, v A , ,1 i, V- i I. I'M DIM. a'h'AI !(.' .N"M!NAT1' N ion fkk.-idfnt. QTPPIIFPJ A Tiniif'7 AQ vTnri mi: vici: r SIDFNT. HEIlSQIOiL JOHNSON, GEN. JOSEPH U (iovr.uxon. HENRY B. FOSTER. C V Y.T11 MOHr.l.tND COIN TV. RU COMIRFSS. HON. JAME3 K. KEH". of Venango count r. for assembly. A. M. EEKTON, ESQ,, ol' il'Kean count v. MAJ. E. R, BEADY. ol' JcHorson county. COMMISSIiiNFR, S. C THOMPSON, of Morris (p. AUDITOR. B. C, EOWMAN, nf Decatur tp. J'KFSM'FNTJAI- Ff.F.CTi iV natriu! .Y. .-l';'-,s'. Kielianl Yiax, (Jeo. M. Keim. Jil-.trkt Kh-ioni. -Fred A. Server. ill-Isaac iteckhoiv. 'J-W. i;. Patterson. 1'i-tieo. D. Jackson .V.Jos. Crockett, jr.!l(i-.lohn Aid. 1 J no. J . llri nner.17-.Tocl 1!. Jianner. ,ri-(i. W. .lacobv. j I , f . J. Crawford. C-Chas. Kellev! Jlll-lf. X. Fee. 7-Uliver 1'. Jilmes 120-Josh. '.. Ifowcll. S-David Schall. !i-.7oe: Liu liter. (I S. S. r.a'rbour. 1-T. H. Walker. '2-S. Winches or, 13-.1 os. Laubach. Jl-N. 15. Felteniiiin. -Saml. Marshall. Il-Wni, Hook. Jl-li. D. Hamlin. 25-( 'lay lord Church. UI'i-OLUTION Ot THE DKMOCKATIC ETATK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Rv Je?,!, That tlio Democsatie Electo ral Ticket ho hendeil with thg namo of Stephen A. Douglas or John C. llrecken ndge, as tin Klcetor at Large, and in the evonl of tho success of said Ticket, if tho greater number of votes shall havo been east for Stephen A. Douglas, then the vole of the Eletoral OMlogo of tho State Khali he oast for Stephen A. Douglas and Herseholl V. Johnson for President and Vice i'resitlcnt. but if for John O. !rcck nnriilge, John C. Ureckenrid'io and Jos. '- "' w-i'ti.-', ji iiiu vine oi Pennsylvania cannot elect the candidates i I .1 n i, Int I I , n ci ,-. l II ..r. , I I" 1 1 . .. I r lor whom the majority of votes are cast, and it can elect any man running for tha I ollieo of President of the United States, I claiming to be .a Democrat, then tho vote of tho Fleetoral Colleato shall be east for that cuididato. If it will not elect eith cr of the D.'iuoerats for whom it is cast, or any of tho Democrats who aro voted for in the States, thou tho votes shall bo ant for the candidate wlio.has tho majo rity c.r the votes of tho Slato; and that tho Chairman of this Coinmitteo bo in tin. .!" ! to obtain from the gentlemen on tho Ponneratio, Electoral "ticket of this Stale their several and distinct pledges of ae iuiescer.ee in tho foregoing resolu tion, and to report tho result of his act ion in llio promises nt tho ii.t incit ing, ol tho Coinmitteo. A Full Hand We nro enabled tins week lo present lo our fellow citizens, tho whole Democratic ticket from President down to Auditor. Our District and County tieket wnsnev-! or filled by better men. For Congress we ' have James K. Keir Ks.i., of N'ciianizoi county, who will 'mako one of tho best ami strong. lest members of tho Pent,viva. nia delegation in tho National 11,-n, r,r Representatives, and wo predict his clee- tioti by ini);) majority. jit to bo as much our duty to opposo For the assembly wo havo A. M. P.en! Douglas ,is a i'.nvjht-'.ul candidate, or us a ton Esq of McKean county, and Maj. F. mern,!U ite wtsiui wid inJepemknt of tk.d ur Prndy l-Milor of tho JejlrsniiiMtotJet- rmujetucM, as we will to opposo Lincoln. rerson county. j Should tho friends of Protfkinridgo at.- Mr. E.'iiton lejirescnted this Ditlriel at IfKipt to get up a ecperntc electoral ticket Ilunisbiirg last winter, in which ho ac-!f'ur co'se woul.loo tho same towards them miitted hiniRelf nobly .'howed himself lo' IjCl ,ls mst w iip the common enemy, then be u democrat true as 'steel. Maj. I'.rady ! Kt'l(1 oul' 'imiily (juarrels among ourselves, belongs lo the old I'.rady ttock, famous in ! 'J ''' i3 our l'1'1", and wo havo full faith. our Revolutionary times, and will makn nn excellent member. Tho election of Hen ton nnd P-iady is a lixed fact. r- ..., i .. c... . .. . uel C. ThompsoD Esip, of Morris (p , ono .if the oldest and firmest Democrats in the - v,. v vu.iijr v oiuiui.ssioner we iiavc atn Vounly, and an excellent business run tvt-il tjualitic.l "to tlisclinr-o lhc duties of'"1 ollcr vi,iIm, tlmt lltcyaro in favor of . County CommisMonor. t-'ongressional legislation to establish and j Fof Auditor wo have B. C Bowman or c'ncourn "livery in tho Territories to Decatur tp., one of tho best business ,llen forpo ll'ivcry upon the pcoplo of the Terri'. in tho county, and nn excellent account- jl01'ies whether they arc willing to he.