Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 22, 1860, Image 3

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lloinr Alliihs.
1 1
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llllp Ml III!.' I,
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I, "I
Ml li' i I Mil' I I lM , M
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l i'l
It I I
I .Mil
l.iy An
i I Mi. II,,,..
i, 1 1 1 i,'i i, " en
I'l li" I 'imi,
i r in cliniv'i
,, I Ik, I.. , ,
'.: i i i ',.m,,.
Win l !
I'm Mims rs rin ii Wii t It it
puMi.h im i, in' lift tic civ:it lp, eeli
m i lo l.y t ! i o I'r.'ruli-nt nl llio Whit,., ll iii .
ilM tin- '.Hli of .Inly 1.,-t.
Wo In.po it w ill l,f read l.y ;.!. It ..
Hoar, 'l;iin mi I cotu-lti.-ivo ;'ivr ( he i'.wl
ami notliiir.' Io.-::. Tim j n i 1 1 . i . I . s there
laid dovn, mut t and w ill so, mor or, r
I o, adopted l.y a iii.'jurlly of tin' people
of tlio United states, nl- revolution and
anarchy will rein triumphant throughout
our land and nation.
1eaii. Mrs Unit ivil'o ol'tlio Post JfasJ
tt'l" (ioncral tiiod nt Washington on tlio
1 Ith ni.t, 8111'iounded l.y iv lar'o tirelo cf
1't'lationn and friends, Her remains were !
conveyed to her late homo in Kentucky.
.iiu una u iiauuuu'i' ui r..-i osi lU'.nter
(Icn Wiokliilb I'l
- i
t-:yAl:-ut ! luu-c tMnpura.-il r,i rro,r.i ,
iontil tuur.V. C., Aiulrotynisi
of'.'lcarfield, taken this method loan.
... , , . , .,, ,
nouneo to tlio nubhe. that l:o wi 1 c ..s.i
his Ciullcvy on tho UTtli Au. (inst,) for
tho I'liri'Otv of making a ro!ossional tour,
of irohalily novoral months. Those wish
ing Anibrotypos can Kceuro his services
during tho nican time. In ml lition to
his .stock of cheap cases always on hand,
in a low nays no win oo Mij iniea wait an
apartment of fane; cjsr.s, at lower prices
iliui) ever boforosold in Clearlield county.
Aug. In, 'Cs-'2i.
Sold Again?
Tho l.ditor of tho S:.fhc' reoius
to be very unrortunato. as rojard.'s his
correi'iiondeiits f.-n:n (hi ; , ofwlioui,
Ijo lias had several.
1 f ho was aware of tho political stand
iln; of his r.laek-;:'.iard correspondent ol
lOllt iin.t., iv o know very Well that he
would not sloop to notieo such a leaven
per, ns ho i.; Icnown to be in this commu
nity. Tho Kditor publi-hes his letter as
n matter of news; it may bo cl.-eii In re,
but hero it is, the article ho deal j out eve
ry day in tho street tho whole letter was
known to the boys in tho street two days
l.cforo it appeared in tl
whole letter id a ti olio of falsehood from
begipnin to end I up in the re;'
ular Hyena, or Jackal I style devouring
everything but hiutielf.
X, in ai visiblo to our rer.dors in his hall
column of slanders ns tho vestibule upon
our new Court House, to him is
just to see him.
C r C S 3 0 .
Tho following sentiment, tvo ropy from,
llio l!r lurl (!::. 'J, heretofore ono ol Uie
nost iiunoniproiiiisiiiir Dotu.l.ts ji.iners in
tho Stale, and no doubt it reflects the sen
timents of ilr. Cessna. Wo illicit (ill
half of our pnper this week with i-imilar
extracts from Doiudas papers in this
Stile ; howover, tho two Lincoln papers
tho Vt'A'-? and Saiib-.d, howl (remvudoudy
nt the CrcHaon nrrangoment, as do all the
ether P.lark Ifepubliean papers.
"This result is n real victory for the
Ponghis men not tliat it L'ives them tiny
Tiiuluo ndvautaj-'O over the friends ol
Breckinridge, but bceause in eomplianee
with their request, tho fnriner proposi
tion effusion has been ibandoned, and a
much fairer and more equitable plan of
union ollered by tho t'ommitteo. Wo
are, therefore, not without hope that t lie
iliU'erenoos in the party may yet be so
reconciled to enable the entire Democ
racy of the Stale, to vote for ono set of
Electors and thus defeat and diseo;rfit
the lilaek Republican horde."
Pursuant to adjournment, the Luthers
Vurg democratic eiub inef, on Saturday
oyening last. President, l. (ioodhmdor
Ks.j. in the t-lmir.
On leavo given, Dr. Goorro U'ilson rose
to make a personal explanation, which
soon turned out to be a Douglas speech,
in which ho characterised Ihc Broekin-
l-K go men as scceders, and disloyal to the j saIlffer jiav0 conocleil 0Vf.r sG0,00: fo
regukir democratic orgamzntion, proved ,vnrds re-iml.urinu' the Government for
tohisonn .atisfact.or. that tho mmuta- Ml.. FowIel,s .fiH,,,,. Sumhcvs of tho
. ..o on yi-aiiniwato u rti y
of the support of tho Democracy ol l.rady
A IV 1 1 r '
inivnenin. nni nviiiniiL'n, I it i t-io ( 1 1 n n t I
rosed to ', V union nt this mo ro-ml-1
ing it ns premature, llo was iollowod in
f v . c - - i
reply by Dr. Iloycr, who answered all his
objections, detended the ac tion of the ex
ecutive committee, and closed his cpoech
with a strong, njipcal for a union 'on the
heading electoral ticket. After "which,
the constitution was ugain road and oiler
Oil for signers.
Whereupon an effort was mn.In hv Dr.
xv :. . ' ... . " . J '
t lisuil
lon to oncraft a series of resolutions
tho club previous to his signing tho 1
cf 1T.I1 , At. 'I'l ....... .1 I
consiiLuiioii. ii,0 conMitutton was then '
"r. . '" w memners uioso op- in iinion r,.r.,..: i .... ,
" , . "lining ID hipn H.
