiv iunu naif uii umoui
oommno .Uio trengui pi tU9 iomocracy, J
J. 1$. Wai-turs, See.
Scnaloriul Electors.
Richard Yjk, Goo. M. Keim.
Iistrict Electors.
-Fred A. Server. iM-lsaao Reckhow.
2-W. C. Patterson. I.r)-(leo. D. Jackson
:t-.Ios. Crockett, jr.l()-John Ahl.
1-Jno. (!. Bienni'r.ilT-.Toel R. Danner.
fl-fi. W.Jacoby. IX J. 11. Crawford.
O-Chas. Kclley. J 10-11. N. Lcr. .
-iniveri'. .lames iu-.iosli. K. Jlowell.
21- N. B. Fctterman.
22- Saml. Marshall.
2;MVm. Rook.
24-1$. D. Hamlin.
fi-David Schall
0-Joel Lighter.
0- S. S. Barbour.
1- T. 1L Walker.
2- S. Winches or'
13-.I os. Laubach.
23-0 ay lord Church.
R&w'.iicl, Tliat the Domocsatic Electo
ral Ticket be hoadod with the namo of
Siophon A. Djtiglas or John C. Breckon
ridgo, ns an Elector at Lar;;e, and in tho
event of the success of saidTickot, if tho
Krc;iter number of votes shall havo been
east for Stephen A. Djuglai, then the GVlleo of the State
Khali bo cait for Stephen A. Douglas and
llorschnll V. Johnson for President and
Vioe Prcidant. but if for John ('. Breck-
onridao, John C. Brockeuridgo and Jos.
Line for tho same otlioes. If" the vote of
Pennsylvania cannot elect the candidates
lor whom the majority of votes uro cast,
and it call elect uny man running for tin
otlico of Prosidont oi' tho Unitod States,
claiming to bo a Democrat, thon tho vote
of tho Electoral College shall bo cast for
that candidate. If it will not cloct eith
cr of the Democrats for whom it is cast,
or any of tho Democrats who aro votea
for in the Stalej, thon tho voto3 shall bo
cut for the candidate ;who,has the majo
rity of the votes of tlio State j and that
tho Chairman of this Committee be in
Uuctod to olitain from the gcnllomcn on
tlio Djuncralio Electoral ticket of this
Stato their several and distinct pledges
of acquiescenco in the foregoing resolu
tion, and to report the result of his not
ion in the promises at tho next meH
Ligol tho Cjinmitlco.
only resolution passed by tho Convention tho people- the highest sovercig author
on thosabjeot. ;ity in the Stale or intion.
And in what rospoct is this resolution If Mr. Douglas rcjcii-cs mOro .voles in"
wrong? Is it not in perfect harmony , this Stale thun Mr.. Breckin ridgo ; then
with tho Constitution as interpreted by he is to havo the wholo electoral vote of
tho Supreme Court. Certainly i t is.- Itho Stale; if rn tho other band, Mr.
Then why do they not quarrel with the Brocklnridgo receives woro votes than
Constitution and tlio Judges of the Su- Mr. Douglas, bo is to havo tho whole cloc
promo Court . jtoral vote from this Stato.
The Supreme Court say that tho Con. The romaining conditions adopted by
stitutional nuthority of tho Federal Gov- jthe Committco are of no practical account
crnmcnt extends over tho Territories, and at the present time, but eminently just
if so, it must certainly bo the duly of tho and proper
A lull Hand.
We aro enabled tins week to present to
our follow citixens, tho wholo Democratic' choice; and they hivocven chargud us
twin luuiisumg nrncies 'mmi iJouclas.
ticket from President down lo Auditor.