-vo it ant, and withal one of tho best Democrats ornt-' wc arc sorry that the samccharge.j in tho county young and vigorous. jnnd in the amc language, is ns persistently ! Here Demor-mis r.'f f'l .i.i t.. made, hy the ptrnight-out turrortcrs of . yon havo the whole Democratic ticket be - -. A 1 , loioyou uiKo tno it'eading Klectond ticket, with Henry D. F'osler, lames K.I Kerr, A. M. Benton, E. 1,'. Rnidy s. ('. I I .1 ll i i ill I III'! I'll, 11. ' I I !i. ltd I ' I I I I , . t. To Our I i if in! ;l i ill i I llnl i ( I'll! I i i. 'Jul , i ; 11 t I'M 1 1 Hi' i In' Mi I I. it . i mm I I. .-. Vi. Cm. II, I i. hi in. III" M I. r I it pill irllllll I I '. I ill' y rich r ! f - I ill i ii . II ' I '. lll.TI .ll ;" I II I f H ll.t M I in I in ll" t I cc ("I- tin' Fr i I . i . v . i 'in' ,lim 1' lli'' 1 ..'ii ly t-l.tiin ili it 1 1 ui.-I.h was r.i'-ulai ly iin.l f.iiily 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . t ( .- 1 . Another i.ilii'ii ii nv thi., iin'l i- iv lli.it miliar ' I 'niH'liK or Pro, lv 1 1 : Ml'" v. ' i -.' !.ri !v nom i.'.ti-ti'.'i ti"'io ii.) rui.M.rtii.' I'utv 'jtiirin tli" -iil'iil l of cither ."I lh .I. .11 I mi. I liber-. -J Iff- r'V't '-tri'j f t'clr n.tmin tK-ii Inaire Ihat all I 'I'liioiTaU are nl I'u'. My to Kii)'iort cilh T nilhout ihan;; vio- li'iico to hi- cuiisi-t"ii. y as a arty niiiii. 1'hit t-i'i'-'.H li) luwo ln'C ti t !ki t U'w taUn 1'V the Stalo F.M'ciitivc Coiumitti', in; lias hooii alrc.iily t'.Jtv.-sctl l y thai hotly on two uix'.iioi)s ii I n-r;o lTOjortinn uf tvlioin nro I loii'.'la'i men. 1 1' the 1 loinoi'ratio party of lYnr.sylva nia ha.-: any organization, this Committee U iU lieail, Wo helieve it is the only w i.'an eompel'-Hl to :;peali l')r llio party ami hence tvoyichl ohcilieneo to it, ami recoimie its action as hiinlin;.'. For the al.ovo reasons tve plm-ed the names ol Loth tho ciiiulithites at the iieatl of our paper, tt illioul oneo intimating our poisonal preference for cither. We uil" lish a pajicr for the nomocracy of Clearlichl county. Among that Iemocraey weknotv th:il each have many warm ami anient friends, and it is our desire to make our paper as aeeci'la!. !ti lo tho friends of the ' ,, 1 We here refer to those who arc acting in harmony tvitn tho Kxecutivo I'oinmiltee. Those win nro in favor of it t-raiht-oul electoral ticket, either for I'reekeiiridj'" or J'oughts, wo in our judgement, aiding tho Republican Abolitionists much more eli'ec lively than if thoy wore member of thiit ji.irty m lull co.-imuniin. Such men cannot rocievoajiy Fympathy at our haiuls. It is not lor them that we place the names of both candidates at our head. J5ut to Iho.iO who recognize the nc. lion of tho'Fxceulivo Cominiitee, ami are willing to enter the eonlesl, not against Douglas or against I'.reckinridge lul j tiiml Lincoln we arc lcady to make any sacrifice. No matter how zealously n man may biijipoi t hi-- favorite, whether that u vorito le one or '.he oilier, we will be wiili him. Hut Ik. mint do it in the only J n ay in which il will count against the common foe. Let every Lreekinridge man say (and to .let) that Douglas is his next choice -'if I can't get Prckenridge giv3 mo Douglas,' and lot cve:y ' Douglas man so ppeak and act toward Fatckin ridge, and our party will bo so perfectly and powerfully united ngainst '.ho Repub lican Abolitionists as ever it was. This is the object of the action of the State Central Committee. If it is adopt ed in good faith, our victory is certain, and cither Douglas or rreckcnridgo will bo President. Such will bo the result of acting in harmony with the Dcmocraiic party of the Stale. Such is the object at .1 i . i i , - , ., "llK'h ,TC nn'1 for v;hu A wo ftro ,nl ,ino to labor ami it is to l ellect tins pur poso that wo keep tho name boil, Lreckenridgo and Donlas at fifn, names of t the head of our paper For pursuing this course, wu hear ol frcpipnt complaints. They are not uncx peeled. Tho Krcckinridgo men say that, as tho editors nro for Pieekir.ridge, they should withdraw tho name of Dough's and support Lreckinridge and thus'rcllect their own sentiment. A little reflection will, wo think, cause Ihc-rn to change their mind.;, and admit that wc nro right, for tho reasons stated above. On the other hand, tho Douglas men say that, tho editors being the friends of lireckinridgo, will "only publish such articles as favorthc prospects of their choice; and they hive even char-tid us with publishing articles njaintt Doti"las.