1 ho ehaif man of tho comniittuo on ros
olutions nppomtc.l r.t a previous ineetin;',
then ollered the following, which ,vero
itilnttl rvl
lrlTrWiTho present bein- an im-'
portant Kra in tho history of iho De.nn 1
.,...: .i ', , , " .
u"ul 'ii. I,' , uul, en goo.l
men urn patriots may contemplate with
aiiiugio.1 emotion 01 luar ami Iiopo, as
thoy ftlanco at tho past and present, ho
noMiii-; tho lark cloud which in .lays
past threatened tho dissolution of our
happy union, niin lirewinjj in the politi
cal heaven, ivhieh we had sincerely hoped
was dispelled for ever, and that tho
hri'lit star of and promise should
mono span our political horizon, and
ii it
'i.t.-.m, In thischeeriu" liopn ivehavo
li.umony leaning in our i-arty and
j heon
tr fr r, 1 Z discord
twite, ami wn icar pi operations lor civil
ii' i
1 1
i'lil 'In
i ill in
I ;
I i,l
tl.ll I "III!
t 1 lrtr,,i I,
n ii.' mi I', ,
iii'Mi ' r Mil
I "'
l'i , I
in i
Ill l' III" III
. III. I ill t
lll'.'l I' I'i'll I
If Hi':,, I
io miili in
t-nt lull
il.'. ,1,
n,"i " .
illv .,
i l In Hi,, ii, M nl hi
"I .1 . I , .,( mi l ri"-. il' ' h..l i,
Thai wo II... il,'hi,'i i,..y of I'.t.i'ly
I'. ' li- Mid llio 1 'iv i rvatli'ii el 'i,,'
' 1 1 1 1 1 )' i'l l'i" il, ini'ciat i.',) oi j'.n.i, ,i
lion, which un-i in happily iirnij-iii-iit",!
I'V til" I'Vll'lih;; C'UVl hli.')), IH 'lif til"
: I, ulr I ilil"i l.ihr" (,. li,,, i, i, ',,,,, i ,,,.1
luluu; Urli.ui' of (li,. na'.i.iiial I '.'iiioiial ii
j party, in., I iv c approvoand ratify tli.
j Im"s of hni, in li oiiinioii. It .l by the Main
Kxeeu'.ive (.'.iliimilli'O, whereby tlio i',.,'.
dual ti k.'t pliee, in nomination l.y that
i I '.'livi'lilinn, may fairly mi,l hone-tly re
'ceivo llio inppoi I of every Iornoerutio
voter in r.'ini.-y lvanin, -wlio truly dishes
tl.o defeat of llio J.'.lack h'cpiil.hciin ean-
Ul'l III'.
wil- That tlio I'Avoi ninont ol'n Torrilo
ry, ora.iiiio'l I'V an act of I'onoross, is pro
visional anil temporary, an 1 'during' its
p.iilemu all citi.en.-, nt tl.o I niicn states
h.iveay ciual ri'dit f J bettlo wil t their
I'lOhOrtv 111 1 ho 'I'l'i'iilnrt' iiillinnl ll,,.l,.
i."hts. cilherol oet'snii or i,rntii'l, l,rI.i,r
lostrovodor iniured l.y Con-Hinp'tl or
I- . ,. ' .. " ' ' ul iorisiai on.
-l;h. That U is the duty of tho federal
,':ovnrinnont, iu all its ileiiarttiients, to
' . . -c -' l,y,'Col's ,Hi" VV"- s i
Jymtlic lorrilories, iiiHMvhe.'everolso l!s ,
i i . . "'"V
. .'ii-iiiiiiiijiiai auiuoi uy
nth. That wo attest our heartv .,i,i'n-
val ol tho nomuiatioi: of tlio lion- II. D.
I-'o.sti:!' of Westmoreland muni v. m our
eaudi'lato for ( iovcrnor that his jiuljlio
career has eoiu'lu.ivt.'l v nroved his cmi-l
."-in i.iiimi.-s, an, i tns uiiiaiierit)!' . evo-
, l 1 ....- i.
tinn to tho true interest of our-' glories
Stale and tho I'liion" that the honesty
I and puritjMtfhi.-; private character, as at
j tested by those who know him bet t, sta id
j hi.L'lt ah.ivo suspicion, and tliat we oled 'o.
to h;m our hearty and undivided hinniuit
... ,1. ...I,.. 1 .... .1. ,' 1
in uiu wciuDor ejection. i
After tho ado'tion of tho lenort of the!
'omniiiteo a conversational debate
t.onventior. al laookvillo for Con;:rcs.;.
.Ion, James K, Kerr, a etitleman in
wjiom the Democracy reeo-nizn ;m able
ehrimpion an.! a sound democrat, r.nd our
votu in dctober will attest the uneu ity ol
our deelaralioiis.
On motion, (he club adjourned, to meet
ajrain on Saturday next.
J.LVKIi I'LliiiAL, Secretary.
Eepr.blican Relics of the Campaign.
The New Voik , ,('. i'.ibli.des"tho fol
lowing list of relics, dicovcred by a polit
ii'id aiiti'jU i;ian, which he proposes to sell
cheap to those who may desire to adorn
some campaign wigwam. The list tj!l bo
read with inti rest 7
1. Handle of tho maul with which Lin
coln split his lir.-t rail.
f'lin'vr.l' (nl, .,,.. i,im.!Mli 1 .1.,..:.. .
...,.v.. ,w.,i.v..,v.,
'.ha oiK'ration
'!. W'nisi haml of 1 reecho rplit durin
tho ("oration.
I. l'ateh of sent ditto.
f. I'oi'trait of the man who'-looj .-i:'ai::-a
tree lookinsr at (lid Alio s Ti t i m ' ilw .Ti
jOhl Abo tol.l him if ):C kept on .'JUerin ' '
tltovn l.o'.l .-. i
,. , . . "..UV.,,';,,,..-.,, 11
0. Horns of the o::on which hau'.cJ the
v.-iirranted j
lied in tho
7. Half oruh! key (ri
to kill !-.t a" d yard.-) d
hollow, hv Old Ah"."
f ( M'i'.'inal ti.i pot out of
vhiehCld Ale
tool; his drinks.
!!. View of that grocery. (l.y
our own
art i t on the Hint."
10. Strirg of ono of tho original hroi' Mi:;
worn l,y tho ) rophet in hiii lu'L-ira I'roni
Kontueky to Illinois.
