Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 15, 1860, Image 3

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Ufll flf ITt, 111. ,.1llutl'.l, It. lMH.
Ufi. I'r, Lit, (,f M,i
h 'l hill, Mill
IMI'.H ll I'l III" I'.lllilUl Ohlllrll il
iln ) evening, Mini en . si ' 1 1
cictiitig during t h week,
W on Smiiliiv nl 10 rtV'ivU.
Camp Meeting.
The (amp Mel ting -till.- M. E. church
V. , w
-ullle held on the. poun 1 of Mr. Tho-.
lii Inn Ijim nit. I niit.i..... It . . I
l ri'urnine oni Mke to commence on
i i mn iiug.-t inou. 011)0 to tin- l ump
1 f . . ... ... ..
I.. 1 A . . . 11 I I . . 1 . . f
luccwng. ni j,. .spotswood.
i readier m charge.
rim 'I'l.. t - i i
R?l,llio locent refreshing rains have
. . b
oeenol vast Benefit to tlio com, potatoes,
pastuio &c,
.i. , "
" IiuoTiii'. Mr. .James Hull?' or
I.ttwrctiPo lp., brought to our oflii-o the
Other day threo stocks of Timotliy, oaph
... . . .
1 11.1" I I'll I tt HIV tlnl Hill K1V ll.fllO H.lllf
11 h " " " ''. '!.
this if you can. It was nii.sed on his farm
lliMll lll'.l Illll.lQ fl-irYl littl'. I
iK-..Me navo one 01 uraco i.roon.
wood's Little niyrims upon our table. It
is indeed a fine number a Tilgrim that '
hiiould be in every hunily. Fathers and
.. . . ....
it' ril liot'a ir.r. 1 1 l.ii filiillt.iti
txiT About to h-a.- temmraril,,, em aprofm
,, t, , Ti ' 1 .
... wr. 1 . v. 1 uii.aree, .unuroij p:i.
ol 'learheld, taken this method to an
HOiineo to the public, that bo will close
his Gallery on the 117 111 A up. (inst,) for
the purpose of making a professional tour,
of probably several months. Those wish
ing Ainbrotypes can (.eeino his services
during Hip mean time. In addition to
his stock of cheap cases always on hand,
in a few days ho will bo Hi plied with 1111
apartment of jmci cms, at lower jiriees
lliaii ever boforosold in Clearfield county.
An?. lr, '00. --'(.
83. A Ludy friend w rites us "that the
conunitteo of urranpt incuts for our coun- i
ty lair, have omitted a very important
:.... Ming for which there should be a,
li'-frnl premium awnrded it is fir the
. . w- i i t, , , i
t trot till old Bachelor in . vc bar- I
lios the ring to bo open to ail compeli
tois, tho object being tiie improvement of
ij tho stjek.
rva-ixty-four counties ii the .Stale of
.vi tiuky give Gen. Leslie Coombs i
Sr',L-.'t) majority for Clerk of Appeals.
II r was the Union candidate, and receiv
I'w.i u:p;iort of the friends of Douglas.
fryj"The result of the recent election in
Missouri is still in doubt. Four candid
ates were out for Governor, and tho same
number in souio of the Congressional j
&tdfAn ntl'ray occurred a; Cleveland
on tho 9th inst., between the keeper of a
pp.lo.-iti and two negroes, in which tho
whito man was instantly killed by a knife
in the hands of one of the negroe?. The
negroes fled,
but wev3 subsequently nr-
Recent Publications.
Tenrhlngs nf Patriots anl statesmen ; or, the
l'uuriders etf the Republic (ii tS'aven. Bv
Ezra B. (ihaso, Ks. J. W. Biad'l.y, 18
N. Fourth street riiilaTlelphia.
From n very hasty examination of this
hook, we fhould say that it ought to be
read by nil persons, no dillerenco what
their religious or political feeling may be.
The subject of slavery is treated fairly
and impartially, and in accordance with
the view of the "Early Fathers of the lie
public," no dicta of a single indivdual is
allowed to establish a fact, either for or
against slavery.
This book displays much patient re
search, and Mr. Chase has displayed nil-
iiiirablejudgment in tho arrangoment of j
iti pages. In it we find tho history of the
slavery question, from the Act of Confed
eration clown lo Die present lime, giving
the reader an accurate hintoiy of this im
(.titution for nearly a century.
We have no hesitation in recommend
ing Mr. CiiASK'Bbook to all our readers, a.s
"being worthy of their patronage and sup
port. ir-Tlio "American Agriculturist" for Au
gust has also been received. This is one ,
of tho Lost and cheapest Agricultural jxi-
pors in iu5 country, and sliouia be liber
ally patronized by all classes, and nurtieu-
... . ' 1
, . limmm ...
larly farmers. Published by Orange JudJ,
N. Y. at f 1,00 per annum.
B-The "Democratic Test," n the nanio
of anew paper published in Bloomfield
Perry CO. fa., by J. It. Cooper Esq. It is'lnf) Ac.rfs of lund f,,r Sn,e' 15 acres of which
a neat paper,
true metal.
and has the rinr of tho
The Atlantic Monthly" for August, is
upon our table. The Inch literal v char.
acter of this publication is well RuMnined.
Il is an admirable lumber. Published by
Tickner and Fields 13.i Washington street
Boston, at $3.00 per annum.
W.The Secretary of the Trensurv has
issued his advertisement, for proposals for
the use by the Government of a line of
magnetic telegraph to be constructed
within two years from tho 31st of ,IUiy,
lfOU, trom some point on the west fk1 of
Missouri, bv v ron. l,iol. tl. n.,
. .
tnr inav cp pel emuinc our bv m, I.