- In this wc think, they aro mistaken It certainly is not, and was not our intention I to do so. Wo f"c-l as much bound to tun- Porl Douglas, under the arrangement 0r! the Stat o Committee, as u-n do lo tnn,i i I'rcckinridire and emle.n-ni. in ,ir, c ;r, ! 'fc'00tl Ml", "t the same time wc bhnll feel ' lIi;it lll'-s plan will be adopted by the enliro ' mass of tho Democracy of the Slate. The "Slave Code," Tho P'lack-Rcpublicans arc in the con1 ,s'ant practice of charging that the 01 n ' t,lllcracy and Bupporlers of linridge, nro in favor of a "Slavo Code" 1 lJol,lafi- To Show how much reason nnd A-llM11l,1lt'ninn ll..... !. .' it.!. .1 l"",,"l"'.""""-ss "'cio is in ims cnnrge, ,vo 0 l,ubllsh t,ic resolution of the Con- ' vt'"lio" lljiit' nominated Mr, Breckiniidgo, II. .1 I, I . I r I , , ' I I I 1 ' - I I , I . ' I I !.. ! I. I', I " ", '. .. I Ii .1 il i. ll,.' dnlt 1. 1 lln I I I I .it I ' II Ml l'. Ill, i'l . il i. 11 I . III'!, t t I I ll I I. tt, III', I I V II f, Hi'' I i. 1.1 I'l I 'I t ' "IH I I I'l ('I " 1 I I ill I III" 'I f I I ili'l ii' , I'll I tt ll''' . t "I b '' lU I 'III Ii III i"ii:il ii m t ll i: il V I I'-tl D." I I llll till' 1 1 II ti I' ! '' IIIIV thill" ft'illll'l i" in.' li !! I.i I ii.ii ill fii r i'l I n ri t it- I Ii (Vii ilii v ii' niiv l.iiiii; 'ml. lir it imjii I iii il 1 m l il il h ii' I in IIh' :il.i.i' ii -.'liili. ii, , T ii il i i ii" I I.' I " l.'iiii.l, I'.'i' 1 1 i -t N lli" 'niily n '"lulii ii . i-.-i .1 by llio ( 'out Tlilion 1 I'll till' .ibjrct. ! Aiul ill tvli it lv '.vl ll Ihit ir-f'luli.'ll wrong? In il ii"t in I'l'i li'rl Ii ininmy j it ith the Coir tilulion sin inUrputtd l.y tlui Supi lino Court. (Vilninly it i.. Thcu why do they not quarr. 1 with tln ( 'institution inul tho Judgci of tin; Su premo Court t j The Supreme Court say that tho Con-'t-titutional authority of tlio Federal Gov 'I'liinii'iit oxti'ii l.i over tlio '1'i'rritorio., unil I il n, il must ci'i liiiiily o the duly of tlio J FimIi'imI ( lovi rniih'tit, "tvl'.cn ncoossary," lo soo that its cili.i'im in llio Icrritonos arc in'otccto-1 in their rilits of "ik'1oih and properly. !ut iv o have no room to pumio this thing else ; and also docs tho Douglas man Miilijet t. Vi'o lay the resolution heforcour raeh contending for his favorito ciuulis reatlers, so tn.tl whenever they are chur- jdale ; hut all njrop that the entire vote god with advocating a skive Code, they l.shall bo cast ngiiin. t the common enemy : c:iii hand this to lh: persons making tho and yet L'ol. Forney denounces this ar chargaand ask them to point out this lei-' jriiiiirement in unmeasured terms as do rililo doctrine. 'all the Dlack Republicans in tho State. "By their Fruits ye shall know them." i 'J'ho truth is the double-headed traitor, .'All t!.o k'uliiig ).. uiciplt's uf tho ltoi.uliUcan I " Lincoln, nnl not for Doughis-hencc v:rf iiro in iicfuitliicco wiili (ion. 1'iittou'u nil- his desire for two electoral tickets with tlcil I'Diivii'liniia inul foelinirs. t,in tin) vox oil liio.-tiiin nf sIiiVitv lit' stinnls iu.-t wlioro .hllcr- ,-iit-, Oi:iy inul Wolistir etouil, inul tvhoio our tt nolo parly tiutv fUtul uppoMuil lo my mlorlo roui'o twill Mat-cry in tlio uto:i tvlioro it uxi.-.t., 1, ut ul.-o lir ml v ui'i'iii-oil to im I'xtouM'in into the 1 iVrilt'irivfl v. Iio .,iiv v. Iioio it .loos not c.xi,t. 1IU Jo.'lri.io :iat of tho niiitv Miiiply ii : Let Mavery in llio sun,-,, tvuoro it 1.-, but d not cxtoml and 111; iilonc it lurtlioi-.' -Jnomni . i to i-peak lor tlio real liiemls ol Mr. J'oug-. August to place in nomination a cand'. For the purpose of informing our friends ' pls in this State, but Forney h.