.1 i i . i e i ,. i . i .
ii. nan a pounu oi oesi i oun' Jiyson :
-cli hy old Al.o ns n jrrocer, lo the mio oi l -the)
first white chil l horn in Sang t: ion
12. Pino knot from tho original hut '
01'Winal ht:t '
indu!;:od in for a short time, when tho lob, A 'Wl!'''"''"! NTICi:.-ltio,!'
resolution was cil'.-ved by Dr T J I i5L wf, ,A !",""l,r"".on 1,,llvi"r "i1
I'r... l .. i I.. .'i-.uiU'l l'i llio ui:,liTsiiH',l on t i,' .'.-till" nf 1 i'mi-
bou'i and una ,imeu-ly ad;,pted. Vwcvs hAo ,' lvr,,s..., Cl.:.rli.,Uc....ty
l.esoa-ea, 1 hat we I'.eai lily iipprove and ; l'.i. ,l,v,,l., nil poni'ias in ! M,-,l t) t.ii t .'.-t .lo
ratify the nomination made !v il.n Inie Lire r.-niostj.l t, 1ii:,!:ii i l;'.tiicili:i t o n vinrtit . niiil
hllilt hy Uuelo Al0. from lumber got cut'1'1 Centre county and to mo directed, thero will j
l.y his own hands. 1 ''- exposed t) public .-alo a! the Court llouseia
13. Hair from tho niano of tho I.orsc ' 1!ell,,;1;,.Mt"; ?" M-mday, the 27lh U:iy of AuXu.-i j
ivhieh won tl i"irn of ivl.iel. l'nel l.e -J tCX. , f'.,,,,",vl"'' Pr"l,r,y. " :
U0" " laco01 Lnc-'fi Abcwa-, .mi thori-ht, ti 1 io and interen of 1). .Ah Dil-
I I. Ihtto from tail of losing horse in the
ante raeo.
In. Tooth knoekod out of a man's head
lFlio four-ht another man, and chose Old
Aho for referonco.
1C IV ,.(., 'i.i'Cii .1 1 1 1 1
1'.. i ortnut o! Old Abo when ho tried
iu iuuk I'letty anu ii itrinenou a ciiua 01 ,
ono ol tho Inst, families in the country in"
to onvulsions.
Tho l'oivler (Jounnittco, consistm;; of
Messrs. I.-ano llcll, Jhratn Cranston. Kli.
I in 1 1 I'V l'.ll'llv 111" IVmn n,,.l I.,. 1 W
persons to whom Mr. J'. lout larpi
of luoneVt (vithout fllki , m
go sums
T" 7 W,',l,,Cn fnmvle.lmont, iiavo ;
, - . . . i
tuiui; iui iiri.1 ui h i i t;ii 1 1 I ii ui iniu n
Committee Iho ..nlimnmounl ,lrt I
IrTho last thin- in the way of politi-,
l .i i::.,.. : "i,,
' 7 "'s '., " 1CUL sur-
rounded with a rail fence. On ono end of
tho Cnveloi'O ii a portrait oftlld A lie." i
and licncnth it the identical (hit-boat
which is said that indivdual used to run. I
he rn.Traver fnilo.1 in i.rn.Iiien f.'m nl I
which he used to sell In n.ilo.fnni. whiA-,,,- I
No doubt "Old Abo.'To uso tho l.'cuubl'i-
. . . - - .
can sobroouict, h is split rails, and it is e-
(pially true that theso rai s w sp t him
1 J
fry A good Sewing Jlachino in a fami-(
ly is a treasure. Iiavo you seen the Ma-1
chino called tho "IWf If not, wo tub ;
re;"101'8 "ho may not
ll!lvo u11 tllc "olk tlicy n attend to, to
..:,.,.... t . , .
im no io inr. o. iX . noyian, III JUilan, Ulno, !
and got tho company's confidential terms
to ,, ( i
. t. ut.v. j uuii hujiijj WCH LlIUUlTtMl, Willi f
The I-uzorno Vnlm, puhlishcd at. tho valuable wliito Tine timber nnd having a ttreuin , To I'd'SOIlS Ollt of KmploviIlCllt.
of Col. 11. R. Wlicht. tho President !r;iu'r H""-eon, which can bo uiado naviKable i rrvT WAVTrn tiwit .1 v
dth of I..K f'n.u,.,, V l fur l'K "r "I'n which a Saw Mill tiiint be A VrN,a ;ATLD I0SLLL tho Lno fecw
w! . , 'LtO' Vt ',llO,,lCOCll0S t0 "cetod, lato tho estate of Sanil CaMw 11 1 -A infi Machine.
of the
I in I ci,.... .... .... ...
.1 .
llinl lrll . 1 l"l"-i'-'
1 ai liol'l oiitnoatlist it nro few indeed, '
IIIO tlraitrllt-oilt. niOVeillcnl. Lna '
... ' lO .'IllTrmilllV I in ....rMM-a
whittled down to almost nothing. lUtu-!
'c,ilts ,iro h0 wtsily translcrrcd U tho
;:r",,kii,,s M Mn ror,;ona i...ngi-
Vy-Tho I.ady who vvas Urcuk will,
ha mm n.
' . I, I ," !,
I III 'II I , I l,"
I ' 'II I' ) '. 1 .
'I i. ii I . ill i I M"iii.
'' I I.
mi I. "
.1. M
'h 1 1
II' I- ;
'. all'
I M"
W 1 1
A. I
.1 III
'ill, ill I'M"
I'm li" Sn ( I
. , I I )
"i i in
ui.i M
'in ii -..
li ' Hi li a ! :ir, nh. I ;' nit,' I , ,
'In lint nlivnj in. . I,
I"' t III. Ill't ll'HV ill III. ; m o
I'll!', l-iidio:
I'i'i' mid lno'her lin y hiniiin,
'V.'ly infant .lone.
I ha,
claim. si. mid look his own.
on cat tl. is diiii...
Weep lint your Old,.' is five, from caio,
llo is not ilea, , ut fdicinj there
Jio was nut yours, I ut ( ,'hri't , dnnt
Ho loved Ii i in best, mid look him homo.
.'. A. T.
ATTOIINDV AT I, AW, ..(liro n.lj.iinii.q
rL'salt'iiiio on Si'i'iinJ Hlri'it, I'loml iJ. I n. '
Juno 1. IS5 I.
Tlio roiniiH.-.-iun.ira of l'..irtltl.l coiinly will
o in kcm,,ii on l'ri.lay llio L'ltli ,la.y Annual,
1 1 . r " Clouriiul.l ltor,.!!!. All
t'lT.-.ais iiivnii- iiisi.i,.s ;!. .1 ai ." 1
"it tint tiaio "'
''' ''"' wu p EKAI), ,.y
Ai.K'i'-t 15 lsiitf. '" ' ' "n,rV. '
ir'HOX,AH iH'i-.-oiis ii ro liorol.v c-i.uli',n-
iiiiin.l liar!i,mi'i,;:f, liii-i,,.. or tnirt ill-', in v
,v,in Jiu'"l, (in my ii,v, unit, tf 1 lim (K't,..rini-,i,',
I., t'l.y in. ,l"lt f UU . ..iitrii'ilin, iifti'i- tUo L'llt
,lny of July lust, nii,l will in-osoc'iito nil n'i-suns
i'T Ins wi.-.s that uiny liir,' or ciri t,l, i v l,im.