Our District nnd County ticket was nev
er filled by heller men. For Congress wo
have James K
in tins we think, they nro mistaken. It
, cerUinly is not, and was not our intention
Keir Esl.. of Venanonl to do SO. Vi'd fi(. na mimli l.r. II-
' . - - n " - .... it ywUllll L'J tl LI '
county, who will 'mako ono of tho best Prt Douglas, under the nrrangemont of
...... airongcsi momuers ol tho Pennsylva- Stnlo Committee, as wo do to support
nia delegation in Iho National IIouso of l-rcckinridgc nnd -endeavor todOso in
Represen'lative.., and wo prcdiff his clec- good faith, at the same lime wo b1u.11 feel
tionby 1000 majority. it to bo as much our duty to opposo
For tho assembly wo havo A. M. R,,n. Douglas as a itratyht-oul candidate, or as a
ton Esq of McKenn county, and Maj.E.R. oryf.iAife outsUc and independent rf that ar
flrady Editor of tho Jejl-nnnian of Jof- mgement, as we will to oppose Lincoln. '
forson county. Should Iho friends of Breckinridge nU
Mr. Benton rcprosculod (his District at lempt to get up n Beperato doctoral ticket
Jlarrisburg last winter, in which ho nc 0,,r course would "oo the same towards them
mulled himself nobly-showed himself to ' Lot 119 first tho common enemy, thon
bo n democrat true as 'stool. Maj. Rrndy !scltl our family quarrels among oursel ves. '
N belongs to tho old Brady slock, famous In ! Tlii " our l,llin wo havo full faith,
our revolutionary times, and will mnko ual 1'lnn will bo ndoptod bv the enliro
Federal Government, "when necessary,
to see that its citizens in tho Territories
nro protected in their rights of "persons
and property."
But wo have no room to pursuo this
subject. We lay the resolution boforoour
readers, bo that whenever they nro char
ged with ndvocating a slave Code, they.
can hand this to Iho persons making the
charge and ask thorn to point out this ter
rible doctrine.
"By their Fruits ye shall know them."
.'All tho loading r inciplos of tho Republican
farlf uro iu nccorihiv co with (Jen. 1'iiUun'n sut
tlud cvnvicliuni) and fooliugs. On Iho vexed
quostiou v I livery lio stands just where Jcfl'cr-
ur. CIi.v ..nil Vilistrr ftt.rmd. nnd uliorn nttr
wholo .arty now stand opposed Iu nry interfo-J
reneo with slnvorv in tho Whites whero It cxistf.
but also firmly oppofod to iti extension into tbo 'most enci'uotic and influential Donglas pa
TerritoriM whero U docs Dot oxUt. Ills doctrine ' por J Ul0slal 1M to say 'pon this
nnd thut of tlio piuty Dimply U l Let slavery i1 . ' ,
ulono iu tbo Su.teB whero it is, but do uot extend Ipoint of tho caso. J hat papor has a right
it lurtbor." Jut,rnt . t0 epeak for tho real friends of Mr. Doug-
For tho purposeofinformingour friends Ji,.,, in i,i3 .state, but Forney Iias been hi
of tho position of General Paiton on tho jro J by tho Black Republicans, and ho
slavery question, and as "all the leading mllst 8(aa by them even if ho must sac-
The adjustment is open and just? nnd
honorable to both wings of the pnrly-it is
on fusion or compromise of principle. The
Breckinridgo man remains such and no
thing else; and also does the Douglas man
each contending for bis favorito candi
date ; but all agree Hint the entire vote
shall bo east against tho common enemy :
and yet Col. Forney denounces this nr
rnngemont in unmeasured terms as do
all the Black Republicans in the Stato.
Tho truth is tho double-headed traitor,
is for Lincoln, and not for Douglas henco
his desire for two electoral tickets with
which ho is tickling tho Lincoln branch
of tho Douglas parly.