-.s been hi- (date to bo supported by the Democratic of tho poiiiou of Ccnoral Patton on tho're.l by tho Flack Republicans, and hc i party at the ensuing election, slaverv question, and as "all the leading 1 mu,t Hand by them even if he must sac J . Th? '.yMitR.n orgaimed by appomS . , . , ,, , , . i ,, , . .. inn "rns Hull, J-.so, ol tt in ren coutitv, pnncii'iea oi ine iiepumican paiiy aie in accordance with his tcttlclk'convictioiis , and feelings," we append tho following resolution, which, according to his "con- vietions and feelings," we may well be-, lieve, will receive his, as it recently re- t . i i t i pioiioh tu our country tin ou-liout tlio tit nuoU ; tvorkl, HUi a serious limtimiit-o lo llio I'l'"";- : ot ropu..i.can ...,vr7 uiuung iuV Uui.vU4 w "ttJT'Zt tho Coiaioituo on tho Ju,u. cinry bo, and tlio pi.iiio nro liorol.y, iiutruotcl () in.iiiro into the oxpodionoy of 'roportiiij; a bill giving lrooUom to every Uuiiiiin Uouig, una tlio ' interdiction of slavery tvliorovcr Congress bit.-! li.o constitutional potter lo legislate uu tlio t ub- Jt-'ft. . . . . . . n... r..i!..i.. ....ii . i ui' Mini iv:n iintt'ii iiiMiu ti, j iL-.'uiniiiin ii nn v. n . i.i t m ti i.: . i. n ceiveit ins iiartics, uiiijuiuiulii l-ihiuhjo- " 1 lie cilitorol the 7 V.-.w, in Philadelphia, I f"v'.'"- " " t-inii-, t ui. -v. it a.iuco 0i,j hnuier at whoso liouso ho had called inont I is ilih:ii(iinted in the nction of tho State 'lohn M.. Cuimnings. I a few days before, in ono of tho towns he .'wi.'cio... do obnt.cihing of liiim.tiily and tho (Antral Conu.iiti.ee. We had hoped Mr. :;.-lcorgc 1 .ckenson, IP. McTaire, U:vl canvassed The farmer fumbled atvk li,.ltliiiK of pursoua rnt i.ryporty is (.-oiitriiiy to nn-1 Forney, who professes so ruich friendship i n''1''''' ,lllls- jiv;u-.lly with his hat, and dnl'nt seem to tural justioo ami llio luudanioutul pi inoiploa of ; for Mr. Dtuiglas, woultl havo found a grain r.--f. dona y. Hunt, S.unu"! Ivin' . n0..v exactly how togotathis business, our ptiliiicnl si.-tom, ami is liotinioiisly u rc-!,( comfort in the proceedings of tho Com-! caid, ami 1-. M. Kennedy. Mat iiniuired nfter the health of his six- r,A3 i t .-si... A-iiiiin ei ,, jt..iii..u, ,w . ' - .. . ..... , , ... i, I t r"I I lev, liinbai.i.lilair, Llnke, limu-m, butlinioii, ! nin two tickets, a game at which Mr. Mrhn nominated W m 1 Jetiks ol Jel fcurliiiftu mo, lluirou-ln, limterii old, Carey, Cur Lincoln only was to win. j l.'isen, Mr hittaker nominated J.-.ines tor, Colfax, Conkling, Curtis, Delano, Ditoll, I Tiie conservative men of tlio Stale iTre 1 Iverr. of Venango, Mr. 1 iko nominated Ltlgerlon, Eihtiinli', l.liot, Lli, runistvorth, los-1 n ,0 nnx'oua to carry t lie ( ct"bc" elect ion iCieorgo R. I'arrott, of Clearfield, 1'. 15. tor, Prank, Hooch, tirotv, tiurloy, llulo, llcl-' , ' ",, . f , ,' (Juth'rii nominated (.! N P.unilee, of Win- M..K nr.,;n nir i. ..... ... ,r' lie"! n:m vi.Mnrv r,i- rl.v.n i)Mmi' luA'.rv l.i'OJIUl'U O.k klnil'Al. Kieo, Sodirwick, siicrman, Somec, Spatiltlin-, spinner, Mcwart or rennsylvonia, Tnppnn, Tompkins, Train, Vumlover, YVnlilrou, Wnitoii, Vusbbu.nofV'isoo.in, Wasl.buru of Illinoi.t, 5olls, uu.nWmW-i,U." Thia is tho famous, or rather infamous, T.lako Resolution," offered last winter! by a F.lack Republican Congressman from! Ohio, and voted for, as may be Been, by sixty Plaek Republicans of the present Congress ; while every Democrat, without a tingle exception, registered his vote as c ' t- gainst tliis (irc-branil. Yet wc are grave ly told by the Jmtrnti, that the doctrine ofthe I'lack Republican parly is, 'id s!a very uL'i ,- ,7 crisis;" and in tho face: of a resolution, asking for a committee "to inquire into llio expediency of giving freedom to every human Leinir. " tve hear iI.a ni't i-nt,r ,tA,i n,ri;ni, r,p i.w,,, (.' ,, .;,i, a ; ,-, , i (1 I miso is such a one ns will secure tho en - rence with .slavery where l cuss. ltths;.. .. . , ... , tiro Democratic, vote of Pennsylvania to nai. oi uur euuiiiiy s uniijticwrs can uc found only tho names of Plaek Republi- cans. Here is ono ll.de James T. ol'Cen tre county, and one JUnirH. S. of Flair county, Loth ol whom imposed themselves !on tIlC! PcrTlc of tho adjoining districts as ,Jt'in "I'l,ost'(1 10 nn' interference with fclavery in tlj0 ftatci "'I'cro it exists" uoU arc Plack Republicans both voted mr i"'s rcsoiuuou, ami uoin, lor uieir n- tidily to principles, have rubsciuently resumed tho unijualificd endorsement of a Klack Republican constituency, litre, Houso in Ridgway, on Thursdry tho loth too, aro tho names of Sherman and P,ur- j ii:st., for tho purpose of nominating Uop linganic, Washburn and Colfax, and of j resentativo candidates, Goorgo Weiss, tho Republican party generally. Tho