'ii'.v l.iiii, i sno. at.
Clearfield F.ifle Comj any.
Von will meet ('..r drill tind j.r.fiulo jit
tho Mount ,loy School I loui , on Saturday
the 'Jntli day of Au;'ii-t, at In o'clock A.
M., in summer uniform with arms and ac
coutrements in .;ood older, and sup( bed
with six rounds of blank cartridge. In' or-
ler of the (.'apt.
Aun. I, lM'0. JiUIX F. KoTHd.S.
tlio.-o havm;,' I'liiiins nL'i.nnt r:ii,l e-tiil,', urj r.. -','.i"-led
t'i iru.-oiii Hi, in duly until, 'ntieiitcJ lor
.atli'iiu'iit. KMIlhlNk UWKXS I
AXTilUXV JI1LK, j AJni'r.
I'oritfon li., Aa. (', li-(j,i.--."t.
l'i'? of l i ml for Sal.'. 1 j :u-r, ol' l.ieli
im J'l.i ve il , tlio linliini-e tve.l tin.'.ered
il'.i wliit .. ,ini', Oak, .'.ml lleiuloel; ; two Jwell-In-'
li.jii.-e--, ;-'.iw Mill, Liilh Miieliine. S t :i 1 : 1 o and
I'th.-r out l.iul'lin;---.
f iliiined one ninl a linlf miles Iroin Clenrflelil, i
mi the Turn l'i!..) loading tornnN L ulLn i-.-lni r;;.
1'ui- fnit'.icr ,iii-tieiilai-j ni'i'ly to tho tul.-crl'.or i
on tho I'li'ii-i.-es. 1
Aug. s, li.H).-Ct. I-r.AKL NICHOLS. !
-i'l 'virlae
lie), I county, Micro w ill lio e,oscd to public mle
. . I. .. I i- I ..... .. I'l : .. i .. .
1 L 1 J 1 is.iue juoom lu mo J vl'oil ; !l ot
(.'unvciiivillo on ,
!-Tl D Y i
'if : i-.ri KiMi'.i-.i;, a. i. is ;",
'at 1 o'. lock 1. M tho foKowin '
real '
, , . , ', ...... .......... ,.. , ui (
ninn Mioa.e i "ii me puone roan inn 1 1 i n li'oin
( b .'!!'.. M to Xow W.i sin 111 on) in I
ko to wn-
"'"f I' viirl.el.1 County l'enu a. Hounded on tho
ii'Tib l.y la ml bcloii.-ini,' t.. llio estat. of John
S. Cuiiy ilecced, on tlio ca.-t by l,n;,l of l'iteh
,v, Doynimi, on tho rtcft by lands of Woe A and Win Ilex, and on the snath l,v land
..f li, ".-.'.. V Curry. Coiitainin,'; l.vo lliiii.lred
'""I lil,''''n Acres more or less, bavin'; erected
,lier'""' a larf-' ""'-3t"r.y fimo (L) house,
w calher bn.iriii ,1 and p-.inled, witii cellar, a
! h:r;;o double l"j.'-barn, r.'iii-)iou.c, dry-hou.-e,
i w a'on-Mud, and about. one Iiuudred acic.i of
i cleared land, with il Juro beariin; onhald, mid
,' a neier failing -frin of Witter thereon, latu the
! ciitiile of lli' hard Curry deceased.
I, 10 per cent on day of pale, onc-!ialf
"l c L t; "'- ""u "? :
year with iiitere.-t to bo secure' by boui and ;
iiioi-l 'n;;o. ii .M. I, h. Adni r.,
"" "' " J" w ... vu.., ueveaae.i. 1
.,.. S U-,l. ,...' )' 1 , I
"I y virtue of s
.1 ) na.- i .'m-d i
ry writ.' of Vendition Kx,-i.
.1 1 na.-" 1- .ued out. of the Court of Common l'leas
,;;er, in the undivided ouo-hltu part, Ac., of.-ixj
j citain tiacts efland willitbo iinpiovemi-nts :
thereon, situated partly in Mori is lon nship, (.'tear-
,i,'IJ ciuniy, nud partly in Hush towu.hii, Ccu
; t.-o county.
Ir,"? V ."'r'3 tw ,'"
1 learaeld counly, was surveyed under warrant
, t.,,,,., v,,i,i ,,,i ii. ..,... ..,
Also. Onff tract sil.iated (is nbovo was pur
veyed in llio nuiuo of Jesso Varni.ld, and eon
tains live hundred nnd t,venly-oiio lures nnd al
lowance. Also. Ono tract fitualed in r,it;!i town.-diip,
Centre county, was furveyed under warrant to
r.eiijaniin Martin, nud contains IL'tiJ acre? and
Also. One tract ciliiated ns nbovo was sur
veyed under warrant to John AVcidinnn. cons
taininj,' 4 III acres nnd 70 perches and allowance.
Also. One tract nirvoved under warranl to
. - v t -j.
e.dmu.i, containinj; m acre and ;(a
i.... tract nituatcl n abovo waspur-
veyed under wnrrant to Jacob Hush, nnd eon-
t!,i,!.'i,"3 :,',.''crc3 "!"'" ','k1ic?'
1 hero bfinir eroded on tho nbovo described
property, two Sair Mills nnd fovcral dwelling i
Homes ""'b
!Sci.ed taken in execution ami In hn ol.l n. '
"hg property of 1). 1,1. Iiilcr.
. ., THU'ri McCOY, Sheriff.
' ncn" ben
cfonte, 1
8, 'fill J
CM,trc e-u",.v- A,,'
t'oi itr sai.i-:
-Iiy virtuo
,i mi u,,-i oi my t'lpiiau s court ol Uiear-
licld oounty. Thero will bo emiosed to toil, 1 1,.
i!o ul Ih.i Curl it,,,,.,. ; .1,.. T'... .no
lidd, on L
. .
' tract of land iiuato in Huston township, ciear-
. CtM co"'',y !'!1'', ''""voyo.l on a warrant in the
,namo of Davtd (aldttell. Ci.ntaininu 10a acres
,,d allowance, bounded by huida surveyed on
warrant in tl.o of Jamoa Wilson nnd lands
1,11110 Of J .111103
u Dame or Mm
warranted in tho name or Monro & liolaney: the
whole A said tract bcintr well limbered, with
ilccen - ii.l.
TKK.IH, one-fourth of Iho purchaso money
on ilnv i,f Kill.. r,n.r,,ril. n n, ,.
