i Home Affairs. AAKiuiuuB jWIICE. ' . ,.,, succession ot islands, the steamer car Rev. Dr. Litz, of Philadelphia, will nes ou ,!eir to the mouth of the Tasca- Jireach in the Baptist Churrh this l Wednes day) evening, and on each succeeds evening during the week - 1 ' AIhc ou Sunday at 10 o'clock. Camp Meeting. The Cnmp Meeting of the M. E. church for the Clearfield and curwensville charge will be held on tho ffrnnnl i.f T 11., ill be held on tho mu ni f Mr ri Rftod r.n i.i ;i. inui:n louder. . ' . , W&ViTa? U k VoS.. Th- -sic may be heard at any time Meeting mrm t c.. ..... T P,,i, , . . ..". iJ. UDOlSWOOtl. , " " """6 5&.The lecent refreshinc rains have been of vast Unefit to the com, potatoes ,.... Polales pasiuie ac, Xall Tihotuv. Mr. James Bailey of Lawrence p., brought, to; our ofl.ee the vuici .mj iuiw piucKs oi iimotijy, each measuring six feet and ttix inch ; ' Beat thU if you can. It was raised ou'LU farm about two mili fm. out two miles f.om town, ( 8-.We have one of "Grace Green' mill,t -ni ' , wood s LMk TJgrm, upon our table. It is indeed a tine number-a Pilgrim that! should be in every family. Fathers and mothers eet it for vour children tAhnui in I,. tm,v.T,;i - .Wtowr.-P. C. Purviarr. A n,l.m. v"..W fr, .. . ' : ' uauiHiioa. J hero it is Baid to bo most of Clearfield, takes this method to an. 'audible at night and when tho moon is nounce to the public, that 'he will close nearest her lull. Sir Kmerson says: hisGallery on the 27th Ana. (insi.) for! , ":iouniJs smewhat similar are heard un- the purpose of making a professional tour, o. prooaoiy several months. Those wish- j Bombay. At Caldora, in Chili, musical ca ing Ambrotypcs can secure his services ; deuces are said to issue from the sea near during the mean time. In addition to I Ijal1(,inff I'hiee ; they nre described as ;.ft,...,. v.. T ,. ' ... . uj. n, uo uri.uea wun an nynruuoni oi jancy catct, at lower pnce8,,,US5 n'" encacy. the animals from : Uian ever bofore sold in Clearfield countv. Aug. 15, '00. -2t. ' ! '; - i . . ,i i IS. A. Lady friend writes us' "that the coinmitteo of amtngements for our toun 4 ty fair, have omitted a very important I . clait of thhigs for which there should be a i liberal premium awarded it is for the ;. best trotting old Bachelor ia tinjle bar. ness, the ring to bo open to all competi tors, the object being tho improvement of 1 the stock." . BflJuSixty-four counties in tho State of I Kentucky give Gen. .Leslie Coombs I 25,206 majority for Clerk of Appeals. f He was the Union candidate, and roceiv- ho support of the friends of Douglas. ErjV"Tll rfnnl. nf I hn wnnl l,.ol in.. ;., j Missouri is still in doubt. Four candid ftlos were out fpr Governor, and tho same number in some "of ' the Congressional Districts. 4 JWfAn affray oeourred at Cleveland f on the 9th inst., between the keeper of a saloon and two negroes, in which the white man was instantly killed by a knife in the hands of one of the negroes. The negroes lied, but were subsequently ' ar rosted." ' " Recent Publications. Tcaehinyt of Patriots and Malesmfn ; or, the Founder the JleMlie m ti'aveiy. By K.ra B. Chaso, Esq. J. W. Bradley, 48 N. Fourth street Philadelphia. From a very hasty examination of this book, we should say that it ought to'be read by all persons, no diflerenco vtbnt their religious or political feeling mny be. The subject of slavery is treated fairly and impartially,, ami in accordance with the view of the "Karly Fathers of the Re. public," no dicta of a single indivdual is allowed to establish a fact, either for or against slavery. This book displays search, and Mr. Chasb much patient rc has displayed ad- mirablojuJgmcnl in the arrangement of its pages. In it we find tho history of '.he M.ivery question, from the Act of Conferf (ration down to the present time, giving the reader an accurate history of this in. stitution for nearly a century. We have no hesitation in recommend ing Mr. CnASj'sbook lo all our readers, as being worthy of their patronage and sup port. BfcyTThe 'MmenfaarurMiirwi" for Alls gust has also hern received. This is one of tho host and cheapest Agricultural pa pers in the country, and should be liber n I In J I... ,1 l ., tiiy iiivnit.