Esq., was called to tko chair and Win. empty twaddle about Clay, Webster and Jellerson having stood on the ground now occupied by tho Pluck Republicans, is a miserable libel on the illustrious dead. No patriot ever sanetioned nwh trcuomllc Iter es'vs. War upon tho institutions of our coll,itry has no defenders oulsido tho Re- publican camp, and even this party is as fihained or afraid lo givo tho lccoid to tho people. Who voted for "Blake's Rcsolu- tion" for the "annihilation of Klavcry South-(wherever it exists under tho Constilu - Breck-jtion?" Thero is I'lair, and Burlingamo, and Crow, and Hale, nnd Kellogg, and Lovejoy, and Sherman, and Washburn tho very bono and Bincws of tho Republi-j can party tho gcat lights of tho party, and the expounders of its principles, j and ns tho principles nro in accordance with Gen. Pulton's "settled convictions! and feelings," and to which we nro in- formed he will be true we trust thtt Gi-n- eral will faro tho music, and tell the peo- I - 1 1 t .1 t il Til I 1 . jue now no Btaii'js on tne iwako Kesolu- lions. II "truo to his party," ho nnM ! give his unquulifiod absent to tho annihiJ; I .1 it i . t I i.i ii I 1 1 "I I ' H . ll . il. mi t-i" ' i i.. ill, 1 1 lot Iri'l III.' I . I'll It I . ;i li.ti. I I.I M . t f I t , f 'l II nil Ti"i mil Hi" ii ':' BKTTM'.D. ,,, M'l.il ll'l' lit It Hi" I'l" ''l llt'ill f i ', .iiwii i 1 1 ", 1 1 ii" .rni' iiiii."' in iii" i1' "i . . , . i ... i ... .i ... it. lull.' Ml It, ll l I"-. "II I'"' "ii" ' .iiii,iiiiiI-i f itni.lv I't l 1 ' I ' r lli" tt li.'l" in Ulri ill l nllll '.t "1 -y to lh" p.'pn M ti II to lh" pi'iipli.'-- the lil,'h"-l i.'teir ily in lh" Slat" or it ili.ui. I f M r. I '.iu.'.''.iis re . ivei moi i ml InT Vol, t in tl.lu ii il.i.n Air. I'.n'i kiiiiid"" : Ih.n he is to hiivo the tthole clcctoiid vote of , theSt.it"; if on the other hand, Mr. ; I'.rcckinriilgo receives ni"io votes than 1 Mr. Douglas, he is to h ive Ihnwhole dec- (oral V"le from thin State. i Tho remaining condilinns adopted by! tho Commiltco nro of in praclie.nl account ;it (he present lime, but eminent', y jul and lnoper. Tho .idju-tmcnt is open and just 1 and honorable to both wiiiL-s of the unrlv-il is U'i. M I, I. ."It, i i i. I iimli I i' ii i 1 on fusion or rommcmiHe of principle. The'ough of St. Mary's in Klk county, on llio F.rcckinridgo man remains such and no- which ho is tickling tho Lincoln branch of tho Douglas parly. Hear what tho Pittsburg l::t, one of the mnsi. nrini'i'ntiennd in 11 nen t cd 1 loiiidas na-' per in the State, has to say upon this ' . , ... i . ., , ; ,, "1 llo case. 1 hat paper has a l ight niice Mr. J'ougias to accomplitli, ami lul-; nn his paid contract with them. We refer onr readers to tiie resolution) jit, another eolumit, as passed by the Stale ! CuHvu Committee at Cresson on tho !)tli j i)lst., and ask for il an aUcntivo peru-al. an atlcntivo perual. ..... . . tnittoe, whi"h there were as sincere friends ()f f,.. 1 l,i'd.-is eel lainlv as Mr. Fornev , Jvinvho not onlv profess but practice! lo."Ocracy-,non tvVo, always fiht the, common enemy (rom within tho orgam- 'ziitioti who always welcome victory nov- or tleleat. e le.t a,ino.-t sure he woul'l, i hesitate in denouncing tho friends of the , j rrL,.,.,r nomineo in that committoe, who! foiisidei-ed tin. modeadiintetl tint bent tir.-'to . . . . ... idertl he cucumstances that cotil'l be eiiiie- ! ted. nnd who f.-lt the utter fobv of run of Mr. Fornev. Will l!io editor of the! J ",.. give us a few ai tides in favor of tien-, rrn Poster for Governor Will he say 1 ,on0 ,vftnl n ,lip,t tl0 ciootion olClll.. 1 , . ,.,;,'!, n ... ,, , ,..,, ,J I ry does lio not advice' a coalition with them to defeat whom ? not 1! reckinrid"e 1,111 11,0 Democracy. If but the Hard anil O.. I. 1 , VT -K' . 1 1 . . .niii, 'piauci "i .ew iiiiKcaui'O mau'ii rated, Mr. Fornev will havo clinched his biii L'ain and pocki le 1 his M-ier Ife in iv theV- reach what be is noiv sira.-.-lln.' to :l'.ng attain, Mr. Figlor s place m tho I'nite l f. ,. . .,. , , ... .laies r-enaie, inrougn i.iaci; uepubiicau I jiii..-..w ..,..i.