. .
ol ' Kn-'e. and llio l.ulaneo in two e,iunl annual
l"'"-'' 't-l inlen.jt from diy ot Sale, to bo
Aug. 8, 1SCH. of Samuel Caldwell, dee'd.
UliY UI1.1U.ILS for milo at the store of:
vin. F, Irwin, Clearliold l'.i.
H i i t. nit
v i,
i .
1 1,
i "i "i". i ,
.... I M "i .i ,
1 1 ,
i 0 i
'I !..
.-' I' i I
' II .1 .,
I.l I ' ,,
.. .1 VI
' : l ,1 1. 1-1
. i I !. .n,.
I "' I "I
I I," In
i ' Ii ,i n l I r
! I I. I I, ',il,, l'
I' I I ',.., II .
m i I A i, I
I,. !,'t r. m
I I I I HI,,. I',
I" t I in tl
'"''ii I .,
"ii 'Hint.
" I' ' Ml
1,1 li.' ,.!'
In- I'm 1
ii Iln' h i,,
i I -".I,',,. I
i'l.-iil in, -I 'I
IO' n I ' T
-.ii I V ii I
' l"i I' r mm I I
v i.l it.niiiiir y .'
n , i.iil.l dm
A lull nit. ii.
'II' .'I I- :,!'
li," i , U. !
.1 ,., , T, I ...
n I.. 'I I,,
'. I. V. '11,.. i
mil .1,
ni . ii
.1 .Im I'ii'I...,,
I.. i i , .1. i'mi
'"Im '. t . i r-1 '
' ii im-.-. I'linnl
VI in. T. A , 'ti.ii, I
II. I.. I,i, 1. 1,.. ,1
l.'K.nmM, A,,...
.ii" i ('"iiniii.-f
In If.P mnlliT ..rilic i:,.'it,.(i i.fS.iiv.
J'J.' I'I. ,1'Pnc.T, lli.i.nal. mil N.iii
ninl Jebn llnrl'.iv l'i.- her tlouM.
I .en cor,
Ami now A)'i il I Til. 1 ;r,,
' iliition nwar.l.'.J l.y tho Court ii.,)ii llio l.cir-,
exi'iMitnm ninl A.lniinislr.'itors of tho nl.ovo .K--
.I'll'lll.i, (" .-ll.HV I'llllM. W,y fjn'i-ili,. ), ,'rl'u i inn llfo
ol Colltri.rls To r Flilo of ri'.'ll O.llll", I'll., I,. I,y llioin
in tlii'ir lil'cliino ( nut bo .Kit'ii'Cil . 2'nh Jura
IMin. Ciiiiti.iu rt'l.uniL',1. .mil on ii,,,! i,,n ,,r 1! I
jWiil'in-j i:.i Attorney for u..licmits, Tlio.i. J.
Mot'iillinilt :.-,(., ui.s nj.jioi ii ic-il Co(ninissioii,.r
1 1 ) take Ti.itiiaon v,
j J A. Si ICS WUKJI.EV flcrk 0. ('.
j In I'lir.-iniHi'e of llio t.l.ovo Coinni issioii tv
, mo iliri'.'U.I, tot liiiiony in tlio nbovo'r
will im taken lit my ollleo m Cleurliel,!, on
Tlnirsilny Uio Mill liny cl' Si'i'lemlier next, when
and Hliore nil ,rr.nii,j iiili'ii'jte.l nniy'inl.
THUS, J. M.'CI l.l.dt UJI, t'oin'r.
C'enrlit'l.l, August !', Imcii. It.
ill HMti iUU,
Tlio fiil'Seriljois nrojnst cpcMiuij nt their ol,l
tiliiiiil, a lre li floek ol' mii.ioiiiiIjI,' (iooiln, ucn.-i.-t-inj;
ut'u full nctiTtnicnt ui bry Goods,
IbiiJii;ne, 10, liimlo up Cloiliin;,
1'" jl - ninl 'liiies id' every vi,ri, ty, Liidies i e:
tlilllillL S d'l'., V.Il'li'll Illl'V Will "lli.-), ',.',.' of ill II.-
j.'"o,l il' not lietler terms lo tlio nir.:lia ;i r tlian
tluy cm le ul'tiiincd elsnvlitrtf, for cither cinli,
LuiiJ,er or country ..:lu'o nenerallv.
An-. i,'i;u.-;:i. Muuia: ,t Kl7.un,l'
x i :t ( rnnrs xri c u. Lett,'. 't.'-i."..
in.'iitiiry Inning lieen "rnnli'.l lu tho iiinler-
-i;:iie,l on tho fsiiito oftjeoro Weleh di'ecii.-e l,
Into o!' hiuvreiie,) Ij,. Cleurliel. 1 county 1',.., i.ll
1 civi ns iii.l.hli'd to ftiiil citato are rcim M, ,1 to
nul.e iiiiaieuiiiio iniyinoiit, and those li.ivin;;
i 'ainifl j..iii.-t it, arc ie,iie.-tr,l ,j pu'eeut llieii,
'hi'.',' ni'ihi'iitieuteil for seltlein, ut.
AiijMi.t I, I .Mill. --lit. Y.I. 1'OK'I l-:s'r.
! "tAIITIOX.-AIli',
I J not to inucl.ii.-o oi
I'li-.-oiis ni-e lureov i,"li!,i a
tiurcliaso or in any way meddle with
the I. 'II,, win- t.rui'ei-l y, now in tho no. :-iv. ion of
i. i a.i'K ol J.iiely town.-inji, m, : on,1
mare, one t.vo horso'oii and ono Cow,
' the
rame belongs to mo and is left with hiiu on 1, an
only mbjett to my nrd-r, DAX1I.L iil.llbl,,
' ::.'! !., A'..'-, 1, l 'l.iJ.-.'it.
)J. Sr;:KI;.Tho mb.-erilier, liavin;;-
locate, I 1,1111.-11 in tlio boron -li ol Cieailicld
i.ouM inlVnn the public that ho is prepared to
lo work in tho above lino, from plain (o oinameu
tal of any d'.'seription in u w orkuuiiiliko iii.'i;;uer.
Al.-j w oiiewa.-iniij; and repairirj
uuuo iu a. ucal
luwi.utr and oil reasonable term.--.
Clearlield April 1", 1 Mil). ly.
-- - - --
W 'IL,, nAI.Ii.. Dy virtuo iintit,i.