-u uy at. c.Hsses, ana partlCU iarlv ftirmr. r,.M;WI k n t.. i . 1 arly farmers. Published by Orange Judd. it, IV. Y. a f 1,00 per annum. , ?iThe "Democratic Test," U tho name lof ft new BPor published in Blrmmflnbl Perry co. Pa., by J. B. Cooper Eso. It is a neat paper, and has the ring of the I true metal. ! t&TThe Atlantic MontMu" for August, is upon our table. The high literniy rlinr- 'aeter of this nuhlical IOII 14Veill Slislninrrl 111 is an admirablo lumber. Published by Ticknerand Fields 135 Washington street jBoston, at $3,00 per annum. J IA.The Secretary of the Treasury has laaim tit. n .1 '. ... . r "i r. ' V0,''U,,'" rroposa.s wr. i.. ue uy vno uovernmeni ot a line or i ip cfptpmiii d 7 . , l AX lowancei - - ' , -nagnetie telecraph to bo constmetpd XF.SFTtM.l,KR . i SZZLn ... .. 'nagnetio telecraph to bo constnmto.l wirtun iuA i.Ai.t. rnH ... 01.. . o t v .',1 'tuu. uia OlBl OI .lUIV. ' tiu ' ,.r.0,nV,Ome Pint " the W Of; . - " "1C "'nirac- name m uavia laKlwell, Containing 105 ncre. l-?u ?X'.fCt' (Wnling by telegraph nd aoaneB, bounded by lands snrveved on With Washington, X w Ol leans. New jnrrn' 'a the name of James Wilson nnd lands oik, Charleston, Philadelphia, Boston ' "Hr'n,,,f(1 iD ,h "me or Moore 4 Delaney ; the nnd other cities in the Atlantic, Southern 1." m "I-'. 'n"ct b,"'J!8 wo." tilnb"-'l. witb i-nd Western Stales In Van ir. . , PiB tiuTber an. having atresm The contract aill U for ton vo.V. .' J. must sr.i k t. ::. " . l " -'7 " bjkum.t sum man tony .uousanu aoiiprs a year. 5-Patience. lika illililren, becomes tror g by exercise.. LrTu,ten..ftho tonue -hould be ?"rrrtlntiinkofthehert. ' 1 Mvatet-inni Wm in going trom Mobile to Now Orleans through Granta l'asa, and along the - g. , lve, ',,"c,, ' on yur; right. In ?lg,,t of tlie ,,nJ of transit, a short diu- tance up the river, is often heard mysto- rioua musio. rf which the reader nv ,.. bably get the best idea by comparing it a distant though powerful Eolian harp Many assert that they hear as many three or four notes.. Others compare it l" '.,u.rrn,. 01 " f- et of couree very; V 10 VMr' or " ny period of the dav. ll... u ...... -ii "ui aw an nours. J i :s most tre - .itonily noticed at nidit. It is apparent y '.ouclt when there is considerable wind. C l lho Vl,ed 'Su,ea Go' - rnent sent a corps of savans to this place to' liscover, if they could, tho causo of -this! f , .T,ri, , ,,n.r1.118' that a number of poor Indians were long pH" muruereu at mat place, ana that the ou'ii heard it their plaintive moan. This ' t, P m ' i 'anie or a similar sound is heard at otler ,,nrP,. A ntleman of high stand - ns8,,r" u ''u he 1,f'9 hea-( air.e S,,l.5eP?rl01f Ouyniaa, in the Gul,' of .California. It is asserted that it is also "enra ttt "'e mouth of Bayou Coq del lndo, ""J ,t ther places along the coaRt of the I . " . or. 19 l co"h"?d to this Gulf of Mexico, continent, as mav be learned from Sir 'Emerson Tennant's recent work on Cey- ' '?V. Cllst l?.motl",'8 e it is heard I A. ll .,, t .... . , 'coast 0r i1(jia (v. . nitici, hi ruuio juaces on me wes'crn ,coast of India, especially in tho harborofl iit-iug miu inning iuuy tour notes, resom- r"n? "k0 1,1080 afc B'ltliulloa, till they ;protiuce a musical disuord ot great sweet-1 whence they proceed have not Imon tilled at either place, and the mystery re mains unsolved, whether those at Bat tialloa are given forth by fishes or mol lusk." Whether this sound proceeds from cat fish, or any scaly fish, or from shell fish, or trom any of tln .se, seems very doubtful. A friend of ours has been promised some paper on this subject. Should ho secure ihem, our readers may hear something furtuer on tho point. We should bo mucii pleased to receive any further re-! liable information on the subject. Wei have beard that it it noticed in Col. Pick. I cits history of that part of the Southwest. A. Y. Observer. Tub Candidates kor tub Charleston iNoaiNvunNg. Tbera were nine gentle men before the Xalional Democratic Con- vention, for the Presidential nomination. ,v.z: -Messrs. Jlunter, Guthrie, Douglas, Dickinson, Lane.Toucoy, Davis, Johnson, of Tennessee, and Peurce. of Marvl.