Hoar what the Pittsburg Post, oneof the
principles of the Republican parly aro in
accordance with his Bellied convictions
und feelings," wo append tho following
resolution, which, according to his "con
victions and feelings," we may vycll be
lieve, will receivo his, rut it recently re
ceived his parties', umpinlilkd endorse
ment :
"Vt'IiciOis tbo chuttcHzing of liuinmiily nml th
holding of persona ns property is contrnry lo na
tural justice nnd the fuiiduiiieutul principles of
our pnliticnl system, nnd Is notoriously a ro
proneb to our country throughout tlio civilized
world, nnd a serious hindrance to tbo progrcxs
of republican liberly union g tbo nations ot the
earth : thcreloro,
JtaoUcJ, Thut tho Committco on tho Judi
ciary be, nnd tho stimo are horoby, Instructed to
inquire into tbo expediency of reporting a bill
giving freedom to every human being, and tbo
interdiction of slavery wborever Cougress has
tbe constitutional power lo logislute ou the sub
ject. Thuvoto was taken upon thj resolution with
the following result :
Yeas Messrs. Adams of ., Al.trich, Al
ley, liingbain, Ulnir, lilnke, Drnjton, Ihillinlon,, liurrou';h., UuttortivM, Cure, Cur
tcr. Colfax, Conkling, Curtis, Delano, ' J-'uell,
Kdgorton, Edwards, Jvliot, Eli, Fnrnswortb, Fos
ter, Frank, (iooch. tirow. (lurlcv. Hale. llel.
mick, Jioard, Jluiupbrov, Jlutchins, Kellogg of i
.uiMugan i.eacii tl fllicnigan, l.oe, Lovpjuy,
AlcKean, Morrill, Olin, l'uliuer, J'otter, l'ottle,
Rice, Sedgwick, Sberiiinn, fcioiiios, Hpaulding,
Spinner, Hlewart of Pennsylvania, Tnppiui,
T.nnpkins, Train, Vanilever, Wnldron, Wnltoii,
nasuDurnot Wisconsin, Wnsbburn of Illinois,
AVolls, und Wiudom(iO."
This is tho famous, or rather infamous,
"Blako Resolution," offered last winter
by a Black Republican Congressman from
Ohio, and voted for, as may be ficen. by
sixty Black Republicans of the present
Congress; while every Democrat, without
a single exception, registered his volo o
gainst this ftrc-brind. Yet wo aro grave
ly told by the Journal, that the doctrine
of the Black Republican parly is, "let st
very alone where it edits ;" and in the face
of a resolution, asking for a committco
"to inquire into tho expediency of giving
freedom lo every human being," wo hear
the oft repealed assertion of "no interfe
rence with slavery where it exists," Ir. this
list of our country's benefactors can bo
chair to wait upon and notify tho candid
ates of thoir nomination. Mr. Benton
was introduced to the convention and re
turned his. warmest ..thanks to tlirxilolc
gates for tho honor conferred, and for the
tho generous confidence manifested by
them in nominating him as ono of tho
standard-boarors of tho Democracy of this
Major Brady, in consoquonco of illness
win unablo personally, to tender his ac
knowledgments. ,
On motion it was .Bcsolval, that tho
next meeting of tho Representative con
ferees of this district bo held at the bor
ough of St. Mary's in Elk county, on tho
third Thursday of August, A. D I8CI,
llcsoked, That tho proceedings of tho
Convention be signed by tho oflleors, ; nnd
published in the Elk Adcocxle and tho
Democratic papers of this Representative
On motion adjournod to the time and
place above named.
GEO. WEISS, Pro't.
Wm. Wilkin,) g
R.B. Biiown, s
rifico Mr. Douglas to accomplish, nnd ful
fill his paid contract with them.
We refer our readers to the resolution
in another column, as passed by the Stato i
Central Committoo at. Crcsson on tho Oth
inst., and ask for it nn attentive perusal.
"The editor of tho Press, in Philadelphia,
is disappointed in the action of tho State
Central Committee. Wo had hoped Mr.
Forney, who professes so much friendship
for Mr. Douglas, would havo found n grain
of comfort In the proceedings of the Com
mittee, which there were as sincere friends
of Mr. Douglas certainly ns Mr. Forney.