...... . i il ,i ,,,', I,,,,, i,u,iin ui I 110 coil I I
id Louauo'i I'lciij of Center
vn,. i,.,i ;n i. ... ......... ,..
co., ami to mo iii
piiblie sale al the
CMin Jtousc in
the In .run ir.i of Clearlield. on
or Al'iH'RT A. I), l-ili),
lit 10 o clock A. Jf., Iho following described ) 1
properly, to viz: a certain tract of land situi.te
in liu.-hentp. Clearfield county l'.i., bounded by
lands oi Jacob A-t-r.l, J.llid irwin, Kllis hiver
K'lj.l an 1 tho iw,i.-iiK'ha linn, liivor. Containin,;
two hundred and ovcnty-ix acres inoro or less,
three ihvelliiii; hoiwcs, two barns, w.'.on .1 e,l
and other out l.uildi n;; 'a and it lar-o bciiiiii ,'
orehiird thereon, -seized taken in c tc ution and
to lo sold as the propone of John Sdl'ri"i.
l'liKiiKKIi'k MILl.lil;, Al,' nr.
herhr'a Olliec, Clcarlied l'n, Aug. 1, lii'.U.
rpui: ci.!'.ai:i n:i.i) acad i'.si vTviii
X I'O opened lor llio reception of pupil
(amies and females) on Monday, May 2ih, IMitl
'',,,, F,...h,u r ,.CVl,u V',',k, 1 ' '
in-.l,.,..,",,.!,,., v,ai,. i..a
. i ' , , .....hi , Ai,t,,.,iv
Aiilhm. ti,. and .'nernphy.
Ju-!":'i''' L'"3!is!l I.vf-
Abrcbrn. (ieometrv. Natural ll,i!,...l,
and IS.iok Keeiiin" Slim
Latin nnd '.ireck' lan-.-ua;;"?. ?(',
To nud.'iils .le.-iroii. of 'aeipiii in- a tborou
Kn-lish K.lueation, una ulr. wisli to .,iuli
them.-alvcs lor teachers, this lu.-tihitioii oil,
desirable advai.ta-cs.
ruu till
X,. pupil received for less than half a f e.--in,
nnd i, deduction mudo eveept for protracted
Tuition !,. bo paid at Iho rlofe of tho teiiu.
O. It. SANIU'OKH, l'ltiM-ifAL.
Au.'i. 20, l.-iio.- Iy.
W.V, A, WAI.I.Afi:.
C. iinni;v
yi:ml;inn ;mb oHfrtion Mtf
C Ii l i A K V 1 Ii D,
Jiiil.t-sol. i:riiAMii:, ndtks AMiint ai ts mscoi m i:h
VM,m nadc and rn,crc,h prou'j raUtcd
i:.rliati;e on flic Cities rnnslaiilly
mi hand.
jr)-0( on Keceud HL, nearly rjipositc the
1 liHO
i ur-o
11 T.
Ami extensive lcnlcr
m j i ire TiiulK'r, Itiar ls,
Sliinglcs, iWr.
v.W-- ,,' C
tint (i),oi-l)i"'
. ivill'.'"
M'cii 1 1
Wo will eivo a Conimispion, or waccs nt from
$2") to ?i',D per month, and expenses paid. This
is a new Machine, nnd po simple in its construc
tion tliat a child of 10 jeara fan learn to operate
j" yr n i1"n f
I 1 ""' Wls
it by hnlf nn hour's instruction. It is enuul to
. i "." .Tiu..,tiuu in ue, null boo .
m. : ... . . t i
Hleon Hcllars. 1
ihin. nn Ai,iipv wilt n.T.lrna 1
n ft j .-
Secr.t.ny Krie Sewing Machine Coinpaiiv, .'
A hi S. W;,i. i(Vl ' MILAN, Oil 10.
PIU It'- Ml III!
I (Mil I'.MII
. , I
c 1 ,
-v -A
si,. . ''
MtiWiV r.i; )
AVI! ,ll"l leeeiird rr,, Ihn .'., ., ,.j,..
no. I oi" n,., i,l 11,,'ir .;HI!I'. Iniutt
on iM.M.M.i m ui.i, i', tH,i,,r, ,.., , r riiini.
I'u i.i"M f.tii,Mo .-M,rlini'iit ol liiuj..-!,
Vnroi- hew,
Tol.tiei i) ,t l-e'ars,
Toilet arliele, j
liliu, k l.ook.i,
Slut iomi rj',
And 1'iiuey
Articles Ac. Ac,
ever olTerod lo the iml. lie in thin nei-licn of llio !
. Their 1)111 an tilltl t'licinliMlH, of which they
hi.vo an (.xteii.-ivn ii.-s,,rliii..i, huvo liepii Heleet- i
cd with e.-i"'chil rellcrcueo to their miiility and'
frehnc-ti. I
Their i-lnek of Oils ninl Talnls will consist1
of laiiFocd oil, Coal oil, Tiinnor'n oil, Tui pjutine,
Red .t White lead, dry and Kround in oil, gmn-1
i, h I'l-own, Veniliiin red, Yellow and St, uie ochro
biini.h!ii.'l:, .'hick lend, Ivory hlaelt, Cl.ine.-ot'
American vcriuillion, ,a lis reen, I'liris, I'llrn-1
inai iiii' and pnip.-.ian blue, dry and ground in oil, I
Carmine, Chrnnio pn cii U- yellow,- Chalk ol' all
Cdlialt, Iirop, hike .1- Muck. I'iiiicl-V. (line. Cuius, t
Copal, Dniiiiir and Choline, Indian red, Litharge,
i.'ran,'re mi iter:. I, puiniee and Kotti'ii tlone, K
piiiK, l.M-lih and Aiiicriean, lto-in, biuret, (,,r!
,ei-.-iiiii led,) Terrii Mennii, Turkey tiiiihre, Vcr-1
di-ris, hluo ,!' wliito Vitriol, Whiting. Zine, put- I
t.V and .utly knives, (ilasfl of all ,uvi and .puili-1
. t.'oivinS-(!niP, ,ve, .re.
I);,e-stii!!s iiriiMics:
1.x tra boxwood, chip. 1
I'd and proiiti.l. Tudi-o,,', Annall", j
roehinenl, ,S. tin, lU'd (.111111, lers : ( opiil, Coarll.l
l'i.,, I. c... I .. .. ..I
"' . ."."', .'.ip.iii ,',.- u.vni'-', imp, iini.'iie,
White liinnar, W hite .-I'irit and ITov.inij Vuruili.
Tobacco Scars: '
" r.,v,,i;i l . , ,
C;i Ctl.ll.-l . I; r,:itllr:.l
, lioitoli A, reii'ly, l.mly ti.-t, f'ino cuts oiall
kind. i, ai ,1 prido of llio lhiieiii, tol.
aeeu ; Iiuppco
"" '"ui. Miui..-; j.i pli.'i,'tii, Uvuty
1'i.iieii, i.a eiio'ii, i.l niolio, Ac, ."-efiirj.