...i.u Vi Vi :r:::.yi v .: ...
York, Charleston, Philrti'elphiil, Boston,
and other cities in the Atlantic, Southern
' ' iiriiiE-, auth
i-CO 1 'of
3 aud to
s, at a 10
' tol lyV.
tin estern Matei to ban I ranci-
'I-1 ... . .... m
1 tie contract win lie for len years.
must not bo tor a greater sum lhari
inoufiaiid dollars a year.
2?ft.Pattonce, like children,
alrong by exercise.
JThe nen oflh tongue ihoubl
Jij'T-eil in (), ink of he hr.irf.
Mypitn ion n Mtnln
III l!'iinr I,,, , M,il,i( t't Ni W OlIi'llVx
tlin'ii'li liiiH.t'x 'i , mi uIliik tlm
i n . I I'm mod I v lliv ni'tiii lni'l mil a
mi ( ' imi nl Llmd-, simmer mi -
'l I'ill' In llin IIK'lllll (if til" I'l ' V
t'niilii river, a liich ii on your light. In
i-igni m mo lino ol u u 1 1 1 1 . tuimi ili--
txiifo up th- river, i often he;ird imslo.
, i imiH niiixii', ( f w 1 1 ili tlm render inny pro-
;hahy got Ihe het idea 1 y c m !i ri tl il to
'fi distant though powerful .1'nliiiii harp.
l ... . I . . 1 . I 1
.uiiny insert nun uiry nriir us lii'inv in
1 1...... r.. ,1... mi . .
H'f I'ntiinj. ol a i nt. yet of loureo vcrv
mll,., ,i,er.
his music niny lo heard at liny lime of
1 li o vi'.ir, or lit iiny i icrioi 1 of tin; day.
i though not a( all hour. Jt is most fie-
'ini'iilly iioiii'fil nt iiiL'ht. It is n i i u re r 1 1 -
lv loll losl when there is eoii-udenudi' wind.
.-, , ., . .. , ... , .. .
It is niid that tlio I u it et 1 Nates (lovein.
., sf llt n ,.,.,, f,f
snciM to this plum lo
discover, if tin y could, the cause of tlm
strange melody . The result was miMi'.isi
a.j,y. s.,,,,0 poisons liavo a tradition
that a number ol poor Indians wen? lon;
i'go muiilered at that plare, and that tlio
Nl 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 lie.'iril is tlwMI til I I tl I IMl 711.11 II 'I'l.iu
...... .v ....,.... i III"
'p...... . .. ...
wol course sui'ei stuion.
The siiino or a similar sound is heard at
..i i. . i i ..i i i i
joiner ii.u rs. : pen. Ionian oi nin staiul
,'inj; assures usiliat lie hus heani the same
in t)l0 ,l0,., , (hiaymas, in tho (Julf of
California. It is asserted that it is also
iiowrt.1 at the, 11101110 of liayou Coq del hide,
,V f 1 "i,l,;V"on- Ul t ol tlio
dull of Mexico. Nor is it con lined to this
... .. . .
.continent, in may be learned from Sir
,K,ue,'!,.," ',Vn"!U,t,s '''.''"t work on Cey;
lo"' -U "'iist noinething like a is heard
lU l',llUiaUoa. There it is Buid to be
audible at night and w hen tho moon is
lK'iiro l her full. Sir Finerson savs :
'Sounds sotiie.vliiit similar are heard un
der water, at soaio places on tho wis' ern
coiint of India, especially in the harbor of
Bomb.".'. At Caldera, in Chili, musical ca
dences are said to issue from tlm sea near
tho I.andini: place ; they nro described us
rising and falling fully f.ur notes, resem-
bliiiL' like those nt Jl.ittialloa. tilPthev
produce a urn
al dis
oni ot trreat sweet-
ne.-s and delicacy. J'ho aniraids from
wheni.'o they proceed have not been iil.-n-i
tilied at either placo, and the mystery re
! mains unsolved, whether those at "
tialloa ure given tonh by fishes or mol-
Wliother this sound proceeds from cat-tl-h,
or any bcaly fish, or from shell fish,
or li 0111 any of tli, se, seems very doubtful, j
A ti ie:id of o u s has been promised nomo 1
iin'..r: nn ll.ij .i,l.i....t t'l..a 1 I.
" .v'.i mis pu'iirL i, uiim n iiusfcuie,
i, ,,,, ,,,....,... i ., 1
vn. uin i...nn.-i3 jji;iy near .soiiieinin" '
, on tho point. We should be,
', much pleased to receive any further re-;
Jiiu ie iiiiornii'.ion on the subject. We,
have beard that it ii noticed in i'ol. Tiel: J
jell's history of that part of tho South-vest, i
1 . 'Josirver.
I The Camuihti.s fob the Charleston
I Nominai ions. There were nine gentle
j men before the National Democratic Con
! vention, for the rresidential nomination,
! viz: Messrs. Hunter, Guthrie, Douglas,
I Dickinson, Lane. Toucev. Davis. Johnson.
o: leiinossee, and 1 earce, o! Maryland.
Since thfl Baltimoro nominatioiia. tbev
lave declared their
lows :
preferences as fol-
1. Hon. K. 2il. T. Hunter,
2. Gen Jo. Lane, '
3. Hon Janu s Guthrie, i
4. Hon. Andrew Johnson, j
5. Col, Jefferson Davis, I
b. Hon. Isaac Touci-y,
7. Hon. James A. Pearce,
t. Hon. Daniel S, Dickinson.