Men who not only profess but practice
Democracy men who nlwnys fight tho
common enemy from within tho organi
zation who always welcome victory nev
er defeat. Wo fo.'tnimost sure ho would
besitato in denouncing the friends of tho
regular nominee in that committoe, who
considered the mode adopted the best un
der tho circumstances that could be enac
ted, and who felt the tutor folly of run
ning two tickets, a game at which Mr.
Lincoln only was to win.
The vonscrvative men of the Stale nre
nbo anxious to carry the October election (George R.
and savo the party nsa unit for future tri- Guthri nc
umphs, which could not be ofl'ucled under
the "clean victory or clean defeat" policy
of Mr. Forney. "Will the editor of the
J 'ess "ivo us a fo- articles in favor ol'Gen-
Demooraiio Congressional Conference.
Agrcenblo to a Resolution passed at the
Congressional Conference of the
Democratic Conferees from the several
counties composing tho 24th Congressio
nal District, met at the Court House, in
Rrookvillo, on Wednesday the Sth day of
August to nlaco in nomination a candi
date to be supported by the Democratic
party at tho ensuing election.
The Convention organized by nppoinS
ing Orris Hall, Esq, of Warren county,
President, and John E. Carroll, ol Jcilor-
son, and James B. Knox, Sccrctarias.
The names of tho counties being called
in alphabetical order, tli6 following dele
gales wero admitted.
Clarion. B. J. Raid, James Knox, nnd
James C. Galbraith.
Clearfield. L. J. Crans, Win. A. Wallace
and John M. Cuinmings.
Eli: Georgo Dickenson, McTnfi'e.
Mt. Joy Pio Nio.
Accoruing to previous nrranccmeni
ii.., :i....i r Hf . t.. . - ,lf
w.u j. nun iviiuin ui jiii. ovy IllCfc in a groVQ
near'thc School House, for tho purpost
oi ivuiicssiug nn vMiiiHuou ni iue close of
Miss Tabitha' Wallace's"' school.1 surf u
partake of the good things provided, and
urougui to ino grouna oy uio J.adics.
The inhi'bltants niot about ten o'clock I
when on motion, Cnpt. M. Ogdon wul
chosen President, Mr. ilhani Walla
ami wr. jonii usons vice ircsKionts H
ll.hiiaw NJcrciary, ami uev. J. T, Colel
Cliapiam oi t,no day. Wilsoi Wallace,!
P. C. Shallner and Lewis Rishcl wero an.' I
pointed to draft rules for tho order of tU
day. After the table was spread with red
froshmcnts, tho Teacher and iupils wers'
escorted from tho school house lo the i
ground by the bind, nnd tho comniitU
reported tlio following rules. 1st, 'Jhit
tlio exercise ho opened hy singing, and
Prayer by the Rev. J. T. Cole. 2d, Kxhi.
bition by the school nnd an address dolir.
ered by Kev. J. T. Cole. 3rd, That all
partako of Jt ho refreshments prcpured W
tho ladic3. 4th, That the Chaplain Ukf
ins seat at tlio Iicad of tlie table; afte.
wincn the hand and scholars shall besejt.
cd next, and Hint ull others that are pre.
cut bo served. Ctli, That the coinpar.
enjoy themselves tho remainder of thodai
ill peace and harmony. Oth, Hint H
iuu;uuiii9 .iu iuinianeu in uur VAfunn
The excrciso being opened by Rev. J.!
caio. iho exhibition was then comnict
ccd which was gone through vitli4ii
very eloquent manner, with credit tobot
teacher and pupils, and shows that no
ii.t . i.t . ...
nor nns ucen snared on tueir part m n
ceivo the hearty approval of all. Aft.