IMatiU-IJnykM ami Statiouarj .
Iiay-booky. lloeeipt and Xolc-bnok., liiarics, liii
dics and Oilico l", ,ii.-. liiii,'iit mid 1
paper Duals, Don. Is, Mortcs, and all oilier
kul blanks. I'ooHn.p, letter, Xote, Dusiiicsa
ni.d draw in;; pnper, Linclopen, Ueady reference i
1' iles, Aniieai'i and A.nold's urilins llui.l. lot
nt.ti-K, bin.', aim cai nime, M
holders, l'apcr c-i i .--, nui.-ihi'',
il l'clis ninl I'en
and all other ar-
licles in the Malionai y line.
loilet .li l'iincy Ai iicks .ii I'crliiiMtrv.
bruhe--, Ainerienr., I-'rench A :-:n;rli.-li, with Ivo. I
ry, tdicll. l'cnrl, I'.ullnl.,, t-alinwood, Kosewoodi
,t oiiiuiiH'iitcd I acks, all ipialitics : Cloth bru. 'yes
Hat brushes; Teeth bra.-hos, varioin iiialilii'S ;
Hmvin;,' bnnhes, Anieiican, laili.-h and Freinli
with lius.-ia bii.-tlesaiid liader'a hair: I'lcli
bru.-hiv: Comb brushes and Cleaners, Tortoise
.-hell Tuck combs, Tortoif,' slicll. I' ,t l'lim-v
' and India rubber J.un ' Coiub5 : Shel. Kntral,,. I
Horn and India rubber pull' si, lo Combs ; India
rubber Drp.-.-iii'' Comb?. 1 to S inches, all Hlvlcs: i
Kn-li.-h Toilet cinbj with bandies; Domict
combs; Ivory and !utl.i pcroha lino tooth couibs';
Pocket ciuiibs, all styles : American, French A
licrmnn '.,l.,no i" I.nvcnler waters ; Lubin's,
Taylor's, "Wright's, J'linenet & C'on.vav's ex-
tiaels f.,r tho ban ikerchicf, of a fcrertt tariely of
styles; llui-nctt's Coeaino, Harry's Tricopherous,
l.yon s Calhairon, linn, Lustra I, bears, Mas.accar,
Vntigua, lloso and Cora, I Oil: Uccf inirrow.
oniades, and l'hiloe.uiiu. American and l-'renrli
all tftyles and prie s cold cream, Toilet potth'er,
lloti-o Halls, Lilly While, I'ull Uoxes, China,
iimi paper, sinciiing falls, Halm ol a thousand
It..,-..,. .1. , .
ii.i.-i. oin pn?ie, loom iM.-te, cl.areoal, resc,
.t ," A,'. Ml,,, vi n ...',.,..,.,.,,.. 1 .. 1 1 .1 . ..
soap, Honey Soap, I'hrystalino and l'loatiii''
.-"His,, Ottoman, Yankee nud Oallairbcr noansl
. wui in, M.-a ; i I III. V ,
I'li'ii.-piireut and Ca.-tilo foaps, Ac. Ac,
iilisct'lliincoiis Articles,
('cuts .leel frame
morocco rnd cuff Pnrtincnnics, Ladies silk lined I
papier .Vaolie, inlaid tortoise tdicll, velvet and j
inoroec) l'ort.nonaics, l.iidics Ciotehi't ptir.-cs
embroidered witii fte, l beads, Ladies Cabas nnd !
morocco satchels, .Ojcll, pearl, ivory, velvet and 1
papier Machc, ivory and pear memorandum tab- :
(els, 1 ill., j.iiish .M.aoceo, 1'ockct Wulets, Mo-1
roccii and ciif 1'oc.lut boobs, with straps and j
tai-p.-. j bill book, nnd liaidu'i's cacs with lock I
and bey; eollapMu!. cups, plus- 1
ses with and without drops. I'i.-hiiiL' tackle.
I'l. l . . '
v j.,,,., ,i ,t icr.-.oii s inizor sirups ci-ar ea.-es
n-umb brushts, t-hoe Liu.-lus with nnd without
hiindhs Horn brushes, all rpialitic,:. l'aint
and varni.-li bru.-iies nil f7xS, tin ,id cupper
boiin.l, isasli tools a tizes, oouiitcr and inarl;
in' brut-lies, white wa.-hnnd fcriibbin bru.-hes.
rainy cooicd leather dusters r., Kick pear
inaid papier iinulio, t.'ilet cum-s, work boxes,
writing desks, lloscwood and Mah,i;ony nrilinj,'
dr.-ks, (. lies.-nun and I'luss boards, (icnts. Kid
Cloves, Xcck ties, Collins, cravats and canes, La
dies Kid. Taffola Silk and Kid finished simnt
Icls, and Inlo thread (,'aiintlcip, Llack and color
ed silk web suspenders, trench ttriped fc'um sus
pend, -r.--. Iiich Ku.-peiuleis. (iuiots
new sl.lo I'lcnch suspenders, (icnts. linen hand
kerebiels, eo'orcd border and Cambric handker
chiefs, Ladies inen handkerchiefs in great vari
ety; Sun shade fans, circuiir French fans; can
ton feather fans of a jjroul variety : l'ilio Canton
pa.'iii fans with ivory and painted handes, Laek
and iuuu riling fans; pins uud
l-'redeh, Ac, Ac. AUj 1'atent Medi,n.j of ev
ery variety.
All of which will bo to.'d t the Iowea CASH
t'oiuiiry l'llysiciaiis fiiiiiisbcd with I)ru;'S,
Medicines and Surgical instruments, at tho mo.-t
lea-.;nii,lo rates lorcash.
June li, 1 .Still, ly,
Clcarjlchl County, Ji,
JOS. I,. KIKISY, ritoiiiii.TDi!.
"I Kti.S leavo to iinnounco to Ihc travclint; com
J I inanity and tlio public penenra
Hv. thai be'
has taken the above naiiicd hotel nn
id rclitti',1 it '
in a slyto tinted tu tlio tunes and tlio wnulsof
llio public.
Will nhvays bo sup plied with tho best the mar-
els nnd the surroun.lin eounlry can nH'.ird ;
M ill contain tho choicest liiptors, and
AV ill l.o in (Jic. i-aro of nltenlivo hostlers, re.
sponsible for Their conduct to their employer,
who will (.'ho tho entire e.-tablislitnont bis pcr
p.uiiil supervision.