KOIt JI DllE liOTlil.AS. 1
1. Hon. itepho.Li A. Dougla.
Of tho gentlemen prominently nien-
tioned in connection with tho Democrat-j
ic nomination, but who weto not voted j
for at Charleston, nearly every one ha ;
expressed a jirelV-rence for Breckinridge,
and I.ane. Among them are Kx-Gover-
nor Wise, Ex-Speaker Orr, Sfnato;
li nn-
niond, bx-rresident Fierce. Senator Sli
dell, Secretary riiom)son. Senator Bright,
Hon. Iloiveli Cobb, and Senator Bayard.
KP,Tho resignation of Ci.ief Justice
Shaw, of tho Supreme Court of Massachu
setts, is announced to take place Septem
der next. Judge Shaw is nearly 80 years
of use.
On Thursday, Au ust 9th. at Whitrnore,
Beccnria tn . bv J. W. Wriiht Kso. Mr.
George Haslet lo Miss. Sarah E. Wadi
n J.IJ T1.-1- r, .
titraiueiu nine LOm: any-
You will meet for drill and pr.rade at
the Moi.nt Joy School House, on Saturday
the -Jr)th day of August, at 10 o'clock A.
M., in snminer uniform with arms and ac
coutrements in good order, and supplied
with six rounds of blank cartridge. By or
der of the Cnpt.
Aug. i, lsco. John f. roteo. s.
of Administration hnvinir been this dnv
granted to the undersigned on tho estate of Tlioin-
, fl!f
liwens Into ot 1-erguson tn.. Clearfie dooun It
; Id. dor il.. all tin ran ni imlnhfn.1
. mi. . J
(nro rcpiesOd to make immediate n ymcut, ami
i tho!'0 ''.'" '"S vluims ngnin.t said estate, are re -
i nnesteil tn ftreaen! lnnm ,1..l;..i.j f..
' I " " 1 DHHI VQllliD
settlement. EM KLINE OWENS I
Forguson lp., Aug. 6, 1S60. 3t,
$iiO "EScivni'il.'
w,h . -u V : A 1" "m""a
wunwnite pine. Oak, and Hemlock; two dwell-
i ...K n..rL, ciiw ..un, iaiu .tiacuine, Biabie ana i All tho right, title and interest of I). M Bil
other out buildings. ! ger, in the undivided ono filth part, Ac, of six
, Sitniited one and a linlf miles from Cleirfield, certain tracts .if land with tho improvements
on tho Turn 1 ike leading towards Luthersbnrg. thereon, situated partly in Morris township, Cleur-
, For further particulars npply to tho subscriber field countv, and partly in Bush town, hip, C'cii
on the premises. , tro county.
aug. r, i..,. ut. 1-ilstL, MC'IIOLS.
vltlMltVS fiiirui' lorn i, ... i
, U of nn order of the Orphan's Court nf fie., .
neiu county. Ihero will bo exposed to public
snle at tho Court Houso in tho Borough of Clear
field, on
the following described ral Estate
. , j
tn wit ; A
.,,,. .fi.. .,.. , , , -'
.." i "i mmi suuato in Huston township. Clear-'
....... ,.,
X '.I? a .w"'rnnt in the .
Hyul lnulwcM t oniaiuing 105 neros
anil n nn u ij i j B . 1
nrn.V: ..'- umu:". U',H". n
ic "i iiiiiiiflB 11 iisim nnu innu.t
J"!1"'"'1''' in the name or Mooro A Delaney ; tho
vaiualdo wm? tTpCt b"? we" ,im.,)Cr!,1 '
warrai.iei .1.. . ....
w iter tr,orU PiB- " having a stream p-n-hes.
2'b Diado navigable,1
r logs or x,vnn wlnch . Faw MiU miKlltbe! d
lltd:, U" e" f Samuel Caldw. II tZLTtt I,
: deceasod,
one-fourlh nf lb. ni
Leeomes'ory; on..fUUr,L o7i.VrS
secured by Bond f- Mnrliraire.
I " ... " i i. ' iV" . ; ,r ."",u 01 oae. w
uv. S( lK.1(j, f Samuel f'nldwel!, oe'd,
LM of JtUfill f rS. pl. Tfttn. 'oniiin ii.
einn mi Hio f mull Mun.lny, llm 2llli iiny,
i.MMi il HiWm
I'. 'II Adiim Hull,.
Hi l l) -Siiiiiiii'I Al nulil, .fnepli )!iihcl,
llnili-i'li 1'ii-i'ili'f c, .lo. (. A I IK l I, I'M"!
ii'k Shutter, I ii'ileiiik NVineil.
Hill lisidi Nteplii'i: Urol hem,
( 'hel ( 'ilv;n Mm mis,
( 'living ton Win. Seh inn m.
I'leaiur .1. I'lirsoiiM, .lotiulhiin Kep
liiirl, l'liilip IIitio, Andrcir Ooiu Inn t.
Tallinn. lumen I'. Shopn
Huston AiiHlin Hi'ow n.
I.mvrenee lnhn I 'auyhei I y, jr.
I.uinlier I'ily Win. V. Wright.
Mollis l'aniel I'leanis, iJoniiliiaii Kuth
New W.isliiiigloii Samuel Sobring.
I'ike Abrahiiui Snyder.
Woodward Joseph riseuH.
Curweiisville- haniel Fuut-t.
Heeeuria .los. W. Lull, Jainea II. Uo
I'.ell -Jiinob V. Cnniptiell, Win. T. Gil
bert. Hogs Ihiuie. Southard, Henry Wa
pie. Thotnaa Waple.
I '.rail fori I - Jeromo J'obiiiNon.
l'lrady (loori; W. Long, Jacob Ot;ilen
fieoivo .1. Yoas, Levi Drauoker, James (.'.