-.i...,, . ... vobvs, ! lion wits calkid to order by Mr Hall, and Wo have, indubitable evidence that the' immediately proceeded to ballot for can arrangement inado by the State Commit- didates too is an excellent one, in the f.ct that nil il l, i ,- .... mo Jicpuiuiean papers, rorney 6 l vc.u m-1 l,l,, it ti. .1. . f ,.' ;own cj js jn a m'osl ,lo, t,0,l state of mind al the mosncct of defeat that stares it and its l'ai'tv in the face. The conipro - IlHi regularly nominated Democratic can- county, received L. votes, Hon . I I Leon didates, Stephei A. Douglas and Ilerscher m'd, ol ( learheld, Ind a votes, and P V. Johnson. Under the resolution of the' Jcnks, , ol Jefl-rson, had .'! voles Mr Committee., every friend of Douglas and regular nominations can and wiil vote, as we have always contended they fhould, "for tho ticket ofthe National Democra cy with Douglas at its he.vl." EepresentativJ Conference At a meeting of the Reprosentafivo i ;oninrces irom tno uounuos ot uieartiel I, Flk, Joilerson and M'Ko.m, convened jiurbuant to public notieo in tho Court Wilkius, Eq., and Dr. U. li. Urotvu wcro chosen secretaries. Upon calling over tho counties, tho fol lowing responded and took their seats: Clearfield, J. II. Larriiuer and U. Wood ward, l-jsq.,; Elk, lion. (ieo. Dickonson, .'Jcorgo Weiss, and J, S. Hyde, Esqi., j Jederson. Ir. R. It, r.rotvn, N. Carrier and J. P. Ccorgo, Ivsqs. ; M'Kean. S. A- Pack us, Win, Wilkin ami 3. C. Hyde Kstjs. Tho following gentlemen wero present- 1 cd to tho Convention for their consid cra - !( tion. S. A. Backus, Esq, nominated A. M. Benton. J. V. Goorgo nominated E. It. Brady. Judgo Dickenson nominated Jcllerflon L. Brown, nnd J. II. I.arriraer nominated John P. lloyt. Upon the 5th ballot, A. M. Benton nnd E. It. Brady were uuanimously nominated. 'nnd J. P. George, Esqs., wero appointed a ... . comnv.tteo on resolutions, which was un- animou.ily adopted l-i.vi, I li it we heartily approve of I , , III Mi I nil 'il I ' "i I , nl ' 'i' r I Mini In lilt " M. , ' i i I . I , .. , I I. I "11 III I'l III" III it H I 'Ml, I. I lu it i I j. . . i ... ii " til it t "' I ' I li.no , , mi, I. (' li" I il'I'lllll Inn. i tint ..ii iv I i u ii I'll' 1 1 1 . lull I', .'tt 'ii ' 'l nl in 'll Hint ll it III i ' itit I i ii" lli" ' it 1 1 ., ' 1 1 1 "i 1 1 I i in", t 'i' t , lull nt i il Ilii iI"h. i, i. tt liii li tlirr I1""".! j lli.. K.'t -I"'!" si ii", "I' i i"tiii" li' i t"i" I "I' llll III. 'Ill i. 'II l iill'll'l ll" I'T I'l" 1 'll" I M i;-i-li,i. t ' I hi" (ll Innlii'tl M" I 'lli.'ll. u -. II Pn Im 11 "11 Mini .'. S, llt'l" tviin ; 1 1 . i 1 1 1 I l.y lli" rliiiir to wait iii"U ami imlify lli" c nnli l atin of llu'ir inuiiiiiation. Ml'. I'.'tito il tt a inl ro. lit I I.) tin-I'.iiivi'iitioii mill re-. turned his warm" t Hi in ks It lh gates for the honor coiiferrfl, and for th tho gi'iu'ruui conlidi'ii"" mauilV'sle.l by Un til in re-nominating him m one of tho standard bearers ofthe Democracy o( thin District. Major I'.rady, in consii'ueneo of illness was unable personally, to tender his a c- . Knott lodgments. (,n motipii it wan .VW.v,, lliiit tho next meeting of tho Representative con (crocs ol this district no nan a. me bor- third I liursilay ol August, a. j Jeoi, Jlaolir, Thai tho proceedings ol tho Convention be signed by tho odicers, ami published in the F.Ik A'lw.i(t: and tho Democratio papers of this Ueprosont.itivo district. On motion adjourned to the time and place above named. (J W). WFISS, Trc t. W ti. Wilkin, li. IS. r,i;ott Democratic Congressional Con'ereucs. Agreeabh; lo a Resolution pascd at the , Concressiomtl Confereiieo of IS S, tho several Do niocratic Conferees from the aunties composing t he th ( ongressio- i nal District, met al the t.ourt J louse, in . j.rookvilai on Wednesday the 8th day of the 21th ( longrossio' i'.(..i,K.l,t, ,l John F. Carroll, ol JeMer- 'son. and James li. Knox, Secrelari .' 1'ho names oi the counties being called !" 'oij'tij''' 11,6 r",lowi" del'!" V. J. Rani, James Knox, and James C. Calbrailh. - Tho names of the counties being called James (,. (.ali.railli. t j- i r t ' ir. i t ' . ... .c'.-r.ti.ti. K. ' M"Oil, t . J ', J. Mar- ' Im, ami John l Oarroll. -'oi"fi. I ownseml lull, and -N. i. "ill. authoi-i. y to cast Ihree voles. ? i'o', 'T'l' ' ' a.m A . 1 . hittaker. . , inim. - i. .'