In the tl.o hope that ho will bo nbbt to innke
his gliosis comfortable during their vi.-its 'obis
h-info ho respectfully solicits a tharo oj ublic
Lumber Citj Oct. 19, 18i'J.
JAM13S C'ltOPPLY earrieson lilackstnllhlns
in tho borough i.f Lumber city, where ho will
oxecuto promptly nil woik entrusted to him, nnd
execute it in h workmanlike no. n nor,
July 4, LSfiO. ly.
m -w-
AM, tides, Mackerel nnd Horriti( Tof s do
low nt Ihc ffore ol W. l'.IH II'IN.
Cleurliel. I, ,7i:W 1 Ith lcon.
1 VllV Al'l'LICo, ...r Mlu at t!,
J F. liwin, M.nkit itreit, i
.0 St, 'I'O ol Ww.
Cb iiiln l 1 l'.i.
( U A TZ lilts'
I 17, .11 sf 'i7 A I II! i; M w
liilllics' DlTfifl (H)(jt.-4, HibllOIIH,
I'lowcrs ami Millenary oods cn
and Shoes of every tlesciptiou.
Also to Ihoir elenimt slylcn of UUijlNh'.Si
COATS, ninl .Alen'.- ,t Uoys CLOTIIIXil.
A full ii.i.'orl'iinnt of Carpels, 1'loor Oil idollii
and Carriiigu Iriiuining.. couslinilly on liuiid.
'Vl if','. ((( the
frvsh Arrival off
AT Till; t'Iil'Al CASH STOKK.
( I am .pist receiving and npeniiii; a largo nmj
ell nelect". assortincnt if
:(Joudtf, of almost every descrip
1 A b.'.iiililul a.-xn linent of I'.inl.H and Vre
K"o.l., ol tho newest nml late.U styles. Also a.
1 J'fi'at iniely of u-crul notimm,
A large assortnient, ready-made
Hunnet.'-, l-ihawls,
11, its and Caps,
lioots and (shoes, u lar'o iu;uilily,
IJanlware, ti censn.-no,
l'rii;;-.'' and .Medicines,
Oil and Taints,
Caip-.L .1 Oil Cb'lhs,
l-'ish, iaeju ami Floui .
U M IM l
of the be t .(iiulily, all of whieli will bo tob
ut tho I'imi.-t ea.-li or ready pay prices.
My old friends and llio public jjcnerally, aio
l'l'.-poctl'iilly inviled to call,
CUiii field, May il, lf-Gtl, WJI. Y. IU W IN.
Just reeeivin, mid opening nt tho Old star
is .Suiilli in li.'l'ilelii.'iu a well scloetol a
i torlment of Spring and Summer Goods ofal.
I "10!lt vyer.y de-eription.
fclai'.'o nuil l-'am-jr, a beautiful assortuieu'f i
i. ... . ,
I cllKI l1'CSS (lOOllS
of tho l.ite.4 .-.tvles. also a v.uiel v of ujuful N.i
lions. IIhIh uml t',,i,
I Luinieu and shawls,,
j Loots and Hioos,
I II.,,.
1 LU
tdivaro, I 'ueenswaro.
Medi -'itiej, Vfh,
; I "J 1 ( ) 1 1 ',' A1 V
I J J Jl I Lj 7.
Tobacco, tk'ari and all iiiticks usually kepi'
'in a count iy tiro, all .-heap for cash, .
Oivo us a call and see for tear selves.
II. L. HLNlih'KSoX, A CO.
i May 21, Isi'iD.
Jut. I received and now opening al's i-lienr.
comer store, a lar'e and w i ll selected stock o.T
Spring and SuuniRr koo.Is, all of which aro of fered
at low er pi iocs than ever. Call and exam
inc Koods and prices. J-, V 1RY1N.
(.'itrwcniville, May Id, 'till.
,' 'HJ'.iiucls, 1'lorcnco braids
M9 Shaker and other si vle-i
l.'ii,'lili slraws,
Irimmed and n n
1 iiu. mo.l, will bo found iu variety al the corner
fciure or L. I. IKVIN
t'ui wonsvilk', May 10, 'till.
adics dress iroo.l i, ofoallerns and lettim. I,.
please all, will be found at the corner store oi
) Curninsvilie, Jlay 111, IStel. 13. A. 1KV1N.
Skeleton Skirls, a larj;o varinly at reduced pri
ecs nt Irvins corner tbji o. Curivcnsi illo 111, 'iin
Sl' lla and other Mmwls in varielyal the elicap
't'To of K.'a. IUV1.V
I t'urwcnsville, May Id, 'do.
ools and Shoes. A larger clock and lower-
prices than ever, tit In ins Chcaiiost corner.
'unvcnsvillo, May Id, '(it)'
4 very lar-o Hock of Spiinj; t.nd Piinimet
J clolliiinrof Iho hit si flyles for salo low djr
Cuiwensville, Hay 1, 1 sr.O. 13. A. IRVIN.
lookin.i; Stoves of various nml prices foe-
cai.! ny e.
t'urwcnsville, M;iy Id, 'ii.
13. A. 1UV1N.
Mackerel and Herring for fate a t tboeornev
id'-To f li. A, 1IIV1N.
C'urwcnsvillo, .1ay Id., 'W.
I7'"llr' L', Lcaus and Clover i-eed, nt tha
J cheap corner by 13. A. 1KVIN.
CurHinsville, May Id, 1 SCO.
excellent .iiality of l'loiir for mile low nt
o store of w. K. 1UW1N.
Clearlield, July 11th, HOO.
i-'i den of fpanik solo luathrr 'ar fale low
Jv7 r cusl, ,y u, x. UlVlV.
Curwen-vill'i, .May 10, I'JoO.
11! V IT.
J' I'each.
Dried Apples, Tared and nnparct.
lies, I homo.-, l'runca nnd liaisina a
the eornrr store of 13. A. 1KVIN.
Curwcnsville, May lfi, lSf.D.
DUftins Mill nnd cut .S'aws, Mann's axes and?
n general nfsortmciit of JNrdwaro nt th
utore of 13. A. 1I1VIN.
Curweniville, May 1(1, ISM.
Alnrirclot ol KKAN. lor nalo at (he Irou
Store of MbUUILL A LKJLLlt.
COAL OIL Aud Con. On. La Mrs for nil
by C. KliATZl'Ii A SONS.
THK nlioVO Hotel, havine; roceiitly been fitteil
nn for a houso of ontoruiininent, is now open,
ler lb.) aecomi.iodatien nf the public. Il'ravalcr
will Iiu 1 thiii a cuuvcmCLt bouse.
:-I.y 19 hj1, JOHN JOJ DAX.