-iml Since the Baltimoro Humiliations', they have declared their preferences, as fol lows : KOR llAJOR nRRl'KINRIOUe. 1. Hon. II. M. T. Hunter, 2. Gen Jo. Lane, 3. Hon Jfincs Guthrie, j. Hon. Andrew Johnson, 5. Col, Jefferson Davis, C. Hon. Isaac Toucey, 7. Hon. Juntos A. Pearco, Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson. VOn JCDOR Il01.-liI.AS. 1. Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. Of the gentlemen prominently men tioned in connection with the Democrat ic nomination, but who were not voted for at Charleston, nearly evcrv one .m expressed a preference for Breckinridge1 and Lane. Among them arc Kx-Govcr-1 nor wise, J-.x-iNmaker Orr. Senator Hum. mond. L'x-I'residenL L'ieiv. S..nuinr ki;. dell, Secretary I'liomnson. Senator Uriel. t. Hon. Howell Cobb, and Senator Hay aril. BX,Tho resignation of Cl.iflf .Tnt;,. Shaw, of tho Supremo Court of Massachu- sens, is announced to take place Septern- dor next. Judge Shaw is nearly 80yoars ! MARRIED. On Thursday, Au ust Oth, at VVhitmorp, Boccnria tp , by J. W. Wright Kq. Mr. (Jflorga Hablet to Miss. Sarah E. Wash burn. Clearfield Rifle Comrany. You will nipot for drill and poradoat the Moi.nl Joy School House, on Saturday the 25th day of August, at 10 o'clock A. M., in summer uniform with arms and ac coutrements in good order, and sup-died with six rounds of blank cartridge. By or der of the Cant. I Aug. I, IMIO. JOHN F. IfOTKO. S. A ,M!'TATOH TlCK.Letters A.m Aaininistrni.on having been this day granted to the undersigned on tho estate of Thon. aa Owens Into of Ferguson tp., Clenrfieldconn ty 1 a. dcc.d., nil persons indcblod to said .ii. I are requesttd to mnke Immediate n ymcnt. and ...... .....ins aKnini sail, esiate, are re - Rested to present them duly authenticated for tni. h.P nf. . . . ' . .. . . EMELINE OWENS 1 ANTHONY II ILK, J Adm'r. tp., Aug. 6, 1880.--3t. Forgusoo Hcwanl. I hll Acre, of land for Salo, 15 acres of which ' I .ll .i . .. . . , is iui iiutcui iuo Dn snce w.i ti.ni.u.-Aj , - - ... - "i"vi, on tho premises. 1 Aug. 8, 1S60. Ot, I?RAEL NICHOLS. K,"A"I t'oiJMT sai,k Bv - f of an order of tin Orphan's Court of virtue Court of Clear- nciu vouniy. inert will bo exposed to public J"1.1 ,he Court ,Iou8e in lhe Borough of Clear- r,M n . T ,x the following de.orlbed i-.l Estate to wit A ' tract nfl.nH .:....-. .r ""icni fle'd bounty rZSf'T. "l VI TJ. "'"hcan be made navigable :,r ur ,B Wli"n km e. . r : . . - , faw Mill nngnt be. ereeien, late tba .....B;of Sam.el Caldw U deceased TI.HMX, One. fourth nf if., nnrnl,... "PJ'"? .Bf '""lei ooe fourth on the ooafiiouitlon ra.e, ana iDe balance in two equal snaual payments with interest from day of Sale, to be securca by Bend it Mortgage. , . . .... DAVID CALDWELL, Adm'r.'d Aug. , l(t0. of Simme! CnMwell, dee'd. , K, Lit of Jurors for Sept. Terra, common cing on the fourth Monday, the 24tu day. GRAND JURORS. f , , Bull Adorn ISreth. i Brady Samuel A mold, "Joseph Kishel, iiuirison i ag(tnoro, Jos. u. Arnold, Fred erik Klmtler, Frederick Wingert. JJurnside Stephen Brothers. ' I- Chest Calvin Stevans to ' Covington Win. Sohnairs. . ' ' Decatur J. Parsons, Jonathan Kep a lirl. l'liilip Koeso. Andrew Geaihart. 1 to ' raiiam James F. Shopo "usion-aiisun jjrown. i.nwrence joiin Unwa lerty. r. of Lumb.; 'City-Wm. vU. tj morris winiel JJcams, Jonatnan Roth orek. ( New Washington Samuel Souring Pike Abraham Snyder...,,, Woodward Joseph' Fiscus. Curwensvillo Daniel Faust.: traverse Jettons 1st -am Beccaria-Jo8. W. Lull. James If. IIe ' Bell-Jacob W. Cnmpbril, Wm. T, uert. I Boggs Isaac Southard, Ifeury 'I''". Tliomas Waple. j Bradford -Jerome Robinson. 1 Brady-George W. Long. Jacob Ogden Oeorge J. Yeas, Levi Draucker. James C. Bat rett, Henry Hoover, George L. Morgan, Daniel Goodlander. fc : Burnside-Philip Neff, Frod Sheppard John Rorabaugh. . ' 1 (.'liest Jonathan Fry, Josiuh W. Lam- burn turwensville Abraham Gate. Jacob i'liust. Clearfiold-L. R. Merrell. . : Decatur Isaac Goss. . I Fox James Blair. ; Girard- -Pctor Lamm, Adam Spackman. rj. n ooiriage. Goshen l ewis Irwin. Gulich Jones Rollin. Jordan Joseph Dew alt, Joseph Mc in en I, l'etor Uloom. Kai thaus -George . lleckadorn David Havnes. Knox John Jackson. I,R.vrence O.iver Conklin, A. II. Reed sa need. RMorris Wm. L. Merrell. New Washington Jos H. Broth. Pike John Bloom Sr., Geo. B. Cald well, Geo. B. Dale. . Penn David T. Sharp,, Joseph Xow comer. Un'.on David Horn, i .. t . 