Hairett, Henry Hoover, (Jeorgu L. Morgan,
l'aniel Uoodhinder.
1'iurnsidn Philip Neff, Frod Sheppurd,
oonn jvoraoau,.' 1.
host Jonathan 1' ry, Josmh .
. ''
Jacob burn
Abraham (JuIuk,
Clearfield-U U. Merrell.
Oeeatur Isaac (ioss.
Fox James Blair.
(iirnrd- -l'etor Lamm, Adam Spaekman
Goshen l ewis Irwin.
Giilieh Jones Kollin.
Jordan Joseph lewalt,
Joseph Mc
Neat, 1'eter Bloom.
Karthaus (ieoryo
Ileckiidnrn lavid
Knox -John Jackson.
La.vrcnce O.ive.r Conklin, A. II. Heed
hs b'eed.
HMorris-Wm. L. Merrell.
New Washington Jus H. Broth.
I'ike John Bloom Sr., Geo. B. Cald
well, (ieo. B. Dale.
l'enn I'avidT. Shatp, Joscjili Neiv
Un'on David Horn.
JN'I) week.
I'.ell John Orr.
Biiggs G'.'orgo Turner, Thomas Beeri".
Bradford (ieo W. Gearhart, A. II. Lu-
' John Dale.
; Brady Ji.ckson Long, Jeremiah Kri-
j B inisido ". C. Mitchell, John M'Cul
loujjh, Eb'n M'Masters.
Chest Daniel
Gortimn, Samuel Mc
Ew en
Clearfield Win. Itadebau
Snvder, Jefferson Litz.
jh, Henry
Covington John M. Reiter.
Ferguson Philip M
cCracken, GeOfgO
Graham Martin V. French, Isaac Ky
lor. (riielieli Tames A. Ilftgnrly.
Goshen 11 obert Bunigardner.
Lawrence George Guel ich.
Lumber City Jesse Spencer, John
Ferguson, John Brooni.ill.
Morris Win. Deviney, Jos. Denning,
Edward Perks.
ike Jos M. Spencer, Jacob Hitter.
Union Levi Dressier, Benjamin F.
II irleA". John Brubaker.
Wo nl ward Cl'ihstinn Shoff.
To l'crsons cut of Kniploynient.
i''g Mnchino.
Wo will give a Commission, or wages at from
J2i to Si'iO per month, nnd expenses paid. This'
i.-i a uen .uacii me, aim so simpio in ns eonstruc-
I linn Hint n rKilil 11 11) tnip. nn lAa.n tnAn
1 . ," " ", V '.' J'"'" -"" '""P""
1 it li ha II an hour s instruction. It ia rmml fn
uny Family Sewing Maehino in use, and tho
price is but Fifteen i)i Bars.
Pertons wishing nn Agency will address
Secretary Erio Sewing Machine Company,
AugL8,lstio. Siv. MILAN, OHIO.
ORrH VVS COL'HT SAl.K.-By virtuo
of un order of the Orphnn'i Court of Clear
I field county, ibere will be exposed to public sale
ut the house of Isaac Bloom in the Borough of
Curwensville on
inti ociock r, ni., tne torowing dosenbed real i
! estato to wit : that certain pla-itiitiun or tract of !
laiiii siiuiuo on mo puiiiic roaa load nf from
itunto (oi
eld to Nc
iiciirucei w i'uit n asiliugiuui 111 I'lKOlOWn-
C...I.J , n- .. i. i :.. i
ship Clearfield cunty Ponn a. Bounded on tho
north by land belonging to tho estato of John
S. Curry decened, on the east by land of Fitch
A Boynton, on tho west by lands ofWnrA
Bloom nnd m Box, nnd on the souih by hind
of George W Curry. Containing two Hundred
ana filteon Acres more or less, having erected
thereon a large twi-ttory frame (L) house,!
weamor-oonracu and painted, With cellar, u
large double log barn, frain-nouso, dry-house,
wngon-shed, and about one hundred acres of
cleared land, with a large bearing orchard, and
a never fuiling spring of water thereon, late tho 1
estate of Bichard Curry deceasod, I
TI-'KMM, 10 per cent on day of sale, one-half
at confirmation of sole, and tho balanco in one 1
year with interest to bo socured by bond nnd )
mortgage. WM. HEX Adm'r., I
Aug. 8, ISCO. of H. Curry deceased
)y virtuo of sundry writs of Vendition Expo
J) nns issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas
ol Centre couuty anil to ino directed, thero will
be exposed to public sale at tho Court II
onse in
"f"f. ? n.iaf th. 27th day of Aug.ut
next, tho following property, vii
One tract whereof situate in M
in .Morris tw p..
Clearfield county, was
surveyed undor waruint
.,0 P"t('r Yl",nu1,1. and contains .150 acres and al
Also. One tract situated as abovo was sur
iveyeJ in the name of Jesse Yarnold. and eon.
tnins - five hundred and teuty -ono acros and al-
Also. Ono tract situated in Rush township,
r.,i.. . , . !
i'iii..iiiiujln.t imitjtu uuuer warrant in
lienianiin Martin. Dtlll Pontlliflfl i9fll nirn anil
Al.'O. Ono tract situated as
vine irm.i suuaieu as
aoove was sitr-
veyed underwarrant toJohn Weidman, eons
nininn a
10 acres and 76 perches and allowance
Also. Ono tract surveyed under warrant to
Jicob Weidman, containing 403 acres and 35
tract situated as aboro was sur
warrant In Jacob Hush, andean-
taimng Htt Hi-res and 22 perches.
There being erected on the above described
. .