winch tho Rev. J. 1. Colo was called
tho stand and addressed the audience
an able and eloquent manner. The com
pany then all partook of an excellent d
ner of tho abundant pood things provide
lor tlio occasion, to winch children an
visitors done ample mstico. Tho remain
der of tho day was spent in a very nil
ant manner the puronts returned home
an early hour and the young folks enjn
ed themselves in peace and good frieir
ship, well satisfied with Ihc order, and c;
joy monls of the day.
i . I
ville is taken tho census of Lake Count
Tho other day ho reooeivd a call from J
old fanner at whoso house he had call J
a few days before, in one of Ihc towns!
had canvassed, The farmer fumbled snl
nmi cu uics Ji. i.iiiis. wardly with bis hat, and did'nt socm
j-orest. .101111 u. Hunt, Mimiioi Kin. know exactly bov to get at bis bnsin,
caid.anaF.M. Kennedy. Mat inquired ul'ter tho health of hit,
Jejerson.K. L. Blood, W . D, J. Mar- lccI1 children, all under seventeen yean
Itn nn(l .Tnlin !. l:-nM'nll i . . . . . . . ...
.......... .. ... ago, wuo-o names no rcmeniiiorcd loii
Mchcan. lownsend 1-all, nnd . L. taken, spoko about tho weather, Ac,
Dike, with authority to cast throe votes. lll0 ,l0I10sl oU fai.nit.r ,wmci to .
lenan'o. C. Ileydnck, l. Merrick, and )Pl0ro n, niol.e embarrassed. At lei:
ii- .1 xt ii , Itho visitor blurted out, "My old woti
, . . ' "UW1"1' sent mo down to tc'l vou to coiiif.
nnu . 'rris jian.
On motion tho Convention proceeded
to nominate candidates to bo voted for by
tho Convention where upon Mr Onlbraiih
nominated Patrick Kerr. nl'Claiion, Mr
Martin nominated Win P Jcnks, of Jel
forson, Mr Whiltakcr nominated James
K Kerr, of Vennr.go, Mr. Dike nominated
Barreli, ot Cleailield, F. B.
nominated U N Paimloc, of Wnr-
rcn, and Mr Wallaco nominated James T.
Loonard ol Ucarlicld.
The Convontioil procoeded to ballot ;
and take the census over .again AVij
another one! .levelanl JK inocrat.
Clear tic! (I ftlarE&cl
mass of tho Deuwcracy of tho State.
nn excellent member.
Tho election of Benton nnd Biadv is a
'ed fact. The "Slave Code,"
For Counly Commissioner we havo Sam-' lllllc'4"Kepublieans aro in tho con
ucl C. Thompson Esq., of Morris tn. ono'B,ant rraclic3 of charging that the South
or the oldest nnd firmest Democrats in lhe!ern I)ernocrn7 nd supporters of Brock- lion V
i otinly, nnd an excellent business man
well qualified to discharge thc dutiej of
county Commissioner,
our country's Oene,ictors can
found only tho names of Black Republi
cans. Hero is ono J lute James 1. of Cen
tre county, nnd ono Lluir S. S. of Blair
county, both of whom imposed themselves
on tho pooplo of the adjoining districts ns
being "opposed to nny interference with
slavery . in tho stales whero it exists"
both nro Black Republicans both voted
for this resolution, nnd both, for their fi
delity to principles, havo subsequently
resumed tho unqualified endorsement of a
Rlaek Republican constituency. Here,
too, nro tho names of Sherman and Bur-
lingnmo, Washburn nnd Colfax, nnd of
tho Republican party generally. Tho
empty twaddle about Clay, Webster and
Jcirorson having Blood on the ground notv
occupied by tho Black Republicans, is a
miserablo libel on tho illustrious doad.