2nd wkek. Boll John Orr. Boggs George Turner, Thomas Beerc, BPadlbrd Geo W. Gi-a.liurt, A. II. Lu cas, John Dale. Brady Jcckson Long, Jeremiah Kri- I Barnside-". C. Mitchell, John M'Cul ! lough, Eb'n M'Masters. Chest -Daniel Gorman, Samuel Mo Een. J Clearfield Wm. Radebaugh, Henry .-Miyucr, tieuorson ijitz. Covington John M. Reitor. Ferguson Philip McCracken, George Straw. Graham Martin V lor. French, Isaac Ky Gnelich James A. HegArly. Goshen -Robert Biimgardiier. Lawrence George Guelich. Ltiiubor City Jesse Spencer, John Fereuson, John Broomall. Morris Wm. Devinoy, Jos. Denning, Edward Perks. I ike Jos. M. Spencer, Jacob Kilter. Union Levi Dressier, Benjamin F. Hai-lcA. John Brubaker. Wondward Ciihstian Shnff. To I'errions out of Kmploymcnt. GENTS WANTED TO SELL tho Erie Sew ing Machine. will give a Commission, or wages at from 1.5 to $liO per month, mid expenses paid. This is a new Machine, and so simplo in its construc tion that a child of Ifl jenrs can learn t'oopcrate it by half an hour's instruction. Ills equal to any Family Sewing Machine la use, and lho price is but Fifteen Dr liars. Persona wishing an Agency will address J. N BOY UN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine C.mpnnv Aog. B, lHtlQ-Sw MILAN, -JIIIQ. (WII.1V8 COURT .SAM-T-j Jol an order of tho Orplian'a Court of Clear- ' Held county, ihero will bo eiposod to publio sale I at the bouso of Isaac lllooia in the Jiorouirh nf , Ourwensvillo on SATURDAY THE 8TU DY OF SEPT EM BE It, A. I). im at 1 o'clock V, M., the foI.Wine do'nrill i estate to wit : that oiTtiiln plantation or tract of land aitnalo (on the public road loading from v,icarnci'i to iow iiash.ngton) in Pike town ship Clearfield county Penn a. liounded on the north by lnnd belonging to the esiate of John 8. Curry deceased, on tho east by land of Fitch A ISoynton, on the Wost by lands of Wm- A Bloom and Wm Rex, and on the south by land of Ueorge W Curry. Containing two Hundred and Fifteon Acres more or less, having erected thereon a large twe-atory frame (L) house, woather-bonrded and painted, with cellar, a large double log. barn, raln-house, dry-house, wagon-snod, ami about one hundrnd a. m. ,.t cleared jami, with a largo bearing orchard, and a never failing spring of water thereon, lata the estnte of KHiard Currv deceased. TKHMS, 10 per cent on day of sale, one-half i coniiriuiiuoo oi snie, anu me balanco in ono year with Interest to bo secure,! by bond and mortgage WM. REX Adm'r., . Aug. 8, I SCO. . of R. Curry deceased. SHERIFF SALE. 1)J virtue of sundry writs of Vendition Kim. L) naa issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas ol Lontre couulv and to mo direct il. il,r .,n be exposed to public sale at the Court House la iinr.. - . , 1 " " I"'" " jiviiuiuiiii., tin monuaVt u K"un' Bnu Plrtly " "uh town -hip, Cen- tre county. One tract whereof situate in Morris tw'n Clearfield county, was surveyed undor warrant to Peter Yarnol I, and contain. 350 acre, and al- jowniieo. , i Also. One tract situated a. abovo was sur- tBin. 6v. hundred and i.nW.ZZ "T. u uio name or Jesse 1 arm, it r.l0lT.T.?f situated in Rush township, .nd contains 4201 acre, and to allowance. Auo. One tract situated as above was mr veyed undor warrant to John Weidman, eons taming 440 acre, and 78 perches and allowance, x A,f 0'.T??' lract ,,lrT3red nnler warrant to Jaoob Weidman, oontaining 403 awres and 86 perches. I ? , Al.SO. Ona (rant .it.nl ...1 - " - ."