"' dw",Dg
f'-o-i" '"-'ion and to be sold as
the iiroperty of 1). M. Uilt-er.
THO'S McC'OY. Shoriff.
ShorifT'e otlieo. Bellofouto, )
Centre county, Aug. ?, "ijoj
pnii n nM iim M. u ui iii mil)
I it n, noui it h,,i, ,
II,. .,,1 ..'t,l.r I.. Il, .tin h ill!." "I'iilli, ..),
inl M Mrtl it l llfi lll (,..," yHi
I - li.n III Imli.ll id, ,rthnf llr
(lilt, riiiullilil ri.'ihiy 'r., , ,,11,,.,, ,,( H
iff llntti'lt I , 1,1) 'lllllf.., thi. 211 ill) i.f
Anxn.t A I), I to, I,mo., 11,1. I,,,,,,. f 2, ,,
" '1 li.r k I'. M. e iii , v, .,r ,n nir.i,.c i.
l l "I'liiiU onn rrcniili iil Mil 'I ttrltfi ,.rnii to
iTk f ' fM lnf f .r mill hiiv, miltl tlm
H'i'mimI Munilar In .taniuir I Ml I . A lull nlli n
llmii'K la 1 1 . 1 11 1 1 1 .
lli'nlit" It. linrri'lt,
Jiiini' T, l.iniiiiiril,
Julia II, 1 Iiiiiii..ii,
J.J. Y.I hninfiniii,
Win. T. A li-inil,-r.
ilollll I'llllill.
I. nil in ,1. I'l nil.,.
Jiillll ('Nrlinln.
.Inllli'P ('iinill.
Iiiiii(i1 I . I it k e n 1 1 v .
. it-b. Rirllllliilnl ,f iilliiir,. ( iiii iff iim nr
1 t'l.tttiifid, Auk. h, isno.-.'.'t.
j In tlio nmtter if (lie KhIiiIoh of Samuel h'lun.ctir,
Jiiili HpiMicer, llniinuli 11 11 J Nhucj b'ieiicvr,
1 nml Julia ilarluw I'islier iloc'd.
Ami now April 17lh 1SC0,
j Citation awiir li il l.y tlm Court upon the hoirn,
1 eioeulori nml Ailminimrntorn of tlm iibuv ilo
rcili'iitn, tnwliow rmio why fiufifi(i p prformimcc
I ol'coiiinii'tii for anlti of rvnl olntii, niniln liy lliem
j in tlioir lil'i'liiiio dliiill nut lio duprnoil, Jttth Jur.a
ISBO. CilKtion ro'iirncd, iind on inotinn of II. J.
Wulliu") Kkij., Attorney for uiiiilirantx, Thin. J.
I I 1 1 l. 17 .. . .. . .... 1. , .. . .
.nn.uiuMiKH, w us ni)oiiui'U touiinlSBloiu'r
to tuko Tustiiniuiv,
In iiiimimnce of the uhovo Coin m lesion U
1110 diroctoil, tostlmony in tho nliovo innttcr
will l' liiken ut lay offico in Cloirliuld, on
Thurdny tlm l.ttli ilnjr cf Siptmlicr next, nlivu
and w hero nil pursoim intOP'Hoil innv otti-nd.
TII'S, J. McCL'hbOl uil, Coin'r.
O'cnrfiuld, August S, ISBO. It,
Tho Mibseriljors nro just upcuiuir ut tliviruld
Ktiinil, n fi i'ih lirk of si'imonulilo (ioods, con i Ht
irip nf full n ('nor! in cut of Dry tioods,
ccfyrt tro,."'"Tn,1Ll?2-.C'r'"i a
Ilurdware, Quorrfwi rc, nmdo up Clothinj;,
Boot and .Shoes of every vnriety, l.iidii'a lirei-s
trimiiifrs .f c, whiih thi-y will difps of cn lie
Rood if not lienor terms to tl.o purelm 'ir tbnn
they rnn bi bbbiined rl.scwlieri". lor cither cnsli,
I.uniber or rountrv ) rialuep j'enoriillv.
au. i, -co.-;;t." mooku'a KTZWILiy
j moiitnry having licun gmnti-d to the under
ii;ri)ednn the eMiito of Occ(jr( Welch deeensed,
late of Law reneo tp. Clearfield enuntv I'd., till
pemn, indebted to said cm, re rftui-Mcl to
iniiko nn.nodmto p.y.nent, mid thoso huvmK
. uiiiiii uiuo.-i ii, win reijucMtu 10 irCfCIIl lliell
uuiy au'lienueuica lor m'tllemeiit.
Auj-ust 1, ISCO. lit. WM. 1'OItTElt, Ki'r.
I ""lAUTIOX. All iierconr nro herebv nntilie 1
J ni.t to pureha.'o or in tiny way meddle with
the fiillowinjr propurty, now in tho pi."fe.nioii of
M, P. Clark of liriuly lowtudiip, viz : one Bone
ninre, ono two lioro Wagon nnd one Cow, us tlio
mono belongs to mo nnd is left with him on bun
only subject to my order, !ANlKlz HltdlKL,
Urady tp., Aug, 1, ISbU. 31.
1)!ATI'-.HIX(;. Tho subscriber, having
. located himself in tho borough of Clearfield
would inlorm the public that he is nrcpared to
j do work iu the above lino, from plain to ornmuen.
tin oi any nescnption in a workmanlike manner.
Also wtiitowasliing and repairing done in a neat
manner nnd on reasonable terms.
CIcarGeld April 17, I860. ly.
rjiir.Kii'i' s sai.P.-
T .' , """"" "
By virtue of a .