No patriot ever sanctioned such treasonable her
esies. AVnr upon tho institutions of our
country has no defenders oulsido tho Re
publicnn camp, and oven this party is a
shamed or afraid to givo tho record to iho
people. Who voted fi.r "Blake's Resolu
tion" for the "annihilation of slavery
wherever it exists under tho Conttitu-
Thero is Blair, and Burlingamc,
eral Foster for Governor ? Will ho say
ono word against tho election of Cur
tin, or Lincoln, or Bell? On tho contra
ry does ho not adviso a coalition with
niioi.r.sALK and nr.T.ui. rmccs crimen
CnrrO'itod weolily liy C, Kiutuku
Wholesale nnd llctuil Poiilers in (irocer'w,
visions, nnd General Dry Goods,
flll.'kwIlPIlt "rl 1u
when tlio voto stood, 1st ballot, 1'. Kerr,)'.) live " '
Wm P Jcnks, 3 ; James KKerr J; (Joorao 'rod" . " "
K Barrett, 4 ; O N Parmlee, 2 -, JamcsJ't' i 'ro (enrs,)" " .
Leonard, 3 voles No candidato having a ! '''"vcr ccd per. bii-li.
majority of all the votes, tlio namo of i " ' .'" ' u 1
. ..I
, 1 . . .1 .r . .. . . a . . i. . . . . !.... l 11 . . . r J...rn
inein io iioieni wnom '. not nrccKmrKlgo, '.nuign jv i ii riui. win uyiur . ynln, i.
but the Democracy. If hu the Hard and Hike, find the Convention again proceoiU ! pried Apples, 'r.i 1.
ed to ballot Fortv onu ballots wero Lak-
his 'on without making a nomination, when a
Soft quarrel of New York can bo inaugu
rated, Mr. l ornev will have clinched
bargain and pocketed his price. Ho may
their rench what ho is now struggling to
attain, Mr. Bigler's placo in tbo United
Slates Senate, through Black Republican
Wo have, indubitable evidence that the
ftrr.mgempnl mndo by the State Commit
tee is an excellent one, in the fact, that nil
the Republican papers, Forney's iV in
cluded, opposo it. The Jimrnnf, of-our
own city, is in a most pertubed sfato of
niind at the prospect of defeat that ctares
it and its party in the face. Tho compro
mise is such a one as will sccuro tho cn
tiro Democratic volo of Pennsylvania to
tho regularly nominated Democratic can
didates, Stephen A. Dotnrlasnnd Hersehel
V. Johnson. Under the resolution of the! Jonks, Esq, of Jefferson, bad 3 votes Mr
Kirs t1 dor..
U.'UIIS 1,1 Pill
Salt f.' riaik.
Hops 'f Ih
IiaSS " :
IJncon, hums nnd side",
jinridge, ro in fuvor of "Slavo Code" and Grow, and Halo, and Kcllopg, and
in oiucr wonis.inanneynro in lavor of J.ovejoj', and Sherman, nnd Washburn
Congressional legislation to establish and i tho very bono and sinews of the Rennbi:.
... . - i . . - .
ror yiudiior wo have P.. C. Bowman of L'"cuune slavery in t no i ern tones to can party- the gcat lights of tho pnrty,
Decatur tp., oneof iho best business , i fwee ilavcry upon tho pcoplo of tho TcrrK1 and tho expounders of its nrinoinlM
in lh county, nnd an escellcnt accounl-),ovics w,,elljor l'ipy willing to hc.-vc it and Iho principles aro in necordanca'
nnt, and withal one of the best democrats I orn?1-' Wq ftl'sw'ry l''t Iho same chargo, with Gen. Tntton's "settled convictions!
;iimi in lliosamo lanctiace. isasnersis nntlwlnnd foel rifro " n..,l I. ,..','l. :.
I l- ' ---"-.r ""C ' .VJ niliwi
inane by the (.traiLdit-oi.t
Dnnglas. To SliO'V
r : ii nuii-.''
. , .. . .,,,.,, uni-m me oesi ncui
jn tho county voting and vigorous.
i-ommittee, every Tricnd of Douglas nnd
regular nominations can and will vote, as
ve havo always contended thev tliould,
"for tho ticket of tho National Democra
cy with Douglas at its head."