-'"'.j mo nii.irs was stir. veved u,nr .irr.ni t w u.i. . "r Hiii.ing 380 acre, india pTrehe. ' lhrt being erected on the above described property, two Saw Mills aad several dwelling oenea in Ken in execution and to be sold as property oi u. JH. linger. aL ... TIIO'S McCOY, 8herltr. Sheriff a office. Bellofonte, : -Centre motility, Aug. 8,'flnj i t pmriPMRirRG ash T I a, 8 " ,8Mhy fnn and Wslerford HsiMtmi Cnffln... u. .5 I eloot.oa w.il ba bold la tbs Borough of Olo.r. field, Cle.rBold eounty Pa .t the office of Wnl tor Itarrett Kao., on Thurxlay the 2M day of AuKim A D lMO, between the hours of 2(1nd do clock P.M. f,aidday, for the purp0le of electing one Preiident snd Twelve peron to r,f" aid ennr, ntnthe reeond Mondav in .Timor, ism a.ii ,l ... i j j. in,, nimn- HeorKe K Barrett,' John Patfon. '' TTC8T.T'J:COnnrd' ' Lewl J- rnnir. : i i v' J'10U,I"n. John Cnrlile. ' w J. , mr0D' James Campbell. Alcxandor, , ' James Hlakoley. . nu,nd """"rs. Coaiinissionor . vimruuiu, Aug. K, I8B0. 2t. ESTATE OF SAMUEL SiW- In the matter oftheEatatee of Samuel Spencer. Joioph Spencer, Hannah anl Nancy Spenoer and John Ilarlow t'iehcr due'd. , . AniJ now April 17th I860, Citation awarded by tho Court npon the heirs exocutoiaand Administrators of the above de cedents, toehow cau?o why specilio performance orcontraots fo r sale of real otnto, made by thorn in lltoir lifetime shall not bo docreod, 2th Jhco I860. Citation returned, and on motion of R. J Wallace hsq., Attorney for applicants, Tho.. J. McCulloiigh tsq., waa appointed Commissioner to tako Teatiuionv, JAMES WniOLEV Clerk 0, C. In purauance of the above Coinmistion U U'.UV M"ln,a,,Tn the above matter i tn..n..aJ !l'y in Clearfield, on Thursday the ISH, day of September next, when and where all person inlirotod mav attend , . ', THOS.J. MeCL'LLOUUU, CoiuV ' C carfield, August 8, 1SU0. It. 1-TiKSII GOODS, JUST .IN TIME TOO. The subscribers are just opeuUiR at their old stand, a freah Slock of acaaonablo Uoods. consist lag of a full acsorlment of Dry Uoods, llaidware, Queenawrre, made op Clothiiie r..,l,n. j.oia ana i;noe. or every variety, Ladios Dices triimnpa do., which thoy will dispose of tn as good if not better terms to the purchn -or thnn they can be t-btuincd elsewliero, for. either cash, J.tuubcr or rountry (.roduco genornllv Aug. 1, '60.-at. MOORE & ETZWILEpj "j XKCfTOR-H 'NTlci3.-ieITe"rsTe; XJ mentary having been granted to the undor Jignedon the estate of (ieojrro Wolch d,.epa-.od. bite of Uwrcnce tp. C'learflold county Pa , all pcrstns indebted to said e.tate are requested to miike immediate; payment, and thoso having Claims ncuinyt it. are rcnlinfn,i ... . duly authenticated for settlement. Hgst i, isbu.-et, WM, POUTER, Ex'r. "1AUTItX, All persona are hereby notitiod ii r I'ure'mao or in any way meddle with the rollowmg property, now in the posaeasion or ' Clark of lirady township, vi : ono ltone ninre, ono two horse Wagon and one Cow, as the same belongs to me and is loft with him on 1 an only subject to my order, DANIEL HJSIIEL Ilrady tp., Aug, 1, I860. 3t. 1I.AfilMl(;.Tho subscriber, having Ineatod himself in the bornngh of ClearBold would inferm tho publio that be is prepared to do work in the nbove line, from r,l..in . ' tal of any description in a workmnnliko msnner. Alio whitewashing and repairig done in a nenl manner and on reasonable terms. , c ,, , EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield April 17, 1860. Jy. -By virtue of &, 3 turn writ of Veil. Ex.. Issund mn .,f d, of Common Plena isi of Cantor co., and to mo di reeled, will bo exposodto publio sale at tho , , ' , ' 1 "'""Snet A Conwny's ex In the borough of Clenrflold, on I " ,, 0 hlin jkri,1''f. of a gret variety of MONDAY THE 20TIIDAY ? V'r fjUrne,t' cain?, Barry's Trinnphcrmu, Court House at.u o clock A. M tho following described' property, to vii:A certain tract oflnnd situate' in Goshen tp. Clearfield eoumv Pa., bounded bvl lands of J.a,.b Flegal, Ellis Lwin iTs litre ? suuu i"o ousquolinnno River. Containiue two hundred nnd scventy.lx acre, more or lcs tluco dwc.ling housea, two bnins; wagon al cd and other out building', nnd a large bearing orchard thereon. Scixcd taken in etecutiun and to bo sold as the property of John Selfrigo. c. - NEUICK MILLER, SI.'IT. Sheriff. Office, CIcarticd Pa, Aug. 1, 1S00 T CI. 10 Alt Fl KLD ACADEMY, will opened fur ih be (mules and females) o n. Mondav, May 2Sth, 1KC0 7i-m per session of eleven Weeks Oribogrnphy, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithnictio and tfeography. $ 50 Jligher Aritlnnctic, English Grammar, Gi"o rnphy and History. j;t Algebra, tieometry, Naturnl Philosophy uuu isjok Keeping $1.00' ..inn nnu ureek languages. SO 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough fcnglis. Education, and who wUh (o qualify tliemsB Ires for teachers, thia Institution offcis uusiriiuio auvaniages. no pupil received tor lesa thon half a sctsion. snd no Ueduclion made excopt for protracted ickn Tuition to be paid at the dose of tho term. , nA !,vsANrFOHI, I'lUNUfAL. Aug. 20, 1X00.