J (ion writ of Yen, Ex
is.-uua ouiui mo couri
of Common Pleas of Center en ,in,l in n,n
:n i,. i. L,. . : .,
, r Ho n if ' o, li l"
lourt Jlou.'o in tint hfrniifii ni rh'.irrtii 11
nif irnriiTi t. io,n 1 "AX
at It) o clock A. M tho foil, .wing describod
property, to viz: A certain tract of land situate ,
in (ioshen In. ClcnrficU ,., l I l,
ln...i. .r i i. 1.M i I'M- '. ..... . . J l
in n i3 i,i .iniu rii'Kiu, iins irwin. 1. is Liver.
good and tho Susquehanna Rivor. Containing
iwo nuniirea ana seventy-six acres more or less,
throo dwelling houses, two hams, wagon sl ed
and ether out building's and a lnrwu bearing
orchard thereon. Seized taken in evecution aLd
to bo fold as tho property of John Selfriire
FUEDEBICK ( Mil I Ell Sh'ff
CL...A.. .. ... .. ...
ciicrm a vmcc, ticarneu l'a,
Aug. 1, 1SC0.
rpiu: ti.iuviti ii:li acadiimv, win
X bo opened for tlio rocoption of pupils,
! (males and femalusj on Monday, May I'Sth, 1SGH,
, 7V rm per session of eleven Weeks
j Orthography, Bending, Writing, Primary ' rnIlicr -Mnche, irory and pear memorandum tab
! Arithmetie nnd o'engr.iihy. $2. :,0 ! 'e,s' Fine EngUli Morocco, Pocket Walets, Mo.
Jiiglicr Arithmetic, English Grammar, (loos-
rnphy and History. $:t.0)
Algebra. Geometry, Nntural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping $1.00
Latin and Greek languages. $0 00
To students desirous of nrouirini a tboroiurh
English Education, and who wish to qualify
thcinsnlves for teachers, this Institution offers
desirablo ndvanimm.
V.. ...;i ,..e..;..,i r. i n,..
ami .... .i..,io.. i. r. ...i
.mn-iiwn lllll'l V I'All 'V IIUIIULLVU
Tuition to bo paid at the close of tho term.
C. B. SANDFORD, Principal.
Aug. 20, 1MG0.- Iy.
jamks t. i.Kox.inn,
wm, A, Wallace.
anb Collection: Mtr
C L E A II F I L I),
j (Collections made and proeeedi promptly remitted
lixcBangc on llio Cities constantly
nn hand.
T-fl' Office on Second SL, nearly opposito the
.r.'U lttf,r
And extensive Dealer
si'iiri! I'i, ii lie r, lliuriN,
Shlnglea, Ac.
"bete, ,M.O.'l..""", ,.lfD
a Ifrtl iiippll' C
JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blacksmithing
in Iho borough of Lumber tilv, whero ho will
tr;?fJl!hZT"'J t0 bim' "nd i
execute it in a workmuulike luannor,
July 4, 1800. ly.
TT AM, Sides, Mackerel and Herring
for talo
J. lIow at the store of
Clearfield, July 11th I860.
APPLES, for sale at the store of Wm.
F. Irwin, Market street, Clearfield Pa.
DRY CHERRIES, for F.Fe nt the ttoreof
'Via. f. Iriu. rharfitU F.
i i",r,
j M'ch It
I. Il !' I I 1 " Il I PW It
MltH VMlll. TY
5J-UiJJ'J!i' BJ,
A li illfl receive I flmil I 11 n lVtrin ehii'.
nn I opened ill tin ir m:w S l'nltl-: I; ( i 1 M
no MAHhl.l S I It I K 1', two dooin niMt ofl liird,
; Hit most cxteiniio ii.-soi tiuent ol ini(r, ,
I Mediei'ieU,
I 1'uillts, ,
1 1 Old,
Tobiieeu a iiegiiri,
Toilet urUcli'P,
Blnr.k books,
Cutlery, I
And Kuney
Artirleii Ac. le., i
ever ofl'erod to the public in this secticn of tho
Tlioir JruN and Cliriniruls, of which they '
hnve an evtoimiio BB.sortmont, hnvo been lolect
ed with fypecial rell'uronco to their (uulity und
Their rtock nf Oils and Paints will
of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine,
Bed i While lend, dry mid ground in oil, ripmi
ish brown, Vonitian rod, Yellow and fStono oihro
hiiuipbbu k, luck lead, Ivory b nek, Chinese a
American Vermillion, pari green, pnris, IJItrn
miiriij.j and prussinii blue, dry nnd ground in nil, ,
Ciiriiiine, (.'liiomo green .1' yellow, Chalk of all
Cobult, I)roi, lake A: bluek, Kuiery, Glue, limns, .
Copal, Duniiir and Ishullue, Indiiiu red, hitharge, '
Ornngo mineral, pumice u .d Butten flmie, Boso
pink, Knglish nnd Amtrieau, Bniiu, ijcur'et, lor
perpinn red,) Terra Vienna, Turkey umlire, Ver
digris, bluo if- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put- i
ty and putty knivcH, Cilues of u 1 1 ei.o and iu:ili- '
ties, Looking-glass plalen, Ac, do.
Dye-stuffs fc nrn islii-H : ,
Extra Logwood, chip
ped nnd ground. Indigo," Maddc, Annntto, I
Cochineal, Sol. tin, Bed siiunders ; Copal, Couch,!
Illnek fur leather, Japan for dying, Map, Mastic, I
White. Dmnur, White .-pint and Mow ing Varnih.