.imuiiu., . anuiui.t, "d Orns Hall. 0tl "i"''0" H'c '"on volition proceeded nominate can.llilates to he Voted lor by "c " 1 1 ""'""l1"" nomii'ated 1 atrick Iverr, ol -larion, Mr 1 !ie( onveiuion proceeded to ballot: wnen me vote sioi'i, isc tiauoi, i . ivc : t m 1' Jcnks, '.I ; James K Kerr o ; flour:.'" R Pairett, 4;U N Parmlee, '2; JamcT Leonard. :i vol os No candidate havin:: a 1 -majority of all the votes, the name '.eorge it r. irretttvas withdrawn nv Mr I'ikc, ami hum otivciiuoii again proecciu 1 ...-.,.,, ,t H ,i, . f,,,, I , i 1 v" """"" '.' -j .'on without making a nomination, when a ' motion was maiio and carried to ad 'ill 7 o'clock, on Thursday morning A l ijoui - nc.l i ''....,.. M,,i,.-iv .lll,rtl'..-,i.., .m pnseni. v.c n.tc . ...... . ...... ... - .. e I I. ., 3 I 1 1 , I 1 1 1 , !-, n I lt-,1 "-' v v" -" ,. , which ttere had, or a conect reiiort fd the : numerous sp.eeclies and suggestions which "'ere made. 1 his we are compel led tod : 'll.vt until next week The whole lll'lltel , ln -1 nulsL ,,(( .U ".inoi, or. I i a n ; . il . i .1 ,.; a,).. . f.mcs K Iverr, 1'iso, of Venango Kerr, of Venango, having rccehed '.ho majority ofall the votes cast, was declared by tho President of tho ('.invention, its j nomineo for Congress Tho nomination was on motion of Mr "Vhittaker, made u Il'inimoilS 'Next week wo will givo a more full ac . P ,, ,. r.i ,, count of the proceedings or the Conven- tion, but will say that tho Democracy ot tho '2 1'.h Listriethave aeandidatc of w hom thev have fverv riirht to bo nroud. C have known hiai intimately and well for twenty years, nnd although ho was not our first choice, wo aro glad that so good a man hits been chosen as James K. Kerr. Jej)'ersuniai. Mcetintr ofthe Foster Club No. 1. of Clearfield. In pursuance of previous appointment "Tho Foster Club No. 1." ofCleiiifi.i l met at tho Town Hall in this 15orougli cu Tuesday evening thcl4lh inst. In tho absenco of (len. J. II. Larriiuer, r, ...., , ',,-1, ii President ; the Club was called lo order by O. P. (Joodlander, Esq., Vice President. I.cavo was asked by W. A. Wallaeo, , . , , t chair man of the Committee on Constitution il,,, I in i.i ' i. II, ' I ' ML 'i I 'I'" nl By-laws for tho government oftho .Club, to havo until tho next meeting to mako report Granted Israel Test, Esq., was then called for anl nddrcssol the mooting at consiuera- Wo length, showing tho proprioly of tlio J action of tlio State Central Committc nt j Philadelphia on tho 2d of July, and also at Cresson on tho 9th of August. His ml ' dress was received with groat applause. i solved that wo approve of, and ratify the J nclion of tho Stato Contrul Commictoo at Cresson ou tho 9th of August, and will carry out their resolution to the utmost I , .it i.i il'i'. , W iMi ". I ii n t.i l I ' I'"" I ' I I in tin u i i", ' I ul it I. .It, I i Hi" ' In'.. I 'ii lu ll ion, Hi" t 'In'' ii'li"iit li I lt, I nl Hi" T.nt it II ill mi lli" '' ill ii 4 .1, ll, W ti i i ti " Ml. 'ny l'io Nic i'.'iti.: I t i'l' vi'itH mi i aii;..iii . A. Ilie inl, ,1 ilinil ol Ml. .ley nn I in a ltmvo in-ill- III" Si lloiil M ill"", l"- 111" p'llp.i.v nl it i I in m -in g nil rt b ibi I ion nl the clnsi' of Mi s Tiihillia WhIIiicii'm ii h'tol, ntnl to paltiik" of the guild things provided, ni,, bi'iiiighl In the grnund by lh" binli. . The iiihi'bitanls met about ten o'clock, ttluii on ni'ili'in, ('apt. M. Og'l''" Wm elniM'ii l'lf -iident, Mr. William WhIUh and Mr. John (Ucns Vice Presidejits, U. ll.Sliitw Secretary, and L'ev, J. T..Colu Chaplain of tho day. Wilsoi Wallace, P. C. Shalliier and Lewis Kit-hel H ero a;iv pointed to draft rules for tho order of tliir day. After th table, tt as spread tvilh re freshments, the Tcacherand pupils were escorted from tin' teliool house to tlio ground by the b ind, and tho committee reported tho following rules. 1st, ThaW the exercise, ha opened by singing, and Prnyet by the Rev. J. T. Colo. 'Jd.'Fxlii bitioii bv the school anil an address deliv ered by Rev. J. T. Cole. Ilrd, That nil partako of tho refreshments iirepared hy the liidies. 4lh, That the Chaplain tako hisseat at tho head of tho table; after which tho band and scholars shall bo seat ed next, and that all others that nro pres ent bo served. 