- Iy. JAMKS V. t.KOSARD. WM, A, WALLACE. tl. A. riXHKt A. C. riNSKT ;inl;ini) anb CoIItrtioir t)i OK LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L K AKFI L .), CLEAHFIELD COUNTY, PA. JBILI.S nLFXCHAMll!,N0TESASnnnAKT8l.l8l0lNr:l. I)lilOSITSKI,ci;ill-l, Qollcolions made and proceeds promptly remitted iiicuangc on the titles constantly on hand. Office on Scccnd St., nearly 'oi.po.ito the COUKT HOUSE. 1860 18C0 mil k M c M t "lcrcuuiit, And extensive Dealer li ire limber, It.arJr Klilngles, Ac. - . f f 0 lee npil M'ch 14 W0. lihickiiifliin. JAXJES CROSSLY earricaon Blackamithing in the borough of Lumber city, whor be will eie -bio promptly all work entrusted to him, and execute it in a workmanlike manner, , July 4, ItlitU Jy. .lV "I ft W tjr ... ' '- ! 4 I HAM, Side., Mackerel and Herring for aal0 i AV"! " h' ' -low at the store of W. F IR H IV , Vn "T1 ?f.h,, 10 operations in lrentlaifv. a.r.i r.. t.l ......iiirij. I ooso dcsirnm ha a,.. -:u... . . : Clearfield, July nth 1S60. TI!V IPl'IHIl r... i. .t . iRY I I" . . '. . ' ln" torMVu. j. irwm, jiaraet street, Clearlioli Pa. iTKY CHKRRIES foV ..la at ih. ., ' .c I.l.ra Wm. OSCAR LORAIN It.- to V' ,'i vjbn : T.ft'.'O't ,emi) DRUG $ VARIETY. ' iw.'jj ,). i'.;. .0 .T - ?if : LORAINE&CO. HAVE Juat received frm the Esatcra (rflics, w.",w ?lifn",tt,'cirIEW STOKE ROOM! on MAKhKT STttEKT, two door, wo.t ofThird. I tits most eitcnsive nsaortment of Druire. I Modiclios, ' Paint., i Oils, Varnishes, 1 Dye-Stufls, Tobacco t Scgara, Toilet artiolea, i Perfumory, Blank books, Stationary, Cutlery, . Altacellaneous ... i And Jt'unoy Articles Ac. to, I ever offored to the publio in thia aocticn of th eountry. i Their Druirs and c:iu have an extensive assortment, have been aoleot ed wuh e.pccial reflorence to their quality and freshness. , ' . . . Their stock of Oils and Paln( !it of Einsecd oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpsntine, Hod A White lead, dry and ground in oil, Span ish brown, Vcnitian red. Yellow and Htnn fipli rrt LainpuiacK, lack lead, Ivory b'ack, Chinese' American vonnillion, pnria green, paris, Ultra-' manna mnA nr..ou:..H l.i , . , --- "" .""aamu UIUO, ury BDU grOIIll H 111 Oil, larmine, Chromo green yellow. Chalk of all Coba t, Drop, lake black, Emery, Glue. Gums, Copal, Dnnior and Shellac, Indian red, Litharge, Orange mineral, rtnmlce and Rotten pink, English ami American, Ito-in, Scaret, (or iersiun red,) Term Sionna, Turkey nmbre, Ver digris, blue rf- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty uud putty knives, Ulasa of all sites and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac. rfc. Dvc-stulls rfc Varnishes: Extra I.nc-woAfl ltn !'"", uuu, uroiinu. rna.go, Madder-, Annntto, I Cochineul, Sol. tin, Ilea sounders: Conal. Conch. l i , v . . . . n . ' v" 'i i Black for leather, Jnpati for dying, Vap, Mastic, While Dnmor, White spirit nnd Flowing Yarnih.l Tobacco Pog-arsS Cavendish, Vest, Natural I cat, jtoitgh 4 ready, Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the Harem, tobacco ; Rappee ani Scotch snuffs: El phaeton, Henry Clay, punch, Lachicn, Jill mono, Ac., Segars. Blank. Hooks and Stationary. ,.- : , .i Ledgers, Day-books. Receipt nnd Note boolta, Diaries, La dies and Office Portfolios, Black parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all otuor legal blanks. Foolscap, lcttor, Nolo, Business and drawing puper, Envelope!, Ready reference riles, Annear't and Arnold's writina fluid. Ink. llllll-L l.tllA nnJ ......!... C.