Bepresentativa Conference
At a meeting of the Representative
Conforeos from tho Counties of Clearfield,
Elk, JofTorson and M'Koan, convened
pursuant to public nolico in the Court
IIouso in Ridgway, on Thursdry tho lGth
inst., for tho purpose of nominating Rep
resentative, candidates, Cleorgo Worn,
Esq., was called to tho chair and Wm.
IFilkins, Kni, al LV. R. B. Brown woro
chosen secretaries.
. Upon calling over the counties, tho fol
lowing responded and took thoir seats:
Clearfield, J. II. Larrimer and II. Wood
ward, Esq., Elk, Hon. Geo.. Dickonson,
Seorgo Weiss, and J, S. Hyde, Esris., ;
Jeflorson, Dr. R. B, Brown, N. Carrier and
J. P. Goorgo, Esqs. ; M'Koan. S. A- Back
us, Wm. Wilkin and J. C. Hyde Esqs.
The following gontlonion were presenU
cd to tho Convention for their considera
S. A.. Backus, Esq, nominated A. M.
Benton. ;
J. P. Goorgo nominated E. R. Brady.
Judgo Dickenson nominatod JofTerson
L. Brown, nnd J. II. Larrimer nominated
John P, Hoyt.
Upon thc'6th ballot, A. M. Benton nnd
motion was mndo and carried to adjourn j
till i o clock, on Ihursday morning Ad
journed Mornino, 7J The Conven
tion was called to order by Mr Hall, and
immediately proceeded to ballot for can
,i:.)..iAn .
.,i .i . . m T OTK'E, in licrel.y niven thnl "tlio
At DI-IAnl. n-fi i ivn till! imp 1 nun hniiMinnn . - " . 1
. '. v. """""""I"1"'.!! nccmiiitE linvo l rn exiilni lied
10 give our readers Hie Oilloronl ballots , l.y me, nnd reniaiind filed of record In
wincn were nnd, or a coircet reiort ol llic heo for the iufpeotioii of heirs, IohIam.
numerous speoc.hos and suggestions which I t"n, ..lluis in nny other way ii
were made. 'J'his wo nro (impelled to do. '?J' n"d w ,l0 1'ieKiiie.l to tho next 0'
l iv linlil nnvf wnolj- 'I'lin i U'uurt of C'li-i.i field county, lo ho '
in n nnl.lw.ll w II..I ll ;..i. ..... ' (-'""'l Houko. in Iho llOIOIlKh of ClfftrtifMl
1 ;.l lot lmra If Km" . . f'V 'T ! ',"C". "B " l
. .;' . . Y'""'b ior 1110 comirinaiion itnd iillowsneo : I
county, rccciVOd L.j votes, lion .) 1' Leon- Tho ncconnt of Oeo. Jacob Vons AH
nrd, of Clearfield, hi d 5j voles, and W P ; tor of tlio Roods nnd chidtelK, rigliu ni
;iu,ot Ucorg Uiiitcr Into ol linidyU'i
u icnriielil ooiinty (Iceonee.l.
Kerr, of Venango,, having received the
majority ofall tho votes cast, was declared
by tho President of tho Convonlion, its
nominco for Congress The noinination
was on motion of Mr "Vhittaker, mndo u
Next week we will givo a moro full no
count of the proceedings of tho Conven
tion, but will say Ihat the Democracy of
tho 2 Kb District have a candidate of whom
they havo every right to bo jnoud. We
havo known him intimately and well for
twonty years, and although l;o was not
our first choice, we aro glad that so good
a man has boon chosen as JumosK. Kerr.