5th, That the company enjoy themselves the remainder of tho day in peace and harmony. Gth, That tho proceedings be published in our County papers. The exeroiso being opened by Rev.J.T. CjIo. The exhibition was then commen ced which was gone through with, in u very eloquent manner, with credit to both teacher ami pupils, and shows that no la. bor has been spared on their part to re ceive the hearty approval of all. After which the l'ev, J. T. Colo waa called to j (n u!jlo a , , ' 1 " me stiuni ami a'i'iiesseii llio autiience in unl eloijuent manner. Tho coin- all partook ol nn excellent din ner of the abundant good things provided fur tl 3 occasion, to which children and visitors tlono ample mstiee. The remain dor ofthe day was spent in a very pleas ant manner the parents returned home at an early hour and the young folks enjoy, od themselves in peace-and good friend" ' , ' ' . . . 'f ,i., 1 ',!.;., ,,-r.ll cll.C.wl ..III, ll.n ,....1., ,,,,,1.,,, J i lilt 11 t.T VI k 1 1 U i.lj , (Jot Another One. Mat Root of r;iii:es ville is taken the census of Lake County. Tlt, oti,(,,. tpiv i,0 ,-Coeeivd a call from an . . .. . . . . . . ... teen chil Iron, all under seventeen years of 1 n-e u l,;o iKini.,.; l,o renienil,..'ed lo le.v t-iken, spoke about tho weather, Ac , hut lhlJ h , old faru.t-r seeined to groir ir.ore and more embarrassed. At length i"10 'i-itor Hurled out, "My old woman sent mo down lo tell you to come over I.,J take tho census over again She's ijI !,.,(((,T on-'." Vh.; bin I Down-rat. 3.1 clu bhrlistnunts. Clearl'ieSi! AIrktK. tVllill.r.vil.i: AM) liKT.UI. I'lllCHS crilllKNT. Corro'-te.l weekly by C, Kn.tizca X f.i.Ns, Wlmb'.'-iilo ninl lletiiil D.-alors in Uroerrio, I'm vision.', inul (loneriil Dry (loods. Kucktvlioiit I'ii , (0 , i.yo ... (tins " " ... JVn (car,..)" " .. . . "vtr. I' l'.'."r- lin:'':. p ml 00 n 11,00 11,011 n,on (1,00 in i 121 t,.iil M,no 2) (C:i 'of;1' ,("r' j','., 'no' i "' ., - i.,,,., . Appl 1 .. , J-'J.- V d" Ilel.ns 'i.t l'.u. . Suit 'f1 Saek, . Hop,- -f1 . . ltil-S " . . hiii-, ui, bams ami si.l OS EEGISTEB, S NOTICE. "VTOTICE, iii lie.-cby given Ibid tbo It.lloHiiig X iiceoiiiilt lnivo In en oxiiininod unit pn.setl by mo, ninl leiin.iiiid tiled of iceord in tlii.i uf five I',. i- tlio iu.-pccti.Mi of lieirs, tomatoes- eroili lors, and nil takers in rny ol!i r tt nv intcres- leu. nml will 1,0 prefcnleil to the o next ill-plum a " ' v , ,u iii-i.i i-u.ini.i , i., no iieiu ui me i'...., ..r ,M..,.....i.i ... i . i , . . .t. -""'. ii'iuce, in uio tturuuu oi vienriiilil, com- iiieniinj; on llio 4tb Momlny of s;,,j,touiber, lb60, for llio eiiiiliriiiiition nnd allowance : Tlio account of tioo. Jacob Voua Adniinidrn tor of tbo goods nnd cliiitti'!?, ribla nnd creil ils, of (ieorgc C.intor late of Urndy township, Clcnrliold oomitv doeeitfed. A FARM FOR SALE. I Tlio undersigned offori. for jjalo, vnlttnblo farm in I'cnn totvnsbip ; formerly owned and ""w "C-cupicd ly lliebard Denver jr: eontniniiiK nbout ftl ueroK, bountled by hind of John 1. n,.t, Tbos. Marti., and Jonathan Wl o, ono ,ii0 west of lV'iinville. From 40 to 50 acrci cleared a pond fr.uno dtvelling house, ft log , barn, and other building erected thereon. Also- 1 1 K""d benring orchnrd nnd a never foiling ppring on tho premises, nnd will bo sold on reasonable tcrnm. 1'or winch apply to Win. Ir vin Curwenftille. UICIIAHIJ UFNVKH, Ben. Aug- 22l1i 1SC0. Jut. l'enn townnhip. A C?;nrrc3l 4 Ycnr, IL&iiiisB The ftibseriber will send (free of charge) to all who doniro it, tho Hecipe and directions for mak ing a implo Yeyrtnblc Jlnhn, (hut will, in frin two to eiplit days, reinovo I'impleS, lilotcho", 7'ii J-'rcrklct, Kullnwiicf., and all impurities nnd roughness of tbo Skin, Uaving tho (iimo.-B Na- turo intendctl it should bo ., rlnir, tmooA nil brnuiiful, Thoo desiring tho Kocoipo, with full j iuMru(.tiUI1(,( direction, and advice, will pleiwo cull on or address (with return postage.) JAS.T. MAllSIIALL, 1'racticai. Chemist, No. 3 2 City Uuildings, N.York. Aug. 2Bfh 1 SCO !mo, Ihlrty-Mntli and Market Street, IhlP. Prof. COKTI.AM) SAUNDICHS, Irlnclpls. Hon. WM. IJIflLER, Clearfield ; Win, MeKIB BIN, Ecq. d tho Merchants' Hotel, Thila. ; Htm. .T. V. l-'OHNKV, of '1 he 1'rcBH ;' Rev. K. W KST11KOOK, of the S. S. Fninn ; Hon. J. W. MAYNAKU, Willimnsport; J. LK1SENRINU, Kfip, l'ros't oftho Lohigh Coul f: Nav- Co., and Hn. ASA PACKER, Much Chunk ; ail of irhom huvu on hottrtltng in SHuntlcr Itmtittie$ ! r.i'fMhorough "nd l tllnll?uZ , Tn, iffor! I . . " Btaiion aemred renpeetiuR tim. (imry A drove and l.awn of IlKill l" A C II li. nro an am eel to ine inntitute. lor toclunon. rec t, r Sin Nation nn l phyncal exrciK.