--I T. . ' ' v...v,uu.j wiiuiuo, cluui i ens nnu ien holdors, Taper clips, mucilage, and all other ar ticles in the Stationary lino. , . Toilet & Fancy Articles & Perfumery. , , Hair bruhea, American, Fronch A Snglish, with lo-1 ry, Shell. Pearl, Buiiulo, Salinwood, Hosowood! Il ornamented backs, nil aunliiinn ninth l..i,.,. Hat l.rushos; Teeth brushes, various nunlitiea: bhaving brufhes, American, English and French with Russia bristles and lludger'a hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb brushes and Cleaners , Tortoise i shell Tuck eombs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fnncy and India rubber Long Combs ; Shel.Bnflnlo, Horn and India rubhor pun" aide Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, nil styles ; l.nglish Toilet combs with handles; Bonnet combs ; Ivory and 0 utta percha fine tooth combs ; Pocket combs, all styles : American, French A Ocrninn Cologne A Liwn 'ru.. 1 ).;. Lyon's Cuthsiron, Fan, Lustra), Boars, Mossaccar' v,V. l i ti '! UorR1 " ,(ucl mHrrow' u " nn,J 1 .1",0C(,("". American nnd French t? I."4 ?",?t'8Tfold ercam' 'roilut Vir, Kon .Uy White, Puff Boxes, China, r 1 ' uaim m a tin ' "''Ve t00"1 Pa"e t"0'" Pte, charcoat Ac, do., stiavinir Conmound all .iM. .. M;ii,nv soap, Honey Soap, ChryUaliuo and Floating! soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and Oullughor sonpa, ) Transparent and Caatile soaps, Ac. dc, I Miscellaneous Articles. (Icnts stepl Lmn morocco nnd cuff Portmonaics, Lsdics silk lined papier Mnclio, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet nnd ' nicrocco Portmonaics, Ladies Crotchet purses cmbri.idcred wita steel leads, Ludica Cl.bas and f morooco salchcls, shell, pearl, ivory, volvot mid ' papier Muehe, ivory nnd pear mcuioionduiu tab- i cts, Fuio Kngisb Morocco, Pocket Waluts, Mo. I tocco and caf Tockct books; with .sirups and cnsi.s; Bill books, au.l Iniik..r'a v ;.. i..i. and key; cllnpsion drinking cups, Medical glus-1 scs with and without drops, Fishing tackle, ! i i.npiniin b :ieisou s Razor strops cigar cases "'ff s'"! buniiuer goods, all of which are of erumb brushes. Shoo Brush. , with and without f'red at lower price" than evor. Cill and cxnui handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Pallil B"ods and price. A. UIVIS. and vuriiish brushes lt sizes, tin and capper' t'unvoli-l il., May JG, 'l0. bound, Sash tools aMsiios, oounter and mark-1 " ' ing brushci, white iv.!sh nnd scrubbing brushes. IJ '"""-''. Florcnco braids, Knglish straws hancycoorod feather du.tun.U-., liieh pear Shaker sud other stylos trimmed and un-. uuaiu papier mnclio, toilet cases, work boacs. writing dc.-ks. Roowooil desks, Chessmen and Chess boards, Hunts. Kid"' Gloves, Xeek tics, colluis, cravuls nnd ciines, La- i dies hid, Taffeta Silk and Kid finished gaunt lets, and L.vlo throad gauiitlci?, Black and color- i ed silk cb suspenders, trench slripcd gum sua-1 pwiuers, uicn eiiibrohLrod suspemlera, Guiots ' . " new stylo French suspenders, licuts. linen hand- Ckclelon Skirts, a largo variety at reduced i.ri Hcrclncls, coorcd border and Cninbrio hairdkor. JL,-'', "t Imns corner store. Curwensvillo 1(1 '00 chiefs. Ladies fincn bnn.llnp..ln,.i'. i : ' ety; Sunshado fans, eircufar French fans, cm! ton feather fans of a irreat varietv Win. c. paiu fans with ivory and painted hamles, Back and mourniiia fulls: n,.:. i,-j:.i, .. Frcdch, Ac, Ac. A.-o Patent Medicines of ev ery variety. All of which witf bo Sod nt the lowest CASH prices. Country riijslclam furnished with Drugs. Medicines nnd Surcical Instruinami. .1 tl. ....... rcnfliumblo rales tor cash, ' Juno 0, I860. ly, J LUMBER CITY, Clearfield County, J'u, ' JOS. L. KIRliV, PnoPHiSTom K)S leave to announce to the traveling com-' 9 munity and the nnhlln has taken (he bov. named htol and' refitted it ' in a style suited to tho times and tho wautaof, the publio. 1 ,.,. , , "13 TABI.K S ill always be supplied with tho bcsl (he mar kets and the .urroiinding country can nffjrd : IlIS BAR ' ill contain the choicest Ii (lllops. fin. I HI8 ETAIIt.K.o Will be In the enre of attcnliv hostlers, re- sponsible for their conduct to their employer, who will gne H, entire estHkli.l, i.1.. H' sonnl supervision. In lhe the hone that ha will i. -i i- . . hi gae.ts eoxifortable during their vj.i,, 0 hii .u. .Uspecuuny .otrcii- n share or ublie patronaga. . , Lumber City Oct. 10, ls;,o. YOUR TEETH. TAKE CAKE OF THEM 1 1 A V. A.M. I".1,M, desires to annonno. i r.. .i- . . unit mm at Ii s I itica. adjoining I... rosidenee n.nr7 ,M anin tndalwavs on ll,lu . " . .i iv. .i . . . i . 