1 Ul'. v!l( ! j l ! . , -, .
, "il h'.vf
ticket, with Henry D
K'rr, A M, I
ontou, E
t be-
"'-' ' . V'-, lovi.l
I'oster, James K.
b' M f
w are in, E. R, Bradvwercunanininiisltf
hl-out supporters of formed he will Ire true, we trust the Gen- On motion S. A. Backus, '.1. II Larrimer
how much reason and oral will far the music, and tell the proband J. F. George, E,qs.,wcro appointed a
ii trim fli nrn in !n 11.!,- '.1,1 1. .
,.,,,:, "'"'S'':! '" " "onu on ma J'.iako llesolu- committee on resolutions, which was un
we here r,,bl,sh the resolu.ion of the Con-; tions. II "true to his party," ho must' animously adopted.
...wiur, 1.1 tcKinnugo. gi veins unquuliliod assenltothoannihi, Jf.-SuW, Thit wo heartily
Meeting- of the Foster Club Ko. 1.
of Clearfield. .
In pur.iuanco of previous appointment
"Tho Foster Club No. 1." of Clearfield .
met at tho Town Hall in this Borough en
Tuesday evening the Villi inst.
In tho absenco of Gen. J. II. Larrimer,
President ; tho Club was callod to order by
G. B. Goodlander, Esq., Vice rrosidont.
Loavo was asked by W. A. Wallaco,
chair man of the Committco on Constitution
and By-lawi for tho government oftho
Club, to havo until tho next meeting lo
mako report Granted.
Israel Test, Esq., was then called for
and addressod tho mooting at considera
ble length, showing tho proprioty of tho
action of tho Stato Central Committe nt
Philadelphia on tho 2d of July, and also
at Crcsson on the Oth of August. His ad
dress was received with great applause.
On motion of W. A. Wallaco, Esq., Ro-
solved that wo approvo of, and ratify the
aotion of the Stato Central ComuiiUooat
The undersigned oilers for pii1c,'
farm iu t'enn township ; formerly o
now occupied by Richard Denver jr: tf
nliout SO no re, lmnnder! by Inn.l of J
Iloyt, Tho. Martin nnd Jonnllinn Wi
milo west of l'ennvillo. From 0 to t"
cleared a pood fr.nno dwelling ho'
bnrn, nnd other buildings erected lliortw
a Kiod bearing urchnrd nnd ncrc
ppring on tho prcmUes, nnd will b
rensonnhlo lerins. For which npplT W1'
vin CurwenFvillo, HK'JIAHD DK.NViH
A up. 22th 1S0 3m. PemJ
A (Dmircill 4'B Yv3mrir Lit
The fuluerlher will send (free of th"
who desiro It, the Hoelpe nnd diroctlniii
inr n liinple I metnUt Jlnlm. tbat win,
two to ciiilit dnys, remove Piiuplefc
Tan t'rtrlslt; Hnllowncas, and nil imp11'
roughnots of the Skin, ltavina llie t.M
turo intendod it should be toft, rlrar.H
uenutijui, iiiooo desiring tho Kecel)J
inctruclions, directions, and advic. J
call on, or addrens (with rohirn pnrtf
Ko.3J City i!uildig,
Aug. tn ispfl. .mo.
Thlrty.K inth and Market Street
I'rof. K. I) CORTLAND Mil
Hon. WM. DIALER, CloarOold Vtf
IMS, Eiq. of th Merohanti UoU
linn. .1. W. VnilVl'V ..r.'ll.n 1'rlWl
v liSXUKOOh, of tho 8. S. Union : ij
AtAY?iiin. wiiii. m.nnr. . r .f.lf
Ksq., l're't or the Lehigh Coat M
vhom have ton) inrtrrlinn 1. Snnnit
will irivo thoir frionda who mat bs H
j a sale, tborottgh and ploaront bchooli
laintion desired rocpocting tliii Semi'
A Cr.vo and Lawn of I'ltillT
Crneenn An fill, f A.. . 1 Ml A (i'VO and Lawn of I'll
"ir1"'" w iuvii iwmuuu iu iue uiuiusi rention ni J 'liytieal eercie,