Tobucro Xrgars :
Cavendisti, beit, Natural
ieaf, Bourh & ready, Lady twist. Fine cuts ot all
kinds, Hini pride of the Jlarein, tobacco ; Bappeo1
mil Scotch atiulL?; LI phaeton, Henry Clay,
puiicli, Lachicn, 101 uiono, io., .Segars.
IJlaiik-IJoukN and stationary. I
Dli y .i,ooU , ,
j du. ,, 0(llC( ,',.,,
and Noto-bookn, L-inrios, Ln-.
lion, Blnrk rarclunoi'.t nnd
paper liceds, Bonds, MLirtgagis, nnd all other j
legal blanks. Fnolscnp, letter, Note, Business 1
ainl drawing paper, Euiclopes, Bendy rc' '
l ib's, Ai.iR'iir'i and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink,!
thick, blue, and rurminc, s'teel 1'ctis una Pen i
holders, I'aper clips, mucilage, ami all other ar
ticles in tlm Jrlatioiiary line.
Tulle t it Fancy Articles A; Perfumery.
bruhes, Ainerican, French .1 English, with Ivo- i
try, fclieli. I carl, liullalo, Nitinwijnd, lioscwood
fclieli. I'carl, liutla
.1 .trntitiieiiliiil L.icLu ..II ......lln., . e',.tl, I.....I.....
Hat brushes; Teeth brushes, various nualities ;
j Shaving brushes, American, Englith and French
w:ii, i:,ii,. hrUii.i on.i n.,.i, i,..:.. ri..i.
, brushes ; Comb brushes and Cleai.ers . Tortoiso
Ubell Tuck combs. Tortoise shell. Plain i. Fancv
una India rubber Long Combs; Pliel. Biiil.ilo.
Hum and India rubber pull side Combs ; India
rubber pull side Combs;
rubber Dressing Combs, 'I to 8 inches, all ftyles ;
I'.ngusli luiiet cninbs with handles; lionnet
I couil s ; Ivory and (juttu pcrcha line tooth combs ;
i......, ,.,i, u M,,.i ' 4 : r k t
. i i i
i 1 "J 1,,r fl. right t. .loingenet & l.nways
j tracts for tlio hn Ikerchief, of a gre.t variety of
. ... '
i'O'1'; liurnetts Cocain?, Harrys I rn'oplicrous,
byon's Cuthairon, Eau, I.ustral, Bcar., Massncear,
Aniigun, Hose and I oral Oil ; Peuf marrow
! Pouunles, and Pliilocoom, American and French
.. 1 I ... -.1 1 . . I 1 .. .
I " lu- "if ' "1 tr" ' oiu cream, lonct pov. icr,
ougo Hulls, Lilly White. Puff Boxes. China.
endpaper, smelling salts, Balm of a thousand
Movers, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoiil, rose,
Ac, ic, Shaving Compound all sues ; Military
soap, Honey Soap, CliryMulino and Floating
soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee und Gallagher soaps,
Trunfparcnt and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac, i
Miscellaneous Articles,
Gents steel fnimo
morocco nnd cud' Porlnionaies, Ladies silk lined
papier Mac he, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet mid j
morocco Portmonnics. Ladies Crotchet purses '
embroidered witli steel beads, Ladies Cabas ur.d
morocco satcneis, sncll, pearl, ivory, velvet am
Iolcu ,lii can 1'oeket books, with straps nml
casps; Bill books, and Banker's cases with luck '
and key; ci.llapsiou drinking cups, Medical glas
ses with and without drops. Fishing tackle,
Chapman A E nerson's Buzor strops cigar cases ,
urunib brushes, hoo Brushes with and without
hnndles Horn brushes, ull qunlitios. Pniul
and varnish brushes ull sues, tin and cupper
bound, Sash tools nil mzcs, oonntcr und mm k
ing brushes, white wash and scrubbing Brushes.
Fancy coored feather dusters .Sic., Bicli pea:7
inaid papier maehe, toilet cases, work boxes,
writing dorks, Bosewood nnd Malingony .iiiting
desks, Chessmen nnd ( hess boards, Gents. Kid
Gloves, Neck tics, collars, rravals and canes, I.u
dies Kid, Taffeta Silk nnd Kid finished gaunt
lets, and Lyle thread gamitlcjs, Black nnd color- ,
ed silk web suspenders, frencli striped gum sus
penders, Bich sjspenders, Guiots
new stylo French suspenders, Gci K linen hand
kerchief", coored border nnd Cambric handker
chiefs, Ladies t'inen handkerchiefs in great vari
ety; Sun shade fans, circiiar French fan-, can
ton feather fans of n great va riety ; Fine Canton
pain fans with ivory und painted handes. LVmk
and mourning fans; Hair pins EnWish mid
Frodch, Ac, Ac. Alto Patent Medicines of ev
ery variety.
AfYofw'hich wi be sod nt the lowest CASH
C'oiintry I'liysirlnns furnishc.l with Drug?,
Medicines and Surgical inslruiueuis, at the most
rensanable rates for cash,
Juno fi, ISCO. ly,
Clcarjield Count n, l'a.
JOS. L. K I It BY', PHorniBiut:.
1 E(3S leave to announce to tho traveling com-
J munity und the public geuenrally, that he
bus taken the above named httel and refitted it
in a stylo suited to tlio times nnd tho wants of
tho public. i
Will nlways be supplied with the best the mar
kets and tho nirroiiiiding country can afljri : i
Will contain the choi.est liiiiors, and '
Will bo in the rare of nllwutivo hostler.", re-1
sponsible f.r their conduct to their employer, I
who will givo tho entire isUbli; hiiient his per
sonal supervision. I
lu tho the liopo that ho will be nbln t n int. L- ft .
lis guests comforlabio during their viaits 'obis
lnuso ho respectfully solicits a share oi ublic
Lumber City Oct. 13, 18i9. i
take caul of mut:)
3". A. !f. desires to onnounco to I
L nis iriends and patrons, that bo i now do
toting all of his time lo operations in Bontistry
I hoso
uesiring Ins servieea wi find bin. l.i,
t fttee, adjoining bis residence at nearly all times,
ind alwny.i on Fridays and Saturdays, unless
otlro to tho contrary bo given in the t-jwn pa
der! the week previous.