1 "i mo town pa. J .1 .....I. ... ::KHatzers: :, j HA VtrJUST OPENED 'VIIER flFA9 . . .: .. v. i,,. 'r. ; spring1 goods: fOJH'DlSlSG VI 'I iJoiltlcfS,"-'.!'1,;' I . - ' Ladies' Dress Goods, Hibbons, t lowers and JMulenary goods gert erally. ATTEXriOV INVITED TO TIlEIIt r.n.1 CI. ' r J ' . .'' ' " vjv. ui uiuj' uu:c ipuuuv Also lo their elegant styles of Ub'SlJJRSij COATS, and Men's t- Boya' CLOTHIXOv A full asiertiuent of Carpets, Floor Oil cloth and Carriage trimmings constantly on hand. J!jT f lour, llacon, Fi,h f c. at the Iviceit price! iljIV IP ytrrJViii of Icw Woodsy AT the CHEAP -dSli f?TOHK, am just receiving and opening a largo ani II selected assortment if i ...Si'flNG ND SUMMER i G'oods , of almosl every descrtp- : tion, , A beautiful assortment of Prints nnd Dress gooile, of tho newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of Bseful notion., A large cissortmcnt, rcady-niadt CLO TIiING, Bonnets, Shawls, i .' ' i' Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoos, a largo quantity ' . Hardware, Q.eeusware, ',' Iruggs and iMcdiciuei, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, ' Fish, Sacori nnd Flour, of the best fjunliiy, all of which will bo aoldV at the lowest cash or ready pay pricos. , My old friends and the public gonerally.'ara respectfully invited to call, Clearfiold, May t, 18(!0, ; WM. F. IRAVIN; m: Fl IMS,- A L ne iv go ods:. Just receiving and opening at tho Old .tar of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well solooted . sortmcntof Spring and Summor tiuods ofb most every description. Staple aud Fancy, a boautiful assortment I ' Prints niul Dress Goods of the latost styles, also a vnrioty of naoful No tiona. Huts and Caps, Bonuets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, ,.. , llardivare. Qiteensware, Druai Mcdi-lncs, Tish, 6 GROCERIES, Tobacco, Segars and all nrticlo. usually kept' in a country Storo, all cheap for cash. uio us a cull nnd see for vour selves. 5lJ'4C0'' JVEW GOODS X KW GOODS ! ! N I-W GOODS M ! Justrcccivcd nnd now opening at Invis's chciir' forl."' "Pe "J ell selected stock o "'"a.eu, will be lnund in varictv at Hie eornoi- fti.ro of K. A, I11V1X, 10, 60. Curwensvillu, May fadies dress goods, of patterns nnd textures to J ploaeottll, willbe found at the corner store op' Lurwinsvuie, .uay lo, lbOtl. A. 1KVI.N. C1?"11 ""J other Ahnwla in voifc rety at file cbcai K .1 Tiii'rv. KJ More of i-unveiisvillo, May 1C. '00. Boots and Shoes. ATnrgcr stock aii?"i.r prices than ever, at Irvins Cheaposl corner '.urtvcnsvil.e, May 1(5, '(itV A very Inrgd storlc of f-niiric t f nd Summer tY clothing of (he Intst slvlos fur alo 1 ow br Cuiwcnsvllle, )Iny6, 1800. E. A. 1RVI.V. ' Conking Stoves of various .izes nnd prices for 1 K.A. tUVIN- t-urwcnsvillo, May If, 'GtC. Mackerel and Herring fjr sale at thecrnor store K. A.IRVLNV Urwensville, -Vay TO, r. Jloiir, Bacon, Ream nnd Cbrrer seed, nt7li . cheap corner by E'. A. UvVlV CurwnsvI!le, May lft, IflfiO. : - A 'T 0"0ellent qnnlity of Flour for aula low at .V.tho store nf W. F. IRWIN ClearDeld, July llth, I860. '' ?t sides of Ffmni.il sole ttJ forensh by Icniher or salo lowr U. A. UlVI '. 1K50. ... I Curwcnsville, Jl.ty lfl, lRt'IT. Driod Ai.nles. IVi'i.,' B i Peaches. Cherriem Pin mo corner sioro ol k. a. RVIN.' Cnrwensvitlo, May Id, T8l). ' . .' Disstins Mill ami cut .S'nw., Mann's axes an-, a general assortment of Hardware at the . M' of Ii. A. lRVUi Curwensvitle, May 10, 18G0. ' ... Tsrgc lot Store of of BEANS (or s.ile at ftielrois MERRILL 4 BK1LF.R, , , .t CtlAI, Olf And Con. Out- Lamps' tnf ssls-' ly - - C. KIUTIFV.A SON?. t UBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. i TI1R above HotoL having recentlv been fittct up fir a house of entertainment. Is u.w i.pots for the accommodation of the public. : ' Vareler will tlnl this a convenicut bon.e. May l l's, .r.tN JO 'JAS.