N. B. All work warranted to bo iifisfjc.t.,ry
Clar2r!d, P.i . July 2Mb, J-T,
h ( "II 1 1 if
II. ' M I lU.i; M. It'
srniNn (toons
Miau !si
I.Mdics' Drc.-s (ioods, Kildions',
Flowers and Millcimry goods gen
att lis- rr v-f
INVII'liD TO Tlllilll
and SIioos of every desciptioti.
Also to their elegant cfylci of I!JI.VK!3
CUATrf, nnd Men's it Boys' CLOTIIIN'U.
A full nsseituient of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths
nnd Carriage (rimming, constantly on bund.
Ft" li r, Huron, J'iili t( r. ut tin' Idwk'I price
T am receiving and opining a largo and
well selected assortment i I'
(.ioods, of almost every descrfp
A bcautil'iil assortment of Prints nnd iJress
good., ot the newett nnd latest elyles. Also
great vaiiely of uteful notions.
A large assortment, ready-inndo
Buutiet:!, Sliawls,
Jlals and Cups.
x Bout' and Shous, a la-;e ijiianlity,
ilardHiirc, l)i ociiswnre,
linijnrs nnd .Medicines,
Oil and l'aiuts,
Cftpct .t Oil Cloths,
Fish, SaOon aiid Floiii,
of tho best ijUality, nil of which will bo fohi
ut the lowest cr..-h or rendy pay prices.
.My old friends and tho publl! generally, ar
respeetl'ullv invited t.i e ill,
CJearhebJ, May ISfiU, WM. F. IRWIN
A N h
Just receiving and opening at thn Old star
of Lowis Smith in Betlilehmn a well selected a .
sortment of Spring and Summer 0'ioJs of al
most every dcseripiion.
! Staplo and F.n.ev, a beautiful assortuienl I
j Prints and Dress (ioods
of tho styles, nls i a vaiicty of useful No
ti""". Jlals and Caps,
Bonnets and Shnwlf,
Boots and Shoes,
Hardwniv, lieeiisw.irc, Drugs au
Medi-incs, Fish,
Tobacco. P, 'gars and all nrticlcs usually koc
in a country Store, all cheap for cash.
Hive us n call and see for vour selves.
May 21, IStlO.
X EW ciOOD.-s ! ! N EW GOODS ! ! !
Just received and now opening at Tiivik's cbeii
corner store, a large and well selected stock oi
Spring and Summer goods, sll of which are of
fered at lower prices than ever. Cull and oxani
ine gooi's nnd pi ices. E,A. 1KV1N.
Curwensville, May !, 'tifl.
Florence braids, K'nirhVli straw.
J Sliaker an I othors'vlei
.vlei trimmed and nn.
trimmed, will be found in variety nt the eorncn
toro of K. A . I KV IN,
CurwensvilU, Mny 1C, 'CO.
fndics dress good.', ofpiilterns and textures to
J please all, will be found at tlio corner store of
Ctirwinsvilie, May Hi, 1 S 1 5 0 . E, A. IltVIS,
keleton Skirts, n large variety at reduced pri
cs at Irvinseorncrst'ire. t'lirwensvillc 10, 'HO..
Stella mid other .Shawls in vnrit'ty nt trie chonp
S'oro of K.'A. IHVIN-
Curwensville, Mav li'i. 'i'iO.
oots and Shoes. A larger stock nnd lowei
piiees than ever, at Ii viiu Chcai'osl corner.
t.'iii wensville, May hi, 'Of f-
ry largo stock of Spring nd Suiiiniei
Hung nf the bit Ml styles for sale 1 uw bv
cuiweiisville. Hay 10, 1M10. E. A. IHVIN.
Cooking Stoves of various sizes and prices for
kv E. A. 1RV IN.
C ui'wui.-iVille, May h), '('ill.
I f ackercl and
, lY.i etoro of
Herring for snle a I the corner
May I'V, "GO.
?:our, Bacon, Beans and Clover seed, al. thi
cheap c.iriicv by E. A. 1BVIN.
Curwin .ville, May III, ISC'l.
A - excil
.the .-tore
'-licit qiiulily of Flour fur sale low af
"re of W. F. I BAVIN.
Clearfield, July lltli, I S j C
fr ti les of spi
JV f.Tcath by
aiiiih role
eallir o
Mill! loir
E. A.
Curiveusviiiu, Mhj Id, 1 9i0.
It FIT. I'riod Applek, Paiod and unpire'l.
Peaches, Cherries, I'rone
nnd Bui-ins at
tho corner store of
Curwoiisviiio, May Hi, 1 SCO.
tins Mill nml cut .Vmva
Mann's ami
Hirdware nt the
general tssoi tuient of
store of
Curwensville, Muy II,
of BEAN for sale nt the Iron
X -'
CO. II, Oil Aud ton. Oil Lotl'sfor eui
THE above Hotel, Imviug rertntly been fitted
up for a house of entertainment, is no open
tor ll.e ureoniniod.ition of the public. TriiTeicrl
''II So1 tb.if ii '.".u . 1'iii.ut hou o.
.try " rr; ry,